• Calendar crises. Calendar of age crises from a child


    Caprizzes? So develops! Content. lucky_mur. Wrote in May 5th, 2012

    The famous book about racing mental Development The child in the first 1.5 years of life. Helps to understand the reasons for crying in a particular month. Parent, having real expectations, reacts calmer, and "difficult weeks" are faster. Enter the date of birth and get a crisis schedule for your child can

    As you understand, sleep in the "crisis", as a rule, suffers. Especially in active and temperamental children.

    Small step back and jump forward

    Children grow jumps. For a long time, nothing happens or almost nothing. And suddenly in one night the child grows into several mm. The mental development of children occurs also jumps. Studies of children aged 1.5 to 16 have shown that these jumps coincide in time with changes in brainwaves, which can be installed using measurements. Up to 1.5 years have also been known in the age of age periods, when changes in brain radiation occur. It was established that in each of these periods, the child's development makes a noticeable jump. But in the mental development of babies there is even more jumps, which, however, have not been studied from the point of view of the brain until today. Mental development races do not always coincide with growth racing. Latest more numerous. And the teeth usually appear not at the time when the baby makes a leap of development.

    What exacts when the mental development of your child makes the next horse?

    During each jump, something new develops very quickly and unexpectedly. It almost always happens in the nervous system of the kid, bringing it a new ability. For example, the ability to schedule "patterns". It manifests itself around the 8th week. Such ability affects the overall condition and behavior of the child. She changes and improves everything that he knew how long and gives the baby the opportunity to learn new things. This can be expressed, for example, in the fact that the baby begins to pay attention to the visible "patterns", for example, banks on the store shelf, or branches of bare trees, leaning in the wind against the sky. And at the same time, your child can now control the position of his body. This is also the appearance of the "pattern", only it is not recognized outside, but inside the body.

    How do you understand that your child makes droplets of development

    The "visiting card" of such a jump is tedious, flexible periods. Driving with the baby becomes harder than usual. Many mothers begin to worry. They ask themselves if the child is not sick, or annoy, without understanding why he is so harmful. Toddler rushes to mom.

    At what age are difficult phases begin

    Hard phases are observed in all children in the same age. They are 8 in the first 14 months. At first they are shorter and quickly replace one other.
    If your child was born for 2 weeks later period, start the countdown two weeks earlier. If he was born 4 weeks before the time limit, start counting for 4 weeks later. This difference also indicates that jumps are associated with brain emissions.

    No child can avoid this

    All children are experiencing difficult phases, and calm, trouble-free, and capricious, "with character". The baby "with character" has even more difficult than "calm". And his mother - too. Such a child also requires more attention, and in the "critical" periods he needs an "extractation". He needs even more mother attention, he craves to learn a new one, and he has stronger conflicts with mom.

    You will see that it can be more than before.
    It's hard, post the child!

    The child will return to a reliable basis

    Since the baby suddenly became more restless, you start worrying. Automatically you start watching him more carefully. Then you notice that he behaves fine again. And you also notice that it can be much more than before, trying to do something new, and you understand that your baby has made a leap in development. Children are afraid of these jumps. During this period, the familiar world of the child turns off his legs. This fright can be understood: imagine that you woke up on someone else's planet. Every suddenly became completely different. What would you do? Would you calmly sleep further? Not. If with appetite? Not. Would you cling to signatures? Yes. And this is exactly what your baby makes.

    New Ability: New World

    Each new ability helps your child learn new. The baby receives the abilities that he before that return was unavailable, no matter how much they do not exercise. You can each new ability to compare with the new world that opens. In this world there are plenty of opportunities to make discoveries. Something there is new, something familiar, but much improved. Each child establishes its priorities - respectively, its predispositions, their preferences, its temperament. One examines everything and tries, the other is passionate about the only thing. Each child is special.

    Help your baby in teaching

    You have the opportunity to show the child that there is next to him, and what is suitable for him as a person. You better know your child. Therefore, you better help him show what it is laid. Not only your baby establishes priorities. You also go on a trip for discoveries. Something will be more interesting to you, something less. After all, each mother is special. At the same time, you, as an adult, can offer something that your baby will not notice. You can help him "open" what he missed. With your help, it is still faster, easier and more diverse.

    Conflicts with baby.

    When your child learn something new, he may have to leave former habits. If he can walk, he can no longer expect that his mother will be still wearing. If he learned to crawl, he can take toys himself. After each jump, your child can more and becomes more independent. Mom, and baby, and sometimes it leads to conflicts and quarrels. The wishes of moms and babies do not coincide.

    Cloud Phase: Short holiday after a jump

    The difficult phase also suddenly passes, as comes. For most mothers, then the time comes to relax. The baby became more independent. He is busy in that it applies what he learned recently. And he rejoices. But this short one is short. Soon the next jump will come. Your baby works in the sweat of the face.

    Plan the game hours - not natural

    If your baby is allowed to decide when to get your attention, you will find that it will change from the week to week. During each jump, your child is experiencing the following: - The need for mother's proximity is the need for mom to learn a new one. Therefore, the scheduled hours of games are unnatural. It may happen that the baby wants attention to an unplanned time. Magic, funny, frightening experiences with your kid can not be foreseen. A child is not a video that can be included at a certain time. He is not an adult.

    Calendar crisis for weeks

    The sun corresponds to the "good" period of the baby.
    Tuchka is the hardest time.
    Torsed weeks - going crisis.

    Huge thanks community "Kids" From livejournal.com for translation and processed drawings.

    Hetty Vanderite and France "Capriznitsy? So develops!"
    Hetty Vanderijt & Frans Ploij: The Wonder Weeks: How to Turn Your Babys & Great Fussy Phases Into Magical Leaps Forward


    Growth jumps in infants up to a year can cause hysterics and strong whims without reason. Surely every mother notices that even if a small child has nothing hurts, his mood can be completely different. There are weeks when the baby is ready to have fun without a break, but there are such periods when whims simply do not end. Some write it off on the weather, others on teeth and some other factors. In fact, everything is much easier. The change of mood is a scientific explanation - it's all about the growths of growth and development, which every child periodically experiences.

    The fact that children grow unevenly, notice is not difficult. There are days and even the week when there is no significant increase in increasing, nor in weight, and then suddenly, the indicators begin to increase suddenly again. Similarly, there is also a psycho-emotional development. Only in this area of \u200b\u200bthe race happen much more often and with the periods of physical growth they absolutely do not coincide. New skills appear unexpectedly, the child opens the world from a completely different side. All this is directly related to the work of the brain and its transitions to the "new level".

    What are the races of psycho-emotional development?

    Each of the drills of development fell on the child as if a squall or hurricane. The kid in the literal sense of the word "knocks out the" huge number of emotions and impressions, but it is impossible to stop the work of the developing brain. Think, for example, just understand that the world around you is colored or start distinguishing patterns?

    Studying cans on the shelf in the store, moving twigs or even the drawing on their own clothes requires a lot of strength from the kid and at first he is very tired of this. In the future, of course, all this will be perceived as natural processes, but when everything around is new - to accept and master it is not so easy.

    How to understand that the child is experiencing another leap of development

    Signs for which you can determine the approach of the next leap of development for everyone baby Individual. Someone is going through them without visible changes. However, in general, this is:

    • unexpected cries and whims without reason;
    • the requirement of attention and permanent physical contact with mom, in essence, the child "does not get out of the hands";
    • worsening appetite and sleep problems;
    • walking attitude towards strangers.

    Some moms begin to beat panic and believe that their child fell ill or just capricious. In fact, such behavior is quite natural. After all, it is difficult to find that the world is much more complicated than it seemed before, it's not easy for a baby at all and he is experiencing this situation without difficulties.

    When a child is experiencing races of psycho-emotional development (calendar)

    Despite the fact that every child is developing in an individual pace, everyone is experiencing jumps around at the same time.

    In just 1.5 years, they occur 10 times, starting with: 5, 8, 12, 15, 23, 34, 42, 51, 60 and 72 weeks. The duration of each stage can be from one to several weeks.

    If the child was born before or later, then the counting is not to start not from the actual, but on theoretical moment. In premature babies, the development jumps occur later than their peers, since before moving to a new stage, the brain should "dorate" to the desired level. The calendar for weeks and months will help to calculate the racing of the growth of your child. The table of development peaks will tell you what to do when the child is very capricious and suits hysterics.

    Peaks (detail):

    Is it possible to avoid problems related to developing ramps

    Unfortunately or fortunately, all children are worried about development jumps: and calm, and capricious, and those who have the power of character from birth. And everyone has certain problems with them.

    It's not necessary to be afraid of this and try to avoid - after all, it can only go to a new stage of mastering the world. Also, see that your baby can much more than before - a decent award for whims and related problems.

    How to help your child survive leaps

    Imagine that you suddenly woke up on someone else's planet and around - a new, absolutely unknown world. It is unlikely that it will be possible to feel comfortable. The same happens with the baby who experiences the jump of psycho-emotional development - new emotions, new impressions, a new look at the usual things. Everything around unexpectedly changes.

    A reliable support remains only mom, so you should not be offended by a child for seeking to be close to you, climbs, asks for hands and requires attention. In this situation parents must show patience - After all, they are not only older, but also wiser.

    Try not only to be close to the child, but also support all his endeavors. It is possible that this way you will contribute to the development of unique abilities that will be called talent in the future. By the way, the future geniuses from childhood show themselves and the races of development they pass much more acute than other peers. True, you should not forget that it is always difficult to make discoveries. Therefore, you can safely send the baby and its attention in the right direction. After all, who, how much does mom feel better than others, at the subconscious level?

    And one moment. Loyally feel about the fact that the schedule and routine of the day after each jump unexpectedly changes. In some periods, the child will want to play more, once the opposite - to study and "read" books with mom. Therefore, you do not need to blindly follow the schedule. A child is not a TV program where everything is clear and at a certain time.

    New ability - a new world!

    After the child becomes restless and capricious, parents begin to watch more carefully and suddenly suddenly notice that he has new knowledge and skills. What was previously failed to achieve even after long grasses, for example, to teach to collect a pyramid or look for the corresponding pictures, comes as if by itself.

    In addition, a pleasant bonus - after the baby made a new leap, he becomes cheerful and active, comfortably existing in the level habitual for him, exhibits independence, actively applying new skills in practice. Mom comes "calm and peace." True, it will continue for a short time - exactly until the brain does not mature to go to the next step.

    Personal experience

    I am from Max over the past 1.5 years I received a storm of emotions, whims and hysterics. Reacted to them, too, not calmly. Now I am a master of calm and understanding of level 50)))) Everyone thought the teeth we cut and magnetic storms. And no one suggested. These jumps are especially pronounced in sensitive, emotional and temperamental children.

    Closer to the year, this is the hysteries "Mom do not burn," with unexplored to the toilet, terrible shouts in the cold in -20 and at home if at least something is not the way he thought, all days on the handles ... by year I, Of course, it rushed, but my psyche did not have time.

    Calm angels in these periods can only make a little hustling and mom does not see anything special in their behavior.

    I really hope that you will read this article on time and this information will be useful for you) is still easier to realize that these are some jumps, and not your child is trying to drive you crazy!

    According to the book Hetti Vanderite and France, "Capriznitsy? So develops!"

    Many mothers, periodically notice that it seems like yesterday the baby was quite small, and today he himself is somehow larger, and some other behavior, and the look like more conscious. We share our thoughts with girlfriends and husbands, but I hear misunderstanding - how could the child change in one night?

    In fact, the growth process is far from smooth and not gradual. For some time with a child, nothing can happen at all, and then only one night passes and it grows at once a few millimeters. How maybe you ask? The thing is that any kid grows with jumps.

    Scientists have conducted many studies, studying the processes occurring with children aged from one and a half years to sixteen. As a result, it was revealed that such changes coincide with changes in the radiation of the brain installed using special measurements. By that time, when your child reaches a year and a half, it will already survive seven such changes.

    It is worth noting that the child not only grows and is changing in physical terms, but also experiences the most serious psyche restructuring. Science has not yet proven any relationship between this phenomenon and brain waves. Moreover, growth racks and development most often do not coincide in the time interim.

    What happens to your child when his mental development makes one of the jumps?

    A similar leap forward means that your child acquires some kind of skill or ability, resulting in a complete restructuring of the existing painting of the world. So, for example, at the eighth week of life, the baby begins to see patterns, which significantly affects his behavior and condition. The changes occurring will improve all acquired skills, providing the opportunity to move on in their development, studying all new phenomena. Now the kid gladly looks at various small pictures - showcases in the store, branches of trees, or her mother's clothes. All this is incredibly interesting and all mothers want to take as active participation as possible in such processes - somehow help, push. How to understand what exactly is your child going through another horse racing?

    It is very difficult to miss it, because it is usually accompanied by poor mood, extremely fooling, disobedience, the desire to be near the mother breast, the clock and bad sleep. At these moments, parents begin to worry about their health, or they are angry with its non-standard behavior.

    It is worth noting that such phases should not cause indignation or aggression. As long as the child reaches a turn of fourteen months, you have to survive eight such jumps. Moreover, all the kids do they occur at approximately the same time. First, they are short enough to time and follow one after one.

    It is worth noting that the kids who have emerged two weeks later than the deadline are first faced with a similar crisis for a couple of weeks earlier than their peers. If the child appeared on the light before the laid, then the difficult periods will begin a little later. Such a dynamics indicates the presence of communication between the jumps and the radiation of the brain.

    What to do to avoid similar phenomena? Nothing! They should survive every baby, because without it is simply impossible to grow and develop. It doesn't matter what nature of your child is a calm or capricious, trouble-free or dubbed, periodically it will join in a difficult period. Moreover, the child's restless, the harder it tolerates the described phases, the stronger its need for mom and in her attention, and the more reasons for conflicts arise between them.

    Mama remains to wish patience. Do not be angry, think about how hard now you have to your baby. It will take quite a bit of time, the child will become much calmer, and you will understand that the difficult stage was not in vain, because now it can be much more than he could.

    Bad behavior is due, first of all, with fright, after, waking up once in the morning, your daughter or son understands that the world around him has changed very much, he became completely different. It is not surprising that all this causes the strongest anxiety, changing the appetite and the desire to be closer to those people who are familiar and roads.

    All acquired abilities will necessarily help the baby in the process of knowledge of the surrounding world. At the same time, it does not matter exactly how much time you were spent to train any skill - the baby will win it only when the time comes!

    Since parents are people who know their child better than anyone else, it is you can not only support him, but also help, send, establish priorities, show what will be really wondering, indicate what he I did not notice myself. All this will make the learning process easier, rapid and diverse.

    Adults know a lot about the world and social relationship. They are not surprised simple things It seems to the movement of foliage or wind upwards. That is, oddly enough, the reason for many conflicts between the parent and the child lies. After all, the baby in this world for the first time, for him here in a novelty is literally everything. Parents are inclined to forget that the child can be afraid of the elementary change of his own mood. Just because he does not know what happens to him. Therefore, when a new stage comes in the development of crumbs, it is invariably accompanied by a crisis - and parents begin to blame themselves for poor education.

    A kind of "transitional age" in children begins with birth and continues at least seven years. Every year is accompanied by new phenomena in the psyche of the baby, he learns to cope with new information And he is experiencing environment for strength.

    The crisis of the first year of the child's life. Why do children capricious?

    During this period, all the abilities are completely formed to feel physical and mental. The child begins to see, with age, everything is clearer. Learn to distinguish between individual objects, remembers the voices of mom and dad, learns to smile, frown, use the appearing teeth - in general, it is created by his basis as a full person.

    Along with the growth of the child, his brain is growing. New neural connections appear, the brain emits new waves and, thus, learns something before unknown. There are several so-called leaks of development, in which the baby is growing mentally. This is not connected with the appearance of teeth, with an increase in several millimeters or other external manifestations of growth. Mental development happens in the brain. At one time, scientists, tracing for the development of many babies, allocated certain weeks of such jumps and painted that it was in them.

    For example, on the eighth week after birth, the child begins to see not just one-piece objects, but also patterns on them. Wallpaper, a blanket, a crib, clothes - in his eyes literally every item starts to look completely different. Imagine that one day you woke up, and the planet began to look different. At the same time you do not associate appearance Objects with their destination. That is, you can not say that this is a wardrobe, because inside it clothes, although it looks unusual. No, for you the whole planet - new, you can not imagine what is happening, where everything is familiar and how to live now. Few people will not start panicing in such a situation. Here are babies who have just turned over the whole world, become capricious.

    Each leap of development is characterized by increased federation. It worries many parents: someone thinks that their infant will grow harmful; Someone believes he fell ill. The baby simply needs high attention mom. He just knew a new facet of the world, he had just been able to see or make a little more than he could before. It is not fascinating, the baby is not yet able to realize the concept of fascination. It is very difficult for him. Children are afraid of such discoveries and instinctively stretch to the only thing that in this world remains familiar and unchanged - to mom.

    How many development surges can be in babies?

    In the first year and a half, the jumps allocate ten. No baby without malformations cannot avoid such phases of growth and capriciousness. Even if you have the most calm child in the world, during the period of a new jump, he will be stronger to mom, more cry and behave in general "badly". In the first weeks of life, the phase is quickly replaced, so you can think that the child's character is capricious and restless, and when the kid will grow up, it turns out that he is generally phlegmatic.

    Calendar of the crisis of child development up to the year

    In the graphical mapping, it looks like this:

    1. Suns are marked the calm periods of development.
    2. White and gray weeks - research and application of new skills, conflicts and whims are possible.
    3. Black weeks - the active development of the next jump.
    4. Puffy - the most difficult weeks.

    1 jump. 5 weeks.

    What's new:

    Improved metabolism and senses; Maximum visibility increases from 20 to 30 cm; A smile and tears appear.

    What to do:

    • pay increased attention;
    • more physical contact;
    • it is better that he sleep is not alone; allow the child to look at what he shows interest; With the help of laughter, determine what baby is delighted, and please it with this;
    • more likely to talk with him;
    • do pauses in games (babies quickly get tired, but also quickly and restore).

    2 jump. 8 week.

    What's new:

    The child begins to distinguish objects that have perceived as a whole; Himself keeps the head, turns over, moves with handles and legs, examines his own fairytale; touches and hits a toy (this preparatory stage Before learning it to be enough); manifests interest in moving objects; I am pleased to listen and makes sounds.

    What to do:

    1. more often praise;
    2. showing something to what it stretches;
    3. bowing his palms around toys;
    4. react to the voice of the child and "maintain a conversation";
    5. diversify its environment (surrounded by the same objects it comes comes).

    If the kid takes a look, it means that he has an oversupply of sensations, and he is looking for peace. We need to pause and give it a rest.

    3 jump. 12 weeks.

    What's new:

    Now the baby knows how to make smooth transitions from one state of the body to another; from one intonation of voice to another; Sees the room completely and can move from tracking a separate object to a complete panorama.

    What to do:

    • listen to the child and demonstrate attention to his bastard;
    • read it fairy tales with the transition of intonation;
    • show different materials on the structure and describe them with different voices;
    • repeat the sounds of a child - it motivates it to continue to develop the speech apparatus; Show him smooth movements.

    4 jump. 19 weeks.

    What's new:

    The child learns to make difficult movements (not only grab the toy, but also to turn her, stroke, pull); Now he is not only watching events, but also wants to influence them; can start learning to crawl; The sounds have become more complicated.

    What to do:

    1. still encourage
    2. entertain,
    3. to pay attention.

    5 jump. 26 weeks.

    What's new:

    Noticeably better body coordination; The child learned to realize the concept of distance; Now he understands that mom can get away far away (and it scares it very much).

    What to do:

    • give the child more space and opportunities to overcome the distances between it and desired;
    • do not leave for a long time, leave the child the opportunity to crawl after mom.

    6 jump. 37 weeks.

    What's new:

    What to do:

    1. introduce a tactile board with calls, ropes and other interests; to walk alot;
    2. dress up a child in front of the mirror;
    3. call objects to which the kid shows;
    4. learning to use a voice to ask questions (asking instead of it);
    5. play catch up and hide and seek.

    7 jump. 46 week.

    What's new:

    The kid is aware of what a sequence is (to fold the pyramid, it is necessary to do it, it is this).

    What to do:

    • when changing the baby to ask him to help you;
    • let he himself hurt and silence;
    • stop feeding from the spoon, it is necessary to teach it yourself.

    8 jump. 55 weeks.

    What's new:

    The child understands the tasks, that is, the fact that various ways can be used to achieve the desired result.

    What to do:

    1. allow the baby to help you with cleaning, cooking or campaigning to the store (only if he likes it!);
    2. play the search for items.

    9 jump. 64 weeks.

    What's new:

    The child is able to build plans and strategies; knows how to choose the most convenient behavior to achieve the goal; more independent.

    What to do:

    • teach it the concepts of "mine" and "yours";
    • negotiate with the help of "yes" and "no";
    • training rules of behavior.

    10 jump. 75 weeks.

    What's new:

    The kid is aware of the concept of the system (family, society, or more specific: car, clock); His conscience is formed; He understands that his actions lead to the consequences; It becomes less egocentric; Tests the boundaries permitted.

    What to do:

    1. encourage good behavior;
    2. show him various systems and explain their device;
    3. outline the boundaries of the allowed.

    Child crisis in 2 years

    Constant hysteries - the main sign that displays the crisis of 2 years in the child. Switching attention here is no longer working, the child rests on his own Wishlist and suits the real representation. He can break toys, pull off the pages of books, fight and destroy everything around. Parents begin to complain about the uncontrollability of the baby.

    The reason for these hysterics lies not in poor education and not in excess of energy, but in the developing independence of the child. By-effect This event is that sometimes it seems to him that he is infringed as a person.

    The child needs borders. Exploring the world, he sees the connection between what he did, and the subsequent effect. If the effect is the same, the baby is calm and feels safe. If on some day he made a familiar action, but received a different reaction, he starts panic.

    The boundaries are needed that the kid felt familiar to the resistance. Yes, he can not allow everything, especially since part of children's claims cannot be fulfilled at all. In two years, he must already understand that something to do is prohibited or does not make sense.

    Before storm

    It is best to "catch" hysterics before they start. While the child can still adequately think and think about the problem, you should talk to it on an equal footing - for example, to say: "I see that you are unhappy with something. Let's tell you what you need, and then we will think together what we do. " If you don't immediately shout at the baby immediately, it will understand that it is not obliged to cope with the problem itself, because he has support for parents. Logic to children is quite accessible, so it will be possible to do without screaming and crying.

    If the hysteria has already begun

    In no case do not give up. Even one little relaxation will allow the child to feel real power. As a result, he will no longer respect you, will feel higher, and behave like a capricious king.

    So that this does not happen, you should keep in your head (or even on paper) a clear list of permitted and prohibited. Any tantrum requirements must be executed or stopped only according to this list.

    Distraction of attention in two years no longer works, but only postpones the solution to the problem. It is better to try other ways.

    The tone of the parent must be calm. It is not necessary to appeal to logic and start in extensive explanations, small child, raging on emotions, still will not understand a word. If calm and simple explanations on the topic "Why I can't give you it" did not help, the best way to calm the child is to get out of the room. Without audience, the child calms down quickly. It is desirable that after that he first went on contact with you.

    Normally, if the child is talking to you as an equal person. Abnormally, if he believes that it has more rights than yours.

    Crisis for three years in a child

    Here you will need a lot of patience and calm. This crisis is accompanied by not only hysterics, but also constant disputes and stubbornness. The kid is ready to fiercely defend its wants. The requirements of the parents do on the contrary, in the lexicon there is a lot of "no" and "I do not want."

    What to do?

    It is impossible to indulge the requirement of the child, but also it is impossible to break it. During the hysteria, the best way to cope - calmly say "We will talk when you calm down," and stop responding to a child. The conversation after hysteria must take place (in general, always give the baby only those promises that you really execute). Explain that hysterics is a completely inactive way to achieve their own.

    In three years, children love to deny. Therefore, all questions and instructions should create an illusion of choice. If you say: "Now you will eat porridge," wait for a scream: "I don't want porridge!". You should ask: "Will you be a porridge with raisins or jam?".

    Form a child's positive behavior patterns. Praise him for independence, share it with success with relatives under it.

    Child crisis at 4 years

    In many ways, this is a "transitional" crisis between 3 and 5 years of life. Some psychologists call this crisis with a prolonged crisis of three years. The desire for solitude and increased egoism is added to the hysterics.

    Children's hysteries arise in many respects due to the fact that the child feels a lack of attention and wishes to communicate more. Also, children bother to spend their leisure in the same way.

    In this way, best way Fighting this crisis is to diversify life and entertainment kid. It is necessary to find him a lot of interesting and active classes, and alternate them. Also important psychological Comfort Krochi: If he cannot trust his parents, he will not tell him that he worries him, and the behavior will be the same bad. It is advisable to teach a child to share their experiences and together with parents to seek solving problems.

    Excessive guardianship to this crisis will only hurt. Yes, the child needs your help in solving his problems - it is help, and not the sole solution for him. It is no need to shift it everyday affairs on your shoulders, develop independence.

    Physical punishments are unacceptable, but you can limit the child in entertainment.

    Child crisis in 5 years

    The main obvious sign of the crisis - the child began to invent a lot of unprecedented, he may have imaginary friends. It should not be scolded for lies, as this is a peculiar manifestation of fantasy.

    A less visible symptom of the crisis passes inside the child: he really wants to be like adults. Some children makes it to throw toys, girls stretch to her mother's cosmetics and trying on her shoes. At the same time, the child is in dire need of communicating with the children of his age.

    What to do?

    If the child so passionately wants to feel like an adult, it is necessary to give it to him, and in all conflict situations to talk on an equal footing. It is necessary to give him the opportunity to perform certain uncomplicated duties for the house. Moreover, it should be explained that this is the obligation, and not a whim: the task will have to be performed constantly.

    Should not be "knock out" from chad the frankness of conversations (and even more so physical punishments). Trust conversations sooner or later reveal the reason for his poor mood and closedness. It is important to be able to calm and dispel the fears of the child. For example, in five years the fear of the death of loved ones, or its own appears. If you are not sure to handle the explanation of such a complex topic, you may need to consult a psychologist.

    Do not lead a child there, go for yourself and just find out what to say, and how to behave with such fears from Chad.

    Child crisis in 6 years

    This crisis appears in connection with the new role-playing model in the child's life. Now he is time to school to which he may be psychologically not ready.

    At six years, children are divided into two types:

    • Ready for learning, love to know a new one. At home they are bored, I want new acquaintances, knowledge, impressions. In this case, the school will get rid of the crisis.
    • Love games and are not ready to go to a new form of training. For some six years it is too early ageTo go to school. Perhaps you should wait until seven.

    What to do?

    Give the baby more freedom of choice where he feels in his plate. Let the houses themselves choose clothes from the proposed, or food from some options. Let the decision to congratulate someone on his birthday will be his own, and not because "it is necessary." Make sure the tasks you entrust the child can do it. Otherwise, in his continued life, he will be afraid to take for something new.

    Child crisis at 7 years

    The main manifestation of this crisis: the child begins to behave completely differently, as he led before. He was calm - he became overly active, shared everything with her mother - stopped doing it, and so on. He began to explore his influence on the device of the world, so toys are often broken, and it understands their device. The child pulls to communicate with the older guys.

    What to do?

    If the child has forgotten something to prepare for school, put some thing or make a lesson, you can not do it for him. The parent now performs a guide role. Specify the baby to the error and give yourself to deal with it.

    As a result, it is no need to protect the child from everyday life errors. Warn it, what will happen if he makes a certain action, and give yourself to deal with the information received.

    Promotion is more important to punishment. If you check a lesson and see that some point turned out well, and some bad, you focus on good. It is very important to concentrate the child on success instead of failure, it will give a strong positive impetus in further life.

    During the first year of life, the kid masters a large number of skills. His height and weight increase significantly to the one-year-old age. Several crisis periods are distinguished that are associated with rapid physical development. At this moment, the baby becomes without reason, as it seems to parents, capricious, flexible, all the time asks on the handles, does not recognize anyone other than mom.

    Breasts adds centimeters and grams every month. Moreover, before the semi-annual age every four weeks, the growth becomes more by 2.5 cm, and after 6 months the pace decreases slightly, and it adds 1.5 cm. As a result, the child becomes 50% more than at birth.

    The table will help to figure out what the norm in the increase in the growth and body weight by months.

    Age infant, MESS.Average rate of increases, gPoster from birth, gThe average rate of increases, seeBirth rate, see
    1 700 700 3-4 3-4
    2 800 1500 3 6
    3 850 2350 2-3 8-9
    4 800 3150 2-3 10-11
    5 750 3900 2-3 12-13
    6 650 4550 2-3 14-15
    7 600 5150 2-3 16-17
    8 500 5650 2-3 18-19
    9 450 6100 1-2 20-21
    10 400 6500 1-2 22-23
    11 350 6850 1-2 23-24
    12 300 7150 1-2 25-26

    The peculiarity is that growth is not slow, but jumps, bringing numerous changes in the emotional sphere. Periods in most children coincide and are characterized by one and the same changes.

    As for the body weight, it doubles by 6 months, it is added monthly to 800 g, and by the year the mass triples, it is added monthly by 400 g.

    The norm may be violated due to any violations in development. If the infants physically develop slightly, it may indicate anemia, rickets, diseases of the endocrine system, digestive organs, the central nervous system. If the kid is breastfeeding, then you need to make sure that there is enough breast milk. Perhaps it will be necessary to the decays.

    Table of approximate weight and growth throughout the first year of life.

    Age, monthsHeightWeight
    1 57 4000
    2 60 4800
    3 63 5600
    4 65 6400
    5 67 7100
    6 69 7900
    7 71 8300
    8 73 8800
    9 74.5 9100
    10 76 9700
    11 77,5 10100
    12 79 10500

    The approximate weight of the child in the first seconds of life is 3200-3300 grams, the growth is 50 cm. The table shows how much the child adds to the end of the first year of life.

    Important rates of development of children up to year are weight, growth, scope and grumps of the chest. All received data is recorded. There is a generally accepted rate of indicators with which the data obtained is checked. This helps the doctor in time to track deviations from the norm. On how the growth and weight of the child changes, many factors affect the specialist.

    1. Paul baby. Girls are gaining weight and grow slower than boys. The boys are approximately 1-2 cm ahead of girls in growth and 500-600 grams - in weight.
    2. The weight and birth rate is taken into account.
    3. Inheritance plays an important role. If mom and dad were born big, then such a way can be expected from the child.
    4. Health: colds and other infections, teething, experiences.
    5. Congenital violations in the work of the internal organs.
    6. Feeding type ( breast milk or mixture). Children on artificial feeding They gain weight faster than those that are breastfeed.

    The rate of medium height and weight, according to the semi infant, will be different by months. Table clearly shows it.

    Age, monthsGirlsBoys
    Poster in seeWeight, G.Poster in seeWeight, G.
    1 53 4200 55 4500
    2 57 5100 58 5600
    3 60 5800 61 6400
    4 62 6400 64 7000
    5 64 6900 66 7500
    6 66 7300 68 7900
    7 67 7600 69 8300
    8 69 7900 71 8600
    9 70 8200 72 8900
    10 72 8500 73 9200
    11 73 8700 75 9400
    12 74 8900 76 9600

    The table allows you to see that the boys are physically developing faster than girls.

    During the first twelve months, the child can grow by 25 cm. Such a significant change in numbers for such a short time It will not be observed anymore in one period of development.

    Fighting period

    The jump of an increase in centimeters falls on the following periods of life.

    1. For the interval between the 1st and 3rd weeks.
    2. The end of the second month of life, approximately the 6-8th week of life.
    3. The next height jump is observed in three months.
    4. In half a year the next stage of the rapid development of the baby comes.
    5. The last significant increase is observed at 9 months.

    Calendar of crisis weeks, when a jump is clearly noticeable in physical Development Toddler of the first year of life.

    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
    14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26
    27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39
    40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52

    The calendar shows visuality to which approximately the week there is a height jump and when in connection with this to wait for a bad mood in a child. If the baby was born a week later, then the countdown should be started a week before. If born for 3 weeks ahead of time, then 3 weeks later.

    Lost crisis moments can a couple of days or even a week. It all depends on the individual growth rates of each child.

    Signs that distinguish the onset of the crisis associated with the intensive development of the body.

    1. Raising appetite. As a result, a malfunction may occur in the installed power mode. Night feedings are added. It is explained by the fact that the rapid growth of the body requires more energy and nutritional elements.
    2. Caution capriciousness and plasticity. But this is only at first glance. Lack of body temperature and other symptoms of the disease - this is not a reason to think that the child is fine. The growth jump causes the stretching of all tissues, vessels, muscles, causing discomfort and discomfort.
    3. The usual ways to distract and calm the child become useless.
    4. Asks on the hands, falls asleep only on her hands or nearby.
    5. Dream is disturbed. Wakes up with every rustle, it can not fall asleep for a long time.
    6. Does not let mother go away from himself.

    In the period on which the leap accounts for, it is important to choose the right upbringing tactics. Excessive severity will lead to the fact that the child can lose confidence in mom. If, on the contrary, it will be too stupid, then it will subsequently seek all tears and whims.

    Table of growth and weight gain, according to crisis periods.

    The table shows that the weight of the child is added on average per 1 kg to each crisis period, and the growth is 4-5 cm. The jump is particularly noticeable in six months. By this time, the child grows about 19 cm.

    1. In 3-4 weeks, the rate of increase is about 600 g and about 3 cm.
    2. By the end of the 8th week, the infants becomes more 800 g and 3 cm.
    3. By the end of the 12th week, the increase is about 800 g and 2.5 cm.
    4. By the 6th month, the increase is 600 g and 2 cm.
    5. To the nine-month-old age - 500 g and 1.5 cm.

    Parents should not panic if the child does not comply with generally accepted standards. If he is active, eats good, sleeps, it means there are no reasons for concern. Sometimes in one month the baby may not score the necessary centimeters and grams, but in another to fill the loss.

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