• Prove the need to respect natural resources. Eco Inform is a news agency. Water is the source of life



    How often do you think about the well-being of the environment? Every day more and more forests are cut down, huge amounts of waste are dumped into rivers, factories smoke and pollute the atmosphere more, but no one cares. Therefore, the problem of respect for nature is undoubtedly relevant today.

    The author of the text, V.M. Peskov, is very worried about the current state of the environment. His extreme concern about this problem is manifested in such questions as "What accounting department is measuring this loss?", "Well, there was no person who could foresee trouble?" People who decide to spray the forest with a chemical liquid are well aware of how destructive it is for the ecosystem. Because of the carelessness of man, innocent living beings die. If we continue to destroy nature in the same spirit, then soon there will be not a single green corner on our planet.

    We must learn to respect nature, live in peace and harmony with all life on Earth. This is what V.M. Peskov calls us to.

    A good example of a correct attitude to nature is the heroine of A. Kuprin's story "Olesya". Olesya spent her whole life in unity with nature. She, like no one else, feels a subtle connection between herself and the forest, she understands that it is alive. That is why she takes the side of nature and protects every inhabitant of the forest, from a small blade of grass to a tall spruce. For this love and care for all living things, she was awarded supernatural abilities that help her survive in the wilderness.

    Also, confirmation that people have forgotten that nature is their native and only home can be found in the novel by Ivan Turgenev "Fathers and Sons". Bazarov, rejecting any aesthetic enjoyment of nature, perceives it as a workshop, and man as a worker. His friend, Arkady, on the contrary, communication with the world around him gives pleasure and helps to heal mental wounds. For him, this unity is natural and pleasant ...


    (1) Shrub and woodland. (2) Eerie afternoon silence. (3) Silent thickets. (4) A large flock of magpies rose in one place, another. (5) At this feast, the magpies and the ravens found dead moose and birds in the forest. (6) What happened?

    (7) Recently, an airplane flew over these places and sprayed the forest with a chemical liquid. (8) It was planned to expand the area of ​​meadows. (9) It was calculated that uprooting a living forest is more expensive than poisoning it from an airplane, and then uprooting it. (10) Business is not new, it is attractively cheap and therefore is considered progressive and profitable. (11) Undoubtedly, there are significant advantages in this matter. (12) But there are also very big disadvantages. (13) They are not always noticed. (14) But here twenty-seven elk died, the black grouse, small birds that saved the surrounding fields and forest from pests were ruined. (15) Insects are dying, many of which are our friends. (16) What accountant will now undertake to calculate the profit of the operation ?! (17) And that's not all. (18) Thousands of people in the big city go to the forest. (19) The singing of birds, every manifestation of life, constitutes the joy of these walks. (20) A meeting with a large beast is sometimes remembered by a person for a lifetime. (21) Consider how many people will not meet twenty-seven moose. (22) What accounting department is measuring this loss?

    (23) Well, was not there a person who could foresee trouble? (24) Quite the opposite. (25) They bombarded the relevant institutions with letters. (26) And there is your judgment. “(27) We have a plan. (28) And why did they make a fuss? (29) The substance is quite safe. (30) Nothing will happen to your beast. "

    (31) Responsible officials now look with holy eyes at those who sounded the alarm:

    (32) - We? (33) The moose died from something else. (34) We have instructions. (35) Here, read: “This substance is toxic to humans and animals. (36) If you are not careful, there may be poisoning, and the quality of milk in cows also decreases ... "(37) You see, the quality of milk ... (38) Not a word about moose ...

    (39) - But you could have guessed about it. (40) They warned ...

    (41) - We are according to the instructions ...

    (42) That's the whole conversation.

    (43) ... In a matter where nature and chemistry converge, we should be guided by Caution, Wisdom, Love for our mother earth, the living, which adorns life and pleases a person. (44) We should not forget in any matter about the most important thing - about human health, we should not neglect the happiness of hearing birds singing, seeing flowers by the road, a butterfly on the windowsill and an animal in the forest ...

    (According to V. Peskov *)

    * Vasily Mikhailovich Peskov (born in 1930) is a modern writer-essayist, journalist, traveler.

    If a person looked at his planet from space, he would understand in what unstable world he has to live. Above it is the dome of an indifferent, cold abyss, and under a thin layer of the earth's crust is a fiery lava deposit. Therefore, you have to take care of this small, by the standards of the Universe, area suitable for life. The only pity is that almost no one can look at their world from space. Perhaps that is why the problem of respect for nature has become so acute. The arguments supporting the need for its protection will be presented in this article.

    K. G. Paustovsky

    Arguments for a respectful attitude to nature can be found in the works of the Russian writer Paustovsky, where he tries to understand how important it is to protect the world around him. The author is sure that all changes in nature occur through the fault of man. To convey this idea, he describes the dull landscape of autumn: "The forest was crying like rain from the fallen leaves." He compares bird voices with the sound of broken glass and tells an old tale that nature punishes people: once someone killed an oriole that flew across the sky and from that moment autumn began to come. Paustovsky is sure that the protection of nature is an important and necessary matter: "If you throw the earth under it, you will die."

    Nature is not just a human habitat. Man is a part of nature, it is also an integral source of his health and energy.

    I. S. Turgenev

    In the work of Turgenev "Fathers and Sons", two opposite positions are given regarding the protection of nature. Arguments of respect for the living world can be traced in the actions of Arkady, Bazarov's friend. He communicated with nature every day, admired its beauty and grandeur. Being in her power, he quickly healed his mental wounds, and unity with nature was a pleasant pastime for Arkady.

    In turn, Bazarov is not convinced of the need to respect nature. The arguments from his lips are as follows: "Nature is a workshop, not a temple, and a person is obliged to work in it."

    Bazarov's position is difficult to accept, because he believes that everything around is material for human activity and cannot be something big and significant.


    Studying the need for a respectful attitude to nature, one can really find a lot of arguments from the literature. But the greatest influence on a person is exerted by works in which more humane qualities are attributed to animals than to the "crown of creation" itself.

    In the work of Ch. Aitmatov "Plakh" the author shows how a person destroys nature with his own hand. Aitmatov describes the life of a wolf pack before and after a man invaded the forest. With his arrival, a total hell began: huge areas of the forest were destroyed, and its inhabitants perished along with the forest. People were ready to "gut the globe like a pumpkin" in order to achieve their goals, but did not suspect that nature would respond in kind.

    The wolf Akbar twice lost her cubs due to human activities, but still her lonely soul is drawn to people, and she seeks to transfer her unspent love to a human child. In the heat of hatred and anger, people want to shoot the she-wolf, but they kill the child. This tragedy shows the depth of man's barbaric relationship to nature. Here wolves have a soul that people have long forgotten.

    Dr. Schweitzer

    For a long time man has won primacy in everything, even won his own future. After all, a few more decades - and the Earth will turn into a planet where half of the territory will be uninhabitable. Therefore, the arguments of a respectful attitude to nature are relevant today as never before. In addition, protecting the world around us is not as difficult as it might seem.

    For example, Dr. Schweitzer, every time he saw an earthworm, which was washed out by the rain, carried it to the grass and pulled insects out of the water, which were floundering helplessly there. He often repeated that whenever he sees a living creature in trouble, he tries to help in order to somehow atone for the guilt of mankind for the damage that it has done to the animal kingdom. In 1935, he wrote an essay in defense of animal rights, where he said: "Man should be kind to animals, for the same reasons that he is kind to his own kind."

    Nightingales and willpower

    A great and miraculous power is hidden in nature. The arguments for the essay "Respect for Nature" can be borrowed from the story "Awakened by Nightingales" by Y. Yakovlev. Once the main character in the pioneer camp was awakened in the morning by birds with their singing. He wanted to disperse them so that they would not interfere with sleep, but froze, spellbound by the nightingale's song. Something trembled in his soul, and suddenly he wanted to see this "singer" to a shiver, and then he sculpted him out of plasticine. The next morning he woke up all the guys to listen to the nightingale's song too. The author assures that if a person has managed to comprehend the beauty of nature, he will definitely find something beautiful in himself, in others and in art.

    Arguments of respect for nature often point to its healing power. In the novel by O. Henry "The Last Leaf", a seriously ill heroine, Jonesy, daily counts the leaves on the ivy bush, she is sure that when the last one falls, her life will also end. But he does not want to fall, despite the bad weather, he continues to cling to the last days of his existence. Leaf knows that in the spring he will have new life but man does not have that privilege. Jonesy looks at the efforts of this leaf and begins to fight for his life. Man is a part of nature, and the world around him is always ready to provide support, as soon as you ask him.

    Emotional connection

    If we consider the theme of respect for nature, the arguments from the work of M. Yu. Lermontov "A Hero of Our Time" emphasize the strong sensual connection between nature and man. So, in the fate of Pechorin, all mood changes are accompanied by changes in the environment. For example, when he went to a duel, the sky Pechorin seemed "blue and fresh", the sun - "brightly shining." But after he sees Grushnitsky's death, the sun suddenly seems to him dim, its rays no longer warm, and the sky looks with an indifferent blue gaze. But Lermontov not only reflected the experiences of the heroes with the help of nature, he made her a character. For example, a thunderstorm played out caused a long date.

    In this work, the heroes are inextricably linked with nature. You can even say that their hearts beat in unison - nature feels a person, because he is an integral part of it and tries to help as much as possible.

    What if…?

    But what if suddenly nature does not become, does not become at all? Previously, such an assumption could be called fantastic, but today, when the world is threatened with an ecological catastrophe, these words may well become true. E. Zamyatin in his novel "We" describes a dystopian world in which all people wear numbers, and nature is replaced by glass structures. People abandoned their natural beginnings and created a system that itself determines the fate of everyone. A person ceases to be a unique person, but to become a "number" who will have to remove fantasy in order for him to find happiness, which was determined for him by the system.

    In this allegory, the author tried to show how strongly man is connected with nature. And when the newest child of technical progress comes in its place, when the living singing of birds and the whisper of leaves disappear from the face of the planet, then man, as the last representative of nature, will be swallowed up by the machine he himself created.


    The problem of the need to respect nature will always remain relevant. Arguments on this issue can be found even in films. For example, the film "Earthlings" is banned from showing in many countries around the world. It was filmed in 2005, and its main problem is the exploitation of animals for various purposes. It really contains the horrific facts of human cruelty.

    All frames were filmed with hidden video cameras, so the viewer sees everything that happens in nurseries, in slaughterhouses, in pet stores or behind the scenes of the circus. "Earthlings" is an unpleasant film to watch, but this The best way reach out to humanity. Anyone who has seen him can no doubt declare that his world will never be the same again.

    Every year a person extracts tons of minerals, throws hazardous substances into the air, pollutes water with industrial waste, destroys thousands of hectares of forest. And if nature could scream, everyone who lives on the planet would clearly hear the call of the Earth: "Stop!" Protecting nature is not a necessity, but a sacred duty that everyone must fulfill on a daily basis.

    "Formation in children of the idea of ​​the need for a careful and conscientious attitude to nature through project activities."

    “The world around the child is, first of all, the world of nature, with an infinite wealth of phenomena, with inexhaustible beauty. Here, in nature, is the eternal source of the child's mind ”.
    V. Sukhomlinsky.

    In the modern world, environmental problems (ecological problems) have become of paramount importance. The task of environmental education has become especially acute in the current conditions. At the same time, primary importance is attached to the environmental education of the younger generation of preschoolers.
    Love for nature is a great feeling. It helps a person to become kinder, fairer, more generous, more honest, more responsible. Only the person who knows and understands it, who deeply feels and knows how to admire it, can love nature. The great teacher V.A. Sukhomlinsky said: “To those who have been deaf to nature since childhood, who in childhood did not pick up the chick that fell from the nest, did not discover the beauty of the first spring grass, then the feeling of beauty will hardly be reached. a sense of poetry, and maybe a simple humanity. "
    Nature is our native land, the land that raised and feeds us. In order for a child to learn to understand nature, feel its beauty, read its language, take care of its wealth, it is necessary to instill in him these qualities from childhood. Good feelings are rooted in childhood, and "humanity, kindness, affection, benevolence are born in work, cares, worries about the beauty of the world around us."

    Ecological education of preschoolers is familiarizing children with nature, which is based on an ecological approach, in which the pedagogical process is based on the fundamental ideas and concepts of ecology. The existence of the animal world, including man, would be impossible without plants, which determines their special role in the life of our planet. In the ecological education of children, it is necessary not only to observe nature, but also to communicate with it, take care of plants and animals. This can be expressed through play, creativity, music, then the impressions and knowledge received by the child are consolidated, and he gradually begins to feel the connection of nature with his life, with himself. One of the main tasks of upbringing and education is the formation of an ecological culture and environmental awareness, the foundation of which is reliable knowledge of ecology, an emotionally positive attitude to nature and practical skills aimed at protecting nature. There is an intensive change in the surrounding life, an active penetration of scientific and technological progress into all spheres, which dictate to the teacher the need to choose more effective means training and education based on modern methods and new integrated technologies.

    The goal of environmental education of children- the formation of the beginnings of ecological culture.

    Initial elementsecological cultures are formed on the basis of the interaction of children under the guidance of adults with the object-natural world that surrounds them: plants, animals, their habitat, objects made by people from materials of natural origin.

    The study of the laws of nature can be started in preschool childhood as part of environmental education. The possibility and success of this process has been proven by numerous psychological and pedagogical domestic studies. In this case, the content of environmental knowledge covers the following range of issues:

    - the relationship of plant and animal organisms with the habitat, morphological and functional adaptability to it; connection with the environment in the process of growth and development;
    - the variety of living organisms, their ecological unity; communities of living organisms;
    - a person as a living being, his habitat, providing health and normal life;
    - the use of natural resources in human economic activity, environmental pollution; protection and restoration of natural resources.

    The second position allowsto acquaint children with groups of living organisms - to form initial ideas about some ecosystems, food addictions that exist in them, as well as to introduce an understanding of the unity and diversity of forms of living nature, to give an idea of ​​groups of similar plants and animals living in the same conditions.

    Third position originates in human ecology, it allows you to give initial ideas about the biological needs of a person, which can be satisfied only in a normal living environment. Children develop an understanding of the intrinsic value of health and the first skills healthy way life.

    Fourth positionThese are elements of social ecology, which allow demonstrating the use of natural resources (materials) in economic activities using some examples. Familiarization with these phenomena allows children to develop an economical and careful attitude towards nature and its riches.

    In the process of environmental education, the following can take placeactivities:

    - a role-playing game reflecting various events in nature or the nature-creating activity of adults;
    Practical activities to create or maintain conditions for living objects in the green zone kindergarten(labor in nature), as well as activities for the restoration of objects (repairing toys, books);
    - children's creativity based on impressions from nature or the activities of people in nature;
    - communication with nature, contact with objects of flora and fauna - a complex activity, including observation, value judgments, admiration, care actions, domestication and training (in the case of animals);
    - experimentation: practical cognitive activity with objects of nature, accompanied by observation, statements. Experimenting with living objects is a positive activity only if the search actions are carried out taking into account the needs of a living being and are not destructive;
    - speech activity (questions, messages, participation in conversation, dialogue); exchange of information, impressions, clarification of ideas about nature with the help of words;
    - observation (independent cognitive activity), providing information about the nature and activities of people in nature;
    - viewing books, paintings, television broadcasts of natural history content, an activity that contributes to obtaining new and clarifying existing ideas about nature.
    - project activity, based on a personality-oriented approach to teaching and upbringing, it develops cognitive interest, curiosity in various areas of knowledge, forms cooperation skills, practical skills in children, in this case, in the field of environmental education

    Project activities- it didactic tool enhancing cognitive and creative development child and at the same time the formation of certain personal qualities. The knowledge acquired by children during the implementation of the project becomes their property personal experience... With the help of the project method, the main goal of education is achieved - the development of the child's personality as a continuous restructuring of his experience. Education is about acquiring life experience. The project method enables children to accumulate experience on their own, and this experience becomes a driving force for the child, on which the direction of further intellectual and social development of the individual depends. Learning takes the form of research, the application of already existing knowledge in activities, the results of which are truly of interest to the child.

    According to the program, the teacher planning educational activities, combines a series of classes in several disciplines related to the following single project. Integration of art, natural science, speech development is of particular interest. Thus, the project started in the lesson can be traced in all other activities in a specific period of time, which corresponds to the integrity of the child's perception of the world, creates a complete and versatile picture of it. In the program, projects are designed for an average duration, that is, several days or weeks. Projects can be implemented both within one group, and unite several groups, as well as cover the entire kindergarten in the complex. Design is focused on the joint activities of participants in the educational process in various combinations:

    • joint activities of the educator and the child to implement the project;
    • joint activities of children;
    • joint activities of children with parents.

    The result of work for preschoolers can be drawings, crafts, applications, albums with creative assignments, reports, concerts, performances, holidays, etc.

    When simulating project activities it is advisable to take into account the meaning of each color, its inner strength and energy capabilities.

    Working on environmental projects is of great importance for the development of a child's cognitive interests. By combining various fields of knowledge, a holistic vision of the picture of the surrounding world is formed. The collective work of children gives them the opportunity to prove themselves in different types activities. The common cause develops curiosity, communicative and moral qualities preschoolers.

    The use of the project method in the system of environmental education of preschoolers is the most effective, since it allows combining the interests of all participants:

    • The teacher has the opportunity to show his Creative skills in accordance with their own professional level.
    • Parents have the opportunity to actively participate in the process of environmental education that is significant for them.
    • Children's activities are organized according to their interests, desires and needs.

    Practical research activities in natural conditions play an important role in the environmental education of preschoolers. Unfortunately, modern children have very limited opportunities for communication with nature. As polls have shown, they know well the plants and animals of other countries - and much worse than those that live next to them. But environmental education should begin with the objects of the immediate environment that the child encounters in everyday life, also because the learning process will be ineffective without the emotional perception of trees, grasses, sunsets, sunrises ... And this will not happen if you study nature from pictures and photographs.

    The project participants receive not only new knowledge, but also acquire the skills of a careful, constructive attitude to the world around them. Joint project activities help parents to master some of the pedagogical techniques that are so necessary in family education, objectively assess the capabilities of their children and cooperate with them as with equal partners. However, successful project activities in the educational process require serious preparation of teachers for the organization of design, didactic, methodological and material and technical support.

    Designing requires teachers to search for innovative means, methods and techniques, it presupposes the presence of an activity-procedural approach to the implementation of projects.

    - What is an “environmental project”?

    First of all, this is the solution of certain problems in the research process. The scale of tasks can be different, it is determined by the timing of the project, age and, accordingly, the capabilities of children, content educational programs preschool institution.

    Usually a project consists of three main stages and has a specific structure (Appendix 1).

    Projects can be short-term or long-term; their duration is determined by the team of project participants, depending on the tasks to be solved.

    Specificity of the project method.

    The specificity of the method determines its educational potential. The special pedagogical significance of the project method lies in the following:

    - it opens up opportunities for the formation of a child's own life experience in interacting with the outside world;
    - is a pedagogical technology that actualizes the child's subjective position in the pedagogical process, is a method that comes from children's needs and interests, age and individual characteristics of children;
    - this is one of the few methods that takes the pedagogical process out of the walls children's institution into the surrounding world, natural and social environment.

    In addition, the project method contributes to the actualization of the knowledge, abilities and skills of the child, their practical application in interaction with the environment; stimulates the child's need for self-realization, self-expression, creative personal and socially significant activities; implements the process of cooperation between children and adults; allows you to combine the collective and the individual in the pedagogical process; is a technology that ensures the growth of the child's personality, allows you to record this growth, to guide the child along the steps of growth - from project to project.

    Environmental projects in the preschool educational institution.

    Basic requirements for using the project method in kindergarten:

    1. At the heart of any project is a problem for the solution of which requires a research search.
    2. A project is a “serious game”, the results of which are meaningful for children and adults.
    3. Mandatory components of the project are children's independence (with the support of a teacher), co-creation of children and adults, the development of children's communication skills, cognitive and creative skills, the application of knowledge gained by preschoolers in practice.

    In working with older preschoolers, the following stages of the project are distinguished:

    1. Preparatory- setting goals and objectives, defining research methods, preparatory work with teachers and preschoolers, selection and preparation of equipment and materials. You should not set too distant tasks for children, offer distant prospects, demand to cover several areas of activity at the same time.
    Research proper- search for answers to the questions posed.
    Final - generalization of work results, their analysis, formulation of conclusions and, if possible, drawing up recommendations for practitioners.

    Stages of development and implementation of the project:

    1. The teacher sets a goal based on the needs and interests of the children.
    2. Involves preschoolers in the solution of the problem (designation of a “child's goal”).
    3. Outlines a plan to achieve the goal, maintaining the interest of children and parents.
    4. Discusses the plan with the families of the pupils.
    5. Seeks recommendations from the specialists of the preschool educational institution (creative search).
    6. Together with children and parents, draws up a plan-scheme of the project and hangs it up in a conspicuous place.
    7. Collects information and material on the project together with parents and children.
    8. Conducts classes, games, observations, trips - all activities of the main part of the project.
    9. Gives homework to both children and parents - doing independent creative work (crafts, drawings, albums, applications, searching for material, information).
    10. Organizes the presentation of the project (holiday, open class, action, KVN).
    11. Together with the children compiles a book or an album according to the completed project.
    12. Summarizes: summarizes experience and speaks at the teachers' council.


    In the modern world, environmental problems (ecological problems) have acquired paramount importance. The urgent task was to take measures to protect the environment from pollution and destruction, preserve the entire genetic diversity of living things, and preserve the planet's gene pool. Under the prevailing conditions, the task of environmental education of the population has become especially acute. At the same time, primary importance is attached to the environmental education of the younger generation.

    The mastery of the fundamentals of ecological culture by children largely depends on the kindergarten teacher: on his ecological and methodological literacy, understanding of the importance of ecological education in shaping the personality of pupils, on the ability to create conditions for such work, to captivate children and to be carried away by these problems himself.

    The project method is a good help in this., which opens up a lot of opportunities for full-fledged ecological education of preschoolers.

    Types of problem

    The need to respect nature


    ON THE. Nekrasov "Grandfather Mazai and the Hares". During the spring flood, the hero of the poem rescues drowning hares, gathering them into a boat, and heals two sick animals. The forest is a native element for him, and he worries about all its inhabitants.

    The poem gives children a lesson in love for nature, careful and reasonable love.

    IS Turgenev "Fathers and Sons". People often forget that nature is their home and the only home that requires respect for themselves. The protagonist of the novel "Fathers and Sons" Yevgeny Bazarov is known for his categorical position: "Nature is not a temple, but a workshop, and a person is a worker in it." This is how the author sees in him a "new" person: he is indifferent to the values ​​accumulated by previous generations, lives in the present and uses everything he needs, without thinking about what consequences this may lead to. Bazarov, rejecting any aesthetic enjoyment of nature, perceives it as a workshop, and man as a worker. Arkady, a friend of Bazarov, on the contrary, treats her with all the admiration inherent in a young soul. In the novel, each character is tested by nature. Communication with the outside world helps Arkady to heal his emotional wounds, for him this unity is natural and pleasant. Bazarov, on the contrary, does not seek contact with her - when Bazarov felt bad, he "went into the forest and broke branches." She does not give him the desired comfort or peace of mind.

    Essay writing is one of the most difficult stages for a future student. As a rule, testing part "A" does not present any problems, but many people have difficulties in writing an essay. So, one of the most common problems that are covered in the Unified State Exam is the problem of respect for nature. Arguments, their clear selection and explanation are the main task of a student taking an exam in Russian.

    Turgenev I.S.

    Turgenev's novel "Fathers and Sons" is still highly popular both among the young generation and among their parents. It is here that the problem of respect for nature is touched upon. The arguments in favor of the subject matter are as follows.

    The main idea of ​​the work in the field of environmental protection is as follows: “People forget about where they were born. They forget that nature is their original home. It was nature that allowed the birth of man. Despite such deep arguments, everyone does not pay due attention to the environment. But all efforts should be directed to its preservation in the first place! "

    Bazarov's attitude to nature

    The main figure here is Yevgeny Bazarov, who does not care about respect for nature. The arguments of this man are as follows: "Nature is a workshop, and man is a worker here." It is difficult to argue with such a categorical statement. Here the author shows the renewed mind of modern man, and, as you can see, he succeeded perfectly! The arguments in favor of protecting the environment are now more relevant in society than ever!

    Turgenev, represented by Bazarov, presents a new person and his mind for the reader's consideration. He feels complete indifference to generations and all those values ​​that nature is capable of giving to humanity. He lives in the present moment, does not think about the consequences, he does not care about the respectful attitude of man to nature. Bazarov's arguments boil down only to the need to embody his own ambitious desires.

    Turgenev. The relationship between nature and man

    The above-mentioned work also touches upon the problem of the relationship between man and respect for nature. The arguments given by the author convince the reader of the need to show concern for mother nature.

    Bazarov completely rejects all judgments about the aesthetic beauty of nature, about its indescribable landscapes and gifts. The hero of the work perceives the environment as a tool for work. Bazarov's friend, Arkady, appears as the complete opposite in the novel. He treats with dedication and admiration what nature gives to man.

    This work clearly highlights the problem of respect for nature, arguments in favor of a positive or negative attitude to the environment are determined by the behavior of the hero. Arkady, with the help of unity with her, heals mental wounds. Eugene, on the other hand, seeks to avoid any contact with the world. Nature does not give positive emotions to a person who does not feel mental balance, does not consider himself a part of nature. Here the author emphasizes a fruitful spiritual dialogue both with oneself and in relation to nature.

    Lermontov M. Yu.

    The work "A Hero of Our Time" touches upon the problem of respect for nature. The arguments the author makes are about life young man by the name of Pechorin. Lermontov shows a close relationship between the mood of the protagonist and natural phenomena, the weather. One of the pictures is described as follows. Before the start of the duel, the sky seemed blue, transparent and clear. When Pechorin looked at the dead body of Grushnitsky, then "the rays did not heat", and "the sky became dim." The connection between internal psychological states and natural phenomena is clearly seen here.

    The problem of respect for nature is touched upon in a completely different way. The arguments in the work show that natural phenomena depend not only on emotional state, but also become involuntary participants in events. So, a thunderstorm is the reason for a meeting and a long meeting between Pechorin and Vera. Further, Grigory notes that “the local air promotes love,” meaning Kislovodsk. Such techniques show respect for nature. Arguments from the literature once again prove that this area is vital not only on the physical level, but also on the spiritual and emotional level.

    Evgeny Zamyatin

    Evgeny Zamyatin's flamboyant anti-utopia novel also shows a respect for nature. The composition (arguments, quotations from the work, and so on) must be supported by reliable facts. So, when describing a literary work called "We", it is important to pay attention to the absence of a natural and natural beginning. All people give up a varied and isolated life. The beauties of nature are being replaced by artificial, decorative elements.

    Numerous allegories of the work, as well as the suffering of the number "O" speak about the importance of nature in human life. After all, it is precisely such a beginning that can make a person happy, give feelings, emotions, help to experience love. It shows the impossibility of the existence of verified happiness and love according to the "pink cards". One of the problems of the work is the inextricable relationship between nature and man, without which the latter will be unhappy for the rest of his life.

    Sergey Yesenin

    In the work "Goy you, my dear Rus!" Sergei Yesenin touches upon the problem of the nature of his native places. In this poem, the poet refuses the opportunity to visit paradise, just to stay and devote his life to his native land. Eternal bliss, as Yesenin puts it in the work, can only be found in his native Russian land.

    Here the feeling of patriotism is clearly expressed and the Motherland and nature are inextricably linked and existing only in interconnection of concepts. The very realization that the power of nature can weaken, leads to the collapse of the natural world and human nature.

    Using arguments in an essay

    If you are using arguments from fiction, there are several criteria for presenting information and presenting material:

    • Providing reliable data. If you do not know the author or do not remember the exact title of the work, it is better not to include such information in the essay at all.
    • Submit information correctly, without errors.
    • The most important requirement is the conciseness of the material presented. This means that sentences should be as succinct and short as possible, providing a complete picture of the situation being described.

    Only if all of the above conditions are met, as well as sufficient and reliable data, you will be able to write such an essay that will give you the maximum number of exam points.

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