• The first signs of pregnancy at 1. How to recognize the first signs of pregnancy before the delay of menstruation. Elevated basal temperature


    Early signs of pregnancy are perhaps the only signs that can signal the expectant mother about the onset of a long-awaited event. The first signs of the first pregnancy are understood as the reaction of the female body to hormonal changes, which begins immediately after conception. However, each organism is individual and reacts in its own way to internal changes. It is possible that the physical signs of pregnancy in an individual woman will not appear for a long time, while in another they will make themselves felt fully in the first month. Each symptom of pregnancy, its nature and time of appearance depend exclusively on each organism individually.

    Every sensual woman who dreams of a child is herself able to notice and uniquely identify the signs of pregnancy long before the delay. A large amount of read literature, observation and careful preparation make the first signs of pregnancy in the first week unambiguous identifiers of the onset of a wonderful event in the family.

    1. Small bleeding.

    In the first days, and in some weeks of pregnancy, a fertilized egg is implanted deep into the walls of the uterus for the further formation of the fetus. This process is accompanied by early pregnancy symptoms - pink minor smears, called implantation bleeding in gynecology, which begin to appear even before the delay. This sign of pregnancy before delay is manifested in 80% of women. Such a seemingly insignificant symptom should not be discounted if there is a possibility of an early pregnancy. Often, women perceive this for menstrual flow and find out about their position when the first signs of pregnancy become more.

    1. Increased basal temperature.

    Basal temperature is the lowest level of body temperature to which it falls during sleep. Measuring this temperature is not an easy process for an unprepared person, and an important part of its correct determination is the state of complete rest after sleep. While at rest without movement, insert the thermometer in the supine state directly into the rectum. During ovulation, a woman's basal temperature rises to 37 ° C and above. Then she gradually returns to normal. In pregnant women, it remains at the same level for the entire period of gestation. The first and one of the most reliable signs of the first pregnancy is not a falling basal temperature. However, there are exceptions - during various kinds of inflammation and diseases, it can also be slightly increased.

    1. Breast changes.

    One of the early signs of pregnancy is breast enlargement and increased sensitivity. Also, one of the symptoms of pregnancy in the early stages before the delay is the possible darkening of the circles around the nipples and the release of a small amount of fluid from the nipples.

    1. Fatigue, change in tastes, sensitivity to odors.

    Many women, one of the first signs of pregnancy, begin to feel rapid fatigue and drowsiness in the first week, their sense of smell and taste preferences intensify.

    1. Nausea.

    One of the early, but not necessary, symptoms of pregnancy before delay is nausea. It does not manifest itself in every woman and it does not manifest itself in all the same. For example, along with its absolute absence, it can be small in the morning or ubiquitous - all day. In any case, it all depends on the individual hormonal changes and the characteristics of the body of the expectant mother.

    1. Frequent urination.

    Already in the first week of pregnancy, mothers will observe such a sign as more frequent urge to use the toilet. This symptom is associated with the release of the so-called pregnancy hormone by the fetus. It allows blood to circulate quickly in the pelvic region, which leads to apparent filling of the bladder and signaling urination.

    1. Minor cold.

    A normal sign of pregnancy in the female body, which can be unequivocally determined before the delay, is a slight colds. This is due to the fact that the body is deliberately weakened a little during pregnancy so that the developing fetus is not rejected. It is for this reason that a woman's health is so susceptible to diseases during the prenatal period.

    The listed early symptoms of pregnancy can clearly indicate to the expectant mother her position even before the delay. Depending on the characteristics of the organism and the state, each of them, from a scientific point of view, can manifest itself to one degree or another or be absent altogether. In addition, there are a number of subjective signs and symptoms of pregnancy, which are rather determined by the intuition that awaits a woman's happy event, than can be unambiguously determined from a medical point of view. For example, such an early sign of pregnancy as a fish dreamed of the day before is a common folk omen, but it has absolutely no scientific justification.

    Signs and symptoms of pregnancy after delay

    1. Mild cramps in the abdomen.

    Pains such as the first signs of the first pregnancy determine the tone of the uterus changing for the future development of the fetus. This contraction of the uterus is completely normal and occurs not only in pregnant women, but also in women during the premenstrual period. Such contractions become especially frequent before regular bleeding and with the threat of loss. Therefore, pregnant women need to carefully monitor such spasms, their frequency and frequency. Expecting such symptoms in the early stages, it is better for women to stock up on mild antispasmodic drugs, but in no case to abuse them.

    1. An increase in the number of secretions.

    Hormonal changes in the body, in connection with the preparation for growing the fetus, cause an increase in the amount of progesterone in the blood, which is responsible for the natural separation of cervical mucus. It is possible, but not necessary, an increase in discharge in a pregnant woman, although every third woman has such a pregnancy symptom. A small amount of colorless or slightly pink, stretching mucus should never be confused with vaginal bleeding. If it seems to you that your periods are too scanty, get an additional pregnancy test.

    1. Lack of menstruation.

    In the current time of dynamics and stress, not all women immediately pay attention to the delay. Often, a failure in the schedule of menstrual bleeding for several days can be a habitual reaction to stress and an irregular lifestyle of a woman. If the delay lasts more than 7 days, be sure to see a doctor or take a pregnancy test. A pregnant woman does not have regular menstrual bleeding throughout the entire period, and the cycle is restored only 2 to 3 months after childbirth.

    1. Positive result.

    In the pharmacy, the so-called preliminary, 99% reliable pregnancy tests, there are two positions: one strip and two. Pregnancy is confirmed when you see two clear stripes on the applicator. There are cases of disputable states - when the identifiers are visible on the applicator implicitly, or two states are simultaneously shown. This can happen in the first weeks after a miscarriage, with a frozen and ectopic pregnancy, or with some congenital pathologies. In any case, having seen such a picture, it is better to seek an additional examination from a doctor or take the test again - perhaps this is a marriage of the applicator itself.

    1. Examination by a gynecologist.

    In early pregnancy, the symptom of an enlarged uterus is still difficult to notice. In this case, it can be determined only with a vaginal examination. Whereas already in the second trimester, the uterus becomes large enough for external examination on the couch, which is what the gynecologist does at every visit of the expectant mother to the appointment. Such regular appointments with a doctor are required to monitor the correct development of the fetus. Already after 5 gynecological weeks, clear signs of pregnancy are a bluish tint of the labia, deviation of the cervix, deformation of the uterus to a circular state and a constant increase in size.

    1. Analyzes.

    At the first signs of pregnancy, many women preparing to become mothers immediately do a urine and blood test. In such cases, there is no need for a pregnancy test, since the likelihood of a correct result through a medical urine test is greater. In such tests, the level of gonadotropin, a hormone that is released during pregnancy, is determined. Its level begins to increase from the first days of conception and by 11 weeks increases several thousand times. It reaches the required concentration for measurement 7 days after conception, therefore, it is recommended that preliminary pregnancy tests be carried out at this time.

    1. Ultrasound examination.

    The appearance of the first signs of pregnancy before the delay does not guarantee 100% the pregnancy itself. The fact is that the egg after fertilization is fixed on the wall of the uterus and only then the development of the embryo begins. But even this fertilized egg, which is visible immediately on ultrasound, does not give absolute guarantees of its development into a fetus. At a later date, when the doctor confirms the formation and growth of the embryo, it is possible to accurately confirm the female pregnancy.

    The first signs of pregnancy: pregnancy test

    The first signs of pregnancy: principles and differences of pregnancy tests

    Immunochromatographic analysis is the determination of the level of gonadotropin in the human body. All pregnancy tests are based on such urine analysis, so they differ only in the way they are presented, the level of quality and competent marketing. From the first day after the appearance of a fertilized egg in a woman's body, the glycoprotein begins to be produced by the placenta in large quantities. Before the onset of the planned menstruation, its amount in the blood reaches the required level to diagnose pregnancy using a test. However, there are exceptions in the timing and amount of accumulation of gonadotropin, for example, with pathological features of the uterine cavity, the timing of ovulation and the development of the embryo. In this case, the test may show not entirely reliable information, but for this there are more reliable symptoms of pregnancy.

    The first signs of pregnancy: the composition of the pregnancy test

    The applicator looks like a small stick with an active strip. The strip is coated with gonadotropin hormone with labeled antibody strips at the pregnancy control sites. When urine comes in contact with the active components, a chemical reaction occurs, and in the test zones there are pronounced lines corresponding to your condition.

    Pregnancy Test Kit Kit:

    • an applicator with an active strip for dough in a protective, moisture-proof sealed package;
    • special absorbers for moisture protection;
    • instructions with mandatory rules for storage and use.

    Be sure to check the packaging date of the test before purchasing it at the pharmacy. Be sure to store it in a dry place at a temperature not exceeding 28 ° C. Prepare for the test - bring the urine sample to room temperature. A pregnancy test can be carried out at any time from 3 days. For the very first days and weeks, use morning urine - it is believed that the concentration of gonadotropin is highest in the morning.

    • be sure to collect urine in a dry, clean container immediately before testing;
    • the amount of urine must be sufficient to completely immerse the strip;
    • in no case should the urine sample be shaken or tilted while the test strip is there and before;
    • under no circumstances reuse the sample.

    The first signs of pregnancy: how to take a pregnancy test

    1. Open the protective bag carefully and remove the strip with dry hands.
    2. In a container with a pre-prepared sample, lower the strip to the limit line indicated by the arrows.
    3. After 1 - 2 minutes, remove the strip and lay on a horizontal dry surface.
    4. You can determine the result in 5 - 7 minutes. If the term is early or there is no delay yet and the likelihood of pregnancy is minimal, it is recommended to wait up to 10 minutes before checking. In the early stages, the amount of gonadotropin is not yet very large, so the second strip may appear unclear or an order of magnitude later than the intended date.

    The first signs of pregnancy: determining the results

    1. Negative result: the appearance of only one bright pink strip in the test control zone.
    2. Positive result: in this case, two bright stripes appear on the test in both control zones.
    3. If you carried out all the manipulations consistently and correctly, and not a single line appeared on the strip, then the test was initially defective or stitched, and the analysis must be repeated with the help of another, higher quality specimen.

    The first signs of pregnancy: early diagnosis of pregnancy

    Despite such an abundance of early signs and symptoms of pregnancy before delay, all of them to one degree or another are subjective and contradictory. The fact is that each of them can be the cause of things completely unrelated to pregnancy. Often, symptoms can be confused with similar ones for various diseases, pathologies. Be the consequences of elementary disorders of the endocrine glands, side effects of taking medications, nervous tension, etc. Such contradictions can mislead not only a woman dreaming of a child, but also a professional doctor. In order to unambiguously conclude the cause of the first symptoms of pregnancy, as a result of hormonal changes during pregnancy, it is necessary to conduct a comprehensive diagnostic examination. Such tests usually include: visual examination, ultrasound, blood and urine tests for chronic gonadotropin. But even after the presence of a fertilized egg in a woman's body has been unambiguously determined, the comprehensive analysis does not end there.

    To determine the viability of the egg and its correct fixation on the walls of the uterus, it is also necessary to examine the place of fixation and the presence of a heartbeat in the fetus.

    The first signs of pregnancy: imaginary pregnancy and its signs

    In medical practice, there are cases when all the early signs of pregnancy are present, but there is no actual pregnancy. This usually happens in women who have long, but unsuccessfully dreamed of pregnancy, and in women who are clearly afraid of this event. The differences between these signs and really pregnant women are in the nature of their origin. If the expectant mother's symptoms in the early stages of pregnancy are associated with a global restructuring of the hormonal background, then imaginary pregnant women can have a variety of reasons. From stress and depression, disturbances in the work of the gastrointestinal tract, infections and diseases, malnutrition and general poor condition - to an elementary hormonal imbalance that has nothing to do with pregnancy. But the desire for pregnancy, or his fear can create an identical state of illusion of this event. In this case, only a comprehensive medical examination for the presence of a fertilized egg will dispel all doubts and dot the "and". Therefore, having discovered early pregnancy symptoms before the delay of menstruation, it is imperative to consult a doctor to find out the general picture. If the pregnancy is nevertheless confirmed, it will need to be correctly diagnosed, additional tests, observation and appropriate treatment for signs of pregnancy that create discomfort will be necessary.

    The first signs of pregnancy. Video

    How to determine pregnancy without a test, what happens in the body in the early stages, when the symptoms of pregnancy appear, and what they are, the first days after conception - look for answers in our article.

    The first symptoms of pregnancy before the delay will tell the woman that she will soon become a mother. When you wait for two strips on the test, in all changes in the body you are looking for hints of the conception that happened. How to recognize it yourself?

    The slightest malaise, irritability, or - just a thought in my head: I will have a child. Many mothers do say that these were the first symptoms of pregnancy.

    You can also hear the opinion that forgetfulness, enlarged breasts and a soulful expression on the face indicate conception.

    Of course, all of these signs of changes in the body can signal a long-awaited pregnancy. But these symptoms are not always indicative of an interesting situation.

    How the first signs of pregnancy were recognized in ancient times

    Hundreds and even thousands of years ago, people learned to recognize the first signs of pregnancy. In ancient Egypt, for example, to find out about the interesting position of a woman, a “test” drink was prepared for her.

    It consisted of a special herb and milk from the mother who gave birth to the boy. If such a mixture caused a woman to vomit, the verdict was unambiguous: pregnant!

    The ancient Jews asked a woman to walk on soft grass and then studied her footprints.

    Unfortunately, information has not reached our days on how to interpret prints and determine pregnancy in the footsteps, but modern doctors have learned simpler and more accurate signs that a woman is expecting a baby.

    Symptoms of pregnancy in the first trimester

    Even when planning a pregnancy, it is impossible to determine at what conception has occurred. Moreover, symptoms at 2 weeks may also go unnoticed. Many women have delays in their menstrual cycle and they perceive the absence of menstruation as another failure.

    There are no obvious pregnancy symptoms within 1 week. Fatigue, mood swings, frequent urination, and drowsiness are usually attributed to PMS symptoms. Few people expect pregnancy and run to the pharmacy for a test.

    The first signs of pregnancy: symptoms in the second week

    In the second week after fertilization, there are no obvious sensations in the body that indicate pregnancy. The processes are the same as in the first week.

    A distinctive feature is a decrease in the immunity of the expectant mother. The fact is that the embryo is perceived by the woman's body as a foreign body. The protective functions are reduced so that the pregnancy is preserved. For this reason, colds are possible.

    Symptoms at 2 weeks gestation:

    • drowsiness
    • insomnia
    • weakness
    • the lower abdomen may ache
    • breast is sensitive
    • headaches
    • pulling sensation in the lower back

    In the second week of pregnancy, the embryo is already tightly attached to the uterus and receives all the nutrients from the female body. The heart, blood vessels and amniotic fluid begin to form.

    How to detect early pregnancy

    The woman wants to know for sure whether she will become a mother this time, whatever the pregnancy symptoms before the delay. You can find out the result in different ways.

    Conduct a blood test for hCG

    The fastest and most accurate method for determining early pregnancy. In addition, it gives results before the delay - on the 5th day after intercourse.

    • hCG pregnancy is from 20 to 150 mU / ml
    • pregnancy increases from 100 to 4870 mU / ml
    • pregnancy hCG ranges from 2500-82,000 mU / ml
    • pregnancy hCG in the blood can reach 151,000 IU / ml

    Take a pregnancy test

    The best time to test is the day the delay is detected. It doesn't make sense to do it before, as you can get a false negative result. There are a few simple rules to follow when taking a pregnancy test.

    • read the instructions and follow them
    • do the test in the first days after the delay
    • use morning urine for the test
    • if the test shows a controversial result, do another

    Visit a gynecologist to detect pregnancy

    In the early stages of pregnancy, examination by a gynecologist is not very informative. In the first weeks after conception, changes in the size of the uterus and vaginal walls are imperceptible. However, if pregnancy is suspected, the doctor will send for an ultrasound scan or a blood test for hCG.

    Victoria Taranenko, gynecologist:

    “Doctors certainly rely on facts. And if the mother makes assumptions and looks at the first external signs of pregnancy, then the gynecologist, as a rule, can say with 90% accuracy during examination whether pregnancy has occurred, and a change in the shape of the uterus indicates 100% of pregnancy. This sign can be checked by an obstetrician or by ultrasound, the error of the results of which does not exceed 10%.

    Early pregnancy signs

    An increase in the level of hCG in the blood, listening to the baby's heartbeat, or ultrasound results indicate exactly pregnancy. All others are just possible first signs of pregnancy.

    • Small discharge

      If you find a few brown drops on your underwear, then it may not be your period at all, but. It is likely that right now the cell, which will become a child, "travels" in search of the uterine wall. This is one of the earliest signs of pregnancy. But! This process can take place without any discharge.

    • Enhancement

      Don't be lazy: watch your basal temperature throughout your cycle. If you are pregnant, either the temperature rises to 37 degrees, or drops sharply by one day in the second phase of the menstrual cycle. This process is called "implantation sinking".

      There can be two reasons. Firstly, from the middle of the second phase, the production of the hormone progesterone, which is responsible for raising the temperature, decreases, but if you are pregnant, it starts to be produced again. Therefore, temperature fluctuations occur. Secondly, during pregnancy, the hormone estrogen is released, which lowers the temperature.

      See our

    • Constant weakness and fatigue

      Many women who do not yet realize their situation believe that they are simply sick. And this is partly true. One of the reasons for weakness is a decrease in immunity. Some expectant mothers at first or even have a cough and a runny nose.

    • Sensitive breasts.

      If nipple sensitivity increases dramatically, then it is likely that you are pregnant. This symptom appears throughtwo weeks after conception. On. The chest can react even to the most gentle touch, it can swell or just hurt. Darkened skin around the nipple areolas can also indicate pregnancy.

    • Montgomery tubercles

      Montgomery tubercles are such tiny bumps on the areola of the breast, resembling goose bumps. They do not pose any threat to your health, but their appearance is often a sign of a woman's pregnancy.

    • Insomnia.

      Many women may experience insomnia and sleep disturbances due to changes in the body. Expectant mothers do not get enough sleep, even if they went to bed early and did not wake up with the first roosters.

      IN sleep can be felt in the middle of the day, just at the workplace. And that's okay, if the work is not associated with danger, so move to a "quieter" department in advance. There is no need to worry: the organism simply has its own ways of communicating its new status.

    • Nausea, sensitivity to odors

      This is a classic sign that appears on ... About half of expectant mothers faced such unpleasant sensations. But do not rush to rejoice if such an indicator appeared in the morning: maybe in the evening you just ate something “wrong”?

    • Back pain

      Back or lower back pain maybe a little tangible ... And such "lumbago" in the lower back will accompany the expectant mother throughout the entire period of pregnancy, periodically making itself felt.

    • Bloating

      During pregnancy, the intestines become "lazy" and does not think that in the process of digestion it needs to monitor the level of gas formation. Bloating can also be felt because the intestinal wall swells a little.

    • Frequent urination

      Two weeks after conception, you may feel a frequent urge to use the toilet. This is due to a change in hormonal levels, and not, as is commonly believed, stretching of the uterus or fetal pressure on the bladder (the child is still too young).

    • Delayed menstruation

      This is perhaps the most common first one. It is, having noticed him, we confidently go to the pharmacy for a test. But, if your cycle is irregular, you should not rely on the delay.

    Symptoms of pregnancy with twins are no different from the listed signs of early pregnancy. The fact that several embryos are growing in the body of the expectant mother can be found on a routine ultrasound.

    Signs of pregnancy. Early pregnancy symptoms (video)

    Precise early pregnancy signs

    1. Increasing the level of hCG in the blood... The "pregnancy hormone" begins to increase 7-10 days after. The analysis for hCG is quite reliable in determining pregnancy. Therefore, having donated blood from a vein in any laboratory, you can find out about your position even before your period is delayed.
    2. Listening to your baby's heartbeat... With the help of an electronic stethoscope, you can hear how the baby's heart beats at 10-12 weeks. His heart rate is 120-160 beats per minute.
    3. Ultrasound examination (ultrasound)... The recommended period for the first ultrasound is 7-12 weeks, but with its help it is possible to determine the gestational age from 2-3 weeks.

    Whether conception was a long-awaited miracle or an unplanned surprise, any girl wants to know about it as soon as possible. Therefore, women are so fond of sharing descriptions of the first signs of pregnancy. After all, tests promise results only after a delay. But you still need to live to see it! And what about a girl who is eaten by curiosity, hope, or anxiety?

    We warn you right away: it is useful to know about these signs, but you should not attach too much importance to them. Because they are very subjective and can serve as symptoms of very different conditions.

    The female egg is capable of fertilization for the first 12 hours after ovulation. If a woman tracks her cycle and knows exactly when the egg was released, she can determine whether conception happened after the act or not.

    Symptoms of pregnancy in the first days after conception are similar to those of PMS of varying severity. The fact is that during the luteal period, a woman's body always prepares for pregnancy - just in case. And the processes that take place in it after the release of the egg, for about two weeks, are always the same, regardless of whether conception happened or not.

    The corpus luteum, which remains in the ovary after ovulation, produces the hormone progesterone, so in women the breasts swell and become sensitive, irritability, drowsiness, fatigue appear, they often want to go to the toilet, and so on. If pregnancy has really come, then the signs continue, intensify and become more characteristic, and if not, menstruation comes.

    Therefore, before the onset of menstruation, many women notice certain symptoms in themselves, which are often considered signs of conception. Their presence, severity and strength depend on the characteristics of the organism. They are not necessary at all - neither in the case of pregnancy, nor in the absence of it.

    Many symptoms can be caused not even by PMS, but by common illness or stress. Therefore, you should not rely on such signs of conception 100%. But it is useful to know them - at least for your own peace of mind.

    If a woman usually has the second phase of the cycle without pronounced symptoms, the presence of such signs can serve as a kind of "beacon" and allow one to suspect an interesting situation.

    As a rule, at 1 week, pregnancy is not even considered a pregnancy yet. At this time, the fertilized egg moves through the tubes into the uterus, where it will gain a foothold and spend the next 9 months. There are no obvious signs these days, although there may be discharge uncharacteristic for the phase of the cycle, pulling sensations in the abdomen, drowsiness, headache and irritability. But for many women, the entire second phase is accompanied by just such symptoms - the notorious PMS is formed from them.

    Usually, the first signs appear about 8-10 days after conception. This largely depends on the characteristics of the body of each particular woman, on her attentiveness and level of sensitivity. It is at the 2nd week that some expectant mothers are faced with such a phenomenon as implantation bleeding.

    After the fertilization of the egg has occurred, it moves to the uterus and is fixed in one of its walls. In this case, micro-ruptures of blood vessels and capillaries may occur, which are accompanied by bleeding. This phenomenon occurs in only 20-30% of all pregnancies, and sometimes it is mistaken for menstruation that began earlier.

    However, it is not difficult to distinguish bleeding during embryo implantation from normal menstruation. It lasts only a few hours, less often it goes all day. At the same time, his intensity is weak and does not increase. The color of the discharge is light brown, bright red, or pink. Analysis of the hCG level at this time is not yet informative, since the changes are just beginning.

    The signs of pregnancy at 3 weeks are already more distinct. Sensations in the chest intensify - soreness, sensitivity, tingling, darkening of the areola around the nipples. Taste preferences and reaction to smells change, chronic diseases are aggravated. As a rule, at this time a delay in menstruation is already detected, so it is time to do a test or donate blood for hCG.

    How to recognize early pregnancy

    Accurately recognizing pregnancy before delay is an unrealistic task. After all, the main reliable sign is the absence of bleeding on day X. However, there are certain symptoms that tell the woman that something is wrong with her. However, as mentioned above, you cannot completely rely on it.

    Increased BT

    Those women who regularly measure basal temperature know that after ovulation it always rises sharply by several tenths of a degree. This usually lasts about two weeks and before menstruation, the temperature returns to normal. If pregnancy occurs, the temperature above 37 will stay for about two more months.

    It is believed that a sign of conception after ovulation is an increase in BT to 37-37.5 degrees at the very end. This is noted by many mothers, although there is no exact confirmation of this phenomenon. At 1 week of pregnancy, this is facilitated by the high level of progesterone produced by the corpus luteum.

    Insomnia and nervousness

    With hormonal imbalance caused by changes in the female body, many systems and organs work in a new way. This greatly affects the emotional background of a woman. Therefore, the first symptoms of pregnancy can also manifest themselves as irritability, nervousness, which lead to insomnia.

    Drowsiness, fatigue, low blood pressure

    Sometimes a feeling of drowsiness appears in the first days of pregnancy, a woman gets tired faster and feels tired even after a long rest. The head starts spinning due to low blood pressure. These pregnancy signs are also subjective and unreliable, they can happen due to the usual overwork.

    Discomfort in the abdomen and lower back

    Secondary pregnancy symptoms also manifest as strange sensations in the abdomen or lower back. At the beginning of pregnancy, the blood supply to the pelvic organs increases, so women often feel heaviness and squeezing, discomfort in a sitting position.

    A pulling back pain may be felt, although this is often a sign of kidney problems. But the growing pain in the lower abdomen can warn of an ectopic or a threat of miscarriage. Changes in the uterus sometimes cause a tingling sensation, although not all girls feel it. Another sign of pregnancy in the second week, and later, is bloating. Hormonal changes lead to relaxation of the intestinal muscles and flatulence.


    The first signs of pregnancy before menstruation include spontaneous headaches. They are caused by hormonal fluctuations. At the same time, there are no external reasons for migraines - the girl did not catch a cold, slept, did not sit in a stuffy room.

    "Zhor" or lack of appetite

    Metabolism speeds up after conception, so signs of pregnancy also include increased appetite.

    The opposite picture can also be observed - a woman cannot swallow a single spoon. Typically, this is due to changes in the perception of taste and aromas of food.

    Intolerance to certain odors

    Many women become very sensitive to smell and taste during pregnancy. This applies not only to food, but also to everything that surrounds a woman - cleaning products, cosmetics, perfumes, flowers. The girl clearly senses smells and tastes that she had not paid attention to before. Or she suddenly "fell out of love" with those that she used to like.


    Hormonal changes are often accompanied by changes in the digestive tract. Girls may suffer from constipation or diarrhea, belching, heartburn. Nausea and vomiting, which are the first signs of pregnancy, are rare before menstruation is delayed. As a rule, toxicosis begins at about 4 weeks.

    Fever, colds

    So that the body does not reject the embryo, which is a foreign body for it, after conception, the woman's immunity decreases. That is why one of the common symptoms of pregnancy is the common cold (ARVI).

    However, an increase in body temperature to 37 degrees is, in principle, typical for the first months of pregnancy, and due to hormonal imbalance, a woman is sometimes thrown into heat or cold.


    After a woman becomes pregnant, her body begins a large-scale hormonal restructuring, so many notice the appearance of skin rashes - acne, acne among the early symptoms of pregnancy. It is especially worth paying attention to those who have not bothered with similar symptoms before. It should be remembered that acne often accompanies the second phase of the cycle, so the symptom is subjective and unreliable.

    Dark spots on the face and darkening of the nipples

    Many people consider the appearance of various age spots on the face or darkening of the breast areolas as a sign of egg fertilization. These signs are also subjective and cannot serve as a reliable guide. In some women, the areoles darken strongly in the first month of pregnancy, while others do not notice this until the very end. The body of every woman is unique, so the birth of a new life always takes place a little differently than that of others.

    Frequent urination

    Pregnancy before delay can also be determined by the frequency of small trips to the toilet. Frequent urge is associated with both increased blood flow to the female organs, with a hormonal storm. And can be explained by exacerbated inflammatory processes, for example, cystitis.

    Is there an early pregnancy without symptoms

    If the child is long-awaited, the expectant mother anxiously monitors the slightest signs and changes in her body. But it happens that a woman finds out about her new position only after a delay. And if the cycle is irregular and her periods are regularly delayed, then even later. It happens that pregnancy is detected only in the third or fifth month after conception, when the belly is already growing. Since there were no symptoms before. Occasionally, even menstruation can persist (or rather, this is no longer menstruation, but bleeding) in the first 1-2 months. This, of course, does not happen often.

    As a rule, signs of pregnancy in the first week after conception are practically invisible or may be absent altogether, and this is the norm. At this time, the changes in the woman's body have not yet entered into full force, and basically coincide with the usual sensations in the second phase of the cycle or with the symptoms of PMS.

    Signs of pregnancy

    The true signs of pregnancy in the first month include characteristic symptoms that appear several weeks after fertilization. As a rule, the time of their appearance is the third or fourth week of pregnancy, when the restructuring in the mother's body is gaining strength. Their appearance can tell a woman that conception has occurred. But not all of them will necessarily appear: the absence of any of these symptoms is only an individual feature of the organism.

    Delay of menstruation

    Delayed menstruation is one of the most famous and true signs of conception. But only if the woman has a more or less regular cycle and does not suffer from diseases that cause long delays.

    As a rule, in a healthy woman, menstruation occurs at the same time, although small fluctuations of 1-2 days in one direction or another are possible, associated with illness or stress. Therefore, a delay of 4 days is already a reason to listen to the sensations more carefully and conduct a pregnancy test.

    If the cycle is not too regular, then a delay of up to 5-6 days, not accompanied by other symptoms, still cannot serve as a reliable sign of pregnancy. In this case, it is advisable to postpone the test for a 7-8 day delay, since earlier it can give either a false-positive or false-negative result.

    The signs of pregnancy in the first days of the delay are already manifested more noticeably, so if the absence of menstruation is accompanied by abundant white discharge, increased fatigue and drowsiness, chest pain and nausea, a woman may well think about her interesting position.

    Breast swelling

    Another characteristic symptom is changes in the mammary glands. They can swell, become painful, sensitive, the areola darkens - although all this refers to unreliable signs. Typically, the increase in progesterone secretion associated with conception causes a noticeable increase in breast size, as well as the appearance of nipple bumps. Colostrum can sometimes ooze.

    Pigment strip on the belly

    Almost all pregnant women notice the appearance of a dark pigment strip on the abdomen - it goes from the navel to the pubic bone. Sometimes this sign of pregnancy appears even in the early stages, although it usually happens later - by about 4-5 months.


    Many women fear pregnancy, having heard the horrors of toxicosis. Of course, it also happens that nausea and vomiting simply bring the expectant mother to exhaustion, and the smell of some products literally turns her inside out. But for many girls, morning sickness quickly passes, almost without causing any inconvenience. And some women note that they have not encountered toxicosis at all.

    How to identify early pregnancy

    Early diagnosis of pregnancy is possible starting from the day of the expected delay in menstruation. The earliest is the tenth day after conception, until this time no one will give a reliable result.

    Diagnostic methods include:

    While expecting pregnancy, a woman can take any manifestations and reactions of her body for her signs. Therefore, buying a test for loss of appetite is still not worth it, it is better to wait for a delay. Moreover, many signs are only secondary and subjective. They are caused by the hormone progesterone, which is actively produced in the second phase of the cycle, regardless of whether conception has occurred or not.

    Feeling a slight malaise, a woman is sometimes in doubt: are these symptoms the first signs of pregnancy?

    To be sure, you need to know exactly how pregnancy develops, what clinical picture is typical for the early stages, and how you can make sure that you have a pregnancy using modern methods.

    A mature egg is released from the ovary into the fallopian tube. Under appropriate conditions, it is fertilized with the most active sperm.

    In this case, fertilization can be slightly delayed in time. Sometimes this requires several days, since the sperm move at a speed of about 2 cm / hour.

    From the moment of fertilization, the zygote begins to divide. From each of its cells, 2 new ones are born.

    The fission process is extremely fast. Already by the 8th week of pregnancy, the basic life support systems are laid in the embryo.

    However, the zygote is not only divided. She needs to find a place where she can attach to the wall and continue to grow without lack of nutrients. Therefore, the fertilized egg continues its path through the fallopian tube, slowly approaching the uterus.

    This journey takes 1-2 weeks. Only after embryo implantation can we talk about the onset of pregnancy.

    The first likely signs of pregnancy

    While the egg is traveling through the fallopian tube, the woman's body carefully prepares for pregnancy.

    As a result, the hormonal background changes, which has a significant effect on chemical reactions and blood composition.

    At this moment, the woman begins to feel the first signs that allow judging the beginning of pregnancy. They can be characterized as hypothetical, since at this stage the pregnancy has not yet received confirmation.

    • Soreness in the pelvic area.

    In the earliest stages of pregnancy, the stomach most often hurts at the time of implantation of the ovum.

    At this time, there may be a slight tingling sensation on the side where the egg is attached.

    • Unusual vaginal discharge.

    This is another sign of early pregnancy.

    Their color may change somewhat. The discharge is often whitish and more profuse. This is due to the high production of progesterone.

    If the discharge resembles a curdled mass, smells unpleasant and causes itching, it is necessary to be examined for. can sometimes provoke a miscarriage. - a sign of genital infection.

    The discomfort is due to swelling of the mammary glands. The areola of the nipple becomes especially sensitive.

    Often women complain that the pain is caused by a simple touch of the nipple. It is considered a very dubious sign.

    Even the same woman with her first child may have severe chest pains as a symptom of pregnancy, and a sign of a second pregnancy in the early stages may, on the contrary, be a complete absence of painful sensations.

    • Change in taste.

    This sign of pregnancy appears after a delay in menstruation.

    Previously favorite foods cause disgust and bouts of nausea. Sometimes a woman is sincerely surprised why the sight of a fried chicken leads to vomiting, and the smell of laundry soap seems like a heavenly aroma.

    Similar signs are evidence of hormonal changes and. Adaptation of the organism proceeds according to the individual scheme. In one woman, the urge to vomit may be absent, in another, the smell and type of food leads to indomitable vomiting.

    To reduce unpleasant symptoms, it is often enough to eliminate their cause by getting rid of foods that provoke bouts of nausea, as well as spending enough time walking and sleeping.

    Severe toxicosis with repeated vomiting can be a sign of multiple pregnancy.

    • Feeling completely overwhelmed.

    Many women at the beginning of pregnancy have a constant urge to cry or throw a tantrum. This state is characteristic of almost every woman in an "interesting" position. Apathy, depression and fatigue will go away as soon as the body's adaptation to new conditions is completed.

    • Changes in the work of the digestive system.

    Many women will feel what a change in intestinal microflora means. Possible diarrhea and constipation, bloating, increased flatulence.

    • Frequent urination.

    The growth of the zygote significantly affects the organs located near the uterus, in particular, the bladder. Therefore, frequent urination is observed already from the 5th week, when the uterus begins to rapidly increase in size, and continues until the 12-13th week.

    In addition, the bladder now responds to less fluid volume due to the rush of blood to the pelvis.

    • Easy.

    Often, the malaise is accompanied by sinus congestion and chills common to SARS.

    If for several days the condition does not worsen and the cold does not manifest itself in full glory, one can suspect that the change in hormonal levels inherent in pregnancy is to blame.

    • Decreased tone of blood vessels.

    In this case, the woman complains of weakness, dizziness and headaches.

    Hypotension also negatively affects the fetus, as it does not receive the required amount of oxygen and nutrients.

    If hypotension can be caused by pregnancy, hypertension is a disease caused by other causes. In any case, an examination and appropriate treatment are necessary under the supervision of a gynecologist.

    The list of the listed symptoms can be supplemented by external signs of pregnancy. Already in the first week after conception, the condition of the skin may change.

    Often the T-zone of the face and the areola of the nipple darkens due to increased pigmentation. By the end of the first trimester, a dark line will be visible on the skin, stretching from the fundus of the uterus to the pubis.

    The work of the sebaceous glands can normalize and acne almost completely disappears. Unusual signs of pregnancy include sweating, brittle hair and nails.

    The condition of the teeth often worsens. All these signs appear as a consequence of the development of the fetus. The child takes from the mother's body the substances necessary for its own development.

    You can improve your appearance by resorting to a balanced diet with lots of fruits and vegetables.

    It is better to consult a gynecologist who will advise which ones should be taken.

    Personal experience

    My first pregnancy came when I was 19 years old. This is not counting two attempts when miscarriages happened. How happy I was when I saw the cherished 2 strips on the test.

    Given the fact that I was once diagnosed with infertility (and no doctor can make it 100%), I did not try to get pregnant fanatically. Probably, therefore, she did not attach particular importance to primary signs. As it turned out later, it was only at the 6th week of pregnancy that I felt that the body began to change.

    Before menstruation, one in two girls may experience a rash on the face and pain in the mammary glands. After the end of the cycle, the pain goes away. It remained just as strong for me, sometimes it was impossible to sleep on my stomach. Mom immediately noticed an increase in breasts by one size. To say that I got better - no. I then lost about 10 kg due to stress, treatment, etc.

    My husband often began to reproach me for not feeling well - I slept a lot, my appetite disappeared, I became very moody. The latter factor is not manifested in all girls. At the same time, sexual intercourse, even at such an early date, caused a lot of inconvenience. This worried me.

    But because of my convictions, I thought that this was the usual fatigue due to work, lack of sleep and problems at work. I couldn't relax. and, of course, the delay. Although, according to my calculations, I got pregnant just in the last days of menstruation, some kind of miracle.

    I did not betray much value, because for me it was normal - hormonal disruptions, and other problems. If it were not for my mother, who believed in fortitude, I would not have taken the test and found my baby at 6 weeks old.

    With the second pregnancy, everything was different. I was 20 years old, still young, inexperienced. Since I was breastfeeding my first child, the pregnancy occurred during lactation. There was no less milk, but already at 2-3 weeks I felt pain in my stomach.

    This fact was used to create special strips showing an excess of the concentration of chorionic gonadotropin.

    A too bright second strip on the test can be a sign of twin pregnancy.

    With kidney pathology or heavy fluid intake, the test may show an incorrect result. Therefore, it is recommended to repeat the procedure after 2-3 days.

    A home test is not a substitute for medical diagnosis. In the composition of human chorionic gonadotropin, alpha and beta-hCG are present.

    The presence of pregnancy can be judged by an increase in the concentration of beta-hCG. Therefore, within 8-12 days after the date of the alleged conception, a blood test for hCG will dispel your doubts.

    Every 2 days there is a twofold increase in the concentration of the hormone. A similar dynamics is observed up to 7-10 weeks. Then, the indicator starts to decline slowly.

    In parallel with a blood test, it is recommended to undergo an ultrasound examination.

    If conventional ultrasound is able to recognize pregnancy 15-20 days after the delay, transvaginal ultrasound, a method of introducing a special sensor through the vagina, gives the result 10-14 days after the delay.

    At 8-10 weeks of pregnancy, an ultrasound scan of the abdomen can show a fertilized egg. However, the definition of pregnancy is not always 100% reliable with the help of ultrasound. The reason for this may be outdated equipment or low qualification of personnel.

    Sometimes pregnancy is confused with fibroids. Old equipment simply isn't capable of considering early pregnancy. Even doctors warn that it is worth conducting research no earlier than 10 days after the delay in order to reduce the likelihood of error.

    What are the initial signs accompanied by multiple pregnancy?

    It can be recognized already on the basis of the first signs.

    So, many women complain of excessive fatigue and drowsiness.

    This condition lasts much longer than in a normal pregnancy. The body is under heavy stress, carrying twins.

    To feed the embryos, you need 2 times more oxygen and other substances that are taken from a woman.

    It is possible that toxicosis will manifest itself much earlier and stronger. However, this symptom develops individually and a healthy woman with multiple pregnancies may not feel unwell.

    Since 2 or more embryos develop, the production of hCG is especially intense. Therefore, a pregnancy test can give a striking result in the form of a bold and distinct strip.

    Multiple pregnancies are determined fairly accurately by the AFP test.

    Alphafetoprotein is an embryonic protein that is produced by the gastrointestinal tract and the liver of the fetus after the 5th week of pregnancy.

    Protein is also present in the woman's blood, its indicator proportionally increases with the growth of the fetus. Exceeding the permissible concentration usually indicates abnormalities in the development of the fetus, but it can also be a sign of multiple pregnancy.

    Two developing embryos provide rapid weight gain. An increase in the entire pregnancy of about 12 kilograms is considered normal. A woman pregnant with twins gains 16-21 kilograms

    If ultrasound is considered a sufficiently accurate method for detecting a normal pregnancy, the device is not able to "view" twins in the early stages. Therefore, twins can be guaranteed with confidence only at 5-6 weeks, when the heartbeat of the embryos can be detected.

    In order for the pregnancy to proceed without risks and to successfully end with the birth of a healthy baby, after the first signs appear, it is necessary to register with a gynecological consultation.

    Of course, pregnancy is a great time for every expectant mother. Sometimes a woman can plan the birth of a baby, but there are times when the onset of pregnancy is an unexpected surprise for her.

    One way or another, having learned about a new period in her life, a woman needs to save the child and provide herself with reliable protection from diseases and negative factors.

    Very often there are situations when the spouses did not plan to conceive a child in the near future, but fertilization, for one reason or another, nevertheless occurred. Of course, no matter how healthy a woman is, she will have to reconsider her lifestyle as a whole.

    It is extremely important to recognize pregnancy at the earliest possible date, so as not to harm the fetus and not endanger its full development.

    Several facts confirming the need for early pregnancy recognition:

    • conception was unplanned, and the expectant mother had already managed to consume foods harmful to the fetus, or subjected the body to strong physical exertion;
    • the woman had contraindications to conceiving a child before pregnancy;
    • the expectant mother may mistake the bleeding that has opened for the onset of menstruation;
    • not knowing about pregnancy, a woman can continue to take medications that are prohibited in the first trimester;
    • timely registration will help identify existing fetal pathologies at an early stage.

    The first trimester of pregnancy is the most important period in fetal development. It is imperative to get rid of all negative influences on the child as early as possible. The sooner a woman finds out about pregnancy, the higher the likelihood of pregnancy without complications.

    It is important that a specialist will identify genetic anomalies of development at an early stage.

    What are the symptoms of early pregnancy

    The completed fertilization process is the reason for the beginning of hormonal changes in the woman's body. Hormonal changes occurring during this period radically change the state of the expectant mother.

    This period of time is very difficult to diagnose; in some women, it is completely asymptomatic. But, as a rule, already in the first days after embryo implantation, many expectant mothers already notice the onset of an “interesting situation”.

    Early pregnancy symptoms are:

    Many expectant mothers do not have the traditional manifestations of the onset of a new period for her; it also happens that symptoms are absent at all throughout the entire time.

    As a rule, only the early stages of pregnancy have such dull symptoms; after a short period of time, the baby will more and more intensively remind of itself.

    It should be remembered that the appearance of at least one early sign is a signal that it is time to get rid of bad habits and stress, normalize nutrition and stop taking any medications. And also, without fail, a woman needs to be registered and monitored by a gynecologist.

    What are the symptoms of pregnancy

    After the completion of the implantation of the ovum, all systems of the woman's body undergo hormonal changes. During this period, symptoms appear, with the emergence of which the expectant mother can hardly doubt the onset of an "interesting" position for her.

    Symptoms during pregnancy:

    Often among pregnant women you can hear that the symptoms give them a lot of discomfort. But any negative sign can brighten up the thought that soon all this will end and a baby will be born.

    What are the symptoms of an ectopic pregnancy in the early stages

    An ectopic pregnancy is a pregnancy pathology in which a fertilized egg is attached not in the uterus itself, but outside of it. This pathological condition is very dangerous and requires urgent help from specialists. It threatens not only damage to the female internal genital organs, but also the onset of bleeding.

    Several signs that distinguish a normal pregnancy from an ectopic pregnancy:

    • pregnancy tests give a negative or weakly positive result;
    • bloody vaginal discharge;
    • persistent dizziness;
    • cutting pain in the ovaries and uterus;
    • increased body temperature;
    • lowering blood pressure;
    • pain in the lumbar spine.

    Unfortunately, this pathology has the same symptoms that accompany a healthy pregnancy. But still, in most cases, signs appear that will alert a woman and force her to seek medical attention.

    It is worth remembering that no such pathological pregnancy has a successful outcome.

    There is an opinion that after an ectopic pregnancy, a woman remains infertile. Experts say that this opinion is wrong. It is quite possible to get pregnant, the main thing is to listen to the doctor's recommendations and set yourself up only for the good.

    What are the first symptoms of a frozen pregnancy

    A frozen pregnancy is the cessation of the development and formation of the fetus, in other words, its death in the womb. Fetal death occurs without any symptoms of miscarriage, it can happen at any time and have a variety of causes.

    Symptoms of a frozen pregnancy:

    1. Allocations. In the first days after the death of the fetus, they can be of the usual white color, then, as the embryo decomposes, red streaks begin to appear in them.
    2. Termination of toxicosis. On the first day after the death of the embryo, the urge to nausea is present as usual, after 3-4 days they disappear.
    3. Change in well-being. After the death of the fetus, there is an increase in body temperature, sharp pain in the uterus and weakness.

    As a rule, feeling that something was wrong, the expectant mother is in a hurry to contact her gynecologist. Fetal death can only be diagnosed by a specialist, based on the results of ultrasound.

    Ultrasound indicators for a frozen pregnancy will be as follows:

    • the heartbeat of the embryo is not heard;
    • the size of the ovum does not correspond to the gestational age;
    • there is a deformation of the ovum;
    • the fetus is not visualized.

    In addition to an ultrasound scan, a woman may be prescribed a blood test for hCG levels. The result of the analysis with a frozen pregnancy may be to identify a low concentration of hCG, or a significant lag from the norm.

    It is impossible to get rid of a frozen pregnancy on your own, all attempts will lead to bleeding.

    Summing up, we can say that, ideally, it is better to plan the onset of pregnancy in advance, lead a healthy lifestyle and regularly visit a gynecologist. But even if such good news was not at all part of the plans for the near future, a woman needs to register on time and provide better health protection for herself and her baby.

    And in the next video for more information on pregnancy symptoms.

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