• Replenishment of energy for women. How to restore female energy. Proper nutrition and zozh


    You already know that in the feminine woman is dominated by the Inin Energy and Qualities associated with staying in the "Female Pole". But it is important to understand that if you are accustomed to live differently, then moving to this female pole will take time. Since the worldview should be changed ... what may take several years of permanent work on themselves.

    It looks like learning a foreign language. At all, it does not mean that only in a few years you will start a language unknown to you. Speak you before - after half a year of regular classes. But you will need several years so that the foreign language becomes your part so that you start thinking on it, to read poetry ... The same with the development of femininity.
    What can you do now in order to develop your femininity?

    1. You can wear skirts and dresses. And well, if they are long and with a wide bee. Long - this means below the knee, and even better in the floor. Since the long and wide skirt creates its correct energy cone by its contour, making us steadily. It forms the energy in the female type: a little at the top, a lot downstairs. In addition, the hem has a sacred value - this is a coasting circle around you. Closer than the boundaries of this circle you will not fit. In addition, when our crotch is hidden, it adds to us definite intimacy, creates a mystery, a riddle. Vedic tradition says that this place in a woman must be closed, because here we have "lives the Goddess Lakshmi", which is responsible for good luck, prosperity and well-being. And a person who possesses the power of glance can our luck "steal". So the usual wearing skirt or dresses is a useful practice.

    2. You can grow long hair. Women's force accumulates in her hair: the longer the hair, the women you are stronger. Have you ever heard about a short-cut witch? But the witch is a victim who knows how to use his strength. And long hair play in this process not the last role.

    Previously there were such times when some women's hair spoiled to herbs. Such a woman was valued by the weight of gold (in the literal and figurative sense). Since she was a kind of live talisman, to whom they treated very well and confused in every way. It was believed that she should be happy, because if such a woman is happy and wishes the house in which he lives, prosperity - then the house flourished and the family flourished. In those days, for a woman was a great insult, if her hair snried. It was like abuse, deprivation of a woman of her strength. And now we do this voluntarily ...

    When a woman has long hair (that is, below the heart chakra, the center of the chest), then she prevales the lunar energy, it gets emotional stability, and when a woman has a haircut, a veneranine energy prevails. If you try to grow hair, but at some point they for some reason begin to interfere, it means that you still do not have enough strength to withstand female strength, the power of lunar energy.

    BUT!!! If you want to marryif you want to be emotionally stable, you are just necessary To grow hair. And the hair should be collected - in the braid, bundle, in a shell, etc. Because only when the hair is collected, the energy of you inside. But if you have all the time your hair is dissolved, then through them, like on the tubes, your strength is constantly leaving into space, it is waste. By the way, the expression "loose woman" went from the loose hair. It is important to clarify that 2 pigtails, the tail is also practically loose hair. With such a hairstyle you will not feel changes.

    Collected hair mobilize us as much as possible. And depending on where you collect your hair in a bundle, you will get different results. If at the bottom of the backbone, then you will accumulate good, high-quality moon energy, the taste of humility will appear. And this for us, for women, it is very important - we are then easily and happily accept the leadership role of a man in their lives. If the beam is collected on the top, it helps us accumulate vital energy, vigor appears, activity. If you feel lethargy, lack of forces, then this hairstyle for you. Experiment ...

    But even while your hair is short, it is better to challenge them, pick up, care for them, to nourish them to grow rather.

    3. You can only speak nice words. This is one of the simple, but effective female commandments. Even if you need to criticize someone, it is better to find soft, kind, neatly selected words and pronounce them with love and care. This commandment is needed to teach all of us, women, flexibility, softness, care for others. She very softens our heart. Try it to talk for a week so much and watch what it will happen to you and with you space.

    4. You can do everything slowly. Change your rhythm of life: Roll away from your schedule half of the cases - they themselves are converted or it turns out that they are not necessary at all. Speak slowly, go slowly, eat slowly ... and you will automatically shift in the female pole.

    • < Здоровые перекусы, которые снабдят вас энергией
    • How to strengthen women's energy\u003e

    In previous articles, I already told about what feminine energy (read "Yin and Yang - what the differences between female and male energies"), as well as for what signs it is not enough for women's energy (read "Causes and Signs lack of female energy "). Now it's time to tell how to restore feminine energy.

    Restoration of female energy with the help of everyday affairs, classes, hobbies:

    Restoration of female energy through energy practices, yoga, meditations.

    First, why it is yoga leads to the restoration of female energy, and all because the practice of yoga soothes, it decesses, immerses into our depths, gives energy, and also develops flexibility and ability to focus on themselves, in its inner state, in its inner world, its essence. In ancient times, tantric scientists have described the yogi as frank and decisive women who have the grace of the Spirit. In addition, in yoga there is a whole specialized "female" direction - Kundalini Yoga and special asians, powerfully developing women's energy.

    Also, the following practices are activated, replenish women's energy:

    • Practices for the development of intimate muscles, intimate gymnastics, Gyms gymnastics.
    • Psychological study of its complexes, work with destructive subconscious programs related to blocking female qualities, manifestations, female behavior.
    • Meditation to activate the state of the universal, unconditional love that fills the heart with pure divine love.
    • Communication with women's goddesses (appeal, prayer for them), with the Virgin Maria, Guan Yin, Isida, etc.
    • In general, sincere prayers (prayers are a female tool in terms of energy).
    • Singing mantra
    • Practice for forgiveness and purification from offense.
    • Use and wearing female stones, in particular lunar stone, opal, topaz, amethyst, rose quartz, pearls.
    • Practice silence, as silence carries yin energy. Moreover, scientists have long known that men simply do not hear, do not perceive the high tone of the voice, and the female high screech simply disables their perception, so if you want men to hear you just need to learn how to manage your voice.

    Restoration of female energy using sefirotic magic and magic elements (work with large and small arcans tarot).

    On our planet there are two purely female elements - these are land and water. Earth is morality, stability, it is flesh, the womb of the world, it is fertility, the ability to give life, give birth. It is inherent in such qualities as confidence, practicalism, reliability, patience, rigor. In the ancient Egyptian "myth on Osiris and Iside", the Earth corresponds to the goddess Maat. Not by chance in different languages, the words beginning with the syllable "Ma" mean mother, a woman. The land carries into peace order, truth and justice, there are huge potential forces in it, because it is she nourishes the world with its powerful natural energy.

    Women with expressed from the birth of Earth elements are usually with round, soft forms, wide thighs, magnificent breasts. As a rule, there is a powerful sexual energy in this woman, most often hidden, deep. Such women create peace and peace not only external, but also inner, and surprisingly attractive for active, energetic men.

    The power of the Earth's element to one degree or another is present in each of us. But if only the Earth's energy will be in us, we can turn into boring cramped hearts and moralizes. Who will persistently patronize their home, reproaches each trifle, and demand attention and gratitude for their titanic work. For this and need the second female element Water. Water is the soul of the world, these are emotions, the inner world, saving, memory. Water plastic, it is love, its movement, creation, creation, is love transforming and changing everything around.

    A woman with a pronounced from the birth of the element of water - compassionate and good, she feels another person at the finest changes of his mood, state, voice timbre, breathing, but it feels best of all with their heart. In ancient Egyptian version, such a woman carries the name of Isis. This is a very emotional, sensitive and sensual woman.

    But if only water is present in us, then we have so much sensuality and sensitivity that sometimes it harms, we are like an open wound that bleeds if someone suffers from someone, someone hurts, if there is some kind of injustice. Very often a woman - water gives himself all without a balance, so it is important that two women's elements of earth and water so that in the woman harmoniously intertwined. Accordingly, meditation to the element of Earth and water strengthen the female energy in the type of water or land.

    As for large arcanes, the following arcans can be attributed to the arcanes that enhances women's energy. First, it is 21 Arkan - the world. Already from Siddhi, the superpowers of Arkana (the ability to get the necessary from the highest strength) it becomes clear that this is the Inin Arkan. And the female figure in the center of the map indicates a passive Yin character of this card. 21 Arkan is a state of light guy, carelessness and grace, this is a state of receipt, attracting the necessary.

    Further, 17 Arkan - the star corresponds to the developed Anahat Chakra, the heart chakra, the original female chakra, this Arcan gives the ability to see the subtle world, enhances emotions, sensitivity and intuition. And on the map 17 Arkana, we see also a virgin who draws water and pours it to the shore.

    8 Arkan is power, in this arcane is encrypted the ability to develop an infinitely large, internal, passive force and the ability to direct it with consciousness to external objects. And again here we see on the map of Arkan Virgin, grappling a lion (Virgo in the symbolism of Tarot - this is the intuition itself). A wreath on the head of this virgin shows that her consciousness is connected with nature through which it has access to space.

    3 Arkan - Empress, synonyms for describing this Arkana - Matter, Great Yin, Nature. On this Arkana, a woman sits on Earth and is energetically connected with the planet, it controls the yin channel itself, pulling any energy pulses. This map focuses huge energy that can be obtained passive. This energy is mainly carried out, it determines and determines the female floor. This energy is associated with Yin Polarity of the Earth, this energy is associated with the sexual energy of women.

    2 Arkan is the Supreme Priestess, the energy of this arcana is used to read the information. And on the map again, the image of a woman - and therefore this passive principle, Yin. On the head of the woman's horns of the goddess Isida, which meant the ancient Egyptian wisdom. This Arcan contains the information base of the planet Earth and is an entrance to the information field of the planet, which gives access to any knowledge. If you manage to join into the flow of this energy, then information is started to come about anything and it comes from nowhere. The strength of this arcana is the most powerful at night, so many great discoveries are made in a dream.

    Meditation to these arcans, any of the ways to activate women's energy in us, different color, tonality.

    How to increase women's energy (Ayurveda today)

    70 ways to increase women's energy, or the Bible of a real woman.

    I found it on the Internet, nothing has become correct. Source: Ruslan Vastevic - Ayurvedist, astrologer, psychologist. According to the Vedas, which arose about 5 thousand years ago, the energy of women is the basis of the world. Because exactly the creative female "I" gives a man those strength that direct him on the feats and accomplishments. Each of us has periods of energy recession. Vedas offer amazing methods that increase the power of a woman.
    So, a list of cases that give us strength:

    1. Massage. According to the Vedas, the female body simply needs touch. Our body needs to smooth, knead. Otherwise, energy is stirred. Puts on the body from the inside. And raises ailment.

    2. Hairdressers. Beautiful hairstyle is not just a way to raise yourself mood. Hair for a woman and a woman is a reflection of her thoughts. Therefore, in India, where Vedic knowledge is very popular, such a value of the female hairstyle is attached.

    3.Micure. Beautiful hands want to kiss! So they say men.

    4. Communication with other women. Mutual energy exchange is very strengthening women. A man needs silence for awareness of himself. A woman best understands his experiences in communicating with girlfriends.

    5. The pressing conversations and conversations - on the same phone, is not a waste of time. This is the very splash of energy that a woman needs. If the words do the words in a woman, then she will probably spill them on a man. And this is not the best way.

    6.Prunches. A woman just needs to go out at least once a day. Despite the fact that we are the keeper of the hearth, the connection with nature is very important!

    7.Music. Listen to music you need daily. Meditative, classic. Take yourself for the habit of including music, for example, a cup of tea.

    8. To refer to difficult topics for reflection and negotiations. Yes, a woman is useful to be frivolous and think about trifles. The role of "Girls" gives invincible youth. Especially this item is important for a business woman. Try to leave things at work and do not bring them to the house.

    9.wan with rose petals, oils - this is not a pampering, but the need! Giving such a little to your body, yourself, you will be surprised by your own radiance and excellent mood.

    10.Meditation, like any relaxing practices, raise the level of female strength. Meditate need at least once a day before bedtime. Very useful meditation in nature.

    11. Break the lessons of vocals - singing cleans the throat chakra. And we no longer want to swear, to rivets men. In Sparta in antiquity, one of the compliments for the woman was the words "she like a song".

    12. Enclosing stores - shopping is not just a way to look after new things. Learn to go shopping, even if there is no money. Sample things. Enjoy your beauty. And remember - the female energy is so strong that sometimes enough to see, touch the thing so that she moved to your wardrobe. And the money on it is like "out of the way."

    13. Enclusing a psychologist - but necessarily a woman. Wise, experienced woman can help you look at the situation otherwise. And understand it. Wisdom is transferred from senior women. For the same reason, it is useful to communicate with your own grandmother, great-grandmother.

    14.tans - in any form - this is a great thing for strengthening female strength and sexuality.

    16.regular gatherings with girlfriends - choosing together in a public place, you create a strong female background. And exchange the missing qualities with each other.

    17. Help for flowers - a small garden of the house and digging on the garden is an additional way to stock female energy. Flowering, growth is all the reflection of female energy.

    18. Meaning with married friends is very important for those who want to get married. The energy of the family in the Vedas is considered the most beneficial and valuable. Therefore, do not rush to abandon the parties where only couples will be. After such a meeting, you accumulate energy that will rather attract a man to you than after visiting the nightclub, where there are a lot of lonely women.

    19. Power - to assist someone or ask for help. All this enhances a woman. Learn to refuse the principle of "I myself". Because it is typical for a man principle.

    20. Event the bookstore is surprising, but the walks among books are very inspired by a woman. Try to devote to this lesson at least a couple of hours a week. Woman keeper of knowledge. And books are a source of knowledge.

    21.Pripping help from a man - any manifestation of care makes us feminine. Spend an experiment and ask the stranger to help you convey the bag. Mood will rise 100%!

    22.The following - read a good book that has been bought for a long time and put on the shelf. Especially useful to read stories about people's lives. Studying fates, better understand yourself.

    23.Product with someone duties on the house - the thoughts that everything without you "mold is touched" is a way to reduce your female energy. Boldly trust some cases close. And the released time will give yourself!

    24.Collarium - everything concerns cooking, significantly raises the level of female energy. A woman is a hostess who knows how to feed and drink. Do not be prepared - learn. Know how to increase your skills. Collect some country kitchen.

    25.De is not just an apartment in which we live. With a house with a woman's powerful energy connection. Therefore, we are so annoying a cream door or leaking faucet. For a woman, this is not just shortcomings. Women's energy flows through such holes. But just in such trifles sometimes the man does not disturb the man. Why?
    A man thinks largely: "It will be an unsuitable whole tile in the bathroom, then we will do a new one. What is ten times to smear the walls!". It is sometimes easier to hire a person who will fix small shortcomings. Just do not forget to say my husband that you did it, realizing that he is very busy. And not because his hands grow not from that place. Men's self-esteem is very vulnerable.

    26. Installing - any incompleteness and doubt destroy the woman. A clear plan is a way to maintain your energy. Learn to plan trivia, then proceed to planning for several months and even years of life. What will you do tomorrow night?

    27.The dinner or dinner with candles, a beautiful tablecloth and sophisticated dishes. It turns out that all this we do is even more for yourself, although we want to raise the tone of your loved one. Implement such magical moments into life. Rejoice yourself and loved ones.

    28. Weaching, raising children - Communicating with children Woman can raise the level of its energy. For this reason, sometimes you should not give up games with children. And even better teach children what you know: drawing, singing, dancing ...

    30. Sustain a picnic in nature - necessarily in the company of friends. Several things are combined here that raise the level of female energy: union, in nature, cooking.

    31.Mike and care - this is not a way to like a man, but to deliver joy to yourself. Therefore, being at home, it is important to do the hairstyles, wearing outfits and look good.

    32. Draw colors - one simplest way to increase energy. Flowers not only adorn the woman, but also instantly remove the negative, taking it against himself. So if you are sad, do not rush to cry in the pillow. Buy a bouquet of flowers.

    33. Take skirts, dresses - Such clothes restores contact with the energy of the female line. There is a rule - do not wear the trousers on the first 7 (!) Dates. In the event that you want to really charm a man. It has been established that constant wearing trousers negatively affects women's organs.

    34.Club of young mothers - if you have a small child, be sure to communicate with the same moms. This is not only an exchange of experience, but also the exchange of energy. Maternity personifies the moon. And the lunar energy is a female energy.

    35.Back about children - do not deny the help of a married friend to play with the child. Any manifestation of caring for a woman is the way to strength. The main thing is not to consider as a child a man.

    36.Characit in needy - mercy is the quality that enhances the lunar energy. Not necessarily help everyone. Surely there is a person whom you can easily please with a pleasant trifle. Buy a lonely neighbor fruit. Do not deny the cup of tea with a guest to you.

    37. Communication - a woman is difficult to do without contact with other people. In conversations, we draw energy. It is only important to ensure that the information transmitted by you is not gossip and other negative.

    38.Romantic cinema - agree with the girlfriend and look together the melodrama. Any love film is a useful pastime for a woman. But it is better to do this in the company of other women.

    39. Esulting a new culture - contributes to the expansion of the worldview and allows the woman not to closes in the inner world. Women's energy is committed to expansion. No need to narrow it artificially.

    40. The Squares of the water - rest on the river, the lake, by the sea is a great way to raise the level of its energy. Water is the basis of the sexuality of a woman and its ability to be harmonious, adapting to circumstances or vice versa stormy.
    In the ancient Greek temples, young priests have been taught to swim and communicate with water elements.

    41. Physical Load - If you felt the decline of forces, start to develop a new sport. It may be not only a new look of fitness, but also just a morning jog. Dancing are very helpful! Great way to recover if you are groaned after parting with a partner.

    42.Files - a beautiful dress is one way to raise the level of its energy. By the way, in order to unfold not necessarily go somewhere. Wear beautiful clothes at home.

    43. Develop the dawns - old things, garbage and trash weaken the energy of a woman. If a difficult period has come in life, it's time to disassemble the ruins.

    44.Good lifestyle - Is it worth saying that bad habits negatively affect women's energy and beauty. There may be a bad habit of smoking, but also the habit late to go to bed, gloom or lazy.

    45.There - reading poems helps to reveal the romantic side of his "I". Feel free to write your poems. The energy splashed on paper will save you from experiences. A handsome syllable teaches to speak beautifully and think correctly.

    46. \u200b\u200bSculit birds, animals - a very simple way to raise the level of its energy. Build a trough for birds under the window. Get canary. This bird helps a happy marriage.

    47. Let us send a museum or exhibition - everything beautiful makes a woman more beautiful.

    48. Summary with the teacher - go to the lecture of your favorite author, visit the training. Books give knowledge. It is indisputable. But when meeting with the teacher, we are rechargeable from human energy.

    49.There's diary - recording your thoughts daily, desires, goals. You can incur in the diary picture or draw yourself. Your feelings are important! Therefore, it is important to write. I am accumulating the energy of emotions in yourself the woman then will be forced to throw it on a man. That in itself is not very good. In addition, writing thoughts contributes to their analysis.

    50.Delide the album of your beautiful photos - get your best photos to it. And feel free to admire yourself. Remember that you are always beautiful!

    51.Instate with your desires - specify the desire for yourself what you really want. Especially in relationships. And forget about "I can". I can - this is the prerogative of a man. A man says: "I can conquer her, I can take her to my wife (or I can not)."
    When a woman begins to think a lot in the style of "I can", she becomes a "man." Compare: "I want to look good. I want he like. I want to marry "and" I can look good, I can like him, I can get married. "

    52. Lack speeches - learn to communicate without aggression and pressure. Women's energy flourishes from a pair of delicate words that you say. Brank, obscene words are reduced to women's energy.

    53.The listen - disputes, competitions and other aspects of active behavior reduce the energy level. Try to be soft and diplomatic. For this reason, the conquest of a man very depletes a woman. And the man does not want a woman who is initiative to him. She reminds him with his behavior.

    54. Interactivity in sexual relationships - if a woman has several sex partners, it is doomed to empty. Join sexual relationships only with that person you love. Keep your loyalty to your husband. Try to remove the first sex after your acquaintance. In order to interest a man you need a lot of energy. Do not confuse it ahead of time in sex.

    55.Bextant - Keep clean your home, your body and your mind. Get on time at home. Do not copy the negative memories of the past. The easiest way to raise energy is to get under the shower. Cleanliness will bring power.

    56. Inappropriate yourself with love - one of the most important aspects. If a woman did not fill her heart and soul with love, it is energy weak. And nothing can give a man. Worse, she will vampish energy from him. Hence the decline of a man, financial collapse, illness. Use any techniques to fill your well with love. Woman - giving. She must be full of love.

    57.Sectorative and applied creativity - knitting, embroidery, modeling .. all that you can create with your own hands raises the level of your female energy.

    58.Delite compliments - to yourself and other women. Good word makes us stronger. If you are hard to say something good about other women, decide this question. The rejection of women can give difficulties in relationship with mother, mother-in-law, daughter.

    59.Sign love - in any form, at any time. Hug, kiss your loved ones. Speak the words of love to the world, people, their own things. Sun, spring breeze, rain and even his sorrow. For she is your teacher. Any rejection and struggle empty a woman.

    60. Suiting bouquets - work with flowers gives a charge of a new force. The charge of updates and flowering.

    61. Right meals - use products that have undergone less treatment and closer to nature. Remember what force does an apple, torn by you in the garden? And some hamburger. Feelings are very different.

    62. Lsk - gentle touch help a woman understand themselves. And to know. Caress your body. Even if you do not have a man, do not refuse yourself in tenderness. Start every morning and finish the day in bed with affectionately touching your face, body, legs. Kiss your knobs themselves, and there will be others to be embedded.

    63. Bringing alone with you - do not be afraid of those moments when you stay completely alone. Do not get married only because of loneliness. Use this time to do yourself. Nature laid a monthly period when a woman should only think about himself. This is a period of menstruation.

    64. The little toy - do not scold yourself for the fact that you still sleep in an embrace with a teddy bear. A woman is harmful to sleep alone. And the toy gives a feeling of heat. Buy yourself a toy if you feel the lack of love and attention.

    65. Learn to work with the energy of the moon - wait on the street in the moonlight, charge water with the lunar rays. And add it then into the bath. Contact the Moon for help in female malaise. To do this, you need to represent how you bathe in the moonlight. You and the moon are one.

    66.Thise someone's postcard - for any reason. Showing someone's mark to someone, you will fill yourself. Remember: woman - giving. Given - fills.

    67.Abustivity is in a pure form of the expression of female energy. If you can help a person in something, do it.

    68.Change hair color - if a tightening pause has come in your life, go to the stylist.

    69.Aromates - Aura of a pleasant fragrance should always come from you. Woman is a flower. Buying new spirits and the choice of aroma enhances women's energy.

    70.There - be confident in your uniqueness. According to Vedas, a woman is the most beautiful thing that Creator could create. You are beautiful! You are charming!

    Energy is a reserving of strength that we need to achieve goals, internal development and just to wake up in the morning, build relationships and love. We get energy from nature, and it happens naturally. We do not notice how the implementation of the new idea we appear inspiration, and in a state of love there are forces to conquer the whole world. But there are states when it seems that we are not capable of anything. Sadness, depression, emptying and disappointment occur when energy leaves us.

    Heroine decided to touch on such an important topic as the energy of femininity, and tell how not to drain his strength to nowhere, but to transform them to implement themselves.

    In order to prepare this material and give you really useful tips, I, Daria Harchenko, was held online training "Circle of Women's Force", which offers Larisa Renar. All meditation, technicians and advice of teachers I tried personally, and today I will tell you about my discoveries and how to start changing my life right now.

    What is female energy

    You probably heard about such concepts as the female and male start - two energies that create our world and are present in every person. For well-being and harmonious life in a woman, energy should be in the proportion of 75% female and 25% male. It is necessary for women to be to be, to show love and care, enjoy life, and men's - to achieve their goals, defend their interests and take responsibility for their own life.
    In order to survive and protect yourself, women often have to break this harmony and go into male energy. The result of such a violation is devastating, loneliness, the lack of pleasure, stress and feeling that life has lost its meaning.

    What gives us female energy

    In a harmonious proportion, women's energy can return the lost meaning of life, give strength and inspiration for new goals, plans, the opportunity to strengthen their position at work, in a family and with a partner. In addition, women's energy is a source of joy and rest, this is the taste of life itself and the ability to reveal its potential to the maximum. Have you ever told yourself: "I have no strength for it," "I am not happy about me," "Not enough impressions" These phrases are just the absence of female energy inside. Some of her stock we get an advance when we light up a new idea, fall in love, we seek success at work, I accidentally rejoice at something good. But without knowing how to hold this condition and create it independently, they are forced to fall into depressive states and wait for someone to save us.

    What blocks women's energy

    Women's energy is a natural flow that is given to us by nature, due to 4 elements, but what is right for us can lose if you lead the wrong lifestyle. Here is a small list of things that block the female energy, forcing you to lose your hand:

    • Stress
    • Bad habits
    • Emotional dependence
    • Fear and anxiety
    • Depressed emotions
    • Alien responsible
    • Fighting and resistance
    • Pregnancy and childbirth
    • Unfinished things
    • Toxic men

    How to stop merging your energy

    Before learning how to fill it yourself, which will help to achieve their goals, you need to be able to keep what is given to you without effort: good mood, pleasure, rest, inspiration. These are simple tips and useful habits, thanks to which discipline and awareness will appear in your life.

    1. Observing with blocks

    The most important thing is to understand what exactly blocks energy in you, and work with it. It can be negative plants about yourself like "I am unworthy of happiness", "I'm ugly, stupid", "something is wrong with me", "I'm not trying hard enough." Or depressed resentment, anger on former partners and parents.
    If something of the listed finds a response in you, then you should turn to a psychologist and live the emotions that seem negative, but still await your attention and care.

    2. Learn to relax

    Stress kills not only nervous cells, but also blocks energy access. The ability to rest and relax is an important condition for the harmonious life of a modern girl. You can work a lot, all the problems solve themselves, but lose strength at the most responsible moment, if you forget every day to find time for yourself.
    Get up early, do yoga, drink a cup of coffee or tea, walk along with you and just relax. Do not forget to organize a planned holiday: a campaign for massage, manicure, a bar with girlfriends. Among the busy working day, I pulled at least 10 minutes to breathe fresh air and see what happens around you. After this time, you will feel the tide of cheerfulness - this is the female energy, which finally got access to your body.

    3. Present in the moment

    Another reason why we lose energy and cannot keep anything inside, is the absence of reality. If you live in past resentments and regrets or constantly expect that in the future there will be something that will change your life, then you, in fact, do not live. Throwing between the past and the future take the strength from you and bring only disappointment. Learn to test your reality and accommodate what is happening at the moment.
    Communicate with those people who are next to you now. Enjoy the weather, think about plans and desires that are relevant at the moment. Disassemble with feelings today, and then your life can change tomorrow.

    4. Fix the results

    The best way to live in present is to notice your achievements. Every day, summarizes that you have made useful today, how many unfinished affairs brought to the end, as you pleased. Filling events meaning, you get the same advance energy that you can use for new achievements.

    5. Looking for examples

    Energetic people are, women sparkling with light and possessing magnetism, exist. If you noticed how nice to communicate with some girl, how beautiful it moves and says, it means that I saw an example of a woman who works together with its energy. Sometimes in order to fill it, it is enough just to see a good example. In his surroundings among the girlfriends or in the cinema, maybe in books on strong and successful personalities, in the media - find your source of inspiration.

    6. Meditirus

    Meditation is the surest way to connect with your inner and filled with energy. This practice has already become part of a healthy lifestyle, but it has much more sense than gaining a healthy consciousness. This is a source of female energy.
    Every morning you have time to just sit in silence or try new meditation technique. Be at this time one, warning my loved ones that you can not disturb you, and just feel how the forces are poured into you.

    How to get access to female energy

    We have collected for you simple advice on how to keep yourself in a tone every day, from what to get rid of and what to strive for. But if you want to truly change your life and start getting pleasure from her, it is worth joining the training "Circle of Women's Force", which offers the "Academy of Privacy", founded by Larisa Renar - a candidate of psychological sciences, a biologist, psychologist, coaching and The author of educational books for women.

    "Academy of Private Life" - space for female development. This is a place where you can pass women's practices, trainings, online marathons, get a consultation of a certified psychologist, disassemble your problem in the arrangements, play a transformational game. The most important thing, in the "Academy of Privacy" you have the opportunity to communicate with attic and fill with feminine energy. 18 years ago, Larisa Renar created an academy for female communication and professional support for women. During this time, thousands of girls around the world have passed specially designed trainings and became happier.

    The basic trainings of the Academy are called the "Circle of Women's Force", like the Hit Book of the same name, written by Larisa Renar. The essence of trainings: In each woman there are four states - "Girl", "Mistress", "Queen", "Mistress". To live in harmony with me and the world, to achieve success in life, have a strong family and a beloved man, you need to develop these four archetype states at the same time.

    This is how Larisa Renar speaks about them:

    Being in a state of mistress, we show the creative part of our nature. We enjoy life and enjoy all that surrounds us. We feel relaxed, sexy, attractive, captivating and most desirable!

    Being in a state of the girl, we demonstrate our emotions: I am rejoicing any trifles, laugh, having fun and admire everyone around! The state of the girl gives us ease and carelessness, credulity and openness, softness and tenderness.

    In the state of the hostess, we create a special space for yourself and our loved ones, by filling it with calm, comfort and comfort. We demonstrate our practicality and foundation, wisdom and care, and the ability to transform any chaos in order.

    And finally, being in a queen's state, we show independence and purposefulness. We feel confident in our abilities and talents, freedom from someone else's opinion. Queen's condition gives us a feeling of chosenness and uniqueness.

    Did I manage to find women's energy?

    I consider myself a modern girl who is all used to doing independently. Because of this, I work a lot, experiencing constant stress, and the state of devastation and disappointment, when even the most beloved things stop please, - all this is familiar.

    After the first video tutorials of the training, I began to feel change. It is difficult to explain - as if you looked at a good movie, and he impressed you, infected on the feats. There was a mood and inspiration finally something make for yourself.

    Meditations and bodily practices for me - a difficult thing, all I can - sit in silence for 5 minutes. At the training "Circle of Women's Force" talk about different techniques that can be repeated depending on what effect you want to achieve. So I understood how to give the exit of my aggression, take mistakes made in the past, to be grateful to my loved ones and start receiving more attention from them as a result, and the most pleasant thing - I realized that I actually excites me.

    While I passed lessons, then more and more convinced: everything is done in the "Academy of Privacy" for a woman, she is in the center of attention, her rights, needs and desires here above all. And this is the main reason why I would like all my close girlfriends and, of course, you passed this training.

    When the flower love, it is watered. That is, feed the life and give energy.

    When they love a woman, they care about her. She is not a flower, but without love may also plant.

    And if the external love is not enough, look for love in yourself.

    This is the most grateful occupation. And also - increase your energy. She will give you strength and feeling of filling inside.

    Step to yourself. Challenge every day

    Do not know how to learn to love yourself?

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    In young years, a woman without difficulty becomes the object of attention of the opposite sex. The youth itself is already beauty.

    But with age attracts precisely energy. Here and lies the answer to the question "What did he find in her?" When you meet an unequal couple, where the advantage in appearance is clearly on the side of the man.

    An internally free woman will be happy, will find a resource and exit from any complex circumstances. Internally incomparable will suffer in a prosperous situation.

    Therefore, it is not necessary to wait for a good day when the universe with you at the same time and gives strength for the current day.

    It is possible to water the so-called energy flower, filling with true femininity and love for yourself.

    How to increase women's energy - 14 rules

    1. Shing 8 hours and go to 24.00

    Teach your body on time to rest. The night is designed for love or for sleep.

    Find motivating quotes by reading which you will feel the beauty of the morning upset. Ritual coffee or tea, it is desirable to edit the view from the window, communicating with you, a leisurely planning of the day.

    And most importantly - silence.

    And also - pride.

    Believe me, the space will quickly respond to these changes. And the most common statement on this topic "Who early gets up, God gives," will earn in your life.

    2. Use spiritual readings, gratitude, prayer

    It does not matter what is your faith. The main condition is sincerity.

    When your censor brain has not yet finally woke up, pronounce the words important for the heart, talk to your guardian angel. AND thank you.

    At first, at least for seven wonders of the world, which are constantly with you - you can see, hear, inhale, walk, and still feel, love and smile.

    3. Take time for meditation

    Especially after the crowds are useful to come home, take a contrasting shower and in silence to stay alone with them.

    Better five minutes than nothing.

    It can be a study of some chakra associated with the current day. Or just a trip to the colorful world of your dreams.

    In the modern world of meditation ceased to be sacral (hidden) knowledge, and became accessible to each of us. After all, this is not just abstract metaphysical practices, but a very useful and valuable tool to improve everyday life.

    4. Fill with joy and positive emotions

    You can work out the habit - at the end of the day, write down in a beautiful notebook "5 things that pleased me.

    It will be invisible and constantly replenished with a collection of interesting meetings, mumbling smiles, joyful discoveries.

    It is not true, it is pleasant than collecting your failures, empty wallets and bad news.

    And then you will notice that during the day they began to stop more often and notice more beautiful and amazing.

    The best materials about femininity, female energy and strength that will remind you that everything you need is within you.

    5. Create and express yourself

    Even if you are not an artist, needlewoman or poetess, always create everywhere.

    That is how you share the accumulated inside, express, leave a personal imprint in this world. In the end, so you calm the nerves.

    Write down an interesting thought - yours, assemble autumn leaves and make a bouquet, tie a new scarf, madly cleaned the plastic.

    It can not happen. This is creativity.

    And you can always say: " I see so much!»

    Woman creates every moment, looking for non-standard options. She sees and creates beautiful and magical even in the simplest, household things. Dance, painting, game with a child or lunch - everything in her hands becomes a miracle.

    6. Travel

    A very pleasant and diverse source of energy replenishment.

    Take a rule once a year to attend places where you never have ever.

    Once a month travel at least for the city.

    Try once a week through the uncharted streets of the area, where you live.

    And once a day you can change the usual route - to work, to the store, to the girlfriend.

    Refresh the picture. The journey is not unsuccessful. It is so necessary to restart everything.

    And how nice to come back home!

    7. Be closer to nature, forest, mountains, water

    This is also a journey. But more cleansing and charging than just visiting new places.

    Hug a tree and skip through yourself through the spine its power. Greet the mountains with outstretched hands.

    Go to the river with the words "See everything with me."

    And just shout. From the soul!

    8. Give yourself Flowers

    It does not matter whether you get them from men or not. I wanted - buy.

    We choose so carefully for others. Why not choose for yourself?

    Not for a holiday. And just like that!

    But this should not be a demonstrative reproach to someone who, perhaps, did not give them yet.

    Let it be your harmless whim. Little joy presented to himself.

    9. Clear correctly

    We are what we eat. Very extensive topic. Try to use 30% boiled food and 70% of vegetables. Drink natural oils of the first spin.

    Every year, the female body is more and more needed vitamin E, which is best absorbed with vitamin C. Therefore, appreciate your body and energy with a spoon of olive oil with lemon juice drunk on an empty stomach.

    Praise the liver and remove the white bread from the diet.

    But it is not worth a woman being too pedantic in food. Arrange the day of frivolous behavior and eat what your body will ask.

    Our body is a unique tool with a bodily mind that knows about our needs much more than we themselves are often aware. Our body is able to "read" what exactly we are needed at a time or another point of time, and issues clear tips. For example, the body suggests which substances and trace elements you lack today.

    10. Move and move again

    We all know about it, but lay a new life for tomorrow. Sport is needed to all, even slim and beautiful. He just should be in your life.

    In any form. And that's it.

    The rest comments are superfluous.

    The only and effective way to stop the increase in weight as soon as it started - exercise. I mean very intense exercises, such as lifting weights, bike, running or swimming. Exercise should be sufficient to start forming muscle mass.

    11. Clean the organism

    Not too poetic point of filling in women's energy. If the doctor approves, once a week is useful to purify the caster. 1 g of the Caster is recommended for 1 kg of body weight.

    In the morning there are only vegetables and fruits. From 14 to 17 drinking water. And in 17 to take the desired amount of the canopy and 150 g of lemon juice. And nothing else is.

    To restore acid-alkaline balance, it is recommended for three days a month there are only fruits.

    You are waiting for a pleasant bonus - the change of appearance (of course, for the better) and external changes))

    12. Train intimate muscles

    In addition to additional energy, you will correct your health and surprise your loved one.

    The most common option - the exercises of Kegel. For shy, but purposeful, there is an Internet. Or go to the training where you will be taught and breathing correctly.

    13. Start the diary

    You can call it a "diary of a successful woman." He will be your silent interlocutor and the most faithful friend.

    Record your plans for life, for a year, on the day, set priorities. Here you can have a favorite quotes or useful conclusions made in the day.

    Take time for letters "to nowhere." In them your exemption from negative thoughts, resentment, forgiveness of yourself and others. And hide away from other people's eyes. And for better therapy and security immediately destroy.

    14. Communicate with girlfriends

    A woman has a natural need to communicate a lot. She needs girlfriends, bachelides, long telephone conversations.

    In addition, for the day she was allocated a certain, much larger male, the margin of words to exhaust.

    The main thing is that these conversations are not chattering, after which the feeling of fatigue and emptiness, but a full-filling energy exchange.

    If these rules do not like these rules, there is an even easier way to increase the energy:

    Fall in love. And choose for this the most decent object - ourselves.

    Natalia Stepanova
    Especially for the project "Keys of Mastery"

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