• Urine culture for microflora. Why and how to take a urine culture tank for flora and sensitivity to antibiotics Urinalysis for sensitivity


    A urinalysis for culture is a biological test that detects the presence of bacteria, determines their type and quantity. Bacteriological analysis of urine reveals resistance to antibiotics and bacteriophages (viruses that kill bacteria). The purpose of the culture test is to diagnose infections and inflammations of the organs of the urinary system - kidneys, urethra, Bladder.

    When is a bacteriological examination of urine prescribed?

    Pathogenic microorganisms are the cause of urinary tract infections and inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs.

    Infectious diseases of the urinary tract include pyelonephritis, cystitis, urethritis, prostatitis. Symptoms are frequent urination, pain above the pubis, weakness, chills, discharge from the vagina or urethra. If one of the listed diseases is suspected, a bacteriological analysis of urine for culture is prescribed.

    The infectious process in the bladder requires properly selected antibiotic therapy. The prescription of antibiotics is based on the results of the analysis.

    The main inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs are inflammation of the uterus (endometritis), vagina and vulva (colpitis), uterine appendages (salpingoophoritis). For diagnosis, you need to send a smear from the urethra or cervical canal for bakposev.

    Seeding analysis determines:

    • bacterium - the causative agent of an infectious disease;
    • the concentration (titer) of microorganisms in 1 ml of the patient's urine;
    • antibiotic resistance (which antibiotics the bacterium reacts to and which ones are useless against it);
    • the effectiveness of therapy - an increase or decrease in the number of microorganisms in the urine;
    • the percentage of a particular bacterium in the colony.

    Bacteriological urine culture is prescribed as a screening during pregnancy.

    What preparation is needed

    Preparation for the procedure includes several limitations. The day before the collection of urine, you do not need to drink a lot. A large volume of liquid drunk will change the concentration of bacteria, and the analysis will have to be repeated.

    Before passing the analysis for sowing, it is necessary to stop taking any medicines and herbal remedies that have a diuretic effect. Juicy fruits, a lot of tea or coffee - all this is prohibited.

    Sowing urine for flora is collected in a special sterile container. The rules for delivery do not require the use of other containers, especially food jars.

    Features of collecting urine at home

    A sterile disposable container can be purchased at a pharmacy. The packaging is not opened in advance, but immediately before collecting urine. The container must not be washed or wiped, so as not to violate sterility.

    Urine for bacteriological culture is collected at the first morning toilet, on an empty stomach. For analysis, an average portion of urine is required, since the microflora that is normally present in the urethra is washed off with the first portion.

    Urine sampling algorithm:

    • wash the genital area thoroughly with soap and dry;
    • open the lid of the container without touching the inside;
    • release a small amount of urine, hold the stream;
    • collect urine in a container, avoiding contact with the genitals;
    • close the container with a lid without touching its inside.

    The jar needs to be delivered to the laboratory as soon as possible. Storing urine at room temperature allows bacteria to multiply, making culture results unreliable. The container can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 1.5-2 hours. Freezing the sample is prohibited.

    The microbiological laboratory may refuse to accept the material if the integrity of the container is violated.

    For pregnant

    Urine culture is mandatory at the beginning of pregnancy (10-11 weeks) and before childbirth (36-37 weeks). A gynecologist may prescribe an additional sampling for sowing with painful and frequent urination.

    7-10 days before the proposed urine collection, excessively salty and fatty foods are limited. For two days, stop taking medications, herbal supplements, dietary supplements and the use of vaginal suppositories.

    Bacteriological culture of urine is not done while taking antibiotics.

    Before taking the urine, a thorough hygienic toilet is carried out. They are washed in the direction from the genitals to the anus, and not vice versa. A clean cotton swab is placed in the vagina.

    For children

    Not all parents know how to collect urine for culture in infants.

    In addition to the container, you need to purchase a special plastic bag - a children's urinal. In the morning, the baby needs to be washed, wiped and given some drinking water.

    Open the package, remove the urinal and remove the protective paper from the adhesive layer. Attach a plastic bag to the child's groin.

    After the bag is filled, peel it off and pour the urine into a sterile disposable container.

    It is impossible to take urine for sowing from a pot - it is not sterile. It also does not make sense to squeeze the diaper and diaper.

    For women

    Urine for culture should not be collected during menstruation. Bloody discharge will distort the results of the analysis. After the end of menstruation, wait 2 days before collecting urine.

    Two days before the proposed urine collection, stop taking any medication. This also applies to contraceptives in the form of vaginal suppositories.

    After washing the genital area, a sterile cotton swab is gently placed in the vagina. This precaution prevents vaginal discharge from entering the test material.

    For men

    Urine sampling by men for bacterial culture is carried out according to general recommendations. Try only to prevent contact of the genitals with the container, so as not to violate the sterility.

    How much urine to collect

    In order for the microbiological laboratory to be able to examine the culture of urine for microflora, 10 ml of urine is required. It is not necessary to fill the container completely.

    In infants, it is enough to collect 5 ml of liquid. To stimulate urination, the baby can be brought into the bathroom and turn on the tap. The sound of water causes the child to go to the toilet.

    How many days is the analysis for bakposev done

    In the microbiological laboratory, urine is first subjected to macroscopic examination.

    One of the signs of the presence of pathogenic microflora is cloudy urine and a bad smell.

    Microscopic analysis of the sample reveals the presence of erythrocytes and leukocytes. An elevated white blood cell count is a sign of infection.

    The final stage is actually bacteriological culture urine. The required amount of liquid is placed in a special environment suitable for the growth of bacteria.

    The sample is left for a day in a thermostat that maintains a temperature of 35-37 degrees. Such conditions are most suitable for the growth of bacteria. After 24 hours, a colony of microorganisms is formed, visible on the surface of the medium. If no colonies appear after a day, it is considered that no pathogenic microflora has been detected.

    When a pathogenic bacterium is detected, its type is diagnosed. There are special research methods to determine the type of colony-forming microorganisms.

    The next step is to test the sensitivity of bacteria to antibiotics. It takes at least 24 hours to determine resistance.

    Thus, the result of a urine test for sowing is prepared for at least two days, the average time is 4-6 days.

    Interpretation of urine culture results: norms and deviations

    The concentration of colony-forming units (CFU) in the analysis of urine indicates the presence or absence of an inflammatory process. The number of microorganisms less than 1000 CFU in 1 ml of urine indicates the absence of an infectious lesion.

    The causes of diseases are some types of pathogenic pathogens:

    • Primary uropathogens. The main one is Escherichia coli (E.Coli), Salmonella. To diagnose the disease, the concentration must exceed 1000 CFU / ml.
    • Secondary uropathogens - Klebsiella, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Haemophilus influenzae, Staphylococcus aureus. The pathological amount is not less than 10,000 CFU / ml.
    • Doubtful pathogens (streptococcus, acinetobacter and others). The titer must exceed 100,000 CFU/ml.

    With a mixed infection, bacteriological culture of urine reveals the type of dominant microorganism. Colonies different types bacteria have different appearance. Additional studies are being carried out to clarify the data.

    Therapy for an infectious disease is based on the sensitivity of the microorganism to antibacterial drugs, which is shown by urine culture. The results of a bacteriological study allow the doctor to choose a drug that is effective for this pathogen.

    Causes of bacteriuria

    Bacteriuria is the presence of pathogenic microflora in the urine. In a healthy body, the urine in the bladder is sterile. Bacteriuria speaks of an infectious process in the genitourinary system, but does not accurately determine the place of reproduction of microbes.

    The causes of bacteriuria are the following diseases:

    • inflammatory diseases of the bladder and urethra;
    • inflammation of the kidneys - pyelonephritis;
    • bowel disease;
    • prostate disease in men;
    • infectious lesions of the reproductive system in women;
    • venereal diseases.

    When determining bacteria in the urine, additional diagnostics are needed to identify the disease on early stages. Asymptomatic (hidden) bacteriuria can be detected even in the absence of clinical signs of an infectious disease. It is observed mainly in women, especially during pregnancy. Possible complications - pyelonephritis, premature birth, the birth of a child with a small body weight.

    Other causes of latent bacteriuria are immunodeficiency states, diabetes mellitus, and the consequences of urological operations.

    Can the results be false

    A bacteriological analysis of urine can give incorrect results if the patient failed to pass urine correctly. This leads to:

    • violation of hygiene during the test;
    • use of a non-sterile container;
    • period;
    • taking antibiotics.

    False results sometimes happen due to errors in the laboratory. If an inaccuracy of the study is suspected, a re-submission of the sample for sowing is required.

    Approximate prices for bacterial sowing in Moscow

    Bacteriological culture of urine in Moscow costs from 500 to 2500 rubles, depending on the pricing policy of the clinic. The average cost is approximately 700-800 rubles.

    Urine culture for flora and sensitivity to antibiotics is a separate species diagnostic examination, which is indicated for carrying out if the patient has diseases of the genitourinary system of an infectious nature. The main task of physicians is to detect a pathogenic microorganism, to establish its variety and susceptibility to antibiotic therapy.

    Performing laboratory culture of urine for flora and sensitivity, doctors most often detect streptococcal infection, Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia, yeast-type fungi, enterococci in the patient's urine.

    How to prepare for a diagnosis

    Urine analysis for flora does not begin with the act of urination, but with preparatory measures, which consist in strict adherence to the following rules:

    • the patient himself realizing that a microbiological examination of urine will reveal a pathogenic microorganism that provoked an inflammatory process in the kidneys, bladder or ducts that remove urine from the body;
    • there is no need to observe any dietary restrictions on the use of certain types of food (the examined person must habitual image life);
    • before urinating for bacteriological analysis, a thorough toilet of the outer surface of the genital organs should be carried out so that the extraneous microflora located on the foreskin in men and the labia minora in women does not distort the results of the laboratory study;
    • immediately after the patient takes a shower with soap, wipe intimate area with a dry clean towel, it is necessary to flush a small amount of morning urine into the toilet, and then collect the urine in a container for analysis;
    • you need to take the seed in a sterile plastic container, it is issued to the subject in the laboratory, or purchased at the pharmacy;
    • if there are reasonable suspicions of the presence in the body of a bacillus of tuberculosis, which is in an open form of the course, urine for flora and sensitivity to antibiotics is taken every morning for 3 consecutive days (this method of analysis is shown to patients if they have been preliminarily diagnosed as kidney tuberculosis );
    • it is strictly forbidden to take antibiotic drugs if their active components are able to suppress most of the pathogenic microorganisms, thereby distorting the results of urine culture on the flora.

    Immediately after the sterile jar for collecting urine for antibiotic sensitivity is filled with urine, it is necessary to close it tightly with a lid and immediately deliver it to the laboratory for analysis. Patients who are on inpatient treatment take a culture of flora at the place of receiving therapy. Compliance with these rules is the key to high-quality collection of biological material for research.

    Analysis indicators and its interpretation

    A urine culture tank for flora is necessary to determine the severity of bacteuria in patients who initially have signs of infectious inflammation of the genitourinary organs. The analysis of urine for microflora makes it possible to establish the quantitative composition of pathogenic microorganisms capable of forming colonies, relative to 1 milliliter of the urine under study. The interpretation of the urine test with the determination of the concentration of pathogenic bacteria is carried out in compliance with the following standards:

    • when infectious microorganisms are detected with a density of 10 to 5 colony-forming units per 1 milliliter of urine - this means that the human genitourinary system has undergone extensive insemination (the patient is given a preliminary diagnosis of bacteriuria even in cases where there are no signs of an inflammatory process yet, and due to the protective the functions of the immune system have not yet fully manifested themselves);
    • the result of a laboratory analysis for pathogenic flora in the urine is positive if bacterial microorganisms with a concentration of 10 to 2 colony-forming units per 1 milliliter of the studied biological fluid are found in urine, but the patient has a pronounced clinical picture of acute cystitis, urethritis, pyelonephritis, glomerulonephritis or other inflammatory diseases of the excretory system;
    • when bacteria are isolated in urine that have a colonial density of 10 to 5 units, but do not belong to a strain of microorganisms that can provoke the symptoms diagnosed in a patient, a second test is prescribed, since the infection could get into the urine due to that the person did not know how to properly collect the test material.

    If two or more varieties of bacterial microflora are found in the urine of one person, who does not have obvious symptoms of infection of the genitourinary system, an additional examination is always prescribed.

    Only after that an antimicrobial drug is selected. If, according to the results of urine analysis for flora and sensitivity, a variety of infectious microorganisms was not established, but one strain of bacteria was isolated, then the reliability of the examination is 80% in female patients and 99% probability of bacteriuria in men.

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    Bakposev - the norm

    A negative result of bakposev on pathogenic microflora in the organs of the genitourinary system is the colonization of urine below 10 units in 3 degrees. In this case, a prerequisite is the absence of a clinical picture indicating acute or chronic inflammation in the kidneys, bladder and excretory canals.

    If the total number of pathogenic microorganisms is within acceptable limits, but acid-fast bacteria are detected, then with a 95% probability you can be sure that the patient has kidney or urinary tract tuberculosis. To confirm the diagnosis, a repeated bacterial culture of urine is prescribed and the urine staining method according to the Ziehl-Neelsen system is additionally used.

    This technique allows you to separate Koch's bacillus (the causative agent of tuberculosis) from microorganisms of other strains, which shows the insemination of the excretory system with this dangerous infection. In this case, the norm of the flora of the urine is considered violated until the patient is completely rid of the microorganisms that caused tuberculosis.

    Factors distorting the result of analyzes

    We must not forget that ignorance of how to donate urine for bacterial culture or a gross violation of the collection of biological material leads to a false conclusion of a biochemical laboratory. What does it mean? The patient will have to repeat the entire procedure from start to finish. In the case of an actual infection, the bacteria will continue to grow. It is necessary to remember the following factors that can distort the results of the survey:

    • violation of the established regulations for the delivery of urine (a contaminated container that has not undergone preliminary sterilization can be used, or the person urinated without washing the genitals);
    • there are chronic diseases of infectious etiology in the body that affect the tissues of organs that are not related to the genitourinary system (in this case, bacteria are excreted along with urine, partial insemination of the excretory organs occurs, but local inflammation of their mucous membrane is still absent);
    • untimely delivery of urine to the laboratory, where the analysis for bacterial inoculation of biological material should be carried out (the longer the urine is in a room with room temperature and higher, the more dynamic is the growth of pathogenic microflora);
    • entry into the urine of mucous secretions from the vagina in women;
    • unauthorized use of antibacterial drugs, or refusal to take them.

    Under the influence of antiseptic drugs and the protective reaction of the cells of the immune system, the aerobic microflora has the ability to reduce its quantitative population, and after a short time appear again in the form of acute inflammatory processes of the urinary organs.

    Antibiotic selection

    In order for antibiotic therapy to bring the expected result and the patient gets rid of infections of the genitourinary system, in the laboratory, the individual sensitivity of bacteria to active components medicines. The procedure itself consists of the following steps:

    • doctors analyze the collected urine for bacterial culture;
    • isolated colonies of microorganisms are placed in a special laboratory glassware - a Petri dish, where they are provided with a nutrient medium;
    • the specialist conducting the study controls the growth of bacterial microflora and the increase in its population;
    • upon reaching the required number of microbes, a small amount of an antibacterial agent is applied to the infectious colony, which belongs to a specific pharmacological group;
    • the specialist monitors the reaction of pathogenic microorganisms to the medication, fixes the further growth of bacteria or their death.

    When microbes are detected in a general urine test, the therapist often recommends a bacteriological examination of the material. With an infection of the genitourinary system, this diagnostic method is the most reliable, helping to choose effective treatment. However, it is important to follow all the rules for collecting urine and transporting it, otherwise the decoding of the results may be incorrect.

    Sowing urine for flora: advantages and disadvantages of analysis

    When signs of an inflammatory process appear in the urinary organs, the main task is to identify the causative agent of the disease. Only knowing the name of the bacteria that caused the infection, the doctor can choose the right and effective antibiotics to eliminate the pathogenic focus. It is for this purpose that the patient must pass a urine culture on the flora, or tank. analysis (bacterial).

    This diagnostic method is able to identify uropathogenic microorganisms, tell about their number, type, and, if necessary, the degree of sensitivity to antibiotic drugs. Such information is valuable and helps to cure the patient without causing harm to his health. The study of urine for flora is the most reliable and informative type of diagnosis of inflammatory diseases of the urinary organs.

    Performing a urine culture

    The analysis itself is the transfer of a patient's urine sample to the most favorable conditions - to a nutrient medium that promotes the rapid growth of colonies of the flora in the urine. The media are transferred to special thermostats, where ideal conditions are created for the growth of bacteria present in the urine.

    A urine culture combined with an antibiogram will help determine the most effective antibiotic to treat the infection.

    After counting the number of sown colonies of microorganisms, the result of the study is negative if there is no excess of the permissible norm and positive if there are too many microbes or their species should not be in the urinary system of a healthy person.

    The calculation of the growth of microflora is measured in the number of CFU - colony-forming units, that is, the number of colonies formed by one cell.

    This type of research is carried out by specially equipped laboratories and trained personnel who perform diagnostics with strict observance of all the rules for bacteriological research. Urinalysis is quite lengthy and takes from 5 days to two weeks, which often forces the doctor to start treating the patient with broad-spectrum antibiotics without obtaining accurate information about the causative agent of inflammation in the urinary system, and this is a significant disadvantage. After receiving the results of bacposev, the doctor can adjust antibiotic therapy by adding more targeted drugs to the course of treatment.

    Video: preparing and passing a urine test for flora

    An additional disadvantage of such diagnostics is the collection of urine - if the recommendations for taking and delivering the biomaterial are violated, the reliability of the analysis is significantly reduced.

    Indications and restrictions

    The most common reason for bacteriological examination of urine is the detection of pathogenic bacteria in a previous general analysis using sediment microscopy. The latter is not enough for the doctor to prescribe appropriate therapy, and the patient is recommended to pass urine for bakposev. Even if the subject has not yet developed signs of the development of a urological infection, the doctor will be able to identify it at the initial stage after studying the results of such an analysis.

    In general, the indications for passing urine for bakposev can be:

    • detection of infection in the organs of the urinary system;
    • suspicion of an inflammatory process;
    • clarification of the final diagnosis;
    • selection of narrow-spectrum antibiotics and treatment correction;
    • monitoring the effectiveness of the therapy;
    • determination of the sensitivity of the uropathological flora to antibiotics and other medicines;
    • checking the health of the patient in immunodeficiency states;
    • examination of women when planning the conception of a child, as well as pregnant women in the first trimester and before delivery.

    Before taking the test, you should not drink too much water, as well as use diuretics. For getting reliable results urine should be in the bladder for at least two hours. Also, the use of antimicrobials is prohibited, unless a urine test for the flora is prescribed by a doctor in order to monitor the effectiveness of treatment.

    Some more contraindications to passing urine for bakposev:

    • you can not send urine for research if less than 12 hours have passed after sexual contact;
    • urine tests are prohibited during critical days in women, with an urgent need for a study, the patient should use a tampon;
    • biomaterial should not be referred for analysis if the patient had a cystoscopy less than a week ago.

    Rules for passing urine for sowing

    Error-free material sampling ensures reliable analysis results. It is best to take the first morning urine after waking up.

    Before collecting urine, it is necessary to carry out hygiene of the genital organs, while it is recommended to use only warm water, without using soap or antiseptics. After washing, the perineum is slightly dried with a clean towel.

    It is important to pay attention to the sterility of the container used to store and transport urine. For the delivery of biomaterial, a special test tube is used - a disposable container.

    Urine collection for culture should be carried out exclusively in sterile disposable containers.

    When analyzing urine for bakposev, it is necessary to take an average sample of biomaterial: for this, the first and final portion of urine goes down into the toilet, and the middle one into a container prepared in advance. It must be remembered that it is impossible to touch the inner surface of the test tube, as well as the lids, otherwise this will introduce errors into the final results.

    The reliability of the obtained data of urine culture on the flora is also affected by the speed of delivery of the selected biomaterial to the laboratory. At room temperature, urine should not be stored for more than two hours, in a refrigerator - no more than six.

    It must be borne in mind that in order to obtain genuine results, it is necessary to maintain an interval of two weeks after the completed course of antimicrobial therapy.

    Deciphering the received analysis

    Any person's urine should ideally be sterile, but this is extremely rare, so it is possible to detect a certain type of bacteria in it in small concentrations. So, microorganisms are normal for the microflora of the urinary system:

    • staphylococci (St. epidermidis);
    • streptococci (Str. faecalis).

    Table: concentrations of microflora normal for humans in urine

    The detection of infection is evidenced by the growth of colonies of pathogenic organisms:

    • intestinal and Pseudomonas aeruginosa;
    • saprophytic staphylococcus;
    • proteus;
    • Klebsiell.

    With a qualitative assessment of the results of bakposev, signs “+” and “-” are placed near each type of microbes under study, with a quantitative calculation, the result is measured in CFU per 1 ml of urine

    Any number of pathogenic bacteria is a signal for the need for antibiotic therapy. The second form of the results of the analysis - the antibactogram - just shows which substances will be more effective against the inoculated microbes.

    When determining the susceptibility of bacteria to antibiotics, the diameter of the effect of the drug on the microflora is determined - the more millimeters, the higher the sensitivity

    Urinalysis for flora in pregnant women

    Bakposev helps to identify such a dangerous condition in a pregnant woman as asymptomatic bacteriuria. In this case, the woman does not notice signs of urinary infection: pain, burning sensation during urination, temperature. And if such a syndrome is not dangerous for an ordinary healthy person, then the detection of latent bacteriuria in a future mother must be treated to exclude the possibility of infection of the fetus and the development of intrauterine infection.

    To prescribe an effective and safe antibiotic, it is necessary to additionally determine the degree of sensitivity of the detected bacteria or fungi to antimicrobial drugs.

    During pregnancy, I had a bad urine culture result, and it was necessary to accurately identify the cause of bacteriuria in order to prescribe antibiotic therapy. Because a large percentage Since an error in the analysis occurs during urine sampling, the gynecologist recommended taking the biomaterial to the flora by placing a catheter into the bladder. I found myself in a similar situation in the second trimester of pregnancy, what I heard was very frightening, it was scary that the procedure would provoke negative consequences for the child. There were also additional concerns about the possible pain of taking urine in this way. In order to minimize the risks, I did the following: I bought the catheter myself at the pharmacy, while choosing the thinnest of all to reduce unwanted sensations. During the manipulation, I tried to relax and distract myself, it was a little unpleasant, but I did not feel pain. The results obtained after the urine taken in this way turned out to be negative, no pathogenic flora was found, and the natural one was within the normal range. The procedure did not affect the well-being of the baby.

    Urine culture in children

    As with any patient, the baby must carefully collect urine for analysis on the flora. It is especially difficult for young patients to do this, since newborns do not yet know how to sit and control urination. To collect urine from babies, the best way out is to use sterile urinals, which can be purchased at a pharmacy.

    Children are not allowed to take urine for analysis from a pot or from a diaper, in which case the results will be distorted due to external contamination.

    Most often, pathogenic flora of one species is found in children, but several types of pathogenic bacteria can be present in the urine at the same time.

    Normally, newborns should not grow colonies of microorganisms, since it is sterile, and with proper collection, only single microbes from the genitals can get into the collected biomaterial. If less than 1 thousand microorganisms are found in a milliliter of urine, then the sample was taken with violations and the collection was performed incorrectly. In this case, the analysis is negative.

    If more than one hundred thousand bacteria are found in a milliliter of biomaterial, we can talk about the course of an infection in the genitourinary system of a baby, which requires proper treatment. In intermediate cases, when the number of organisms does not exceed one hundred thousand per milliliter, but also more than a thousand, the analysis must be retaken.

    When you receive the results of the analysis for bacterial culture, you should not independently try to interpret the results of the study and prescribe therapy for yourself. Despite the high diagnostic value, the analysis must necessarily be compared with the existing symptoms of the disease by the attending physician.

    Pathogenic microorganisms often affect the human body, causing serious and very dangerous diseases. In the early stages of their occurrence, it is not difficult to cope with these problems; one thing, with a strong lesion of the body, one cannot do without antibiotics. This group of drugs is highly effective, but often causes various complications and side effects. That is why it is so important to go through a series of preparatory measures, first of all, you need to pass a urine culture tank for flora and sensitivity to antibiotics.

    If medical therapy does not give a positive result for a long period of time, and the attending physician assumes the presence of latent diseases concentrated in the urinary system, then you need to pass a urine test for culture and sensitivity to antibiotics, the decoding of which will be ready within a few days. As a rule, sowing is resorted to in the following cases:

    • diabetes;
    • cystitis;
    • kidney disease;
    • urethritis;

    If latent diseases of the genitourinary system are suspected, additional tests should be taken

    Before starting treatment therapy, it is necessary to carry out a series of diagnostic measures in order to determine the degree of damage to the body, the characteristics of the disease and the possible causes of the pathological condition. The attending physician first makes a conclusion about the variety and nature of the bacteria that led to this condition. For some time, the patient may take medicines to eliminate the symptoms, but after the tank-seeding, the specialist prescribes the intake of effective and potent antibiotics. Due to their characteristics, such agents quickly eliminate pathogenic microbes, which causes recovery.

    What is diagnostics?

    Urine analysis for flora and sensitivity to antibiotics is carried out in order to diagnose pathogenic bacteria, and in the future to find the most effective and most appropriate remedy for the problem. As a rule, this diagnostic measure is prescribed when therapeutic therapy has not given a positive result. With the help of tank seeding, you can easily detect urethritis, cystitis, pyelonephritis in the body. In order not to use ineffective drugs, urine should be cultured for microflora and sensitivity to antibiotics, specialists in a medical institution will tell you how to take this analysis, although some aspects can be studied independently.

    Only morning urine is suitable for research, it must be collected in a clean plastic container, which must first be purchased at a pharmacy. The genitals are pre-washed thoroughly with water, while the use of any chemicals is prohibited, since this negatively affects the quality of the study. It is necessary to collect a portion of urine in an average amount. This rule must be observed when a urine test is given according to Nechiporenko, it is also often prescribed for various ailments.

    The biomaterial in such a container retains its suitability for 6 hours, however, it is best to deliver the sample to the laboratory much faster. The material should be stored for a limited time, for this you need to choose a cold place. The volume of liquid should not be too large, that is, only 5 grams is enough, that is, a daily volume is needed for analysis according to Zimnitsky, and in this case only a small fraction.

    With the normal development of the body, all kinds of microorganisms will be present in the urine, which include diphtheroids, streptococci, staphylococci, it is important to take into account their number. Pathogenic organisms should not be more than 105 CFU / ml, if this rate is exceeded, then there is a possibility of the presence of an inflammatory process in acute form. The disadvantage of this study is the length of the process, since the results, as a rule, will be ready only after 7 days, and in fact, treatment should be started much earlier. Therefore, there is a serious problem of improper therapy, resulting in various complications and side effects.

    The reliability of the study is influenced by various drugs, especially antibiotics and diuretics. Violation of the rules for passing the analysis, problems with the outflow of urine, as well as the qualifications of the laboratory assistant lead to the same effect. The first trip to the urologist ends with a general analysis of urine, the result of the study can be obtained the next day. If it contains a large number of leukocytes, erythrocytes and cylinders, then the matter is in the inflammatory process. Urine culture for flora and sensitivity to antibiotics has a clarifying purpose. With its help, therapeutic therapy is corrected, in which antibacterial medicines are used. We can talk about the effectiveness only after 14 days after the start of treatment.

    Prolonged use of antibiotics has a negative effect on the gastrointestinal tract. Just one dose of antibiotics kills many beneficial bacteria in the intestines. Due to prolonged use of antibiotics, dysbacteriosis may develop.

    To normalize bowel function, you should change your diet

    Dysbacteriosis is not a disease, it is a state of reduced number of necessary organisms. Normalization of the intestinal microflora is a complex and lengthy process, since not all bifidobacteria are easily absorbed in the body.

    When is it necessary to take antibiotics? Antibiotics are used to treat diseases caused by bacteria. It is a mistake to believe that they have a positive effect in the treatment viral infections. Treating viruses with antibiotics is complete nonsense, since antibacterial drugs, in this case, do not kill viruses, but only harm the body.

    It is very important to learn how to reduce the negative impact of antibacterial drugs in order to ensure a minimum amount of side effects after treatment. Antibiotics should only be taken when you really need them. These are not drugs that are taken "just in case." Recommendations for the restoration of microflora:

    • The first thing you need to do is change your diet. Use healthy and wholesome food. Eat more fruits and vegetables, as well as dairy products, as they contribute to the reproduction of those very beneficial bacteria. It is very important to use required amount liquids, as water helps the body in cleansing from impurities and toxins;
    • introduce physical activity. Sport perfectly strengthens the immune system and helps to quickly recover from illness;
    • Do not forget about a good rest, you need to give the right amount of sleep to sleep. Try to protect yourself from strong psycho-emotional stress;
    • you should also take drugs aimed at restoring microflora and vitamin complexes.

    By following these rules, you can increase immunity, and protect the body from viruses and bacteria. Urinalysis for tank culture and sensitivity to antibiotics is a very important aspect in the treatment of various diseases of the urinary and other body systems caused by pathogenic microorganisms. Further treatment and its effectiveness directly depend on the accuracy of this study. This analysis should be approached very responsibly, there are a number of rules and features that must be taken into account before tank seeding. Different kinds pathogenic bacteria require a certain, which can only be determined through a preliminary analysis, which is why this problem is very important.

    Tank seeding is a very important event that predetermines further treatment, because it gives quite accurate and informative results. It is very important to follow the rules when passing this analysis in order to conduct a truly high-quality study.

    Bacteriological urine culture (bacteriological culture, flora culture, etc.) is one of the varieties of laboratory urine testing. Unlike the general analysis of urine, the analysis of urine for flora is a rather complex, but at the same time highly informative, study.

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    And if a standard urine test is prescribed every time you seek medical help, urine culture for flora has strict indications for conducting. It is also worth considering the fact that this study must be carefully prepared, because in this case, sterility is important when collecting urine. Bacteriological culture is prescribed for men and women both as a preventive study and to clarify existing diagnoses.

    The main task of such a study is to identify harmful bacteria in the patient's urinary system. A tank analysis is prescribed to determine the presence of microflora that provokes the appearance of inflammatory processes and the development of infections in the body. Also bakposev shows colonies of certain types of bacteria, which allows us to draw conclusions about the general state of health of the genitourinary system and the whole organism as a whole.

    But after all, urine is a product of human metabolism, a kind of "trash can", in which all substances are concentrated that, for one reason or another, are not demanded by the body. This liquid, by definition, cannot be sterile, which means that it is overpopulated with bacteria. How to study the state of health in such conditions?

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    A urinalysis for culture shows whether the number of bacteria does not exceed the permissible limits and whether there are any conditionally harmful microorganisms that can cause serious damage to the patient's health.

    Urine usually contains streptococci, staphylococci and diphtheroids. They are considered dangerous, but only in large quantities. And if their number exceeds allowable rate which means that infectious processes develop in the body.

    In what cases is it assigned

    Not suitable for every patient. If a referral for a general analysis of urine can be obtained from any specialist, then a tank analysis for sterility is prescribed by urologists or gynecologists. Usually a tank study is prescribed if:

    • there is a possibility of developing an infectious disease;
    • control of ongoing therapeutic therapy is required;
    • it is necessary to confirm the preliminary diagnosis;
    • there was a relapse of the disease;
    • a woman is preparing to become a mother;
    • the patient suffers from diabetes;
    • it is required to establish sensitivity to antibiotic drugs.

    Most often, planting on the flora is necessary in order to establish the presence of inflammation and diseases of the bladder and urinary tract.

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    The results of this analysis will depend on the treatment of the patient. Also, this study is carried out as an analysis for sensitivity to antibiotics, that is, in the course of laboratory diagnostics, it becomes clear whether the bacteria are resistant to a particular drug and whether it should be prescribed for treatment. Sometimes it is done in the middle of medical therapy if the patient is not getting better and his health is deteriorating. From this we can conclude that the bacteria are resistant to the antibiotic chosen at the beginning of treatment, and it is better to replace the medicine.

    Sowing on the flora is mandatory for pregnant women, it must be given to patients suffering from endocrine diseases (diabetes mellitus) for general health monitoring during an annual preventive examination, and also if any disease has caused a relapse.

    Urine culture during pregnancy is prescribed to all women to monitor the health of the genitourinary system. If the pregnancy proceeds without complications and future mom does not suffer from ailments of the kidneys and bladder, urine culture during pregnancy will need to be passed before registering and before going to the hospital, at 35-36 weeks.

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    If a protein is found in the general urine test or the patient complains of back pain, it will be necessary to undergo such a study again. Also, this study can be prescribed monthly for women suffering from chronic kidney disease, which they must inform their doctor when registering.

    The advantage of the sterility analysis tank is the high accuracy of its results and accessibility to all segments of the population. But in order to make a diagnosis based on the diagnostic data and choose drug therapy, you need to carefully prepare for the study, otherwise it does not make sense.

    How to prepare for the study

    If urine is collected without meeting the requirements of the microflora study, the results will be incorrect, and this will lead to the appointment of the wrong treatment. Therefore, before taking a bacanalysis, you need to carefully study the information about the collection of urine.

    First of all, you will need to purchase a sterile container for collecting urine. In the pharmacy there are containers with a lid, designed specifically for collecting urine.

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    But in the laboratory, they usually give out their own container for collecting biomaterial, disinfected, dried and closed in accordance with the conditions of the laboratory. To purchase a container at a pharmacy or take it in a laboratory - the doctor who writes out a referral for a tank study will tell.

    Before you start collecting urine, you need to prepare a towel for hygiene procedures. To do this, a clean towel is carefully ironed on both sides and folded in half. In this form, they bring it to the bathroom.

    Next, you need to thoroughly wash your hands and genitals. It is forbidden to use cosmetics for washing, it is best in this case laundry soap. Next, you need to wipe the genitals with a prepared towel, unfolding it (with the inside). Women are advised to cover the entrance to the vagina with a sterile cotton swab to prevent bacteria from the genitals from entering the urine.

    Next, you need to open the prepared container without touching the inside of the lid and container. The first stream of urine is drained, because it helps to flush the urinary tract, and the middle one is carefully collected. The container is closed with a lid and taken to the laboratory.

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    Before donating, it is better to refrain from sexual intercourse, excessive physical exertion and taking medications, if they are not vital medicines. It is also advisable to avoid eating foods that can color the urine and thereby distort the results of the study.

    For the analysis tank, the biomaterial should be collected immediately before being sent to the laboratory. For the study tank, the morning portion of urine is needed, which contains the highest concentration of bacteria. Collecting urine in the evening, and then storing it in the refrigerator in this case is strictly prohibited. The storage period of the biomaterial collected for analysis should not exceed two hours. It is allowed to store urine in the refrigerator for no more than six hours if the trip to the laboratory is scheduled for the afternoon. If all the requirements for urine collection are met, the results of the tank analysis will be absolutely accurate.

    Another question - how much urine does bakposev require? As in the case with general analysis, it is better to bring 50 to 70 ml of urine to the laboratory. But there are modern laboratories that require up to 10 ml.

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    Therefore, this information should be clarified with the attending physician or in the laboratory itself.

    What the results will tell

    Results are prepared within 10-14 days. This time is necessary in order to grow a colony of bacteria, and then study them. Decoding usually consists of two forms: directly data on the presence of certain bacteria and an antibiogram, i.e. information on the sensitivity of microflora to antibiotics.

    The result sheet includes information about the detected microorganisms, which are indicated in the CFU. The higher the CFU, the greater the concentration of certain bacteria in one ml of liquid. Usually, CFUs have upper and lower limits, the excess of which indicates that an inflammatory process is developing in the body.

    The antibiogram includes information about all types of bacteria that are present in human urine. Opposite each representative of the pathogenic microflora is information about whether this particular species was found in the material under study. It is also mandatory to contain information about which types of antibiotics they have sensitivity to.

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    Thanks to the first decoding point, the attending physician will be able to determine whether the patient has diseases, the second will help to identify the causative agent of the disease and make the correct diagnosis. Thanks to the third point of decoding, the specialist will be able to choose drugs for therapeutic therapy as correctly as possible.

    Since urine is not sterile, bacteria are present within acceptable limits. When deciphering the received data, the doctor first of all studies their number. If the total number of microorganisms does not exceed 1000 CFU / ml, it is safe to say that the patient is healthy. Indications exceeding 100,000 CFU / ml indicate the development of an infectious disease and require appropriate treatment. Intermediate data require re-testing. Usually this is evidence of non-compliance with the requirements for the collection of biomaterial, less often - information about the onset of the inflammatory process.

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