• “My professional choice” (an example creative project on professional self-determination). Justification for choosing my future profession Choosing the optimal profession option


    All-Russian Festival of Pedagogical Creativity

    2014-2015 academic year year

    Nomination: “Project and creative activities of students”

    Creative project


    Fefilov Nikolay, 11a grade

    under the direction of

    Solovyova Anna Leonidovna

    MBOU secondary school No. 49




    1.1. Carrying out diagnostics of individual personal and psychophysical qualities and abilities……………………………………...

    1.2.Analysis of the specialties of the engineer profession……………………………….



    2.1. Choosing an educational institution of vocational education in the city of Yekaterinburg………………………………………………………………………………...

    2.2. Professional test……………………………………………....

    2.3. Self-analysis…………………………………………………………………………………....





    I started thinking about choosing my future profession back in 9th grade. After all, then my classmates and I had to decide what to do next? Should I go to 10th grade and continue studying at school, or choose a different path and try myself at a college or technical school? Many of us chose the first option. Of course, this choice was largely influenced by the parents, and to be honest, at that time I didn’t really want to change the already established familiar school life for an unknown study at a technical school or college.

    Living in the Uralmash district of Yekaterinburg - an area built near the industrial giant "Ural Heavy Engineering Plant" - you become imbued with its history, learn for yourself a lot of new interesting facts about the life of the region and its inhabitants.

    The first excursion to the Uralmash plant is very vivid in my memory. I was amazed by the impressive size of the equipment, which is moved and controlled by the strong hands of the plant workers, I learned that it was the Uralmash plant that produced tens of thousands of military and tank artillery and ammunition during the Great Patriotic War, and it was there that the unique technology for casting T tank turrets was introduced -34. It was very interesting to see the work of the model of the largest walking excavator produced in the USSR - EKG - 5A [Appendix 2].

    At school, some of my favorite subjects were drawing and technology. I especially liked to carry out various layouts and developments of parts, on the accuracy of the drawing of which the result of all further work on the creation of any product depends.

    Hence my interest in the profession of an engineer who creates projects for future structures, equipment and technology. I understand that this is a very responsible, difficult and complex job, and learning this profession will be quite long and difficult, but I still want to try my hand at this field.

    Relevance of the research problem : The variety of specialties in the engineering profession provides great opportunities for choice, but you need to choose just one of them.

    Object of study: profession engineer

    Subject of study : specialty profession engineer

    Target : Conduct an analysis of the many specialties of the engineer profession.

    In accordance with the goal, the following were settasks :

      Conduct an analysis of literature and other information sources on the research problem.

      Conduct a diagnosis of your personal and psychophysical individual characteristics.

      Study individual characteristics for compliance with the requirements for the profession of engineer.

      Conduct a comparative analysis of options for specialties in the engineering profession, choosing the most optimal one for yourself.

      Study the content of your future profession through a “Professional Test”.

      Make a choice of a future professional educational institution.


      1. Carrying out diagnostics of individual personal and psychophysical qualities and abilities.

    In the 9th grade, during the class of the subject “Your Professional Career”, to determine the scope of professional activity, I participated in the following questionnaires on career guidance: “Questionnaire of Professional Preferences”, test “Determination of the type of future profession” (according to the classification of E.A. Klimov), “Differential -diagnostic questionnaire”, “Profession choice matrix” G.V. Rezapkina and a number of others, and also studied character, temperament, attention, motivation and self-esteem.

    Using these methods, it was possible to determine the sphere of professional preferences - “Man - technology” and a list of possible technical specialties: architect, auto mechanic, mechanic, design engineer, design engineer, occupational safety engineer, technician, electrician, electric and gas welder and others.

    Having studied information from various sources about the professions that interested me from this list, having attended excursions, I chose the profession of an engineer, so my further studies continued in the 10th grade, since admission to engineering courses takes place on the basis of the 11th grade or after graduating from college according to specialized specialties.

    To establish compliance of personal and psychophysiological individual characteristics with the requirements for the professionengineer [Appendix 1] I used the methods of “Determining a person’s professional orientation” by J. Holland and “Type of thinking” .

    The result of J. Holland’s methodology “Determination of a person’s professional orientation” became two types of personality: “Realistic type”, whose representatives give preference to occupations requiring motor skills, dexterity, specificity, and professions corresponding to this type - mechanic, electrician, sailor, engineer, driver, etc.; “Intellectual” type - focused on mental work, likes to solve problems that require abstract thinking, profession - mathematician, physicist, astronomer, etc.

    The type of visual-figurative thinking possessed by people with an artistic mindset, who can imagine both what will be and what has never been and will not be - artists, poets, writers, architects, engineers, designers - was defined in the “Type of Thinking” method "

    Thus, based on the results of the test methods, we can conclude that my abilities and inclinations correspond to the requirements of the engineer profession.

    1.2. Analysis of specialties of the engineer profession

    In order to decide on the choice of a future profession, we selected 5 parameters to compare the specialties of the engineer profession:

      Availability of training – territorial proximity of the university, temporary employment (first/second shift).

      Demand in the labor market of Yekaterinburg – the ratio of the capacity of demand and supply of these specialists, and the number of offers does not satisfy the existing demand.

      Matching personal characteristics – strong-willed qualities, self-esteem, motivation, leadership qualities, responsibility and other personality characteristics required by the profession for a person.

      Correspondence of psychophysical characteristics – compliance of temperament, thinking, attention, imagination, physical health, etc., with the requirements of the profession for a person.

      Material costs for obtaining a profession – form of education (budget/extra-budget), tuition fees, housing (providing hostel accommodation for non-residents), encouraging academic success (scholarship payments).

      Career Opportunities – promotion and professional growth.

    Table 1 presents an analysis of some specialties of the engineer profession. The assessment is made on a scale from 1 to 5 points (1 – “low” to 5 – “high”).

    Table 1

    Choosing the optimal career option


    Requirements for the specialty

    Availability of training

    Demand in the labor market



    Material costs for obtaining a profession

    Career Opportunities

    Number of points

    Personal characteristics

    Psychophysical characteristics

    Design engineer


    Railway engineer

    Engineer estimator

    Energy Engineer

    Environmental engineer

    Labor safety engineer

    As a result of the analysis of the specialties of the engineer profession given above, three specialties scored the highest number of points:design engineer, process engineer, communications engineer.

    These specialties were chosen by me because they are most in demand on the labor market, have the shortest training period, my personal and psychophysical characteristics and inclinations meet the requirements of the profession, the possible material costs of training are approximately the same, entrance exams for all three engineering specialties: physics, mathematics, Russian language; The location of educational institutions is suitable for me.


    2.1. Choosing a vocational education institution in Yekaterinburg

    Table 2 presents vocational education institutions, as well as areas in which you can study and obtain professions that were identified as a result of the comparison of specialties and received the highest scores.

    table 2

    Information about universities in Ekaterinburg, which conduct

    engineering training



    Institute (faculty)



    Entrance exams

    Training period

    Form of study



    190303 “Electric transport of railways”

    Specialization: Electric locomotives and electric trains

    Russian language



    Railway engineer

    190401 “Power supply to railways”

    Specialization: Railway power supply



    230201 “Information systems and technologies”

    Specialization: Information systems and technologies

    Russian language


    Full-time / part-time

    190402 “Automation, telemechanics and communications in railway transport”

    Specialization: Automation and telemechanics in railway transport;

    Systems for transmission and distribution of information on railways. transport

    Railway engineer

    UrFU named after the first President of Russia B.N. Yeltsin

    Mechanical engineering

    03.15.05 “Design and technological support for machine-building production”

    Russian language


    Applied Bachelor's Degree


    Design engineer

    03/15/04. "Automation of technological processes and production"

    Russian language


    Full-time / part-time

    Process engineer

    According to Table 2, I can identify for myself a direction that is of the greatest interest and suits me according to the parameters assessed in Table 1 - 03/15/05. “Design and technological support of machine-building industries.”

    2.2. Professional sample

    The stage of professional testing is an important stage in professional self-determination. It is he who gives the opportunity to understand and feel, check and experience the content of professional activity and make the final choice.

    My professional test took place in drawing and technology classes. At them I learned about the properties and features of working with wood, metal, the rules of working with drawing and carpentry tools, and learned to read and make drawings of parts.

    About 3 years ago I was given a construction set - a prefabricated model of a tank. The parts of such a construction set can be made of plywood, rubber, plastic and other materials.

    Assembling construction sets has become my hobby. I collected about 10 different models, including ships, tanks and armored vehicles.

    The most complex model was the armored cruiser Fürst Bismarck, consisting of more than 3,000 parts, varying in size and complexity of connection. I have been assembling this model for about 2 years. It was truly complex and painstaking work.

    Despite all the difficulties, I do not give up my hobby. I made several models myself: from the idea of ​​the model, the execution of the necessary drawings, the selection of materials, the manufacture of parts and the assembly stage of the model [Appendix 3].

    Now, together with my father at the dacha, we are doing even more difficult work - we are building a bathhouse.

    This work allows you to understand the technological process itself. I already have an idea and can perform, of course not without help, some operations, for example, calculate the required amount of materials, I know how to pour a foundation, lay walls and install a roof.

    Unfortunately, there is still no special knowledge and professional experience in order to pass a professional test in production.

    2.3. Introspection

    In order to evaluate the work done on professional self-determination based on the analysis of various sources of information and methods, the following indicators and criteria were selected, presented in Table 3. The assessment is made on a scale of 1-3 points.

    Table 3

    Life and professional intentions.

      awareness of the meaning and purpose of your life;

    Not clear enough

      attitude towards various types of work;

    Positive and respectful attitude

      the importance of choosing a profession in a person’s life;

    The right profession can make a person happy in life

      choice of profession;

    The choice of a specific profession has been made

      intentions after 9th grade;

    Continue studying in 10th grade

      motive for choosing this profession;

    Demand for the profession in the labor market, interest in professional activities

    Knowledge of future profession.

      knowledge of sanitary, hygienic and economic working conditions;

      knowledge of the requirements of the chosen profession for a person;

      having work experience in the chosen profession;

    Not available at this stage

      availability of initial professional knowledge;

    In the process of acquisition

      knowledge of the path to obtaining a profession;

    Three options for obtaining a profession have been identified

      knowledge of prospects for professional growth.

    Knowing your professional capabilities.

      interest in a future profession;

    The chosen profession corresponds to my desires

      availability of abilities for the chosen type of professional activity;

    During the diagnostics, the abilities and qualities necessary to master this profession were identified.

      compliance of health with the requirements of the profession;


      availability of knowledge in general educational subjects directly related to the future profession.

    Assessment of knowledge in subjects related to the future profession - “good”

    Analysis of the results of the work done showed that it is still necessary to study the content and conditions of professional activity, as well as prospects for professional growth, and concentrate one’s efforts on filling the gaps in general educational subjects related to the future profession.


    When writing a creative project, an analysis of the literature on the topic under study was carried out, as a result of which the characteristics of the engineer profession and the requirements for it were studied, and individual personal and psychophysical characteristics were diagnosed.

    The work analyzes the specialties of the engineer profession, considers educational institutions of higher professional education where this profession can be obtained, analyzes individual abilities and aptitudes, establishes their compliance with the requirements of the engineer profession, and conducts a professional test.

    The results I received very much encourage me to direct all my efforts at the moment to prepare for the Unified State Exam. I am feeling excited as this will be the crucial stage of the professional audition that I have to go for.

    In my opinion, I chose my future profession correctly. I believe that it is impossible to obtain the result of professional self-determination based only on the compliance of individual inclinations and abilities with the requirements of the profession, since this is not a complete basis for this. After all, a person must also have a desire to engage in this type of activity, otherwise all the work, no matter what it is, will only be a burden to him.

    In case I fail to implement one of the three paths to obtain a profession that I have chosen, I have a fourth path, by implementing which I will receive the profession of an auto mechanic at the Avtomatika technical school, direction 01/23/03. "Auto Mechanic"[ 1 ] .


    1. SAOU SPO SO ET "Automation". For students [Electronic resource]. - Access mode: http://www.etavtomatika.ru/ucheba.html

    2. Gretsov, A. G. 100 popular professions. Psychology of a successful career for high school and college students. / A. G. Gretsov, T. Bedareva. – St. Petersburg: Peter, 2009. – 272 p.: ill.

    3. Gretsov, A.G. Choosing a profession. Advice from a practical psychologist / A.G. Gretsov. – St. Petersburg: Peter, 2006. – 224 p.

    4. Engineer. Wikipedia. [Electronic resource]. - Access mode:.

    5 . Education in Yekaterinburg [Electronic resource]. - Access mode:http:// www. education 66. ru/ main _ faculties. php? level=1& ids=333.

    6 .Psychology. Tests [Electronic resource]. – Access mode: http://azps.ru//tests/profmatr.html.

      Rezapkina, G.V. Secrets of choosing a profession.M.: Genesis, 2005. - 144 p.

      Rezapkina, G.V. Ambulance in choosing a profession - M., 2004.

      Self-diagnosis. Website G.V. Rezapkina [Electronic resource]. - Access mode:.

      Technology: 9th grade: textbook for students of general education institutions / [A.N. Bogatyrev, O.P. Ochinin, P.S. Samorodsky and others]; edited by V.D. Simonenko. – 2nd ed., revised. – M.: Ventana-Graf, 2013. – 272 p.: ill.

      Technology: basic level: grades 10-11: textbook for students of general education institutions/ [V.D. Simonenko, O.P. Ochinin, N.V. Matyash]; edited by V.D. Simonenko. – M.: Ventana-Graf, 2013. – 224 p.: ill.

      Ural Federal University. For applicants [Electronic resource]. – Access mode: http://urfu.ru/ru/applicant/.

      UrGUPS. Full-time education. Specialties and specialization [Electronic resource]. - Access mode:.

      Chistyakova, S.N. Technology. Your professional career. 8th - 9th grade/ S.N.Chistyakova - M., 2010. - 159 p.

    Annex 1

    History and trends in the development and establishment of the engineering profession in Russia.

    The name of the profession has ancient roots. The word engineer comes from the Latin "ingenium", which means - capable of inventing.

    The first engineers were engaged exclusively in the construction and operation of military vehicles. This happened for quite a long time, until civil engineers appeared in the 16th century and built bridges. This is how civil engineering was born.

    In Russia, the first engineers appeared thanks to Peter the Great, who sent talented young people to study abroad. Nowadays, engineering includes a huge number of types and directions, from a simple labor protection engineer to an “engineer of human souls,” as psychologists modestly call themselves.

    Engineer - that sounds proud! This understanding of the profession existed during the Soviet Union. First of all, this was due to the fact that studying an engineering specialty is very difficult and subsequent work is connected with the world of formulas and drawings, which is practically closed to an ignorant person.

    A modern engineer is a specialist who is highly cultured and has a good knowledge of modern engineering and technology, economics and organization of production, who knows how to use engineering methods in solving engineering problems and at the same time has the ability to invent.

    Features of the engineer profession. Engineerspecialist performing. The main content of an engineer’s activity is the development of new and/orexisting engineering solutions. For example,(including variant design), technology optimization, management and planning, development management and direct production control. New engineering solutions often result in. In his work, the engineer relies on And .

    Pros and cons of being an engineer. Each engineering specialty has its own nuances, which are determined by the scope. In a general understanding, the advantage of engineering professions is represented by a high demand for competent specialists, career growth, solid monetary rewards, and the ability to translate a plan into reality.

    The disadvantages include the complexity of training, which corresponds to the high responsibility of the profession, high concentration and maximum perseverance in place.

    The specific tasks of engineering work and the requirements of the profession depend on which professional group it belongs to.

    Conventionally, four groups can be distinguished:
    1. Designer (develops the design of a device, equipment, etc.).
    2. Technologist (develops the manufacturing process, processing of a product or product).
    3. Economist (engaged in economic analysis and planning ways to achieve certain economic results).
    4. Organizer (engaged in business activities).

    Personal qualities. Every engineer, to one degree or another, deals with technology, technical objects and technological processes. Therefore, interest in technology and a tendency to work with it are one of the conditions for the success of his activities. Technical abilities, technical observation, technical thinking, and spatial imagination are also important for him.

    The work of an engineer is creative. In any field, a true engineer must act independently, proactively, and creatively. Often an engineer acts as a leader of a certain team of people. This feature of an engineer’s activity requires him to demonstrate organizational skills.

    A sense of responsibility is of great importance for an engineer, because... The rational use of funds, equipment, and labor often depends on his work, abilities, and organization.

    Education. First of all, an engineer means deep fundamental training in such technical disciplines as mathematical analysis in various variations, engineering graphics (in a simpler sense - drawing), strength materials, materials science and many other highly specialized disciplines, the list of which depends on the specific focus.

    During the training process, students receive detailed, general technical, physico-mathematical and other natural science training, depending on their specialty. At school you need to know physics, mathematics, and drawing well.

    In Russia, many universities, especially industrial ones, have engineering faculties. Most universities train engineers in a specific specialization.

    Place of work and career. An engineer works in almost all sectors of the national economy: in factories and factories, in mines and construction sites, in research institutes, in aviation, in military affairs, in transport, etc. He can hold positions: master, art. master, engineer, senior engineer, enterprise manager, shift supervisor, department, site, laboratory, leading engineer.

    The NIPIGORMASH company, one of the leading machine-building enterprises in the Ural region, specializing in the development and production of a wide range of products for underground and open-pit mining, is inviting a leading design engineer to work.

    The average salary of a design engineer in the Ural region is 65,000 rubles.

    Qualification Requirements specialist Engineer I category: higher professional (technical) education and work experience as an engineer II category for at least 3 years.

    Engineer II category: higher professional (technical) education and work experience as an engineer or other engineering positions filled by specialists with higher professional education, at least 3 years.

    Engineer IIIcategories: higher vocational (technical) education without requirements for work experience or secondary vocational (technical) education and work experience as a category I technician for at least 3 years or other positions filled by specialists with secondary vocational education for at least 5 years.

    Specialties of the profession: engineer. There are a large number of different specialties in the engineer profession, whose specialists work in different industries and fields.

      Design engineer . The specialty involves the design of various equipment and technology. Technological diagrams, drawings, calculations, technical specifications for production - this is the main part of the work of a design engineer. In addition, he must supervise the manufacture and testing of the mechanism he has designed.

      Process engineer . A specialist in this industry is engaged in developing a diagram of the production process and organizing it. The specializations of this profession depend on the direction of the enterprise. Every enterprise has a process engineer and is a generalist. He selects equipment and modes for optimal production operation, monitors the implementation of the process and maintains technical documentation of the enterprise.

    3. And power engineer . A specialist with a higher technical education in the development, production or operation of systems intended for thermal or electrical supply. And also a specialist with secondary technical education who has worked for five or more years.

    4. Engineer estimator - This is a category of specialists in determining the cost of construction. Estimating engineers are engaged in practical and/or theoretical activities in the field of pricing, estimate standardization, assessment, cost engineering, organization and conduct of tenders and competitions.

    5. Chief Engineer - is the technical manager of a manufacturing enterprise. The person holding this position is the first deputy head of the enterprise and is responsible for the effective, fruitful operation of the production process.

    6. Design engineer - specialist in the field of design, construction and operation of facilities.

    Must know: methods of design and carrying out technical and economic calculations; principles of operation, technologies for manufacturing and installation of equipment and structures, types and properties of materials; resolutions, instructions, orders of higher and other bodies, methodological and regulatory materials on the design, construction and operation of facilities; standards, technical specifications and other guidance materials for the development and execution of design and estimate documentation; technical means of design and construction; basics of patent science; advanced domestic and foreign experience in design and construction; technical, economic, environmental and social requirements for designed facilities; organization of labor and production; rules and regulations of labor protection.

    7. Railway engineer – a specialist in the design of transport interchanges, highways, railways and airfields, and also organizes their construction and road maintenance.

    The railway engineer must:

      know the basics of mathematics and natural sciences, scientific disciplines related to construction, graphics;

      know the basics of architectural planning and design;

      understand construction management, as well as the management of processes and organizations in general, including quality management;

      be able to estimate the cost of construction;

      know building materials, structural mechanics, strength of materials, building physics, energy efficiency principles;

      be able to draw up projects for the construction of bridges, roads and railways according to their specialization; understand the organization and safety of road traffic.

    Appendix 2

    Excursion to the UZTM plant

    Appendix 3

    Photos of my works

    Condition for optimal choice of profession

    I WANT - aspirations of the individual (desires, interests, inclinations, ideals).

    CAN - personality capabilities (health status, abilities, level of knowledge, character, temperament).

    NEED - society's needs for personnel, and awareness of the need to expend certain efforts to achieve vital goals.

    When planning your professional career, it is useful to answer the following questions:

    · What skills and abilities do you get the most satisfaction from?

    · What are your main interests and favorite pastimes?

    · What are your favorite academic subjects?

    · What would you like to do every day for 8 hours, year after year?

    · What is your dream job?

    · How do you imagine your occupation in 10 years?

    · What would be your ideal job? Describe it in as much detail as possible. Imagine yourself in this job, who do you work with, how do you spend your time?

    · What are your criteria for choosing a profession? (required and desirable)

    · What are your strengths and skills that best qualify you for the job that seems ideal to you?

    · What gaps in your knowledge and skills do you need to close to get your ideal job?

    · If your ideal job is currently unattainable, what kind of work could you do to move in your chosen direction?

    · Who can I consult to get information useful for career planning?

    · Finally, write down your immediate and long-term career goals and take action.

    Temperament and style of activity

    Each student must make a choice where he will continue his education after school. And in order not to make mistakes, you need to take into account your individual characteristics. Such individual characteristics as interests and inclinations are very fickle and changeable. Therefore, their development needs to be stimulated. However, there is another type of individual characteristics that practically cannot be changed, but it is also impossible not to pay attention to them, since they affect activity, behavior, and relationships with others. These characteristics include temperament.

    Temperament is a set of properties that characterize the dynamic features of the course of mental processes and human behavior, their strength, speed, occurrence, cessation and change.

    Today there are several different typologies of temperament, but the most commonly observed are the four types that are known to us from the classical teaching of temperaments: sanguine, choleric, phlegmatic and melancholic. In most cases, people combine traits of all four types of temperament, one of which is more pronounced and the others less pronounced. We can talk not about temperament, but about a “temperamental structure,” which includes all types.

    Temperament directly affects the style of work, although the degree of its influence on work depends on production conditions and the preparedness of the worker or student for this type of work and its focus.

    Work style is a set of employee behavior patterns at work, expressed in determination, interest, duration of work, the pace and productivity of work, the rhythm of the work process, and demands on the quality of work results.


    Can be reliable in any work except automatic, monotonous and slow. He is more capable of lively, mobile activities that require ingenuity, resourcefulness and activity. A sanguine person is usually purposeful, works not for the sake of the work itself out of necessity, but with a specific goal to achieve what he wants, and persistently and patiently achieves the intended result. But this determination and perseverance is manifested by him when the work is varied and satisfies his tendency to change impressions. In all matters he is moderately restrained and calm. However, he does not tolerate interference in his work from anyone else. In the event of such delays in work, he often “gives up” and shows indifference to the matter and even apathy.


    Most successfully performs work with a pronounced cyclic nature, where during some periods of the work cycle maximum effort is required, and then the activity is replaced by calmer work of a different nature until the next cycle. But over time, he can adapt to a uniform rhythm of work, which he masters well, and will have constant success in it. It should be borne in mind that choleric temperament, more than others, contributes to tension when performing dangerous and responsible actions in which certain inaccuracies are allowed. Therefore, it is very important to encourage and strengthen his confidence in success. He has poor self-control. In cases of failure - and he often has them during the training period - he can make rash decisions. Cholerics are prescribed activities that allow them to establish a normal order in work and rest, moderately active work, since tiring physical and mental activities are unfavorable for representatives of this type of temperament. At the same time, they should not choose a profession that requires a sedentary lifestyle, as well as occupations associated with prolonged exposure to fire (forges, stoves) and, in general, with high temperatures, since this is also harmful to their health.

    Phlegmatic person

    The most appropriate type of educational and production work is where there is no need to quickly perform dexterous and varied actions. A phlegmatic person starts work slowly, but prepares for it in detail, not letting anything escape his attention. It takes a relatively long time to get into a normal rhythm. The pace of work is not fast. However, thanks to thorough preparation for work, perseverance and perseverance, his work productivity can be quite satisfactory. He is demanding of the quality of his work, but does not strive to do more or better than is required of him. Not inclined to change types of activities and their goals. More inclined to monotonous work that he has mastered well. The phlegmatic person has to be hurried. And at the same time, taking into account his tenacity and perseverance in work, as well as the fact that even without prodding he works with great, although not clearly expressed, tension, he cannot be reproached for slowness, because this property of his does not depend on his will. He needs to be hurried, helping and encouraging, but not depriving him of independence in actions and not overly patronizing him.


    In terms of emotional excitability and impressionability, he is the complete opposite of a phlegmatic person. Some similarity can be seen only in their sluggish response to stimuli coming from the environment and in the slowness of actions, although the reasons for their lethargy and slowness are different. He can work quite successfully in a calm and safe environment that does not require him to react quickly and frequently change the nature of his activity. However, for a long time, experiencing grievances and even minor “pricks” of pride, he is often distracted in his thoughts from the work at hand, allowing inattention and mistakes, therefore he gets used to the normal rhythm of work slowly and does not retain it for long as a result of periodic appearances of apathy and lethargy. The pace of work is inconsistent. The productivity of labor can be very high when the mood is cheerful and low when the mood is depressed. Prefers to work alone. Thanks to his high sensitivity, he easily grasps and understands subtleties in the behavior of people, the world around him, as well as in art, literature, and music. A melancholic person is suitable for work that requires attention, the ability to delve into and work out the smallest details. Activities that require significant stress and are associated with surprises and complications are contraindicated for him.

    It should be noted that any group of people works more effectively if it contains representatives of all temperaments. Melancholic people are the first to sense in which direction the search should begin. Choleric people perform the functions of fearless scouts. Sanguine people are a source of positive emotions and constantly generate unexpected ideas. Phlegmatic people analyze information and offer an informed decision.

    Thus, the influence of the properties of the nervous system (strength, mobility, balance) and the associated typological characteristics of the individual on the motivation of activity is manifested in the fact that people with a certain temperament show a preference for a certain type of professional activity.

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      Characteristics of the components of motivation: motive, need, goal, personality. Studying the professional motivation of first-year students of the Faculty of Humanities. Comparative analysis of the motives for choosing a profession among psychology students and sociology students.

      presentation, added 08/19/2013

    Many, one might even say all, people sooner or later ask themselves the questions “Who should I be?”, “Where to study?”, “How to choose a profession?”. Indeed, it is very difficult for a high school graduate to answer these and other similar questions on his own if his parents or school did not help him decide in advance on his desires and preferred field of activity. Despite the fact that there is a huge amount of materials on career guidance and professional self-determination on the Internet and print media, they are all chaotically scattered and it is necessary to carry out independent painstaking work to form a complete picture. This is how people suffer in trying to find the ideal job, so that they can enjoy the work process and get paid at a decent level. To avoid annoying mistakes when searching for a suitable profession, we recommend that you read the article Typical mistakes in choosing a profession.

    In this material we will talk in detail about the difficult process of choosing a profession, different approaches and directions, consider different classifications of professions and outline simple steps that will help you choose the right profession.

    Formula for choosing a profession “I want - I can - I need”

    Surely you have already come across the well-known formula for choosing a profession “I want - I can - I need”, but do you know what exactly is hidden behind each of these words?


    You need to clearly know your interests, desires and goals. None of the points of the formula can be neglected, but especially this one, since the right motivation and interest are the basis of all future life as a professional in one’s field. Work should bring pleasure and no amount of motivation from the outside in the form of wages or benefits package can change the simple fact that you have to go to work like hard labor and every day look forward to when Friday will finally come. It is clear that with such an attitude it is unlikely that it will be possible to achieve significant heights in one’s career or will cost physical and emotional costs incommensurate with the reward.

    We don’t argue, this is a very difficult question to solve on your own, but a lot depends on it, so it’s worth pushing yourself and making every effort. A variety of career guidance tests, which are available both online and in printed form, can help with this. Alternatively, similar psychological tests for children and adults can be taken for free on this website in the appropriate section, or simply continue reading the article, asking yourself a couple of questions, and the matrix for choosing a profession by G.V. Rezapkina will help you decide on your specialty.

    Question #1: What or who would you like to work with?

    Possible answers include:

    1. Human– work associated with interaction with other people, such as: pupils, students, customers, clients, patients, spectators, etc.

    2. Information– search, processing, study, structuring and application of various information and languages: text, formulas, programming languages, foreign languages, diagrams, drawings.

    3. Finance– work in the field of finance, investing, lending. Usually associated with such concepts as: money, loans, shares, limits, funds, collection, accounting.

    4. Technique– interaction with technology or various structures. Management, construction, development, etc. The activities include: machines, mechanisms, buildings, instruments, machines.

    5. Art– creative professions involved in theater, literature, music, ballet, painting, cinema.

    6. Animals and plants– work with animals of any kind (service, wild, domestic, commercial) and plants (ornamental, wild, agricultural)

    7. Products and Products– production of all types of finished products: metal products, fabric, wood, stone, household items, medicines and many others.

    8. Natural resources– search, development, protection, exploitation and extraction of all types of natural resources, such as minerals, forests, rivers, reservoirs, mountains, lands, deposits.

    Question No. 2: How do you want to work?

    1. Control– managing the activities of other people, making responsible and independent decisions, achieving the fulfillment of assigned tasks.

    2. Service– meeting the needs of other people in a variety of areas. Sales, repairs, treatment, development, etc.

    3. Training and education– engaging in educational activities, formation and development of personality, training.

    4. Production and extraction– exploitation of resources and production of final products. A large selection of areas, ranging from machine operators and geologists to programmers and designers.

    5. Construction– design and creation of new or rethinking for the better old objects and parts.

    6. Study– various types of scientific and applied research of various types and directions.

    7. Protection– protection from hostile actions (physical, legal), treatment of diseases of people and animals.

    8. Control and evaluation– checking and monitoring the activities of other professions of any kind.

    By honestly answering these two questions to yourself, you can quickly identify recommended professions that may well turn out to be interesting and worthy of attention. It is enough just to find the intersection of these answers on the “Profession Selection Matrix” table.






    Animals and plants

    Products and Products

    Natural resources


    HR Manager

    System Administrator


    Aviation navigator


    Animal engineer
    Soil scientist

    Sales Manager
    Commodity expert

    Cadastre Engineer
    Energy technician


    Tourism manager
    Social worker
    Medical worker

    Telecommunications operator
    Advertising Manager




    Livestock specialist
    Livestock breeder
    Plant breeder

    Commodity expert


    Training and education




    Driving instructor

    Music teacher
    Painting teacher

    Dog handler

    Labor teacher


    Production and extraction

    Web Designer
    layout designer


    Milling operator

    Wood carver

    Animal engineer
    Livestock breeder
    Plant breeder

    Process engineer

    Mining engineer


    Image maker
    Plastic surgeon

    Web Designer



    Fashion designer

    Landscape designer

    Process engineer
    Fashion designer

    Mining engineer
    Landscape designer
    Hydrological engineer



    Having dealt with interests and desires, we move on to an equally important component of the formula for solving the question “How to choose a profession” - your capabilities, both physical and psychological. In order to make the right choice of profession, you need to carefully understand yourself, find out your strengths and weaknesses. If, when choosing a profession, you exclude this part of the formula or do not give it due attention, then the likelihood of not entering a university or technical school in your chosen specialty or getting a job in a good company increases significantly. If you managed to graduate and get a job, then in order to achieve professional success, which means increasing your salary and promotion, you will have to make much more effort than your surrounding colleagues who have the appropriate inclinations and predispositions. Even just staying on the same level with them can be difficult and require a lot of effort.

    There are several main areas that will help you determine your own capabilities.

    Health status

    The most banal point, which, nevertheless, is often forgotten. For some professions, health does not play a big role, but for others, such features as poor vision, color blindness, flat feet or general physical fitness play a decisive role, and the road to the profession will be closed forever. A person who wears glasses will not be hired as a sniper, and people with color blindness are unlikely to become world-famous designers or even just get a driving degree.

    Even if the requirements for a particular profession do not indicate health contraindications, try to correlate your physical characteristics with the process of future work.

    Personal qualities and psychological characteristics

    Temperament, character traits and other personal qualities, both positive and negative, belong here. Psychological tests, conversations with professional psychologists, or simple questions to friends and acquaintances will help identify them.

    When choosing a profession, such personality traits play a significant role in job satisfaction and comfort. Introverted people should not choose professions that involve a lot of communication with other people or hectic work processes. Active people are unlikely to be able to fully realize themselves in monotonous, monotonous work.

    Professional predispositions and abilities

    This includes any skills that are better than other people and easier for you to master: drawing, singing, fine work with your hands, a sense of style, perfect pitch, and others like that. The fact that learning a skill requires less effort for greater results can play a huge role in choosing the ideal profession.

    Professional qualifications and experience

    For those who have already received an education and worked in their chosen specialty, it may make sense not to radically change their field of activity, but to choose something related where they can apply their existing knowledge, skills and abilities. With the existing experience, it is easier to get a job and achieve success.

    Considering all of the above, when becoming acquainted with a particular profession, it will not be difficult to determine which suitable professional qualities you already have and which ones need to be worked on to develop them.


    Agree, it would not be very smart to choose a profession that is not in demand on the labor market or, even worse, gradually loses its significance and fades into oblivion. In the formula for choosing a profession, the “MUST” component acts as the demand for a profession in the labor market. It is quite difficult to accurately predict the prospects of a profession in a few years, but general trends are quite possible. To do this, you can read the opinions of experts, look at state educational plans, find relevant analytics and form your own opinion.

    The labor market is always in flux; with the development of technology, new professions appear and old ones gradually die out. Even after receiving education and successful work, it is necessary to improve and improve your skills in order to remain a competitive and successful specialist in your professional field. If you exclude “MUST” when choosing a profession, then finding a job in your specialty may be difficult.

    Result of the formula for choosing a profession

    By correctly assessing all the components of the “CAN – WANT – SHOULD” formula in relation to yourself, the chance of making the wrong choice of profession will significantly decrease, and it will be easier to achieve professional success and become a sought-after specialist. You will find a profession that will simultaneously:

    • Interesting for you (I WANT)
    • Easy and enjoyable to learn (CAN)
    • Be in demand in the labor market (MUST)

    The exclusion of at least one of the parameters of the formula leads to various unfavorable consequences, from the inability to obtain satisfaction from work to significantly difficult employment in the specialty.

    Simple steps to choose a profession

    For those who like well-structured step-by-step instructions, we suggest using the algorithm for choosing a profession and, in seven simple steps, significantly narrowing the list of possible professions.

    1. Make a list of requirements for an ideal profession.

    The more requirements you can come up with, the better and more accurately you will be able to determine your desired profession. You can start with the requirements listed below and expand the list with your own.

    • Working conditions
    • Area of ​​activity
    • Wage level
    • Level of training required
    • Content and nature of the work
    • Difficulty finding employment in your specialty
    • Field of activity
    • Any other requirements that are important to you

    2. Determine the degree of significance of each requirement.

    Rank each requirement on a scale from 1 to 10 or break it down in any other way convenient for you into those that are vital and those that can be neglected in favor of others. It may be possible to get rid of certain requirements that seemed important only at first glance.

    3. Make a list of interesting professions

    To get acquainted with the world of professions, you can use our Catalog of Professions or use any other. Bookstores sell special reference books with detailed descriptions of professions existing on the labor market. The main selection should be based on the interest of the profession, taking into account how much one would like to obtain such a specialty and start a career in this field.

    4. Correlate your list of requirements with each of the professions you are interested in

    It should be remembered that in addition to the list of your requirements for an ideal profession, there are also the requirements of the professions themselves. Consider your personal talents and abilities, as well as physical characteristics. It is possible that the path to some professions will be closed for objective reasons, while others will be much easier to cope with.

    5. Analyze the results

    Based on the previous points, identify a few of the most suitable professions and get to know them better. Find more information, take a tour, open house or job fair. It’s very good if you can talk with a specialist in this industry.

    6. Check results

    Discuss your choice with your parents, friends, teachers, and professional psychologist. Find out their opinions and arguments in favor of a particular profession. You can take career guidance psychological tests to confirm the correctness of your choice.

    7. Determine the steps to obtaining a profession

    If you have firmly decided on one or more ideal professions, then you can safely start looking for information about which educational institution you can get your desired specialty at, what is required for admission, what professional requirements and skills are worth developing, how to increase your competitiveness in the labor market and etc.

    Another simple way to choose a profession

    Here's another simple way to choose a suitable profession. All you need is a blank sheet of paper and a pen.

    Draw yourself or a large beautiful letter “I” in the center of the sheet. Then, like rays from the sun, write around your favorite activities and hobbies. These could be lessons, hobbies, just pleasant and simple activities that are not necessarily related to the world of professions. The more such rays you get, the better.

    Next comes the most difficult, but also the most interesting thing - come up with several suitable professions for each resulting ray. If difficulties arise, you can search for information on the Internet, magazines, newspapers, and ask friends and parents for advice.

    In this simple way you will get a list of professions that may suit you. Select from 5 to 10 the most interesting ones and find out as much as possible about them: required education, average salary level, requirements of employing companies, etc. You can add a list of suitable educational institutions and suitable courses for developing professionally important skills.

    Check the correctness of your choice with the help of the opinions of people significant to you (parents, teachers, friends, etc.), passing career guidance tests, and consulting with a good psychologist-vocational consultant.


    Do not forget that solving the questions “How to choose a profession”, “What to become?” and others like this is only the first step on the path to a successful career, but future success and demand as a professional depends on it.

    Also, do not forget that many professions are at the intersection of different disciplines and it is necessary to have a good understanding of all of them. Another important factor to consider is that job requirements and responsibilities change significantly as you progress in your career. Undoubtedly, you can immediately try yourself in the role of a leader, but this will be less effective than going all the way to it from the bottom and knowing all the work from the inside. Remember that your reputation, time and money will be at stake.

    We hope that the information from the article “How to choose a profession” will be useful to you and will help you easily decide on a profession. Any independent choice should be checked and discussed with practicing professionals. In every city and almost every educational institution there are career guidance departments where you can go for a conversation or take specialized career guidance tests.

    Whether you become a person who enjoys work, rapidly grows up the career ladder and successfully realizes himself in the conditions of modern society depends only on you and your first steps in choosing a desired and promising field of activity. We sincerely wish you a successful career path and may your work be loved!

    “My professional choice” (exemplary creative project on professional self-determination)

    So that you can better understand the theoretical material on professional self-determination and be able to practically apply the knowledge gained, read the sample project of professional choice. It is composed of 20 sequential operations - steps. Each step contains a description of the steps to determine professional suitability and recommendations for their implementation (in italics). The profession of computer operator was chosen as a trial one for the project.

    Profession computer operator


    Step 1: Identify the problem

    For a person standing on the threshold of adulthood, issues of professional self-determination and life prospects are paramount. After all, your entire subsequent life depends on how correctly your future specialty is chosen.

    Identify the problem area of ​​your creative project.

    Step 2: Awareness of the problem area

    The problem area of ​​this project is the study of the algorithm for choosing a profession and the design of ways of self-improvement using the example of the analysis of specific professional activities (Scheme 1).

    Identify the sub-problems of your problem area.

    Step 3: Identify a Specific Need

    Everyone needs to make the right professional choice in accordance with their interests and capabilities.

    Is this need a priority for you? Give detailed reasons for your answer.

    Step 4: Definition of a specific task and its formulation

    The objective of the project is to analyze a specific profession, identify its main requirements for a person and identify opportunities for mastering this profession.

    Formulate the main objectives of your project.


    Step 5: Identifying Key Parameters

    Our task is limited to the analysis of only one area; we must check whether the parameters of the profession correspond to the personal characteristics of its applicant. This will help us understand the algorithm for analyzing the profession.

    The criteria for choosing a profession should be as follows:

      the chosen profession must correspond to individual personal and psychophysiological characteristics; availability of training for a profession is necessary (presence of an educational institution, its territorial reach); material costs for obtaining a specialty must correspond to the financial capabilities of the family; demand for the profession in the labor market.

    What parameters and limitations can be identified in your project?

    Step 6: Identifying traditions, history, trends

    The correct professional choice is based on collecting information about various professions, identifying the most in demand and promising at the present time, clarifying the traditions of the people, family, and locality (Diagram 2).

    You need to identify how the requirements for training specialists in various areas of professional activity change over time. With the help of the media and the Internet, you need to find out what new specialties have appeared in recent years, what their specifics are, and in which educational institutions they are taught.

    Step 7: Activity Analysis

    Having familiarized yourself with various professions, it is necessary to develop a supporting scheme of reflection, consistent progress along which will help you make the right choice.

    Algorithm for professional self-determination:

      identification of interests and inclinations; analysis of professional activities in accordance with interests and inclinations; identification of individual personal and psychophysiological characteristics; correlation of individual characteristics with the requirements of professional activity; determination of socio-economic factors for choosing a profession: ways and conditions for obtaining vocational education, material costs for training; professional test; professional plans and prospects; program and development.

    Based on this algorithm, draw up and analyze your basic thinking scheme according to which you will choose a profession. It may take the form of a diagram (Scheme 3).

    Step 8: Developing ideas, options, alternatives

    First, let's determine the area of ​​professional activity that is most preferable. This can be done using the methods

    “Differential Diagnostic Questionnaire” (DDI) or “Professional Readiness Questionnaire” (OPG), which can be found on the Internet. Based on the results obtained, we choose one of five spheres of professional activity (man - technology; man - nature; man - man; man - sign system; man - artistic image). The professional activity considered in our project lies in the sphere of “person - sign system”.

    Using Internet sites that provide descriptions and characteristics of professions, we will list a number of specialties belonging to the chosen field of professional activity: webmaster, computer operator, programmer, system administrator, computer science teacher, dispatcher.

    Using DDO or OPG methods, determine your field of professional activity and read the descriptions of professions related to this field. Analyze the data received and select a number of specialties that attract you most.

    Step 9: Determining professional requirements

    Let us highlight the following parameters related to the sphere of professional activity “person - sign system”.

    The work should be:

      varied; have a transformative, creative character; stimulate an increase in the level of knowledge and skills; meet the psychophysiological and social needs of a person.

    Highlight the basic requirements for your future professional activity. Using techniques, identify your interests and inclinations, correlate them with the written requirements, and draw conclusions.


    Step 10: Analysis and synthesis of ideas

    Of all the professions listed in the previous step, you now need to choose the most suitable one. To do this, you need to evaluate them in points (from 1 to 5) according to the main parameters (see step 5). It is more convenient to do this by working with a table.

    We did this and came to the conclusion that the most suitable profession for us is a computer operator.

    Analyze the results in your table. Which specialty scored the most points? Is this the best option?

    Choosing the optimal career option

    Table 1


    Requirements for the specialty

    Number of points

    Availability of training

    Demand in the labor market


    Material costs for obtaining a profession

    Personal characteristics

    Psychophysiological characteristics


    Computer's operator


    System Administrator


    computer science


    Step 11: Studying the content of future professional activity

    So, we have made the choice of the optimal variant of work activity. In order to learn more deeply about the content of the future profession, it is necessary to draw up its professionogram and psychogram. Such work will allow you to better determine your professional suitability for it.

    Step 12: Identifying Individual Characteristics

    Identify your individual personal and psychophysiological characteristics using methods selected for each area of ​​professional activity. In our case, these are methods for the professional field “Man is a sign system.” Next, correlate individual characteristics with the professional requirements described in step 9.

    Using the tests given in the textbook and on the Internet, determine your type of temperament, character and other personal characteristics. With the help of a school psychologist and a doctor, identify the psychophysiological characteristics of your development. Do they meet the requirements outlined in step 9?

    Step 13: Determining career paths and choosing a place to study

    Use a reflection framework to complete this step. In the center of the diagram it is necessary to place possible ways of obtaining a profession and indicate factors and conditions that should be taken into account when solving this problem. You can discuss this with parents, teachers, counselors.

    Paths to obtaining a profession depend on the educational institution you choose. Let's say you decide to first get a secondary education in your chosen specialty at a college, and then continue your studies at a university in an abbreviated manner.

    Use the diagram in Figure 85, which shows the factors and conditions taken into account when choosing a place of study.

    What ways of obtaining your chosen profession do you know? Which one attracts you the most? Analyze each point of this scheme and identify several educational institutions where you can get this profession. Having chosen a place of study, consider your options for further actions in the event of failure to enroll in the intended educational institution.

    Step 14: Professional Test

    At the third stage, we examined in detail all the characteristics of the chosen profession, as well as our psychological characteristics. Now, having the appropriate theoretical training, you can conduct a professional test. This will ensure that the profession is completely suitable.

    Is it possible to conduct a professional test for your chosen profession? If yes, then indicate where, at what time and under what conditions the work will take place. If a professional test has already been carried out, then analyze its results. The creative projects you have completed, the models you have created in technical and arts and crafts circles, are a type of professional audition. Consider their results.

    Step 15: Correction

    After passing a professional test, we can draw a conclusion about whether we should go to study in this specialty or choose another. Perhaps the training profile in .

    If you want to make changes to your selection, you should go back to step 5 or 7 and make the changes. What conclusions did you draw?

    Step 16: Predicting your future professional career

    Now that we are convinced that the chosen profession is completely suitable for us, we can make a forecast of future professional growth and career. To do this, it is recommended to develop an individual program of self-improvement and development, in accordance with which professional growth will be built.

    Create an individual program for self-improvement and development. What success do you want and can achieve in your future profession? Reflect all your professional plans and thoughts in the form of a forecast of professional growth and career. There is no single path, so you can consider different career options.


    Step 17: Control

    It is necessary to return to steps 5 and 7 and compare the completed project with the one that was intended. If there are shortcomings, they can always be eliminated.

    Record your results.

    Step 18: Decoration

    We draw up the finished project in the form of sequential actions - steps. They should reflect all the thoughts that arose during the choice of profession. In the finished project we include diagrams and drawings that helped us make our choice.

    Design your project in accordance with the example provided.

    Step 19: Self-Esteem

    Let's return to steps 2, 4 and 7. After analyzing them, you can try to evaluate yourself (Table 1).

    If you are completely satisfied with the results obtained during the course, it means that you were able to successfully develop the idea of ​​the project and can now bring it to life. For this purpose, we recommend using an approximate assessment of readiness for professional choice according to the methodology (Table 1)

    Self-monitoring map of readiness for professional self-determination

    table 2

    Criteria and indicators

    Score in points

    Life plan and professional intentions

    I am aware of the meaning and purpose of my life - vaguely.

    My attitude towards various types of labor and work is always

    positive, good.

    I believe that a profession in a person’s life can make a person happy

    At the moment I have chosen a profession - definitely

    I know where to go after - definitely

    Your parents agree with your choice of profession

    What prompted you to choose this particular profession? Knowing that the profession matches your capabilities. The presence of a professional ideal is a definite professional ideal (there is such a person)

    Knowledge of future profession - information

    I know how to achieve success in my chosen profession - exactly.

    Knowledge of sanitary, hygienic and economic working conditions in the chosen profession is accurate. Knowledge of the requirements of the chosen profession for a person is accurate.

    Having experience in your chosen profession - observing the work of others.

    Availability of initial professional knowledge - acquired.

    Knowledge of the method of acquiring a profession (I know where and how long to study for this profession) is accurate. Knowledge of prospects for professional growth (I know how a professional career is built) - for sure

    Knowing your professional capabilities

    Interest in a future profession - the chosen profession corresponds to professional interest. Having the ability for the chosen type of work (I can prove that I have the ability for this profession) - I have the ability.

    I don’t know whether the natural properties of the nervous system and temperament correspond to the requirements of the chosen profession (I am fast, efficient, and energetic enough to do this work).

    Compliance of character traits with the requirements of the chosen profession - correspond.

    I don’t know whether the characteristics of mental processes (I have sufficiently developed attention, memory, thinking, imagination, etc.) correspond to the requirements of my chosen profession. Compliance of the state of health with the requirements of the chosen profession - corresponds.

    The nature of self-esteem (how you feel about yourself) - I don’t know. Availability of knowledge in general education subjects directly related to the future profession - in these subjects the grades are “4” and “3”

    The result was 64 points. This is a high level of readiness for professional self-determination.

    Step 20: Protecting the Project

    Preparation plan for professional choice

    table 2


    1. Clarify your life orientations

    2. Gain experience working on a computer, gain initial professional knowledge by studying for the profile “Computer Operator”

    3. Clarify the compliance of the properties of the nervous system with the requirements of the chosen profession

    4. To clarify the compliance of the characteristics of visual perception and presentation, attention, memory, imagination, speed and accuracy of movements, emotional-volitional stability with the requirements of the chosen profession

    5. Find out the level of development of self-esteem

    6. Start studying mathematics in more depth

    7. Get professional advice

    8. Take a tour of the PU

    Using your computer, prepare to defend your project by creating a presentation plan.

    Sources of information used in the implementation of the project

    Textbook "Technology" for students. Internet resources.

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