• Drawing for children 2 younger group. The abstract Node on drawing in the second youngest group "shines the sun. Analysis of drawing values \u200b\u200bfor the harmonious and versatile development of the child's personality


    Direct educational activities
    with children of the second junior group drawing
    "Yuzhat's apples"

    Purpose: Development in children's ability to transfer apples in the image.

    To form a pose of children about round form of objects.
    Continue to teach children to impose strokes in accordance with the form, in one direction, without leaving the edges, adjusting the pressure of the pressure.
    Develop a pencil drawing skills.
    Enrich the presentation of children about color.
    Relieve interest in drawing.

    Material: The landscape sheet, which shows the hedgehog with non-painted apples, toy - hedgehog, a set of canvas with the image of hedgehogs, color pencils (red, green, yellow).

    Move node
    The teacher brings a basket and says: "Guys, hear, some kind of noise, someone hid in the basket. Want to know who it is? (Yes!)". The educator includes a musical toy:
    I, like the Christmas tree, the needles grow on the back,
    Only with the appearance, I say the prickly, but in general I am short
    Well, very kind hedgehog!
    - Who is the guys? ( Children guess).
    The tutor shows a toy. Hedgehog greets and says: "Children, most of all I love apples. Do you know what they happen? ( Children's Answers: Red, Yellow, Tasty, Round, Sweet and Line, Like Vitamins).

    Hedgehog: "Right! Today I came to you not alone, but with hedate. Here they are. ( The educator shows the silhouettes of hedgehogs on flannelhemph). They also want apples. "
    - Guys, let's treat ripe apples.

    Having received the consent of the children, the educator proposes to consider apples:
    - This is a red apple, but look at another apple. What color is it? ( Children answer).
    - Yes, this apple is green. And there are yellow apples and with a red barrel. Here are such different color apple. But they all see, have a round shape.
    - Look, I have three bags. In each lies one fruit. Find the pouch in which the apple is lying.

    The educator invites children to the touch to determine in which of the three bags is an apple. Apple, Banana, Pear laid out in the bags.

    The educator draws the attention of children to the sample, on which one apple is painted, and the other is not.

    - Look, at the hedgehog one apple has already sucked, it can be. And the other apple has not yet sucked. And we will paint it. I take a pencil with three fingers and paint it completely so that it was juicy and ripe. Look, the pencil does not run on the edge of the apple, drawing straight, smoothly, bright.

    Next, the educator invites children to shade apples for hedgehogs. In the process of performing the task, it emphasizes: so that the apples are ripe, juicy, sweet and tasty, it is necessary to draw in one direction, with the same pressure manner on the pencil; Take strokes close to each other.

    Drawings of children are exhibited on the stand.
    - Oh, what apples we painted: round, ruddy. Our hard people tell you: "Thanks for the apples!"
    Apple ripe, red, sweet,
    Apple cruste, with skin smooth.
    I will break up the apple in half
    Apple with your other in your own.

    Title: Abstract Node according to drawing, 2 Junior group (children 3-4 years old) "Epic Apples"
    Nomination: kindergarten, abstracts of classes, nodes, drawing, 2 youngest band (3-4 years)

    Position: Educator of the Higher Qualification Category
    Place of work: Madou "Kindergarten №77" Zorenka "
    Location: Severodvinsk, Arkhangelsk region

    Abstract direct educational activities in the second junior group (3 - 4 years) in artistic creativity the topic "Matryushkina Assistants." The occupation is aimed at raising in children of love for the Russian folk toy, to upbringing the feelings of a beautiful, aesthetic taste, accuracy. The script is fully consistent modern requirements Education, using ICT, covered by many educational areas in which children can show their individuality.

    Age of pupils: 3-4 years


    Educational: continue the acquaintance of children with a folk toy, consolidate the techniques of drawing patterns (handkerchiefs), techniques of modeling salted test.

    Developing: develop in children the desire to participate in educational situations and games of aesthetic orientation, draw, sculpt together with adults and independently. Discern items in magnitude, the ability to admire the beautiful. Develop active small motor, skill use tools. Emotionally respond, react, empathize with the heroes; Attract attention to some means of expressiveness (color, color rhythm, form). Continue to develop musically - rhythmic skills, motor activity, metrolyrm, media playing on folk musical instruments.

    Educational: to educate the feeling of excellent, aesthetic taste, accuracy, love for the Russian folk toy

    Priority educational area: "Artistic creativity."

    Integration of educational areas: music, speech development, cognitive development, socio-communicative development, artistic and aesthetic and physical development.

    Types of childhood activities: Communicative, cognitive, game, motor, musical, productive.

    Methods: game, verbal, visual, gaming, practical.

    Receptions: Artistic Word, Independent Activities of Pupils, Fizkultminutka. Use of methods of creating, the use of non-traditional techniques and materials.

    Preliminary work: Games with matryoshki, folk toys Viewing patterns on them, memorizing poems, excursion to the Cabinet iso in Dow, viewing Russian folk costumes, View presentations.

    Equipment: Matryoshki Miscellaneous, Folk Toys, Wooden Horses, Billet "Tireworks", Gouache of Basic Colors, Stamps, Wet Napkins, Plaques for modeling, Salted dough, aprons, shocks, vioraners - for each child. Musical instruments: whistles, bells, boxes, tambourines, rattles. Multimedioctor, laptop, video clip "Matryushki - Figureki", "Matryshkin House", recording a phonogram of the Russian folk melody "Lyrical mood", "Hostess", "Horses" songs "We are funny nesting".
    Venue: Music Hall.

    Time spending - 15 minutes.

    Directly educational activity

    Sounds Russian folk melody. Against the background of music ...

    Educator: Come in the Music Hall, look at how many guests here! Let's say hello to them. Look, guys, someone hurries to us! Who is it?

    Matryoshka: Hello, children! I am Matryoshka! Russian folk toy.
    All such a way:
    Bright elegant!
    How good I met you. Soon the beauty contest, and our Matryushki decided to participate in it. But matryoshkam is difficult to prepare for the competition, and they ask you for help.

    Video clip "Telemost Kindergarten - Matryushkin House" (Matryoshki ask for children about help)

    Matryoshka: Children, are you ready to help us help?

    Children: Yes are ready.

    Matryshka: Then you need to hurry, but the path is not close. Therefore, we need transport. What would you like to go?

    Children: by plane, by car, train ...

    Matryoshka: Great! Then everyone sits into their transport and forward! I will show you the way to the Matreshka House.

    Children imitate transport and follow the tutor.

    Matryoshka: So we got to the house of Matryoshki. Look like here beautiful, how many popular toys! What toys do you see?

    Children: Drykov's ladies, doggy, chanterelle. Whistles, Bears, Birds, Matryoshki and TD ...

    Matryshka: That's right, children.
    Oh, Matrescochka-Matryoshka.
    Good, not to tell!
    Really love children with you
    In our garden play.
    Bright cheeks, handkerchiefs,
    According to the transshipment.
    Fun circle in dance
    Bright bouquets!

    The teacher considers Matrius with children.

    Matryoshka: Look and tell me what they are, nesting.

    Children: They are beautiful, elegant, bright, funny, a lot of them.

    Matryoshka: Show me a big mother, a little matryoshki.

    Children show.

    Matryoshka: Well done guys! Many toys you know. But now we need to be accepted for business. Our Matriots - Plots need to paint the scarves so that they are the most beautiful and elegant!

    Before drawing
    You need to stretch your fingers.
    The cams were kept - squeezed,
    The cams were kept - squeezed.
    And now hurt palm
    We are a little bit about each other.
    And now Masters
    For all time for work.
    And what do you want to draw?

    Children: Paints, Stamps, Pencils, Flomers ...

    All this lies on the table

    Matryoshka: Let's throw the handkerchief with different patterns!
    Masters, soon for business
    Decorating handkerchiefs
    Leaf, strip, circle,
    Will be bright your handkerchief!
    (During the painting, the teacher reminds children of proverbs about labor.)
    Hurry up - rush people.
    Skillful hands do not know boredom.
    The earth is painted by the sun, and man is a work.
    What a master, such and work.
    Every business masters colors.
    After completing the painting conducts the result)

    Matryoshka: Well done! Very nice painted. Real masters-artists!

    Children hang their work on the stand.

    Matryoshka: Guys, I prepared a surprise for you. What do you think it is?

    Children: whistles, box, tambourine, rattles, ....

    Matryoshka: right, these are musical toys, and otherwise you can say musical instruments. Let us play them, and our Matryoshki will show how they know how to dance.

    Children play on the musical instruments "Orchestra"

    Dance Matreshek

    Matryoshka: children, my sister tells me - a girlfriend that the dough has already come up. It's time to prepare a treat for our matryors. And so that you do not get dirty. We have for you aprons, wrappers and girls - Kosinki. We put a lot of treats from the dough to all enough! What are we going to sculpt?

    Children: bagels, pies, buns, donuts.

    Matryoshka: How will we sculpt bagels? (Rock the sausage and connect the ends) donut? (The same) How will we sculpt a bun? (Rock the ball and slightly dropsy)

    Children are pushed.

    Matryoshka: How many people we naked with sweets with you. There will be enough for everyone! Now we will put them in the oven bake. And how Russia has been said from the long time ago: "Made a business - Goulai boldly!" Who wants to dance?

    Children perform dance "We are funny matryoshki"

    Matryshka: how well you danced! And buns managed to bake. That's what they had delicious, fragrant! How fast the time flew, you probably have to go back to kindergarten! Where is your transport? Goodbye, children!

    Educator: Here you are back, and where were you, what did you do?

    Children: We were visiting Matryoshka, painted scarves, scared, played on musical instruments, danced.

    Video "Gift from Matryoshki" (Matryushki thank the guys for their help and offer treats)

    The educator gets a wooden matryoshka, inside which there are candy in the form of Matryoshka "Ksyusha", distributes to kids, children say goodbye and go to the music from the music hall.

    Oksana Commission

    Abstract Node on drawing in the second youngest group« Sun shines»

    Software content: Continue to form skill paint Rounded closed lines, improve visual and motor coordination, limit the movement of the hand, draw a sun in the middle of the sheet. I exercise in the ability to keep the brush correctly, do not compress too much, easy to drive on paper, to inceate the pile of brush into the paint. Acquire work neatly, pure. To raise a wish paint and aesthetic feelings.

    Preliminary work: Observation by sun on a walk, drawing round shapes(Ball, tangle thread for grandmothers, snow lumps). Consider illustration. Reading O. sun., poems O. sun.. Reading the fairy tale K. I. Chukovsky "Stoley the sun» .

    Material: Sheet paper, gouache, tassel, unpleasure. Sample sun..

    Node's move.

    Educator: The sun was walked,

    And for clouds walked.

    I looked at the window in the window,

    It was Zaine dark.

    And Soroki - Beloboki,

    Stressed in the fields,

    Screpeted cranes:

    "Mount! Mount! Crocodile

    Sun in the sky swallowed

    Darkness occurred.

    Don't go for the gate:

    Who got into the street -

    Lost and disappeared.

    What fairy tales are it from?

    Children: Stolenoye the sun.

    Educator: Right, this is an excerpt from the fairy tale K. I. Chukovsky "Stoley the sun» .

    Let's help poor little animals. Without sun is very bad.

    Crying Gray Sparrow:

    "Get out, sunMost!

    We are without sun is insulting -

    In the field the grain is not visible! "

    Cry bunks,

    On the lawn:

    Got down, poor, on the way

    They do not reach home.

    Educator: Let's help them?

    Children: Yes.

    Educator: Let's play the game with you « Sun and rain» .

    Educator: Invest sun?

    Children: Round, Yellow

    Educator: Right, sun Round, Yellow. But sometimes it happens red. Listen pestech:

    Sun, sun,

    Looking in the window!

    Sun, fit,

    Red, show!

    Educator: Look at how I will draw a sun. Macaus brushes in yellow paint and ran a brush in a circle. That's what sun round it turned out. First we draw sun in the air. What hand we draw?

    Children: Right hand.

    Educator: Well done, raised right hand with a brush and draw in the air round sun. We look over your eyes. Now draw a dry brush on paper, without paint.

    And now we open yellow gouache, pick up paint on the brush. And begin paint. What a gouache we will draw?

    Children: Yellow gouache.

    Educator: Right, well done. While working with children, remind you how to keep a brush.

    Educator: Look at how much fun and bright suns we painted. IN the group was still lighter.

    Ran around the bushes

    On birch sheets.

    Hello, sun Golden!

    Hello, blue sky!

    Steel Ptashka Twitter,

    Becashing fly.

    Steel hare,

    On the lawn,

    Tumble and ride.

    Rada bunnies and squirrels,

    We are glad to boys and girls.

    Educator: That's what a well done, tried from the soul. And now sun Again will be brighter in the sky to shine.

    « Sun» (Boyko)

    Tuchka hides behind the forest, looks sun with heaven. And so clean,

    Good, radiant. If we got it, we would kiss him.

    Publications on the topic:

    The abstract of artistic and aesthetic activities in the second youngest group "Svet Sunny" The abstract of artistic and aesthetic activity in the second younger group "shines Sunny". Type of activity: directly educational.

    The abstract of the game-classes in the first group of children's children "shines Sunny" The theme "shines Sun" Software content: Teach children to depict the sun, using the imprint of his palm, pronounce the words of the shaft.

    The abstract of directly educational activities on drawing in the second youngest group "shines the sun" (paint drawing) was made up.

    The abstract of drawing classes for the second youngest group "Lights Sun" Tasks: Learn to transmit the image of the sun, combining a rounded shape with straight lines. Correct image in the middle.

    Preliminary work: Reading the children of poems about the Sun and other natural phenomena; Observation of the sun.

    Drawing in 2 ml. c. On the theme "Sun shines" educational tasks: teach children to transmit the image of the sun, combine rounded.

    "Help a bunny"

    Abstract Node on drawing in 2 youngest group.

    MBDOU № 19 "Baby" of the city of Bryansk

    Educator: Pashkov Irina Nikolaevna

    Nowadays little attention is paid to the acquaintance of children with various species decorative - applied art, and with folk traditions. There are not enough conditions for the admission of children to folk creativity.

    But it is precisely decorative drawing that can teach children to perceive beautiful and kind, they will teach admire beauty.

    The origins of the creative forces of a person go beyond childhood - when creative manifestations are largely involuntary and vital. The need for artistic work is of paramount importance. It occurs with a specially emotional attitude towards the surrounding, when children discover children, causing response, internal content for the form of objects and phenomena. With sufficient wealth of such impressions, the child becomes possible and the desire to express their personal experiences in the images created by him.

    The task of the educator is to create conditions aimed at developing the artistic abilities of children, imagination and figurative thinking, which contribute to the admission of children to folk creativity, help consolidate the technical skills obtained earlier, teach analyze and compare, optimize the process of developing creative imagination in children school age

    I would like to bring one of the examples of NOD in the educational area "Artistic creativity" (drawing) in 2 youngest group.


    • Teach children draw patterns from straight and wavy lines on a rectangle. Improve painting equipment with a brush. Show options for alternating lines in color and configuration (straight, wavy).
    • Develop a feeling of color and rhythm.
    • Rail interest in decorative - applied art.

    Preliminary work. Consider articles of decorative - applied art (rugs, towels, napkins). Consider patterns on domestic things. Didactic game "Mouch the strip pattern." Drawing waves, Sorry-tree (based on wavy lines of different color).

    Materials, Tools, Equipment. Rectangular sheets of paper white color, Gouache paints of three colors, brushes, cups with water, napkins for paper and plated. Variable images of patterns on a rectangle. Towels with beautiful patterns. Rope for the exhibition of children's works and decorative clothespins. Toy hare and crow. The poem of the V. Sippekova "Folds". Music theme of Vladimir Cosmo to the film "Toy".

    Move node

    1. Activation of attention

    Children to each other:

    Good morning, smile Rather! (Hands on the belt, shocked, head, smiled).

    Good morning to all, everyone! (clap your hands).

    2. Motivation.

    V. - Guys, I went to kindergarten today and heard someone's crying. Looked under the Christmas tree and saw a forest bunny. I will listen to me the bunny. Yes, bunny, I am pleased to spend your story with your children.

    Speed \u200b\u200banimals

    Once a postbook.

    Rose in the forest from

    Crowd and running.

    Put on Penetchka

    Towels and handkerchiefs.

    Forest residents have doubled the towels and hung them to the rope. (V. shows children raised and decorated towels.) Look, what clean and beautiful towels are clean and beautiful after washing. Forest animals worked out. Well done! But our friends had trouble ... A curious crow flew around and carried away all towels on a high tree. (V. Removes all towels with a raven on his hand and puts it on a tree.) Forest residents were upset, they want new colored towels. So what's now? (Buy towels, sew, draw ...) Maybe we draw new colored towels? (Yes.)

    3. Conversation with children.

    V. - Detty, look and remember what towels were. This towel is decorated with straight stripes, see how they play with each other. What color is this straight strip, and this? (Children's responses.)

    And on this towel the pattern of wavy lines. What color is this wavy line? (Children's responses.)

    And here they met straight and wavy lines. What color are these lines?

    Show in the air finger, how do you draw straight lines? From left to right. (V. shows together with children.). Wavy? From left to right. Well done! Remembered how to draw lines.

    4. Fizkultminutka. (for rhythmic music)

    V. - Guard, let's show how the animals in the forest were washed towels.

    Beasts with morning dawn (imitation washing)

    In the pool erases

    And over them bubbles (smooth movements with hands above the head)

    Soaps fly.

    Truth, try, cotton, (imitation of rinsing)

    In the stream of lingerie weed.

    And on the grass on the edge (imitation of folding)

    Descended for drying.

    Truth is serious - not toys.

    At the animals of the postbugs.

    5. The work of children behind the tables.

    Vz and now I and Bunny invite you to the tables. Guys, take a brush, show how you know how to keep it right. (V. Checks.) That's right! You need to keep a chass of a slightly above the iron "shirt" with three fingers. Dry tassel Draw a straight line on a sheet of paper, and now wavy. Good guys! Start decorating your towels. Dry the brush into the water, and then all the pile in the paint. (V. Together with a toy hare provides individual assistance.) And the bunny is interesting to see what the towels will turn out. Bunny, see what beautiful, multicolored towels are obtained. Bunny do you like? Very like. Wonderful you have children! Guys, let's hang towels with a bunny on a drying rope. (V. hangs) All towels are multicolored, colorful, unlike.

    6. Reflection.

    V.- guys, did you like to decorate the towels? (Answers of children.) Bunny all kids says "Thank you" and for all children prepared a surprise "soap bubbles".

    The music of Vladimir Cosmo from the film "Toy" sounds. Children play with soap bubbles.

    Library "Programs of Education and Training in children's garden"Under the general edition of M. A. Vasilyeva, V.V. Herb, TS Mosquito.
    Komarov Tamara Semenovna- Head of the Department of Aesthetic Education of the Moscow State Humanitarian University. MA Sholokhov, Honored Worker of Science of the Russian Federation, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Actual Member of the International Academy of Sciences of Pedagogical Education, Actual Member of the International Pedagogical Academy, Acknowledged Member of the Academy of Safety, Defense and Law Enforcement. The author of numerous works on various issues preschool pedagogy, stories of pedagogy, aesthetic education, development of children's creativity and artistic and creative abilities, continuity in the education and training of children of preschool and primary school age, the creator and leader scientific school. Under the guidance of T.S. Commary protected more than 90 candidate and doctoral dissertations.


    Fine activity, including drawing, modeling and applique, is of great importance for the comprehensive development of preschoolers. She attracts children, pleases their ability to independently create something beautiful. And for this it is necessary to accumulate and expand the personal experience of the child, obtained by him directly through the senses; Successful mastering drawing, modeling and applique. To begin the acquisition of children to the visual activity in the pre-school institutions should be since 2-3 years.
    This manual is addressed to educators working on the "Program of Education and Training in Children's Garden" Edited by M. A. Vasilyeva, V.V. Herb, TS Komarov, for organizing and conducting classes in visual activities in the second youngest group.
    The book includes a program on visual activities for the second junior group, planning work for the year and abstracts of drawing, modeling and appliqués. Classes are located in the order in which they should be carried out. This does not mean, however, that educators should blindly comply with the procedure for classes in the book. Changing the sequence of classes - can be dictated by the characteristics of the group (for example, children were brought up in a preschool institution from the first younger group), regional characteristics, the need to reduce the gap between two classes, interconnected by content, etc.
    The classes presented in the manual are developed on the basis of the following provisions.
    Fine activity is part of all educational and educational work in Dow and is interconnected with all its directions. Especially important for the upbringing and development of the child has the linking of painting, modeling and appliqué with the game. A versatile relationship increases the interest of children and to visual activities and to the game. It must be used various forms Communications: Creation of images and products for the game ("Beautiful napkin in a puppet corner", "A treat for toys-animals", etc.); the use of game methods and techniques; Application of game I. surprise moments, situations ("Bear of the Micheer Friends", etc.); Drawing, modeling, appliqué of objects for games, on the themes of games ("How we played in the moving game" Hunters and hares "(" Sparobushki and Cat ")" and others).
    For the development of children's creativity, it is necessary to create an aesthetic developing environment, gradually involving children in this process, causing them with the joy, pleasure from the cozy, beautiful setting of the group, gaming corners; Include in the design of the group created by children individual and collective drawings, appliques. Of great importance are aesthetic design of classes; successful selection of materials for classes, convenient and rational placement; Friendly attitude of teachers for each kid, emotional and positive atmosphere of occupation; Respectful attitude of adults to children's drawings, modeling, appliqués.
    The development of any abilities of children is the experience of direct knowledge of objects and phenomena. It is necessary to develop all types of perception, including alternate movements on the contour of the brushes of both hands (or fingers) in the process of mastering the shape and size of the objects and their parts, so that the image of the hand movement is fixed and on the basis of his child could create images. This experience should be constantly enriched and developed by forming shaped ideas about already familiar subjects.
    In order to develop in children the freedom of creative decision, you need to teach them to the formative movements, the movements of the hands, important for creating images of the objects of various forms, is first simple and then more complex. This will allow children to portray a variety of subjects and phenomena of the surrounding world. Than better baby It will master the formative movements in the second younger group, the easier and more freely, it will create images of any items, showing creativity, in the future. It is known that any targeted movement can be made on the basis of the presentations of it. The idea of \u200b\u200bthe movement produced by hand is formed in the process of visual and kinesthetic (engine-tactile) perception. Forming hand movements in drawing and modeling are different: the spatial properties of the images depicted in the figure are transmitted by the loop line, and in the modeling - mass, volume. Hand movies during drawing differ in character (push strength, sweep, duration), so we consider each type of visual activity included in the pedagogical process, separately. At the same time, all types of visual activity should be interrelated, because in each of them children reflect objects and phenomena of the surrounding life, games and toys, images of fairy tales, sweetes, mysteries, songs, etc. Mastering the formative movements provides children with freedom of creativity, relieves the need for a constant show by the educator of the image methods, allows you to activate the experience of the guys ("As you drown with your shape, you will draw").
    Creating images in drawing, modeling and appliqués, as well as the formation of creativity is based on the development of the same mental processes (perception, figurative views, thinking, imagination, attention, memory, manual skill), which develop and in the process of visual activities, if the educator remembers the need for their development.
    All classes need to develop activity, independence and creativity of children. You should encourage them to remember that they saw an interesting thing around what they liked; learn to compare items; Ask, intensifying the experience of the guys, what they have already drawn, sculpted, how they did it; Call a child to show the rest of how you can depict one or another item.
    Each lesson must end with collective viewing of all the images created by the guys. It is important that children see the general result of the classes, heard the assessment of the teacher of their work, were actively involved in the conversation affordable, assessing expressive images of objects, phenomena; In order for each child to see its work among other children. In the process of evaluating images created by children, it is important to pay attention to the most interesting of them, cause positive emotions. This contributes to increasing their interest in the visual activities.
    When working with the children of the second youngest group, educators should take into account personal experience Each child and the whole group as a whole. The features of each group can be determined by the age of children (in one group there may be guys a little older; children living in one microdistrict or in different; a group may consist of children who have passed from the first younger group). The task is to comprehend the features of their group and adjust the work on the visual activities in accordance with this, complicating the tasks in cases where the Group consists of children raised in the first youngest group or from the guys, which is over with its older for 2-4 months . Complications may consist of using a wider circle of materials (inclusion of more paints, fatty pastels, Sangina), increasing the number of images (not one Christmas tree, dolls, etc., and several), etc.
    In those presented in this manual, the abstracts of classes are allocated the following categories.
    Software content.This heading indicates which tasks of learning and development are solved in the classroom.
    Methodology for holding.This part consistently discloses the technique of conducting a classes, setting before children of the visual problem and the gradual direction to obtain the result.
    Materials.This heading lists the entire visual and distribution material required to create images.
    Communication with other occupations and activities.This part of the abstract discloses possible interrelationships of classes with different sections of educational work, with games and other activities. Establishment of the relationship and its implementation will allow children to divert the items and phenomena to enrich their experience.
    In the abstracts of some classes, we offer options for a particular topic, activities. This gives teachers the opportunity to understand that the same visual tasks can be solved on a different thematic content and in the future creatively refer to the choice of the subject matter.
    In the second younger group, 1 drawing lesson is held weekly, 1 on the modeling and once every two weeks 1 appliqué occupation. In just a month, 10 lessons are held (4 on drawing, 4 on the modeling and 2 appliqués). IN academic year 9 academic months, and, therefore, about 90 classes. In a number of months of 4.5 weeks (if in a month 31 days), and if one occupation is added this month, the teacher can take it from occupation options included in the abstracts or choose a lesson at its discretion.
    We hope that this book will help preschool teachers. educational institutions In organizing work on training, drawing, modeling and appliques for children 3-4 years, in the development of their creativity.

    Fine activity program

    Develop aesthetic perception; To draw the attention of children to the beauty of the surrounding items (toys), objects of nature (plants, animals), cause a sense of joy. To form interest in classes of visual activities. Learning to depict in drawing, modeling, appliques. Simple objects and phenomena, transmitting their expressiveness.
    Include in the process of surveying the object of movement of both hands on the subject, covering it with hands, circuit in the contour of one one, then the other hand, follow the gaze for their action.
    Develop the ability to see the beauty of color in objects of nature, clothes of children, pictures, folk toys (Dymkovsky, Filimonovsky toys, matryoshka).
    Call a positive emotional response to the beauty of nature, works of art (book illustrations, folk crafts, household items, clothing).
    Learning to create both individual and collective compositions in drawings, modeling, appliqués.


    To offer children to transmit the beauty of surrounding items and nature in the drawings (blue sky with white clouds; falling multicolored leaves on the ground; snowflakes falling on the ground, etc.).
    Continue to learn how to keep a pencil, felt-tip pen, brush, not tightening muscles and without squeezing strongly fingers; To seek free hand moving with a pencil and brush in the drawing process. Learning to pick up paint on the brush: carefully to upload it to all the pile into a jar with paint, to remove the extra paint about the edge of the jar with a light touch of the pile, rinse the brush well before tying the paint of another color. Acquire to dry the washed brush about a soft cloth or paper napkin.
    Fasten the knowledge of the names of flowers (red, blue, green, yellow, white, black), to acquaint with shades (pink, blue, gray). To draw the attention of children to the selection of the color corresponding to the item depicted.
    Promoting children to decorative activities: Learn to decorate the silhouettes of toys (bird, goat, horse, etc.), and objects (skewers, mittens), cut out the tutor.
    Learn the rhythmic application of lines, strokes, stains, smears (fall from the trees of the leaflet, it rains, "Snow, the snow is spinning, the white whole street", "rain, rain, cap, cap, cap ..." and others).
    Learning to portray simple objects, draw straight lines (short, long) in different directions, cross them (stripes, ribbons, tracks, fence, checkered handkerchiefs, etc.). To bring children to the image of items of different shapes (rounded, rectangular) and objects consisting of a combination of different shapes and lines (nevosha, snowman, chicken, trolley, trailer, etc.).
    Forming the ability to create simple plot compositions, repeating the image of one item (Christmas trees on our site, labels are walking) or portraying a variety of items, insects, etc. (bugs and worms are crawled in the grass; Kolobok rolls along the path and others). Teach children to have images throughout the leaf.


    To form interest in the modeling. Fasten the ideas about the properties of clay, plasticine, plastic mass and modeling methods.
    Learn to roll off lines with straight and circular movements, connect the ends of the resulting stick, flatten the ball, smyster by his palms of both hands.
    Cross the children to decorate the woven items using a wand with a sharpened end.
    Learning to create objects consisting of 2-3 parts, connecting them by pressing to each other.
    Fasten the ability to gently use the clay, put the lumps and flattened objects on the skip.
    Learn children to sculpt uncomplicated items consisting of several parts (nevosha, chicken, pyramid, etc.). Offer to combine the flatted figures in the collective compositions (the nevoshshki water dance, apples lie on the plate and others). Cause joy from the perception of the result of the overall work.


    Promoting children to art appliqués, form interest in this type of activity. Learning to pre-lay out on a sheet of paper in a specific sequence, ready-made details of different shapes, values, color, and then stick the resulting image on paper.
    Learn gently use glue: to smear it with a brush thin layer on reverse side the glued figures (on a specially cooked glue); Apply a piece of glue, to a sheet of paper and tightly press the napkin.
    Cause children joy from the resulting image. Shape neat work skills.
    Learning to create in appliqués on paper of different shapes (square, roset, etc.) Subsection and decorative compositions made of geometric shapes and natural materials, repeating and alternating them in shape and color. Develop a sense of rhythm.

    By the end of the year, children can
    Show emotional responsiveness in perceiving illustrations, works of people's decorative and applied arts, toys, objects and nature phenomena; Rejoice by the individual and collective work created by them.
    In drawing
    Know and call materials that can be draw; Colors defined by the program; Folk toys (Matryoshka, Dymkovsky toy).
    Picture separate items, simple on compositions and non-confined plots.
    Select the colors corresponding to the depicted objects.
    Correctly use pencils, felt-powder, brush and paints.
    In layer
    Know the properties of plastic materials (clay, plasticine, plastic mass); Understand what items can be cut out of them.
    To separate small lumps from a large piece of clay small lumps, roll off their straight and circular movements of the palms.
    Sculpt various items consisting of 1-3 parts using a variety of techniques of modeling.
    In appliqués
    Create images of objects from finished figures.
    Decorate the blanks of paper of different shapes.
    Pick up the colors corresponding to the images depicted, and at your own accord; Carefully use materials.

    Approximate distribution of software for a year


    Lesson 1. Drawing "Acquaintance with Pencil and Paper"
    Software content.Teach children draw pencils. To learn how to keep a pencil correctly, lead them through paper, without pressing too much on paper and not squeezing it strongly in the fingers. To draw the attention of children to traces left by pencil on paper; Offer to spend your fingers on drawn lines and configurations. Learning to see the similarity of strokes with objects. Develop a desire to draw.

    Lesson 2. Lrack "Acquaintance with clay, plasticine"
    Software content.To give children an idea that the clay is soft, from it you can sculpt, you can fill with a large lumpy lumps. Learn to put clay and flattened products only on the board, work carefully. Develop a desire to sculpt.

    Lesson 3. Drawing "It's raining"
    Software content.Teach children to pass the impression of the surrounding life in the figure, see the image of the phenomenon in the figure. Fasten the ability to draw short strokes and lines, keep a pencil correctly. Develop a desire to draw.

    Lesson 4. Lrack "sticks" ("candy")
    Software content.Teach children to pinch up small lumps of clay, roll them between palms with straight movements. Learning to work carefully, put the finished products on the board. Develop a desire to sculpt.

    Lesson 5. Applique "Large and Small Balls"
    Software content.Teach children choose large and small round-shaped items. Fasten the ideas about the objects of the round shape, their difference in size. Learning gently stick images.

    Lesson 6. Drawing "Tear to the balls of colored strings"
    Software content.Teach children to keep a pencil correctly; draw straight lines from top to bottom; Key lines are not unreal, psyras. Develop aesthetic perception. Learn to see the line image of the subject.

    Lesson 7. Imprette "Different Colored Chalks" ("Bread straw")
    Software content.Exercising in the string of sticks in the reception of clay rolling with straight palm movements. Learn gently work with clay, plasticine; Lay the fashioned products and excess clay on the board. Develop a desire to sculpt, rejoice in the created.

    Lesson 8. Drawing "Beautiful Forests"(Option "Beautiful striped rug")
    Software content.Teach children to draw lines from top to bottom; Conduct them directly without stopping. Learn to pick up paint on the brush, to upcape it with all the pile in the paint; remove an extra drop, touching the pile to the edge of the jar; Rog the brush in the water, dry it with a light touch to the cloth to dial the paint of another color. Continue to acquaint with flowers. Develop aesthetic perception.

    Lesson 9. Lajk "Bublika" ("Baranki")
    Software content.Continue to acquaint children with clay, learn to roll the clay wand in the ring (connect the ends, tightly pressing them to each other). Fasten the ability to roll out clay with straight movements, sculpt neatly. Develop a figurative perception. Cause children a sense of joy from the obtained images.

    Lesson 10. Applique "Balls roll on the track"(Option "Vegetables (fruits) lie on a round tray")
    Software content.To acquaint children with round-shaped items. Make the shape of the contour with the fingers of one and the other hand, calling it (round ball (apple, mandarin, etc.)). Learn to take sticking techniques (smeared the back side of the part, take a little glue on the brush, work on the cape, press the image to the paper with a napkin and the whole palm).


    Lesson 11. Drawing "Multicolored carpet from leaves"
    Software content.Develop aesthetic perception, form shaped views. Learn the children to keep the brush properly, lower it in the paint to all the pile, remove an extra drop about the edge of the jar. Learn to depict the leaflet with a pile of a pile of brush to paper.

    Lesson 12. Drawing "Colored Clusters"
    Software content.Teach children draw the fusion lines with circular motions, without taking off the pencil (marker) from paper; Correctly hold a pencil; In the process of drawing, use pencils of different colors. To draw the attention of children to the beauty of multicolored images.

    Lesson 13. Applique "Large and small apples on a plate"
    Software content.Learning children stick round items. Consolidate ideas about the difference in items in magnitude. Fasten the right gear techniques (take a little glue on the brush and apply it to the entire surface of the form).

    Lesson 14. Drawing "rings"("Multicolored soap bubbles")
    Software content.Learn children to keep a pencil correctly, pass the form in the figure. Work a circular movement. Learning to use in the process of drawing pencils of different colors. Develop color perception. Fasten flower knowledge. Cause a sense of joy from contemplating multi-colored drawings.

    Lesson 15. Lajk "Kolobok"
    Software content.Calling a desire to create fabulous characters in the modeling. Fasten the ability to sculpt the objects of the rounded shape, roll over the clay between the palms of circular movements. Fasten the skill gently work with clay. Learn a wand draw on a swallowed image some details (eyes, mouth).

    Lesson 16. Drawing "Find out, bubble ..."
    Software content.Teach children to pass in the drawing image of a mobile game. Fasten the ability to draw objects round shape of different quantities. To form skills to draw paints, keep the brush correctly. Fasten flower knowledge. Develop figurative views, imagination.

    Lesson 17. Impress "Gift to your favorite puppy (kitten)"
    Software content.To form a figurative perception and figurative views, develop imagination. Teach children to use previously acquired skills and skills in the modeling. Relieve a good attitude towards animals, the desire to make something good for them.

    Lesson 18. Appliqué "Berries and apples lie on a saucer"
    Software content.Fasten the knowledge of children about the form of objects. Learning to distinguish items in magnitude. Exercise in careful use of glue, the use of napkins for neat gluing. Learning fluent image on paper.

    Lesson 19. Lrack on the plan
    Software content.Fasten the skill of children to transmit images of familiar objects in the modeling. Learn to independently determine what they want to loose; To bring conceived to the end. Raise the ability and desire to rejoice at your work.

    Lesson 20. Drawing on the plan
    Software content.Teach children independently conceive the content of the picture. Fasten the previously learned skills and skills in paint drawing. To raise the desire to consider drawings and rejoice in them. Develop color perception, creativity.


    Lesson 21. Drawing "Beautiful balloons (balls)"
    Software content.Teach children draw round-shaped items. Learn to keep a pencil correctly, in the process of drawing, use pencils of different colors. Develop interest in drawing. Call a positive emotional attitude to the created images.

    Lesson 22. Applique "Multicolored lights in houses"
    Software content.Learn children to stick the images of a circular shape, specify the name of the form. Teach alternate mugs in color. Exercise in careful sticking. Fastening flower knowledge (red, yellow, green, blue).

    Lesson 23. Imprette "Pretzelki"
    Software content.Calculate clay racking with straight palms. Learn children in different way to roll the resulting sausage. To form the ability to consider work, to allocate similarities and differences, notice the variety of images created.

    Lesson 24. Drawing "Multicolored wheels"("Multicolored hoops")
    Software content.Learn to draw objects round shape in the psygnoux integral movement of the brush. Fasten the ability to rinse the brush, rinse the pile of washed brushes about a rag (napkin). Develop color perception. Fasten flower knowledge. Teach children to consider ready-made work; Select smooth beautiful rings.

    Lesson 25. Applique on the strip "Balls and cubes"

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