• Permanent constipation in 3 month old kids. Common causes of bumps in infants. How to prevent disorders of defecation


    The frequent cause of the sleepless nights of young parents is the violation of the work of the child's emerging intestinal tract: colic, flatulence and constipation. Every fifth kid suffers from the last statistics. Ultimately unpleasant illness is subject to artificials or babies on mixed feeding, but also the infants fall into the risk group. What is the cause of constipation and infants, how to avoid it, what emergency measures can be applied and how to ensure a kid comfortable digestion - the tasks of paramount importance. The non-serious attitude of the parents to this problem or the use of dissenting with a pediatrician drugs and treatment methods is fraught for crumbs weighing complications at high age.

    What can be considered a babbit constipation?

    Baby constipation up to the year from a medical point of view is considered difficulties in defecation or lack of intestinal emptying in the last 24 hours. This concept is quite blurred, as it is closely connected with a specific age of the child: the baby on artificial feeding and in an infectious child, the frequency and consistency of the chair will differ significantly. For example, for newborns under the age of month, the intestinal emptying is in such a quantity as there were meals. This is when breastfeeding. For a child-artificial norm - only 2 - 3 bowels per day.

    The instability of the infant's intestinal work is important. Without the help of a specialist, it is rather difficult to determine when the kid suffers from constipation, and when the decrease in the frequency of the chair is just a physiological feature of the development of a small organism. Therefore, it is important to control not only the number of "pretties", but also the consistency, smell, density and color of the feces, the behavior of the child before and during defecation.

    Cal infant to six months has a semi-liquid consistency. It yellow color, without unpleasant odor, may contain particles of undigested breast milk in the form of curls. The artificial fence has a more dense, may have a characteristic specific smell.

    Signs and symptoms of constipation

    The main thing is to pay attention to is the general condition of the child and the consistency of Cala. The symptoms indicating constipation include:

    • child at the constipation capricious, crying;
    • restless behavior of a child during defecation :, but the outline does not lead to any result, the expression of pain on the face, swelling, crying;
    • any attempt to empty the intestines is accompanied by shouts and restless movements of the baby;
    • cal for constipation in infants hard: either it has a peas, or the first portion is similar to the "plug", and it is followed by a casczyce mass;
    • incomplete intestinal emptying;
    • regular stool delay for 1 - 2 days;
    • restless sleep;
    • failure to eat;
    • lack of gases;
    • shy cry;
    • bloating;
    • tightening the knees to the chest;
    • vomiting.

    The manifestation of one or two of these signs does not yet mean that the baby constipation, but if there are several symptoms, you can be quite confident in the diagnosis and begin treatment. First of all, refer to the pediatrician observing the child. It is necessary to eliminate the likelihood of the intestinal reaction to the received medicines, new products, the beginning of the dust and other factors provoking difficulties in the work of the gastrointestinal tract. Be sure to diagnose dysbacteriosis, allergic reactions and other pathologies of digestion. Nursing mom should urgently introduce products to the diet, activating the motility of a smooth intestinal musculature: boiled prunes, beets, pumpkin. For children, after half a year, it is possible in the absence of allergies to also use these products as a dust.

    If the child is calm, does not refuse the chest or the bottles and the emptying of the intestine does not give him discomfort, then it is definitely not constipation. In newborns, maternal milk or the mixture can be absorbed so well that they just have nothing to go to the toilet.

    If the listed problems are still present, then before treating constipation, it is necessary to find out the reasons.

    Causes of constipation

    At the first stages of the emergence of constipation with it, it is fairly easy to fight, simply by eliminating the reasons that provoked constipation. These include:

    • Lack of fluid

    This is an extremely relevant cause of babies for infants on artificial feeding, especially hot in summer or in winter, when there is dry air from behind the heating devices. Be sure to increase the volume of water consumed by the child. The popular pediatrician Komarovsky persistently recommends that even those who are breastfeeding newborns.

    • Irregular nutrition of a nursing mother, an unsuitable child adapted mixture, lack of products that stimulate the work gastrointestinal tract (beets, pumpkin, kuraga, figs, apples, peach, apricot, prunes and others)
    • Reception of certain medicines with a baby or nursing mother

    The constipation is possible when taking antidepressants, spasmolitics. Antibiotics, bismuth and iron preparations, NSAIDs, anticonvulsant drugs, muscle relaxants. The reception and cancellation of any medicines, both mother and bluch, must be previously coordinated with a pediatrician.

    • Lack of breast milk

    Causes the so-called "hungry constipation" in an infant. In this case, all food consumed is absorbed in the walls. internal organs And blood, and the intestines are simply nothing to handle.

    • Introduction Prikorma

    More often, the introduction of feeding contributes to the normalization of the work of the gastrointestinal tract, but the reason for the difficulty with the chair. It should be closely monitored for the intestinal reaction to new dishes. Also early can contribute to constipation.

    • Sharp change

    This is possible with a sharp disappearance of milk in the mother, replacing one adapted mixture to another or incorrect transition from one type of feeding to another. Usually constipation disappears after adapting to the new food.

    • Psychological constipation

    This is not a myth, as some think. The child's body, being in unusual or uncomfortable conditions, (for example, when the crumb breaks up with the mother), responds to stress in this way. Also, the child may be afraid to change due to pain, which at this moment occurs. In this case, it is necessary to try to return the normal kashitz-shaped consistency of the kid's chair, adhering to the diet.

    There is another reason for the psychological constipation - the child can manipulate in this way adults. If any signs of constipation in the kid are caused by his parents panic and parents start indifferently to regret, console and fuss around the child, then the baby can consciously detain the chair. The only way of treatment in such a situation will be a calm attitude to the problem.

    • Frequent or infectious diseases

    Increasing the body temperature can provoke a significant sealing of powerful masses and lead to the constation.

    It is extremely important that the constipation itself can relate to one of the signs of serious diseases and pathologies, therefore it is important not to engage in independent treatment, but to consult with the doctor. These diseases include:

    • Genetic predisposition.
    • Anatomical defects gasts.
    • Diabetes.
    • Violations in the work of the GCT.
    • Rickets.
    • Diseases of the nervous system.
    • Miasthenia.
    • Disruption of spinal cord functions.
    • Liver diseases.
    • Lactose insufficiency.
    • Allergic reaction to protein in cow's milk.
    • Food allergy.
    • Hypothyroidism.

    Diseases that lead to the constation.Fortunately, these diseases occur infrequently. These include Dolichosigma, Girshprung disease and lactase insufficiency.

    • Dolichosigma is the elongation of the sigmoid gut. The emptying of the intestine slows down due to the inflection and overpressure of the sigmoid intestine on itself and the rectum;
    • Girshprung disease occurs due to intestinal innervation. This leads to the fact that some parts of the intestines do not work and are in a spasmated state;
    • Lactase insufficiency appears due to the absence or small amount of enzyme splitting milk sugar (lactase). In this case, the kid will be replaced by diarrhea.

    Only a doctor will be able to identify such constipation in the infants, and what needs to be done in this situation also solves only the doctor.

    Treatment of constipation

    The first task in the treatment of constipation is to determine its cause and eliminate it. To establish a normal work of the newborn intestine, it is necessary:

    1. Medical examination.
    2. With breastfeeding, more frequent applying to the chest.
    3. For a child on artificial nutrition - a doping of specialty children's water (not boiled) between meals, the volume of the liquid should be equal to the volume of one portion.
    4. For baby older than 6 months - introduction to the diet of apples and vegetables.
    5. For a child after a year - soup as a mandatory dish in a daily diet.

    The general recommendations for the fight against constipation also include: the correction of the mother and baby, an increase in the amount of fluid consumed, changing the nature of the feeding or change of the adapted mixture to the one that contains more lactobacilli.

    Separately should dwell on the question of the question. Independent experts have long been proven that the shops, puree and other "jars for children", regardless of the manufacturer, are made with the addition of rather harmful substances and preservatives and are the strongest allergens for the child. Try to find some time to prepare really useful feeding. Of the conventional carrots or apple it will get many times more useful and vitamined puree or juice. The money saved on the purchase of dangerous "Agushi" can be spent on a comfortable blender or juicer, which will make it easier to prepare dishes for feeding.

    Belum and laxatives should be used only as extreme measures. They wash away the useful microflora from the intestines: potassium, vitamins, protein, trace elements; They contribute to a decrease in the tone of the intestines muscles, lead to a violation of the reflex of the natural purification of the intestines, prevent the assimilation of the useful substances. Before using these emergency measures in a panic, you should try softer and harmless ways that in most cases give a positive result. These methods include:

    Massage of animal

    It is aimed at removing spasm, an increase in the intestinal tone and the activation of its peristalsis. It is performed by soft strokes with a slight pressure on the belly of the baby. Movements must be performed clockwise. You can additionally put on the tummy crumbs with a stroking towel or diaper. Just make sure that it is not hot, but warm. It is also well helped by warm baths and the warmth of the mother body: just slightly press the baby with the tummy to your own belly.

    Abdominal massage during constipation:

    Mechanical intestinal stimulation

    Performed by irritating the rear pass. You can exercise with a cotton stick, richly blurred with children's cream. The chopper is shallowly injected into the anal hole and gently turn several times. Usually in a few minutes there is an emptying of the intestine.

    When conducting a procedure, there is a risk to scratch the epithelium with a stick of the anal hole, so you need to act extremely carefully, with light movements, not to abuse this method.

    For similar purposes, a special gas feed tube is provided. It is also neatly introduced into the rectum, which allows you to activate the defecation process.

    Glycerin candles

    You can use special rectal candles for newborns. They quickly soften the feces and contribute to the cleansing of the intestine. For a newborn enough 1/3 suppository. It needs to be carefully cut and, swing the sharp ends with his finger, slowly and gently enter into the rear pass.

    All the difficulties associated with the division of the suppository, the calculation of dosage, etc. can be avoided if you use Special Children's Glycerol Candles Glycelax®. Glycelax® suppositories has a reduced size and children's dosage of 0.75 g of glycerin, so the parents do not need to produce additional manipulations - you just need to pull the candle from the packaging and put the child. 15-20 minutes after setting the candle there is a soft and natural emptying of the intestine. Apply Glycelax® candles in children from three-month age, candles are safe and hypoallergenic.

    There is an old and alleged effective "grandmother" a way to treat constipation, in which instead of a glycerin candle, use a piece of soap. You need to know that it is very dangerous way: Soap contains alkali and other harmful substances that can lead to a rectum burn. Even when using children's soap, it is difficult to ensure that it is made without dangerous components.

    If an hour after the introduction of the candle, the child did not empty the intestines, you should call a doctor. Some candles are able to cause unpleasant sensations: burning, itching, allergic reactions, so candles also relate to emergency measures. Before use, be sure to study anatation.


    The enema is considered an emergency measure of relief from constipation. A fringe (20-30 ml) with cooled boiled water or decoction of the drug chamomile is introduced to a depth of no more than 1.5 cm into the anal hole of the baby and slowly injected all the liquid. The required fluid temperature is about 37 ° C. It is advisable to dissolve in water for the enema a pinch of the cook salt and add a couple of drops of pharmacy glycerin. When buying a draft, stop the choice is not on plastic, but on a rubber or silicone tip, they are less traumatic. A pre-tip of the scratch should be abundantly lubricated with baby cream or butter. It should not use too warm water: it simply absorbed into the intestinal walls, and the desired result will not be achieved.

    Modern analogue of the enema with a softer effect - designed specifically for newborns. It is a microclisher based on the aqueous-salty solution with the addition of glycerol. The effect of microlax occurs after a quarter of an hour after use. You must first get acquainted with the instructions for use, and do not enter the tip into the rectum on the drawn line.

    These methods can be used as emergency measures, especially with regular constipation. Frequent use of the enema disrupts the work and a favorable microflora of the intestinal tract and causes dysbacteriosis that will have to be treated with probiotics.


    Reception of laxatives is needed only when nothing helps anything. Breastfish Before the year, most of the laxatives are contraindicated. Exception - Duhalak syrup and similar drugs based on lactulose. To challenge the emptying of the intestine Duhalak, it is necessary to give an emboss in a volume of 5 ml. If the crumb feeds on breast milk, the means can also apply a nursing mother.

    The six-month child can take the drug Forlax. His great dignity is the duration of use up to three months.

    Before use of any means, remember that drugs can only be prescribed by the attending physician, and emergency measures are allowed to be applied only at extreme need: when all methods of constipation treatment turned out to be ineffective.

    Often, young children have a tummy hurt. How to help your child? What methods of treating constipation for an infant is better? Do you need to use drugs or can be done by folk remedies? All these questions give answers a pediatrician "Home Doctor" with extensive experience of Orlova Galina Viktorovna:

    Preventive measures

    The easiest I. effective method Treatment is a prevention of the disease. Health of children under the age of year requires constant control and attention. Do not wait for the first signs of constipation, immediately start preventive measures.

    • Very useful simple but an effective way: Before feeding, after eating, wear crumb for a few minutes by the column;
    • Do regular gymnastics. To do this, put the backbone on the back, carefully and smoothly lift it off the legs bent in the knees and press the tummy slightly. Repeat several times, avoiding sharp movements. It is also useful to do the exercise "Bike";
    • Provide crumbling with the necessary amount of fluid. Instead of tea and juices, it is better to drink special bottled children's water. It is not necessary to boil it. Under the introduction of lures, the juices must be diluted with water;
    • If the baby is more than 4 months old, the juice from the prunes perfectly helps from constipation. Two tea spoons are quite enough. After half a year you can use puree from prunes. Equally effective both fresh fruits and dried fruits. You can add the berries of the prunes into compote;
    • Do not Kunt the baby. Overheating, along with dehydration, one of the main causes of constipation. It is also relevant for colds and infectious diseases: if the baby has a temperature as often as possible, otherwise the constipation after the disease cannot be avoided;
    • Effective drinks from constipation - compote dried fruits with dried and prunes, raisin water. To prepare it, it is enough to pour a spoonful of pure raisins with boiling water and insist in a thermos;
    • Give preference to vegetables with a "laxative effect" and a high content of coarse fiber, rich in potassium fruit. This is figs, green apples, prunes, drill, beets, carrots, peach, apricot, pumpkin. These same products should be introduced into the diet of a nursing mother;
    • Extremely useful for intestinal microflora preparations with bifidobacteria and lactobacillims, fermented milk products, natural yogurts. They are shown both to a child and mom;
    • Try to give your chest as long as possible, the first six months are especially important. If this is not possible, give preference to fermented adapted mixtures;
    • If you need treatment with antibiotics, simultaneously with their reception, start giving funds for the prevention of dysbacteriosis.

    You do not need to panic if the baby constipates. The first step to recovery is to identify and eliminate the causes of the disease. But do not self-medicate and do not use grandparent treatments without consulting your doctor. Most often enough to establish food, drink more liquid and not forget about massage and gymnastics, so that the ailment retreated. Duhalak, glycerin candles or enema will help in emergency situations. Show maximum attention to the treatment of constipation. The formation and normalization of the work of the gastrointestinal tract in the first year of life is the key to the future health of the child.

    On the topic of newborns chairs:

    Video: What to do during constipation


    The frequency of the chair in children in three months can vary from several times a day to once every two days. It matters on what feeding is a child - natural or artificial. The feces of artificials are more dense. There may be a characteristic unpleasant smell. Color - from yellow to brownish. The kids on the GW of the chair is more liquid, the smell and consistency resembles sour cream, the color is yellow.

    What is constipation

    Popps in children of the first year of life are often found. Since each organism is individual, the frequency of the chair can be different in both adults and in children. Chronic stool delay is characterized by the inability to go to the toilet, outraging, pain and cry.

    Popps are classified as organic and functional. Organic associated with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, functional arise in the absence of anatomical problems.

    Of the congenital diseases, it is possible to distinguish the hyrchsprung disease. At the same time, a rare disease, a child is born with underdeveloped intestinal nerve cells. Because of the irregular work of the intestine at the site of the lesion, there is a constant reduction in nerves and the accumulation of carts. Most children do not threaten the disease because, as it was said, it is quite rare. For treatment is necessary operation.

    Do not worry if:

    • the child is active and cheerful,
    • eats with appetite
    • stomach soft, painless,
    • the chair is ordinary, cashecny, without changes in color and smell,
    • if the child is developing normally,
    • does not blush when stretching.

    If other symptoms appeared except the constipation - this is a reason to consult a doctor. Constipation is a symptom of problems and infections, and not an independent disease. To pay attention to the behavior of the child, and on signs of the disease - nausea, vomiting, temperature, weakness.

    Causes of constipation in children of the first year of life

    In 3 months, constipation can be an allergic reaction to the cow's milk. To other reasons, constipation refers:

    • a sharp transition from breastfeeding to the milk mixture,
    • replace the usual mixture by children's nutrition of another brand,
    • reception of drugs
    • infectious diseases,
    • endocrine diseases
    • cNS diseases,
    • anatomical features.

    If a child has constipation after the introduction of a doctor or dust, it is worth returning to the usual power scheme.

    Publishers in children on breastfeeding

    Sometimes for constipation of a three-month-old child is made normal, but rare defecation. According to foreign pediatricians, the infants may not have a chair for several days, sometimes a week and longer. This is explained by the fact that Mother's milk is perfect for the baby and is well absorbed by his body. Therefore, the frequency of the chair can be minimal. If milk is fully absorbed, the child is essentially nothing to allocate from the intestine.

    Packs in a child in 3 months may arise due to improper nutrition mom. If a woman gets insufficiently fiber and omega-3, it affects the quality of milk. The child should receive the required amount of beneficial substances, so the power of the mother should be diversified by vegetables, porridge, bran, greens.

    Publishers in children on artificial feeding

    Most often, constipation are not related to diseases, but indicate a shortage in the body of the baby liquid and potassium. A child who is feeding the adapted mixture is necessary to give water. The best filtered filters or special bottled baby water. Boiled water is bad in that it does not contain mineral salts, including potassium. It is impossible to children giving flow water from the crane.

    Liquid shortage is one of the most frequent reasons for the constipation of a 3-month-old child. When dehydration decreases the peristalism, so when the child is heated, it is necessary to dope during the day. A sufficient amount of fluid is necessary if the family lives in a dry air room.

    Sometimes the reason may be in the improper breeding of the dairy mixture. Instructions on packs are written not in vain and they need to follow exactly in-point.

    A trip disorder in a three-month-old child may appear after the early introduction of dust, even recommended baby food (vegetable and fruit puree). Children up to 4 months do not recommend recovering, because the baby does not fully formed digestive enzymes in the intestine. Because of this, the new food becomes a heavy test for a baby - juices and mashed potatoes are not digested, the baby is discomfort and anxiety.

    First aid for constipation

    What if a child is experiencing problems with defecation? It is not worth giving a child several laxatives at once, because the body of the baby is not a polygon for experiments.

    If the child is concerned if he wants, but long can not shove, the introduction of candles with glycerin either will be a safe way out of the situation or with sea buckthorn oil.

    Microclisms like microlax provoke a quick chair, but can cause allergic reactions in children of the first year of life. Water enemas can wash the intestinal useful bacteria, so the use of the enema is the extreme option of purification.

    The syrup of lactulose was recognized as the most secure and efficient in the global medical community. The lactulose is not absorbed by the intestinal walls, and it works as a osmotic laxative, that is, it delays water in the intestine, eliminating dehydration, but as a result of the folding of the carts. Treatment must be started with small doses of the drug, since lactulose stimulates increased gas formation. It is possible to strengthen the pain, so it is necessary to abandon high doses, even if it is spelled out in the instructions. Syrup begins to act 1-2 days after the reception, it is after this period the peristalistic is restored. 66.7% of the syrup give twice a day before eating 2.5 ml at the reception (the daily dose is no more than 5 ml). The drug is introduced gradually and gradually cancel. Before the daily dose of reception, it is better to give a child to a child for 1 ml of medication and observe the reaction.

    To facilitate defecation, you can touch the anus of the toddler with the tip of the thermometer, with a lubricated mineral oil. Oils can be replaced by purified glycerin, squeezing a few substance to the anal hole - it is not necessary to introduce into the drug, only external irritation is necessary. Also, if the mother wants to avoid burns of the mucous, from such folk recipeslike introduction to the back pass piece economic Soap You need to refuse categorically. The arguments of grandmothers and other senior relatives that before all were treated with soap and everything was in order, it is necessary to reject. Modern medicine offers safe and effective drugs to solve the problem.

    Doctors prescribe other drugs for constipation: Smekt, Espumizan, Linex, Bifidumbacterin. Usually they are prescribed during colic and bloat. Glycine is used to normalize metabolism and removal of nervousness, since the cause of the constipation may be violations in the operation of the central nervous system. For normal stool Prescribed Hilak Forte.

    It should be remembered that constant stimulation leads to the fact that the child can not be practiced independently and he needs regular additional assistance.

    Prevention of constipation

    For the prevention of the child, it is necessary to give liquid. This applies to artificial children. Children on HB do not need to be resigned to 6 months of age.

    The daily abdomen massage helps to establish an intestine activity. Make warm hands the abdominal massage clockwise, follow the gymnastics on bending-extension of the legs: First press the bent legs to the stomach, then straighten.

    After the massage, put the baby on the belly well. The heat application favorably affects the condition of the child of this age. You can attach a warm diaper or put the baby on your mother's belly.

    For prevention of constipation after treatment with antibiotics, a mixture with a prebiotic can be appointed.

    If the mother feeds the breast, the feeders must contain dishes with food fibers: prunes, raisins, figs, dries, deanis, peanuts, crude rice, peaches, dried and fresh apples, apricots, lentils, parsley, salad. Oatmeal and buckwheat are most useful from the croup.

    Baby constipation is unpleasant, but, unfortunately, a common phenomenon. Difficulties in the emptying of the intestine are experiencing children of different ages: from infants to schoolchildren.

    Why does constipation arise from a child? How to help at home using secure methods and proven drugs? For you - advice of gastroenterologists and pediatricians.

    What is constipation

    Failures in the intestines, in which kids can not be calm, painlessly empty the intestines. In severe cases, the chair is absent for two or three days, sometimes about a week or more.

    Danger of constipation:

    • poisoning of the body with decay products;
    • hardening of carts, irritation of the intestinal walls;
    • when the density of the dense fee is selected, the rush fission appears, bleeding is felt by severe pain in defecation;
    • with frequent constipation, the child has to be very busy, to spend a long time in the toilet. The result is hemorrhoids, psychological stress, nervous disorders;
    • the abdomen appears, the intestinal activity is disturbed, problems with digestion develop.

    Note! Special danger represents chronic constipation when the stool delays are marked throughout three months old and more. There are problems with the activities of the digestive system, the nervous voltage increases. Consultation doctor is obligatory.

    Normal stool frequency:

    • from a period of newborn to six months. From two times a day, a soft chair, puree;
    • from 6 months to one and a half years. No more than two times a day (the mass is more dense, well formed);
    • after 3 years. The normal emptying frequency is at least three times in 7 days;
    • children 6-10 years old. Norma - from 4 times a week;
    • teenagers. Emptying of the intestines - 5 or more than a week.

    Types of illness

    For children, specialists are diagnosed:

    • anatomical constipation. The problem occurs after surgery in the intestinal area, with congenital pathologies;
    • functional constipation. The pathological condition develops water by influencing the set of causes associated with nutrition, psychological state, the incorrect functioning of various organs.

    Causes of occurrence

    Recognize constipation is easy, especially, kids: the frequency of the chair is always under the control of parents. Senior kids are often shy to say about the problem of the problem with the intestines, they suffer, they bring condition to critical. Only with a strong bloating, intestinal pains parents notice that the baby has constipation.

    Basic symptoms of constipation:

    • rare chair / complete absence over several days;
    • soreness during defecation;
    • selection of solid carts with blood;
    • after defecation, it seems that there are feces in the intestines;
    • bloating, pain in the intestinal area;
    • change in Cala consistency;
    • in severe cases, the deterioration of general well-being, headaches, lack of appetite, sleep problems.

    After three years, when the child becomes more independent, goes to the garden and school, regularly ask if there are no problems with the intestines. Do not disdate complaints of abdominal pain, pay attention to the reluctance to go to the toilet, even if more than a day passed. When changing the underwear, check if the blood droplets appeared on the panties. War down if the lingerie is perfectly clean, although traces remained a week ago, when the child went "in large."


    What to do when constipation in children? Problems with a chair in children of different ages - a reason to appeal to the pediatrician. After clarifying complaints, the doctor will send a narrow patient to narrow specialists.

    Often help:

    • children's gastroenterologist;
    • psychologist;
    • endocrinologist;
    • surgeon;
    • neurologist.

    Basic treatments

    The method of treating constipation depends on the type, causes of the problem. It is important to take into account the age of the child, the type of food, the nature of preschoolers and schoolchildren, the general condition of the body.

    Basic treatments:

    • anatomical constipation requires surgical intervention;
    • laxative in constipation Use as much as possible so that there is no irritation of the mucous membrane, the intestine did not become "lazy";
    • microlx microclism - good tool from the constipation in children, if the problem occurs infrequently;
    • to improve the intestines of intestines, doctors often prescribe duphalak;
    • changing the diet and diet with constipation. The rapid empty of the intestines, the soft consistency of the wheel masses contributes to the use of black bread, bran, prunes, boiled coats with oil, oatmeal, carrots, fermented milk products;
    • with breastfeeding, the diet must observe mommy. Forbidden: Rice, manna porridge, onions, garlic, legumes, cow's milk. Do not have a white cabbage, mushrooms, black bread, drink strong tea;
    • for artificials, special mixtures with probiotics, lactulose, oligosaccharides are recommended;
    • in the morning let's children vegetable oil (sterilized in a water bath). Dosage - from 2 droplets to 1 tsp. according to age;
    • massage during constipation is another way to reduce soreness, improve intestinal peristalsis. Stroke the tummy clockwise without a strong push, but to be heard: you make a massage.

    Relaxing enema

    Sometimes there are hard masses with a constituent constipation, that alone candles and prunes can not do. To remove toxic residues, a washing or removable enema on an oil, salt or glycerol base is carried out. In some cases, the chamomile decoction is used.


    • the water temperature for the washing enema is from 25 to 27 degrees, for a lightweight enema during constipation, water is heated to 28-35 degrees;
    • liquid volume. Newborn - up to 30 ml, in 1 year - no more than 180 ml, in 2 years - up to 250 ml, in 6 years - no more than 300 ml. Seven-year-old baby You can enter up to 400 ml of solution, a decade - half-liter fluid.

    What is needed for the procedure


    • for infants - a small fringe with a rubber tip, for children from year to two - a rubber can, after three years, use the circle of Esmar;
    • pelleka or big glue;
    • boiled water of a certain temperature or therapeutic solution. The temperature of the fluid depends on the type of enema;
    • children's cream, special oil or vaseline;
    • clean soft rag, cotton wool or cotton disks;
    • large rag to wipe the floor if water is accidentally falling out of the pelvis (with the procedures for children from year).

    How to put the enema

    The nature of the procedure depends on age: a lot of similar moments, but for older kids is important psychological training. Check out the instructions, act carefully. It is desirable that the enemas put the health worker, but parents should know how to properly hold the procedure.

    Tip! If you are worried that you can not cope with the circle of Esmark, use microlx microclism. With the help of a convenient can, the procedure passes easily and painlessly, the kids are less worried about the consequences due to the small size of the tank. The only minus - the lifting composition is forbidden to use for a long time.

    Cleaner procedure for children up to 1 year

    • pick up the point when the baby behaves calmly;
    • boil the fringe;
    • in a clean jar, prepare a tool for the enema;
    • wash your hands with soap, shook the changing table with a liner, put the peel on top;
    • squeeze the fringe, type a certain amount of solution, the tip is abundantly smeared with cream, vaseline or sterilized oil;
    • release the air (the fringe is located up the upwards, give up the capacitance until the liquid appears);
    • put the baby on the back, lift the legs slightly, carefully unwalle the buttocks;
    • without a strong pressure, enter a 2.5 cm tip in the rear pass;
    • slowly press up the scripture so that the water gets into the intestine, follow the behavior of the child;
    • try to enter liquid only on inhalation;
    • after entering the entire portion of the solution, firmly squeeze the buttocks with your left hand, right carefully remove the tip;
    • hold the buttocks from a minute to five so that the fluid is well penetrated into particles of the wheel masses;
    • release your hand: There should be emptying. After the procedure, remove the dirty pellery, carefully fit the infants.

    How fast and painless breastfeeding? We have an answer!

    About how and how to treat diarmos in infants, read the page.

    Read about the prevention of rotavirus infection in children.

    Sequence of actions for children older than 1 year

    • for the softening of the wheel masses in a one-year-old or two-year-old baby, replace the sprints with a rubber can;
    • from three years old, the mug of Esmark is allowed (the device with a volume of 1-2 liters is similar to a heap with a long tube);
    • the general rules of procedure are similar to the formulation of the enema infant, but there are nuances;
    • if the child does not agree, never put the enema forcibly: you are injured by the baby's psyche. Talk to convince that the pain will not. You can show on a doll that you are going to do, be sure to explain that after the procedure will cease to hurt the belly;
    • put the linke on the bed, one edge to lower in a large pelvis or a bowl;
    • prepare the solution, pour into a rubber vessel. Open the crane, wait until the air comes out;
    • act the same way as during the procedure for children up to a year, but the child should lie on the side (be sure to fit legs in the knees);
    • keep the circle of Esmar at a distance of 50 to 70 cm above the baby;
    • carefully enter the tip on 5-7 cm, follow not to injure the rear pass;
    • do not open the faucet completely, adjust the fluid pressure so that the child does not feel strong discomfort;
    • after the introduction of the solution, the kid must lie on the side from 5 to 10 minutes, to get up prohibited;
    • after 10 minutes, ask the child to surprise: the softened horses will come out well with water.

    Now you know the symptoms and methods of treating constipation in children at home. Pay attention to the problem in time, use the entire arsenal of funds if necessary.

    (2 estimates, average: 3,00 out of 5)

    Disturb the joy of maternity, despite the care of child care, can only deteriorate his well-being. The most frequent manifestations of the non-debugged processes in the body of the baby are challenges.

    Packages in a baby on breastfeeding is quite rare, since maternal milk contains enzymes that improve the digestive process.

    Specialists insist that worrying young parents standing if the kid is poorly gaining in weight. According to physicians, in addition to changing the frequency of the chair (less than 1 time per day), the main signs of the occurrence of constipation in infant on breastfeeding are:

    • sharp challenge of the character of the chair (excessive density, rotary smell);
    • refusal to eat;
    • swimming a tummy and discomfort at easy pressing;
    • anxiety and tension when trying to defecation;
    • frequent impression of legs to the chest;
    • lost and restless sleep.

    With several signs of babies in breastfeeding, urgently contact your pediatrician. The state of the baby may deteriorate due to the flow of toxins from the wheel masses in the body.

    Packs in a baby on breastfeeding in no way be ignored, since the causes of such a phenomenon can be sufficiently dangerous to the health of the baby

    Reasons for constipation in infants

    As for warnings, and for subsequent correct treatment, the baby on breastfeeding constipation is important to understand the causes of its occurrence. Experts allocate the following the most common reasons:

    • Changing the composition of breast milk of the mother as a result of a sharp change of power or medication reception. Children's pediatricians advise with caution to enter into a diet of a nursing mother unfamiliar to the kid products, as well as take drugs only by appointment of a doctor.
    • Insufficient liquid, especially in a hot period.
    • Increased temperature In teething, infection in the body.
    • Stressful situation provoked by the forced radiation from the mother or other sharp changes.
    • Violation of intestinal motility due to not fully formed nerve endings on its walls or the work of the digestive system as a whole.
    • Anatomical defects or pathology of the organs of the digestive system.

    Breast milk can be fully assimilated in the child's body. If the stool frequency decreased, but the baby eats well and gains weight, there is no reason to worry.

    Baby constipation: Urgent action

    As a rule, it is quite rare to identify the cause independently, it is why physicians advise if there are a set of signs to seek help from specialists.

    However, to facilitate the state of the child, parents can take the most harmless to the child who do not require specialized training.

    First of all, this is a massage of the abdomen, stimulating the intestinal motility, as well as bending and extension of the legs with a slight press on the abdomen area.

    More radical method is the use of rectal candles with glycerin. It is better to use them only if the option with the massage did not give results. Glycerin, enveloping the walls of the rectum and stimulating them, provides a gliding of the compacted feces and facilitates its conclusion.

    One of the tests to help determine possible pathologies, if there is constipation in the baby on breastfeeding (the reasons are different, and the signs are easy to recognize), is a blood test.

    Analyzes and rules for their collection of infants during constipation

    To obtain a complete picture of the state of the child and detect possible pathologiesThe pediatrician will appoint a number of analyzes:

    • blood on biochemical analysis;
    • general blood analysis;
    • analysis of feces on impurities;
    • analysis of the feces on the intestinal microflora.

    Biochemical indicators of the child's blood reflect the work of the internal organs and the patient's body systems.

    The overall blood test depending on the results will show the presence / absence of inflammatory processes, cardiovascular pathologies and the state of immunity as a whole.

    In order for the indicators to be correct, blood from a breastfeeding vein on breastfeeding is taken after 2-3 hours interruption after the last use of fluid and food.

    Mandatory Analysis in Breastfish constipation - feces analysis

    The fence of the fence in a child on breastfeeding during constipation can be not easy task. Therefore, to obtain correct indicators it is necessary to adhere to the rules for collecting the analysis:

    • use a pure diaper or diaper without filler;
    • to stimulate the defecation, you can apply massage or use the gas pipe;
    • washed and dry pot;
    • use for transportation sterile glass or plastic container;
    • at room temperature, Cal is suitable for analysis not more than 3-4 hours after defecation;
    • under the conditions of the refrigerator, Kal in a tightly closed capacity can be stored for no more than 8 hours.

    Reception of different medicines can change the value of the indicators, as it is worth warning a doctor assigned analysis.

    Rules for the implementation of the massage of the tummy during baffs of infants

    Massage when constipation in a child on breastfeeding is the most gentle, natural and affordable means.

    The technique of execution is quite simple, however there are several basic rules:

    • massage should be performed 1-2 hours before or after meals;
    • movements are performed only clockwise;
    • movements should be light without excessive pressure;
    • massage must be performed several times a day.

    Main movements when performing massage:

    Massage of the belly of the breast child during constipation
    1. Not sharp, circular movements with the entire palm surface. Performed within 2-3 minutes to relax the sphincter, as well as the intestinal stimulation.
    2. Synchronous strokes with two palms in the direction of the ribs to the bottom of the tummy, to relax the abdominal muscles.
    3. Massage of the umbilical zone with pointing torch movements clockwise, with light pressure. After a point massage, it is recommended to repeat relaxing strokes.

    Drugs from constipation for newborn (candles, microclides, syrups)

    Medical treatment of constipation in babies can only be applied after consulting a pediatricianSince all drugs in one degree or another may affect the further development of the kid.

    Table of preparations used in constipation in children on breastfeeding

    Form release

    Name of the drug

    The main properties of the drug in the treatment babies of babies on breastfeeding

    Frequency of use

    Impact on the body

    Candles Glycerol


    It acts due to the irritant action of glycerol on the intestinal mucosa and increasing the speed of passing masses. Applied episodically to facilitate the state Not absorbed.
    Microclism Microlax Emptying takes place score irritation score. Episodic applied Not absorbed.

    Permanent use is addictive.

    Syrup Duhalak



    Increases the number of carte masses due to the fluid delay in the intestine, stimulating the peristaltics. Sweet taste and is a favorable environment for the development of beneficial bacteria Most of all suitable for long admission Does not find it.

    The use of these drugs without appointment is an exceptional unit case and possibly only if necessary to urgently facilitate the state of the kid. Long-term reception and the system of their reception is developed by the doctor individually for each child.

    Folk remedies for babies from constipation: fast and efficient

    At the moment, methods for the treatment of constipation in a child on breastfeeding people are many people. There are three most frequently used and tested tools:

    1. Decoration from Romaist, diluted with boiled water, can be given to kids from two weeks, no more than 100 ml per day. It has a beneficial effect not only to work the gastric intestinal tract, but also on immunity as a whole.
    2. Decoration from fresh or dried fennel seedswhich includes trace elements to help restore the digestive system.
    3. Broth of prunes (Recommended for children from 6 months.), Starting with 1 tsp, gradually increasing the dose.

    Daughter chamomile can be given to children from 2 weeks after birth, and the decoction of prunes - from 6 months

    By virtue of the underdeveloped systems of the kid and the possible development of allergic reactions even using grain braves must be pre-discussing with a pediatrician.

    What can not be used when babies in breastfeeding

    Packs in breastfeeding infant is a fairly delicate theme for many parents, and instead of consulting with a specialist, they use "grandfathers" treatment methods.

    Most often, instead of glycerin candles, a piece of children's soap is used, while it is possible to cause strong irritation of the passage mucous membrane and nerve endings.

    The enema is considered to be an extreme measure with water or bravery And used in cases where the remaining funds did not help. Frequent use of the enema threatens disorders of the intestine microflora and can aggravate the problem. Specialists recommend carrying out similar procedures in babies in conditions medical institution.

    Enema, as well as baby or any other soap, thermometer, cotton wand, etc. Similar items, categorically impossible to use when the baby is breastfeeding

    Such a manipulation, as stimulating the intestinal work by means of the room in the back passage of the baby's cotton wand or the tip of the mercury hydraulic, can damage the walls of the passage and cause serious complications in the future during defecation.

    Mom diet with baffs for infants

    Packages in a baby on breastfeeding in 90% of cases can be prevented by observing a simple diet for mom. In the diet of a nursing mother should include such healthy foods, as:

    • various groats: buckwheat, oat, corn, oatmeal, wheat;
    • vegetables, both fresh and as part of various dishes: zucchini, cabbage, cucumbers, pumpkin, beets, potatoes, tomatoes;
    • boiled low-fat meat and light broths from different varieties;
    • dried fruits in moderate quantity.

    In the diet of a nursing mother should be like fresh, so cooked in different dishes. Vegetables

    It is worth excluding from diet products having properties to fasten the chair, as well as with various food dyes and additives.

    The main nuance is a measureMore - it is not always useful. Balance the food, alternate dishes and follow the status of the chair. Correct the number of one or another product, focusing on the needs and reaction of the child's body.

    Do not treat the problem of constipation in the child on breastfeeding frivolously. The health of their baby depends on the solutions of parents, and the Pediatrician recommendations will help solve this problem.

    Packs in a baby on breastfeeding - in what causes and what to do, Dr. Komarovsky will tell:

    Pediatrician tips when constipation in a breast child:

    Parents do not know how to cope with the babies to the baby if the baby is unable to go to the toilet more than a day. Pediatricians advise not to panic. Not always the latency of the chair is considered to be constipated. To recognize constipation from a child in 3 months, you need to know the intestinal emptying rate in this age.

    1. According to the accepted standards, the child up to six months should empty the intestine on average 3-5 times a day. Each infant is individual, and the inclination of the defecation will depend on the type of crook food, compliance with the mother's diet. One kid can go to the toilet to 5 times a day, the other is to empty the intestine 1 time in 2 days and feel good.
    2. A child on artificial feeding can roll rarely - 1 time in 3 days. In such a situation, you need to pay attention to the overall condition of the infant. If he is active, sleeps well, rejoices of life, you can forget about constipation.
    3. On breastfeeding, children walk in a large more often, normally - 3-4 times a day. E. O. Komarovsky speaks of the individual characteristics of the kids. The latency of the chair may even occur in children feeding on breast milk, which speaks of its nutritional performance. The child gets a full nutrition, the milk is completely absorbed. The kid smiles, knows the world as playfully, as before.

    Symptoms of constipation of a three-month baby

    The per capita of parents must be the following signs, talking about the appearance of constipation:

    • short crying baby;
    • inflated, tight belly;
    • during an attempt to go to the toilet, the baby sweeps legs, his face blushes from Natuchi;
    • there is a bad appetite;
    • increased gas formation;
    • bad sleep.

    Consider symptoms should be comprehensively. Publiking constipation is not manifested only by a stool delay.

    Pay attention to the consistency of the carts. In a child in 3 months, stool is cascidious. The appearance of blood streaks, the sealing of the carts is included in the signs of constipation.

    If a three-month-old child has vomiting against the background of the delayed masses, bleeding from the rectum, the chair changes the color, the stomach becomes painful, please contact an ambulance.

    Reasons for repairs in infants for 3 months

    The main reason why the child has constipation in 3 months, the malfunction of mother or baby is considered. Pay attention not to the following factors leading to the confusion in infants in three months old.

    1. Mom with GW uses many products with fixing action (potatoes, persimmon, bananas, tanning broths, fatty dishes). The digestive system of the child in 3 months is not yet fully complete, gets used to new conditions, so reacts to the slightest changes in the composition of breast milk.
    2. Transition from lactation on artificial feeding makes adjustments in digestion. The body needs to give time to get used to new food. Adaptation lasts from 5 to 7 days. After the chair becomes regular, properly consistency.
    3. Incorrectly chosen mixture of artificial will deliver discomfort, cause an increased gas formation, bloating.
    4. Constant change of mixtures. It is impossible to experiment with the baby's nutrition. Replacing the mixtures only with a negative reaction to its reception. The children's body reacts to changes in nutrition. The constant replacement leads to a long constrain.
    5. The cause of constipation often becomes organic disorders. In 90% of cases, they are revealed in the maternity hospital.
    6. Diseases gasts. In infants may occur dysbacteriosis. On his background there is a violation of the chair.

    What is dangerous constipation in 3 months?

    Constitution in a child of three months of life is dangerous by the development of complications. With a serious constipation, unpleasant symptoms appear already on the first day. If you do not help the baby on time, serious complications may arise:

    • poisoning toxins;
    • weight deficit, dehydration;
    • injuries of the intestinal mucosa;
    • hemorrhoids, anal cracks (rarely occur during long-term confrontation).

    Pediatricians are advised not to experiment with therapy when the appearance of additional symptoms that are not included in the signs of constipation. When they appear, it is necessary to urgently apply for medical care.

    Treatment of constipation in children in 3 months

    Drug therapy in infants doctors are seriously suitable. Take medications only according to the testimony of a pediatrician to not harm the baby. Rectal candles, enema, laxatives are recommended to use when other alternative methods do not give a positive result.

    Medicinal products

    Of the widespread funds that help cope with the confusion in infants, pediatricians note glycerin candles, laxatives. Alternative to Classic Clizingment will be a microlax preparation.


    Use glycerin suppositories, they are most safe for infants, are not absorbed in the intestinal walls, have a soft effect. A special children's form is produced - Glycelax candles. Suppository is inserted into an anal pass 15-20 minutes after breakfast. During the day, babies can be used no more than 1 candles. The effect of therapy occurs within 5-20 minutes.

    When there are no special children's candles at hand, you can use those for adults. To apply suppositories for a child of three months, divide the suppositors into 3 parts, in one of them, grade all directions and tip for easy administration. Adult candles differ from children's dispensing, do not be afraid to apply them in practice when the baby needs emergency care.

    Glycerin candles have contraindications:

    • diarrhea;
    • bleeding;
    • anal cracks;
    • age under 3 months;
    • intestinal obstruction;
    • rectum tumors;
    • inflammatory processes in the intestines;
    • irritable bowel syndrome;
    • individual allergic reaction.

    Candles are able to cause side effects:

    • spastic pain in the intestines and stomach;
    • irritation of the rectum;
    • itching, burning in anal pass;
    • allergies;
    • with long-term use - the lazy bowel syndrome.

    Laxative preparations

    E. O. Komarovsky advises how to help the child in constipation. The pediatrician draws the attention of parents for children's syrups and drops containing lactulose. They are softer affect the intestines. These drugs include:

    • Prelax.

    Syrups on lactulose act slowly than candles. The effect may occur in a few days why they give laxatives for at least 3 days.

    The dosage increases gradually. It is recommended to give a baby in the first 2-3 days, no more than 2 ml of syrup once, after bringing the dose to 5 ml per day. It is necessary to avoid side Effects.

    Contraindications to the use of lactulose syrup are:

    • allergy to the composition;
    • galactosemia;
    • intestinal obstruction;
    • defceit lactase;
    • glucose-galactose malabsorption;
    • with caution applied with diabetes mellitus.

    In infants against the background of taking a laxative of lactulose may occur:

    • increased gas formation;
    • colic;
    • allergic reaction;
    • stomach ache.


    To resort to this procedure is necessary in emergency cases. The positive effect of the procedure gives when the baby is crying due to abdominal pain, sleeping badly, capricious, but it does not manage to shift for a long time.

    For the enema, prepare a special pear for newborns, they are sold at the pharmacy. Add chamomile decoction into a liquid or a few drops of glycerol. The input volume for a child for 3 months should not exceed 60 ml. Optimal is a dose of 40-60 ml. Water temperature - 25-27 degrees.

    Conduct the procedure like this:

    • Put the kid on a flat solid surface (changing table) back down, bed diaper.
    • Bend the legs of the baby so that the knees are touched by the tummy.
    • Press a little on a pear, excess air will be released.
    • Treat the tip of the Vaseline.
    • The tip neatly rotating movements is entered into an anal passage to a depth of no more than 2 cm.
    • Slowly push into the pear to enter the liquid into the rectum.
    • After the introduction of the entire fluid, the pear is neatly removed back.
    • Cress for a minute, a small buttocks of the child so that the liquid does not come out ahead of time.
    • As soon as the baby went to the toilet in a large, fit it with warm water.

    The effect occurs after 15-60 minutes. It is necessary to put the enema 1 time per day when there is a need. Embossed by belization leads to side reactions:

    • washing out the useful intestinal microflora - dysbacteriosis;
    • development of inflammation in the intestines;
    • the occurrence of anal cracks;
    • lazy intestinal syndrome.


    Comfortable, practical alternative to the enema - microlax. It has several advantages:

    1. Safe and high-quality composition.
    2. Relief occurs in 5-15 minutes.
    3. The drug works locally, in the rectum, to act comprehensively on the body.
    4. Minimum list of contraindications. It is impossible to put the microclism at:
    • individual intolerance to the components;
    • the presence of the rear pass cracks;
    • hypersensitivity.
    1. Minimal side effects:
    • burning, itching in the rectum;
    • allergy.

    In one packaging of the drug contains 4 tubes with a solution for the procedure. Their volume is 5 ml each. For a child, 3 months is a big dose, it is recommended to introduce half the drug - 2.5 ml. It is worth putting microclizms once, when the infant's latency begins to bring strong discomfort. The tool does not have the therapeutic effect. This is an emergency measure that helps eliminate the main symptom is a violation of defecation.

    Non-media treatment

    When the child has a child in half a year it is important to start therapy from massage, gymnastics. They are often assigned a baby from 3 months to remove the tone in the muscles. Massage during the latency of the chair differs from the classic, removing excessive voltage.


    It is important to understand what to do at home if the baby constipates. When a child does not go to the toilet for 3 days, the main thing is to stimulate the intestinal peristals, the intensification of the body, its relaxation. Massage helps to cope with these tasks.

    1. Put the kid on a solid surface to eliminate damage to the spine. It is advisable to use a changing board for massage. To put a diaper, the baby is back down.
    2. So that the little child is not frightened by the procedure, talk to him, tell the poems, sneak songs. Making a massage when the kid in a bad mood is not worth it.
    3. Suitable time for massage - morning before breakfast, evening before or after bathing. If the baby poketed, the procedure takes place no earlier than 1.5 hours.
    4. One-year-old baby can not do massage with gabbles, sharp movements. The perfect option is a light stimulation of the tummy.
    5. Do not use oils, other softening products for the first time to better control the pressure of the hand.
    6. Put the palm at the center of the abdomen, the baby's navel must be in the middle of his hand. From above clockwise, start rotating movements, as if the draw is a circle circle. Each time the radius should increase. Do not press on the stomach, movements should be light, smooth. Complete the massage with light strokes of the baby's backrest.

    The first time to make a massage is better under the control of a specialist or entrust the full course of the procedure massage. This will exclude possible injuries, because the skeleton of the child in 3 months of the fragile and gives in to the slightest impact.


    Complete the massage with a complex of exercises aimed at restoring the intestinal activity during constipation. With their help, gas formation is normalized, the peristalistic of the organ is stimulated, spasm is removed.

    Do daily with infant Next set of exercises.

    1. In 3 months, kids like to do on the phytball. Use it for gymnastics. Put the baby with stomach down on the ball, shake from the side to the side, in a circle. Active games on the ball allow you to strain the muscles of the abdomen, stimulate the intestinal work.
    2. Grasp the feet of the child's legs. Creating a support, help him bending the legs in the knees alternately, as if the baby rides a bike. Do it no more than 10 times (for each leg).
    3. Grasp the knees of infant. Feet should be bent. Make circular movements, removing your knees from each other. Exercise resembles a froggy step. Repeat 5 times.
    4. Take the feet of the baby in your hands, connect the legs together and lift them straight up, gently tighten the legs of the child so that they touch the forehead in the knees. Lower back to its original position. Repeat 6 times.

    Daily gymnastics is necessary. This is a fascinating way to spend a fun time with the baby and eliminate constipation at home. In the complex with massage the procedure gives a positive result.

    Diet nursing mom or mixing mix

    Food with nursing breasts, has a direct impact on the child's digestive system. If the mother eats foods, fixing the chair, the baby will suffer from chronic constipation, suffer from colic.

    Observing a diet, it is worth paying attention to the list of recommended products:

    • carrots, pumpkin, beets, zucchini (in boiled, steam form, fresh in salad);
    • kuraga and prunes (eat for several dried fruits in the morning on an empty stomach and in the evening before bedtime);
    • oatmeal, Hercules, buckwheat porridge (prepare preferably on water);
    • soups (cook soups daily on vegetable or low-fat broth).

    Fresh milk food products will be useful. Drink Ryazhenka, kefir, snowball and bifox at night.

    Mother's main task during the latency of the chair in the infant - to exclude the following products from the menu:

    • chocolate, coffee, cocoa;
    • sdob;
    • strong tea;
    • persimmon, pear;
    • sweets;

    Proper nutrition of the mother when lactation is a pledge of excellent feelings of crumbs. It normalizes the digestive system of the kid, helps it adapt to new conditions painlessly.

    Folk remedies

    When the kid cannot go to the toilet for the third day, parents often resort to popular therapy methods. Pediatricians prohibit manipulations with a small child. Popular Tips recommending mechanical intestinal irritation cotton stickThe introduction of children's soap into the rectum often leads to serious complications, intestinal injuries.

    What can parents give a child independently at home?

    Broth Romashki.

    The plant has a beneficial effect on digestion, has an anti-inflammatory effect. Allowed from birth.


    • chamomile flowers - 1 tbsp. the spoon;
    • boiling water - 1 cup.

    Preparation steps.

    1. Pour chamomile flowers with boiling water.
    2. Put a mixture on fire.
    3. Boil 10 minutes.
    4. Remove from fire, cool, strain.

    Cooking time is 20 minutes.

    Giving decoction to feeding for 1 tsp (no more than 4 times a day).

    Dill water

    You can cook yourself. The decoction improves digestion, eliminates increased gas formation.


    • seeds (greens) of dill - 2 h. spoons;
    • boiling water - 200 ml.

    Preparation steps.

    1. Throw the prepared grass or seeds in boiling water.
    2. Put the container with water and grass on fire.
    3. Boil for 5 minutes.
    4. Cool and strain.

    Cooking time is 15 minutes. Let's give the baby for 1 tsp of dill water before each feeding.

    Prevention of constipation at a three-month baby

    In the prevention of constipation, follow the principles:

    • spend more time with a child outdoors;
    • do a massage daily, gymnastics;
    • do not give the infant medication without a doctor's council;
    • when taking antibiotics by a child, give medicines that restore and support intestinal microflora for the prevention of dysbacteriosis;
    • on artificial Vekramlivnaiiya, do the baby (up to 50 ml of fluid per day);
    • observe the diet when breastfeeding;
    • use GW as long as possible;
    • choose an adapted milk mixture rich in prebiotics.

    In the prevention of conservation, a regular examination of the child is also a pediatrician. Do not refuse to help your doctor. This will help to recognize the problem on time, prevent her appearance.


    Even if the parents coped with constipation using drugs, it is impossible to postpone the goal of the doctor. Constipation often occurs again, if not to treat the cause of its appearance, eliminate only symptoms.

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