• How to care for a newborn baby girl Komarovsky. Hygiene and care of a newborn princess. Video: Intimate hygiene of a newborn girl


    Genitals a little girl and an adult woman differ from each other in size and structure.

    Large labia the newborn is almost always edematous and does not completely cover the small. The clitoris has big size. Uterus and ovaries the crumbs are located in the abdominal cavity.

    The length of the uterus is about 3 cm, moreover, the body of the uterus is several times smaller than its neck. This is due to the action of placental hormones.

    Gradually, the size of the uterus decreases and remains unchanged until the age of 8, after which it begins to grow. By the time of puberty, she reaches the size and shape of an adult woman.

    The ovaries of a newborn girl are lightweight: about 0.4 g. They grow extremely slowly, by the second year of life they acquire an ovoid shape, fully formed by the age of 10.

    Length of the urethra just born crumbs a little more than 1 cm. Such a distance can easily overcome all kinds of microbes and cause inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system.

    That is why adherence to the rules of personal hygiene must be observed by a young mother!

    The vaginal skin of a little girl is very vulnerable. From exposure to detergents, the use of washing powder for adult linen, an incorrectly selected diaper the mucous membrane quickly turns red, signs of inflammation appear.

    In addition, if feces and urine come into contact with the baby's delicate skin diaper rash may occur.

    To protect the delicate genital area of \u200b\u200bthe newborn and prevent infection from entering the body, you need to bathe the child every day, paying special attention to the genitals.

    Soon after birth, the mother may notice her daughter on the diaper bloody issues... This phenomenon is called "Hormonal crisis" and should not make you feel afraid.

    This is how the reaction of the child's body manifests itself to an increased level of maternal hormones that penetrated the placenta. After birth, they enter the body along with the mother's milk.

    This is a non-painful conditionthat does not require any treatment. Everything will gradually pass by itself. During this period, it is also especially important to pay due attention to the hygiene of the daughter's genitals.

    Every mother should know that an oily secret accumulates between the large and small sexual lips of the crumbs. white... This is also normal.

    But if such discharge is not removed in time With a cotton swab, they can cause itching, redness and inflammation.

    So, by paying special attention to the hygiene of the genitals of the newborn daughter, you save the baby from serious problems that can adversely affect women's health in future.

    About washing and washing

    Compliance with the rules of intimate hygiene of a girl is not just a banal concern for cleanliness. It is also the prevention of all kinds of diseases. So a newborn baby girl not only can you wash, but you also need to.

    It is only important to do it correctly so as not to harm the lightly injured children's skin. Do not show excessive fanaticism when washing your daughter, do not try to get your fingers where you do not need.

    The delicate folds of the labia should be wiped with a damp cotton pad, slightly opening them with a gentle movement of the hand. A few light pressure movements will not only remove unnecessary mucus from children's genitals, but also prevent the labia from joining.

    Starting to wash the child, wash your hands well... Keep your fingernails short to avoid accidentally injuring your daughter's delicate skin.

    The baby should be washed after each bowel movement, before going to bed, in the morning after waking up. After urinating, it will be enough to wipe the child's genitals and folds with a damp cloth.

    At the end of the procedure grease the groin folds with vegetable, olive (it must be sterile, that is, boiled) or special baby oil. You can buy it at the pharmacy or in the children's section of supermarkets.

    Wash your newborn daughter necessarily boiled water ... Indeed, in ordinary tap water there are a lot of microbes that can become a source of infection for your baby.

    In the first months of life, baby's delicate skin is especially vulnerable, so do not be lazy to boil water. After 3 months, the water can not be boiled, it will be enough to defend it for a while.

    For example, in the evening, take ordinary tap water into a clean bowl and leave it overnight. By morning, all unwanted substances will settle at the bottom. Warm up the water and use it to wash the baby.

    Every mother should remember that washing the girl should start from the vagina, following to the perineum, anus and buttocks.

    If you wash the baby under the tap, put her on your left hand with her tummy up. From the vaginal slit move downgently washing away impurities from delicate skin.

    After the procedure, wrap the baby's legs in a diaper and transfer them to the room for further processing. If it is easier for you to wash your baby on the changing surface, lay your daughter on the table with her stomach up.

    Lift her legs and also wash the girl from top to bottom with pre-prepared water. Use a clean cotton cloth or a special baby washcloth to wash.

    At the end of this step, pat your baby's skin dry with a soft towel. You cannot wipe the baby, this can cause redness and irritation of the skin.

    When washing a newborn never use soap... It can dry out the delicate baby skin.

    If you need to remove a piece of dried stool, dampen the area with baby oil. After a while, the contamination will be easily washed off with water.

    As the crumbs grow older you can use special baby soap, but getting it into the genital crevice should be avoided. This can irritate the vulva and make the baby restless.

    A separate towel and a small washcloth should be allocated for the baby. From the cradle, teach your daughter to basic rules of personal hygiene. Thus, you will take care of your daughter's reproductive health.

    Underwear and diapers

    A young mother has a lot of trouble with her little daughter: she learns to understand her child without words, to take care of the baby. In addition, the burden of taking care of the home falls on the shoulders of the woman.

    It is good that disposable baby diapers have now been invented. Without diapers, the life of a modern mom would be much harder. But they also need to be applied correctly.

    To avoid diaper rash the child should have air baths from time to time. After each diaper change, leave your baby naked for 5-7 minutes. Then wash the girl or dab her skin with a damp cloth, grease the folds with oil and put on a clean diaper.

    This operation should be performed every 3-4 hours and after the act of defecation. Do not buy cheap diapers of a dubious manufacturer, do not expose your baby's genitals to danger.

    By following these simple rules, you will relieve baby's skin of diaper rash and irritation.

    Buy underwear for your daughter only from natural fabrics: give preference to items made of cotton or linen. Such fabrics are excellent for air permeability, allowing the skin to breathe.

    Panties and pants should not restrict the baby's movement and tighten the genitals.

    For a grown-up baby, do not buy such popular "thongs!"

    This is absolutely unhygienic: such underwear eats into the delicate skin of the genitals, and can cause irritation and inflammation.

    Never wash your daughter's laundry with an adult. For washing baby clothes there are special products that are unable to cause allergic reactions in the delicate skin of the baby.

    When do you need to see a doctor?

    It happens that the mother notices unusual discharge from the genital tract of her daughter, redness of the vulva. Sometimes this is a meaningless factor that is caused by some kind of irritant.

    Usually, this problem can be dealt with at home. It will be enough to wash the baby with decoctions of anti-inflammatory herbs for several days and there will be no trace of irritation.

    But there are also situations that require an immediate visit to the doctor:

    • if after self-treatment there is no significant improvement, the problem is exacerbated;
    • discharge has an unpleasant odor, green or bright yellow;
    • the labia minora have grown together, forming adhesions.

    Doctors call this phenomenon synechiae... The reason can be both a low level of the hormone estrogen, and an inflammatory process.

    Do not try sever lips yourself!

    The pediatric gynecologist will determine the cause of the discharge and itching, and, if necessary, prescribe the appropriate treatment.

    For treatment adhesions of the labia minora can be applied with surgical treatment or local.

    The genitals of girls are arranged in such a way that the penetration of infection into them is not difficult. Children's skin is very delicate and easily vulnerable.

    Excellent prevention in the fight against all kinds of genital infections and inflammations is the usual adherence to the rules of hygiene in girls.

    A newborn baby should be washed boiled water in the direction from the pubis to the anus, change the diaper every 3-4 hours and regularly arrange air baths for the girl.

    Your daughter's underwear should be made from natural fabrics. Let it freely fit the body, do not rub the genitals and do not eat into them. All this will contribute to the free breathing of the delicate skin of the genitals, prevent diaper rash and help avoid infection.

    From childhood, teach your baby to have a separate towel, soap and washcloth. And in no case do not wash your daughter's clothes together with adults.

    If you have a foul-smelling discharge from the vagina, redness of the vulva, itching, be sure to consult a doctor. These symptoms may indicate infections, vitamin deficiency, foreign body entering the vagina.

    Always rememberthat by taking care of your daughter's hygiene today, you prevent serious problems for her in the future. May your girl be healthy and happy!

    Hygiene of girls. School of Doctor Komarovsky.

    In this article:

    When a newborn baby appears in the house, taking care of his health and care comes to the fore.

    When it comes to a girl, the correct conduct hygiene procedures especially important. This helps to prevent all kinds of diseases that often arise against the background of neglect of hygiene. Newborn girls, due to their physiological characteristics, require more careful care, unlike boys.

    Basic rules of intimate hygiene

    Caring for "especially delicate" places involves a number of observance of mandatory rules:

    • Mom must first wash her hands thoroughly with soap.
    • Washing is carried out from front to back, from the pubis to the anus. In this case, the girl should be held face up, while the boy is usually held face down.
    • This hygiene procedure should be performed every morning after waking up and in the evening before bed. To avoid a disease such as vulvovaginitis, it is necessary to wash the girl and after each act of defecation, when changing the diaper.
    • After washing, do not immediately dress the baby. You need to leave her to lie down without a diaper for a few minutes, so that the skin can breathe a little.
    • It is recommended to use only clean water, it is possible with the addition of chamomile extract. But the soap should be used only for severe contamination, and it can only be baby soap.
    • A newborn girl should have only her own towel and soap.
    • Do not use a washcloth when cleaning. This can damage the delicate skin of the genitals.
    • After this procedure, it is necessary to gently blot the girl's external genitals with a napkin and lubricate with baby cream.

    In the first days after birth

    Many parents are worried about the presence of a light gray plaque on the girl's labia. This is a kind of original lubricant that gradually absorbs itself into the skin. If there is too much plaque, it can provoke the multiplication of microorganisms that cause inflammation. In this case, it should be removed very carefully using cotton swabs moistened with warm water.


    As soon as the umbilical wound dries up, you can start bathing the baby. For the first six months of the life of the bath, it is recommended to do this daily, the next six months every other day, then even less often. You can bathe your baby at any time, but an evening bath before the last feeding is optimal.

    A clean, scalded with boiling water, baby bath with a diaper on the bottom is filled with warm water. The temperature is controlled by a special thermometer and should be 36.5-37.5 degrees.

    The air temperature in the bathing room is maintained at least 20 degrees. Detergents (and this is necessarily baby soap or special foam for children) should be used a maximum of once a week.

    The bathing procedure takes 5 minutes. With the left hand supporting the child in the water by the shoulders, with the right hand gently wash the head and body with gentle movements, especially all the folds, folds, genitals, palms. After that, rinse with clean water from a ladle prepared in advance, dry with a soft towel or diaper and grease the folds using baby cream or sterilized oil.

    How to clean your ears

    It is important to keep water out of your ears while swimming. You need to thoroughly blot your ears with a napkin or soft towel. The skin behind the ears requires special care. To avoid the appearance of diaper rash, you should lubricate it with baby cream. To cleanse the external auditory canal, it is recommended to use cotton filaments, and it is not worth doing this deeply, so as not to injure delicate skin, and especially the eardrum, which is close enough in newborns. Very carefully, only the sulfur that is in the auricle is removed. A separate flagellum is used for each ear.


    Caring for the nails of a newborn girl involves the timely implementation of the procedure for cutting the marigolds. This should be done very carefully, since it is a very thin and delicate fabric. Moreover, all the manicure accessories of the little princess should be individual, no one else should use them.

    After each use, scissors and tweezers must be thoroughly washed in soapy water. The basic rule that must be observed when cutting nails is that the nails must be "rounded" on the hands and cut in a straight line on the legs, that is, exactly, in order to prevent ingrowth nail plate. Best time for nail care - when the baby is sound asleep.

    How to properly clean a baby's nose

    Care for the nose of a newborn girl should be done daily. After all, the baby does not know how to blow her nose, and dust particles that settle and accumulate in the nasal passages, dried droplets of regurgitated milk greatly impede breathing, causing anxiety and difficulty in breathing.

    For processing, twisted cotton filaments are required. First, a flagellum dipped in cosmetic oil, gently rotate in the nasal passage to soften the crusts. A dry flagellum is then used to remove these crusts from the nasal passages. In no case should you use cotton swabs for this, since there is a high probability of damaging the very delicate mucous membrane of the baby's nose. You should also avoid using all kinds of children's nasal aspirators that can disrupt the microflora, which in the future can lead to serious health problems.

    Breast glands - what to look for

    Often, young mothers are alarmed by swelling in the area of \u200b\u200bthe baby's mammary glands. In no case should these swellings be squeezed and kneaded. All this can provoke inflammation and suppuration. You just need to keep this area clean. This usually goes away within a few days. If inflammation still occurs, you should immediately consult a doctor.

    It is important to remember that the state of her health in the future depends on how competently the care of the little princess will be.

    Doctor Komarovsky talks about the hygiene of girls

    So the long-awaited miracle has happened - you took your little princess from the hospital. Now all the worries about her will entirely fall on your shoulders. The first thing young parents need to know is how to properly care for and keep a young creature clean. The hygiene of newborn girls is somewhat different from caring for boys; natural physiological differences are to blame. We will tell you about all the intricacies of toilet procedures for newborn babies in this article.


    For bathing a newborn, you should stock up on a small plastic bath, a thermometer, special baby soap without additives or bath foam, a baby washcloth. It is better to use a small piece of gauze, which after the procedures can be washed, boiled and ironed. Set aside a separate bathing diaper. You should stock up and you can buy, but you can use any vegetable by first boiling it and adding a couple of drops of vitamin A.

    You can start bathing the baby completely when the wound on the navel dries up. Such hygiene of newborn girls is carried out every evening before going to bed. The baby needs to be fed an hour and a half before the procedure, otherwise she may regurgitate milk.

    Bathing water should not be higher than 37 degrees, check the temperature with a thermometer. Place a diaper on the bottom of the tub. Collect some water and slowly lower the baby into it. Wrap the edges of the diaper around the girl and start pouring water over her smoothly. When the baby begins to get used to the water, the diaper can be folded back. Thoroughly wash the whole body of the baby with water.

    You should bathe your child with soap no more than once a week. No matter how delicate its composition, it will still dry the delicate skin of the child and break its protective layer. A newborn baby does not come into contact with the environment and the skin does not receive severe pollution, therefore, a simple ablution with water is quite enough. Natural herbal decoctions can be added to the water if desired, but first make sure that they will not dry the skin.

    After bathing, the skin of the crumb should be thoroughly blotted from moisture with a clean diaper. Treat skin folds with oil if necessary.

    Washing away

    Babies can relieve themselves up to 20 times a day, therefore, the hygiene of a newborn girl must be observed very carefully. At such a tender age, the skin and mucous membranes are very vulnerable, and with the slightest excessive exposure to moisture and feces, irritation, redness, rash and infection can occur.

    After each hike "in a small way" you need to thoroughly dry the skin, and after stool - wash it off with warm water. The child should be washed only after the bulk of the dirt has been removed with a napkin. All babies are washed strictly from front to back, in order to avoid the ingress of impurities on the genitals. After that, you need to blot the moisture with a napkin. It is not worth rubbing delicate skin with a towel, such manipulations will quickly lead to irritation. In the event of irritation, sterile oil is applied to them or powdered.

    Girly secrets

    The hygiene of newborn girls also consists in the constant monitoring of the condition of the genitals. The tiny little body of the baby has a huge number of glands, and the secret they release can be an excellent platform for the development of pathogenic microflora.

    Intimate hygiene of a newborn girl is reduced to a constant examination and cleansing of the genital area, if necessary. If it is found that the labia are glued together with a secret, you need to carefully push them apart with a damp cotton swab, remove the discharge and then dry with a napkin. Failure to maintain cleanliness in this area can lead not only to inflammatory processes, but also lead to the formation of adhesions of the labia.

    Intimate hygiene of newborn girls is reduced only to caring for the external genitals. The internal organs are very delicate and vulnerable, so you need to make sure that water does not get there at the time of washing. This can cause inflammation. Girls need to be washed, laying on their backs, and try to avoid at first washing in basins or a bath.

    If you find that the crumbs have inflammation, incomprehensible discharge and a rise in temperature, you should immediately seek help from a specialist.

    What is a "sexual crisis"

    At the time of the onset of a "sexual crisis", the hygiene of girls should be especially carefully carried out. Newborn babies on the 4-7th day of birth begin to worry about swelling from the vagina. This does not happen to everyone, but such manifestations should not scare the mother, they are considered the norm and last from one to several days. At such moments, the girl should be washed with a weak solution of potassium permanganate or with ordinary boiled water.

    Such unusual manifestations occur due to the fact that maternal hormones enter the blood of the newborn. The body stabilizes the situation on its own, without any outside help.

    Is your chest poured?

    There are frequent cases when the mammary glands swell at the same time. This phenomenon is observed in crumbs for several weeks and goes away on its own. Enlarged breasts can secrete a secretion called colostrum. If any additional inflammatory processes are not observed, then the hygiene of a newborn girl is reduced to general measures. In no case should you massage the chest or squeeze a secret out of it. If the chest is painful, redness or other signs of a possible illness appear, it is better to visit a doctor.

    Morning procedures

    After the little beauty has woken up, you need to wash your face properly in order to face a day full of new explorations and adventures fresh and cheerful. The baby should be washed with a towel dipped in warm water. Pay attention to the neck, armpits, wipe behind the ears, each fold. Places that are most susceptible to diaper rash should be lubricated with boiled oil.

    We clean the ears and nose

    Most people think it is dirt that needs to be gotten rid of immediately. But it is not so. It plays an important protective function, so you should clean your ears without fanaticism. It is only worth removing the excess sulfur, which is visible in the auricle. The ears of newborns are very vulnerable, because we will postpone the cotton swabs until better times, the child can jerk his head and hurt himself. We will use cotton rolls rolled into a tube. We slightly moisten the roller in warm water and gently screw it into the ear canals, cleaning them of wax. This procedure is also necessary after each bath, because water can get into the ear.

    If mucus has accumulated in the baby's nose, it should be removed with an aspirator. After that, slightly moisten a cotton flagellum in oil and carefully screw it into the nostril. Rotate the roller several times to remove any crusts. If the baby breathes freely with her nose and there are no crusts in it, then you should not clean it again. Use a clean cotton swab for each ear and for each nostril. You can see how this hygiene of newborn girls is carried out. The photo is in the article.

    She is a mother-to-be

    Compliance with hygiene procedures for babies is extremely important, they will help to avoid many unpleasant and dangerous diseases. We have highlighted the basic rules of how the hygiene of a newborn girl should be carried out in the first six months of life. Komarovsky O.K., Candidate of Medical Sciences and a pediatrician, gives many recommendations for caring for the body of girls from the moment of birth to entering adulthood. You can follow his valuable advice in the further education of your baby.

    All nine months, the parents were waiting for the birth of their little princess. And now it happened! A tiny creature sniffs nicely next to you, and you make plans for the future, thinking about what your daughter will be like, what she will do and what she can achieve in life ... But to make all your dreams come true, you will need to make every effort. The main thing that a baby needs is care and attention. Therefore, it is very important to know everything about baby hygiene.

    Hygiene girls

    Like any other kid, your daughter needs daily care... Hygiene for girls includes care for the skin, hair, nails and genitals. Therefore, it is worth paying attention to the points that must be performed daily.

    The sexual hygiene of a newborn girl deserves special attention. The fact is that babies do not yet have protection against infections, like an adult woman, and improper care of the genitals can lead to an inflammatory process.

    Sometimes the mother may notice that the baby's labia have grown together. This phenomenon is a consequence of the girl's improper hygiene.

    Genital care includes the following rules:

    • washing of the girl is carried out from the pubis to the priest;
    • the washing procedure should be carried out exclusively under running water after each bowel movement and before bedtime;
    • use only soap without aromatic additives;
    • give the baby a separate towel and sponge;
    • before washing, mother must wash her hands first.

    Girl's irritation - what to do

    If you notice irritation or diaper rash in the baby's groin area, then you can use the nearby folk remedies... Washing with an infusion of medicinal herbs - calendula, oak bark, chamomile, sage, etc. - has proven to be excellent. But it is better to limit the use of laundry soap and potassium permanganate, since they greatly dry the child's skin.

    Girls under 7 years old should not often wash with soap and make sure that the foam does not penetrate into the genital crevice.

    Discharge from a girl

    Many mothers are simply confident that their young daughters should not have any vaginal discharge. In fact, this is a misconception, and every girl should have discharge, regardless of age.

    Normally, every newborn baby has a whitish mucus from the genitals from time to time. It contains cells of desquamated vaginal epithelium and various microorganisms. If the baby is not restless, and the discharge does not cause her discomfort, then there is no reason for alarm. These are only physiological processes that all women are subject to.

    Sometimes, between the labia majora and labia minora, mothers may notice a white coating, which does not wash off even during washing. Do not be afraid! This is not a well-known and so terrible thrush, but just the secret of the sebaceous glands - smegma. This kind of discharge is not only completely harmless, but also very useful, since it serves as a protective layer of the vagina. If you are very worried about the presence of this plaque, then you can periodically remove it. cotton swab... This should be done as carefully as possible, greasing the stick with ordinary boiled oil.

    Hygiene of a newborn girl and underwear

    Daily water procedures, creams and other components of the girl's hygiene are familiar to almost every mother. But, unfortunately, not all women are responsible for the choice of underwear for the baby. Growing up future mom must grow up healthy. Therefore, it will not be superfluous to pay attention to the quality of linen and diapers. In no case should they irritate the crumbs and squeeze the vagina. To do this, you need to observe only two rules: buy clothes made from natural fabrics (cotton, linen) and calculate the size accurately.

    To protect your child from various kinds of infections, you need to change your underwear daily. It should only be washed with baby powder and rinsed thoroughly. Ironing should not be neglected either. It is necessary to iron not only the T-shirts and panties of the little princess, but also bed linen, since the baby spends a lot of time in bed.

    All experts, including Dr. Komarovsky, argue that it is necessary to teach a child to hygiene from the first days of life. Thus, the girl will get used to subsequently engage in personal hygiene, and procedures such as brushing teeth, washing and washing will not be a burdensome job for her, but a completely natural and necessary occupation. The hygiene of girls at an early age completely depends on the mother, and the future of an adult girl already depends on her efforts!

    Transfer subject:.
    The level of hypothermia in the genital area for boys and girls is completely different. In practice, we have the exact opposite, since boys take care of their genitals much more intensively than girls. Therefore, the girl should be taught at an early age that she should not sit on a cold surface. When a girl sits on a cold stone surface, local local cooling of the genitals is possible, the vessels of the uterus and ovaries contract, and blood circulation is severely disrupted, which can lead to very long-term inflammatory processes. For example, a human leg is designed to be in contact with cold and a person can walk barefoot even on a very cold surface, since this closes the vessels of the foot and does not lose heat. If a child has been running barefoot since childhood, then he can walk barefoot for most of the year, but no matter how much the child sits on the cold vessels, the priests cannot react so to the cold.

    Dr. Komarovsky asks all mothers not to struggle with the fact that the child walks around the house barefoot, but the child is absolutely not allowed to sit naked on the cold booty. Clothing in the genital area should not squeeze, squeeze, and should not block air access and ventilation. When it comes to fabric, linen and cotton are best for baby underwear. In modern times, Dr. Komarovsky strongly insists that the panties be exclusively white, because any dye can be harmful to organs. Colored clothes in itself is not harmful, but when dyes or what is in this fabric is combined with sweat, then together they acquire bad properties. The doctor recommends using the simplest baby detergents, in which there are as few complications as possible, and use an extra rinse when washing underwear.
    Washing is the effect of water on the perineum. It is desirable that the water is running and the body temperature is 34-37 degrees. Dr. Komarovsky warns that frequent use of soap when washing away leads to more problems than not using it at all. It is recommended to use soap when washing no more than once a day. A huge number of hygiene specialists believe that it is enough for a girl to use soap for washing 2, maximum 3 times a week. You need to wash yourself with clean, running, warm water after each bowel movement, after urination is optional, but once a day before bedtime it is necessary. And only if there is no water, you can use wet sanitary napkins. There are a huge number of misconceptions that are now widespread about the use of intimate hygiene products. These funds have a clear age orientation and you need to pay attention to this when buying. Soap used for girls should contain a minimum of dyes and fragrances, as well as a high Ph. Dr. Komarovsky recommends buying liquid soap for girls that is intended for children in the first year of life. Because the principles of product licensing are very different and in order to release a product for children of the first year of life, you need to go through very strict stages of requirements and control.
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