• Master class on the manufacture of the entrance for the mobile game "Horses. Leash entry for a child for safety and training walking on what age is calculated


    The first timid children's steps are always joy for mom and dad. So that they are not overshadowed by numerous painful drops, manufacturers create all new accessories protecting from such failures. Their list gets and special children's leash. What it is and how to use them correctly, so as not to harm your crumb, discuss in this article.

    What is a children's leash and what types of happen?

    Children's entrance - This is a pretty simple invention, the main function of which is the control of the baby, only the beginning to learn to walk. This is a soft, but durable tape, which gently worst a child, and for a free end, his mother or dad is taken.

    This design is especially convenient for the parents of twins or triples, as well as for those moms and dads who have problems with their backs and cannot lead children by hand, and also constantly lean to them. Also such peculiar walkers are convenient for training walking in public places.

    Exist different kinds Baby leashes. Which one to choose for your crumbs, parents decide depending on personal preferences, the age of the child and financial opportunities.

    Experts believe that the safest option is to entrust with a dense rigid handle, which is attached on the body with the help of special panties, and not armpits. It avoids excessive load on the spine.

    Also comfortable and leash, which is attached on the shoulders, chest and crumbs armpits. To prevent rubbing, it usually has a soft tissue lining on the chest. The main advantage is that the straps of such entry can be adjusted, so they are suitable for wearing and on winter and summer clothes.

    And the simplest model consists of only durable sling and fasteners, which can be easily adjusted as needed. But it is best to use it only for more adult children who are already able to resist legs, but not too confidently stepping. After all, such entries are not able to support the child, they only slightly control its balance.

    There is one more original modelwhich consists of their backpack, to which the leash is mounted. it excellent option For independent babies who do not like to keep parents by hand.

    What age is calculated for?

    It is difficult to accurately answer the question, from what age you can use the discussed accessory. It depends on the individual characteristics of the child's development. A model that is attached as panties is allowed to use immediately as soon as the child starts trying to do the first steps on their own. In it, the crumb will hang like a swing. And moreover simple models Without durable fasteners, it is better to leave for older age.

    Overview of popular lead-walker

    When choosing a special leash for your baby, first of all, attention should be paid to its comfort and safety. The device must be durable and reliable. It is better to abandon models with velcro, since their crumb may unzip on their own.

    Also, the product should not rub or transmit child skin.

    Leash canpol babies

    Convenient children's entrust with a bright spectacular design. Bard model with blue finish. With their manufacture, a durable strong fabric was used, which for a long time does not break down and won't wipe.

    With this design, parents will be able to help the baby independently make their first steps and at the same time do not fall and not damage.

    Their main feature is that such enthusiasm can easily transform security time for a carriage or chairs at lunch. Therefore, we can say that this is a two-in-one accessory.

    Link Chicco First Steps

    Chicco company produces a variety of comfortable accessories for children. There are in their assortment and entrance. Many of them have a non-standard design, so they will enjoy both parents and children. For example, on breasts, some models are located portrait of a bear panda.

    The design has very comfortable clasp. It allows mom to save his back from excessive loads at that time when Kroch makes his first steps. With her, the child does not have to constantly hold on hand. They are equally convenient to use both at home and on the street. Product parameters are easily adjustable, so they will suit the most different clothes.

    Best Baby.

    This entrance is a special soft, but strong belt from light fabric with non-sturgeon straps on shoulders. Behind them have an extra tape for which mom or dad will hold.

    Many buyers will surely attract the cost of this product. It averages only 150 rubles. You can buy such entries in any store of children's products.

    Behind the product has a durable plastic fastening that the child cannot unbutton. It will be possible to wear it with comfort and on winter and summer clothes.

    Mom's reviews

    Angelina: I sewed the entrance to your daughter with your own hands, because at the time when they needed, there was no extra money in the family. It turned out the product is no worse than the purchase. Therefore, I advise all moms who, at least a little know how to sew, do it yourself. And if there is a sewing machine in the house, there will be no problems at all.

    Galina: For us, Best Baby's entry turned out to be completely useless. It is good that they are at least inexpensive, and then there would be a sorry for money. I bought them for 130 rubles. We had a gentle blue model. We tried to use them just a couple of times. The child was constantly dragging behind the rope from behind. Tried to turn around. About walking and forgot. Maybe it's in our fidget, I do not know.
    As a result, she still went to walk only for a handle with me or dad. Therefore, I think that the goods are useless.

    Olga M.: Great accessory! I have always had problems with lifting weights. Therefore, it was very afraid that during the first balls of the child I would be very tormented. As a result, I bought Chicco's entry and forgot about problems. I had only slightly support daughter. No loads on my spine. I advise all fragile mommies!

    Is it possible to make with your own hands?

    If there is time and desire, such entries for a child can be done with their own hands.

    It will take to purchase:

    • 4 semi-automatic plastic clasp;
    • 4 meters of special material - textile slings.

    First of all, the parameters of the child are measured - chest girth (main thing, leave the stock for the fastener), the distance from the middle to the chest to the middle of the back. The length of the handle is measured arbitrarily, depending on the growth of parents.

    The baby did not have time to appear on the light and please his birth of parents, like mom and dad, as a rule, begins to expect the most unforgettable day, when their relatives will make the first independent chamber. Indeed, in the first year of the life of Karapusik, one of the touching and exciting moments are his "tops-tops".

    Experienced mothers already know that children who are just beginning to conquer all the space visible by them, quite unstable. But at the same time, they are too inquisitive, and every minute we strive to climb somewhere. Often kids fall. To avoid this, parents always support Karapuz. After some time, finding in a semi-bent condition, in the form of the letter "Zy", makes itself felt. This is especially noticeable for grandparents, who have problems with the lower back or back. It is possible to help solve these problems.

    Top top, kid

    Unfortunately, the joy of the first chambers of the Karapuza has reverse side. It can overshadow it with countless falls, bruises, abrasions, bruises. And for the tears of the native and beloved crumbs, few parents will remain indifferent. The soft surface for falling, unfortunately, is not everywhere. And it must be remembered that the kids strive to run into the puddle or sand, fall into the dirt or wet, lowered the snow.

    Spain troughs, blouses, jackets and dresses, scratched palms and broken knees - not the most terrible trouble. Dangerous when a child with joyful cries trying to escape from mom in a crowded place - in the store or on the market. It will be difficult to find it, but screaming and hysteria, frightened and confused, guaranteed. In such a situation, the entrances for the child will be as impossible by the way.

    Leash for crumbs

    Believers are an ordinary rag tool to help control the active karapuse and protect it from injuries, bruises formed during fall. While the baby is not very confident on the legs, the leash holds it on a walk. Very useful acquisition of entry for the child will be for those parents who have several children (twins, twins).

    The leash was created to facilitate the lives of modern mothers and dads. It was thanks to him that they almost painlessly survived that temporary segment when Kroch began to know the world.

    Hooray! I can myself!

    Believers for the child became popular among today's parents not so long ago. They consist of stray stitched between themselves, which in a certain way fasten to make mom or dad to keep their chadushko in the process of walking.

    A child appears some freedom: his handles are no longer busy and can hold a favorite toy, the space around calls to run, jump or stump with zigzags. He feels the same adult as Mom. Mom is also easier: the baby under the supervision, also the bags can be carried.

    Lozhni for walking are precisely for kids aged from about 8-9 months and a half years. It all individually and depends on when the crumb begins to turn the legs.

    How to choose good look?

    In order for the application of the leash, the most convenient and comfortable for Karapuza, which only begins to explore the roads and streets, should be selected, and then apply it correctly. Best of all, of course, buy entries produced by famous firms. It will be a guarantee that high quality products.

    Choosing the necessary product, you need to focus on the fact that all clasp leashes should be easily adjusted. At the same time, the straps must be stored in a fixed position. It is large manufacturers of products for children make their products quite qualitatively. After the acquisition of such products, parents do not have any problems using their (goods) strictly for their intended purpose.

    Wear and adjust

    Young (and not very experienced) Parents often wonder how to wear a child. There is nothing complicated here. The entrance should be put on the top of the baby's top clothes either on T-shirt, T-shirt, blouse, a light dress, if the cappusik learns to walk at home. Although it is best to use a leash solely on the street.

    The entrances for the child are equipped with shorts that will be very reliably supported crumb and evenly distribute the load on the kid's vertebral post.

    When exiting the street, putting on the baby to the burden, it is necessary to adjust them well. It is impossible to give them to be saved, but also you can not tighten too tight, because it will cause ducts to discomfort.

    To achieve ideality when using a leash, you need to give a little time to train time. Thanks to this, parents will learn to tighten the cloth straps right away as it is necessary.

    Democratic accessory

    Parents are found, which, showing some originality, choose to entrust the color of the demi-season overalls, boots, caps or some other clothes of the baby. Some purposely decorate a leash with various small decorations. As a rule, it is quite relevant for parents of small ladies. Sometimes moms or grandmothers decorate the entrance in such a way that they come under the color gamut of an elegant or festive dress, carnival costume Or even a suit for a picnic.

    A leash will serve the baby and the mother very short time, just 2-4 months. Then the baby will start making his steps more and more confidently, and there will be no need to support it. Thus, in order to save a family budget, it is quite realistic to acquire the entrance to the commission.

    But not all the parents want to buy a thing for their beloved kid who had previously been in other hands. So, if you consider that the cost is quite low, it makes sense to acquire in the store of children's goods to the child. The price of them starts approximately with 300-400 rubles and is growing depending on the manufacturer, material, additional qualities (color, size, weight).

    When the Karapuz will grow a little and will stand on the legs more confidently, it is not necessary to hurry to get rid of the scent and give them to friends having kids. After all, and for the grown crumbs there are many interesting, but traumatic entertainment: skating, rollers, bicycles. And you can protect your child, using all the same entry walkers that will help the child to keep the equilibrium and not fall. The baby will be sure that he is supported, and it will lead to the fact that he will learn to ride faster, without fear.

    The first timid children's steps are always joy for mom and dad. So that they are not overshadowed by numerous painful drops, manufacturers create all new accessories protecting from such failures.

    A special children's leash falls into their list. What it is and how to use them correctly, so as not to harm your crumb, discuss in this article.

    What is a children's leash and what types there are

    Children's entries are a pretty simple invention, the main function of which is the control of the baby, only the beginning to learn to walk. This is a soft, but durable tape, which gently worst a child, and for a free end, his mother or dad is taken.

    This design is especially convenient for the parents of twins or triples, as well as for those moms and dads who have problems with their backs and cannot lead children by hand, and also constantly lean to them.

    Also such peculiar walkers are convenient for training walking in public places.

    There are various types of children's leashes. Which one to choose for your crumbs, parents decide depending on personal preferences, the age of the child and financial opportunities.

    Experts believe that the safest option is to entrust with a dense rigid handle, which is attached on the body with the help of special panties, and not armpits. It avoids excessive load on the spine.

    Also comfortable and leash, which is attached on the shoulders, chest and crumbs armpits. To prevent rubbing, it usually has a soft tissue lining on the chest.

    The main advantage is that the straps of such entry can be adjusted, so they are suitable for wearing and on winter and summer clothes.

    And the simplest model consists of only durable sling and fasteners, which can be easily adjusted as needed. But it is best to use it only for more adult children who are already able to resist legs, but not too confidently stepping. After all, such entries are not able to support the child, they only slightly control its balance.

    There is another original model that consists of their backpack, to which the leash is attached. This is an excellent option for independent kids who do not like to keep parents by hand.

    What age is calculated

    It is difficult to accurately answer the question, from what age you can use the discussed accessory. It depends on the individual characteristics of the child's development.

    A model that is attached as panties is allowed to use immediately as soon as the child starts trying to do the first steps on their own. In it, the crumb will hang like a swing. But the simpler models without durable fasteners are better to leave for older age.

    Overview of popular lead-walker

    When choosing a special leash for your baby, first of all, attention should be paid to its comfort and safety. The device must be durable and reliable. It is better to abandon models with velcro, since their crumb may unzip on their own. Also, the product should not rub or transmit child skin.

    Leash canpol babies

    Convenient children's entrust with a bright spectacular design. Bard model with blue finish. With their manufacture, a durable strong fabric was used, which for a long time does not break down and won't wipe.

    With this design, parents will be able to help the baby independently make their first steps and at the same time do not fall and not damage.

    Their main feature is that such enthusiasm can easily transform security time for a carriage or chairs at lunch. Therefore, we can say that this is a two-in-one accessory.

    Link Chicco First Steps

    Chicco company produces a variety of comfortable accessories for children. There are in their assortment and entrance. Many of them have a non-standard design, so they will enjoy both parents and children. For example, on breasts, some models are located portrait of a bear panda.

    The design has very comfortable clasp. It allows mom to save his back from excessive loads at that time when Kroch makes his first steps.

    With her, the child does not have to constantly hold on hand. They are equally convenient to use both at home and on the street. Product parameters are easily adjustable, so they will suit the most different clothes.

    Best Baby.

    This entrance is a special soft, but strong belt from light fabric with non-sturgeon straps on shoulders. Behind them have an extra tape for which mom or dad will hold.

    Behind the product has a durable plastic fastening that the child cannot unbutton. It will be possible to wear it with comfort and on winter and summer clothes.

    Can I make with your own hands

    If there is time and desire, such entries for a child can be done with their own hands.

    You will need:

    • 4 semi-automatic plastic clasp;
    • 4 meters of special material - textile slings.

    First of all, the parameters of the child are measured - chest girth (main thing, leave the stock for the fastener), the distance from the middle to the chest to the middle of the back. The length of the handle is measured arbitrarily, depending on the growth of parents.

    At first, pieces of slings of the desired size are cut off, then the handle and straps are sewn to the accessory for fastening on the chest, and then plastic fasteners are attached to the ends of the material.

    Ready! In order to improve your product, you can sew a small pad in the chest area, as well as decorate the slings.


    Who knows a few hours walk with a child in the slope? And there is a device invented by tired craftsmen. You did not know? And I'm not, until I took the kuma sewing leash for driving a child. How makes it easier for this subject of the adult!

    Some, however, manage to drive a child, slipping a long towel under the breast and under the mouses. But it's not right! After all, then the child moves in the slope, hanging on this towel. He does not feel the right center of gravity.

    You can drive firmly clay toddler under the mouse in the chest. Not for handles, not under the handle, namely for the Taurus! Then you will feel any kid lunges. But the pose of an adult constantly reminds pain in the back, which you need to change something!

    Here insurance for 8-10. monthly child - just right. And the equilibrium will feel, and the legs will have to put properly (all the foot to the floor), and will not count on the hands of an adult. Leash will make a walk more pleasant and safer. He picks up the baby, if that lacaround will start falling.

    Consider how to make a children's leash-to-enthrall with your own hands for driving a child

    So, the material.
    It will suit any strong braid with treated edges, 4-6 cm wide. You can use a dark cowboat, parachute lines or braids for bags and backpacks.

    The length of the tape for sewing insurance is calculated by those who sew. This is the length of the long handle of the leash x 4 (their 2pcs) + girth of the baby's breast in clothing + stock to overlap the clashes. If, for example, the length of the handle is 0.75m, then the length in the finished form is 1.5m. 1,5m x 2 + 0.50m (chest girth) + 0.25m (on the smell) \u003d 3 + 0.50 + 0.25 \u003d 3.75m. You can safely buy a 4 meter.

    It is important to take into account the time of year when the baby starts walking. For the winter, sew wider taking into account the winter jackets or overalls. And they think over the mount for use in the house and on the street. You can insert a tight wide gum for a more flexible sewing option for a child.

    How to sew a leash for driving kid:
    1. Cut the braid on the part-part. These are 2 long handles, with a length of 1.5 m and one item, 1m length.

    2. Process the edges of these parts. You can cover, deceive with glue, and then manually spend. If there is a doubt such a way, then shelter the edges of the braid. Since the tape is rigid, then the beyalty is not subject to.
    3. Place on the details with a length of 1m chalk of the arrangement of the handles. Do not forget to find the center of the product.
    4. Snack and sew manually or machine line handle to the main part.
    5. Process the clasm.

    Breast clasp fastening options :
    . Velcro. It is possible, but it is not desirable, since it may not withstand the weight of the child and unbutton. If still decided to do, then the length of the overlap should be large, for a stronger gearing.
    . Buttons. Require establishment without your participation, and these are extra spending.
    . Soft ribbons. Can crush a child or unleached. But refer to a rapid solution to the issue of the clasm.
    . Buttons. They need a few pieces for different positions (for the street or for the house). Require the skills to handle loops. They can be made manually. The most reliable method of fastening.
    . Hooks. Also several pieces for different positions. This is a fast and pretty strong option to fasten the clashes.


    Log entrance for driving a child still used as insurance, because he is just starting to walk.

    Walking with the child is preferably in quiet, light and not tanned places, since they are very tired by the baby and he begins to cry and capricious.
    Make friends with peers, and you will walk together.

    Create for your children with love! Good luck!
    Elena Semidelukha

    P.S. Idea: Nіkіtіna O.І. For Skin Materia: Prshibnik.- K.: Abris, 1997. - 96 p.

    Isolastic isolated

    Dear Colleagues!

    Our children love to play in horses. This is an old software game. But how much I do not observe, few of the educators play it with children. And in vain! And just for this games are needed. Like these ones load I smear for middle group Last year. First made the red - the selection of those who want to ride on " horse"There was no one! I had to put it, the benefit of the material was at hand.

    Sew such rein - Cases for half an hour. For windshirt You will need a wide durable tape. The width of this 5 centimeters. Such a tape for one harness will need a little more than three meters.

    For decoration windshirt I needed such a beautiful beaker. But it is not necessary to look for such or such a bay! It is important to decorate reinWhat would cause interest in this equipment and the game, and what you decorate is your taste!

    It is clear that you need a sewing machine and scissors! (I do not take pictures)

    The length of the belt is up to two and a half meters, depending on the age of children. The loop length also depends on the growth and age of children, in my window There are 70 centimeters and a little more. Very interesting for children when there are bubber. I only found puments in our reserves.

    But without bubboy to play all the wonderful together! Thanks for attention!

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