• Mode of the day of a large mother as everyone's time. Tricks of large mothers who will come in handy to all parents. It is very important not to forget about the fact that "the fish will get out of the head", and the head of your family is you, parents and your relationship


    I remember when my older daughter went to the first class, I sat in the lobby of the music school and told one pregnant mommy about how hard it was managed with two children. One in the kindergarten needs to be left in the morning, another to school, then run to work, swimming pool, circles, lessons in the evenings, and even after all, and home affairs. I, like a mom of two children shared experiences ... .. Mommy silently sat and in agreement only nodded her head. Then I did not even realize that in front of me a large mother, waiting for the appearance of the fifth (!) Child .... Such she was quiet, calm, some kind of peace, and five children were simply not placed in my consciousness ....

    But just 9 years have passed, and here I am in music school Already the fourth of six of our children. And I understand that then, with the older children, I was really very difficult. First, all for the first time, and secondly, I did not have what a large mother saves - there was no system.

    Each large mother has its own model over the years. A young mom is similar to a person raising without preparation to a rod weighing 150kg. - She can or pull, or do not raise her. A large mother is an athlete with many years of preparation, she raises the projectile in one jerk, holds it at an altitude to the maximum and can do it repeatedly.

    For 10 months, as we have become more than seven-me, now we are eight: I, husband and children - Darina (16 years old), Fedor (13 years old), George (8 years old), Ksenia (5 years old), Gregory 2 years and Bogdane 10 months.

    I became a very good "athlete", "Master of Sports". And I got my own model of life big family. In fact, everything turned out to be very simple.

    Here are my helpers:

    1. Order, mode, minimum things. And it all works only in the bundle one with another.

    2. "Creative drawer", which is stored highly high, on the refrigerator. There is everything for needlework to take a child of any age. Children know that it is possible to play all this in the kitchen under the supervision of the mother. To them in the hands of the "Box" does not fall, I'll get out and distribute everything.

    3. The older children and phrase helps: "You help me, I help you."

    4. My assistant items are a washing machine, a slow cooker, sling, a notebook and a magnetic board.

    1. Toys.
    All toys lie in the boxes. Children ask the box, play, collect everything back, clean the box. Boxes are signed.

    It turned out that the child removes toys for himself, you just need to do it after each game - the baby quickly absorbs it and soon it begins to repeat my actions.

    It is a pity that I did not know this with the first two children, so much scandals were about this ...

    We have not a lot of toys:
    - Qualitative Lego (began to buy another older daughter, and now we continue, I myself can play with them);
    - pair of dolls, clothes for them, dishes, strollery / trolley, wooden bed;
    - few cars;
    - Wooden "Railway";
    - and 2-3 soft toys everyone has it.

    Now we have less toysThan in those times when there were two children. Then our apartment looked like a branch of the Children's World.

    It turns out that children do not need a lot of toys - they play some kind of breeds well and at the same time develop imagination.

    The children had to just teach to play what they had, and not buy all new and new toys in the hope that "Well, here he will definitely play."

    Boxes with puzzles, with desktop games and small lego are very high and now is given strictly by extradition.

    2. Also, there are a horizontal bar, an easel for drawing, piano.
    3. Clothes and shoes.
    There are few of them - but everything is functional and high-quality. At school - the form, in the garden, the main convenience, at home again convenience. Much is transferred to each other inherited by children.

    Time distribution system.

    1. Cooking.
    On weekdays, everything is extremely simple:
    Porch for breakfast "Breaks" to us a multicooker.
    Broth for soup and vegetables for lettuce or vinegret I will cook from the evening. The next day, the broth remains only to fill, and the vegetables for salad cut.
    I do it at once on 5-6 servings, I take the right amount, and I freeze the rest for later.
    For dinner, we prepare something simple Salad type (which is glad to cut the kids) Plus potatoes.

    2. Polyclinic-stores-stocks.
    Previously, we had a lot of time going on hiking on clinics, sobesamam, passport desks, shops.

    I needed to do everything myself, I believed that nothing would be done without my presence, or would not be done as it should.

    Now I realized that both the husband and the older children are perfectly coping with this. Just needed to learn to trust them. ...

    In addition, the hike of an older child in the store will save me from buying too much - it buys only what I pointed in the list. When I go to the store with the same list, then whenever I return with the mass of what I did not plan to buy, while sometimes forgotten about the planned purchase.

    3. When children indulge.
    Now I know for sure that if children indulge, then here are two options:
    either they have nothing to do
    either they are tired of themselves from themselves (and because children are the processes of excitement dominate the processes of braking, there must be a measure in everything, they are then physically difficult to stop). My husband and I try not to give the children to fool, that is, if you have nothing to do from nothing.

    Here and tonight my six-year-old child He began to fool. I took it by the hand, took to the easel, wrote examples by his age and he began to decide them with pleasure (distracted, switched), and then painted ornaments on the sample. So I sketched that I liked it myself - at that moment I remind him that the time was given to a person for a matter, and not for balobiness.

    4. Breastfeeding.
    You can perfectly combine with reading and yourself and children, with food, with a conversation by phone and writing letters on the Internet.

    5. Walking.
    You can turn into cognitive lessons, studying the bark on the trees, considering the traces of birds and accomplice the ice on the Neva.

    Walking is generally salvation:
    first, this is a communication that sometimes lacks our children,
    and secondly, the longer we walk, the smaller the mess of the house.

    They came from the street, undressed, the hands were waved, filed and - "quiet game": one in the bath play in the boats, the other in the room, build from Lego, the third in the kitchen, draw or sculpt. And all in business.

    Our ordinary day looks like this.

    Lifting, wakeful children. While the elders are going and have breakfast, we are Middle doing speech therapy tasks that were asked in the kindergarten. At the same time, I remove the dried underwear, I hurt to dry what was fed for the night, something ironing ...
    Now you have to wake and collect the smallest.

    Everyone is ready - we leave. Senior Sits on the bus (the gymnasium is far away, but it is worth it). The first year is the dad, then I took and took the children - now it's time, and they go to school themselves, the route knows by heart.

    Masha the handles and with the kids continue our way to the kindergarten. On the way we are discussing plans for the evening, repeat the speech therapy rhymes or the specified poems, we solve examples in mind, singing a song. We rent the first child to the garden - I just look into the group to say that I rent it to them (everyone is surprised in the garden, what children are independent). Then we lead the second to another, the speech therapy garden.

    Everything, the morning "delivery" is completed, and you can take a walk with those who are still at mom.

    We walk mostly where the baby's legs go, do not stick to the playgrounds - this narrows the horizon of the child. We are studying the world around him: bugs, sand, pebbles, we are standing and for a long time on the tractor, on the car, he asks something, I answer - here you are counting on "Development" ....

    After a walk, go to the store, buy products, sometimes run to the library to exchange books.

    Houses - Breakfast for kids.

    Then, after a while, - home swimming in a large bath. Since swimming is an active process, during which the baby behaves rapidly, we moved it from the evening in the morning.

    After swimming, younger daughter falls asleep easily.

    At this time I read something to my son or check email.

    Then we are doing homemade with him: the son must be to repair his cars and build garages, and I need to have a maximum of doing homework.

    When schoolchildren return from the gymnasium, we all dinner together. At the table, everything is in need of their news for the day, I listen to them carefully, I comment on something, I do some comments.

    Then an hour for lessons.

    And the beginning of the evening "delivery": we go to one kindergarten, then in another. At some days we go to an additional classes, in some kind of music. The elders have music, drawing, swimming pool, kids - music, drawing, gaming dance. Twice a week comes a tutor in English. Everything, everyone is attached, and we all wait, walking next to the park.

    If we were lucky, and dad returned from work early, then we go home by car. If not, then you go home for a fun crowd.

    Once a week we need to go to the garden to the speech therapist. Therefore, we drive to school for your son, plunge into the subway, we go to the center - that's a tour of the city for children.

    At home, while I warm up dinner, younger children are here are busy with me "Creative Box." At this time, Dad communicates with the elders.

    Family dinner, and again talk, jokes, laughter ... After dinner, the older guys wash alternately, I put to sleep the baby at this time, and my dad bathes all the younger company in the bathroom.

    Then complement the lessons, i.e. What our schoolchildren did not cope with themselves.

    Then - the collection from the evening just tomorrow, and - the long-awaited evening reading. First I read for the younger about the "Rubbicks", then for the elders. Listen to all children with interest.

    Often, in the evenings, the elders, if there are no many lessons, read the kids themselves, laid them to sleep - and this means that and my husband and I can walk to walk before bedtime, drink tea-coffee in the cafe, and we can simply see some movie.

    On weekends
    We usually go to visit, in museums or for long walks.

    On Sunday, the senior is a Sunday school.

    The eldest daughter (on his own initiative) is engaged in the kids with music, and at my request - helps brothers with English.

    We'd together prepare the pastries of the pies ...

    But the main thing is not even in the mode and not in the system.
    The most important thing is that I have already understood as a large mother: in this world you can live without soup, without learning lessons - but you can not live without love. Everything you do is need to do with love - and then anything is lighter.

    Today, families with three and more children are no longer uncommon. The life of such families is different from the life of parents with one or two children. Of course, they are harder. But most of them are a strong family and, as they say, "positive". In addition, there are many ways to organize life and facilitate the work of parents.

    Immediately I will explain the situation: I have three sons with a small difference, so I will share my own observations and experience, and those ideas and developments that borrowed from other large families.

    Large families. View from the inside

    But to start a little about us, families with children are more than two.

    According to my observations, most large families Like each other. And that's what:

    First, as a rule, the Pope is not from those who spend their lives between work, a sofa and the game in "Tanchiki". No, the first component is necessarily present, otherwise the family will not survive, because a large mother rarely has the opportunity to work on an equally with her husband. But here is the sofa and "tanks" - this is not about the fathers of large families.

    And they come to this in different ways. Someone, of course, forces life. Well, it is necessary to be a final and irrevocable egoist so that, looking, how the wife rushes, not to start her help. But a significant part of large dads - initially responsible and caring men. Obviously, they are their wives, feeling support, often solved on the expansion of families beyond the limits of low-rise.

    Secondly, people are rarely inactive, with a reduced vital tone. To wanted the second, and even more the third, etc. The child needs to be very loving life and see the strength (I am now, of course, talking about thinking people, and not about those who become randomly familiar).

    How to cope with all the affairs and do not miss anything?

    Of course, despite this similarity, all large families are different. On the life line and the level of difficulty daily task is influenced by everything: the number of children and the age difference between them, the financial situation, the presence or absence of assistants, life in the city or countryside.

    However, no matter how difficult the situation is, there are several ways to arrange a family life so that everyone's time and not to feel a drunk horse.

    For the help will come:


    From this item, no matter how much we want to go anywhere. If you have three and more children, it will be very difficult to live without an iron self-discipline. So a little time to sit in front of a TV or computer in the evening, and then sleep to lunch is a rare pleasure. As well as relax on the beach, think about walking, go to the store. Large parents are people who know how to concentrate not only quickly, but also to keep themselves in this state for a long time. Well, or at least people seeking this ability.


    The second and mandatory assistant of large parents. You want or not, but it will be necessary to build a rather strict routine of the day. Otherwise, just nothing will be time. At first, it may be not easy, but gradually you will begin to understand that it is not so difficult to live according to the schedule. Especially since children get used to it quickly, and the life of the family begins to go on the order, and this eliminates or makes much more rare many conflicts and quarrels from the series who, when and what should.

    Thoughtful logistics

    Many children are a lot of classes, sections and circles. Thoroughly think about the routes, calculate the time and provide for all the nuances, from traffic jams to the forgetfulness of children. The more serious you come to this, the less problems will be. Do not only rely on memory, your own children. Schedules, charts, schemes - all this will help you to spray less, twententy once again, who is on which classes goes and what takes, and noticeably disciplines children.

    Distribution of duties

    Be sure to share the tasks at all. Otherwise, the one who is lucky on himself will certainly "overlook."

    Rely not only on yourself. Little children can also help. And this is not utopia. Yes, to produce useful habits, you will need a lot of time and your perseverance. But when they form, you can be exactly sure that the street shoes are attributed to washing and drying after a walk, and the mittens row are on the battery, clean linen is removed from the washing machine and folded into the pelvis, and the dirty waiting for his turn in Special basket. And this is not the entire list of cases available even to the smallest children.

    Help "Comraders"

    Remember how in the unforgettable "Pokrovsky gate"? "Patients have a big mutual execution ..." So, in many children's parents, it is not less. If you have other families with three or more children, I sincerely advise you to unite.

    Previously, I myself did not believe too much in such a mutual assistance, but when we moved to a new area, I accidentally met the family from the neighboring house. They also have three children close to our age to our. And now two with more than a year our families have someone to rely on. An equal number of children helps us well understand each other and do not taste awkwardness when you have to ask to post for Chads. Because if you throw one mother's mom at once, it will be very difficult for her, and a large mother is that three that six is \u200b\u200balmost no difference.

    And the presence of associates is an opportunity to take turns of children to the section or walk with them, taking advantage of all parent meetings and open lessons, help each other with ideas and experience. So look for, and you will be much easier.

    District or city organizations of large families are very helpful. Therefore, if you joined our ranks, be sure to join them, and you will receive the necessary and useful information, learn about benefits, discounts and promotions, participate in interesting events.

    Life of large families, of course, do not call easy. At first, many may have a panic question: and what, now all the time? Well, why? Children have a habit of growing and growing. Soon they will be better to sleep, and dressed will learn themselves, and they will not have to feed them from the spoon. But this does not mean that you only need to suffer a little, and it will become easier. Some problems and difficulties are solved or dissolved, but others will appear.

    However, with them, you will definitely handle if you take an armament of at least some of these items. True, from time to time you, of course, will still feel yourself in the skin of the same horses. But only occasionally. And all the rest of the time will certainly be able to feel some wizards. Do not believe? Try!

    In the life of a woman comes such a moment when she wants to experience the joy of maternity again, having small or already grown children on the hands. It seems that everything is intended successfully: stable income, "adults" children, suitable age, health, and most importantly - the desire to give your love and care.

    "The attack of motherhood" did not bypassed me, for the third time. What was my surprise when I found out that among my acquaintances there are like-minded people. And so, we complaining each other for fatigue, the lack of time, distance, despite the already solid experience family life. But at the same time, my girlfriends all have time, and I have an eternal Abral. It was a serious blow to pride.

    A panic began: "What is wrong with me? Previously, I did everything worked? "

    In search of a quick answer, I lasted a lot of sites and blogs for moms. I calmed down a little, learning that this is really the problem of many parents: rebuild your life with the advent of the child. I used to think about it strongly.

    1. Define priorities.
    2. Plan your day.
    3. Take help relatives.
    4. Distribute home duties.
    5. Observe the mode of the day.
    6. It is rational to organize food.
    7. Relax.
    8. Allocate time for yourself.

    "How cool," I thought, "I will take it - and everything will turn out for me!"

    I started building my life according to the rules

    1. The first point did not work out. Immediately allocate the main thing was not able. It's equally necessary for my attention and care: a nine-grader, passing OGE (enhanced nutrition, a lot of free time), first-grader (the whole mamm brain), the baby (Mom, without a rest), the poor dad did not remain anything (he accepted it as a fact ). We passed through jealousy, tears, disputes, resentment. The newborn sister won! The losers were rallied and even became best friends.
    2. All my life pursues me "Rock Planning": everything seems to be foreseeing, time will take it, you will distribute forces ... but no! Be sure to jump out the entire mechanism - to hell. I realized that it was not mine. I allocated one or two important events for a week (going to the doctor, visit parental Assembly, allocation of time for yourself): And it doesn't have to be nervous, that the plan does not correspond to, and more likely to implement it. Yes, and most importantly - there will be a reason to praise, and not to cut all the time for the inability to implement the plan. I started a wall calendar in the kitchen, in which I recorded my future actions for each month. By the end of the year, this calendar became the literal chronicles of the family life.
    3. With the attraction of assistants, things were more difficult. Grandparents because of their old age or remote accommodation could help help. Children-schoolchildren - "Assistants per hour", one pleases, they can help each other, this is already a great relief. Husband would be happy to connect ... Nynechka-governess - not our option. Conclusion: it is necessary to calculate only on yourself, it follows item 4.
    4. Minimize home work, since the main burden on me. At one of the sites, I read this advice: to free yourself from unnecessary things (in addition, it is an excellent way to help people who have fallen into a difficult life situation). Minimalism is a pledge of order in the house. It really works! You do not have to collect dozens of scattered toys daily, to shift the souvenirs-magnets from the spot to the scene, rake pile of old things, etc.
    5. Daily regime. Here I can praise yourself. Happened. Feeding a small child by the clock allows you to organize the day of the whole family with maximum benefit.
    6. With rational nutrition not immediately. First time, shopping dumplings replaced homemade food. The problem was to provide hot breakfast in the morning. As a rule, this moment coincided with the feeding of the baby, so physically at the same time feed three different-age children did not work. I began to cook breakfast ... in the evening, and his morning warm-up instructed the eldest son. Soon I taught him to cook Dairy Task and completely removed this duty. Subsequently, I successfully replenished my culinary stock of a series of "lazy" recipes and brought to a minimum time staying in the kitchen.

    7-8. At first, while the baby did not grae, with rest and personal time had to wait. The pool and the salon returned to my life in a year and a half. In the meantime, it was limited to raids in the hairdresser.

    Having tried to organize your life according to the rules, I understood completely and irrevocably: every mummy has its own rhythm of life, their life goals and objectives. It is not worth upset, and even more so to panic if you do not work, like everyone else or how experienced teachers or family psychologists advise. It is impossible to live according to the established rules - come up with these rules herself. If you want to be a happy mom and wife, create a success situation for yourself and tell about the achievements of close. It is not worth a lot to worry about what has not happened per day, it is better to focus on the results achieved.

    I do not accidentally begin with this item. The situation in the family, the mood of children and her husband depends on the calm mom. We, women tend to choose almost all the concerns, and even invent new non-existent difficulties, and then fall from fatigue after their solution. Think whether it is important to overload all the underwear today and prepare lunch of three dishes. Maybe it is better to spend half an hour to sleep? I especially want to note the importance of sleep for moms with infants. Of course, the female organism can survive the daily lack of sleep, but on your mood, and most importantly, all this will affect the health badly. Think about yourself more often, highlight the time of rest. Let it be twenty-minute, but this time will only belong to you.

    An active day should be a vigorous beginning. Wash away cold waterThis is not only brown, but also very useful for the skin. If in the morning you do not need to go somewhere, be sure to find the time for easy charging. Take a shower and get dressed, it does not matter what, but so that you can open the door if someone goes to you. Of course, if in the morning you are making a march of the kindergarten and schools, on running backing on the dairy kitchen and to the store, we will assume that you have already cheered up.

    Magic Notepad Mother Mom

    Thinking your business in advance, the diary is very helpful, where the cases that need to be made on a particular day are written. There is a list of the so-called "Cabinet Affairs" - a visit to the clinic, salads, pension Fund or other organizations. These are important things, but they do not require a momentary solution. And it is also useful to have a small notebook with a pencil in a stroller in a stroller, "the" reminder "of what was told in kindergarten or school. Anyone is difficult to keep a large number of all kinds of diverse things in the head, multiplied by the number of households. But mom, as a rule, is responsible for almost everything, - food, clothing, children's classes, lessons, shopping for home and family leisure.

    In general, all kinds of lists are useful not only to streamline plans, but also for control over the number and quality of children's clothing. At one large mother, I spied the idea with exesel files into which it brings photos and information about the presence of numerous children's shoes and outerwear, separating everything in seasonality.

    Mode of all head

    Any psychologist will tell you that the child is more comfortable when he is familiar with the algorithm of his day. Therefore, the mode is yours! Lifting, breakfast, classes, walk, lunch, sleep, afternoon and so on. Your schedule, of course, may be different, but it is important not to miss the basic phases. This and an adult is useful, let's say, there is at the same time, or go to bed, - the biological watches work quite clearly. And it is not important that in the afternoon you do not sleep, the main thing is the fact of the "quiet hour". You can just lie down. Children quickly get used to a certain order, eat with a big appetite, and it is possible to put it in the bed in the evening much faster. The most difficult thing if the kids are sick, then all with such work created by the schedule system is falling apart. It is necessary to be patient here, apply all your wisdom and survive this moment, starting to re-fold the puzzle of your life.

    Mamina assistants

    Recently, the wonderful statement of the elder Paisius Svyatogort was caught me: "If a unlumous man sees that in a large house, every thing lies in his place, he will come to the conclusion that here, or children mentally retarded, or a mother, distinguishing cruelty and despotism, forces them To military discipline. In the latter case, fear lives in the soul, and they behave disciplined from this fear. " I do not call you to the eternal riot, but do not forget that children are children, and sometimes they simply do not understand how this "fold everything in place." Where's the place"?

    Children should be given clearer guidance, for example: "Remove the sweater to the shelf in a closet, put the pencils into the pencils and put these two books on the shelf" instead: "Armored in the room order!". With young children, in general, you can play cleaning as in the game. One mother told me that she always focuses on the fact that she helps her daughter to remove toys, and not the opposite. Then the game is in the habit, and the cleaning of toys becomes solely the duty of the girl.

    If you have at all small childHere there are your tricks "joint" cleaning:

    • When the kid is calm, put it in a crib or stroller, teach him in gentle and move away, do it with your affairs. If he calls you, go, talk to him, but do not take it, and leave again.
    • Excellent idea to transport your baby behind an apartment in a wheelchair or children's chair. You can communicate with the child and continue your affairs. So the child will get used to the fact that Mom is near, but he is not constantly at mom in his arms. If the baby completely refuses to lie next, it means that it bothers something, perhaps it is frozen, hungry, or it's time to change the diaper.
    • An older baby can be given tasks for the simplest role-playing games: put a hare on the chair, feed the carrot, sing a song. And there, you look, having started the game, the child can be ejected.
    • From about two years you can use a timer. It's amazing how quickly the baby got used to the fact that the mother is engaged in his business, while the clock does not say "Dzin".

    For older children, there is no need for such "distracts-entertainment", they gradually become active mother assistants.

    No one can sit without a case when mother work! We instill your children love for work, learn them to think not about things, but about affairs. And do not forget that children take an example from us - do not require them what they yourself do not.

    Cozy large house

    It is true that it is purely not where they are well cleaned, and where they do not grow. I understand that in our circumstances it sounds like unagnificated mockery. But it is much easier to immediately wipe the stain on the stove, which later in the feet of the face scraping the burnt fat.

    Now there are very fashionable different teachings to improve the atmosphere in the house. At its base, they all have one philosophy: "Do not litter the space around you! Remove from superfluous!" Everyone in the house has a place where magazines, brochures, advertising accumulate magically. Throw it out, all that was interesting in them, you probably have already read. Do not forget to check the expiration date on different jars, which multiply on the shelves in the bathroom. All that causes doubt, send to the garbage tank. A separate place is occupied by the cute heart of trinkets - statuettes. Maybe you should remove them into the box? Well, at least for a while? So you will save the precious moments on wiping with dust from them - once, and you can trust the cleaning of this dust with a grown-up child, without fearing for the safety of your rarities, two. Another simple but emergency Council - Put in a small garbage bucket with a lid in each room. For wet cleaning, good rags and mop with a rubber sponge-roller and a pressing device are very useful, and wet disposable napkins are also very useful. They can be used to wipe the surface of the slab, sink, toilet bowl, and even some types of furniture.

    Returning to accuracy, it is worth introduceing a rule: "Eat only in the kitchen", "Draw, sculpt and masthers only in the nursery (well, or in a specially designated place)."

    If you have a small child to think about reliable constipation on the cabinets, but that the baby is not very worried about this, leave him one box on the confusion, for this, the shelves with caps, children's tights or ladies scarves are perfectly fit.

    I know that many moms do not smooth at all. If you have no time at this time, use the following guidelines.

    • Spend a revision of things; Maybe it is worth removing those that require careful care, manual washing and ironing?
    • A good air conditioner for linen in combination with neat hanging - and you will not have to iron most of the linen.
    • Remove the linen slightly wet, not overwhelmed, and carefully fold, - it is greater in bed linen and towels.
    • Offer a spouse for a while, if possible, refuse to wear shirts to work, let them go to the jampers or gives their shirts in the laundry.

    Vacuum packages are excellent for storing seasonal children's children. If things are correctly distributed in them, then there will be a significant savings in the closet. With the beginning of the cold, the contents of the packages hang out in the evening in the bathroom, everything is completely smoothed in the morning.

    For toys fit boxes from parcels, glued with bright pictures from children's magazines and soft folding tanks, is a very good invention, sorry, not durable.

    Tablecloth self-banner

    Many mothers successfully use sleeves or packages for baking - to prepare faster and do not need to wash off the oven from oily splashes. Another small assistant can be considered timers.

    Porridge is convenient to buy in portion packages.

    By the way, the magnetic notebook hanging on the refrigerator is a great assistant in the planning of purchases. It is still very helpful to compile a menu for a week, especially if you make a big food purchase on weekends.

    It is convenient to have a "duty" stock of products in case of unexpected guests - frozen dough, canned tuna, olives and a bottle of good dry wine.

    Drumkruzh, circle in the photo ...

    We all try to make the leisure of children a variety of and interesting, of course. How to combine sessions of several children?

    Determine the main classes, such as the older child, write down the days and hours of work. Think how will you drive a child for these classes? Do you have an option with assistants (grandma or nanny)? Next, consider classes for other children, maybe somehow will have to abandon the time. Do not be discouraged, you all shit then. Many mothers find sections and mugs near the house, as a rule, there are additional classes in nearby schools and gardens. There are free sections in district houses of creativity, municipal studios. Go to the site of your area or district, there must be information on children's leisure, well, and the "sarafined" radio is an excellent source of information.

    Freken side caused?

    If you have at least the slightest opportunity to take advantage any help, do not neglect it. I do not say that you need to throw all the children on the nanny and engage in personal life, although once a month you can and so of course, but take a child to classes or take a walk with him on the site near the house while you are doing other affairs, maybe a helper . Well, if you have a grandpa or grandfather on your pick-up, although sometimes a persistent person is easier to convey your vision of child upbringing.

    Some moms negotiate among themselves to drive children in turn. Learn, perhaps, someone will be very convenient to leave her baby with you, and not to carry it public transport, Instead, grabbing your child to the section.

    Many invite the housework assistants only once a few months for general cleaning. The modern world presented us with another excellent opportunity to make purchases, take things in dry cleaning, pay utility services and even sign in kindergarten in the Internet. This is not only a huge amount of goods and services with delivery, bottomless component of information, but also communication with friends and relatives, which gives a chance to not limit your world square meters of apartment with endless maternal concerns.


    Set one day for all children

    At the famous Hollywood actor Alek Baldwin and his wife Hilaria Three children: a three-year-old Carmen, a two-year-old Rafael and Little Leonardo, which appeared on September 12, 2016. Spouse Aleka readily tells on his page in the social network, as she managed to cope with three babies, each of which requires one hundred percent of the mother's attention. Her very chief Secret - The day of the day of all children should be the same.

    "When you have one child, everything is fine - all your attention is focused on it. When there are a lot of them - this is a team, so they must do everything together. If you try to do so that every child lives on its own schedule, constant stress is guaranteed to you, "- Hilaria.

    Connect children to beds to sleep their brothers and sisters

    Not all children can be easily and quick to sleep during the day. Mom of four children Anna Ananov knows about it like no other. She had to try a lot in different ways Before she found the most efficient.

    "We decided not to see the baby. You do not want to sleep - well. And in the evening, when the child was picked up in an empty place, when he was strongly tired when he wanted to sleep, she met that son, it was all because in the afternoon your body did not rest, he had little strength and the like. Next time lie down in the afternoon, and then in the evening we can still be able to read and read, and flew, and so on. I will tell you - 100% works, even with a two-year one, "she told.

    Another one, according to Anna, a time proven by the time of laying children to sleep during the day, it is to ask for help: "I say to the baby:" Son, I want to sleep, PLEASE, please hold me for a pen for five minutes. " And if you need to put everyone at the same time, you can say so: "Help me, please put Alena: I will pretend to be sleeping, and then it will look at you and sleep." Always works! "

    Accept yourself, you are not a superman

    Of course, it is nice to consider yourself an independent mother and proud to say that you are working with everything yourself, but most often it is good and just only in theory. Actress Olga Lomonosov - Mom - on his experience realized that without the help of a nanny or grandmother is very difficult.

    "At first we tried to cope with our own. But somehow, when Wary was five months, I left for samples at Mosfilm. Pasha called me (Husband Actresses. - Ed. Ed.) And said: "Do what you want, but so that you are at home! Vare needs chest. " I ran in horror home, by this time Pasha had already reassured the baby. After this story, we realized that we need nanny. Apply to the agency, but such strange people came across there. Once the lily came to us. She sat on the sofa and said: "I have never been a nanny, but I have two of my children." Somehow is lucky, lily with us still. But we were looking for a nanny for a very long time, "she shared.

    The older the child becomes, the more you can give him instructions to do something myself: to bring order in toys before the arrival of guests, wipe the dust on the shelf or help with cooking (for example, to sort the buckwheat or rice). Be prepared that at first we will have to redo everything, but still all the efforts of the child must be encouraged and never help him until he asks himself.

    Order products to the house

    Often, a mom's campaign with children in a supermarket turns into a real test: one cries that he did not buy a toy, another tired, the third is generally lost from sight, and then huge bags with products still carry to the house - not everyone has a car ... to avoid This, you can simplify the task and order products on the Internet - with home delivery.

    "I often (especially in the absence of a husband's house) I order products via the Internet with delivery. I save time and I do not drag gravity, - Shared by the Council a large mother with the newspaper Komsomolskaya Pravda. - Probably, this is not the original advice, but why then in supermarkets I still see families with children, for which the campaign is turning into torture? Full cart children, milk, toilet paper, Everything falls, everyone runs away, all nervous ... 5 minutes - click on the right products with a mouse, then another 5 minutes open the door to the courier. Milk, cereals and baby food can be ordered by boxes and generally not remember this month. "Tatyana Orlova with his son

    "I sacrificed ideal order. We are engaged in conventional cleaning, but constantly "lifting gloss" is meaningless if children are a lot. So for reasons of convenience in the house, it is not necessary to be sterile clean. I have creative materials in access, and in them periodically someone gets dirty, but the child is completely easy to wash, kiss and let go further to play, "Tatiana.

    And finally, simple and useful recommendation Many experienced mothers.They advise: the best way to keep order in the apartment with children - as little time as possible there is there. For example, if you have to spend your home all day at home, then try at least twice to go for a walk at least two hours. Woke up, have breakfast, played and forth to the street. Then: they filed, pledged, they hurt - and walk again. After returning - dinner, swim and sleep. Thus, and for children will be benefit - they will stay a lot of time in the fresh air, and the order will continue at home much longer.

    And what parents are you use? Tell us in the comments.

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