• Color learning for children 3-4 years old. Learning colors with your child - why shouldn't you force your toddler to cram? Cards and pictures for teaching colors


    “My son is already two years old, but he still hasn't learned to distinguish colors”, “It seems to my daughter that everything is green”, “We have been learning colors with the child for two years now, but he still continues to confuse them” - in the life of young mothers there are common problems that they complain to each other about and ask for advice. Is everything really that bad or do inexperienced parents just panic ahead of time?

    Mothers try to teach the child to distinguish colors as quickly as possible.

    At what age does a child begin to distinguish colors?

    Let's try to understand together at what age difficulties in determining the color should not cause concern for parents, and when they are already considered a pathology. So, if a child is only 2 years old, then there is no reason to be upset because he has not yet learned to distinguish colors. First, he needs to master speech, and only after that can he move on to studying and learning new material.

    Some children already at 3 years old can recognize and name shades, separate them from each other (as a rule, this happens if you have been working with a baby from infancy), while others continue to confuse them at 5 years old. Both the first and second options are the norm. In the event that the parents of the child do not have difficulties with color perception, then the probability that their baby will have this problem is reduced to almost zero. However, if you are a carrier of the gene for color blindness, then there is a risk that your sons will be born color blind. It is 50 percent. Girls cannot have problems with color perception, since color blindness is a purely male deviation.

    The doctor is not able to diagnose a child with color blindness before the child reaches seven years old... This is due to the fact that a preschooler may, in principle, not understand what the term "color" means. It is for this reason that he can still confuse shades.

    You can confirm or deny the assumption of the presence of color blindness in a child by diagnosing color recognition using polychromatic tables. It is also held no earlier than seven. For what other reasons, the child may not recognize colors:

    • you started late to acquaint him with the colors (only with your help the baby can learn to distinguish and remember their names);
    • the child is amused by your reaction to his mistakes, so he deliberately begins to speak incorrectly;
    • connected with his rate of knowledge of the world.

    In any case, it is necessary to deal with the baby from an early age. Then there will be no problems with color recognition, speech or upbringing.

    Color blindness tests are carried out only after the age of 7, when the child already understands color differences accurately

    How to teach a child about flowers?

    If you want to teach your baby to identify colors as quickly as possible, then start taking him to developmental classes in a children's center or club. In a group, a team, with peers, the necessary information is remembered much better.

    Never ask your child the question: what is this color? Otherwise, you run the risk of developing in him a sense of self-doubt associated with the fear of making mistakes. Then no matter how much you work with him, there will be no result. Better to name the shades as if by the way - for example, when drawing or playing: "you got a very beautiful red flower" or "throw me this green ball." Don't force your toddler to memorize something. At least in the early stages of development, excessive persistence can turn against you.

    Before starting the study, pay attention to the developing character of the child and his age. Not all children remember new information easy and fast. Someone needs to repeat it several times so that he can remember, but for someone even once will be enough. So where do you start? Here are some tips:

    1. First, explain that there are different colors. Name them.
    2. Show examples of these colors on various objects that your baby already knows.
    3. Do not forget that you should study new information in game form... So the child will better learn and remember the associative array.
    4. First, study the basic shades and only after the child has fully mastered them, you can move on to the rest.
    5. It is recommended to study in the following sequence: red, yellow, green, blue.
    6. Do not introduce a new color if you have not already learned the previous one.
    7. Use different speech constructs: a yellow ball, a blue dress.

    If all the colors are learned and "bounce off the teeth" just like the multiplication table, you can move on to more difficult exercises. Explain the difference between warm and cold shades to your baby.

    Age learning

    It is important to start training on time: not earlier than the due date and not later. Only in this case the baby will develop correctly and will lag behind his peers in knowledge. Let's see how to teach a child about colors in the age range from 12 to 36 months.

    So, the baby pays his attention to the difference in shades from the moment of his birth. He recognizes yellow first, so initially he prefers yellow rattles. You can give the first performances from infancy, show and explain how the color looks on the example of toys. However, do not expect that he will immediately be able to remember everything. Breastfeeding is a period in a baby's life in which he passively perceives all information. He still little understands what others are telling him about, but this does not mean that you can say all sorts of nonsense. A little time will pass, the information will gradually begin to fit into the head and, as a result, will be processed into speech. That is why it will not be superfluous to tell the kid about color concepts right now, to say what his favorite toy, table or spatula looks like.

    One to two years

    This is a new period in a child's life. Now you can teach him to arrange objects by color - put green cubes with green ones, red with red ones, etc. These can all be helpful in learning about colors.

    Don't force your toddler to learn the names of colors. Knowing how to sort them is the first step to understanding the differences (we recommend reading :). Stick colorful stickers on the sheets, sculpt figures from plasticine, draw with colored pencils, paints, crayons or felt-tip pens.

    Color sorting games will help your child subconsciously remember the differences between them.

    Three years and older

    From 3-4 years old, the child learns the world through various physical actions. He needs to throw, pour, sort out, touch objects, move. Only in this way will he be able to quickly understand the world around him and in colors.

    While drawing, tell the young artist as often as possible what and in what color he is drawing. For example, "we draw the sun with a yellow pencil, the sky - blue, grass - green", etc. When he gets a little older, mix paints with him and pay attention to what kind of shade you end up with. Such experiments will surely entertain and captivate the child. He will want to create his own author's color and will not rest until his mother, during the next mixing of paints, says: "This turned out to be purple ... and this is brown ... oh, but I don't know this color, let's come up with our own unique name for it?"

    You can also help to understand the colors with the help of a book, considering together illustrations for fairy tales. This method is applicable not only to pictures, but to the entire surrounding world. Tie shades to any objects, then the child can learn to identify them very quickly. Do not forget to teach in an easy and playful way.

    Learning colors through play

    It's no secret that memorizing information is best done while playing. This also applies to the study of colors. The games below will help you explain the difference in shades:

    • Confusion. For the game, we need colored pens. Remove the caps, and then suggest trying to match them with handles that will be the same color. While playing, you can put a cap of one color on a handle with a different color. Your kid will definitely point out your mistake and correct it.

    Colored pens or markers can also become playful teaching material
    • Find the extra one. For this game, you need colored balls. Give your child some yellow balls and one red one. He must choose an extra one among the balls, that is, one that will be different from the rest. The colors can be changed depending on what you want to learn.
    • Pick up a pair. This game will be a great help in learning colors. The kid needs to find a suitable roof for the house, a cabin for the typewriter. There can be countless couples. There is another version of this game: you need to spread incorrectly matched pairs in front of the fidget. He will also find and correct your mistakes.

    Color lotto

    Children become interested in this game at about 1.5 years old. The rules for playing children's lotto differ significantly from the rules for the adult version. The meaning of the game is as follows: it is necessary to lay out cards suitable for it on the proposed playing field; one playing field contains pictures that have only one color, so the child must first select from the whole set of cards those that have pictures of the same color as the pictures located on the playing field. Only after he does this, you can proceed to the next stage of the game: the selection of the appropriate pictures.

    "Colored" days "

    This game has become widespread in our time. Its meaning is that a child, for one day, and sometimes a week, must constantly encounter objects of the same color. Thanks to this unobtrusive method, he will be able to remember shades very quickly. For example, on a "red" day, you only need to play with red toys, wear only red things. At the same time, do not forget to periodically name the color when you meet on your way. What else can you do on days like this:

    1. while walking, look for cars with the appropriate color;
    2. sculpt from plasticine, draw pictures, make fakes with the studied color;
    3. play with color touch box;
    4. play color lotto using cards;
    5. look for solid colored toys in the house;
    6. include colored foods in your diet.

    Studying one of the colors, you need to focus on it all day

    Sort by color

    In games of this type, the kid needs to split toys into several groups according to the rule: one group of toys - one color. At the same time, you constantly pronounce all his actions. What can be sorted? Let's look at several options for the game, all moms need to know this:

    • You can arrange the beads in bowls. Invite your child to fantasize a little: let him imagine that in front of him are not beads, but candies. Soon toy friends are going to come to him. He really wants to treat them with sweets, but, unfortunately, the kid's comrades are picky in the choice of delicacies. So, the bear eats only red candies and he does not like green ones at all, and the hare loves yellow ones, but will never eat blue ones. In order not to offend his friends, the child needs to arrange the candies by color before their arrival: yellow to yellow, red to red, etc.
    • For the second version of the game, you will need a color sorter. It is very easy to make it: prepare any unnecessary box, for example, from tea, and colored paper. We glue this box with colored paper and make slots in it. That's it, our sorter is ready. Offer the baby to push various toys into the slots. It can be any small details: buttons, beads, mosaic.
    • Instead of a sorter, you can use a simple sheet of paper with color sectors. Offer to lay out the toys on a piece of paper, depending on the color of the sector.

    There are many varieties of "sorting games". It is not difficult to come up with them yourself, you just need to be able to use your imagination.

    Sorting games can be made from scrap materials or bought in the store

    Find the color

    Ask your child to look for items in the color of your choice. Show him how to do it or play together (ideally if you can get a company of 2-3 children together). First of all, you should look for objects with the same color. These can be parts of a mosaic or constructor, cubes. Then you can complicate the task and suggest looking for objects with several shades at the same time. This game is perfect for toddlers who are just starting to get acquainted with the color scheme.

    Doman cards

    If you want the fidget to learn to distinguish and name colors, be sure to try with him using Doman's cards - this is the easiest and efficient way... Young parents do not have to spend a lot of time and effort for this. You can be sure that the desired result will not be long in coming. It is only necessary to reinforce the acquired skills from time to time. This can be done with the help of other games (find extra, "color" days). If you do not do this, then after a while the crumb may forget the names of the colors and then you will have to start learning them again.

    Do not waste your energy on memorizing the names of flowers that you yourself do not use in everyday life. Why, for example, would a kid memorize a purple hue if you yourself, having met it, call it purple. When the child shows signs of fatigue and loses interest in the game, it is necessary to stop the activity. Comment on your actions, praise the baby for any of his achievements, then the learning process will bring pleasure to both of you, which means that memorizing the names of colors will happen very quickly and fun.

    Glen Doman is a famous figure not only in physiology, but also in pedagogy. Cards for children are widely used today in preschool pedagogy for the rapid and comprehensive development of children's intelligence, as well as for the treatment of children with brain damage. You can also use Doman's cards to study colors and their shades.

    What is the essence of the technique?

    How to apply Doman's technique to learn colors with your child?

    The technique is based on the fact that cards are pictures of objects or phenomena with bright red inscriptions. Images with captions are shown to the child for 1-2 seconds for each picture. There should be about ten such lessons per day. As a result, the kid remembers the sound of the word, its name and its recording, quickly learns to read, and acquires encyclopedic knowledge. Cards may have colors instead of images. If it is not possible to buy Doman's cards, you can download and print them on our website.

    Why do we teach color to children?

    For children, the world is full of diversity, they do not yet have ingrained ideas like adults. If you ask a professional artist to tell you what color the sky is, he will tell you hundreds of shades, as he is used to noticing them every day. An ordinary person is unlikely to name at least 5-6 shades, since he is not used to distinguishing between them. Children are little artists, and we teach them to stay that way longer. To do this, we do not just study colors with them, but also focus on the shades of each of them. As a result, the baby begins to perceive the rich color range of the world, becomes more active visual memory, which means that the development of intelligence in general is stimulated. To learn colors, just download Doman's cards for children on the theme “Colors” on our website and use them at home or in class. However, you can download them for free.

    However, the following point should be taken into account. It is not enough to download the cards - you need to print them later. Printer inks can have many shades and may not always represent color correctly. So if we are studying pure colors, without impurities (for example, red, blue, yellow), then the manuals printed on a printer are quite suitable. It's better to be careful with shades of colors. In this case, it is better to download the cards and show them on a computer or other electronic device, although it can also introduce distortion, but to a lesser extent.

    Doman's theory at one time was a great success, and today it remains popular in preschool pedagogy. But, like any pedagogical system, it also has its drawbacks. A child, visually perceiving images and inscriptions on cards, does not know how to apply this knowledge in practice. Therefore, when we teach color with children, it is necessary to show what it is for. For children, it is better if they try to mix paints and get a similar shade, or, going outside, try to find such a color in nature.

    Thus, when we teach preschoolers using Doman's flashcards, it is always necessary to make a connection between theory and practice, image and reality, as much as possible. Then knowledge ceases to be a dead weight, which it often is during the school period. Let the child feel that this world is alive, and that images and colors are only a way to get to know it deeper.



    Color memory domino game:

    The article will tell you how to properly teach a child about colors.

    Parents should always help their growing children explore the world and explore everything around them. For example, it can be quite difficult for babies to get acquainted with flowers, because they have many shades and are not always pronounced. However, it is very useful so that the child can fully develop, express his thoughts and desires.

    It is very difficult for a small child to understand that colors are different, although he begins to distinguish them from the time when he already begins to see fully. The baby will be able to feel the difference between colors only when he learns to speak, and this happens at about 2 years old... Until this age, the child's silence is considered permissible, but not later.

    Children should be taught colors "from the first words"... Start simple and introduce your child to the basic colors: blue, red, green and yellow. Then, over time, increase the "portion of knowledge" by adding new words: pink, black, purple, orange, blue, and so on.

    Your classes with the child should be regular... Don't be discouraged if your child is lazy, has poor memory, or mispronounces the names of flowers. The main thing is your diligence and an interesting approach to the educational process in the form of a gameable to captivate the baby and gently teach vital things.

    IMPORTANT: It will be correct to start the educational process earlier than at 2 years old and from the first conscious steps of the baby (the first word, independent steps, fun with toys, walking in the fresh air, watching cartoons) already acquaint with the names of objects and their colors. Over time, the knowledge gained will be better assimilated and consolidated in consciousness.

    Teaching a child after 1 year:

    • You can play with plasticine (plasticine dough, as an option) and tell the child the colors of the sticky mass. By touching the plasticine, contacting it directly, he will be able to more easily remember its color.
    • Games with sweets or lollipops are also considered effective, distributing them between toys or dolls. You can feed your favorite bears or puppies with these candies, naming the action, for example, Mishutka loves red candies, and Masha loves yellow ones.
    • Cognition of the surrounding world on walks. To do this, it is enough to walk on green grass, look in blue sky or on a red house, naming the color of each object or phenomenon (the yellow sun is shining, green grass is growing, orange leaves are falling).

    Teaching a child after 2 years:

    • A child with a small vocabulary communicates much more easily with parents, and is engaged in educational lessons with great interest.
    • Such a kid can turn on educational cartoons, where the colors of different objects are very clearly called.
    • It's good to play color constructor by creating shapes of specific colors and naming them.
    • You can create interesting stories for your favorite toys by associating them with color. For example: once upon a time there was a machine, but one day it fell from the table into a basket with red berries and turned red itself.

    IMPORTANT: At each lesson with the child, three stages should be passed: repetition, acquaintance with new material and consolidation. Focus on how the baby is behaving, whether he wants to learn new colors and whether he can remember the names. If not, just repeat and reinforce what you already learned.

    How to correctly teach colors in Russian with a child in a playful way: techniques

    Surprisingly, some capable kids can distinguish several colors for up to a year. However, this is due not only to the good inborn data of the child, but also to the perseverance of the parents, who pay enough attention to their children. It is known that the development of his motor skills (fine) also affects the cognitive activity of a child, therefore other activities should not be ignored.

    IMPORTANT: In order for the child to quickly memorize the names of colors, all words should be entered gradually. But before starting such lessons, he should definitely be introduced to paints, plasticine, pencils.

    Effective and playful techniques:

    • We name everything correctly and clearly.It's not like a game - it's a habit. In any activity, it is imperative to call colors an object. For example: if you want me to pour you some tea in a BLUE cup, or let's put on this RED blouse.
    • Comparison.When naming one of the colors, you should definitely compare it with what the baby already knows so well. For example, the car is as blue as the sky, and the pancake is as yellow as the sun.
    • Asking "what do you like"... By tying his feelings to the names of colors (like or not like a color), the child remembers them easier and faster. For example: I like pink and don't like black.
    • A change of scenery. Sometimes the educational process bores the child only because it happens the same way and always in the same room. A change of environment will encourage your toddler to show interest in the lessons. Moreover, you can practice not only by imposing knowledge, but also "by the way." For example, if you are in a store, do not be too lazy to stop by the department of fruits and vegetables to name all their colors.
    • Entertainment. If it is difficult for a baby to perceive simple speech parents, you can replace it with songs and sonorous rhymes that are perceived much easier and more pleasant, easy to remember for a long time.

    Learning colors with a child in a playful way: educational color games for children 2 - 4 years old

    Learning colors in a playful way:

    • Distribution into groups.To do this, you can use colored cardboard and packaging of dishwashing sponges. Cut out round plates of the same diameter from cardboard, and cubes from the soft part of the sponges. Suggest that the kid correctly sort the cubes into plates (of course, they should have the same colors). You can do the same with buttons, colored designer blocks, or candy canes.
    • Coloring pages.To do this, you will need a package of colored pencils or paint, as well as a template or picture for coloring. It is better to choose simple templates without small details and large size: apple, orange, banana, sun, tulip, sea, cloud. When coloring, name the colors clearly and tell them why they are, what they look like and how beautiful they are.
    • Hunting.To do this, you should prepare a basket or small bag, and then arrange toys or objects of different colors around the house. After that, you can go out with your child "hunting", collecting everything red or, for example, only blue.
    • Play with groceries.This activity does not imply direct text play, but allows the child to directly contact objects that he has not touched or felt before. You can put different vegetables (tomato, cucumber, pepper), fruits (banana, orange, apple) and other products on the table in front of him: milk in a bottle, a package of rice or pasta. Ask your baby to sort everything by color.
    • Game "Color Lotto".You can purchase it or make it yourself. To do this, you should have colored cardboard and a printer on which you can print cards. The task is very simple - get a chip (cut out of colored paper) from a bag or box and put it on the cell of the card where there is the corresponding color.

    How to teach the colors of the rainbow in order to children?

    There is a funny saying for a fun and quick memorization of the names of the colors of the rainbow. The first letter in each word of the saying should make the child associate with the name of the color. For older children who can memorize more than 1 or 2 lines, you can offer to memorize rhymes about the colors of the rainbow.

    Learning colors with a child: rhymes about colors

    Poems - small and sonorous, will help children memorize the names of flowers faster and better.

    At a traffic light, the color is dangerous
    Remember - it is red
    That color warns
    That transport is passing by.

    The same color as an orange
    Persimmon, sea buckthorn and tangerine,
    It is called orange,
    He gives a bright light, warmth!

    The sun is yellow in the sky
    Shines high and bright
    Keeps all the guys warm
    They sit under the sun.

    Green tree, green bush,
    He is a kind color, soft and very cheerful,
    The green of summer, spring and grass,
    The green is soft and luscious foliage.

    The big blue sky makes me happy
    Blue droplets fall from the sky
    Blue puddles on the asphalt are glowing
    Blue droplets splash in these puddles.

    Blue sky in the late evening
    Hangs bright beads-stars
    Glitters in the darkness, never ceasing
    Blue ribbon - forest river.

    I will paint the house with purple
    The window is purple, the door and the window sill,
    That purple color is very pleasant to me,
    I will decorate the bow with purple, the dress.

    White snow in snowy winter,
    In white snowman clothes
    White ice on the river in winter
    Little men in white hats.

    On a very dark black night
    The black cat sighed so languidly
    The cat can't see anything
    And this is insulting.

    Pink roses bloomed in the garden
    I found a star in the bright pink sky
    Pink is kind, pink is warm,
    Pink is bright and faded.

    Brown pot on the windowsill
    Begonias bloom in a brown pot
    I will unfold the wrapper very bright
    I will eat brown chocolate candy.

    Gray dog \u200b\u200bin the yard
    Gray rain in October
    The clouds are gray in the sky
    The cold wind blows away.

    How nice he is
    Beautiful light green color,
    Looks like spring grass,
    On the first juicy greens.

    There is a lilac bush in the yard,
    He is handsome, tall and thick,
    And the flowers are lilac
    Give the mood!

    Learning colors with a child: songs about colors

    Adult children will be happy to learn and sing songs about different colors.

    Learning colors with a child - cartoons: list, video

    There will always be educational cartoons to help parents. In which there are not only rhymes and songs, but also events, adventures and comparisons that help to learn all colors.

    • We draw with our fingers.Direct contact of the child with colored paints will allow him to quickly and permanently remember the names of the colors.
    • Stickers.To do this, you should purchase several sheets of stickers (the simplest ones) and, gluing them to the base, name the colors.
    • We build a pyramid.it simple toy, which helps children learn colors quickly and playfully by stringing each ring onto the base.
    • Colored balls.They should be thrown and caught, naming the color of the ball that was caught.
    • Describe yourself.Or any other family member. To do this, name all the colors that can only be seen.

    What does the child learn first: color or shape?

    As a rule, it is easier for a child to remember colors and only after he learns the main ones should he begin to memorize and distinguish forms. It will be easier and easier, as well as more interesting. At 2 years old, a child can already know the basic shapes: a circle, a triangle, a square.

    Why the child does not remember colors: reasons

    Before embarking on the educational process, one should be aware that each child is individual and if one kid eagerly "swallows" every portion of knowledge, the other may be lazy, not want to, and oppose the lessons in every possible way.

    Why the child does not remember colors:

    • It is still too small
    • The lessons are boring for him and do not arouse interest.
    • You give him too much information, he simply cannot remember it all at once.
    • You present information poorly
    • You use few visuals and game exercises
    • The child is lagging behind in development
    • The child has color blindness

    Video: "How to properly teach a child about colors?"

    System early development children offers to form the ability to distinguish colors already in the first year of life. A narrowly focused printed matter with the "0+" sign is produced, and teachers of development centers are working with six-month-old babies. Moms who regularly visit the office healthy child in the clinic, they receive a recommendation to study the basic colors when the baby turns one and a half years old. This is a fairly sensible age, and you should not postpone training until three years or wait for the baby to speak.
    Color learning is also available to non-speaking children. If a child points to the named objects with his finger, fulfills a request to bring something, to do, it means that he is ready to learn the color. All the difference is that the speaker calls the color, and the "silent" pokes his finger or picks up the object in his hands.
    It is not easy for non-teacher mothers, a lot of questions immediately arise: why teach, is it too early, how to teach, how to understand what the child knows? This article will show you how to educate your child on your own without much effort or expense.
    Let's think
    For a mother who is with her child all day, classes are a good reason to diversify her life and entertain her son or daughter: children under three years old have excellent memory and a high craving for novelty. You don't have to set aside a specific time. You can work with the child during the day in accordance with his regime, when the baby slept, ate, in a good mood.
    It is recommended to start learning four colors: red, yellow, green and blue. Any objects of the indicated colors can serve as material for training: toys, fruits and vegetables, special cards, pencils, clothes, plasticine, colored paper, paints, plants (yellow dandelion, green grass), cars in the yard, swings, slides, sports complexes (they are usually painted with red, yellow, blue, green paint).
    Let's introduce
    Experts advise to start acquaintance with one bright color - red or yellow. Once show the kid a red object (a cube, a toy car, a ring from a pyramid) and say: "The cube is red." Ask questions: “Where is the cube? Where is the red cube. What color is the cube? (Show the red cube) ". Do this with various objects in every household situation: when you give a red apple, put on red clothes (blouse, dress or jacket), draw with a red pencil, and so on. Introduce the color yellow to your child in the same way.
    Now pick up paired objects of two colors: two rings, two cubes, two pencils, two parts of the designer, two cars, two cups-insert. Offer interesting games with them: ask them to put everything red in one box, everything yellow in another, remove the excess in the red (yellow) row. Using picture cards, ask to find an item of the same color. This will reinforce the concept of color and make sure that the child can confidently distinguish objects by color.
    The next stage is motivation for action in different everyday situations: while cleaning toys, dressing, feeding, walking, drawing, modeling, reading books. When naming a color, say - take, give, bring, show, put, put on, do, draw, put - in accordance with the circumstances. As you read books, discuss the illustrations - what, what, what color. At this stage, the memorization of color is brought to automatism: the child is oriented in the colored world without prompting.
    In the same order, green and blue are added to the dictionary. The child learns to distinguish three and finally all four basic shades.
    Let's repeat
    If, after learning colors with a child, you do not return to this topic for a long time, it may happen that the child is in a large stream of information falling on him in preschool age, will get confused. Therefore, adding new colors, learning counting, teaching literacy, broadening your horizons, during games, creative activities and at home, from time to time, take an interest in the color of the object.
    Success in teaching a baby is based on the principles of consistency, consistency, repetition. Sequence - learning colors one by one, not all at once. Consistency - drawing attention to the color at every opportunity, and not at certain hours. Repetition is a kind of testing, a way to test knowledge.

    For a long time I promise to write an article about how to teach a child to distinguish colors and how we did it with Taisia. Judging by the number of questions that come to me, this topic interests many mothers. This is not surprising, because knowledge of colors is an integral part sensory development baby. Acquaintance with color significantly expands the child's ideas about the world, allows him to classify all the surrounding objects in another way - by color. In addition, the ability to distinguish colors opens up a new layer of interesting developmental games for the child.

    When does a child begin to distinguish colors?

    Experts say that for a child, the world acquires colors within the first 3-4 months of life. Indeed, a child can pay attention to contrasting patterns, react differently to rattles of different colors, but, of course, it is too early to talk about a conscious separation of colors at this age. The ability to find a certain color among the rest, and even more so to name colors, appears in the baby much later, not earlier than 1-1.5 years ... Well, the exact timing depends solely on whether you will pay attention to studying flowers with your child.

    It is possible to name colors during games with a baby even up to a year, there will be no harm from this. Well, after a year, you can introduce special "color" games, which will be discussed in this article. These games are also suitable for kids 2-3 years old, who are still confused in the names of colors.

    The child's readiness to memorize the names of flowers can be checked very simply. While playing with cubes (constructor, balls in a dry pool ...), take, for example, a red cube and ask your kid to find exactly same, same... If the child understood you and coped with the task, it can be argued that he can distinguish colors and is ready to learn their names.

    We learn colors during everyday games and walks

    Generally speaking, I am convinced that in order to teach a child to distinguish between primary colors, there is no great need for special activities, it is enough just to regularly name the colors during your usual games. - be sure to pronounce the colors of pencils, build from cubes, a designer or a mosaic - also do not forget to remember the shades of details. The same applies to dressing, walking, and your other favorite activities - in a conversation, constantly name the colors of objects around you and play materials.

    Just remember that “learning colors” does not mean at all that you have to constantly examine your child “Tell me what color it is”, “Show me where is red”, etc. A child, like any other person, does not like it too much when he is given a test of knowledge, so at first just name the colors and answer your own questions “Where is our yellow cube? Here he is!" "Let's draw the grass with a green pencil."

    How to teach a child to distinguish colors? Games

    In "sorting" games, the child is required to divide objects into groups, focusing on their color; constantly voice the names of colors so that they are deposited in the baby's head. What can be sorted? Here are several options for the game:

      You can make a color sorter out of any unnecessary box, just glue the box with colored paper and make several slits. You can push through the slots mosaic pieces, multi-colored paper clips, buttons, etc. Our sorter is made from tea boxes and mosaic fittings. Sometimes they meet ready options.

    • We spread toys and other small household items on the floor and suggest that the baby sort them into boxes of the appropriate color. Instead of boxes, you can prepare a large sheet of paper with colored sections. Our game was much more dynamic when we distributed the colored sections between Taisia \u200b\u200band her favorite toy. For example, Tasya selected all red objects, and Masha doll - yellow ones.
    • We find a mother hen for each testicle, focusing on color.

    We put all the testicles in a cut plastic cup attached to the chicken.

    You can think of a huge number of options for color sorts, all of them cannot be listed here. You can arrange colorful butterflies among flowers, fruits and vegetables in baskets, and settle colorful animals in houses ... By the way, in A piggy bank of games from readers there are still good ones.

    2. Games from the series "Match a pair"

    Match-up games work well for learning about colors. You can pick up covers for houses, caps for gnomes or clowns, dwellings for colorful people, etc.

    You can try this version of the game: lay out the wrong version in front of the kid and ask him to correct mistakes.

    3. Color lotto

    Lotto games become interesting for children about a year old. Of course, while the kids do not play according to adult rules, they simply select cards for the playing field with pictures.

    In a colored lotto on each playing field, the pictures have only one color. (An example of a colored lotto can be DOWNLOAD HERE ). Therefore, in order to collect such a lotto, the child needs to select the cards of the given color among the rest and place them correctly on the field.

    In a more complicated version, you can use 2-3 playing fields at the same time, as well as learn to compare color and black-and-white images, as in the game « Gnomes and houses» (Ozon, My-shop, Read) from the School of the Seven Dwarfs.

    4. "Colored" days

    This method of acquaintance with color is very popular now. It consists in the fact that during one day (and some even stretch this pleasure for a whole week), the child very often "bumps" into the same color, regularly hears its name and accordingly quickly remembers. So, on the day of red, you and your baby can dress in red clothes, find all the red toys and even eat red fruits and vegetables. Of course, all this time you will remind your child of what color is on your way. Here is a rough list of what you can do on a colored day:

      Together with the baby, we examine the pre-selected toys of the studied color;

    • We put on clothes of the appropriate tones;
    • We go through the apartment in search of toys and other objects of the studied color;
    • On a walk, we look for cars of the color we need;
    • We play with color;

    • We consider a book or cards with pictures of the color we need ( download sample cards);

    • We play lotto of a given color (see above);
    • We include in the menu products of the studied color (For example, for red day suitable: berries, tomatoes, red apples, pomegranates; for green : grapes, green olives, lettuce, peas, green apples, green beans, kiwi, avocado; for yellow : banana, corn, yellow apples, lemon, butter, cheese, pineapple; for white : rice, cottage cheese, semolina, milk; for orange : carrot, apricot, pumpkin, orange)

    5. Cards of Doman "Colors"

    To be honest, I think that learning about colors is the easiest and at the same time the most effective method , especially if we are not talking about too "popular" tones. Doman classes require a minimum of effort and time, and the colors are remembered almost guaranteed, especially if earlier baby already had experience of interacting with cards. Just remember, in order that in a month the learned colors do not fly out of the child's head, their names are necessary reinforce through other games (sort by color, play lotto, etc.).

    What's more important: learn only those shades that you yourself distinguish and whose names you are really ready to use in your games and conversations. Do not get carried away with sets like "100 colors" from "Clever Girl". What is the point of learning, for example, a purple shade, if, having met it in life, you yourself are most likely to call it purple. This will only confuse the child.

    My daughter and I began to study flowers on cards at 1 year 4 months (by that time Tasya already knew and showed the four basic colors). In a few days, we memorized 14 more colors from the cards (total in our arsenal was 18) and began to mention their names in our games. For those who are skeptical about Doman's technique, I can assure you that Taisiya has not forgotten any of the colors she studied then!

    Read more about Doman's methodology and the principles of training. Color cards can be DOWNLOAD HEREand buy HERE.

    6. Board games

    After 2-2.5 years, board games can be used to consolidate knowledge of colors. Here's a good example:

    (Ozon, My-shop) and its analog - game "Shapes", I wrote about them before.

    Educational cartoons

    Educational cartoons can be a good help in learning colors. A couple of cartoons on this topic:


    Don't forget about books. In a poetic and artistic form about colors can be read, for example, in the "Multicolored Book" Marshak, or Suteev's story "Rooster and Paints" (as a rule, published in collections of Suteev).

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