• Wash the windows. What is the best way to wash the windows so that they shine and there are no streaks? Automatic streak-free window cleaners


    Washing windows hardly an easy and enjoyable activity. But the "eyes of the house" need to be kept clean. It seems that every housewife knows how to wash them. Although useful tips to help you do this quickly and easily, and so that there are no streaks on the glass, will never be superfluous.

    Preparation for washing windows

    Actually, if you decide to clean the windows in your house, it is better to check the weather forecast for the coming days in advance. What for? But it is recommended to simply do this when it is cloudy outside and there is no wind. The sun's rays quickly dry out the glass and you will have to make extra efforts to remove streaks.

    We free the window sills from flowers in advance and prepare everything necessary so that washing the windows does not take much time.

    In the process of cleaning, we will need sponges, absorbent wipes or rags, containers with water, detergents (you can use universal or special ones designed for cleaning glass). The main thing is not to use abrasives and hard sponges, so as not to damage the windows.

    A very handy thing is a wiper (many call it a screed or screed). Those who used this device appreciated the effect - it helps to wash the windows faster.

    And if the wiper has a long handle, you don't have to climb on a chair or balance on the windowsill - you can easily reach the top of the window with a light movement of your hand. There are models that have a sponge on the one hand, which is used to wash the glass, and on the other, they actually have a squeeze (elastic band that removes moisture).

    If everything is running and you have to tinker with the windows, then you cannot do without special tools. Just read the instructions carefully - is the drug suitable for you, is it intended for plastic, will it harm wooden frames.

    But the popular folk remedy soda, which perfectly helps to clean carpets at home, is not suitable when washing windows - and stains remain on the glass, and the frames can be damaged.

    So, what to wash the windows, you have decided. It's time to get to work.

    Washing windows - easy and quick ways

    The main concern of every housewife is how to wash the windows without streaks. And here it is important to do everything right.

    Method 1

    This method is a simple window cleaning if you have not already purchased a glass cleaner.

    1. Remember the alphabet: "Mom washed the frame"? The whole process begins with the frame. And then washing the glasses.
    2. It is recommended to first clean the room side and then outside.
    3. We wash the glasses with water and detergent, then wash off the solution with clean water.
    4. Wipe dry with a lint-free cloth that absorbs moisture. Better, of course, if you have a flannel rag, microfiber or spandex sponge.
    5. And the final stage - we rub the glass until it shines. Supporters grandma's methods do it quite successfully with ordinary newspaper, you can use old tights or paper towels. For those who do not believe in the old ways, it is better to use household chemicals - special products on sale are presented very well.

    Here is a method for cleaning windows without streaks - quite simple.

    Method 2

    The cleaning process is simplified with a wiper.

    1. Let's start again with the frame, then we have to wash the glass.
    2. Using a sponge, moisten the surface of the glass with soapy water and drive the dirt from top to bottom. Once again we pass a sponge along the joints of the frame with the glass.
    3. To clean the outside of the glass, you need a long-handled window brush.
    4. We wipe the glass with clean water and drive the water from top to bottom with a glass cleaner. Cleaning experts advise doing this with horizontal movements. Do not forget to regularly wipe the rubber strip, it must be dry in contact with the glass, otherwise stains cannot be avoided.
    5. After wiping with a screed, the glass will already be clean, but for heightened effect it is better to walk with a flannel cloth, especially near the frame, where water could remain.

    Features of washing plastic windows

    How to clean plastic windows correctly?

    Washing such windows requires a delicate approach: we take only soft rags and sponges, both for glass and for a profile. We do not use aggressive substances in any case (no solvents, alkalis, acids).

    To prevent white plastic frames from discoloring, it is best to wash them with normal soapy water, other products may cause an unwanted chemical reaction.

    And if you have wooden frames, you do not need to wash them, just wipe them with a damp sponge and then wipe dry with a soft cloth.

    Let's not forget about other structural elements: after washing and drying, we lubricate the metal fittings with machine oil, the sealing rubber with glycerine or silicone grease. And another important point is to keep the drainage systems clean so that there are no blockages.

    Handy tools for cleaning windows

    With all the variety of ready-made products that help make window cleaning of high quality, many housewives prefer to use what is at hand.

    show more

    Clean windows mean a well-kept and bright home. Do you want to know how to clean windows to perfect cleanliness without spending too much time and effort on it? We will tell you how to solve this problem at home. For each task, we will describe the necessary materials, detergents and give several important tips on a note.

    Necessary materials

    If you are not using special cleaning wipes, then you will need to wash:

    • sponge or rag made of coarse linen (you can choose microfiber or nylon);
    • a bucket or basin in which there will be a cleaning solution;
    • the cleaning agent itself or solution;
    • cleaning absorbent cloth;
    • you can also use a special scraper with a silicone nozzle to remove excess moisture.

    A wide variety of tools can be used to clean windows. Folk remedies are the most economical option, since you can find everything you need in your kitchen.

    They are not always effective against stubborn dirt and difficult stains (primer, cement, soot, glue, etc.), but they do an excellent job with dust and dirt, as well as various kinds of stains (from insects, rain, etc.).

    Most popular remedies

    Popular among housewives are:

    • The ammonia will wash plastic windows without leaving streaks. It will also perfectly remove nicotine film from frames. Take 100 ml of ammonia (you can use flavored alcohol) and dissolve in a bucket cold water... Unpleasant odors in the apartment cannot be avoided, therefore, after washing the windows, the room must be thoroughly ventilated.
    • Windows can be perfectly cleaned using regular 9% vinegar. Use 4 tbsp. l. vinegar and 2 liters of cold water. With vinegar, you will not only clean windows to a shine. Due to its strong smell, it perfectly protects the house from insects entering from the street.

    • You can also use starch to clean stained windows. Prepare the following solution: 2 tbsp. l. Dissolve starch in 2 liters of water. Stir the starch well. Use the resulting mixture to wash the window with a sponge or a piece of cloth.
    • Potatoes. If there are a lot of dried stains on the window, the window should be wiped with half a potato, and then simply remove the remaining dirt with a dry microfiber cloth. Stains and dirt will be removed. Then wash with clean water or water with vinegar until shine.

    If you wipe the glass with potatoes, and then just walk with a regular rag, then the resulting starch film on the window will protect it from fogging. This method can be used for machine glasses as well.

    • Chalk powder. 3 tbsp. l. such a powder must be diluted in a glass of water or vodka. Rub the resulting thick paste over the surface of the window and leave to dry. Then we remove the chalk from the surface with a napkin or microfiber. The vodka in the resulting paste will perfectly degrease and wash the window without streaks.
    • Bow. Fly stains can be removed from fiberglass with half an onion. Then it only remains to rinse the surface with water and wipe with a dry cloth.
    • Cooking salt will allow you to clean the window from dirt no worse than special products. Dilute a few tablespoons of salt in a glass of water and wipe the window with a microfiber solution.

    • Glycerol. You can clean the window and protect it from further contamination by using regular glycerin from the pharmacy, mixed with liquid soap. Glycerin can also be diluted with water (100 grams of glycerin and 50 grams of water) and ammonia (small amount). A film forms on the surface of the window, which protects the window from scratches and dirt.
    • Kerosene. You can use kerosene to make the windows shine. A tablespoon of kerosene must be diluted in 3 liters of water.
    • Nylon tights can be used to clean windows instead of special microfiber rags. Among other things, they will make the glass shine.

    • The window can be washed with a solution of potassium permanganate and blue, which gives the glass a bluish tint. It is important not to overdo it with the powder so that the solution is light, translucent in color.
    • Windscreen wipers. Modern supermarkets offer many special glass cleaners. They are available in the form of sprays, which are distributed over the entire surface of the window using a dispenser, powder that must be dissolved in water, gels and pastes that are applied to the window with a rag or sponge.

    How to clean glass?

    If you want to clean the glass quickly and effortlessly and avoid streaking, use a few tips:

    • First, wipe the window with a sponge to shake off any dust.
    • Walk over the surface of the glass with a rag soaked in a special solution (you can use the folk remedies listed above, or special sprays, powders, gels, pastes, glass cleaning napkins). If the apartment has large panoramic windows or if you wash the balcony windows, you can use a special spray gun.

    It is better to wash window panes on the balcony with a double-sided mop with a sponge and a scraper. First wipe the window with a sponge and then remove any remaining water with a silicone scraper.

    • Further, the agent is removed from the glass surface with a special rubber scraper. Choose wide scrapers for large windows. Move from top to bottom, turning the scraper slightly to the side.
    • Then the glass must be polished. This last step is especially important if you want the windows to be washed streak-free and shiny. Wipe the glass dry with a crumpled newspaper (you can also use a piece of suede, nylon stockings or tights, a special napkin).

    Now let's talk about strong remedies that will allow you to get rid of dried spots and dirt at home:

    • Pour 4 liters of warm water into a bucket and add 100 ml of ammonia and white vinegar, add a small amount of blue and 2 tbsp. l. starch. The resulting solution must be applied to the window with a rag or spray bottle, then wipe the window with a napkin or sponge. A solution with ammonia also perfectly cleans glass from glue.
    • You can remove black insect spots from the surface by wiping the dirty areas with half of the onion. This method will help clean the window from stains effortlessly.
    • If you need to clean the window after a fire and remove the soot, first remove the soot residues with a broom or dry cloth. After that, wash the window with water and a cleaning agent (either a special glass cleaner spray or a bathroom cleaner will do). Plastic windows can be cleaned from soot with chemical alcohol, thinner, gasoline and other alcohol-containing products.

    • After installation, you can clean plastic glass from foil or glue using a solvent or ammonia. You can also use dish soap. It needs to be applied to a sponge and lather well. Then apply the resulting foam to the window surface and wait 10 minutes. After wash off plain water and wash the window with regular detergent to remove streaks.
    • If you want the windows to shine, then a solution of 2 tbsp is perfect for this. l. vinegar diluted in a bucket of water. Windows will be cleaned without streaks and with the desired shine.

    Take a note: in order to properly wipe away stains on the glass, without damaging the surface and without leaving streaks, it is better to wash the windows in a circular motion from top to bottom.

    Wash the glass only in dry weather and not in the sun, as in this case the cleaner dries quickly on the surface of the window, leaving strong streaks.

    How do I clean the windowsill and frame?

    If your house has wooden frames and a window sill, then it is better to wash them with liquid soap or dishwashing detergent diluted in a bucket of water. Harsh abrasives can damage paints and are not desirable for cleaning such windows. Soda is also not recommended for cleaning wooden window sills and frames. Do not forget to oil the metal fittings after washing the frame.

    Plastic frames and windowsill. To clean the frame and sill, you can use:

    • an ordinary sponge or rag;
    • a toothbrush to remove dirt from crevices;
    • hard brushes are great for rough window sills;
    • melamine sponge for heavily soiled plastic surfaces. The melamine sponge emits foam on contact with water. No additional cleaning agents are required. However, melamine is toxic and should be used with caution and only on surfaces that are not in contact with food.

    It is best not to use a metal scraper to avoid scratching the surface. For light dirt on plastic, it is better to use liquid or laundry soap. Dissolve the soap in a bucket of water and wash the frame with a regular cloth. As an alternative to soap, you can use another alcohol-based cleaner. It is better to do without solvents and alkalis.

    If you are faced with the task of not just washing the window sill and frame, but also removing more difficult stains from the surface, then special tools will help you here.

    Plastic frames and window sills turn yellow over time. You can achieve the whiteness of plastic in the following ways:

    • Soda. To get rid of yellowness and stubborn stains on the windowsill, soda is perfect. To prepare the solution, use a small amount of baking soda diluted in water. The solution must be soft to avoid damaging the plastic surface. If there are old stains on the surface of the plastic, you can use baking soda and 9% vinegar. First, soda must be poured onto the contaminated areas, and then walk over the surface with a sponge soaked in vinegar. The stains will be removed and the white surface is effectively cleaned. Then we wash the frames and the window sill with a regular cloth and cold water.

    Vinegar eats away at the skin and has a strong odor, so use gloves when cleaning and ventilate the area after cleaning.

    • Powder for white clothesperfectly whitens plastic. The powder must be diluted with a little hot water (to get a thick mixture). The resulting paste must be applied to the surface, if necessary, leave to act for 10-15 minutes, then wipe with a hard sponge and rinse with plenty of warm water. After that, wipe the plastic surface dry with a paper napkin or towel. Instead of powder for white laundry, you can use powdered white chalk, remnants, or tooth powder. The algorithm of actions will be the same.

    Chalk and tooth powder are more gentle abrasives, so they deal with stains more delicately.

    • Special means.Numerous special cleaning products from the store will help you quickly and easily wash plastic from stubborn stains and rust. Powdery and aggressive detergents must be used with care to avoid damaging the plastic surface. Laminated plastic can be washed with any product without fear. A cleaning spray usually needs to be applied and left on the surface for a few minutes. 15 minutes after applying the product, it will not be difficult to remove stains. The product must be thoroughly washed off the surface. If necessary, the room can be ventilated.
    • You can also use to remove greasy stains from the windowsill. degreasing products for the kitchen.Domestos for the bathroom will help to remove significant dirt, rust and difficult stains. Apply the product to the surface, leave to act for 20 minutes, and then rinse thoroughly with water.

    When using aggressive toxic products (these include most powerful stain removers), cleaning should only be done with rubber gloves and a respirator to protect hands and respiratory tract. Ventilate the room at the end of work. After the window has dried, a little machine oil should be applied to the metal fittings, the rubber seal should be treated with silicone grease.

    Use caution with cleaning powders (acceptable for laminated plastics) and detergents containing gasoline, thinner or acid. All of these products destroy the surface of the plastic.

    It is quite difficult to clean the gap under the frame, which, as a rule, accumulates a lot of dirt and dust. You can use an old toothbrush to clean the crevice. She will not only thoroughly wash the gap, penetrating into hard-to-reach places, but also has a sufficiently soft bristle so as not to damage the plastic.

    How to clean after repair?

    Dried stains from paint, primer, concrete contact, cement are not always removed with an ordinary damp cloth. Therefore, strong detergents are often required to clean the windowsill and frame. So that cleaning does not take too long, you must act in the correct order:

    1. Before starting cleaning, it is better to remove all plugs in order to wash out the cracks in which a large amount of dirt accumulates after repairs.
    2. Then brush off all dust from the windowsill, frames and panels with a brush or a piece of dry cloth.
    3. Remove stains with a stiff brush, not a rag. Stains from paint, glue or cement are removed using products containing abrasive substances. They are applied for 15-20 minutes, and then removed from the surface with plenty of water, you can add laundry soap.

    To wash the primer, you must first soak it. Alcohol or polyurethane foam is suitable for this. On the stain from the primer, you can apply its own solution and quickly wipe with a dry cloth. Then wash the surface with a damp cloth.

    The primer can be soaked with wet rags. They should be placed on top of the primer stains for a few minutes. And then remove with special products and a sponge, it does not require much effort. Better to use an abrasive sponge. It will not damage the plastic.

    Instead of a sponge, you can use a special scraper, positioning it at a slight angle to the surface. If there is still dirt in the spot, it can be removed with a powder solution.

    Likewise, you can try scrubbing dry cement stains. Then wash off the remaining dirt with special products.

    If you need to wash cement stains, it is best to wait until they dry before starting to clean the windowsill. The cement can be carefully scraped off with a special scraper first. You need to act carefully so as not to damage the plastic surface. Then wash the residues with a special agent for cleaning surfaces from cement, primer, glue and others. building materials... These tools include Dopomat, Hodrupa A, Szop (also cleans up rust).

    Strong dirt from a plastic window sill can also be removed using a solvent (acetone, turpentine, ethyl acetate, alcohol). But they must be resorted to as a last resort, since there is a risk of damaging the plastic surface.

    "Mister Muscle"- a fairly effective tool that you just need to apply to the glass surface and wipe with a sponge. Then rinse the glass clean with clean water. The product will wash dirty windowsills and frames to a shine.

    Table Vinegar - Use a high concentration vinegar solution. It can be used to remove difficult stains from the primer, but it is imperative to work with a respirator or mask. Upon completion of cleaning, wipe the surface with a dry cloth or paper towel.

    A special cement remover will help to clean the concrete contact. However, it is best to first scrape off the cement with a scraper while the stain is dry. Only then remove the remaining stains with a product.

    My mosquito net

    So that in summer fresh clean air gets into the room, and not dust and dirt from the street, wash the mosquito net in time. A darkened mosquito net is a signal for action.

    All you need to clean the mesh is ammonia (or other chlorine-based detergent), rubber gloves, a water hose, tarp or thick film, a stiff brush and microfiber cloth, or other absorbent cloths. It is better to wash the mesh from the hose with a gentle pressure of water.


    1. First, remove the mosquito nets from the windows and prepare them for cleaning. Place the mosquito net on a protective film or any other waterproof material (such as a tarp) to avoid damage during washing.
    2. Prepare a 3: 1 solution with water and ammonia. Stir the solution only with rubber gloves to protect the skin of your hands.
    3. Use a low-pressure water jet to remove dirt from the window mesh. Remember to turn it over and rinse the other side. This will wash away dirt and dust.
    4. Take a stiff brush and dip in the solution. Start cleaning the mesh from top to bottom. Try to rinse the brush in the solution as often as possible.
    5. Rinse the frame thoroughly with water jet.
    6. Next, rinse the mesh with clean water from a hose from top to bottom to rinse out any remaining dirt. Check for stains on the mesh. If necessary, rinse the mesh again with water from the hose.
    7. Shake off the water remaining on the net by lightly tapping the net on the ground.
    8. Wipe the clean mesh with a dry absorbent cloth and leave to dry in the fresh air.

    The clean, dry mosquito net can now be replaced. It is better to wash it, after removing it from the window, so as not to stain yourself and the furniture around.

    Do not mix ammonia and bleach to wash the mesh, the solution is toxic and very hazardous to health. In the summer, wipe the mesh with a damp cloth, or vacuum up dust and dirt at least once a week so that seasonal cleaning of the screens does not take too much time and effort.

    How to wash outside?

    Cleaning windows outside is a rather difficult task. If it is not so difficult for those who live on the lower floors to do this, then for residents of higher apartments washing the balcony windows outside is a real problem. However, there are several ways to make the process easier.

    First, prepare all the necessary materials:

    • sponges (it is better to choose not too hard so as not to damage the plastic or paint of wooden frames) and microfiber;
    • two buckets (for detergent and for clean warm water);
    • a mop with a brush (or a double-sided mop with a brush and a scraper);
    • ladder;
    • a squeegee with a rubber nozzle so as not to damage the window.

    Do not use acid, alkali or other aggressive substances to clean windows. They destroy the protective film on the glass surface, which filters out direct UV rays. Alcohol-based products are more suitable.Also perfect for washing windows outside, a soapy solution or a solution of ammonia (1 tbsp. L. For 2 liters of warm water).

    The safest way is to simply pull the glass out of the wooden frame or the plastic window from the grooves and calmly clean the windows at home. If this is not possible, and you live on a high floor, it is better to turn to the services of special cleaning companies.

    If you nevertheless decide to wash the windows outside on your own, then try to ensure maximum safety. Ask someone to back you up.

    Operating procedure:

    • Use a double-sided mop (sponge on one side, brush on the other) for cleaning. It is also best to use a mop with a variable handle.
    • Wash the window with detergent using a sponge mop.
    • Remove excess moisture with a silicone scraper (the other side of the squeegee).
    • Wrap a clean, dry cloth around the mop and dry the window surface to a shine.
    • Most often, windows are washed in the warm season, and in winter only from the inside.

    But if you need to wash the balcony window at freezing temperatures outside, remove the ice, then you can do this using a few tips:

    • It is better to wash the balcony window first from the inside and then from the outside. This will make external stains easier to spot and wash off.
    • First wash the frames, and then proceed with cleaning the glass itself.
    • Dissolve in 1 liter of water 2 tbsp. l. salt. Apply the solution to an icy window with a mop. You will see how the ice begins to melt.
    • After making sure that the ice has completely disappeared, wipe the window with a dry cloth.


    Often, window cleaning is accompanied by accidents. To avoid falls, poisoning and other troubles while cleaning, do not forget to follow the precautionary rules:

    • Do not wash windows while standing on slippery surfaces. No need to step on the windowsill.
    • If you are standing on a chair, armchair, or table, they must be stable, in no case sway or squeak.
    • If you wash the frame from the outside, make sure to have someone back up for you during this time.
    • Do not clean windows with coarse brushes, otherwise you will find inevitable scratches on the windows.
    • Do not use for washing plastic windows aggressive agents such as solvents or chlorine. They only corrode the protective layer on PVC windows and lead to yellow plastic.
    • Never mix ammonia and bleach in solution. This mixture is toxic and very unhealthy.

    Using our advice, you can easily deal with any dirt on the windows. We wish you good luck!

    For information on how to wash windows without streaks, see the next video.

    You can quickly clean the windows in the kitchen without streaks using completely inexpensive and affordable tools that every housewife can find.

    Why divorces remain

    In order for the windows to shine with cleanliness, you need to figure out why certain products leave streaks or lead to a rapid cloudy glass.

    1. The sun's rays and wind hitting the glass unit quickly dry out the detergent, preventing it from being completely removed. Most often, divorces are formed for this very reason.
    2. The sequence of actions for removing dirt and dust is not followed. Detergent residues remain on the glass and form a cloudy film.

    How to properly clean windows

    The procedure is very simple. First, the frame is washed, and then the glass unit. In this case, there will be no annoying stains in the corners. It is convenient to clean plastic windows at the junction of the shutters with toothpicks and cotton swabs. They get all the dirt out of the grooves.

    Glass is washed according to the basic principle:

    1. Soak up the dirt.
    2. Delete it.
    3. Wash off the detergent from the glass surface.
    4. Wipe the window dry.
    5. Polish the glass.

    How is this actually done?

    • By sprinkling the detergent from a spray bottle, we soften grease droplets and adhering dust. Remove particularly stubborn stains with a scraper and scrape the dirt down the windows.
    • Reapply the detergent to the window and remove it with a napkin or rubber squeegee. It is important that the washcloth does not leave lint. Linen napkins, microfiber, spandex are suitable for windows.
    • We wipe the glass with clean water, removing the wiper. To make the window shine, you can add vinegar or ammonia to the water. If you dissolve a small amount of copper sulfate or blue in water, you get a greenish or blue tint of glass.
    • From the street side, an antistatic agent can be used for the window. With it, dust will not stick to the window. If it lies on the frame, it will not stick to it. In this case, subsequent cleaning will be much faster and more pleasant.
    • We wipe the surface of the glass unit dry, often changing the napkins. It is important at this stage that the surface is thoroughly cleaned.
    • We polish dry glass with paper or unnecessary nylon tights.

    Home remedies for glass cleaning

    1. Vinegar water... 9% table vinegar is added to clean water at the rate of a couple of tablespoons for each liter of liquid.
    2. Ammonium with starch... For 100 ml of pharmacy ammonia, the same amount of vinegar, 4 liters of pure water and 30 mg of potato starch are taken. You can add a little blue if you like.
    3. Common ammonia... A solution is made at the rate of 15 mg of ammonia per 1 liter of water.
    4. Soap solution.Used to wash frames. The grated bar of soap is stirred until completely dissolved with warm water.
    5. Starch. A tablespoon of starch is added to a liter of water.
    6. Manganese. Dissolve a few crystals in water, until light pink. Do not let it fall on the frames.
    7. A piece of chalk. Mix a glass of water with three tablespoons of powdered chalk. Treat the glass with this paste and leave for a while. Then wipe off with a dry cloth.

    Stubborn greasy drops dissolve well with dishwashing detergent. A mixture of glycerin with alcohol 1 to 10 will prevent condensation from settling on the windows in the cold season. A weak sodium chloride solution will prevent the windows from freezing. However, it is worth considering the ability of salt crystals to accumulate moisture in themselves.

    For particularly dirty windows, household chemicals may be required. When choosing a detergent, you need to pay attention to what type of frame it is suitable for. Can it be used on wood or plastic surfaces, does it damage the varnish, etc.

    It happens that you need to put in order a purchased apartment, where, it seems, never fought with grease and dirt. In this case, you can turn to automotive glass and mirror cleaning products. They work great in road conditions and can help out in emergency situations. The main thing is to stock up good mood for the whole day, and any dirt will be defeated.

    Jun 30, 2015 Werri

    Windows are often called the eyes of an apartment, as they are an indicator of the cleanliness and tidiness of any home. Among other things, thanks to clean double-glazed windows, sunlight better penetrates the house, making it warmer and more comfortable. The best way to wash windows and protect them from pollution, and how to do it quickly and without streaks, not everyone knows.

    Required tools and tools

    Usually in the spring and autumn, most housewives arrange a traditional general cleaning, which also includes window cleaning. Issues related to the washing of double-glazed windows are fairly easy to solve with the help of affordable and effective means. However, household chemicals are unsafe for health, so often housewives try to use ecological household products.

    Useful information on proper glass cleaning will also come in handy when using ready-made products for this purpose. Moreover, sometimes, even after processing with special compounds, ugly stains can remain on the glasses, which have to be removed with the help of improvised means. For double-glazed windows in plastic frames, special cleaners are produced at all, as well as many auxiliary tools that facilitate the washing process and improve its quality.

    It is very pleasant to watch when every glass in a house or apartment sparkles with radiant purity, which is the best decoration for any interior and exterior design.

    Wear rubber household gloves before washing the windows, as intense contact with detergents and moisture can damage your hands.

    For cleaning plastic frames and window panes, it is better to choose napkins made of artificial suede or microfiber, since they absorb dirt and moisture well, but a cotton rag is useful for washing wooden frames.

    When washing double-glazed windows, it is very convenient to use a water squeegee, with which you can remove excess water or detergent from the glass. They are equipped with rubber blades that glide well over the glass surface.

    The holder with a fur coat will also be useful for washing glass. It is a distant relative of the common mop. An abrasive soft coat easily removes bird droppings, old stains and other contaminants from glass.

    General procedure

    Pour clean water into a bucket, arm yourself with a napkin, squeeze it slightly and wipe the glass, removing accumulations of dust and dirt from them. You will not need any detergents at this stage. Even if there are stains on the windows, they should be dealt with a little later.

    We change the dirty water clean and wash the sash. If it is heavily soiled, you can add a little dishwashing gel or shampoo to the water, as these will help in cleaning and will not do much damage to the wooden frames.

    With the help of a holder with a fur coat, dirt can be removed much faster. Again we change the water to clean water and once again we carefully wipe the frames to the very last corner.

    Then we get down to the glass. To do this, we apply a glass cleaner to them and wipe them with a synthetic cloth.

    The final touch will be wiping the glass with crumpled newspapers. After such cleaning, all stains will be removed, and the glass will shine beautifully.

    How to clean windows quickly

    Method number 1. Before getting down to business, you need to prepare the following:

    • Vinegar.
    • Warm water.
    • Linen rag.
    • Napkin.
    • Sponge.
    • Toothpicks.
    • Cotton buds.

    We clean all openings with chopsticks and a toothpick from dirt. We moisten a sponge in warm soapy water, wash the window frames, and then wipe them with a dry cloth. Then we dilute vinegar in a bucket of water at the rate of 2 tbsp. l. vinegar per 1 liter of water and wash the glass with this solution with a linen rag. We wipe the window with a crumpled dry newspaper. The windows shine and shine!

    Method number 2... To wash double-glazed windows, we prepare a solution from the following components:

    Pour the finished solution into a special spray bottle, spray the liquid on the glass and rinse with warm water. Then wipe the window dry with a paper towel.

    Method number 3. Another good way to clean glass units is to clean them with a chalk solution. To prepare it, dilute 2 tbsp for 1 liter of water. l. crushed chalk, then apply this mixture to the glass and, after drying, wipe it with a clean cloth.

    Method number 4. Very in a simple way is glass cleaning with potatoes. To do this, you need to take half of this root crop and wipe the window. Then everything is washed with warm water and wiped off with a napkin.

    Method number 5. Brush for cleaning windows outside, while inside. With this device, you can clean the window in almost a few minutes. To do this, you first need to spray soapy water on the glass. Then fix a double-sided brush in any corner and move along a certain trajectory so that the water flow is in the desired direction (to the right, then to the left and vice versa).

    The second time we go through the brush with clean water, then remove the magnetic "helper" and wipe the corners with a dry cloth.

    Method number 6. When washing glass, some housewives use modern napkins made of superfine fibers, since they do not leave any scratches, streaks or even fingerprints. When using them, it is enough just to moisten them with warm water and wash the glass unit. The unusual microfiber fabric absorbs moisture remarkably, and the second time you just have to wipe the windows with a strongly wrung out cloth.

    Method No. 7. For cleaning windows, a special mop with a squeegee and a scraper is often used. In the process, the scraper removes dirt, and the rubber squeegee washes away the remaining dirty water. The mop does not leave streaks and marks after washing.

    Method number 8. You can use a regular mop. You need to wrap a rag on it, wash the window with water and vinegar and wipe it dry with a paper towel.

    Method number 9. An original way of cleaning glass is their washing with car wipers. A soap solution can be used as a cleaner.

    General rules of procedure

    It is advisable to wash the windows in cloudy weather, since the glass cleaner dries instantly in sunlight, resulting in stains.

    First, using a napkin and warm water, you need to wash off the dust and dirt from the glass and do not worry if there are stains, as they can be removed later. After that, you need to change the water and wash the windowsills and window frames well, they usually collect the bulk of the dust.

    Spray the detergent evenly over the glass. Then, with a special mop or scraper brush, you need to grind the detergent, then remove its remnants and wipe the glass with a dry napkin.

    In order to avoid streaks and smudges, start washing the windows from the bottom up. When wiping the glass panes dry, rub one side horizontally and the other vertically.

    Do not wash windows with products which contain abrasive substancesto avoid scratching the glass.

    How to clean wood-framed windows

    Cleaning wooden framed windows requires a different approach. These frames should not be washed, they should be wiped with a damp cloth without using products that contain organic solvents, acids or other aggressive substances. After wiping, the frames are wiped dry with a soft cloth.

    Stubborn dirt from wooden frames can be removed with special cleaning agents specially designed for this type of windows. Then you need to apply a composition that restores the paintwork and provides reliable protection from external environmental influences.

    The next tip will relate directly to washing the glasses themselves. To keep them clean longer, you need to wipe them with a mixture of glycerin and water after rinsing. This will keep the windows looking neat and shiny for a long time.

    Do not use window cleaners, which contain abrasive substances such as:

    • Pumice.
    • Marble powder.
    • Clay.
    • Quartz sand.

    They will be very good at cleaning the surface due to their grinding properties, but they can scratch or damage the glass.

    Glass can be washed well with simple folk remedies.that are available in every home, for example:

    • Water at room temperature - 1 liter.
    • Starch - 1 tbsp. l.

    This solution will wash the glass well even if it is heavily soiled.

    You can use ordinary 9% vinegar by diluting one tablespoon of this substance in one glass of warm water. The resulting solution is wiped off the glass, then washed off with water and wiped dry.

    It is not recommended to wash the frames of plastic windows with special means, since the chemical reaction that occurs will lead to the fact that the white plastic will turn yellow. Therefore, such windows should be cleaned only with soapy water.

    To clean windows quickly and efficiently without streaks, you can use a detergent and a couple of microfiber rags. One rag is slightly moistened in water and the glass is wiped with it, removing dust and dirt. Then a detergent is sprayed onto the glass and wiped dry with a second cloth. Ultimately, we get clean, streak-free windows.

    Using microfiber, it should be remembered that it cleans better in a dry state, thanks to special "spores" that absorb dust and dirt well. Therefore, it should only be used for wiping damp surfaces without completely soaking in cleaning agents or water.

    Subject to the listed rules and tips, as well as having everything at hand necessary toolscleaning windows won't take long and won't be as tedious. The result will surely please, and transparent sparkling glasses will give all household members a wonderful mood.

    Attention, only TODAY!

    Whether a good hostess lives in a particular house is easy to find out. It is enough to look at the windows and everything will become clear. An exemplary housewife will not allow them to be dusty and dirty. She will make every effort to ensure that they will always shine with purity. But, unfortunately, sometimes stains remain on the windows. How to clean windows so that they are perfectly clean? Let's tell all the secrets right now.


    After a long winter, all the housewives think that it is time to wash the windows. Someone immediately gets down to business, while someone postpones this difficult task until later. Whatever it was, sooner or later you will still have to wash the windows and return them to a shining look.

    Any business that seems complicated can actually be simple. The main thing is to know exactly all the secrets, rules and follow them exactly.

    First, prepare everything you need. You will need a large sponge. It should be of such a size that it fits comfortably in the palm of your hand. Choose a sponge that is firm, with a hard side. It is useful if there are stains on the windows. For example, dirt, rain marks and bird surprises.

    In addition, you will need rags, preferably two. Choose fabrics that will not leave lint on the glass after washing. Now in stores there is a large selection of rags that are designed specifically for cleaning windows. But it is still recommended to give preference to a microfiber product.

    In stores, you can often find special brushes for cleaning windows. They are equipped with a sponge on one side and a silicone scraper on the other. This brush is also useful for you, especially when you need to clean windows from the street side, where it is not easy to reach.

    You will also need a convenient container for water, such as a wide basin or bucket. Don't forget the newspapers. Yes, yes, don't be surprised! Despite the fact that it is the twenty-first century outside the window and there are many window cleaners, newspapers will still come in handy.

    Before you start washing, you should clean the windowsill of all unnecessary things that may interfere. These are flower pots, vases and other little things that are usually found on windowsills.

    Types of pollution

    In order to know exactly how best to clean windows, you first need to decide on the type of pollution. If you just want to clean the glass from dirt and dust, then this can be done easily using a regular window cleaner or just plain water.

    If, after the repair, serious dirt remains, then it will not be easy to get rid of stains of this type. In addition, it is difficult to get rid of stubborn stains and yellowness, which often spoil the ideal look of white frames.

    If you have wooden frames in your home, paint over the yellowed spots. If you decide to paint wooden frames, then be sure to remember that you need to do this as carefully as possible so that later you do not have to wash paint stains from the glass. Before you start painting, be sure to use a film to protect the glass.

    In addition, after repair, especially if there was no protective film, the glass acquires other contamination. For example, primer or cement, which will also have to be cleaned off the glass surface.

    By the way, in order to make the windows less dirty and not fogged up in the cold season, glycerin will help you, which, after application, forms an invisible film and thereby protects the glass.

    What is better to use?

    At home, you can quickly and effectively clean the windows in an apartment using various means. You can buy and use special liquids in the store, or you can use folk remediesthat are in the house of each of you.

    Plastic windows are much easier to clean even from dirt after installation than a product with wooden frames. A white window sill also needs a special approach.

    The choice of tools and devices depends on the degree of pollution and on which of these tools will be in your home. You can use vinegar, salt, starch, ammonia, chalk, a commercial window cleaner, or gel. Let's consider each of the options in more detail.


    Each housewife chooses when and how often to wash the windows. Someone monthly wipes the windows from the outside, while someone decides to do such cleaning twice a year. Be that as it may, windows must be washed so that it is clean and light in the house.

    Folk remedies are always good because they do not cause allergies, are safe and environmentally friendly. The tools at hand, which are in every kitchen and in every home medicine cabinet, make it easy to clean the dirty surface and give it a shine of cleanliness.

    Surely there is an ordinary dining room in your house. vinegar. Many are accustomed to eating dumplings with vinegar, while others use it as a detergent. In addition, you will need starch, which is often used in baked goods or as the main ingredient in making delicious homemade jelly.

    Take a comfortable basin, pour a liter of water into it. Dissolve one tablespoon of starch in water. Can be used with both potato and corn starch... There is no fundamental difference in this.

    After dissolving the starch, add table vinegar - 100 g, no more. Remember that this should not be a strong 70% essence, but the usual 9% that you eat. Next, you can add a teaspoon of regular rubbing alcohol.

    Stir the mixture thoroughly. The product can be applied to glass with a sponge or filled into a spray bottle, which will be much more practical. Do not forget to work exclusively with gloves, so as not to harm the skin of your hands.

    This tool does an excellent job not only with dust and dirt, but also easily removes other dirt. The main secret of this tool is that it contains starch, which, among other things, gives glitter to the glass and does not leave stains on the surface.

    Another remedy can be easily prepared using the same table vinegar. Only this time it's even easier. All you need is vinegar (remember the percentages) and warm water. Add one tablespoon of vinegar to a glass of water. It is best to mix everything in a spray bottle, which will make it easier to apply the liquid to the glass. This simple tool will help you clean the surface easily.

    You can add a little to the same liquid (a couple of drops) dishwashing liquid... This will help get rid of the small grease spots that appear on the glass in the kitchen after cooking. Especially if your kitchen does not have an extractor hood, then the windows will probably need more thorough cleaning. And such a mixture will help get rid of grease stains and give the glass a shine of cleanliness.

    Dining room vinegar combined with baking soda - This is perhaps the most traditional recipe for home cleaning products, which is also suitable for windows. Such a tool will not only help rid the glass of dust or dirt, it can also cope with serious dirt. For example, this tool perfectly removes traces of felt-tip pens or markers. To prepare the solution, take one and a half liters of warm water, add three tablespoons of vinegar and two to three teaspoons of regular baking soda.

    If for some reason there is no vinegar in the house, then this is not a problem either. There are many more tools with which you can easily clean glass. For example, vinegar can be replaced with citric acid or fresh lemon juice.

    For a glass of water, you will need a tablespoon of powder citric acid... The water must be warm so that the citric acid crystals can completely dissolve. This tool is perfect for both ordinary windows and double-glazed windows. Liquid with citric acid perfectly removes dirt, does not leave streaks, besides, after that the house will be filled with a pleasant, subtle scent of lemon.

    In addition, you can independently prepare a concentrate for future use, which can be stored for a long time and will perfectly cope with washing windows. For this you need a glass jar. Next, you will need a peel from fresh lemons. After baking, many housewives have a peel with a peeled rind and squeezed juice, which they simply throw away. It is from it that you can prepare a concentrate for cleaning windows.

    So, there should be enough lemon peel to fill a half-liter jar by two-thirds. Fill the rest of the free space in the jar with table vinegar. Then we close the lid and put it in a dark place for a week, or even better for two. After that, you will receive a fragrant concentrate that can be diluted in water and used as a glass cleaner.

    By the way, this tool can be used to clean not only windows, but also, for example, tiles in the kitchen or bathroom. This product does an excellent job of removing dirt and smells good. In addition, it is completely safe, unlike purchased chemicals.

    There is another remedy that our grandmothers actively used, is ammonia. Add one tablespoon of ammonia per liter of warm water. Its only drawback is that it all smells not very pleasant and harsh. Therefore, if you use this particular tool, do not forget to immediately open the windows and thoroughly ventilate the room after the procedure.

    With liquid soap or regular lump you can also make an excellent window cleaner. For half a liter of water, you will need about one teaspoon of liquid soap. Shake the mixture thoroughly until foam forms, then you can start cleaning and washing the contaminated surface.

    If you decide to prepare a soap solution using bar soap, then grate it first so that it dissolves better and faster in water.


    Despite the fact that everyone tries to protect the windows as much as possible during the renovation, the glass still gets its "portion" of pollution. Stains from paint, plaster, polyurethane foam, etc. remain. Of course, it is not realistic to wash this with a damp sponge or rag. Moreover, traditional home or commercial remedies are unlikely to help you with this either.

    Dirt after repairs must never be scraped off with a kitchen knife or a construction trowel. First, you could seriously injure yourself. Secondly, the glass surface will be damaged. therefore it is best to purchase a special glass scraper... In any hardware store in your city, sellers will be happy to help you choose one. Believe me, it will still come in handy not only after repair, so it would be very reasonable to purchase it.

    Before you start cleaning windows after renovation, thoroughly clean frames and window sills of fine dust, dirt and other particles. This can be done using a conventional vacuum cleaner.

    If during the repair you protected the glass with a regular film, then remove it before starting the cleaning work. To make the film easier to remove, it should be slightly moistened with warm water.

    Sponge all dirt thoroughly. You may need to do this several times to get them well wet. Then carefully remove the dirt with the scraper mentioned above. After all serious dirt has been removed, wash the windows in any way and means you are familiar with.

    Keep in mind for the future that if during the repair any of the building mixtures got on the surface of the glass, frame or window sill, it is better to wipe it off immediately with a damp cloth. Then, after it is completely dry, you will have to make an effort to get rid of such strong pollution.

    It is especially important to immediately get rid of fragments of polyurethane foam, which dries quickly and strongly adheres to the surface.

    • stains from plaster and primer must be soaked with hot water, and then removed with a scraper;
    • the polyurethane foam should first, if possible, be scraped off with a scraper, and only then soaked with warm water or a special agent, for example, a solvent;

    • paint stains are easy to "revive" with a regular hair dryer. Just heat the stain vigorously, the paint will gradually melt and it will be easy to wash off;
    • if small splashes of paint remain on the glass, then they can be easily removed with cotton swab, cotton pad and nail polish remover, which every fashionista has;
    • if masking or ordinary tape does not come off the glass surface, then thoroughly moisten it with water using a sponge;
    • if there are scotch marks on the glass, they can be easily removed with a soapy solution or nail polish remover.

    My glass

    Each housewife, in addition to wanting to clean the windows of dust and dirt, strives to ensure that no streaks remain on the surface of the glass and that they shine in the sun.

    Sometimes after thorough cleaning it is noticeable that there are stains. This is due to several factors:

    • if the detergent you applied dries quickly, for example, from the wind or hot sun, then stains will certainly remain. So choose not to wash on a windy day. It is best to tackle these windows early in the morning or evening when it is not too hot.

    • stains remain if you did not first clean the surface of the dust layer, but began to wash immediately with a detergent. Be sure to clean the glass from dust with an ordinary damp cloth, and only then wash with any means.
    • then, the rag is too dirty during the washing process, it can also cause stains on the glass. Apply the detergent with one rag, then remove the remaining detergent with another clean rag and dry the surface with a third. Then there will be no divorces.

    To avoid divorce, listen to the following tips:

    • first you need to wash the frame, and then the glasses themselves;
    • you need to wash the glass from the top to the bottom;
    • when wiping the glass surface and drying it, change napkins more often;
    • the final step in cleaning windows should be glass polishing. This can be done by the usual method that our mothers and grandmothers still used, that is, using ordinary old newspapers or papers. Make sure the newspaper ink is durable, otherwise stains will remain;

    • it is best to polish the glass with a newspaper when it is slightly damp, then it is guaranteed that there will be no streaks or lint particles on the glass. As soon as the newspaper is wet, replace it with a dry one;
    • old newspapers can be replaced toilet paper or nylon tights;
    • get rid of stains, even if the glass is already completely dry and you see stains the next day, it will help cloth napkin... For example, it can be a waffle towel that every housewife has in the closet, or a microfiber napkin. To remove streaks, you need to apply a little window cleaner directly to the napkin, not to the glass.

    We clean the frame and window sill

    Window frames also lose their ideal appearance over time. At high or subzero temperatures, the paint that covers the frames deteriorates. Plastic products also lose their appearance, yellow spots appear on their surface.

    Before you start cleaning the frame and window sill, remember the following. Never use as a cleaning agent for wooden frames baking soda... This powder can only do harm, since there is a high probability that the paint will be damaged. Soda easily removes dirt, but so does the first layer of enamel. As a result, the frame will look shabby.

    If you have wooden frames, it is best to clean them with soapy water. To do this, you will need a comfortable deep basin, warm water and soap. Of course, liquid soap is best as it does not need to be dissolved in water. It can be replaced with the gel you use to wash the dishes.

    Once you have made a soapy solution, simply soak a sponge in it and scrub the surface of the frame and windowsill thoroughly. Do not use harsh sponges, otherwise the paint will be damaged, leave scratches or even come off the top layer.

    For a plastic frame, regular baking soda works great as it will quickly remove any dirt. Most importantly, do not just apply the powder itself to the surface, otherwise you risk leaving scratches on the frame. Dilute baking soda with a little water. As a result, you should get a homogeneous thick slurry, which can be applied to the surface with a sponge.

    If your house has plastic double-glazed windows, then remember that the frames should not be cleaned with various powder products. They will only damage the surface of the frame and leave deep scratches on it.

    If you decide to choose a commercial product, then pay attention to the fact that it should not contain solvent or any acid. Such products effectively deal with dirt, but still spoil the surface. As a rule, after using such means, the plastic frame may even change its color - dark spots may appear on it, which will not be removed. It is better to give preference to an alcohol-based product.

    Also, the usual soap solution, which we talked about above, is perfect for plastic. Perhaps this is the most effective and harmless product for cleaning both wooden and plastic frames.

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