• How to use thermo gel polish (shellac) for nails. Thermo gel polish: fashionable novelty! Ideas with thermo gel polish


    Thermal varnish for nails is a new phenomenon in the nail service. He appeared in the nail industry relatively recently and immediately gained great popularity. Thermo varnish reacts to the temperature of both the external environment and the human body itself, as a result of which the initial shade of the product changes. For example, the color of varnish in a warm room will differ from its shade outdoors.

    Even during chores, your hands will look interesting, because by dipping them in water of different temperatures, you can get different shades of nails.

    How does chameleon varnish work?

    Thermal varnish for nails also has another name, namely chameleon varnish. It fully reveals its peculiarity. If a chameleon is a lizard that can change its color to match the environment, then a chameleon varnish changes color depending on the temperature of the hands and air. If the hands are cold, then the varnish will have a darker shade, if warm - lighter.

    Due to the fact that the temperature near the base of the nail will always be higher than the temperature near its edge, then the coating with such a varnish will never be uniform. Thanks to this, you can get a very interesting, playful color.

    The pigment substance of chameleon varnish consists of microcapsules, which change their color at temperatures above 30 ° C and return to their usual color when it is lowered. Moreover, you can change the color of your nails simply by touching them to a warm surface or by dipping them in warm water.

    Another useful feature of this product is its ease of application. Due to its more liquid consistency than that of conventional products, the thermo varnish covers the marigolds more evenly, and for several days no washes and chips form on their surface.

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    How to apply thermal varnish?

    Before applying thermal varnish, you must carefully prepare your nails. Particular attention should be paid to the cuticles and lateral ridges: they should have a beautiful and well-groomed appearance. To make your nail design look not only attractive, but also professional, you should align all the tips of the nails to the same length. After the preparatory work is completed, you can proceed directly to applying the varnish.

    First, degrease your nails with a nail polish remover, or simply wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water. Then apply a base, which can be used as any varnish on hand. This will protect your nail plates from bright pigment. Otherwise, they may turn yellow. Yellowing can only be removed by deep grinding.

    Decide which nail color you would like to get. Apply the selected thermo varnish to the nails with a thin ball. If you want a richer shade, apply a second after the first ball dries.

    To achieve a better French effect, it is recommended to apply a third ball of varnish to the tips of the nails.

    At the final stage, treat the nails with any fixer. This will allow for a richer color and maintain the attractiveness of the varnish for as long as possible.

    A well-groomed manicure is as important for women as a beautiful hairstyle or makeup. Thanks to their wonderful qualities, and an amazing palette of shades, gel polishes are rapidly conquering the market. To surprise the fair floor and meet the growing needs, manufacturers are constantly experimenting with color palettes and compositions. Not so long ago, a three-phase thermo gel polish was presented to the attention of the female audience. Its properties amaze buyers with their uniqueness. After getting acquainted with the correct process of applying thermo gel polish, every lady can have amazingly beautiful marigolds.

    Features of the thermal composition

    The main advantageous difference between thermo gel varnishes is that they are able to quickly change their shade and even color depending on temperature. This amazing ability makes them unique and the manicure inimitable. Using one varnish, you get three options for color compositions at once. As soon as the ambient temperature changes, the color of your coating changes immediately. For example, if the fingers become cold, the shade of the gel polish will darken. Conversely, if the nail plate is warm, then the color of the varnish will become lighter.

    On long nails, any three-phase shade will look advantageous. Since the grown area of \u200b\u200bthe nail is colder, the edge will be darker, creating the effect of a colored French manicure, photo 1.

    Deciding on the color

    The assortment of the color palette of gel varnishes with a thermo effect is very wide, especially for the Bluesky and Cody brands, photo 2. But, given its peculiarity to change the shade in completely different combinations, it is sometimes difficult to understand which one is better suited. When choosing a three-phase product, consider the following points:

    • more often on the nail plate there will be that shade that is lighter than the other two, since the fingers are still mostly warm;
    • choose tones that are closer to your taste;
    • keep in mind that restrained and classic colors are used more for everyday and work atmosphere;
    • on short nails, the shade will be more uniform.

    The color change will occur even when you are holding a hot cup of tea or coffee. Such a transformation will not go unnoticed by others, and you will definitely hear positive reviews about your manicure.

    Choosing a manufacturer's company

    There are quite a few different brands of thermo gel polishes on the market today. In order for your manicure to have a presentable look for a long time, you must use quality products. You can focus on ratings and reviews from other buyers. The following brands of gel polishes are in great demand on the Russian market:

    • Kodi;
    • Bluesky;
    • Gelish.

    As a rule, manufacturers give a 2 - 3 year warranty. A manicure made with a quality gel polish will last for at least 2 weeks. The color palette of three-phase thermo varnishes allows women to create a variety of designs. Thermo gel polish Kodi is available in black rectangular bottles. The Kodi palette has the usual glossy shades, and glitter colors. Worn equally well, see video 1.

    Thermo gel polish Bluesky stands out for a wide variety of matte shades. There are also glossy colors and large sequins. The huge assortment of the palette provides a large selection for any preference in shades.

    Specific composition

    An important difference between gel polishes is that they dry out only with the help of UV radiation. But there are several more features that must be considered when working with three-phase tools.

    1. Any gel polish, be it Cody or Bluesky, hardens when exposed to U-F rays, so they need to be stored in a dark place, then they will not thicken for a long time.
    2. After use, wipe the edges of the varnish jar with a lint-free cloth so that there are no residues of the composition.
    3. Do not dilute the thermal agent with acetone.
    4. Be sure to use the lineups: base and finish. If you do not know what it is and how it works, check it out in advance.

    Correctly painted nails with Kodi and Bluesky varnishes will look perfect within 2 to 3 weeks. According to reviews, the coating may last longer, but due to the fact that the nail plate grows back, the manicure will not have a very beautiful and fresh look, photo 3.

    Process technology

    Before applying the three-phase product, you need to prepare the nail plate, give your fingers a well-groomed look. Prepare all the necessary tools, a lamp, Bluesky or Cody thermo gel polish. Stock up on a good mood and you can start.

    1. Dip your fingers in warm water for a few minutes to soften the cuticles. Trim the cuticle by a method convenient for you, having previously treated the instruments with an alcohol solution.
    2. Use a file to shape the nails to the desired shape so that they are the same length and have smooth edges.
    3. Degrease the surface of the nail plate with a special alcohol-based product.
    4. Apply a thin layer of Bluesky or Cody brand base.
    5. Dry under the lamp for 2 minutes.
    6. Apply Blueskay 3-phase in the color of your choice.
    7. Dry under the lamp too.
    8. If you want to make a decoration with rhinestones or another type of design, then glue them.
    9. Coat with Blueskay Finisher.
    10. Dry in the lamp.
    11. Remove the sticky layer with a cotton pad dipped in alcohol.

    It is important to remember that each layer must be dried in a UV lamp. It is absolutely not difficult to make such a procedure. By following all the recommendations, you will achieve an amazing result. A wide palette of thermo gel polish will allow you to create incredible designs and have a new drawing every time.

    Thermal varnish for nails is an original product for manicure. Like a changeable female mood, it changes shades dozens of times a day. Such metamorphoses are extremely uplifting, surprise and delight!

    The name of the thermal varnish reveals its main secret. Thermo means temperature. The varnish reacts to the ambient temperature. Realizing how beautiful and well-groomed hands are important for every woman, the nail industry carefully presents gifts to the beautiful half of humanity in the form of innovative means with which manicure becomes perfect, durable, durable, and takes less time. Thousands of different technologies give every woman the right to have beautiful nails, to be different from others, to keep her individuality in detail, to be unique and unforgettable.

    Varnish that changes color with temperature was invented in 2011. The interest of women in this design prompted the masters to improve the formula, expand the palette. Depending on the external environment, thermo lacquers, like chameleons, change color, improve the mood of their mistress, and become the reason for the surprise of others. On the street, the varnish takes on one shade, indoors - another.

    The principle of action of the tool is explained by the presence in the composition of active components that react to the temperature regime.

    How to use an unusual varnish?

    How to apply thermal varnish? Experts say that there is no specific technology. Everything is done exactly as in the case of a regular varnish.

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    The scheme is simple:

    • it is necessary to process the nail plate, give it a shape;
    • remove the cuticle;
    • degrease nails with acetone;
    • apply a base under the varnish to protect the nails from unwanted yellowness;
    • apply the first layer of thermal varnish with quick movements. It should be covered, starting from the middle of the nail, and then on the sides;
    • wait 20-30 minutes for the varnish to dry;
    • apply a second coat.

    If you want to apply a transparent fixing layer over the thermal varnish, it will take more time to change the color. First, the fixer layer will warm up (cool down), and then only the thermo-varnish layer. But the nails will shine more. The fixer will protect the surface from scratches and mechanical damage. And the smooth heating of the nail plate will provide an interesting ombre effect.

    Secrets of using thermovarnish

    • The shades of the varnish cannot change dramatically - from green you will not get red. But if more layers are applied to the tip of the nail, then the color will smoothly transition into another. Manufacturers are rapidly expanding their assortment. Now there is an interesting black-and-white and black-red thermal varnish. And soon we hope to get even more original contrasting shades.
    • Do not apply too thick layers. This will make the thermal effect weaker.

    • There is no need to dry the coating under the rays of the lamp!
    • If the funds in the bottle have thickened, then the liquid will no longer help correct the situation. The varnish will lose its quality when diluted.
    • The temperature of the nail plate is not uniform in different areas. It is higher near the cuticle, slightly lower near the tip of the nail. Sensitive tempolacs respond to this by creating beautiful gradient designs.
    • To change the color of the varnish, you can dip your hands in cold (or vice versa, warm) water. Sometimes it is enough to pick up a cup of hot tea.
    • Leave 1-2 mm between the cuticle and the chameleon layer to allow oxygen to flow to the nail.

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    • It is necessary to remove the varnish with ordinary liquid without acetone.
    • If the temperature rises, the varnish becomes lighter, and when the temperature drops, it darkens.

    In a bottle, you will not be able to accurately guess the color and its shades. The instructions and pictures on the insert will tell you better.

    Manicure options using thermal varnish

    • A charming jacket. The base is covered with a traditional pink or beige tone, and the tip of the nail is covered with thermal varnish.

    • Cheerful zebra. Cover the entire nail with a regular varnish. Carefully draw the stripes with thermal varnish. Dark "paths" will change color, each time creating a new version of nail art.

    • Cheerful peas. Draw large peas on regular varnish. Admire how they transform throughout the day.

    If you give free rein to your imagination, you can create other variations. Look at the photo!

    Thermal varnish advantages:

    • Chameleon enamel dries quickly on nails, so it should be applied quickly, but very carefully.

    • High-quality thermovarnish does not contain particles harmful to health (formaldehyde, toluene). This is guaranteed by the manufacturers of the most famous cosmetic companies.
    • Adheres well to nails.
    • Diverse color palette will make you look charming in any situation!

    Thermovarnish-gel: features of a stylish novelty

    An even more interesting coating has recently appeared in beauty salons - thermo gel polish. The novelty combines all the advantages of gel polish with a thermal effect. It has even more brilliance, durability, contrast!

    The main features of the thermo gel polish:

    • Keeps on nails for about two weeks.
    • A UV lamp is required to cure the thermogel.
    • The gel attracts with a glossy shine.
    • Possesses great resistance to mechanical damage and scratches.
    • Faster response to temperature.
    • The color palette is bright and expressive. Shades of one gel are more contrasting and unusual.

    Only the girls managed to appreciate the advantages of shellac, as manufacturers of manicure products offer a new product - thermo gel polish. The main quality that attracts users so much is the ability to change color, depending on the temperature of the environment and the nail itself. The color palette of thermo gel varnishes is varied. You can buy orange shellac, which under the influence of temperature changes its color to light yellow. There are also other shades that change their color from milky to lilac. How to use this miracle novelty of the manicure industry in order to achieve the desired effect?



    To evaluate how the Bluesky thermo-shellac works, you need to be in an environment whose temperature is above +20 degrees. That is, on a hot summer day, the effect of the thermo gel will be more than noticeable. But, since the temperature of the nail at the edge is lower than at the base, the color of the manicure in this area will be darker. Thanks to this property, thermo-shellac in the photo shows itself as a stylish and fashionable gradient. Manufacturers of manicure products delight buyers with thermal shellacs of burgundy, blue, green, yellow, purple. There are also options with sequins, rhinestones, and other options for decorative blotches.

    It should be noted that thermo shellac adheres perfectly to the surface of nails for 2-3 weeks, provided that all stages of shellac technology are observed. The fashion for using this manicure composition came to us from the USA and Europe. In these countries, girls have long and successfully used thermo gels to create a unique manicure. Interestingly, the colors of thermo-shellac show their abilities already at the stage of application. One has only to take a mug of hot tea or cold compote in hand, as the color of the manicure instantly transforms.

    What do we need

    Finger separator

    If you are doing a pedicure

    Sold in any theme store. For example, "Girlfriend".

    Every lady has

    You can't do without them.

    Conventional manicure

    The main condition is to be sharp and not break your nails.

    For cuticles

    You shouldn't neglect it


    For cuticles

    For nails

    Choose any



    Ordinary will not work


    To remove shellac

    Sold separately or as a set


    For degreasing

    And removing the sticky layer


    An alternative can be found

    Available in sets and separately

    Application rules

    Many girls don't know how to apply thermo shellac. If you managed to figure out and understand what it is, then you won't have to talk about application for a long time. In order for a manicure to please with its impeccability, it is necessary to process the nail plates, giving them the desired shape. Be sure to remove the cuticles and process each nail with a nail file and buff. What it is? Buff is a soft nail file that ruffles the surface of the nail plate a little. This effect is necessary for high-quality adhesion of the gel polish to the nail.

    Then all dust particles are removed from the surface and the nails are covered with a primer. It is a degreaser that will prepare the site for further processing. The next step is to apply the base to the surface and ends of the nails. After the base coat has dried, you can proceed to the decorative finish.

    To make the manicure perfect, the Bluesky thermo shellac in the photo is recommended to be applied in two thin layers. On the first coat, Bluesky will immediately begin to show its color-changing abilities. The first layer should be thoroughly dried, and then proceed with the application of the second. After drying the thermo shellac under a UV lamp, you can complete the procedure by treating your nails with a top composition. In order for the manicure to last as long as possible, the entire surface of the nail, including the ends, is carefully finished with a finish. Dry for 30-90 seconds and remove the top, sticky layer. To immediately heal the cuticles, apply a moisturizing oil.

    The video provides detailed instructions on how to properly apply thermal shellac.

    Manufacturer's choice

    Today many brands offer quality manicure products, one of which is Bluesky. Reviews of the brand's products claim that not all Chinese products are of poor quality. In confirmation of this, buyers demonstrate Bluesky thermal shellac on their nails. It turns out that this is a quality product at affordable prices. Moreover, Bluesky thermo-shellac palette offers the widest choice of colors and shades of gel polish.

    The manufacturer offers more than 55 colors and shades of high-quality thermo shellac at an affordable price. Of course, every customer has the right to purchase and use the products of other brands, but reviews of masters and regular customers claim that Bluesky has created an amazing product that deserves the attention of women.

    Summing up, we note that the modern selection of manicure products is so great that every woman is simply obliged to experience the novelties on herself. When choosing a suitable option for gel polishes, pay attention to thermo compositions. They allow you to create a flawless, beautiful gradient manicure that will change color throughout the day. Depending on the ambient temperature, your stylish manicure of any color will change from dark to light, and vice versa.

    The monochromatic design of nails with a shiny decor is gradually giving way to the palm of an elegant gradient manicure with transitions from one contrasting shade to another, overflows, and 3D effects. If you prefer to wear a gel-varnish coating on your nails, for which a UV lamp is used to dry, then be sure to pay attention to the new bluesky line - shellac for feet with a thermal effect, which has a dense texture and rich pigmentation, and for uniform coating equipped with a convenient brush.

    The thermo gel varnish hardened in the UV rays of the lamp has a unique effect: any temperature drops affect the color of the coating. For example, under the influence of warm air, shellac on the nails becomes lighter, and in the cold it darkens and becomes more saturated. By choosing Bluesky products, you can make a fantastic ombre manicure with constantly changing gradient colors as the ambient temperature changes.

    The color of the gel-varnish coating on the nails changes due to the heat-sensitive components that make up the shellac. If the thermo gel polish contains pearlescent particles, the coating on your nails after polymerization in the lamp will turn into a shining manicure with soft overflows. Take a cup of hot tea with your fingers and the gradient shades on your nails will start to brighten, and a glass of cold cocktail in your hands will turn your manicure into an ombre with dark, rich shades.

    The palette of thermo gel varnishes is constantly updated with interesting novelties. For example, you can make a spectacular manicure with a thermal coating on your nails, which, under the influence of low temperatures, will change white to lilac, orange to bright yellow, pistachio to chocolate, beige to purple, pink to blue, dark blue to burgundy. Shellac with a thermal effect will never be monochromatic, since the nail plate at the base of the nail is always warmer than in the area of \u200b\u200bthe free edge. The properties of such a decorative coating allow you to make not only an ombre-style nail design, but also a jacket that is popular today with a contrasting transition between the tip and the rest of the nail. A manicure with a thermo gel polish on long nails looks most impressive, and for short nails it is advisable to choose shellac with several shades of the same color.


    ▪ Contrast.
    An extravagant version with a clear transition from one color to another. In this case, there can be two contrasting shades (an excellent option for a jacket) or more. Sharp combinations of cold colors with warm or dark with light, together with the replacement of some contrasting shades with others, can be compared to magic;

    ▪ Pastel shades.
    Thermo gel polish in light colors with a soft transition of delicate and light shades. The palette of shellac blues, TNL and other popular brands usually includes options with soft transitions from pale purple to pink, from pink to beige, from bronze to olive, from brick to vanilla, from pale yellow to pistachio;

    ▪ Saturated tones.
    These are rich, saturated colors with smooth transitions, without sharp borders. The palette includes bright combinations of ultramarine, orange, fuchsia, bright blue tones.


    Tools and materials:

    · UV lamp for polymerization of gel varnish layers;

    · A set of manicure tools (glass nail files, scissors, nippers);

    · Transparent base;

    · Pigmented thermo-shellac;

    · Finishing coating;

    · Degreaser and primer;

    · Lint-free napkins;

    · Orange sticks;

    · Klinser for removing the sticky layer.

    Step-by-step instruction:

    ❶ Preparing the nails for the application of thermal shellac: make a nail bath with warm water, move the cuticle to the base of the nail and remove it with a suitable tool, trim the nail plates and shape them;

    ❷ If there are residues of old coatings on your nails, remove them with nail polish remover. Then sand the surface of each nail with a soft file to remove the top glossy layer;

    ❸ Now treat your nails with a degreaser to remove greasy stains from their surface;

    ❹ To improve adhesion (adhesion of the nail to the coating), we apply an acid-free primer to the nail plates;

    ❺ To level the surface and protect the nail plate from pigment penetration, apply a thin layer of base coat. We keep our fingers in a UV lamp for 30-40 seconds;

    ❻ Now we apply a thin and even layer of thermo gel polish to each nail, then polymerize. To make the color of the coating deep and saturated, add a second layer of gel polish, seal the end of the free edge and dry the layer in the lamp for a little more than a minute;

    ❼ Apply a top coat in a dense, thick layer, trying not to go over the cuticle and side ridges with a brush. We keep our fingers in the lamp for about 2 minutes;

    ❽ Saturate a lint-free napkin with a cleanser and remove the sticky (dispersion) layer from the nails;

    ❾ We treat the skin of the hands with a moisturizing, nourishing cream, and rub emollient oil into the cuticle.


    Bluesky belongs to one of the most famous, proven brands with a rich color palette of temperature gel varnishes. Among the options offered, you will surely find a suitable combination of shades that change under the influence of temperature.

    In the photo: palette and descriptions of products of popular brands


    In the photo: manicure with thermo gel polish


    Dear girls! We would be grateful if you share in the Comments your secrets, experience and methods of doing manicure at home using gel polish.
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