• What should a bottle-fed baby do? All about artificial feeding (IV). Features of artificial feeding


    Feeding a baby is a very responsible process. And it all starts with the choice of the mixture. How to feed a newborn or one month old baby? For babies in the first half of life, it should be highly adapted, that is, as similar as possible to.

    This mixture is called "initial", and the packaging will show a one. For children over six months, there are “follow-up” mixtures, the composition of which meets the needs of the grown body.

    They are more protein, fat and trace elements. The packages are marked with a “2”.

    If the child spits up often and more than expected, antireflux mixture will help. In case of a violation of the digestion of food, fermented milk mixtures, mixtures containing beneficial bacteria will come to the rescue.

    When choosing a mixture, it is advisable to consult a doctor. When buying a mixture, you need to pay attention to the expiration date and the integrity of the package.

    There are also mixtures that include special components that have a specific therapeutic effect. So, if someone in the family suffers from allergies, it is advisable to start with a hypoallergenic mixture.

    Specially prepared dishes

    Feeding bottles must be cleaned and sterilized beforehand. This can be done by boiling them for 5-10 minutes or using a special sterilizer. The bottle in which the mixture is diluted must be dry.

    The nipple should be selected with the expectation that the mixture will not flow out of it in a trickle, but drop by drop. This will ensure active sucking, and not just swallowing the pouring mixture. What is important for the development of the maxillofacial apparatus.

    Diet and routine

    This is a very important point. The baby gets her food on demand. How many times does a child need to eat on IV? The schedule depends on the age. So, a newborn eats 7 - 9 times a day, a child 2 - 5 months old - 6 - 7 times, a six months old child needs to eat 5 - 6 times a day.

    To do this, you first need to determine the daily amount of food. How much a baby should eat depends on his weight and age. So, up to two months, a child needs a food volume in the amount of 1 ̸ 5 of his weight, at 2 - 4 months - 1 ̸ 6, at 4 - 6 months 1 ̸ 7 by body weight, over six months - 1 ̸ 8.

    For example, a child at 1 month weighs 4.5 kilograms, then he needs 900 milliliters of the mixture per day. It must be remembered that this volume should not exceed 1 liter.

    To determine the amount of mixture required for one feeding, divide the daily allowance by the required number of feedings. This will be 100 to 130 milliliters of the mixture.

    It happens that the child eats a little less or more. A slight breakdown is possible. Systematic overfeeding or underfeeding should not be allowed. For a child, this is fraught with obesity or.

    The volumetric method described above is the simplest and most convenient to use. If necessary or in the presence of weight problems, the doctor can calculate for a particular child the volume of a certain mixture by the calorie method and taking into account the age-related need for proteins, fats and carbohydrates.

    How to prepare the mixture?

    You only need to use boiled water... The volume of water required for one feeding at a temperature of 50˚C is poured into the bottle and the prescribed amount of the mixture is poured (it is indicated in detail on the package). Everything is thoroughly shaken and mixed.

    How to feed with formula?

    How to feed your baby correctly? Before feeding, make sure optimal temperature prepared mixture. To do this, drop it on the wrist (on the palmar surface). Its temperature should not be felt by the skin.

    Wash your hands with soap and water. Get into a comfortable position. Special pillows will help with this, with the use of which you can comfortably position both yourself and the child. In this case, feeding will become a pleasant rest for the nursing person and a source of necessary tactile contact for the baby.

    Therefore, it is better to take him in your arms. If the child is prone to excessive spitting up, it is better to keep him upright. In other cases, it is semi-vertical.

    Turn the bottle upside down so that the mixture completely fills the nipple and neck, and the air rushes to the bottom. This will prevent the baby from swallowing air and developing colic.

    Care should be taken to ensure that the mixture drips from the nipple, not pours out. Over time, nipples wear out and need replacing.

    If there is a ready mix left

    According to the rules, the mixture remaining after feeding must be poured out. But it can still be stored a little. At one - two hours and no more than half a day in the refrigerator. Before feeding this mixture, it must be heated to an acceptable temperature.


    Artificial nutrition of the child must be supplemented with liquid - water, weak broths of wild rose and tea (not the usual one that we drink every day, but children's, herbal tea).

    In hot weather and in a room with dry air, the amount drunk must be increased by 50 - 100 ml. It is also worth monitoring the child's health.

    Babies who were fed with a mixture begin to introduce complementary foods earlier than infants. From 4 - 4.5 months they are already beginning to be given, from 5 - porridge.

    How do you know if a formula is not suitable for a child?

    Often it is impossible to pick up the mixture the first time. What will testify to this?

    • indigestion;

    If, after eating, the child spits up a lot and ̸ or diarrhea or constipation begins, the mixture is not suitable. When there are violations, but they are insignificant, it can be left for a week. If during this time nothing has changed, the food must be changed;

    • allergic manifestations.

    The very first sign of an allergy is a rash (dermatitis). These can be both single elements of it, and merging spots all over the body.

    Reactions to mixtures based on cow's milk develop more often. They can be replaced with a mixture based on protein waterproofing and soy isolate or on mixtures that are prepared on the basis of;

    • deficiency conditions.

    The development in a child of iron deficiency anemia, malnutrition or other disease associated with a lack of certain substances requires the selection of a special mixture with a therapeutic effect.

    Full and adequate nutrition is the key to harmonious growth and development of your baby!

    Both the doctor and the baby's mother should approach such a decision very responsibly. It is necessary to try to preserve as long as possible, even a small amount of mother's milk and apply the baby to the breast. After all, mixed feeding is a more acceptable nutritional option than exclusively artificial feeding. In addition, mixed feeding holds the hope that it may be possible to return to breastfeeding.

    When is a baby switched to artificial feeding?

    The reasons for transferring a child to exclusively artificial feeding are primarily medical contraindications to breastfeeding.

    On the part of the mother, these include: open form of tuberculosis, HIV (human immunodeficiency virus), especially dangerous infections (for example, anthrax, tetanus), the extremely serious condition of the mother with chronic diseases of the heart, liver, kidneys, etc.

    On the part of the child, an absolute contraindication to breastfeeding are phenylketonuria, galactosemia, leucinosis. With these hereditary diseases, the baby's body "incorrectly" processes some components of milk, and they turn into toxins. Currently, all children, without exception, are examined for these diseases immediately after birth (the analysis is taken at the maternity hospital).

    Artificial mixtures will also be needed in cases when the breastfeeding mother does not have enough milk.

    If the mother, due to circumstances, is forced to be separated from the baby for some time, and expressed or frozen milk is not enough, you will also have to use an artificial mixture.

    Artificial feeding rules

    And now let's list the basic rules that must be followed when feeding a child with artificial mixtures. By following them, you will avoid the majority " side effects»Such food, and the crumb will delight you with health and good mood.

    1. Buy artificial mixtures only in large shopping centers and specialty stores. Always pay attention to the integrity of the packaging, expiration date and storage conditions of the product.

    2. Store the opened can or box of artificial mixture in a cool and dry place, but not in the refrigerator: the mixture will be damp and will not dissolve well. Do not use powder from a pack that has been opened more than 3 weeks ago for preparing baby food.

    3. To prepare formula for artificial feeding, always strictly follow the directions for use on the package. The water for preparing the mixture must be boiled. This also applies to special bottled baby water. The ideal temperature for the milk mixture is 36–37 ° С. To obtain such a temperature, you need to pour boiled water cooled to 50-60 ° C into a bottle. Measure out the required amount of milk mixture with a measuring spoon, making sure to remove the excess. Pour the powder into water and stir quickly until completely dissolved. You can prepare the mixture directly in the bottle. Then you need to drop a few drops of the mixture on your wrist: the contents should be close to body temperature, that is, practically not felt. If the mixture is too hot, you can cool the bottle in cold water.

    4. All items necessary for artificial feeding, as well as baby dishes, must be rinsed immediately after feeding under running warm water, removing the remaining mixture with a bottle brush and nipple brush. After that, the dishes must be sterilized. This can be done in special sterilizers or by boiling for 10-15 minutes. Then all feeding accessories are cooled to room temperature and put on a clean towel. You need to use sterile dishes when feeding a baby as long as possible, minimum term- up to 1 month of baby's life. For older children, it is permissible to simply thoroughly wash all feeding utensils and rinse them with boiled water.

    5. Hold your baby in a semi-upright position while feeding. To reduce air swallowing, tilt the bottle so that the milk fills the teat and the air rises to the bottom of the bottle. After feeding, hold the baby in a "column" until the air is released to prevent spitting up.

    6. Be competent in determining the amount of food for your child. It is very important. The pediatrician will help determine how much artificial mixture a baby needs. If the child is underweight, including due to illness or prematurity, the doctor should calculate the amount of food.

    Caloric method of Maslov for calculating the amount of nutrition in a full-term baby

    Determine the calorie content of the daily food volume. The calorie content of the daily food volume per 1 kg of the child's body weight should be:

    • 1-3 months - 120 kcal / kg / day;
    • 3-6 months - 115 kcal / kg / day;
    • 6-9 months - 110 kcal / kg / day;
    • 9-12 months - 105 kcal / kg / day

    We multiply the figure corresponding to the child's age by the weight, measured in kilograms.

    Determine the daily amount of food. To do this, we divide the caloric content of the daily food volume by the calorie content of 1 liter of the ready-to-eat mixture. The calorie content of the mixture is always indicated on its packaging. On average, this figure is 800 kcal / l.

    Determine the volume of one feeding. To do this, you need to divide the daily amount of food by the total number of feedings.

    Example. If a child at the age of one month weighs 4 kg, then for him the calorie content of the daily food volume will be 120x4 = 480 kcal / day. Next, we determine the daily food volume 480/800 = 0.6 l (600 ml) of the mixture per day. If the baby eats 8 times a day, he should receive about 75 ml of the formula in one feeding. Keep in mind that a child in the first year of life should not receive more than 1000-1100 ml of food per day (including complementary foods in the second half of the year). If you give the baby water between feedings, then its volume is not taken into account in the total amount of food.

    The calorie method for calculating nutrition is very simple and accurate. However, do not forget that the recalculation of the amount of the mixture should be done every 3-4 days, because the child's weight is constantly increasing. If you don't have a home scale, just follow your doctor's advice on how much to eat.

    Errors in artificial feeding

    The most common mistake is overfeeding the baby... To most women, a healthy baby appears to be a plump baby in pretty folds. The desire to feed a baby well is very natural. However, with artificial feeding, excess nutrition is fraught with numerous problems. Keep in mind that "free feeding" is only acceptable for breastfeeding babies. If the child receives formula milk, then the excess of nutrients leads to metabolic disorders and excess body weight.

    Another common mistake is unreasonable substitution of one mixture for another... Every mother strives to give her child all the best. However, you should not change your child's usual food just because the new formula seems to you more useful, modern, etc. Replacing the formula can become a real stress for the baby's body. And there is no guarantee that the new food will not cause any signs of intolerance.

    The next point concerns using an already prepared artificial mixture... Many mothers prepare formula in advance (for example, for night feeds). It is absolutely impossible to do so, since the mixture is an excellent breeding ground for microbes. For the same reason, it is unacceptable to store the artificial mixture remaining after feeding until the next time. Therefore, always prepare a fresh portion just before serving and discard the leftovers immediately.

    The worst mistake - feeding a baby with pet milk (cow, goat)... The composition of animal milk is so different from that of women that its use at this age can lead to allergies, metabolic disorders, promote the development of obesity, diabetes mellitus, anemia, etc.

    How to choose formula for artificial feeding?

    Of course, any, even the most modern milk formula is inferior to human milk. But if the baby cannot receive natural nutrition, it is necessary to provide it with adequate artificial nutrition. Most artificial formulas are made from cow's milk, but there are also formulas based on goat's milk and soy proteins. Such mixtures are medicinal. Mixtures can be dry and liquid, ready-to-use, as well as fresh and fermented milk. The main problem facing parents at this stage is to choose the right mixture. A pediatrician observing the baby will help you with this. If the milk formula did not fit the child and he has signs of intolerance to the product (anxiety and crying after feeding, persistent regurgitation, constipation, skin allergic reactions), then you should definitely consult a doctor again. Remember that an uncontrolled change from one mixture to another is unacceptable. In the vast majority of cases, frequent dietary changes exacerbate the situation and lead to increased signs of intolerance and the appearance of new symptoms.

    Healing mixtures

    Along with traditional artificial milk formulas for feeding healthy babies, there are products for children with intolerance to cow's milk protein, lactase deficiency, impaired fat absorption, a tendency to regurgitate, for premature babies. Remember that a medicinal mixture can only be prescribed by a doctor after an appropriate diagnosis has been made.

    In the first months of life after birth, only breast milk can provide a set of micronutrients and nutrients the child needs. However, sometimes it also happens that artificial feeding of a newborn is simply necessary. This happens when the mother does not have the opportunity to feed the baby due to various physiological reasons(carrying out drug treatment, or milk is not produced at all), or due to the long absence of the mother. One way or another, the transition to artificial feeding requires certain knowledge and skills. Below will be described the basic rules for choosing a milk formula for artificial feeding, as well as feeding schemes depending on the age of the child.

    Indications for the organization of artificial feeding

    In any case, the transition to artificial feeding (hereinafter referred to as IV) should take place under the strict supervision of a pediatrician. Deciding not to breastfeed requires a strong case, such as:

    • the impossibility of breastfeeding due to the difficult course of childbirth, and the mother needs strength to restore the body;
    • taking vital drugs by a woman, which are contraindicated for breastfeeding;
    • lack or lack of milk production;
    • absence of a mother.

    Breastfeeding is the most optimal, natural and healthy feeding method. It is recommended to switch to IoT only in extreme cases!

    With a shortage of milk, a woman is prescribed drugs that enhance lactation. Even in the case when they do not bring visible results, you should not completely abandon breast milk. It is better to supplement the newborn with formula. A full transition to artificial feeding should be carried out only according to the indications of a neonatologist.

    Many women switch to artificial feeding, unaware of the consequences that threaten the child in the future with this type of nutrition. Usually only the pros are considered, which include:

    • the mother's ability to leave the baby;
    • transfer feeding to other family members;
    • when bottle feeding, you can take into account the exact amount of food consumed by the child;
    • when an allergy appears, the child will simply replace the mixture, while breastfeeding has to revise the entire diet of the mother.

    However, there are many more disadvantages of IW, and many of them can manifest themselves already when growing up:

    • Breast milk contains enzymes that a baby needs at a certain period of time, which cannot be said about artificial milk formulas. As a result, children raised on IV are in the future prone to diseases of the upper respiratory tract and manifestations different types allergic reactions
    • The use of bottles requires a constant sterilization process, otherwise the manifestation of various disorders of the gastrointestinal tract and poisoning is possible.
    • Children on IV most often suffer from colic and frequent regurgitation, since when food is absorbed from the nipple, air can be swallowed into the stomach
    • The prepared mixture must be fed to the child within two hours, then the unused residues become no longer suitable for the baby and can cause poisoning. And in the first months, you will even have to get up at night and dilute the formula for feeding
    • It is unlikely that the child will be able to choose the most suitable mixture for the first time.
    • The transition to artificial feeding implies financial costs - a good mixture will not be cheap and with age the baby will need it more and more each time.

    Based on the above, it can be argued with confidence that the transition to IV should be justified, and in case of a lack of milk in the mother, it is better to try to establish lactation before proceeding with the introduction of extreme measures.

    Types of infant formula

    Infant formula is usually made by processing cow's or goat's milk. Their soy counterparts are rarely used.

    In the production of a formula for feeding a newborn, the amount of the main components of milk (carbohydrates, fats, proteins) changes, and the necessary amino acids and trace elements are added.

    Dr. Komarovsky is of the opinion that artificial feeding should take place only with the use of adaptive mixtures, there should be no talk of the introduction of goat or cow milk.

    Cow's milk, which is the basis for the formula for artificial feeding, contains much more protein than breast milk. Therefore, in the production of adaptive mixtures, manufacturers try to remove unnecessary amounts of proteins. But, as a rule, even in the best adaptive mixtures, its amount is significantly higher than in the mother. As a result, artificial babies gain weight much faster. One of the consequences of IW is the cause of excess weight. Dr. Komarovsky generally recommends not introducing the first complementary foods to artificial people until the age of six months.

    The amount of fats in baby food is adapted to the parameters of breast milk by replacing animal fats with vegetable fats, including palm oil, this makes it possible to introduce polyunsaturated fatty acids into the diet, which the child needs for proper development.
    There are dry milk mixtures on sale, as well as diluted in liquid form.

    In general, at the moment, all infant formula can be divided into the following types:

    • The most adapted milk formulas. The usual milk protein casein is very poorly absorbed by the stomach of the newborn. Neglect of this fact can subsequently cause a child to become allergic to lactose. However, there is a way out of this - whey protein is suitable for the nutrition of newborns. It is usually found in mixtures in this category. And they also contain the taurine amino acid, which is necessary for the proper development of the nervous system of the body.
    • Milk formulas made with casein are commercially available. They do not contain whey protein, but the other parameters are the same as in the most adapted mixtures.
    • Special milk formulas, can only be prescribed by a pediatrician or neonatologist, have a special composition necessary for the detection of certain diseases.

    Regular formulas are not the right choice for feeding newborns because they contain starch and sucrose.

    How to choose the right mixture

    First of all, you need to seek advice from a pediatrician, the doctor knows better the characteristics of the baby's body and will be able to choose the most gentle nutritional regimen. Pediatrician recommendations will be based on general physical condition the child's health and his tendency to manifest allergic diseases.

    Based on the advice received, you can start buying dry formula for feeding.

    Firstly, it is worth paying attention to the expiration date, at the time of purchase it should have several months in stock.

    Secondly, the packaging should be even, any deformation should raise suspicion of quality.

    All types of dry mixtures are divided by age categories, when buying food for a newborn, it is necessary to focus on the numbers 0-6 (this means that the mixture is designed to feed a child from birth to six months).

    How much does a newborn baby eat

    In general, the amount of food a baby needs depends on the weight and age of the newborn. For simplified calculation the required amount ready-mixed formula below is a table of artificial feeding:

    Basic feeding rules

    For the organization correct feeding the following criteria must be adhered to:

    • In order for the mixture to be eaten with pleasure, it must be to the taste of the baby and fully satisfy his age-related needs.
    • The mixtures are prepared before feeding. Use the correct proportions of water and dry matter indicated on the package.
    • For proper feeding, a sufficiently good teat is necessary, and the hole must be sized so that the mixture does not flow out in a stream. The child must exert effort in absorbing food.
    • The milk mixture is prepared directly in the bottle. All devices (including a bottle with a nipple) must be sterilized either by boiling or using a sterilizer. Starting from 2 months of age the bottle and teat can simply be rinsed with boiling water before use.
    • During feeding, the baby should be in an almost upright position so that the formula flows correctly and the baby does not choke.
    • Make sure that there is no air in the teat during feeding.
    • After feeding, the baby must be kept upright for 15 minutes so that the baby does not spit up or hiccup.
    • Do not leave a child with a bottle in their hands unattended, they may choke on the formula or break the bottle.

    What is the optimal feeding schedule?

    How many times a day should I feed my baby formula? Artificial feeding differs from breastfeeding in many factors - breast milk is absorbed faster, has a different composition and increases the child's immunity. When breastfeeding, the baby is usually fed on demand, in the case of formula, a feeding schedule is needed. There are two approaches to bottle feeding:

    • feeding by the hour;
    • free feeding.

    When feeding by the hour, the following schedule is used:

    • From birth to three months - feeds throughout the day - every three hours, at night intervals of about six hours. Feeding occurs about seven times per day.
    • From three months to six months - during the day the interval increases to three and a half hours, at night the interval remains six hours. There are six feedings per day.
    • Starting from six months of artificial feeding, complementary feeding begins. One method of writing to a child is replaced with vegetable puree or porridge. The daytime interval is four hours, the nighttime interval is eight hours. The baby is fed about five times per day.

    Most doctors are not advocates of free bottle feeding. This method involves feeding the baby on demand and is used when breastfeeding.

    But some pediatricians suggest feeding the baby by the hour, but playing a little with the volume of the formula that the baby absorbs in one feeding. It is suggested to fill the bottle with a small margin, for example, 30 ml, and if the child eats everything, it means that he needs a little more mixture. If the baby does not eat up everything, you cannot force him to eat.

    Thus, you can find the optimal dose of the formula for your baby.

    When do I need to change my feed formula?

    In the process of feeding a child with mixtures, signs may appear that indicate the need to choose a replacement for the existing mixture. These include:

    • The mixture causes severe allergic reactions.
    • In the event of a child's illness, the mixture is replaced with a specially developed composition with medicinal properties.
    • The choice of the mixture is influenced by the age of the newborn, so for a two-week-old child it is strictly forbidden to use fermented milk mixtures, this leads to dyspeptic disorders.
    • If the baby is not gaining weight well, a transition to highly adaptive infant formula is necessary.
    • During feeding, the baby's reaction is taken into account - if he refuses to suck from the bottle, constantly cries, then the mixture must be replaced.

    From the first days of life, completely protect the child from viral infections only breast milk can, due to the presence of special immunoglobulins in it. But this does not mean that the child has no immune protection at all - some immunity still managed to form in the womb.

    In conclusion, I would like to note that the milk mixture must be prepared strictly following the instructions indicated on the package. But in general, no milk formula, even if it is maximally adapted, is capable of replacing breast milk. Therefore, the transition to artificial feeding should be carried out only for strict medical reasons.

    Artificial feeding of newborns is recommended if a woman does not have breast milk or it is impossible to implement natural feeding. How to organize it correctly in order to minimize the risks for the baby's body? What to feed and how much? How to establish psychological contact with a baby? Answers in the recommendations of pediatricians and breastfeeding consultants.

    In modern society, the question of how to feed a child is decided by an unambiguous choice in favor of breastfeeding. Natural feeding up to two years is recommended by the World Health Organization, as the only type of food, one hundred percent corresponding to the needs of the child's body.

    Numerous studies have confirmed that only breast milk does not burden the digestive system and does not cause malfunctions in its work. Its composition is ideally balanced for a particular child with his individual characteristics. It satisfies not only the need for nutrients, but additionally supplies the body with immune factors, hormones, enzymes that cannot be obtained artificially and "sharpened" into the most perfect mixture.

    And finally, breast milk and the process of sucking it becomes for the baby both a way of feeding, and a way to get rid of fear and pain, an opportunity for the closest and necessary contact with his mother.

    But situations arise when breastfeeding has failed. This is facilitated by objective and subjective reasons.

    Why is there no milk

    The complete absence of breast milk, in which artificial feeding is necessarily introduced, is called agalactia. Contrary to popular belief that many women are susceptible to agalactia, hepatitis B counselors argue that it is not. Experts from the international organization La Leche Liga state that true agalactia is observed in no more than 1-2% of young mothers. It is caused by serious hormonal disorders in the woman's body.

    In other cases, the reason for the impossibility of organizing breastfeeding is completely different.

    • Separate stay of mother and child. The lack of free access of the baby to the breast after birth excludes the correct formation of lactation. If a woman has not expressed her breasts, it becomes impossible for milk to come naturally and in sufficient volume.
    • Medical advice. In some cases, the mother is prohibited from breastfeeding. Often, such recommendations are given to women with metabolic disorders, heart disease, liver, and other pathologies internal organs... According to the WHO, these conditions are not absolute contraindications to breastfeeding. The true reasons a woman cannot feed naturally, only two: HIV infection and open form of tuberculosis, in which the health of the mother is a danger to the health of the baby. In other cases, when the woman is sick or on medication, she may arrange for breastfeeding after she recovers.
    • Mom's unwillingness. It may be associated with personal negative experience, "good" advice from older relatives. The decision is often influenced by the media promoting formula as a more convenient alternative to breastfeeding.

    Women who do not want to breastfeed should take into account that no artificial formula will create such a powerful foundation for the good health and full development of the baby as breast milk. In addition, breastfeeding is much easier from a practical point of view and much cheaper than feeding with quality formula.

    Mix selection

    If all the pros and cons are weighed and artificial feeding of the baby is inevitable, it is necessary to organize it according to the rules. There are three of them:

    • mixture selection;
    • determination of the feeding regime and volume;
    • organization of feeding.

    The main criterion for choosing a product for feeding should be the recommendations of a pediatrician. There are mixtures that are suitable for healthy babies and children with disorders of the digestive system, allergic diathesis, premature babies.

    Adapted mixtures

    Produced from cow's milk, in which the excess protein content for a child's body is reduced by introducing a whey component. For babies in the first days of life, mixtures of the primary or initial formula are intended. They are designated by the number 1 in the name, for example, "Nutrilon 1" or "Baby 1".

    They contain important components: amino acids, taurine, polyunsaturated acids. Manufacturers enrich them with a large "set" of vitamins and microelements, as well as carbohydrates in the form of easily digestible sugar: lactose or sucrose.

    When the baby is six months old, his diet should include an adapted mixture labeled "2" or with a "subsequent formula". The amount of protein in it is higher than in the primary one, and there are more carbohydrates to meet the energy needs of an older baby.

    Manufacturers also offer universal adapted formulas for babies from zero to twelve months. Their "average" composition is dominated by casein or whey proteins.

    Adapted fermented milk mixtures

    What distinguishes them from adapted milk formulas is the quality of the protein. It is subjected to bacterial fermentation. Fermented milk mixture is closer to breast milk than milk mixture, since the protein is in a curdled state.

    Thanks to this processing, it loads the immature stomach of the crumbs to a lesser extent and is absorbed faster in the intestines. The curdled component helps to form the correct intestinal microflora, as it is saturated with lactic acid bacteria.

    Pediatricians recommend the introduction of adapted fermented milk mixtures to babies with manifestations of dysbiosis, stool disorders, and allergic diathesis. They can be used as permanent food for weakened, premature babies. And for periodic in order to prevent dysbiosis in children receiving adapted milk formula.

    Unadapted infant formula

    For the preparation of these mixtures, fresh and powdered animal milk is used. The amount of protein in its composition is many times higher than in breast milk. It is represented by casein, which is alien to the child's body, which the baby's digestive system cannot digest due to the lack of appropriate enzymes. As a result, dangerous situations arise: from persistent dysbiosis with constant indigestion to insufficient weight gain in infants and their developmental lag.

    Pediatricians do not recommend using unadapted milk formulas in the diet of a child during the first year of life. They do not meet the needs of the child's body and pose a threat to his health. It is unacceptable to use dry or fresh cow, goat milk for the preparation of mixtures, cereals.

    When choosing a mixture for a baby, consider the following nuances.

    • A quality product cannot be cheap. The adapted milk and sour milk mixtures are the result of serious scientific research. Their components are expensive, so the finished product is also expensive. Unfortunately, this often makes them inaccessible to families with small and middle incomes. But it is absolutely impossible to save on the purchase of the mixture. This eliminates the possibility of healthy growth and development for your baby.
    • Reputable manufacturer values ​​reputation. When choosing a mixture, pay attention to well-known brands. In this case, the risk of buying a low-quality product is lower.
    • The universal mixture is less digestible. More preferable for a child in the first months of life is a "starting" formula adapted to his needs.
    • The mixture is not durable. Make sure the shelf life of the product is long enough. An opened jar can be stored in a dry and dark place for up to three weeks. Do not put a dry product in the refrigerator, as it will damp.

    The principle “the more expensive, the better” in the matter of choosing formulas for artificial feeding works in full. The most expensive samples contain not only the "standard set" of components, but also additional ingredients, for example, linoleic acid for the development of the baby's brain or carnitine, which promotes the absorption of fats.

    Artificial feeding technique

    The question of how to feed a newborn with a mixture is determined by the reviews, recommendations of pediatricians. It is not advisable to resort to free-feeding techniques such as breastfeeding “on demand”.

    The compositions of the products differ dramatically. And if breast milk does not put a strain on the digestive system, even with frequent consumption, the formula is not as “light”. After eating, the baby's body needs time to digest food.


    Stick to an hourly feeding schedule for bottle-fed babies.

    • From birth. Every 3 hours during the day with a six hour break at night. The number of feedings per day will reach seven.
    • From three months. Every 3.5 hours during the day with a six hour break at night. Thus, six feedings are required during the day.
    • From six months. Modern pediatrics does not recommend to shift the timing of the introduction of complementary foods in artificial babies. Just like in infants, you need to start introducing the first products to the child at the age of six months. Gradually, one feeding will replace porridge or vegetable puree. And the number of feedings per day will be five every four hours with an eight-hour sleep break.

    Mix preparation

    It is necessary to prepare the mixture for use in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations. Dry foods require boiling or adding warm water and stirring until dissolved. There are also ready-to-use liquid mixtures, which are enough to warm up in a water bath.

    Artificial feeding rules for babies of the first year of life.

    • Product temperature should be 37-38 ° WITH. If the mixture was previously boiled, it must be cooled to a suitable temperature. Prepare food for the baby in advance to feed him on time.
    • Pour food into sterilized dishes. The presence of pathogenic microorganisms in the bottle can provoke a malfunction of the child's gastrointestinal tract.
    • The hole in the nipple should not be large. The mixture should not pour out freely, but stand out in drops. It is ideal to use a teat with a hole adapted to the baby's age. These can be purchased at pharmacies.
    • Position the bottle at an angle during feeding. This will prevent the baby from swallowing air, which leads to regurgitation and vomiting.
    • The mixture can be stored for 2 hours at room temperature and 24 hours in the refrigerator. In artificial nutrition there are no components that suppress the growth of pathogenic microflora, which are rich in breast milk. Therefore, the storage period is limited.

    If there is still food left in the bottle, it cannot be used for the next feeding. You should rinse the bottle, sterilize it and the nipple.

    Contact with mom

    It seems that artificial babies need much less maternal care than babies. Indeed, any member of the family can feed them, and when the baby is sick, the nipple will be consolation.

    Psychologists warn this approach is dangerous. A bottle with a nipple can replace the mother's breast, but not the mother herself. Otherwise, when the child grows up, he will not reach out to you for support, help, but will seek consolation “on the side”. The close psychological bond experienced by the mother and the baby, who is regularly applied to the breast, is also possible when paired with a bottle-fed baby.

    “Ensure close skin-to-skin contact,” advises breastfeeding consultant Maria Gudanova. - The kid should feel your warmth, hear sounds familiar to him from the period intrauterine development... More often carry it on your hands, sleep together, press the crumb without clothes to your chest, take a bath together. "

    A good solution would be a baby massage, which a mother can master herself. The child should not be left alone when awake. This is the time for your close communication and walks. This approach will help the baby to understand that it is with his mother that his joys, a sense of security, safety, and warmth are connected.

    “The pacifier should not be perceived by the child independent subject, - continues the expert of AKEV Maria Gudanova. "She should only be associated with her mother." Therefore, adhere to the following rules when feeding and organizing the crumbs regimen.

    • Only mom feeds. Do not delegate feeding to other relatives. The more people take part in this, the less the baby will trust you.
    • Mom offers a pacifier. Do not leave the baby with the nipple alone. He should suck only on your hands, turning his face to you.
    • The kid falls asleep in his arms. After feeding, offer the baby a pacifier and wait until he falls asleep. Remove the nipple from his mouth and place it in the crib.

    Even if there is no milk in your breast, your baby can suckle it. Experts from an international breastfeeding organization suggest combining artificial feeding of newborns with the SNS system. It is a soft bottle designed to be filled with the mixture. A tube is attached to the bottle, the tip of which is fixed on the mother's nipple.

    At the same time, the process of feeding with a mixture is completely close to breastfeeding... The baby is in her arms, in close contact with her mother, sucking on her breasts, while receiving the mixture. The SNS system provides another great opportunity - the chance to establish full breastfeeding.

    When the breast is stimulated for several months after childbirth, the process of relaxation is triggered, that is, the restoration of lactation. It will allow you to transfer the baby to mixed feeding. And then completely or significantly replace the artificial formula with your breast milk, invaluable for the health of the baby.


    Young mothers, and all without exception, understand that in the first months of the baby's life there is no more healthy nutrition than breast milk. But a situation may arise when the only correct decision will be to transfer the baby to artificial feeding. This process is not as easy as it seems at first glance! You will need to choose the right mixture, get information about possible consequences artificial feeding, choose an individual diet for the newborn.

    Of course, you will need to consult a pediatrician before starting artificial feeding, but the information in this material will definitely come in handy.

    Indications for switching to artificial feeding

    Even if parents give their baby adapted modern formulas from well-known manufacturers, they will not be able to replace breast milk. Therefore, doctors do not get tired of repeating that the transition to artificial feeding should be reasoned. Pediatricians identify several situations that make artificial feeding necessary:

    1. The birth was very difficult, and the woman was forced to long time restore your health.
    2. A young mother is forced to take certain medications, which cannot be canceled, as this poses a danger to a woman's life.
    3. The young mother has infectious diseases.
    4. There is no milk in the mother's breast, or there is a pronounced insufficiency of it (d). Lack of milk can only be confirmed in the children's clinic, when control feeding is carried out under the supervision of a doctor and the subsequent weighing of the baby.
    5. Mother's absence for several weeks or more.

    Doctors always try to restore the normal production of milk in the breast to the last minute and prescribe special medications for a woman to enhance lactation. If such measures do not give positive results, then only in this case they resort to the transition to artificial feeding.

    We recommend reading:

    Note:if initially the mother has milk in the breast, but its amount is too small, then it is not worth completely transferring the baby to the mixture from the first day - even a few milliliters of breast milk will be beneficial for the child's health.

    Pros and cons of artificial feeding

    Many mothers deprive their baby of breast milk just for the sake of their desires and their comfort. At the same time, they do not think at all that the baby will not receive important trace elements and vitamins, which can lead to developmental delay and health problems. Doctors recommend first weighing all the pros and cons of artificial feeding and only after that make a final decision.

    The obvious advantages of artificial feeding include:

    Happy? And now you need to familiarize yourself with the disadvantages of artificial feeding - by the way, there are much more of them:

    1. Bottle-fed children often have colds and allergies at an older age. Doctors explain this fact by the fact that there is no special enzyme in the baby's body that can enter it only from the mother's milk.
    2. Constant use of bottles requires compliance with the rules of their sterility. If this requirement is ignored, then with almost 100% certainty it is possible to predict the development of dyspeptic disorders in a baby.
    3. Artificially fed babies often suffer from intermittent ones, and this is facilitated by a poor-quality nipple on the bottle, which leads to swallowing air.
    4. On a trip with an artificial child, you have to take a separate bag with mixtures, water and bottles - extra luggage.
    5. In order to find the right mixture, in most cases you need to constantly change them.
    6. Artificial feeding of a child is a rather costly "event", because a good mixture a priori cannot be cheap, and as the newborn grows up, such a mixture will be required more and more.

    Note:There are much more disadvantages from feeding with mixtures than advantages, and therefore you first need to try all methods and only in extreme cases resort to artificial feeding.

    How to choose a formula for bottle feeding

    The choice of formula for artificial feeding should be made by the pediatrician who observes the baby. But parents themselves must be vigilant, observe some criteria:

    note: it is advisable to choose a hypoallergenic mixture for the first month of artificial feeding. But it is not recommended to acquire various mixtures with the addition of iron or some beneficial bacteria on your own - such appointments should be made by a pediatrician.

    How to prepare meals

    The reaction of a small organism to artificial feeding also depends on how properly the food is prepared. Parents should simply study the instructions provided with the mixtures and follow their recommendations exactly. ... We will highlight a few of the most important points:

    Note:the formula for artificial feeding of a child can be prepared in advance, but it should only be stored in the refrigerator and no more than 24 hours.

    How to feed your baby with formula

    The most convenient way is from a bottle, but doctors recommend resorting to it only if the child is fully artificially fed. If the mother still gives breast milk, then the mixture should be offered to the baby from a spoon. There are situations when a newborn refuses both a spoon and a bottle, but you need to feed him - in this case, it will be convenient to use a regular syringe without a needle, which will ensure the introduction of the mixture into the child's body by slowly injecting it into the mouth.

    Feeding technique:

    1. The baby is placed in a position with a slightly raised head, which will prevent flooding and will be convenient for the baby.
    2. The milk / formula should completely cover the teat and the air should collect at the bottom of the bottle.
    3. After feeding the baby, be sure to hold it in an upright position so that the air swallowed during feeding comes out of it.

    Many parents are interested in how much a baby should eat while being bottle-fed. Of course, this is determined on an individual basis, but there are some general indicators:

    • in the first month of life per day, the child should drink 700 ml of the mixture for 8-10 times;
    • 2-3 months of life - the amount of the mixture per day is 900 ml for 6-8 times.

    Note! It is well known that bottle-fed children start much earlier, therefore, as the baby grows up, the amount of formula consumed will decrease.

    It is very important not to leave the baby alone with the mixtures in the bottle - many mothers simply insert the pacifier in their mouths and leave the room, while the child drinks the mixture on his own. First, he may simply choke or lose the bottle. And secondly, the contact of the mother with the child is very important, therefore, while feeding the child, you need to hold it in your arms (by the way, an excellent reason for a short rest).

    Another important point- change of the nipple, which should be carried out periodically and regularly (for example, once every 3-4 weeks). The fact is that the material of the nipple quickly becomes thinner, and the mixture will be poured through the hole in a stream.

    Bottle feeding is often perceived as easy and simple. In fact, there are no problems with the choice of mixtures, you can find the right food even for a baby with allergies or milk refractories. But you should not rush to transfer a newborn to artificial feeding - it is better to fight for lactation in order to provide the baby with strong immunity and all the necessary vitamins and microelements.

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