• The child has turned 1. We develop a child at one year old. The feeding rate of a bottle-fed newborn


    Time flies by. The baby was born quite recently, so small and helpless. And now you cannot recognize him - he has radically changed, now it is no longer a helpless, constantly crying lump, completely and completely dependent on adults, but an independent personality that has its own desires, habits, shows its individuality, its character.

    Child development at 1 year

    Most one-year-olds can walk with a support or on their own. But despite this, they can still continue to actively crawl on all fours. A child at 1 year old can easily sit down, sit down, get up on his own. At this age, his mobility and curiosity grows - he easily climbs hills (sofa, steps), walks through rooms, opens cabinets, rummages in them, looking at their contents with great pleasure. He really likes to dance or swing from side to side to his favorite music.

    The baby continues to master gestures - imitating the actions of adults, blowing kisses, kissing, blowing hot, waving a pen while nodding "no" or "yes".

    Every day the little one is becoming more and more independent. He tries to eat with a spoon and drink from a mug, although he does not always get it neatly.

    He learned to throw objects and now does it at every opportunity. He knows how to scoop up water in the bathroom with a cup, removes, puts on beads over his head, strikes with pencils. Fulfills simple requests - “bring”, “take”, “give”, “close”, “open”, “take”. Submits to the words "you can", "you can not."

    The toddler confidently takes objects, gives them to adults. With one hand can take two small objects, and with two - a handful. He can build a turret out of several cubes, put rings on a stick. He really likes to play with various boxes - he opens and closes the lid, puts small toys in them and puts them back.

    A child every year wants to learn new sounds - knocks on a chair, glass, plate with a spoon. He can experiment with his voice - screams, mutters, sings. The toddler enjoys his favorite toys, fun games with adults, the arrival of a loved one. He can look inquiringly at an adult in difficulty, in an unfamiliar situation. She recognizes a loved one in the photo, smiles and points her finger. Frightened by the society of strangers.

    By the time a child is one year old, about 8 teeth should erupt - 4 central incisors each from below and from above. In some babies, molars may begin to erupt.

    For many children at this stage of development, behavior changes, often not for the better. They experience a crisis in the first year of life, which is manifested by disobedience, stubbornness, whims. The child becomes emotionally agitated - crying and screaming for any reason. In this case, you should have a lot of patience and wait for this period to pass. Spanking, screaming and cursing is useless. It is necessary to reassure the baby by hugging, shaking, distracting with a book or some kind of toy.

    At this age, you can already begin to potty train your baby. Acquaintance with the pot must be carried out after eating, sleeping, before a walk, every hour and a half. Soon he will develop a habit and he will inform himself, in a convenient way, what he needs to go to the toilet - by antics, in a word, with a certain sound or gesture.

    Height and weight of a baby at 1 year old

    The indicators of one-year-old children on average are:

    Speech development

    Most children at this age can speak a few simple words - "mom", "dad", "baba", "yum", "bb", "av-av", "nya", "give", "no" , "Dya". At the same time, their passive vocabulary is large. The kid knows the names of almost all objects and toys that are present daily in his environment. He still cannot say their names, but he can bring / show this or that object.

    In order for the development of the child's speech to go in full swing, you need to regularly play finger games with him, read books, talk about everything around him, not only at home, but also on walks. And soon the baby will speak.

    Do not be upset if a child at 1 year old has not yet begun to speak. He will definitely do it, only a little later. All children develop individually and you should not expect the same results from them. Much depends on hereditary factors, temperament, individual characteristics.

    Daily routine and sleep

    Usually, the daily routine of many one-year-old toddlers changes. Now they sleep once during the day for 2-2.5 hours, approximately from 14:00 to 16:30. In this regard, it will simply not be possible to observe a 5-time meal plan. Now the child will eat 4 times a day: 09:00 - breakfast, 13:00 - lunch, 17:00 - afternoon tea, 20:00 - dinner.

    If the child's daily regimen has not been changed (he still sleeps 2 times during the day), then the diet remains the same - 5 times a day.


    A child at 1 year old continues to eat food in a puree and finely chopped form. He should already be familiar with products such as:

    • eggs;
    • pasta;
    • cereals (oatmeal, buckwheat, rice, millet, corn);
    • lean meats, fish;
    • vegetables (zucchini, potatoes, carrots, pumpkin, cauliflower, broccoli, cucumber, tomato);
    • fruits (apple, pear, banana, peach, plum, apricot);
    • bread, crackers, bagels, cookies;
    • butter, vegetable oil;
    • dairy and fermented milk products (cottage cheese, sour cream, yogurt, baby kefir and milk);
    • herbs (dill, parsley).

    Berries (cherries, currants, raspberries, strawberries) are boiled (compote, jelly).

    All food is still cooked boiled, stewed or steamed.

    Child's menu at 1 year

    • 09:00 - milk porridge, egg, bread, juice (breast milk),
    • 13:00 - soup, vegetable salad (mashed cucumber with tomato, seasoned with sour cream), bread, tea,
    • 17:00 - cottage cheese, fruit puree, cookies, juice,
    • 20:00 - mashed potatoes, meat or fish cutlets, tea,
    • 22:00 - breast milk or kefir.
    Views: 32986 .

    So it happened! Wait! Your baby is celebrating her first birthday today. “So he will soon go to college,” you think, while you yourself are slowly glancing at him. What has changed with the baby during this time? Not a single detail escapes from my mother's gaze.

    First, your apartment has turned into a laboratory - entertaining, exciting. Therefore, the little world discoverer made it his duty to carry out his most daring experiments in it. You can find him drawing food on the table, taking things out of the closet, taking objects from the shelves and throwing them in different corners.

    The kid, without batting an eye, will pull out all the pasta from the can, and then he will carefully push them back. As he can, he will put it down. Here even Cinderella will not be able to compete with his zeal. All these are normal and healthy processes that help a little person to get to know this world, "taste it". Of course, you can't scold him for these pranks. They are as natural as our breathing.

    How interesting everything is!

    Crawling on a couch, an armchair, a toddler's bed is akin to a trip to Disneyland. He will be happy to climb any uneven surfaces, crawl under an obstacle. At this wonderful age, the child turns into a "perpetuum mobile". The battery runs out only when the sleep finally overcame it.

    He not only explores the world tactilely, but also through sound. Therefore, so often you will watch your fidget knocking a spoon on a plate or a pencil on a table. In addition to primitive sound production, the restless experimenter also likes melodies that have already taken place. He will listen with great pleasure to songs with you, press on the belly of the crocodile to hear a piercing roar. Do not be surprised if he then imitates a predator in the most unexpected moments ... for example, sitting on a pot.

    A sensitive topic

    By the way, about the pot. At this time, the child gets upset when an embarrassment happens in the wrong place and tries to call you with sounds to bring him to the desired location. His speech is still not very expressive and consists more of interjections or the simplest words. He can tell something to himself with warmth and interest for a long time. How can you blame him for this? It's always nice to talk to an intelligent person! The young experimenter already knows the word "no". Hearing him, he is likely to be upset. And he can even make a little storm for mom, starting to knock his feet on the floor.

    Early childhood development

    At this age, independence begins to actively develop. At 1 year old, the child already knows how to do some things on his own - bring his mother familiar things, drink from a mug, stand, holding on to something. For him, all this is new and incredibly interesting. Support the desperate leader in his aspirations. Self-reliance is a useful thing. Pay maximum attention to the crumbs: sing funny songs with him, draw kalyak-malyaks, read fairy tales. You can watch educational cartoons for children with him. Cartoons by Vladimir Suteev are good. Bright kind characters will not leave your kid indifferent.

    He is already curious to look at pictures, trying to correlate them with familiar objects. The child actively develops his personal potential. Be with him. Your attention, care, support and love will surely give their shoots in the future!

    The first month is the first small date. Congratulations to the baby. I sincerely wish you good health, parental love and tenderness, sweet lullabies, sonorous and cheerful rattles, good walks and great happiness in the family.

    You are wonderful angel
    You are still quite small
    After all, today is only a month
    How you grow to the delight of everyone.

    May all dreams be beautiful
    Ponies, clouds dream.
    Play with them gently
    Quietly sniffling with a nose.

    You, to the delight of mom, dad,
    Eat very well.
    May you be calm
    Joyful and so warm.

    Congratulations on the first date,
    We wish mom happiness.
    Let there be a lot of milk
    For a child of gold.

    The month is a small date
    A month of pot-bellied joy.
    Smile, eat, laugh
    And warm up in family love.

    I congratulate the baby on the first month of life. I wish the nose to cheerfully sniff, so that little palms would warm mom and dad with happiness, so that cute eyes would quickly see the wonderful and wonderful world around. Grow up a healthy child and don't be capricious.

    The baby is already a month old
    The world became interesting to him.
    Like a fragile ray of the sun
    His first smile.

    And while the child is small,
    And a whole shaft of diapers,
    You appreciate this moment
    Will quickly grow out of them!

    May the baby grow healthy
    Nice, smart, funny!
    In the house, let it sound for everyone
    His sonorous childish laughter!

    An important day in our family -
    A month for an angel!
    Every day you are stronger
    We love, very, very much!

    And while you sleep sweetly
    We wish you
    Grow up soon baby
    Be the happiest!

    This is a month for our baby.
    The legs have grown a little,
    No diapers needed now
    Our little girl!

    Sleep so sweetly in the crib
    You don't scream in vain.
    And we are proud of you
    A glorious and dear daughter!

    You win all hearts
    And only a month from birth.
    You're a mother, but no, rather a father.
    For mom and dad inspiration!

    "Aha!" and you blink your eyes
    And you smile a little.
    You already understand so much
    After all, a whole month for our baby.

    We wish you happiness, of course,
    Eat delicious, sleep sweet,
    And good health,
    Do not cough at all, do not hiccup.

    Let the smile shine
    And always have an appetite.
    You without words to be understood.
    And so that the tummy is not naughty.

    Hare and club-footed bears,
    Be sunshine and fidget.
    Grow to the joy of mom and dad
    And don't forget your grandma and grandpa.

    You are daddy's joy
    And mom's sweetness
    Still a little bit
    But I grew up a little!

    The kid is kind, brave,
    You have a whole month
    Congratulations to you
    And we wish you happiness!

    A whole month for our baby
    He holds his chest with his palm
    Quietly sniffs with a nose,
    Does not say anything.

    How I love her ...
    Many words are useless here,
    Mom's love forever.
    Let the angel keep you.

    The first year of a baby's life very responsible and joyful for parents. During this year, a child from a helpless little lump turns into an independent person, able not only to speak and stand on his feet, but also having his own preferences, character and taste.

    Every new skill toddler brings parents pride and great joy for their treasure. The pace of development of babies in the first year of life depends on many factors, so it would be a mistake on the part of parents to expect strict compliance in the development of a child with certain standards. However, there are indicative norms by which one can judge the development of a child who is 1 year old.

    These are these normsthat a one-year-old child should be able to perform:
    1. At the end of the first year of life, the baby masters independent walking. Some children, mostly girls, at this time already begin to walk without support, while others are only taking their first steps. Most children at this age, having mastered walking, prefer to crawl rather than walk. After all, "walking on four" is much more comfortable and reliable than swinging on two legs.

    Not you should rush the baby, let him gain confidence. Parents of children who only crawl at the age of 1 year do not need to diligently force the baby to get up, but rather praise him and support him for mastering new skills in movement. Having gained confidence, under the approving smiles of parents, the baby will very soon stand on his feet and begin to walk.

    2. 1 year old baby tries to imitate the sounds he heard, his vocabulary usually reaches 10 words. Most often these are the words: "Ma-ma", "Pa-pa", "Ba-ba", "Yum-yum" and others. He already understands the parents' requirement, knows all family members by name, although he does not name them. The baby's passive vocabulary is huge, he recognizes family members in photographs, in a picture of animals, shows his nose, mouth, eyes and other body parts at the request of his parents.

    Kid already picks up the intonation of adults and takes offense if he is scolded. He knows how to generalize objects, people and animals. For example, if he calls his car "pee-pee", then when traveling by car, he also repeats "pee-pee". A one-year-old baby perceives simple melodies well and feels their rhythm.

    In that age children are very obedient, they gladly fulfill such requests of their parents as "give", "lift", "remove", "kiss", "hug" and so on. He understands well the meaning of the word "no". The kid is able to distinguish between the main colors: red, blue, green, black and white. When asked: "Please give me a blue cube," he finds it among the toys and hands it to an adult.

    3. One year old child actively moves around the room and plays with other people. He carefully examines his toys and surrounding objects, rattles and knocks them, throws and crawls after them. He really likes to put items in boxes and get them out of there, open cabinets and close their door. He closely observes adults and tries to follow their movements.

    If they buy him a new one a toy, he hands it to the adults to show them how to play. one year old loves to roll toys on wheels, collect blocks and play hide and seek. He already knows how to look for hidden toys, and also always keeps his parents in his field of vision. If he sees that they have gone to another room, he quickly crawls or follows them.

    Empty contents boxes for linen and a kitchen cabinet, moving interior items, overturning chairs, pulling everything that he can pull with him, painting walls and books, tasting objects that come his way - these are the favorite activities of kids of this age. He is happy that he manages to perform the same movements as adults. It is impossible to scold him for this, and even more so to punish him, because he does them not because of harm. It's just that a baby who is one year old should be monitored all the time and with patience teach them to understand what is "bad" and what is "good".

    4. Child aged 1 year acquires simple self-service skills. He already knows how to drink from a cup, tries to eat with a spoon, he stretches out his hand for bread, takes pieces of food and brings them to his mouth. He already has 12 teeth: eight of which are incisors, and four are chewing. The diet of babies during this period should be varied, rich in vitamins, calcium and phosphorus.

    5. One year old child should already ask for a pot. If your baby does not already do this, then the parents themselves are to blame. It is best to start potty training from the age of six months, and if you missed this time, then start doing it now. The kid, who is 1 year old, already understands well what his parents demand from him and quickly gets used to the pot. But you should not act rashly and force the baby to sit on the potty for hours, the process of training should be gradual, but regular.

    Everything children develop in different ways, in their own individual way. Therefore, these norms of child development are indicative. If your child does not yet meet any of the above norms, this does not mean that he is lagging behind in development. Surely, he can do something different, which others do not. The main thing in the development of a child in the first year of life is his health and desire to learn about the world around him. The task of the parents is to support him and help the baby during this difficult period of his life.

    So the long-awaited first birthday of your child has come - he is 1 year old! From a very tiny, little understanding, fragile lump in 12 months, the child has grown into an incredibly active, inquisitive and rather independent person. For the next year, the baby will basically have to develop and improve 2 main skills: speech and the ability to walk. The vocabulary of a one-year-old toddler is small, but expanding rapidly, and the newly acquired skill to walk without assistance allows the kid to look at the world from a new height - standing on his own legs!

    What can a child at 1 year old do?

    • The main achievement is the ability to walk without assistance. At 12 months, most babies are free to stand up and walk a bit without support or support from an adult.
    • He actively travels around the house, crawls quickly, gets up from all fours to his legs and sits down on his own.
    • He speaks a few simple words, correlates words with the objects and people designated by them.
    • Shows a different attitude towards different people.
    • Bites and chews solid food.
    • When dressing and undressing, raises an arm or leg at the request of adults.
    • The ability to use a spoon and a mug with food has improved significantly.
    • When he is dissatisfied with something, he violently protests against what is not pleasant or interesting.

    Usually babies start walking at 12 months, but don't be discouraged if your little one still can't learn to get up and walk without your support. Children are all different and learn in different ways. You cannot measure everyone by a single template. We have indicated the achievements and skills that are mastered most children for the first year of life. Some can walk successfully without support as early as 11 months, others are afraid to walk on their own for some time or they are simply not interested. It's okay if your child takes his first steps not at 12 months, but a little later.

    Development in 1 year

    Multiple attempts to get up, as well as walk without support and assistance from adults by the beginning of the first year of life should be crowned with success. If before the baby showed interest in walking and did not receive serious injuries from falling, at 12 months it will please the parents with the first independent steps. At first, his movements will be very awkward, the little one will often fall. There is no need to scream or even more scream at the baby if he fell and burst into tears. Calm him down, talk without raising your voice, divert attention from the situation with the fall. If a child at 1 year old begins to take the first independent steps, the main task of the parents is to support the success, to prevent the baby from becoming afraid to stand and walk due to the injuries received.

    Due to the fact that physical activity has increased greatly, babies at 1 year old gain weight more slowly. This is not dangerous, there is no need to increase the "food ration" and feed your beloved child almost by force - this will cause dislike for food intake. Moreover, children as young as 1 year old sometimes refuse to eat, preferring more interesting activities. Offer the baby to eat on its own, from a spoon - this will surely arouse interest. And since he seeks to copy adults in everything, the rule of seating the baby at a common table with all family members will also help solve the problem of refusing food.

    A 1-year-old child has an impressive passive vocabulary. This means that he understands and knows a lot more than he has to say. Babble speech still plays a big role in his communication. Going about her business, a one-year-old often mumbles something unintelligible, although she already knows and can pronounce a few simple words, which in most cases she uses to communicate with adults. Usually his active vocabulary consists of repeating syllables "pa-pa", "ma-ma", "ba-ba" or imitation words that are the same in all languages \u200b\u200bof the world: "ko-ko", "woof-woof", "bi -by "," alyo-alyo "," bang ".

    Baby sleep at 1 year lasts approximately 13 hours a day. At night, the baby sleeps 10 or 11 hours, the daytime sleep takes 2-3 hours.

    Care in 1 year

    Diet still includes breast milk. It is not recommended to "wean" the baby at such an early age from the breast, he will need breastfeeding for the whole coming year and the proportion of milk should not change dramatically.

    A baby at 1 year old is very active, accordingly he needs a lot of nutrition, and the size of his ventricle is small, so he needs to eat often, but in small portions. It is advisable to adhere to one regimen: at this age, five meals a day with an interval of 3-4 hours will be optimal. The children's menu includes: fruits, vegetables, meat, fish, cottage cheese, dairy products, drying, cookies, you can give a little greens: dill, celery, parsley. Not only mashed potatoes, but also small pieces of food will be eaten with pleasure. A child at 1 year old can boast of 6-8 milk teeth, which are useful to give a chewing load. Offer him raw vegetables, fruits, dried fruits.

    Bathing it is best to spend at the same time, in this relation little changes with age. Usually little children love this procedure very much and many mothers have developed a kind of ritual: in the evening they bathe their child, breastfeed, after which, accustomed to this, the baby almost immediately falls asleep and sleeps peacefully for the 10-11 hours assigned to him.

    Classes with a child at 1 year old

    A great way to develop coordination and self-confidence is to invite your child to push various objects on wheels in front of him. Give your little one a toy car, small stroller, or other rolling object. Count "one, two, three" and on the count of "three" push the selected toy forward with the little one. If he likes the game, during the day you will often hear how the baby repeats to himself "ty" ("three").

    Place your one-year-old son or daughter on your lap face to face. Say aloud: "one, two, three - boom!" When you say boom, press your child's forehead against yours. Repeat this action, each time the word "boom" touching any different parts of the child's body: nose, cheeks, knees.

    A deep cup, mug, and spoon can be used to teach a 1 year old to pour water. Take water in a cup and show how to scoop water with a spoon and pour it into a mug. You can play this game indefinitely without fear that your one-year-old baby will get dirty.

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