• Technology of artistic processing of materials where to work. Technology processing gems and metals. Profile "Technology of artistic processing of materials"


    The items we use should have not only practical, but also aesthetic value. One way to achieve this is a special way to process the material. This may be image applying in different ways (engraving, drawing, etc.) or giving the object of a certain form. For this, students teach the disciplines of the art cycle: painting, drawing, composition, design, etc., artistic materials, standardization and certification, computer design. As a result, graduates know how to invent and create artistic products from different materials - wood, metal, ornamental, precious and semi-precious stones. It is required not only to develop a sketch, but also to choose the most appropriate methods of incarnation into life, taking into account the properties of the material. If the product involves the use of different materials, it is necessary to take into account their combination (both aesthetic and operational). In addition, students learn to evaluate the artistic value and quality of finished products, as well as restore them.

    03/29/04 - Technology of artistic processing of materials

    Profile: Gemstone and Metal Processing Technologies



    Basic education

    Secondary general or vocational education

    Form of study

    Training period

    Cost of training (for students under the contract)

    85 000 rub. / Year

    Faculties leading training

    Maching Department

    Entrance tests

    EGE: Russian, Mathematics, Physics

    On the direction of preparation:

    Graduates own modern processing technologies, cutting and certification of precious stones and metals. Get a complex of knowledge and skills of creating and restoring artistic products.

    About learning:

    Students are engaged in mineralogical and artistic museums, in a specialized learning workshop for the manufacture of jewelry and laboratory for diagnosing diamonds and precious stones, in the Scientific and Educational Center "Hemological Institute". Students receive in-depth knowledge of jewelry, mineralogy of precious stones, computer design of jewelry. Training practices are held in the Hermitage, the museums of Kostroma and Karelia. Industrial practice is held at JSC VNIIALMAZ and well-known jewelry firms.

    About employment:

    Graduates work by hemologists in research laboratories, technologists at jewelry enterprises, in state mineralogical museums, the Goggran of the Russian Federation and the Russian State Tag Chamber, the Institute of Experimental Mineralogy of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Graduates are guaranteed career growth in public and private jewelry companies, the ability to continue studying in graduate school and high wages from 85 thousand rubles.

    Dean of the exploration faculty,
    Doctor of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences

    Technology of artistic processing of materials - the area of \u200b\u200bscience, production and art, including a complex of funds, methods, methods and methods of processing various materials, both metal and non-metallic, including precious stones and metals in order to create and restore industrial-art products. The objects of professional activities of graduates are: precious stones and metals, semi-finished products and products; Equipment and equipment technologies for processing gemstones and metals

    Future bachelors are seized by artistic design technologies. MGRI-RGGRU students acquire the skills of the evaluation of precious stones and jewelry, study methods of processing minerals, precious metals for the manufacture of jewelry and artistic products.

    Graduates can work in the field of jewelry technology, computer, laser and thermochemical treatment of precious stones and metals, masts of production, designers, etc.

    Preparation of students involves the development of mineralogy and methods for diagnosing diamonds, jewelry and diverse stones. Graduates of this preparation direction acquire the skills of certification and expert assessment of precious stones.

    For the disciplines of the course of training, such as computer design, drawing, MGHPA teachers are attracted to them. Strogonov, NOU "Hemological Institute", Financial Academy under the Government of the Russian Federation and OJSC VNIIALMAZ.

    The main bases of students' practice are: Hermitage, Institute of Experimental Mineralogy RAS, Russian State Table Chamber (Moscow).

    The state scholarship is paid to successful students. Next students are appointed for a social scholarship.

    Information about the profession

    The technology of artistic processing includes a combination of means, techniques, methods and methods for processing various materials both metal and non-metallic, with the aim of making artistic value and consumer properties. You will be taught practical skills of realistic and stylized drawing, painting, compositions, sculptures, images of architectural landscape, techniques for the development of artwork sketches. You will have ideas about technical design. You will know how the technological processes of manufacturing and replicating articles, progressive methods of operation of equipment, production organization methods. You are waiting for interesting work in the production and in scientific research, both at state-owned enterprises and enterprises of the municipal and private sector. The knowledge gained will help you adapt in new economic conditions or organize your own business.
    In addition, in the process of learning in this specialty, students master the practical skills of realistic and stylized drawing, painting, composition, sculptures, images of the architectural landscape, and techniques for the development of artwork sketches.

    Dominant activities:

    • the implementation of technological processes of manufacturing and replicating artistic and jewelry based on a systematic approach to analyzing materials, their quality, technological process, artistic requirements for the final product;
    • the use of progressive methods of operation of technological equipment for the manufacture and replication of articles;
    • rotation of technological processes (with elements of CAD), ensuring efficient solutions;
    • development of low-waste energy-saving environmentally friendly technologies;
    • theoretical and experimental studies in the field of manufacturing and replication of articles using modern methods of planning experiment, computational equipment;
    • organization of production and efficient work of the team based on modern management methods;
    • the use of economic and mathematical methods and computers in the implementation of economic calculations and in the management process;
    • management of existing technological processes of manufacturing and replicating products that provide output that meets the artistic requirements and requirements of standards;
    • conducting standard tests;
    • technical control to comply with technological discipline under the conditions of active production;
    • analysis of the causes of defects and marriage of products and development of measures to prevent them;
    • the use of methods and means of theoretical and experimental study of technological processes of manufacturing and replication of articles;
    • development of production programs and replaceable scheduled tasks of production sites and analysis of their implementation; author's control over the implementation of decisions;
    • timely supply of production with raw materials, tools, inventory, etc.;
    • expustion of employees in accordance with the requirements of production and their qualifications.


    Bachelors are preparing for professional duties in the field:

    • definitions of the material base required for the manufacture of art and industrial products;
    • allocations of the most important chemical-physical, organoleptic and technological characteristics of the selected materials;
    • development of processes and technologies for the processing of raw materials;
    • the choice of special tools, equipment and equipment required to implement the production process;
    • checks the quality of the resulting raw materials and finished products;
    • creating artistic samples and sketches;
    • selection of criteria defining aesthetic significance;
    • restoration artworks;
    • creating an artistic ensemble from materials belonging to different classes;
    • objective and aesthetic assessment of the combination of resources used;
    • classifications of technologies and materials for different features;
    • studying the historical aspect of the artistic and material base;
    • designing individual workshops and sections for small-scale production;
    • organization of structural associations;
    • control and coordination of collective activities.

    Whom to work

    In most cases, bachelors are employed by blacksmiths, technologists, designers or designers. This direction is gaining popularity in conditions of increasing demand not only for high-quality products, but also its aesthetic design. Therefore, specialists with artistic skills have greater demand in the market. Thanks to the integrated study of computer design and design programs, the bachelor often claim to the places of engineers-technologists. They are waiting in the design departments of large industrial companies, project bureaus and organizations that carry out products from various materials.

    As part of this direction, bachelors for profile are preparing "Technology of artistic processing of materials". The objects of the graduate's professional activity are: artistic and technical products made of materials from various classes (metals and alloys, wood, ceramics, stone, glass, plastics, bone), which has the functional significance, aesthetic component and novelty; technological processes (casting, pressure processing, cutting, surface treatment, heat processing, chemical processing, electric processing, laser processing); Computer technologies modeling, design, form and coloring of finished products; Artistic techniques of obtaining finished products from various materials providing its aesthetic significance; Art and technical products, which is an ensembles of two or more classes of materials (combinations of dimensions, forms, color palettes).

    Types of professional activity are: production and technological; Artistic production; Research; project; organizational and managerial.

    The term of study is 4 years on the basis of general secondary education.

    Full-time form of education

    Academic plan

    B.1 Basic Part: History, Philosophy, Foreign Language, Cultural Studies, Marketing & Management, Laws, Mathematics, Physics, Computer Science, Mechanics, Chemistry, Physical Culture

    Technical part: Computer Design, Metrology, Standardization and Certification, Artistic Materials, Materials Coating, Material Processing Technology, Equipment for Tha, Electrical Equipment, Life Safety.

    Artistic part - drawing, painting, flowering, composition, sculpture and modeling, art history, design.

    profile "Technology of artistic processing of materials"

    B.1.V.Or. Obata: Economy, Sociology, Economics and Organization of production, Introduction to professional activities, Ecology, Materials Science, Engineering schedule, Basics of computer design, Computer graphics, Electrophysical and electrochemical methods of artistic processing of materials.

    Technical part: Technology of compounds of materials, metal studies and heat treatment, technology of mechanical processing of articles, technology of manufacturing articles from non-metallic materials, artistic casting technology, coating materials.

    Artistic part: Introduction to the theory of design, industrial design, technical design.

    B.1.V.DV. Optional disciplines: Russian language and speech culture, psychology and pedagogy, political science, philosophical problems of political science of the 21st century, design history, the history of industrial art, computer preparation of the production of articles, integrated systems for the production of artistic products, theoretical mechanics, the basics of theoretical mechanics, technology Production of artistic products by processing pressure, processes and pressure machines, technology of manufacturing articles from plastic and metals, technology of manufacturing articles made of glass and ceramics, technology of manufacturing articles from composite and binding materials, artistic design of plastic and metal products, artistic design Products made of glass and ceramics, artistic design of products from composite and binding materials, design of products from plastic and metal, design of glass and ceramics and, designing products from composite and binding materials.

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