• How the newborn gas tube works. How to properly use a newborn's gas tube: a radical method for treating colic. All modern straws are divided into three types.


    A newborn baby in the first days after its appearance does nothing but sleep and eat. But as soon as 2-3 weeks after his birth, some strange things happen to the child: he shouts in a voice that is not his own, despite the fact that he is full, dry, dressed correctly ... What happens to the baby? Often, a newborn suffers from colic and bloating - gaziks.

    To alleviate the condition of the crumbs, there are many folk and medical methods. And one of them is to use a gas catheter, i.e. tube. However, its use is advisable if other methods (tummy massage, warm diaper or bathing, special preparations) are ineffective. In addition, it is quite important to know how to use the gas outlet tube for a newborn, since one wrong movement and the child can be crippled for life.

    What is a flue pipe?

    This device is a gas outlet hose of a small diameter (only 2.5-3 mm), 15-22 cm long. As a rule, the product is made of soft rubber, it is environmentally friendly and non-toxic. The tubing has holes on both sides; in some models, an additional hole can be located in the side of the hose. If the gas outlet is intended for babies, then one end should be rounded.

    Before using your child with a gas pipe, it is important to choose the right one, since it can be different both in design and in size. Tube # 15 and # 16 is designed for newborn babies: such a rubber gas exhaust device has the smallest diameter and length. The tube with numbers 17-18 is suitable for children a little older. The gas outlet hose numbered 19-22 is designed for adult patients.

    Please note that pediatricians strongly recommend for young children, especially if you have a newborn toddler, to purchase a tube with a stopper that will not allow you to insert it too deeply. Also, make sure that the instructions for use are included in the gas outlet kit - it will help you to use the device correctly and not harm your baby.

    When is a flue gas kit needed and when not?

    It is necessary to put the baby a tube that outputs gasses if:

    • the baby has constipation (no bowel movements for more than 3 days);
    • the newborn experiences discomfort during bowel movements, i.e. with painful stools;
    • A tubule is also needed if the baby has frequent tummy pains due to gas accumulation.

    The main contraindications, according to which the use of this device is impossible, are the pathologies of the rectum in an infant, as well as the inept use of the gas outlet by adults.

    How to use the newborn gas evacuation kit?

    The gas outlet tube can be disposable or reusable. It is not necessary to boil the disposable gas vent kit: after a single use, such a device is simply disposed of. The reusable tube can only be used after pre-boiling. As a rule, the instructions for both types of pipes explain in detail all the nuances of using this device.

    The baby needs to insert the tube into the rectum according to certain rules. Ignoring them, you risk damaging your baby's intestines or introducing an infection into his body. Careless movement or neglect of the process can lead to bleeding, peritonitis and other complications. Therefore, if it becomes necessary to use a rubber gas vent kit for a baby, consult a pediatrician and ask to be taught how to do it correctly. While at home, try to follow the rules that the instructions provide:

    1. After purchasing the gas outlet kit, you need to boil for no more than 5 minutes. The disposable set does not need to be boiled: it can be inserted immediately after opening the package.
    2. Prepare the surface on which you will carry out the manipulation: it must be solid (for example, a changing table). Cover her with a clean, warm diaper.
    3. In addition, prepare some clean diapers, petroleum jelly, a container of warm water and wet wipes.
    4. Before placing the tube on your child, wash your hands thoroughly with antibacterial soap.
    5. If the baby is a newborn, place him on the back. A baby from 3-4 months should lie on its side.
    6. Lift the baby's legs to make it easier to lubricate his anus with petroleum jelly or baby cream. Be sure to also lubricate the end of the tubing with the same sliding agent.
    7. Very carefully and delicately begin to insert the gas outlet kit into the child's bottom. The tube should not be inserted more than 2 cm - it can be dangerous for the baby. The instruction may be silent about this, but the second end of the tube must be lowered into the prepared water: by the bubbles, you will understand whether the use of this device is effective.
    8. Gently press the legs against the baby's tummy, massage the tummy clockwise, while the tube should remain in the baby's anus.
    9. The lubricated gas vent acts as an irritant so the newborn may poop. This is good, because along with the process of defecation, the child will get rid of the gas.
    10. After finishing using the tube, wipe the child's bottom with a napkin and wash it under running warm water.
    11. At the end of the procedure, the tube should be washed with soap and boiled for 5 minutes.

    Remember that any negative childish reaction to the use of the gas tube should alert you - it is better to abandon this method and try to find a better alternative. During the procedure, do not forget to lubricate the end of the device - this way the procedure will bring a minimum of discomfort to the baby. But if you doubt yourself and are afraid to use a gas outlet, seek help from a pediatrician - a specialist is obliged to help the patient.

    How often can the flue tube be used?

    According to experts, the pipe from gas workers does not cause addiction. However, you should not abuse it either, and it is better to use it if other methods for getting rid of the baby from gas cars do not help.

    Indeed, more often than once every three hours, the gas outlet pipe must not be installed. After all, the baby must learn to fart on his own. And the regular use of auxiliary attributes slows down this process, which negatively affects the well-being of the child: he will more often feel discomfort in the abdomen, he will be overcome by flatulence, which the baby cannot cope with on his own.

    In unskillful hands, the gas tube can seriously harm the child. But if you use it competently and skillfully, it becomes a real salvation for both the baby and his parents, because it helps to relieve the baby of painful sensations in the intestines. And in order not to harm your child, it is important to unquestioningly follow all the rules for using this device.

    A gas tube should be used if a newborn baby has problems with gas buildup in the intestines. This causes severe pain in the baby, and in some cases even flatulence or constipation. Of course, it is only necessary to install a gas outlet pipe as a last resort. As soon as you notice the baby has bloating, you should try every possible method other than the tube: medicine, changing the diet or formula depending on how you feed the baby, massage and warmth. If all this does not help, then only then can you use the straw intended for babies.

    It is a pity that it is not always possible to find instructions with precise instructions in the package with the accessories, but many do not know how to use it at all and may see the gas outlet pipe for the first time. Therefore, if you decide to use the tube to help your baby, you need to know how to use it correctly in order to get the desired result and not hurt the baby.

    How to use the flue gas pipe correctly

    Before proceeding with the procedure, you must wash your hands very well with soap, then take an oilcloth and lay a thick diaper on top of it. The rectal tube that is used for children must be boiled very well and thoroughly. After that, you need to wait until the tube has completely cooled down and only when it is already barely warm can you begin to lubricate the rounded part of the tube with Vaseline. In this case, you can also use boiled sunflower oil or baby cream. It is imperative to use them. If the child has already grown a little, then he should be put on his left side and his legs should be very tightly raised to the tummy. Newborn babies fit exclusively on the back.

    You have completely prepared everything and even put the baby on the diaper. What should be done next and how to insert the gas outlet tube correctly? The tube can be inserted into newborn babies no more than three centimeters, babies about a year no more than 5 cm. Very slowly and carefully, it is necessary to introduce the tube into the anus using rotational movements. The tube is left in this position for five minutes. At this time, you can twist the tube a little in the baby's bottom. Do not forget to hold the tube so that the child can start spinning and the tube will fall out or get too much inside the child, which can damage the walls of the rectum. The completed procedure can be considered after the child has lost the gas or feces. After that, wash the baby and wash and boil the pipe well.

    On average, in order for the feces to begin to move away, you need to wait about 10 minutes. In case you doubt that the child has started to get gas drinks, you can use the proven method. Place one end of the tube in a container of water. If bubbles begin to appear on the surface of the water, then the child's gases have moved away.

    Now you know how to use a newborn baby's gas tube. Of course, it is advisable not to use it at all, or if there is no choice, then use it as little as possible and only as a last resort.

    Nuances when using a gas outlet tube

    • After the feces or gases have gone away, you need to wash the child very well.
    • The gas outlet tube can be reused no earlier than after three and a half hours.
    • If possible, ask the doctor to show or install the gas outlet for the first time, as you yourself can harm the child.
    During the use of the gas outlet tube, some complications may arise:
    • perforation of the intestines, which can be accompanied by bleeding or even lead to peritonitis.
    • injury to the rectal mucosa.
    Be extremely careful when using the flue pipe!

    Flatulence is a disease that often plagues people of all ages. Failure of the intestine leads to the accumulation of a large amount of gas in it. Under normal conditions, in a strong organism, they leave on their own. However, in seriously ill patients and newborns, gasoscopy is a very painful moment and causes pain in abdominal cavity... This phenomenon is called flatulence. This ailment can cause a rapid deterioration in human health. In addition, the disease often affects the disorder of the respiratory and nervous systems, and also leads to the destabilization of the functions of the body. As a means for short-term relief of flatulence, a cleansing enema is often used. However, its use is limited by a number of contraindications. In addition, it allows you to forget about the problem that has arisen only for a while. In most cases, doctors recommend using a device such as a gas outlet tube. What is this apparatus? Who is allowed and recommended to use it? How to use the flue gas pipe? You can find answers to these and other questions in the article.

    General information and preparation for use

    The exhaust pipe for adults and children is a soft rubber tube with thick and polished walls. The length of the device varies and ranges from thirty to one hundred and fifty centimeters. The tube diameter is also different. The minimum girth is three millimeters and the maximum is five millimeters. The tip inserted into the intestine is rounded, the opposite tip is cut at an angle. In order for the gas outlet tube not to damage the walls of the rectum, it must be pretreated. To do this, the product should be boiled in clean water without any impurities or additives. Then it must be lubricated with petroleum jelly or baby cream. After the performed manipulations, a tube with a rounded tip must be inserted into the anus. It should also be remembered that the distance to which it is necessary to move the device in depth is at least twenty centimeters. In this case, the outer tip should protrude five to six centimeters.

    Application time

    The vent tube is inserted into the anus with gentle, smooth rotational movements. This reduces the risk of pain... After the introduction of the device, there is a high probability of the release of liquid substances in the rectum. That is why, in order to prevent contamination of the surrounding surface, the tip of the device remaining outside should be placed on a special rubber vessel or, in its absence, on a cloth folded several times. The gas tube can remain inside the body for as long as the bloating and gases are gone. It should be remembered that the device is kept inside for no more than two hours. This precaution is paramount to prevent pressure ulcers from developing in the rectum. However, the procedure can be repeated several times during the day. Typically, the break between sessions is two to four hours.

    Additional use of enemas

    Sometimes the introduction is difficult due to the accumulation of fecal masses in the intestines of a dense consistency. In this case, before using the device, you should put an enema containing cleaning and emollients (soap solution, glycerin, etc.), and only then proceed with the introduction of the tube. After the end of the procedure, when the device is removed, the anus should be cleaned with a soft material. If there are signs of irritation, you can and should use an emollient cream. At the end of all manipulations, a piece of clean cotton wool must be placed between the buttocks.


    Of course, the flue pipe must be thoroughly cleaned after use. To do this, use a soapy solution and a brush. The device is rinsed in running water under strong pressure. Then the tube should be boiled. The time for this operation should be at least 10 minutes. After that, the device is dried and placed in a clean plastic bag or sterilized container with a lid. Before the next use, the entire preparation procedure is repeated.

    V early age babies are often tormented by constipation, colic, and bloating. In this case, doctors advise the nursing mother to limit certain foods in her diet, massage the baby in the intestines, or put a warm heating pad on her tummy. But if these methods do not work, a gas outlet for newborns will be a salvation. It has an immediate effect without the use of drugs.

    How to use it correctly?

    Unfortunately, instructions are not always included with the rubber gas tube for newborns. But every mother should know how to use it correctly. In order to put a gas outlet tube to a newborn, it must first be boiled for 10 minutes, and then cooled. An adult's hands should be well washed. The manipulation is carried out on a comfortable stable table covered with oilcloth, and on top - with a clean diaper. Course of action:

    • Lay the newborn on its back, lifting and bending its legs. Lay the older child on the left side, while bending the lower limbs to the stomach.
    • Treat the rounded end of the tube with sterile oil or petroleum jelly. If neither one nor the other is not present, you can apply a baby cream.
    • Gently, using rotary movements, insert the tip of the gas outlet tube into the rectum. For a newborn, a catheter is inserted to a depth of 2-3 cm, for a child under one year old - 5 cm.
    • Leave the tube in the anus for 5-10 minutes, while holding it with your hand.
    • After leaving the gaziks, carefully remove the tube.

    For the introduction of the gas tube, the legs of the baby of the first month of life should be pressed against the tummy

    It should be borne in mind that during the procedure, babies can lose stool, so clean sheets or napkins should be at hand.

    If mom is not sure that she will understand when the gaziks will leave, you can lower the other end of the tube into a basin of water. Bubbles will appear in the water when the gasses leave.

    After the end of the procedure, the baby must be washed. The gas outlet tube for the newborn is washed with soap and boiled.

    Precautionary measures

    While this procedure is a relief, it can be dangerous for your baby. If an adult is not sure that he will do a great job, and the child resists, makes sudden movements, it is better to stop or postpone the process for a more appropriate time.

    Before using a rectal tube for newborns, there are some rules you need to know:

    • The flue pipe is made of natural rubber by standards, so make sure it does not emit toxic odors from it.
    • It is allowed to put the gas outlet pipe back on the child no earlier than after three and a half hours and only when necessary.
    • Avoid keeping the tube in the rectum for more than 15 minutes to avoid complications.
    • Inaccurate use, as well as improper placement of the gas outlet tube for newborns, can lead to damage to the mucous membrane or intestinal perforation, and subsequently bleeding.
    • It is advisable that the first time the procedure is carried out by a doctor or nurse, explaining and showing the mother the course of action, especially if the newborn needs help.
    • Do not use the device after the expiration date.
    • The rubber rectal tube is stored at temperatures up to 25 ° C, away from heating objects and substances that destroy rubber. The shelf life is three years from the date of manufacture, six months after the first use.

    New generation with Windy

    The Windy flue gas tube is safer for your baby and is more comfortable to use. Windy is available in 10 pieces in one box, but if you wish, you can buy one piece. Each box comes with detailed instructions. The Windy tube is disposable, so it is thrown away after the first use.

    Windy benefits:

    • has a soft tip with a limiter, which makes the procedure safe for the newborn;
    • there are notches across the tube, making the device easy to hold;
    • the tube is made of an elastic material that, on contact with the intestinal mucosa, heats up to body temperature;
    • the catheter is already sterile, so it does not need to be boiled before and after use.

    The Windy vent tube is considered the safest and most convenient to use. She has earned the trust of many mothers.

    For 9 long months, the mother carries her child, studies tons of sheets of periodicals and Internet pages with the necessary information and prepares for the most important and responsible event - childbirth. However, after the baby is brought home, it immediately becomes clear that the questions are just beginning.

    Among the most common problems that young mothers are puzzled with are intestinal colic and gas - more than 30% of babies face this problem.

    This is due to the fact that the intestinal microflora of the newborn is still poorly developed. Gas in the baby's abdomen most often occurs due to improper latching of the breast during feeding, or if the baby eats from a bottle, air bubbles can sometimes be trapped.

    Bowel problems in most cases go away after the first 3 months of a baby's life. To save the child from gaz and colic, parents use: dill water, various medicines (espumisan, hilak forte, baby kalm, bobotik, etc.-), a nursing mother adheres to a diet, they do it for the child, but there is another way to make life easier for the baby and get rid of the gas accumulated in the tummy - this is a gas outlet tube (a special device for newborns).

    So, the gas outlet tube is used if the child has constipation, if it hurts the child to poop, if the child has pain due to colic and gas.

    Instructions for use

    Length 18-22 cm.Diameter 2.5-3 mm

    If your choice settled on the last of the described ways to relieve the child of discomfort, then you should first figure out how to use the gas outlet tube so as not to harm the baby. For a newborn baby, you need to take the tube itself small size- 15 - 16. For older children, size 17-18 (the pharmacy will advise you about this)

    • After purchase, the gas outlet tube must be boiled;
    • Wash hands thoroughly before use;
    • Prepare a changing table for the procedure (lay an oilcloth and a diaper);
    • Lubricate the tip of the tube and the child's anus with petroleum jelly (you can replace it with boiled vegetable oil);
    • Put a baby up to 6 months on the back, press the legs to the chest and hold;
    • Put a baby 6 months and older on the left flank, press the legs and hold;
    • Gently, with rotational movements, insert the lubricated tip into the anus into the baby's anus (the smallest is enough for 1-2 cm, from 6 months of age and older - up to 4 cm) and keep for about 10 minutes;
    • To understand that the gaziks have gone, you can lower the other end of the tube into a container of water. You can tell by the bubbles;
    • Very carefully, gently twist the tube, if the feces did not go, move the tube a little further (but not more than 5 cm);
    • After the gases and feces have gone, carefully remove the tube, press the baby's legs to the breast (so that the remnants of feces and gasses come out independently and completely);
    • After the event, the baby needs to be washed.

    The entire process usually takes 5 to 10 minutes.

    Despite the seeming simplicity of the procedure, it is better to consult a pediatrician before use.

    Ideally: the first time the pediatrician does it himself in front of your eyes, in this case there is a greater chance that you will remember how to correctly insert the gas tube into your newborn baby.

    The use of a gas tube presupposes a certain skill, otherwise, God forbid, you can injure the baby, and this is already fraught with serious consequences, such as peritonitis, for example. When choosing a product in a pharmacy, remember that instructions should be attached to it, it will help you out if doctors for some reason cannot carry out the procedure themselves for the first time.


    It is unacceptable to use a rectal tube if the infant already has rectal disease.

    As for a blow to the wallet, then just buying this device will not do it - the price of a gas outlet pipe on average ranges from 45 to 100 rubles, depending on the material from which it is made and the appearance.

    The vent tube can be made from the most common enema (pear). The pear is cut in the middle, here is the analog of the tube 🙂

    Plus the vent tube - it is not addictive, unlike enemas. But, we repeat, it is often better not to use it!

    You can use a special enema -.

    And finally, 3 video instructions on the correct use of the straw.

    Video instructions

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