• What to read to a 3 year old child. What to read to a three year old child


    Ekaterina Morozova

    Reading time: 11 minutes

    A A

    It is difficult to definitively answer the question of which books are best to read with a three-year-old child, because even at this age children not only have different interests, but also differ from each other in intellectual development. Some people are already able to assimilate fairly long stories and novellas, while others are not interested in even short fairy tales and poems.

    How do children perceive books at 3 years old?

    As a rule, the different perceptions of books by three-year-old children depend on several factors:

    • How used is the child to spending time with his parents and what are the benefits of joint activities with mom and dad for the baby?
    • How psychologically ready is the child to perceive books?
    • How much parents tried to instill in their child a love of reading.

    Situations vary, as does the degree to which a child is ready to read together. The main thing for parents do not compare your child with others(“Zhenya already listens to “Pinocchio” and mine is not even interested in “Turnip””), but remember that each child has his own pace of development. But this does not mean that parents should give up and just wait until the child wants it. In any case, you need to work with your baby, starting with short poems and funny fairy tales. At the same time, the main goal should be not to “master” a certain volume of literature, but do everything to instill in your child an interest in reading.

    Why should you read to your child?

    With the development of modern technology, you can often hear the question: “Why read to a child?” Of course, a TV and a computer with educational programs are not a bad thing. But they still cannot be compared with a book read by their parents, primarily for the following reasons:

    • Educational moment: Mom or dad, while reading a book, focus the child’s attention on episodes that are educationally important for their baby;
    • Communication with parents, in which not only the child’s attitude to the world around him is formed, but also the ability to communicate with other people;
    • Formation of the emotional sphere: the reaction to the intonations of the voice of the reading parent helps to develop in the child the ability to empathize, nobility, and the ability to perceive the world on a sensory level;
    • Development of imagination and competent speech, broadening your horizons.

    What do psychologists say?

    Of course, each child is individual, and his perception of reading books will be individual. However, psychologists highlight several general recommendations that will help parents make shared reading not only enjoyable, but also productive:

    • Reading books to the baby pay special attention to intonation, facial expressions, gestures: at the age of three, a child is not so much interested in the plot as in the actions and experiences of the characters; the child learns to react correctly to life situations.
    • Clearly define good and bad deeds in a fairy tale, highlight good and bad heroes. At the age of three, a child clearly divides the world into black and white, and with the help of a fairy tale, the child now understands life and learns to behave correctly.
    • Poems are an important element in shared reading. They develop speech and expand the child’s vocabulary.
    • Among the huge variety of books in stores, not all are suitable for a baby. When choosing a book, pay attention to does the book carry a moral message, does the book have an instructive subtext. It is best to buy already tested, well-proven books.

    10 Best Books for Children Aged 3

    1. Collection of Russian folk tales “Once upon a time...”
    This is a wonderful colorful book that will appeal not only to children, but also to their parents. The book includes not only fifteen of the most beloved Russian fairy tales by children, but also folk riddles, nursery rhymes, songs, and tongue twisters.
    The world that a child learns through the relationships of fairy-tale heroes of Russian folklore becomes for him not only clearer and more colorful, but also kinder and fairer.
    The book includes the following tales:“Ryaba Hen”, “Kolobok”, “Turnip”, “Teremok”, “Bubble, Straw and Bast Shot”, “Geese-Swans”, “Snow Maiden”, “Verlioka”, “Morozko”, “Sister Alyonushka and Brother Ivanushka” , “Sister Fox and the Gray Wolf”, “The Cockerel and the Bean Seed”, “Fear Has Big Eyes”, “Three Bears” (L. Tolstoy), “Cat, Rooster and Fox”.
    Reviews from parents about the collection of Russian folk tales “Once upon a time”


    This book is the best edition of famous Russian fairy tales that I have come across. The eldest daughter (she is three years old) immediately fell in love with the book for its wonderful colorful illustrations.
    The tales are presented in the most folklore version, which is also attractive. In addition to the text of fairy tales, there are nursery rhymes, tongue twisters, riddles and sayings. I highly recommend it to all parents.


    Very good fairy tales in a wonderful presentation. Before this book, I couldn’t get my son to listen to Russian folk tales until I bought this book.

    2. V. Bianchi “Fairy tales for kids”

    Three-year-old children really like the stories and fairy tales of V. Bianchi. There is hardly a child who does not love animals, and Bianca’s books will therefore not only be interesting, but also very educational: the child will learn many interesting facts about nature and animals.

    Bianca's fairy tales about animals are not just interesting: they teach goodness, teach how to be friends and help friends in difficult situations.

    Reviews from parents about the book by V. Bianchi “Fairy Tales for Kids”


    My son really loves all kinds of spider bugs. We decided to try reading him a fairy tale about an ant who was hurrying home. I was afraid that he wouldn’t listen - he’s generally a fidget, but strangely enough he listened to the whole story. Now this book is our favorite. We read one or two fairy tales a day, he especially likes the fairy tale “Titmouse’s Calendar”.


    A very successful book in my opinion - a good selection of fairy tales, wonderful illustrations.

    3. Book of fairy tales by V. Suteev

    There is probably no person who does not know the fairy tales of V. Suteev. This book is one of the most complete collections ever published.

    The book is divided into three sections:

    1. V. Suteev - author and artist (his fairy tales, pictures and fairy tales written and illustrated by him are included)
    2. Based on the scripts of V. Suteev
    3. Fairy tales with illustrations by Suteev. (K. Chukovsky, M. Plyatskovsky, I. Kipnisa).
    Parents' reviews of Suteev's book of fairy tales


    I spent a long time choosing which edition of Suteev’s fairy tales to choose. I finally settled on this book, primarily because the collection includes many different fairy tales, not only by Suteev himself, but also by other authors with his illustrations. I was very pleased that the book included Kipnis’s fairy tales. Wonderful book, wonderful design, highly recommend it to everyone!

    4. Korney Chukovsky “Seven best fairy tales for kids”

    The name of Korney Chukovsky speaks for itself. This edition includes the most famous fairy tales of the author, on whom more than one generation of children grew up. The book is large in format, well and colorfully designed, the illustrations are very bright and entertaining. It will definitely appeal to the little reader.

    Reviews from parents about the Seven best fairy tales for kids by Korney Chukovsky


    I have always liked Chukovsky’s works - they are easy to remember, very bright and imaginative. After two readings already, my daughter began to quote entire sections from fairy tales by heart (before this, they had never wanted to learn them by heart).

    5. G. Oster, M. Plyatskovsky “A kitten named Woof and other tales”

    The cartoon about a kitten named Woof is loved by many children. It will be all the more interesting for kids to read this book.
    The book combines under its cover fairy tales by two authors - G. Oster (“A Kitten Named Woof”) and M. Plyatskovsky with drawings by V. Suteev.
    Despite the fact that the illustrations differ from the cartoon images, children will enjoy the selection of fairy tales.
    Reviews from parents about the book “A Kitten Named Woof and Other Tales”


    We love this cartoon very much, which is why the book was a great success for us. Both daughter and son love fairy tale heroes. They love to quote short stories by heart (my daughter loves “The Secret Language”, my son prefers “Jump and Jump”). The illustrations, although different from the cartoon, also appealed to the children.


    Plyatskovsky's tales about the duckling Kryachik and other animals became a revelation for children; we read all the tales with pleasure. I would like to note the convenient format of the book - we always take it on the road.

    6. D. Mamin-Sibiryak “Alyonushka’s Tales”

    A bright and colorful book will introduce your child to children's classics. The artistic language of Mamin-Sibiryak’s fairy tales is colorful, rich and figurative.

    The collection includes four fairy tales from the cycle “The Tale about Kozyavochka”, “The Tale about the Brave Hare”, “The Tale about Komar-Komarovich” and “The Tale about Voronushka-Black Head”.

    Your child loves books, so what can you read to a child aged 3-4 years? This question is often asked by parents of little toddlers. That's why I decided to put together a useful list of children's books that are suitable for kids of this age. Tested by personal experience.

    We all remember from childhood how mothers, fathers, and grandparents read us books about fairy-tale characters and funny adventures. My children also love books, so I regularly buy something new in bookstores. Of course, every little one has their own preferences, but we can generalize a little. So, what book to buy for a three-year-old child, I’ll tell you about it below.

    To get the full picture, I have compiled a list of the best books that my children aged 3-4 really loved.

    Fairy tales for children 3-4 years old by Korney Chukovsky

    It was with this wonderful author that I decided to start my list. I have loved the works of this writer since childhood, and I remember many by heart. So my children liked the heroes of amazing fairy tales in verse. Doctor Aibolit, Moidodyr, Fedora’s grandmother and other characters They teach children to do only good deeds, to do the right thing.

    Here are the most popular ones among my kids:

    • Moidodyr;
    • Cockroach;
    • Fly Tsokotukha;
    • Fedorino grief;
    • Aibolit;
    • Telephone;
    • Barmaley;
    • Confusion and others.

    We all grew up on Russian fairy tales about Kolobok or the turnip. What could be better than folk art, proven over the years. So my children at the age of 3 were already quoting famous fairy tales and could tell the stories of the characters from the pictures. My daughter still loves Teremok and Chicken Ryaba, knows them by heart . Fairy tales train children's memory well; try to remember who is following whom.

    The magnificent stories of the main characters of these fairy tales, which came to us from Soviet times, are simply fascinating. Children enjoy listening to the adventures of the little boy Uncle Fyodor and the fabulous Cheburashka. A series of cartoons were made based on these books, kids have something to compare with and something to think about.

    It was only thanks to this book that my son learned to count to ten at the age of 3. The book is very interesting and funny; when reading it, you can not only learn to count to 10, but also remember many pets. A wonderful piece for kids.

    Encyclopedias for children contain the most basic aspects of teaching children. The alphabet, numbers, counting, logic exercises, descriptions of animals and plants, poems and much more are included in the collection for toddlers. You can buy everything separately, but my kids found it interesting to look at the colorful illustrations and choose something new to read every time.

    The pleasant style of the wonderful Russian poet A.S. Pushkin will not leave little children indifferent. Fairy tales are easy to read and listen to, and the stories of fairy-tale characters are interesting. Here are our favorite pieces:

    • The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish
    • The Tale of the Golden Cockerel

    Rudyard Kipling Animal Tales

    Interesting adventures of animals are described in this book. The author jokingly tells the child how the first armadillos appeared, how the baby elephant got his long nose, or how the cat walked wherever he wanted. Even the names of the fairy tales themselves cannot help but attract parents to read these stories.

    Zdenek Miler, Eduard Petishka, Gana Doskikova Stories about a mole for young children

    Funny stories about a mole are written based on Czech cartoons by Zdenek Miler. Watching a cartoon is fun, but reading a book is even more interesting. Our Big Book includes the following stories:

    • Mole and panties
    • Mole and TV
    • The mole and the little car
    • Mole and rocket

    Children like them all, no one is better or worse. The stories are instructive, fascinating and interesting: get busy, don’t watch TV all day, if you want nice pants, work hard.

    I would especially like to highlight fairy tales from Soviet cartoons. My favorite childhood characters are still popular among our 3-4 year old children. Stories about Leopold the cat or the cunning crow will not go unnoticed. Well, if the book is also equipped with sound buttons, reading will be much more fun.

    Stories and tales from modern cartoons

    The heroes of popular cartoons of the 21st century are especially loved by all children. Almost every child watches cartoons about Fixies, Pepa Pig, Paw Patrol and others. Well, if they are also talked about in books, it’s twice as interesting. My daughter loves books and magazines related to famous characters. And in modern books you can also find some kind of educational game or puzzle, very educational.

    Agnia Barto Favorite poems for children 3-4 years old

    And, of course, don’t forget about the wonderful children’s poems of Agnia Barto. Children love them, many know them by heart. If you read rhymes constantly, then toddlers will quickly remember the easy rhymes. . You won’t notice when your child managed to learn a poem about a Bunny or a Teddy Bear. Meanwhile, babies develop memory and hearing.

    Today there will be a very big book review.

    I decided to collect in one article all the children's books that my daughter and I read between the ages of 3 and 4.

    Partly, I need this article myself. At the same time, I think it will be very useful to my readers.

    For those wondering: what books should a 4 year old child read?

    Of course, all children are different. And what is interesting to some is completely indifferent to others. However, our list of children's books can serve as a guide. I'm a big fan of books myself. Therefore, I read book reviews with great enthusiasm, writing down my next “book wishes” in my notebook.

    So. In my review there will only be fiction for children 4 years old (age is approximate, the list is suitable for children 3-5 years old). Well, several encyclopedias. But only those that we read even at night before going to bed, as if it were just another fairy tale story :).

    Books for children 4 years old

    I'll start with children's poems. We do not read poems to the core, unlike some books, which will be discussed below. But there are individual collections of poems that we have read more than once (or more than a dozen times?). And all thanks to the wonderful style and subtle humor.

    Poems for children

    This is a hit that Anyutka loved very much, instantly remembered, asked a lot of questions and was ready to listen to several times in a row without a break.

    • Pillow fight. Andrey Usachev

    Levin's wonderful English poems and Usachev's wonderful style made these books beloved. Anya and I laughed together with pleasure at many poems.

    • Cheerful reader. Andrey Usachev
    • Uncle Styopa. Sergey Mikhalkov
    • Our favorite kindergarten. Poems and songs
    • How good it is to be able to read. Valentin Berestov
    • Collection “All Pushkin’s Tales” Publishing House Rosman. We have not read all the fairy tales in this collection.

    New Year and winter books for children 4 years old

    • The Forest Raised a Christmas Tree. Poems for children
    • Moomintroll and the Snow Fortress
    • Lost Christmas Letter. Valko
    • Snowman school. Andrey Usachev
    • Christmas story. S. Kozlov
    • Mole and snowman
    • New Year's book (collection of poems and stories).

    A series of books about the little mouse Angelina the Ballerina

    The first book about Angelina did not really impress me. There seemed to be too much intrusive moralizing. But Anya fell in love with these books immediately. She knew every story by heart, word for word. And if my husband and I deliberately replaced words with others, my daughter repeated us all the time.

    After reading several books, my opinion about the series has changed. A great find for girls who love to dance. Highly recommend.

    A series of books about “Findus and Petson”

    You can read more about this wonderful series in the article: “.

    We have read all the books in this series, with the exception of “Mechanical Santa Claus”: Stranger in the Garden, Cooking with Petson and Findus, Fox Hunt, The Story of How Findus Got Lost When He Was Little, Trouble in the Garden, Petson is Sad, Birthday cake.

    Series of books “Once upon a time there were rabbits” Genevieve Yurie

    The second most popular after stories about Findus are rabbit stories. The friendly family of rabbits captivated our daughter so much that every day she acted out different situations from books, and attracted me and my dad. Anya took on the role of the little rabbit Syroezhik, and so incredibly got used to this role. He still plays with rabbits.

    Over the course of the year, we read collections of books (each with 3 stories): Drawing Lesson, Merry Carnival, Sly Fox, Great Bicycle Race and a thin book “The First Ball of Little Rabbit Russula”.

    Books with short stories or fairy tales

    In this group I included books consisting of one relatively short story or collections of stories and fairy tales.

    • 3 collections by Nikolai Nosov: Mishkina porridge, Dreamers, Living Hat.

    Book with illustrations by V. Suteev. Short, interesting and straightforward stories

    A story about the life of a little curious Penguin.

    After reading this fairy tale, the child will learn in great detail about the life of emperor penguins. How they eat, how they raise children, how they live in a pack and much more. This is a kind of narrow encyclopedia in a fairy tale form. So if your child is interested in penguins, I highly recommend this book.

    • Once upon a time there were hedgehogs
    • Elf and handkerchief

    A collection of Kipling’s fairy tales familiar from childhood: “About the Baby Elephant Who Wanted to Know Everything,” “Rikki-Tikki-Tavi,” “How the Leopard Became Spotted,” “Why a Hump appeared on the Camel’s Back,” and many others.

    • Seven-flowered flower. Publishing house Makhaon

    A collection of our favorite children's fairy tales: The Seven-Flowered Flower, The Piper and the Jug, How Masha Quarreled with the Pillow, The Adventures of an Old Doll, Dandelion.

    • A plush hare, or How toys become real Williams Margery

    A stunningly kind and fabulous story about a boy and his toy. It brings tears to my eyes after reading it. Have read it many, many times. I recommend.

    She was especially popular from the age of 3 – for about six months. We read a lot and played from this book. S. Kozlov's stories are special, with hidden meaning. I described this book in the “” section, and in the “” article I talked about the second, winter book about the Hedgehog, the Little Bear and their friends.

    • Sasha and Masha (books 1-5)
    • Lisa is waiting for the bus. Sven Nordqvist - A good book, but a disposable book.
    • Paddington Bear at the Zoo. Similar to stories about Winnie the Pooh. We weren't particularly impressed with this book.

    Therapeutic tales

    This book can be read before the age of 3, I just couldn’t buy it. Overall the stories are interesting and relevant. But very often they have the opposite effect. The child associates himself with Oika, a negative heroine. I did not like some of the inconsistency, conservatism and didacticism in these stories. The focus is on bad deeds rather than positive ones. In order for Oika to reform, she is sometimes even intimidated (cheaters always have red ears).

    This book helped us in some ways, but in some ways my daughter began to copy Oika.

    • Stories of Enotik Yeni. Anna Goncharova. Publishing house White City

    In contrast to “Masha and Oika,” these fairy tales were written by a psychologist and I find them very attractive. They contain the idea of ​​positive education and behavior. Every story focuses on good deeds. The book teaches you to go to bed on time, cope with fears, make friends and much more.

    The important thing is that the child is presented with the benefits of each action, there is no intimidation or edification.

    Long story books

    I will simply list these books, since a separate article can be written about each. I will note with links to the description in the labyrinth books that are especially popular among us - those that we played with, re-read and discussed for a long time with links. I will not celebrate books about Dunno and the Emerald City. We really liked them, but these are classics that everyone knows about :).

    • Winnie the Pooh and everything, everything, everything
    • The Wizard of Oz
    • Mama Mu on the tree

    Despite the presence of a huge number of different gadgets and the Internet in the modern world, a book still remains man's best friend. After all, it is with the help of a book that a child learns to read, and then throughout his life he draws various information from there. A book for a child is a kind of window into the “big world” and he must be taught this idea from an early age. Of course, a very young child is not yet able to read poetry, fairy tales and stories on his own, or can only read a very limited number of them, but this does not mean that a child of this age does not need books purchased specifically for him. The only difference between young and older readers is that the former requires help from parents, grandparents or older brothers and sisters.

    What should books be like for children 3-4 years old?

    The level of development of different children of the same age can differ significantly. This may be due both to the developmental characteristics of the child himself and to the attention paid to the baby by parents and other adults around him. Therefore, when choosing books for children 3-4 years old, it is necessary to focus not only on the child’s age, but also on his level of development.

    So, if a child’s acquaintance with books is just beginning, then preference should be given to short, funny poems with bright illustrations. Along with poetry, you can also read fairy tales to your child such as “Turnip”, “Kolobok”, “Teremok” and the like. It is important that the first fairy tales have only one storyline and do not require the child to know too many words. As for the content of fairy tales and poems, it should be fascinating and not have a traumatic effect on the child’s psyche.

    At the same time, it is better to buy not a whole collection of fairy tales, but individual small books, which have illustrations for each key scene. The need for illustrations for children 3-4 years old is explained by the fact that it is very difficult for a child at this age to perceive an oral story, since he cannot yet imagine the situation described in it. After a number of simple books have been read, the child will begin to understand more and it will be possible to move on to reading more complex fairy tales with fewer illustrations.

    Children 4 years old, who have already learned to understand simple fairy tales, can read more complex books. Among them are “Fedorino’s Mountain”, “Moidodyr”, poems by S. Marshak, a number of folk tales about animals and many others. In other words, a story or poem may consist of several episodes and be longer. A child needs a fairly large vocabulary to comprehend such books. The colorful illustrations of these stories remain as important as ever.

    There are fairy tales that, despite the fact that they have a fairly simple plot, it is better not to read to children 3-4 years old, since their content can inspire horror in a child. Such works include, for example, some fairy tales by K. Chukovsky. Therefore, be careful!

    In addition, when choosing books for a child, it is important to focus on his wishes. For example, if your child doesn't like a certain story for some reason, don't try to force him to change his mind. Put away the book you don't like for a while and read something else to your child.

    In addition to fiction books, a 3-4 year old child should also buy educational literature. These can be various encyclopedias, books teaching how to write, read, count, draw, and instruction books on how to make certain crafts.

    Features of reading books for children.

    In order for a 3-year-old child to be interested and eventually want to learn a certain fairy tale or poem, and perhaps learn to read them on his own, it is important not only to choose the right book, but also to read it correctly to the child. So, while reading a fairy tale or any other literary work for a child, it is necessary to play at least a little. To do this you can:

    • Change the timbre of your voice and intonation, depending on which character you are voicing.
    • Make pauses in the right places in order to intrigue the child, which will certainly increase his interest in the work he is reading.
    • Convey the emotions of the characters using gestures, facial expressions, stomping your feet, clapping your hands, rolling your eyes, etc.

    In addition, while reading, it is important to pay attention to whether everything you read is clear to the baby. Remember that a 3-4 year old child’s vocabulary is not yet very large, so if there are words in the book that may not be familiar to the child, check their meanings with him, and if he cannot give you an answer, explain .

    When explaining to a 3-4 year old child the meaning of a new word, under no circumstances ridicule him for ignorance, even if this is not the first time you have explained it. Otherwise, the child will “close in on himself” and will not talk about words unfamiliar to him, which will negatively affect his development.

    When the child knows the fairy tale well, as a rule, this happens after several readings, invite him to tell the story himself, using the illustrations given in the book. When listening to a child's story, do not interrupt him every time he says something not exactly as it is written in the book, as this may “discourage” him from continuing the story. It is better to re-read the book again after finishing his story, and perhaps he will remember the moments he missed.

    The benefits of books for children 3-4 years old.

    TO bottoms for children 3 years old.

    Books can not only provide a 3-4 year old child with an interesting pastime while listening to a fascinating fairy tale or a funny poem, but can also bring a lot of benefits to the child. So, thanks to books, a child:

    • Learns to distinguish between right and wrong actions.
    • Establishes cause-and-effect relationships.
    • Represents certain images, and sometimes entire scenes.
    • Compares, summarizes and analyzes.
    • Learns to think logically.
    • Expands your vocabulary.
    • Forms your preferences and reading tastes.
    • Learns to construct sentences correctly in oral speech.
    • Expands your understanding of the world around you.
    • Learn to listen.

    In addition, joint reading between parents and children aged 3-4 years creates a sense of safety, security and intimacy in the latter, which in turn makes the child’s life more comfortable. Through reading, the child also learns about different behavior patterns and tries to inherit them. So, the baby begins to understand how a real comrade should behave, what disobedience to adults leads to, how to treat animals, and much more.

    How to instill in children a love of books?

    Realizing how many benefits books can bring to children, parents strive to instill in them a love of reading, but not everyone knows how to do this. So, in order for a child to understand how important a book is in a person’s life, it is necessary:

    1. Regularly read books to your child that suit his age and interests. If you read a fairy tale to your child no more than once a week, then there is no point in hoping that he will love books.
    2. In daily life, give your child examples from literary works you have read, quote famous writers, recite poems you have learned by heart.
    3. Reading books not only for the child, but also for your own pleasure - the child should see a positive example of attitude towards books.
    4. Visit bookstores with your child, allowing him to independently choose the literature he likes.
    5. Discuss the works you read with your child.
    6. Buy books with bright illustrations and fascinating stories - this will encourage your child to read more and more.
    7. Set up a place for reading in the children's room - an armchair, a table, a special shelf for books.
    8. Solve crossword puzzles and interesting puzzles with your child based on certain books.

    Thanks to the above “tricks” and the desire to instill in a 3-4 year old child a love of books, you will definitely be able to do this. You won’t even notice how your child will tell you various poems and fairy tales, not only from those that you previously read to him, but also those that you have already read on your own.

    You can familiarize yourself with the assortment in more detail in the catalog of our online store.

    Kids are ready to listen to their favorite book dozens of times, but even the most favorite book eventually gets boring. Moreover, most often the parents become bored with it much earlier than the child. And when a tired mother dreams of replacing a book she has memorized with something new, she is faced with the question: what should she read to her child?

    Of course, all children are different - some prefer to hear about animals, some already at the age of 3 enjoy reading children's encyclopedias, other children generally only want to look at pictures. But there are some books that almost all children, without exception, like. We offer a (by no means complete) list of them:


    Children 3 years old enjoy listening to poetry and memorize them easily. Therefore, reading poetry is not just a way to entertain a child and introduce him to the world around him, it is also a tool for the development of children's speech, memory and rhythmic hearing.

    All kids like the poems of Agnia Barto, Samuil Marshak, Sergei Mikhalkov, Boris Zakhoder, Valentin Berestov, Yunna Moritz, Marina Druzhinina, Irina Tokmakova, Vladimir Stepanov, Korney Chukovsky.

    My children's favorites at this age were:

    • “Greasy Girl”, “Ignorant Teddy Bear”, “Mashenka” Agni Barto.
    • “The Tale of a Stupid Mouse”, “The Tale of a Smart Mouse”, “Mustachioed and Striped”, “Children in a Cage”, “Where Did the Sparrow Have Dinner?”, “Cat’s House”, “Old Woman, Close the Door” S. Marshak
    • “Uncle Styopa”, “About mimosa”, “What do you have”, “My puppy”, “Foma” S. Mikhalkova
    • “Telephone”, “Aibolit”, “Cockroach”, “Confusion”, “Fly-Tsokotukha”, “Moidodyr”, etc. Korney Chukovsky. Personally, I don’t really like his speech, but for most children his works become their favorites.
    • Children 3 years old are good at fairy tales and poems A.S. Pushkin, for example "Goldfish".

    Fairy tales

    Probably, a fairy tale is the first literary work created by man. “Correct” fairy tales teach children kindness, hard work, and justice. It is difficult to imagine childhood without such fairy tales as Teremok, the 3 Little Pigs, Puss in Boots, Masha and the Bear, The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats, The Fox and the Hare, The Golden Comb Cockerel, Masha and the Three Bears. There are wonderful Ukrainian folk tales: “Spikelet”, “Fox Judge”, you can’t list them all.

    But, alas, Russian and foreign folk tales should be read with great caution. Often, books with a children's design turn out to be stories that are not children's at all - with a large number of outdated words (the child simply does not understand the text) and dubious morals. Therefore, it is very advisable for parents to familiarize themselves with the contents of the book before showing it to their child. Some works of famous storytellers (including the Brothers Grimm and Charles Perot) can only be read to children in an adapted version, and adaptations are also often unsuccessful.

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