• Visual activity of children in a preschool institution. School of a young teacher: "Organization and conduct of GCD on visual activity in a preschool educational institution" Problems of using non-traditional visual techniques


    In kindergarten, visual activities include activities such as drawing, modeling, appliqué and design. Each of these types has its own capabilities in displaying the child's impressions of the world around. Therefore, the general tasks facing visual activity are concretized depending on the characteristics of each type, the originality of the material and methods of working with it.

    Drawing is one of the favorite activities of children, giving great scope for the manifestation of their creative activity.

    The theme of the drawings can be varied. The guys draw everything that interests them: individual objects and scenes from the surrounding life, literary characters and decorative patterns, etc. They can use expressive means of drawing. So, color is used to convey similarity with a real object, to express the relationship of the painter to the object of the image and in a decorative way. Mastering the techniques of compositions, children more fully and richer begin to display their ideas in plot works.

    However, awareness and technical mastery of drawing techniques are quite difficult for a small child, so the teacher should approach the subject of work with great attention.

    In kindergarten, mainly colored pencils, watercolors and gouache paints are used, which have different visual capabilities.

    A pencil creates a linear shape. At the same time, one part after another gradually emerges, various details are added. The line image is then colored. Such a sequence of creating a drawing facilitates the analytical activity of the child's thinking. Having drawn one part, he remembers or sees in nature which part should be worked on next. In addition, linear outlines help in coloring the drawing by clearly showing the boundaries of the parts.

    In painting with paints (gouache and watercolor), the creation of a form comes from a colorful spot. In this regard, paints are of great importance for the development of a sense of color and form. It is easy to convey the color richness of the surrounding life with paints: a clear sky, sunset and sunrise, blue sea, etc. When performed with pencils, these themes are laborious and require well-developed technical skills.
    The kindergarten program defines the types of graphic materials for each age group. For senior and preparatory groups, it is recommended to additionally use a charcoal pencil, colored crayons, pastel, sanguine. These materials expand the visual possibilities of children. When working with charcoal and sanguine, the image turns out to be one-color, which allows you to focus all your attention on the shape and texture of the object; colored crayons make it easier to paint large surfaces and large shapes; pastel makes it possible to convey a variety of shades of color.

    The originality of modeling as one of the types of visual activity lies in the three-dimensional method of image. Modeling is a kind of sculpture, which includes working not only with soft material, but also with hard material (marble, granite, etc.) - Preschoolers can master the techniques of working only with soft plastic materials that are easily influenced by the hand - clay and plasticine.

    Children sculpt people, animals, dishes, transport, vegetables, fruits, toys. The variety of topics is due to the fact that modeling, like other types of visual activity, primarily performs educational tasks, satisfying the cognitive and creative needs of the child.
    The plasticity of the material and the volume of the depicted form allow the preschooler to master some techniques in modeling rather than in drawing. For example, the transfer of movement in a drawing is a complex task that requires a long learning curve. In modeling, the solution of this problem is facilitated. The child first sculpts the object in a static position, and then bends its parts in accordance with the plan.

    The transfer of spatial relationships of objects in modeling is also simplified - objects, as in real life, are placed one after another, closer and further from the center of the composition. Questions of perspective in modeling are simply removed.
    The main tool in creating an image in modeling is the transfer of a three-dimensional form. Color is limited. Usually those works are painted that will later be used in children's games.

    Plasticine occupies the main place in modeling classes. Although plasticine has less plastic capabilities than clay, it requires pre-warming, while in a very hot state it loses plasticity, sticks to hands, causing unpleasant skin sensations. Preschoolers work with plasticine mostly outside of group activities.

    In the process of applique, children get acquainted with simple and complex forms of various objects, parts and silhouettes of which they cut and paste. The creation of silhouette images requires a lot of thought and imagination, since the silhouette lacks details that are sometimes the main features of the subject.
    Application classes contribute to the development of mathematical concepts. Preschoolers get acquainted with the names and features of the simplest geometric shapes, get an idea of ​​the spatial position of objects and their parts (left, right, in the corner, center, etc.) and sizes (more, less). These complex concepts are easily acquired by children in the process of creating a decorative pattern or when depicting an object in parts.

    In the process of classes, preschoolers develop a sense of color, rhythm, symmetry, and on this basis an artistic taste is formed. They don't have to make up their own colors or fill in the shapes. Providing children with paper of different colors and shades, they are brought up the ability to select beautiful combinations.

    Children get acquainted with the concepts of rhythm and symmetry already at a younger age when distributing elements of a decorative pattern. Appliqué classes teach kids to plan the organization of work, which is especially important here, since in this art form the sequence of attaching parts is of great importance for creating a composition (large forms are glued first, then details; in plot works, first the background, then the background objects, obscured by others, and last but not least, objects of the first plan).

    The performance of applicative images contributes to the development of the muscles of the hand, coordination of movements. The child learns to use scissors, cut out forms correctly by turning a sheet of paper, lay out forms on a sheet at an equal distance from each other.
    Construction from various materials is more than other types of visual activity associated with the game. Play often accompanies the building process, and crafts made by children are commonly used in games.

    In kindergarten, the following types of construction are used: from building material, sets of designers, paper, natural and other materials.

    In the process of designing, preschoolers acquire special knowledge, skills and abilities. Designing from building material, they get acquainted with geometric volumetric forms, get ideas about the meaning of symmetry, balance, proportions. When constructing from paper, children's knowledge of geometric plane figures, the concepts of side, corners, and center are clarified. The children get acquainted with the methods of modifying flat forms by bending, folding, cutting, gluing paper, as a result of which a new three-dimensional form appears.

    Working with natural and other materials allows children to show their creative abilities, acquire new visual skills.

    For constructive work, as a rule, ready-made forms are used, connecting which children get the desired image. All types of construction contribute to the development of constructive thinking and creative abilities of children. The child needs to imagine in advance the object being created (mentally or on the basis of an existing sample), the shape of its parts, mentally try on the ready-made forms he has, determine their suitability and then use (connect individual parts, add details, if necessary - apply coloring). The complex process of forming constructive thinking requires careful and clear guidance from the educator. All the considered types of visual activity are closely related to each other. This connection is carried out primarily through the content of the works. Some topics are common to all types - the image of houses, transport, animals, etc. So, if preschoolers of the senior or preparatory groups depicted a hare during modeling or appliqué, then the knowledge gained in these classes about its shape, size, ratio of parts they can be used in plot drawing without a special training session. At the same time, it is important to consider whether preschoolers possess the visual and technical skills necessary for this work - the ability to draw rounded shapes, arrange objects on a sheet.

    The connection between different types of visual activity is carried out through the consistent mastery of form-building movements in working with various materials. So, it is better to start familiarization with a rounded shape with modeling, where it is given in volume. In the application, the child gets acquainted with the planar shape of the circle. In drawing, a linear path is created. Thus, when planning work, the educator should carefully consider what material to use will allow children to quickly and easily master image skills. The knowledge acquired by preschoolers in the classroom with one type of visual activity can be successfully used in the classroom with other types of work and with other material.

    "Kindergarten of a general developmental type No. 1"

    « Materials and equipment for

    art classes in kindergarten.

    Usolie - Siberian

    Materials and equipment for

    art classes in kindergarten

    Consultation for educators

    Classes in fine arts require pedagogically thought-out material equipment; special equipment, tools and visual materials. Equipment includes all those items that create conditions for conducting classes - boards, easels, stands and etc. Tools - pencils, brushes, scissors, etc., necessary in the process of imaging, visual materials for creating an image. The quality of children's work largely depends on the quality of the material. Different types of visual activity are equipped in different ways.


    Boards are needed (wall and floor), a board with three slats for demonstrating children's drawings; stand for nature. In order to protect the eyesight of children in older groups, individual boards with an inclined plane should be provided, which provide a perpendicular, rather than an angled direction of the visual beam.


    For drawing, children need a set of colored pencils.

    In the younger groups of 5 pencils (red, blue, green, yellow, black).

    In the middle group of 6 colors (red, blue, green, yellow, black, brown).

    in senior groups orange, purple, dark red, pink, blue, light green are added.

    In younger groups, pencils should be round. Children of older groups are recommended soft graphite pencils: "MT" - for preliminary sketches; "2MT" - for independent drawing.

    They prepare a pencil for work like this - they grind down a wooden frame by 25-30mm and expose graphite by 8-10mm. The wooden frame of colored pencils must be ground to a shorter length than that of simple ones, since their rods are thicker and with strong pressure they crumble and break.


    To draw with paints, you need round, hairy brushes with a fine and elastic bristle - kolinsky, squirrel, ferret. Tassels are distinguished by numbers. With No. 1-8 thin, with No. 8-16 thick. Children of younger groups are recommended to give brushes with No. 12-14. Such a brush, pressed against the paper, leaves a bright, well-marked trace, facilitating the transfer of the shape of the object.

    Children of the middle group and older groups can be given both thin and thick brushes.

    When conducting art classes, special attention should be paid to whether your children know how to hold a brush correctly; during the lesson and at the end of it, do the children put the brushes on stands, which are best made from thick cardboard or a coil cut lengthwise into two halves. (See j. "D / V" No. 2-95g. "Stands for brushes").

    In no case should children be allowed to leave brushes in a jar of water, because the hair of the brush bends and diverges in different directions, losing its shape. Hair brushes will last a long time and paint well if handled with care. When preparing the paint for the lesson, do not stir it with a brush. This is more convenient to do with a stick. While painting with watercolors, the paint is picked up in small semicircular movements, without pressing the brush, so that the pile does not fan out. At the end of the work, the brush is thoroughly washed so that the remaining paint does not dry out. It is recommended to store brushes in glasses pile up.


    Two types of water-based paints are used for drawing - gouache and watercolor. For preschool children, it is most convenient to use opaque paints - gouache. Gouache needs to be diluted to the density of liquid sour cream, so that it sticks to the brush and does not drip from it. Watercolor paints are recommended for children of the senior and preparatory groups. Currently, watercolors are produced in different types: hard - in tiles, semi-soft - in porcelain molds, soft - in tubes. In a kindergarten, it is best to use semi-soft watercolor in molds. In the classroom, the teacher teaches children the skills to properly use watercolors: before drawing, moisten them, carefully draw them on a brush, try color on a plastic or paper palette, apply a thin layer so that the paper shines through and the color is visible. When drawing with watercolors, children must first draw the outlines of objects with a simple pencil.


    For drawing, you need a fairly thick, slightly rough paper, preferably half-drawn paper. You can replace it with thick writing paper. Glossy paper, on the surface of which the pencil slides almost without leaving a trace, and thin paper, which tears from strong pressure, are not suitable. During operation, the paper must lie still and even. The exception is decorative drawing, during which children can change the position of the sheet.

    Children of the middle group and senior groups for the image of individual objects, paper in half of the writing sheet is recommended, but a whole sheet can also be used. For plot drawing, paper of a larger format should be given. When preparing paper for drawing, the teacher must take into account the structure and size of the depicted object. Children of older groups can independently prepare paper of the desired color. For tinting paper, gouache and watercolor paints and thick soft brushes are used. It is very convenient to use flat paint brushes for this - flutes. The paint is first applied with horizontal strokes, on top of which vertical strokes are applied.

    For classes in fine arts and independently - artistic activities of children, it is recommended to use:

    Pressed charcoal, sanguine, pastel, sauce pencil, colored wax crayons, felt-tip pens.

    COAL - This is a large rod 10-12 cm long with a diameter of 5-8 mm. This is a small, brittle, crumbling and dirty material, so it should be wrapped in foil. Charcoal leaves a matte black mark on paper. It is better to work with charcoal on fluffy paper that retains coal dust, for example, on wallpaper, wrapping, drawing paper. You can fix the drawing made with charcoal with slightly sweetened water applied to the paper with light vertical movements using a cotton swab.

    SANGINA - pressed in the form of sticks (without a wooden frame) natural clay containing anhydrous brown iron oxide. It is good to use it to depict bushes, trees, animals, a person against an already prepared background.

    COLORED WAX CRAYONS - looks like colored rods. They have the advantage that they can give a line that is almost pencil-thick. Therefore, drawing with wax crayons is performed without the use of a simple pencil.

    COLOR crayons - used for drawing on the board in their free time. To erase chalk from the board, you need to have two cloths - dry and slightly moistened. Dry eliminate errors, and wet at the end erase the drawing from the board.


    plasticine is used. Plasticine is an artificial plastic mass made from clay, wax, lard, paints and other additives. It is soft and mobile, does not harden for a long time, but softens and melts when the temperature rises. It is not recommended to knead it in your hands for a long time before sculpting. Before working with plasticine, it is slightly heated by placing the boxes closer to the heat source. Children of older groups should have individual ready-made boxes of plasticine, the condition of which children should monitor, laying out the remaining plasticine by color. A special stand can be used to demonstrate nature or a sample.

    In older groups it is recommended to use stacks and frameworks . Frameworks - These are ordinary sticks of different lengths and widths. The use of frames helps children to more perfectly represent the legs of animals, to make their figures stable and dynamic. Instead of boards and oilcloths, it is better to use plastic. Plastic boards are easier to clean and during modeling they allow you to turn the work, as it is convenient for the child.


    trays and flat boxes for ready-made forms, paper, paper scraps,

    oilcloth or plastic board 2015 for spreading forms with glue,


    jars for paste with low edges,

    brush holders

    bristle brushes,

    scissors with blunt ends (arm length 18cm).

    For appliqué work, white and colored paper of various grades is used, and for the background, thicker paper. Parts of objects are cut out of thin paper, glossy paper is best, because it has a bright color and is pleasant to the touch. In older groups, it is advisable to have an envelope for each child with a set of paper of different colors and shades.

    On sale there are various types of paper that can be used to make crafts. These are shagreen, bronze, silver paper and cardboard. But there are other sources of replenishment of stocks of paper. We ate a chocolate bar, candy, printed toilet soap, save the wrappers. After repairing the apartment, collect all the remaining pieces of wallpaper. From unnecessary color illustrations, posters, make clippings, color covers from old notebooks, paper in which purchases are wrapped, also collect, everything will come in handy.

    And finally, you can prepare the paper of the desired color yourself. Of the many ways to color paper, the following can be recommended: ink, ink, watercolor, gouache, oil paint.

    Knowing the features of paper will make it easier to work with it, avoiding many mistakes and disappointments. In the longitudinal and transverse direction, the paper has different mechanical and physical properties. Cut paper along the transverse direction of the fibers, when glued, gives wrinkles, and along the longitudinal direction it lays down smoothly, sticks well. We must not forget that when smearing with a paste, it swells and stretches. Across the fibers, the paper is stretched much more than along. If you immediately glue the paper that has just been glued with glue, then as a result of continued swelling and elongation, wrinkles and folds appear on the paper. Therefore, the smeared paper needs to lie down for one and a half two minutes. Only then can it be glued.

    All materials for art activities must be sorted and stacked in order, each in a specific place. Scissors are stored in a box, the paint is drained into cans. Banks must be tightly closed so that the paint does not dry out. Gouache paints need to be filled with water. It is better to arrange colored paper in individual envelopes (in st. gr). Neatly laid out materials take up little space, are better preserved, and are more convenient to use.

    At the first meeting of children with scissors, you need to introduce them to some rules:

    give scissors to each other only rings forward,

    put the scissors in the glass only with the rings up

    Do not use scissors as a pointer

    Do not swing scissors

    Be careful when using them.

    When dealing with children, do not forget about one very important point.


    Beautiful, tastefully decorated things help to educate frugality and accuracy. Even the simplest crafts made gracefully, soundly and positively affect the feelings of children, create a certain mood, evoke aesthetic emotions, lead to the completion of the work begun, to frugality, to accuracy. Children are especially careful about what they have made with their own hands.

    In the group room of the kindergarten, it is necessary to allocate space for the "Creativity Corner". For this, a well-lit part of the group room is allocated, as far as possible from the playing corner. On open shelves, on tables there should be supplies for drawing, modeling and appliqué.

    In the younger groups, only colored pencils are given to children for free use. Children of older groups can be provided with all materials. Advise parents to organize a similar corner at home for the child.

    Didactic games for preschoolers

    Didactic games in the classroom for creative activities in kindergarten "

    Matveeva Evgenia Alexandrovna, teacher of MDOU - kindergarten No. 16 "Malyshok", Serpukhov, M.O.

    Sometimes it is very difficult to explain some material to a child. And of course it is even more difficult to explain it so that he remembers it. And here didactic games come to the aid of the educator. They are used in the educational process from the very beginning of teaching a child to draw. I bring to your attention examples of such games that I use in my work.

    1. The game "Colored baskets"

    The first game is used with the youngest children and is called Color Baskets.
    Purpose of the game: the game is aimed at learning colors by children 2.5-3.5 years old, memorizing the names of primary colors, developing the speech skills of preschoolers, developing observation, memory.
    Game progress: children are invited to collect mixed-up objects in baskets, the child draws any card, but he must put it in a basket of the same color, while loudly calling out the color and the object he has chosen.

    2. Game "Seabed"

    Purpose of the game: development of artistic composition skills, development of speech, logical thinking, memory.

    A very common game that can be used not only in art, but also in other educational areas. The seabed (empty) is shown to the children, and it must be said that all the sea inhabitants wanted to play Hide and Seek with us, and in order to find them, you need to guess riddles about them. The one who guessed it hangs the inhabitant on the background. It turns out the finished composition. The teacher motivates children to visual activity. (Good to use with middle and older groups). In the same way, other topics of plot compositions can be studied with children: “Summer Meadow”, “Forest People”, “Autumn Harvest”, “Still Life with Tea”, etc. You can invite several children to the board and ask them to make different compositions from the same objects. This game develops intelligence, reaction, compositional vision.

    3. The game "Painted horses"

    When consolidating knowledge of folk paintings or when monitoring in the senior and preparatory groups, you can use this simple game.
    Purpose: to consolidate knowledge of the main motives of Russian folk paintings (“Gzhel”, “Gorodets”, “Filimonovo”, “Dymka”), to consolidate the ability to distinguish them from others, to name them correctly, to develop a sense of color.
    Game progress: the child needs to determine in which clearing each of the horses will graze, and name the type of applied art, based on which they are painted.

    4. The game "Magic landscape"

    One of the most difficult topics is, of course, the study of perspective in a landscape - distant objects seem smaller, near ones more. For this, it is also more convenient to use the game.
    The purpose of the game: to teach children to see and convey the properties of spatial perspective in drawings, to develop an eye, memory, and compositional skills.
    Game progress: The child needs to arrange trees and houses in pockets in size, in accordance with their prospective remoteness. (preparatory group).


    Game "Assemble the landscape"

    Using the landscape as an example, it is also convenient to develop a sense of composition, knowledge of the phenomena of the surrounding nature. For this, it is convenient to use this didactic game.
    The purpose of the game: to form the skills of compositional thinking, to consolidate knowledge of seasonal changes in nature, to consolidate knowledge of the concept of "landscape", to develop observation, memory.
    Game progress: the child is invited to compose a landscape of a certain season (winter, spring, autumn or winter) from a set of printed pictures, the child must select objects that correspond to this particular season and, using their knowledge, build the correct composition.

    6. The game "Spread out and count nesting dolls"

    Purpose of the game: to consolidate knowledge about the Russian matryoshka, to develop the ability to distinguish this type of creativity from others, to develop ordinal counting skills, eye, reaction speed.
    Game progress: Leaflets with drawn silhouettes of nesting dolls hang on the board, three children are called and they must quickly decompose nesting dolls into cells and count them.

    7. The game "Matryoshkin sundress"

    The purpose of the game: to develop compositional skills, to consolidate children's knowledge about the main elements of painting Russian nesting dolls, to consolidate knowledge of Russian national clothes.
    Game progress: There are silhouettes of three nesting dolls drawn on the board, the teacher calls three children in turn, they each choose to dress their nesting doll.

    Each of these games can be drawn by yourself or made using a computer and a color printer.

    Organization of visual activities of children in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard

    Consultation for educators

    Prepared by: educator MBDOU

    Kindergarten №1 "Alyonushka"

    Pyatova E. Yu.

    The federal state educational standard was developed on the basis of the Constitution of the Russian Federation and the legislation of the Russian Federation, as well as taking into account the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child.

    Unlike other standards, GEF DO is not the basis for assessing compliance with the established requirements of educational activities and training of students. The development of educational programs of preschool education is not accompanied by intermediate certification and final certification of students.

    For the first time, preschool education is recognized as an independent level of general education. If the FGT imposed requirements on the structure and conditions for the implementation of the main educational program, then the Federal State Educational Standards of DO also impose requirements on the results of mastering the main educational program, and this is a fundamental innovation.

    Artistic and aesthetic development is the most important aspect of raising a child. It contributes to the enrichment of sensory experience, the emotional sphere of the individual, affects the knowledge of the moral side of reality, and increases cognitive activity. Aesthetic development is the result of aesthetic education. A component of this process is art education - the process of assimilating art history knowledge, skills, and developing abilities for artistic creativity.

    An important component of artistic and aesthetic development is the formation (development) of children's artistic taste (visual, auditory), the ability to communicate with art, actively express themselves in creativity, create their own subject-developing artistic environment.

    The leading pedagogical idea of ​​artistic and aesthetic development is the creation of an educational system focused on the development of the individual through familiarization with spiritual values, through involvement in creative activity.

    The system of work on artistic and aesthetic development consists of interrelated components:

    content updateeducation (selection of programs and technologies);

    creating conditions forartistic and aesthetic development (staffing, educational and methodological support, creation of a subject-developing environment);

    organization of educationalprocess (work with children and parents);

    work coordinationwith other institutions and organizations.

    “Artistic and aesthetic development involves the development of the prerequisites for the value-semantic perception and understanding of works of art (verbal, musical, visual), the natural world; the formation of an aesthetic attitude to the world around; the formation of elementary ideas about the types of art; perception of music, fiction, folklore; stimulation of empathy for the characters of works of art; implementation of independent creative activity of children (fine, constructive-model, musical, etc.)”.

    See paragraph 2.6. GEF DO.

    Main goals and objectives

    Formation of interest in the aesthetic side of the surrounding reality, aesthetic attitude to objects and phenomena of the surrounding world, works of art; fostering interest in artistic and creative activities.

    Development of aesthetic feelings of children, artistic perception, figurative representations, imagination, artistic and creative abilities.

    Development of children's artistic creativity, interest in independent creative activity (fine, constructive-model, musical, etc.); meeting the needs of children in self-expression.

    Organization of the subject-spatial environment in the kindergarten group for the development of the visual activity of children

    The subject-developing environment is a complex of material, aesthetic, psychological and pedagogical conditions that ensure the organization of the life of children in a preschool institution - should serve the interests and needs of the child, and its equipment, materials, didactic material and others should serve its development. The environment must meet the sanitary and hygienic safety requirements developed for a modern preschool educational institution. And this creates an environment psychologically comfortable, favorable for the life of children.

    The corner of visual activity can be regarded as a kind of artistic and creative complex. The creation of the subject environment of a preschool educational institution involves the organization of an artistic and creative complex of a corner of visual activity, which includes the interaction of arts and various types of artistic activity that activates the independent activity of preschoolers.

    The purpose of the visual activity corner is the formation of the creative potential of children, the development of interest in art, the formation of aesthetic perception, imagination, artistic and creative abilities, independence, and activity.

    The organization of a subject-developing environment for the development of visual activity in accordance with the federal educational standard for preschool education meets the following requirements.


    The developing environment for the organization of visual activity has a variety of materials, equipment and inventory. It ensures the creative activity of all pupils, their emotional well-being, aesthetic development and the possibility of self-expression.

    Transformability of space

    Assumes the possibility of changes in the subject-spatial environment depending on the educational situation. All elements of the visual activity complex can be transformed in a variety of ways. The group at the request of the children can be transformed into an "exhibition hall", "gallery", "workshop", etc.

    Polyfunctionality of materials

    Possibility of diverse use of various components of the subject environment. For example, the screen was converted into an exhibition stand for the display of creative works. The presence in the group of polyfunctional (not possessing a rigidly fixed method of use) objects (natural, waste material)

    Environment variability

    The presence of various spaces for the implementation of visual activities. Periodic replacement, renewal of the subject-developing environment, its aesthetic and intellectual saturation, taking into account the specifics of the child's perception, allows us to solve the problems of developing children's creative activity.

    Environment Availability

    The environment should be organized so that the materials and equipment necessary for children to carry out any activity are either within the child’s field of vision or available so that he can take them without asking for help from an adult, including children with disabilities. At the same time, it is very important to teach children to put all the materials back into place: firstly, because order in everything provides comfort and beauty, pleases the eye, creates a good mood, and secondly, because they may be needed for other children to study. or that child. Consumables must be aesthetic, intact, clean. Exhibition spaces must be accessible for viewing by children.


    The equipment must correspond to the age characteristics of children (taking into account the requirements of anthropometry, psycho-physiology of the perception of color, shape, size). It is necessary to ensure the storage of sharp and cutting objects (pencils, scissors) in specially designated cases, boxes, cabinets. In the organization of the corner of visual activity, the height of tables and chairs should correspond to the height of the children and they should be placed so that when working behind them there is left-hand lighting or, in extreme cases, the light falls from the front. The working surfaces of the tables should have a light-colored matte finish. The materials used for lining tables and chairs must have low thermal conductivity and be resistant to warm water. The size of the wall board is 0.75-1.5 meters, the height of the lower edge of the wall board above the floor is 0.7-0.8 meters.

    General purpose equipment

    Board for drawing with chalk.


    Sets of colored and white chalk.

    The easel is single sided or double sided.

    Type-setting cloth 60*50 or 80*50.

    flannelgraph, magnetic board

    A stand for viewing children's drawings, demonstrating illustrative material.

    Stand for placement of works on modeling.

    Counting ladder for viewing modeling work.


    Roller for applying paint to paper.

    Desktop pencil sharpener.

    A tank with a tight-fitting lid for storing clay.

    Apron for the teacher

    Aprons and sleeves for children.

    Pedagogical requirements for the subject-developing environment of organizing a corner of visual activity

    Uniform style in the design of its appeal to children;

    The presence of appropriate decorative moments;

    Ensuring the emotional well-being of the child and adult;

    Taking into account the age and gender characteristics of children, both in the content of the materials and in the organization of space.

    The quantitative composition of items and materials (the presence and number of relevant items is compared with the standard);

    The presence of a variety of artistic materials, their replacement, addition, quality, appearance;

    Pedagogical expediency (compliance with the purpose and objectives of aesthetic education);

    Accessibility of material for children, convenient location.

    Junior preschool age

    All materials for free independent productive activity should be available to children. Children of this age do not respond well to spatial changes in the situation, they prefer stability, so all materials and manuals should have a permanent place.Materials and manuals for fine arts daily, after the evening meal, are placed on the tables that are available in the group. In working order, all materials, manuals, equipment and unfinished children's work are stored until breakfast the next day.

    For children of primary and secondary preschool age, material and equipment in the corner of visual activity can be placed on open shelves.

    Children of the younger group should be given pencils of six colors for drawing (red, blue, green, yellow, black and brown). For drawing, use two types of water paints - gouache and watercolor. For preschool children, the most convenient paints are opaque, pasty, opaque - gouache. The paint must be diluted to the density of liquid sour cream, so that it stays on the brush, does not drip from it. It is best to pour the paint into transparent jars with low rims so that children can see the color. It is convenient to use gouache paints in plastic jars with closed lids: teachers prepare the paint in them and leave them after class without pouring anywhere. At the same time, the paint is spent more economically and it takes less time to prepare it. In the younger group, at first they give 2-3 colors, and by the end of the year 4-6 colors. Children of the younger group are recommended to give brushes No. 12-14. Such a brush, pressed against the paper, leaves a bright, well-marked trace, facilitating the transfer of the shape of the object. For drawing, you need a fairly thick, slightly rough paper (preferably half-drawn paper). You can replace it with thick writing paper. Glossy paper is not suitable for drawing, on the surface of which the pencil slides, leaving almost no trace, and thin paper that tears from strong pressure. During work, the paper should lie motionless and even (the exception is decorative drawing, during which children can change the position of the sheet). Children of the younger group are recommended to give paper the size of a writing sheet for drawing - it corresponds to the span of a child's hand. The desire for independent activity is formed in the younger preschool age in cooperation with adults, in joint activities with them. With this in mind, the space is organized in such a way that two or three children and an adult can act simultaneously. Children have the right to dispose of drawings and crafts themselves - take them home or use them in a game, put them on an exhibition.

    Approximate set of materials and equipment for visual activity for the first junior group

    Name -

    Quantity per group -

    For drawing -

    A set of colored pencils (6 colors) -

    For every child

    A set of felt-tip pens (6 colors) -

    For every child

    Gouache -

    Set of 6 flowers per child -

    Round brushes (squirrel, kolinsky 10 - 14) -

    For every child

    Containers for washing the bristle of the brush from the paint (0.5 l) -

    One for two children

    A napkin made of a fabric that absorbs water well to drain the brush after washing and when gluing ready-made forms (15*15) -

    For every child

    Brush holders -

    For every child

    Drawing paper -

    For every child

    For modeling -

    For every child

    Round brushes (squirrel, kolinsky No. 10 - 14)

    For every child

    Banks for washing the bristle of the brush from the paint (0.25 and 0.5 l)

    Two jars (0.25 and 0.5 l) for each child

    Napkin made of highly absorbent fabric to dry the brush after rinsing and when sticking in the application

    For every child

    Brush holders

    For every child

    Paper of various density, color and size, which is selected by the teacher depending on the learning objectives

    for modeling

    Clay - prepared for modeling

    0.5 kg per child

    Plasticine (12 colors)

    3 boxes per child

    Stacks of various shapes

    Set of 3 - 4 stacks per child

    Boards, 20*20 cm

    For every child

    A napkin made of fabric that absorbs water well, for wiping hands while sculpting

    For every child

    For application

    Scissors with blunt ends

    For every child

    Sets of paper of the same color but different shapes (10 - 12 colors, size 10*12cm or 6*7cm)

    For every child

    Files made of transparent synthetic film for storing paper scraps.

    For every child

    Trays for forms and scraps of paper

    For every child

    Bristle brushes for glue

    For every child

    Plates on which children put figures for spreading with glue

    For every child

    Sockets for glue

    For every child

    Demonstration material for visual activities with children

    Genuine works of folk, decorative and applied art

    For children of primary preschool age - 2 - 3 types of folk toys with which children could act (Bogorodsk toy, Semenov and other nesting dolls, Gorodets carved toys (horses), etc.).

    For children of middle and senior preschool age, 3-4 types of works of folk art are selected, in the process of perception of which children could feel the plasticity of the form, the connection between the purpose of the object and its decoration, get acquainted with various elements of the pattern, color, composition. For this purpose, the following can be used: Dymkovo clay toys, works by Khokhloma and Gorodets masters, etc. At the same time, it is desirable that children first of all be introduced to the work of those folk craftsmen who live in a given region, city, village. Practical assistance in introducing children to folk art will be provided to teachers by A.A. Gribovskaya "Children about folk art". (M.: Education, 2001).

    Reproductions from paintings, book graphics

    For this purpose, teachers can use any highly artistic works of book graphics and reproductions, the content of which is recommended by the program, is understandable to children and evokes an emotional response from them.


    1. Materials and equipment for kindergarten. Manual for educators and managers, edited by T.N. Doronova and N.A. Korotkova. Approved by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation. Moscow, CJSC "Elti-Kudits" 2003
    2. http://otherreferats.allbest.ru/pedagogics/00194208_0.html

    One of the important and at the same time the most complex elements in the structure of the daily routine is the organization of classes with children.

    One of the important and at the same time the most complex elements in the structure of the daily routine is the organization of classes with children. Classes in kindergarten are conducted with a clear regulation of their duration, taking into account the age and individual physiological capabilities of the children's body. Classes are structured in such a way as to prevent overwork, overload of children, which are caused by monotony, the use of irrational methods, the absence or lack of visual aids, etc. Especially harmful is the long-term retention of a static posture. Therefore, in the process of any activity, children should feel free, have the right to move, talk with other children and pronounce the process of their own activities.

    In order for the lessons to contribute as much as possible to the general development and broadening of the horizons and not cause harm to the health of children, in classes related to productive activities (crafting, designing, modeling, manual labor, etc.), the teacher first determines such a volume of tasks that children without excessive tension within the allotted time could complete completely. At the same time, the teacher helps the child (depending on the individual characteristics, working capacity and skills of the children) and encourages the child’s activity even if the task was not completed to the end, but he tried and the course of his work was correct. Help and encouragement from the educator is widely used in such activities as familiarization with others, reading fiction and many others. This contributes to a better assimilation of program material by children and increase their performance.

    In the process of organizing various forms of education, the educator strives for clarity of explanation of the educational material, uses game techniques, encourages children to move. During the classes, the teacher maintains the child's interest in them, combining tasks that are different in content and degree of complexity, promptly switching the attention of children from one material to another. This allows you to activate different senses (vision, hearing), combine static and motor components, which helps to avoid overwork of children.

    In preventing the development of fatigue, an important role is played by the teacher's ability to creatively approach the implementation of organized and independent activities of children, to be able to find various forms of their implementation, taking into account the individual characteristics of children (interests, pace, etc.).

    When organizing training sessions, the teacher also pays attention to how preschoolers spend their breaks between them, regulates the nature and content of children's games during this period, which should differ from previous activities. It is important that during the breaks between organized activities, the child switches to other activities.

    The number and duration of classes are determined by the Sanitary and Epidemiological Rules and Regulations (SanPin

    For toddlers from 1.5 to 3 years old, no more than 10 lessons per week are planned (speech development, didactic games, movement development, musical, etc.) lasting no more than 8-10 minutes. It is allowed to conduct one lesson in the first and one lesson in the second half of the day. In the warm season, the maximum number of classes is carried out on the site during a walk. It is not advisable to conduct classes with a group of more than 5-6 children at the same time.

    The maximum allowable weekly educational load, including additional education classes, for preschool children is: in the younger group (children of the fourth year of life) - 11 lessons, in the middle group (children of the fifth year of life) - 12, in the older group (children of the sixth year of life) years of life) - 15, in the preparatory (children of the seventh year of life) - 17 lessons.

    The maximum allowable number of classes in the first half of the day in the junior and middle groups does not exceed two, and in the senior and preparatory groups - three. Their duration for children of the 4th year of life is no more than 15 minutes, for children of the 5th year of life - no more than 20 minutes, for children of the 6th year of life - no more than 25 minutes, and for children of the 7th year of life - no more than 30 minutes. In the middle of the lesson, a physical education session is held. Breaks between classes - at least 10 minutes. Classes for older preschool children can be held in the afternoon after daytime sleep, but not more than 2-3 times a week. The duration of these classes is no more than 25-30 minutes. In the middle of a static class, a physical education session is held.

    Form of organization:

    a) by duration:

    2 - 3 lessons per day lasting from 10 to 35 minutes.

    b) by structure:

    Organizing time;

    The beginning of the lesson (settings for the course of the lesson);

    The course of the lesson;

    evaluation of children's activities, summing up (end of lesson).


    Classes in visual activity require pedagogically thought-out material equipment: special equipment, tools and visual materials. The equipment includes all those items that create the conditions for conducting classes - boards, easels, stands, etc.; tools: pencils, brushes, scissors, etc., necessary in the image process; visual materials to create an image.
    The head, together with the educator-methodologist, provides for the acquisition of everything necessary for the successful conduct of classes in fine arts and for the development of children's creativity, checks how materials and equipment are used, whether children are brought up to care for them. Different types of visual activity are equipped in different ways.
    For drawing (subject, plot, decorative, by design) boards (wall and floor) covered with linoleum are needed; a board with three slats for demonstrating children's drawings; stand for nature; table boards - folding easels (for older groups), etc.
    It is advisable to have in the group a combined wall board with three sections, in which one section is covered with linoleum, the other with flannel, and on the third - slats are nailed. In order to protect the eyesight of children in older groups, individual boards with an inclined plane should be provided, which provide a perpendicular, rather than an angled direction of the visual beam.
    Pencils. For drawing, children need a set of colored pencils: in the younger groups - five pencils (red, blue, green, yellow and black); in the middle - from six pencils (red, blue, green, yellow, black and brown); in the older groups, in addition, orange, purple, dark red, pink, blue, light green are added.
    In younger groups, pencils should be round. Children of the older group are recommended soft graphite pencils ("School", "Art" No. 1, 2). When preparing a pencil for work, they grind down a wooden frame by 25-30 mm and expose graphite by 8-10 mm (the wooden frame of colored pencils must be ground to a shorter length, since their rods are thicker and with strong pressure they crumble and break).
    Brushes. To draw with paints, you need round hair brushes with soft and elastic pile - kolinsky, squirrel, ferret, etc. The brushes differ in numbers: No. 1-8 - thin, No. 8-16 - thick.
    Children of the younger group are recommended to give brushes No. 12-14. Such a brush, pressed against the paper, leaves a bright, well-marked trace, facilitating the transfer of the shape of the object. Children of the middle and older groups can be given both thin and thick brushes. When observing how children act with a brush, it is necessary to pay special attention to whether the children know how to hold it correctly, whether the teacher reminds them of this or shows them; during the lesson and at the end of it, do the children put the brushes on the coasters (the teacher can make them from thick cardboard or cut lengthwise into two halves of the coil). In no case should children be allowed to leave brushes in a jar of water, as this will cause the hair to bend and diverge in different directions, losing its shape. Hair brushes will last a long time and paint well if handled with care. When preparing paint for a lesson, you do not need to stir it with a brush: it is much more convenient to do it with a stick. While painting with watercolors, the paint is picked up with light semicircular movements, without pressing the brush, so that the pile does not fan out. At the end of the work, the brush is thoroughly washed so that the remaining paint does not dry out. It is recommended to store brushes in glasses pile up.
    Even before the start of the lesson, the manager looks at what kind of paper has been prepared. For drawing, you need a fairly thick, slightly rough paper (preferably half-drawn paper). You can replace it with thick writing paper. Glossy paper is not suitable for drawing, on the surface of which the pencil slides, leaving almost no trace, and thin paper, which is torn from strong pressure. During work, the paper should lie motionless and even (the exception is decorative drawing, during which children can change the position of the sheet).
    Children of the younger group are recommended to give paper the size of a writing sheet for drawing - it corresponds to the span of a child's hand. For children of the middle and older groups, paper in half of a writing sheet is recommended for depicting individual objects (but a whole sheet can also be used); for plot drawings, paper of a larger format should be given. When preparing paper for drawing, the teacher must take into account the structure and size of the depicted object.
    When drawing with gouache paints, colored paper of rich and soft tones is used. Children of older groups can independently prepare paper of the desired color. (For tinting paper, gouache and watercolor paints and thick soft brushes are used; it is convenient to use small flat paint brushes - flutes. The paint is first applied with horizontal strokes, over which vertical strokes are applied.)
    Paints. Two types of water-based paints are used for drawing - gouache and watercolor. For preschool children, the most convenient paints are opaque, pasty, opaque - gouache.
    The paint must be diluted to the density of liquid sour cream, so that it stays on the brush, does not drip from it. It is best to pour the paint into transparent jars with low rims so that children can see the color.
    It is convenient to use gouache paints in plastic jars with closed lids: teachers prepare the paint in them and leave them after class without pouring anywhere. At the same time, the paint is spent more economically and it takes less time to prepare it.
    The teacher must be able to compose the desired colors of paints.
    Watercolor paints are recommended for children of the senior and preparatory to school groups. A distinctive feature of watercolors is a very finely ground pigment and a large percentage of adhesives (as a binder). Thanks to thin grinding, watercolor paints acquire their main advantage - transparency. Currently, watercolors are produced in different types: hard - in tiles, semi-soft - in porcelain molds and soft - in tubes. In a kindergarten, it is best to use semi-soft watercolor (in molds).
    Looking through the summary of the lesson, the head notes whether the teacher plans to teach children the skills to properly use watercolors (wet them before drawing, carefully draw them on a brush, try color on a plastic or paper palette, apply a thin layer so that the paper shines through and the color is visible), fixes or acquired skills.
    Children should not be allowed to paint with watercolors in the same way as with gouache. Drawing with watercolors, children draw the contours of objects on paper with a simple pencil. For classes and independent artistic and creative activities of children, pastel is recommended - thick rods of different colors. Pastel sets have five colors, several tones of each, which makes up a ready-made palette for work. Pastel is divided into hard, medium and soft. Soft pastels are recommended for children. This paint requires careful handling, as it easily crumbles and breaks. Therefore, each pastel rod must be wrapped in foil.
    Colored wax crayons are sold in the form of rods in a set of 12 to 36 colors. They draw in the same way as pastels. The advantage of colored wax crayons is that they can produce a nearly pencil-thick line. Therefore, with wax crayons, the drawing is performed without the use of a simple pencil.
    Colored crayons are used for drawing on the board in their spare time. For erasing, you need to have two rags - dry and slightly moistened: dry eliminate errors and apply shading by grinding chalk dust; wet refresh the darkest places, and at the end they erase the drawing from the board. Charcoal for drawing is a large rod 10-12 cm long and 5-8 mm in diameter. This is a soft, brittle, crumbling material, so it should be wrapped in foil. Charcoal gives a deep matte black trail. Charcoal is used on fluffy paper that retains coal dust - wallpaper, wrapping, drawing. You can fix the charcoal drawing with slightly sweetened water applied to the paper with light vertical movements using a cotton swab.
    Modeling requires special equipment: a machine with a turntable (for older groups), a saucer for water, a rag; for coloring children's crafts - a primer; in addition, special paints are used for coloring - engobe.
    For firing children's sculptures, it is desirable to have a muffle furnace.
    A nature stand may be used to display a nature or specimen. The equipment also includes frames - ordinary sticks of different lengths and widths. The use of frames helps children to more perfectly represent the legs of animals, to make their figures stable and dynamic.
    For modeling, plastic materials are needed - clay, plasticine, while the main, most suitable material for modeling is clay.
    In the younger groups, only clay is used, since it is difficult for children of this age to sculpt from plasticine. In the middle group, children also sculpt mainly from clay. Colored plasticine is used in senior groups in plot modeling.
    How to prepare clay for modeling. Clay mined in different places differs in color: it can be yellowish-brown, reddish, gray-white, greenish-blue, brown. Clay will be greasy if there is little sand in it, sand impurities make it free-flowing. Clay can be taken directly from the ground. Good layers of alluvial oily clay are found near rivers and streams. Therefore, urban kindergartens need to harvest clay in the summer, when leaving for the country.
    Plasticine is an artificial plastic mass made from clay, wax, lard, paints and other additives. It is soft and mobile, does not harden for a long time, but softens and melts when the temperature rises. It is not recommended to knead plasticine in your hands when sculpting for a long time. Before working with plasticine, it is slightly heated by placing the boxes near a heat source.
    The pupils of the older groups should have individual ready-made sets of plasticine, the condition of which the children must monitor, laying out the remaining plasticine by color.
    For applique classes, you need: trays and flat boxes for finished forms, paper, scraps; oilcloth; plastic board (20x15 cm) for spreading forms with glue; rag; jars for paste with low edges; brush stands; bristle brushes; scissors with blunt ends (length of levers - 18 cm).
    For application work, white and colored paper of various grades is used. For the background - more dense: white from sketchbooks, or colored desktop, or thin cardboard. Parts of objects are cut out of thin paper, glossy paper is best: it has a bright color and is pleasant to the touch. Older preschoolers also use matte colored paper of various colors and shades. In older groups, it is advisable to have an envelope for each child with a set of paper of different colors and shades.
    All materials for visual activity must be sorted and stacked in order, each in a specific place. The scissors are stored in a box. After class, the paint is drained into jars (the jars must be tightly closed so that the paint does not dry out). Gouache paints in jars need to be filled with water. Paper should be stored in stacks; colored paper can be cut into small sheets and put under a press (then in the older groups it is laid out in individual envelopes).
    Neatly laid out materials take up little space, are better preserved, and are more convenient to use.
    Equipment and materials of the corner ("zone") of independent visual activity of children. In the kindergarten, conditions should be created for independent visual activity of children outside of class. For this, a well-lit part of the group room is allocated, as far as possible from the play corner. It is advisable to use the window part, where two or three tables are placed. If the window sills are low, boards are attached to them on the brackets, which can be lowered when the children are not engaged. On the open shelves of the nearest cabinet, on the tables there should be supplies for drawing, modeling, appliqué. In the younger group, only colored pencils are given to children for free use. Children of older groups can be provided with all materials with slight restrictions: instead of clay, plasticine is offered.
    Children arrange their drawings into thematic folders - “Folk Tales”, “People's Labor”, “Decorative Patterns”, “About Nature”, etc.
    In the "zone" of visual activity there should be boxes with natural material and visual aids that children creatively use in their work.

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