• A few days before birth, the baby becomes quiet. The calm before the storm: how the baby behaves before childbirth. Does the baby move between contractions?


    At the end of pregnancy, a woman faces the most difficult test - childbirth. Thoughts about this event haunt the expectant mother; she wants to see her baby as soon as possible, so she carefully listens to her body to understand when this will happen. There are several precursors of labor, such as abdominal prolapse, weight loss, rupture of amniotic fluid, etc. But sometimes the child himself can tell his mother that he is going to be born soon.

    Position of the baby in the uterine cavity

    A few weeks before birth, the fetus occupies a certain position in the uterine cavity, which it will not change until birth. This position of the baby is called presentation: it comes in two main types - cephalic (the fetus is positioned with its head towards the cervix) and pelvic (the fetus is positioned with its buttocks or legs towards the cervix).

    During childbirth, the baby moves forward with its presenting part, so with the cephalic type, the baby’s head appears first from the vagina, and with the pelvic type, the buttocks or legs appear first. Oblique (at an acute angle to the longitudinal axis of the uterus) and transverse (at a right angle to the longitudinal axis of the uterus) presentation is very rare; in this case, delivery is carried out by cesarean section.

    Before the fetus gets into one of the positions in the uterine cavity, its movements are at their peak of activity, since there is enough space around it to make movements. This is also facilitated by a sufficient amount of amniotic fluid. At this time, the baby's kicks are very strong and are well felt by the mother. Sometimes a child, with his movements, can touch a woman’s bladder, which results in frequent urination and pain in the lower abdomen.

    After accepting one of the presentations, the child’s activity decreases. This phenomenon is due to three reasons:

    1. The mother's abdomen drops, the pelvic bones fix the fetus's position, and it becomes uncomfortable for him to move the presenting part of the body.
    2. 2 weeks before birth, the amount of amniotic fluid decreases.
    3. With a cephalic presentation, the baby's legs end up at the fundus of the uterus, where there are few nerve receptors, which reduces sensitivity to the motor activity of the fetus.
    These factors lead to the fact that there is very little space left for movement around the baby. But in fact, a week before the onset of labor, the child behaves quite actively, he stops making turns, and the number of movements of his limbs remains at the same level. Not all women can notice such small movements in amplitude.

    Not all babies stop moving before birth; some babies have a strong character and are not yet ready to leave the womb, so their movements remain at the same level. Sometimes before birth the baby moves actively, the woman subtly feels this and does not notice the slowdown in fetal movements. This phenomenon is regarded as a variant of the norm and does not indicate any problems or pathologies.

    Attention! There are no clear criteria for how a child should behave before birth; some children slightly reduce their activity, and some babies do not reduce the number of their movements.

    If the child is excessively active and the number of his movements increases sharply, the mother should consult a doctor. Sometimes the reason for this behavior may be a lack of certain substances. Most often, a sharp increase in fetal movements is associated with oxygen starvation or entanglement in the umbilical cord, which requires urgent medical intervention.

    A sudden lack of movement in a child for several hours can also be a warning sign. The most common reason for this behavior is lack of oxygen. Therefore, if the expectant mother does not feel the baby’s movements for about 10-12 hours, she should urgently consult a doctor.

    Before birth, the fetus may remain quite active or quiet down a little, both options are normal. But in order to understand whether the child is moving too much or too little, the expectant mother should record all his movements. This technique, which in medical terminology is called the “Count to 10” test, will help to promptly notice deviations in the physiology of the fetus, since the baby’s activity is his only way to tell about his well-being.

    To track the dynamics of the baby's movements, the expectant mother is recommended to keep a special notebook in which a table of 24 columns should be drawn. In the header of each of them you need to write the time from 9 am to 21 pm with an interval of half an hour. The days of the week are marked horizontally. Any perceptible movement of the fetus is considered to be moving.

    A pregnant woman should mark each movement of the fetus in this table; several movements of the child in a row should be recorded as one movement. If the baby is not active for several hours, the expectant mother is advised to eat food containing fast carbohydrates (candy, cookies) and lie down on her left side. This technique allows you to “wake up” the child.

    Usually in one hour the child makes about two movements, but the mother should take into account the daily dynamics of his activity. This phenomenon is due to the fact that at certain times of the day the baby may sleep and not move. A normal indicator is considered to be at least 10 movements per day; on average, the fetus is active approximately 40-50 times a day.

    If a woman feels three or fewer baby movements per day, she should immediately consult a doctor, as there is a high risk of oxygen deprivation of the fetus. When the number of fetal movements reaches 60 or more per day, the expectant mother is recommended to consult a specialist; such activity of the baby is abnormal. It may indicate a lack of any substances, most often oxygen.

    Maintaining this table is not mandatory, but this technique helps the woman and her obstetrician-gynecologist assess the condition of the fetus, suspect a lack of oxygen or other pathology. Also, using this method, the expectant mother can understand that in 1-2 weeks she will have to meet her child, since at this time many babies reduce their activity.

    Even experienced mothers do not always remember that childbirth is a gradual process. And preparation for it begins long before contractions. Below are 10 signs that you are about to give birth. But it’s not a fact that it’s tomorrow, which means there’s time to prepare.

    1. The stomach has become lower
    In experienced mothers, this sign is usually absent until the last day. But those who are expecting their first child one day notice that sitting and walking have become more difficult, and breathing has become easier. This means that the baby’s head has dropped slightly down and “inserted” into the small pelvis. For some, this happens almost a month before giving birth, more often - 1 week before it.

    2. Constipation said goodbye
    Pressure on the bladder and rectum increases towards the end of pregnancy. In addition, hormones begin to affect the intestines, relaxing the cervix (and along the way, other smooth muscles, which also make up the gastrointestinal tract). As a result, the stool becomes much thinner. Many women even confuse the onset of labor with “being poisoned by something.” Such symptoms may appear 2-7 days before birth.

    3. No appetite!
    You don’t want to eat, and this is very strange: after all, during pregnancy you could not be pulled away from the refrigerator. Even your favorite strawberries and chocolate do not evoke a storm of emotions in you. Moreover, you lose weight! Yesterday, for example, the scales showed that your weight has decreased by almost 2 kilograms! And the swelling has also disappeared somewhere - now you can sleep without putting a pillow under your feet.
    In fact, the body is getting rid of everything unnecessary: ​​very soon it will need strength that it cannot now expend on digesting food. Weight loss occurs due to fluid removed from the body. In general, there are at most a couple of weeks left before the birth, so get ready.

    4. The baby is quiet
    Before giving birth, most women note that the baby's movements have changed. The baby is not so tiny now, and he is simply cramped in the uterus. Therefore, he may not make himself known with kicks and pushes for a long time. You run to a CTG in a panic, but the machine shows that the child’s heartbeat and activity are normal. By the way, it is better to do CTG in the last month before childbirth, if not every day, then at least 2 times a week.

    5. And laughter, and tears, and love
    Even very seasoned expectant mothers may notice that their mood towards the end of pregnancy changes like the weather in May. Either a sunny smile, or raining tears. Sometimes a woman is overcome by fatigue and apathy, and then suddenly she begins to remind herself of an electric broom whose “Off” button has broken. And then, without five minutes, the woman in labor scrubs the apartment, washes tiny things for the tenth time, starts rearranging the furniture, and goes on a grand shopping spree. In a word, he loads himself up to the fullest, and then collapses from fatigue.

    6. I want peace
    The nesting instinct is not so much the arrangement of a family nest in anticipation of a speedy replenishment, but rather the desire to retire from everyone and withdraw into oneself. If you cannot see your loved ones, if you want to hide in the farthest corner, curl up and ask not to be touched under any circumstances, then the birth is very close - the clock is ticking. And the body feels this: it requires a break for the expectant mother so that she can psychologically tune in to the birth of a child.

    7. Back hurts
    The most elusive sign, especially in cases where the expectant mother suffered from back problems throughout pregnancy. However, in this case, the pain is caused by the child moving down and stretching the sacroiliac connective tissue, and the main “blow” falls on the lower back and tailbone. A pregnant woman may also be bothered by strange sensations in her legs - as if an electric current is running through them from time to time. This baby moves lower and pinches the nerve endings.

    8. Training contractions
    They can also be easily confused with Braxton Hicks contractions, which can appear as early as the 30th week of pregnancy. “Training” contractions are a little stronger, a little more noticeable, but also painless and, most importantly, irregular. They do not mean the onset of labor unless the intervals between them are reduced. But they say that the birth is already close.

    9. What kind of slime is this?
    What is impossible not to identify is the mucus plug. But her departure is not an indicator that you will give birth tomorrow. Cervical mucus can come out 2 weeks before birth, or a couple of days, or maybe only during childbirth. Throughout pregnancy, the plug reliably closes the cervical canal and protects the uterine cavity from infections. If you notice thick, clear, yellowish mucus on your underwear, sometimes mixed with blood, call your doctor for advice on what to do next. And this must be done if the mucus comes out earlier than two weeks before the expected due date!

    10. Soft neck
    This sign of imminent labor can only be noticed by a doctor during an examination in the chair. Before childbirth, the cervix must “ripen”: this is greatly facilitated by an increase in the level of estrogens and prostaglandins in the woman’s body. Throughout pregnancy, the cervix should be more than 2 cm long, tight and completely closed along its entire length. But by the 40th week, the cervix gradually shortens (its length is 0.5-1 cm), becomes softer, and the cervical canal can open up to “one finger”.

    Signs that labor has begun are:
    Regular contractions of the uterine muscles - contractions. Real labor contractions repeat every 15-20 minutes, they are regular, and the period between them gradually decreases. You can recognize them by drinking no-shpa or inserting a suppository with papaverine: if these contractions are false, they will stop, if labor, their intensity will not change.
    Discharge of water. In this case, you need to immediately go to the maternity hospital: the water-free period should not be more than 12 hours. If the water is stained with blood or green meconium, be sure to notify your doctor.

    Overshoot or undershoot?
    On average, a normal pregnancy lasts 280-282 days. But from 10 to 25% of pregnancies end in birth before the 37th week, approximately 8% of pregnancies are “long-lasting” and last up to 42 weeks (294 days).
    A pregnancy is considered post-term if its duration exceeds 42 weeks. The birth is called late, and the baby is born with signs of overmaturity.
    A prolonged, or physiologically extended, pregnancy also lasts more than 40 weeks, but the child is born without signs of postmaturity, functionally mature, and healthy. There is also no pronounced “aging” of the placenta.
    Premature birth is defined as birth between the 28th and 37th full weeks. At this time, with each “extra” week the baby spends in his mother’s tummy, his chances for successful and rapid rehabilitation after premature birth increase significantly. Every day the baby gains weight, improves its vital systems and becomes better prepared for life outside the womb. That is why, when this pathology threatens, doctors try to do everything to keep the baby inside for at least a few days.

    It is clear that childbirth, especially the first one, is a very exciting event. But try to calm down, do not fuss or panic, even if you notice several of the above signs and even if it happened earlier than expected. After all, success in childbirth largely depends on the calmness and concentration of the expectant mother. And from her confidence that everything will be fine in the end.

    The activity of a child in the womb depends on many factors, including changes that occur within the body and in the external environment. Before the difficult process of childbirth, changes in the baby's movements may also be observed. They will help you recognize dangerous situations in time or make sure that everything is okay with your child. Since childbirth is a rather difficult process for both the child and the mother, you need to understand how the baby should behave during this period.

    Now let's look at this in more detail.

    Child activity

    A couple of weeks before birth, the baby descends into the mother's pelvis, and the head is located between the thigh bones. At the same time, the woman feels that the uterus and fetus no longer put pressure on the ribs, and the volume of intrauterine fluid causes less discomfort. It becomes easier for her to breathe, and her stomach visually drops. Based on these signs, you can understand that the body is preparing for childbirth.

    Before taking this position, the baby's movements may increase. Despite the relief in breathing, the pregnant woman feels discomfort from the bladder. Sharp shocks can cause pain to the mother and cause frequent urination. After the fetus descends into the pelvic area, the baby becomes cramped and movements decrease. If this does not happen, it is better to consult a doctor for examination. Most likely, the baby is indignant and tries to take the most comfortable position. Excessive activity may be a sign, for example, but the likelihood of this is low. The greatest activity of the fetus is usually recorded at 36-37 weeks of pregnancy.

    Slowing down movements

    Slowing down movements is always considered a greater danger than excessive fetal activity. A long break between movements or the number of tremors of less than 10 in 6 hours are considered dangerous signals and require urgent medical attention. As a rule, such a sign indicates a lack of nutrients or oxygen in the child. can occur for many reasons. It leads to quite serious complications and can be noticed in time precisely by a decrease in the number of movements. After increased activity at 36 weeks, approximately 2 weeks before birth, the baby's movements become less frequent, but remain regular.

    Is it possible to understand that the baby is ready for birth?

    You can understand that a baby is preparing to be born by changing its position. It begins to descend into the mother's pelvis and frees up space in the upper abdomen. Its size is quite large, so movements are limited, but the force of the shocks increases. A woman needs to count the number of movements or at least notice their frequency. It is believed that a week before giving birth, the baby should push his mother at least 24 times in 12 hours. However, excessive activity, for example 100 times, can also be considered abnormal.

    It should be remembered that the baby also sleeps in the mother’s belly. During this period, its activity may not be felt. As a rule, the calm period lasts no longer than 2 hours. If you notice that you have not felt shocks or movement for a long time, you should immediately consult a doctor.

    In addition to movements, the sufficient development of the child can be judged by the results of an ultrasound examination, where the size of the fetus is visible. The number of heartbeats in the prenatal period reaches 140 beats per minute.

    Why count the number of movements?

    Each child is individual. This also applies to physical activity. Some babies are active even in their mother's womb, while others sleep more. If you count the number of movements per day and notice their frequency, you can understand the individual characteristics of your child and determine within what limits the norm of his movements lies. By regularly counting movements, you can quickly notice a slowdown or increase in fetal activity and prevent dangerous conditions.

    The most alarming signal is considered to be any sudden change - a sudden subsidence or sharp prolonged tremors of the baby. When visiting a doctor, cardiotocography is usually prescribed to assess the condition of the fetus.

    • Create a special table in which you will note the time and number of movements of the child. With its help it will be easier to notice changes in any direction.
    • A child's quietness does not always indicate serious problems; perhaps the baby is simply sleeping.
    • Immediately before giving birth, his movements are more reminiscent of rotation or turning.
    • Any movements or shocks that the mother feels can be considered as movements. If your child is quiet, try eating something sweet.
    • 1-2 weeks before birth, the total number of movements may decrease as the baby becomes cramped. Moreover, they should occur regularly, without long breaks.

    Answers to popular questions

    Below are answers to the most popular questions that worry expectant mothers.

    • Is it normal for a baby to become quiet before birth? Yes, in most cases, this is absolutely normal. The decrease in activity is explained by the lack of free space, the large size of the fetus and its descent into the pelvic area, which limits the possibility of movement. There is no need to worry if the baby still periodically makes itself known by movements.
    • How to distinguish pathological calm from normal? Even if the child is not active enough or has little space, his movements should be felt. 24 movements in 12 hours (from 9:00 am to 9:00 pm) are considered normal. If you feel your baby more often, that's normal. If the intervals between movements are too long and the movements are less than 24, you should consult a doctor for a more accurate assessment of the fetus’s condition.
    • Is it normal for the baby to become more active in the last weeks of pregnancy? Yes, this is absolutely normal. Before being lowered into the mother's pelvis, the baby must turn head down and take the correct position, which often feels like increased activity and a lot of kicking. If the baby’s movements bother the mother too much, for example, they are very active or painful and continue for a long time, you can consult a doctor for additional examination. Excessive activity may indicate a lack of nutrients or that something is bothering the child. However, this condition is more often a reaction to sweets. Observe your baby's movements to notice patterns and characteristics of his character - for example, he becomes too active after sleeping or eating candy.
    • Are baby hiccups dangerous in the last stages of pregnancy? A child may hiccup quite often, about 5 times a day. As the fetus grows, its body weight increases, so the hiccups are felt more strongly. This condition is not dangerous and is completely normal.
    • Is it dangerous for a baby to push hard? The strength of the shocks, as a rule, depends on the physical person and his characteristics. Some children are calmer, others demonstrate individuality already at the stage of intrauterine development. If the tremors bother the mother too much, it is best to consult a gynecologist for a more detailed examination of the condition of the fetus. If the child develops normally, you will have to endure the blows or try to calm the baby down with words. A child cannot cause any serious damage to a woman’s internal organs; in most cases, pain is simply a reaction of nerve endings.
    • How can you be sure that everything is okay with the child if the movements are in doubt (very strong or too weak)? After contacting a doctor with her suspicions, the mother will receive a referral for an ultrasound and CTG. Thanks to these methods, you can look into the uterus and see what is happening with the baby, as well as examine the heart rate. If the umbilical cord is not pinched, no entanglement has occurred, and the heart rate is within normal limits, there is no need to worry.
    • How to determine if your baby is getting ready for birth? Only a gynecologist can reliably determine that labor will begin soon, but the woman still feels some changes in her body. First, the baby takes a head-down position. This leads to the fact that leg kicks begin to be felt in the upper abdomen. In recent weeks, the mother can even feel where the baby’s back is facing. Such upper pushes indicate that the baby has taken the starting position and is in a breech position. After this, the baby descends into the mother’s pelvis and stops pressing on the fundus of the uterus. This allows the lungs to open more fully and the diaphragm to lower. Mom's breathing improves, becomes fuller, and shortness of breath disappears. Abdominal prolapse can even be visible visually.
    • Does the baby move during contractions? According to medical data, the baby’s activity does not stop during labor and childbirth. It helps him leave the birth canal faster, squeeze into it correctly and be born. After the cervix dilates, the baby can push off the bottom of the cervix with his feet, while he will turn his head in order to better pass through the winding birth canal. The supply of oxygen during labor and childbirth deteriorates, which can also cause increased activity of the child. At the same time, between contractions the baby usually rests and gains strength, just like the mother.

    One of the most important and, undoubtedly, the most favorite way for the mother to “communicate” the unborn child with the outside world is pushing, kicking, bulging and other activities - moving. From the moment my mother felt it for the first time, she will never forget her feelings. And during pregnancy, you get used to the baby’s activity so much that in the first days after birth, “something is always missing.” Nevertheless, for a modern mother-to-be, moving is not only a source of tenderness, but also a completely medically justified signal from the baby about her condition. Certain patterns are characteristic specifically for the prenatal period.

    Why monitor how the baby behaves in the stomach?

    Any expectant mother exhales with relief when, at the very equator of pregnancy, she begins to regularly feel the baby’s movements - from now on, without an ultrasound machine, she will know that everything is fine with the child (at least he is alive). Of course, in response, any doctor retorts - movements do not at all give a 100% guarantee of the health and vitality of the child, but medicine also attaches great importance to the intensity of movements (we are talking about periods of more than 28 weeks):

    • sharply increased activity of the fetus can be the first signal of incipient hypoxia (lack of oxygen);
    • too weak and infrequent movement (for several days, for example) does not mean anything good - this may be a consequence of the same hypoxia, but at a later stage;
    • the absence of movements for more than 4 hours is an alarming sign - not necessarily, but it can still indicate a frozen pregnancy.

    How to monitor the intensity of movements

    Already from the 28th week of pregnancy, her leading gynecologist will offer the expectant mother to keep a calendar of movements. Several methods have been developed for this (they are similar to each other), the most popular is the D. Pearson method. In general terms, the technique involves counting ten movements (from one point to several consecutive shocks are counted as one movement), starting from 9 o'clock in the morning and ending at 21 o'clock in the evening. When a woman counts 10 movements, she makes a mark on the calendar and stops counting for the current day. The intensity is assessed by a doctor, but less than 10 movements throughout the day should alert the woman.

    A table form for counting movements is often given to the expectant mother at the antenatal clinic.

    In addition to using specialized techniques, a woman should always pay attention to uncharacteristic, unusual episodes - unprecedented activity or, conversely, calm. In any doubtful case, it is better to contact the supervising doctor as soon as possible.

    What changes in the intensity of movements can be expected before childbirth?

    It cannot be said that there is a certain pattern in the intensity of movements before childbirth, which takes place 100% and confirms the success of pregnancy and the birth process. There are only a few factors that cause a baby to become stiff, and in most cases, these factors lead to some lull in the weeks or days before delivery. Among them:

    1. Large size of the child, tightness, decreased amount of water. By the last weeks of pregnancy, the fetus reaches its maximum size and occupies the entire space of the uterus, grouped in such a way that movements can only be made by the limbs.
    2. Insertion of the head into the small pelvis - by about the 35th week, the fetus takes a “head down” position, thus preparing to leave the uterus. At some point, the stretched ligaments and tissues of the small pelvis allow the fetal head to descend into the small pelvis - there it will be literally fixed, which also takes away the opportunity for maneuvers.
    3. Features of sensitive zones - the main flow of movements of the baby, who has already turned his head “towards the exit”, occurs in the area of ​​the bottom of the uterus (under the woman’s ribs), where his legs are located. It’s not for nothing that in newborns you can observe the reflex of “pushing away” with their legs - all this is conceived by nature so that during a fight the child will help the mother push him forward. At the same time, the area of ​​the fundus of a woman’s uterus is the most insensitive in comparison with the lateral and lower areas.

    Thus, most women before giving birth - several weeks or days - experience a decrease in the activity of movements. However, the absence of this phenomenon does not indicate any problems. It is only important not to miss excessive, completely uncharacteristic activity, which may indicate hypoxia, and complete inaction (up to 3 episodes of movement per day) is an alarming sign that the baby is not feeling well.

    Particularly restless expectant mothers, in the absence of movements, use the following effective ways to “stir up” the baby (and therefore make sure that everything is fine with him - he is just sleeping): eat something sweet; take a position that is not the most comfortable for him, for example, lying on his left side; change the type of activity (take a walk if you were resting, relax if you were active).

    A portion of sweets will definitely wake up the intrauterine baby - even doctors advise eating chocolate before CTG

    Is it possible to understand from these sensations that childbirth is coming soon?

    A decrease in the intensity of movements before childbirth is a very individual precursor to labor. As you can see, the explanations for this phenomenon are quite weighty, but practice shows that this is not always the case.

    Reviews from women about how their babies behaved before giving birth

    When I was in the hospital at 38 weeks, my neighbor gave birth at 41 weeks, 4560 grams. and 57 cm. So before this, the baby was very active, just excessively. And in the morning the water broke and we sent her and her neighbors on a short journey, to the birthplace))))

    I behaved as usual - I was floundering in the evening, I kicked my dad in the back with my foot - and in the morning I went to give birth


    I was so quiet that they did a CTG for about forty hours and I didn’t move during all the contractions!! the last day it’s been like there’s no one in my stomach

    photographer Evgeniya Yantseva


    My baby was going crazy a week before giving birth and just before the birth, on the day of birth, she only calmed down

    Mom Doll


    As soon as I hit my 37th week (now I’ll be 38), my son doesn’t give me any peace! Very active! I thought maybe he wasn’t feeling well there... I had a CTG - everything was great. And constantly lumbago below, some kind of tingling.... The stomach sank exactly at 36 weeks. In general, for some reason it seems that I won’t make it to 40 weeks...

    Olya Renner


    What is the nature of movements during childbirth?

    The birth process is stressful and laborious not only for the expectant mother, but also for the baby. But this stress is intended by nature, as is the mechanism of natural calming and assisting the process. During a contraction, the baby, as a rule, exhibits motor activity: under the influence of the pressing, pushing uterus, he pushes off with his legs from its bottom. In between contractions, the child most often rests.

    However, the described rule should not be taken as an axiom, a guarantee, confirmation of the normal course of labor and the good condition of the baby. During childbirth, more than the intensity of movements, you should rely on the readings of the control device - CTG and the observations of doctors. Strictly following the recommendations of the latter is the only guarantee of successful childbirth.

    Reviews from women about movements during childbirth

    When I gave birth, at the time of contractions my daughter was literally shaking so much that it is unknown what was more tolerable - her tremors or the contractions themselves. But they pierced my bladder, so... induced labor. But I can fully assume that even with EP, some changes occur inside, from which the child becomes uncomfortable and begins to tremble. It is possible that it is... True, some say the opposite, that right before birth the baby becomes quiet.

    Mother rewind


    During my first birth, I didn’t even hear a child.. But the second one made me worry. The whole time the contractions (3 hours) she was just beating madly in her stomach, tossing and turning, as if she wanted to jump out!!! I was afraid that she would feel bad there. Doctors checked her heart activity - everything was ok. I still don’t understand what it was. The girl was born healthy 4200! She didn’t seem to have any problems “there”.

    Zannet Zannet


    She moved very much. Only when the epidural was done did I fall asleep for a while and she fell asleep (it was noticeable on the CTG). Then she moved again.


    What to do if alarming fetal activity or passivity is detected

    At any stage, abnormal activity/passivity of the fetus requires contacting a doctor monitoring the pregnancy. It is he who will develop an action plan to eliminate bad assumptions - first of all, hypoxia and fading pregnancy. Often in such cases the following is prescribed/carried out:

    • listening to the fetal heartbeat rhythm with an obstetric stethoscope;

    Pregnancy is an important and happy moment in a woman’s life. When the time approaches the cherished day of the baby’s release from the mother’s womb, you want everything to go without complications. Many parents have a question: is the baby active or quiet before birth?

    How does the baby behave as labor approaches?

    There is no reason to worry, since there are children who, as birth approaches, calm down and stop being active. This is typical behavior. The fetus does not undertake energy-consuming movements. A person needs energy, because leaving the mother’s belly is not such an easy process.

    However, if the fetus does not move at all, this is an additional reason to once again consult a doctor. In order to avoid unnecessary worries, which are in no way useful for the expectant mother, it is worth understanding how the child behaves before childbirth.

    Two weeks before delivery, the woman’s stomach drops as the fetus takes a preparatory position. This is a kind of low start before the upcoming breakthrough. The advantage is that the pressure on the ribs disappears. The baby is held by the thigh bones. With a decrease in intrauterine fluids, the fetus feels tight. At this time, growth stops.

    The little man gathers strength within himself. If during the previous 37 weeks strong movement was noticeable, now, after finding the required position, it stops. For those who do not know whether the baby is quiet or active before birth, such a change may be alarming, but there is no reason to worry.

    The movements are carried out rarely, but have greater force than before. Because of this, a woman’s bladder periodically hurts, and she often wants to relieve herself. In the last two weeks, when babies are preparing to be born, they move less.

    Increased activity

    If, while examining how the child behaves before childbirth - calms down or actively moves, the expectant mother discovers that her heir does not even think about calming down, there is no point in raising a panic about this either. This is not at all a symptom of impending complications.

    There are children who express their readiness to be born in this way. They literally can't wait to see the world around them. The positive aspect of this situation is that the woman constantly feels the baby, does not worry, being in the dark. A subconscious connection is established between mothers and children, making it possible to understand what the fetus desires.

    If, while observing how your baby behaves before birth, you notice excessive activity, this interaction will only strengthen. Behavior of this kind is completely normal, and the child’s quieting down is not a generally accepted rule, but only one of the possible scenarios for the development of events.

    When should you worry?

    Understanding whether the baby is active or quiet before birth, you should only worry when extremes occur. It also happens that children calm down completely. An abrupt cessation of tremors is already an alarming sign.

    At least six shocks must be carried out per day. In such a situation, it is advisable to consult with your doctor. Observing how the baby behaves before giving birth, it is worth knowing that his movement is more of a good sign than a negative one.

    Quite the opposite, with a complete lack of activity. It may indicate the child’s weakness and lack of substances necessary for normal life. Without the strength to fight for a place in the sun, he is unlikely to be able to get out of his mother’s womb on his own.

    The baby's behavior makes it clear when he is ready to be born. In this way, the mother can prepare in advance for this important event.

    Counting shocks

    It is not so important whether the baby is active or quiet before birth. A far more pressing task is to count the tremors. This calculation provides information about the time the baby needs before being born. In the case when at least six movements are carried out per day, there is no point in worrying. In the last week, babies move 48 times a day.

    Thus, when answering the question whether a child is active or quiet before birth, it would be a mistake to say that he behaves much calmer than usual. The frequency simply changes and the pressure increases.

    Hyperactivity is also not a healthy sign. 60 movements, as well as too few of them, are a sign of a lack of life-sustaining substances. It’s just that some children, as they say, fold their hands and do nothing, while others actively express their needs. Observing how a child behaves before birth and noticing excessive activity, we can talk about oxygen starvation.

    Why count kicks?

    The number of movements performed by the fetus is counted in order to understand when the child is about to be born. It becomes clear how the little man feels and whether certain factors will complicate the birth. It becomes possible to control its condition.

    It is worth noting that only extreme situations are critical, when children move less than 6 or more than 60 times a day. The normal number of shocks is about 45-50. They must be periodic. Mothers count their number every hour.

    It is useful to keep a chart of observations of fetal movements. This is a tool for visually demonstrating changes in the child’s condition. Calmness is not always a sign of imminent birth. The fruit should turn.

    By moving we mean any noticeable movement or push within a couple of seconds. In order to activate your firstborn, you can eat something from fast carbohydrates, such as chocolate. This way he will receive new energy and vitality. After a snack, it is better to lie on your left side.

    Babies should not become quiet until two weeks before birth. If the calculated dates have not yet arrived, and activity has decreased, you should consult a doctor. Observing the movements of the child relieves mothers from the torment of ignorance, helps them keep the situation under control, be confident in the safe condition of the baby, relying not only on subconscious sensations, but also on their own analysis and calculations.

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