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    It seems to many parents that the child a priori knows that he is loved. However, this is not true, and the baby needs daily confirmation that he is really loved. Love can be expressed different ways - affectionate words, time spent together and approval. Parenting and preschool education of children Principles of parenting before school age determine the work of a preschool teacher and are necessary for successful learning and complete assimilation of the necessary knowledge by the child. During the preschool education of children and the organization of the learning process, the task of the educator and teacher is to create the necessary conditions for increasing the general cognitive activity of children, the formation of a positive attitude towards educational activities, the education of independence and working capacity.



    Preschool education of children.


    Preschool education of children

    Preschool education of children includes several different directions. Methods of upbringing and preschool education of children. The basic principles of preschool education of children with the changes taking place in society, the approach to raising children is changing. If earlier children were influenced by imposing a sense of guilt on them, instilling the right habits with coercion and prohibitions, today modern children do not actually react to such methods. Mutual respect and cooperation between adults and children are at the heart of modern education methods, while the necessary trust and openness of relations requires a lot of dedication from adults, who also need to change their own stereotypes for the successful preschool education of children.

    It is possible to highlight the basic principles on which the upbringing of children is based today:

    • A respectful attitude that does not tolerate humiliation, violence and authoritarian pressure;
    • Freedom of choice, which allows the child to fully reveal the abilities inherent in him. At the same time, we are not talking about complete freedom without adult control. It is necessary to create the conditions necessary for the all-round development and preschool education of children, which allow, in a safe environment, to acquire knowledge and skills as easily and simply as possible;
    • Help in decision-making, which consists in showing the advantages, disadvantages and possible consequences of certain actions;
    • An explanation of your requirements and actions. This will allow the baby to understand that the adult does not put pressure on him, but tries to protect him from danger or teaches the discipline necessary in life;
    • Constant communication, which allows not only to establish a trusting relationship between parents and the child, but also contributes to the development of correct speech;
    • Support for any undertakings and encouragement of initiative, which will allow you to develop self-confidence and responsibility for your actions;
    • Manifestation of feelings in relation to the child.

    It seems to many parents that the child a priori knows that he is loved. However, this is not true, and the baby needs daily confirmation that he is really loved. Love can be expressed in a variety of ways - with sweet words, time spent together, and approval. Upbringing and preschool education of children The principles of upbringing of preschool children determine the work of a preschool teacher and are necessary for successful learning and full assimilation of the necessary knowledge by a child. During the preschool education of children and the organization of the learning process, the task of the educator and teacher is to create the necessary conditions for increasing the general cognitive activity of children, the formation of a positive attitude towards educational activities, the education of independence and working capacity. One of the basic principles of preschool education of children and the formation of the qualities of a child's personality is consistency and consistency. Thanks to this, all the necessary skills and knowledge are presented depending on the age with a gradual complication. Systematic training includes the following concepts: Provided educational material should reflect various aspects of the surrounding reality and be generalized into a single system of knowledge; The qualifications of the teacher should allow him to convey the necessary knowledge as the complexity increases, taking into account what the child can understand depending on age and abilities; The curriculum should contribute to the gradual development of logical thinking and include its various components - comparison, analysis, synthesis, generalization, development. The lesson should be an understanding and assimilation of new material, as well as the development of feelings, attention, imagination, memory and the formation of such character traits, as a sense of purpose and perseverance in overcoming emerging difficulties. In addition, another necessary condition for the construction correct process learning is the availability of teaching material. The pedagogy of M. Montessori is based on this principle, who believed that for the all-round development of a child it is necessary to provide him with all the aids and didactic materials necessary for this. Activities with children should stimulate cognitive activity. Any material or symbolic model can serve as a visual aid. However, you need to understand that this is just a tool of knowledge, not a goal. Therefore, when using them, you need to take into account its content and the possibility of feedback. The upbringing and preschool education of children should be based on an individual approach, taking into account the personal characteristics of the child's character, temperament, inclinations and abilities. An individual approach to teaching and upbringing significantly increases the effectiveness of classes and allows you to more fully reveal talents at an early age. Thanks to the individual approach in preschool education of children, the teacher can fully study the personal characteristics of the child and identify the factors that have the most significant impact on him.

    The principle of scientific teaching consists in the transition from the external description of the subject to its internal structure, from the knowledge of the phenomenon to its essence. Taking into account these requirements, educational material should be built, which will allow the child to get an idea of \u200b\u200bthe diversity of the external world around him. Another essential principle in preschool education of children is the strength of the knowledge and skills acquired. To do this, the educator must: Be able to highlight the main thing in the material being studied; The main directions of preschool education of children To show the relationship of the main idea of \u200b\u200bthe studied material with the knowledge available to the child, as a result of which the connections are consolidated, which makes it impossible in the future to lose the subjective significance of new knowledge in the child's mental activity;

    To consolidate the knowledge gained, they must be associated with the emotions, feelings and experiences of children. For this, you can use various games or fairy tales, which will cause an emotional response in the child.

    Good preschool education will play a decisive role in the subsequent life of a person, his intellectual, physical and spiritual development.

    Test work on preschool pedagogy on the topic:

    "Educator of a preschool institution - specialist in preschool education"

    St. Petersburg

    Work plan

    1. The role of the educator in the life of the child and society.

    2. Mom or kindergarten.

    3. Functions of a preschool teacher.

    4. The rights and obligations of the educator, regulated by the leading regulatory documents.

    5. Requirements for the personality of the educator.

    6. Educator of the XXI century. What should he be?

    List of references.

    1. The role of the educator in the life of the child and society

    “A chicken can love children. But to be able to educate them is a great state matter that requires talent and broad knowledge of life. "

    Bitter M

    In my opinion, an educator is not only a profession, it is a vocation that not every person is marked with, this vocation must be earned, earned with your work, your talent, your desire to constantly change, transform, improve.

    Having familiarized myself with the works of many Russian and Soviet teachers, I came to the conclusion that the teacher - philosopher Konstantin Nikolaevich Ventzel (1857-1947) reveals the most complete and exhaustive role of the educator in the life of the child and society.

    In the book "The theory of free upbringing and the ideal kindergarten" KN Wentzel outlined the basic provisions of free upbringing of preschool children.

    According to K.N. Wentzel, the child and the educator should have meaning as two equal units - and the upbringing communication that will be established between them there will not have as its task the subordination of the child to the will of the educator, but it will be compensated by the equal submission of the educator to the will of the child. But such balancing, or compensation, means that by nurturing communication, the element of submission is completely eliminated. The subordination of one, being balanced by the equal submission of the other, means only that the connection between them took the form of a union on an equal footing. And this is precisely the form that educational communication will strive to take in the ideal kindergarten... In traditional kindergartens, such equality in parenting communication does not exist. In them, the child obeys the will of the educator, but the educator does not obey the will of the child. In such kindergartens, only the educator, who considers this upbringing to be his prerogative, brings up, but not only the educator, but also the child of the educator should educate. And although this position sounds like a paradox, but only with consistent and unswerving implementation of it, we will have true educators and education will achieve the greatest possible positive results. The sooner the child sees and feels that not only he is being brought up, but that he himself, as it were, educates his educator, that the latter is constantly re-educating and improving under his influence, the fuller and more fruitful the influence of the educator on the child will be. The sooner he sees that the teacher does not seek to subordinate him to his will, that he not only does not try to oppose the will of the child, but on the contrary, recognizes and respects her and provides her with all possible assistance and support, the more he will be inclined to freely follow those reasonable and fair requirements set by the educator and who have in mind the welfare of the child.

    K.N. Wentzel believes that educators should make every effort to ensure that this institution appears to the child not only as a place of happiness, joy, freedom, but at the same time a serious solemn attitude to life and its tasks, and so that the child is increasingly imbued with the consciousness that by working thoughtfully and attentively here on the tasks of life arising in this small community, he will learn to work in a wider field on the same tasks of life, only on a larger scale. In order to awaken such a conscious attitude towards kindergarten in children, a large role should be played, according to the scientist, by common joint conversations about all the events in the life of the institution. At the same time, the educator should pay special attention to the fact that in these conversations there is as little external and ostentatious as possible, and that they are free, differing in sincere and thoughtful discussion of life issues. Also, K.N. Wentzel believes that kindergarten should be a place for acquiring certain knowledge and skills, a place for a child to play freely, a place for meeting all social, scientific, aesthetic, moral and other needs of a child, i.e. place of integral and harmonious life. However, in the process of free upbringing, kindergarten teachers, according to K.N.Ventzel, must reckon with the age of the children who are in it. This is the age of rapidly changing moods, rapidly leaping interests, and to place it in a certain framework of some program, some schedule would simply mean to fight it, would mean making the most desperate breakdown with this age. And a reasonable educator will never take this path. Each age must be fully outlived of its own characteristics, and that age of childhood, which falls on the share of kindergarten.

    The most important place, according to the scientist, should be given to the games of children. Games should be free, and in relation to them, the method of releasing creative forces should be carried out, which will be carried out there in relation to all other activities of the child. Kindergarten teachers should make sure that play leads to development creativity in the child, which cannot be said about modern educators, who in most cases offer the child this or that game themselves, and do not try to make the child invent this last one on his own. This explains the progress of children's games, which are transmitted and reproduced from generation to generation. Meanwhile, the scientist notes, play is a field of free discovery in the excess of the accumulated forces of life - it could be one of the best forms of exercising the child's creative abilities. And for modern educators it remains almost not utilized in this respect. They try to direct and guide children's play as much as possible and give them very little to play freely, and very little awaken in children their own initiative and their own independent creativity.

    Meanwhile, the scientist sees the activity of kindergarten teachers in capturing the nature of creativity to the highest degree both in the field of upbringing and in the field of mental education, adhering to the method of liberating creative forces in the child, the method of awakening and maintaining in him the spirit of seeking, research, creativity, the method of bringing the child into a state of greatest activity, and not a state of greatest passivity, as is the case in most cases with traditional teaching methods. Therefore, educators should not rush to answer the questions that the children ask them, they should strive to show the situation in such a way that the children independently reach the resolution of these issues, in every possible way encouraging their independent searches in this regard. For the child, it is much more important to help himself, by his own efforts, to achieve an answer to the question that has arisen, than to give him a ready answer to it. This technique will to the greatest extent contribute to the development of the child's spiritual strength, the development of independent thinking in him, the ability to question nature and himself to seek answers from her to the questions posed. One should strive to ensure that the entire learning process has the character of the child achieving his own goals.

    The defining moment in this regard will be to identify the needs and interests of the child as clearly and in detail as possible, and then they will be able to outline the amount of knowledge, skills and abilities recommended for children. The educator must remember that the child should be offered the knowledge that he needs at the moment, and not the knowledge that he will need in the future, but at the moment is not needed. Thus, the knowledge acquired by children in kindergarten will not be divorced from life in general and from the life of children in particular, from the real reality, the life they experience directly, with its even everyday, but deeply exciting interests. This knowledge will be in close connection with the socially necessary work that children will perform. Art classes will also play an important role in the development of the child, and they should be closely connected with life, with his free, emotional experiences, with those images that are born naturally and spontaneously in it. At the same time, educators should not point to work methods, since children will develop them themselves with constant practice, and with the accumulation of an ever-increasing stock of experience and observations. Thus, without losing his independence, originality and originality, he will gradually come to a more perfect performance of his works of art.

    Thus - through science, philosophy, art, religion - the integration of knowledge, the unification of natural and humanitarian sciences in the study of man, humanity, nature and Space - the formation of the cosmic consciousness of the child takes place.

    Mastering scientific knowledge about the World, a growing person, according to K.N. Wentzel, "will increasingly realize itself as a being connected in its existence with humanity, nature, and the Cosmos." As a result, he will come to "an understanding of the need to care for the environment." Education, as the teacher-philosopher believed, can develop a cosmic feeling - a feeling of unity with all of humanity as a carrier of cosmic life, a feeling of love and responsibility for nature and the Cosmos, respectful attitude to them.

    2. Mom or kindergarten

    Let us recall the phrase by L.N. Tolstoy: “It's only a step from a five-year-old child to me. And from a newborn to a five-year-old is a terrible distance. From the embryo to the newborn abyss ”.

    Is it obligatory to take a child to kindergarten when it is possible to leave him at home? Now many parents decide this issue in favor of home education. Unfortunately, this choice is not always the right one and gives the child the opportunity harmonious development and quality preparation for school. What are parents guided by when they decide not to take their baby to kindergarten? As a rule, they are worried about the unusual living and nutritional conditions, but the most intense excitement is caused by the alleged difficult adaptation of the child in the new team. Is it right to deprive a preschooler of the experience of communicating with strangers? After all, sooner or later he will still have to get out “from under the wing” of his loved ones, and it depends on them whether the child will be ready for this step.

    Let's take a look at the specific benefits of kindergarten as opposed to home education.

    First, the kindergarten provides the child with a routine that teaches the separation of work and rest. It is not always possible to organize the baby's time at home taking into account this important aspect.

    Secondly, communication in a team, search for contact with unfamiliar peers and adults - all this is the key to the best adaptation of the child at school. Group lessons provide an opportunity to follow the baby in a competitive situation and correct the child's reaction if necessary. Education at home does not give a preschooler this significant component of harmonious development, and deprives parents of the chance to see and eliminate existing problems in time. Thirdly, the kindergarten gives the child the opportunity for all-round development: physical education, visual activity, music lessons, a foreign language.

    Also, in the classroom in kindergarten, the foundations of knowledge about the world around (the world of plants, animals, humans, seasons) are laid; spatial orientation develops (the ability to name where the object is), memory and logical thinking (the ability to find similarities-differences, generalize, identify an extra object from the proposed ones, lay out the pictures, united by the plot, in the correct sequence). Equally important is the preparation of the hand for writing (copying a simple drawing, phrase), teaching elementary mathematical skills (ordinal up to ten, direct and countdown, the ability to solve simple problems), speech development (enrichment of the vocabulary, the formation of the grammatical structure of speech, the ability to compose stories according to the pictures).

    Fourthly, in the kindergarten, the child masters the skills of independent work and performing tasks according to verbal instructions. In the classroom, voluntary attention is trained, which allows you to work with concentration on the material. If you decide to raise and educate your child at home, think again if you can properly implement all aspects of preparing your child for school life.

    Attending kindergarten will help your child prepare for school:

    Follow a regime that separates work and rest,

    Communicate in a team and find contact with people,

    Develop comprehensively,

    Master the skills of independent work,

    Improve health and character.

    3. Functions of a kindergarten teacher

    The teacher of preschool institutions teaches the child the basics of independence, the rules of behavior in society, prepares the child for admission to school (that is, teaches them to read and count).

    The profession of an educator appeared relatively recently at the beginning of the last century. This is due to the fact that women began to work. Especially many preschool institutions appeared with the restoration of Soviet power, but in the West the network of preschool institutions began to develop around the same period.

    In the pre-revolutionary period, there were orphanages with educators. In wealthy families, it was customary to hire tutors to raise children. This profession was very popular in our country in the 19th - early 20th centuries. Then young men and women from impoverished aristocratic families who received a good upbringing and education in various institutes or universities became the governors. After several decades of hiatus, this profession has again become in demand.

    The governors are invited to visit children over three years old. Home education is not easy work. The task of the tutor is not just to organize the child's leisure time, he must comprehensively develop and train his ward. That is why the tutor must have a pedagogical education and experience in teaching any subject (tutoring), as well as a desire and willingness to work with children. A home educator also needs a medical record.

    Women are more likely to become home teachers. Now a new profession has appeared for real men - a governor-bodyguard. In addition to higher education and knowledge of a foreign language, an applicant for this job must be in good physical shape and not have bad habits. Knowledge of hand-to-hand combat techniques and the ability to drive vehicles are also encouraged.

    Constant communication with the child is the most important official function of the educator. The educator should be able to answer many questions, taking into account the age. From how correctly and how quickly the teacher will find an approach to each child, will be able to organize, the life of children in a preschool institution depends on whether the children will be calm, affectionate, and sociable, or they will grow up restless, alert, withdrawn. Taking care of the child's life in preschool institutions, performing all modes of activities - eating, sleeping, hardening, walking, physical exercises - are the main duty of the educator. Children are taught to tie shoelaces and fasten zippers, use a spoon, fork, handkerchief, sing, dance, speak correctly, draw, make friends, etc.

    However, the most important thing in the work of a kindergarten teacher is his responsibility for each child. It is he who makes sure that in the child's life there are no broken noses and knees, as well as broken arms and legs.

    The teacher must know a lot and be able to. The front is not an easy task - to teach a child to perceive and understand everything that is beautiful in the world; nature, music, poetry. The teacher must be able to: sew, tinker, play and sing with children. The teacher should always be interesting for his children. In something, at least in one, he must have some special data, for example: to be an excellent athlete or a good singer. And he needs to read a lot. He must know well children's fiction.

    The teacher not only organizes the work of the children's collective as a whole, but the personal relationships of children with each other. The teacher's appearance plays an important role in raising children. They love very much if the teacher is charming, neatly dressed and well-combed, cheerful and cheerful, has a sense of humor. Pleasant appearance, gentle manner of handling attract not only children, but also make a good impression on parents.

    The teacher is faced with a difficult task - as an adult who develops and trains the child to understand and feel children's World, combine rigor and kindness, respect for the little person and exactingness. But children are so different! Some people like to live by the rules, with the help of which they feel familiar with the world of adults, while others, on the contrary, want to do what is not allowed - this is how they defend their personality. Therefore, educators need patience and flexibility of thinking in order to individually and accurately apply the knowledge of pedagogy and psychology.

    The main method in teaching, developing and raising children is play. Wise educators forbid little and play a lot. After all, children live in the game, convinced from their own experience how unpleasant it is when they offend the weak, and how joyful it is to receive help when you need it. They learn to respect themselves and others by "pulling out the turnip" or "fleeing from the wolf." The teacher's skill lies in the fact that he knows when a timid child should be supported by “appointing him a wolf”, and an aggressive one should be taught sympathy by “making him a goat”.

    Having noticed the child's abilities, the educator must not only support the weak shoots of future endeavors, but also convince the parents of the need to develop the child. Here he cannot do without observation, good memory and tact.

    4. The rights and obligations of the educator, regulated by the leading regulatory documents

    In accordance with the law of the Russian Federation "On Education" dated 10.07.1992 No. 3266-1, employees of preschool institutions have the following rights:

    Article 55. Rights of workers educational institutions and measures of their social support (as amended by Federal law from 22.08.2004 N 122-FZ)

    1. Employees of educational institutions have the right to participate in the management of an educational institution, to protect their professional honor and dignity.

    2. A disciplinary investigation of violations by a teacher of an educational institution of the norms of professional behavior and (or) the charter of a given educational institution can be carried out only upon a complaint filed against him in writing. A copy of the complaint must be given to the teacher in question.

    3. The course of the disciplinary investigation and the decisions taken as a result of its results may be made public only with the consent of the interested pedagogical worker of the educational institution, except for cases leading to the prohibition to engage in pedagogical activities, or, if necessary, to protect the interests of students, pupils.

    4. In the performance of professional duties, teaching staff have the right to freedom of choice and use of teaching and education methods, teaching aids and materials, textbooks in accordance with the educational program approved by the educational institution, methods of assessing the knowledge of students, pupils. The choice of textbooks and teaching aids used in the educational process in educational institutions with state accreditation and implementing educational programs of general education is carried out in accordance with the list of textbooks and teaching aids determined by the educational institution.

    5. For teaching staff of educational institutions, a reduced working time is established - no more than 36 hours per week.

    Depending on the position and (or) specialty of teachers of educational institutions, taking into account the peculiarities of their work, the duration of working hours, as well as the minimum duration of annual paid leave, are established by the Code of Labor Laws of the Russian Federation and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation.

    Pedagogical workers of educational institutions, in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Russian Federation, enjoy the right to receive a seniority pension until they reach retirement age, for free living space with heating and lighting in rural areas, workers' settlements (urban-type settlements), for the priority provision of living space. The amount, conditions and procedure for reimbursement of expenses related to the provision of these social support measures are established by legislative acts of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

    Pedagogical employees of an educational institution, at least every 10 years of continuous teaching work, have the right to long leave for a period of up to one year, the procedure and conditions for the provision of which are determined by the founder and (or) the charter of this educational institution.

    6. The teaching load of a teacher of an educational institution, stipulated in the employment agreement (contract), is limited by the upper limit determined by the standard regulation on an educational institution of the corresponding type and type.

    6.1. Employees who are recruited by the decision of the authorized executive bodies to conduct the unified state exam during working hours and who are released from their main job for the period of the unified state exam shall retain the guarantees established by labor legislation and other acts containing labor law norms.

    Employees involved in the conduct of the unified state examination may be paid compensation for the work on the preparation and conduct of the unified state examination. The amount and procedure for payment of compensation are established by the constituent entity of the Russian Federation within the funds of the budget of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation allocated for the unified state examination.

    7. A pedagogical worker of an educational institution of higher professional education who has an academic degree in the relevant specialty has the right to read a training course parallel to the existing one free of charge. The management of an educational institution is obliged to create the necessary conditions for this.

    8. Pedagogical employees of federal state educational institutions (including executives whose activities are related to the educational process), in order to facilitate their provision with book publishing products and periodicals, are paid a monthly monetary compensation in the amount of 150 rubles in federal state educational institutions of higher professional education and the corresponding additional professional education, in the amount of 100 rubles - in other federal state educational institutions.

    The said monetary compensation shall be paid to pedagogical workers of state educational institutions under the jurisdiction of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation by decision of the state authority of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation in the amount established by the said body; teachers of municipal educational institutions - by decision of the local government in the amount established by the said body.

    In accordance with the "Charter of a preschool educational institution in the Russian Federation", the teacher has the right:

    · Participate in the work of the council of teachers;

    · Elect and be elected chairman of the council of teachers of preschool educational institutions;

    · Choose, develop and apply educational programs (including copyright), teaching and education methods, teaching aids and materials;

    · To defend their professional honor and dignity;

    · Require the administration of the preschool educational institution to create the conditions necessary for the performance of official duties, advanced training;

    · Improve qualifications;

    · Professional skills;

    · To be certified on the basis of an application for the relevant qualification category;

    · Participate in scientific and experimental work;

    · To distribute their pedagogical experience, which has received scientific justification;

    · Receive social benefits and guarantees established by the legislation of the Russian Federation; additional benefits provided to teachers by local authorities and management, the founder, the administration of the preschool educational institution.

    In accordance with the "Charter of a preschool educational institution in the Russian Federation", the teacher is obliged:

    · Comply with the Charter of the DOE;

    · Comply with job descriptions, the internal regulations of the preschool educational institution;

    · To protect the life and health of children;

    · Protect the child from all forms of physical and mental violence;

    · Cooperate with the family on the education and training of the child; have professional skills, constantly improve them

    5. Requirements for the personality of the educator

    A number of the most serious requirements are imposed on the personality of the teacher. Among them, one can distinguish the main ones, without satisfaction, which it is impossible to become a highly qualified educator, and secondary ones, the compliance with which is not necessary for the teacher, but makes him a person who is able to teach and educate another person in the best way. Both the main and secondary requirements relate to the psychology of the teacher's activity and communication, to his abilities, knowledge, skills and abilities, useful for teaching and raising children. Both among the main and among the additional psychological properties necessary for a qualified teacher, there are stable, constantly inherent in the teacher and educator of all eras, times and peoples, and changeable, due to the characteristics of this stage of socio-economic development, in which the society is located, where he lives and the teacher works.

    The main and constant requirement for a teacher is love for children, for pedagogical activity, the presence of special knowledge in the field in which he teaches children, broad erudition, pedagogical intuition, highly developed intellect, a high level of general culture and morality, professional knowledge of various methods training and education of children. Without any of these factors, successful pedagogical work is impossible.

    All of these properties are not innate. They are acquired by systematic and hard work, the tremendous work of the teacher on himself. It is no coincidence that there are many teachers and educators, but there are only a few gifted and talented among them, who brilliantly cope with their duties. There are probably fewer such people in the field of the teaching profession than in many other areas of human activity.

    Additional, but relatively stable requirements for a teacher are sociability, artistry, cheerful disposition, good taste, and others. These qualities are important, but less than the main ones listed above. The educator can do without each of these qualities individually. One can imagine, for example, a not very sociable mathematician, whose knowledge and teaching abilities are so well developed that, in the absence of this generally useful quality for people, he, nevertheless, may well remain a good teacher. Conversely, it is not difficult to imagine some kind of sociable, with a rather cheerful disposition, good taste, artistic person who clearly lacks pedagogical abilities. Such a person is unlikely to ever be a good teacher or educator.

    The main and secondary pedagogical qualities in the aggregate make up the personality of the teacher, by virtue of which every good teacher is a unique and peculiar personality.

    The question of the main and secondary changeable qualities of a teacher that are required of him at a given moment in the history of society, at a given time and at a given workplace is somewhat more difficult to resolve. The existing education system often lags behind the transformations that are taking place in the social sphere, but in general it reflects it quite flexibly. The new situation that is developing in society sets new goals for education and upbringing. They, in turn, determine the requirements for the personality of the teacher and educator. In order to establish these requirements on time and more accurately, the following must be done:

    1. Correctly assess the trends in the political, social and economic development of society.

    2. Determine what qualities a person will have to possess in this society for the society to develop continuously.

    3. Establish what advantages a modern person should have and what shortcomings a modern person who graduates from high school.

    4. Find out what a modern teacher should become, ensuring the formation and development of the personality necessary for society.

    Let us discuss the provisions formulated above. The main trend of the modern progressive development of society is the democratization of life; there is a decentralization of management, the transfer of power to the localities.

    Economic transformations have affected the entire system of social relations, introducing market fundamentals into most of them, dictating the need for independent decision-making. In this regard, the opportunities for establishing direct political, social, economic and cultural ties between people have significantly expanded, which in turn has led to the intensification of business and personal communication.

    Increased transparency has made it possible to publish various points of view on the most pressing issues affecting all spheres of society. These tendencies have increased the requirements for the qualities that representatives of the new younger generation should possess. What are these qualities?

    First of all, it is the ability to live in conditions of expanding democracy, transparency, pluralism of opinions, to communicate and interact with people on a legal and democratic basis. This presupposes, on the one hand, the ability to recognize, understand, take for granted the existence of many different points of view, conduct discussions and, on a highly cultural basis, resolve differences that arise; on the other hand, it is a rejection of diktat and any means of exerting pressure on a person, requires respect for her, recognition of her dignity and importance. It is also a rejection of the principle that the interests of society prevail over the interests of a particular individual.

    The transfer or loss of power by one side presupposes its acceptance, the ability to use it to the other side. This places high demands on organizational skills, the ability to lead people, and make managerial decisions. This requires professional competence and the possession of the qualities of a leader-leader.

    Changing the system of economic relations requires prudence, efficiency, thrift, economic ingenuity, enterprise, and many other personality traits, which quite recently were considered, if not negative, then, in any case, not the most necessary in life and were not consciously brought up in most children.

    Publicity requires a person to be able to express their thoughts orally or in writing, convince, prove, speak oneself and listen carefully to others. In the near future, young people who graduate from secondary school should become the owners of all these qualities, and if we want the positive changes that have begun to take place in our society to take root completely, we should now take care of significantly changing the system of education and upbringing. children. In order to educate a personality, and now, more than ever, we need individuals who meet the requirements of the time, the teacher himself must have independence, literacy, initiative, independence and many other qualities, systematically develop them in himself.

    In order to successfully cope with their work, the teacher must have outstanding general and special abilities. The general abilities include those that determine high results in any human activity, and the special ones include those on which the success of pedagogical activity, teaching and upbringing of children depends.

    The process of forming and developing the abilities of a teacher as a teacher can be said the same as stated above about the abilities of a teacher, with the exception, perhaps, of one thing: being a good teacher is more difficult than being a good teacher. This is due to the fact that among the abilities characteristic of an educator there are more of those that are given to a person by nature than among the abilities inherent in a teacher.

    Among teachers, there are many who are a good teacher, but a relatively weak educator. There are also those who are able to raise children well, but are much worse at coping with the role of a teacher. This circumstance is not a basis for the conclusion that the corresponding people cannot become good teachers, just the sphere of application of their pedagogical skills can be different: either mainly teaching, or mainly educational.

    Among the special pedagogical abilities there is also a special kind of ability, which cannot be unequivocally attributed either to the activity of a teacher or to the work of an educator, since it is equally necessary for both of them. This is the ability for pedagogical communication. V.A. Kan-Kalik, a scientist-psychologist who has studied this ability a lot, wrote that pedagogical work has more than 200 components in its structure. Communication is one of the most difficult aspects of it, since through it the main thing in pedagogical work is carried out: the influence of the teacher's personality on the student's personality. One of the important qualities of a teacher is the ability to organize long-term and effective interaction with students. This skill is usually associated with the communication skills of the teacher. Possession of professional and pedagogical communication is the most important requirement for the personality of a teacher in that aspect of it that concerns interpersonal relationships.

    What is the structure of communication abilities, knowledge, skills and abilities used by the teacher in communicating with children?

    First of all, let us note that the communicative abilities manifested in pedagogical communication are the ability to communicate in a specific way in the field of pedagogical interaction associated with the teaching and upbringing of children.

    Cognition of a person by a person includes a general assessment of a person as a person, which is usually formed on the basis of the first impression about him; assessment of individual traits of his personality, motives and intentions; assessment of the connection between externally observed behavior and the inner world of a person; the ability to "read" poses, gestures, facial expressions, pantomime. "

    A person's knowledge of himself implies an assessment of his knowledge; assessment of their abilities; assessment "of their character and other personality traits; an assessment of how a person is perceived from the outside and looks in the eyes of the people around him.

    The ability to correctly assess the situation of communication is the ability to observe the situation, choose the most informative signs and pay attention to them; correctly perceive and evaluate the social and psychological meaning of the situation that has arisen.

    Interesting pedagogically, but less studied and give rise to more varied problems in practice, the so-called non-verbal forms of pedagogical communication. Associated communication skills include: the ability to make contact with strangers; the ability to prevent the occurrence and promptly resolve conflicts and misunderstandings that have already arisen; the ability to behave in such a way as to be correctly understood and perceived by another person; the ability to behave in such a way as to enable another person to show their interests and feelings; the ability to extract from communication, maximum benefit for yourself.

    The communication skills of the teacher lend themselves to development. Socio-psychological training gives good results in their formation.

    A special area of \u200b\u200bmanifestation of the ability for pedagogical communication is the use of rewards and punishments by the teacher. They stimulate the student's success, especially when the rewards and punishments are deserved and fair. Their stimulating role depends on the pedagogical justification of rewards and punishments.

    In modern civilized society, the teacher is a figure that requires special attention, and where his place is occupied by insufficiently professionally trained people, children suffer first of all, and the losses that arise here are usually irreparable. This requires society to create such conditions that among teachers and educators there are people who are the most intellectually and morally prepared to work with children, and this is not up to every person.

    A professional teacher is the only person who devotes most of his time to teaching and raising children. Other adults, including the child's parents, are busy with their professional problems and household chores and cannot devote much time to children. If teachers were not involved in teaching and raising children, then after several generations society would cease its development. A new generation of people would simply be insufficiently prepared to sustain social, economic and cultural progress.

    6. Educator of the XXI century. What should he be?

    “... Perhaps our work is seemingly inconspicuous, but I know only one thing - the kids are rushing to our garden, hurrying their mother in the morning - let's hurry, mother, let's run! Probably - this is the answer - there is no more valuable work in the world! "

    L.F. Evstratikova

    The teacher is an eternal creator.

    He teaches life and love of work.

    I am a teacher, mentor, educator,

    For which I thank my fate.

    You need a lot of affection and care

    Hear everyone, understand everyone.

    Educator - hard work -

    Constantly replace my mother.

    The guys will grow up, they will not forget their childhood,

    Life has a century ahead.

    And that mischievous person will be kind over the years,

    The main thing is that he is a MAN!

    It doesn't matter who they work for.

    For an educator, children are forever!

    The more people will respect them,

    The higher the bar of my work!

    Some will leave, other children will come,

    They get both affection and comfort here.

    I will be appreciated in the 21st century

    The teacher's work will be appreciated - good work!

    List of references


    1. Law of the Russian Federation "On Education", Art. 55-56;

    2. Preschool education in Russia. - M., AST, 1997, pp. 160-162.

    3. Preschool pedagogy / ed. IN AND. Loginova and P.G. Samorukova - M., 1988,

    4. Part 2, chapter 7.

    5.S.A. Kozlova, T.A. Kulikova Preschool pedagogy. - M. - 2000, chapter 1.


    1. The concept of preschool education.

    2. Preschool pedagogy / ed. Sokhina F., Yadyshko V. - M., 1986, chapter 21.

    3. Gelashvili I. N. Anthropological views of K.N. Ventzel on the theory of free education / Echo: collection of articles. Issue No. 4. Publishing house of MPU. 2000.S. 71-77.

    Preschool education: psychology of a preschooler, peculiarities of perception

    The upbringing of preschoolers can be called a kind of foundation from which the construction and development of everything further begins - character, abilities, skills.

    The personality of the child begins to form precisely during this interesting and difficult period. And to parents who carepreschool education , you have to learn a lot in order to be ready for any surprises and surprises.

    Preschool education of children: two directions

    The upbringing of preschoolers can be roughly divided into two directions. The first is preparation for school, which is undoubtedly necessary. And the second is the development of certain personal qualities in a child, designed to help him in later life. Of course, it is much easier for those parents whose children attend kindergarten. There professionals are engaged in the upbringing of preschoolers. However, in any case, the main burden of preschool education falls on the parents' shoulders.

    Parenting: preparing for school

    How to tell if your child is ready for school? There are many tests for this, but they all in one way or another imply affirmative answers to basic questions.

      1. Does the child express a desire to learn?

      2. Does he like to pose as a schoolboy?

      3. Does the child want to learn new things?

      4. Does the child have different interests?

    If a son or daughter expresses a desire to learn, to know the world, to comprehend something new, then it is necessary to support them in this desire.

    What shouldn't be done in preschool education?

    Many parents, deciding to devote last year before schoolpreschool education make common mistakes. For example, they deprive the child of his "quiet hour" after lunch ("to get used to it"), arrange home "lessons" with notebooks, bells and breaks, and study with the child according to the 1st grade program. All this is not only superfluous in the upbringing of preschoolers, but can also cause some harm: a child forcibly involved in an almost “adult” life loses the desire to learn and interest in school life.

    What should be done in preschool education?

    The development of preschool children implies that parents and educators should teach, first of all, to think independently, draw conclusions, reflect, and listen to other people. This is difficult for most first-graders because they did not acquire the appropriate skills during the preschool period. When educating in preschool age, it is very important to instill just such attitudes and habits.

    Preschool development: fine motor skills

    Methodology for upbringing preschoolers is largely based on development fine motor skills... A huge number of receptors are located in a child's fingers. They send impulses directly to the brain, to the centers that control the development of speech and the coordination of movements of the fingers. These centers are in the immediate vicinity. That is why it is so important to pay sufficient attention to the development of fine motor skills in preschool education and training.

    Working with pens, fingers, the child activates some parts of the brain and centers "responsible" for the development of speech.

    Many parents, thinking about the methods of upbringing preschoolers, mistakenly assume that they should start using them no earlier than 3-4 years old. In fact, preschool education of children begins from the first days of life. The development of fine motor skills is facilitated by even the simplest exercises with the "baby", which can be carried out from the first days of his life. A good effect in the development and education of preschool children is given by “ finger gymnastics"- you need to bend and unbend each finger of the baby in turn, gently massage them, make circular movements on small palms. The development and education of preschool children should be accompanied by such simple exercises that, if repeated regularly, perfectly stimulate the points directly connected with the cerebral cortex.

    Preschool education of children , their development is unthinkable without training the hands and fingers. If you are thinking about proper parenting and development of primary school children, give them the opportunity to sort out some small items (of course, under the supervision of adults, so that there is no temptation to try "by the tooth", for example, buttons). And for complete safety, teachers specializing in the upbringing of preschoolers recommend sewing buttons to a piece of fabric. In addition, small and large cubes made of different materials (wooden, plastic), construction kit parts, counting sticks, etc.

    Developing preschool children, give your baby a rug made of fabrics of different texture: silk, velvet, corduroy, wool, cotton.

    And how much joy (and at the same time benefit) the games of "magpie-crow", "okay", "there is a horned goat" bring to younger preschoolers! This is also included in the concept of the development of preschool children.

    Features of the psychology of preschoolers

    Preschool education of children implies that parents understand the peculiarities of child psychology. At this age, the formation of the child's personality takes place. The kid constantly communicates not only with parents and other family members, but also with peers in kindergarten and in the yard, with older and younger children. Sometimes in the process of communication, various difficulties arise, caused by the inability to listen to other people or defend their opinion.

    Competent preschool education of children is constant observation of the child, understanding the peculiarities of the relationship between children.

    Preschool education of children: from 4 to 6

    Psychologists call the age from 4 to 6 years a relatively calm period. The upbringing of younger preschoolers 4–5 years old is relatively easy: the baby is calm, obedient, sleeps and eats well, does not need hourly care. If the child, for example, does not fall asleep well, try to streamline evening activities and turn going to bed into a kind of ritual. Washing, bathing, changing clothes, reading or telling a story (the overhead light must be turned off, leaving the floor lamp or night lamp on).

    Preschool education of children 6 years old

    The upbringing and development of a child 6 years and older requires a lot of patience and the ability to negotiate. And if the child's family is surrounded by love and care, then the situation in kindergarten is somewhat different. Peers are not always as friendly as parents. Therefore, friction, quarrels, conflicts can arise. Nevertheless, contacts with children are more preferable and interesting for a child.

    Paying great attention to the development of a 6-year-old child and being guided by the preschool upbringing program, one should not forget about the interest in the world around that all children of this age, without exception, experience. Get ready to answer the endless questions of the little "why", not brushing them off, but trying to find information.

    Preschool education of children: do children need "horror stories"?

    Early childhood education involves many factors, including reading and telling fairy tales and stories. Some parents taking care ofcorrect preschool education and training , sometimes they try to develop “courage” in the baby by telling him scary stories.

    Almost all children are initially tuned in to a positive perception of events, they are optimists by nature. That is why in preschool education it is necessary to avoid scary tales and all kinds of "horror stories": the fragile and vulnerable psyche of the child can suffer, children at this age are not yet prepared to perceive the negative.

    Try to maintain a bright and kind perception of life in your child. More often say that you love him, hug, kiss, praise. This is very important for proper preschool education. Your care, attention and love give the child a feeling of security, and later this feeling will develop into self-confidence.

    If you pay enough attention to the preschool education of children, being interested in the methods of raising children of preschool age, this will certainly bear fruit, leaving an imprint on the future life of the child.

    Preschool Education: Helping Your Child Get Rid of Fears

    Psychologists who deal with issues of preschool education and who are the authors of the methodology for educating preschoolers argue that fears appear in a child as a result of insufficient warmth that parents give them, and an excessive amount of all kinds of prohibitions.

    To help your baby forget about their fears, you cannot do the following:

    lock him alone in a room;

    to frighten with a doctor ("give an injection") or a policeman ("put in jail");

    beat (in the face, hands);

    scare with a wolf, dog and other animals;

    stop talking to the child;

    forcing the child to stand or sit as a punishment.

    Competent preschool education of children involves understanding children's fears. If your goal is righteducation of preschool children , you cannot laugh at a child because of his fears, call him a coward, punish him for being afraid of the dark or loneliness. And of course, the process of raising preschool children should completely exclude ridicule of the baby, especially in front of other children or adults. All methods of upbringing preschoolers insist on this.

    Preschool education of children is, first of all, the desire to understand them and accept them as they are. If your kid is afraid of someone specific - Babu Yaga, for example, Brownie or Leshey - play with him in fairy tale characters, show them kind and fearless. Such preschool education will surely help your child cope with fears.

    Another good method that the preschool education program recommends is to paint the fears with your child and then burn them or throw them away.

    Many children are afraid of the dark. In this case, the preschool education program provides for the following rules:

    do not close the doors to the nursery too tight;

    leave a burning night light at night;

    walk around a dark room with your child, finding different objects by touch.

    Psychologists specializing in the upbringing of younger preschoolers recommend not playing noisy games before going to bed, not reading scary tales, not watching cartoons about cannibals and evil sorcerers.

    On our website for preschool education you will find many interesting and useful materials on the preschool education system.


    The audience: preschool education workers, parents

    Periodicity: 10 issues per year. Published monthly, except June and July.

    Volume: 80 pages

    Publishing House: Childhood-Press

    Publisher's website: www.detstvo-press.ru


    - 83043 - Rospechat,
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    - ID Economic newspaper - 43631.


    PRESCHOOL PEDAGOGIKA magazine has been published since 2000.

    Employees of the leading pedagogical institutions of St. Petersburg and the City Education Committee take part in the preparation of the numbers.

    • The health of our children
    • Preschool Academy
    • Methodical office
    • Correctional pedagogy
    • Family circle
    • Psychological service
    • Preschool management
    • To the teacher's piggy bank
    • Music Box
    • Tear-off pages
    • Legal service

    The magazine provides practical advice on parenting. A lot of practical material has been collected: class notes, game selections, musical scenes, performances. For clarity of perception, practical material is shown on color tabs.

    Everyone will find a heading of interest. The section "Preschool Academy" presents the results of experimental work with children of early age. The heading "Methodical office" offers recommendations on the formation of social communication skills in preschoolers. The heading "Family circle" will help to involve parents in corrective work with children, in particular in the field of speech therapy.

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