• How to beat off the guy from another girl? Plan-interception: how to repel a married man in legitimate spouse


    Each representative of the beautiful half of humanity, regardless of age, seeks to find the perfect halm.

    I want to meet the only and real love in 12 years, and in 55. Unfortunately, not everyone can conquer the love and attention of the guy like. And even moreover, if he has a girl, and he is already in a relationship. In such a situation, you can try to repel your beloved in another.

    Ways to hover the beloved of the girl

    There are several tips, how to separate a couple and conquer the place near the chosen one. Thousands of years, women "kicked the whole arsenal" of methods and tricks that helped them in a difficult struggle. Here is some of them.

    Collection of information

    You need to start, of course, from the collection of information. It is necessary to understand the weaknesses of the rival to, using them, separated a couple. Whatever glorious girl, she always has one or two features of the character who annoy others, as ideal people simply do not happen. This can be played.

    Communicate with common acquaintances, find out what your beloved like in the opponent, and what makes it out.

    It may be nonpunctuality, coquetry, shaviness, slope or talkativeness.

    By the way, this information will help in the future when you enchant the chosen one. You will know His preferences and can show yourself in all its glory.

    You're the best

    If you seriously intend to fight for your happiness, then you need to believe in yourself and your strength. You are the best, and the point here! If you believe it sincerely, then others, including your favorite, will believe in it!

    You can change the hairstyle and wardrobe - these manipulations often help increase self-esteem, you can visit psychological trainings that will help believe in our own irresistibleness and power over representatives of strong sex.

    The girl of a dream

    To win attention, and then the love of your chosen one, it is necessary to be irresistible and sexual. Men love women with charm, women mystery.

    Each representative of a strong sex in the head has an image of an ideal girl if you manage to become a girl-dream, the lover will not stand in front of your charms.

    To do this, it is not enough to just be well-groomed and dressed. Every man has his own dream, and therefore one sees the ideal in the girl-athlete, and the other in the real lady.

    Someone likes a rocker girl, and someone cannot resist the fragile romantic girl who reads the poems of the block and Pasternak.

    To delay the interest of the guy you like, you will have to find out its preferences. When the "dossier" is collected, you can proceed to the implementation of the intended. Become as he wants to see you, be the one that he dreams about.

    Of course, it is impossible to share all of his interests, but let him believe that you are his ideal, and then you will become a desired companion for him and a "related" soul.

    So, you do not just believe in yourself, but also become a dream girl for your chosen one. It's time to think about how to eliminate the rival. There are different categories of rivals. From who you try to beat off Cavalera depends on your strategy.

    The girl you don't know

    Being in one company, you should behave carefully. Do not rival suspect that it is still very interesting to you. Observe every error of the rival, every slip try to wrap against it.

    Become brighter and more interesting, become incendant and sexier to become all the company's guys could not tear away from you.

    The main rule is any of your movements, words, actions should be thought out to the smallest detail. In no case do not go along, do not join frank confrontation. This is a thin game, which, with the right progress, bring the desired fruits.

    At the girlfriend

    In this situation a little more complicated. We are talking about a moral aspect. Think, and maybe you should not risk friendship for the cavalier. If your desire to be with a guy is so strong that you are willing to give up a friend, then act.

    As a close girlfriend you know not only all its strengths and weaknesses, but also how their relationship develops, because, as a rule, girls are divided among themselves.

    Listen and remember: how often they get down, because of what he does not like it and on the contrary.

    Communicating with a guy, you do not need to frankly pour a girlfriend with mud. It can only harm. But it is not necessary to protect it, pretend that you are objective. Talk to the guy, tell me that you understand it, name the features of the character who allegedly do not suit you in your girlfriend, lifting the guy's claim to her.

    Tell me that it is difficult for you to communicate with the girlfriend and take it with all the shortcomings, but you can't change the situation. Let the guy sees in you a "related soul", will feel support and understanding.

    The opponent with which he lives

    Method 1. Friendship with the enemy

    Make friends with rival. You can find a lot of ways to meet and become " best girlfriend" This will help you learn about the problems that exist in a pair and become "your own" in the house of the rival.

    Method 2. Collaboration or hobby

    Find out what the guy is interested, which you plan to repel. If he goes to the gym, become freeches there. If you like to play poker, learn the strategy of this game. If a young man has a pet, then get yourself the same.

    Common points of contact always bring people. An ideal option can be a joint job. Common production tasks and their implementation will help you get closer to the object of frustration, and to you.

    Former guy

    This situation is not easy, the guy knows you, and you are unlikely to speak in front of him as a dream girl, since you broke up. But there is nothing impossible, especially since it is unlikely to know him. You know what he likes what he is interested.

    In addition, no relationships do not pass without a trace. If he in his soul remained warm feelings for you, then not everything is lost. This advice: let it pass a little time.

    It is necessary in order to make the passion so that he forget the quarrels and scandals that could arise when parting. And then appear in front of him in a new image.

    If he became interested in you once, then he can do it again, especially if you appear in front of him bright, happy and confident.

    As soon as the guy "swam", you can proceed to heavy artillery - compromising.

    Compromat - the best way to embroil a couple

    It is not worth a rival and dissolve rumors. It will more efficiently compromise it.

    Patch fate

    Nothing spoils the relationship as their clarification and mutual reproaches. Ask a friend from another city to act as a fan fan of the rival.

    Modern information technologies allow you to get acquainted and flirt at a distance, and almost every girl has pages on social networks. The submarine bridegroom should get acquainted with your rival and deploy active activity on its seduction.

    Your task is to ensure that the favorite is enlightened about the brewing "treason." Methods A lot: photos by email, anonymous night calls, correspondence.

    If the random fiance will work correctly, then a number of mutual reproaches will definitely arise in a pair that can lead to rupture of relations.

    Do not lose vigilance

    The former rival will definitely attempt to restore the lost relationship. Be sure to make it attempts to zero. It is necessary to create conditions so that the guy has changed the phone number, email address, etc.

    This can be motivated by the fact that the painful memories of a young man can do anything.

    It is necessary to make it so that he is convinced that reconciliation with the former is impossible, and the treason can not be forgotten.

    Astrological analysis

    Before starting "hunting"? Read the analysis of astrologers about the loyalty of zodiac signs. It will help better understand the rival, its chosen one and choose a faithful strategy.


    The guy-Aries is very inconstant, it is quickly bored with him, he is looking for a variety. Therefore, it will not be able to separate it with an opponent of labor, but no one will give warranty that you do not get tired of quickly. If you want these relationships, you will need to be different all the time.


    The guy-Taurus is a solid "nut". Taurizers do not like change, they are true to loved ones and all their might try to preserve the relationship, so you have to try to destroy a couple where the guy is Taurus.


    Twins love flirts, intrinsic and novels. To captivate such a guy will not be difficult, but to keep is not easy. So you need to be constantly alert.


    Parnctions are largely relying on their half in a pair. It is difficult for them to take an independent decision. When "separation", such a couple must be achieved so that the rival girl herself threw a young man, as the cancer is not able to decide on breaking the relationship.

    a lion

    The surest sign of the horoscope. The only quality that the lion does not tolerate in a person who is next to him is criticism. If the girl criticizes the guy-lion, then these relationships are doomed to the gap. Think and act.


    Virgin is very faithful, but, as a rule, looking for relationships with loved ones in spirit. To win a guy-awelny, tediously become "his boyfriend", to share his interests and hobbies.


    The best condition for the conquest of scales is mutual aspirations and interests. The representative of this sign can captivate the girl in which he will see a like-minded man.


    Scorpions - Value is fond of. For them, the "shell" plays. If you want to conquer its location, you should always be at the height, and in the company - the focus.

    It will be even more difficult to keep such a guy, because if someone "brighter" appear on the horizon, his attention will immediately be switched to a new object.


    Sagittarius are not permanent, they are looking for new relationships, new impressions and new emotions. They are easily fond of and as easily "cool down". To repel it is not a problem, to keep - the task is not from the lungs.


    Capricor guys are not just true, they are very keen. To rock such a young man for new relations is not easy, however, if it succeeds, it will be a reliable partner and a great friend for his half.


    Welcome guys faithful. This is a permanent sign, not loving change. They are devoted in friendship, but they do not belong to love relationships. Aquarius, it allows you to get closer to it, it creates a huge distance. A complex sign that is very difficult to conquer.


    Fish guys are very true to relationships in which they consist. They are looking for a deep, long-term connection and, if they find, "to" eat "them from such relations are very difficult. But in the pair they are enough tedious and west.

    If you want to split a couple where the boyfriend is a fish, try to rival himself to leave him.

    Psychologists unequivocally argue that it is not worth spending time and effort to upset the other people's relations. Much more interesting and more useful to build their own.

    If you manage to beat off the guy from another girl, you will constantly wait for the same manipulation someone else.

    Since you succeeded, it may be possible to succeed. You will live with a loaf, and therefore you will not be able to test the real happiness.

    Look around, can be among the free guys there will be the one who will be your half? Our wise ancestors were reduced to the same opinion, which argued that in someone else's misfortune would not build their own. But you decide.

    How to beat off the guy: 6 tips that will help conquer his heart + 3 things that cannot be done.

    We were taught all at school: it's not good to climb into someone else's life. Say, dangerous and on the karma will appear. My Lenka and Viculi nodded together, and each of us believed: here I - never.

    Ten years passed, and the first of our "Holy Trinity" surrendered to Lenka. She hit her husband with her friend, about which Soon Gorky regretted. The guy returned to the family in two years, and we were comforting a girlfriend for several months. And again, each of us reported to yourself: "So I will never!".

    But came to our young and friendly team of Daniel. He possessed all the qualities of the perfect guy: the mind, beauty, excellent sense of humor. And a pretty girl who took him to a car from work.

    First, I did not think about my colleague. But six months gave up. Why can't I try? Why should, in the end, think about the feelings of another girl, when I die from the loving love?

    And then asked himself the last sacramental question: "How to beat off the guy?" For this reason, our "Holy Trinity" was reanimated and was convened. With the conclusions will share below.

    First, it should be thoroughly thinking about your decision. If your desire to beat off the guy drives exclusively passion and lust, is a bad idea. Probably you will spend too much strength and energy for short pleasure.

    Put, you will get off the cavalier, and then what? For a short breakdown, you will disappear, and you will remain bad glory. Especially if the young man is not the first on your account.

    Pulling hot coffee on a gray Saturday day, we also came to the conclusion: you need to abandon the wording "to break the life of a person", "to lead someone else's guy", "spoil the life of his girlfriend." After all, if you decided to beat off the guy, in this process, with any outcome, two sides are involved: you and a young man.

    And if he entered into relationships from his lady, then it is fully responsible for:

    • preservation of a pair
    • fidelity,
    • the moral condition of the girl.

    The guy carries, and not just you. Remember.

    If you decide to beat off the guy, based on your deep love experiences, namely:

    • feel that this is the person with whom you would like to live all my life;
    • previously did not experience such strong senses;
    • ready to keep him loyalty and devotion;
    • you understand the whole risk, but you really want to try and build a qualitative relationship with him.

    But we will be as honest and worthy with you. And, if you get off the guy, it will only be his choice.

    Of course, men love their eyes. Who does not know this old, like the world, truth? Therefore, the first step must become a total "rebranding".

    Provide a critical assessment of what you have. In which condition:

    • leather,
    • hair,
    • nails
    • teeth,
    • physical form,
    • wardrobe?

    You should externally for all criteria to exceed the current guy's passion you want to beat off.

    Explore the plate below, it will be useful:

    HealthHealth First of all, you need to take care of your health. Healthy appearance - one of universal ways Becoming attractive for any man.

    Go to the cosmetologist and the doctor to find out the cause of the rash on the face. Cure teeth, consult a trichologist about perchot. Committed gynecologist. After all, a subconsciously man chooses the "future mother of his child." And this is a healthy woman.

    Well-groomed appearance You probably saw girls with shiny skin and shiny hair (Someone mother-nature generously endarily), but blurred nails and carelessly shrouded ink?

    Be sure to watch your appearance. Always neat manicure and pedicure. Do not forget about clean and silky hair. Ballet skin face with masks. Only clean things and select a pleasant perfume.

    WardrobeStarting with linen, even if the supposed cavalier sees it not soon. What magical power has new underwear under the office costume ... you should feel personally!

    Enter more dresses and comfortable shoes on the heel. Convenient - because exhausted look can scare the guy.
    Update Upper Clothes, Accessories and Bag. Powered by shoes. You should look flawless.

    MakeupAnd, of course, let's talk about makeup. Men love girls who are at least a little, yelling. It emphasizes dissolutely on them, thereby making us even more touching.

    Therefore, if possible, use explosives or ss-cream, powder, tinkering eyelashes. Avoid vulgar makeup, layers tonal Basics and bright lipsticks. Men also love naturalness, so I will be able to find a balance.

    Of course, to knock off a young man and, you need to be open and easy. The guys fall in love with girls who are bewildered and able to bring lightness, warmth and tenderness in their lives. Therefore, do not even think that it will turn off a person, continuing to complain about life and arrange hysterics.

    More often show your love in the world. Show the guy your strength and passion for life, the ability to perceive everything with joy and think in a positive line.

    It will put positive attitudes about you in his subconsciousness:

    • with her good;
    • it is cheerful and easy, probably easy in relationships;
    • perceives everything with humor, not used to whining and complaining;
    • inspires into actions;
    • i want to protect against the negative side of life;
    • it brings to the life of everyone who will meet on her way, friendship and love.

    If you want to beat off the guy, it is important for you emotionally to arrange it to yourself.

    Try to avoid communicating:

    • complaints
    • whim
    • insults and critics towards other people
    • self-criticism
    • woven and false words.

    You have to strive to ensure that the guy you want to beat off, has experienced only pleasure from meetings and communicating with you. He can swear with his girlfriend, experience problems at work, get sick or take heavy solutions - but in your company, all the burdens must retreat to the background.

    And then it will definitely get off the desired guy from his passion.

    Another wonderful way to beat off the cavalier -. Surely there are topics that he cannot discuss with his current girl. Will not understand, condemnation, offended. But you are not so?

    To beat off and interest the guy will help you with small tricks:

      Love what loves the guy.

      If it turns out that you have common hobbies - it's great. And the conversation itself is glued, and the pastime is becoming more interesting. So, you can surpass, which of you is the best skate course or roller.

      But it happens that common interests with a person you want to beat off, not so much. Then the usual analysis will come to the rescue. Find out about everything that the young man loves you want to beat off. What films looks, listening to music, on what instrument plays or what kind of sports hall goes?

      Try sincerely imbued with love for these classes. In general, buy popcorn and forward - watch the "Game of Thrones".

      We divide leisure with him.

      An excellent idea to beat off the guy will be joint leisure. But how to spend more time with a young man when he is under the supervision of a vigilant passion?

      Find out what room he trains in which parks riding a bike where coffee drinks. And we will be "purely by chance." Yes, this is also your favorite coffee shop. And this gym recommended your girlfriend. And you are also very surprised to meet him here.

      The main thing, do not replay. Remember - get in touch with the guy you need to immediately. The second chance will not make the first impression.

      Agree more often.

      To make friends with a young man, in a conversation with him it costs more often. Not to succumb to every word, of course. But if the position of the cavalier at least in something echoes yours, it is better to voice it.

      So you subconsciously give a guy to understand: "We have some values, I can trust."

    Tip 5. Using with the passage of whom you want to beat off

    Cusar, yes. But when it comes to repel the guy, do everything clean and beautiful will not work. Your task is not to forget about your dignity, moral principles and everything is most sincere. Therefore, it would be nice to enter a friendly contact with the girl of the cavalor.

    There are several advantages in this:

    • You can learn it better: what are the shortcomings, and what is the strengths. Knowing the opponent, you are doubly armed.
    • Learn the weaknesses of her relationship with a young man you want to beat off. Then you use these knowledge for your mercenary purposes. / Li\u003e
    • Learn the characteristics of the guy's character. Perhaps you will move after revelations with his girlfriend to beat the cavalier.
    • You can be closer to the guy. After all, you will probably see in one company, he will meet it with the coffee shops in which you discussed our secrets, etc.

    In any case, repeat the guy, knowing the weaknesses of its current relationship, most likely.

    It sounds strange, but, in fact, there is nothing frightening here.

    There is a certain type of guys that do not differ in particular initiative. And if there are problems in their pairs that are not trying to decide, will not be difficult to divide such an alliance.

    But why do you need such a "gift" - decide myself. Everyone, as they say.

    To repel not a particularly initiative guy, you have to:

    1. Give understand what is interested in his person. We call the first, write. You can offer a meeting on coffee or movie. Ask you to spend from work to your car in the parking lot, because it is cold and dark. But observe the balance and mind to see the difference obsession / perseverance.
    2. You can beat off the desired guy using the secret tactics: to conquer its location so that he thinks that it becomes the initiator of each conversation or contact. How to do it? Turn on the trick. We are women, in the end!
    3. Provocate the scandal between his girlfriend and herself. Capture a guy, causing disgust to his own chosen, is insidious and low. But if you are ready for desperate measures, this idea is still sooner or later will come to your mind.

      In general companies, provoke a small quarrel or a dispute with a cavaller's passion. Try to look at her position weak and ugly in comparison with your. Wonderful if the rival behaves aggressively, dropping to insults and humiliations in your address. After all, in the end, in his own words and behavior, she offends only himself.

    Create more provocative situations, be more persistent in communicating with a guy, and the stars will smile.

    3 things that can not be done if you decided to beat off the guy

    Tabu 1. Relieng, playing in dirty games.

    In war, all means are good? Perhaps, but not in a concrete case. Otherwise, you risk repelning a young man every desire to be with you. Who will be interested in a girl who does not have moral principles and falls to dirty intrigues?

    Therefore, never:

      Not gossip.

      Do not prick about the passion of a person whom you want to beat off all sorts of nastyness. Do not spoil her name, do not ride and do not pour mud. Remember: all the secret becomes clear.

      And even if in your experience, this effect of the boomeranga did not work - take advantage of mine. Everything. Always. Becomes. Explicit. The guy will simply turn away from you if he learns how dirty you can be.

      Do not lie to your chosen one - either about his passion or his feelings. Let him know you as an honest girl, no matter what.

    Tabu 2. To repel, resorting to blackmail.

    We will spread the situation: during the party, you managed to interest the young man, but for one night. This may well happen if you start to lead an active struggle for the head of the cavalier, and in one evening he could not resist if all the circumstances contributed to this. The next morning the guy woke up and understood: he is to blame and did badly.

    Your main task to conquer the guy's heart is to give him freedom to choose. In no case do not resort to blackmail. Do not become ultimatum: you leave for me, or your chosen find out about what was.

    Blackmailing, you will probably lose a young man with a probability of 99%.

    Why often like the guy who is already busy?

    How to attract the guy's attention if he has a girlfriend?
    Detailed instructions with the actions manual.

    Tabu 3. Relieng, praying for relationships.

    Also avoid another extreme: prayers, tears and desperate requests.
    Never knock off the guy if you fall to his legs. The chosen one must consciously choose you.

    Therefore, keep yourself in your hands and never:

    • Do not cry in front of a person you want to beat off. Not time to look miserable.
    • Do not ask him to give you a chance. You can pray for heavens as much as you like, but in front of the chosen man behave adequately. Our task is to act calmly and confidently.
    • Do not threaten with a violence, the girl and myself. Never, hear, never threaten a person whom you want to beat off. This will only call disgust in it. No, a person will not appreciate the power of your passion, determination and madness. He will feel your weakness, despair and cowardice.

    Our meeting on the topic "How to beat off the guy?" It came to the end. Tired, but satisfied, I came home and climbed into a hot bath. Well, the pendulum is launched, as they say ...

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    There is not a single representative of the beautiful half of humanity, which at least once in his life did not like the guy who already has a girl. And even when you know that it is not good to try to destroy other people's relationship, you can not always handle the feeling. Passion sometimes pushes on the most rapid acts. If there is no opportunity to get rid of it, one exit remains - try to beat off the guy to understand Love Li or "Sports" interest.

    How to beat off the guy from another girl

    If you decide to knock off the guy from another girl, take patience, because without him you can hardly have something. It is very difficult to succeed in this case quickly. Here is a composure. This is especially important when the guy just started meeting a girl. They are united by strong feelings, they only recognize each other and for them until no other is interesting. Chances are increasing every day, because over time, any feeling, except for real love, begins to fade. She will not have any plans and ingenious moves.

    Before proceeding with active actions, spend time on obtaining the necessary information. Learn about the guy who likes everything that is possible: where it works, learn what is interested in where he walks, who communicates with. If you are unfamiliar with him, it will help to find a way to meet, find common topics for communication, and you can have common friends, then there will be someone to talk about.

    Do not try to separate them, telling the guy, what is his bad girl. Even if you know that she changes him, do not become for him who brings bad news. Subconsciously in the future, he will always associate you with those who made him hurts, truth whether you said or lied. Therefore, it is best not to discuss his girl with him at all, not to keep the conversation about her, not asking questions and not attempt to find out how he applies to it. The time will come when he himself knows everything, your task to be with him is near, to surround care, attention and caress. And then you will turn to him in the most best girlwhich makes him happy. The only thing, in no case should you immediately tell him about his feelings, must pass the time so that he calms down and survived the gap.

    But let him take all that you do for him, as proper, is also impossible. Let him feel what he likes you, but you are not ready to wait forever when it takes the first step. Understanding that he can lose you, the guy will try to make it so that this does not happen if you have become His roads and are necessary.

    It is best to communicate with him when his girls are not near, but also no need to surround overnight. Everything is good in moderation. In the case when he experiences interest to you, he will want to communicate with any opportunity, otherwise, your task is to gradually become an indispensable interlocutor. Not always love flashes instantly, sometimes she may appear after some time.

    Watch your own appearance. Perform the impression on the man, first of all, can be an appearance. So be always on top when you meet with a young man you like. Consider K. appearance His girls, feel free to use the items from her style if they go to you. But without fanatism, it is unlikely that he will like the clone of his girl. Yes, and she immediately suspects something wrong.

    Experiment, pick up clothes that emphasizes your shape. Examine what kind of clothes like men, what women do they prefer. Learn his hobby, hobbies, look at the world. Learn to feel your beloved. React to his mood. He is silent, silent and you, joking - laugh, sad - sad. This will make it possible for him not only a stunning woman, but also a beautiful girlfriend, with which he has so much in common. From such girls it is not easy to refuse.

    But people only appreciate what they get with difficulty. Men in their nature hunters. Therefore, disappear from his life for a while. Let he have time to miss. If you managed to interest him, he will begin to call you or write messages, wanting to talk. It is best to appear next to him when he calls first. Then you have every chance to beat off the guy, because he has already started to miss your society.

    • Look at yourself than your rival is not like you. Stress your differences. Often a sharp contrast can attract the attention of men. Examine her behavior and apply your own. Be Mile, charming, more closer, but if you noticed that the guy like girls with character, show it. It will attract his attention, because he will not expect such a cute girl, as you can uphold your or other people's rights.
    • At the meeting, be sure to interest how it is about how life. Listen, make compliments, admire his actions and words. Express your interest with all your views. No man stands before such an attitude. But do not turn into his fan. You must be, first of all, personality. Only from a person who represents something, it is pleasant to hear compliments and approval. Empty flattery cause irritation.
    • If necessary - sympathize, take care, substitute your fragile shoulder. It will not remain unnoticed.
    • Watch out for words, behavior. Avoid rude words, obscene expressions, sharp movements, do not shout, do not lead yourself as a man, stay a girl who needs protection and attention. Few men who want to communicate with grureeels and vulgar specialists who do not know how to behave in society, especially if he already has a girl who he likes. Being better for her it is for him - the only chance to beat off the guy.
    • Contact it for help. Ask to help or give advice, even if you can cope with this situation yourself. Representatives of the strong half of humanity love to help girls, because they feel strong and necessary. Do not forget after thank it, for example a good dinner.
    • Do not resort to blackmail if you have a relationship, and he still cannot part with his girlfriend. If you decide to beat off the guy, then some time will have to suffer the role of the mistress, it is not so easy to say to a person that it was blocked.
    • If this ambiguous situation is delayed, only you can continue to continue these relationships that have turned into a triangle "triangle" or, remember your own dignity and complete them.

    If after all attempts to break a couple, you understand that you can not work, find the strength to give up this guy. Think, do you really feel so bad that they are ready to constantly humiliate and try to take possession of a strange guy by any ways. True love is always mutual, it does not require a person impossible, but gives him joy. So maybe instead of trying to beat off a busy guy, it is better to look around around? Who knows, maybe among friends there are one who has long been waiting for you to notice it. Yes, and the principle of "do with others as well as you want, in order to come with you," no one has canceled.

    Some girls experiencing sympathy for young people in romantic relationships think about how to lead the guy from the rival. It is real, if you remember some of the psychological aspects and not go beyond reasonable. There are situations in which it is almost impossible to beat off a man. It is necessary to soberly assess your intentions, the level of relationships in a pair, feelings and desires of the beloved.

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    How to lead a guy?

    Women are decided to lead a guy when it consists in a romantic relationship, because strong feelings are experiencing. In such a delicate situation, it is necessary to take into account everything to the smallest detail: learn about the duration of the existence of a man's union and another girl, what plans they build for the future, why they are comfortable in relation to each other. It is possible to find out all the nuances in one way - to start a conversation with your beloved. But obsessive and annoying should not be, since not all guys willingly share the details of their personal life.

    Sometimes women wishing to get some information are trying to go with the passion of a loved one. It is advisable to limit yourself from communicating with this lady. It should be contacted only with a man.

    If the guy who is not sensible is unfamiliar, then it is necessary to know it better - to ask about the interests that he likes and what he does. Do not build romantic plans for someone else's partner, not knowing anything about him.

    A woman who wants to conquer a man must be sure that she wants these relationships. It is impossible to make someone else's union just like that, unnecessarily. Only the lady, who is confident in his love for a man may decide for such a serious and responsible step.

    Do not try to conquer someone else's partner for the sake of sexual relationship. Even if the guy is very attracted to a woman, such an act amoral. Moreover, a man may not misunderstand a woman and regard it not as a desire for the meeting for the sake of intimate intimate, but for the manifestation of feelings from her side.

    How to lead a man from the family

    Better and not try

    1. 1. Young people living together with their passion or going to marry. If a man demonstrates an explicit desire to make the current girl with his wife and is going to create a family with her, it is useless to flirt with him. It makes sense to take some actions only if the guy direct says what wishes to leave his companion and tie a new relationship.
    2. 2. Friends or buddies. If the guy does not show any sympathy for a long time and ignores all the signs of attention, then it is unlikely to do something. Even free young people do not always agree to the relationship with the girls who are indifferent to them. But sometimes men simply do not understand the hints, so it is worth expressing their feelings directly. It is important to remember that it can spoil friendly relations Forever, so you should be as soft and unobtrusive.
    3. 3. Former partners. If the problem lies in the fact that you want to resume relationships with a former young man, then you should think carefully and weigh. A man who went to the opponent he loves, is unlikely to come back again. And excessive meticulousness and obsession will only spoil his relationship with a woman trying to provoke him to break.

    If a woman is going to lead the partner of his girlfriend, then you can forget about the continuation of friendship. In this case, it is not necessary to do this: to deceive the girl, provoke it, deliberately do something bad.

    It is important for a woman to remember that leading the man with a friend, she betrays her. Do not destroy the Union, if young people are married or live together. In the event that the girl sees the girlfriend does not like a guy, and their relationship will last long, she can show sympathy for his love. It is advisable to explain to the girlfriend, tell her about her feelings and apologize for the act.

    If the rival is a man's girlfriend, then it is important to carefully find out about his feelings for her. Give when a woman will be sure that she has a chance, she should hint a guy about his sympathy. And if the young man meets with a girl he loves and for a long time, so that she perceives him not just like a friend, but as a partner, it is better not to interfere in their relationship, as this will not give any result.

    It is important to find out how long ago and under what circumstances a guy and a girl met. If the relationship lasts for a long time, and the couple met still at a young age, then the guy will not work. And if they met for about two weeks ago and no passion between them arose, then the girl has every chance to attract the attention of her beloved.

    Attention men and zodiac sign

    By the sign of the zodiac, you can say a lot about the character of a man, especially if it concerns interpersonal relations with the opposite sex:

    • Aries. Men born under this sign are quite capricious. They love romantic women, require attention, tenderness, understanding from their partners. In exchange, they are ready to repay her the same coin. Not selfish.
    • Calf. Tales are patient, restrained and do not give will to emotions. If a young man is in a serious relationship with the lady, then the gap with it will be long and conscious.
    • Twins. Guys often live in their illusions, amenable to feelings without thinking about what will happen next. Because of this, the twins are characterized by rainy solutions - such as departure from one woman to another. At the same time, not all guys regard the gap as the beginning of a new relationship.
    • Cancer. Cancer needs women with a pronounced maternal instinct, as these men are very family people. They need to understand, care, loyalty, trust. If the girl has all these qualities, then cancer will prefer it. It will be difficult to beat off the guy, it is necessary to become an ideal for him, conquer, fall in love with yourself.
    • A lion. Relationships with lions require constant work. These men demanding, self-sufficient and a little selfish. A woman need to think if she really needs a guy that she dreams about.
    • Virgo. Virgo freedom-loving. Even if the guy breaks a romantic connection with the previous passion, this does not mean that such a plot will not happen to new girl. It should be careful and search for a compromise, so as not to destroy the recently started relationship.
    • Libra. These young people do not like to give empty promises, always try something new and do not give the girl to miss. From partners Representatives of this sign of the zodiac are waiting for the same. They are important for the woman to have an active life position and share their interests.
    • Scorpio. These men do not like to talk a lot and prefer to prove their intentions to actions. You should not argue, swearing or blame the guy who born under the sign of Scorpio.
    • Sagittarius. Sagittari - people wise, understand what they want from life. In a relationship with women prefer constancy, so that the man will not be easy, only if the feelings are mutual and sincere.
    • Capricorn. Capricorous men often have a very complex character, they are stubborn and capricious. In relations with them it is worth making compromises and concessions. Will the guy will be easy, heavier to keep it next to him.
    • Aquarius. Aquariols are difficult to break the previous relationships, they can return to the former again. These young people are looking for understanding, support and support in women. To conquer a man, it is worth giveing \u200b\u200bhim gifts, and not only material.
    • Fish. They are looking for women better than themselves. In relations are very demanding, trying to be the best in the eyes of our partners. A man born under this zodiac sign can be very jealous and intolerant to communicate his passion with the opposite sex.

    Although all the signs of the zodiac have common character traits, blindly relying on their description is not worth it. It is necessary to take into account the individual features of the beloved and act intuitively. Women, unsure of themselves who are afraid to take the first step towards relations, can read books and articles about the psychology of relationships.

    Your relationship with a young man ended, and another girl appeared in his life? It doesn't matter whether you broke up the relationship on your own initiative or not appreciated them until they lost, in any case there are certain signals that demonstrate a person's desire to receive a second chance. If you remind your beloved about the time when you were good together, perhaps he will return to you!


    Ampare action plan

      Restore contact. Of course, this may require some time and good planning. You need to think carefully after you decide to restore contact with a person who you like. The method that should be used in this case depends on each specific situation.

      Be friends friendly and with a young man, and with his new girl. You should behave benevolently not only with your former young man, but also with his new girl. Thanks to this, no one has suspicion that you want to return a young man. Do not remember your relationship in the presence of it new girlfriendSince those present can become awkward. In addition, so you openly show what you want to return a young man.

      Write him from time to time, but do not turn it with them. As soon as you reconnect contact with your former young man, you can start sending text messages from time to time. Determine how often and how much you will send messages. It all depends on the susceptibility of a young man. Sending messages, turn on the jokes that are known only to you and your former young man. By this you will show that you still appreciate the relationship that were between you. But at the same time you will not seem desperately thirsty of his return.

      • At this stage you will make active attempts to return to the life of your loved one. So be prepared for the fact that his new girlfriend will oppose. Attach every effort to not criticize it in the presence of a young man and not resort to this in messages. Be calm and confident - if he continues to communicate with you, despite its protests and objections, then this is an excellent sign that your efforts can be crowned with success.
    1. Focus on becoming his friend again. Friends are found to drink coffee or chat about what they recently watched films. Put the short-term goal to make friends with a young man. Thanks to this, he will be able to relax and allow you to restore the relationship that you have before. Are you fond of football together? And what did you like mathematics? Think about what united you, and use it as a starting point of restarting your friendship.

      • To translate attitudes to a new level, try to overcome the barrier of the touch. Do not make too obvious gestures. Just touch his shoulder or hand when you specify something. It will be appropriate for him.
    2. Tell him about my feelings. As soon as you realize that you can return your lover, tell him about your feelings. It is best to do personally, so that you can see his reaction and hear any changes in its voice tone. Treat in advance what you want to say. Thanks to this you will not stuff, speaking of your feelings.

      Ask him not to rush. You know by yourself, as it hurts to part with the beloved. If you manage to return a young man, remember that he will have to part with his current girl. Her feelings will be affected. Therefore, show that you are mature and self-confident personality. Ask a young man to be soft enough with a girl with which he will have to break the relationship.

    Work behind the scenes

      Make sure the reason you want to restore the relationship is justified. Most likely, you think that it is entitled to return a loved one. However, is it like this? Do you want to restore the relationship because you really miss this person or because you can't calm down that he quickly found you a replacement? Honestly answer these questions. Thanks to this, you can determine whether it is worth destroying the current relationship of a young man.

      • If you broke up because of the treason, pay close attention to it. Think if you want to survive something like that. You may think that this person is created for you; In fact, your feelings can be dictated by sadness and jealousy associated with the rupture of relations in which you are inserted time and strength.
    1. Temporarily limit the connection with it. If you decide to return the former partner, do not contact him for some time. You do not need to delete it from the list of friends on social networks. However, do not call him, do not send private messages and do not communicate in social networks. Be in sight of him, so that he remembers your existence, but do not interact with him.

      • However, there are exceptions to the rules. For example, if you have common children, then you can't just stop communicating with a former young man. If you are forced to communicate for one reason or another, try to reduce such communication to a minimum. Be polite, but do not talk long with a young man. When meeting with him, go as soon as possible, under any pretext.
      • The absence period is likely to be one of the most difficult stages of restoring relations. It is important to remember that this is a way to achieve a targeted goal. Although this does not apply to all guys, but most of them seek to get what is not in their lives. Thus, the lack of contact at least makes him understand what it is when you are not in his life. Your goal is to make this picture gloomy and dull.
    2. Do not compare yourself with his new girl. As soon as you stop communicating with your former boyfriendYou may have a temptation to view photos on social networks of his new girlfriend and torture yourself with thoughts about how it is beautiful and how happy they are together. Do not compare yourself with his girlfriend. She is not suitable at the notes. The only thing that she has is the attention of your beloved you want to get back. If the girl is higher or slimmer or has a sports physique, do not care too strict. Remember, your former young man fell to you tender feelings, so it is likely that he will love you again.

      Work over the appearance. This does not mean that you need to sit on a diet or make yourself excessive loads. However, you can feel more confident if you look good. Make yourself a new hairstyle, manicure or pedicure or sign up into the gym. It will enhance your self-confidence, and even if you fail to return the guy, your mood will be much better thanks to excellent appearance.

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