• Pensions for working pensioners from January 1. Pension for non-working pensioners. How much will they raise


    Maxim Topilin said that next year there will be an increase in pensions in three stages. The first increase will be in January 2018, the next in April and August. The increase in the amount of payments to retirees will have some changes compared to previous increases.

    The head of the Labor and Social Policy Committee Y. Nilov said that the amendment to the bill on the indexation of pensions for working pensioners was rejected by the government.

    Who will increase pensions from January 1, 2018: in January, indexation will be for non-working pensioners

    Pensioners who do not work will have their pensions raised in January 2018. The government will reshuffle the indexation a month in advance. Earlier, the accrual was only from February. The pension level depends on the rise in prices over the past year. Because of this, the Pension Fund was waiting for accurate inflation data, and then they gave a supplement to the pension. But this time indexing will be faster.

    At the beginning of next year, pensioners will receive indexation by 3.7%. M. Topilin said that the Pension Fund is going to make an accrual earlier. A 4% markup was originally planned. But according to Rosstat, the price increase was 3.7%. In 2017, the average payment to pensioners is RUB 13,657. In 2018 it will be 14,045 rubles.

    Who will increase pensions from January 1, 2018: social pensions will be indexed in April

    More than four million people will receive social pension in 2018. This category includes the disabled, veterans and other beneficiaries. Such a pension is also received by those who do not have sufficient work experience. On average, this payment is equal to 8742 rubles, but from April it will be higher by 4.1%.

    Children who have disabilities, as well as adults of the first disability group, receive 13,241 rubles this year. There are pensioners who receive 5-6 thousand rubles each, their pensions will be increased to the minimum wage.

    Who will increase their pensions from January 1, 2018: those pensioners who work will receive an additional payment before the pension in August

    According to the PF, this year there are 43 million pensioners in Russia. 14 million of them are still working. A few years ago, the reform was canceled, which provides for an increase in pensions for working pensioners. They receive only a supplement in connection with an increase in work experience.

    The company where the retirees work pays the insurance premium. It goes into retirement points. One point is equal to 78.58 rubles, in 2018 it will be 81.49 rubles. The number of points will depend on the size of the salary. This also has limitations. The maximum increase next year will be no more than three points and 245 rubles.

    The expected news of the beginning of 2018 for Russian pensioners is the next annual indexation of pension payments... Traditional dates of the event:

    • February 1st for insurance benefits;
    • April 1st for social.

    An increase in retirement benefit in 2018 will occur earlier than scheduled... Labor and Social Protection Minister Maxim Topilin announced what will happen increase in pension from January 1, 2018... The reason for this is the need to make a real increase and improve the welfare of Russian citizens as soon as possible. This is due to the fact that indexation will not depend on inflation for 2017, since the budget includes funds to increase the more predictable price growth.

    Who will receive a pension addition in January 2018 and how much? This increase will affect citizens who are recipients of insurance payments and do not work. The size of the increase will be 3.7% in accordance with the expected inflation rate at the end of 2017 (currently, the forecast for the growth rate of the cost of products and services has been reduced to 3.2%).

    How will the main components change in cost:

    • IPK will grow from 78.58 rubles to 81.49 rubles;
    • The size of the fixed part will grow from 4805.11 to 4 982.9 rubles;
    • The average insurance payment in the country will increase from 13,700 to 14,000 rubles(old age), from 8 400 to 8 7 00 (disabled people) and from 8 600 to 8 900 (loss of breadwinner).

    Pensions from 1 January 2018 will grow only for recipients of insurance benefits, social addressees will have to wait until April 1 for an increase of 4,1% ... The average sizes will change as follows:

    • Social from 8,700 to 9,045 rubles;
    • Children with disabilities from 13,000 to 13 699 rubles.

    On November 30, 2017, Dmitry Medvedev, answering questions from reporters, said that increasing pensions is a priority for the state.

    “If we talk about pensioners, then, of course, the main task here is to increase pensions. What we faced some time ago is the task of indexing pensions in line with inflation or even above inflation. But, in fact, we have now ensured it, ”said Medvedev, speaking of the support of various groups of Russians.

    The Prime Minister also indicated that pensions will be indexed in full from January 1, 2018 - there is money for this.

    “I want to officially say absolutely both on behalf of the government and on behalf of The Pension Fund... In this sense, everything is in order in the Pension Fund, there is money to pay pensions in full, and there will be no problems at all. There will be no problems "

    Pensions in 2018 will be indexed above the inflation rate:

    “We proceed from the need to pay pensions and index them next year, not even in February, but in January. And this indexation, it will be clearly higher than inflation "

    Increase in social pensions from January 1, 2018

    Date of the annual increase in state security pensions - April 1st. Increase in social pension in 2018disabled people, children and old-age pensioners will be held in the same period once. The changed amount of the pension will be transferred from the beginning of the month.

    Magnification size set by the Government annually based on the growth rate of the subsistence minimum. In 2018, it was adopted in the amount of 1.041, that is, the growth of collateral will be 4,1% .

    Base social pension until April 2018 equals 5034.25 rubles, after - it will grow to 5240.65 rubles... The content for different categories of recipients is presented in the form of a table:

    An increase in the social pension in 2018 will lead to its growth on average to 9045 rubles, for disabled children - 13699 rubles.

    The value of the individual pension coefficient in 2018

    After the reform pension system, which took place in 2015, began to play the largest role in the amount of pension provision individual pension coefficient... The number of PKI reflects the amount of the employer's insurance premiums for the employee converted to pension points.

    Minimum IPK amountthat should earn future pensioner, is 13.8 points... In subsequent years, it will gradually increase. up to 30 (by 2025). If the pensioner does not reach the required number, then the pension will be refused. In this case, the maximum number of points that can be earn in a year, limited:

    • 8,26 in 2017.
    • 8,7 in 2018.

    The size of the PKI is also subject to change. The indexation will take place on January 1 at the value set in the budget - 3.7%. As a result, the cost IPK in 2018 one point will grow to 81.49 rubles... Already assigned benefits will be recalculated in accordance with the new values, and new ones will be accrued taking into account it.

    How much will the fixed payment be indexed from January 1

    The second constant that participates in the formula for calculating the pension is the fixed payment. This is the statutory amount of funds charged to all types of insurance pensions. Only military pensioners who are eligible for second security do not receive it.

    Fixed payment to pension in 2018 will also be increased on January 1 by 3.7%. Its main size after the increase will be 4982.9 rubles... The peculiarity of the appointment is that it can vary depending on the type of pension or the category of the recipient.

    An increase in the payment is due only for one of the reasons, that is, a disabled person of group 1, who has turned 80 years old, will continue to receive a pension in the same amount, since the fixed payment has already been increased to the maximum possible amount.

    The fixed payout in 2018 also serves to calculate pensioner's dependent surcharge... Its size is defined as 1/3 of the base value:

    1. 1661 ruble for one.
    2. 3322 rubles for two.
    3. 4982 rubles for three. The larger number of disabled people is not taken into account.

    Increasing social benefits for retirees

    Some types of security are additionally installed social payments in 2018 in the form of a monthly cash supplement and a set of social services. They are recipients of disability pensioners, veterans, Chernobyl victims and a number of other special categories. The amount of monthly income is different for each of them, and the NSO has a single cost and a list of services in kind.

    On October 24, 2017, a Government decree was published, which determined a unified procedure for indexation of social benefits, the need for which was indicated by Vladimir Putin. According to the bill, the indexation of social benefits will take place on February 1, 2018, and its size will be equal to inflation for the past year. According to forecasts, this value will be 3,2% , and by the end of the year it can be adjusted up or down.

    Increase in social benefits in 2018 will affect the size of the main payments, which will be:

    Will there be a one-time payment of 5,000 rubles to pensioners in 2018?

    In 2016, the procedure for indexing pensions was changed due to a lack of budget funds and problems in the country's economy. On February 1, pension payments were indexed by only 4%, while inflation for 2015 was 12.9%. The additional indexation of the security was scheduled for October, but was never carried out.

    To compensate for this difference, the Government decided to provide pensioners one-time payment of 5000 rubles... At the same time, it was possible to get it once, and did not participate in further indexing. The amount of compensation was calculated based on the average pension multiplied by the increase rate that was not applied. Simply put, it is 5,000 rubles that pensioners would receive in the case of the usual indexation procedure, having a pension of 13,000 rubles.

    The payment was transferred in January 2017, together with the basic pension for all pensioners, which included both working and military pensioners. Only retirees with low security could benefit from it, and even then in the short term. For the rest, the payment did not cover the income from indexation. Lump sum payment to pensioners in 2018 not provided.

    Indexation in 2018 will be carried out in full, the costs for it have already been included in the budget, so the question of whether there will be a one-time payment to pensioners in 2018 is no longer relevant. The increase in pension provision will be 3.7% from January 1 for recipients of insurance payments.

    Latest news on raising the retirement age in 2018

    Retirement age in Russia is one of the lowest in the world. The current standards were introduced back in the days of the USSR in 1932 and are 55 yearsfor women and 60 years for men.

    In 2018, no changes are expected in this area for the majority of pensioners. The increase in the retirement age is subject only to civil servants, for which there is a gradual increase of six months. The retirement age in Russia from 2018 for men holding government positions will be the minimum 61 years old, and for women - 56 years... The totals will be 65 and 63 years respectively.

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    Bloomberg's current statistics for 2017 point to an aging population, with 2.4 working people per pensioner, which is an extremely low figure. That is, there are more people who are unable to work by age than those who work, in this regard, the pension provision is only 34% of salary before going to rest.

    To change the current situation and improve the standard of living of pensioners, government officials are making bills to increase retirement age citizens.

    • September 1 In 2017, the deputy head of United Russia, Andrei Isaev, proposed to supplement the list of industries whose employees will retire as well as civil servants: the age and the procedure for raising are the same. At the same time, Isaev did not indicate a list of such positions.
    • 1st of FebruaryIn 2017, a number of media outlets published information about the final decision of the Cabinet of Ministers to increase the retirement period.
    • Former Finance Minister Alexei Kudrin made similar proposals several times. On January 13, he introduced a draft law on raising the age to 63 and 65 years (for women and men). According to fresh newsOn November 16, 2017, he also stated that there are no alternatives to this measure, and the government will have no other choice.

    All these statements and proposals were rejected and refuted by the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Labor. They noted that the question, will the retirement age increase in 2018 or subsequent, in the government for the coming years will not be discussed.

    Will pensions for working pensioners be indexed in 2018?

    Working pensioners will not have to wait for indexation again. For them, a moratorium on indexing pension payments for the period of employment will be maintained.

    Recall that indexation of pensions for working citizensin retirement has been suspended since 2016. The reason was the difficult situation in the Russian economy. For example, the abolition of indexation for working pensioners in 2017 helped the country's budget save 12 billion rubles.

    The growth of pension payments for employed pensioners occurs only due to recalculation on 1 August... During this period, the calculation includes data on the pension coefficients earned for the past year. Pensions have grown in 2017 from 74 to 222 rubles depending on the number of credited points.

    It should be noted that this growth cannot be compared with the growth in pensions of non-working people. This means that the retirement benefits of retired workers are depreciating and falling in their purchasing power.

    Currently, a working pensioner can get 1-3 points per year. Cancellation of this restriction is being actively discussed. So, for the bulk of the working population, another restriction has been established - you can earn no more than 8.26 points in a year.

    Raising the minimum wage and increasing the amount of insurance contributions to the Pension Fund

    The minimum wage is established by labor legislation, articles 133.From July 1, 2017, the minimum wage is 7800 rubles, which is less than 70% of the subsistence minimum for the working-age population for the 2nd quarter of 2017.

    The law on increasing the minimum wage to the PM was introduced by the Government of the Russian Federation in early September. Deciding whether there will be increase in the minimum wage in 2018, not legally adopted, on November 8, approval was passed at a meeting of the State Duma only in the first reading. The changes imply a gradual equalization of these values:

    • 0,85 from PM in 2018;
    • 1 rpm in 2019.

    At the same time, the size of the subsistence minimum will be taken for the second quarter of the previous year. Next year Minimum wages from January 1 should be:

    11163 * 85% = 9489 rubles.

    What the size will be in 2019 will become known after the publication of the PM for the 2nd quarter of 2018.

    In addition to the employee's salary, the minimum wage affects the calculation of some compensations and social benefits, for example:

    • the minimum payment for sick leave due to illness or for pregnancy and childbirth.
    • benefits for the care of a disabled child.
    • until January 1, 2018, the insurance premiums of the individual entrepreneur depended on him, but from that date a fixed amount of 7,500 rubles will be applied.

    The increase in the minimum wage will affect all payments calculated on its basis, which will also be increased proportionally.

    Insurance premium rates employer for the formation of pension benefits are 22% from income for some areas of activity, it is even lower. Its size will not change next year. Health and social insurance rates will remain the same 5.1 and 2.9%... The general rate is 30% and will not change until 2020. The size of fixed contributions will increase by 4,395 rubles and will amount to:

    • 26 545 rubles to the Pension Fund.
    • 5 840 rubles for medical insurance.

    Will grow in 2018 limit amount insurance premiums:

    • 1,021,000 rubles for pension insurance.
    • 815,000 rubles in case of temporary disability.

    With the increase in the maximum amount of insurance premiums, the payments that can be received as maternity and sick leave also increase. Their size in 2018 will be limited RUB 61,375 per month, which is 3,500 rubles more than this year.

    Pension for military pensioners in 2018

    On October 25, at a government meeting, Vladimir Putin instructed to provide funds for indexation of military pensions and the salaries of the active military, which is to be held January 1, 2018.The increase will affect the former military and persons equated to them.

    The size of military pensions in Russia depends on the size of the salary of military personnel, which should increase annually, but has not increased since 2013 due to the freeze. The increase in pension payments for the military occurs only due to changes in the so-called reduction factor... The decision to increase it is made annually by the RF Government. In 2017, the increase in payments for this reason amounted to about 4% with an increase in the coefficient to 72,23% .

    The latest news says that there will be no change in the size of the reduction factor. Pensions will increase due to the indexation of military salaries.

    Note that military pensioners belong to the category of citizens who have the right to receive two pension payments at the same time: from the Ministry of Defense or the Ministry of Internal Affairs and insurance in the case when, after leaving the service, they managed to earn the necessary experience and PKI for registration.

    Expect increase in military pensions from January 1, 2018 costs to those persons who, after leaving military service, managed to earn civilian insurance payments. It will be increased from the beginning of the year by 3.7%.

    What is the minimum pension in Russia since 2018

    Such an important question as minimum pension from 1 January 2018... According to the law, the amount of pension provision for a non-working pensioner cannot be lower than the subsistence level. Otherwise, a surcharge is assigned, the task of which is to bring the amount of payment to the level of the PM.

    Subsistence minimum for a pensioner since 2018 planned to be installed at 8 703 rubles... With the projected amounts of pension benefits based on the indexation results, part of the payments will not reach this level. First of all, this will affect social benefits.

    The Government has been discussing for a long time about the need to bring pension payments and minimum wage to living wage... The new law is expected to take effect from 2018. However, today it remains in the status of a project, while the Pension Fund reported on the allocation of 100 billion rubles for additional payments to those persons whose payments will be below the subsistence level.

    According to experts' forecasts, it will be possible, at best, not earlier than 2019, to eliminate this conflict for the state at the current inflation rate and growth in benefits.


    1. The increase in insurance pensions in Russia in 2018 was postponed from February to January. Indexing slated for 3,7% ;
    2. Social payments will be indexed according to the schedule on April 1, the growth will be 4,1% ;
    3. The monthly payment and other social payments will rise on February 1 by the inflation rate;
    4. The retirement age will only increase for civil servants;
    5. The freezing of the indexing of pension payments for pensioners who continue to work will remain. It is possible to remove the restriction on retirement points when recalculating, which is now valid at the mark 3 PKI;
    6. The minimum wage from 2018 will be 85% of the PM, and from 2019 - 100%;
    7. The minimum pension in 2018 must be at least the minimum subsistence level for a pensioner. This will probably not be done again, since the latter is planned to be installed at the mark 8 700 rubles, which exceeds part of the projected social payments;
    8. Military pensions will increase from January 1, 2018.
    9. Military retirees should also count on a planned increase in their second insurance benefits.

    Periodic increases in pension payments do not affect retirees who continue to work. In order to regulate the budget and optimize pension payments, in 2015 it was decided not to index pensions if a citizen works. The peculiarity of the Russian pension system is that the size of pensions is regularly increased by a certain percentage. It is optimal if the percentage of pension indexation corresponds to the real inflation rate in Russia.

    What is the increase from January 1

    In 2017, a bill was passed establishing the indexation of pensions for all categories, including working pensioners. The changes were expected to take effect from July. But due to technical and financial difficulties, a decision was made to transfer. It was announced that the increase will be made using the inflation rate and from January 1, 2018.

    However, the belief that the increase will be made based on the inflation rate has not been confirmed. The increase in pensions for working pensioners by 10% was announced, and the inflation rate for 2015 was 13%. Employee pensions were last indexed in 2015, taking into account inflation data for 2014. But it is worth considering that in January of this year, all pensioners received one-time assistance. The amount of compensation was 5 thousand rubles. and was credited to all without exception.
    Based on the fact that the average pension for working pensioners is 12-15 thousand rubles. depending on the region, then an increase can be expected in the amount of about 1.2–1.5 rubles.

    The State Duma announced who is being raised

    Pensions will be indexed in the future period, despite the deficit of the RF Pension Fund. Also, pensioners who stop working in 2017 will be able to count on indexation earlier. Note that indexing is carried out after the termination of employment by a pensioner, but not immediately. From the moment of dismissal and the actual accrual of indexation, 2-3 months pass. They promise to fix this delay in the future.

    With the introduction of new amendments, the indexation rules will be as follows:

    • indexation from the first month after dismissal;
    • start counting for indexing - 1 number;
    • unrepentant character.

    The reform is designed to improve the position of pensioners in the Russian Federation. Changes will not affect the calculation retirement points... The principle will remain to function, the later the retirement, the more points the citizen receives, therefore, the amount of the pension will be higher.

    The dependence of the amount of the pension on the number of points can be traced in terms of the increase in the fixed payment. For example, the calculation for the current indicator (from February 1, 2017) of the fixed part is 4805.11 rubles.

    Postponement in years Coefficient for calculation Increase
    1 1,056 RUB 269.09
    2 1,12 RUB 576.61
    3 1,19 RUB 912.97
    4 1,27 RUB 1,297.38
    5 1,36 RUB 1,729.84
    6 1,46 RUB 2210.35
    7 1,58 RUB 2,786.96
    8 1,73 RUB 3,507.73
    9 1,9 RUB 4324.60
    10 2,11 RUB 5,333.67

    Pensions for non-working pensioners will be indexed from January 1, 2018. The law of the Russian Federation is periodically supplemented by various regulatory legal acts, as a result of which, due to the large amount of information, pensioners do not always manage to keep track of all the news. But we can talk about vital issues related to cash payments. We will understand in more detail and analyze the changes in the legislation that will affect the deductions for non-working Russian pensioners in the new year.

    Latest news on pension increases in 2018

    Great news for the coming year for the population on well-deserved rest will be the next annual increase in pensions. Traditionally, similar activities are carried out in February for insurance pensions and in April for social benefits.

    The pension supplement in 2018 will happen much earlier than planned. Topilin M., Minister of Social Protection, said that the allowance for pensioners will be made at the beginning of the year. The reason for this will be the need to increase the pension, which will allow short time improve the financial situation of Russian pensioners. It is important to understand here that indexation will in no way depend on the increase in the price level in the previous year, since the federal budget already has the necessary amount for the increase in accordance with the expected jump in inflation.

    How much will the pension of non-working Russian pensioners be increased?

    The growth in charges will affect non-working Russian pensioners who are recipients of insurance pensions, which will increase by an average of 3.6-3.7%, according to the forecast of price increases at the end of 2017.

    The main components will rise in value as follows:

    1. the personal pension coefficient will rise from 78 rubles to 81 rubles;
    2. the amount of insurance pension payments in the Russian Federation will increase from 13,700 rubles to 14,000 rubles in old age;
    3. the amount of the funded part will increase from 4805 rubles to 4,982 rubles.

    From the beginning of January 2018, pensions will rise exclusively for the non-working population, retirement age. The addressees of social benefits will need to wait until April to receive them. For this category of citizens, the state will increase the pension by 4.1%.

    What kind of pension allowance should non-working Russian pensioners expect?

    Non-working citizens of retirement age should remember that, in accordance with the planned amount included in the federal budget, from January 2018 they will be able to receive an increase in their pension. As mentioned above, the law provided for such an early increase in payments due to the rapid rise in prices in Russia back in 2016. The peculiarity of 2018 is that the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation will not wait for February, when Rosstat will transmit information regarding inflation, but will start calculating premiums faster. This will happen immediately after the New Year holidays.

    According to the latest news, it became known that Russia is ending 2017 with a low level of price growth. That is why the Government of the Russian Federation decided not to wait for the calculation of pensions, taking into account the exact figures of inflation, but to determine the increase, according to the information received on the increase in prices for the last periods of 2017. Since the beginning of 2018, the pension of non-working Russian pensioners will increase by about 400 rubles. In addition, the budget of the RF Pension Fund has allocated about 95 billion rubles for social benefits for elderly people, whose pension charges are much less than the subsistence level in their region of residence.

    Pensions for non-working Russian pensioners in 2018: what the Russian government says.

    Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev said that the budget of the PF RF has a sufficient amount of funds for registration of pension allowances for absolutely all Russian pensioners, including those who are not working. He said on behalf of the Government of the Russian Federation and the Pension Fund of Russia that the money was transferred to the budget by the state in full. This means that there should be no problems with payments.

    The head of government also said that there is a need to increase pension charges in the new 2018 precisely from January, and the indexation will be higher than inflation. After all, an increase in pensions is one of the main tasks of the Russian government.

    One-time indexing

    In 2018, pensions will be indexed once a year - on January 1. Prior to that, pensions were recalculated twice a year (February 1 and April 1).

    As follows from the explanatory note, the authorities decided to index the pension in 2018 once "by a large percentage at once, so as not to index it twice."

    Here is what is said in the explanatory note: “The implementation of the bill will increase the level of pension provision for all non-working recipients of insurance pensions (about 30.8 million people), as well as over 0.5 million non-working military pensioners who receive, along with a state pension, pension provision old-age insurance pension (with the exception of a fixed payment to it) ”.

    How much will they raise

    From January 1, 2018, the size of the fixed payment to the insurance pension will be indexed by 3.7%. Taking into account indexation, the size of the base will be 4,982 rubles. 90 kopecks.

    Also, from January 1, 2018, the cost of one pension coefficient increases by 3.7% and is set at 81 rubles. 49 kopecks. This coefficient is used to calculate the pension. Thus, pensions will be indexed by 3.7%.

    Indexation will take place from payments due for January. That is, for the first time, pensioners will see an increase in February, when they receive payments for January.

    What about working pensioners

    A separate law states that it does not apply to working pensioners. That is, the pension will not be raised for working pensioners.

    Since 2016, working pensioners have been receiving an insurance pension without taking into account the indexation. When a pensioner stops working, he begins to receive a full pension, taking into account all indexations that took place during the period of his work.

    In 2016 and 2017, the resumption of pension indexation and the beginning of its payment in full took place three months after the date of dismissal. From 2018, this procedure will also take three months, but they will be compensated to the pensioner.

    The payment of the full amount of the pension will be implemented as follows. For example, a pensioner quit his job in March. In April, the PFR will receive reports from the employer indicating that the pensioner is still listed as working. In May, the FIU will receive reports for April, in which the pensioner is no longer listed as working. In June, the Pension Fund of Russia will decide to resume indexation, and in July the pensioner will receive the full amount of his pension, as well as the cash difference between the previous and the new size of the pension for the previous three months - April, May, June. That is, the pensioner will begin to receive the full amount of the pension the same three months after the dismissal, but these three months will be compensated for (an example from the PFR website).

    What the FIU says about increasing social benefits

    From February 1, the size of the monthly cash payment (MAP) received by federal beneficiaries will be indexed to the 2017 inflation rate.

    State pensions, including social ones, will be increased from April 1 by 4.1%. As a result, the average annual social pension will grow to 9,045 rubles. The average social pension for children with disabilities and invalids from childhood of the first group will be 13,699 rubles.

    For pensioners who worked in 2017, insurance pensions will increase in August 2018 - the PFR will carry out the traditional unapproved adjustment of insurance pensions.

    At the same time, as before, in 2018 there will be no pensioners in Russia with a monthly income below the pensioner's subsistence minimum (SMP) in the region of residence. All non-working pensioners will receive a social supplement to their pension up to the level of primary care.

    All expenses on social and pension obligations of the Pension Fund are financially secured and accounted for in the Fund's budget.

    According to the pension formula, which has been in effect in Russia since 2015, in order to qualify for an old-age insurance pension in 2018, you must have at least 9 years of experience and 13.8 pension points.

    The maximum number of retirement points that can be earned in 2018 is 8.7.

    The expected payment period when calculating the funded pension in 2018 is 246 months. This parameter is used only to determine the amount of the funded pension, while the payment of the pension itself is lifelong.

    Every citizen can apply for the appointment of any type of pension without leaving home - applications for the appointment of a pension can be submitted through the Personal Account of a citizen on the PFR website or the portal of public services, where you can change the provider of the pension.

    The main type of pension in Russia in 2018 will continue to be an insurance pension. The number of its recipients in 2018 is 40.35 million people. Another 4 million people are recipients of state pensions.

    Since 2018, Russia is introducing the new kind pensions - social pension children whose both parents are unknown. The reason for the emergence of a new type of pension was that children whose parents are unknown, or, more simply, "foundlings", were initially placed in an unequal financial position compared to orphans - since they did not have the right to receive a pension due to the loss of a breadwinner, since they never legally had either parent.

    According to preliminary data, this pension can be set for about four thousand "foundlings".

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