• Benefit amount early pregnancy c. One-time allowance for women registered early in pregnancy. Minimum maternity allowance


    Benefits and payments from the state continue to be a significant material aid for many young parents. What will the child benefits be like in 2017? Read about it in our new article!

    Types of child benefits in 2017

    As before, in 2017, young parents can expect to receive the following payments from the state:

    • Registration allowance in early dates pregnancy - a one-time payment to women registered before 12 weeks of pregnancy;
    • Maternity allowance - paid to working women who are on maternity leave;
    • Lump sum for the birth of a child - a one-time payment provided to one of the parents;
    • Child care allowance - a monthly allowance that is paid to the mother or one of the relatives who takes care of the newborn

    Note! In this article, we talk about helping young parents at the federal level. You can get information about regional benefits and payments from the social welfare authorities in your area.

    The size of child benefits in 2017

    As you know, child benefits in Russia are indexed every year for the projected rise in inflation. From January 1, 2017, the amount of child benefits is:

    Documents for registration of child benefits in 2017

    Scroll required documents depends, first of all, on the type of benefit:

    Early Pregnancy Benefit 2017

    To get this benefit expectant mother it is necessary to contact the accounting department at the place of work / study, or to the territorial body of the FSS (if she has the status of unemployed) with the following package of documents:

    • Statement;
    • Copy of the passport;
    • A certificate from an obstetrician-gynecologist confirming that the pregnant woman was actually registered within 12 weeks;

    Maternity allowance 2017

    To apply for a maternity allowance in 2017, a pregnant woman must also contact the accounting department at the place of work / study or social protection authorities at the place of residence and submit the following documents:

    • Statement;
    • Disability certificate for pregnancy and childbirth;
    • Certificate of salary for the last two years.

    One-off childbirth allowance 2017

    The childbirth allowance is issued at the place of work (study) or in the social protection authorities. In order to receive a payment, one of the parents must provide the following package of documents:

    • Statement;
    • Copy of the passport;
    • Child's birth certificate;

    Childcare allowance 2017

    To apply for a monthly childcare allowance, young parents must contact the employer's accounting department or the FSS authorities and submit the following documents:

    • Statement;
    • Income statement;
    • Child's birth certificate (original and copy);
    • Certificate from the place of work of the second parent, confirming that he does not receive this benefit.

    Terms of payment of child benefits in 2017

    How long should child allowances be paid? The answer to this question depends on where you applied for the benefit. If you applied to the accounting department at the place of work (study), then these payments must be transferred to your account on the first day of the salary (scholarship) after submitting the documents. In the event that the benefits were registered with the social security authorities or the FSS, the benefit must be accrued within 10 calendar days from the date of submission of documents.

    Where to complain if child benefits are not paid?

    If you are faced with the fact that child benefits are delayed or not paid at all, you can file a complaint with the prosecutor's office. The complaint is written in free form, you can submit it in a way convenient for you: in person, by mail or via the Internet. The term for consideration of a complaint is standard - 30 days from the filing of an application.

    By the legislation of the Russian Federation for pregnant workers enterprises are entitled to several types of benefits paid to all women (upon the birth of a child, for pregnancy and childbirth, for the care of a newborn). Another type of budgetary assistance is not available to everyone, but only to those who registered with medical records in the early period of pregnancy (up to 12 weeks).

    Such a measure, stimulating those who are expecting a child to visit a health care institution early, is aimed at ensuring the successful course of pregnancy and reducing the risk of complications in the future.

    To whom is the budget payment available?

    The state allowance for early registration is available in the form of compulsory insurance (social) funds or budgetary support.

    In the first option, funds are paid:

    1. Working women for whom mandatory transfers are made to the FSS by the employer (for temporary incapacity for work due to motherhood);
    2. Dismissed workers in the event of bankruptcy (liquidation) of an enterprise, termination of the activity of a private entrepreneur or self-employed citizens (lawyers, notaries), if a woman is recognized as unemployed during last year(12 months);
    3. For women engaged in performance job responsibilities civilian personnel in the military structures of the Russian Federation located in other states.

    The second option provides for financial support for pregnant women:

    • full-time students studying in educational institutions;
    • undergoing military service (under contract), as well as types of services that equated to the military (ATC, USP, GPS, customs structures).

    The possibility of receiving benefits that has not been used within six months from the date of completion of maternity leave is considered lost (Federal Law No. 81, 05/19/1995).

    Important! The decision to establish payment after the end of the established period, if the applicant has a valid reason, is made by the territorial (regional) division of the insurer. Download for viewing and printing:

    Required documents

    A citizen applying for budget support reports:

    • application for receiving funds;
    • documentary confirmation (medical) with a note on the duration of the applicant's pregnancy as of the date of her registration.
    Important! The medical certificate issued by the attending physician does not have a legally approved form, but it requires mandatory certification by the doctor's signature and the seal of the issuing institution.

    The document is often handed over to the employer at the same time as the application for maternity benefits. After the transfer to the organization of a certificate of acceptance of the employee for medical registration, the calculation and payment of funds must be made within a 10-day period. Upon receipt of funds through social security authorities, the appointment and calculation of the amount is made within a period of up to 10 days, and its payment - no later than the 26th day of the month following the day the application was submitted.

    How the amount of the benefit is determined

    According to Federal Law No. 81 (19.05.1995) about payments to citizens who there are children, a woman registered in the appropriate medical register during pregnancy less than 12 weeks additionally receives a one-time payment to the pregnancy benefit (from 01.02.2017 613.14 rubles) at the place of employment.

    Full-time students receive an amount in the form of an additional payment to the scholarship, dismissed (recognized as unemployed) citizens - budgetary assistance at the place of registration (residence) in the territorial departments of social security.

    The indicator of registration fees for early pregnancy is indexed once a year.

    In 2017, as of January 1, the payment was RUB 581.73. , from February 1 after the annual indexation - 613.14 rubles. Since July 1 of this year, the federal minimum wage has been increased in accordance with Federal Law No. 460 (12/19/2016), but this increase does not entail a change in the amount of the benefit in question.

    Attention! The amount of budget assistance is determined by the established value as of the date of the beginning of the hospital period ( maternity leave), and not on the date of registration with a medical institution.

    The accrued amount is influenced by the regional coefficient applied for residents of some regions of the Russian Federation (regions of the Far North, equivalent territories and areas with special climatic conditions).

    For a pregnant woman working in the specified regions and registered on the register in consultation at the established the term, the amount of funds paid is indexed separately, taking into account the regional coefficient, since the benefit is not related to the level of wages (Federal Law No. 81).

    In some constituent entities of the Russian Federation, the amount paid may be increased due to the envisaged additional regional payments for social support of pregnant women.

    The costs of transferring funds to the recipient are made from the same funds from which benefits are paid, and payment for crediting the assistance to the bank account is not charged (Federal Law No. 67, 30.05.2001).

    Download for viewing and printing.

    The benefits for early pregnancy have changed in 2019. Usually the early pregnancy benefit is paid at the same time as the maternity benefit. However, an employee can submit a doctor's certificate to the accounting department later than the documents for maternity leave. Then the allowance must be paid within 10 days from the date of submission of the certificate. The allowance is paid by the employer no later than six months after the end of the maternity leave.

    Benefit in early pregnancy in 2019

    And from February 1, 2018 to January 31, 2019, the allowance, taking into account the indexation coefficient of 1.025, is equal to RUB 628.47

    If a district coefficient is in effect in the area, then the allowance is indexed by this coefficient.

    The allowance is paid in a lump sum (once per pregnancy).

    Who can get

    This benefit is received by employees who are registered in the hospital in the early stages of pregnancy (up to 12 weeks). This benefit is paid in addition to the maternity benefit. To receive benefits, an employee must register no later than the day before the date of 12 weeks of pregnancy.

    The employer is paid an allowance to those employees with whom employment contracts have been concluded. The employer does not pay the allowance to female employees under a civil law contract.

    If the employee works for several employers, the allowance is paid at the main place of work.

    Documents for benefits

    The main document for receiving benefits in accounting is a certificate from a doctor.

    The help form is not installed. A medical institution (women's consultation or other medical institution) issues it in any form. The document is certified by the seal of the doctor and the seal of the medical organization.

    Usually, in the sick leave, the doctor opens the column "Registration in the early stages of pregnancy." But this column does not cancel the receipt of the certificate. Therefore, even if the column is on the sheet, the employee must still submit the original certificate from the doctor to the accounting department.

    Also, the employee must write an application for benefits in any form.

    The employer issues an order on the assignment of benefits.

    The early pregnancy allowance in 2017 is the first of the payments due to the expectant mother from the state in connection with her pregnancy. The amount of the allowance, of course, is not that large, but it also encourages a woman to be monitored by doctors so that both her health and the health of the baby are not threatened by unnecessary risks.

    Who can receive benefits early in pregnancy in 2017

    The early pregnancy registration allowance in 2017 is a one-time payment accrued to women who are registered with the antenatal clinic specialists at their polyclinic for periods of up to 12 weeks of gestation.

    However, the allowance is not given to every woman; there are some conditions for this:

    • A woman must have a formal job,
    • She may not have a job, but become a benefit recipient if her organization was liquidated during the previous year,
    • A full-time student of any educational institution has the right to receive such payment,
    • A woman is serving in the army or other service equivalent to this (from the police to customs).

    The benefit also has a chance to receive a woman with the status of an individual entrepreneur, if she did not forget to regularly make all the required insurance contributions.

    Consequently, women who do not have a job, for example, will not be able to receive benefits, since they do not receive receipts to the Social Insurance Fund.

    What you need to get benefits

    In addition to the fact that you need to contact the antenatal clinic local clinic and register for the first 12 weeks of her new position, the woman will have to collect some documents and submit them for consideration.

    Let's reassure you right away - the set of documents is quite small:

    • You need to take a certificate from the clinic stating that the woman was registered there,
    • Attach your passport,
    • Draw up an application for a request to provide an allowance, and this is done in a free form, you just need to remember to indicate the institution where the application is sent; your last name, first name and patronymic; a reference to the law; a request to provide a benefit, as well as indicate the place and date of compilation.

    It is allowed to submit a set of documents at the place of work / study / service or even at the place of residence.

    The state authorities will receive the application and, after considering it, will have to calculate the benefit directly.

    Terms of payment of benefits and its amount

    When the allowance is credited, you will need to receive it within six months.

    Those who applied to an accountant at their job, service or study, the allowance will be issued along with wages, salaries or scholarships, respectively. Those who applied for their place of residence will be able to receive payment on the 26th of the next month.

    If during these six months the woman has not received this payment, then it will be possible to do this only through the courts. To contact him in this case or not is an almost rhetorical question, since the amount of the benefit in the early stages of pregnancy in 2017, if it is not indexed, will be equal to the same 543 rubles 67 kopecks as a year earlier. And in the case of possible indexing, it will not rise so significantly.

    However, despite the meager amount of benefits, a responsible mother, of course, in any case needs to be under regular supervision of qualified medical specialists and follow all their recommendations throughout the entire period of bearing a child, starting from the moment when she just learned about her situation. This is an indispensable guarantee of her own health, and, of course, the guarantee of the health of her unborn child. This is especially true for those women who are pregnant for the first time and for whom it is not yet reliably known how ready their body is to bear a child, therefore, observation by medical specialists in a polyclinic will be doubly important for them.

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