• Additional material support for pension. Pension and additional material support of certain categories of citizens. Disabled through military injury


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    1 Pension provision of individual categories of citizens (additional material support) Social Security Right

    2 Pension provision of certain categories of citizens is carried out by: 1) expanding the scope of the main pension laws 2) providing material support instead of a pension 3) establishing insurance and state surcharges to pensions 4) establishing additional material support

    3 3. Expansion of the scope of the main pension laws Pension provision of certain categories of citizens

    4 Expansion of the scope provides for the distribution to a wider range of persons of pension laws: 1) the law of the Russian Federation from G "On the pension provision of persons held by military service, service in the internal affairs bodies, state fire fighting service, organs for controlling drug trafficking and psychotropic substances , institutions and bodies of the penitentiary system, and their families "2) of the Federal Law against FZ" On Labor Pensions in the Russian Federation "

    5 Expansion of the scope of the law of the Russian Law of the Russian Federation provided for: 1) FZ from G "On the Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation" 2) FZ from the city of 114-ФЗ "On the service in the customs authorities of the Russian Federation" 3) FZ from the city of 403-ФЗ "On the investigative Committee of the Russian Federation "

    6 Pension provision of prosecutors, scientific and pedagogical workers, their families are carried out in relation to the conditions, standards and order, which are established by the legislation of the Russian Federation for persons who served in the internal affairs bodies, and their families (Art. 44 FZ "On the Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation" )

    7 Pension provision of other prosecutor's employees is carried out in accordance with the legislation on the pension provision of civil servants on military personnel of the military prosecutor's office, legislation establishes the pension provision of military personnel (Art. 44, 49 FZ "On the Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation")

    8 Pension provision of employees of the Investigative Committee and members of their families is carried out in relation to the conditions and standards that are established by the legislation of the Russian Federation for persons who served in the internal affairs bodies and members of their families (Art. 35 FZ "On the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation")

    9 Pension provision of employees of customs authorities and members of their families is carried out under the conditions and on the standards that are established by the legislation of the Russian Federation for persons held military service, service in the internal affairs bodies, and members of their families (Art. 50 FZ "On the service in the customs authorities of the Russian Federation ")

    10 The expansion of the scope of the law on labor pensions is provided: 1) the law of the Russian Federation from "On employment of the population in the Russian Federation" 2) FZ from g 126-ФЗ "On guarantees pension provision For certain categories of citizens "

    11 At the proposal of the employment service authorities in the absence of opportunities for employment, the unemployed citizens with their consent under certain conditions may be assigned a pension.

    12 Criteria Status Age Starting Conditions Citizen should be recognized as unemployed no more than 2 years lower than the age established for the appointment of an old-age labor pension 1) Availability of general insurance experience 25 years for men and 20 years for women 2) Availability of special insurance experiences gives the right to the early appointment of an old-age labor pension

    13 Criteria Cause of the dismissal of the initiative of the appointment of a pension Conditions 1) due to the liquidation of the organization, the termination of the activities of an individual entrepreneur 2) in connection with the reduction of the number or staff of employees of the organization, from an individual entrepreneur at the proposal of employment authorities in the absence of opportunities for employment of unemployed citizens

    14 The size of the pension appointed by the unemployed citizens is determined by the standards of the insurance part of the old-age labor pension established by the Law on Labor Pensions, the payment of this pension is carried out at the expense of the federal budget

    15 Upon admission to work or renewal of other activities, which provides for Article 10 of the Law on Labor Pensions, the payment of pensions to the unemployed citizens will terminate after the cessation of this work, the payment of this pension is restored

    16 16. Pension provision of individual categories of citizens by law 126-ФЗ

    17 Citizens of the Russian Federation, held a military and other service equal to it, an old-age labor pension (disability) may be established in the manner and on the conditions that are determined by the Law on Labor Pension

    18 Pension rights of citizens of the Russian Federation, acquired during the military and other service, are transformed into the estimated pension capital, if: 1) they did not appreciate the mandatory pension insurance 2) on them) they were dismissed from service not earlier than 2002 3) they did not acquire the right Retirement for long service (for disability) at the expense of the federal budget

    19 Disabled family members of citizens from among judges, including those who died, those who died (deceased) due to the reasons not related to their official activities, establishes labor pension on the occasion of the loss of the breadwinner in the manner and on the conditions that are provided for by the Law on Labor Pension

    20 Since these persons were not subject to mandatory pension insurance And insurance premiums were not paid for them, their pension capital is formed at the expense of the federal budget, which are transmitted to Pension Fund Russia In this case, these persons acquire the status of insured persons.

    21 The amount of federal budget funds included in the estimated pension capital and enrolled on the individual personal account of the indicated insured persons are determined by multiplying the cost insurance year (on the day of the prescription pension) on the duration of periods of service (work), which had no place earlier than January 1, 2002. The cost of the insurance year is annually approved by the Government of the Russian Federation

    22 Transformation of pension rights of insured persons to settlement pension capital is made in the appointment of citizens from among military personnel and those equivalent to them by the insurance part of the labor pension (labor pension for disability), and disabled members of the families of the work pension of the breadwinner

    23 23. Providing another type of material support (monthly life content) Pension provision of individual categories of citizens

    24 Providing instead of a pension of another type of material support provided for: 1) by the Federal Constitutional Law on the G. 1-FKZ "On the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation" (Article 19) 2) of the Russian Federation from G "On the status of judges in the Russian Federation" (Art. 15 , nineteen)

    25 Work experience in the position of judge work experience in the field of jurisprudence husband. Age (years) wives. The size of the monthly life content (in% of the monthly monetary remuneration) 20 years% (full size) for less than 20 years at least 10 years is in proportion to the number of years worked as a judge for at least 25 years

    26 In the work experience in the field of jurisprudence for the appointment of monthly life content besides the time of work as a judge, turns on time of work: 1) in posts requiring higher legal education 2) as a teacher of legal disciplines, lawyer, notary

    27 Resigning referring to work experience in this position for more than 20 years, monthly life content increases by 1% of the specified content for each year of experience over 20 years, but only more than 85% of monthly monetary remuneration occupying the relevant position of the judge

    28 28. Insurance and government surcharges for pensions Pension provision of individual categories of citizens

    29 Establishment of additional payments to pensions due to additionally paid contributions are provided for by two federal laws: 1) from the city of 155-ФЗ "On the additional social security of members of flight crews of civil aviation aircraft" 2) from the city of 84-ФЗ "On the additional social security of individual categories of workers of the coal industry

    30 Supplements are established as an additional guarantee due to harmful, dangerous, intense and difficult working conditions, which has a special nature of their goal - raising the level of pension provision of certain categories of citizens

    31 separate independent views of state surcharges to the pension is an additional monthly material support in accordance with Federal law from the city of 21-ФЗ "On the additional monthly material provision of citizens of the Russian Federation for outstanding achievements and special merits to the Russian Federation"

    32 Additional material support is established by persons who are responding simultaneously to two criteria: they receive a pension or monthly lifetime content have a state awards or honorary titles, the right to additional material support are entitled to the RF citizens, regardless of the place of residence.

    33 Categories of citizens 1. Citizens awarded title Hero 2. Laureates of premiums State awards and honorary titles Hero of the Soviet Union Hero of the Russian Federation Hero of Socialist Labor Lenin Award State Prizes USSR State Prizes of the Russian Federation (RSFSR) 3. Champions of the Olympic Games, Paralympic Games, Surdlimpian games

    34 Categories of citizens 4. Citizens awarded by one or more orders of state awards and honorary titles 1) Order of the Holy Apostle Andrei First-Called 2) Order of Lenin 3) Order "For Merit to Fatherland" 1 degree or 2 degrees or 3 and 4 degrees 4 ) the Order of the Fame of Three degrees 5) The Order of Labor Fame is three degrees 6) Order "For the service of the Motherland in the Armed Forces of the USSR" three degrees

    35 Categories of citizens (heroes, laureates, champions) Heroes: Soviet Union, Russian Federation, Socialist Labor Laureates: Lenin Prize, State Prizes of the USSR, RF (RSFSR) Champions: Olympic, Paralympic, Surdlimpian Games Size Extras material support of 415% of social pensions 330% of social pension 250% of social pensions

    36 persons awarded orders 1) Citizens awarded by the Order: - Holy Apostle Andrei First Called; - the glory of three degrees; - "For merits to the Fatherland" 1 degree 2) Citizens awarded the Order: - Lenin - "For merits to the Fatherland" 2 degrees - "For merits to the fatherland" 3 and 4 degrees 3) Citizens awarded by the Order: - Labor glory of three degrees ; - "For the service of the Motherland in the Armed Forces of the USSR" three degrees the size of add. material support of 415% of social pensions 330% of social pension 250% of social pensions

    37 If persons who were honored with these honored ranks and awards, at the same time have the right to receive additional material support and one of the following payments: 1) a service pension for years 2) additional payments to the pension under the legislation of the subjects of the Russian Federation 3) salaries for the title of a valid member and member RAS Correspondent and Sectoral Academies They have the right to choose a monthly surcharge to a pension or one of the specified payments

    38 The payment of additional material support is made simultaneously with the payment of the pension or life content of the judge, additional material support is not paid during the execution period of paid work (regardless of its nature)

    The right of social security The main issues of the topic 1. Pension provision of prosecutors, investigators, employees of the customs service and other categories of citizens who have not subject to mandatory

    The right of social security The main issues of the topic 1. Pension provision of prosecutors, investigators, customs officers (1-7) 2. Pensions of citizens recognized as unemployed (8-11)

    Pensions for serving years the right of social security 1. The concept of retirement for years of service. Pension for the service of years of federal state civil servants (1-10) 2. Pension for serving years of servicemen

    Pensions for service for years of years. The right of social security 1. The concept of a retirement pension for years 2. Pension for the length of years of federal state civil servants 3. Pension for long service of years of servicemen and

    SERVANGE OF YEAR RIGHT OF SOCIAL WORKS 1. The concept of retirement pension (1-2) 2. Pension for the length of service of federal state civil servants (3-10) 3. Pension for serving years of servicemen

    SERVANGE PENSIONS SERVICE THE RIGHT OF SOCIAL WORKS 1. The concept of a retirement pension (1-2) 2. Pension for long service of federal civil servants (3-9) 3. Pension for long service of years of servicemen

    Pensions for serving years the right of social security 1. The concept of retirement for years of service. Pension for long service of federal state civil servants (slides 1-10) 2. Pension for long service of years of servicemen

    On November 11, 2002, N 118/2002-OZ was adopted by the decision of the Moscow Regional Duma of October 23, 2002 N 13/34 The Law of the Moscow Region On Pensions for Saving Years of Persons who replaced municipal positions or

    The right of social security pensions for long service are appointed on the basis of two laws: 1) FZ dated December 15, 2001, 166-FZ "On state pension provision in the Russian Federation" 2) of the Law of the Russian Federation of 12.02.1993 4468-1

    General characteristics of the Pension System of Russia The right of social security The main issues of the topic 1. The concept and types of pensions (slides 1-7) 2. The circle of persons provided by insurance and government pensions

    Laws on social security issues (taking into account changes that come into force on January 1, 2015) 1. The Law of the Russian Federation of April 19, 1991 1032-1 "On employment of the population in Russian 2. Law of the RSFSR of April 26

    July 21, 2014 N 216-FZ Russian Federation Federal Law "On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation and recognition by invalid the strength of individual legislation

    Lecture 6. Types of payments made by the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, the conditions for their appointment 6.1. Insurance facilities implemented by the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation under the system of compulsory

    Yu.B. Corsanenenkova The importance of insurance experience in the pension provision of citizens of the Russian Federation The article is devoted to the analysis of the current pension legislation regulating the concept, content and

    The name of the Republic of Komi Resolution of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Komi in the case of the verification of the constitutionality of Part 1 of Article 1 of the Law of the Komi of November 18, 2008 112-RZ "On the monthly monetary

    Www.artiks.ru +7 495 721-35-88 Calculation of the size of the Insurance Pension In Old Time Insurance Pension in old age is prescribed and paid to insured persons under the following conditions: - Achievement of age 60

    Case 3-47 / 2009. Decision by the name of the Russian Federation Supreme Court of the Komi Republic as part of the presiding judge Yudina A.V. with the secretary of Startseva E.V., examined in open court

    Council of People's Deputies of the Municipal Education City of Gus-Khrustalny Vladimir region R E W EN and E 07 December 2016 102/17 On approval of the Regulation "On the Pension Provision of Municipal

    Council of People's Deputies of the Bobrovsky Municipal District of the Voronezh Region dated October 18, 2016. _46 Bobrov on amending the Regulation on Pensions for Leaders

    Pens Fonds and Investments Federal Law of December 22, 2005 174 FZ on the budget of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation for 2006 adopted by the State Duma on December 9, 2005 approved by the Council

    1990 Adoption of the first Russian pension law "On state pensions in the Russian Federation" 2002 The first stage of reforming 2010 The second stage of reforming since 2002 was formed a new pension

    The law of the Primorsky Krai on social support for the preferential categories of citizens living in the Primorsky Territory adopted by the Legislative Assembly of the Primorsky Territory on December 22, 2004 this Law

    A disabled person is recognized as a restriction of vital activity due to persistent impairment of health (the fulfillment of the concept of the disabled person is given in Art. 1 of the Federal Law "On Social

    Minister of Social Development and Family Policy of the Krasnodar Territory E.S. Iilchenko Conclusion According to the results of the examination of the draft resolution of the head of administration (governor) of the Krasnodar Territory "On the project

    The textbook discusses the main issues of the course "Social Security Right": the concept, function and social security system; social security law as a branch of law and its sources; Pension

    Social Security Right 1. The concept of employment experience and its types (1-3) 2. Common and special work experience (4-8) 3. Common and special insurance experience (9-22) 4. Calculation and confirmation of labor

    Social Secretary Rights Rights 2. The Institute for Pension Support Integrated Institute includes several stintles with one of them is the stress pensions of old-age 3. legal

    February 12, 1993 N 4468-1 Russian Federation The Pension Law on Persons held by military service, service in the internal affairs bodies, state fire service, control bodies

    The right to the priority (extraordinary) provision of a place to the municipal general education organization is established in accordance with federal legislation. When receiving free space

    Law of the Russian Federation of February 12, 1993 4468-1 "On the pension provision of persons held military service, service in the internal affairs bodies, state fire service, organs

    Old-strike pensions (part 1) The concept of a pension in old age and its appointment of its appointment The main issues of the topic 1. The concept of an old age pension 2. Insurance pensions in old age on general reasons 3. Early insurance

    Extracts to pensions to pensions, article 1. To establish a monthly surcharge to a pension appointed on the basis of the Federal Law "On Insurance Pensions", the Law of the Russian

    Private Educational Establishment of Higher Education "Academy of Social Education" Foundation for appraisal funds "Law of Social Security" Higher Education Level Bacheloring

    Federal laws of 28.12.2013 400-ФЗ "On insurance pensions", 424-ФЗ "On the accumulative pension" Federal Law of 12/28/2013 400-ФЗ "On insurance pensions" comes into force on January 1, 2015

    Disability pensions 1. The concept of disability, the procedure for its establishment and group of disability 2. Insurance pension for disability 3. State retirement pensions 1. The concept of disability, order

    Government of the Russian Federation on August 4, 2015, 790 Moscow on amending some acts of the Government of the Russian Federation and recognition by invalid resolution

    The right of social security The main issues of the topic 1. The concept of pension on the occasion of the loss of the breadwinner. The main conditions for its purpose (1-7) 2. Insurance pension on the occasion of the loss of the breadwinner and its size (8-14)

    (Name of the territorial body of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation) Application for the appointment of a pension (transfer from one pension to another) 1 (surname name Patronymic (if any) Insurance number of individual

    The right of social security The main issues of the topic 1. The concept of pension on the occasion of the loss of the breadwinner. The main conditions for its purpose (1-8) 2. Insurance pension on the occasion of the loss of the breadwinner (9-15) 3. Fixed

    November 8, 2011 N 309-FZ Article 1 Russian Federation Federal Law on Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation and recognition by invaliding certain provisions of legislative

    Old-strike pensions (part 1) The concept of old-age pension and its appointment conditions The main issues of the topic 1. The concept of an old age pension. Insurance pensions in old age on the general basis (slides 1-7) 2. Early

    Russian Federation Federal Law of November 8, 2011 309-ФЗ On Amendments to Selected Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation and Recognition by invaliding certain provisions of legislative

    Valorization: new way increase pension size? The most important of the mechanisms earned from 2010, designed to increase the size of pensions, already today paid to citizens pension age, can

    The right of social security The main issues of the topic 1. The concept of pension on the occasion of the loss of the breadwinner. The main conditions for its purpose 2. Insurance pension on the occasion of the loss of the breadwinner 3. Public pensions

    Old-strike pensions (part 1) The concept of old-age pension and its appointment conditions The main issues of the topic 1. The concept of an old age pension. Insurance pensions in old age on general reasons (1-9) 2. Early

    (Name of the territorial body of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation) Application for the appointment of a pension (translated from one pension to another) 1. (Surname Name Patronymic (if any) Individual Insurance Number

    Monthly compensation to pensions of certain categories of citizens registered at the place of residence in the city of Moscow (regardless of FA) for the appointment of the applicant handles: - in any multifunctional

    Pensions of old age (part 1) The concept of an old age pension and the conditions for its purpose (social security) The main issues of the topic 1. The concept of old-age pension (1-2) 2. Insurance pension in old age

    Urban Assembly of Sochi Decision of April 12, 2005 N 128 On introducing changes and additions to the solution of the Urban Assembly of Sochi dated January 29, 2002 N 23 (as amended by the Solutions of the Urban Assembly of Sochi from 03.02.2004

    Krasnoyarsk Territory Cossack district Kurbatovsky Rural Council of deputies Decision 30.04.2013 p. Kurbatovo 37-5 on approval of the situation on the conditions and procedure for granting the municipal employee

    Council of deputies of the rural settlement "Nekrasovka village" of the Khabarovsk Municipal District of the Khabarovsk Territory 05.07.2012 212-48 p. Nakrasovka decision on the draft changes and additions to the charter of the rural settlement

    Council of Deputies of the Urban settlement Nickel Pechengsky District, the decision of the project from October 2013, nickel on approval of the procedure for appointment, payments and financing for long-term years of service

    On the state pension provision in the Russian Federation federal law of 15.12.2001 N 166-ФЗ (ed. From 01.07.2011) "On state pension provision in the Russian Federation" (with change and

    Accumulative pension 1. The concept of a cumulative pension and its purpose (1-4) 2. The size of the accumulative pension (5-10) 3. The payment of the accumulative pension (11) 4. Types of payments at the expense of pension savings

    Extract from the Rules of admission to the educational institution of trade unions of the Higher Professional Education "Academy of Labor and Social Relations" for 2015/2016 academic year on the provision of incoming special

    Order of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation of November 28, 2014 N 958N "On approval of a list of documents necessary to establish an insurance pension, establishing and recalculating the size of a fixed payment for insurance pension

    Russian Federation Federal Law on Labor Pensions in the Russian Federation * O) (as amended on December 3, 2012) Document with changes made by: Federal Law of July 25, 2002

    The right of social security The main issues of the topic 1. The concept of pension on the occasion of the loss of the breadwinner. The main conditions for its purpose (1-7) 2. Insurance pension on the occasion of the loss of the breadwinner (8-10) 3. The size of the insurance

    Budget classifications codes operating from 01/01/2016 09.10.2015 Name of the CBC CBC Administrator of payments FTS 182 arrears, penalties and fines on contributions to the FIU (until 01.01.2001) 182 1 09 08020 06 1000

    Transitional table according to the Classification Classification Classification of Budget Budget Systems of the Russian Federation, applied from January 1, 2013, the classification of budget revenues used in 2012 (Order Classification

    Monthly compensation to pensions of certain categories of citizens registered at the place of residence in the city of Moscow (regardless of FA) for the appointment of these applicant addresses the department

    Council of deputies of the Pervomaisky rural settlement R E W E N and E 24.08.2018 129 On approval of the Regulation on the procedure for the appointment and payment of pensions for long service to work pension for old age (disability)

    "On additional insurance premiums for a cumulative pension and state support for the formation of pension savings" (with amended and add., Introductionful from 01/01/2015) www.consultant.ru April 30, 2008

    The Law of the Republic of Crimea on the pension provision of persons who replaced the posts of the municipal service in the Republic of Crimea adopted by the State Council of the Republic of Crimea June 22, 2016 This Law in accordance

    The overall concept of experience is the duration of any activity or other periods listed in the law, with which certain legal consequences are associated with the essence and importance of the experience in the concept

    Council of Deputies of the Municipal Education "Zavyalovskoye" Deputy Kenesh Municipal Kildyttelang "Dary" R E W E NE 26.10. 2011 158 on the approval of the Regulations on the pension provision of municipal employees

    December 1, 2007 N 316-ФЗ The Russian Federation The Federal Law on the Fund of Pension Fund's budget of the Russian Federation for 2005 adopted by the State Duma on November 14, 2007 approved by the Council

    Special rights when admission to training in a specialist program with state accreditation 3.1. The right to receive the Academy without entrance tests have: a) winners and winners of the final

    Considered and approved at the meeting of the Department of Labor Law on September 6, 2016. Protocol 1. V.A. Abalduev training program of the discipline "Law of Social Security" General Part Theme 1. Concept, subject

    The Duma But Star Decision 09/18/2012 58 On approval of the Regulation on a retirement pension for years to persons who replaced the municipal positions of the municipal service in the system of municipal service, but Star

    III. Special rights when admission to training under undergraduate programs 29. The right to admission without introductory tests have: 1) Winners and winners of the final stage of the All-Russian School Olympiad

    The duties of the state include material support of individuals who have special merits in front of the homeland. In this regard, some categories of citizens have the right to obtain additional social benefits, to them, in particular, are disabled, participants in the Great Patriotic War, members of their families and some others. These payments are appointed only by existing retirees.

    What is an additional monthly material support (demo) of pensioners? Who has the right to receive this payment? Reply to these questions in this article.

    Additional monthly material support of pensioners is monthly paymentinstalled for several categories of pensioners in Russia. The main documents that regulate this manual are:

    1. Presidential Decree "On measures to improve the material situation of certain categories of citizens in connection with the 60th anniversary of victory in the Great Patriotic War" No. 363 of March 30, 2005;
    2. Presidential Decree "On measures to improve the material situation of persons with disabilities due to military injury" No. 887 of August 1, 2005;
    3. The law "On the additional monthly material provision of citizens of the Russian Federation for outstanding achievements and special merits in front of the Russian Federation" No. 21-FZ dated March 4, 2002.

    Based on these documents, the demo began to pay in May 2005. The magnitude of this manual is fixed and indexing is not subject to.

    Who has the right to receive a demo?

    Receive the demo can exclusively citizens of Russia as located in the territory of the Russian Federation, and permanently residing beyond. To such categories of persons include:

    • Pensioners who possess special merits to the homeland:
      • Heroes of the Soviet Union or the Russian Federation, the heroes of the Socratrud, who received the Order of the Holy Apostle Andrei the First Called or the Order of Glory, the Order "For Merit to Fatherland";
      • persons who received the Order of Lenin;
      • citizens who have the status of laureates of state premiums;
      • citizens who received state orders for the service in the Soviet Army or great labor achievements;
      • champions of the Paralympic Games, Champions of the Olympic Games, as well as Surdlympic Games.

        The presidential decree also allows the payment to pay for a pensioner, which has special merits in the field of economic, state and social activities or to someone who has achieved special results in the field of technology, science or culture.

    • Pensioners on the occasion of the 60th anniversary of the victory in the Went of 1941-1945:
      • persons who have become disabled or participated in the Great Patriotic War;
      • citizens who were held in ghetto and concentration camps;
      • military who have passed their service not as part of the Soviet Army from June 22, 1941 to September 3, 1945, at least 6 months;
      • the military who were assigned to Soviet orders or medals for the period of the Second World War;
      • widow of the military who died in the war with Japan or Finland or during the Second World War;
      • widow, the husbands of which were disabilities during the Great Patriotic War;
      • citizens who received the breastplate "resident of the Blocade Leningrad".
    • Persons who have received disability as a result of military injury, not adopting a group of pensioners listed in the previous paragraph.

    This list of pensioners who have the right to receive a demo cannot be called exhaustive. Deputies, members of the Federation Council, as well as employees involved in the Nuclear Armory Complex, may also issue.

    What amounts are supposed to supplement?

    On May 1, 2005, the amounts of additional monthly material support were established: 1000 rubles and 500 rubles. These payments are carried out by the FIU simultaneously with the prescribed pension.

    Demo in the amount of 1 thousand rubles. Rely:

    • disabled people, as well as participants of the Second World War;
    • persons who before their majority were ghetto's arrestants, concentration camps, as well as other places created by the fascist invaders and their allies for the perpetrators of citizens;
    • citizens who received the status of the disabled as a result of military injury.

    Demo in the amount of 500 rubles. Rely:

    • widows, the husbands of which died in the war;
    • the military, who passed their service not as part of the Soviet Army from June 22, 1941 to September 3, 1945, at least 6 months;
    • widows, the deceased husbands of which were disabled during the Second World War;
    • citizens who were awarded the "resident of the Blocade Leningrad";
    • persons who have forcibly held in prisons, concentration camps and ghetto.

    The amount of benefits will depend on the established amount of social pension provision, if a citizen claims to receive a demo for certain merits:

    • 415% of the established value of social security is paid to the heroes of labor, the USSR and the Russian Federation who received the Order of Andrei First Called, "Glory" (all degrees), as well as "for merits to the Fatherland" of the I degree;
    • 330% of the established magnitude of the social pension is paid to pensioners who received the Order "For Merit to Fatherland" I - IV degree, winners of various state premiums, including Lenin;
    • 250% of the established value of social security is paid to citizens who received the Order of Labor Glory, as well as "for the service of the Motherland in the USSR Sun", Champions of Surdlympic, Olympic, as well as the Paralympic Games.

    Example. Katanov I.L. The Hero of the USSR was presented to the title and was awarded the Order of Glory I degree by Decree No. 1016 of June 27, 1945. In connection with the entry into force of the law on additional material support, Katanova I.L. A surcharge of 415% of the social pension is supplied. In 2017, it is:
    415% x 5034,25 \u003d 20892,18 rub.

    Citizens receiving subsidies every month and listed in the lists of federal beneficiaries are entitled to expect to receive an additional monthly material support (demo). The design procedure affects several important nuances, which should be known when applying.

    Concept and decoding demo -Pensia

    Demo - Additional monthly material support, which is expelled to specific groups of the population. Finance for subsidies are allocated from the budget of a country or a certain subject of the Russian Federation. The amount of payments establishes the PF of Russia. Dotations are transferred to the addressee in one day with the main benefit.

    FZ No. 21.

    The conditions of the appointment and the deduction procedure, as well as the size of the subsidies, are regulated by the Federal Law No. dated 04.03.02. This law contains complete information about the demo, namely, which groups of the population are entitled to qualify for monthly life provision, except for pension payments.

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    Applicants on demo

    In the Federal Law "On the additional monthly material support of citizens", groups of persons with legitimate grounds for registration of subsidies are prescribed:

    1. Citizens who participated in the Second World War and also received a group of disability. The same category includes relatives if the addressee is dying. Determines this right approved by the President of Russia Decree No. 363 of March 30, 2005;
    2. Increased persons who have received disability in connection with injury and / or injury zone. This item was approved by Decree No. 887 Putin V. 01 August 2005 - earlier such a group of persons was not part of the previous list;
    3. Persons awarded for special merits in front of the Russian Federation according to a regulatory act No..

    Participants and veterans of the Second World War

    In accordance with Decree No. 363, which entered into force on March 30, 05, including part 1 of the document, in addition to pension, citizens participating in World War II, in connection with the celebration of 60 years of victory, receive additional payments.

    Dotations are charged:

    • persons with disabilities who participated in hostilities, prisoners;
    • persons carrying military duty, but not involved in the Great Patriotic War;
    • the widows of citizens who died due to military conflict with Japan and Finland from 1941-1945, including the spouses of the deceased persons with disabilities;
    • men and women awarded by the Order of the Blood Leningrad;
    • prisoners of fascists who are in a minor age.
    Note: if a person has not previously filed documents in the PF of Russia, but it is entitled to claim additional provisionHe can send an application for the appointment of subsidies. For the calculation of payments is made all the time from the moment of the arise of the right to receive the application by employees by employees.

    Military with disabilities

    Citizens who received injuries and injuries in the zones of military conflict, as a result of which they lost their capacity, are recognized as disabled. Starting from 01.09.05, this category of persons also has permissions to design additional monthly material support.

    For achievements and special merits to Russia

    The same regulatory act, in Articles No. 1.2 regulates the work of payments to persons who received the Order, as well as awarded for outstanding achievements in various fields. In accordance with Law No. These individuals may apply for payment of payments within the demo.

    List of individuals who have the right to receive additional government support:

    • sports champions that have received gold medals at the Olympics, Paralympiads and Surdlimpiad;
    • heroes of the Soviet Union, the Russian Federation;
    • persons awarded awards (see Law No.);
    • labor heroes;
    • laureates of state premiums.

    Amounts of additional subsidies for 2019

    The table provides information on the size of additional state subsidies for each category:

    In situations where a lump-sum right to two or more categories on a demo arises, a citizen will be calculated with the highest value.

    Procedure of Demo-Relations

    Step-by-step instruction:

    1. Obtaining information about belonging to the corresponding category;
    2. Collect the necessary papers - depends on the specific group;
    3. Appeal to the PF of Russia with an application for collateral. Transmission of documentation;
    4. Waiting for the solution. With a positive verdict, the recipient will begin to the recipient in the corresponding amount.

    The decision on the accrual of payments is made within the framework of ten working days from the date of the application.

    Instances for appeal

    Depending on the group belonging to the group, the arrangements are:

    1. PF of Russia;
    2. Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation;
    3. Ministry of the Interior;
    4. Federal Security Service.

    People who list two types of additional monthly material support from different departments, subsidies in connection with the celebration of 60 years of victory in the Great Patriotic War, as well as citizens with disabilities, it is necessary to provide certificates indicating the formation of this right.


    To obtain a demo, you should send to the separation of the relevant authority, the following paper:

    • request;
    • providing a document indicating a person and belonging to citizenship;
    • certificates, certificates, extracts and certificates of belonging to a group that appears in the decree of the President of the Russian Federation.

    The list of supporting papers for each category of citizens is different, so the reason for the direction of the application will differ. So, documents can act:

    • certificates of death;
    • conclusion of the marriage union;
    • judicial resolution or medical conclusion about the assumption of disability;
    • other.

    Options for obtaining and frequency of payments

    To obtain payments in a convenient way, you should specify the appropriate option in the application. But as a rule, the deductions are made similar to the way as the main pension. Dotations are charged every month.

    Formation of the application

    Additional provision is assigned on the basis of a refined application. Document form is provided in the Department of PF of Russia. Additionally, the template can be downloaded on the official portal of the department.

    Dates of payout

    After the relevant instance receives the applicant's documents, the employees of the authority are verified for the accuracy of information. Based on the results obtained, a decision is made. In case of incorrect information, the PF of Russia is authorized to refuse a citizen in the appointment of monthly deductions.

    When issuing a positive solution, the demo translate every month to the recipient's address simultaneously with the pension.

    Note: Additional government support was not indexed, starting from the moment of entry into force of the Decree. Accordingly, in 2019 the size of subsidies remains at the same level.

    Dotations for special merits and achievements

    Monthly federal payments are additional financial support for the population who received awards for special merits to the homeland. The only nuance is the absence of annual indexation.


    Despite the presence of other contributions, the citizen is entitled to send an application for subsidies from an additional group. Other persons awarded the Order for merits to the Fatherland receive subsidies according to the presidential decree.


    Additional financial support contributed from the budget is intended for military disabled and participants in the Second World War in connection with the celebration of 60 years of victory. It does not matter how much time has passed since the law and submission of the application occurred, payments are made over the entire period.

    In accordance with Article No. 1 (clause No. 4) of Law No. 4 of Rules No. 277 - if a citizen is simultaneously listed in several groups applying for a demo, the amount of deductions is set to the maximum parameter.

    Look at the video about the demo

    March 11, 2019, 14:01 Mar 11, 2019 14:01

    § 1. Pension provision of prosecutors, investigators and customs officers

    Legal regulation Relations for pension funding for certain categories of citizens is carried out on the basis of other laws that expand the scope of the main pension laws in the circle. Conditions, norms and procedures for pension funds established by the 1993 law are distributed to prosecutor's employees; customs officers; Employees of the Investigative Committee. In the established cases, the provisions of the 1993 law apply to family members of the specified persons.

    The procedure for calculating the length of service, the appointment and payment of pensions of employees of the bodies and institutions of the Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation and their families approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 12, 1994 No. 942 (Ed. From 12/07/2011). Government decisions typically detail the procedure for the appointment and payment of pensions of one or another category of citizens and their families; Determine the rules for calculating the length of service, earnings, recalculation of pensions, etc. In many ways, they coincide with the rules established by the 1993 law. Differences are most often associated with the procedure for calculating the length of service. For example, the employees of the prosecutor's office for years for the appointment of a pension counts the time of study on legal specialty in educational institution Higher or secondary vocational education (having state accreditation) within 5 years at the rate of 2 months of study for 1 month service.

    Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 2, 1998 No. 103 (Ed. Dated January 19, 2010) approved the procedure for calculating the length of years for the appointment and payment of pensions and benefits to those who worked in the customs authorities of the Russian Federation and their families. Rules for calculating the length of years for the appointment of pensions to employees of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 2, 2012 No. 411.

    § 2. Pension provision of certain categories of citizens not subject to compulsory pension insurance

    In the course of the pension reform of 2002, separate categories of citizens were left outside the insurance pension system. First of all, they belonged to them who, in the presence of appropriate conditions, was granted the right to receive a retirement for serving years (servicemen and other categories of employees equal to them). In the absence of such a citizen, he could not qualify for a retirement retirement for a labor pension. To provide these citizens, the right to pension provision adopted Law No. 126-FZ.

    In accordance with Law No. 126-ФЗ, citizens of the Russian Federation, held by military and other service equal to it, may establish labor pensions (including early) or labor pension for disability in the manner and under the conditions that are determined by law No. 173-FZ . At the same time, there is a transformation of the pension capital acquired during the period of the Pension Rights in the event that the following conditions are followed at the same time: 1) during the service on these citizens, no compulsory pension insurance was applied; 2) they were dismissed from service not earlier than 2002; 3) they did not acquire the right to retire the length of the years, to a disability retirement or monthly lifetime, funded at the expense of the federal budget.

    Since these persons were not subject to compulsory pension insurance and insurance premiums were not paid for them, their retirement capital is formed at the expense of the federal budget, which are transferred to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation. In this case, these person acquire the status of insured persons. The value of funds enrolled on the individual personal account of the indicated insured persons is determined depending on the duration of the service that had no place earlier than 2002, and the cost of the insurance year approved by the Government of the Russian Federation. The transformation of pension rights of insured persons to the settlement pension capital is made in the appointment by these persons of the insurance part of the labor pension (labor pension).

    § 3. Pensions to citizens recognized as unemployed

    A special place in pension legislation is occupied by the Law on Employment. This law provides for special conditions for the appointment of early pension. This pension is appointed earlier than achieving a general retirement age on the basis, which is not provided for by law No. 173-FZ.

    The start-up pension according to the indicated law can be appointed taking into account a number of conditions: 1) the recognition of a citizen unemployed; 2) the achievement of age is no more than two years lower than those required for the appointment of an old-age labor pension (incl. Appointed early); 3) the presence of insurance experience lasting 25 years in men and 20 years in women, and in the necessary cases - the existence of an experience in the relevant types of work, which gives the right to the early appointment of an old-age labor pension; 4) dismissal from the last place of work in connection with the liquidation of the organization (termination of the activities of an individual entrepreneur), as well as in connection with the reduction in the number or staff of employees of the organization (among the individual entrepreneur).

    Such a pension can be established at the proposal of employment bodies in the absence of opportunities for employment of unemployed citizens from among these persons. At the same time, the consent of the unemployed citizen is necessary.

    The pension is prescribed for the period before the occurrence of age, which gives the right to an old-age labor pension (incl. Appointed early).

    The amount of pension established by the Employment Act is determined by the rules for calculating the insurance part of the old-age labor pension. However, this pension is paid at the expense of the federal budget. The payment of pensions established by the unemployed citizens is terminated upon admission to work, the execution time of which is included in the insurance experience. After the cessation of this work, the pension is restored.

    § 4. Monthly lifetime content of a resignation

    A special type of collateral is the monthly life content of a resignation judge. This type of payment is provided for by law on the status of judges and the law on the Constitutional Court. If the judge, resigning, has a long experience of working as a judge, he is paid (according to his choice) pension on general grounds or monthly life content.

    In accordance with the law on the status of judges, monthly lifetime content may be assigned depending on one or more conditions. The right to the monthly life content is provided by the judge, which:

    1) either experiences work experience as a judge for at least 20 years;

    2) either reached the age of 55 years (men) and 50 years old (women) and has experience in the position of judge less than 20 years;

    3) either reached the age of 60 (men) and 55 years old (women), has experience in legal profession at least 25 years, including at least 10 years of work as a judge.

    The work experience at the legal profession, taken into account in the appointment of monthly life content, the time of work is included in the position of judge and other work on the legal profession:

    1) in positions that require higher legal education (state positions of the Russian Federation, state positions of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, public service posts, municipal positions, positions in legal services of organizations, positions in research institutions, etc.);

    2) as a teacher of legal disciplines in institutions of secondary professional, higher professional and postgraduate vocational education; As a lawyer or notary.

    With the experience of a judicial work for at least 20 years, a non-taxable monthly life content in the amount of 80% of the monthly monetary remuneration (earnings) of the judge operating on the relevant position of the judge is paid. Monthly lifelong content increases by 1% for each full year of experience of judicial work over 20 years, but no more than 85% of earnings.

    With the experience of refereework less than 20 years and the achievement of age 55 and 50 years (respectively, men and women) the size of the monthly life content is calculated in proportion to the number of full years worked as a judge (at 10 years - 40% of earnings, at 15 years - 60% of earnings etc.).

    When prescribing a monthly life content in the presence of the three above conditions (age, work experience in the legal profession, work experience in the position of judge) payment is carried out in full, i.e. 80% of monthly monetary remuneration (earnings).

    The resignation of the judges who have disabled due to military injuries have the right to receive monthly life-long content and disability pensions. The appointment of monthly life content and its payment is made by the relevant government agencies. Funds to ensure dismissed judges with monthly life content are allocated from the federal budget.

    In accordance with the law on the Constitutional Court, the judge of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation, which has experience in the position of judge for at least 15 years, regardless of age is paid monthly life content in the amount of 80% of the monthly monetary remuneration of the working judge of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation. At the same time in the work experience, giving the right to obtain a monthly life content, the time of previous work on the legal profession is counted.

    (see text in the previous edition)

    The provision on the procedure for the appointment and payment of monthly life content to the judges of the Constitutional Court approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 27, 1995 No. 425.

    § 5. Insurance surcharges for pensions

    Pension reform, the implementation of which began since 2002, provided for the formation of professional pension systems. The lack of a fundamental law in this area leads to the emergence of individual laws, the purpose of which is to increase the level of pension provision of some categories of citizens in connection with the implementation of a certain long-term professional activity.

    One of these laws is Law No. 155-FZ, which provides for the establishment of additional payments to the pensions of flight crew members. Since 2011, Law No. 84-FZ has entered into force, which establishes similar surcharges to pensions of certain categories of workers of the coal industry. The establishment of a monthly surcharge to a pension is an additional guarantee due to harmful, dangerous, intense and severe working conditions having a special character.

    Monthly surcharges to pensions of these persons are established in the account of the amounts of additional contributions, which are paid by employers over the total amount of insurance premiums provided for by the system of compulsory pension insurance.

    Supplement to the pension is established by members of flight crews and workers of the coal industry under the observance of a number of conditions that are related to the duration of work in certain positions (driers). For those who worked as a member of a flight crew that gives the right to surcharge, the duration of the required experience (dried) is 25 years old in men, 20 years in women. When leaving them for the health of flight work in office, which gives the right to surcharge, the required experience is 20 and 15 years, respectively. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated March 14, 2003 No. 155 (ed. From 03/25/2013) approved a list of posts of flight crews of civil aviation aircraft, work in which it gives the right to a monthly surcharge to pension, and the rules for the calculation of years for receipt of extra charge.

    For people who worked directly full-time underground and open mining (with the exception of employees of leading professions), the duration of the required experience is 25 years. For employees of leading professions, such a duration is 20 years. The work experience that gives the right to surcharge to a pension includes periods of work that are counted in the experience to appoint early labor pensions in old age provided for by paragraphs. 11 p. 1 Art. 27 of Law No. 173-FZ.

    The procedure for determining the size of the surcharge is a multi-stage and rather complicated. In addition, the amount of surcharge is not a permanent value. It may vary depending on the amount of actually received contributions. Supplement to the pension is paid under the condition of leaving the members of flight crews and employees of the coal industry, which gives the right to pay a pension.

    § 6. Government surcharges for pensions

    At the expense of the federal budget, an additional charge to a pension may be established, the amount of which depends on the duration of replacing the state positions of the Russian Federation or the execution of certain powers in government bodies. Such an extra charge is provided for by law No. 3-ФЗ for the members of the Federation Council and deputies of the State Duma, which at least one year performed their powers (with the exception of those whose powers were terminated early in connection with the entry into force of the court sentence). The surcharge is established to the pension appointed under the Law No. 173-FZ or by the Employment Act.

    The monthly surcharge to the pension is established in this amount so that the amount of the pension and the monthly surcharge to it is: in the execution of the powers of the State Duma deputy (a member of the Council Press) from one year to three years - 55%, over three years - 75% of the monthly monetary remuneration. The size of the monthly surcharge to the pension is recalculated by increasing in a centralized manner of the monthly monetary remuneration of the State Duma deputy (member of the Council).

    The payment of monthly surcharge to the pension is suspended when replacing the state office of the Russian Federation, the state position of the subject of the Russian Federation, the post of civil service or municipal position of the municipal service. The monthly surcharge to a pension is not established by a citizen of the Russian Federation, who has been appointed pension for long service, monthly life content, monthly surcharge to a pension in accordance with the legislation of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, etc. (see text in the previous edition)

    (see text in the previous edition)

    § 7. Additional material ensuring special merit

    A special type of state surcharge to pension is an additional material support, which is provided for by law No. 21-FZ. The right to additional material support are citizens of the Russian Federation regardless of the place of residence. Additional material support is established by persons who receive a pension or monthly life content paid by the judge, and have state rewards or honorary titles for outstanding achievements and special merits provided by law No. 21-FZ. These citizens include:

    1) Citizens awarded the title of Hero: Heroes of the Soviet Union, Heroes of the Russian Federation, Heroes of Socialist Labor;

    2) Citizens awarded by one or more orders: the Order of the Holy Apostle Andrei First Called; Order of Lenin; the Order "For Merit to Fatherland" I degree, or II degree, or III and IV degree; The Order of Fame is three degrees; the Order of Labor Fame is three degrees; Order "For the service of the Motherland in the Armed Forces of the USSR" three degrees;

    3) Laureates of the Lenin or State Prize;

    4) Champions of the Olympic (Paralympic, Surdlimpian) Games.

    Additional material support is not appointed if the citizen receives other cash payments to which include: long service pension; Monthly surcharge to a pension established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, the subjects of the Russian Federation, acts of local governments in connection with the replacement of state and municipal positions; Outside of the title of a valid member and corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences and sectoral academies.

    Citizens entitled to additional material support for law No. 21-FZ and additional material support for other regulatory acts are appointed by their choice one of these payments.

    Additional material support for special merit in monetary terms varies depending on the basis, in connection with which it is established. Its size is calculated as a percentage of the social pension and is 415%, 330% or 250% of the social pension. Additional material support in the amount of 415% of the social pension is established by persons awarded the title of Hero (USSR, the Russian Federation, Socialist Labor), in the amount of 330% - persons awarded the title of Laureate of Lenin or State Prize), in the amount of 250% - Olympic champions (Paralympic champions , Surdlimpian) games. Citizens awarded orders are included in all three groups depending on the specific order.

    When changing the size of the social pension simultaneously increases the size of the additional material support paid. From April 1, 2013, the size of a social pension, on the basis of which additional material support is determined, is 3692 rubles. per month.

    The payment of additional material support is carried out simultaneously with the payment of the relevant pension or life content of the judge. Additional material support is not paid during the execution period of paid work. Payment of additional material support is carried out at the expense of the federal budget.

    Control questions

    1. Name the main laws, in accordance with which the pension provision of prosecutors, investigators and employees of customs authorities is carried out.

    2. In which cases are appointed labor pension to persons not subject to compulsory pension insurance?

    3. Under what conditions is an early retirement to the unemployed citizens?

    4. Based on what regulations are the monthly lifetime content of resignation, and what are the conditions for the appointment of this content?

    5. In what size is the monthly life content to the judges?

    8. What are the dimensions of additional material support?

    Every person, as a member of society, has the right to social security and to implement the rights to maintain its dignity and for the free development of his personal rights in the economic, social and cultural fields through national efforts and international cooperation and in accordance with the structure and resources of each state. Proclaimed that every person, as a member of society, has the right to social security. This right in nature should allow to ensure that the decent existence of a person in the occurrence of such life situations is not able to receive a source of income in exchange for the cost-effective work. Article 25:

    • 1. Each person has the right to such a standard of living, including food, clothing, home, medical care and the necessary social service, which is necessary to maintain the health and well-being of his family itself, and the right to ensure unemployment, illness, disability, Widowism, the occurrence of old age or other cases of loss of livelihood on the circumstances independent of it.
    • 2. Maternity and infancy give the right to special care and help. All children born in marriage or out of marriage should use the same social protection.

    Therefore, Article 22 of the named declaration connects the realization of the right of every person to a decent standard of living not only during the period when a person works, but also in cases of unemployment, disease, disability, widowing, occurrence of old age or other cases of loss of livelihood on the circumstances independent of citizen.

    It is important to note that cases, upon the occurrence of which everyone is guaranteed social security, also does not carry an exhaustive nature.

    The transition to the market, the deterioration of the living conditions of a significant part of the country's population, especially unemployed, retirees, families with children, revealed the inability of the previous social security system to guarantee each person a worthy standard of living. It demanded its reform and practically fully updating the former Soviet legislation in the field of social security.

    The legislative base of social security in the Russian Federation accounts for the following basic laws: the Law of the RSFSR of November 20, 1990 "On State Pensioners in the RSFSR", the Law of the Russian Federation of February 12, 1993 "On the pension provision of persons held by military service, service in organs internal affairs, and their families ", Federal Law of January 12, 1995" On Veterans ", Federal Law of May 19, 1995" On State Guidelines for Citizens of Children ", Law of the Russian Federation of April 19, 1991" Employment of the population in the Russian Federation ", Federal Law of August 2, 1995" On Social Services of Elderly Citizens and Disabled ", as well as many other laws of the Russian Federation.

    Legislation is currently regulating the provision of pensions by age, pensions for long service, disability pensions, pensions on the occasion of the loss of breadwinner and social pensions, unemployment benefits, manuals for temporary disability, maternity benefits, six species of benefits for children, The system of benefits and compensation payments upon the occurrence of various legal facts (benefits of non-working able-bodied citizens who care for disabled people I group, as well as for a disabled child under the age of 16, social benefits for burial, various benefits and compensatory payments to citizens affected by radiation etc., and more than one hundred species of benefits and services.

    The legislation adopted in this area at the federal level from 1990 to the present, they found their legal consolidation of the following provisions:

    universalistics of social welfare, achieved by expanding the circle of recipients of pensions, manuals, services and the emergence of new types of social security in response to the emergence of new social risks (for example, social pensions, unemployment benefits, compensatory payments to people who have been prosecuted, monthly HIV benefits infected benefits affected by the effects of radiation, etc.);

    application of a differentiated approach to ensuring various socio-demographic groups and population layers; the use of comprehensive measures for social protection of the population; The aspiration of the state will fix the amount of social benefits, taking into account the minimum consumer budget; democratization, in many cases, the conditions for the appointment and receipt of social benefits; Providing the possibility of judicial protection of human rights in this area.

    Of great importance for the formation of an effective social security system has such an approach of the legislator, as the targeting of social benefits, benefits and services. At the same time, the legislator uses various socially acquitted differentiation criteria. The main one includes:

    • - Accounting for specific types of social use (for example, measures for social protection of military personnel, employees of internal affairs bodies, tax police, judges, civil servants, etc.);
    • - categories provided by the level of material wealth either by other criteria (for example, low-income citizens who have reached the 80 years of age, many children, citizens affected by natural disasters, refugees and forced migrants).

    Here, the targeting is achieved by receiving additional benefits, free or significant discount services, special benefits and compensations for them only for them.

    An important positive feature of Russian legislation in this area is the principle of diversity and comprehensiveness of social protection of the population. Its essence is that a citizen who has the right to social protection can receive at the same time different kinds Social security. So, a pensioner along with a pension (two pensions, if it is a disabled wars: in old age and disability), it is entitled to receive various benefits for children, a discount when acquiring drugs, up to the free of their receipt; Free state or municipal medical care and treatment, free travel on city transport, benefits for housing, utilities, etc.

    The leading organizational and legal forms of social security are currently social insurance and a national social security system, funded mainly at the expense of taxes. The main feature of the current social insurance is that for the first time in our country, the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, the State Employment Fund of the Russian Federation, the Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund, the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation has been established. All these funds are independent financial and credit institutions, the funds of these funds are not included in the budgets of other funds and seizures are not subject to, although they are the state ownership of the Russian Federation. Tariffs of insurance premiums in these funds are established by the Federal Law of December 21, 1995. Insurance contributions to the Pension Fund pay employers, as a rule, 28 percent, in relation to accrued payroll, and citizens in the amount of 1 percent of their earnings. In addition, the state participates in its formation to finance pensions and manuals to military personnel, employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and their families, social pensions, as well as most types of benefits. In the Social Insurance Fund, insurance premiums constitute 5.4 percent in relation to the accrued pay for labor, the State Employment Fund, respectively, 1.5 percent, in the funds of compulsory medical insurance - 3.6 percent. Significant state subsidies in these funds. For all these funds, accumulation of funds occurs also due to voluntary contributions (including currency values) of individuals and legal entities, as well as income from the capitalization of the funds of these funds.

    These evidence suggests that these funds are mainly developing in the same way as it occurs in most states of the world. At the same time, the main problem that impede their effective use is the lack of a reliable mechanism that protects the use of these funds is not on the intended purpose (for example, from the withdrawal by the state to other needs). The measures that are responsible for the late transfer of direct allocations of the state in these funds are not triggered. It makes it difficult to normal work of these funds of long-term delays of salary payment, as well as delays with the transfer of insurance premiums by employers for various reasons for industrial nature.

    Despite the fact that, especially recently, the state has taken a set of measures aimed at improving the material situation of retirees, families with children, unemployed and disabled, in the field of social security there are a number of acute unresolved problems: the inconsistency of many norms of the 1990 law "On state-owned Pensioners in the RSFSR "The needs of pensioners at the present stage and in the foreseeable future (small amount of pensions, the leveling of differences between labor and social pensions, the imperfection of the mechanism of reflection of earnings, from which the pension is calculated, etc.); systematic violation of the timing of pensions and benefits; certain impurity of social benefits provided to families with children; lack of an effective mechanism for maintaining the purchasing power of social benefits; the existence of socially unreasonable differences in the levels of pension provision of different categories of pensioners; The lack of a legal mechanism ensuring the implementation of the state program to combat unemployment.

    Special consideration requires a problem associated with the level of pension collateral, the solution of which depends not only on the state of the economy, but also from the change in the concept of pension provision, which is possible only when adopting a new pension law. Currently, the level of pensions in most pensioners is limited by three minimal salary sizes. It can be said that persons receiving pensions in such sizes are provided below the minimum consumer basket. In the new pension law, the development of which is conducted, their initial essence should be returned to labor pensions. Persons who gave society from 30 to 40 or more years of their work activities should be eligible for a decent standard of living upon retirement. Otherwise, the state should not declare the existence of two types of pensions: labor and social, for the difference between them is practically absent. The current situation becomes even more painful due to the fact that for certain categories of citizens, for example, judges, deputies and some others, the size of the provision of retirement or retirement for long-term years ranges from 75 to 85 percent of the wages received, which is significantly Above average in the country. It seems that this particular size should be characteristic of labor pensions appointed by all categories of citizens.

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