• Carmic attraction between a man and a woman. Why don't you choose those men or karmic relationships. Non-easy situation in relationships


    If you have ever felt a strong, unreasonable attachment to a person, despite all its shortcomings or experienced a burning hatred, fate itself intervened. To understand this, it is enough to calculate what will be karmic communication by date of birth. This will show whether your souls met in past lives, tell me how to break the invisible bonds and avoid the mistakes of the past.

    12 signs

    Throughout life, we get acquainted with a lot of people. Some disappear quickly and without a trace, others - they cause passion and love at first sight, others are tormented and do not leave alone.

    Relationship between a man and a woman

    The karmic relationship between a man and a woman can be two species. Healing communication is extremely rare. These are two kindred souls that are located together for many lives. They help and support each other, know how to trust, forgive and lovelessly love.

    Destructive communication is built on reproaches, conflicts, overcoming difficulties. This relationship is very difficult to break. Their essence is that two souls can correct the mistakes of the past lives and with dignity to accept the punishment for all misconduct and atrocities.

    Interesting. If in the past life you did not differ in devotion, prepare for the fact that in the current embodiment you will suffer from betrayal and betrayal.

    To understand whether you have a karmic relationship, you should pay attention to 12 basic signs:

    1. Feeling a long time. You know that you know a person for 100 years, although quite recently met him.
    2. You are strongly tied to each other, but at the same time absolutely no longer. You have a different social and financial status, religion, hobbies, worldview, goals, aspirations.
    3. Uncontrolled physical attraction.
    4. Stormy and too rapid development of relations.
    5. With the advent of the partner, you have drastically change the habitat. You can move to another city or country, stop communicating with relatives and friends or completely intercom from any social contacts.
    6. Serious tests after several years of prosperous and joyful life together.
    7. The inability to have children.
    8. Constant struggle and conflicts with a partner. Relationships empty and exhaust, but there are no strength to break up.
    9. Feeling deja.
    10. Even if you broke up, the partner continues to be in dreams.
    11. After breaking the relationship, you constantly see signs that resemble you about the once beloved person: hear his favorite songs, switch the canal and discover that his favorite film is going on and so on.
    12. In relations, you lost part of yourself and are no longer able to make decisions or manage your own life, without approving the partner.

    Karmic Communication with Mother

    The karmic connection can be with the mother. The soul itself chooses parents based on the main tasks that need to be performed in the current embodiment to step over to the next level of development. Know that personal karma is always connected with karma of the genus and your soul admires the mother of the relay.

    Looking at the closest person, analyzing his life and actions, you can understand what mistakes were made and, try to build your life completely differently.

    Karmic communication by date of birth: zodiac signs

    In astrology there are 4 types of karma, which correlated with the elements:

    • Earth signs carry the habitual karma. This means that in this life they will absolutely will not be able to fix anything and again make the same mistakes;
    • the air signs pressed the carma of the death (last) karma. Its define actions that Aquarius, Gemini and Scales were accomplished on her deathbed. Fate gives them a chance to become absolutely another person;
    • signs of water possess residual karma. Thanks to calm and ability to control their actions, the past life did not affect the current one. They have practically lacking preggie, so there is nothing to work out;
    • weight karma manages fate of fiery signs. In past incarnations, they were too active, and their actions were reflected in the world around. In this life, it is necessary to clearly understand that any action carries serious, and not always positive, consequences.

    People of familiar karma are very strongly affected by the life of residual karma. But astrologers advise them to associate fate with the man of the last karma.

    Fact. The death karma is easy to walk in life with a man of residual or familiar karma.

    Weightful karma affects all people, but it gets much less recoil. It is almost impossible to influence it.

    Working out of karmic ties

    We now turn to one of the main questions: how to work bad karma. At the same time, it is important to determine how to return the rest of the soul and allow it to go to a higher level.

    In relations between partners there are two ways that will help break the karmic link:

    1. Patiently to work together with joint efforts, take all the shortcomings of your loved one, fulfill obligations.
    2. Forgive, no matter how hard it is.

    To work faster to work, try not to deceive a loved one and help people need. Realize your mistakes, correct the flaws, respect the solution of the second half and take it as it is. Stop teaching, pointing, recking. It is better to take care and support in the most difficult situations.

    Important. The karmic connection will be reset if there is no conflict, quarrels, swearing, revenge, envy, jealousy in your relationship.

    How to find out that karmic connection is broken? You can easily part with a once-loved person and he, in turn, will be happy to let you go. You extract the painful, heavy, but important lesson and never repeat the same errors.

    Or you can stay together. Only now the relationship will be full of peace, harmony, love, mutual respect and support.

    How to calculate the number of karmic relationships

    If you want to know if your relationship is karmic, you can calculate compatibility. Summarize all the numbers in the date of your birthday and the birthday of the partner.

    For instance:

    Marina 20.12.1985: 2 + 0 + 1 + 2 + 1 + 9 + 8 + 5 \u003d 28

    Stanislav 24.12.1982: 2 + 4 + 1 + 2 + 1 + 9 + 8 + 2 \u003d 29

    Now take away 22: 57-22 \u003d 35

    Take up until the difference is less than 22: 35-22 \u003d 13

    The resulting digit defines your karmic relationships. It remains to study interpretation:

    • 1 - complex relationships in which partners are fighting for leadership. If the girl shows wisdom and softness, will try to take the point of view of his man, the Union will be successful and very interesting;
    • 2 is a very harmonious couple with the same characters, worldview, ideals. They are for each other a whole universe;
    • 3 - strong and stable relationships in which everything will be from love and mutual understanding, to material well-being. The main thing, to protect your family from the interference of friends and close relatives, especially moms;
    • 4 - passionate bond filled with strong, sometimes uncontrolled, feelings. It is important not to believe the gossip and pacify jealousy;
    • 5 - Relations with a person will play a huge role in your destiny. He will become a teacher and mentor. Having obtained the necessary lessons, you will part, due to the difference in views, interests or social status;
    • 6 - You are two halves of a single whole that will love for life, and support each other. Try to resist all the difficulties at the very beginning of the relationship to build a strong family;
    • 7 - high likelihood that the connection will not be long. However, the short time that you will spend next to, will be filled with a mass of travel, cardinal changes and pleasant emotions;
    • 8 - digit karma. Most likely, in the past lives, you have gone to each other in front of each other. It's time to answer for your misconduct and correct errors. Do not attempt to change the partner. Look for a compromise, self-improvement, get rid of vice and change for the better;
    • 9 - Union of two people who do not hear and do not listen to their partner. The constant sense of loneliness, the inability to rely on a loved one and get support from him, ultimately, will lead to parting;
    • 10 - You were connected to heaven. First, the Union can be built on material benefit. But over time, the feelings will swell the wave, and the happy family life will last for many years;
    • 11 - excellent compatibility in the intimate sphere. Everyday life will be filled with disagreements and the struggle for the championship. There is a chance of treason. It is important to learn how to make concessions and find a compromise. Otherwise the relationship is broken;
    • 12 - the number of karmic relationships. Treasure, misunderstanding, resentment, mutual accusations are possible. Such a connection will certainly leave a deep imprint in life. But remember that any trouble you can overcome thanks to love;
    • 13 is a karmic relationship, but a happy finale in this life, alas, will not. Communication complex, short-term, in some way even dangerous;
    • 14 is one of the best compatibility options that will build a strong family. Partners know how to find a common language, they have some goals and aspirations;
    • 15 - Do not even start a similar connection. It will be built on the strong intimate dependence of one of the partners and permanent manipulations;
    • 16 - You do not fit each other in the spiritual level. Relationships sooner or later end up with parting. Communication will devastate, take all the forces, but will have a strong impact on further life;
      17 - a couple waiting for a wonderful future, filled with harmony, love, happiness and joint creativity;
    • 18 - incomprehensible and strange relations in which both partners cannot consider the essence of his beloved person. High probability of changed and immoral lifestyle;
    • 19 - harmonious, strong union, built on mutual respect and love;
    • 20 - good compatibility. However, partners will have to adapt to each other. Then they will be associated not only love, but also strong friendship;
    • 21 - Partners are ideal at the energy level. There are all chances to build a happy family;
    • 22 - extremely unstable, karmic relationships in which one of the partners strive for freedom. Passionate quarrels and stormy reconciliations, complete ignoring and frantic jealousy. We will have to make great efforts to achieve stability. There is a risk of divorce.

    You can also karmic relationships with your former partners to see the pattern and understand your own mistakes.

    Now you know everything about karmic communication by date of birth. Open your destiny and do not be afraid to absorb her lessons to achieve a new level of spiritual development.

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    Karma is a well-known concept, which over the past few years has acquired some popularity. It came to us from Indian philosophy and represents some law or causal relationship between lot and destiny. Based on Indian philosophy, it can be understood that karma applies to all aspects of human vital activity, but a special role plays in the relationship between two people.

    There are some judgments that argue that the human souls earlier during the past embodiment were familiar with each other, as a result of this, modern residents have a certain karmic connection. If you rely on such judgments, it is possible to decide that daily meetings are not random, but most likely, are the consequences of certain actions that were committed by every person during the last reincarnation. Modern scientists, various specialists and even civilians say that karmic communication may arise not only between parents and children, but also between friends and colleagues, supervisors and even relatives. But still scientists, throughout the world, studying Indian philosophy, inclined to the fact that the most likely the existence of a karmic connection between a man and a woman.

    It is believed that this kind of communication is an unusual relationship between two people of the opposite sex, which exist for the time immemorial. The karmic connection is a certain relationship between people of opposite sex, which previously experienced deep feelings and had any obligations to each other. The investigation of this in the past life they could have some problems or misunderstandings that need to be found in the present state, that is, in the new reincarnation. For example, at a certain period of its own life path in the past, this pair could not find a way out of a certain life situation, then such people experience some inexplicable attraction of each other, and in very difficult situations it can happen so that he arises and hatred. Indian philosophy in this case claims that there are some debts that can be returned with a karmic connection.

    Sometimes unexpected situations may occur, which reproduce various life stages of that time. Highly qualified specialists in the field of Indian philosophy argue that such an attitude can often be recognized if you look close to a certain number of features. Often, some emotional state of a man and a woman indicates such an extraordinary connection. Due to which not only offense, fear, some sense of guilt, jealousy, anger, and even somewhat dependence. At such moments it can be noted that a man and woman are experiencing almost the same emotional state, which can repeat the previous scenario from life. The philosophy of this direction argues that the purpose of such a new meeting is the manifestation of various qualities, as well as the achievement of a certain self-sufficient state, the development of will, the ability to compassion, accept and exercise humility. Consequently, the karmic connection between a man and a woman provides them with a certain chance to repeat the previous relations.

    New fate

    There are a large number of scientific theories that argue that the astralifications of the human body are filled and fueled by the energy of the universe. Scientists believe that astral entities periodically evolve, and the bodies after the importance of the essence have the exhaust property. It is at the moment that a member of the karmic halves opens the essence of a person to the essential creation in order to easily penetrate inside. Some experts in various fields of science and those experts who study Indian philosophy claim that human bodies can be completely changed, as a result of which are close, native people practically do not recognize them.

    Highly qualified, competent specialists allocated several types of astral entities:

      Angels who are certain positive emotions and directions;

      the demons, on the contrary, destroy the inner essence of a person, as a result of which he can make negative and rapid acts that can completely destroy it, as a person.

    It is believed that if a person is trying to withstand a certain degeneration of astral entity, he has a complex mental deflection like schizophrenia.

    It is at this moment that astral essences can leave the body of a deceased person and to come out in search of other, where they can survive.

    Astral entities can be qualified as follows:

      lavra or demons of such entities attracts often coarse energy overflowing with greed, lust and adultery;

      gada destroy a person, creating a variety of conflict situations, as a result of which there is a transition to an abnormative vocabulary.

    There are various forms of entity that have a variety of habits, in this case, we can say that the laurels and demons are simplifying in women, and the reptiles are only in men.

    It is important to note the fact that if the karmic connection arose with a person whose soul is filled with a certain astral entity, then it will not be a sense of such relationships, because they will deliver pain to both partners, as a result of which communication can be considered artificial.

    Experts believe that the explicit sign of the existence of a karmic connection is rapidly. For example, if a man and a woman after short-term acquaintance enter the marriage bonds, some people may argue that such an act they do unconsciously, but this is a clear sign of the existence of a certain karmic connection between them. It is important to note that during this period of time one person may have to move to another country or other city. The awareness of the deed comes approximately one or two years later, it is during this period of time, one of the partners is thinking about the deed. As a result, he may have a depressive state that lasts for several years. An explicit sign of karmic connection is also a breaking of relationships with its own relatives and friends during the relationship with his partner.

    Some Indian philosophers argue that there may also be rapid extreme situations in signs of karmic communication. Often they are in the alcohol or narcotic dependence of one of the partners, which pulls the other. It is important to know that in such relations the one who in the former reincarnation often humiliated his partner, they currently change roles.

    An integral part of the karmic communication is fatal relationships, that is, an unrequited love, accompanied by spiritual torments, suffering or the emergence of a love triangle. Often, in such a situation, women and men cannot be together, but at the same time they have an irresistible attraction with which they cannot fight.

    An integral part of the carmic relationship is infertility of men and women. Therefore, they do not have the opportunity to continue their own mouth. In many situations, such family couples establish a child, as a result of which Karma believes that a certain debt is represented and then the woman becomes more pregnant and gives birth to his own child. Other situations occur when family pairs establish several orphans, and they do not get married.

    Indian philosophers argue that there are two variations of karmic communication:



    In the first case, the connection between a man and a woman has some kind of attraction, as a result of which certain suffering, insults, tears and even reproaches may appear. In such a situation, partners want to break the relationship, but can not do this, since there is a certain relationship between them when they are not very good and together is also not better.

    A healing connection is the attitude of two kindred shower, when a man and a woman in relationships are not trying to change and remake each other, they learned to forgive everything, support each other in difficult life situations. Communication between them is a pleasure, and the slightest parting causes unbearable pain.

    Competent and experienced professionals believe that in various variations, the karmic communication carries some of the development and spiritual growth of each partner, that is, men and women, both individuals and partners. And only if all the lessons of fate are learned by karmic bond breaks away, and then people understand that their meeting was actually non-random.

    Indian philosophy argues that the karmic connection between two partners always has some kind of soil and the goal for achieving people to learn to express not only their own emotions, but also to make an optimal choice in various difficult life situations.

    It is believed that the existence of such a connection between a man and a woman is a gift over, for spiritual growth and gaining some stability and independence in feelings and desires.

    It is important to know that at present in the world there are specialized trained people who are studying a karmic connection between people at a professional level, such consultants are called - Plextologists.

    Love relationships - the most complex topic from the field of psychology. Not all problems in relationships can be solved at the reception at the psychotherapist. Sometimes the cause of a complex union becomes a karmic connection between a man and a woman. In this case, it is necessary to determine and solve the spiritual task.

    Defining Karma

    Karma is the influence of the experience of past incarnations of the soul on fate in this life. Some meetings and incidents are already predetermined. Not only karmic connections of men and women are possible, but also the intersection of paths in the field of work and friendship.

    India's philosophy indicates that karmic love and its signs are manifested as a result of unfinished relationships in past incarnations. Karmic connections are necessary in order to return old debts in the current life.

    If the identity of many years feels deep offense and thirst for revenge, there is a negative spiritual experience. Negative feelings are able to seriously spoil karma. It is very important that the person can forgive his beloved and let him go.

    Unqualified ties last until one of the participants in the Union corrected the error. Such relationship is impossible to interrupt the escape, the vital task still remains unfinished. A person necessarily gets a similar connection that carries an identical experience. Possible scenarios of such relations:

    • Unrequited love. The reason for unrequited feelings may be an oath of eternal love in the past life;
    • Relationship with a person who does not cause any sympathy - the result of promises and marriage oaths;
    • The inability to find your love. Perhaps, in the past embodiment, a person gave a promise to devoted to the spiritual or swore to find a twin soul;
    • Permanent obstacles to marriage. The reason may be this vow of celibacy or love oaths;
    • Football meetings are possible between a man and a woman in which tyranny, aggression and unhealthy dependence flourish. It is necessary to eradicate the complex of the victim and the desire of revenge.

    Beneficial and negative connections

    There is a positive, healing karmic connection. Most often it is the result of a strong friendship in past incarnations. Related souls intersect in order to perceive each other as they are. Such relationships bring joy and positive experience partners.

    They do not want to part for a second. The union over many lives allows you to enrich creative energy. Respect, absolute understanding and some kind of astral relationship Allow this relationship to exist throughout life.

    Destroying relationships are necessary in order to gain wisdom. Such relationships are also based on attraction, but they are filled with conflicts, suffering, treason and misunderstanding. People are bad with each other, but they are unable to break this connection. This situation will continue until people do two important steps. You must forgive and let go.

    From such relationships it is necessary to extract the maximum benefit, become wiser. Make such a union happy, unfortunately, will not work. There are no prospects here. Communication by nature resembles a spell. People pull together, they bring together and find out the relationship, and then part, and the stage of attraction takes place again. It turns out a vicious circle.

    It is necessary to have a beneficial environment, and not to contact those who pull down. Therefore, it is worth finding the forces to break the vicious circle and find your real happiness.

    But it will not be easy to go away, without spending your lesson. This will lead to a strong dependence on the partner. You can get rid of all obligations, only by making faithful conclusions and finishing your karmic task.

    Signs of relations from past incarnations

    It is very important to recognize the karmic connection between people. Signs of such relationships may be as follows:

    With the help of numerology, you can find out if there is a karmic root cause in existing relationships. An analysis of the date of the birth of partners is carried out. The calculation occurs as follows:

    The runes and Tarot cards are a great way to find out which karma could appear in a person in past lives. In addition, it is possible to calculate the likelihood of such a connection using an astrological online compatibility horoscope. This method is built on the definition of the intersection of the planets at the time of dating. Also possible clairvoyance sessions, capable of expressing the psychedelic value of the relationship.

    After a careful analysis of the situation was carried out, you can proceed to the process of working out karma. It is necessary to realize the value of the experienced events, because they gave wisdom, the necessary experience and liberation. If the task is incorrectly, a person is feeling a sense of hatred, offense and suffering.

    Quarrels, revenge and jealousy make the personality stand in one place. In such a situation, it cannot progress. No need to succumb to partner provocations, you should not expect an understanding from him.

    In order to terminate the harmful union, it is necessary to use all his will. Support support for relatives and loved ones. There are the following steps to exit karmic communication:

    • Realize your lesson, understand what errors should be avoided in the future;
    • Completely break communication with a partner. You can even change the phone number, temporarily stop using social networks. Friends must be included in the situation and stop mentioning the former beloved;
    • If it does not help, it is worth moving as far as possible from this person;
    • No need to try to immediately find new love. It is necessary to fully understand your mistakes of the past, recover;
    • Friendship, hobbies, joyful events, light flirting will have a positive effect.

    These steps need to be performed after working as a karmic problem. An attempt to avoid responsibility and ignoring the lesson ends sad. Escape from problems necessarily leads to the repetition of the script.

    The passage of this hard test is characterized by finding calm, a sense of satisfaction. Sometimes it is possible even to get rid of severe illness. Life is noticeably converted to the better. The workshop of the karmic task teaches respect for itself, respect for people and to the whole world as a whole.

    " It goes back to ancient Indian religious philosophy. Under it understand the actions of the highest forces regulating our lives. From Sanskrit, it can be translated as "reward". The law of karma is to receive in life what he deserved in his actions. In the karmic system, a person is responsible for all moments that occur in his life. Some simply consider karma synonym for fate. It correlates with most of our life, including relations.

    Football Communication between People

    In the course of life, we celebrate a huge number of people. These meetings are different. We parted with one people after a few seconds, and with others we stay for life. All these processes are not accidental. People appearing in our fate are given by the highest law of justice on the qualities of our life.

    Have you ever met a new person, and you have a feeling that you are familiar with him for a thousand years? What are you with him related souls? This condition can be explained by the fact that you knew each other in past lives. You could be:

    • friends
    • enemies
    • relatives
    • lovers
    • spouses
    • colleagues.

    You can not determine who you were for each other. The only thing that is clear - you survived something strong. And now you have met again to continue them or solve the problems with which they did not have time to cope in the past embodiment. Relations with such a person will be a karmic bond.

    How to determine a karmic connection with a person?

    Here you have met the relative soul. You understand each other with a half-clow and can not rejoice at each other. It seems to you that with this person life will be held in constant joy and harmony. But do not rush with the conclusions. There are two discharge of karmic relationships: creating and destroying.

    Corrective karmic connection.In the past life you could be a very good person. You were open to peace and people. They helped everyone, shared their savings, did not leave people in difficult situations. And with your beloved in the past earthly incarnation, you worked real love, which, according to the word of the Apostle Paul, may wait, will be gracious, it does not consist of envy, anger or irritation, can pass through everything. You were honest with our loved one and helped him in everything. In this case, the Universal Karmic Law will pay you a fair reward.

    With a karmic connection with you there will be the same person with whom you were in the past life. Fate gives you a chance to establish yourself in your true love tie, which is no longer one millennium. But you should not relax, you must take this gift with the appropriate respect.

    Realizing that with you the person with whom you create a karmic connection, you must try to create harmony in your relationship. This energy has a positive value, but it is extremely strong!

    To cope with it you need to lead a morally a good lifestyle, love to truly your person. Then you will continue the great cycle of your love energy in the universe.

    Negative karmic communication. You met a person with whom you are very good together. You do not imagine a day without it. Even mental separation with him gives you the most sustained heartache? Perhaps this is your fate or your cross, which is given to you for the mistakes of the past.

    We are all on our life ways to make bad actions towards our neighbors. It is not necessary that we killed someone in a past life or left without a roof over your head. Not. Hundreds of years ago, you could be together with the man you changed, betrayed or somehow caused pain. Or he brought it to you. It would seem why to meet him again, already in the current incarnation? But the karmic law is not focused on our landed logic. It comes from the eternal laws of the Universe, which is much older than mankind and in general, which was created.

    The universe gives you to survive a karmic connection with this person in pedagogical purposes. You are given a chance to try to create a good relationship with him or stop them, if for hundreds of centuries they finally entered the dead end. How to be, of course, to solve you. Each person must be responsible for his life and for his actions, which we wish to teach the laws of karmic truths.

    Situations can be very diverse. You may have a person with whom you survived a crazy romantic ecstasy. You accepted him as your destiny, but he began to be sad or deceive. You leave him, but some unprecedented power pulls you to him again and again. You are returning, and everything repeats again.

    You must clearly understand yourself if you have repeatedly tried to correct your relationship, but it did not bring results, you need to immediately leave this person and block any contacts with it.

    The law of karma is fair, but also harsh. The karmic communication can bring you a share of strong suffering. If you realized that a karmic connection gives you only pain, then you need to interrupt it immediately, otherwise it will be repeated in new incarnations, and my life will spoil you now.

    Signs of the total share between partners

    The total share has a number of possible signs that are associated with extraordinary situations in life. Below we present the most vivid examples that can make it clear that your relationship with your loved one is a karmic connection.

      Without logic. Your relationship began at absolutely from scratch, without reasons. The share of illogicity can manifest itself in a big difference in age, in earnings, in habit or you are simply completely from different cultures and social layers. You could be familiar for a very long time, but one meeting determined that you like each other and will be together.
      Stripping. Your alliance is created very quickly. You seem to be led by some force, which after one or two months of relationship will deliver you right under the crown. When this obsession leaves, you just won't understand how and what you dug in those crazy days. After removing the veil from the eye, you can consciously love this person or, on the contrary, you will understand that it is not suitable for you.
      Sharp decimal change.If at the very beginning of the relationship you moved with your beloved to a new place a residence permit, maybe in general to another country. Less began to communicate with a relative, changed the circle of friends. All these factors show that your relationship is due to the laws of karmic communications.
      Childlessness.If the Universe does not give you children in marriage, it means that you must concentrate your spiritual efforts to solve problems with your half. You can not blame each other in this situation. You both have decided to create this union and all problems must solve together. If both partners are aware of this, then they can be adopted by Chado, if only one - the Universe will give him a second chance with another person with whom he will most likely already have his own children.
      Serious problems. After a couple of collaboration, lived happily, it may be that one of the partners suffers from some ailment: commitment to alcohol, drugs or gambling. It may also be that he is sick with an incurable disease that will bring him pain and early death. This is an example of a negative karmic connection in which you pay for the mistakes of past life. And again, it all depends on your understanding of these events. Perhaps this connection is aimed at bringing you suffering, and maybe gives you a chance to carry the cross of pain along with this man and to rod your guilt, which you have caused him with the past of incarnation.
      Wrestling. This is one of the most important signs of karmic communication. Your life with this person is one big test is. He got to you by destroying another family. Or, on the contrary, during your relationship he himself seeks to leave or you are from him. You understand the whole severity of your union, but you can't do anything. There is a kind of repetition of the phases "Love" and "Hate", which replaced each other in a circle.

    Calculation of karmic proximity between two halves

    It is possible to understand whether your relationship is a karmic connection can not only with the help of observation of processes in their relationship, but also with the help. You need to compare yours with your half of your half.

    For example, 07/23/1990 and 07/01/1985. Now you need to summarize individual numbers in these dates. In both cases, it will turn out 31. This is a direct indication that your marriage is a karmic connection.

    Also under the karmic connection are subject to the values \u200b\u200bwhen the results are multiple to each other. For example, 30 and 40 or 21 and 49. If, with your calculations, the values \u200b\u200bare not the same or not more to each other, then your relationship does not carry a karmic nature, but will definitely be successful and happy.

    If a digit 10 is present in the date of your birth, it does not need to be divided into units, but to summarize it as 10. For example, 10. 03. 1955 will be equal to 33.

    Karmic communication can be a gift of higher strength, and may be a punishment. The main thing is, if you find that your relationship is suitable for a description of a karmic connection, then try to realize - your life is part of one big story, which began a long time ago and continues now. And it is in your power to influence it.

    Rarely who did not experience such sensations: We meet for the first time with a person, you begin to communicate, and it seems that many years have been familiar with him. Understanding with a half-word, interaction from the first days of dating between people can appear only when there is a karmic connection between them.

    What is karma?

    Karma is the influence of the past for today's circumstances, the fate of a person. Surely a karmic connection arose not just like that - knowledge of the soul means that the souls were familiar for a long time and met in one of the past lives.

    If the karmic communication occurs between a woman and a woman - in the past life, they could be friends or consist in close relationship, between a woman and a man - a connection was or related, or love. Karmic partners are found in order to finish past relations in this life: to get close or finally part.

    Signs of karmic bond

    How to understand that the meeting is predetermined by fate? Signs of karmic links between people can be explicit and implicit. Clarify whether the souls really were familiar, possibly with the help of additional actions that only people who have contact with the highest forces can perform.

    To determine the degree of communication are carried out:

    1. clairvoyance sessions;
    2. shift on tarot cards;
    3. runes;
    4. gypsy maps;
    5. make up an astrological forecast.

    Recognize a karmic meeting is possible by explicit signs - an inexplicable thrust of unfamiliar people to each other. They met by chance, they communicated a little, and after parting they recall the meeting, as if they gave Vizati part of the soul. It takes many years, and people remember this meeting.

    To return the experienced emotions, people are willing to make actions that are unusual for them by nature.

    If the relationship is tied, the emotions in them are quite strong - both positive and negative. If you know how to recognize a karmic connection, you will not oppose the will of the highest strength and restart yourself from destructive emotions.

    Relationships may not only occur because of the meeting of the souls in the past - karmic communication is determined by the date of birth, tying astral entities.

    New fate

    Astral essences fill human bodies, fueled by energy. They constantly evolve, their subtle bodies after the instill in a person are depleted. At the time of the meeting with a karmic hawk, a person opens, and the etheric creation is easier to penetrate inside. They can completely change the person, and close to stop learning it.

    Allocate the following types of astral entities from living people:

    • angels - carry a positive;
    • demons - destroy the inner world, pushed into actions that cause negative, able to completely destroy the personality - if a person tries to resist the reincarnation, his mental illness appears, for example, schizophrenia.

    Astral essences leave the bodies of dead people, and go to search for new victims.

    They can be classified:

    1. demons or lessons - they are attracted to lust, greed, adultery - coarse energy;
    2. gada - they force to create conflict situations, switch to abnormative vocabulary.

    There are some more forms of entity with different habits - some of them choose the victims depending on the energy defined by habits, others are looking for a new body in sexual signs. For example, demons prefer to enjoy in women, Gada - in men.

    Sometimes sorcerers and shamans are preparing essences specifically to deal with certain people - by request. They are moved in the astral dimension.

    If the karmic meeting occurred with a person whose soul is filled with someone else's essence, relationships will deliver pain to both sides, as the relationship was created artificially.

    It is very likely that the energy field created without changes in the hypostasis would not delay the second side. However, to break such relations is as difficult as true.


    Karmic marriage is considered one of the most durable unions. But how to find out that the relationship is true and in them is involved in the essence of a person, and not astral guests who have changed in nature?

    Astrology and numerology can help this. If for astrological predictions you need to possess special knowledge and inner flames, then in the Aza numerology you can figure it out independently, making a calculation on special tables. Of course, only specially prepared psychics and astrologers can do full predictions, but to understand what is happening on the basis of systematized observations is even an amateur.

    For example, marriages are considered non-random, the difference in the age of which between the man and the woman is the numbers, multiple 5. The most strong unions are those in which after the meeting will find out that the difference is 15 years.

    Karma marriage is calculated by date of birth. Partners add up all numbers in the date of birth.

    For example: 19.04. 1957. After summation, the number 36 - this person has something global every 36 years in life.

    The age of partners is also calculated in the same way: 08.28.1962. Age of change - also 36. Marriage is karmic.

    Another couple of partners: 08/10/1965 and 07/19/1963.

    Age of change - 31 - It must be borne in mind, the tent is added completely; and 47. Even multiple numbers do not coincide. Communication karmic is not, although marriage can be successful.

    Numerology can help everyone separately understand the main features of character, find out the addiction, outline the scope of activity in which it is possible to achieve success.

    How the karmic relationship is tied

    Psychics are complex relationships explain Karma - in the past life the situation was reverse, and at present the partner receiving a permanent negative is responsible for its own sins. But not everyone agrees to suffer and periodically try to get rid of such relationships. How to break a karmic connection with a man or a woman who makes life a cortica, and is it possible to do this?

    Not only spouses are asked about this, sometimes physical and moral suffering friends, who cannot be left, as they evaluate their own act by betrayal.

    Gap of heavy relationship

    The possibility of breaking is largely determined by the quality of relations.

    As soon as the karmic debts are paid - and this can be felt on the changes in relation to ease in communication - cease to experience the guilt, leaving a patient or drunk, it is possible to break the connection.

    In order to pay faster with debts, it should be analyzed by everything that causes irritation, and to doubt the negative. As soon as you do it, the partner should be released, despite the sense of duty and the possible condemnation of others. You can not miss the opportunity to change the karma.

    It must be remembered - by your act now, we will further deliver the creature in which the soul is settled, from moral, and perhaps from physical suffering.

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