• Private kindergarten Poznyaki Osokorki. Private kindergartens in Kiev: advantages and disadvantages. Then it's to Us;)


    If you need a kindergarten:

    • in which every day is new, interesting and memorable
    • where the child is in a hurry because friends are waiting for him
    • where teachers carry away developing activities in the form of a fun game
    • where they study in depth english language according to the best world programs
    • where the personality and individuality of the baby is respected ...

    Then it's to Us;)

    Garden benefits

    comfortable psychological climate, atmosphere of love and trust

    in-depth study of the English language in advanced international programs

    well-designed daily routine, developed by methodologists and garden psychologists

    teachers with specialized education, love for their profession and respectful attitude to childhood

    beautiful, safe development space with a unique play area

    Register and get trial days for 100 UAH!

    The English Kindergarten at the TreeHouse Club is:

    Individual approach to every age

    We work with toddlers from 2 years old in a mini-garden format, and children from 3 to 6 years old in a full-day garden.

    Children are divided into groups according to age, as we select activities and methods according to the capabilities and readiness of children to perceive information.

    A schedule carefully thought out by psychologists and educators, a change in activities, training rooms and a play area, walks in the fresh air and 5 meals a day gives each age group the opportunity to get maximum results and comfort.

    Children love our garden very much and run into it every day with joy!

    Correct attitude towards children

    We were very scrupulous about the selection of teachers.

    Our team consists of only positive, self-sufficient and cultured people, professionals in their field who love children and know how to communicate with them.

    Our children are not afraid to express their thoughts and desires, they feel respect and support.

    We have given up raising "comfortable children". Children communicate with the educator as a friend and mentor.

    Carefully thought out space

    We fantasized about the interior well. We tried to remember our childhood and look at the world through the eyes of a child. We wanted the baby to be interesting, comfortable and safe. It seems we did a great job!

    We "grew" a large beautiful tree in the center of the room, and built a house on it. A 3-level complex with a slide, tunnels and ladders was set up nearby. Here children can run around and get a positive charge even in bad weather when walks are not available. Work out in spacious rooms specially equipped for each age and class format, have a tasty meal and relax comfortably at lunchtime. A bright, extraordinary design, in which everything is thought out to the smallest detail, creates an atmosphere of joy, forms an aesthetic taste in the child and makes it possible to immerse him in a developing environment in which the education and recreation of children is as effective as possible.

    Our garden is located on the ground floor with two separate exits, has burglar and fire alarms, heated floors are installed in the offices, and only safe and ecological materials are used in the equipment.

    unique author's training program

    We propose a new method for the development and learning of children, which combines "education" - "learning" and "entertainment" - "entertainment".
    According to modern psychologists, the game is the most effective method assimilation of information, especially for a child who perceives all his life and all social skills through the prism of play.

    Our unique proprietary program for educating children NEW GENERATION is designed to meet the development needs of modern children. Prepares the child for life in a constantly changing and evolving environment, where it is necessary to improve, communicate, and think outside the box. Classes are structured in such a way that each child could show their abilities to the maximum. Each lesson is intense interesting facts and contains many practical tasks and experiences, which contributes to the rapid assimilation of the material. A well-designed schedule guarantees the acquisition of the necessary knowledge without overloading, in a fun game mode.

    The program is focused not only on the study of material, but on research, the development of critical thinking, emotional intelligence, creativity and curiosity. NEW GENERATION is designed for 4 years of study with 2 blocks - Dream Kids 2-4 years old and Brainy Kids 4-6 years old and provides children with a high level of education and comprehensive harmonious development child.

    In-depth study of English based on the Cambridge Super Safari and Kindermusic programs.

    We are not limited to just classes.

    English has long become a must have for a modern person, and our children definitely cannot do without it. By giving them the opportunity in our garden to learn and hear this language every day, playing with them learning new words and constructing phrases, the ability to hear and recognize speech, based on the best world experience and teaching aids leading publishers, we can confidently say that they will not have a language barrier. In addition to classes, children also practice conversational English during lunch, breaks and on a walk.

    Our task is for children to replenish their vocabulary and can safely use English on vacation or when communicating with foreign friends. Pupils of the garden participate in performances, tell stories and conduct dialogue with each other in English. We remove the barrier when children understand but are afraid to speak. In the right conditions, they easily and naturally use the knowledge gained.

    Development of critical thinking and emotional intelligence

    According to the latest data from the World Economic Forum in 2020 critical thinking and emotional intelligence will be the main qualities of a successful person.

    We care about the future of our pupils, therefore in the Club they are taught to ask questions correctly, analyze the information received.

    Educators help children recognize and describe their feelings, understand others, and interact competently with each other.

    Lots of music, creativity, general education

    In order to express themselves, our children have many languages: singing, drawing, modeling, dancing, playing musical instruments, composing fairy tales, role plays, etc.

    We do not restrain the creative aspirations of children, they are given enough freedom to express themselves and reveal their individuality.

    Our main task is to observe and direct.

    Balanced nutrition

    We have chosen a well-established catering company that specializes in baby diet food.

    The menu is balanced, carefully thought out, includes the right set of dishes and all the necessary vitamins and minerals for a healthy diet for children.

    The quality of products is confirmed by certificates, and food samples, according to the rules, are stored for at least two days for re-checking, if necessary.

    It is not in vain that many private children's centers and clinics work with them, including Dobrobut and Boris.

    Freshness and cleanliness of rooms / toys / equipment

    Several times every day we carry out cleaning, quartzing, ventilation and humidification in the premises of the Club.

    Toys, equipment and methodological material also undergo regular cleaning and disinfection.

    Cooperation with parents

    We took the Reggio approach as the basis for the relationship between children, educators and parents, which positions kindergarten, not as a separate organization, but as a logical addition to the family.

    Our parents closely communicate with the teachers, together they select an individual approach to the child, together they create conditions for the disclosure of his talents.

    An atmosphere of freedom and trust reigns in the club.

    Children have the opportunity to visit the club in different formats:

    Full Day 8:00 - 19:00 - 5200 UAH

    Half Day Morning 9:00 - 13:00 - 3500 UAH

    Half Day Evening 15:30 - 19:00 - UAH 3000

    The cost of 5 pink meals is 100 UAH / day. An individual set or your own lunch box in the Half Day format is possible.

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