• How to understand there is a fear of a child. Getting rid of the child's fright. Causes of fright of newborns and infants


    Children are scared and cry - this is a natural process. Fantasy in children is much richer than adults, and gives more reasons for fright. At the same time, temporary children's phobias (fear of darkness, closed space, sharp sounds, animals or objects) manifests itself bright, crying and cry. Not cured in time with the aggravation is rooted, becomes an obsessive state. Therefore, the question of how to treat fright in a child is relevant at any level of medicine and pedagogy.

    Causes of children's phobias

    The vulnerability of the children's psyche makes a real imaginable danger, turns outnual things to the source of nightmares. The most trauma at an early age:

    • loud sounds, unexpected and unusual. These include thunder during a thunderstorm, the noise of the train or engine of the car, tractor, aircraft, shouts, shots and other;
    • sudden illumination change - lightning, unexpected shutdown or switching on light (especially during baby sleep);
    • emotional actions of others. A fight on the street, a shootout in the film, a quarrel of parents - the manifestations of aggression frighten the baby. Directed directly to it actions increase fear;
    • animals, birds, vehicles - due to small dimensions of children, all that more of them causes scoreless fear;
    • the pain associated with medical manipulations (taking analyzes, injections, reversing dislocation and treatment of bruises, injuries) or other situations (fall, blow).

    Children are also characteristic of the usual fears for all people: fear of fire, abundance of water, closed space, physical or mental aggression. Unlike adults, the horror of death for children is not inherent in: not a fully developed psyche does not give to realize the limb of life.

    How does it manifest?

    Explicit manifestations of fear, horror, panic, anxiety for children, "with sound accompaniment", noticeable to parents immediately. Hidden form - The closedness, loss of appetite, sleep disorders - are not unambiguous and are not associated with adults with a traumatic situation. Therefore, the question is what is fright in a child, what signs and how to treat - arises at the stage when the phobia appears visimo.

    To avoid treatment at a late stage of the problem, it is important to pay attention to such nuances:

    • the kid does not hurt anything, but he cries, loud and with a supervision;
    • son or daughter sleep well at night (and during day rest), scream, cry in a dream. The perpetuity of the parents should also try to hit the sleeping son or daughter or push away the person touched to him;
    • poor appetite, rejection of food (including her beloved);
    • bad focus, scattering, excitability, aggression;
    • fearful to stay alone, unwillingness to sleep in the dark, the reaction to sharp sounds - trembling, nervous movements;
    • urinary incontinence (less often kala);
    • stuttering;
    • nervous tick, tremor.

    Under the action of stress, children quickly lose weight, pallor and weakness manifests. To determine the reasons for fear and find a source of stress, it is important:

    1. analyze the period of time (5 ... 15 days) until the moment when the nervousness of the Chad became apparent;
    2. if the baby goes to kindergarten, ask the teacher (other children) about possible reasons fear;
    3. find out the details at the able to talk son or daughters, watch not a speaking baby.

    Important: if the cause of fear, according to a child - violence from adults, including in children's garden (School, Circle), it is necessary to confirm the data before the adoption of measures to correct the situation.

    The priority task of parents is to eliminate the repetition of stress and smooth the already existing problem. At the same time, a single family policy (communication circle) is important against the baby. The situation when the mother includes a night light so that the son is not afraid to fall asleep in the dark, and the dad turns it off "so that it does not grow up" - unacceptable.

    If the fear of children is associated with physical aggression, before treating a child from fright at home, it is necessary to ensure its safety and calm. The kid should feel protected, only in this case the measures taken quickly promote. Insecurity, fear of parents (other senior relatives) is negotiated by fear of fear.

    Therapy for children 0 ... 10 years is to create a comfortable environment, the proximity of parents (replacing them), the lack of stress and classes requiring the concentration of attention. Breasts require tactile contact, children 2 ... 6 years old soothes reading fairy tales and poems, singing lullabies.

    If you need to find out how to treat fright baby, It is first to remember the sedative baths. Brave brands, chamomile, valerians and dyeing in the water when bathing relaxes babies, contribute to a calm sleep.

    Important: breastfeeding Stabilizes the psyche of the baby, makes it calm, gives a feeling of protecting and intimacy of the mother. For artificial feeding or forced night feeding is worth temporarily go to 24-hour breasts. Joint sleep, wearing a baby in a sling or a kangaroo backpack (due to a constant tactile contact) effectively eliminates the children from fear of the world around.

    How to treat fright from a child by folk remedies

    If parents do not want (can't) appeal to the children's psychotherapist and at the same time confident in the diagnosis - fright will help people's methods of treatment.

    These include:

    1. soothing infers and decoctions taken in the dosage corresponding to age. Relax, relieve stress and normalize the nervous system: chamomile, fennel, mother-in-law, valerian, mint;
    2. soothing baths and pouring. Baths use brawls, a weak solution of sea or flavored salt, coniferous infusion. Essential oils are permissible at a concentration of 5 ... 10 drops by 50 ... 100 liters of water under the condition of pre-dissolution in the emulsifier or base (milk, honey, base oil, foam or bath salt). Outlooking with cool water remove hysterical seizures, improve night sleep;
    3. physical exercises. Moderate activity in the fresh air distracts and soothes children, normalizes rest and reduces nervous activity.

    Prayers and conspiracies

    How to treat a child with prayer, parents can tell priests or "grandmas" - the elderly women usually age specializing in energy and psychological influences. Usually readers Prayer "Our Father" or special plots based on mixtures slavic traditions with Orthodox beliefs.

    The name of the child is mentioned in prayer (conspiracy), a request (wish, order) is expressed to leave him. The rite uses holy water or other options for "purifying moisture" (water infused on silver, on the lunar light, herbal infusions and decoctions). If the baby is baptized and the baptismal name differs from the commonly premium, in prayer (plot) it is the baptismal name.

    "Grandmates" hold rites "reprocessing frightened" only for baptized children: a non-admissible baby "is not under the auspices" of God, the prayer has no strength for him.

    Common rites of "pouring" or "rolling" fear are based on global traditions: the subject must "pick up" the fear and leave calm. To learn more about how to treat the child's fright in the baby or wax can be on the respective sites. At the same time, each "whirlpool" has its own "developments" for the conduct of "healing".

    If parents do not want to contact "grandmas", but at the same time they are believers and attend the church, it is logical to turn to the priest and order a prayer for the health of the baby, put a candle (candles), pray for the recovery of the son or daughter yourself.

    The decision to visit the Minors of the Church is accepted individually, in coordination with the priest. Washing holy water is also practiced or adding it in a drink (food) baby, cub sprinkling.

    That parents can do independently to cure children's fears

    To calm the baby by himself, without resorting to the help of doctors and signs, quite real. For this you need:

    1. normalize day mode, organize nutrition and laying at a certain time;
    2. provide a son or daughter constant (not intrusive) attention of adults, calm conversations and games, tactile contact;
    3. more often walking outdoors, encourage physical activity of the baby;
    4. read it, focusing on the positive aspects of the text, involve in the discussion. Have a good move - to find a story (fairy tale) about the events that was frightened by the event and show the way to deliverance (situation permissions). However, this method works for well-talked and understanding the speech of children. If you need to learn how to treat a fear of a child for 2 years, this method will not work;
    5. to eliminate the traumatic minds of the situation.

    If parents find out how to treat a child of 6 years, it is possible to note the effectiveness of the gaming therapy. Enthusiastic playing ( new toy, new designer assembly process and so on), children forget about fears.

    IMPORTANT: Allow playing on a computer (phone, tablet) in the event that the baby does not cause an excitation process, does not break sleep and emotional state.


    The calm attitude of the parents, a rational approach to the educational process reduces the risk of phobias in children. Do not impose a son or daughter an excess of care and not depriving him of attention, adults form an independent and responsible personality that can cope with fear and alarms without any assistance.

    Until a three-year-old, children are not yet able to take their own emotions under control. As a result, any strong impressions or experiences can cause their hysterical state, and sometimes even imprinted in the psyche of the baby.

    The cause of frightened baby can be loud cotton or animals

    Imagine in adults is considered a completely natural reaction to certain external stimuli, and their nervous system is usually in short time Changes with him. However, the babies who have no year have not yet, a strong emotional shock is able to negatively affect the functioning of crumbs organism systems and directly on his behavior. To prevent unwanted consequences that can provoke a breast of infants, you should know how to determine the specific features a similar condition, and in time to help Karapuzu.

    Factors that can provoke fright in a child

    An integral part of the knowledge of the world is a child of various kinds of emotional experiences that contribute to the extension of instincts. Excessive guardianship from parents aimed at protecting his crumb from strong emotions can only delay mental development And weaken the nervous system.

    However, those emotions that the child is experiencing are obliged to be healthy, bringing a positive or negative experience, and in no case they should not affect the work of its nervous system. For example, climbing once for a cup with hot tea, the child should remember that hot objects can be a source of pain and therefore it is better to treat them carefully or not touch at all, but not run away with cries from the kitchen every time someone brew tea.

    To strengthen the nervous system, the child must know the world: both positive parties and dangerous. Parents should also find a golden middleness between the danger with the threat of the child's health and the full knowledge of the environment

    The most common reasons that are able to cause fright in a breast child are:

    • large overall animals;
    • loud and sharp sounds, for example, weather phenomena as thunder, or screams accompanying homemade quarrels;
    • excessive rigor, manifested by mom and dad towards the child;
    • strong stress.

    What children get into the risk group?

    Not all children are necessarily faced with a problem of fright, but there are those that are more predisposed to it. These include:

    1. The guys who are too cleaning and torn. The conditions when close people are trying to extinguish the crumb from any negative experience, as a result, without training its nervous system on minor emotional experiences, contribute to the fact that the child, facing a truly strong negative shock, is scared.
    2. Children whose relatives constantly tell them about danger. In the world around us, every second object is conditionally dangerous, but the meeting with them is not always able to harm. Most of too caring parents prohibit their children to be near the sockets, irons or other potentially dangerous technique. For example, many children, in order to ensure that they do not touch street animals, they are intimidating that the dogs hurt, and cats can scratch, thus putting them a steady fear of these animals. In such a child, a meeting with a friendly dog \u200b\u200bmay end with a strong fright.
    3. Children suffering from diseases of the nervous system. CNS fails to cope with positive or negative emotions.

    Treat the crumb is very neat, since this problem is directly related to its psychology. It is impossible to ignore fears inherent in the baby, and it is undesirable to solve such questions with excessive rigidity.

    First of all, after the detection of fear in a breast child or signs of experienced fright, it is necessary to understand what exactly provoked such a state, and only then try to help crude cope with his fear. In a situation where it is not possible to overcome fears from the newborn, it should be consulted with a specialist. The psychologist will be able to advise certain techniques to help in combating phobias.

    Only understood the true causes of fear of the child, they can be eliminated


    The consequences of negative mental experience can continue to work on the work of the nervous system. In order to have timely help to have a frightened baby, you need to know which symptoms sign about a similar state.

    Naturally symptoms that are listed below are periodically characteristic of all children and their reason - the age crisis. However, their duration for days or weeks is suggested that the croche was frightened, and it did not pass without a trace. For infants under the first 1 year, the fright is a reflex response from which you can quickly cope with it, if you help on time. Otherwise, the child's condition can go into severe psychological injury, which is why all psycho-emotional problems in children require treatment before the year.

    The main signs of fright

    In a frightened baby, the symptoms are manifested as follows:

    1. Restless sleep and. Small children see bad dreams more often than adults. Already from a one-year-old age, a healthy crumb can dream of bad dreams, the memories of negative experiences are transformed into them. In addition, he is able to recognize them. However, if the baby survived a strong stress, nightmares can begin in 6 months.
    2. Continuous crying. If the baby is healthy, not hungry and does not want to sleep, it usually behaves calmly and won't cry without stopping. Permanent cries without visible causes are alarming signal.
    3. Involuntary urination. The diagnosis "" is usually put after 4 years. At this age, children should be able to control the process of emission of urine, otherwise, incontinence turns into pathology. The reason for this is the impact on the psyche and the CNS.
    4. . When a child is already able to speak, the manifestations of stress can be a violation of speech that are associated with frequent repetition of the syllables. These deviation is characteristic of age 4-5 years and more common in boys. The fright is dangerous also because the baby can not only start stuttering, but to completely stop talking.
    5. Absolute reluctance to remain alone. Parents give their children a sense of security and security. As a result of Kroch, frightened once, strive to surround himself with protection, if the situation that caused his fright, repeat. As a result, he begins to cry, shout and capricious, it is worth the mother not beside. This is explained by the fact that to stay alone for the baby means to experience fear again.

    A child from infancy should not be afraid of loneliness. If the kid does not want to remain one for a minute, then he has certain fears in this plan

    What measures can parents resort to?

    The fright needs complex treatment, that is, not only the elimination of symptoms, but also the reasons that have led to it. What to do parents in a similar situation? Need:

    1. Surround crumbus with your warmth and constant care. It should not leave him one during this period, because only next to mom he will feel safe.
    2. Soothe the nervous system with bath brave and coniferous baths.
    3. Acquire a baby to the presence of outsiders, and not avoid unfamiliar people if the baby is afraid of them. Of course, it is necessary to do it gradually. With the guests it is worthwhile to behave friendly and at ease, showing that in front of a crumbling a good man. However, with a negative reaction from the baby, set chatting for another time. Not superfluous gifts in the form of toys or treats.
    4. To teach without fear treats cats, dogs and other animals, as this is a constant component of any person's life. It is better to start with pictures with animals or videos with their participation. It should be explained that good attitude All animals are kind and friendly. After the habit of this kind of communication is produced, you can easily move to meetings with alive pets.
    5. In a soft form to try to correct the situation when the fright is housed. For example, if the crumb has dragged into the inclusive iron, you should tell him about the rules for the treatment of household appliances, or if it heated the water, leaving for water when bathing, you can buy wrappers, explaining and showing what they are intended for (we recommend reading :).

    Treatment of fright in traditional medicine

    Permanent fears and frequent child neurosis require a doctor's help to determine the reasons for fright

    Hypnosis and homeopathy

    Hypnosis is used to correct non-standard behavior. With the problem of Enurraw, resorting to hypnosis, the doctor sets the proper operation of the body (see also :). For example, he inspires the patient to wake up and walked to a pot when at night he wanted to the toilet. Such an approach in practice is fairly effective, but many parents still relate to it with caution.

    Such an option as homeopathy includes not only the use of herbs, although many homeopathic preparations contain them. The name of homeopathy can be rephrased as similar to the disease. The patient is prescribed such medicines as part of which are elements leading to the appearance of symptoms in a healthy person, as with the disease of the disease. The essence lies in the fact that with a properly selected dosage, the disease must go through the sam. In the case of homeopathy, only an individual approach is required. When dorms in children, the choice of medication is directly related to symptoms.

    Fairy-therapy and game therapy

    With the help of talekotherapy, behavior correction, change the attitude and perception of the surrounding world and phenomena, instill morality. In the process of listening to magical stories, children discuss their plot, participate in their modulations on their reasons and create drawings. Over time, children begin to compose their own own stories. By analyzing the behavior of heroes in a fairy tale, children have an understanding of what is bad, and what is good, they begin to learn to cope with difficulties and fears. Fairy tale therapy can also be engaged in houses in the presence of special literature.

    As a result of the talentherapy, children become more open and liberated, and the playback of some scenes and plots helps the guys to cope with their fears

    Game therapy is based on the fact that kids with problems are involved in playing various scenes. During the game, Kroch builds a chain of relationships with partners, which helps him become more open, adequately evaluate others and learn to share fears.

    Folk methods of fighting fright

    No less efficient, there are also folk methods that are used to remove the fright. However, according to Dr. Komarovsky, it is impossible to cope with fear of the baby, who resorted to traditional medicine (see also :). The only thing that such an approach can lead is the calm of the parents, and, therefore, their crumbs, which is one of the main objectives of any approach to such a problem. Below are examples of people's ways:

    1. Remove the state of shock, accompanying fright, helps drunk immediately after what happened a cup of warm sweet water or other drink.
    2. Prayer or plot.
    3. Running out the egg. The essence of the method is reduced to the fact that the raw egg ride the belly of the baby, after which it is divided into any glass dishes. The successful completion of such a procedure speaks the stains of any kind, contained in the broken egg.
    4. Holy water and Prayer "Our Father". It is necessary in the morning and in the evening to wash the baby with holy water, plus it drinks three times a day. In addition, in the process of washing, you need to read "our own".
    5. Pour to wax. Psychics believe that a similar disease is informational in nature, and for the time being, a weak child energy in such moments is violated. In order to cast the fright, the wax is used, as it perfectly absorbs energy. First of all, you need to melt church candles and slowly drain the resulting wax into a bowl with cold waterwhich should be above the head of the crumbs. At the same time not forget to pray.

    Faith a child in God may contribute to the recovery of his children's psyche, but it is not worth liming to prayers. Timely appeal to the doctor is still necessary

    Preventive measures

    Never hurt prevention for the nervous system. Such measures will help reduce the negative impact of the surrounding factors, which will allow the CNS easier to cope with stressful situations.

    This follows:

    • with the overexcitation or high capriciousness of the baby to try to calm him down, resorting to the addition of chamomile, dye, dying, mint, lavender or valerians during bathing;
    • put the bags in the crib that contains dry herbs with a sedative effect;
    • do not impose with crumbling false fears, for example, fear of street animals;
    • in places, potentially dangerous stress for the baby, take his favorite toy, because he will feel protected with her;
    • do not swear in the presence of a child, thus creating a favorable atmosphere for its livelihoods.

    The appearance of fright can be associated with care reflex. It is like a protective reaction of the body. As a rule, the restless behavior of the child continues not long. But there are cases when the fright is prolonged. It all depends on which atmosphere the child grows. If parents spend hard educationThe voice is raised on the baby, they beat it, it can cause a fright, provoking a persistent neurotic disorder.

    What is fright in a child? How to treat it? This will be discussed in this article.

    The main signs of fright

    Show fright in a child signs:

    • bad sleep;
    • frequent fading;
    • shuddering;
    • expansion of pupils;
    • and heartbeat;
    • pulling the head in the shoulders;
    • increased excitability;
    • worsening sleep;
    • nightmares;
    • frequent crying in a dream;
    • fear of loneliness, darkness or any object;
    • hysterical manifestations;
    • bad appetite;
    • fire shakes.

    The child is afraid of something, often asking for hands, behaves a capricious, restless. The kid may require parents to lay down with him and turned on the light in the room. It will often awaken overnight.

    The main causes of the neurotic disorder of the child

    Determine the cause of such a phenomenon in an adult child, as a rule, it is not difficult. But how to explain fright from the baby?

    Provice fright in a child can:

    • loud cries or sharp sounds;
    • large animals of frightening type;
    • natural phenomena, for example, lightning or thunder;
    • stress;
    • the emergence of a foreign person;
    • overly strict upbringing;
    • various infectious diseases;
    • somatic diseases.

    The child at any age is very important to stay in a state of security. Even to the kindergarten children, it is recommended to teach gradually. In the first days, Mom should be near. So the kid will understand that there is no reason to excite.

    Preschool age is often associated with a tense conflict setting in the family. The constant stay of the mother in a bad mood can adversely affect the child's condition.

    The child is afraid of punishment, the rounds, the fear of loneliness, dark rooms and fabulous characters - all this is the result of the wrong education and the indifferent relationship of parents to the emotional sphere of the child.

    To exactly the same result, as neither paradoxical sounds, can lead excessive guardianship Parents who narrow the circle of communication of their children do not allow to develop such qualities such as independence and activity.

    Consequences of fright

    The child will grow up, his life experience becomes richer, and fears can escape themselves. But it happens that they remain for a long time and eventually become more brighter with time.

    The power of fright depends on the suddenness of the frightening phenomenon, which is negative in the past, repetitive injuries. Some react to the fright hysteria, some begin to panic attacks. If the child has already begun to talk, it may start to stutter or stop talking at all. Sometimes fear is not forgotten too long, then the child can be closed in herself, and this will cause a deterioration in learning ability.

    The fright, obtained by the day, generates causing safety fears and aggressive behavior. So fear and aggressiveness can be traits.

    The child's fright, the signs of which are numerous, doctors are not allocated in a separate disease. Danger lies in the fact that strong fear can be a starting mechanism for the development of phobia - a steady feeling of fear of any object or phenomenon.

    Persistent fears can provoke a disease of the cardiovascular system. Due to severe injuries, psyche may occur incontinence, stuttering and night walking. Therefore, children with the presence of a fright should show a neuropathologist, a speech therapist, make a cardiogram of the heart.

    Basic methods of treating disease

    How to overcome fright in a child? How to treat pathology? Someone trusts the recipes of traditional medicine, someone prefers to appeal to the children's neuropathologist. In any case, the child must be near the mother who can calm it.

    How to cure fright at home? The family should reign a calm atmosphere, the baby needs to sing lulled songs, more often take him to his hands, stroke the back, handles and legs. It will help the child to relax, and he will stop hacking. All these methods are effective in relation to very small children.

    How to remove fright in a teenager? It is necessary to establish the exact cause of such a reaction. After that, you can choose the appropriate method of treatment. In case of fear for a certain thing or person, you should bring the baby with them. Here you have to do everything slowly. It is necessary to convince that this object does not represent any danger. After that, the feeling of fear will leave the teenager.

    What if the child was afraid of visiting a medical office? We must convince the child that it is much better to treat the disease in the early stages than to run it and long to suffer. At the same time, a conversation with a teenager should proceed friendly and calmly.

    Fright often accompanies the beginning of the school visits. In particular, such a phenomenon is observed in cases where the parents put in front of the child the tasks for it, oriented to the highest result, constantly rush to high targets.

    The totality of fears can only be removed only by the benevolent atmosphere created by teachers. In this case, an important role is assigned to the collaboration of teachers and parents who can meet general approaches to withdraw the level of anxiety in a child, help him realize their social status.

    The use of folk remedies

    How to eliminate the child's fright? How to treat this phenomenon, no doctor will definitely tell me, since certain methods of treatment do not exist. Only with a strong manifestation of fright psychotherapists are prescribed drugs. And parents are tormented by the question of how to cure a child from fright and is it possible to take anything at home.

    A large number of ways to relieve fear offers traditional medicine:

    • Common way. Immediately after the frightener, a glass of water sweetened with sugar should be enjoyed.
    • Used prayers. Prayer from the fright of "Our Father" in aggregate with holy water is very effective. The child should drink water three times a day for three throat. In the morning and in the evening, wash this water, reading a prayer. Also, an effective prayer from the fright "Virgin Delo, rejoice."
    • The strongest popular method is Apple with incense. For this purpose, a hole is done in the apple to which 2-3 g of incense is placed. After that, the apple is baked the oven for half an hour. The first half of the apple is eaten in the morning, and the second evening.
    • Coffee with mint. For cooking, ground coffee is falling asleep in a saucepan. The fresh mint is added there. The mixture is poured with water and put on a water bath. After boiling, you need to give the child to breathe ferry. Such inhalation will help remove the nervous tension. It will suit both adults and children.
    • Milk with honey and melissa. Fresh milk should be boiled, add melissa to it. Write to boil in such a state a little more. After that, cool the milk and add a spoonful of May honey to it. Giving your child to half a cup five times a day.
    • Waste cold water. The procedure is carried out three times a day. The water temperature should be 10 degrees. The first days pour legs along the knees, after you can pour the whole body. The duration of treatment is 10 days.

    The use of herbal

    Is it possible to overcome the fear of the child? How to treat, prompt reference books of traditional medicine. The recipes use herbs with a soothing effect. On their basis, baths or drinking beams are made.

    • 50 g of a chamomile is taken to prepare a collection, 50 g of hops 100 g of nettle leaves 50 Zverboard, 50 g of Veska, 50 g Melissa. Herbs are mixed. A teaspoon of a mixture is brewed with a glass of boiling water. Infusion drink half a cup in the morning and evenings.
    • Effective collection that helps save a child from fright and from neurotic adult disorder. 4 parts of heers, 3 pieces of dryers, 3 pieces of dyeing and 1 part of Valerian are taken. The mixture is poured with two liters of boiling water and is insistant two hours. During the day he drinks five sips through every hour.
    • One teaspoon of the roots of the bonds is taken. It is poured with one glass of water and boiled 10 minutes. Drinking before eating a quarter of a cup.
    • An excellent method is the adoption of a bath with a cheese or chamomile, which have a sedative impact.

    Preventive measures

    To prevent the risk of fright, try more to talk with the child about his fears, explain to him that there are no reasons for fear. It is also useful to temper the child, give him a barefoot on stones and grass. An excellent means of strengthening nerves is clay. It can be replaced by ordinary plasticine.

    Treat your child with love, show care for it, affection and patience. Then he will not have fears.

    The emergence of stuttering from fright

    What can cause stuttering in children? Causes and treatment will be described below.

    It is clear that any child can be frightened. What some children start to stutter, and some are not? Can fear cause a similar violation in an adult? Should I wait that the ailment will be held without treatment?

    Psychophysiological basis

    Many speech therapists note that such a problem as stuttering occurs in persons with a certain type of nervous system.

    The factors that predispose to the appearance of stuttering include:

    • the weakness of the highest nervous activity, which is accompanied by increased anxiety, irritability of tear and varying;
    • genetic background;
    • frequent infectious diseases;
    • asthenic condition;
    • organic violation of the central nervous system;
    • (The child is afraid of punishment, condemnation).

    Stripping from a stressful situation may occur in an adult and adolescent, and the poorly developed child's speech apparatus is sensitive to different negative factors.

    The reasons listed above do not at all indicate that the child under the influence of the frightement will immediately become a skill, but the likelihood of such flaw in childhood high.

    How to deal with such a phenomenon, just as a cause and treatment will explain only the doctor. Parents should apply for help from a specialist. Many believe that this sooner or later will be held independently without the intervention of a professional. Such a look at the existing problem in the root is erroneous.

    Undoubtedly, there are cases when stuttering from fright takes place in itself, but it happens extremely rarely. Moreover, in the future, any stress or new fright can cause even a speech problem, the disposal of which will become problematic. Therefore, it is advised to contact a specialist.

    • compliance with the routine of the day;
    • creating a favorable psychological atmosphere in the family;
    • strengthening overall health baby.

    Classes with speakers

    Classes make it possible to release the speech of a stuttering child from tension, eliminate the misuse of pronunciation and instill with clarity, rhythmic and smooth articulation.

    At first, the child performs tasks together with a specialist, then moves to independent exercises in the oral story. Fastening the surveyed skills occurs in daily communication with other people. The degree of complexity of exercises is selected in accordance with the development of the child's speech.

    Happiness exercises

    Such classes help to make a voice natural and free. They have a beneficial effect on the respiratory system as a whole. Exercises contribute to the training of the diaphragm, forcing it to participate in the process of voting education, teach deeply breathing, which contributes to the mobility of voice ligaments. This treatment is complemented by relaxing techniques.


    As a rule, point massage is applied. The course of treatment through this method is chosen in accordance with the complexity of a particular case. During the procedures, the massage therapist has an impact on certain points of the body. The first results of treatment may be noticeable after the first session. The accurate massage contributes to the regulation of the nervous system.

    Application of computer programs

    Using this method has a high degree of efficiency. The method contributes to the synchronization of the auditory and speech center of the child. The kid is pronounced words to the microphone, and the program is automatically delayed by a split second. The child listens to his pronunciation and tries to adapt to him.

    The speech of the baby becomes smooth. With the help of the program, specific situations arising when communicating with other people are played. For example, such emotions are included as anger, surprise, discontent. The child must give an answer to the microphone. Then the program itself appreciates his response and advises that it should be improved.

    Application of medicines

    This method is auxiliary, incorporated in a common course complex. The child can be spelled out drugs against seizures, tranquilizers. Preparations that contribute to neutralizing blocking substances that interfere with the correct functionality of the nervous system are also prescribed. Various nootropics are prescribed.

    If necessary, medicinal treatment is complemented by the reception of sedative info. For example, a dyustrian decoction is used.

    Sometimes it happens that the child has become restless, Flaxy, began to capricious, lost appetite, refuses to go from maternal hands, sleeping badly and began to urinate into bed, despite the fact that it has long been accustomed to the pot. This indicates that the child is fright.

    The child can be removed independently

    What you need to know about fright

    Kids are very wounded and experienced not as adults. They react violently on any stressful situations. Often it is manifestations of fright. Remove the fright at home can only be native blood, but it is best to do this to the mother itself, since her connection with the baby is much stronger.

    If the mother herself decided to remove the fear of a child, she needs to be armed with knowledge that will make it all correctly, not worsening the condition and do not apply even greater harm.

    Correct atmosphere in the house

    It is possible to treat a fright yourself at home. It is necessary to surround the child with caring, caressing and love, calm the arms. You can distract the attention of the child with a new toy, unfamiliar bright object, game or fairy tale.

    If the child is small, very well relaxes it with lullabies, stroking the handles, legs, back, heads.

    You can not make fun of the baby's fears or try to cure his fear by reproducing a frightening situation.

    Communicate with a frightened child should be very calm

    Calm in the house, friendly handling of the child, communication with him about his fear and anxieties is enough, and there is no need for medical preparations or in other treatments.

    Several tips on how to remove the fear of the child mom itself:

    • Soothe during swimming in the water, for a better effect in the water, decractions of soothing herbs are added: chamomiles, valerians, dyeing. You can collect dry herbs in Sasha and put the baby in the headboard.
    • If the baby was frightened by the loud sound of the TV, you can show it this object and explain what it is, to demonstrate that it can be controlled.
    • Reading fairy tales and their analysis. Through the analysis of the behavior of the heroes of fairy tales, the child will know the world and herself, learns to overcome difficulties along with fabulous characters.


    Mama should adopt a few recipes from traditional medicine.

    Herbal collection

    If the child began to urinate in bed, you have a kid in the water with a chamomile decoction of 3 days before lulling. Additionally prepare herbal infusion:

    • nettle - 100 g;
    • chamomile - 100 g;
    • hop - 50 g;
    • st. John's wort; 50 g;
    • heather - 50 g;
    • melissa - 50 g;
    • hot water - 200 ml.

    Mix ingredients and 1 tsp. This collection is brewed with boiling water, insist 30 minutes. Give 3 times a day to 1/3 cup.


    For this folk agent, you will need:

    • apple - 1 pc.;
    • ladan - 2-3 gr.

    In the middle of the apple cut hole and fill necessary quantity Ladan, bake in the oven for 30 minutes. The finished apple is divided into two parts, the first is given in the morning, the second in the evening.

    Ladan - Excellent Soothing

    Sweet Milk with Melissa

    Ingredients are taken:

    • fresh milk - ½ liters;
    • melissa - a few drops;
    • honey - 1 spoon.

    Boil milk, add Melissa and give to get drunk about 2 minutes, cool and add honey. Put a child 5 times a day 100 ml.

    Holy water

    It is possible to fly a child with the help of holy water:

    • Child in the mornings and evenings to wash holy water, uttering ours. Pour holy water every day 3 times.
    • All the kids are different about strangers: some behave calmly, others start crying immediately. If a child goes in a crying when new people appear, it will have to prepare to get out of the house, reading the prayer "Our Father" and to the Guardian Angel. The baby should be put on the baby, obtained during baptism. Additionally, the mother can fix on the wrong clothes of the silver pin, which will need to be sprinkled with holy water, returning home. Observing these simple rules, you can avoid the appearance of fright.
    • So that the frightened kid does not cry and calmly fell asleep, bedding should be blue or white color And necessarily fresh. Mom must be painted every corner of the baby bed, and the middle sprinkle with holy water.


    Mom can take advantage of strong rituals, which have long existed in the people and allowed to successfully remove the fright even in the infants. These are mainly prayers, conspiracies and rites:

    • If the child sleeps badly, mom should be put on the night shirt (it should not be new), wash the face of the baby with running water and wipe the podium.
    • Wash 3 times, shaking the water with the hands and progressing the spell: "Water-driver, the mind of the child, the scarf, bother, bring peace!". At the end of the procedure, wipe the child with a white towel and hang it outside at night.
    • The hysterical cry of the baby must be stopped, otherwise it can lead to serious consequences - stuttering, silence or fainting. It will be necessary to hold a special ritual - turning out the eagle with the egg. Take the fresh egg from the chicken row, rinse with warm water. Plant the baby on the chair and start rolling out the fright. From the top of a clockwise clockwise should be descended to the legs, then returning to the top and 3 times to cross the child at the head level. After that, the egg is broken and pour into the container. Egg salute, pepper and pour under the tree.
    • When the hysteria happened on the street, and it could not be stopped by conventional ways, the mother should cover the baby with a hen of his clothes, sentenced: "I closing the prayer, I take a fear!"
    • Remove the fright at home will help a white thread. Cut the baby's head thread with three turns, then cut into small parts. Performing these actions, to say: "Threads cut and fear cut. Go and do not come. " Pieces of thread dispel in the wind.
    • If the frightened baby from crying stutters, cove your head with a handkerchief belonging to the older family woman. At this time, she needs to say the following: "Long lived - the family defense gave, I can protect you, fear take!". After the ritual, the scarf must be pulled out, and the used water to pour into the toilet.
    • Thistle to get rid of the fright: you can put a flower to the baby under the pillow. This grass is widely used in folk medicine, it prepares infusions, oils and syrups. This plant is able to scare the nightmares, withdraw the evil eye or damage.
    • Cerencing the fright at home will help the conspiracy in the wax. This method is suitable for the treatment of infants. Pouring a fright with this rite, mom can cure a child herself. You need to fill deep dishes with cold water. Pigeon take on the hands, stand at the threshold at home, the baby should look at the exit. Then take a candle and melt in an iron container, and raise a tide with water over your baby's head. Read the prayer "Our Father". During the injection of wax in the water, read any conspiracy from fright. Repeat ritual nine times. During the ritual, the child should not look at wax, it can reduce treatment. Water used after holding a rite to pour into any plant, and use the wax with the following procedures.
    • To fulfill this rite, 3 matches and a glass of water will be needed: to light the match above the baby's head and quickly speak ours "Father". The burnt match is lowered into the water. Repeat with other two matches. 3 times spray the face of the baby with water. After that, an adult makes 3 throat of water, and the remaining water to pour out. Conduct several times a day.
    • In alternative medicine, prayers are considered one of the most productive means of treating fright in children. There are many Orthodox conspiracies designed to cure fright as baby babyAnd the child of the oldest age. Prayers and conspiracies can read both mothers and close relatives. In Muslim countries, moms also use prayers in such cases. DUA can be pronounced in any language and in arbitrary form. There are also Sunny, designed to get rid of fear, fright or insomnia. Some advise to read the Quran when lulling a child.

    Conspiracy from fright

    Whatever the methods choose parents to cure fright on their own - from folk remedies with the use of herbs before reading prayers - it should be remembered that childhood disorders may subsequently pour into serious mental violations, they require serious attention.

    If the family reigns in the family, then the psyche of the baby is less susceptible to hazards. Lullaby, calm music, good fairy tales Create a soothing effect.

    To strengthen the psyche of kids, hardening, walking barefoot on the grass.

    If none of the methods brought a positive result, consult a doctor or child psychologist.

    Symptoms of fright are mainly manifested in children under 2 years old. In the medical practice of determining the concept of fright does not exist, it belongs to one of the species of children's neurosis. Consider how the child's fright is manifested, its signs and how to treat. Perhaps these are the consequences of the evil eye, and to remove it, Mothers will need to spend a special rite, or removing the fright can be carried out by a medication method?

    The child's fright belongs to child neurosis

    The main signs of fright

    Fear in a child and night fear They may go calmly and go to no, and may be accompanied by such symptoms:

    • sleepwalking;
    • fear of darkness;
    • stuttering;
    • hysterics;
    • nightmares;
    • insomnia;
    • hyperoportability;
    • lack of appetite.

    Before treating fright in a child, you need to determine the causes of this state. The absence of fright treatment in children can lead to deposits. The neurotic disorder has a detrimental effect on the psyche, inhibits full-fledged development. Especially difficult to determine the fright in infants. The first sign of the presence of a neurotic disorder and damage to the spine among the infant is the fear of water. When lowering the baby in the bath, he begins to scream strongly.

    The main causes of neurotic disorder

    Children's fright is often a consequence of the wrong behavior of the parents. Sometimes adults, without noticing, create prerequisites for the occurrence of fears in front of dark, empty rooms, scaring children by terrible characters. Children's fantasy is much brighter than adult. Involving a small child in a new fantasy situation for him, parents provoke the appearance of fears.

    Parents can strengthen fears with their reaction. Mom's reaction at the sight of a child's blood is much brighter and emotionally than his own.

    Some parents swear greatly their children when they fall and cry. They are afraid to make an incorrect step so that they are not swearing for the laughter. Causes of fear in children:

    • too loud sound or cry, occurring unexpectedly for a one-year-old kid;
    • animals that for baby seem huge (dogs, cats);
    • storm;
    • stress as a result of a seen quarrel;
    • closure, non-pollution of parents;
    • humiliation by peers or teacher in kindergarten;
    • the result of the evil eye, the removal of which must be performed immediately.

    A huge pet can provoke fright in a child

    Scheme of the appearance of insurance

    Even in the intrauterine period, the child can feel fear of the mother. The human body is designed so that some fears can be transmitted from parents to children, so it is likely that the newborn baby will be afraid of dogs or snakes. Children's fear begins to progress when there is no safety sensation.

    Mortification, children learn to control their fears, behavior, but they need to help them, explaining that the dog is not as terrible, as it seems, and the thunderstorm is just a natural phenomenon, and the hike to the dentist is not a painful event.

    Fear should be prevented in advance, talking about the treatment of teeth, about other medical manipulations. Being in a new situation, seeing the syringe, having heard the sound of the borders, the child could be afraid so much that the next time refuses to enter the hospital. He needs permanent explanations of actions, phenomena, medical procedures.

    Consequences of fright

    Strong fright in children of any age should not be ignored. If after the frightener there are no manifestations, you need to consult a doctor, because the consequences can manifest itself from the baby after 1-2 months. Given that children sometimes scares the reaction of parents, adults need to behave adequately in any situation.

    Children with susceptible psyche may have symptoms of fright after walking on new playgrounds, after acquaintance with new people, animals. After the event filled with the events, the child sleeps badly, sometimes goes in a dream or says. We must try not to overstat the children's leisure to the excessive spectrum of events. It is possible to understand that the child is fright, it is possible by the consequences of stress:

    • anxiety during wakefulness and in a dream;
    • urine incontinence during sleep;
    • violations of speech;
    • tremor chin or hands;
    • vomiting during hysterical;
    • eye Rolling;
    • nervous tick.

    After transferred stress, the eyes can rush, and it can be fixed only by operational intervention between the ages of 5. If you notice a few symptoms, you need to contact a specialist to learn how to cure fright in a child.

    Hysterics accompany a child's fright

    Basic methods of treating disease

    A strong fear destructively affects the unformed CNS, so it necessarily needs treatment. Often get rid of fear help calm conversations with a child for serious theme for him. The infant stress can cause a serious violation of psychomotor development. In the infant, the presence of fears may be the consequence of postpartum stress, therefore, in such cases, neurologists prescribe medicines that help to establish sleep, therapeutic massage and leaf.

    How to cure a child from fright, the doctor will determine the intensity of manifestations. It is recommended to bathe a baby in a warm bath with the addition of chamomile beads, calendulas, echinacea, lavender.

    Instead, you can use essential oils. Such baths help not only relax, but also strengthen the immune system. They are used in the treatment of infants and older children.

    The use of folk remedies

    Strong fright Many are trying to treat by campaigns to the sign, which rolls out the fear of the egg, reading the corresponding prayers. Folk healers advise to wash holy water and losing the maternal skirt with a pea. Maybe the grandmother is a test and help to remove light fright. How effective will such events are unknown.

    Monotonous reading of prayers contributes to the calm of the baby, but does not solve deep problems. Can be patched nervous overexcitation of herbal decoctions. Pre-such procedures should be coordinated with the doctor.

    The emergence of stuttering from fright

    How to remove the baby's fright if he started stuttering? Need systematic work with a patient in several directions. Some signs of stress can stay and accompany a person all their lives. There are many cases when a person talks well, but it stands to survive the excitement, then problems with speech begins.

    Stuttering can be caused by various reasons. Depending on the etiology of pathological deviations with speech, 2 stacing groups are distinguished:

    1. Neurotic (speech defects arising from experienced injury in childhood).
    2. Negros-like (manifests itself with postpartum stress, diseases of the central nervous system).

    Stuttering occurs due to articulation seizures (involuntary muscle contractions during the conversation). Depending on the varieties of speech cramps, 2 forms of speech disorders are distinguished:

    1. Tonic (signing during a conversation).
    2. Clonic (repetition of sounds and words when talking).

    Psychophysiological basis

    There is a high probability that the child will stutter if it was born prematurely, if when heated, suffered from oxygen starvation. The deviations in speech strongly affect the diseases that are reflected in the work of the CNS. Children who often sick under the age of 1 year with colds with increasing temperature include a risk group.

    The reasons for the development of speech pathologies may be parents. Do not allow such errors in education:

    • sysyukanny and the wrong repetition of words;
    • unpredictable adult breakdowns with alternating punishment and tenderness;
    • psychological and physical violence;
    • excessive intimidation in attempts to prevent danger.

    Sysyukanny can cause speech pathology

    If you think how to remove the baby's fright, you should not rely only on folk remedies, We need a number of relevant events that will help to cope with stuttering. The set of events includes:

    • work with a psychologist;
    • classes with speechoped;
    • breathing exercises;
    • reduction of stress;
    • medications.

    It is important to remember that any unverified method (magic rite against an evil eye) can cause even more harm. This refers to visits to the surcharge, independent reading of prayers, any manipulation from the evil eye.

    A child can in an unfamiliar, an uncomfortable situation for him to feel even greater fear. Unidentified children's psyche seriously perceives the magic rite of treatment.

    Classes with speakers

    Spent treatment is quite efficient in preschool age. The sooner the problem was noticed, the better. The speech therapist is engaged in the formulation of sound in gaming form. To establish speech, you need not only drive the baby to the speech therapist, but also to fulfill all its recommendations. This includes mostly the development of motility hands.

    The largest number of centers that are associated with the speech apparatus are concentrated in the hands. Need to sculpt from plasticine. Excellent develops Motoric Rubbing Cereals: buckwheat, wheat, pea.

    Home also needs to perform articulation gymnastics. The speech therapist teaches children to focus on breathing, it helps in a conversation. When a man is panic, he does not have enough air, so articulation spasms arise. The treatment of the speech therapist is aimed at solving various problems, and for each patient will differ depending on the intensity of manifestation.

    Speech therapist will help children of preschool age

    Happiness exercises

    Respiratory exercises and concentration of attention perfectly helps to get rid of fear and restore speech. For children, breathing exercises are presented in the form of the game:

    • blowing air into a glass with water through the tube;
    • inflate balloons;
    • breathing into water.

    Breathing into water can be practiced when bathing in the bath. You can then gradually teach the face to water.

    Preventive measures

    It is important to understand that it will be much more complicated to treat the nervous shock than to warn it. You need to do your perception and wean yourself to react violently into children's bruises and knocked out. With a more conscious child, you should conduct conversations for the disturbing topics.

    Do not quarrel with a child. From birth, start developing small motor, Make it mason with modern toys and girlfriend (sorting cereals).

    Having found signs of a nervous shock in the baby, do not tighten the visit to the doctor. Excellent prevention is hardening and bathing in baths with herbal champs or aroma masses.

    A breast kid must have a day mode. After unhealthy feeding, children are quite difficult to adapt to the system of food in kindergarten. The diet should be products that fill the entire spectrum of the necessary vitamins for the correct development of nerve cells.

    Final part

    The treatment of fright in children is a complex process that consists of a whole complex of events. Many parents, not knowing what to do with the child's neurosis, they begin to search for a sign, which will catch the fright from the crumbs. Do not do this. It is necessary to seek help to a neurologist and eliminate the cause of stress. Parents can be the cause of stress: try to bring with the child, discuss disturbing topics. It is important to remember that neurosis treatment in infants should begin as soon as possible, otherwise the baby may have serious mental deviations, lagging in development, violation of speech.

    Sleep disorders as a result of stress negatively affect the development of faster CNS, provoking the appearance of phobias. It is better to start strengthening the nerves still in infancy. It is impossible to protect the child from all problems, but you can reduce the level of their negative impact on the psyche.

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