• Cons of eyelash extensions. Eyelash extensions: pros and cons. Is it worth getting eyelash extensions?


    Eyelash extensions are a very popular procedure among women, which can radically change the look, making the eyes more open, larger and more expressive. The look becomes very beautiful, it is capable of striking any man on the spot. Such eyelashes look very beautiful and lush, but it is believed that extensions are not a very useful procedure that entails certain consequences. Therefore, it is important to know whether wearing eyelash extensions is harmful and how long this procedure can be used.

    Harmful or not?

    It is no secret that natural hairs deteriorate after extensions are applied to them, but usually such consequences arise in the case of long and continuous extensions. It is also believed that one’s own hairs are capable of falling out under the weight of artificial ones. But eyelash loss is an inevitable natural process, they are constantly renewed, so it doesn’t matter where and in what salon you extend them, in any case they will fall out when their life cycle is over.

    If you extend eyelashes, but at the same time strengthen them with vitamins, they will not fall out, that is, in this way you can minimize the harm from this procedure. Also, many women, when removing false eyelashes, notice that their natural eyelashes have become very dull and unnoticeable, but this is not always the case, because by regularly extending eyelashes, you are used to having a very open look, and the hairs are very long and lush, while natural eyelashes are up to this is far away, so out of habit it may seem to you that they have become worse. This effect will soon go away when you get used to your natural, but less furry eyelashes again. Also, this procedure can lead to consequences such as breakage of native hairs. This may depend not only on the quality of the products used, but also on the hands of the master, because this consequence is evidence of the low professional level of the cosmetologist.

    It is very important to choose the right artificial hairs that are most suitable for you so that your loved ones do not break, and wearing false eyelashes is very comfortable and harmless.

    It is also believed that not only the procedure of eyelash extensions itself and the entire time they are worn are harmful, but also the process of removing them. But this rule only works if you, not knowing how to do this, try to get rid of artificial hairs at home. This way you can remove not only eyelash extensions, but also your natural eyelashes, and the recovery process after this will take a very long time. But if you contact a specialist who knows his business from a good beauty salon, he will safely and painlessly remove artificial eyelashes, using special solvents for the glue on which they were planted. This way, your natural hairs will not be harmed, and the artificial ones will not come off along with them.

    Some also believe that eyelashes deteriorate from correction, because it needs to be done quite often. But this procedure needs to be done about once a month, and it is simpler than the extension process, so it will not entail negative consequences and will not cause more harm. Therefore, the correction is not dangerous for eyelashes and eyes.

    Is it harmful to the eyes?

    Some doctors claim that extensions are a procedure harmful to the eyes. After all, false eyelashes are applied using glue, which can not only seriously damage your eyelashes, but also harm your eyes. It can negatively affect the eyes and vision, causing irritation and dry eyes. But this applies so much to cheap and low-quality adhesives, and in a beauty salon, specialists most often use only high-quality products that do not contain components that can cause an allergic reaction.

    The impact of eyelash extensions on the eyes is also reflected in the fact that their swelling may occur more often, and in some cases, burning and itching may occur. In this way, the skin of the eyelids can also deteriorate. That is why, if you are going to get eyelash extensions, contact only a salon that is licensed. Also ask the specialist before starting this procedure to show all the quality certificates for the products that he will use in the extension process.

    How long can you do it without consequences?

    Of course, the eyelash extension procedure is not intended to have a one-time effect, because you will go to the salon for extensions or corrections again and again in order to achieve the desired effect. But it is believed that this procedure can harm your natural hairs over time. You should not wait for your eyelashes to deteriorate under the influence of adhesives and artificial hairs. Therefore, all experts recommend building them up for about a year, and then you need to take a break. At the same time, you must visit the salon every month and carry out a correction procedure there in order to restore the previous appearance of the false hairs.

    Also, the permissible duration of extensions depends on how you apply eyelashes.

    If you prefer eyelash extensions, this procedure can be carried out longer, because in this case not all hairs will be affected. Natural extensions are also less harmful, because such artificial eyelashes are not too voluminous and heavy, so they can be worn longer. But if you want to achieve a doll-like effect, try not to delay wearing such eyelashes, because they are quite long and voluminous, and, therefore, heavier. Your natural eyelashes can break under their pressure, so it is better to do doll extensions for no more than six months.

    After each extension cycle, you need to take a break; it is necessary for the eyelashes to fully recover. It is believed that they will be able to fully recover within 200 days, when each hair is replaced and replaced by a new one. But not all representatives of the fair sex want to wait that long, so experts assure that a three-month break will be enough to move on to new eyelash extensions. Moreover, during the break, it is necessary to strengthen the eyelashes in every possible way, using useful and nutritious components.

    If you have decided and made a choice in favor of eyelash extensions, then in order to avoid negative consequences from this process, you need to take some safety measures, which are mandatory. First of all, eyelash extensions should only be done in beauty salons, since at home you can make a large number of mistakes. When choosing a salon, give preference only to professional and trusted salons that employ highly qualified specialists. Try not to save on this procedure, because this way you can save on your health, because a more expensive procedure involves the use of more expensive and high-quality products.

    Do not settle for extensions at home, because this process must be performed under hygienic conditions in professional beauty salons.

    All tools that will be used for extensions must be disinfected. Be sure to ask whether the beauty salon you have chosen has a certificate confirming the quality of its products, as well as a license to engage in such activities. Also check whether the adhesive used to attach false eyelashes does not contain formaldehyde. Such glue will have a higher price, but it is completely safe for health, because the skin of the eyelids is very sensitive and delicate, and formaldehyde can cause allergies and irritation.

    Also, before deciding whether you should get false eyelashes, consult your doctor and find out how harmful it will be for you.

    Also, if you plan to do extensions permanently, you will definitely need to periodically visit an ophthalmologist in order to check how this procedure affects your eyes, in particular, their cornea. After you have eyelash extensions, you need to try to minimize any impact on them; you should not stretch the skin around your eyes too much or rub them. You need to wash your face very carefully, otherwise all this can lead not only to the loss of artificial hairs, but also to a deterioration in the condition of your eyes. Also try not to let your eyelashes get wet, as poor quality adhesives can get into your eyes this way. That is why it is important to glue eyelashes only with completely safe products.

    Doctors' opinion

    All experts are unanimous that this procedure is acceptable, but it is necessary to take into account the characteristics of each organism, because the components that the artist will use in eyelash extensions can cause an allergic reaction and other unpleasant consequences, especially if you have individual intolerance to certain substances , which are used for extensions.


    There are cases when eyelash extensions only cause harm, for example, all doctors prohibit eyelash extensions during pregnancy. This condition in itself negatively affects the hairs, they become more brittle and weaker, and extensions can aggravate this situation. In addition, the chemical components included in the adhesives are also quite harmful for expectant mothers. They need to take special care of their health. In order not to expose your eyelashes to a double blow from exhaustion during pregnancy, as well as from deterioration of the structure during extensions, it is better to completely abandon this process.

    Also, all doctors assure that you should not get eyelash extensions if you use contact lenses.

    This can increase the risk of allergies and inflammation. The eyes become more irritated, in the evening they become very red and tired, and there is a feeling of sand in the eyes. In addition, such inflammations can destroy the retina of the eyes and also impair vision. All ophthalmologists advise against this procedure in combination with wearing contact lenses.

    Also, most doctors prohibit artificial eyelash enlargement if your eyes are prone to conjunctivitis. This disease can be chronic, so inflammatory processes will constantly occur before your eyes, because extension involves interference with natural metabolic processes, thereby increasing the risk of conjunctivitis appearing in front of your eyes. Moreover, each such case will be much more severe than the previous one.

    Another contraindication to eyelash extensions is the fragility and weakness of natural hairs, After all, you can disguise and hide them, but by doing so you will aggravate the situation even more. Thin hairs are not able to withstand the load from artificial extensions, so you can proceed to the eyelash extension procedure only after you have strengthened your family.

    Advantages and disadvantages

    In order to decide whether you need eyelash extensions, you need to weigh the pros and cons, as well as analyze the pros and cons of this procedure. The main advantage of extensions is that the look becomes very expressive, it can radically transform your appearance. It is believed that the eyes are the mirror of the soul, which is why many women strive to focus on them with the help of cosmetics and various procedures. Artificial eyelashes transform your eyes, drawing attention to them. You can also look quite natural, because they may not be too bright and long. You will need to make a minimum of effort, but at the same time you will look perfect, your look will be irresistible both in the morning and in the evening.

    Another very important advantage of eyelash extensions is that you will not need to touch up your makeup during the day.

    You can skip eye makeup altogether, thereby saving not only your time, but also money on cosmetics. After all, many cosmetologists assure that high-quality mascara is equal in cost to the price you will pay for the extension procedure. Therefore, you do not lose anything, but only save yourself from unnecessary hassle and time.

    Also, now all masters offer a lot of different extension options. T Thus, the variety of false eyelashes is a big advantage. You can choose any type of eyelashes that will provide the effect of a fox, squirrel, doll or natural look. With the help of eyelash extensions, you can even correct the shape of your eyes, widening them or, conversely, narrowing them. All these advantages are quite significant, but extensions also have a large number of disadvantages.

    It is believed that this procedure can cause allergies; many also experience the appearance of edema, although this problem did not bother them before. Also, in some women, during the day, the eyes gradually become red and itchy. This disadvantage is not inherent in all cases of eyelash extensions; it is a very subjective factor, but it can also affect the decision to refuse extensions. Having visited a specialist once, you will have to contact him again after some time in order to make a correction, otherwise your eyelashes will fall off, obvious gaps will appear on your eyelids, which will look quite funny.

    In addition, there is a risk of losing one of the beams at any time. These situations also sometimes happen, so in order to avoid them, you need to visit a beauty salon as often as possible for correction. It also takes time, because this procedure is quite lengthy. You will also have to endure some inconveniences: for those who like to sleep on their stomachs, this is strictly prohibited, since artificial hairs can simply remain on the pillow in the morning. You need to sleep only on your back, without touching the bed with your eyes.

    In addition, when washing, you need to be very gentle and gentle with your eyes, without rubbing or stretching your eyelids and the skin around them.

    Some cosmetologists also recommend refraining from exposure to high temperatures, for example, it is better not to visit a bathhouse or sauna. All these inconveniences are a pretty good reason to refuse this procedure. In addition, the most important factor is that you need to find a good and professional specialist, because he can make the process of wearing false eyelashes easier if he carries out the extensions with high quality and uses only good products and preparations.

    If the master uses low-quality adhesives, irritation will definitely appear on your eyelids, and your natural eyelashes may be damaged. In addition, it is believed that artificial hairs are heavier than real ones, so they can break natural hairs, thereby slowing down the processes of self-healing of their structure, as well as growth. Therefore, you should think carefully before going to the salon to get eyelash extensions.

    What kind of tricks do girls have to go to in order to conquer the man they like? A flutter of eyelashes, an alluring gaze that takes your breath away... What could be more mysterious and beautiful?

    And thick and seductive eyelashes will help you achieve a similar effect. But not every girl can boast of such wealth. This is where eyelash extensions come to the rescue. The pros and cons of the procedure, reviews about it will be discussed below.

    Eyelash extension technologies

    Every girl’s dream is to wake up in the morning, wash her face and immediately look beautiful. There is no need to spend time on eye makeup, and then worry all day about mascara running, being afraid of getting caught in the rain or crying.

    There are several ways to do eyelash extensions. They differ from each other in technology and materials used

    There are several ways to do eyelash extensions. They differ from each other in technology and materials used.


    This technology has proven itself well and remains the most popular to create lush and thick eyelashes. The procedure for artificial eyelash extensions takes a lot of time and requires a lot of patience from the girl, but the resulting effect is worth it.

    Japanese technology consists of eyelash gluing one artificial eyelash to the base of a natural one. This method requires extreme precision and accuracy from the master. It is better to do the procedure in a beauty salon with a qualified specialist.

    The procedure for artificial eyelash extensions takes a lot of time and requires a lot of patience from the girl, but the resulting effect is worth it

    The effect of the session lasts from 1 to 3 months, depending on the intensity of use of cosmetics and the frequency of bath procedures. But in any case, after 4 weeks a correction will be required, lasting about an hour.

    The required length and thickness of the extension depends only on the client’s wishes. Ciliary technology allows the use of materials such as mink, kolinsky, sable or silk.


    This extension technology is practically no different from the Japanese one. The only difference is the material used. In this case artificial eyelashes made of silicone or rubber are used.

    This extension technology is practically no different from the Japanese one. The only difference is the material used

    Their main advantage is excellent moisture resistance and resistance to high temperatures. They allow you to safely visit a bathhouse or sauna, a swimming pool, or swim in the sea.


    This technology is also characterized by eyelash extensions. In this case A special glue is applied to each eyelash, containing a vitamin hypoallergenic composition. It nourishes the roots of native eyelashes and strengthens them without causing allergies.

    This method of extension is ideal for girls with sparse, weak eyelashes.

    This method of extension is ideal for girls with sparse, weak eyelashes. Wherein only natural ingredients are used. This is the most gentle eyelash extension. Pros and cons, reviews about it can be heard directly in the salon before the procedure.

    Volumetric technology

    The essence of this extension technology is to attach several artificial eyelashes to one eyelash. The natural effect is achieved through the use of very fine hairs. The most commonly used is mink or kolinsky. The remaining materials for such extensions may turn out to be heavy and will soon fall off.

    Volumetric extension technology allows you to obtain almost any eyelash density, from 2D to 5D

    Volumetric extension technology allows you to obtain almost any eyelash density, from 2D to 5D. In this case, you can use hairs of different colors. Double or triple D extensions are usually practiced by actresses or singers. The volume is not very well perceived in everyday life, but it looks great on stage.

    Bundle eyelash extension technique

    This extension technology is ideal for special occasions or important events when you need to look chic. The procedure does not take much time, an hour maximum. But also the effect lasts for a relatively short time, no more than 2 weeks.

    This extension technology is ideal for special occasions or important events when you need to look chic.

    During the extension process, bundles of 2-5 eyelashes are used, which are attached at some distance from each other. The number of beams may vary depending on the selected effect.

    When choosing the most suitable extension technology, you should keep in mind that the beam method is significantly inferior to the eyelash method in terms of wearing time, although it requires much less time and effort.

    Benefits of eyelash extensions

    With long and thick eyelashes, any woman looks very impressive and sexy. Therefore, all representatives of the fair sex try to emphasize their eyes first. Before you decide to have eyelash extensions, you should weigh all the pros and cons of the procedure.

    The main advantages are as follows:

    If you follow the care rules daily, your eyelash extensions will retain their original appearance for a long time and will not break or fade.

    Disadvantages of eyelash extensions

    However, in addition to the obvious advantages, eyelash extensions, Like any other cosmetic procedure, it has its disadvantages:

    1. Artificial eyelashes require constant correction. To do this, you need to visit a beauty salon at least once a month.
    2. A eyelash extension session lasts at least 2-3 hours. Not every girl has the patience to endure such a long procedure.
    3. If you choose the wrong length of artificial hairs and their quantity, there is a considerable risk of becoming like a doll. If unnatural eyelashes turn out to be excessively thick and heavy, then the natural eyelashes will not withstand the load and will begin to fall out rapidly.

    You can't sleep with your eyelashes facing your pillow.

    The disadvantages include various household restrictions: you cannot rub your eyes, touch your eyelashes without the need, or sleep with your face turned to the pillow. You should not swim a lot in the sea or pool, visit the sauna or steam bath frequently. From daily eye care it is necessary to exclude all cosmetics containing fat, oils, and alcohol.

    To make the right choice, you need to thoroughly evaluate a procedure such as eyelash extensions. It is better to study the pros and cons of the procedure, reviews about it in advance; it would also be useful to decide on the extension technology.

    When considering the disadvantages of extensions, it is necessary to mention one more point - it is rare to find truly experienced and talented specialists whom you can safely trust.

    It is advisable that the master have a certificate or diploma indicating completion of special courses. It is good when there are several such documents and they are available for review.

    Eyelash extensions from a qualified specialist are expensive. If a master offers his services for a low price, you should be wary. It is unlikely that the extension in this case will be done really well.

    Who is contraindicated for cosmetic procedures?

    Apart from conjunctivitis and other eye inflammations, there are no absolute restrictions on extensions.

    To check the body's reaction to the ingredients included in the glue, you should extend a few eyelashes and wait for the result.

    Girls who are prone to allergies should be very careful about the procedure. To check the body's reaction to the ingredients included in the glue, you should extend a few eyelashes and wait for the result. If no changes occur a day after the procedure, you can safely move on to further extensions.

    Girls who wear contact lenses should also think about the need for extensions. There are no direct medical contraindications in this case, but artificial eyelashes may not withstand contact with hands during daily use of lenses. They will quickly break and fall out, damaging your natural eyelashes.

    How to restore eyelashes after extensions

    It's no secret that the lengthening procedure can lead to problems with eyelashes in the future. Their recovery time depends on the degree of damage and can take from 4 weeks to 2-3 months. Therefore, girls need to be patient and begin full-fledged medical care aimed at nourishing and moisturizing eyelashes and eyelid skin.

    Castor oil is considered to have the best therapeutic effect on eyelashes. It perfectly nourishes and strengthens eyelashes after the extension procedure.

    The most popular and effective ways restoration of damaged eyelashes are as follows:

    1. Vegetable oils. Castor oil is considered to have the best therapeutic effect on eyelashes. It perfectly nourishes and strengthens eyelashes after the extension procedure. It is recommended to apply it every day for a month.
    2. Mixes of oils. In addition to castor oil, it is good to use almond, peach or olive oil. By mixing them in equal quantities, you can get a valuable nutritional and healing mixture for moisturizing eyelashes and stimulating their growth.
    3. Pharmacy vitamins. Vitamins A and E are necessary for the beauty and health of the eyes. They can be taken in the form of capsules or as part of complex preparations. An oil solution of vitamins is good to apply directly to eyelashes or add to oils and mixes.

    When restoring eyelashes, it is important not to forget about eye skin care. This is where the entire healing process should begin.

    This video shows a master class on eyelash extensions:

    You can watch step-by-step instructions for extension in this video:

    You will learn about classic extensions from this video:

    In recent years, the profession of “lash maker”—an eyelash extension specialist—has been extremely in demand. Almost every salon offers a similar service; often lash makers work from home.

    The popularity is due to high demand; many girls dream of long fluffy eyelashes, which will undoubtedly highlight the beauty of their eyes. In order for the result to meet your expectations, it is important to find a good specialist, ask the specialist about the materials he works with, the risks and features of care after extensions.

    In this article:

    Advantage and benefit

    • Expressive look. Of course, the main reason why girls go for extensions is instant transformation. Long thick eyelashes emphasize the beauty of the eyes, highlight them, make the look attractive and bewitching.

    Harm and contraindications

    Like any procedure, as well as a cosmetic product, extensions have both benefits and harms. If the positive aspects are mainly due to the transformation of appearance, then the negative ones consist of inconveniences and restrictions in the process of wearing, as well as health risks.


    Each girl decides for herself whether to extend eyelashes or take care of her own, taking into account the pros and cons of eyelash extensions, individual characteristics, and lifestyle. Here are some reviews from clients of “leshmakers”.

    Olga, 23 years old

    I liked the result of my friend. I went to her master and didn’t regret it at all. Now I'm always beautiful even when I just wake up.

    Irina, 35 years old

    My eyelashes are short and straight, I always dreamed of long and thick ones. I read a lot about whether it is harmful to build up, the reviews were different. I took a risk, signed up for an elite salon, and it literally turned out to be a “Wow” effect. As in the song: “clap and take off.” Next time I chose the length a little less, closer to natural. I’m doing the correction for the fifth time, I’m very pleased.

    Valentina, 20 years old

    I decided to save money and found a coupon with a 50% discount. Immediately after the procedure, I realized that something had gone wrong. My eyes itched terribly. The master said everything was fine, it would pass and sent me home. In the morning, the eyelids were swollen and itchy. She returned to the salon and caused a scandal. Removed for free. Now I don’t know if I should do it again or not...

    Marina, 29 years old

    I had seen enough of my colleagues and friends and was inspired to get eyelash extensions; I discussed the pros and cons of the procedure with a friend who works in a salon. She suggested a trusted specialist, the result was excellent, although she felt unusual. It seemed like everyone was looking only at me. But I couldn’t walk for a long time with this beauty. I'm used to sleeping on my stomach. In general, I took it off after 2 weeks. I didn’t notice any particular harm to myself.

    Inga, 38 years old

    Are they harmful to their own? Rather yes than no. I've been using this service for about five years now, but I take rest periods. I noticed that after prolonged wear, my own ones look worse. While I’m walking with mine, I try to take care of them, applying serums. In a month or two, mine is restored, I go to the salon again. What can you do, there is no time to put on makeup in the morning.

    5327 09/02/2019 4 min.

    With beautiful, thick and long eyelashes, any makeup looks impressive and attractive. All women always try to highlight their eyes as brightly as possible using mascara. Manufacturers have come up with all sorts of carcasses. But we want an even greater effect. Fortunately, not so long ago the beauty industry began to actively offer eyelash extension services. This innovation immediately attracted the attention of the fair sex. Many actively promote this way to improve their appearance, and some claim that eyelash extensions are just a waste of money.

    To accurately determine your opinion, you need to carefully weigh all the pros and cons.

    Benefits of eyelash extensions

    The popularity of extensions is ensured by the undeniable positive traits:

    • Great appearance. Using extensions, you can give your eyes stunning expressiveness for a long time. You will certainly attract the admiring glances of others.
    • Long lasting decorative effect. On average, eyelash extensions last from 2 weeks to a month without correction. How long such beauty will last specifically on your eyelashes depends on the chosen materials, the individual characteristics of the skin, the thoroughness of care and the professionalism of the artist. Take it to your piggy bank.
    • Saving time and money.?What for? You will no longer need to apply eye makeup every day and then remove it every evening. You can forget about expensive cosmetics for a while. After extensions, you will look made up even after waking up.
    • No inconvenience with makeup. With eyelash extensions, you won't have to worry about whether your mascara has smudged throughout the day.
    • Increased self-esteem and self-confidence. With beautiful eyelashes, every girl or woman feels like a goddess.
    • Correction of eye shape. If for some reason you don’t like the shape of your eyes, then eyelash extensions in the right places very successfully solve these problems. This way you can lengthen, enlarge or reduce your eyes.

    Video about the pros and cons of eyelash extensions

    Disadvantages of extensions

    Minuses This procedure also has, although they are less significant:

    • The need for regular correction. If you do not adhere to the established frequency, your eyelashes will turn into something resembling a comb without teeth.
    • Deterioration of the condition of your own eyelashes. Eyelashes, after bearing the additional weight and exposure to glue, often become depleted and brittle. It is imperative to carry out programs to restore them. Sometimes this can last up to six months.
    • The need to give up some usual leisure activities. You will have to refrain from visiting the sauna too often, because the adhesive composition may be damaged by hot, humid air.
    • Reconsidering cosmetics. You need to be prepared to use only those cosmetics that do not contain fatty or alcohol components. Otherwise, the eyelashes will fall out very quickly. Even approved cosmetics must be used according to special instructions.
    • Risk of allergic reactions. This shortcoming can await us at every step. Eyelash extensions are no exception. The following are used here: natural hairs and multi-component glue. Possible individual intolerance to any of the

    Extensions are an eyelash correction procedure that allows you to transform your appearance and reduce the time you spend on makeup. With the help of synthetic hairs, it is possible to achieve a bright effect, simulate the shape of the eyes, emphasizing natural features or hiding flaws. Before you decide to use the service, it is worth studying the pros and cons of artificial eyelash extensions.

    Eyelash makeup is the final stage of daily makeup. It emphasizes the look, draws attention to the eyes, and “revitalizes” the face.

    There are enough advantages to contacting a lash maker.

    1. The young lady is not ready to spend time applying makeup in the morning. The procedure saves it. Eliminates the need to use mascara. All you have to do is wash your face in the morning and the beauty is ready to conquer the world.
    2. If a girl puts on mascara, then if she gets caught in the rain, she runs the risk of “turning into a panda” due to running makeup. Extensions eliminate such a nuisance. There is no dye applied to the artificial hairs - you can swim in the sea or pool. But chlorinated water can dissolve glue.
    3. Not everyone has been blessed with natural eyelashes. Thanks to extensions, they will look beautiful at any time. When correcting, you can experiment with different lengths, bends, and thicknesses.
    4. It is possible to adjust the shape of the eyes.
    5. You can choose hairs of different shades, which will add originality to the image.
    6. Hair extensions will add expressiveness to the eyes, the face will not “get lost” in photographs with wedding and evening makeup.

    Is it worth getting eyelash extensions?

    Women adding hair extensions, eyelashes, and nails add individuality to their look. A well-groomed appearance has a positive effect on your mood. When contacting a specialist, be prepared to comply with some conditions:

    • Try not to wet your eyes for several hours after the procedure - water and humid air interfere with the polymerization of the glue. This can cause eyelashes to fall off;
    • You can’t sleep with your face in the pillow so that the hairs don’t get wrinkled and rubbed on the pillowcase;
    • every morning after washing you need to comb it with a brush - usually lash makers give them as a gift;
    • beauty is not eternal, you will have to make corrections;
    • if the skin of the eyelids is oily, then the eyelashes will begin to fall off;
    • pregnancy, lactation, diabetes, recent use of hormones (including birth control), treatment of a cold or other ailments with an antibiotic - eyelashes may not take root.

    The pros and cons of eyelash extensions are worth knowing before undergoing the procedure. You can find out more detailed information from the specialist.

    An absolute contraindication is associated with the presence of diseases - first cure conjunctivitis and stye.

    Pros of extensions Cons of extensions
    It is beautiful. The effect is enhanced when the master masters the technique perfectly. Allergic reactions to:
    • glue and other liquids if they contain low-quality components;
    • counterfeit formulations of leading brands chosen by masters;
    • material.

    Individual intolerance is possible.

    Convenience - there is no need to apply mascara and then wash it off. Extra time is added for morning sleep. If you wear contact lenses, your eyes may experience discomfort.
    There are practically no contraindications to the procedure. For the first 2 days, avoid visiting the bathhouse, sauna, or solarium. High temperatures do not allow the glue to harden.

    Crying is not advisable - water interferes with polymerization. You should wash your face carefully.

    There are almost no side effects. Care needs to be adjusted. Oils in cosmetics come into contact with the adhesive base, soften it, and hairs fall out.
    The procedure is available to young ladies of any age. Extensions are not a cheap procedure, and correction is done after 3 weeks to a month.
    The anatomy of the eyes can be corrected. There is a risk of going to an unscrupulous specialist and paying for your eye health, including loss of vision.

    Doctors' opinions on eyelash correction

    There is data from the American Academy of Ophthalmology, the largest community uniting more than 16 thousand doctors. Extension is dangerous due to allergies and burns. In the report, members of the association provided data on patients who suffered from the procedure.

    Dr. Neda Shemi, an ophthalmologist and professor at the Doheny Eye Health Institute in California, talks about the disadvantages of the service: “The effect of chemical compounds on the cornea of ​​the eye is dangerous. The risk increases if a woman has a predisposition to infections, allergic reactions, or is susceptible to irritation.” Doctor of Medical Sciences Philip Rizuto explained that an allergy to formaldehyde in the glue will not necessarily make itself felt, but the extensions cause the disease madarosis - eyelash loss.

    An allergy can begin during the process of gluing hairs. During the procedure, do not try to open your eyes. The glue vapors have not evaporated, causing irritation and lacrimation will begin. Often girls fall asleep on the couch while the lash maker creates beauty. It is not easy to lie still for 2-3 hours, but if you fall asleep, the eyelids may open slightly, which contributes to irritation. Refrain from talking during the procedure - when we speak, the closed eyelids make instinctive movements. Ignoring the rules of care is a provocateur of material shedding ahead of schedule.

    The cause of the negative consequences is the master who is irresponsible regarding the issue of clients’ health. He may not handle instruments, tweezers, or hands, thereby increasing the risk of infection.

    An important role is played by the extent to which the leshmaker masters the technology. Study reviews of the masters, advice from other girls. If a specialist prefers to remove material by “pinching off” artificial eyelashes from real ones, you should not contact him. In addition to the pain experienced by the client, the eyelids are injured, hairs break off, and they become short. The profession of “extension master” obliges you to take care of the eyes of girls who apply for the service. It is bad to remove the buns yourself at home. For this, proprietary solutions are used. It is difficult to use them on yourself - you can cause a chemical burn to the cornea.

    What eyelashes are trending and can they be combined with extensions?

    To add zest to your look, the beauty industry offers lamination and botox for eyelashes. If the first is a decorative procedure, then the second has a caring effect. They can be combined. The procedures were invented to help those who want to maintain the natural appearance of their eyes. Lamination and Botox services are available in beauty salons and home professionals. The effect of bending, thickening, and tinting is achieved. You can do the extensions after at least three days - so that the compounds are fixed and do not interfere with the glue.

    There are many correction schemes. The lashmaker must have the knowledge of a stylist to help the client decide on the choice of effect. If there is uncertainty, you can start with the “classics” - when a type of lengthening is achieved due to the fact that one artificial eyelash is glued to one eyelash.

    Advanced masters master all techniques and can combine them to achieve expressiveness of the eyes.

    Naturalness is in fashion, but to add piquancy, it is permissible to use rhinestones and colored materials. If you need a bright image, you can glue feathers and sparkles.

    When you want to increase the volume of your eyelashes or make a slight accent on your eyes, do partial extensions or ask a lash maker to glue eyelashes from the corners to the middle of the eyelids.

    Who doesn't like eyelash extensions?

    Not all types of schemes are universal. It is important for the master and the client to maintain moderation and harmony.

    • Avoid the doll effect if you have narrow or round eyes. With this technique, one length is glued, most often 12 mm - this will make the look heavier;
    • Almond-shaped or far-set eyes should avoid the fox effect;
    • “squirrel” is not suitable for a girl with wide-set eyes;
    • The 3D effect should be performed with caution on thin eyelashes;
    • girls with drooping eyelids need to select a technology together with a specialist. Artificial eyelashes narrow your eyes unfavorably. It is recommended not to choose black and long hairs.

    Eyelash extensions will allow you to look impressive, regardless of the time of day and the opportunity to apply makeup. When deciding to consult a specialist, weigh the pros and cons for your health and appearance.

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