• Individual work rehabilitation programs of the educator of the orphanage. Analysis of the work of the teacher of social rehabilitation for juvenile. Give knowledge about breakdown of flower and growing annual and perennial flowers, teach to care for them


    Regional State Casual Institution

    for orphans and children left without parental care

    "Nazarovsky children's house"

    Accepted at the meeting of the Methodological Council

    Director KGKU.

    "Nazarovsky children's house"

    G.A. Kozlov

    "____" ___________ 2017

    Educational program

    "Labor education

    with elements of the economy "

    educator: Avkhadeeva Z.S.

    Term of implementation: 2 years.

    Nazarovo 2017.

    Explanatory note

    Relevance. The problem of labor education of children is one of the most relevant and acute problems in modern society. The work in the orphanage is usually limited to self-service. The pupil gets used to the fact that labor is not interesting and forced.

    To solve the problem of labor education in an orphanage, teachers need to do everything possible so that the pupil does not have an empty transition of time when "no work in the hands and thoughts in the head." At this time, the pupils change the worldship, they do not know what to do with them and get used to the "kill time".

    At the pupils of a orphanage, it is necessary to form an understanding that labor is the basis of the whole life, and it is precisely difficult for all material and spiritual benefits: to educate the culture of the person in all its areas related to the work (culture of labor, economic, environmental and legal culture).

    Therefore, in an orphanage, a labor education should be one of the main directions of educational work.

    Goal: formation of educational skills in pupils of teamwork, needs to work.


      Reliable respect for your work and the work of other people.

      To form labor skills and self-service skills.

      Develop labor skills and plan their work.

      Educate hard work, creative attitude towards labor, senses of debt and responsibility, honesty.

      Educating the ability to cooperate in collective work, provide mutual assistance and mutual assistance.

    When implementing the program, the following methods are used:

      method of organization of activities: a teaching, exercise, workshop;

      stimulating method: Encouragement, Advanced, Creating Success Situation;

      game method.

    Forms of implementation of the program:

      lessons of hard work;

      competitions - the best plot, the best group;

      excursions, story, conversations;

      practical activities.

    Planned results:

      know their positive and negative features;

      know how to give themselves the right self-esteem;

      know how to accept and assist, understand others and correct them;

      own self-service skills;

      know how to plan their work correctly;

      know how to properly dispose of their money;

      have general ideas about the world of professions;

      formed the need to work.

    The program is designed for children of 10-15 years. Classes are held 1 time per week for 30 - 45 minutes, 4 lessons per month.


      Diagnostic Stage:

      Testing(Appendix 1,2);

      Questioning(Appendix 3);


    2.Monitoring program "Portrait of the Pupil" criterion for formation of the quality of the worker.

    3.Practive stage:

      final lesson "Mechanics" (contests);


      master Classes.

    Calendar-thematic planning for the implementation of the program

    Dates of carrying

    Theme lesson


    Form of


    3 weeks

    Test "Why do you need a work"

    Appendix #1.

    Appendix 3.

    Testing, questionnaire

    4 weeks

    Test "What is this profession?"

    Appendix number 2.



    1 Week

    Labor in honor of any, the world of professions is big "

    To form a positive attitude of pupils to the work of adults.

    Film about various professions

    2 weeks

    "Case time-fun hour"

    Learn deliberately and it is advisable to distribute your time

    Gaming developing occupation

    3 weeks

    What helps keep things in order

    Learning to follow the appearance. Render to each other assistance in eliminating disorder in appearance.

    Practical lesson

    4 weeks

    My future profession

    Cognitive conversation


    1 Week

    "I can"

    Cause the desire to create comfort, beauty in the environment

    Practical lesson

    2 weeks

    "So many things surround us ..."

    Diverse world of things.

    Things that surround us. As they use and care for them.

    Cognitive occupation - Workshop

    3 weeks

    Feeder for feathery friends

    Discussion and making feeders.

    Practical lesson

    4 weeks

    How to prepare a house to the cold period of the year

    To form a positive attitude towards housekeeping.

    Practical lesson


    1 Week

    Magic world

    Discussion and manufacture of New Year's crafts.

    Manual labor

    2 weeks

    Right eat - healthy stay!

    Food products (useful and harmful). The concept of "power mode".



    3 weeks

    Wish tree.

    Game - Quiz

    4 weeks

    Creative imagination.

    Decorating a group

    Collective work.


    1 Week

    My favourite hobby.

    Cause the desire to create comfort, beauty in the surrounding environment.

    Practical lesson.

    2 weeks

    "Smile to each other."

    "My mood and mood of my friends.

    Game occupation - conversation.

    3 weeks

    Snow cleaning on the plot.

    Collective work.

    4 weeks

    Small repair of clothes.

    Improve manual labor skills. Fix the skills to use tools and material.

    Manual labor.


    1 Week

    "Nature is our wonderful house."

    Relationships in nature. Cause and investigation. Environmental rules. Man is part of nature. Ecological safety rules.


    2 weeks

    What is the wizard in itself?

    Winter changes in nature. Beauty of winter season. Environmental ties. Life and human activity in winter.

    Lesson in the form of a literary and musical composition

    3 weeks

    Defenders of the Fatherland. "

    Participation in the competition.



    4 weeks

    "Why do we get sick?"

    Disease. Causes of illness. The concepts of "anatomy", "physiology", "hygiene".

    Combined occupation


    1 Week

    Friendship with a broom and cloth. (How can I persuade myself?)

    Collective work

    2 weeks

    Women's Day


    festive concert




    3 weeks

    Is it possible to be free without responsibility

    Discussions meaning of the words "Freedom" and "Responsibility"

    Talk discussion.

    4 weeks

    Spring breathing in the air.

    Spring changes in nature. Life and human activity in spring.

    Conversation-occupation with drawing elements


    1 Week

    What boys do.

    Orders for boys. How to be a real man. What I already know how to do and what to learn.

    Practical lesson

    2 weeks

    What do girls do

    Orders for girls. How to be a real mistress. What I already know how to do and what I need to learn.

    Practical lesson

    3 weeks

    "What does the folk wisdom about friendship say?".

    Proverbs and sayings about friendship. The concept of "culture of communication". Communication rules with adults and peers.

    Conversation reading

    4 weeks

    Labor landing.

    Cleaning the territory.

    Collective work.


    1 Week

    Test "Why do you need a work"Appendix #1.

    Test "What is this profession?"

    Appendix number 2.

    Questionnaire "The level of forms of household skills"

    Appendix number 3.

    Testing, questionnaire

    2 weeks

    "Purity Day"

    Final lesson


    Calendar and thematic planning 2 year implementation of the program

    Dates of carrying

    Theme lesson


    Form of


    3 weeks

    Test "Why do you need a work"

    Appendix #1.

    Questionnaire "The level of forms of household skills"

    Appendix 3.

    Identify the relationship of pupils to labor education.

    Detection of the formation level of household pupil skills.

    Testing, questionnaire

    4 weeks

    Test "What is this profession?"

    Appendix number 2.

    Remove knowledge about various professions.



    1 Week

    Household. The first idea of \u200b\u200bthe needs

    Have an idea of \u200b\u200bthe family on the joint management of the economy

    Classes -Igra

    2 weeks

    Rules of academic labor.

    I am duty in the group.

    Learn to maintain order and cleanliness, the work has begun to bring to the end.

    Practical lesson

    3 weeks

    Golden autumn

    Collection of natural material, making crafts

    Labor in nature. Exhibition of crafts

    4 weeks

    Let's post and stand up!

    Easy careful attitude towards personal things.




    1 Week

    "Merry quiz about professions"

    Maintain interest in various professions, facilitate independence in the choice.


    2 weeks

    Master's business is afraid.

    Forming in pupils conviction in the public significance of domestic labor

    Collective work

    3 weeks

    Pocket money.

    We learn to competently manage cash.

    Hike to the store.

    4 weeks

    Literary hour.

    To convince pupils in the benefits of reading, it is also a kind of work.

    Visit the library.


    1 Week

    "Masters of toys"

    Manufacture of crafts from colored paper, foils of a leaving material for decorating a group.

    Manual labor

    2 weeks

    Success in our hands.

    Shape the skills and ability to achieve the goal. Remember that it is difficult to decorate a person.



    3 weeks

    I draw my dream.

    Develop imagination and fantasy, the ability to look into the vacancy.

    Figure - story

    4 weeks

    Favorite dishes

    Holiday menu




    1 Week

    Snow cleaning on the plot.

    Understand the meaning of your work, the desire to help adults and comrades.

    Collective work.

    2 weeks

    They sick from laziness. From labor health.

    Fasten the ability to plan activities, competently give an assessment of your activities.

    Workmanship with game elements

    3 weeks

    The house in which I will live.

    Cause a desire to plan your family in the future.

    Conversation story with drawing elements

    4 weeks

    "In the winter forest fairy tale,

    from the beauty of nature, the eye will not be allowed. "

    Changes in the Winter Forest. Admiration of the beauty of the winter forest. The value of the forest for the life and human health. How to prepare for a forest walk in the winter season.

    Correctional and developing time-journey


    1 Week

    "Winter we will treat those

    what collected in the fall. "

    Workshop "Cooking"

    Preparation of dishes from vegetables.

    2 weeks

    Tell good in a circle. "

    The formation of interpersonal relations based on the development of the ability to empathize with another.


    3 weeks

    Income and expenses.

    Have an idea of \u200b\u200bthe product, the price of goods, income and expenses in the family

    Practical lesson

    4 weeks

    The ratio of desires, needs and opportunities.

    Have an idea on the household level Observation concepts: Bank, savings, contribution, profit, bank account

    Excursion to the bank.


    1 Week


    Reserves. Performance of labor productivity

    To have an idea of \u200b\u200bthe household level on economic concepts: reserves, profit, economy, costs.

    Practical occupation game.

    2 weeks

    Promotion: "The most cozy group"

    Form the skills of relationships, the habit of clean and order.

    Collective work.

    3 weeks

    Punishment and promotion. Life according to the laws adopted in society.

    Punishment and promotion.

    Types of punishment and incentives.

    The rules of behavior adopted in society.

    Legal practical occupation.

    4 weeks

    Labor landing.

    Cleaning the territory.

    Collective work.


    1 Week

    Promotion: "International Earth Day".

    To acquaint the history of the holiday. Together the care of the environment, careful attitude towards it.


    2 weeks

    Garden on the window. We grow cucumbers. "

    Share what you need to know and what seeds choose to grow crop.


    3 weeks

    "Smoking, alcohol, surfactant - man's killers."

    Bad habits. Addiction. Harm, which is carried smoking and alcohol. How to overcome the dependence on the surfactant (mentally active substances).


    4 weeks

    Garden on the window.

    Care for plants.

    Collective work.


    1 Week

    Test "Why do you need a work"Appendix #1.

    Test "What is this profession?"

    Appendix number 2.

    Questionnaire "The level of forms of household skills"

    Appendix number 3.

    Compare the performance of the program development (beginning of the year and end)

    Testing, questionnaire

    2 weeks

    Labor quest

    Pupils apply theoretical knowledge and practical skills.

    Final lesson

    List of references:

    1. Zaytsevao.V., Karpova.I. "At leisure: work at school, houses, in the courtyard."

    2. Loseva O.A. "Mode and Organization of Labor."

    3. Kusakova O.A. "Rise yourself."

    4. Petrovsky A.V. "What we know and what we do not know."

    5. Burr.s., Godinag.n "Teach children to work."

    6. Dr. R.S. "Raising children by labor."

    7.Mikhalushkin A.N. "Fundamentals of the economy."

    8.LipSitz I.V. "Economy".

    Appendix 1

    Test "Why do you need a work"

    1. Is it possible to live, all my life is not working? How do you feel about this?

    a) I do not know, I did not think - 2 points

    b) you can, but it is not interesting - 3 points

    c) can and it's interesting, you can do everything you want - 1 point

    2. Why do people work?

    a) to receive money - 2 points

    b) labor brings joy, makes a person respected in society - 3 points

    c) I do not know - 1 point

    3. You would like your work to:

    a) interesting and useful people - 3 points

    b) not necessarily interesting, but highly paid - 2 points

    c) I did not think about it yet - 1 point

    4. Who can be called a hardworking person?

    a) who work honestly performs its work quality - 2 points

    b) who works with love - 3 points

    c) I do not know - 1 point

    Assessment results:

    High level - 12 points

    Middle level - 8-1 points

    Low level - 7 or less points

    Appendix 2.

    Test "What is this profession?"

    1. How is the profession named, whose representative is engaged in painting works?

    - painter


    -Mair - 1 point

    2. What does the Helborob do?

    - Bake bread

    - Highlight bread - 1 point

    -Eweet grain

    3. What is the name of the profession, whose representative designs buildings?

    - Builder


    -Architector -1Ball

    4. Representative, what profession treats animals?


    - Livestock

    -Veriner - 1 point

    5. Name professions that you know. What do people do - representatives of these professions?

    Each correct answer is estimated at 1 point.

    Assessment results:

    High level - 150 more points

    Medium level - 10-14 points

    Low level - 9 or less points

    Appendix "3.

    Questionnaire "The level of forms of household skills"

    Personal hygiene

      Do you know what kind of personal hygiene?

      What rules are you guided by care for your body?

      How often should wash your head, hands, face?


      Will you be able to make food yourself?

      Do you cover the table, in case of arrival of guests?

      What products are good for health and, in which of them contain many vitamins?

      What products do you buy in order to cook soup?

      What useful fresh vegetables or canned?

    Clothes and shoes

      Do you know how to stroke clothes and care for shoes?

      What is the difference between casual wear from the evening?


      What do you need to do so that your dwelling is clean?

      How often should you get out in the apartment?

      Why appear cockroaches and how to deal with them?

      Do you wash dishes and how?

    Results are assessed in the following indicators:

    1 score - did not answer the question

    2 points - answered, but could not fully justify his answer

    3Bull - gave full, detailed answer

    Regional State Public Educational Institution

    for orphans and children left without parental care

    Children's house 8.

    "Considered" approved and introduced

    On the Methodological Council into action Order No. ___

    Protocol No. ___________ from "____" __________ 2014

    From "____" _________ 2014

    Adopted at the Pedagogical Council

    Protocol number ______

    From "_____" _______________ 2014


    Education and socialization

    Pupils of the group number 4.
    Kgko kids home 8

    For 2015-2016 academic year.

    Amounted to: teacher

    Chkalina E.G.


    Section I. Bases to develop a working program.

    1. The mission of the orphanage.

    2. The purpose of the educational program of the orphanage.

    3. Pedagogical principles.

    4. Entry of the orphanage.

    5. Traditions, calendar affairs of the orphanage.

    Section II. Contingent pupils.

    1. Description of the contingent of pupils.

    2. Features of the social experience of pupils.

    3. Features of pupils in training activities.

    4. Features of the experience of labor activities of pupils.

    5. Experience of interaction of pupils.

    6. Achievements of pupils.

    Section III. Objectives of the working program.

    Section IV. Tasks of the working program.

    Section V. Directions and content activities.

    Section VI. Explanatory note.

    Section VII. List of methodical literature.

    Mission of the orphanage: "Creating favorable conditions close to homemade, contributing to the mental, emotional and physical development of the individual. Ensuring the sociocultural experience of mastering the universal methods of social cooperation in the process of performing various types of activities (game, educational, labor), communication, mediated by the goal of joint activities and communication, indirectly by life values \u200b\u200b(intimate personal communication), as well as the development of universal methods of choice (including including professional), making responsibility and decisions.

    Goal: Ensure the readiness of pupils to independent life, self-realization in professional, family, civil life, integration into society and culture, to strengthen and maintain their health and knowledge of a healthy lifestyle.

    The team of the orphanage in its activity solves the following tasks:

      The creation of favorable conditions close to homemade, contributing to the mental, emotional and physical development of the personality of pupils;

      Ensuring social protection, psychological - Medico-pedagogical rehabilitation and socio-household adaptation of pupils;

      Ensuring security and strengthen the health of pupils;

      Preparation of pupils for independent life;

      Protection of the rights and interests of pupils;

      Restoration and maintenance of related attitudes of pupils, work with parents and relatives on social rehabilitation and returning children to the family.

    In order to implement the tasks set, the main activities of the pedagogical team working on this group are allocated.




    Creating favorable conditions for children's residence as close to homemade

    Ensure the readiness of pupils to independent life.

    1. Formation of self-service skills;

    2. Formation of housekeeping skills;

    3. Formation of consumer culture skills.

    Ensuring the social sewn of pupils, the protection of their legitimate rights and interests in accordance with applicable law;

    Organization of an educational process that promotes mental, emotional and physical development

    Ensure the readiness of pupils to self-realization in professional, family, civil life.

    The formation of the ability to make a choice, make decisions;

    Formation of skills by existing legislation;

    Organization of a teaching process that promotes the mental, emotional and physical development of the personality of the pupil;

    Ensuring the pedagogical support of the choice of profession, building life plans;

    Ensuring pedagogical support of interaction of pupils with relatives in order to strengthen positive related links and possible further joint residence

    Creating conditions for self-realization, self-expression and manifestations of the creative abilities of the pupil;

    Ensuring pedagogical support in obtaining additional education.

    Ensure the readiness of pupils for integration into society and culture


    Communicative skills;

    Ability to carry out generally accepted in society behavior rate in various life situations,

    General-cultural skills to interact in society integrated into modern culture;

    Skills promoting creative self-expression

    Ensuring the protection of life and strengthen the health of pupils, medical and psychological and pedagogical rehabilitation and their health correction;

    Organization of an educational process that promotes the mental and physical development of the personality of the pupil

    Ensure the readiness of pupils to strengthen and maintain their health.

    Formation: ideas about a healthy lifestyle;

    Strengthening and maintaining their health

    Pedagogical principles.

      Principle of orientation on value relations and positive qualities of the personality of the pupil;

      Relationship of education with life;

      Taking a pupil as it is;

      Upbringing in the team;

      Unity, integrity and continuity in education.

    Entry of the educational institution.

    Since the past academic year, the pupils of the orphanage began to live in new conditions: two groups have been created, the upbringing in which is approximated to family. In connection with the transformation, the children had personal rooms in which they live to one person or together. Each room has a wardrobe, bed and writing desk. Children independently dealt with the interior of their rooms, which contributed to the manifestation of individuality. Also in the group appeared a kitchen area at which children learn to prepare themselves. The dining area where all group tea drinking and meetings are held, group holidays and friendly evenings are celebrated. Lifestyle, close to family, plays an important role in the destruction of the children's psychological stereotype of a hostel, where everything is common, "Nonty". And it sets the style, spirit, atmosphere of the whole life of the orphanage.

    Traditions, calendar affairs of the orphanage.

    In the orphanage there were certain traditions: a joint organization and celebration of calendar holidays, the birthdays of all pupils and teachers are celebrated. Joint trips on nature, sporting events, as well as children with great pleasure take part in creative competitions, at different levels of the Olympics.

    Description of the contingent of pupils of the group.

    The group raises 10 students of senior school age. They are 3 girls and 7 young men.

    F.I. Pupil


    Health status

    Social status

    Experience in the biological family

    The presence of brothers and sisters, relationships with relatives

    Prozorov Victor

    Mother - L.R.P., Father - F25.

    Has no.

    Brother - Alegibekov Aleksandr Aleksandrovich 08/29/1999, Ul. Melchikov D.10 / 2 sq.2, Adzhibekov Maxim Aleksandrovich 10.01.1991, Melchikov d.10 / 2 sq.2

    Has no.

    Brother - Yakovlev Alexander, PU № 18

    Mother - L.R.P., Father - F25

    Paramonova OA - stay in the family at vacation time.

    Brother Gaineshev R.I. p. friendship

    Turtles Anatoly

    Has no.

    Sister -Smirnova Anastasia (DD 8); Grandma Elsukov LV 1951 gr

    Serenkov Victor

    Before 2011 was in vacation time in the family of grandmother Dymchenko kg

    Uncle Serenkov D.N.1979, Brother Serenkov A. 1999gr

    Father - disabled, mother - died

    Has no.

    Father Egorov Yu.G. 1977 gr

    ChooNova Alexander

    Mother - L.R.P., Father - F25

    From 02.03.2011-15.04.2011 Okeka wallet VG; Kozmina Au aunt - stay seven at vacation time.

    Savchenko Claudia Savelievna, 1929

    Osidorenko d.28 kV.14; Aunt Kozmin A.V. Educator MOU Dou

    Alpina Svetlana

    Sparrow Nude - Temporary stay

    Brother - Alpin L (DD8)

    Seedkin Sergey

    Has no.

    Brother - Serdkin A.D. 1997 gr, sister - sidentkina d.v. 2008 gr, grandmother Mezentseva O.I. 1965 gr.

    Smirnova Anastasia

    Has no.

    Brother - Cherepanov Anatoly (DD 8)

    Seven pupils are trained in a speech school, two pupils in a correctional, one pupil in a secondary school according to the program of the SRR.

    All group pupils are covered by additional education both in the associations of additional education of orphanages and out-of-school institutions of the city.


    Mugs of the orphanage

    Out-of-school city agencies

    Prozorov Victor

    Carpentry workshop.

    Sport hour.

    Computer hour.

    Hour psychologist.

    Hour of the Socredagoga.

    Brakedance. Club "Energy"

    Carpentry workshop.

    Sport hour.

    Computer hour.

    Hour psychologist.

    Hour of the Socredagoga.

    Table tennis. CVR "Youth". Football SDUSH №2.

    Carpentry workshop.

    Sport hour.

    Computer hour.

    Hour psychologist.

    Hour of the Socredagoga.

    Weightlifting. CVR "Youth"

    Turtles Anatoly

    Carpentry workshop.

    Sport hour.

    Computer hour.

    Hour psychologist.

    Hour of the Socredagoga.

    Brakedance. Club "Energy".

    Table tennis. CVR "Youth".

    Football SDUSH №2.

    Serenkov Victor

    Carpentry workshop.

    Sport hour.

    Computer hour.

    Hour psychologist.

    Hour of the Socredagoga.

    Table tennis. CVR "Youth"

    Carpentry workshop.

    Sport hour.

    Computer hour.

    Hour psychologist.

    Hour of the Socredagoga.

    Soft toy CVR "Youth".

    ChooNova Alexander

    Sewing workshop.

    Sport hour.

    Computer hour.

    Hour psychologist.

    Hour of the Socredagoga.

    Dancing school. Club "Energy". Hairdresser art. CVR "Youth".

    Alpina Svetlana

    Sewing workshop.

    Sport hour.

    Computer hour.

    Hour psychologist.

    Hour of the Socredagoga.

    Dancing school. Club "Energy"

    Seedkin Sergey

    Carpentry workshop.

    Sport hour.

    Computer hour.

    Hour psychologist.

    Hour of the Socredagoga.

    Football SDUSH №2.

    Smirnova Anastasia

    Sewing workshop.

    Musical hour.

    Sport hour.

    Computer hour.

    Hour psychologist.

    Hour of the Socredagoga.

    Soft toy CVR "Youth".

    Hairdresser art. CVR "Youth".

    Features of social experience of pupils:


    Experience of unlawful action

    Availability and deadlines

    (tobacco, alcoholic, PVA)

    Experience of unauthorized care

    Interests, Hobbies, Leader Potential



    Prozorov Victor

    Tobacco addiction 1 year.

    Artistic and aesthetic creativity, sports dances (break-dance).

    Improvement of the city.

    Tobacco addiction 1 year.

    Sports (table tennis, football), music.

    Improvement of the city.

    Literature, Sports (Heavy Athletics), Natural Sciences.

    Turtles Anatoly

    Sports (table tennis, football), music, dancing.

    Improvement of the city.

    Serenkov Victor

    Sports (Table Tennis, Football), Internet.

    Tobacco addiction 1 year.


    ChooNova Alexander

    Choreography, music, sewing business.

    Improvement of the city.

    Alpina Svetlana

    Tobacco addiction 2 years.

    Music, sewing business.

    Seedkin Sergey

    Tobacco addiction 2 years.

    Smirnova Anastasia

    Music, singing, sewing business.

    Features of pupils in training activities:


    Preparation of household lessons, use of Internet resources, libraries

    Visit to school, skipping lessons, participation in school affairs

    Activity in lessons

    Improving school marks

    Pedagogical tasks at the specified direction

    Prozorov Victor

    Every day with the use of Internet resources and library.

    Daily visit without skips. Active participation in school life.

    There is a stability in studies, successes for certain subjects.

    Every day with the use of Internet resources and library.

    Daily visit without skips. Participation in school life is not active.

    There is a stability in studies, successes for certain subjects.

    Enhance learning motivation. Correctional work on the development of cognitive activity.

    Turtles Anatoly

    Every day with the use of Internet resources and library.

    Daily visit without skips. Active participation in school life.

    There is an improvement in the results in all subjects of the school program.

    Serenkov Victor

    Every day with the use of Internet resources and library.

    Daily visit without skips. Active participation in school life.

    There is a stability in studies, successes for certain subjects.

    Enhance learning motivation. Correctional work on the development of cognitive activity.

    Daily visit without skips. Participation in school life is not active.

    There is an improvement in school assessments, successes for certain subjects.

    Enhance learning motivation. Correctional work on the development of cognitive activity.

    ChooNova Alexander

    Every day with the use of Internet resources and library.

    Daily visit without skips. Active participation in school life.

    There is an improvement in the results of humanitarian subjects.

    Correctional work on the development of cognitive activity. Correction of speech development.

    Alpina Svetlana

    Every day with the use of Internet resources and library.

    Daily visit without skips. Active participation in life uch. head

    Correctional work on the development of cognitive activity.

    Seedkin Sergey

    School visits not willingly, there are skipping.

    Low managed by the subjects of the school program.

    Enhance learning motivation. Correctional work on the development of cognitive activity.

    Smirnova Anastasia

    Every day with the use of Internet resources and library.

    Daily visit without skips. Active participation in school life.

    There is a positive stability in school.

    Correctional work on the development of cognitive activity.

    Features of work experience:


    Self-service skills

    control and quality of their execution

    Emoto. condition for labor operations, thanks for someone else's work

    Safety at work

    Skill to see work, distribute, negotiate

    Pedagogical tasks in this direction

    Prozorov Victor


    Assignments performs, grateful for someone else's work.


    Able to see work, but it can not always distribute time, distracting. Contract can.

    Assignments performs, grateful for someone else's work.


    Able to see work, distribute, negotiate, but does without desire.

    Continue to develop labor skills. Education of endurance, prettiness.

    Turtles Anatoly

    Assignments performs, grateful for someone else's work.


    Continue to develop labor skills. Education of endurance, prettiness.

    Serenkov Victor

    Assignments performs, grateful for someone else's work.


    Able to see work, but can not distribute it and negotiate. Often compelas started to the end

    Orders do not readily


    Knows how to see work, but can not distribute it and negotiate

    Development of labor skills. Learning to distribute workload. Education of endurance, perfection

    ChooNova Alexander

    Assignments performs, grateful for someone else's work.


    Knows how to see work, distribute, negotiate

    Continue to develop labor skills. Education of endurance, perfection

    Alpina Svetlana

    Assignments performs, grateful for someone else's work.


    Knows how to see work, distribute, negotiate

    Continue to develop labor skills. Education of endurance, perfection

    Seedkin Sergey

    The orders performs, but not willingly, it is grateful for someone else's work.


    I can not see work, can not distribute it and negotiate

    Development of labor skills. Learning to distribute workload. Education of endurance, prettiness.

    Smirnova Anastasia

    Assignments performs, grateful for someone else's work.


    Knows how to see work, distribute, negotiate

    Continue to develop labor skills. Education of endurance, perfection

    Experience of interaction of pupils:




    "Pupil-learning class"

    "Pupil - SchoolMedagogues"

    Prozorov Victor


    Friendly, sincerely, always helps an educator, cooperation relationships are supported.


    Prefers individual forms of recreation and work.

    Friendly, responsive, appeals for help, and also helps the tutor.

    Enjoy sympathy among classmates.


    Turtles Anatoly

    In the children's team enjoyed respect.

    Respectful attitude. Residential, sincerely, cooperation relationships are supported.

    In the class of relationships friendly, there are friends in interest.


    Serenkov Victor

    In the children's team friendly, prefers to show individuality.

    Friendly, often refers to the tutor.

    In the classroom, the relationship is friendly, there are friends in interest


    Striving to communicate with a limited circle of people, comrades helps.

    Friendly, often refers to the tutor.

    In the classroom only with girls .


    ChooNova Alexander

    In the children's team friendly, the first offers its help

    Friendly, responsive, sincerely, cooperation relationships are supported.

    In the class of relationships friendly, there are friends in interest.


    Alpina Svetlana

    In the children's team friendly, enjoying respect.

    Friendly, cooperation relationships are supported.

    In the class of relationships friendly, there are friends in interest.


    Seedkin Sergey

    Strive to communicate with a limited circle of people. The period of adaptation is underway.

    Friendly, for help drawn.

    It has one friend in the classroom, the rest of the children will be avoided.


    Smirnova Anastasia

    In the children's team friendly, prefers communication with his brother.

    Friendly, responsive, sincerely, always helps the educator.

    In the class of relationships friendly, there are friends in interest.


    Achievements of pupils:






    Prozorov Victor

    Competition newspapers "Fairy Tale of Christmas".

    Competition of autumn crafts.

    Competition of combat leaves. Competition postcards for the birthday of the city.

    Hockey Competitions

    "Warm ice"

    Competition of autumn crafts. Competitions

    Table tennis. Competitions in football. Hockey Competitions. "Skiing of Russia". Competition of combat leaves.

    Hockey Competitions

    "Warm ice"

    Competition of autumn crafts.

    Competition of combat leaves

    Turtles Anatoly

    "Student of the Year."

    Competition of autumn crafts.

    Competitions in football. Hockey Competitions. Competition of combat leaves.

    Hockey Competitions

    "Warm ice."

    "Skiing of Russia."

    Serenkov Victor

    Competition postcards for the birthday of the city. Competition of CHTERS.

    "Victory". Competition of autumn crafts. Competitions

    Table tennis.

    Competition postcards for the birthday of the city. Competition of autumn crafts. Competition of combat leaves.

    ChooNova Alexander

    Competition of CHTERS

    Olympiad in Russian. "Video Tutorial" 2 place

    Alpina Svetlana

    Competition of CHTERS

    "Victory". Competition of autumn crafts. Competition of combat leaves.

    Regional competition of creativity and amateur performance.

    Seedkin Sergey

    Smirnova Anastasia

    Competition of autumn crafts. Competition of combat leaves.

    The relevance of the program

    Changes in society have created a period of reassessment of values: the old postulates were concerned, new ones were formulated - the entire totality of educational funds should be directed to the development of each particular pupil of its own version of life, worthy of him as a person of modern society. Today, it is already a little to educate traditional value relationships. The pupil should itself on them to form his life position, be capable of a reasonable choice. Now we are talking about a person who is capable of managing their behavior based on existing standards, norms and laws of society. Given this approach, a number of general provisions are based on the basis of organizing educational work in an orphanage. The most relevant is the concept of socialization.

    Preparation of pupils for independent life is the most important direction of the educational activities of the orphanage. The relevance of the problem is recognized by the first persons of the country: "The problem is that children have very weak social skills in children, many have the difficulties of orientation in the city, in finding friends, when appeals to government structures. Therefore, it is necessary to focus the maximum attention on graduates, since this is the most critical period in their lives. "

    Any public education entity is a limited social environment. Such characteristics like the closeness and limitation of space, clear regulation of life, the lack of acquisition of full-fledged life experience, constant contact with the limited number of persons and items imposes an imprint on the formation of the personality of the pupil of the orphanage. Despite the efforts of teachers, the results do not always correspond to expectations and spent forces and means. After leaving the orphanage, any graduate any graduate of the orphanage needs to be accompanied by its further development. Entering an adult self-life, a graduate loses pedagogical, psychological and material support, which he had been in a children's home for so long. The causes of the social and psychological insecurity of the pupils of the orphanage is the presence of such internal installations in their socio-psychological status as dependency, low level of practical intelligence, low labor motivation, the inability to plan a future life, to take responsibility for their actions.

    Preparation of pupils for independent life is the task of activity of each institution for orphans and children left without parental care. The ultimate goal of the activity and the main criterion of its effectiveness is the successful integration of a graduate in society. This explains the relevance of the development and implementation of the working program for the preparation of pupils to independent life. For students of senior school age, the formation of self-successful interaction skills in society has its own characteristics, learning knowledge and the formation of skills at a certain corresponding age and development, level. Taking into account these factors and developed a working program. Thus, this educational program of preparing pupils to independent life in society is relevant in that, covering all the main directions of educational work with a children's team, the program is strategically subordinate to one goal - an increase in the social competence of the graduates of the orphanage.

    Program objectives:

    The formation and development of a social identity system, awareness of its place in society, the formation of a "feeling of adulthood".

    The main tasks of the program:

      The formation of an adequate relationship to its age;

    Adults, independence;

    Targets for educational work with adolescents 15-17 years.

    The age of a teenager is a period of completion of the process of climbing social maturity, which is characterized by a new social development situation. A teenager stands on the threshold of adulthood, he is facing the future, and this conversion is a "affective center" of all its inner life. He looks at the adult and decides to copy it to be like him. Only this similarity is only external: which lies inside an adult, it is still not available. Therefore, after the internal impulse received the internal impulse, the whole world has just born the whole world appears insecurity in its own opportunities, forces, abilities. "The state of mental equilibrium, spiritual comfort disappears, the feeling of helplessness is born. There is a so-called adolescent crisis, which is often accompanied by the state of aggressiveness, malice, cruelty or apathy and depression.

    The main motives of the teenager are the desire to take their place in the world of adults, to establish itself in the company of peers, to be confident in their company, etc. The leading activities are intimate-personal communication (communication with a friend, with friends through the position of their sentiment and desires); Educational and professional activities are largely focused on the help of a teenager in his professional self-determination.

    Most important importance for this age acquires the youth culture, under which the "hurried" imitation of adulthood is meant. They instantly react to all new, but they strive to create their social space in which they will be themselves. Space is very heterogeneous, because The teenagers themselves are also very different. It combines their only one - a pronounced desire for independence. Therefore, the "genre" of everyday, hourly and competent guardianship should seem to be replaced by a fundamentally new strategy: assisting in creating young people of their culture.

    The formation of a teenager's personality is associated with the problems of the future, his role in an adult society. That is why work on professional self-determination, the development of universal values, personal happiness (love, health, family), the development of the skills of building prospects become the most significant for a teenager.

    Given the depressive mood of pupils, the low level of the motivation sphere, the inertia of reflectors, etc., it is necessary to create pseudoral problematic situations, during the solution of which adolescents will absolce socially appreciated norms and values, and build their value system. Monotonous reserves of articles, boring performances of adolescents, primitive operations with pictures, etc. - All this should give way to disputes, work to establish causal relationships and relationships.

    Thus, by the time the pupil from the walls of the institution, he must master the following skills:

      take care of your health;

      adequately react to their own emotions;

      competently defend their rights and interests;

      navigate the world of professions and in their professional opportunities;

      act in the situation of the threat of personal security;

      effectively and safely use public transport;

      navigate in the area of \u200b\u200bresidence, in your city, village, etc.;

      guided by the rules and norms of behavior in society;

      engage in self-consumption, expressing his personal interests and aspirations (leisure expert);

      master household skills and skills necessary for everyday life.

    In its activities, KGKOU children's house number 8 is guided:

    The main activities of the program:

    The implementation of the program scheduled measures will allow:

      significantly increase the level of development of children's education;

      reduce the number of offenses of pupils;

      increase social education status;

    Expected Result:

      Growth of the overall socialization of pupils.

      Adequate sexual self-identification of adolescents, mastering social roles in the family.

      The development of humane collectivist relations in a group approached by family.

      Establishing strong friendly relationships with members of their group.

      Knowledge by students of the culture of the Russian family.

      The predominance of the personality of pupils on a healthy lifestyle.

      The readiness of young people to family vital activity.

      Knowledge of children and adolescents of the norms and rules of the family hostel, communication and interaction with neighbors.

      The level of knowledge of pupils on family roles, family functions and its values \u200b\u200bwill increase, awareness of reproductive health issues.

      There will be positive changes regarding the pupils to the family, the moral and moral climate in the family and the orphanage will improve.

      Forms the ability to manage your emotional state.

    Criteria for evaluating the performance of the program

    In order to determine the performance of the program, the following criteria were allocated:

    1. The level of readiness for independent life and activity (measured using the method of expert estimates)

    2. Personal readiness level is additionally measured using the following techniques:

    Directions and maintenance of activities:


    Personal development

      Building a temporary perspective of the future, personality prospects;

      Formation of stress-resistant behavior;

      Adequate use of self-expression methods

    Health and physical development

    Fundamentals of professional self-determination and labor education

      Assistance in professional self-determination (the formation of a personal attitude towards the professional labor field and the method of its self-realization), the development of the ability to design the possible options for the future;

      Laying the foundations of production relations;

      Understanding the need for labor activity

    Basics of civil self-consciousness

      Laying the foundations of legal education, economic education;

      Familiarization with the origins of the national culture;

      Understanding the status of a citizen

    Aesthetic education

      Aesthetic development of the surrounding space;

      Formation of aesthetic taste;

      Development of the ability to navigate in various directions of art

    Basics of security and life support

      Development of skills:

    A) navigate in emergency situations;

    B) evaluate the danger of bad habits;

    Enjoy accessible (authorized) means of self-defense

    Interpersonal relationships

    Development of skills to build their relationship:

      With peers

      With adults

      With strangers


    Educational work with pupils
    Senior school age.

    Areas of work:


    Personal development


    Health protection. Physical development.


    Basics of professional self-determination and economic enlightenment


    Labor education, life support


    Basics of Civil and Patriotic Education


    Acquaintance with the origins of the National Culture


    Aesthetic education

    1. Explanatory note
    2. Goals and objectives
    3. Contents of the rehabilitation program
    4. Participants of the rehabilitation process
      1. Legal work
      2. Work with pupils
      3. Working with school
      4. Work on the prevention of unauthorized care
    5. Expected results
    1. Explanatory note

    "Little children with great rights" are a program of legal education of children through the attachment of them to active socially useful, cognitive activities aimed at the formation and development of the personality, which has the qualities of a citizen who can understand and successfully fulfill civil duties that has an active vitality.

    A man living in a civilized society must have knowledge of human rights, rights and duties of a citizen, the procedure for their implementation, opportunities and methods for the protection of personal rights; Must be able to apply legal knowledge, as well as to have a clear installation on law, negatively refer to the violation of the rule of law. From early childhood, the process of education and self-education of the person begins, i.e. The socialization of a person who, in particular, lies in the assimilation of moral and legal norms adopted by the society. This is an active and effective process. It includes not only the receipt of a certain knowledge system, but also to work out skills and abilities to behave in society, in other words, legal culture.

    The program "Little children with great rights" is aimed at enlightening the pupils of the orphanage in the field of legal knowledge. It provides an opportunity in a variety of activities to shape an active life position in pupils, helps children to master knowledge in the field of human rights, form the skills to apply these knowledge. Legal knowledge is needed by pupils not by themselves, but as a basis for behavior in various everyday situations that are legally binding.

    The program involves working with children aged 3 to 18 years and aims to cooperate with educators, a psychologist, teachers, coordination with a child and his society.

    1. Objectives and tasks of the program

    Objective: legal and social protection of minors, their rehabilitation, raising the level of legal culture of pupils.

    • Provide the protection of the rights and legitimate interests of pupils and arm their knowledge, skills, skills, value guidelines for the formation of legal competence.
    • To shape social responsibility skills in pupils, the ability to feel, understand yourself and another person.
    • To develop in children communication skills in various life situations with an orientation on a non-violent behavior model.
    • Create social and pedagogical conditions for the development of the individual in the conditions of the orphanage
    1. Contents of the rehabilitation program

    Work on the program "Little children with great rights" is the process of cooperation between children and adults. Conversations, classes, holidays, etc. - Means, first of all, moral and legal education of a citizen. The program is built with a support for all the best, which is in the pupil, teachers. Understanding that a person is not perfect, makes mistakes, hurts another pain, we still consciously rely on "reasonable, kind, eternal". The constant appeal to the better in man, in our opinion, creates some moral point of reference in the mind of the child and helps him cope with the temptations of deviations from social and other norms.

    The basic concepts that the pupil get acquainted:

    • Rules, right, duties, law, offense.
    • Convention on the Rights of the Child, the Constitution of the Russian Federation.
    • Civil, property and other rights of the child.
    • Communication rules in the team.
    • Rules of safe life.
    1. Participants of the rehabilitation process

    The main participants of the rehabilitation process are the social teacher and pupils of the orphanage.

    Functions of participants

    1. Program Implementation Activities

    Legal work (protecting the legitimate rights and interests of pupils)



    Registration of personal cases of the newly enrolled pupils

    For 3 days

    Registration of orders for received and retired children

    On the day of receipt or disposal

    Performing requests for documents of pupils necessary for the formation of personal cases

    Of necessity

    Collecting all possible information for analyzing the situation in which a minor

    During a year

    Restoration of vital documents of pupils

    Of necessity

    Work with UFMS (registration of citizenship, receiving passports, registration at the place of stay)

    During a year

    Work with Sberbank (design savings accounts, monitoring the receipt of funds for personal accounts of pupils)

    Once in three months

    Work with IFNS (registration of certificates TIN pupils)

    During a year

    Work with urban and rural settlements (reference requests and necessary documents for further life supports of pupils)

    During a year

    Cooperation with the Department of Internal Affairs for the implementation of search activities;

    on the prevention of neglect and offenses of minors

    Of necessity

    Once in three months

    Participation in civil proceedings for the protection of interests and rights of pupils

    During a year

    Working with the UPB to appoint a pension on the occasion of the loss of the breadwinner, special pensions for children with disabilities under 18

    Of necessity

    Promoting guardianship and proceedings of the National Life Deposit of Pupils

    During a year

    Work with pupils



    Acquaintance with children when admission, studying their personality, establishing benevolent relations with them

    During a year

    Identifying problems, difficulties, children's needs and social and legal assistance

    During a year

    Conducting group and individual conversations with pupils:

    Conversation according to the rules of behavior and communication

    in an orphanage;

    - "How to prepare a child to participate in the court session";

    - "My way from home to school";

    - "Personal Safety Rules."

    Preventive conversations:

    - "Smoking - a cunning trap";

    - "Taking drugs - always flight, but in

    end - always fall ";

    - "Say alcohol - no!".

    Conversations about the rights of the child:

    - "Little children - great rights"

    (Acquaintance with the Convention on Rights


    Hour of communication on legal education

    "You have the right ...";

    Game journey "Child's rights in new

    Conversation game "We are all different but we all

    Contest drawings "Rights of children with eyes

    children themselves ";

    Quiz "Heroes of books have the right";

    The conversation "the right of children - the concern of the state";

    Meeting with the inspector of PDN "If you

    put the law ";

    Conversation "Russian Constitution -

    the basic law of your life. "

    Making a memo "If you are in a difficult life situation ..." (addresses and phone numbers of organizations where children can assist)

    Upon receipt of the child


    During a year

    Working with families of pupils



    Collect information about parents, relatives, about the nature of their attitude to the child

    In the first months after the child's arrival

    Conducting conversations with children on their attitude to the family, about the desire to keep in touch with them

    During a year

    Visiting families of pupils in order to identify family problems. Conducting conversations with parents about the possibility of returning a child in the family

    During a year

    Patronizing families after returning children

    During the year as needed

    Advising parents on the education of children after family reunification

    Upon request of parents

    Working with school



    Registration of newly enrolled children

    Within a week after receipt

    Conductings with pupils on discipline and academic performance

    During the school year

    Interaction with the director, whaling, social teacher school on the motivation of pupils to educational activities, establishing relationships with peers and teachers

    During the school year

    Work on the prevention of unauthorized depths of pupils



    Individual conversations with pupils for the prevention of unauthorized care

    During a year

    Registration of the plan of searching events in the search for pupils

    Of necessity


    During the day

    Cooperation with IPD workers on the issue of legal security and responsibility to the law of pupils

    On a separate plan

    Maintaining a journal registration of unauthorized departures of pupils

    During a year

    1. Expected results

    In the process of implementing the program in this direction, the following results are assumed:

    • Mastering specific rules of behavior in the orphanage, assimilation of the requirements for the pupil, awareness of their rights, the acquisition of skills to fulfill duties and implement rights;
    • Satisfying the diverse interests of pupils;
    • Successful socialization of pupils in society through the knowledge gained right.

    The result of the implementation of this program is the awareness of the child of the fact that a person has the right to life, health, freedom, equality, honor, dignity. He must have an idea of \u200b\u200bthe state in which he lives, to know his symbolism. Pupils must comply with the rules of behavior and live according to the laws of courtesy. But the most important thing is that the pupils should develop an idea of \u200b\u200bthe major values \u200b\u200bof man: good, justice

    Full text of the material Socio-rehabilitation program "Little children with great rights" Look in the downloaded file.
    The page shows a fragment.

    Problems of adaptation of a child who has fallen into the orphanage, rehabilitation of children of deviant behavior, integration of pupils into society are important in the activities of the social teacher. Rehabilitation of the child occurs with the help of physicians, psychologists, teachers, social teachers and other specialists of the orphanage.

    Rehabilitation is a comprehensive, multi-level, stage and dynamic system of interrelated actions aimed at restoring a person in rights, status, health, and attendance in their own eyes and in the face of others. It includes aspects of prevention and correction of deviations (19, pp. 145).

    Medical rehabilitation believes a set of health and medical measures (15, pp. 208). It includes: organization of reinforced and balanced nutrition;

    vitaminization, vaccination and revaccination;

    providing medical correction (medical preparations, glasses, hearing aid, etc.);

    organization of preventive medical examinations.

    The main organizers of medical work: a doctor, nurse, correctional teacher of the institution of a belt stay of a child, a psychotherapist.

    Psychological rehabilitation is associated with conducting anxiety, anxiety, the tension of the child in the orphanage.

    This method can serve as playback, the use of different types of games. It can be games in images, games based on literary works, on an improvised dialogue, on a combination of recovery and staging. The value of this type of therapy is determined by the fact that an unknown form of overcoming traumatic experiences is manifested in the game. Mental tension is removed, the ability of the perception of new impressions is formed and the fantasy of children on topics that are not related to violence takes place.

    In the framework of psychological rehabilitation, various method of artherapy can be used, that is, therapy by means of art. For example, the method of music therapy is cutting to apply - use in working with children of musical works and musical instruments. Blitterpia is the method of influencing the child, his experiences, feelings through books. Literary works are selected, which describes the fears of children, experiences stressful situations, found out of them. Logotherapy as a method of spoken therapy implies a conversation with a child aimed at verbalization of emotional states, a verbal description of emotional experiences.

    Another effective way to correct the behavior of the pupil is the method of Moritherapy. With this method, the baby becomes a situation when it is necessary to make a good impression on others. The specialist offers the child to express his opinion about something and corrects his ability to speak, to evaluate, accordingly, to behave (Mimic, intonation, gestures). This method helps to educate the culture of behavior (20, pp. 59-65).

    Pedagogical rehabilitation is assumed to conduct additional classes on the program of the secondary school, as well as correctional classes.

    Social adaptation believes the successful development of social roles in the system of public relations. Social adaptation occurs through the formation and development of housekeeping skills, self-service, labor skills and skills (11, p. 320).

    It is advisable to organize the livelihood of pupils of orphanages with elements of family life, first of all to create

    Bulk groups in which relations close to family are dominated. It should be especially necessary to stay on the method of working with the child's contract network (6, pp. 140 - 158). In the Swedish practice of social work with a child, losing parents, this technique, developed on the basis of the Sociological theory of W. Bronnbrenner, is the cornerstone in the therapeutic work with the child. This theory is described by them in a number of works, but the most fully set forth in its work of 1997 "to the experimental ecology of human behavior". Based on the general theory of systems, the theory of environmental systems provides the social worker the opportunity to analyze the Genesis of the child in its entirety. At the same time, not only the systems themselves are exposed to the analysis in which the child is included, but also the mechanism of interaction, and the nature of the influence of these systems on each other. The task of a specialist using the method of working with the contact network is the activation, mobilization of the entire social environment of the child to assist, the impact on the crisis situation in order to normalize its position. In the domestic practice of childhood protection, this area also occupies an important place, and its use is governed by a number of guidance and methodological materials on childhood protection of past years.

    The cutoff from the family of the child is experiencing as the absence of roots. In this regard, the outstanding Russian practitioner V.V. Catholics suggests that "no, even the most space boarding office will not replace the most disadvantaged family." Modern specialists of boarding schools repeatedly observe cases of children's care (especially for children of adolescence) from the boarding schools and returning them to an extremely unfavorable family environment. English psychotherapist D. Bowlby In this regard, pays attention to the unjustitude of the faith in the fact that the child will forget his home and starts to live first if it is to move it somewhere and provide good conditions, and will make it even faster if he was bad in the previous family (Lack of care, violence). It is necessary to reckon with this: let the society deprived the mast parents of parental rights to raise their children in a healthier environment, but for children these people still remain relatives. It is necessary to carefully maintain this child's reverent attitude towards its biological parents. That is why from the date of the premises of the child, attempts to study and expand its contact network should be taken to the boarding school. At the same time, working with a contact network of a child allows you to adjust or simulate the history of his life.

    Any contacts of children with their families should be planned in accordance with the interests of the child, and not adults.

    We highlight the positive aspects of the contact of children with parents, relatives, close people:

    The creation and expansion of the contact network of the child from the moment of its arrival in the establishment of temporary content allows you to somewhat spread the framework of the institution itself and optimize the process of adapting the child to a new social environment and living conditions.

    Meetings with meaningful people (aunt, uncle, grandmothers, older brothers, sisters and just a good familiar child) allow you to strengthen the child's self-esteem. D. Thornbern, who investigated the influence of personal meetings with close people on a child in his "Baby's" book "(1995) suggests that such meetings increase the ability of the child, including learning ability, reduce the risk of rejection by the child of the present stay, Help to overcome crisis situations.

    During contacts with meaningful and close people, the child receives additional information about himself. Contact allows you to avoid the destructive feelings of the loss of parents, forms a child from the child the necessary sense of family and personal identification. This should be considered when working with the history of the child's life.

    Studies conducted in the UK are lied by L.Ya. Olipirenko and T.V. Shulga, revealed a clear connection between the high level of contact and the return of children from government agencies back to the family. Even with the long-term stay of a child outside the family, contact can help the child establish connections with its past. Children, many years on raising in various institutions return home, and this has a positive effect on their further development. Gives a child a sense of security, I know that parents love him and are interested in his well-being.

    Creating and expanding the child's contact network allows you to optimize the selection process of replacement parents, since it provides a wider selection of candidates.

    The lack of contacts with the family leaves not solved questions regarding the history of the family, culture and personal identity of the child.

    Direct or indirect contact with blood parents or with relatives, other people meaningful to the child can satisfy the many needs of the child:

    Provide a child with the possibility of a real understanding of the circumstances that led to separation with parents;

    Give the opportunity to realize your loss;

    Allow forging and developing attachment to new parents with the blessing of his blood parents;

    Convince the child in the fact that biological parents or other relatives continue to take care of him; It strengthens the feeling of self-esteem;

    Relate for the child regarding the well-being of blood relatives, especially their siblings;

    Ensure a large number of information about your identity, family history; Provide a child of sociogenealogical communications.

    In addition, over time, the overwhelming majority justifies and idealizes their parents, even if they treated them with them, we all need knowledge about "good parents". Many children actually existed warm relationships with the mother, about which he remembers, and only the fact that the woman suffered from alcoholism, did not allow her to continue to remain a good mother. Educating the adoptive child can not be taken into account.

    The decision on the possibility of contact can be taken after analyzing the following points:

    the wish of a child and his feeling about contact;

    his relationships with blood relatives, including siblings and sisters;

    emotional, physical and mental development of the child, its compliance with age norms;

    relations relationships with a child, their opinion regarding the family in which the child is brought up, the previous contact experience;

    parents' health, emotional state and lifestyle;

    conflicts that may arise and the possibility of their prevention.

    The benefits of contact with biological parents depends on the nature of their relationship with the child. It is impossible to underestimate the previous attachments of the child who could be cramped. However, sometimes contact may be inappropriate, especially after serious injury and / or cruel treatment. There is a thorough assessment of the individual history of the child, and its past relations with relatives.

    Forms of contacts of children with parents and relatives. Contact covers various forms of direct or indirect communication between the child and adoptive parents and the former relatives of the child: biological parents, siblings and sisters, etc. Direct contact in addition to direct meetings may include sharing emails, gifts, videos and photos or phone calls. Indirect contact is any connection through a third party (childhood protection inspector). He can only be between adults, and a child can know or not know about him. Forms of contact can be played by writing moms and their folding to that time, when mom is deducted or eating correspondence wishes for mom "Good night."

    The problem of the socialization of orphans is one of the key in the activities of orphanages. When leaving their walls, graduates often turn out to be unprepared for adulthood, do not have proper social experience, do not receive appropriate assistance. There are cases where graduates do not know the elementary things necessary for independent existence: how to dispose of money, how to follow the cleanliness of the house, brew tea and what to do in your free time. Increased impression and mental instability make them objects for criminal elements.

    Socialization as the accumulation of initial capital for graduates of orphanages should have a solid social, legal and economic basis. The center of this work is the formation of social security, ultimately the economic independence of pupils of boarding schools is ensured, their economic independence.

    For the social adaptation of orphans, pupils of orphanages and boarding schools, it is necessary to develop skills and abilities to various types of employment. In the market conditions, give a hand competitive specialty. It is important to form a general positive direction of the child's personality, fascinating it in any case that contributes to increasing his self-esteem.

    Together with psychologists, the social teacher is engaged in the problems of the professional self-determination of graduates (conversations about professions, excursions to enterprises, conversations about the education system, etc.); The development of various social roles of a person in society (patriot, member of society, family member, consumer, professional, etc.) "familiarization with the structure and functions of the family; Formation of adaptive mechanisms that allow the graduate to adapt to life after leaving the orphanage (for example, conducting conversations on the topic "How to prepare for entrance exams?", "How to use different types of transport?", "How to fill out documents for utility payments?" And T .P.). Social teacher uses business games, exercises, trainings, promotion, punishment, conversations, and others to solve these tasks.

    The task of a social teacher is to compile an individual program for the development of pupils, i.e., in fact, to imagine how a graduate of the orphanage should be, given what he is now. To do this, the social teacher together with the educator analyzes all the documents that the child has his problems, looking for ways to exit the situation.

    A difficult educational process in the orphanage requires not only today's teachers, current tasks, but also to disclose the development trends of both the child and the team in which it is located. One of the main tasks at the same time is the formation of humane relations, which are expressed in disinterested moral assistance to everyone who needs it; In respect of another person, in sensitivity, emotionality, responsiveness of someone else's grief and someone else's joy, on the experiences of another; In a careful attitude to the dignity of the human person.


    • Planning


    1. Studying a personal case.

    6. Accounting for violations of behavior.

    14. Using criticism.

    17. Raising success.


    Content basis level Differentiation

    · content Adaptation -

    · simultaneous connection

    · the optimality of the pace;

    Parenting with mental retardation

    In working with children

    · constant control,

    · change of activities,


    WITH aggressive children

    with violations of health: systems

    · with diseases of ENT organs

    · systems and others

    · children with pathology of view

    The problem of the formation of readiness for the social redeasurement of deviant adolescents is sharp in front of the entire pedagogical team of the SRC. Especially difficult in the period of instability in society turned out to be adolescents. Among them, nihilism, demonstrative and causing behavior in relation to adults, more often, and in extreme forms began to appear stiffness and aggressiveness. Child crime increased dramatically. The growth of adolescent crime increases the pace, markedly advanced the growth rates of offenses in other age groups.

    Correction issues are of particular importance in adolescence and are distinguished by their specificity.

    One of the components in the educational process is individually educational work. An individual approach in educational work is not a simple communication with children, it is pedagogical art, pedagogical skill. Properly organized individual work contributes to the formation of moral culture, the ability to self-organization.

    For a skillful prediction of the educational process, achieving a certain level of educating adolescents with deviant behavior, it is necessary to learn and know the reasons for their actions, learn how to manage their behavior. Success in educational work depends in many respects whether the teacher will be able to find the key to the mind and heart will be able to find the key to the mind and heart, take into account the characteristics of a particular teenage character, psychological features, life experience, help disclose and realize their capabilities.

    Under individual educational work is meant The system of psychological and pedagogical impacts in relation to each adolescent, aimed at the maximum appropriate accounting for its age, social and individual psychological features in order to comprehensive development.

    Individual educational system includes:

    • Subject of activity (teacher) and an object of individual educational work (specific pupil)
    • The purpose and tasks of individual educational work;
    • Planning
    • Study and accounting of individual peculiarities of adolescents.
    • The choice of optimal forms, methods and methods of psychological and pedagogical impact for the formation of positive qualities in the pupil and their development.
    • Training in the practice of individual educational work;
    • Control, correction of educational influences.

    The purpose and tasks of individual educational work are formed:

    • based on the comprehensive knowledge and accounting of individual characteristics of pupils, studying his personal qualities, its strengths and weaknesses;
    • the choice of optimal forms, methods, methods of psychological and pedagogical impact in order to form a teenager needed positive qualities and their further development, assisting in identifying the causes of their disadvantages;
    • systematic analysis of the results achieved in order to correct individual impact or its modification, when the work is not effective enough.

    The purpose and tasks of individual educational work:

    1. Ensure the psychological and social rehabilitation of children and adolescents through correction, training and education.

    2. Create psychological and social conditions for successful adaptation of pupils.

    3. Identify the psychological and social causes of violation of interpersonal relations of pupils.

    4. Organization and conduct of measures to correct distorted moral representations of pupils, deviations in the development of the emotional-volitional sphere, characteristic features of the personality:

      • Studying personality features of minors. Diagnostics and correction of deviations in personal development (anxiety, aggressiveness, and other deviations).
      • Correction of feelings of inferiority, insecurity in their forces, stabilization of self-esteem.
      • Assistance in overcoming problems related to the peculiarities of adolescence.
      • Help in mastering self-education methods, independence.
      • Development of forms, means and methods of communication.
      • Work on overcoming children's behavioral manifestations in early youthful age.
      • Help in overcoming and preventing harmful habits (smoking, toxicizing, drug addiction, alcoholization) of the consequences of deviant behavior.

    Basic principles of individual educational work:

    1. Everyday attention to every teenager, combined with high demanding and concern about his life, life, leisure.

    2. All requirements must be specific, understandable and defined.

    3. Organically combine with respect for pupils

    4. Compliance with the sense of measure in criticizing the shortcomings of the pupil and the support on its positive qualities. Criticism should be fundamental, friendly. You can criticize a deed, but not a person.

    5. The approach to a teenager should be with an "optimistic hypothesis", deep faith in it.

    6. The prevention of spontaneity and self-selection and use of paths and means in solving educational tasks.

    7. A quick response to the behavior of each pupil.

    8. Promptly change the forms and methods of impact on the identity if necessary;

    9. Sparence in the provision of educational influence on a teenager.

    10. The continuity and consistency of educational influences.

    Methods and forms of individual educational work.

    Methods of educational impact are concrete ways and ways to achieve a certain goal, a combination of funds, techniques, ways to influence consciousness, feelings, will, behavior in order to form the necessary qualities.

    Individual educational work in the institution is conducted on the following directions:

    1. Studying a personal case.

    2. An introductory conversation. During the conversation, it is necessary to show a friendly location to the pupil, to express sincere interest, encourage the desire of a teenager to tell about himself. During the conversation, it is advisable not to do any records (it is allowed to record the address, data on relatives, parents).

    3. Direct study is carried out during the conversation, observation, simulated situation, joint activities.

    4. Psychological study and recommendations for joint educational work with a teenager.

    5. Use of punishments: renivia, reprimand, deprivation of entertainment activities, discussion on psychological and pedagogical consultation.

    6. Accounting for violations of behavior.

    7. Immediate response to violations of behavior.

    8. Using promotions: gratitude, commendable grades, sightseeing trip.

    9. Using self-organization screen.

    10. Group correction psychological and educational classes.

    11. Chefing work: work in pairs.

    12. Involvement in interest (circle).

    13. Modeling problem situations.

    14. Using criticism.

    15. Collective creative affairs: labor, cultural events, leisure activities.

    16. Training with specific social skills (practical classes).

    17. Raising success.

    In the social and rehabilitation center, multi-year groups of children. In accordance with this educator, correctional and educational programs have been developed: for a multi-year group of pupils.

    Objectives and methods for implementing each of the programs are differentiated depending on the age of children.

    In working with a group of pupils is recommended differentiation

    · by age - division into age subgroups in classes: from 3 to 6 years and from 7 to 10 years (younger group), from 11 to 14 and from 15 to 18 years old (senior group)

    · in terms of development (intellectual, physical, mental, emotional-willed) - differentiation of goals and objectives in classes for different groups of children, the distribution of tasks adequately by the abilities of children, both in class and in independent activities of pupils, creating a success situation by saving labor orders ; adequate features of the child, the distribution of roles in role-playing games, etc.

    Content basis level Differentiation - the presence of several variants of a program that are distinguished by depth and volume of material. Pupils are invited to assimilate an adequate program (option). The equalization and averaging of children is excluded; Created gentle conditions forns; It is possible to work more effectively with difficult children, poorly adapting to public standards; The level of the child's concept increases: strong approved in their abilities, weak get the opportunity to experience success, get rid of the complex of inferiority. On the individual classes with strongerand the capabilities are preparing, including work on the contests of the city, regional and all-Russian levels.

    An individual approach to children with disorder of the emotional-volitional sphere, behavioral disorders, SRRs, etc. It is manifested in: in the early stages with the help of medical and psychological and socio-pedagogical diagnostics to identify the primary violation in development; start applying special training and psychological and pedagogical support immediately after diagnosis; carry out rehabilitation on an individual program; regularly monitor, monitor the development of development in the process of agility and rehabilitation; In a special way to organize an educational environment and living space, adequate violation. The results of the diagnosis of specialists and medical diagnoses are recorded in the Consilium Protocol, which is carried out according to the results of the adaptation period. Relying on the consultual data, the educator plans individual work with the pupil, in accordance with its features and needs.

    Teacher implements various types of pedagogical support for children with pedagogical neglection, mental retardation:

    · content Adaptation - cleansing material from complex details and unnecessary manifolds;

    · simultaneous connection hearing, motility, memory and logical thinking in the process of perception of material;

    · the optimality of the pace;

    · orientation for earlier age (to school from 8 to 9 years);

    · the predominance of gaming activities (training in the game).

    Parenting with mental retardation Moved through the formation of positive habits (bringing to the level of automatism of cultural and hygienic skills, self-service, compliance with the regime and elementary social norms of behavior).

    In working with children with attention deficit syndrome and hyperactivity The educator applies the following methods:

    · with the group interaction of the child next to the educator,

    · constant control,

    · no extra, distracting stimuli,

    · change of activities,

    · for mental activity - Composite activities: hearing + practical occupation (drawing, modeling, applique, experience, etc.),

    · providing an energy splash opportunity

    · praise in the formation of the norms of behavior. With kids with speech delay (poorly speaking) Additional games and classification of speech, enrichment of the dictionary, classification, are working together with a speech therapist and a defectologist.

    WITH aggressive children Teacher can hold games

    · at an acceptable exit of aggression, negative emotions of the "Bag of Creek", "Draw" Enemy ", your anger" (minimize, break a piece of leaf), etc.,

    · Games with water, sand, clay, etc., aimed at removing the physical tension of the child,

    Relaxation using music, nature sounds, reading fairy tales, listening to lullaby songs before bedtime. With kids with violations of health: with diseases of the musculoskeletal systems Additional classes are held for the prevention of further development of flat-refining, posture disorders - corrective gymnastics, reduces the power load on the feet and the spine at physical circular classes and games;

    · with diseases of ENT organs Individual classes are held on the formation of extinguishing skills of colds (self-massage, point massage, hardening, etc.);

    · children with diseases of cardiovascular systems and otherschronic diseases that are contraindicated excessive physical activity are limited to physical exertion in mobile and sports games, individual tasks are given in physical circular classes and labor orders;

    · children with pathology of view additionally, the gymnastics for the eyes is carried out, they have a dosage visual burden, a demonstration material in classes without unnecessary parts, has a bright color (red, orange, yellow, green), a clear contour, a contrast against the background, the size of at least 15 - 20 cm. The distribution material is at least 5 cm., Such illuminativity is provided in the group.

    All individual work with various categories of children is reflected in the daily calendar plans of the educator.

    The problem of the formation of readiness for the social redeasurement of deviant adolescents is sharp in front of the entire pedagogical team of the SRC. Especially difficult in the period of instability in society turned out to be adolescents. Among them, nihilism, demonstrative and causing behavior in relation to adults, more often, and in extreme forms began to appear stiffness and aggressiveness. Child crime increased dramatically. The growth of adolescent crime increases the pace, markedly advanced the growth rates of offenses in other age groups.

    Correction issues are of particular importance in adolescence and are distinguished by their specificity.

    One of the components in the educational process is individually educational work. An individual approach in educational work is not a simple communication with children, it is pedagogical art, pedagogical skill. Properly organized individual work contributes to the formation of moral culture, the ability to self-organization.

    For a skillful prediction of the educational process, achieving a certain level of educating adolescents with deviant behavior, it is necessary to learn and know the reasons for their actions, learn how to manage their behavior. Success in educational work depends in many respects whether the teacher will be able to find the key to the mind and heart will be able to find the key to the mind and heart, take into account the characteristics of a particular teenage character, psychological features, life experience, help disclose and realize their capabilities.

    Under individual educational work is meant The system of psychological and pedagogical impacts in relation to each adolescent, aimed at the maximum appropriate accounting for its age, social and individual psychological features in order to comprehensive development.

    Individual educational system includes:

    • Subject of activity (teacher) and an object of individual educational work (specific pupil)
    • The purpose and tasks of individual educational work;
    • Planning
    • Study and accounting of individual peculiarities of adolescents.
    • The choice of optimal forms, methods and methods of psychological and pedagogical impact for the formation of positive qualities in the pupil and their development.
    • Training in the practice of individual educational work;
    • Control, correction of educational influences.

    The purpose and tasks of individual educational work are formed:

    • based on the comprehensive knowledge and accounting of individual characteristics of pupils, studying his personal qualities, its strengths and weaknesses;
    • the choice of optimal forms, methods, methods of psychological and pedagogical impact in order to form a teenager needed positive qualities and their further development, assisting in identifying the causes of their disadvantages;
    • systematic analysis of the results achieved in order to correct individual impact or its modification, when the work is not effective enough.

    The purpose and tasks of individual educational work:

    1. Ensure the psychological and social rehabilitation of children and adolescents through correction, training and education.

    2. Create psychological and social conditions for successful adaptation of pupils.

    3. Identify the psychological and social causes of violation of interpersonal relations of pupils.

    4. Organization and conduct of measures to correct distorted moral representations of pupils, deviations in the development of the emotional-volitional sphere, characteristic features of the personality:

      • Studying personality features of minors. Diagnostics and correction of deviations in personal development (anxiety, aggressiveness, and other deviations).
      • Correction of feelings of inferiority, insecurity in their forces, stabilization of self-esteem.
      • Assistance in overcoming problems related to the peculiarities of adolescence.
      • Help in mastering self-education methods, independence.
      • Development of forms, means and methods of communication.
      • Work on overcoming children's behavioral manifestations in early youthful age.
      • Help in overcoming and preventing harmful habits (smoking, toxicizing, drug addiction, alcoholization) of the consequences of deviant behavior.

    Basic principles of individual educational work:

    1. Everyday attention to every teenager, combined with high demanding and concern about his life, life, leisure.

    2. All requirements must be specific, understandable and defined.

    3. Organically combine with respect for pupils

    4. Compliance with the sense of measure in criticizing the shortcomings of the pupil and the support on its positive qualities. Criticism should be fundamental, friendly. You can criticize a deed, but not a person.

    5. The approach to a teenager should be with an "optimistic hypothesis", deep faith in it.

    6. The prevention of spontaneity and self-selection and use of paths and means in solving educational tasks.

    7. A quick response to the behavior of each pupil.

    8. Promptly change the forms and methods of impact on the identity if necessary;

    9. Sparence in the provision of educational influence on a teenager.

    10. The continuity and consistency of educational influences.

    Methods and forms of individual educational work.

    Methods of educational impact are concrete ways and ways to achieve a certain goal, a combination of funds, techniques, ways to influence consciousness, feelings, will, behavior in order to form the necessary qualities.

    Individual educational work in the institution is conducted on the following directions:

    1. Studying a personal case.

    2. An introductory conversation. During the conversation, it is necessary to show a friendly location to the pupil, to express sincere interest, encourage the desire of a teenager to tell about himself. During the conversation, it is advisable not to do any records (it is allowed to record the address, data on relatives, parents).

    3. Direct study is carried out during the conversation, observation, simulated situation, joint activities.

    4. Psychological study and recommendations for joint educational work with a teenager.

    5. Use of punishments: renivia, reprimand, deprivation of entertainment activities, discussion on psychological and pedagogical consultation.

    6. Accounting for violations of behavior.

    7. Immediate response to violations of behavior.

    8. Using promotions: gratitude, commendable grades, sightseeing trip.

    9. Using self-organization screen.

    10. Group correction psychological and educational classes.

    11. Chefing work: work in pairs.

    12. Involvement in interest (circle).

    13. Modeling problem situations.

    14. Using criticism.

    15. Collective creative affairs: labor, cultural events, leisure activities.

    16. Training with specific social skills (practical classes).

    17. Raising success.

    In the social and rehabilitation center, multi-year groups of children. In accordance with this educator, correctional and educational programs have been developed: for a multi-year group of pupils.

    Objectives and methods for implementing each of the programs are differentiated depending on the age of children.

    In working with a group of pupils is recommended differentiation

    · by age - division into age subgroups in classes: from 3 to 6 years and from 7 to 10 years (younger group), from 11 to 14 and from 15 to 18 years old (senior group)

    · in terms of development (intellectual, physical, mental, emotional-willed) - differentiation of goals and objectives in classes for different groups of children, the distribution of tasks adequately by the abilities of children, both in class and in independent activities of pupils, creating a success situation by saving labor orders ; adequate features of the child, the distribution of roles in role-playing games, etc.

    Content basis level Differentiation - the presence of several variants of a program that are distinguished by depth and volume of material. Pupils are invited to assimilate an adequate program (option). The equalization and averaging of children is excluded; Created gentle conditions forns; It is possible to work more effectively with difficult children, poorly adapting to public standards; The level of the child's concept increases: strong approved in their abilities, weak get the opportunity to experience success, get rid of the complex of inferiority. On the individual classes with strongerand the capabilities are preparing, including work on the contests of the city, regional and all-Russian levels.

    An individual approach to children with disorder of the emotional-volitional sphere, behavioral disorders, SRRs, etc. It is manifested in: in the early stages with the help of medical and psychological and socio-pedagogical diagnostics to identify the primary violation in development; start applying special training and psychological and pedagogical support immediately after diagnosis; carry out rehabilitation on an individual program; regularly monitor, monitor the development of development in the process of agility and rehabilitation; In a special way to organize an educational environment and living space, adequate violation. The results of the diagnosis of specialists and medical diagnoses are recorded in the Consilium Protocol, which is carried out according to the results of the adaptation period. Relying on the consultual data, the educator plans individual work with the pupil, in accordance with its features and needs.

    Teacher implements various types of pedagogical support for children with pedagogical neglection, mental retardation:

    · content Adaptation - cleansing material from complex details and unnecessary manifolds;

    · simultaneous connection hearing, motility, memory and logical thinking in the process of perception of material;

    · the optimality of the pace;

    · orientation for earlier age (to school from 8 to 9 years);

    · the predominance of gaming activities (training in the game).

    Parenting with mental retardation Moved through the formation of positive habits (bringing to the level of automatism of cultural and hygienic skills, self-service, compliance with the regime and elementary social norms of behavior).

    In working with children with attention deficit syndrome and hyperactivity The educator applies the following methods:

    · with the group interaction of the child next to the educator,

    · constant control,

    · no extra, distracting stimuli,

    · change of activities,

    · for mental activity - Composite activities: hearing + practical occupation (drawing, modeling, applique, experience, etc.),

    · providing an energy splash opportunity

    · praise in the formation of the norms of behavior. With kids with speech delay (poorly speaking) Additional games and classification of speech, enrichment of the dictionary, classification, are working together with a speech therapist and a defectologist.

    WITH aggressive children Teacher can hold games

    · at an acceptable exit of aggression, negative emotions of the "Bag of Creek", "Draw" Enemy ", your anger" (minimize, break a piece of leaf), etc.,

    · Games with water, sand, clay, etc., aimed at removing the physical tension of the child,

    Relaxation using music, nature sounds, reading fairy tales, listening to lullaby songs before bedtime. With kids with violations of health: with diseases of the musculoskeletal systems Additional classes are held for the prevention of further development of flat-refining, posture disorders - corrective gymnastics, reduces the power load on the feet and the spine at physical circular classes and games;

    · with diseases of ENT organs Individual classes are held on the formation of extinguishing skills of colds (self-massage, point massage, hardening, etc.);

    · children with diseases of cardiovascular systems and otherschronic diseases that are contraindicated excessive physical activity are limited to physical exertion in mobile and sports games, individual tasks are given in physical circular classes and labor orders;

    · children with pathology of view additionally, the gymnastics for the eyes is carried out, they have a dosage visual burden, a demonstration material in classes without unnecessary parts, has a bright color (red, orange, yellow, green), a clear contour, a contrast against the background, the size of at least 15 - 20 cm. The distribution material is at least 5 cm., Such illuminativity is provided in the group.

    All individual work with various categories of children is reflected in the daily calendar plans of the educator.

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