• New Year is a time of fairy tales and magic. An interesting selection of New Year statuses. The best New Year statuses about the New Year: original and fun! Wishes in verse


    Especially for site users website we have prepared the best New Year statuses of 2014. Decorate your social media pages - Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki, Facebook and Twitter on New Year's Eve.

    1. Santa Claus, for the past new Year I asked your boyfriend. So take this goat back and give better markers.

    2. New Year's - tangerine in my mouth
    Santa Claus - Olivier in my nose.
    We'll watch the appeal on TV
    and let's go looking for adventure!

    3. New Year 2014 is the year of the Snake. Let him bring joy, and smiles, and fun, and for someone housewarming, rejoice, dance, sing, don't bother the police department! There will be a new New Year without hassle and without worries. There will be only love and happiness, and a river of champagne. Just be careful with your dear firecracker!

    4. I'm making a New Year's guess so that on this very night the neighbors' karaoke breaks down!

    5. Soon it’s already New Year’s celebration, but I still haven’t figured out where I will celebrate the night from December 31st to January 7th at least.

    6. IN new year's eve there must be one teetotaler in the company, so that the next day to tell everyone what happened.

    7. I want so much, as in childhood, to believe in new year's tale, make a wish with the hope that it will come true and wait for a miracle on New Year's Eve.

    8. The student has two holidays: New Year and every day!

    9. Today is New Year ?! Then another two hundred.

    10. Youth is when you no longer believe that Santa Claus will come to you on New Year's, but you still hope that the Snow Maiden will come to you.

    11. Santa Claus, Santa Claus, give me a new brain! Yellowpeaks, Yellowpeaks, get your hands on my ass.

    12. Santa Claus! Give me something so that when I see it, I say "Wow, Mercedes"

    13. Modern children are not waiting for Santa Claus to come, but when their parents leave.

    14. Hello Dedushka Moroz! Perhaps I misspelled the word Porsche last year.

    15. New Year's Eve in Russian: children dance around the Christmas tree, adults - near the toilet.

    16. Hello, Grandfather Frost, beard made of cotton wool, present for the New Year, BMW X5!

    18. If in the midst of the New Year's celebration Santa Claus falls, stuffs you into a sack and takes you away, do not panic, someone just ordered you as a gift.

    19. I appeal to everyone who wished me happiness and health for the New 2014 year. Nothing came true, so wish for something else!

    20. January 1 after the New Year, in the store: -Hello, Do you have fresh bread? - No, last year.

    21. Santa Claus, please help me pass the exam!

    22. Dear Santa Claus - this letter is not spam, but a real opportunity to earn ...

    23. Hello Dedushka Moroz! I'll break your nose! I already have diarrhea from your gifts.

    24. She is like a little girl waiting for the new year, snow and your call.

    You can draw attention to your person on social networks different ways... But there is an option that can definitely be considered a win-win. By setting cool and funny New Year statuses for Contact or Odnoklassniki, you will not only add yourself likes and subscribers, originally congratulating the virtual community on the holiday, but, most likely, you will find new interesting acquaintances.

    Cool statuses for guys and men

    Good Santa Claus, give me the first installment. Santa Claus, besides laughing, pay off my mortgage.

    A Christmas tree is better than any mistress. You change every year, you part without a scandal. And she does not demand her gifts back!

    New Year is such an amazing time when you eat Olivier salad, tangerines, champagne and hopes that tomorrow morning this champagne and other alcoholic supplies will still remain.

    Time to tie up with Olivier and tangerines. After all, what does excess cholesterol and sugar in fruits bring people in just one night?

    A difficult task is to prove to the children that you are the real Santa Claus and to convince your wife that you can't even pull on a fake one.

    Answer the question "What is good and what is bad?" in the New Year is difficult. He did everything well: he took a walk, drank, fell asleep under the tree - the next day is bad. And if January 1 is good, it means that New Year was celebrated very badly.

    Grandfather Frost, give me a carefree life, universal admiration, the opportunity to lie on the couch and get everything on demand for the New Year. In short, turn me into a cat.

    A man goes through three stages of his relationship to Santa Claus: you believe and wait; no grandfather, I want a Snow Maiden; you yourself are Santa Claus and advise the Snow Maiden to roll up her lip.

    New Year's to-do list: spend Old year; celebrate New Year; meet the old new year. Some kind of vicious circle turns out.

    You need to prepare for the New Year in advance. On January 1, put up a Christmas tree that was dropped yesterday and start rehearsing the holiday.

    Every year on this day they ask me: “Why are you so sour as a missing Olivier? Where is your New Year mood? " It's time to already understand that this is ... Mine. !

    Childhood is over - this is when, on New Year's Eve, you and your friends begin to dance not around the tree, but around the toilet. Combined, damn the builders, a bathroom!

    Four stages of growing up a man: 1. You believe in Santa Claus. 2. You don't believe in Santa Claus. 3. You yourself are Santa Claus. 4. Those who still believe in Santa Claus run up to you on the street, tug at you by the beard and yell: “I knew you existed!

    With the coming of the New Year, the sellers of men's socks and shaving foams begin to rub their hands happily, while the unfortunate guys rush around the city in search of “give me this, I don't know what.

    New Year is not an easy time for a man. He tries to convince his child that he is Santa Claus, and his wife that he is NOT Santa Claus.

    I want to have almost everything in the New Year, as Anton Semyonovich Shpak dreamed: three music centers, three heaped laptops, three iPhones of the latest model, a suede jacket ... also three.

    Someday Santa Claus will give me a toy railroad, I will put the status "happy" and will never go online again.

    The approach of the New Year is felt when tangerine skins begin to appear here and there, mixed with beer mugs and glasses of unfinished tea, on your computer desk.

    The paradox of the New Year: the food and drinks on the table are always the same, but the adventures after them are different.

    Funny New Year statuses for girls

    Dear Santa Claus. Please make it so that in the coming year my neighbors, who have a 24/7 love of music and renovation, suddenly break all karaoke and punchers.

    Do you know why Santa Claus and Santa Claus are men? Because no woman will allow herself to appear in front of the public in the same outfit every holiday!

    Today I have in the fridge "don't eat, this is for the New Year", and tomorrow it will be "eat quickly, otherwise everything will go bad."

    I am for sharing responsibilities in the family! I will decorate the Christmas tree for the New Year, and you - me!

    A sign of our time: set a funny status for the New Year - you will soon meet the man of your dreams, who will say that all his life he has been looking for a girl who does NOT believe in omens, but has a sense of humor.

    If you want everything to be awesome in the New Year, on the night of January 1, put a chocolate bar without a wrapper under your pillow. Now you will definitely have everything in chocolate!

    I say to my own: "Honey, give me such a New Year's gift to remember." Answers: "Are pills for sclerosis suitable?" ...

    Soon I will go on a New Year's diet! I will give up sweets and switch to dry and semi-dry.

    As a child, on New Year's Eve, we waited for Santa Claus to come. And our children are waiting for, when, finally, mom and dad leave for a visit.

    I love the New Year for taking a break from the stove. First, the gala dinner magically turns into a brunch, and then gradually turns into a long lunch.

    Santa Claus, buy me a new iPhone, a tablet, a red Ferrari, a house in the Maldives ... Oh, that's it. Buy me some money, in short, and then I'll figure it out myself.

    I told my husband that I would really like a fur coat for the New Year. Presented ... Potatoes, carrots, onions, beets, herring.

    Guys absolutely dislike gifts. The limit of their dreams for the New Year is the Snow Maiden in a latex suit, and not the role of a generous Santa Claus with a bag.

    I will give in good hands Santa Claus. The third day he sleeps under the tree, takes me for the Snow Maiden and demands to tell where she was. Yes, I don't remember where I was, I met the New Year!

    A Christmas tree was born in the forest, grew for itself, grew. Eh, if only the Snow Maiden would bring my boyfriend! And Santa Claus, so be it, let him give - a pretty Pig, fulfilling wishes.

    I sent out a commercial offer to everyone - Santa Claus, Santa Claus, Joulupukki. But nobody wants to take mine overweight and donate to those in need.

    Grandfather Frost, you probably left on foot last time, because all year I came across only deer. I beg you, this time go by carriage.

    Guys always get the best, not even New Year. The Snow Maiden is young and beautiful, and Santa Claus is old, with a beard and a red nose, which makes one think about his lifestyle.

    New Year's aphorisms 2019

    FROMthe most secret presidential decree is called "On ensuring at least some defense capability of the country at 5 o'clock in the morning on January 1 of every year."


    D They say, on New Year's Eve, the dollar will fall sharply!
    If only he knew where he would fall and celebrate the New Year there!

    ABOUT be sure to congratulate the boss on the New Year 2016, after all, the year of the monkey.


    ANDbad girls, Santa Claus for the New Year will give menstruation! ... And for bad boys for the New Year, Santa Claus will give bad girls with menstruation.

    Dfood Frost! Make it so that they don't tease me. Vova Kakashkin. 7 years.


    Tonly in our New Year, the President's congratulations go on all channels, but they watch it only on the first one.

    1 January: why am I so bad? So it is necessary to remember, I drank first champagne, then vodka, then champagne again. Exactly! Olivier got poisoned

    TOwill remember the New Year? Whoever does not smoke or drink will remember the New Year ...

    ABOUTlivier ... soon ... look in all refrigerators in the country ...

    70 % of people decorate the tree only from the side that is visible.

    Mam, and dad will give you a fur coat for the New Year?
    - No, son.
    - And you try to lie on the floor, yell, and kick your legs ...

    FROMno matter how much Santa Claus poi, he will not forget his bag ...

    FROM The biggest bummer of the New Year - Santa Claus gave such an awesome gift, and my husband ... nothing at all!


    D finishing up ... Ready for the New Year ... The table is dressed up, the tree is laid, the children are packed, the presents are dressed, the dress is painted, the eyes are stroked, I have walked my husband, congratulated the dog ... It seems I have not forgotten anything ...


    H New Year is the only day of the year when you can eat at night.


    - Hthen you do ... On New Year's Eve ... MADAME?
    - I'm getting fat ... by three kilograms! ...


    Pa wave of photo shoots is approaching: me and the tree ... I'm under the tree ... I'm behind the tree ... instead of the tree, I too ...


    IN Route everything that wishes come true in the New Year! So last year at midnight I wanted to sleep, so what? - Danced all night!


    Msilly Grandfather Frost, a beard made of cotton wool, I don't need gifts! Increase your salary!


    Hthe New Year should be celebrated in an unusual way, for example, with a cross on the wall.


    Di tell my daughter that I’ll give her videos, and she replies: “No need, Santa Claus will give me videos, and you are different.”
    In short, you have to buy videos and something else ...


    IN throughout the year we are all so cool: we want a new model of an iPhone, an iPad, a laptop, a cooler car ... And in December we will move away from tangerines, Christmas trees and believe in magic ...


    Haveknowing my innermost desires, Santa Claus decided to come in personally ...


    Have Americans put Christmas gifts in their socks, but for us the socks are already a New Year's gift.

    Mandarinkas went into action, so the New Year is coming soon.

    Hnew Year is coming, let the people kiss ...

    Have student only two holidays - New Year and every day.

    ABOUTdean boy asked Santa Claus brother, and received the answer: "Boy, send me your mom!"

    FROM who will spend the New Year, from that and children in September.

    Dthey say, on New Year's Eve, everything always comes true ... Even the fact that it is impossible to sell for a whole year!

    Hnew Year - the country, choking on champagne and vodka, falls into Olivier.

    - Hwhat are you doing for the New Year? - Salads.

    1 On January 6th, everyone wakes up with a fire-breathing dragon.

    Dedushka Frost, last New Year I asked you for a guy. So take this goat back and give better markers.

    Mwe sacredly promise ourselves that from the New Year we will stop doing everything that gave us the greatest pleasure in the old.

    Psing, sing, have fun, but do not lie under the tree so that Santa Claus will not take you to the sobering-up station.

    Eif in the morning you feel that you have met the New Year incorrectly, the meeting must be repeated.

    Hnew year - tangerine in my mouth! Santa Claus-Olivier in my nose!

    Zhello, Santa Claus! I'll break your nose! I already have diarrhea from your gifts for the fifth day ...

    Hthe new year is measured in liters.

    Hand never stick snowflakes on the fridge on New Year's Eve - they remind drunk guests of the letter Ж ...

    Uv... friends and all those who wished happiness, love and good luck in the last New Year. I hasten to inform - nichrome has not been fulfilled.

    FROMwe’ll spend some time on the Internet, we will not celebrate the New Year, but update it.

    Pin my opinion this is blasphemy: to kill the tree, and then walk around the corpse and sing "A Christmas tree was born in the forest"!

    H How much more fun the New Year would be if not only Santa Claus, Snegurochka and Snowflakes, but also Icicles danced around the Christmas tree.

    FROM every year New Year is more and more often ...

    H and the New Year was drinking gin. For some reason, I recalled my student days, when on new Year's table from drinks there was only vodka, and from a snack - only a tree.

    H and the New Year will be an analyst! I will keep an eye on: is everyone's poured?

    TO The number of Snow Maidens ordered for the New Year is several times higher than the number of children in our country.

    31 December I really want to start a new life with the New Year!
    And on January 1, we are not even able to continue the old ...

    D They say, on New Year's Eve, whatever you wish,
    With whom what will happen in the morning is forgotten.

    E If you woke up in an unfamiliar place under the tree and you are cold and scared, then do not rush to yell "ay-y" in a bad voice.
    Chances are it's just New Years morning.

    The main problem of the New Year is that food is no longer available!

    Better than a mistress can only be a tree. Meek, silent. You dress her in whatever you have to - is silent. You undress - not a word!

    Alcoholic, Olivier salad. Yes, everything was fine ... In the morning, shouts, "Give me a bowl urgently!"

    The first of January is not a new day in the coming year. It's one solid morning.

    On New Year's Eve, you become a real man when you dance with friends around the toilet.

    Appeal of civil servants to Santa Claus. Dear Grandfather Frost with a beard made of white cotton wool, we don't need gifts, increase your salary!

    A drunken man climbed onto the Christmas tree and waited for who would need such a gift!

    A week before the New Year, cockroaches do not appear in the kitchen. Preparing a New Year's surprise.

    A woman's dream. I would like a man to shower me with gifts, and I to him with all passion, affection and tenderness ... .. read a poem!

    I would like the New 2016 to be without war!

    Miracles, and nothing more: every year on the table the same dishes, but different adventures.

    Respect the proportions. Remember that on New Year's Eve, the human body should be 80% alcohol, 20% Olivier!

    Many on January 1 are waiting with horror for the second coming on the 13th, some are afraid of meeting the holiday according to the Chinese calendar. It all depends on how strong you are.

    New Year is like instant sex, you prepare for a long time for the sake of a second pleasure.

    Today we are visiting neighbor cockroaches, the wife of her husband informed. The neighbors went to Egypt for a week.

    Expect children in September because with whom you celebrated the New Year ...

    Most women on New Year's Eve go on a diet, give up sweets and switch to semi-dry.

    Sleep, sleep my girlfriend. Nearby Olivier and a mug.

    A long tradition. I quit drinking and smoking. Going in for sports ... awful dream!

    What can I give you? I had the imprudence to ask the newly-made spouse from his wife. It's all the same, answered the young one. The main thing is that the fur is natural!

    Statuses about 2016 year of the monkey

    On this terrible New Year, Santa Claus will not bring gifts to you or me. The monkey will take it - this is definitely its year.

    Where will the monkey come from? From a cartoon about Mowgli, an optimist - a father - answered his son.

    Announcement. I will rent roller skates to a monkey.

    The year of the monkey is coming soon. Don't forget to congratulate your girlfriend.

    You can find a huge collection of statuses and quotes on deeplyrics.ru

    New Year statuses for Odnoklassniki 2016

    The schoolboy asks for Santa Claus. Dear "old man", do it in 2016 so that the children in the class do not tease me. Thanks in advance. Vova Turd.

    And how many battles do you have in the game "Tanks", the little boy asked Santa Claus.

    Technology does not stand still. Rotating christmas tree for lazy kids. What a joy!

    Why celebrate New 2016, the smart girl asked. He will come to us himself.

    What to strive for. One boy in childhood, on New Year's Eve, fell asleep with an unrolled chocolate bar. Now he has everything in chocolate!

    What to give you for the New Year, my mother asked her daughter. Give what you want, she answered. The main thing is touchscreen with headphones.

    Childhood is when you are waiting for a holiday, and ten minutes before it starts, you are cut out.

    On the Internet, the New Year is not celebrated, but updated!

    Friends! Not far off, the New 2016 is coming soon, statuses will help us, meet it with optimism. Maybe on a festive night you will get your legal half…. Olivier salad !!!

    My Dear Dear, I congratulate you all Happy New Wonderful 2016!

    Wake me up, the day before New Year 2016, with a festive mood, tangerines and fireworks!

    New Year's morning is the most mysterious time of the day: they say it exists, but no one has seen it!

    Only January 1st, wish - Good morning, at five o'clock in the evening, is considered the most urgent wish in the New Year.

    Whoever you go to on New Year's Eve, all tables are bursting with the financial crisis.

    Hmm, judging by the beginning, I think I have already seen this New Year ...

    Each of us dreams that in the New Year he becomes happier ...

    December is not over yet, but I'm already thinking about the New Year. And the feeling that I'm half already in another year.

    New Year: Gifts for Children. Santa Claus to mom.))

    The liver is screaming with horror ... AGAIN, AGAIN New Year, well, and the ass is frolicking ... wants to have fun again.

    Happy New Year Santa Claus, I wish you more new poses.

    New Year walks across the planet ... All people are like people, and we are on the Internet ...)))

    I read the status in classmates: "do not forget to leave your classmates at 23:55 and celebrate the new year."

    New Year, New Year ... Every year it's the same ...

    They say that on New Year's Eve, whatever you wish, everything will always happen, but in the morning it will be a shame.

    As you enter the new year, leave resentment in the past.

    Even I don’t understand ... After the New Year holidays, I got fat all over from the eaten ... or just the muzzle from the drunk was swollen ...)))))))

    Somehow unexpectedly sharply felt the smell of the New Year! I really want this wonderful holiday soon ...

    Decorate the trees again, run for food. Time for happiness and trouble - best holiday New Year!

    Dear Santa Claus, give me a beautiful boy for the New Year! .. Just don't need him to lie under the Christmas tree!

    The year has changed on Earth! The country falls into Olivier.

    I was already pissed off with the question: "What are you going to do for the New Year?" What, what ... as in childhood I will meet ... with tangerines and tea :)

    To everyone who celebrates this New Year alone! You are not alone this night, there are many of us!))) I wish you that this holiday will be the last one spent alone! I wish you to find a beloved, loving, close person who will always be with you! Happy New Year 2016 !!!

    One MIRACLE on New Year's Eve still happens all the time ... The refrigerator becomes dimensionless for several days!))

    How nice to buy new Year gifts to my children. But it is much more pleasant to watch how little hands clumsily remove the wrapping paper and rejoice at the surprise found inside!

    But I wonder, was Santa Claus in the beginning was Santa or Frost?

    New Year ... And the chimes strike ... I give him a tie, He gives me ... DIAMONDS ... No, well, I will dream like this ...))))))))

    There the New Year's spirit there smells like a tree, the children will have gifts. Everything is different there ... it's a fairy tale, for adults and of course children.

    Holiday - New Year will bring good luck to everyone! Santa Claus will bring success, happiness, faith, peace, joy, and health with him!

    Coming soon ... New Year is coming! Hail planet! This is the first new year after ... the end of the world!

    Well! Happy New Year! This, so that later the statuses do not change 100 times!

    New Year's magic - all girls become prettier and kinder.

    My dear and beloved mother-in-law. Happy New Year! This is your year!

    - And I put a gift under the tree for my beloved for the New Year! - What is she? - And she is still looking for him: the taiga is big!

    I hate the new year without you ...

    So that ... New Year ... does not start from scratch ... the outgoing year ... always ends with one ...

    Who knows what is the best in the new year ?!

    New Year is when people create problems for themselves almost throughout the month in order to get drunk in one night ...))

    But not everyone has yet finished the NEW YEAR!

    New Year's corporate party of GAZPROM differs from others in that Santa Claus and Snegurochka do not fulfill wishes at it, but make them!

    New Year is coming soon, and I'm not married yet !!!)))

    I have already prepared for the New Year! I bought Alkazeltzer, Solpodein, activated carbon, festal, sorbex and enterosgel!

    I love you, I want you, well, when you come ....... New Year !!!

    Happy New Year, acquaintances and strangers, close and distant, loved and unloved, friends and enemies!

    Happiness is to be able to find for yourself the joys of each day of the new year.

    The new year has come, but you must understand that it will not change you. This is just a new year, with the arrival of which nothing changes in life.

    New Year has come ... I will insure myself against bad luck! Especially from unhappy love!

    Friends ... it's time to take care of ... where and with whom you will celebrate the New Year 2016 ... after all, there are only a few days left before it.

    One New Year's Eve - vodka, juice and tangerine.

    Yes! I am a grown girl! But New Year is coming soon and I am waiting for my New Year's magic, my unique winter fairy tale)))) ...

    On New Year's Day, snow is quietly falling outside the window, let there be joy and laughter at your table!

    Do not forget to throw out the trash before the new year; Out of the bucket ... Out of the head ... Out of life ...

    The new year is coming, let the people kiss!

    He was so severe that having bought a present for his girlfriend for the New Year, he hid it under the tree ... In the forest ...

    Due to the change in the seasonal schedule, New Year trees are on sale again!

    Yesterday, returning home from work, I saw a decorated Christmas tree in someone's window ... So I sit now and think: is it "ALREADY" or is it "STILL"? ...

    The New Year is just around the corner! Happy New Years, friends! Only step, please, quietly, and not in shit!

    I didn't pass the endurance test. I can still eat and drink, but the phrase "Happy New Year" causes a hysterical fit.

    Girls! Let's arrange a New Year's action: "Let the deer free!"

    Good Santa Claus, a cotton beard ... I'll buy everything for myself - increase my salary!

    On New Year's Day, I want ... to return what I have lost, to keep what I have, to get what I dream of ...

    New Year statuses about New Year, statuses about 2016 New Year

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