• How much will single mothers pay c. What are the benefits of a single mother? Labor concessions for single mothers


    A woman who takes care and upbringing of children without the participation of his father or because of his absence is recognized as a single mother. At the state level, such a woman is not entitled to separate support, but she has the right to use all types of subsidies due to other mothers. Consider how much benefits a single mother is entitled to in 2017, their size and conditions for receiving.

    Benefits for single mothers for childbirth

    If a woman is employed, already in the early stages, you can ask your employer for a small amount for pregnancy. To do this, proceed in the following order:

    • Visit antenatal clinic or a medical institution.
    • Find out the gestational age. If it is less than 12 weeks old, you can continue processing.
    • Get help with the relevant characteristics.
    • Transfer the received document to the accounting department.
    • Get a listing.

    According to the law, in 2017 the amount of the subsidy is RUB 581.73. The amount is insignificant, but if desired, it is permissible to count on it.

    Single mother childbirth allowance

    A more substantial allowance for single mothers in 2017, the amount of which depends on the size of the salary, is issued at childbirth. When an employee goes on maternity leave (childbirth), the employer is obliged to treat him as a regular sick leave. In view of what he pays it in the amount of the mother's salary.

    For interesting material about the generic certificate, read our article at the link.

    The calculation is made in more detail according to the following criteria:

    • All the employee's income is summed up: salary, bonuses, incl. unscheduled, disability payments, compensation for advanced training.
    • Information is taken for 24 months.
    • The total size is divisible by 730.
    • The resulting value is multiplied by 30.4.

    Single Mother Support Amount in 2017

    The calculated average size is payable in favor of the employee, and a certificate of incapacity for work (sick leave) is a prerequisite. Maternity leave is 140 days (by law). If complications arise during childbirth, it is permissible to extend it for another 16 days. If the mother gave birth to twins or more children, the leave from the date of birth is 110 days. Payment is due for the entire period. If the month is incomplete, the average daily indicator is determined from the average salary and multiplied by the number of vacation days.

    If an employee has a small salary, the state has provided for limits, less than which she will not receive - 28.555 thousand rubles. If the childbirth passed with complications, the size will be 31, 818 thousand rubles, if twins and more are born - 39.569 thousand rubles. The maximum for these subsidies is also limited - 248, 276 and 343 thousand rubles, respectively.

    A woman who does not work cannot receive these payments, because payment is made by the employer at the expense of social payments previously paid to the budget from the employee's salary. Only a student in the amount of her scholarship will receive a subsidy if she studies full-time. The specialization and level of the educational institution in this case does not matter.

    Registration of state aid for birth

    After the appearance of the baby, each mother is given a one-time aid from the state. Those who work are paid by the company, the rest are paid by the social body for the protection of the population. The amount of the allowance for a single mother in 2017 increased and is 15 512 rubles.

    For registration, supporting documents will be required:

    • the passport;
    • data on the birth of a baby from the registry office (reference);
    • confirmation of the status of a single mother.

    In the absence of the latter, the mother is not recognized as lonely and additional information is required about the father and confirmation that he has not received this material assistance.

    Employed mother

    The status is certified by a certificate issued for the baby, where there is no information in the “father” column. If the father is not involved in parenting due to divorce, supporting information will be required.

    This package of documents is transferred to the employer, who is obliged, after the expiration of the sick leave (maternity leave), to transfer to the employee the specified amount corresponding to the amount of the single mother's benefit.

    Unemployed mother

    A non-working mother or student carries out registration through the FSS body in accordance with the place of registration of the newborn. The same papers are needed, and besides, a copy of the ore one, since data on the date of dismissal and place of work are required. The application includes the following fields to fill out:

    • applicant's data: personal, passport, registration;
    • marital status;
    • characteristics of the newborn;
    • data on other minor children;
    • date of dismissal and place of work.

    The standard procedure provides for the transfer of the social authority to the employee. protection of the application from the mother or another person (guardian) with a package of documents. After 10 days, during which the application is considered, payments are assigned to the mother.

    Childcare payments

    Child benefits in 2017 for single mothers are accrued after the birth of a baby and up to 1.5 years. Registration takes place through such institutions, according to the category of the mother:

    • the company in which the woman works;
    • University, technical school or other institution where the mother is studying;
    • Through the social security body if the woman is unemployed.
    • The package of documents contains complete information:
    • Applicant's passport.
    • Child registration certificate from the registry office.
    • Similar certificates for all children, including adopted children.
    • Other confirmation of the status of a single mother, if this information is not contained in the child's certificate.
    • Certificate of completion of the full-time study course. Provided by the institution itself if the applicant is a student.
    • Information about the previous employer, if the woman is not currently performing work duties.

    Amount of monthly allowance

    The minimum amount of state aid for single mothers in 2017 is provided for non-working women, including students and workers, whose enterprises were liquidated at the time they were on sick leave during childbirth. It is about 2.9 thousand rubles. If the newborn is not the first child in the family, the size increases to 5.8 thousand rubles. The mother receives this amount once a month after approval from the FSS body and before the baby is one and a half years old.

    The monthly allowance of a single mother in 2017 will be many times higher if she is officially employed. In this case, the calculation of the size is individual according to her income. So, the average level of profit is determined, which includes all receipts to the employee's account for two years, including compensation and bonuses. 40% is calculated from the average parameter. It is this value that a working woman is supposed to take to care for a newborn.

    A prerequisite is that she is on vacation according to an application submitted in advance. The order for it must indicate the reason - to provide care for a child up to 1.5 years old. They begin to transfer money to the account of the employee upon completion of the sick leave. The subsidy is limited in the area of \u200b\u200bthe maximum size - up to 21.554 thousand rubles.

    Force-majeure situations and their solution

    While on vacation and receiving "children", an unforeseen situation may occur, for example, the liquidation of the company. In this case, do not worry, but act in this order:

    • Obtain a copy of the leave order from the employer to provide childcare.
    • Request a certificate from the employer stating the dates and amounts of transfers of this type of assistance.
    • Prepare a certificate of the child, other children (if any) and a labor book.
    • Visit the protection authority (FSS), fill out an application and hand over the papers.
    • Wait for approval.
    • Receive payments from this body in the earlier calculated amount (40% of the salary).

    Additional benefits and opportunities for single mothers

    In addition to general conditions and benefits, single mothers can receive additional benefits, if provided in a particular region. Local government bodies independently form the budget and have the opportunity to increase some items of expenditure. Likewise, the allowance of a single mother in 2017 may differ significantly in the regions. In some, they can be paid for a longer time - up to 3 years (instead of one and a half), up to 6 or until the age of majority. In some areas, there are programs to help single mothers who do not work. Benefits are provided for children reaching 14, 16 or 18 years of age. They can be 150 - 1500 rubles in various areas. These criteria should be clarified in advance in the relevant structures.

    Intangible benefits

    In addition to financial assistance, a single mother receives additional guarantees for her child:

    • Registration in preschool institutions without the need for an appointment (skip the line).
    • Free meals at school (two meals a day).
    • Providing school and office supplies free of charge.

    A working single mother also has a number of privileges:

    • An employer cannot fire an employee of this category. The reason can only be the liquidation of the company. But even in such a situation, he is obliged to provide assistance in finding a job. The rule is valid until children reach the age of 14.
    • The hospital employee needed to care for a sick baby is paid at 100% of the salary.
    • It is unacceptable to send an employee on a business trip (only with her written consent).
    • She shouldn't be assigned a night shift.

    Different situations require different registration of benefits for single mothers, and the amount of payments differs depending on the mother's employment.

    The Russian Federation is a socially oriented state. Taking care of citizens is a priority task for the authorities. An extremely relevant topic today is the issuance of benefits to single women with children. What are the benefits of a single mother in Russia? This article will provide a detailed answer to this question.

    Single mother: who is this according to the law?

    The number of divorces in the Russian Federation only grows over time. You can guess and argue for a long time what is the reason. This may be an economically unstable situation in the state, or, possibly, an ordinary change of morals. Most torn families have children. As a rule, the court leaves the children with the mother. Today, a single mother is not uncommon. Moreover, according to the law, not all divorced women with a child have such a status. Why does this happen?

    According to current legislation, divorce from a spouse does not automatically make a woman a "single mother". Only those women who gave birth to a Single Mother in Russia have such a status - this is a person to whom the following factors can be attributed:

    • there is no joint statement from both parents;
    • in the same statement in the column about paternity there is a dash;
    • the woman gave birth to a child earlier than 300 days after the divorce (but in this case, a confession is required from the woman that her ex-husband is not the father of the baby);
    • a woman adopted a child without being married.

    It should also be borne in mind that a woman is not capable of possessing, to whom the following criteria apply:

    • her husband was deprived of parental rights;
    • her husband died;
    • the baby's father has been identified, and his details have been entered into the documents; however, he himself is not the spouse of the woman who gave birth to the child;
    • for one reason or another, the mother does not receive alimony from the child's father.

    Thus, not all single women with a child are able to have the legal status of "single mothers".

    Single mothers' rights

    Women with the legal status of “single mothers” have a number of rights that should be outlined below. Russian law states the following:

    • The state monthly allowance for single mothers should be paid on time and in full, without delays or other problems. A woman should find out about the amount of money received at the department for social protection located at the place of her registration.
    • In addition to the full state allowance, a single woman with a child has the right to receive payments of a regional nature. Such subsidies for single mothers should be paid on a regular basis.
    • A woman with the status in question has the right to place a child in some preschool institutions out of turn (but not in all!). Here it is worth noting the benefits for paying for the maintenance of a child in a kindergarten.
    • Benefits, subsidies and various payments remain with the woman even after she gets married. Eligibility for these benefits will only be lost when the new spouse adopts the child.
    • If a single mother is officially employed, then she has the right to leave at any time convenient for her.
    • A single woman with a child cannot be brought into overtime work without her own consent.
    • School meals and a set of textbooks for a single mother will be free of charge.
    • A single mother is eligible for certain benefits when purchasing certain medicines for her child; the child also has the right to a free visit to the massage room at the local clinic.

    These are far from all the rights that an unmarried woman with a child legally possesses. In addition to all of the above, what are single mothers? This will be discussed further.

    About a single mother's work schedule

    Regardless of where an unmarried woman with a child works, the management of enterprises must adhere to the requirements of the Labor Code. What exactly does this document say about single mothers? If we are talking about a work schedule, then the following points should be highlighted:

    • An unmarried woman with a child under 5 years old is able to work at night (from 10 pm to 6 am) only if she herself agrees, and if she has no contraindications for health. The employer does not have the right to force a single mother to night shifts (unless the work itself involves night service - for example, the profession of a night watchman).
    • If a woman has a child under the age of three years, then her involvement in business trips and overtime work is possible only with written consent.
    • A single mother with a child under 14 or a disabled child under 18 is eligible for a part-time job.
    • A woman with a disabled child can qualify for four additional days off per month.
    • A woman raising a child under 14 years of age may be granted a two-week unpaid leave at any convenient time under a collective agreement.

    The salary of a single mother (if we are not talking about benefits) cannot be increased just like that. A woman cannot legally claim a special salary or higher hourly wages just because she has a child.

    Separately, it is worth talking about the dismissal procedure. A woman raising a child up to 14 years old, or a disabled child up to 18 years old, cannot be laid off. The only exceptions are the following:

    • the organization is completely liquidated;
    • a woman periodically does not fulfill, or performs poorly her labor duties;
    • the woman has committed a major immoral act;
    • the employee violated her duties (came drunk, committed theft, violated labor protection, divulged professional secrets, etc.);
    • the woman got a job on fictitious documents.

    In case of illegal dismissal, a woman can be reinstated in her workplace or seek compensation through the courts.

    Tax deduction

    What is a tax deduction? Experts give the following formulation - this is the established amount of income of workers, from which personal income tax is not charged. Thanks to the tax deduction, the amount of wages issued increases.

    Tax deductions are due to certain categories of citizens, including single mothers. The deduction is always standard and independent of the person's welfare. So, as of 2017, the following figures are worth highlighting here:

    • 2 800 rubles for the first two children;
    • 6 thousand rubles for the third and any next child;
    • 24 thousand rubles for a child with a disability.

    At the same time, personal income tax will begin to be levied in the event that a particular citizen receives more than 350 thousand per year (about 30 thousand per month). Affects this rule and such a person's status as "single mother". Unfortunately, the second child will not play any role here. Depending on how much a single mother gets, the state of the tax deduction will depend.

    Separately, it is worth talking about exactly how you can get. All documents must be submitted at the place of work. An application is written to be provided by the employer; the following documents are attached to it:

    • a certificate from the housing office about residence;
    • a document from the registry office about the absence of the father;
    • mother's passport;
    • if necessary, a certificate of the child's disability or a certificate from an educational institution.

    All deductions will be provided by the employer.

    About sick leave care

    What do single mothers have to receive sick leave? Oddly enough, nothing special. It should be noted right away that there are no special benefits for single mothers when receiving sick leave. In this case, everything is exactly the same as in the case with married women; talk about any priorities and "no queues" will be nothing more than rumors. Nevertheless, it is worth paying attention to this topic.

    The Federal Law "On Compulsory Social Insurance", namely its sixth article, enshrines the following rules for obtaining sick leave:

    • if the child is not 7 years old, then the entire treatment period should be no more than 60 days per year (for one specific child). If the disease is especially serious, then the sick leave can be up to 90 days.
    • If the child is from 7 to 15 years old, then the sick leave for the mother cannot be more than 15 days a year.
    • If the child is between 15 and 18 years old, the mother can take sick leave for a period of no more than 3 days (it can last up to one week).

    Are single mothers eligible for hospital subsidies? The law mentions payments for outpatient care. So, single mothers in this case can be:

    • 100% of earnings with more than eight years of work experience;
    • 80% of the average salary with work experience from five to eight years;
    • 60% of average earnings with less than five years of experience.

    Thus, the question of what is expected of single mothers when taking sick leave can be considered closed. The answer is simple: practically nothing; the same rules apply here as for other persons.

    Admission to kindergarten: what are the benefits of a single mother?

    As you know, the activities of kindergartens in the Russian Federation are regulated at the municipal level. This means only one thing: the conditions and features of admitting children to such institutions can vary greatly depending on the region.

    What are the benefits for a single mother when registering her child in kindergarten? Until 2008, there was a legal recommendation in the country to admit children of single mothers without waiting in line. Later this provision was removed. For some reason, some citizens, even after ten years, are sure that there are still uniform benefits. This is certainly not the case. As of 2017, unfortunately, there are no indulgences for single mothers in this area. Of course, some kindergartens can still accept groups of people without waiting in line. This is done, as a rule, for the purpose of self-promotion or increasing the rating.

    In which cities do kindergartens accept children from single-parent families out of turn? Of course, the data can change; but for 2017 it is Moscow (according to order No. 1310), Yekaterinburg, Angarsk, Irkutsk region and some other regions.

    What conclusion can be drawn here? Kindergartens today do not operate according to uniform rules. Even a “poor single mother with disabilities” will not be able to claim any benefits if they are not established in the region. Single mothers are also not entitled to compensation for kindergarten - all this has long been in the past. There can be only one way out here: to find out whether there are benefits for admission in a particular area, in a particular kindergarten.

    Housing for a single mother

    Are single mothers entitled to cheap or free housing? Unfortunately, it will not be possible to answer unequivocally here. It's worth starting with the most important thing: there are no special benefits and rules for obtaining a home for single mothers in Russia. There is an opportunity to queue up for an apartment, to participate in state subsidy programs - but no more. The entire procedure for obtaining housing will be carried out in the same way as with ordinary, complete families.

    At the moment, the country has a program "Young Family", according to which from 2015 to 2020 the state will pay citizens with children about 35% of the total cost of purchased housing. Program details, as usual, will vary by region.

    What are the rules for single mothers according to the presented program? Everything is the same as for ordinary families. To obtain a dwelling under the terms of the "Young Family" you must:

    • have Russian citizenship;
    • prove the absence of other housing;
    • contact the district administration at the place of residence;
    • join the general housing queue.

    If a family needs to improve their living conditions, then the state will take into account the following factors:

    • the area of \u200b\u200bthis dwelling is below regional standards;
    • living in a dwelling does not meet sanitary and hygienic standards;
    • the family lives in a communal apartment;
    • there is a sick person in the family, living next to whom can be dangerous to health.

    The woman's income must also be taken into account. So, depending on how much a single mother gets, the state program will be calculated.

    Additional payments

    Decree of the Moscow Government No. 816-PP provides for the regular payment of benefits to single mothers from the city budget. Thus, a single woman with a child is entitled to the following subsidies:

    • 300 rubles per month for children under 16;
    • 675 rubles a month is due to mothers, as well as to parents whose former spouses do not pay child support for children under three;
    • 6 thousand rubles every month is due to a single mother or father whose child has not reached the age of 18 and is disabled of the 1st or 2nd group. If such a child is employed, payments stop.

    Separately, it is worth talking about payments to women whose income is below the subsistence level. The law reads as follows:

    • the amount of the allowance for a single mother with a child under 16 should be 750 rubles a month;
    • 2,500 rubles are due to single mothers whose children have not reached the age of 1.5 years, or whose age ranges from 3 to 18 years;
    • 4,500 rubles are paid to single mothers whose children are between 1.5 and 3 years old.

    In order for each of the submitted payments to arrive in a timely manner and in full, every three months you will have to submit a certificate of income to the social protection authorities. The optimal period for filing such an application will be the one in which maternity payments do not fall into the total income.

    Required documentation

    How can you prove your status as a single mother? What documents should be collected for this? It should be noted right away that different types documentation will be needed for all sorts of situations. It all depends on what kind of subsidies and benefits a single woman with a child wants to receive.

    The first and most important thing that a single mother should have is a birth certificate of a child with a dash in the column about the father. Only with the help of this document will a woman be able to confirm her status as a single mother. If the certificate still contains information about the biological father, but according to the mother, then you will have to get a special form number 25. They usually apply for it at the registry office. It will also need to be filled in there. Having received a certificate of conferring the status of "single mother", the woman takes it to the district department of the city social protection.

    What documents must a mother collect in order to receive monthly child support? The law in this case regulates the following types of documentation:

    • mother's passport;
    • a single mother statement;
    • child's birth certificate;
    • a stamp in the mother's passport about the child's citizenship;
    • a certificate from the housing office about the composition of the family (it is necessary to confirm that the mother really lives with the child);
    • if necessary - form No. 25 from the registry office;
    • a statement about the mother's income (paper from the employment service, or an ordinary work book).

    Naturally, each of the submitted documents must be photocopied and attached to the main package.


    It is worth summarizing all of the above, having briefly illustrated all the main types of benefits for single mothers. If we are talking about social benefits, then it is worth mentioning:

    • dowry kits for a newborn baby;
    • compensation for the price of children's food products (if the child is under three years old);
    • natural benefits for a child under three years old;
    • the ability not to pay the housing office for garbage collection and cleaning if the mother has a child under one and a half years old;
    • free medications for a child under three years old.

    If we are talking about labor benefits, then it is worth highlighting:

    • the inability to fire a single mother with layoffs;
    • benefits of a single mother upon liquidation of an organization;
    • full sick pay if the employee's child is not seven years old;
    • the right to small additional holidays;
    • the right to establish part-time work (if the child is under 14 years old);
    • the inability to refuse a single mother when applying for a job (otherwise, the reason for the refusal must be described in detail and proven).

    Of course, there are other benefits as well. However, they all depend on the region and the type of enterprise (educational, preschool, cultural, etc.).

    Unfortunately, a single mother is a common occurrence both in modern Russia and around the world. There are many reasons for a woman to raise a child alone, but the result is the same: the mother and child need help. State aid to single mothers is expressed as follows: additional child benefits and payments, benefits in labor and tax legislation, a preferential queue for applying to kindergarten, and much more. Learn more about all rights, benefits and benefits in 2019 for single mothers in this article.

    Single Mother Status 2019

    The legal definition of the status of a single mother reads as follows: "A single mother is a woman whose child does not have information about the father on the birth certificate." It would seem that this formulation explains a lot, but, in fact, it does not explain anything. After all, we are talking about a morally, and often socially disadvantaged person who is responsible for the maintenance and upbringing of a child - a growing citizen of our state.

    Single mother Not recognized as single mothers

    A woman who has given birth and is raising a child (children) out of wedlock, if the paternity of the child is not established properly:

    • there is no joint statement of parents to the registry office about paternity
    • there is no court decision on establishing paternity
    A woman raising children in an incomplete family, i.e. after divorce (divorced or already divorced) and for some reason does not receive alimony from her ex-spouse.
    A woman who gave birth to a child in marriage or within 300 days after the dissolution of marriage, if the spouse (former spouse) is recorded as the father of the child, but paternity challenged in court and there is a court decision that has entered into legal force that the spouse (ex-spouse) is not the father of the child. A woman who has given birth to a child within 300 days after the dissolution of marriage, its invalidation or from the moment of the death of a spouse. In this case, the spouse (ex-spouse) is recognized as the father of the child (part 2 of article 48 Family Code) and the registry office will register the child to the spouse (ex-spouse), even if he is not the biological father of the baby.
    A woman who, without being married, took an adopted child. An unmarried woman who is raising a child whose paternity is established voluntarily or in court, even if this man does not live with her.

    Payments and allowances for single mothers 2019

    First of all, it is worth noting that all parents, including single mothers, are entitled to federal payments and benefits upon the birth of a child.

    How much do single mothers get? Additional benefits are established by regional legislation, and to obtain an exhaustive list of payments and benefits, you should contact the district office of the center for social protection of the population. Let's consider payments on the example of Moscow.

    Additional payments to single mothers in Moscow

    Benefits paid in 2019 to single mothers at the expense of the city budget are provided for by the Decree of the Moscow Government dated October 31, 2017 No. 805-PP. However, the decree says that families with incomes below the subsistence level can count on some payments.

    A single mother in Moscow is entitled to the following payments, regardless of family income:

    • Monthly compensation payment due to the rise in the cost of living to single mothers (fathers) for children under the age of 16 (students under 18) - 750 rubles. for those receiving monthly child support, 300 rubles. - for those who do not receive such benefits.
    • Monthly compensation payment to compensate for the growth in the cost of food to single mothers, as well as families in which the parent avoids paying alimony, for children under 3 years old - 675 rubles.
    • The monthly compensation payment to a single mother (father) who is caring for a child with a disabled group I or II up to 18 years old (up to 23 years old for a disabled person from childhood) is paid only if the child does not work, and amounts to 12,000 RUB

    Payments to single mothers if the income is below the subsistence level:

    • from 0 to 3 years old - 15,000 RUB
    • Single mothers monthly allowance for children aged from 3 to 18 years old - 6,000 RUB

    In the department of social. protection must provide a certificate of income for the last 3 months. The optimal period for applying for these benefits is when maternity benefits are not included in income.

    Labor benefits

    When it comes to labor benefits for single mothers, the following points should be noted:

    • In the event of downsizing in the enterprise, a single mother cannot be fired if she maintains a child under the age of 14. Dismissal is illegal when changing management at the enterprise and even when such an employee does not correspond to the position held. However, precedents in which a single mother was fired due to regular serious disciplinary misconduct are being recorded.
    • In addition, a single mother, in the event of a layoff due to the liquidation of the enterprise, can count on the provision of another job. By the way, the responsibility for subsequent employment is borne directly by the administration of the enterprise where the redundancies were carried out.
    • A single mother, like any other mother, is entitled to an allowance if she is caring for a sick child. The allowance paid for inpatient treatment is calculated depending on the length of service. In outpatient care, benefits are paid to a single mother in full for the first 10 days and 50% of salary for the rest of the time.
    • Caring for a sick child under 7 years old provides for sick leave without any restrictions. If the child is over 7 years old, you can expect to pay 15 sick days.
    • A single mother has the right to receive leave at her own expense at any convenient time for up to 14 days.
    • Single mothers with a child under 5 years of age cannot be assigned overtime, night work, holidays or weekends.
    • The mother of a child under 14 years of age (including single mothers) is entitled to part-time work established of her own free will.
    • In addition to the above, single mothers can count on benefits in employment, since a potential employer has no right to refuse to hire because of the presence of children. In case of refusal to hire, the administration of the enterprise must provide a clearly formulated motivation for refusal.

    Single mother child tax deduction

    A single mom is entitled to a double tax deduction for the cost of supporting each child up to the age of 18. If a child who has reached the age of 18 is a student of high school, the double tax deduction will be retained until the age of 24. This means that a certain amount of income will not be subject to income tax, namely 1,400 rubles for the first and second child and 3,000 for the third and subsequent children.

    What benefits cover the rest of the life of single mothers?

    • the right to receive free sets of baby underwear for a newborn child;
    • the right to a temporary refusal to pay for the removal of solid food waste and for cleaning the territory of an apartment building if the child is under 1.5 years old;
    • the right to receive free meals in the dairy kitchen for a child under 2 years old;
    • the right to purchase a number of medicines at a reduced cost with a discount of up to 50%;
    • the possibility of a free visit to the massage room, if there is one in the children's clinic;
    • in addition, children of single mothers in general education schools should receive two free meals a day in the school canteen.
    • children of single mothers on admission to additional educational institutions such as art and music schoolscan expect to receive a 30% discount on tuition fees.
    • again, these children enter preschool institutions out of turn and with a 50% discount.
    • and finally, every year, children of single mothers can expect to receive a spa stay.

    Housing for single mothers

    Special mention should be made of the target program “Affordable housing for a young family”. Under this program, mothers under the age of 35 can apply for compensation for part of the cost of housing. Single women who decide to take out a mortgage also have the opportunity to acquire housing. Read how realistic this is in our detailed material.

    Payments to single mothers in 2019 are provided by the state, when a woman is raising a child alone. The reasons for this may be different, but the result is always the same: the child grows up in an incomplete family.

    In order to put him on his feet, it will take a lot of effort, and, taking into account the rise in prices, and money. In order to somehow help a woman raising a child, the State provides social benefits.

    Let's figure out in what cases a woman can get the status of a single mother and what material payments and benefits are she entitled to?

    Who is a single mother in terms of Legislation?

    Not every single woman can obtain this status and take advantage of all the benefits.

    The following categories of women are recognized as single mothers:

    1. If the woman gave birth out of wedlock and there is no entry about the father in the birth certificate.
    2. If an unmarried woman adopts a child.
    3. If a woman gave birth during marriage or within ten months after the divorce and the ex-spouse managed to prove that the child was not from him.

    Who is not a single mother?

    1. After the divorce, the spouse does not pay child support.
    2. If ten months have not passed since the termination of the marriage or the death of the husband before the birth of the child. In this case, the woman's spouse is automatically considered the father. In the event of a divorce, child support will be collected from him. If the man is killed, the survivor's benefit will be paid. Even if the deceased was not his biological father.
    3. A woman whose child's father was deprived of parental rights.
    4. If an unmarried woman has proven the paternity of the child through the court. Even if a man does not communicate with her, she is not recognized as a single mother.
    5. If a woman's spouse has died, then she does not receive the status of a loner. Her child will receive death benefit.

    How is this status assigned?

    1. If there is no information in the baby's birth certificate in the "father" line or they are indicated from the woman's words, then in the registry office she needs to fill out a certificate in form No. 25.
    2. This certificate must be accompanied by an application for the status of a single mother.
    3. These papers must be submitted to the social security department at the place of residence, or sent by mail, preferably with a receipt notification.

    What are the benefits and allowances for a single mother in 2017?

    To clarify the size and types of material benefits, a woman needs to contact the social security department at the place of residence.

    The amount and amount of benefits are established by regional authorities and depend on the following factors:

    • The number of children in a single woman;
    • Is the mother employed;
    • Average income of single-parent families;

    At the same time, the amount of material benefits for a single mother does not differ much from payments for a complete family.

    A single mother can count on the following types of material benefits:

    • Allowance for a woman registered in a medical institution before 12 weeks of pregnancy - 628.47 rubles.
    • One-time payment after the birth of a baby 16759 rub.
    • Payment for caring for an infant up to one and a half years - 40% of the average salary of a mother, at least 3277.45 rubles.
    • The maternity pay is 100% of the mother's earnings from the 30th week of pregnancy to the 70th day after birth. Calculated from the amount of wages.
    • Child support for low-income families - regulated by local authorities.
    • If a woman is raising a disabled child alone, then a monthly allowance of 6,000 rubles is assigned to her.

    There are also a number of regional material benefits for single mothers. Their amount is established and regulated by local authorities.

    To clarify their provision and size, a woman should contact the social security department at the place of residence.

    The adoptive parents are entitled to all of the benefits listed above, since the adopted child is equal to the native child.

    Social benefits for single mothers in Moscow

    The level of payments for this region is slightly higher than in the regions of the country. The living wage for Muscovites is 18781 rubles.

    In this region, a single woman can expect the following benefits:

    1. Material payment for a child under 16 years old (in cases where the child is studying at a university, then up to 18) is 750 rubles. monthly.
    2. The allowance for a baby up to three years old is 675 rubles. monthly.
    3. If the mother's income does not exceed the monthly subsistence level, then the additional material payment for a child under one and a half years old is 2500 rubles. every month.
    4. From one and a half to three years, a woman receives a monthly allowance of 4,500.
    5. From the age of three to the age of majority of the child - 2500 rubles.

    What other social guarantees are laid for a single mother?

    Tax deduction.

    Single mothers are entitled to a tax deduction for each child until the age of eighteen. If the child is undergoing training, then the deduction remains until he reaches 24 years of age. The tax-free amount is 1400 * 2 for the first and second baby and 3000 * 2 for the third and next.

    Benefits for utility and housing payments.

    1. Single mothers are given a subsidy to pay for communal services if families are significantly less than the established subsistence minimum.
    2. In cases where a single mother rents an apartment with her child officially, according to a contract, she can count on compensation in the amount of 6,400 rubles every month.
    3. A single mother can participate in the Home Purchase Benefit Program if she is under the age of 35.

    Labor concessions for single mothers

    1. With a downsizing, a woman cannot be fired unless her child has reached the age of fourteen. Dismissal is permissible in cases where a woman regularly violates labor discipline. In this case, the dismissal occurs under the article, with the entry of the relevant entries in the work book.
    2. If the organization in which the woman works is liquidated, then she should be given a new job.
    3. The employer cannot force a woman to work beyond the established working hours or on weekends and holidaysif the baby has not reached the age of five.
    4. If the child has not reached the age of fourteen, the mother can work on a shorter working day and set a schedule on her own.
    5. A woman cannot be denied employment because of the presence of children. Otherwise, this refusal can be appealed in the courts.
    6. The employer is obliged to pay the woman childcare allowance. Its amount is calculated from the length of service if the child is being treated in a medical institution. If a woman takes care of the baby at home, then the first 10 days of sick leave are paid in full, and the rest - at the rate of 50% of the salary.

    What other social benefits are available to single mothers?

    A single mother has the right to:

    • Free receipt of underwear for the newborn;
    • Refuse to pay for garbage in a multi-storey building until the child reaches one and a half years;
    • Free dairy cuisine;
    • Purchase of certain drugs with up to 50% discount;
    • Free visit to the massage room at the clinic at the place of residence, if there is one;
    • Free meals for children in the canteen of an educational institution, at least 2 times a day;
    • Providing a place in kindergarten out of turn;
    • A 30% discount on tuition fees in additional educational institutions (art or music school);
    • Receiving vouchers for children to a sanatorium.

    When does the payment of child support stop?

    1. If a woman has ceased to be single and got married, then payments are made in the usual amount, if the spouse has not officially adopted the child.
    2. If the child got a job and is officially registered on it.

    How to apply for benefits and benefits?

    A woman needs to contact the social security office at the place of residence with a list of papers:

    • Baby's birth certificate;
    • Document from the registry office in form 25;
    • Family composition certificate;
    • A paper from the registry office, which indicates that the information about the father of the child was recorded from the words of the woman (if such a situation was).

    The payment of material benefits begins from the moment when the papers were submitted to social protection. You must submit documents as soon as possible.

    Raising a child alone is both morally and financially difficult. It is important to make a timely visit to the social protection authorities to receive the payments due to the woman.

    Video: How single mothers survive:

    We list some species that are mainly found in each region:

    • mother and child can use a free ticket to health institutions;
    • provision of free meals for the child and sets for newborns;
    • discounts for additional education;
    • buying a medicine with a 50% discount;
    • free medicines and procedures during the rehabilitation period for children with special diseases;
    • extraordinary admission of the baby to kindergarten and payment with a 50% discount;
    • free massage treatments;
    • organization of two meals a day in the school canteen.

    Separately, it should be said about the assistance that is provided to such mothers in relation to housing improvement, in the form of participation in various social programs.

    Single Mother Benefits and Benefits


    A single mother (single mother) has everything one-time benefitsassigned to mothers in connection with the birth of a child.


    It should be borne in mind that there are:

    • federal benefits, which are paid to all mothers on the territory of the Russian Federation, without exception (taking into account the regional coefficient, in the regions and localities where such coefficients are established);
    • benefits paid from the budget of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation.

    The constituent entities of the Russian Federation, by their regulatory legal acts, independently determine the amount, procedure for the appointment and payment of child benefits, and also finance these payments from their own budgets.

    The amount and rules for the payment of benefits to single mothers in Moscow in 2017

    To receive tax benefits for a single mother, you must contact the accounting department at the place of work.

    Help for Single Mothers in 2017: Help Pay for Utilities Poor and / or large single mothers can count on social assistance on payment of utility bills.

    In this case, government assistance is a subsidy to pay for electricity, heating, central water and gas supply.
    To apply for a single mother benefit, you must contact the housing office at your place of residence.


    Help for Single Mothers in 2017: Vacation Subsidy Single mothers with many children can also count on vacation subsidies.

    To receive such a subsidy, a single mother must contact the social protection authorities and provide all payment documents (checks, receipts, contracts, etc.) that can confirm the costs of the children’s vacation.

    Single mother: benefits, allowances and payments in 2017

    • The maternity allowance for mothers is calculated from the average salary for two years in the amount of 100%.
    • At the birth of a child, a lump sum payment is due, which in 2017 is 15,500 rubles.
    • A single mother also claims maternity capital for a second or more children, on the same grounds as complete families.
    • Being in maternity leave up to 1.5 years old, mom receives an allowance from the place of work in the amount of 40% of wages.
    • If the single mother is unemployed, an allowance must be applied for at the employment center.

    Benefits for Single Mothers in 2017

    If a single mother gets married, but the husband does not adopt (does not adopt) the child, then his income will not be taken into account when calculating and assigning benefits.
    If the average per capita income is higher than the subsistence level, then additionally a single mother can count on monthly:

    • compensation payment for reimbursement of expenses due to the increase in the cost of living for children under 16 years of age (students educational institutionsimplementing general education programs - up to 18 years old) - 300 rubles.
    • compensation payment to compensate for the growth in the cost of food for single mothers, as well as families in which one of the parents evades paying alimony, for children under 3 years old - 675 rubles.

    There is also a monthly compensation payment of 6,000 rubles.
    for a child under the age of 18 to non-working parents who are disabled of I or II groups.

    Single mother

    You must provide one of them:

    • a decision or an extract on the establishment of custody or guardianship over the child;
    • an effective court decision on the adoption or adoption of a child, or a certificate of adoption or adoption.

    Payment due to an increase in the cost of living This payment is 750 rubles in case of income that is lower than the cost of living established by the city government (already receiving child support).

    300 rubles - if the income exceeds the subsistence level (not receiving child support). Families with children under 16 who are still studying in high school - until they turn 18.

    What is a single mother? aid from the state in 2017

    For children under 16, it is 300 rubles. The payment can be extended for students under the age of 18.
    Compensatory payment for the growth of food products and when the father avoids paying alimony is 675 rubles every month.

    Compensation payment of 6 thousand rubles is provided every month for a disabled child 1 or 2 grams.

    up to 18-23 years old, if the child is not employed. For the poor, payments for a child 0-1.5 years old, 3-18 years old is 2789 rubles.
    The monthly allowance for 1-3 years is 4560 rubles.

    Labor A single mother cannot be fired when the staff of the enterprise is reduced.

    If the organization is liquidated, then the legal successor of the company (if any) must continue the labor relationship with the woman.

    An allowance in the amount of at least 50% of earnings or in the amount of the average earnings is provided to a single mother caring for a sick or disabled child.

    Benefits for single mothers in 2017

    Death of the spouse of a woman who is the father of the child according to documents. Deprivation of parental rights of a spouse for various reasons.

    Types and Categories of Benefits for Single MothersSocial Benefits for Single Mothers Includes: Free Newborn Discharge Kits, Compensation for the Difference in the Price of Foods for Children Under 3, Free Dairy Meals for Children Under 2, Exclusion of Children Under 1.5 years from the list of residents in the apartment when paying for utilities, as well as free medicines (according to the state list) for children under 3 years old.

    Employment benefits include a number of preferences, which, in most cases, must be taken care of by the employer: - A single mother can apply for part-time work or a week at her own request. - She has every right to disagree with night shifts, overtime and business travel.

    What payments are due to single mothers in 2018

    Help for single mothers in 2017: Immunity upon dismissal In accordance with the labor legislation of the Russian Federation, single mothers have immunity upon dismissal. The only exception is the liquidation of the enterprise, but in this case the employer must provide the employee with a new job. In addition, in 2017, a single mother is entitled to additional unpaid leave and a choice of part-time work when caring for a child under 14 years old. Help for single mothers in 2017: Tax incentives Art. 218

    The RF Tax Code gives single mothers the right to double the tax deduction for each child under the age of 18.

    The amount of this deduction is RUB 2,800. In the event that a single mother is raising a disabled child, the amount of the deduction will be increased to 6,000 rubles. In addition, a single mother has the right not to pay property tax for individuals.

    Payments for a child to a single mother in Moscow

    • Are single mothers entitled to additional payments and benefits in 2018?
    • Payments to single mothers in Moscow
    • What additional benefits are guaranteed for single parents in 2018

    A single mother, according to Russian law, is a mother whose child's birth certificate does not contain information about his father.

    Why this happens - situations can be different.

    Be that as it may, it is difficult for a woman to support and raise a child alone (or even more than one), which means that additional state support will come in handy.

    What additional payments to single mothers exist in 2018, how does the state support such mothers, are there additional benefits for this category.

    Single mother benefits in 2017

    for children aged 0 to 1.5 years and from 3 to 18 years old - 2,500 rubles.

    • for children aged 1.5 to 3 years - 4,500 rubles.
    • monthly compensation payment for reimbursement of expenses due to the increase in the cost of living for single mothers (fathers) for children under 16 years of age (students of educational institutions implementing general education programs - up to 18 years) - 750 rubles.
    • monthly compensation payment to compensate for the increase in the cost of food to single mothers, as well as families in which one of the parents avoids paying alimony, for children under 3 years old - 675 rubles.

    It is better to apply for these benefits during the period in which sickness benefits are not included in the last three months, when maternity benefits were transferred to the single mother, otherwise the income may be much higher than the established amount.
    If the column father is filled in, then in the future there may be problems with moving to another place of residence or leaving the Russian Federation.

    In order to qualify for a package of all kinds of benefits and payments as a single mother, a woman needs to provide the necessary list of documents to the social protection authorities for receiving this or that assistance.

    From a legislative point of view, the status of a single mother is not assigned, the basis is a certificate from the registry office No. 25. How to get help, read this article ... What documents are required to receive benefits, benefits of a single mother Depending on what type of benefits, subsidies or benefits a woman wants to use, such a package should be submitted to the social protection authorities.

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