• How to organize children's toys in a small apartment. Creation of a storage system for toys in the children's room. DIY toy boxes


    Toy manufacturers do not get tired of coming up with more and more wonders, striking the imagination of children and their parents. Soft, cute, squeaking, talking, flying, shooting, driving - now in the toy store you can find entertainment for every taste and age. This can quickly lead to the fact that all the free space in your child's room will be filled with old and new toys above the waterline. If you feel that the toy shaft is covering you with your head, then try one of the following ways to put things in order in the nursery. And some of them are so original that they can even turn boring cleaning of toys into an exciting game.

    We do not provide here ready-made instructions and step-by-step tips on how to implement the proposed ideas. The pictures presented below are so clear, and the ideas are simple and clear, that practically any person with the “right” hands and a minimum set of tools can cope with their practical implementation.

    From old tires

    Several neatly painted old tires stacked on top of each other create a convenient storage space for your little one's outdoor toys. Of course, this method is most conveniently used in private houses or in the country.

    From plastic buckets

    Drilling plastic buckets and stitching them together is easy, resulting in a convenient structure for storing toys. It's great if you come across buckets of various bright colors - this will turn out not only convenient, but also beautiful.

    Superhero hideout

    Hulk, Captain America, Spiderman and other company can comfortably fit in special pockets on the door. You may not be able to find such transparent compartments, but it is quite possible to sew something like this from any fabric.

    Wall baskets

    Baskets like these are not hard to find in hardware stores or garden supplies. Being attached to the wall, they will help not only to put things in order in the room, but also serve as an original element of the interior.

    On the ceiling

    Yes, not everyone can organize the storage of toys in this way, but only your child will definitely have such a nursery. Cleaning toys in this room is easy and is an interesting game in itself.

    Colored boxes

    It is easiest to arrange toys in bright boxes and boxes. To make such containers, you only need empty cardboard boxes of different sizes, bright colored paper from a stationery store and one evening of free time.

    Plastic containers

    Plastic containers are sold in household goods and are a universal storage facility for literally everything. The picture shows a variant of a rack with plastic boxes sliding out on runners. It's even hard for me to imagine how many different toys will fit there.

    Wall bags

    And one more option:

    A little fabric, a sewing machine, and skilled hands are all you need to make cute wall houses for dolls and bears.

    Boxes from under ...

    But what happens if empty plastic boxes are attached to the wall in a picturesque mess? That's right, you get a great creative storage space for toys.

    As you can see, to curb the chaos in the nursery, it is not at all necessary to rush to a furniture store behind an expensive, but such an identical wall. A little imagination, a little effort and free time can make a child's room not only comfortable, but also unique.

    Probably, a child could get by with a couple of cars and one teddy bear. But in fact, there are a lot of toys - they are given by relatives and parents are happy to buy them, so very soon the children's room risks disappearing under the rubble of designers, hares and robots.

    Neither Lego fans, nor fans of fashionable dolls, nor lovers of soft plush can do without systematization and proper storage of all this wealth. It's good that you can buy a ready-made wardrobe or make something original yourself - the children's room is "open" for any creativity and without prejudice to the interior experiences any joint creativity of parents and children.

    Chest for storing personal belongings and toys

    We start proper storage - planning and systematization

    In order for the cubes, pyramids, cars not to "creep" throughout the apartment, parents will have to make a lot of effort. But first, we focus on age:

    1. For a child aged 1 year, all toys will be given by the mother. If the playing space is organized, then all of it is placed within the arena or developmental mat. One box will be enough, in which it is easy for parents to navigate.
    2. From 2 to 5 years old, there can be a lot of toys, but all of them should not be left in the child's access. Children of this age quickly lose interest in the game, and they will only get it and look, but mom will have to clean it up. Therefore, you can go to the trick - divide all the treasures into two or three parts, and leave only one of them in the nursery, and put the rest on the upper shelves of the cabinet. After a month, the boxes can be changed, and the child will be happy with the “new” toys and will really play with everything that was presented / bought to him.
    3. From 5 to 10 years, the number of varieties of toys is increasing - they will not be just cars, but a racing track and parking, not just dolls, but. All mosaics, art kits, plush toys must be carefully sorted.
    4. After 10 years, only complex "adult" toys remain. Most likely, the child himself will keep order in his room, and the way of storage should be coordinated with him.

    Wardrobe with open shelves and toy baskets

    As for the design of a modern storage system, they do this here. In the beginning, all the available "treasures" are sorted out and revised - the broken and not subject to repair must be thrown away, not age-appropriate - given or sold.

    Bright children's chest of drawers with drawers

    Toys should also be sorted by "type of activity" - constructors, dishes, stuffed animals, cars, educational, robots, and so on. As a result, you will have several voluminous heaps, and from them you can already navigate what kind of storage system you need.

    Various boxes and boxes for children's toys

    Important. When choosing a storage system, give preference completely safe construction, which the baby can cope with himself, without the help of parents. When buying baskets and boxes, do not forget to take into account the dimensions of the toys, as well as their quantity, taking into account the potential "replenishment". For small elements - small boxes, and for large ones - voluminous. It's good if all storage containers can be labeled.

    You can store children's toys in a separate closet, in drawers under the bed, in wicker or shoeboxes. In this regard, separate boxes are even better for a nursery than a wardrobe - after all, the space in the room is limited. But you can choose any non-standard idea, just do not forget that it should be convenient for the child in the first place.

    Storage method for the LEGO constructor

    You can choose one of the following storage methods for the children's room:

    1. Drawers under the bed - convenient, compact, economical. Choose the “right” bed and place any toys in the drawers. As a rule, these boxes are quite voluminous, so that the interior space can be divided by partitions.
    2. - multifunctional cabinet furniture, in which a bed, a table, a wardrobe and shelves / shelves are combined. To store toys, you can use a wardrobe or a ladder if it is a step module with lids or in the form of drawers.
    3. Shelf superstructure table - the optimal solution for preschoolers. Their desk will be surrounded by open shelves, where you can alternate baskets with a designer, stuffed Toys and books.
    4. Chest Is a great choice for a room where a formidable pirate or a beautiful princess lives. This solution looks incredibly colorful and fits perfectly into the thematic interior.
    5. Soft ottoman, in which the upper part is reclined. Such a structure cannot be called roomy, but several soft toys will settle inside the ottoman without any problems.
    6. Wooden boxes - along walls or under a table. They can be purchased or made by yourself, only it is worth sanding and painting so that the baby does not splinter his hand. And it would be nice to supplement such boxes with reliable wheels - then they will be able to accompany the child throughout the play area.
    7. Multifunctional. Opt for a neutral facade design and an ergonomic wardrobe will accompany your child through high school. Here you can provide practical storage systems not only for toys, but also for clothes and shoes. Just do not forget - the upper shelves are "completed" by the parents, and the lower ones are given completely to the child - so the baby will quickly learn to put things in order in his toy kingdom. It is good that the wardrobe will have a lot of shelves and drawers, so there is a place for all the toys.
    8. Open shelving. For them, it is worthwhile to provide baskets, boxes or plastic containers, and not hope that the designer mixed with cubes will get along well on open shelves.

      Council. Use shoe boxes, clear plastic containers, or baskets with wicker handles. Just do not forget that they need to be marked - with an inscription or a picture. It's also nice if the boxes are of different colors - this will really refresh the interior.

    9. Baskets on the cabinet. The best option if your nursery has a low wardrobe or chest of drawers. Do not forget that such containers can become one of the most significant interior decorations, and you can decorate them with your child (applications, stencil painting, volumetric cardboard figures).
    10. Pockets on the wall - made of polyethylene or fabric. Of course, for all toys without exception, this storage method will not work, but it will perfectly fit into the corner for creativity. It is easy to put scissors, felt-tip pens, paints and even pups and toy cars here.
    11. Shelving with stepscreated especially for toddlers. In them, the lower shelves seem to be pushed forward, which will allow the child to reach the top. But do not forget that all these cells and shelves must be securely attached to the wall.
    12. Baskets or boxes attached directly to the wall... They can be plastic or metal, with thin rods or in the form of a mesh. They are placed in accordance with the height of the child and are used for any not too small play elements.
    13. - a practical solution for older children, who will not overturn the boxes and stick their fingers into the closing segment. But choose stable furniture, and best of all made of chipboard or wood, but not plastic.
    14. Plastic children's dresser for toys

    15. Cloth baskets - both floor-standing and suspended. It is considered a good additional solution for those who have somewhere to put away rarely used toys. But such devices cannot be called too strong, although they are made of wear-resistant fabric.
    16. "Honeycomb" from boxes or plastic buckets... You can assemble the storage system that is optimal for you by yourself or with your child, paint it in the desired color or install it on the floor or on the wall. But keep in mind that such a structure is often cumbersome, and you will definitely need to find its place for it.
    17. To store stuffed animals, come in handy tall cabinet with pipes - "aviary"... This is a tall pencil case, in which instead of doors there are metal pipes fixed vertically. All plush treasures are literally pushed here. So they stay in sight, are available for play, but do not take up space in the crib, closet or on the floor.
    18. If you have most of the machines - with a metal bottom, then you can mount them on the wall for storage rail with magnetic stripe.
    19. And do not forget that there is no universal solution - it is better if you use the storage systems suitable for you in a complex, combining the most popular "inventions" and standard pieces of furniture.

    Five years ago, while taking apart the toys of my one-year-old son, I first thought that they multiply at an incredible speed: now, instead of one basket, we also needed a shelf. And then another box. Since my son was quite small, I myself cleaned everything in its place every day. But the older he got, the less order there was in the house.

    Toys moved to all rooms, and it was difficult to walk around the house without stumbling over blocks and cars. Among the scattered toys, my son was less and less able to find something to do, and it seemed that any purchased item was interesting to him for three days after the acquisition, and then everything - in a heap ... And when my daughter was born, I decided: enough! It's time to change something, it can't go on like this!

    As a result, now my children can easily maintain order in the nursery themselves. Cars, books, puzzles and other "good" are put in place without warnings and reminders.

    After I coped with the problem of maintaining order in the children's territory, I realized that often such problems as “nothing to do”, “boring”, “I don't want to clean” are not harmful at all. It is the despair of being unable to cope with the chaos.

    So, I suggest you organize the space in the nursery so that your children can always find something to do and can cope with the consequences of their activities without the help of adults.

    Secret # 1: reduce the number of toys

    The more toys there are in the nursery, the more often children complain that they “have nothing to play”. They simply cannot choose what to do and often dump the contents of all the boxes on the floor.

    What to do? Remove from sight what the child rarely or does not play at all! Throw out the trash and stop buying it.

    Be careful not to throw out the trash immediately. A piece of frayed rope and a clothespin spattered with plasticine may turn out to be a snake and a dragon - your child's only and inimitable friends! Quarantine the garbage, and if no one remembers about it in the coming days, then feel free to throw it away.

    Secret # 2: Divide toys into categories and sort them into boxes

    Children cannot play with toys when they are stored in one big pile. Of course, it's convenient to put them there. But why does everything end up on the floor again? The answer is simple: the child (or you yourself!) Rummages through everything to find the right thing (two identical cars, pyramid rings or cubes).

    What to do? Sort toys and put them in small boxes or boxes. Agree: it is impossible to put in place something that has no place!

    For example, we have boxes at home for the following categories of toys:

    • major designer;
    • LEGO;
    • small designer;
    • very small designer of the eldest son;
    • cars, vehicles, balls, "boyish" toys;
    • soft toys, toys for role-playing games, dolls - in a word, "girly" household;
    • railway;
    • cubes;
    • puzzles;
    • wooden Toys;
    • robots, spare parts;
    • personal boxes.

    And then there are shelves for books.

    Many or few? Enough! The toys in the boxes should lie loosely so that the child can find what he is looking for without dumping their contents onto the floor.

    Recently, after another cleaning in the nursery, my daughter told me:

    - Mom, thanks for finding so many toys!

    You will not believe! The kids didn't even notice that I had removed two-thirds of the "goodness" from their room! They switched to what was left, because now they can find everything they need to play.

    Secret number 3: the correct placement of boxes on racks and shelves

    The most popular toys, toys that the child can play himself, are located below, in the direct accessibility of the child. And the small toys, for interaction with which he needs help, are placed above. What we want to get out less often and, preferably, on our initiative, can be put into opaque boxes. And what we would like to remind the child of more often is transparent.

    For example, you would like to play some kind of educational games more often and keep your child interested in them - you can put them in a prominent place on the shelf. And you would like to keep the games with plasticine under complete control - that means, we remove the material for modeling in an opaque box and set it higher.

    Super cleaning step by step: step one

    First of all, take a look at the nursery. Is there any furniture here that the child does not use? Oversized toys that stand idle? Perhaps there is an easel in the corner, covered with clothes. And the rocking horse pleases only the toddlers who come to visit. The children's room is not a museum of beautiful and useful toys. Yes, you may have dreamed about them as a child or are these your favorite things, but this is a child's child, right? Let's leave exactly what he needs here.

    What can be done with unnecessary things:

    • remove for a while from the nursery;
    • give for a while to other children;
    • sell;
    • give;
    • set aside for the next child.

    Step two

    Now look: where are the toys stored? What would you like to change? Perhaps you have long dreamed of hanging a shelf. Or put up a shelving unit and decorate with a couple of toy boxes. Now is the time for such a change!

    Step three

    We find a very large box (preferably high), put it in the nursery and dump the contents of all the boxes there. Otherwise, where are you going to sort the toys? Now the place is free and you can start cleaning. Just don't try to make out everything at once! From this, the quality of cleaning will noticeably suffer: in a hurry, you can forget where and what to put, or leave a lot of unnecessary things in the nursery.

    Prepare three bags before starting sorting:

    1. For garbage. We put everything there that you deem necessary to throw out: broken toys, candy wrappers, old parts, food leftovers, used coloring books, old albums.
    2. For extra toys. Here we define toys that the child liked, but he has not played with them for a long time. And also about the same toys, of which one is enough to use (two xylophones, two balls, two sets of dishes). They can lie down in another place, rest, wait in the wings. You may find it necessary to give some of this to other children.
    3. For things from other rooms. We put in a bag everything that "came running" from other areas of your home, and after cleaning we go through the rooms with the bag and put things in place.

    The preparation is over, now we take a clock or a timer, measure ourselves 15 minutes for analysis and ... let's go! After 15 minutes, I advise you to pause. Or you might decide that you will continue cleaning tomorrow.


    Secondly, kindly tell your child what toys he has and where they are, explain that this is their place. It doesn't matter how many times you've talked to your child about it before, just do it again in a friendly manner and without lecture.

    Third, "mothball" the cleaning site. I recommend doing this even if you plan to return here in 30 minutes. Cover the box or place something on top to prevent your child from spilling all of its contents onto the floor. Understand the packages: throw out the garbage, put things from other rooms in place, put extra toys in the pantry (closet, in the attic, under the bed).

    “Where will our children be during the cleaning?” You ask.
    Where they are supposed to be: next to you. Not worth doing cleaning, while no one sees. Of course, it will go faster this way. But tell yourself honestly: do you want to teach your child to collect toys? So who will he learn this from, if not you!
    And “Big Cleaning” is an incredible adventure that you can dive into with your baby! It shouldn't divide you. Like any difficulty, it should help you get even closer.

    The most difficult

    So, repeat the cleaning procedure for several days until the box is empty. The hardest part of this kind of cleaning is to disassemble the last quarter. This is where all the small toys, puzzle pieces, rubbish and trash that cannot be sorted end up.

    Calm! The following technique will help you cope with it. Every time you stop wondering where to put it away, ask yourself the following questions:

    • What is it?
    • Why does the child need it?
    • How often does he use it?
    • When was the last time you played with this?
    • Where is it stored?
    • Is it broken or in need of repair?
    • Can the child put it back in place by himself?
    • Is this even necessary?

    These questions will help you decide whether a particular thing belongs in children's toys, and if so, where.


    A very helpful article! Just what you need! Let's go with my daughter to try;) thanks!

    11/29/2018 15:40:40, Mom Sveta;)

    Thank you very much! Highly helpful information!

    Comment on the article "Order in the nursery: 3 secrets of storing toys and the ideal way of cleaning"

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    Order in the nursery: 3 secrets of storing toys and the perfect way to clean. Child from birth to one year Child from 1 to 3 Child from 7 to 10 Adolescents Adult children (children over 18) Child psychology.

    Order in the nursery: 3 secrets of storing toys and the perfect way to clean. Vaccination calendar. News feed. Developments. For things from other rooms. We put in a bag everything that "came running" from other areas of your home ...

    I remember from early childhood that I perceived the request of my parents to clean up the room and remove toys as a punishment. Therefore, I always did it reluctantly. Well really - what could be more boring than turning your own colorful and funny children's World into the most ordinary, unremarkable room? Fortunately, now the designers have come up with a lot original ideas for storing toys, so cleaning is quick and fun.

    Tightening bags

    Whoever came up with these bags is a genius! When opened, they unfold to a wide playing field, and then quickly fold with the help of a pulling rope. It takes seconds to put toys away!


    This idea is not only original, but also practical. Soft toys serve as "stuffing" for a special pillow or beanbag chair.

    Shelves and baskets on the wall

    They can be very different - from shelves to baskets-pots, which, in addition to their storage function, also play the role of a bright element of the children's room.

    Suspension systems

    Hanging organizers, shelves, baskets and hammocks look original in the interior of the nursery, and also free up free space for games on the floor.

    Space under the bed

    Perhaps this is one of the most practical ways to store toys, which saves space in small rooms and a seemingly useless interior area.


    It will be interesting for your children to put toys in such funny racks! Especially if you put children's things not just in boxes or baskets, but in named compartments - with different names, symbols or colors.


    Organizer pockets can be hung on the wall or on the door - they do not take up much space, they are easy to carry and they are indispensable for storage small items and small stuffed toys.


    If the area of \u200b\u200bthe room is large enough, toys can be stored in special floor boxes. Or even come up with an unusual design from industrial boxes, fixing it on the wall.

    Hello everyone! Sooner or later, every parent begins to think about the issue of storing toys in a children's room. Scattered throughout the apartment, they not only get in the way, but also create a mess. Over time, you begin to hate them and dream that the child will grow up as soon as possible and relieve you of the need to watch this very unpleasant sight.

    See how to store books in the children's room.

    When we bought an apartment and moved in, we were faced with the issue of renovation. During the planning of the children's room, I firmly decided to approach this wisely, and not anyhow. A storage area for games should be in every children's room, if, of course, there is an opportunity to allocate it. Break the internet, I was looking for ideas for storing toys in the nursery. Thinking for a long time, I settled on a fairly simple and primitive way of storage - a rack and a basket for toys. Creative ideas I was not interested. But they look very, very good. But still, this is not mine.

    How to store baby toys and keep your baby's room tidy

    In order to ensure order in the nursery, although it is very difficult, despite the presence of various kinds of devices for storing toys, you need to take this issue responsibly. For myself, I have identified several rules that I follow from the very birth of my children to this day. Of course, it is not easy to see the kids and it is simply impossible to constantly hide toys from them, but nevertheless there are ways to simplify your life a little. And so, these are the unwritten methods I use:

    1. When choosing a storage method, it is imperative to take into account the age and interests of the child. For example, very small children under one year old are likely to use textile bags or small plastic baskets. At this age, toys are most often small in size: rattles, teethers, soft books, cubes, books, babies, etc.

    2. For older children, you can already put large baskets, boxes and special storage systems. They look very beautiful in the interior of the room. And thanks to the large number of drawers, they are also spacious. All the “wealth” of our kids can be hidden there. But there is one big drawback - the price. Expensive, however.

    3. Somewhere from one and a half years old kids can be taught to order, show where and what toy should be. Playfully put them in place. Do not rush the child, from the first time he will not do, as you said, maybe on the contrary, he will scatter the toys and leave. But over time, the baby will understand that each of them has its own place and will help you clean up without words. Do not force it in any way. By myself, I know there will be no sense. Stubbornness at their age cannot be taken away. If you still have an older child, set him up as an example to the younger, praise him for every right step and aspiration. Let him not succeed, but he tries.

    4. There is one trick, if your child is tired of any toy, then you do not need to throw it away or give it away. One has only to remove it from sight for several weeks. He will forget, and when he sees again, the interest will return.

    5. If you prefer plastic containers, try to keep them transparent. So it will be easier for the child to find what he needs and will not have to turn over the entire basket in search of his favorite car or doll. I like the shelves because they always show what is where. If there is no place for it or it does not fit into the interior, for the first time you can purchase a whatnot. Soft toys on it will feel very comfortable, and the baby will be comfortable getting them. If, nevertheless, the containers are opaque and it is impossible to see their contents, then it is advisable to sign or graphically designate each of them using pictures. Thus, the child will not be confused about their content.

    6. Make it a rule to throw away broken items or repair them promptly. There is no need to postpone everything until later, it will never come later. Why do we need to litter the apartment with unnecessary things? This kind of approach will provide you with more order, and collecting broken parts is not at all a hunt.

    7. I know this is very difficult, especially if the child is still too young, but still try not to allow toys to be carried all over the apartment. Explain that he has a whole room to play with. This will help avoid unnecessary hassle in the future and keep the house tidy.

    8. Organizing storage in a room is very easy if you sort all the games by purpose and type. For example, books with books in one basket, soft toys in another, educational games in the third, etc. Thus, the child will not only know what and where to be, but also from an early age will be accustomed to order and cleanliness.

    Storing children's toys: ideas

    So, with the basic theoretical questions we figured out, now I want to show you the ideas of storing toys in a room. Well, I've already talked about the racks. Very comfortable furniture, besides, when the child grows up, it can be used not only for toys, but for books, interior items, textbooks, etc. In short, it is a multifunctional thing. Narrow ones are great for small things like cars and figurines. Those who collect collections will be very useful. See how cars, helicopters, toy equipment look neat. Everything is in sight and no need to rummage through the bag.

    The storage organizer is also a very cool thing, it looks neat, functional and takes up little space. True, they have one drawback, only small or medium-sized toys can fit into the pockets. but I think many parents should not have problems with this. After all, there are plenty of such things in the children's room! There is always something to put in them. By the way, how else you can use organizers with pockets, read the article.
    Dolls, robots will inflate their place, and order will reign in the room. And the suspended mesh shelves will perfectly fit bulky items. But note that you should not overload them with heavy toys. Otherwise, all this threatens to collapse.))

    The toy storage system was also mentioned in this article. We already know the advantages and disadvantages. They all resemble kindergarten equipment, but they are sooo convenient.

    Another original way, like this ... Textile bags can be bought in stores, but especially enterprising mothers sew such things on their own from unnecessary things and leftover fabric. The process is laborious, but worth it!
    Grill for toys….

    These are the options for storing toys, I picked up. If you have your own special tricks, then share your experience and advice in the comments. You can also look at ideas for home. Well, if you are interested in baskets and other gadgets for organizing games, then visit a very cool site called “Everybody in the field”.

    All kind and see you soon!

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