• What diapers buy in the hospital. What to take in the maternity hospital is just a list. Here is my village! Here is my home native


    1. Gaskets in bust.

    Almost all young moms leaks milk. Cheap paper need to be able to change often, and the pads of slow our moms are very praised, 1 pack (2 pieces) really grabs for a whole day.

    2. Diapers for mom.

    3. Urological strips

    Urological gaskets absorb much more than any hygienic and absorb the unpleasant smell. And this is what is needed for postpartum discharges (LOOH).

    We invest Absoft / Extractability / Normal Stripping / Normal, they are almost the same in quality. In the Isis use Absoft.

    Urological gaskets - without wings. Some mothers are more convenient to use hygienic with maximum absorption wings. Then it is better to take them more and with natural coating.

    4. Postpartum panties

    Conveniently, the TC can be thrown after use, they are inexpensive (8-10 UAH / pcs) compared to ordinary linen.

    Panties Kalpol Cotton and at the same time disposable and sterile. The peculiarity is that they are small and not much stretch, so we strongly recommend to measure the volume of the thighs (under the tummy on the buttocks, by the widest part) and then you can choose the desired and convenient size for you.

    In the hot season, some mothers complained that the panties canpol soak.

    Panties-grid, cotton, reusable, those can be erased. Very breathable and at the same time securely hold the gasket. The size is universal, by volume of the thighs from 90 to 140 cm (Canpol up to 110). We usually advise them, those moms that cannot determine the size or whose thighs are more than 110 cm.

    5. Paper towels.

    Often they ask Rozal, during the inspections of the baby, doctors also prefer paper towels, and you will come in handy :) 1 roll should be enough for 3 standard days in the maternity hospital.

    6. Toilet paper.

    Well, it is clear :) We are putting soft two-layer paper, usually white colorTo make it easier to understand the number of secretions. 1 Rulon must be enough for 3 standard days in the maternity hospital.

    7. Eco-jobs with strings.

    Very comfortable thing. Waste per day a lot: diapers, diapers, gaskets, and it is not always possible to run to the place of garbage collection. Usually, the cleaners take packets with waste 2 times a day. Therefore, eco-jobs with tightening will be very by the way.

    8. Toilet linings.

    Paper lining in the amount of 30 pcs (5 UP to 6 pcs) will make a visit to the toilet more comfortable, because in most cases several mammies uses the toilet to the toilet.

    7. Cream for Nipples Purelan.

    Got a lot good reviews, also sounded the word "salvation" on personal experience I will also say that he helped me. It is pure lanolin, without any additives, it covers the nipple as a protective film, it is not necessary to wash it off. Relief comes immediately. We invest a small packing of 7g. This quantity is just enough for the maternity hospital, not everyone has cracks, besides, he is quite expensive.

    Big packing in 37 grams is beneficial, but we advise it to do this if you are highly likely to assume that you will encounter the problem of cracks (second and more childbirth / very gentle skin or big nipples).

    8. Bust for feeding.

    Certainly needed. The peculiarity is that it is difficult to guess with the size, the TC chest may increase by 1-2 size, and the ribs after childbirth will become narrower - everything is very individual. Therefore, you should not take an expensive bust, it is better to take inexpensive at random, and then buy in size. Exception stretched things, such as Mike-bust from my mom - well, Pts is convenient.

    9. His clothes and little things (depends on individual needs)

    bathrobe, slippers, feeding shirt (necessary thing), possibly bandage, hygium trivia (brush / paste, comb, cream). Water in Rozal is necessarily a snack.

    As an option already collected trifles, we offer a "handbag in a shower." In it, a toothbrush / paste, minipamening of the shower gel / shampoo, slippers and a soul cap,

    May need depending on the terms of the hospital

    1. Medications

    2. Obstetric and surgical sterile sets.

    It all depends on the maternity hospital and agreement with the doctor. Obstetric kits are everywhere of different species, often doctors ask a certain number, although almost all of them are interchangeable.

    Sets that we offer, rather rich configuration and good material. You can just take just in case, then you will not need to think what to wear in Rozal or on a partner.

    All sterile sets are made from spandex, those synthetic material, some moments complained that he was soaring.

    On the other hand, after childbirth, evaints disposable clothing simply emit.

    If you take your clothes, take the one that it is not a pity, it is strongly stained and it will be better to throw it.

    3. Bed linen / towels

    4. Electric kettle

    Most likely it will be superfluous

    1. Dillarium and teas to increase lactation.

    The breast pump is required in extreme cases (the impossibility of staying with the child, for example). No need to argue.

    In the first days, give nature to help you negotiate with the baby about the amount of milk, and soon it will be produced exactly as much as a specific baby.

    2. Machine for shaving perineum.

    Now there is practically no mandatory shaving of the crotch.

    For kid needed

    1. Disposable diapers.

    This is understandable, it is convenient. We have the most popular people of Pampers Premium Care (33 pcs). These are premium-class diapers and will be enough for 3-5 days. In other brands of diapers for newborns, the number of slightly less than 27-28 and may not be enough. For those who can not decide - the remarkable supply of "diaper-assorted", in them 5-6 pcs of different diapers.

    In fact, all popular diapers are good, just every child and mom have their own characteristics and for various reasons choose one or another. Sometimes there is an allergy or diameter, but it is rather from the fact that the child in the diaper was disturbed + individual intolerance to the fragrance.

    Diapers are probably the main article of the cost of the kid, so we advise you to choose an inexpensive and suitable option to you.

    Reusable diapers, as it seems to us, it is better to use from the month 3-4, when the mother will come to himself and she will have forces on a permanent wash and drying inserts, or in the heat, they are smaller so far, or when teaching the pot.

    2. Wet wipes.

    Need to toilet newborn. Little mom is decided in the first days to wash the crumb under the crane.

    The most popular napkins: Haggis - they are more dense on a paper basis, better finish and

    Pampers are softer and cream. Packing 56-64 pcs optimal to the maternity hospital.

    3. Disposable diapers.

    Diaper is asked in all maternity hospitals, they will fill out from the leakage, on the inspections, in the rhodzale. Diaper Abrenet in our kits of Swiss quality and the most compact.

    Diaper for mom and baby are interchangeable!

    4. Children's soap.

    It will be convenient to use mom yourself, often in the maternity hospital asking liquid soap in Rodzal.

    5. Electronic thermometer.

    Also, the requirement of almost all modern hospitals. In our study, the Momron thermometers (Japan) and Boirer (Germany) have proven itself. For accurate measurement, you need to keep the thermometer a few minutes after the sound signal - then the measurement will be accurate.

    The thermometer with a flexible tip, apparently, more convenient for the child, the TC is bent under the Children's Taurus.

    9. Scissing or nippers.

    Almost everyone needed in the maternity hospital, most of the kids are born with rather long marigolds and can scratch themselves.

    Logs are tiny and immediately difficult to learn how to use children's scissors with special safe edges. As an option - baby nippers.

    10. Children's clothing.

    Choose at your discretion. Most like men because of the convenience of use. Do not take dispensers without buttons - it is inconvenient.

    Seam out is an additional convenience for a newborn. The child grows very quickly, so there should be a lot of clothes from 0-3, 5 sets are enough with your head.

    Seyas diapers are used more as sheets. The fabric diaper-climbing, for example, EKPEUPS is convenient, but it is better to use them at home, the TK was not satisfied with the hospital.

    6. CWAT products:

    discs, wands, baby sticks with limiter, napkins. It is designed to alleviate the daily toilet of the child and these products are inexpensive. Wheels to rinse eyes, thin sticks are possible for handling the navel, children's chopsticks with limiters are comfortable to clean the ears.

    7. Pipette, sour, aspirator,

    things that may not come in handy in the maternity hospital, but they are mandatory in a children's first-aid kit in the event of driving a medicine, help with a constipation or clogged spout.

    Most likely not come in handy.

    1. Bottle and dummy.

    They are often under the ban in the rods. If you are tuned to natural childbirth and long breast-feedingWe advise you to do without them. If you take, rather, just in case.

    2. A complete set of baby cosmetics,

    especially big packing. If the child has no diallos, then the cream / powder is not needed from them.

    In addition, cosmetics may not come up. It is better to take a small packaging on the sample, for example, a light moisturizing milk or oil.

    3. Imractical envelopes and costumes on an extract.

    It is meant to those that will be dressed, most likely 1 time. It is better to take clothes that will be worn and then, for example, the upper little man and a hat to it.

    The birth of a kid is one of the most important and exciting events in the life of every young family. So that the births did not find the future mom by surprise, everything you need for the maternity hospital is better to prepare in advance. But how to choose for yourself and the kid is the best and necessary? What do you need in the maternity hospital in the first days after childbirth? Are there ready sets for female train or lists of necessary things in the hospital?

    The birth of a kid is one of the most important and exciting events in the life of every young family. So that the births did not find the future mom by surprise, everything you need for the maternity hospital is better to prepare in advance. Doctors recommend being fully assembled by the 32nd week of pregnancy, so somewhere after the 30th week you can begin to actively set the "alarming suitcase" for mom and crumbs.

    Another important plus of advance preparation is the opportunity in case premature birth Gather literally in 10 minutes. In addition, ready-made bags with things in the corner of the room will give you a feeling of peace and readiness for childbirth.

    What is needed in the hospital? How to choose for yourself and kid is the best and necessary? What do you need in the maternity hospital in the first days after childbirth? Is there a ready-made set for pregnant women in the hospital or the lists of necessary things in the hospital? What diapers take in the hospital? What diapers take in the hospital?

    Despite the fact that almost all maternity hospitals provide their lists, in practice they often turn out to be incomplete. Therefore, usually, moms are looking for lists of sets in the hospital on the Internet or consult your girlfriends.

    We have tried to unite the advice of experienced mothers in one article so that you can easily form your set in the maternity hospital, while not spending precious time for inventing and searching for all necessary on pharmacies and shops.

    All things for you and the kid are most convenient to divide into several lists and decompose into separate large packages. So, we did 3 packages:

    №1 "Previous", №2 "Postpartum separation - for Mom", №3 "Postpartum separation - for the baby." If the partner's childbirth, be sure to familiarize your husband with the contents of each package and invest the list of contents in each of them.

    Starting with the 30th week of pregnancy, be sure to wear in a handbag exchange Card and Passport. We recommend that without these documents, do not even go to the store, otherwise, in the event of a sudden battle, you can give birth there where you will bring a duty team of ambulance, and not in the hospital chosen by you with your doctor.

    For family births, it will also be needed and passport Men, Results Analysis on Staphylococcus, Fluorography. And also - a special permission to carry out common childbirth from the leadership of the hospital.

    Also, your husband must know how to contact the hospital and with your doctor. Therefore, ensure it with the appropriate numbers of phones. It will not be superfluous to capture money and the camera.

    So, preparing in the maternity hospital.

    Package number 1 "Previous":

    1. A set of women in labor in the maternity hospital should include a bathrobe, socks and a night shirt. In this clothes you will be changed immediately upon admission.
    2. Washing slippers for themselves and husband.
    3. Sterile clothing set for her husband (sold in a pharmacy).
    4. Mineral water without gas, tea in thermos. Cookies and sandwiches for a husband. Believe me, it all will have to be very powerful, because childbirth can last for a long time, and if not you, then your husband will definitely want to eat.
    5. Disposable diapers. The optimal size of the diaper in the maternity hospital is 60 * 90, see HELEN HARPER or SENI SOFT manufacturers. Diaper will need about 10 pieces. They will be needed after childbirth during abundant discharge And during the inspection by a doctor. Also, they are simply necessary for those who plan to use the phytball to alleviate contractions. If the childbirth began with the deposition of water, it is advisable to take two times more diapers;
    6. Children's liquid soap, such as Alenka or Karapuz, Paper towels in a roll, for example, Kleenex or Zewa - for medical staff and husband;
    7. Do not forget to pack the package for the hospital in the maternity hospital to take a set of bed linen if you need to lie down into a anesthesia bed or just relax between the fights;
    8. A set for the feminine in the maternity hospital should include things for the baby: nopinchs without belt, man, socks and scratches. As well as 3 bike diapers, diapers (several pieces of packaging) and wet wipes. These things need to give an obstetric before the start of the fence.

    Package number 2 "Postpartum separation - for mom":

    1. Special (better than 2 packs);
    2. Disposable diapers 60 * 90 cm HELEN HARPER or SENI SOFT manufacturers - about 10 pieces - for yourself and child;
    3. Liquid soap, such as alenoxium or karapuz, (for medical staff, which comes to watch a child, in addition to liquid soap, must be paper towels, such as Kleenex or Zewa);
    4. Postpartum gaskets of increased absorption, as well as ordinary and daily gaskets (only if you plan to spend a long time in the maternity hospital). Immediately after childbirth, it is better to use special or, and in 2-3 days you can use conventional gaskets. After some time, the selection becomes less and then daily gaskets come to the rescue. We advise you to take large economy packaging with you, such as Kotex, 60 pcs. or Always Platinum Collection, 50 pcs. ;
    5. Night shirt (new, preferably with a deep neckline so that it is more convenient to feed the baby);
    6. Bra for feeding (you can purchase bust with clasps or, easily freeing breasts for the attachment of the baby);
    7. Lactation liners. Milk usually arrives for 2-3 days after childbirth. To avoid wetting clothes or bathrob, it is better to stock up with reusable or disposable boosters for the chest. In addition, at first you have to constantly smear sensitive nipples fat cream Based on Lanolin. Breast liners will help protect your clothing from spots.
    8. Cream for Purelan Nipples (Purelan). At first, before feeding, the cream is needed to all moms for the treatment and prevention of cracks on the nipples, then - at will. We like the Purelan cream, as it can not be flush before feeding, and it is absolutely harmless to both the mother and the baby.
    9. Necessary subjects of personal hygiene:
      • toothbrush,
      • toothpaste,
      • shampoo (mild),
    10. Comb, a gum on the hair will also successfully complement what is needed in the maternity hospital.
    11. Two towels are one for hands, more, more - for the body. For hands it is the most convenient to use paper towels in a roll, for example Kleenex or Zewa.
    12. Toilet paper (best of all white, so that you can control the color of the selection), for example, zewa or kleenex.
    13. Roll of garbage bags.
    14. Packaging of tear-off napkins, for example, Bella or Helen Harper.
    15. In a set for feminine, it is better to put your dishes - a cup, a spoon, a plate. Sugar and welding will also come in handy (it is better to take green tea with you).

    Package number 3 "Postpartum separation - for baby":

    1. Clothes for baby. For every day you will need: a little man or a boding, hat, booties (in the cold season), 1-2 bike and sortshene diapers.
    2. Several reusable diapers, for example, waterproof diapers (they will need for feeding and changing the baby);
    3. Hygienic diapers in a medium-sized maternity hospital (60 * 60), such as Helen Harper or Seni Soft (use the inspection, weighing, etc.).
    4. Disposable diapers of the first size, for example,
    Inexperienced future parents, as a rule, nothing is known about what you need to take in the maternity hospital. Therefore, collecting everything you need, they often forget something important, but they come to the maternity hospital with many absolutely unnecessary things. In order for this, this does not happen to you, you will need to make your list of necessary things in the maternity hospital and in advance to collect everything you need to take it.

    What to take in the maternity hospital - just a list

    Young parents tend to do not know what you need to take in the hospital

    Pregnancy - a special and exciting period in the life of each family, it is filled with touching moments and pleasant troubles. The future mother has a huge number of questions that are not always easy to find an unequivocal and correct answer. At the end of pregnancy, it is increasingly thinking about what you need to take in the maternity hospital. Having found a variety of information on the Internet, after listening to girlfriends and mothers, many are finally confused.

    Often, already in the maternity hospital, we understand that they took a lot of absolutely unnecessary things, and at the same time forgot something very important. How else to find the golden middle - take everything you need and not have such a number of bags, as if you are traveling around the world? Let's deal with together in this matter. We hope our article will simply help you draw up list of things in the maternity hospital.

    It is advisable to collect everything you need in advance, because you never know when an important process can begin. It is not the most enjoyable occupation during battles; You will certainly for sure you will forget anything necessary, and something you just do not have time to take. In addition, the first fights can be very painful, then you will be not at all charged. Is it worth saying that at this time it is better to concentrate on the future kid and on the upcoming process of childbirth, and not to worry about what to take in the hospital

    In every maternity hospital, as a rule, is recommended list Necessary things. If you have already chosen a maternity hospital, read this list, usually hang it on information boards in the halls. In each individual maternity hospital, there may be their own nuances - so, in private, everything or almost everyone is issued in place, you can go there "Light". We will focus on the average national hospital on their list.

    So, everything you need, and accordingly, packages (or bags), in the maternity hospital, is better divided into things into the predock and postpartum chambers, and also prepare what to take on an extract. Collected B. fair ward You need to immediately take with you in the maternity hospital, but things for the postpartum chamber and, moreover, things for an extract can pass on with you after delivery, it is important to collect them only in advance.

    List of things in the maternity hospital

    In the prenatal chamber you will need such things

    For Mom

    Documentation (passport, exchange card), money mobile phone and charger for him. If you paid for some kind of service facilities in advance (a separate or improved ward, collaborative delivery, any contribution, etc.) take with you receipts about payment.
    For them, if there is a desire to capture important moments for the family archive.
    Clothes for childbirthIn which you will be changed in the receiving office - a nightgown, a bathrobe (thin or warm - depending on the time of year), slippers, socks. Well, if the shirt is unbounded from above - then the newborn crumb will be easier to apply to the chest.
    If you are planning a collaborative childbirth, you will need replacement clothing for your partner - As a rule, in the maternity hospitals they need to have sets of disposable clothing - booties, bathrobe, cap (cap). Such sets are sold in pharmacies, they can also be sold or issued directly in the receiving department of the maternity hospital. Sets of disposable clothing are available in different sizes, pay attention to this, so that the inappropriate size of the kit has become an unpleasant surprise before childbirth.
    Hygiene productstoilet paper, soap, towel. In some maternity hospitals (or individual prenormal chambers), it is possible to take a shower, many this procedure helps to relax on the fights.
    Disposable diapers - Modern hygiene products that do not let moisture, soft to the touch. Much more comfortable than the canlenka in combination with a sheet or ordinary diaper. Convenient to fit on the bed, gymnastic ball, chair.

    The list of things in the hospital needs to be in advance

    Underwear, gaskets For postpartum discharge, you will need immediately after delivery.
    Food, Drinking Water. Sandwich, cookies or chocolate for a small snack will be useful if the generation process will delay. Especially this item is relevant to those who are planned by joint childbirth. Probably you and your partner in childbirth will need a lot of strength, they will need to restore.
    Book, player, laptop - far from the most necessary things. However, not everyone's birth begin rapidly, many are spent in the hospital for some time waiting for the fights, here in this case, your favorite book or music will help pass the waiting hours.

    For the newborn

    Diapers. You will need one diaper in the prenatal chamber, just in case you can take two, but no more. Buy diapers of the smallest dimensions (as a rule, this size is called newborn.), even if you predict a large baby. It does not matter which company diapers you buy, because to know how suitable they are the baby, you can only after use. Usually, throughout the first months of life, the baby moms try diapers of several different brands and only after that stop their choice on something specific.
    Set of diaper or clothes for a newborn. In some hospitals of a newborn baby, then you will need diapers - just in case, cook two lightweight sutscent diapers and two bikes (flannel), it is unlikely that all diapers will be useful to you in the prenatal, but already in the postpartum ward you will definitely use them. If the kid's hospital chosen is not shoe after childbirth, but put in clothes, prepare the set of clothes of the smallest, 56th size (there is another 50th size of clothes for very tiny newborns, the clothes of this size are not so easy to find) -. Cut the houses in advance in advance for diapers and clothes with children's powder (or baby soap), endure the iron.
    Will in the hospital bottle and mixture - A controversial question, it all depends on whether you are going to quive the baby with a mixture or dope with a driver. Note that many hospitals are not allowed to use their bottles, it is due to the lack of opportunity to sterilize your bottle separately.

    So, you have successfully passed the most difficult thing, got acquainted with the long-awaited baby, and you were transferred to the postpartum chamber, where you are with a crumb trunk for some time before discharge home. Now almost all the maternity hospital practices the joint stay of the mother and the child. Exceptions are cases when mom physically can not care for the child after surgery cesarean section, due to severe birth or some other. We are in your list of necessary things in the maternity hospital will focus on the joint stay of the mother and the child.

    In the postpartum chamber you will need such things

    For Mom

    Collect everything you need in the hospital and for your crumbs

    clothing. Bathrobe and slippers for sure you can use the same as in the prenatal ward. But cook the night shirt new. Repeat, very convenient for breastfeeding, when the top of the shirt is unborn.
    Hygiene products. In addition to the standard set - toilet paper, napkins, soap (shower gel), toothbrush and paste, shampoo, towels, combs and rubber bands or hairpins - Take what you usually use home - cream, antiperspirant every day. Also, we draw attention to the fact that the toilet paper, which will be used after childbirth, should be soft, especially important for those who will have seams.
    Cosmetics. It will be needed if you use it daily and you will use in the maternity hospital.
    Underwear, gaskets For postpartum discharge. Now most women acquire special gaskets for postpartum disclaimers, but in addition to purchasing, we recommend to take you still homemade. Perhaps it sounds old-fashioned, but often after childbirth, it happens that even the most soft purchased gaskets cause discomfort. Made by the self-playing pads from the wool and bandage are very soft and gentle, and this is very important for the first days after delivery. In any case, it is better to take several types of postpartum pads, after one time you will determine for yourself the best option.
    Cream from cracks on nipples. Very often, the first time in women appear such cracks, it happens most often due to the wrong attachment of the child to the chest. Cracks are very painful, feed baby chest with cracks is very hard, so buy cream from cracks in advance and do not forget to take it in the hospital. It is better to buy a cream that does not need to flush before feeding the child.
    Breakfall for feeding - an indispensable thing when breastfeeding. This is a bra special comfortable design created specifically for nursing women.
    Gaskets for bra. Often, nursing women face the problem of milk leakage, as a result, spots appear on clothes in the chest area, and the bra becomes wet. In order for several times a day (at least) not to wash clothes, there are gaskets for the bra, which absorb milk and do not let him go on clothes.
    Will you need drinking Water, Cup, Spoon PlateYou will learn already in the maternity hospital. Some maternity hospitals all provoke all this, more often in paid wards.
    Notepad and handle Write to you, if necessary, write something. And you will write to you that - questions about the baby who want to ask the doctor (after all, as it came out, everything is important, what we wanted to ask, instantly crashes from the head as soon as the doctor enters the ward), records concerning the baby and care Him. Also, you will probably need something in the maternity hospital, and it will be convenient to compile a mini-list of such necessary things and transfer it to relatives.
    Camcorder, Camera, Chargers For them, if there is a desire to capture important moments for the family archive and if you did not take them to the predock chamber.
    Documentation (passport, exchange card), money (It is also desirable to have minor exchange bills), phone charger - You will have from the prenatal chamber.
    Book, player, laptop Again, far from the most necessary things. It is unlikely that in the first days after childbirth, you will have time and desire to use or, unless if you do not imagine yourself without a good book or music, or to you as an indispensable expert, you need to work on a laptop and in the maternity hospital.

    For kid

    Diapers or S. necessary quantity Replaceable liners. The principles of their choice do not differ from the principles of choosing diapers to the predock chamber. Typically, about 8-10 diapers are necessary for the newborn baby.
    clothing. As a rule, now the baby is not shy, but put in clothes. Of course, if you plan to swaded a crumb, then you will not need clothes, perhaps except the cap and socks. If you plan to wear a crumb, prepare her clothes sets - men, body, sliders, sprawers, hats, scratches and socks. Over time, you define for yourself, what type of clothes will be more convenient to use. On a day, the baby will be enough 3-4 kits, do not take too much clothes, better ask your relatives to bring it away to you if you spend more per day.
    Ordinary and disposable diapers. Even if you do not plan to swaddle a baby, you will still need diapers - to raise on the bed, a changing table, on the scales or in the crocke of a crumb, hide it. Regardless of the time of the year, take the sensitive, and bike (flannel) diapers, 5-6 pieces, this is enough for you at first, then, if necessary, you can always ask your relatives to bring more. Pre-fold the diapers in a children's powder (or baby soap) and endure the iron.
    Easy to use disposable diapers, they do not let moisture, but are used more often as an addition and do not replace completely ordinary diapers.
    . Standard is a peroxide, greencraft (or calendula tincture), cotton wands. Now we are increasingly recommended to use calendula tincture instead of the greenstock - it does not paint the skin around the navel, and mom is clearly visible any changes to the status or color of the skin in this place. Cotton swabs Used exclusively to care for the skin around the navel, it is extremely undesirable to climb with these chopsticks directly into the umbilical wound.
    . In the maternity hospital, you may need a powder or butter (remember that the powder and oil are never used together, since the powder dries the skin, and the oil on the contrary, moisturizes it), the cream from diaper delicates (in case your crumbs will appear such trouble ). Many mothers use these kindergarten hygiene, even if there is no reason for this. Do not experiment with your baby's skin, use only those means in which there is a need.
    In the maternity hospital, you will probably use baby soap (or gel for the soul), cotton sponges or rollers for washbasins, cotton tanks for cleaning ears and nose. It will be useful to you and a towel for the baby (in advance of the children's powder or a children's soap and a stroking iron), although instead you can use a diaper. If there is no toilet or washbasin in your ward or you do not want to wash the crumbling with tap water, it is convenient to have a baby water bottle for daily washes.
    Wet wipes often cut down, but they still do not use them.
    You can take baby scissors in the maternity hospital - usually kids are born with long and sharp marigolds, scratch themselves, so they can begin to trim in the first days of life. Moreover, in the hospital you can ask the doctor to show how to do it right.
    Bottle, Dummy "Only you decide whether to make these accessories with you." We have already spoken about the bottle. The pacifier can be taken in the hospital if you plan to use it for a child.

    Do not forget to cook clothes on an extract For yourself and baby. As a rule, an elegant suit and / or a beautiful envelope (or a diaper) is bought on the newborns. It is useful, also, a box of sweets - in the event that you want to support the tradition of the sweet nurse in the maternity houses, which makes a newborn meeting to relatives.

    Brief list of things in the hospital

    And now we bring a brief list of what to take in the maternity hospital, it is convenient to print it and correct it so that it approached you.

    Prepar Chamber

    For Mom
    • Documentation: passport, exchange card.
    • Money.
    • Mobile phone and charger for him.
    • Receipts On payment of additional services.
    • Camcorder, Camera, Chargers for them.
    • Clothes for childbirth: Night shirt, bathrobe, slippers, socks.
    • Replaceable clothes for your partner: shoe covers, bathrobe, cap (cap).
    • Hygiene products: Toilet paper, soap, towel.
    • Disposable diapers.
    • Underwear, gaskets.
    • Food (sandwich, cookies or chocolate), drinking water.
    • Book, player, laptop (If you go to the maternity hospital in advance).
    For the newborn
    • Diapers (1-2 pieces size newborn.).
    • Set of diaper: Sitseva - 2 pcs, bike (flannel) - 2pcs.
    • Or clothes for newborns - 1 set of 56 sizes.
    • Bottle and mixture (If you think necessary).

    Postpartum Chamber

    For Mom
    • clothing: Another night shirt.
    • Hygiene products: Toilet paper, napkins, soap (shower gel), Toothbrush and paste, shampoo, towel, comb and gum or hairpins, cream, antiperspirant.
    • Cosmetics.
    • Underwear, gaskets.
    • Cream from cracks on nipples.
    • Breakfall for feeding.
    • Gaskets for bra.
    • Drinking water, cup, spoon plate (Depending on the terms of the hospital).
    • Notepad and handle.
    • Camcorder, Camera, Chargers for them.
    • Documentation: Passport, exchange card (will remain from the prenatal chamber).
    • Money.
    • Phone charger (will remain with the prenatal chamber).
    • Book, player, laptop (if necessary).
    For kid
    • Diapers (8-10 pieces per day) or sYSTEM OF NATURAL WELLANIA with the required number of replaceable liners.
    • clothing (3-4 sets per day).
    • Ordinary diapers: Sitsevy (5-6 pieces), bike (flannel) (5-6 pcs).
    • Disposable diapers.
    • Undercarriage tools: peroxide, greencraft (calendula tincture), cotton wands.
    • Children's cosmetics and hygiene products: Plipping, butter, Cream from diaper with diaper, baby soap or shower gel, cotton spongats or rollers for washings, cotton tanks, towel, baby water bottle, wet napkins.
    • Children's scissors.
    • Bottle, Dummy (If you think necessary).

    On an extract

    • Clothing for mom
    • Cosmetics
    • Clothes for kid: Elegant suit and / or beautiful envelope.
    • Camcorder, Camera, Chargers for them.
    • Box of sweets.

    Surely, something from this list you will save something to add, but hopefully, we helped make the basis for your own list of things in the maternity hospital and understand some controversial issues.

    Birth of a child - important moment In life, requiring training Mom, Pope, relatives. Cot, stroller, bath has already been bought, diapers are a big stock. There is a certain list of things necessary to mommie in the maternity hospital. It is required to take personal hygiene products, towels, toothpaste, brush. It is also important to know which diapers are needed in the hospital.

    List of things in the maternity hospital

    The list of necessary things is often the future mothers provide an obstetrician-gynecologist. The list of medicines, a medical product. Future mom It will take a bathrobe, slippers, underwear. It is important to take required documents, certificates, extracts.

    Naturally before the birth of the baby, the condition is exciting. But it is important to be extremely attentive collecting a bag. It is better to take the necessary diapers in advance. Well, when the bag is collected for 2 to childbirth. Prepare morally, psychologically, physically. In order not to be forgotten in the maternity hospital, mark on the list every item, as we put on a special bag.

    Diaper in the maternity hospital will also be needed. Without this attribute nowhere! They will need a baby, mom. They should be purchased, as practice shows, the more, the better. If several diapers remain unused, then 100% will be suitable for arrival home from the hospital. As for disposable diapers, it is important to take into account the peculiarity: the upper layer is soft and absorbing moisture, and the lower - not proceeded. These are important factors when Choo lies without diapers.

    The diaper of one-time application is very appropriate to use and during the campaign to the doctor. They should be kept well in the stroller or a bed as a litter. Indispensable in the process hygienic proceduresWhen you put a kid on a changing table. For the price they are inexpensive, you can buy in any pharmacy, on the shelves of supermarkets. In the first days enough 5-7 pcs.

    Sizes and quantity

    Do you need diapers in the maternity hospital? The question of obstetrics, nurses, giving birth girls respond to affirmatively. Without this attribute it is impossible. We will need disposable products, reusable.

    What size are the diaper in the maternity hospital:

    • 60x40;
    • 60x90;
    • 90x90;

    Diaper size for newborns - 90x90 and 100x100 cm. Are optimal variants of the child's swaddling. It is important to choose a material that will not lift when washing, change color, size. It is better to choose pastel shades. Matter should be easy to indulge in doubt, be as soft as possible. In order to buy diapers, it is important to carefully examine the seams, they should be neat, thin, so as not to injure the thin skin of the baby.
    Some moms who do not trust modern producers, sew diapers independently. It is not difficult, in specialized stores you can find a suitable, natural fabricwhich will be pleasant to the body, will not cause allergic reactions in the baby.

    How many diapers are needed in the maternity hospital? Every mother responds to a question differently by personal experience. The average number is 15 pieces. Believe me, this product will not be extended for a mother or baby. Some believe in the maternity hospital it is necessary to take 20 diapers. This is the maximum number. Today there are many color hammes and colors, shades of goods for children. For small crumb-girls choose beautiful pink things for boys blue.

    Extract in winter

    How are you waiting for an extract in winter? The seasonal factor when discharge from the maternity department is important to consider. Things for the baby should choose not only high quality, but also warm. Many mothers do not imagine how they will endure the baby's frost, even to the car. Take a few overalls, jackets, warm pants, tights, caps. Dress the baby in a hundred clothes - no way out. The crumb should be not only warm, but also cozy, comfortable, easy. Some moms believe clothes for an extract are bright festive things, but do not take into account the factors of heat and coziness for the baby.

    The size of the diaper on an extract in winter from the maternity hospital is the same as during the summer discharge. Just considering the seasonal factor, it is worth remembering that this item of children's things should be warm and enjoyable to the body. Do not forget about the hat in the winter. There must be 2. One thin, the second warm. As a result, the listed one can accurately say that the diapers will be needed in the maternity hospital.

    What is their optimal number? It all depends on how the mother will apply them. It is always worth remembering that there are several moments comparing diapers with diapers. If my mother will have his own days to keep the days in diapers (as far as they were not good), then his ass can get an unpleasant problem in the form of a diaper, because the skin will not be able to breathe. If you take into account the peculiarity of the kids while sleeping with hands, if it is not shy, He will be able to pinch the baby's skin, will cause pain, irritation, an allergic reaction, will scare. Doctors advise the child to swaded in the first months of life during sleep.

    For the first days of life, a child learns to adapt to what is happening to him. If he becomes wet, he will not like it, and it will give a loud plan for his parents. These kids are accustomed to the pot, rather than the kids who are in diapers all the time.

    You can come to the conclusion, diaper is a useful thing. Considering the number, it will turn out, on average, the child will need to buy ten thick warm diapers and ten of the thinner of matter. Plus add three or five disposable, it will turn out the first needed at least by writing down home. At a certain moment, the diapers are not enough, you will have time to purchase.

    The most comfortable size of disposable diapers in the maternity hospital - 60x90 cm. The most comfortable bedding material is waterproof diapers in a roll or in the form of a sheet. It is desirable that they are sterile. This will provide optimal hygiene conditions during childbirth and during the care of the kid.

    How much do you need one-time diapers in the maternity hospital?

    Deciding with the type and size of the material, it is necessary to decide how many disposable diapers take in the maternity hospital. Most often, future mothers cost 7-15 pieces of waterproof sterile diapers. For the births themselves, 3-6 pieces are required. Disposable postpartum diapers needed to care for mom and child constitute an average of 3-4 pieces per day.

    However, given the possible unforeseen circumstances, it will be wiserfully to take care of the presence of 4-5 extra diapers about the reserve.

    Disposable diapers in the hospital: Price

    Of course, disposable diapers for the feminine - the thing is necessary. Moreover, today manufacturers offer a wide range of not only their species, but also trademarks with a corresponding price range.

    • Medmil - from 123 to 470 rubles.
    • Molinea - from 211 to 2381 rubles.
    • Babyline - from 155 to 390 rubles.
    • Babylon - from 67 to 570 rubles.
    • Seni - from 99 to 1358 rubles.
    • Every day - from 67 to 221 rubles.
    • Dailee - from 420 to 600 rubles.
    • TENA - from 97 to 961 rubles.
    • HARTMANN - from 220 to 750 rubles.
    • Helen Harper - from 120 to 327 rubles.
    • 365 days - from 148 to 240 rubles.
    • LUXSAN - from 102 to 782 rubles.
    • Sun and Moon - from 110 to 410 rubles.
    • Teresa - from 128 to 950 rubles.
    • Okay - from 80 to 510 rubles.
    • ARO - from 240 to 334 rubles.
    • Peligrin - from 95 to 1003 rubles.

    The choice is very large. After all, each woman has its criteria and preferences in this matter, whether it is high quality or acceptable price.

    Review and comparison of absorbent diapers Video:

    So, do you acquire disposable absorbing diapers in the maternity hospital? All the advantages and availability of this hygienic agent is evident. Moreover, when it comes to health and safety, not only moms, but also a newborn baby, the choice in favor of their application becomes obvious.

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