• Mud face masks: ideal treatment for all skin types. Mud masks for the face: effective cleansing and fight against inflammatory processes How to make a mud mask


    It is known that since ancient times, cosmetic mud and clay were used as a means to maintain beauty. For example, Egyptian beauties smeared themselves with mud from the banks of the Nile River, after which they exposed their bodies to the sun and wind so that their skin could breathe. French and Italian cosmetologists in cosmetic masks used the mud from volcanoes, and the Crimean mud enjoyed wide success with Russian women and men.

    Why clay and mud are still included in the ranking of the best caring cosmetics in the world? It would seem: this is the substance that we usually bring home when it's slush, snowstorm or rain outside. However, earth from the street and cosmetic clay and dirt are different concepts. Cosmetic mud products contain a huge amount of trace elements useful for the skin, such as manganese, chromium, phosphorus, magnesium, bromine, zinc, calcium, cobalt, as well as enzymes and organic acids.

    Useful qualities and classification of cosmetic clays and muds

    When choosing a clay for a cosmetic procedure, you should, first of all, pay attention to its color, since it is it that is the determining factor indicating the properties of a particular clay. Clay is an excellent tool for removing sebaceous plugs, preventing and treating acne, getting rid of blackheads (comedones). Clay has the ability to regulate the work of the sebaceous glands and cleanse. The most famous in cosmetology are blue, yellow, green and white clay. There are a number of others, but most cosmetologists prefer to work with these.

    Blue clay. It has the ability to favorably affect blood circulation in the skin, has pronounced regenerating properties, increases the efficiency of cellular metabolism, is an excellent way to combat cellulite, refreshes the skin, makes it rested, elastic, elastic. In addition, it perfectly whitens the skin, and is considered an excellent tool for strengthening the hairline.

    White clay. It has another name - kaolin. It exfoliates dead skin cells, serves as a good remedy for getting rid of enlarged pores, has regenerating properties, reduces the number of wrinkles and disinfects. It is used as a means for the care of oily skin with comprehensive problems, hypersensitivity and allergies. Strengthens hair well and fights dandruff.

    Yellow clay. Like blue clay, this clay “fights” cellulite perfectly and is used in various slimming wraps. Literally after the first procedure, its effect is already beginning to be felt: the body gets rid of toxins and metabolic products, a protective barrier is created from the negative effects of the environment, the skin becomes toned and receives more oxygen. Effectively smoothes wrinkles and invigorates aging skin.

    Green clay. It copes well with problematic teenage skin, acne and other dermatological problems. In this case, it is not necessary to apply a clay mask completely to the entire face. It is enough to impose it only on the problem area. This clay gently cleanses pores, smoothes crow's feet, corrects the oval of the face, tightens and eliminates the effects of unsuccessful diets, such as irritation, hives, rashes.

    Black clay perfectly controls the work of the sebaceous glands, regenerates, improves blood circulation and accelerates the outflow of lymph.

    Pink clay improves the color and condition of the skin, normalizes blood circulation, has a beneficial effect on the nails and hair condition.

    Gray clay moisturizes the epidermis, improves elasticity, and is used in cosmetic procedures for the care of dry skin.

    Red clay is designed for sensitive and allergenic skin, improves tone, elasticity and improves firmness.

    Silt mud in its composition has a high content of methane, hydrogen sulfide, carbon dioxide, has a pronounced absorbing, cleansing and regenerating effect.

    Peat mud is extracted from swampy areas, is an excellent remedy for cellulite, smoothes wrinkles and breaks down fat.

    Sapropelic mud has a gentle effect on the skin, cleanses, improves tone, strengthens and produces a rejuvenating effect.

    How to apply ordinary cosmetic clay and mud?

    As a rule, the procedure for preparing for applying clay is standard: cleanse the skin of dead skin cells of the epidermis with a scrub, steam the pores with hot steam of a decoction of chamomile, calendula or sage (recommended) to improve the penetration of nutrients. If the skin of the face is dry, then clay masks should be done no more than once a week, and if oily, then it can be done three times. If you apply clay as an anti-cellulite agent, cover the mask on top with cling film.

    Do pimples and blackheads go away on your face?

    There is irritation, redness?

    Face no longer smooth to the touch?

    All these painful skin problems will help to eliminate the mask from the healing mud of Lake Saki (Crimea) based on blue clay. 25 centuries ago Herodotus described the amazing properties of this mud.

    And today, according to the latest recipes, high-quality and inexpensive cosmetics are produced from mud.

    • the mask has a high sorption and ion exchange capacity
    • has an active degreasing and cleansing effect on the skin
    • exhibits anti-inflammatory activity
    • eliminates irritation
    • promotes the rapid healing of pustules and acne
    • has a whitening effect.

    The cosmetic mask is made on the basis of bentonite (blue) clays of the Crimean deposits. The therapeutic and cosmetic effect of the clay mask is due to the unique combination of its natural physico-chemical and biological properties, optimally developed technology for thorough cleaning and ultra-fine grinding of the bentonite base. Due to the high sorption and ion-exchange capacity, the drug has an active degreasing and cleansing effect on the skin, exhibits anti-inflammatory activity, eliminates irritation, promotes rapid healing of pustules and acne. Adsorbing slags, toxins, dead cells, remains of decorative cosmetics and excess fat, the mask deeply and at the same time delicately cleanses the skin, pores, improves complexion, makes it supple and smooth. Has a whitening effect.
    The composition is an excellent carrier of the preparation "Biol" and mineral balm "Phyto-Biol"; used to dilute (soften) the Gaia mud cosmetic mask for dry sensitive skin.

    Designed for face, neck and body skin care.
    Seborrhea, eczema, acne, dermatitis, furunculosis, herpes rashes on the skin; unhealthy complexion; skin prone to fading; prevention of premature skin aging; hair diseases.

    All diseases in the acute stage, contagious skin diseases.

    Highly purified blue clay fine powder, citric acid, perfume or vegetable flavor, preservative.


    Mask for the face. To carry out the 1st procedure, dilute a dessert spoon of bentonite composition using boiled or mineral water, herbal decoction or fruit juice in a porcelain dish to a creamy consistency (approximately 1:1). Depending on the type of skin, you can add Biol mud preparation, egg white, yolk, honey or olive oil. Apply the mass in an even layer on the face (neck, décolleté, other parts of the body). Hold for 15-25 minutes until the clay crust partially dries, then rinse with warm water. When treating boils, apply a mask to the affected area with a thick layer and replace as it dries several times. In case of excessive dryness of the skin, apply a moisturizer to the face.
    In order to prevent the sessions are carried out 1-2 times a week. For severe skin problems, procedures are carried out every other day. The course - 8-10 procedures.

    Hair Mask. To strengthen the hair, pour 2-3 dessert spoons of the powder with liquid until a slurry is obtained. Apply the mixture to pre-washed and wrung out hair with rubbing movements. Put on a plastic cap (scarf) and wait 30 minutes. Rinse hair thoroughly at the end of the procedure. The composition restores the structure of damaged hair, absorbs and neutralizes pollutants, bacteria, fungi, dandruff, and contributes to the normal functioning of root bulbs. The effect will be greatly enhanced by the combination of a bentonite mask with a hygiene product (balm) "Phyto-Biol". To do this, the clay powder is dispersed by diluting Fito-Biol (for 1 part of the balm - 3 parts of boiled water).
    Bath. To prepare a bath, dissolve a package of bentonite powder in 100-150 liters of warm water, lie down, completely relaxed, for 15-20 minutes. The procedure relieves daytime fatigue, irritation, cleanses and softens the skin.

    Combined mask. A creamy clay mask is also used to dilute the Gaia mud mask: add 1 part of the mud composition to 1 part of clay diluted with water and mix thoroughly. The resulting mixture has softer properties that are gentle on sensitive skin.

    Mud face mask has been known for its healing properties since ancient times, when the sources of healing mud were strictly classified, only a few had access to them. People highly appreciated the healing properties of mud and only the elite used them. Resorts on the banks of the mud springs, which were built by the ancient Romans, were very popular. In our time, the sources of mud are known to almost everyone, and now almost everyone can take a course of mud therapy. In cosmetology and medicine, mud is now the most common means in the fight for health and beauty.

    Among the variety of cosmetic masks, a special place is occupied by a mud face mask. For the preparation of masks, only special mud is used, which has nothing to do with ordinary mud, both in appearance and composition. Therapeutic mud has a shiny, oily texture, it is black or grayish in color, such mud is a product of many years of vital activity of a number of microorganisms. The mud is based on the smallest particles of sand and clay, viscosity and plasticity depend on the colloidal structure.

    The use of special therapeutic mud is not at all necessary to be carried out in specialized salons; this procedure can easily be carried out at home. The mud mask adheres well to the skin and washes off easily. The therapeutic mud contains in small doses various gases (ammonia, hydrogen sulfide, methane), various organic substances that have antimicrobial and bactericidal properties. Such a rich composition of mud masks makes them simply irreplaceable assistants in facial care.

    Special mud masks improve blood circulation, metabolism, promote cell renewal, remove inflammation and irritation, and slow down the aging process. After using the mud mask, the skin becomes healthier, cleansed and protected. The constituents of the mud penetrate deep into the skin, due to which cleansing occurs, as well as the dissolution of sebaceous plugs. The systematic use of mud masks will help tighten the skin, smooth fine lines of wrinkles, increase firmness and elasticity.

    Mud masks are used not only for the face, they are also effective in the fight against extra pounds. Applying mud masks to problem areas (stomach, buttocks, thighs) will help improve blood flow, saturate cells with oxygen, and activate metabolic processes. In addition, mud masks have a high heat capacity, due to which the mud has a warming effect, which leads to the breakdown of fats. The use of mud as an anti-cellulite agent during massage can show a good, and most importantly, long-term result.

    The most common muds in cosmetology, which are suitable for home use, are taken from several mud sources: silt mud of the Saki lakes, Anapa sulfide silt mud, mud of the Dead Sea and mud of Tambukan Lake.

    The highest concentration of useful microelements is observed in the Dead Sea mud, in addition, these muds have the smallest grain size of all, due to which the structure of the mud is fine-grained, greasy, well applied and penetrates deep into the pores, providing a healing and healing effect.

    It is very important to test for a possible allergic reaction before applying a mud mask. To do this, you need to apply a little dirt on the elbow or behind the ear, where the skin is most sensitive. If after some time (usually after 5-7 minutes) no allergy symptoms (redness, itching, irritation) appear, you can safely use a mud mask.

    The benefits of therapeutic mud for the skin

    Mud face mask is an excellent cosmetic product. It is widely used for problematic facial skin, acne, etc. After using such masks, the skin becomes soft, silky, noticeably cleansed, smoothed.

    Mud masks are complex natural formations, it is believed that they are based on a mud solution (liquid), clay and a colloidal organic mineral complex. The mud contains a rich composition of vitamins, minerals, inorganic and organic substances, enzymes, and some species even contain hormones and antibiotics. As a result of the use of mud masks, the pores are cleansed and narrowed, the aging process slows down, wrinkles are smoothed out, in general, the skin of the face becomes healthier, toned and beautiful. In the process of using mud, the surface of the skin is very hot, which improves blood flow, metabolic processes, and microelements penetrate deeper into the cells. When it comes into contact with the skin, the microorganisms contained in the mud actively cleanse it.

    Nowadays, many prestigious beauty salons offer cosmetic services using mud masks. In addition, algae, clay, salts can be applied in combination with mud. In order to achieve a good result, the mask is combined with a massage.

    First of all, mud masks are good because they are natural and have a multifaceted vitamin and mineral composition, which is very useful for humans.

    The unique mineral complex of mud masks stops the aging process of cells, smoothes wrinkles, relieves inflammation, helps to get rid of stress, improves metabolic processes and blood circulation. Penetrating deep into the pores, the mud begins to actively dissolve the sebaceous plugs, as a result, acne and pimples completely disappear. In addition, the mud mask for the face makes the skin dull, tightens pores, reduces sebum secretion, oxygenates and disinfects the skin. Regular use of mud helps to improve the elasticity of the skin and maintain its youthfulness and beauty.

    Types of mud for masks

    The quality of a mud mask depends on the size of the particles it contains. The less coarse particles of large size, the greater the degree of penetration into the skin, therefore, the higher the effectiveness of using the mask.

    In addition to salts and minerals, mud masks include nucleic acids, biologically active substances, gamma lipoic acid, nucleic acids, volatile phenols, hydrocarbons, saturated monocarbonate acids, fulvic acids, vitamins, humic substances, enzymes, cellulose, lignins, phytohormones, antibiotic analogues. Also present are various gases, methane, hydrogen sulfide, hydrogen, carbon dioxide. The composition of mud masks is so unique and rich that it is almost completely used by our skin cells.

    Depending on the origin of the dirt, the following types are distinguished:

    • Peat - are a type of sediment in swamps, the same mud contains the most organic matter, plus they have maximum heat resistance.
    • Sapropelic - deposits that form at the bottom of freshwater reservoirs. Such muds also have high thermal properties, they contain a large amount of organic substances (bitumen, hemicellulose, etc.), vitamins, hormones, enzymes.
    • Sulfide-silt - are formed at the bottom of salty reservoirs, the composition contains much less, in comparison with others, salts and organic substances, moreover, they have lower thermal properties. But such muds have a high biological activity, they contain hydrogen sulfide, which, when combined with iron, forms hydrotroillite, a mineral that is a whole bioorganic complex and has good healing properties.
    • Sopochnye - are formed near oil and gas fields. The origin of such mud originates from the destroyed rocks that are ejected from tectonic faults. The composition contains a large amount of boron and iodine. This type of dirt is used very rarely.
    • Hydrothermal - volcanic clays, a characteristic feature of which is an acidic reaction, there are a small amount of minerals in the composition. As a rule, the deposit of such mud is located in hard-to-reach places; therefore, their properties have not been fully studied.

    Cosmetology, aesthetic medicine, cosmoceuticals - muds are widely and quite successfully used in these areas. Mud is a completely natural product, of natural origin, so they are considered the safest and most effective. A huge number of cosmetic products are produced on the basis of various muds. Muds are used in bath mixes, shampoos, soaps, face masks, even some toothpastes.

    The most common procedures where mud is applied are:

    • thalassotherapy - sea therapeutic mud is actively used. In addition to the mud itself, the effect of the sea climate on the human body plays a significant role in the procedure.
    • Peloid therapy is mud therapy, which uses mud baths, as well as local or general mud overlays.
    • mud wraps - as a rule, such procedures are combined with other types, for example, massage. Wraps successfully fight extra pounds, cellulite, improve the overall condition of the skin, heal minor skin lesions, etc. Regular mud wraps well increase immunity.

    Mud Face Mask Recipes

    The effectiveness of any type of mask can be supplemented with a variety of components, or you can simply use mud face masks in their pure form. In each case, you choose the option that suits you, depending on the skin problems and the desired results after use. Mud face mask is applied to cleansed skin for 15-20 minutes, after which it is washed off with cool water. After use, you can wipe your face with a tonic or apply a moisturizing or nourishing cream,

    For a classic mud mask, which is well suited for any skin and any age, you need to dilute the powder with plain warm water to get a creamy consistency.

    Mud mask, which will help get rid of acne, pimples, uneven skin, contains sea buckthorn oil and dry chamomile flowers. To prepare the mask, mix all the ingredients in equal amounts (1 teaspoon each), dilute with warm water.

    Another recipe for acne and acne: add softened propolis (about the size of a pea) to the mud powder diluted with water and mix thoroughly.

    To moisturize dry skin well, the mud powder is mixed with warm milk (about 40 degrees). The composition of milk includes a large amount of minerals and vitamins, and deep penetration into the cells in combination with therapeutic mud will increase the effectiveness of the cosmetic procedure. You can also use cream, which will moisturize and soothe the skin well.

    Also a mud face mask with olive oil has a good moisturizing effect. To prepare the mask, a teaspoon of olive oil is added to the mud powder diluted with water to a thick cream.

    To get rid of wrinkles, tighten the skin and restore its tone, an infusion of mint leaves and chamomile flowers is added to the mud powder. To prepare the infusion, take a tablespoon of dried herbs, crushed into powder, pour boiling water and let it brew for 20 minutes.

    A mud mask with herbal infusion, kefir and honey has a good rejuvenating effect. Lemon juice will tighten the skin well, herbal infusions will cleanse the pores, mud will improve blood circulation, saturate with minerals, kefir will soften well, and honey will have an anti-inflammatory and softening effect. For an infusion of herbs, you need to take chamomile, calendula, mint (a tablespoon), pour a glass of boiling water, let it brew for 20 minutes. Dilute mud powder with infusion, add honey and kefir, the consistency should be similar to thick sour cream.

    Dry, remove oily sheen mud face mask with chamomile tea. To prepare such a mask, mud powder (about two tablespoons) is diluted with warm tea from chamomile flowers to a thick creamy state.

    A mud mask with lemon also has a good effect on oily skin. To prepare the mask, you will need to dilute the mud powder with lemon juice (you can dilute the juice with plain water).

    If the skin of the face looks tired, then it is good to use a mud mask with the addition of essential oils. In a mud powder diluted with water (a thick cream consistency is required), drop a few drops of any essential oil with a calming effect (geranium, chamomile, orange, jasmine, almond).

    Mud mask with yeast and kefir activates regenerative processes in cells, heals microcracks, soothes, moisturizes, tightens the skin. To prepare the mask, you will need a teaspoon of yeast, a tablespoon of mud powder. Mix the dry ingredients well and dilute with kefir to a thick cream.

    A mud mask with yolk has good nourishing and moisturizing properties for the skin. To prepare the mask, you need to mix the mud powder well with the yolk of one egg, if the consistency is too thick, you can dilute it with a small amount of warm milk.

    Honey is widely known for its emollient and healing properties. In combination with dirt, more nutrients penetrate the skin, which has a great effect on its appearance. To prepare such a nourishing mask, you need to mix honey and mud powder, you can dilute it with a little warm water or milk.

    Cabbage contains a large amount of vitamins, it has a whitening and tonic effect on the skin. To prepare the mask, you need to pour boiling milk over the cabbage leaf, wait a bit for the leaf to become soft and make a slurry from it, add honey, raw egg yolk and mud powder to get a thick creamy composition. You can also use freshly squeezed cabbage juice, which dilutes the mud powder. Mask with cabbage juice well removes oily sheen, restores elasticity and firmness.

    As you know, various oils give the skin softness. You can prepare a nourishing, moisturizing, regenerating mask with vegetable oil, cabbage juice, mashed potatoes and mud. To do this, you need to mix cabbage juice and a little vegetable oil, then dilute the mud powder with the resulting mixture, then mix everything with a small amount of mashed potatoes (about one teaspoon).

    To cleanse oily skin, a mud mask with the addition of oatmeal and cabbage juice is also well suited. To prepare such a mask, you need to dilute the crushed flakes with cabbage juice, leave for about 15 minutes, then add mud powder and mayonnaise (sour cream), mix everything well.

    Sea kale in combination with mud will help saturate the skin with essential minerals. For the mask, you will need fresh seaweed leaves. First, cabbage leaves are applied to the cleansed face, on top of which mud powder diluted in water is spread.

    Vegetable juices are an excellent source of skin nourishment. A vitamin mask made from carrot, cabbage juice and mud powder will saturate the skin well with vitamins, minerals, give it a well-groomed, toned, healthy look.

    To achieve a tonic effect, you can dilute the mud powder with tea. To prepare tea, you need to mix dry black tea and lemon zest, pour boiling water over it. Leave for ten minutes. In the finished mixture, you can drop a few drops of lemon juice. Dried chamomile and calendula flowers can also be added to black tea brewing.

    Cucumber is well known for its tonic properties, tea oil softens the skin well. To prepare a tonic mask, you will need to mix fresh cucumber juice and heavy cream, add a few drops of tea oil and mud powder.

    Also, a mask of strong tea, cornmeal, a few drops of lemon juice and, of course, mud powder has a good tonic effect.

    A very useful Thai mud face mask made from natural ingredients not only cleanses the skin of all types of impurities, but also fills the cells with minerals and vitamins necessary for healthy regeneration, and additionally has a rejuvenating effect.
    The mud mask gently smoothes wrinkles and prevents their appearance in the future, has a scrubbing effect, helps to narrow pores and gives the face a really radiant, beautiful, fresh and well-groomed look for a long time.

    The main properties of the mud mask for the face:

    Well frees the skin from dust and dirt;
    . destroys toxins and bacteria;
    . eliminates irritation, red spots and foci of inflammation on the face;
    . helps to reduce skin greasiness;
    . cures acne, permanent acne;
    . removes blackheads from pores;
    . has an antioxidant effect;
    . makes the face younger and fit;
    . carefully polishes the surface of the skin.

    The main components of a mud face mask:

    Pink Spanish Clay- remarkably smoothes all skin irregularities, eliminates imperfections on the face (pimples, blackheads, comedones), and also helps to remove toxins from the deep layers of tissues. Saturates the skin with vitamin E and other valuable microelements, contributes to the rapid normalization of collagen production in the body.

    White Willow Bark Extract- has a general tonic and anti-inflammatory effect on tissues, protects the skin from aging due to the environment, kills microbes and restores damaged areas, healing wounds.

    horse chestnut extract- strengthens blood vessels and perfectly relieves swelling under the eyes, stimulates blood microcirculation and absorbs dangerous ultraviolet rays, preventing them from harming the skin, reduces pain.

    Soybean oil- extracted from crushed soybeans, is an environmentally friendly substance with a rich vitamin composition, guarantees optimal skin nutrition, slows down the aging process, fights skin diseases.

    Mud cleansing mask produced by the famous Thai company Mistine has a gentle and light structure without lumps, does not contain scratching particles and is perfectly combined with all skin types (including suitable for sensitive areas). It is enough to apply the product for 10-15 minutes on the face along the massage lines to achieve the maximum positive result.

    Dear friends, as always - the most frequently asked questions by you find their answers in my notes, I hope to be useful to you this time too).

    "Since" the appearance in our store of an oil mask with propolis, as well as Botanicus mud masks, one of the most common questions has been the question of applying, or rather, removing (washing off) these masks.

    The fact is that the manufacturer quite rarely gives due "place" in the instructions for their products to the correct, or rather, complete description of the method of application, and this was noticed by me a long time ago and not without sadness. Often, the method of application described on the package is limited to: "Hold for 20 minutes and rinse with warm water" and goes against the proper method, and I always try to compensate for this myself, directing customers "on the right path."

    mud masks, which have solid and liquid healing oils in their composition (masks with Dead Sea mud from Botanicus, masks from the Tamba series from Adonis), significantly outperform traditional masks that do not contain oils in terms of impact and effect. Oils provide a softer and deeper effect of the mask, adding additional nourishing and softening properties to the preparation. Plus, they do not allow the mask to dry on the skin, eliminating the drying effect of the product. That is why I personally never used solo mud, I always added cosmetic oils to homemade clay masks. This rule is especially relevant for owners of sensitive skin, so that the oils create a layer on the skin that is protective against salts, softening their effect.

    IMPORTANT: don't hold the first two or three applications, mud mask on the skin for more than 3-5 minutes. Muds are, first of all, substances saturated with salts, and the skin requires gradual "accustoming" to such applications. Although for some reason not a single manufacturer reports this fact in their annotations. The maximum exposure time of the mud mask on the skin is 15 minutes, no more.

    If you have a reactive, hypersensitive facial skin, negative reaction test required. I recommend to carry it out on any part of the skin of the face, you can apply a little mask on a small area of ​​the cheek, if there is a sharp strong burning sensation and persistent redness, mud masks should be discarded.

    Any mud the mask tends to enhance blood microcirculation, and this is part of its positive effect. Redness of the skin, which disappears within an hour, is not a drawback, but a virtue of the mask, which determines its healing effect, in particular the effect of improving complexion and renewing skin cells.

    mud masks, of any composition, never applied to the area around the eyes, this is a strict rule.

    And now about the main thing: how to wash off similar masks of the "Mud + oil" composition? Not every buyer likes the oiliness that remains after washing off the mask in the traditional way, with warm water. Personally, this effect suits me, nourishing oils remain on the skin, which continue the healing effect of the mask, and I complete the procedure only with Hyssop or Chamomile hydrolat. For those who like to wash off "everything to the squeak" I recommend removing the mask with a sponge with any cleanser, warm water. A good natural soap is quite suitable for these purposes, in particular Castile soap or with Goat's milk. The following method gives a good effect: remove the mask with a cotton pad dipped in warm water, then apply a little cleansing milk to the skin and remove everything at once with a peeling mitten made of burette silk. The skin remains clean and polished, if this definition is appropriate for the skin).

    Never apply after mud masks creams with acids, salicylic tonics, as well as creams with a high content of essential oils. The skin after exposure to salts needs to "rest" and the best option would be a mild baby cream or a cream for sensitive skin. Hyssop hydrosol perfectly soothes the skin.

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