• Cleaning care. Proper cleansing of the skin of the face. Face Cleans Fat Cream


    Proper cleansing of the skin of the face is the basis of its health and beauty. As if we admired the masking effects of modern cosmetics, the best of all the makeup looks at clean and healthy skin.

    In addition, even the most expensive cream will not have the necessary impact, if the skin is contaminated, with rashes or tightening traces. Let's look at how to cleanse the face from makeup to preserve his youth and freshness.

    How to clean the skin of the face every day

    During the day, our skin is exposed to many influences. It is urban dust, air, cosmetics and even dirty hands. Atmospheric particles and dirt penetrate the skin and provoke inflammation, irritation, dryness, wrinkles, dullness and skin diseases.

    In most cases, skin problems can be avoided if adhere to the basic demakiusa rules.

    Rule number 1. Cleaning the skin of the face in the morning and in the evening every day. This should be a habit, the benefit of which is difficult to overestimate. Clean skin is better restored, breathing and perceives the nutritious and moisturizing ingredients of the cream.

    Rule number 2. Select the cleansing cosmetics individually for your skin. It is, what is suitable for a girlfriend or extolled in advertising, it is not always suitable for you. Decide to help you know the knowledge of your skin type and normal testing. If the cosmetic means causes dryness, burning sensation or other unpleasant symptoms, boldly refuse it and change it to a more suitable for your skin.

    Rule number 3. Usually in the urban environment, the quality of tap water leaves much to be desired. Its not only can not be drunk, but also to wash this water is also undesirable. It is better to use filtered, boiled or mineral water.

    Rule number 4. Water should be room temperature. Hot water expands the pores and causes redness. In the summer, it is permissible to use cool water, and in winter - warm.

    Rule number 5. During cleansing procedures, do not overdo it. Parently apply cosmetics through face massage lines. Do not trite and do not stretch the skin.

    How to clean the skin of the face: the main stages

    Cosmetologists call chicken skin cleansing - mandatory routine for modern woman. But just wash - this does not mean to clean the skin of the face from makeup. This beauty procedure consists of several steps that will help you effectively and clear the face from makeup at home.

    7 stages of cleansing the skin of the face of makeup:

      Using a cotton disk and lotion remove lipstick or gloss from lips.

      Take advantage of a special eye demaciament. It is created for the delicate skin of the eyelids and effectively removes the remnants of cosmetics. It should also be applied to the cotton disk, hold on the eyes a couple of minutes and carefully remove the mascara from the base of the eyelashes to their tips.

      Rock the remaining makeup and bacteria with all the face of the foam, gel or milk. Do not forget: do not stretch the skin, make a light massage and use warm water.

      Carefully laughing the face with a towel.

      Now we wipe the face with tonic, lotion or micellar water with soft movements. They nourish, moisturize the skin and prepare for applying the cream.

      The final stage is to apply a face cream, best with SPF (ultraviolet protection). More about the dangers of UV radiation you can read in the article about photostaria.

      One or twice a week you can make an absorption for deeper skin cleaning. The mask can be applied only after washing and scrub. Do not forget to apply a nutritional cream.

    Purification of the skin: products for daily use

    What to clean the face daily - another important moment On the issue of skin care. Cosmetologists advise to choose cosmetics based on the characteristics and needs of your skin. However, in stores the choice is so great that in all this variety it is easy to get confused.

    To do this, there are universal tips for which you can rely on, choosing the cleansing agents for the skin of the face:

      for normal skin Mousse, foam or milk for removing makeup;

      fat I. combined skin The best foam is suitable for washing or gel;

      cleansing napkins are better to use as an express method, and not abuse. They cannot replace a full-fledged black-making procedure;

      do not use the usual soap for cleansing the skin of the face. It dries too dry and causes premature aging.

    The main thing about cleansing the face and removal of makeup

    A competent approach to the cleansing of the skin of the face from makeup is your concern for your health and appearance. Do not neglect this simple beauty procedure that will help your skin to doll. For her you will need:

      a little time;

      suitable means for your skin;

      warm water and sponge;

      tonic and face cream.

    The content of the article:

    Purification of the skin of the face is the most important procedure that no woman should be neglected if it is important for her to preserve beauty and youth for a long time. However, it can be cleaned correctly not less important than cleaning regularly - errors in this case can not only be reduced to "no" the effectiveness of a means, but also to cause the deterioration of the state of the epidermis. Let's figure out what rules it is necessary to follow that the cleansing procedures have only a beneficial effect.

    Need to purify the skin of the face

    Despite the fact that all cosmetologists say about the importance of cleansing the skin, many women, unfortunately, because of fatigue and laziness, they often neglect Sim Deniya, and someone generally doubts that cleaning the face is so necessary every day.

    In fact, it is not worth doubting it. Our skin during the day is subject to serious stress: just that most women use tone tools, and skin fat, burned cells, dust and other contaminants are also accumulated on it.

    If you do not wash off in the evening, the whole of this "cocktail" for the day, unpleasant consequences will not make himself wait. At the clogged skin will appear acne, black dots and other non-patient rashes. In addition, the face as a whole will swell, but unhealthy fat shine And the peeling will become permanent satellites.

    However, it is fundamentally important to wash not only in the evening, but in the morning, because at night the functioning of the sebaceous glands does not stop, which means that skin fat is distinguished. The process of exfoliation of burriting cells, which settle on the skin is continuously. With the owners of a fatty type of dermis, a peculiar film has time for the face, which does not allow smoothly put makeup. In people with a dry skin type, a lot of dead cells accumulates, which also do not allow the opportunity to cause cosmetics perfectly.

    In addition, it should be noted that the cleansing of the skin in the morning is also a great way to "wake up" cells, strengthen the blood circulation and achieve the easiest lifting effect.

    How to clean the face correctly?

    The question of the correct cleansing of the skin, in fact, subjective. Its different types and features make each woman long look for their special perfect care. However, still there are some patterns that work for all. Let's deal with them.

    Competent cosmetologists say that the correct cleansing of the skin of the face at home consists of three stages:

    • Removal of decorative cosmetics. If you are painted, you should start cleaning with the removal of decorative cosmetics. It will take a means for removing makeup with eyes, as well as milk, which will remove the main part tonal basics And bright lipstick.
    • Cleansing gel or foam. At the second stage of skin cleansing, it is necessary to use the foam or gel for washing. If you have not been filtered, then this phase of cleansing will be the first. The task of gel and foam, in addition to cleansing from the residues of cosmetics, consists also in the removal of pathogenic flora and skin secretions. In fact, these two products are approximately the same in composition, but they have different textures. The foam gives a deeper penetration, which means that pollution cleans more carefully. In addition, this tool has a more economical consumption. On the other hand, the gel is better than the foam, suitable for irritated and oily skin. That is, it is impossible to definitely say that the foam on all articles is a more preferred option, it all depends on the type and condition of the skin. But, one way or another, you need to use one or another.
    • Toning of leather. This stage of skin cleansing many neglect, which is very good. In addition to the supply of the skin with nutritional components that appear in the composition, the tonic removes from the skin and traces of previous cleansing products. The last step is especially important because in most gels and foam contains synthetic components that may not be washed with water. As a result, they remain on the skin and provoke all sorts of irritation. Applying a tonic, you protect your face from such a development of events. In addition, the tonic prepares the skin to the next stage of care - the daily or night cream.
    By the way, at least applying the cream and is not considered to be cleansing the procedure, we still remind of its need, especially after 25 years. Signs of skin aging is much easier and cheaper to prevent, than to fight them.

    As you can see, everything is quite simple: only 2-3 simple procedures in the afternoon and in the evening can save the beauty of your skin for a long time and prevent the development of various kinds of dermatological problems. The main thing is, of course, when selecting cleansing cosmetics, take into account your type and condition of the skin. After all, alone, let's say, you can use soap to wash, and only foam is suitable for sensitive skin.

    However, when we are talking about soap, we mean not ordinary for hands, but a special cosmetic. The composition of the usual soap includes alkalis, which have a destructive effect on the lipids of the skin, which causes dehydration and active peeling. In addition, the face when washing with aggressive soap deprives natural protection, which means it becomes vulnerable to bacteria and free radicals, which leads to inflammation and early aging.

    Many cosmetologists advise to refuse when washed not only from ordinary soap, but also from tap water. At least if you live in the city. However, it is not necessary to clean the skin without it without it. Today, in the fashion of various kinds, mycelarms and gels, but most experts assure that they are not able to clear the face as high quality as needed. If you are allergic to tap water, use boiled or cleaned in a good filter, and in extreme cases special water is not mineral for drinking, namely, for cleansing the skin.

    Note! The skin needs proper cleansing at any age. If with the leaving - serum, creams, etc. - You can wait until 25-30 years, then high-quality cleansing is required in adolescence. By the way, it will help to soften due to changes in hormonal background typical problems of teenage problems.

    Typical errors when cleaning the skin of the face

    So now you know that it is necessary to clean the skin twice a day, the procedure should include two or three stages depending on whether there was a makeup or not, and the usual soap and tap water is better not to use, especially for the sensitive and problem of the dermis.

    However, even knowing these seemingly comprehensive rules, you can easily "push" errors. Let's analyze the most basic ones:

    1. Neglect of hand washing. Many of you are most likely, now rapid eyebrows, but yes, before proceeding to cleansing the face, you must first wash your hands thoroughly, otherwise the bacteria and dirt with them can be very easy to transfer to the face. So be sure to take a preliminary washing of hands into the habit.
    2. Scrubami abuse. Scrub is, undoubtedly, a powerful tool that provides a deep purification of the skin of the face, but to overdo it with it is terrible than "unfinished". The fact is that the excessive impact of abrasive particles that contain a scrub can cause an irritation, to thin the dermis, and this will in turn lead to a number of other additional problems, including premature aging. A reasonable number of facial compression procedures - 1-3 times a week depending on the type of skin and its condition.
    3. . Ready to argue, many of you are confident that the contrasting souls - the procedure is useful. So it is so, but it works this rule only for the body. It seems to be logical to wash hot water to open pores and clean them better, and then roughening it cold to closure and obstacles to the penetration of new dirt and other unnecessary particles. However, in fact, and hot, and cold water for delicate skin of the face is just irritation. Choose a warm comfortable temperature to avoid unpleasant consequences.
    4. Excessive zeal in cleansing. Today the so-called two-phase cleansing includes, when special napkins are used after the foam or gel. However, this in most cases is absolutely no need. The famous dermatologist Sam Banting says that "purity to the screens" is capable of violating the natural functions of the skin barrier. However, exceptions happen, the specialist believes that the two-phase purification should be resorted after, for example, intense training in the gym.
    5. Intensive cleansing area around the eyes. This area is most sensitive, and therefore it is allowed to clean it ideally only special soft tool and cotton disk. In some cases, the use of gentle fake is allowed, but then it is not necessary to rub the skin - learn the means with light patters and carefully rinse.
    6. Use of money 2 in 1. Unfortunately, almost all means with such a "margin" are tortured for buyers. Gel for washes cleans, tonic tones, and the cream moisturizes and nourishes, it can not be different. So do not chase in two hares, you know what happens with such grief-hunters. It is not necessary, by the way, to dedicate and already mentioned above and the fashionable today by mycellary water. Firstly, it is not able to clean the skin deeply. Secondly, all manufacturers of such products write that it is not necessary to rinse it. However, it is illogical. Since the tool is positioned as cleansing, it contains seals, at the expense of which, in fact, the cleansing occurs, and the seabilities cannot be left on the face. If you really like this tool, but I really do not want to contact with water, use after at least tonic.
    7. Application of Cream Texture Cleansing Gels. There are such funds in the market, and, as a rule, they are positioned as cosmetics for sensitive skin or a sort of 2 in 1 - gel for washing + cream. However, the texture of the cream is not the best solution for purification, they are usually poorly poured and as a result climb the pores, cause various irritations and can even lead to dysfunction of natural skin moisturizing processes.
    8. Acquisition of fashionable money. Choice cosmetics - This is not the area where you need to equal to fashion. It is not worth buying a foam, because it is advertised by all top beauty bloggers, your main task when choosing a product for cleansing the face - take into account the type and condition of your skin. It will also not be superfluous to read the composition and try to acquire funds with a minimum amount of harmful substances.
    9. Use brushes for cleansing. Today, many cleansing agents are combined with special brushes that help to better perform the task of this means. However, their action, in fact, is akin to scrub, and therefore their excessive use is not welcome. However, it is worth saying that the girls with sensitive and dry skin are not just not advised to use them, but it is forbidden.
    10. Insufficient care for brushes and sponge. Al although indirectly, but refers to the issue of skin cleansing. The fact is that a huge number of bacteria accumulates on tassels and sponges for makeup, and if they do not wash them at least once a week with antibacterial soap, then their use can be reduced to "no" any quality cleansing.
    Well, we hope you do not make most of these mistakes and only made sure that you are doing everything right. Otherwise, do not be mistaken, because now you know the secrets of the successful cleansing of the face and can start working on errors.

    How to clean the skin of the face - watch the video:

    Today, an important and very useful article on how to properly clean the skin of the face daily.

    At least, I systematized this information for myself for a long time, experimenting on my own face ((, since it was almost impossible to find something intelligible on the topic of books and magazines before the appearance of the Internet and the new "generation" of books and magazines.

    Journal articles and book recommendations have come down to the Soviets "Clean the skin of the face, apply the cream ...", it is clear, but how to clean? This topic for some reason, bypassing the party. Why not know, perhaps the process of washing was not considered as important and cleared the face in general, everything is equally - washed with soap.

    Later polled friendly and girlfriends, how do they clean the face in the evening? Answers got different: I remove with milk ..., foam ..., gel ..., soap ... such options did not suit me, I tried to wash and foam, and milk, and gels, but as such a system was not in this and say that I liked the final result, I liked, Also it was impossible.

    And only with the advent of new literature and access to Internet knowledge, I finally discovered schemes for myself. , How to wash off the makeup from the face in the evening and how to wash in the morning.

    I share these ways with you, I hope that the information will be useful.

    How to clean the face every day step by step

    Did you pay attention to what amount of funds is the destination - "for cleansing"? Well, yes, huge. These are tonic, and foam, cream, and oil, and micellar water, and soap, in the end.

    And there are so many of them because the wash system is also not one, the only one and all these funds need to be able to compose with each other to choose the most appropriate wash method.

    Clean the face in the morning

    Despite the fact that the night we calmly slept and during this time they could hardly get dirty, the face needs to be cleaned, because during the night the sebaceous glands were developed, and the remains of the night cream could be on the skin.

    We carry out purification in two stages:

    1. Step first - wash. To do this, use either
    • foaming gels and foams, mousses, soap (products which need to be washed with water);
    • , We apply it on your cotton disk and wipe your face.
    1. Step two - remove the remnants of the detergent:

    We rinse the face with plenty of water, or wipe it with a tonic.

    For me, this item should look like so rinse the face with water and wipe it with a tonic.

    Because: and gels / foams / mousses and mycelter water must (!) It is necessary to remove from the face, because all these tools contain surfactants (seals), which by making their own business - clearing the skin of the face, should be completely washed.

    That's all, the morning wash is completed))

    How to clean the skin of the face before bed

    The evening cleaning procedure is more complicated because in addition, semism and day cream residues are now on the face of decorative means: the basis for makeup, tonal / cf / cc cream, powder, blush, etc.

    And the pusher to remove them from the face with the help of fans and mousses will not work because they are intended for washing, and not to remove makeup.

    Better to shoot makeup from face

    Please note that most of the contaminants accumulated per day on the skin has a fat basis, according to cosmetologists, "this is similar soluble like" therefore, for evening cleansing you need to use a fat basis.

    What do you need to remove makeup in the evening?

    1. Fatale funds to choose from: cosmetic milk; Cosmetic cream / sour cream; Oil ordinary or hydrophilic; Oil balm.
    2. Makeup can be removed and not at a well-based basis, but they will not be so effective. This is: Micellar water and gel, but not foaming, and melting.

    The scheme how to clean the skin of the face before bed

    Step No. 1.

    Clean the face to the tool, which is specifically designed to remove makeup. Necessarily.

    Once again, it will remind this - milk, cream, sour cream, oil, balm, micellar water.

    Step number 2.

    Wash the means that is intended for washing. Necessarily.

    This is: Penka, gel, mousse, soap (in specially intended cases).

    Step number 3.

    Wipe the face with Tonic. Item is optional.

    In principle, you can stay at the number two points and proceed to applying care products, but, in my opinion, the tonic is still needed, not only because I love tonic as a product as a whole, but also because you:

    • remove the remnants from the skin of the face not the most useful tap water;
    • check if the cleansing procedure is well performed.

    The most important point to learn when cleansing the face in the evening:

    Makeup removal and washness are two different ritual, and for evening cleansing they are needed both in such a sequence.

    That is, having conducted a procedure for washing. You will not be able to remove makeup sufficiently, part of it will still remain on the skin, as the product of the sebaceous glands remains and the product of oily skin remains, and repeated (on the third, etc. Once) the use of foam or gel does not bring any use to the skin, but it is easily cut it easily.

    Then you mean foam / gel in the morning or if you did not use the day decorative cosmeticsBut thoroughly with the removal of makeup, these funds will not cope.

    The control moment of the quality of skin cleansing is the purity of the cotton disk after the face tone, it must be clean, and not to curl the remains of cosmetics.

    Based on these rules, developed. More about them in the next article.

    I hope the essence of the question I was rendered before you, if any questions arose, I would be glad to answer.

    (Visited 15 292 Times, 4 Visits Today)

    • Signs of skin pollution
    • Why do you need to regularly clean the face
    • Rules of daily cleansing
    • rules deep purification Skin face
    • Cosmetology procedures

    Signs of skin pollution

    Polluted air megapolis nothing good skin Persons do not promise. That is why makeup in large cities are called the first line of protection against aggressive environmental factors. But it is necessary to delete it at the end of the day. To the process of cleansing the skin in such conditions it is necessary to approach with all seriousness.

    How to determine what's usual washing is not enough? We list the signs speaking that the skin needs serious, deep purification.

      Dark color face.

      Uneven relief.

      The abundance of small pimples.

      Black dots.

      Extended pores.

      Feeling fatty film on the face.

    Skin Care Basics, Procedure Classification

    Cleansing procedures can be systematized as follows.

      Domestic daily - this is a mandatory surface cleansing with the help of demacidia, as well as gels and foams for washing.

      Home weekly is a deeper impact on the skin with scrubics, gummages, masks.

      Cosmetology procedures that imply both hardware techniques and the use of professional preparations.

    Rules of daily cleansing


    First stage - removal of makeup, removal of surface contaminants. In the morning, purification is no less important than in the evening, since the exchange processes in the body are actively going, there is an internal cleansing and recovery. By the way, the peak of the production of sebum is accounted for 4-5 in the morning. If in the morning after washing to wipe the face with a cotton disk, impregnated with tonic, the disk will not remain clean.

    So, at this stage use:

      micellar water;

      cleansing oils (hydrophilic are good for oily skin);

      milk, cream - for dry skin;

      lotion or tonic - as an express method;

      makeup removal napkins - additionally or as a road variant.

    It is important to understand that in the procedure of cleaning from time to time the skin of any type is needed, not only prone to fatty. © iStock.


    At this stage, surface contaminants are removed.

      Eliminate leaks of skin fat from the surface of the epidermis.

      The particles of cosmetics or other contaminants are removed from the preceding stage.

      It is washed off all that remains on the skin after pre-cleansing, which ensures the disclosure of the pores.

    Below is a list of means for washing.

      Gels are suitable for fatty and combined skin.

      Flems and mousses - for all types, but especially good for dehydrated or sensitive skin.

      Milk, cream, balsam - for dry skin.

      Fat skin shows combined means combining, for example, the properties of the foam and scrub for daily use.

    Additional cleansing

    With the arrival of fashion for cleansing the skin in the Asian technique, the arsenal of skin care products have replenished special sponges and brushes.

      Sponges Confirce took on the role of not just a sponge for foaming gel, but an independent cleansing agent. They delicately massage the skin, improving blood flow and, accordingly, the complexion of the face.

      Brushes are embedded in the vials of some means for oily skin. Special porks deeply clean the pores, not traumating the skin.


    About this stage often forget or intentionally ignore it, but all because not everyone understands what he is needed. And meanwhile Tonic:

      restores the PH-balance on the surface of the skin, which is broken as a result of the effects of purifying agents and rigid tap water.

      prepares the skin to further care and improves the penetration of serum and cream nutrients.

    Features of cleansing the skin of different types

    We write about it separately, because in some cases the differences will be essential.

    Fat and problemful

    Requires increased attention in purification issues due to excess Cebuum, which clogs the pores, provoking the appearance of comedones and acne. Attempts to dry the skin with alcohol-containing means is a bad idea. It only stimulates the increased production of Cebum. The same result will give the cleansing "to the screens".

    Wash slightly warm water and rinse the face of the cool - for narrowing the pores. Cold water - Tabo: Supports vessels, which means that he worsens blood circulation.


    Do not forget about scrubs and peelings, otherwise guaranteed:

      tuskness of the skin;

      reducing the effectiveness of moisturizing and nutrients.

    It is not worth moving on anhydrous cleansing: to fully eliminate the contamination with the help of inside the means will not work. In addition, this method will deprive the skin of the lung exfoliation and massage, which occurs when washing.


    Choosing formulas and textures, you can not limit yourself, but it is still important to take into account the current state of the skin and not forget about regular exfoliation.


    Optional to acquire a double set of cleansing tools for the T-zone and U-zone. Modern formulas are distinguished by universality. Choose a foam for washing.

      Pay special attention to additional funds and use, for example, a brush on problem areas.

      For deep cleansing, Multimascang is suitable.

    Among cosmetology methods Three types of cleaning have proven perfectly. © iStock.

    Cosmetology procedures

    Among the cosmetology methods, three types of cleaning have been perfectly proven.


    As a result of ultrasound vibrations from the surface of the skin, burritable particles are extended, microcirculation is improved. The procedure is considered gentle, suitable for any type of skin.


    It can be compared with the treatment of a vacuum cleaner - about the same principle are purified by pores, and at the same time there is a lymphatic drainage massage, which is healing the condition of the skin, improves the complexion.

    Galvanic (disinfecting)

    Good for fatty and problem skinwhich is usually distinguished by high density. A salt solution of a certain composition is applied to the skin, after which they affect it with microcles using a special nozzle. As a result, the contents of the pore dissolve, the fatteral comedones leave.

    Instead of cleaning, the beautician can advise:

      Microdermabrasia - skin grinding with small abrasive particles (contributes to update of the epidermis).

      Chemical peeling is the dissolution of damaged skin particles using acid-based compositions. Surface layer of skin is updated. The procedure is effective for correction of different imperfections - from traces of Package to pigment spots. The composition of the peeling, depending on the type of skin and the goal picks up the doctor.

    Cosmetic means of deep purification for different skin types


    Exhausting scrub with absorbent charcoal "Pure skin asset",Garnier

    coal and Salicylic Acid

    Deeply cleanses the pores, narrows them, effectively removes excess the skin.

    "Deep cleansing 7-in-1" PURE Zone., L.Or.é al,

    salicylic acid, exfoliating particles

    Deeply cleans fatty skin, stimulates the update. Suitable for daily use.

    Soft scrub Gommage Surfin, La Roche-Posay

    specially selected components providing high tolerance of the means, without soap, alcohol and dyes

    Carefully and deeply cleanses the skin, leaving a comfortable feeling. Suitable dry skin.

    Scrub for the face "Pineapple Papaya",Kiehls.

    pineapple fruit acids and papaya, powder from apricot bones

    Softens and updates the skin. Apply on wet skin, massage, leave for 2 minutes and washed off.

    Soft exfoliating face creamExfoliance Confort, LANC.ô me.

    almond extracts, yeast and honey, microgranules

    Releases dry skin from the burned layer, levels the relief and complexion.

    Cleansing masks

    Spacery mask « Clean skin",Garnier

    zinc, Clay

    When contacting the skin heats it, facilitating the intensive purification of pores. For fat and problem skin.

    Mineral Peeling Mask "Double beam",Vichy.

    fruit acids, exfoliating particles of volcanic origin

    Deeply cleanses, saturates minerals. For all skin types, including sensitive, prone to peeling.

    Mask, deeply cleansing pores,Clarifying. Clay. Masque, Skinceuticals.

    clay, hydroxy acid

    Suitable for deep purification, removes excess semum, levels face relief.

    Clay mask, deeply cleansing and exfoliating skin,Purefect. Skin. 2 iN. 1 Pore Mask., Biotherm

    white clay, algae extract

    "Pulls out" pollution, frees the pores and significantly narrows them, ensures micropling and refreshing. Apply once a week.

    Intense cleansing mask Énergie De Vie, Lancôme

    white clay, Melissa extracts, ginseng, cranberries

    Parently cleans the skin from external contaminants and sebum, frees the pores. Suitable for use 2 times a week, for all skin types.

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