• Child 2 years How to wean from a pacifier. How easy to wean a child from a pacifier at different ages? What babes to overcome from the nipple more difficult


    Eliminating the process of care for newborn babies, parents use modern gadgets. This is diapers, educational mats, bottles, nipples. Most of all kids like pacifiers. They become their pets, they do not want to part with them. But sooner or later, moms have to decide how to wean grumbling cut from the nipple and how to make it painless for everyone. Take about it and talk.

    From this article you will learn

    Why the child loves the pacifier so much

    The attachment to the nipple is explained by the physiological and psychological characteristics of newborns. First, during the infancy a particular role is played by a sucking reflex. The ability to extract food from the mother breast depends on the degree of its development, the risk of hungry death is reduced.

    Secondly, sucking is soothing ritual. During meals, games with a nipple kid calms down, feels safe.

    Thus, the desert becomes the source of two important aspects of the life of the baby. This satisfaction needs to suck, even without a feeling of hunger, and the sedative tool at the moments of psychological overvoltage.

    As the newborn grows, the transition to solid food, the psychological aspect of sucking becomes more important, so attachment to the nipple is enhanced. At this age, the question arises when to teach the child from the pacifier.

    Than harmful nipple

    According to Dr. Komarovsky, the desert is not harmful to children. And the desire to wean from her one year old baby is a harmful effect on the psyche of mom by neighbors, other young parents, whose children did not see the nipple.

    Many pediatricians do not agree with the celocker. They believe that the sucking of silicone pacifier leads to unpleasant consequences, among them allocate:

    • incorrect formation of bite;
    • delays cognitive speech Development , nipple does not contribute to the desire to try the rest of the objects to taste, know the world;
    • infantility of kids, unwillingness to interact with the world around;
    • the oral cavity infections, sucking dirty, poorly washed toys leads to stomatitis, candidias.

    Of course, if the child was constantly sucking 1 - 3 months after the hospital, and then I forgot about it safely, then you don't need to experience it, you don't need to wait for consequences. We are talking about those children who do not break up with silicone nipples for a long time, having ceased to be breast babies, aged 2-3 years.

    At what age to teach

    The harmfulness of the pacifier for the development of a small person is not proven and not refuted by the doctors of children's medicine, psychology. The baby will quit sucking the rubber toy itself, without complaints and persuasion from adults, and may have painful attachment to it.

    • The baby does not produce a pacifier from his mouth. Screaming, nervous, if suddenly discovers the loss.
    • Baby does not want to communicate with parents, peers.
    • The child has mental illness, problems with a speech apparatus, hearing.
    • Krozka turned three years.

    To take part, choose the optimal period for the child: the kid is healthy, the house reigns peace, friendliness. The psychological situation is important, to a positive outcome.

    On a note! If the baby did not give up the nipple to the year, then wait a little and try to negotiate in a year and a half, even two. At this time, children already have a shame for babies habits, responsibility to parents for actions.

    At what age do you disrupt the child from the nipple?

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    What to do to kid not get used to

    Formation of habit is a long process. Parents themselves provoke her fixing. Mama, dads are much easier to cope with screaming childIf there is a magic nipple at hand. If you do not want in a couple of months to painfully to teach the baby from harm, then use it correctly, taking into account some recommendations:

    1. Do not force a newborn to suck a pacifier. If the baby falls asleep without it, quickly calms, calmly plays the day.
    2. Come around without a rubber assistant. Play, talk with a child, walk. Integ with new objects, train actions. There will be no time for sucking without feeling hunger.
    3. Six-month kids sweep from cups, clean the bottle from the house to 8-9 months. Water, milk, let's spoon, from a cup so that the child learns to swallow.
    4. Does not leave nipples.
    5. When the baby learns to sit well, buy him beautiful toys, cubes, pyramidsSo that it was busy in daytime games.
    6. Caution and not hurry replace sucking bottles before bedtime, dinner with spoons and fairy tale. Let the baby falls asleep under the mother's voice, forgetting about the habit of keeping a pacifier in his mouth.

    Thus, answering the question: "How to avoid addiction to the nipple?", We can say: "Not to encourage the formation of a habit, not to push the desire to fall asleep with her in the mouth and suck the day."

    What can I do

    So, you have decided on when you have to teach the baby from the pacifier. Now select the method of failure from the bad habit and find out what you can not do.

    • Do not smear the nipple with burning pepper, mustard. Yes, the sucking kid, of course, is scared and stops taking this dumb in the mouth. But they make serious harm to the child's health, can cause an allergic reaction, pain in the stomach, larynx swelling.
    • Do not use people's Council about cutting pacifier Like flower petals. This is dangerous. The child will break off the gum, swallows it and can be stored.
    • Do not press the kid psychologically. The cries and hysteries of the mother are unlikely to help quickly cope with the desire to suck the pacifier overnight. It will only aggravate the situation.
    • Do not expose tests and deprivation of a sick child. Wait until the child's well-being improves, it will be in a good spirit.

    Important! Do not from the goal of teaching the idea of \u200b\u200bFix. In this matter, the most important thing is not to harm the psyche of the baby. When choosing a separation method, based on the individual features of the crumbs, its susceptibility to innovations, decisive measures from parents.

    Smooth refusal

    For such a way of parents, you will need a little more patience. Choose a smooth refusal for overpowering crumbs under one and a half years. Start to act in stages according to the scheme:

    1. Remove the nipple from the eye only on the day. At night, give out on demand, without refusing to request any pretext, especially in the first few days.
    2. If you wish to suck the cut new toy Day to distract the one-year-old baby fun, dancing, songs.
    3. After 8 - 10 days, try to put the crumb to the fairy tale, without giving a pacifier. Be care and calm if it is crying, screaming. Give up only in extreme situations, during hysterics.
    4. For a walk, let's be a pacifier, if the baby has become serious. In other situations, forget about the rubber accessory, distract the attention of the baby with peers, birds, machine, offer to drink from the cup.
    5. If the kid rolled off her nipple and fell asleep with her, remove and hide.
    6. After a few more days after the requirements, let's only for a few minutes, without allowing you to fall asleep with her in the mouth. Agree that hide the nipple under the pillow. Do it together.
    7. SUCCESSORY DURING THE PET ON THE NIGHT soft toy. Tell me that the cozy Bear will guard the baby's sleep instead of a rubber friend.
    8. Repeat the ritual with a plush toy every day until the child gets used to.

    Important! In no case do not act by force. Do not pull out the nipple from the mouth at the moment of falling asleep. This will not give positive results, but will only strengthen the child's vigilance. He will sleep sensitively to have time to save his treasure.

    Sharp refusal

    Spartan method of refusal is suitable for kindergartens in two years. You can negotiate with them. There are several action options:

    1. Together with the Craba, take the decision to give a nipple by another Lyale. For example, the younger relative who does not live with you in the same house, neighbor. Make it solemnly. Praise the child for a decisive act. Buy instead of a dudder, which is convenient to keep in your hands in a dream or in psychologically difficult moments.
    2. Consider throw away the unnecessary subject. Sorry this, not allowing the thoughts on the refusal of the child. Order make such a step. Create weighty arguments, arguments. For example, that the son has already grown, sucking the paws ashamed.

    Then collect bottles, nipples. Roll into the trash can on the street. It is advisable to trace how the garbage truck takes the "values" forever from the life of a "adult" child.

    If the kid periodically will remember a silicone friend, remind him as he bravely entered, became big. Motivate the praise, but do not agree to cancel the decision.

    The scheme of teaching per week

    The seven-day method of teaching the nipple is ideal for babies and two-year-old kids. The process passes painlessly, quickly. Relief does not affect the psyche of the child, does not worsen the quality of sleep.

    The chart of the weekly method is as follows:

    1. From the 1st to the 5th day The kid sucks a pawless day and night. The duration of use is reduced several times. For example, at night, the nipple remains in the mouth only until full of falling asleep, and in the afternoon it is issued on demand and removes immediately after soothing, distracting toy.
    2. From 5th to 6th day Do not offer a nipple in the daytime. Allow it only before bedtime, to fall asleep.
    3. From the 6th to the 7th day Do not let the baby fall asleep with a pacifier, allow you to suck a couple of minutes before fairy tale, breastfeeding.
    4. On other days Do not let the pacifier in front of the night bed, replacing it with breasts.

    If the crumb cannot fall asleep, it cries a lot, make relief. Extend the deadline for 10 to 14 days. If the baby wakes up at night, do not offer a nipple, better drink milk from a cup, compote.

    But what thinks to teach a child from the nipple Dr. Komarovsky.


    A modern Silicone Stoppi silicone device can be excellent replacement. This is a special piece of soft material that can fix the bite and wean even three-year-old kids from the pacifier.

    Stoppi use several weeks to obtain a positive effect. They play in his mouth in the afternoon, they fit to bed, but clean after falling asleep.

    Stoppi plate will not be stress for the child. The rejection of the usual pacifier will be gently, painlessly. With the help of an orthodontic record, you can achieve other results:

    • prevent the formation of open bite;
    • get rid of oral respiration;
    • weaning the monthly kids to suck your fingers;
    • positively affect the development of the lower jaw.

    Important! Simultaneous use of pacifiers and StopPI are unacceptable. If you have decided to go exactly this way, then once and forever refuse other silicone attributes for sleep, day wake.

    If the child does not sleep without a pacifier

    Wean the baby to suck the pacifier in the afternoon easier than abandoning the bad habit for the night. The rate of dumping depends on how much time in general the kid spends with a silicone friend per day and how much you decide to wean from this habit.

    If a crumb less than a year , then use some tricks to take care of a nipple:

    1. Make feeding mode so that or a bottle with milk. Let sucks them to the end, and then listens to the song, fairy tales.
    2. You will have to sleep with a child together. Instead of dusting, offer breasts. But only 3-4 minutes.

    Excavation from nipple before bed in the second year of life Toys, rubber rings will help for teething. They take them with them into bed, gnaw, keep in their hands. Toys help the baby to sleep.

    With three-year-old kindergartens Spend a conversation about the damage to the nipple, agree to become adults, but overnight 2-3 times near. The child will be difficult to fall asleep. He wakes up several times. Will require attention and affection. Remove adult guys from the pacifier is better sharply, trying not to return to this topic later.

    The age criterion does not matter to form a sleeping ritual. Swing your baby, pat on the back, sing songs. Make a process of fascinating, memorable, connect to the evening game dad, older brothers, sisters. A distracting maneuvers will help wean the baby from the idea of \u200b\u200bhaving to suck the rubber thing before bedtime.

    Important! To ensure that the kindergarten does not replace the pacifier or the edge of the blanket. If you notice such maneuvers, calm the child, shook, sleep together in the embracing.

    No need to lose hope if the separation process is delayed. Remember that all children are individual. To speed up the process, use the following tips:

    Do not try to perform the instructions of neighbors, grandmothers who do not like the baby, the suction nipple in a two-year old age. Choose time, the method of teaching, based on the individual characteristics of the child and the state of health. In this case, the process will pass painlessly and quickly.

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    The baby begins to suck his finger in his mom's abdomen. In the first months and years of child's life, a sucking reflex is very strong. Over time, this need is weakening, but does not disappear completely. The moment comes when it is necessary to stop this practice, and then the question arises: how to wean a child from the nipple (pacifier)?

    The easiest thing is not to accomplish your child to the nipple. For a baby, which is nuts with maternal milk, the nipple is practically not needed, even if it is not fed, not on demand, but by the hour. But for the baby on artificial feeding The dummy is simply necessary because it is easier to drink an artificial blend than milk from the mother's chest. The dummy needs an artician in order to develop the motility of the face muscles, thanks to which he can learn to speak.

    From this article you will learn:

    Pacifier gives many advantages for children and parents. Here they are:

    • When small child Suck something (finger or pacifier), he is experiencing a fortune of happiness and tranquility.
    • Nipple helps the child to fall asleep.
    • The dummy distracts the baby during unpleasant procedures, such as vaccination.
    • The use of the nipple significantly reduces the risk of sudden childhood syndrome (SVDS).
    • Sucking a pacifier distracts the baby during the flight, soothes it and reduces discomfort caused by air pressure drops. The process of sucking can get rid of the ears.
    • It is much easier to wean a child to suck the pacifier than your own finger, because the pacifier can pick up, hide, cut and throw it away.

    What can be dangerous nipple

    Although it has already been scientifically proven that the nipple cannot cause any harm to the health of the child, and the curvature of the teeth is not at all due to the fact that the child sucks a pacifier or not, there are a negative aspect of this phenomenon that those who wonder how to wean the kid from Nipples.

    In the seventh month of the life of the baby, a sucking reflex naturally fuses. Up to this age, suck the child is simply necessary to eat, but for the baby older to suck a finger or a pacifier - this is already a bad habit. But it is hard to part with a nipple because the process resembles my mother's care and causes a sense of security. It is very difficult to say goodbye to this, but the child needs to gradually grow.

    Children who do not have long to abandon the pacifier, are later socialized - they are starting to talk later to their peers. Nipple in the mouth at the kid prevents the sounds and words that pronounce adults. The lack of speech development and communication skills leads to underdevelopment of thinking.

    Very often deserted "save" too busy parents who do not remove enough time to their chad. Such a child grows infantile, sluggish, is not interested in anything. In this case, sucking helps the baby compensate for the lack parental Love And attention, because the child feels forgotten and no one needs.

    Children are best parted with a nipple at the age of eight or nine months. Of course, nothing terrible will happen if the baby continues to suck a pacifier even to two to three years, but it is desirable to wean him as early as possible. To understand how to wean a child from a nipple (pacifier), you need to figure out why the baby is tied to this habit.

    False beliefs about nipples

    Excessive attachment to a pacifier is not a dependence on which it is extremely difficult to get rid of. This simply one of the myths. The practice of using this subject is replete with false ideas. Here is some of them:

    • Each child needs to use the nipple. The newborn baby is beginning to teach to the pacifier immediately after returning from the maternity hospital, but the baby constantly spits her. Do not make the child forcibly take a nipple in his mouth - if he does not want to suck a paw, leave him alone.
    • When the teeth are cut, the nipple is simply necessary. In fact, it is better to use special coolant rings inside. They facilitate the suffering of the child and massage the gums.
    • Completely contraindicated to "disinfect" the nipple of a child with parental saliva. In the mouth, even a completely healthy adult with absolutely healthy teeth and gums dwells a lot of bacteria that can harm the gentle body of the infant. If the nipple fell to the floor, it is best to sterilize it, and the baby give a new pacifier.
    • In order to quickly wean a child from the nipple, it is necessary to smear it with something bitter, mustard, for example. This can not be done. Unusual and unpleasant taste can cause severe stress in the kid, which in the future can even lead to a violation of digestion.

    There are painless and not traumatic ways to wean the baby from the nipple.

    How to wean from a pacifier without psychological injuries

    Preferably child part with a nipple up to the yearBecause then the stress will be small. Two days later, the baby will already completely quietly forget about his beloved subject. At the age of one and two years old with the child, it is already necessary to "negotiate": "exchange" the nipple on a new toy, "give" a dog or a squirrel, to say that the nipple stole a mouse, etc.

    In this situation, the hardness is most importantly, there is no more pacifier, there will be no more, and there is no possibility to buy another. You can use little trick - gradually cut off from the nipple along a small piece, while it becomes absolutely unsuitable, and the child will refuse her himself. Just do not cut off at once half the nipples, and then the scandal is provided.

    The sucking reflex fade between the eighth month of life and the year, and his place occupies chewing. It is necessary to use this - to offer a child instead of a pacifier crust bread or drying. When the teeth are shouted, then the food can be given by pieces. Gradually limit the use of nipples.

    Child's mouth can be taken by anything else - let him learn to play on his drawing, whistles in the whistle, sings or blows soap bubbles. You can only leave a pawner in extreme cases - when a child cannot calm down or fall asleep. But then it is still necessary to carefully remove the nipple from the mouth of the baby.

    Organize the Ritual "Farewell" with a pacifier. Tell your child that in a few days a fairy will come with a gift, but for a gift it will be necessary to give a nipple. The kid will have enough time to prepare for this sad event, a gift from the fairies will smooth the bitterness of "parting".

    The child stretches to the nipple when he is experiencing stress and negative emotions - chagrin, fatigue, boredom, so try to find an interesting lesson for him, let him hold a favorite toy, read the book, keep some time to him. Drive the baby to walk, organize games and meetings with friends on the street and at home.

    Let the child be busy with pleasant and useful things. If the child expands the circle of communication, he will see that many peers no longer use the pacifier. It will help him get rid of the old habit. New interests and hobbies will be out of the life of the baby's familiar nipple.

    Psychological reasons for failure

    To understand how you can wean a child from the nipple, it is necessary to analyze the psychological reasons that interfere quickly get rid of this habit. The most common of them are:

    • The baby needs additional care and attention. The nipple is associated for a child with maternal breasts, with a feeding process, with a feeling of safety and serenity. Children with a shortage of this need can be found by visibility and passivity. How to wean a child from a pacifier in this situation? Conduct more time in dealing with baby and joint games. If you can not devote a lot of time to your child for various reasons, then try to make a brief joint time to fill with bright emotions and experiences, and devote all your attention exclusively to the baby.
    • The child does not want to grow up. Tell your child how interesting to be adults that adults know a lot and know how. Please convince the baby that he has already grown, has become big, and adults do not use nipples. Instead of using nipples, come up with a child any "adult" activity.
    • The child returned to the pacifier again when he went to kindergarten. This is a kind of stress response caused by the new environment and an unusual setting. In this situation, the nipple reminds him of the usual, stable and safe - house and mom. How to wean a baby from the nipple in this situation? Give him another "piece of home" with you, for example, your favorite toys. You can give a child every day in a kindergarten box with a surprise from Mom and from the dad, which he can open after breakfast. It will remind the baby about the house and make you feel better.
    • Parents still give a child liquid mixtures and drinks in a bottle. To wean a baby from a pacifier, completely stop doing it - let the child drinks from a mug or a cup. Of course, it will be children's plastic dishes, but in this way you can show the child that he is already an adult and behaves like adults, which also drink from mugs and cups. Be patient to the fact that the baby sheds drinks and dirt table - the baby's motorcy will develop, and the positive results will not wait for a long time.

    The biggest mistake is to draw a child for sucking the "like small." This method can only lead to psychological injury. On the contrary, praise the baby for the fact that he did not succeed for a nipple for a long time. Try during this period not to load it with new tasks, for example, to pass to the pot, because the abundance of new tasks can lead the child to stress. And the reaction to stress can be a refund to the pacifier.

    A small child is not only a comprehensive joy and limitless happiness of the parents, but also the mass of worries and hassles that take almost all their free time. Feed, put, walk, entertain, console - the head goes around! Therefore, it is often that the baby gives parents the opportunity to rest a little, they choose an ordinary pacifier in the "allies", called a bevel.

    The days and months go, the child is happy to pull into his mouth and day, and at night, having arrange the hysteria about her absence, and mom finally understands: it's time to wean a child from a pacifier. But how to do it if the baby against such a "bad" proposal is actively protesting? Still, because he spent his days and nights with her, and now he wants to deprive such a cute and pleasant to the taste of a friend.

    And here it begins the real war! Mom scolds Chado, trying to wean a child from a pacifier, and tells him terrible fairy tales: they say if he does not stop doing it, then the teeth will grow rare, like a woven, and terrible bruises will bite him behind his nose. Yes, only a child "listens, yes eats," or rather, sucks, and it is not going to stop friendship with a pacifier.

    Moreover, he not only hides her under the pillow and in a stroller, but also "steals" the nipple in the yard from other kids. Seeing this, moms are enough for her head, but nothing can do anyway!

    So when you need to teach a child from the pacifier so that such problems do not occur? How to do it right? What errors can not be allowed in the process of teaching, and what tricks, on the contrary, can help mothers on this difficult path? About this and many other things in our current article.

    Why is addictive to the nipple?

    For starters, let's figure it out why the child gets like a simple pacifier. The fact is that a sucking reflex is one of the main reflexes of the newborn, which immediately after the child appears to be checked by pediatricians. After all, it is in a sucking reflex that the kid's further ability is to develop correctly and even to eat well with the appetite!

    Most babies satisfy it when applied to the chest, and therefore calmly cost no nipple. But the rest of the children cannot control the reflex and begin to behave any restless, tightening everything in her mouth, the edge of the blankets, a toy and even their own finger, thereby increasing the risk of infecting any other infection.

    What bass to overcome from the nipple more difficult?

    It is impossible not to say about the category of children, to wean from the nipples that are not so difficult - it is simply impossible! Let's look at them in detail.



    Let's just say that such kids are a bit - somewhere 2-3%. Their peculiarity is that they try the world to taste: the rattle in the mouth will shove, then the paw of the bear, then a piece of paper. This is not a whim, but the natural need they satisfy.

    "Survived injury"

    After a long disease, the kid can stick to the nipple strongly. In difficult times, she calmed him down, because after solving the "problems" remains a true friend for him.

    Is the desert for a child harmful?

    Some moms are afraid that the baby who does not part with the pacifier will face speech problems in the future, as the letters will be incorrectly. Also, many of them suggest that the teeth of the child will grow by curves and ugly.

    What do doctors talk about it?

    The original theory does not confirm, but they warn parents about a friend: a child who is accustomed to the nipple is not very interested in what is happening around him, and therefore can grow a rather closed man.

    And the doctors argue that simple and harmless to look like a dummy can spoil the baby bite. Therefore, my mother should have to pass the child not only from the nipple, but also from the desire to push the fingers into the mouth and suck them (and this is sometimes much more difficult than the fight against the bevel).

    When is it worth a teaching?

    As a rule, many kids independently stop sucking a pacifier when they are marching or two. However, it is not necessary to rejoice at it, because to teach the baby from the nipple is necessary much earlier: from 3 months and up to a year.

    Moreover, most children are fully prepared to part with a pacifier from 3 to 6 months of life, only moms do not notice it. And, most importantly: during this period, the excavation from the nipple is less traumatic for the child.

    Therefore, if you noticed that the child stopped actively interested in the nipple, switched his attention to something more advanced, but not harmful to his health, support his "solution" and hide the pacifier away.

    Four methods of refusal from the nipple

    To date, there are several effective ways Wean a child from the nipple.

    Smooth refusal: for kids up to 1-1.5 years

    Smooth failure involves getting rid of the pacifier in a few weeks.

    According to this technique, it is necessary:

    • do not take a nipple with you to the street;
    • hide the pacifier away afternoon;
    • teach a child to drink from the favorite cup;
    • occupy child fascinating games;
    • put in the baby's bed your favorite toy so that he felt protected;
    • do not leave the room until the ditenas fall asleep.

    After some time, after the adoption of the measures listed, the baby will forget about his not so long ago, the favorite "friend".

    Sharp refusal: for kids from 1.5 years and older

    A sharp refusal is a way to get rid of nipples for kids who already understand their parents well.

    So that he worked must select one of the options:

    • solemnly handing the nipple with a newborn baby. Since your child is already aware that he has become "adults", then give a girlfriend to the Lyalechka, who needs more in need, will not be difficult for him;
    • send a pacifier to distant swimming: it so needs a small fish or a middle bunny! After all, only the nipple can protect them in the dark forest from Barmaley;
    • throwing a pacifier into a window or trash. True, this option is not suitable for all children, but only the most calm and stopped.

    After the farewell with the nipple will take place, it is necessary to give something very good, at the same time noticing that only independent kids play with such valuable toys.

    Failure for the week is possible?

    Some moms are divided into forums with their own stories about how to wean from the child's pacifier in just a week.

    We cannot but tell you about this method. However, as far as it is effective and applied to you, only practice will show.

    Action Scheme:

    1. Let's nipple a child for 5 days 2 times less than usual (not for 30 minutes, and 15, not an hour, and half an hour).
    2. Next 2-3 days offer nipples only at night. It is better to give it for a few minutes, and then replace with breasts.

    At the same time, do not "push" a dummy in his mouth just like that, and only when he really needs it.

    Stoppi for kids from two years

    Modern medicine invented another one an effective way teaching from the nipple, which is called simply: "Stoppy" (STOPPI). This is a special orthodontic record, which needs to be given to a child in return for a pacifier.

    Manufacturers argue that only a few weeks of applying this plate are able to extend the baby from the nipple forever (the use of "traditional" pacifiers during this period is not allowed).

    A small minus "Stoppy" is that it is possible to purchase it only in pharmacies, and it is suitable only for already grown children (in 2 years or older).

    All children are different, and therefore a single recipe for teaching a child from the nipple does not exist. However, thanks to the observation of moms and experience doctors, it is much easier to do this today than about 50 years ago.

    So, general advice on this will be such:

    Do not impose nipples if it is not needed

    If your child from the first days of life feels wonderful and without a pacifier, does not pull his finger in his mouth and sleep well, it's not worth imposing her baby at all.

    Communication - mother of teaching

    If you are how to communicate with the baby throughout the day, demonstrating the beauty of the world and its features, he just will not have time to friendship with a nipple.

    Drink health not harm

    If you teach the child to drink from the circle somewhere in half a year, it quickly lit up a swallowing reflex and will lose the need for bottles and nipples.

    Tale for the night - solving problems

    If you tell the baby fairy tale before bedtime, then by the year you can replace the pawn to a whole series of fascinating stories.

    Day games are so exciting!

    If the child will play during the day with cubes and pyramids, he will not be distracted on a simple sucking.

    Out of sight, out of mind

    If you yourself will not persistently offer a nipple to a child and become reminded of its existence, he may well forget about her after a couple of days.

    What can not be done in the process of teaching?

    Some moms on the way of getting rid of the nipples make a lot of unforgivable mistakes. So, what can not be done in the process of teaching?


    In no case cannot cut the nipple. Imagine what will happen if the baby bits off this "chamomile" a piece? He either falls into the stomach or will cause a spasm of his throat.

    Lubricate with food

    Do not smear the nipple mustard. Not all adult resistant tolerates this "nasty" in the mouth, which is already talking about a small child! Plus, this is not entirely safe, as the mustard causes swelling and spasm of the throat.

    Also, it is also impossible for no circumstances to smear the poodle with syrup, because sweet not only spoils his teeth, but also causes severe addiction.

    Shout on a child

    In no case can not shout on the baby, if he strongly asks a pacifier. The child does not understand why mom is so angry with him and is even more starting to harm.


    And finally, you should not deprive the child or begin the process of teaching the nipple when he is sick or a teeth are cut.

    What to do in the case of "relapse"?

    When you get rid of a pacifier, be prepared for the fact that the child can poke a few days and again bother on his "girlfriend". Perhaps he will even wake up at night and demand that they will be returned to the homeland.

    If the whims continue to continue for a very long time (more than 10 days), and you will notice that the psychological state of the baby becomes restless, just buy a new pacifier to the child and after a while, repeat the "ottoman" procedure.

    Do not be afraid that your child passes with a nipple to the retirement itself: almost all children by 3 years forget about the pacifier completely.

    In what cases is an emergency refusal of a pacifier?

    Excessive attachment to the nipple

    Sometimes it happens that already a pretty adult baby does not produce a nipple from the mouth: day and night he moose and loudly screams, if suddenly loses his pacifier somewhere. In this case, an emergency response is necessary: \u200b\u200byou should not wait for a "suitable" period, it is better to start teaching right now.

    So, how to act, if time is missing, and something needs to do something?

    Explain the situation

    Tell the child, what harm brings him a nipple: she spoils his teeth, prevents him from talking, makes let the drool ... whatever, just that the kid understands you! Just do not scold him and do not laugh at him, showing a finger on the child.

    "Lose" dust

    Hide the nipple. Yes, it's so easy - remove from the eye, and that's it. Gather to visit my grandmother, and leave her at home. Do not run the baby behind her through the forests and fields?

    "Spoil" nipple

    Cut from the nipple most (just do not cut the whole!). Baby, taking "lying" in his mouth, plunge the nipple in bewilderment: why did she become such a hole? If the child will ask about what happened, explain: the big bear came from the forest, I wanted to try my pacifier Yes, it was inadvertently.

    Hearing Defects or Speech

    Also, you should not wait for the moment when the baby solemnly gives you a nipple in your hand and refuses it if he has problems with hearing or with a speech.

    It is better to solve the problem once and for all, stuffing the river the Tears and a week of sleepless nights, than to reap the fruits of your "lifelong" maternal labor.

    Summing up

    Meeting the baby from the nipple is so simple. Some kids in 1 year old without any problems find themselves new interests and forget about the pacifier in a week or two, while the other months are still looking for a nipple, rolling up regular hysteries to their parents.

    Therefore, the age in which you will teach a child from a pacifier, individual not only for every baby, but also for each family. Even cultural values \u200b\u200band traditions play a big role in this: if in Italy a four-year-old child with a pacifier in his mouth will not cause surprise, then we will look at Kosos in Russia.

    However, thinking about how to wean a child from a pacifier, you must remember: you should not be equal to this question on the advice of neighbors and relatives. It is better to do everything so carefully and correctly that the kid will refuse his own nipple and felt just awesome!

    A newborn baby is initially developed sucking reflex. The child's need for sucking in the first four months is very high. Many newborns are poorly managed with their own hands, so if you teach a child to a pacifier before he learns to suck a finger, then this problem will not arise, since its main reason is the unsatisfied instinct of sucking, which different children are different. Pediatricians believe that children are on breastfeeding, less often suck your fingers. If the child sucks a finger to feeding, it can be from hunger, if after - says that he has not fully satisfied with a sucking reflex, and immediately offer to him a pacifier. Doctors recommend considering a sucking need, first of all, as having a physiological nature. Most children in the first months of life are found in the sucking of a pacifier or thumb A fairly effective soothing agent that helps them easier to fall asleep and creates a feeling of protection and comfort. Pretty and getting acquainted with the world, the child finds other means of calm, for example, the participation of parents, over time, he forgets about a pacifier and uses it only then to fall asleep, and then he refuses her at all. This usually happens on the first - second year of life.

    What are harmful to the paws?

    From point of view psychologiststhere is quite a rigid position: the dummy turns off children from the outside world! There is no reliable data confirming this theory. Most likely, not a dummy, but the desire of the parents to take her child, instead of paying enough attention to him. By the way, it is the kids who do not have to communicate, care and parental love that feels permanent psychological discomfort, much stronger dependent on the pacifier than their happier peers. On the one hand, of course, a child cannot conduct studies with a pacifier in the mouth, and this is the necessary stage called "Everything in the mouth!": Lick, suck, chew - the crumb is trying "peace to taste", thus expanding its horizons. At the same time, the children seem to be not knowing this theory, calmly spinning a pacifier, when you need to explore something, and then return it to your mouth.

    But opinions logopedov We were divided: some argue that children begin to speak late, because in their mouth they had a dummy and distracted from the need to pronounce words and sounds, other, on the contrary, - what the dummy contributes to the training of speech muscles. It is extremely difficult to put an accurate experiment, because there is no possibility to trace how the speech of the same child develops from birth to school first with a pacifier, and then without it. If moms early finish breastfeeding children, then the child does not have time to "pump" the corresponding muscles of the face. The fact is that the tip of the language is actively working at sucking - the most important participant in the speech process. If, besides, moms strive to teach children to a cup and a spoon as early as possible, then the kids do not have time to hurt and nipple on a bottle. Sucking is a very important process for the child. His insufficiency can have a variety of negative consequences - both emotional, and speech therapy. In addition, children and after a year eat more and more crushed food-make-made mashed potatoes, soluble porridge, yogurts. That is, for the most part, children do not chew and do not bite, and therefore the muscles do not train. The most common opinion about the dangers of a pacifier is that it is capable of preventing the proper formation of bite.

    Tomatologists They warn that the unlimited use of the pacifier artificially creates bite anomalies: the jaws are not closed, as a result, the upper teeth stick out forward, and the lower "lie" in the mouth. If you are, or rather, your baby can do without pacifier - come around. Try not to launch the situation. However, the baby's babies are just necessary, if the instinct of sucking is not satisfied due to sucking the nipples of the bottle. But, in any case, you should not abuse them. Try that the dummy would lie all the time in a prominent place, otherwise the crumbs will be tempting to keep her in the mouth constantly. During sleep, it is better to pull the baby to the baby from the mouth, but leave it next to the pillow within reach.

    When and how to teach a child from a pacifier?

    Third - Sixth Month of Life

    The first signs of readiness to quit a pacifier are observed in a child at this time. If a child falls asleep without a pacifier and does not show interest in her until he sees, it's time to "catch the moment." You should not throw a pacifier on the first day when the child starts to suck it less. Its need sucking cannot be cut so sharply. Following the wishes of the child, start gradually to teach it. Try to tell him a fairy tale at night, spoil the lullaby, take it attention until it falls asleep. In the afternoon, try to entertain crumbling interesting games, walks, try to distract it as much as possible.

    From six months to two years

    If you failed to wean the baby up to a year, do not suffer questions, it seems: "Is it harmful to a child? And isn't it strange that at eight months the baby often asks the pacifier, and at some moments and it does not part with it? ". And then the grandmother's magnificent life is still noticed that "at her time, children did not go to a year with a nipple," the daughter did not recognize her daughter from the very beginning, he herself fell asleep. And the good neighbor aunt Masha says that he heard somewhere that "it is very harmful to bite, and for something else there." And here you, having listened to the Soviets and wishes, along the way "Having hoisted" yourself about "Yes, that I don't care about my child," pick up a beloved toy from nothing with birth, to which he got used to . Perhaps the child will take it calmly and just get used to sleep without a pacifier. But the likelihood that the period of teaching will be long enough and psychologically heavy both for a child and for parents. Take patience and understand: For the baby, this is the first in life parting with the familiar gesture of his small world, sucking before bedtime - a kind of ritual, after which he is used to fall asleep. Do not perceive his reluctance to abandon the pacifier as Caprice - after all, we, adults, do not love to give up our habits, although we understand that some of them are harmful. The kid after all is not aware of what is harmful, but what is useful, especially since the pacifier gave him mom. If you feel that the child needs a dummy, do not pay attention to what the neighbors or relatives say. In any case, this is your child, and only you and he is better to know what he needs now. Want to wean from the pacifier sharply - think if it does not cause this psychological trauma, because if the baby is tied to his first friend and his beloved toy, for him, dump in any case will be stressful. For a child, sharpness is incomprehensible, he is accustomed to your care and attention to every step. So treat it with sensitivity, listen to it and its needs. It would be wrong to take the baby to the baby with a force or pretend that you lost her, at the moment when the child is not in itself and he begs to give it to him. Do not be angry with a child or tease him about this. The baby needs to help "erase" this habit. Try not to miss the moment when the child is ready to abandon the pacifier itself - this best way parting. For you, this moment may be not the most successful. After all, he with unaccustoms can start to sleep worse, it will be more difficult to calm it during crying, etc. To speed up the process of cancellation from pacifier, psychologists recommend as follows:

    1. If the child first learned to drink from a cup (seven or eight months), he should also be served in a cup (Pial, Plate), so that the bottle forget faster.
    2. In no case cannot offer a child to the child (unless he persistently require it).
    3. It is also important that the child can satisfy his need to manipulate objects by developing fingers. He should always be at hand to the toys so that, doing them, he was distracted from a pacifier.

    After two years

    You can try to tell the baby fairy tale About someone small and defenseless, which now needs a pacifier, as he needed when he was very small. And get the dudder to the crumb from the fairy tale, well, at all, except from your baby. It is necessary to promote the acceleration of the process very carefully. For example, once "Lose" Smooth house and see what will happen. If the child is against - immediately "find" the loss. If you see that the Karapuz falls asleep and without a pacifier, but not yet refuses to take it: start laying it without it. In the afternoon, just try to make your favorite item, if he detects it and demands it, "give it without disputes.

    Do not sharpen attention On a pacifier, but understand that each of your "puncture" is an excess reminder, which means a step back on the way to getting rid of the habit. Remember that now you need a baby more than usual. Plan so that spend. Do not forget - the moments are possible when the old friend is needed: for example, if the baby is hanged because of the new tooth or after vaccination. Surely the baby has some desire that you can fulfill. Offer him to ask the desired good wizard who in return for a pacifier will perform a cherished dream. Perhaps the child will be happy that he will forget about the pacifier. Try cut your favorite porch Scissors, and having encouraging the baby, explain to the child that the old things are spoiled and break when they are no longer needed that he has already grown, so the dummy and broke. If the baby still does not understand what you can buy a new one, it will most likely lose interest to it. Another way: you can "damage" a favorite pacifier, Slicing from her every day on a small piece, until one ring remains. Answer questions that you probably need some kind of mother-astrust to the baby for babies, it's a little bit and dragged. Perhaps the Karapuz for some time will be wearing a ring with him or fall asleep with him. There is nothing terrible in this, but the habit will gradually forgotten. You can tell the baby touching history about Carlson (Bird, a bee), which arrives in the evenings behind a baby for a baby living in his neighborhood, who can not sleep without it. And I chose Carlson exactly our house, because I saw that you were already big, and you can sleep without a pacifier. In the family where the child has a little brother or sister, you can ask give the youngerSince he was lost, and he is already big and, of course, will cope without it. Just do not forget to hide the "lost" pacifier! If a child without a pacifier in the afternoon lives normally, but needs it only to fall asleep, you can try give him a favorite toy in the crib. And at first let him sleep and with the other. And then, if enough attention is paid to the toy, the pacifier carefully pick up. But immediately return if the baby will ask. You can also ask him give a pacifier to your favorite toy. But the most important thing is: if you are learning the baby already in a conscious age, you need to negotiate with him. This should be his decision, perhaps the proposed by you. Someone from children does not take a pacifier at all. Someone can not without it. Someone early becomes independent, and someone can not get used to a short time Tell with mom. The child has its own schedule and your task is to help him refuse this habit at the time when the baby is ready for this. The child will definitely understand that he is no longer needed by the dummy. Your task is to confirm the correctness of his thoughts. Forcing the refusal of a child from a pacifier is not worth it. Your baby one day will throw it anyway. It is only necessary to prepare it correctly.

    How can not wean a child from a pacifier

    • Enjoy the "old proven" methods like smearing the poodle mustache. Imagine yourself at the place of the child: you would not have moved easily!
    • "Split" a pacifier. The danger that he suppresses her fragments is much terrible than the extra months of sucking.
    • Shout at the kid.
    • Scare a child. All problems that may arise from the pacifier are much less terrible than psychological trauma leading to neurosis.
    • Tease baby. This is either offended and upset, or he called you even longer will not throw a pacifier.
    • Check out a child. If he in early childhood caught you deception, you can lose his trust.

    As you know, sucking is one of the most important reflexes that should develop in newborns. It is this reflex that allows kids to receive food. It happens that individual children are developed too much, and they need not only in sucking chest or a bottle, but also in a pacifier.

    We need to teach the baby from the paws solely when the parents are not ready for this, but the child himself. The desire to see the child with adults or the pressure of the opinions of others should not lead the actions of parents trying to deprive the Son or the daughter of that subject, which is often needed by a child like air.

    At what age you need to teach a child from a pacifier?

    So, you decide that your baby is time to become an adult and fall from the nipple. It is believed that the baby should be thrown solely when he completely switched to food from a common table. Until that time, that is, while he sucks the chest, even if sometimes, it will be extremely difficult to abandon the nipple.

    At each age, when tearing, you need to apply your approach:

    1. In 1.5 years will tell you the observation of the baby. If he calmly relates to the fact that you are removing your damp without a reason, you can't give it for a long time, perhaps you should try to stop using it.
    2. How to wean a child from a pacifier at 2.5 years old can be understood by asking the child, having agreed with him. Usually B. this age Children can already express and understand the intentions of parents and the consequences of the nipples.
    3. How to wean a child from a pacifier in 3 years will tell you the logic and the child himself. Agree with him that it's time to part with a pacifier, explain why this is important, and that he will receive in return. Most likely, regular conversations on emitting parents The topic will soon give a positive result.
    Dill from the pacifier in 2 years

    Since we will wean a child from a pacifier in 2 years much easier than at an earlier age, attempts to do this should be started during this period. Tell how to wean from the pacifier in 2 years. In this case, you can act in two ways:

    1. Gradual teaching, due to which the time to use the dummy is gradually shrinking and, in the end, it comes down to zero. It can be started in order not to give a nipple during the day during active wakefulness, and to give it only before placing sleep.
    2. Sharp parting with a pacifier with the consent of the child. In two years, the baby already understands a lot and may agree to hold a special farewell ceremony with this subject, which can be in a solemnly ejection or donation to another child.
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