• Conception after alcoholic intoxication. Pathology at the genetic level. Impact of alcoholic beverages on women's health


    Scientists and doctors have been talking about the fact that alcohol during pregnancy is extremely harmful for a long time. In the most severe cases, it can cause fetal alcohol syndrome, which negatively affects the physical and mental development of the child. However, a huge number of women and men regularly consume one or another amount of alcohol, and the conception of a child in alcoholic intoxication occurs quite often. Moreover, it is not uncommon for women to continue drinking alcohol in the first trimester, while they are not yet aware of their pregnancy, and some do so even after they find out about it.

    Why is it dangerous to conceive a child in alcoholic intoxication?

    The first and perhaps the most obvious danger of such conception is that it can be accidental and unwanted. Being in a state of intoxication, a person loses vigilance, his ability to reasonably assess risks becomes weaker. Unsurprisingly, drunk people are more likely to agree to unsafe sex, including with people they barely know. However, there is a risk of not only getting pregnant but also contract various sexually transmitted diseases. They, as well as the drugs used to treat them, can cause serious harm to the fetus. In addition, unwanted pregnancy, especially if the father is not a regular partner of the woman, can lead to a number of psychological and financial problems.

    Conceiving a child while intoxicated can also have serious consequences for the baby's health. Perhaps the most severe of these consequences is fetal alcohol syndrome. The likelihood that this disorder will develop if one or both parents drank a little before conceiving is low. However, if they were very drunk, or if the woman continues to consume alcohol after conception, the risks increase significantly.

    Contrary to popular belief that men can drink without harming future children, alcohol in the father's body is also potentially dangerous for the child. If the man was drunk only at the time of conception, the risk will be minimal and, most likely, the child will be born healthy. However, if he regularly abuses alcohol for a long time, it can lead to various malformations in the child.

    In addition to fetal alcohol syndrome, conceiving a child while intoxicated and drinking alcohol early in pregnancy can lead to premature birth. , miscarriage, low birth weight.

    Women who are trying to get pregnant are advised to reduce their alcohol consumption to one to two units per week, or better to stop drinking altogether. Men who are going to become fathers are also not advised to consume alcohol before the planned conception. ... While there is no sure way to protect a child from any disease, the healthier the parents are, the better their chances of being born healthy.

    What to do if conception while intoxicated has already occurred

    • First of all, of course, you shouldn't panic. If you and your partner do not have alcohol dependence and other serious health problems, the chances of having a healthy baby are very high or even higher if you make sure that your pregnancy proceeds normally. For this:
    • See your doctor and go through all the necessary examinations for expectant mothers. You can also tell your doctor that you conceived while you were drunk and how much and how often you drank before pregnancy. Most likely, he will tell you that you need to worry about this, however, if you have a lot of alcohol abuse and this has led to certain health problems, you may need additional examination.
    • Give up alcohol. A positive home pregnancy test should be a signal that alcohol-free life awaits you in the coming months. Remember that alcohol quickly crosses the placenta and enters the fetus. The more you drink during pregnancy, the more likely it will lead to dire consequences, but drinking even small doses of alcohol can be dangerous. Therefore, expectant mothers are advised not to drink at all. If you find it difficult to quit alcohol, see a specialist - you may need help in overcoming alcohol dependence.
    • Watch your diet. It may seem strange to you, but the need to “eat for two” during pregnancy does not mean that you need to dramatically increase the calorie intake of your diet. A pregnant woman should only consume 300-500 kcal above her normal rate. It is also recommended to increase your protein intake from the usual 45 g to 70 g per day.
    • The diet of a pregnant woman should be as varied as possible, but there are a number of foods that should be discarded. These include, for example, any type of fast food, margarine, unpasteurized milk, seafood that has not undergone heat treatment, meat with blood.
    • Take prenatal vitamins. Drinking alcohol is deficient in certain vitamins and minerals, but vitamin supplements can quickly fix this. Why is it important to use prenatal vitamins? They are specially formulated for pregnant women and contain more iron and folate than regular multivitamins - these substances are especially important for the normal course of pregnancy.
    • Play sports and walk. Physical activity helps to improve blood circulation, cope with stress, and prevent excess weight.
    • Quit smoking. Smoking is considered not as dangerous for the fetus as alcohol, but it can also lead to a number of problems, including an increased likelihood of miscarriage, stunted growth, detachment of the placenta, premature birth... In addition, some researchers have linked smoking during pregnancy to malformations such as cleft lip and cleft palate. It is not too late to quit smoking at any stage of pregnancy. Each non-smoked cigarette, as well as each portion of alcohol not drunk, increases the chances of your baby being born healthy.
    • You also need to take care of how to protect yourself from secondhand smoke. If someone in your family smokes, ask them to do it outside the home and try to be less in public places where people smoke a lot.
    • Reduce your caffeine intake to 200 mg per day.
    • Take care of your emotional well-being. Try to do everything so that your pregnancy proceeds calmly, surrounded by understanding and caring people.

    Conception and alcohol are incompatible things, but some people find it so difficult to give up alcohol that they ask the specialist to name the dose that is safe for the pregnancy planning process. It is believed that a little good alcohol is even good for the body, but alcohol tends to accumulate, which usually manifests itself during the period of planning a child. What threatens the use of alcoholic beverages before and after conception and the effects of alcohol on the female and male reproductive systems, we will analyze in this article.

    In ancient times, even beer was forbidden for women under the age of 30. Men were treated more leniently - only excessive drinking was condemned. Studies of modern scientists prove the opposite: the father's alcoholism is a more serious pathology than the mother's drunkenness. 70% of chronic alcoholics were born from drinking fathers and only 10% from mothers who abuse alcohol. Moreover, high risk the birth of feeble-minded children is observed from drunken fathers.

    Many couples have been planning a child for years, are examined, but attempts to get pregnant are unsuccessful. But one day, after stormy holidays and large doses of alcohol, it turns out that conception has occurred.

    There are several theories about the harmless effects of alcohol during conception:

    1. It is not ethanol, which is part of alcoholic beverages, and other alcohol metabolites that is harmful to the unborn child, but the toxins in the body of a pregnant woman. Under the influence of alcohol, the protective functions of cells and tissues simply decrease, the body becomes more vulnerable.
    2. Drinking alcohol is considered harmless until the ovum is attached to the wall of the uterus. Until the moment of implantation, the embryo is not connected with the circulatory system, therefore, early term alcohol does not affect the unborn baby during pregnancy.

    The above facts have not been proven or refuted by scientists.

    According to the first point, toxic substances enter the body of the expectant mother not only with alcohol, but also by inhaling air, eating food. According to the second point of view: if ethanol is present in the blood, then the substance will appear in other biological fluids, rapidly overcoming cell membranes. When alcohol is consumed during conception, ethanol may penetrate into the mucus covering the inner lining of the fallopian tubes and endometrium, along which the egg and sperm cells move. There is no scientific evidence regarding harm during the passage of female and male germ cells through the fallopian tubes, but there is little useful in this.

    Male sex cells - sperm - are delicate and fragile. Sperm quality is affected by illness, fatigue, stressful situations. Alcohol with ethyl alcohol in the composition reduces the mobility of male germ cells, as a result of which the ability to fertilize (fertility) decreases.

    Regardless of the strength of alcohol, the effect of ethanol is equally harmful, therefore, men are not recommended to conceive while intoxicated.

    Spermatozoa are produced long before taking a dose of alcohol, but alcohol metabolites penetrate into the seminal fluid an hour after ingestion. The ethanol content leads to destructive processes in the germ cells. Spermatozoa devoid of a tail are not capable of conceiving. Long-term and systematic intake of alcoholic beverages leads not only to a change in sperm morphology, but also genetics. When an egg is fertilized with a genetically unhealthy sperm, the risk of having a child with congenital abnormalities increases.

    The sperm of a healthy man contains 1/4 of the pathological spermatozoa, but the abnormal gums are inactive or non-viable. In males who abuse alcohol, the number of sperm with damaged DNA increases and the risk of fertilization of an egg by unhealthy male cells increases.

    If a man is seriously thinking about becoming a father, dreams of a healthy baby, it is recommended to refrain from drinking alcohol for 3-4 months - at the time of spermatogenesis (maturation of sperm cells). Sperm cells are renewed every three months, but the process of development of male cells is continuous, that is, during the death of some gum, others are produced.

    Alcohol abuse leads to the excretion of zinc from the body, which leads to a decrease in libido. The more and longer a man drinks, the lower the chances of having a full sexual intercourse and conceiving a healthy child.

    Conception while intoxicated becomes the cause of miscarriages, miscarriages, congenital deformities, abnormal physical and mental development... Most often, pregnancy does not occur due to low sperm motility. But if fertilization has occurred and the pregnancy has successfully ended in childbirth, the consequences of drunken conception are likely at a later age. With the development of abnormalities in a child not immediately after birth, doctors do not take into account the onset of pregnancy while intoxicated by one of the parents, since the baby was born relatively healthy.

    Alcohol and Women's Health

    A set of eggs in a female is formed in childhood. After the period of puberty, the girl in each cycle matures one or more eggs, ready for fertilization. Unlike sperm, which are renewed every three months, female reproductive cells are constantly in the body, exposed to all the toxic substances that affect the body.

    Drinking even low-alcohol drinks - beer, gin and tonic, wine, girls harm future children.

    Every month, the egg is released from the follicles and ovulation occurs. Alcohol disrupts the ovulatory process, causing an increase in the number of anovulatory cycles (without ovulation).

    The morphology and structure of female germ cells also changes under the influence of alcohol. Ethanol has a destructive effect not only on the dominant follicle in which the oocyte matures, but also on the entire life-long supply of oocytes. Even if a woman stopped drinking a few months ago, the chances of conceiving a healthy baby are minimal.

    Alcohol abuse during the planning period of pregnancy is fraught with miscarriage, improper formation and attachment of the placenta, dysfunction of the kidneys, liver, and pancreas. Moreover, a female representative who is planning a child and consumes alcohol has:

    • Reduced blood supply to the body of the uterus;
    • Defective ovulation;
    • Destruction of parts of the central nervous system;
    • The death of brain cells, especially the pituitary and hypothalamus, responsible for maintaining hormonal levels during pregnancy.

    Under the influence of alcohol, an increased secretion of secretory fluid occurs in the fallopian tubes, as a result of which blockage is possible. It takes a few days for a fertilized egg to pass into the uterus through the tube and then anchor. Due to blockage of the fallopian tube, the female reproductive cell begins to develop before reaching the uterine cavity. Drinking alcoholic beverages before and after conception increases the risk of ectopic pregnancy.

    The effect of alcohol on the child

    With the frequent use of alcohol by a man or woman, the unborn child may have the following anomalies:

    • Developmental delay;
    • The newborn is weak and small;
    • Congenital malformations leading to disability;
    • Psychical deviations.

    Predict possible pathologies future offspring is impossible - it all depends on the degree of damage to the germ cells. Taking into account the destruction of DNA molecules of eggs and sperm, slight delays in physical and mental development up to serious diseases important organs and systems.

    The most common defects due to drunken conception in a child are:

    1. The cleft palate is a cleft of the soft and hard palate, non-closure, as a result of which the nasal cavity is not isolated from the oral cavity;
    2. Cleft lip - the upper lip is not closed, the formation of an ugly cleft.

    Both pathologies are formed before the 8th week of pregnancy, and it is possible to detect a defect only at later dateswhen the artificial interruption is no longer done.

    The presence of defects creates difficulties in feeding, the development of the child's speech functions. In both cases, the baby will have multiple operations to eliminate defects, followed by long rehabilitation periods.

    Fetal alcohol syndrome

    Fetal alcohol syndrome (alcoholic embryopetopathy) is a set of mental and physical congenital malformations that develop as a result of the consumption of alcoholic beverages by future parents before or after conception. Children with embryonic alcohol syndrome suffer from damage to the central nervous system, mental retardation, impaired intelligence, behavior, and abnormalities in the structure of the brain.

    Almost all children of alcoholics are born with small parameters of body weight and height. Often, fetal syndrome is manifested by congenital heart and reproductive system defects. The severity of the lesions depends on the duration of the alcoholism of the woman and the man.

    Children with alcoholic embryophetopathy can be easily distinguished by the following external signs:

    • Short and narrow eyes;
    • Flattened and wide nose in an infant;
    • Smoothness or absence of filterrum (a vertical strip between the nose and upper lip);
    • Thin upper lip;
    • The presence of an epicanthus (Mongolian fold) in the area of \u200b\u200bthe lacrimal canal;
    • The small size of the head and, accordingly, the brain.

    Not all signs of fetal alcohol syndrome are visible in a child externally. Perhaps a latent manifestation of alcoholic embryophetopathy, but the pathology will necessarily manifest itself over time. Hearing or vision impairment, learning disabilities, problems with memorization and concentration, behavior are common problems of children whose parents abuse alcohol.

    What to do if conception occurred while intoxicated

    People often start thinking after what happened. If a couple conceives a child while intoxicated, do not panic. To increase the chances of a baby being born healthy, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

    1. Do not be nervous. If future parents and their close relatives do not have alcohol dependence, the chances of a child being born healthy are high. The excitement of a mother during pregnancy negatively affects the formation of the fetal nervous system.
    2. Register for pregnancy on time. When staging, warn the obstetrician-gynecologist about the problem. The doctor will conduct diagnostics, which will show how the baby is developing, whether it is up to date. Next, the doctor will give recommendations regarding preventive measures to increase the chances of having a healthy baby.
    3. Adhere to a healthy lifestyle: quit smoking, eat a balanced diet, spend more time in the fresh air.


    Conception of a child intoxicated is not always dangerous, but the risk is always present.

    Alcohol before conception: how much to abstain?

    Did you drink alcohol before conception? Are you now feeling guilty, worried about your baby's health? Is everything so bad or is there any hope that the "drunken conception" will go without consequences? There are situations when they have been planning a child for years: they bypass specialists, undergo treatment, and pass a bunch of tests. Prepare and try ... Pregnancy does not come. And one day, after stormy holidays, they learn that conception has come. There is an unpleasant, annoying feeling of guilt and hope that everything will be fine. What is the risk of conception after alcohol?

    Incredible theories about drunken conception

    There are several theories about the harmless effects of alcohol during conception:

    • The harm to the embryo is caused not by alcohol itself and the products of its metabolism, but by other toxic substances that may be in the mother's body. Ethanol simply acts as a catalyst - under its action, the protective properties of organ cells and tissues are lost. They become more vulnerable.
    • harmless if taken in the period from the release of the egg from the follicle to the attachment of the ovum. According to the theory, the egg, and then the embryo, are in "free swimming" - they move in the body and have no connection with the circulatory system. The alcohol taken does not enter the oocyte and the embryo until the latter.

    There is no point in refuting these theories, because none of these facts has been scientifically proven or refuted. Today it is just someone's opinion. We propose to approach them using logic.

    As for the first point, any chemical compound can be a toxic substance. For example, substances received from food or formed during digestion - the metabolism of food. And they are formed. Otherwise, why does a person need a liver, sweat glands, kidneys? Harmful substances can still be inhaled with the air. So is it worth the risk deliberately, tempt fate?

    The second point gives hope. According to him, alcohol before conception is not harmful at all. But if ethanol is in the blood, then it will certainly appear in other biological fluids, instantly overcoming biological barriers.

    In the case of interest to us, alcohol will be in the mucus covering the inner lining of the fallopian tubes and the endometrium. The egg and sperm cells move along it, which means they are surrounded by alcohol. One can only guess about its concentration and effect on the germ cells, the developing embryo () during the passage through the pipes. There is no scientific evidence for this.

    Man drinking alcohol

    The presence of ethanol in the semen fluid (the liquid fraction of the semen) equalizes the strength of healthy and poor-quality sperm. The mobility of "good" male germ cells is lost. Healthy competition, on which the mechanism is built, is suppressed: the strongest wins (hence the highest quality, healthiest and genetically complete sperm).

    This leads to an increase in the likelihood of conception by a sperm with poor-quality genetic information. Therefore, "drunken conception" becomes the cause of miscarriages, miscarriages, congenital deformities, and improper physical and mental development. This lists the most adverse effects that are occurring in the near future.

    Implantation (attachment of the embryo to the wall of the uterus) is preceded by a biochemical dialogue between the endometrium and the blastocyst, and the interference of ethanol molecules in this process is clearly out of place.

    If pregnancy has come and successfully ended in childbirth, then the developmental delay may appear at a later age. Moreover, due to the fact that the consequences will not be visible immediately, in most cases, they are not associated with the use of alcohol before conception. For the baby was born relatively healthy.

    A disappointing picture emerges. Because people drink alcoholic beverages from time to time, and after that comes the "night of love". This is not about alcoholism. And children are born and, according to reviews on the forums, they completely satisfy their parents. How can this be explained? Luck, love of the Almighty?

    • First, the quantity / quality of the drink.
    • Secondly, the subjectivity of opinion (which woman admits that her child is somewhat defective).
    • And thirdly, each organism has its own level of ethyl alcohol metabolism. In some people it disintegrates quickly, in others more slowly. It depends on the level of health - the working state of the liver, lungs (a person loses some of the ethanol with exhaled air), kidneys, as well as the amount of the produced enzyme - alcohol dehydrogenase. Under the action of the enzyme, the decomposition of ethyl alcohol occurs. The sooner the body gets rid of alcohol, the less its effect on reproductive cells.

    Although this phrase may not sound like a call to drinking alcohol before conception, alcohol during pregnancy will have an even more detrimental effect on the fetus.

    Alcohol and conception

    Women come to a gynecologist with their anxiety about drunken conception. But even doctors cannot give accurate forecasts. Danish scientists conducted an experiment in which a group of women took part in drinking wine by a glass the day before conception. The results were interesting. Compared to the control group, women managed to get pregnant faster, they had fewer complications in gestation and childbirth. Therefore, gynecologists began to recommend alcohol before conception in the form of dry wine to those who have been unable to get pregnant for a long time.

    How much to drink before conception?

    Public opinion decries alcohol, especially when it comes to pregnancy and children. Doctors are mainly against alcohol. It is recommended to refrain from alcoholic beverages for 3-4 months before pregnancy. not an event to experiment with. It is better to refuse conception after alcohol, so you will be sure that you have done everything so that your child was born not only loved, but also healthy.

    Drunken conception, what to do, what threatens conception in a drunken state of a man and a woman? This is a very common "practice" in our country. A lot of children accidentally "get" just after partners use alcoholic beverages. Fear of an attack possible pregnancy decreases, sexual desire increases, and that's the result - children of drunken conception. By the way, what are they, what diseases are these children likely to have? Do I need to have an abortion if fertilization took place in such an unfavorable environment?

    The consequences of conception in a drunken state can indeed be. But only the man will be to blame, or rather, his defective sperm. It should be noted that this problem mostly applies to men who abuse alcohol. If the alcohol intake was a single dose, then it is unlikely that it will somehow affect the quality of sperm. What consequences can drunken conception have in this case? Most often, it is spontaneous interruption pregnancy at a very early stage. Up to 5-6 obstetric weeks. It turns out that a woman only finds out about her pregnancy by making a test, and she suddenly starts her period. And many, with such delays, are in no hurry to make tests. And a little belated bleeding is mistaken for a slight malfunction of the menstrual cycle.

    And how will alcohol at conception, taken by a woman, affect the egg? In fact, most likely not. But alcohol can greatly affect the development of pregnancy if a woman drinks 5-7 days after ovulation. By that time, many eggs have already managed to penetrate into the uterine cavity. Accordingly, there is already a close connection between the ovum and the mother's circulatory system. Then alcohol can lead to severe malformations of the embryo, sometimes incompatible with life.

    How to understand if the alcohol taken by the father and / or mother affected the child? First you need to make sure that the pregnancy is progressing. This can be done in 2-3 weeks of delay in menstruation. If everything is in order, the doctor will see a fetal egg in the uterus with a living embryo in it. If alcohol has affected, then the fertilized egg may be empty (without an embryo), or the embryo will have no heartbeat.

    Later, the health of the fetus and the presence or absence of defects in it can be judged by the results of ultrasound and screening blood tests.

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    There is hardly a person who has not heard about the negative impact of alcohol on the conception of a child. However, some people find it so difficult to give up the alcohol habit that they literally demand from specialists to name the dose of alcohol that is safe for conception.

    Not without hidden advertising of manufacturers of intoxicating drinks: from time to time in the media there are clearly ordered "results of research by authoritative scientists", indicating that some types of alcohol (beer, wine) allegedly stimulate reproductive function. In order to understand what threatens the use of alcoholic beverages immediately before or after conception, we will figure out how they affect the reproductive system.

    Can I drink alcohol before conceiving?

    The fact that alcohol drunk by a mother can lead to the birth of a sick child, people knew in ancient times. Therefore, many peoples banned even beer for women under 30. Society was much more lenient towards men. Only excessive drunkenness was reprimanded.

    Only in the 20th century were studies carried out that clearly showed that the alcoholism of the father is almost more dangerous to the health of children than the drunkenness of the mother. It turned out that 70% of chronic alcoholics had drinking fathers, and only 10% had mothers. Even more impressive were the statistics collected in one of the psychiatric clinics in Paris at the beginning of the 20th century. It turned out that every fifth idiot child had a drunken father.

    The effect of alcohol on male fertility

    For the body, ethanol is a poison, but, in addition, it is also an excellent solvent. Once in the stomach, alcohol is very quickly absorbed into the bloodstream. Its concentration can be especially high in semen. Moreover, alcohol is removed from the reproductive system for the longest time, that is, the consequences of what you drink affect within a few days.

    Semen, into which ethanol enters, turns into an aggressive environment. If the sperm of a healthy sober man contains only 25% of pathological spermatozoa (with defects), then in a drunk this figure can exceed 50%. Under normal conditions, pathological spermatozoa rarely participate in conception: they are inactive and most often not viable. But in semen containing ethanol, the movement of healthy sperm is slowed down. As a result, there is a significant increase in the risk that a sperm with damaged DNA will fertilize the egg.

    It is known that for sperm maturation (spermatogenesis) about three months... And at any moment, ethanol can negatively affect their DNA. Accordingly, a man who wants to conceive healthy childmust refrain from alcohol for at least three months.

    It should also be borne in mind that under the influence of alcohol, zinc is intensively excreted from the body. The lack of this trace element in the blood leads to a decrease in potency. Therefore, a drinking person has much less chance of conceiving a child than a person who leads healthy image life.

    The effect of alcohol on a woman's fertility

    When a girl is born, her ovaries already contain about 500 thousand follicles. This is a reserve for life. During the reproductive period, only 400–500 of them will mature.

    Absorbing into the blood and entering the female reproductive system, ethanol destroys the DNA of the eggs. Some of them die. If a woman does not abuse alcohol, then ovulation occurs on time, and the supply of follicles is such that the loss of even a few thousand will not harm fertility.

    However, there are times when an egg with damaged DNA not only survives, but also fertilizes. Then a sick child can be born. For example, the reason for the birth of Siamese twins is precisely the damage to the DNA of the egg. Nobody knows which egg will ripen for fertilization. But the more a woman drinks, the worse the condition of her follicles and the higher the likelihood of conceiving a child with mental or physical disabilities.

    So it doesn't really matter when the girl abused alcohol: in her early youth or on the day of conception. Therefore, for any woman of childbearing age, moderation in the use of even low-alcohol alcoholic beverages is a necessary condition for the birth of a healthy baby.

    But all of the above does not mean that it is permissible for a woman to drink alcohol immediately before sexual intercourse (some especially desperate ladies may assume that it will not get worse). Indeed, doctors say that if the expectant mother is drunk at the time of conception, this will not affect the state of the fertilized egg.

    Another thing is scary: under the influence of ethanol, the secretion of secretory fluid in the fallopian (fallopian) tubes increases, which can cause blockage. A fertilized egg takes several days to enter the uterus through the fallopian tube and gain a foothold there. Due to blockage of the fallopian tube, the egg begins to develop in it, never reaching the uterus. Thus, drinking alcohol immediately before or after conception increases the risk of ectopic pregnancy.

    Can I drink alcohol after conception?

    Sometimes a woman who discovers she is pregnant recalls with horror that a few days after conception she drank a glass of wine. Do not be especially scared: from conception to the fixation of the embryo in the uterus (implantation), at least five days pass. During this period, alcohol in the mother's body will not harm the unborn child.

    But when the embryo takes hold in the uterus and begins to develop, it becomes very sensitive to both ethanol and its decay products (acetaldehyde). Even small doses of alcohol can cause vasospasm in the placenta and umbilical cord.

    The embryo simply suffocates due to lack of oxygen, and oxygen starvation provokes disturbances in the development of the fetus. Very often, children of drinking mothers are born prematurely, with diseases of the central nervous system, anomalies of various organs.

    Doctors believe that if the expectant mother feels good, then during the entire period of pregnancy she is allowed to drink a glass of dry wine once or twice. However, it must be remembered that excessive alcohol consumption at any stage of pregnancy can lead to miscarriage.

    Alcohol and conceiving a healthy baby are incompatible. Therefore, when planning pregnancy, expectant parents should completely abandon alcohol, and also undergo a preliminary medical examination.

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