• 5 years Holds with parents. What if the child holds: Tips for a psychologist. Be a parent, not judge. How to stop children's fights


    In any period of the development of the child, most parents face children's aggression. These are situational emotional episodes when the baby can fight, scream, and not only on peers, relatives and loved ones - but also on native mom. Agree, this circumstance can easily enter you into a stupor, if not shocked, but the main question you must ask yourself at this point: "What am I doing wrong?"
    After all, all behavior models that your child demonstrates you - he reads the people around him, most often it is with you.

    So, what if the child is fighting, exhibits aggression:

    The golden rule used is absolutely in all disputed moments:You need to be patient and influence the child only with sensitivity to it, with sincere respect and unconditional love.

    1) Serve the child only a positive personal example:

    In your family, you must eliminate the following:

    Insult and humiliation of a child

    Baby intimidation

    The use of physical punishment.

    Remember, at these moments, the kid absorbs everything that adults do and say, takes into service with these examples, as you can turn to the surrounding aggression.

    And, on the contrary, it is necessary to show it as often as possible:


    Accepting it as it is

    Attention and respect for his personality,

    Love, expressed by warm words, bodily arms.

    2) It is impossible to prohibit the child to express its negative emotions:

    If from the smallest years, you will prohibit the child to express your aggression: to scold him for it, demand: "Do not shout! Do not touch! Do not be angry! ", He will definitely be ascending -" angry is bad. " But what is his alternative? In tense negative situations, simply - not feel anything. But what should he do? Especially, provided that he immediately sees that the parents themselves allow themselves to scream or apply physical strength to him, or even each other. When he realizes that the words of the parents diverge with their actions.

    If the baby has enough strength to solve this internal conflict in itself - he will inevitably come to the suppression of his feelings, often to depression. And even to insincerity and hostility towards parents.

    Therefore, it is important for parents (and loved ones) to learn how to measure their words with the case, and not demand from the baby impossible to deter into themselves anger. It is necessary to accept that anger is primarily a negative emotion, the reaction of protection, and it is important to allow the child to give the way out of this energy, but not to suppress it in itself. Therefore:

    3) We learn the kid to react correctly:

    Often, children show their negative experiences - precisely in physical aggression. This is because they simply do not know how to react differently.

    And here the child shouts, trying to hit you, what to do?

    Hug and firmly press it to yourself. After he gradually calms down, tell him that when he is bad - you are ready to listen to him.

    Ratish with the child (without witnesses), which can lead this behavior in the future. For example: "My dear, now you took the toy from Petit, he was offended, and then he would not want to play with you."

    Always (even when it would seem not enough time) - explain in detail the baby why you forbade him to do something. In any cases, the requirement for it should be reasonable, and on its execution you need to insist. Thus, you can clearly give your breath to understand what we are waiting for it.

    Teach the child, (and constantly remind him of this) - what is replacing ways to react in a tense situation without causing other people harm. For example:

    a) replace action with a word, explain to the child that you can talk about your emotions, and that "fight" is not correct. Teach it to form, so-called "I-messages": "I'm angry, because ...", "I was offended, because ...", "I was upset because ..."

    Help him gradually master this "language of feelings", and it will be easier for him to express his emotions, not trying to attract your attention to bad behavior. In a trustful conversation, without morals, let the baby understand that he can always tell you about his experiences, and you will always be ready to listen to him.

    b) Show the child safe examples how you can "release steam" when it is very angry: Complete and tear paper, newspaper, beat and bite a special "evil pillow", as well as bite and shout into it, you can also throw soft balls in the corner with all the power.

    c) anger can be drawn, loose from plasticine (You sculpt your own, and your baby) - and when she is ready, show how it can be transformed into calm, kindness to others.

    It is also very important to "train" a child in different ways exit conflict, come up with them with him. In addition, you can more often read a child good fairy tales where "good always wins evil", and the main characters behave adequately, stage with scene toysplaying safe ways to exit conflicted situations include and learn positive songssimilar to: "smile" and "expensive goodness".

    4) Take aggression - under your sensitive control:

    - Emotional discharge so need to child - It can get in motor loads:for a walk (for which you need to increase the time) - let him get rided, dancing with him, do the charge in the morning.

    You will say: "I can't constantly protect the child from evil, it is everywhere in our life." You are right, but still, in early childhood, it makes sense to remove the rapid children's psyche from "aggressive invasions." At least so that he does not have the impression that it hurts someone, it hurts someone - it is ordinary, and maybe even a sign of strength and authority. On the contrary, your child must learn to confront the aggressors in the future, not like it.

    - Mark the successful actions of your baby! All their strengths focus on the formation of the right actions of their baby, but not on the eradication of unwanted. When he behaves properly - fasten these efforts with praise, tell me: "I am proud of you, the fact that you did it (a)." Show that you are really satisfied with them.

    Good afternoon, dear readers of my blog! With you psychologist Irina Ivanova. A colleague at work with pride tells about his little son - he does not give himself offended by any children's gardennor in the courtyard sandbox. A three-year-old child is fighting with all who encroaches his personal space, even mom with dad gets.

    Parents are touched by seeing how the baby clears his way to lead the leadership with small cams. Only these strikes are all weighty, and those surrounding do not share their delight at all.

    "Well done, son! Let's give it to everyone so that they do not hurt! " - Papine support sounds. But in the courtyard, and in the kindergarten group, everything is less likely to play with a little dracan. Opinions of colleagues were divided.

    Some agree with the mother of the baby, they say, in our time it is otherwise you can not, others, on the contrary, prophesy to the boy in the future of the destiny, which will not be taken to normal human society. Who is right? I decided to ask the point of view of specialists in preschool pedagogyAnd that's what I managed to find out.

    Drakes with diaper

    Each family in which children grow, can tell not one story about how the kids slapped their tiny handles to face mom or grandmother. A cute palm is most often covered with gentle kisses, and soon everything was repeated first for the umlifying exclamations of all households. Why does the child do that, because no one taught it this?

    Most likely, one day the kid randomly thus expressed his overwhelming emotions - the pleasure of satisfying dinner, the joy of the fact that the closest next to him. The child has not so many ways to manifest emotions, because he does not own a speech. This reaction has received a powerful reinforcement in the form of the joy of family members. The method of getting joy imprinted in consciousness, and now began to cause intentionally.

    What to do so that such a case is no longer repeated? Early children can not always understand the meaning of words addressed to them, but they perfectly understand the intonation. The correct tactics of adults - to take the children's pen and firmly explain that it is impossible to do so! It is not recommended to scold or repel a child from ourselves. But it is necessary to put it after suggestion, let him see an example of how to show emotions.

    If a one-year-old baby, barely gaining freedom of movement, holds with parents due to, you need to look for the cause in another plane. Apparently, the reason for aggression is that such interesting world It becomes unavailable because of the mother and daddy "impossible". How to do in this case? Offer an alternative capable of distracting from dangerous, but such attractive items - toys, safe household items, an interesting landscape outside the window.

    If he holds with peers

    Such manifestations of children's aggression occur a little later. From about a two-year-old, children with a certain type of temperament (and no matter, girls are or boys) constantly fight with peers.

    Causes of children's aggression:

    • Undustful self-control.
    • Inability to establish a dialogue with others, lacking a vocabulary stock for expressing its point of view.
    • Ignoring parents attempts to become an independent ();
    • Attempts to draw the attention of constantly employed parents, let them even thus;
    • An example of significant adults for whom the cry, and threats, and, which sin to conceal, Tumaki, is the norm of behavior. Push the oil into the fire is not the best samples of film products and heroes of computer games.

    It's hard to imagine a phlegmatic or melancholic. But for a child with a cholecic type of temperament, this reaction in a combination with the above reasons is quite predictable.

    How to wean the baby from the manifestations of aggressiveness? It is necessary to go from the opposite - not to submit an example of solving conflicts with fists and scream, carefully select movies and for your children, teach a child to solve conflict solutions in peaceful way. For the development of communication skills, it is necessary to explain to children as it was necessary to flow in each case.

    Parental attention to the problems of your child, timely permit and discussion of conflict situations in kindergarten and in the courtyard will help to navigate whether "what is good and what is bad." For the very temperamental dracans, the best release will be classes in the sports section. Already from 5 years, the child can seriously engage in team sports, where he will find a way out for negative emotions.

    18.05.16 10:00 / 👁 12811 (14 per week) / ⏱️ 7 min. /

    What if the child holds with his parents? How do parents cope with such a situation? What are the causes of such behavior? You will find answers to these questions in our material. If you have already encountered such a situation, then our material will help you understand the causes of the child's behavior. If your baby has not yet showed aggression, then you can predict it if you are "armed" with relevant knowledge. Children's aggressiveness can manifest itself in the very early age Toddler, moreover, it can happen sharply and completely unexpected for adults. Parents are important not to be lost and not to let such a behavior on samonek.

    Why does the child exhibit aggression

    To deal with the problem, initially parents should think about her root causes. Children are open and infertility, they rarely pretend, and all their emotions are an expression of an internal state. Think about what could serve as a reason for such behavior! The most common reasons are somewhat:

    If your son or daughter is fighting due to the above reasons, then do not let the development of further events on samonek. Remember that children need to teach worthy behavior and neat, careful relationship To those surrounding people.

    Baby beats mom: what to do

    Often "under the blow" the baby gets the closest thing his man - Mom. It is explainable! After all, it is Mom whoever spends the mother more time with the baby, it is often exactly that it prohibits a lot, controls, it is also present near and in the period of over-excited behavior from the lack of sleep, with a bad mood, etc. If a child hits you, and you want to correct this situation, then act consistently and always show the same reaction. "It is impossible to fight mom!" - The baby must remember this expression. If the child hit (no matter what reasons), show that it hurts you and insult. Ask to regret you and never do it anymore. "Begotia" because of the fight even when they occur during the game. But at the same time do not let me give! Double behaviors rarely lead to positive results, so do not allow yourself to raise your hand to the baby, if you do not want to get the same actions in your address.

    What to do adult if the kid hits them

    In addition to the above, we want to tell you more about how to behave adults when children fight them. To begin with, they will answer the most common issue of parents: "Is it worth punishing a child for fights?". Theoretically, the punishment can act, but not long. Most likely that it will only enhance negative emotions and will increase them. A child can stop fighting at home, but he will come to the courtyard and will spill the aggression drunk inside there. In fact, the punishment is an example of the fact that the cruelty is justified as a measure of impact. If such a behavior model does not suit you, and you want to change the situation, instead of temporarily "extinguish" it, look for other ways to solve the problem.
    How can you act as an adult:

    What if the child does not listen?

    Sooner or later, all parents are encountered on the disobedience of their children. The causes of whims can be ...

    If the child struck you, then the very first thing tell him about what you feel. At the same time, it is important not to use the word "you" in the proposal and do not evaluate the child as such. Express your attitude about the concrete deed of the baby. For example, instead of the phrase: "You entered badly when I hit me! I told you, not do it! " Tell me about what you do not like when you beat, it is unpleasant to you, it hurts and very disappointing.

    "Children - Flowers of Life" Perhaps this is the phrase with which the tutor in the kindergarten and the parents of one-laugure will not agree if we are talking about your child. And the reason for everything is: the child holds in kindergarten, and if you read this article, then I can argue, you do not know what to do with it.

    Actually, you are not the only parent who collided with this problem and your thorns is not unique in its kind. I will say more, I myself came across such a problem with each of my children and can give guarantees that all parents face sooner or later.

    Sometimes to hear from a teacher or angry mom: "You know your son / daughter hit the child! Take measures, make up the upbringing, blah blah ... "And honestly, I want to snatch and stand on the defense of your chad, because he is so glorious baby, one finger does not touch anyone and the Painka generally. And then you notice that the child really can hit mom, dad, cat and ... deadlock. Attempts to explain something doomed to failure, because the dyatyko does not listen absolutely, does the other and new unpleasant incidents in the garden, parents threaten with a violence, and the heads already hints into another group.

    What to do that? And really need to do, because it is really a problem. I used to try to figure out the situation myself, I explained to the child that it was bad to fight, but the next day I took it to the garden and he continued anyway. Then I thought that my mother was worthless and I raise an unmanaged child. But fighting in books about child psychology, I am surprised to emphasize that far from the only thing in my grief, but the main thing is to have ways out, it is important to find the root cause! I propose to deal with this together.

    Causes of children's aggression and, as a result, Drak

    You can refer to crisis, age peculiarities, the formation of a personality, call it as you want, but it is a children's psychology of pure water. It is impassing in his child who learned not only to hear, but also to listen to her precious offspring, we are able to understand and eradicate the cause of such behavior. So why start?

    In fact, there is no one universal reason, according to which a beltenious diet so Ryano spreads his hands, there are no two and not even three. Moreover, there may be a difficult situation in which two situations are inseparable with each other. In any case, such behavior is inappropriate, and a small person needed the help of parents in the first place. And who will help parents? After all, not all of us have a scientific degree in pedagogy and psychology and not able to even figure out what.

    But the help of the child is really needed, moreover, parents make a terrible mistake, a launching situation on samonek, and even worse, they pluck her. Some becomes funny to look at the furious fists of two-three-year-olds, Molt "Wow, what kind of combat", and someone thinks that "turns out" or "let it learn to stand up for itself." No, no, no longer, it's not a way out. Do you know what will happen next? And then - worse. The child becomes a rogot, outsider. They do not want to play and communicate with him, because he cannot otherwise, only fight. He is angry even more, as a result, a man who is unsuitable for society grows, with a million complexes, old insults and cruelty, he is used to seeking its only force and "concerts." Do we want it?

    The reasons why children fight may proceed from the age of the child, and may be a consequence of the impact of society and family norms. Anyway, let's allocate several main reasons.


    Often this is the cause of aggression in a child. And this is normal. One-year-old kid distributes Tumakov to everyone, because with a new stage in his life - independent walk - a new space has become available, it can reach the point that it used to be inaccessible, to study those interesting vases and pull the tablecloth from the table. A lot of prohibitions appeared with this, because everything is not suitable in toys a small researcher. As a result of these prohibitions, protest in the form of a fight and aggression.

    Another case: the baby is already a little older, about 2 years. In this case, the imperfection of speech generates aggression and fights. Imagine this situation: you are trying to explain something, ask for something very necessary, but you can't talk and do not know how to show. After vain attempts to achieve the desired nothing remains, as in despair to hit anything that does not understand mom, dad, etc.;

    Hyper-speaking and character features

    If a small choleric grows out of the baby, then he can cope with raging emotions more difficult than a calm melancholic child. It is he splashing in a fight. However, there may be another situation: health problems, such as elevated intracranial pressure, and as a result, excitability and irritability.

    Here, please, a story from life: one mother complained about the defendant son (3 years), walked through doctors, even took some drugs. It seems to be aggression managed to suppress, but later the child was diagnosed with Autism. And later it turned out that he tried to attract attention and at least somehow communicate, because he did not know any otherwise (delay speech Development). Although even before, experts did not take it into account;

    New model of behavior

    There is a brilliant phrase (I do not remember who said): "Nothing is normal. What for the spider of harmony, then for Fly Chaos. " So in the models of the behavior of children. Who said to fight - abnormally? And why is the norm - is it to be an obedient cute child? Children in their nature are researchers, they constantly study this world, try it on a teeth (in all senses) and absorb the information, forming a new person. The kid tries to seek her any ways, including fights, absorbing for himself what works, and what is not. This is where it is necessary to take the situation under control, but about it a little later (by the way, it is like an option of the norm, children consider fights in the family between parents, so it often influences the aggressiveness of the child);

    Requirement of attention

    This can be interpreted in different situations, and such behavior is characteristic of all children absolutely at any age. "Mom does not want to play cubes, and chatting with her friend in the kitchen? I'll go slap it, and better this aunt, so that I finally looked at me and heard. " Or here: "The teacher praises Misha more often than me, we must give me a Misha in Tuben, then the teacher instead of Misha will praise me." "Children do not take me to play such an interesting game, you must definitely spoil everything, hit someone, then everyone will run after me and will be fun."

    Or even such a familiar situation when a first-grader boy pulls a girl for pigtails, can be destroyed from this point of view: this girl likes this girl (naturally, adults are obvious), but to express their sympathy and attract your attention to any other hindrances and scoring This boy does not know how or just afraid.

    Children cannot express their emotions, verbally explain their needs for due measure to defend their position, to agree in the case of disagreements. It's easier to just hit;

    Imitation of parents and family members

    Consider the situation: the kid something hard is trying to make that mom does not really like. She makes him a remark, but it flies past the ears. As a result, the mother comes out of himself and spacing outstune on the pope. Outcome: The mother is angry, the child flashes. What do we leave this situation? Actually, the problem did not dare, Mom simply lowered the couple, but the baby knew that it could be achieved by force. Accordingly, if he wants someone to stop doing, as he does not like, you need to hit, cause pain. And often this happens with those who are younger, weaker, more modest, etc.

    Also, if the family has already become a tradition to find the relationship between parents with beatings and humiliation, the child will firmly carry this tradition in the masses. Then what is surprised? Honestly, such methods of education (with the use of force) are reflected on the psyche of the child not only in the pair of Mama-Pope Grandfather or parent-child. In general, parents can live a soul in the soul and sincerely do not understand why the child holds with everything that moves.

    But if mom or dad with angrily beat a dog for a quarreled shoes or a cat for sustained fish, then wonder and refer to a TV or cartoons with a hidden subtext meaningless.

    Correction of behavior

    It is necessary to understand that the problem does not arise in itself and immediately, as if by clicking, once appeared. This is preceded by a plural chain of events that are most often hidden from our eyes. And we all know well that warn it easier to correct, but still. Education is a long and painstaking process, so its quality straightforwards affects the person who will grow out of your baby. And even if the problem arose, it is necessary to make every effort to eradicate it. So how to wean a child fight?

    ✓ With the babies of shame (up to 3 years), it is easier to cope, in terms of the fact that you can physically stop trying to beat someone, just leading the baby from the "sacrifice". Children at this age capture short proposals in the form of installations, but meaningless notations, metaphorical instructions of the type "as a pea wall" and other folklore will not bring any effect. A rather short phrase "you can not fight" and physical interruption of action. If the baby hits you, then just go or not let yourself hit, holding a handle. Perhaps the child will start crying or screaming. Help him "pull the steam", teach the self-control. It would be nice to comment on all his actions and explain: "You're angry, because ... You wanted to hit me, because ... it is impossible to do it, because ...". This method is very effective in practice, as it turned out;

    ✓ N Yelo call a child or "branding"! Often we hear: "What are you bad dracs! Fu, how bad you are, my mother doesn't love you anymore! " This we only aggravate the situation. Of course, it is necessary to express disapproval, but not a humiliating child: "You entered very ugly, I am saddened by your act ..." It is important to draw the attention of the baby on what he did, and not to humiliate him. Show that you love it any, but if he does not make such actions, you become happier;

    ✓ B dilute one in the child requirements with the rest of the family. Agree with grandparents, who often visiting you relatives. Agree to save the child from excessive aggression, it will be very problematic if you try to follow the rules and stop outbreaks of rage, and, for example, the grandmother will catch the baby, watching: "Oh, which grows up!";

    ✓ Pr look at the situation under a different angle and instead of punishment for inclusive behavior, enter the system of promotions. But not in terms of "candy on you, you are good today," for example, if the child is trying to cope with him and you see that he tries to work on mistakes;

    ✓ PP, how to control your emotions, "release steam". With older children, it is possible to disassemble the methods of respiratory soothing and familiar to all readings to 10. But even the smallest evil sometimes you need to throw out the negative: offer to beat the pillow, pour, shout, sinking your feet;

    ✓ H disposal energy in the peaceful channel and benefit to the child, such situations can be avoided. Mugs and group classes not only allow the baby physically, but also mentally, emotionally. Staying in the team, engaged in sports, he splashes his strength for good;

    ✓ B Fall honest and sincere with the child. Communication "on the same wave" contributes not only to close friendship between children and parents, but also significantly helps in solving problems;

    ✓ I. Most importantly: be an example. Remember that even hidden conflicts may affect the child. Public disassembly with "Mordobo", even if they are on the TV screen, should not get into the field of view of the child.

    But, that the most paradoxic of all of the above, permissiveness and hyperopka is also not good. Annoying Sysyukanya, the Ascension of Chad on the pedestal and the absence of borders work almost as much as violence in the family and spanking belt. Difficult to the Golden Middle is the goal of any parent.


    Summing up, I want to say that absolutely all parents are confronted with children's aggression sooner or later. Your case is not unique. But from how you act, it depends on how long this aggression will last and whether it will fall into something more. Proper prevention of inappropriate behavior, searching and eliminating the cause, due attention to the baby is the key to the successful permission of the problem.

    Nevertheless, if you are sure that you are doing everything right, and the child continues to fight, then, perhaps, there is nothing criminal if you pass for help to a qualified children's psychologist. Perhaps it is precisely the specialist will see what you missed and will help in solving the problem.

    Quarrels and conflicts between children in the family - the phenomenon is inevitable, and it is not bad, because brothers and sisters have an excellent opportunity to learn to interact with another person. The task of parents - to teach children to competently leave conflict situations.

    Causes of conflict

    If the quarrels are periodically developing into fights, it means that there are some children's needs that are not satisfied in full. The most popular reasons for conflicts between children include:

    • jealousy;
    • attracting the attention of parents;
    • overestimated requirements for one of the children;
    • dominance of one child over another;
    • obvious rivalry between children;
    • the struggle for the love of parents;
    • delaware toys;
    • conflicts from boredom.

    There are a number of practical advice that will prompt parents, as it should be done during children's tracks and conflicts.

    Interfere or not?

    In a children's conflict, it is permissible to intervene only in the extreme situation. If children just argue, let them first solve the controversial situation. It is possible to interfere only if the quarrel does not subscribe for a long time or children begin to fight.

    Be a parent, not judge. How to stop children's fights

    Allowing a children's conflict, should not immediately take punishment, without sobering in the situation. It will be much more useful to listen to every child separately, understand its position and point of view, and then make a joint decision. The purpose of the parents is not easy to find the guilty, but to teach children to resolve the conflict, if necessary, apologize and recognize their own mistakes.

    Redirection of energy

    If you see that children have been "clips" several times in one day and fights, they simply redirect their energy into a peaceful direction. Organize joint activities, throw ideas for games, take a walk with children outdoors. In school time, it will not be superfluous to find each child on an interesting sports section, where they will be able to drop their energy, then evenings in your family will be held peacefully.

    My - yours

    Clearly designate with children where whose things are. A big mistake is to make all the toys in the family are generally incorrect. Children may have a common designer, books, plasticine, but each child should have its own separate corner or on the extreme case a box with toys that will personally have it. Teach children to ask permission before they want to take someone else's thing.

    Personal time

    Be sure to give each child a separate time, say the hell, how do you like it, hug, kiss. Even 15 minutes of personal time a day will be enough for each child to feel significant and necessary.

    Quarrel - you can!

    Wrong will be the decision to put the taboo on quarrels and conflicts between children. It can be designated that it is prohibited to swear behind meals, but it is possible to find out the relationship. Quarrels arise not from scratch, there is always some reason. The more parents prohibit quarrel, the more children feel accumulated aggression.

    You do not have to love

    It is not necessary to force children to exercise love to each other, they do not have to do it. Parents decided that they would not have one, and several children, mom and dad love all their children, but the feeling of love in children in relation to each other immediately arise and should not. In a normal family, children will sooner or later become close people, will love and support each other in difficult situations. And at the moment, children have the right to experience irritation or anger towards her brother or sister. Slip it with the children, it will be much easier to live, if the mother and dad will not put on their endless phrases, as children are obliged to love each other.

    Forbidden strikes

    You cannot prohibit conflicts and fights, but it will be reasonable to designate a number of unacceptable actions. Speak with children, what actions cannot be allowed during conflict - for example, you can not throw objects to each other, beat the head and face.

    Personal space

    For each child in the family, organize a personal space, even if it is a small corner. The child should be able to retire and be alone at any moment when he wants it himself.

    Each child is a person

    Advance as often as possible than each child individually is unique. It is important to celebrate positive qualities and skills of each child, it is important for children to know that they are unique.

    Together you are strength

    Reinforce the manifestations of friendship and love to each other in children. Stress out that together they are well done, greatly coped with the fulfillment of the task, say that together you will force. Invent more cases and games where children will not speak with rivals, but allies, it will get pictures of them perfectly.

    Individual needs

    Always read with the needs of each child. It is mistaken to make two children in one sports section or singing, dressing in equal clothes. Let everyone do business in the soul, dresses up as he likes.

    Literate graph

    So that children quarrel as little as possible, think about the day, make graphs so that the children can have the opportunity not only to do in school, but also managed to eat fully and in a timely manner, resting and attending interesting mugs. If children are fed, rested and slept, spent energy in classes, walks, then they will have a minimum of reasons for quarrels and conflicts.

    Justice is above all

    Be valid to your children if you promised to buy something, then take this word. Sometimes one child will be purchased more expensive things, and another less expensive. Always explain why it happens, but in general it is important to stick to the balance so that every child does not feel deprived.

    Prophoving emotions

    Teach children to voice their emotions towards each other. If the child tells his brother or sister, that he is now angry with him or offended, it will be only a plus. In the future, he will be able to grow a man who does not just keep all the emotions in himself, but knows how to solve difficult situations, to vote for trouble and calmly go out of conflicts.

    It is important not to suppress children's emotions, but to teach brothers and sisters to interact with each other, then they will be able to grow successful and happy people. The experience of resolving conflicts that children will digest in childhood will help them decide both family problems and complex situations at work. Such people are better prepared for adulthood.

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