• Dark peace or slave for a demon. Hunted the forms of demons - a trip to the Dark Fantasy World. Conveyor worlds or dancing with the Tolls. Oleg Muzalov


    He woke up quickly, in fact right away. The obsession passed, he could again see, hear, feel, breathe ... I was breathing ... It hurts, and the blood was foaming on the lips, and some people leaning over him, closing the sky. Something spoke in vain, they were afraid of something and the buttons of his beloved sand camsole were praised.

    Tempel, graph, learn, the doctor will now ...

    Not worth it ... - Lis silently coughed. "It's not scary ... I have my own ..." I tried, it was, to get up, but the head turned my head, and I had to reassign to Earth again. Nevertheless, complete humanity had their drawbacks. His wound, of course, will not kill, it is not difficult to heal. But after all, not at all, his healing methods are too fundamental for the most respectable public. First you need to get to the places allocated to him.

    Gaston, he called he aul, - help.

    With the help of the faithful secretary, it was almost possible to climb (it would be much easier if I did not have to beat back from a variety of hands who tried to hold it), but here his heart pierced the endless horror, and somewhere in the depths of the skull, the desperate female cry also jarred.

    Rosseli, the fox whispered must finally be aware of what happened. And desperately rushed to her, forgotten about the "fatal wound" and "severe condition". Fortunately, together with the wounded body, although it is already really a miracle.

    Rosseli! - The door swung open, and fox broke into the bedroom. - All won! - He snapped at the servants fled to my cry. - Gaston, horses, carriage - We are immediately leaving!

    Several steps from the door and before the bed he did without his characteristic smoothness, jerks. And he fell heavily near me on his knees. At that moment I was also sitting on the floor - frightened, trembling - a chapping in the castle, non-stationary shaking hands.

    Quieter, rosy, quieter. Scared? - He smiled so confidently and calmly that I believed in a moment - everything is in order. And then he noticed blood baked on his lips and chin, the peculiar and flooded Camcole in the area of \u200b\u200bthe right chest, merging away from sweat and the hair spent from dust.

    You ... wound you? - I'm immediately scared again. - Are you dying? Is this because of this? ..

    What are you rosy, what are you? I am immortal. Didn't I say? - He again smiles well, and a thin trickle of blood flows out of his mouth and descends to the chin. - And this is just a duel, I told: Men should sometimes fight. Do not pay attention, - he extended his hand in the puffy glove and carefully covered my palms.

    Do not feel! - I moved my hands in a panic. - I do not feel you, you see? Not in contact! - I sharply jerked my hands up, and they easily passed through his palm, as the bedside column was held - not even feeling obstacles on their way.

    Sorry, my rose, it is my wines, "my wounded graph sighed a little, without showing the slightest surprise, - I climbed to a noble lady in dirty gloves. Now I will fix it, - and very slowly and neatly he drove his glove with his right hand.

    I expected ... something. I do not know, but his maniacal desire is always and everywhere to stay in gloves, I gave rise to me a steady suspicion that there, under them ... there was a palm. Ordinary, human, men's palm: Light leather taking off her bluish veins, a mesh "Lines of Fate" ... He handed it to me, and I instantly grabbed him, without thinking about a moment, as he was enough for any straw ... no, tightened in a terrible unreal swamp ...

    The hand was real! I kept for her, I felt. My palm did not take it through! The hand was warm, reliable, strong. I do not believe yourself from happiness, I grabbed her and with the other hand, I squeezed his palm with all my might, I fell on her hardly all weighing. His palm just trembled, swing in the air, but kept me!

    Get up, Rosseli, - He gently pulled me upstairs. - All is well, you see? Everything is fine.

    I borrowing a lip and without taking a tense look from his face, I very slowly rose, holding his hand, as if for the last support in the universe. The legs trembled after the survey nightmare, and I did not trust my legs, I trusted only his hand in my hands.

    But then he staggered, palena is even stronger, and we both almost fell.

    Oh, I'm sorry, "I stopped putting on his hand, leveled and helped to resist him. - Sorry, you are injured ... You probably need to lie down. Is everything very bad?

    Wound? No, it will cost. Not on time simply. We go, you need to dress. We will have to leave from here. Immediately rosy. Time to lose is not worth it.

    Not releasing my hand, he led me to the chest with clothes, which stood near one of the walls. Opened the cover with a free hand (the one with which he did not remove the glove with the glove and blood), pulled out a wide raincoat, looked at it, thumping a huge hood on his head, who completely hid my face, and immediately pulled to the exit: - Go !

    Wait, and shoes? And you said to dress, and I under a cloak in one shoe.

    All then, my pisels, we just get to the carriage.

    But, Fox ... - Trying to slow down a little bit, I grabbed his free hand for the door jamb. I tried to grab - the hand took it through. And the nightmare retreated was again forced me to go to the witness.

    Do not touch, Rosseli, do not, - asked the fox calmly and delusito, as if the caring dad is not in the measure of a Shebuly child, which has long been accustomed to the restlessness of his contest. And, without slowing the movement, dragged me to the outlet of the flaghel.

    Fox, I ... - told him a voice from horror, having stopped squeaking, - I seem to fall into the floor. Vyazna in it.

    Do not let, pursle, it's just your fears. Calmfully, the parquet will not be able to harm you.

    But foxes ...

    Not here, my joy. You understand - not here.

    Tonya quietly sacing a cheerful song under his nose, with difficulty wrapped the well chain on the gate. The bucket wokenly hit the board of the well and the cold water fell on the tanned feet of the girl. Tonya deftly picked it up and poured into his bucket of blue plastic, still smelling the store. - Help? "A pleasant male voice touched her ears and the girl quickly turned around." The man, who offered his help, intently looked at her, as if trying to remember every little thing. Its light, almost transparent eyes were cold as a winter sky, and a solid, heavy chin coat the bristle.

    He was tall and powerful, like a bear, huge muscles rolled under the T-shirt and thought that he could easily attribute a bucket with her, right to home. - No, thank you, I myself. "I don't care about you," the man picked up a bucket and headed upwards. "I see you for the first time," silently went to the next, gladly looking at his wide back. - Hotel at someone? - arrived in cases. I would like to buy your milk factory - yes? - The girl was surprised. - Usually such people buckets with water do not take ...

    Believe me, people are different, he grinned, exposing white, strong teeth. - And you are the daughter of the owner of the milk of the plant, isn't it? - Yes ... But it is hardly acquainted with me, will help you purchase it. - What do you! I did not think to enjoy our acquaintance, for my own gain ... - And you would not have happened, - I smiled at the way, - my stepfather, Noda was not interested in my opinion.

    Mama! Mama! - The ringing voice rang in the silence of the street. - Martha kittens gave birth! Thinking rushed to a small boy standing near the huge, wrought gates and frightened him by hand. - Why did you go out?! "I heard your voice ... A long and dry woman appeared near the gate, she quickly approached the boy and led him to the house. - Why do not you allow the child to go beyond the gate? - The voice of her spent, brought the tone of frightened thoughts. - He is blind. She answered sharply and took a bucket of his hands. - Thanks.

    Sorry, I did not know. - The man suddenly extended her his big palm. - Arnold is called me. - Antonina. - The girl invested her narrow brush in a warm hand and he squeezed her gently. - Why do you go to the well? Is there no water in such a huge estate? "The man changed the topic of the conversation. - No, just in it the most delicious water in the whole settlement. - smiled sneaking. - I will go ... all the best. She disappeared at the gate, and Arnold whispered to her after: - You are also probably delicious ... What I want to check.

    Who was that? - The voice of the stepfather was dissatisfied. - Where? - asked sinking, although I understood perfectly perfectly, whom he meant. - A man who escaped you from the well. - His fork ticked about a plate. "I don't know ... offered help ... I said that you want to buy your factory." - calmly answered the girl and moved his son to a bowl with a cake. - Cute, your favorite cake.

    Yes? Why did he not ask me? - I do not know. - I shrugged the sink. "I don't like that you walk with a bucket as a village babe," the man continued irritably, "tell me the servant and they will bring, since you like this damned water so much!" Tonya looked at him and took his eyes, unable to withstand this look, filled with anger and something else, what would she prefer not to think about. - Mom is not Baba! - The boy's voice was offended and loud. - Saluch, Georgy! - I checked my stepfather. - And do not dare to store when adults are talking! - Do not shout at him, Vitaly Andreevich! - Thinking thumbs.

    He lacks upbringing! - He threw the napkin on the table and got up. - Take him, until I passed it to the boarding school for disabled! The man rapidly came out, and the boy pressed the boy to herself, looking into his frozen, frightened eyes. - Do not be afraid, I will not give you offense ...

    Arnold immediately saw the soft, feminine forms of Antonina, when she delightfully, smoothly walked along the sidewalk and driving a little further, slowed down. - Good afternoon, sinking!

    Hello Arnold, - she waved his hand. - How are you doing? - Ok, let's let you down. The girl calmly climbed into his car and leaned back on the back of the seat. - Very hot today ... - Yes, it will probably rain, "Arnold agreed and looked at her with a look, noting the high breasts and elegant knees looking out of under the light dress. - Walking? "No, I went to our car service, find out how to repair my car ..." The girl corrected her hair and he suddenly clearly felt her smell, dizzy and drunk.

    How is your boy? - Good, thanks ... all day I sat next to the cat. - laughed sneaking. - worried that all her kittens would not have enough milk. - He is a glorious kid. - Yes, it is so ... Arnold slowly drove in a deserted street, skin feeling her warm and fresh breath. - So you live with your parents? What does your husband do? - Husband died four years ago with my mother ... They crashed in a car accident, when they drove into the hospital, where I gave birth to George ... - I'm sorry for me again ... I did not even assume ...

    Nothing, everything is fine ... - she touched his hand and Arnold felt everything, even the movement of blood along her veins and a light ripple on the tips of the fingers. - I did not leave us with my son and I am very grateful to him ... He cares about us ... - Apparently he is a good man. - said Arnold, but then how the heart had flown and excitedly stated in the temples, he began to doubt this.

    On the horizon it seemed a dark cloud and thundered thunder, removing his grits to the tops of the pines.
    - Now the rain will go ... - I carefully looked at Arnold carefully and I loved it with an accurate profile and long, bright eyelashes, which discarded the shadows on high cheekbones. His hands, compressive steering wheel, were beautiful, with long fingers and thin, dark-skinned skin.
    - Do you like me, Antonina?
    The girl shuddered and blushed, clutched by surprise.
    - You are a handsome man ...

    You are also very beautiful. - His transparent eyes slid on her face and the heart of Tony was hammered as Ptah's caught. - I live very far from here ... There mountains covered with heather and ancient castles with the bestows in which the winds are walking, whispering secrets ...
    - Where are these wonderful places? - Antonina whispered involved, looking like his face leans closer and closer.
    "In Scotland ..." he breathed and their lips met. Through thunder and tonya heard his words: - Do you want to see everything with your own eyes?

    * * *
    - It passes all the frames permitted! - stepfather fiercely squeezed fists, looking at Antonin, wet and barefoot, holding sandals in his hands. - In sight of everyone, you dragged with this gangster! What do you think you yourself?!
    - Do I have no right to build my personal life? - Tonya looked at an angry, covered with red stains, Vitaly Andreevich's face.
    - While you live in my house, you will stick to my rules! Zarubi yourself is on the nose! - He grabbed her hand and threw on the sofa. Tonya clumsily fell, the dress was impulsed, exposing the smooth hips and the face of the stepfather distorted the grimassa, similar to a painful lust, why it became unable to her. He jumped out for the door and the girl heard the sound of the driving car.

    Mom is it you? - Georgy entered the living room, holding his handles behind the walls and peering with frozen eyes into one of him visible darkness. - Mama?
    - Yes, cute, that's me. Come.
    The boy quickly passed the distance between them, deftly ohomina furniture and pressed against her.
    - Are you wet?
    - got under the rain, son.
    - I also want to rain ...
    - Oh, it's very nice! Something you will surely feel it! - Tonya began to cover his chubby cheeks with kisses and they swollen rolled along the floor. - Well, now it's time to drink warm milk.
    - Do you read me?
    - Of course dear ... Let's go.

    Arnold entered the office, stuck with antiquities, which absolutely not harmonized with each other, issuing a complete lack of taste from the owner and looked around.
    - Good day. - Vitaly Andreevich stood near the cabinet with books and the light from the window did not penetrate the dusty angle.
    - Hello. - Arnold did not see his face, but felt the anger and hostility of the owner of the house. - I'd like to talk to you.
    - If you are about the dairy, then you are late, I agreed to sell it with another person.

    Sorry ... But I have another topic for conversation.
    - And what? - Arnold heard the notch irritation in his voice.
    - As for your daughter ... I would like to ask you something about.
    Vitaly Andreevich stepped him to the meeting, shining with brutal eyes.
    - What does she have to do with you?
    - So far no ... But I hope that in a short time it will change.
    - I am listening to you.

    * * *
    - Today came your acquaintance.
    Antonin was fixed and it was not left for him unnoticed.
    - What friend?
    - Arnold.
    - Ah ... about the plant? - Tonya tried to look quietly and ease.
    "And not only," the voice of the stepfather became ELIO-Sweet. - He wants you.
    - In terms of? - The girl excitedly shook his eyes.
    - Wants to marry you. - Vitaly Andreevich walked around and stopped behind her back. - What do you think about it?
    She squeezed from the feeling of his gaze, drilling the back of the head and from the feeling of the impending trouble.

    I ... I do not know ... he likes me ...
    - And you would easily go for a stranger to you? Here it is your essence, Antonina ... - I stuck with stepfather and from his breathing on her headed hair moved. - Well, all this can be fixed.
    He moved away from her and the girl sighed light easily.
    - Maybe you have taken his money, eh?
    - I was abandoned with my money! What are you talking to?! - exclaimed outrageous sinking with horror looking into his snake eyes.
    - Or maybe you decided that he needed your blind puppy? - Vitaly Andreyevich hoarsely laughed.
    - You are frozen, rotten man!
    - And I thought I like me ... Antonina ...
    - The stinking rat may like more! - exclaimed sinking and jumped out of the room.

    Vitaly Andreevich smugled and pulled out a voice recorder from his pocket.
    - Well, ... you wanted it myself ...

    * * *
    Antonina nervously gnawing the straw when a black jeep drove up to her, from which two huge LBs came out. They do not ceremony dragged her into the car and not paying attention to her screams, drove down to the river, having fun Hogoch and glancing on a frightened girl.
    - Do not ori you ... I will not do anything ...

    Where are you driving me?! - Tonya tried to open the car door, but it was twisted with strong hands.
    - Make a couple of photos and deliver home. - I called one of her kidnappers. - Calm down, you will be alive and healthy!
    When it was dragged out of the car, the sinking instantly recognized this place - a sauna, Cleopatra, who also belonged to her stepmate.
    - Why did you bring me here?!
    - Come on, open the mouth, - suddenly said bald ambal and pulled out a bottle of vodka from the car.
    - I do not want!
    But the second gangster closed her nose and as soon as the mouth opened her mouth to do inhale, the burning liquid was poured into her throat.

    * * *
    - You know what to do. - Vitaly Andreevich extended not a high, prudent man package.
    "You see, Lee ... Arnold Robertovich asked me at all about it ..." His rooted eyes were greedily shone.
    "Why ... he asked you to find out everything about Antonine, and this would think it would be worthy of the material ... do so that there was no more spirit near her! I generously thank you.
    - Ok, I'll call.
    - I hope for you.
    The man left, and Vitaly Andreevich rose to the room Tony and looked at the girl with a smile with a smile, lying on the bed in a drunken forget ...

    * * *
    Arnold threw a black, silk bathrobe, hiding signs on his body, not intended for strangers and nodded to her assistant to invite a lawyer who was waiting in the living room.
    - Have you brought me something? - He immediately moved to business.
    - Yes ... But I'm afraid you don't like it ...
    - Yes? - His eyebrows shot up. - What is it?
    In this vest man, he felt fear, excitement ... But in his presence, many have experienced these feelings.
    - My man installed her stepfather in his office the recording device and that's what came out of it ...
    He put the flash drive on the table and pushed to Arnold.

    "- Today came your friend.
    -What familiar?
    - Arnold.
    - Ah ... about the plant?
    - And not only. He wants you.
    - In terms of?
    - Wants to marry you. What do you think about it?
    - I was abandoned with my money! Stinking rat may like more! "
    - There is still a photo ... - The lawyer hiding his eyes with awkwardness.
    Arnold calmly opened the folder with the photo and stared at a tonya, liberated and naked, with a bald ambal, wrapped her sheets.
    - Thanks. Money for work will give you my assistant.

    The lawyer did not linger, feeling that in this strange, a powerful man, something terrible rises. He slipped out of the office and sighed relief.
    Arnold lifted heavy eyelids and stared at the wall at which smoking holes were instantly appeared. He buried and snow-white fangs were reflected in the old mirror, which he told the wall with the wall, scratching the surface with long nails.
    - I will make you suffer, frustrating rubbish!

    * * *
    Tonya woke up with a terrible headache and dry throat. How much she did not try to remember that yesterday occurred, only vague passages, blurred and trembling, flashed before her eyes. She hardly rose and went into the shower to wash off the feeling of something dirty and frozen.
    Forcing himself to have breakfast, she played a little with her son and giving him nanny, went out into the street. She slowly walked along the sidewalk, straining his memory when the Arnold car arrived straight to it.
    - Hi, sit down.
    Antonina with an excitement of sat in a car, enjoying the smell of skin and expensive cologne.
    - Hello...

    Hummage told you about my visit?
    - Yes, of course ... - her face was covered with a blush.
    Arnold with disgusts looked at these pathetic acting athletes and barely restrained.
    - What did you decide?
    - I do not know ... I feel something for you, but we are so few familiar ...
    Arnold felt in her fear, shame and confusion, but now he understood what they were called. She hypocrisible and played, and her whole feigned tenderness and a pleasant smile - only the mask of the gala and lustful girl.
    - I want to give you something. - Arnold handed it a small bundle. - Look at home.

    Antonina took him and smiled.
    - What is it?
    - Surprise.
    The girl looked at him intently, as if feeling how disgust and anger would be raging and left the car.
    Arnold did not stop her and drove away, without even looking at her lonely figure on the sidewalk hot shidel.

    * * *
    What heard and saw sinking, plunged her in shock. She stupidly looked at the computer monitor and everything that happened yesterday evening, clearly stood in her eyes.
    "No ... No ..." She whispered, shaking his head from side to side and presented with horror that Arnold thought about her ... A man who was fascinated by her so much that he was ready to combine his life with her, which She liked her, and to which she felt an insurmountary crave ... Tonya jumped up with the decisive intention to find him, explain everything, but the rude, mocking voice of the stepfather, stopped her.

    Sit down! It is unlikely that after he saw, he will want to listen to your miserable excuses!
    - What for? Why do you do that with me? - Antonina was confusedly looked at the excited eyes of the stepfather. - What did I do to you?
    - You must be with me! - He came down, having come to her. - I waited for this fifteen years and no longer let you escape with the first counter! You are mine!
    - What are you talking about?! - Tonya backed up to the window. - Stop! You scare me!
    "Well, I'm not so terrible ..." Vitaly Andreevich whispered and in the corners of his mouth, a yellowish saliva appeared.

    That will never be! - The girl with disgusting the lips twisted, looking at the shaking belly of the stepfather, looking out of the unbuttoned shirt.
    "Then I get rid of your blind puppy," he laughed, "he drove him in the river. How do you like this option?
    - You will not dare! - Tonya pale pale and folded the shaken hands. - Please ... Where is my son?
    "In one, very secret place ... If you want to see him, tonight you have to ask me well about it, a nice daughter ..." His lips stretched out in a lustful grin.

    * * *
    Arnold looked a unreasonable look into the wall, barely restraining the anger and hatred, so poorly controlled feelings from demonic creatures. She forced his anger to boil in it like fiery lava in Zherel Volcano, but also a passion for this beautiful, the girl did not leave the girl. He tormented by these contradictive feelings, until evil inside him won and he looked around, presenting the fate he prepared her to never, this lustful rubbish, did not smile anymore and did not enjoy life and deception ..

    * * *
    Tonya rushing around the house as a trapped wolf. Finally, I could not withstand, she jumped into the street and rushed to the river, realizing that Little George could be hidden in the sauna. She fled like a caustic, not noticing that she was running barefoot and wounds his legs about sharp stones. She did not notice the fact that Arnold goes behind her, approaching everything closer and overtaking it. The man opened the door with a sharp move and dragged the screaming girl inside.
    - Arnold?!
    - Did not expect? - He laughed evil. - Where are you in a hurry? To your next lover?
    - What are you talking about? Stop ... - Tonya felt tears rolling on her cheeks. - stepfather hid George and threaten to kill him!

    I do not want to listen to your false stories! - interrupted her Arnold and the girl rejected him from him, frightened by pressing his hands to his chest.
    - That's all set up my stepfather! He wants me and blackmail to his son! - Tonya peered into his transparent eyes, but I saw only disgust in them.
    - Maybe he was isolated from such a whore like you, the poor, sick child? Arnold asked mockingly. - Maybe you are not a place next to normal people and you are moving only thirst for profit and lust? Have you already visited the bed at the stepfather, or did you leave it for later?
    - How can you?! After all, you do not know anything!
    - I saw photos.
    Arnold immediately felt her shame and was angry.

    Everything. I have no desire to listen to you.
    Tonya jerked to the door, but the huge hand of Arnold, painfully squeezed her shoulder.
    - You will stay with me. Now your place will be correct - the place of whores and servants.
    - Leave me alone! - Tonya began to ball, trying to break out of his chain fingers, but only hurt an even stronger pain. - There is my son, bastard!
    - You will not keep me, more! Sit silently or I hit you! - I buried Arnold and sinking raised, desperately smearing the tears of rage and helpless on the cheeks.

    * * *
    - Ram, eye from it do not descend until we find yourself in Scotland. - Arnold ordered his assistant and nodded, but not keeping himself, asked: - How will Lydia react to her?
    - Why should she somehow relate to her? Lydia is my woman, and this is an ordinary whore. - Arnold gladly noted as Antonina flashed. - Take her to the basement, she is there the very place.
    Ram approached the tone, but she did not allow him to grab her hand and proudly went ahead.
    "What the hell does the insulted innocence make out of themselves?" Arnold thought irritably. "- Too tired of him this game ... Or is it so accustomed to deceive that it can't stop? But how seductive her high breasts and long, slender legs with elegant. Ankles ... Damn! "

    * * *
    Tonya went from the corner into the angle, unable to stop for a minute. Her attention attracted a square window in almost the ceiling and she looked around. Breast drawers in the corner is the path to salvation. She folded them on each other and reached the window, hoping that there was no lattice. The frame easily opened and the girl slipped out, having tried his shoulders and legs. Carefully keeping his way through the courtyard, she noticed a brazier and several skewers sticking out of the stand. Tonya grabbed one and slipped out of the gate.
    Hiding behind the bushes and trees, she reached the river and approached "Cleopatra", listening to sounds that came from there.

    Looking into a large window, she immediately saw George, lonely sitting in a large kitchen, with full eyes of tears. We will not even try to hide him to hide him at the present, being confident that the making up from fear for his life, Tonya will do everything he says. The girl climbed into the kitchen through the window and carefully approached the boy, so as not to scare the already frightened baby.
    - Who is it? - Dissed George thinly and blinked, why a huge, transparent tear of the pea rolled down the cheek.
    - Cherry, baby, this is a mother.
    "Mom?" He tried to get up, but his thumb picked him up and turning to the door, he saw his skinny nurse.

    Leave the child! She screamed, but Tonya put forward Shapecur and stuck:
    - Get away from the road or I drive you!
    The nurse frightened to the side and rushed forward, as if all the demons of hell were chased behind her.
    The baby quietly poured, clinging to her and at that moment, she was ready to kill anyone who would dare to take away her son.
    - Far gathered?
    Tonya flew into someone's huge chest and raising his eyes, saw Arnold.

    - Yes. The child will have to return.
    - I won't give it! - Tonya shook him with a column in the stomach and hooked in horror, looking like he enters his flesh like a knife into the oil.
    Arnold sighed heavily and pulling the Shape, stretched him aside.
    - What's happening? - Tonya stepped back and almost fell. - Who are you?
    George tonnyko, grisnedly sharpened and stared at his non-violent eyes right on Arnold.
    - Do not touch my mom ... do not touch ...
    Arnold seemed to fall into the abyss, looking at these eyes, touched the soul and felt like a huge love fills the little heart, love for the mother for which he clung to thin fingers.
    - Come on it to me. Do not be afraid, he will stay with you ... He is not guilty that his mother has such a black droin ...

    Tonya realized that she had no choice and whispered his son on the ear:
    - Do not be afraid, he will not offend you.
    The boy trustfully stretched his handles and Arnold picked him, feeling what is fragile.
    * * *
    Georgy slept, ranging on the sofa and his painted larch was calm and peaceful. Arnold touched the sight from Antonina, sitting next to her son and said:
    - Kids blind, but you will not hold me. Do not think that all these events will split me.
    - Who are you? - quietly asked sinking, without raising the heads.
    - You do not need to know.
    He came out, and the girl fell asleep, putting his head on the edge of the sofa.
    She woke up in Scotland and opening his eyes, shouted, looking at the gray walls covered with ancient tapestries ...

    What are you yelling? - An elderly woman looked into the room and looked at Antonin strictly. - Get up and take a job!
    - Where I am? Where is my son? - Tonya quickly looked around the room.
    - The boy plays in the courtyard with other children.
    - But he is blind!
    - So now, locked it in the room? - Hammed woman.
    - Where I am? - asked sinking again. - How did I get here?
    - In Scotland. - Woman barely held away smile. - The owner has moved here at night.
    - How did you move? - misfortune asked the sinking, not understanding that she had in mind.
    - He is a demon. And so he is all subject to him.
    - What about ???

    Be respectful, you fell out the great honor to serve the Black Dragon ... the owner of the Golden Mountain. - Woman whispered. - understood?
    - I did not understand anything ... you tell some fairy tales! He is just a cruel, evil man who does everything that he pleases!
    -Thischi! - shouted on her an old woman. - For such speeches you will tear your head!
    - What is happening around?! - Tonya ran up to the window and stared at the stormy river with horror, carrying his waters on the stones.
    "The Black Dragon clan is very ancient ..." The woman sat on the bed and patted his hand on the mattress, inviting the girl to sit down. - Sit down.
    - Black Dragons are the daemons of the night, the guardians of hell ... Dark nights, they will jump on their black horses along the heather empty and God forbid to appear on their way ...

    They are cruel, but noble, shrouded in the secret of their origin ... their bodies are covered with drawings, which caused them the devil himself and they plunge people in horror ...
    - Well, even if it is so ... Why did he want to buy a dairy ??? Demon??? - grinned sneaking. - It does not fit somehow with his mysterious essence.
    - I do not know why it is, but it's not a factory, he sought something, and the plant is only a cover for his true intentions. How did you meet?
    Tonya told her everything from the beginning and to the end and as her story, the woman's face pulled out and pale.
    - Only not this ...

    What? - For some reason, the tone became scary.
    - Arnold fell in love with the girl from Russia and married her, offering her his heart and even immortality ... She was very beautiful and gentle, with a cute, naive smile ... But one day, the owner learned about her treason ... the girl turned out to be lustful and walking and always found themselves entertainment in the next villages, changing the peasant ... He waited when she gave birth and took the child, who was unknown from whom and killed her ... With a special cruelty ... The shouts of his wife were heard on The entire district and people were shaking from horror, fearing the disgrace of an angry demon ..

    Now it is clear why he did not believe me ... - Tonya whispered. - Tell me, where is the child of this woman?
    - Lives in the castle, but the owner does not notice it. We are surprised why he did not kill this unfortunate baby ...
    - Does people living nearby know that he is a demon?
    - This is a parallel reality. Here everything froze in antiquity and castles and people ... Us, the servants brought from Russia so that the owner's wife could understand us, and we wishes her. Only people are growing here, and the demons - no ... rustic hide and close the door and windows on the night, so as not to see the scary demons from the black dragon clan ... so as not to lose life or soul ...
    - What should I do?..
    - Try not to show him. Perform everything he does not order. Now let's go to the kitchen, you will help with dinner. My name is Ekaterina Mikhailovna, and you?
    - Antonina ...
    - Dress Antonin in clothes that I brought and went.
    - Tell me, and who is Lydia?
    - She does not need you. Do not try to interrupt with it.

    * * *
    Dressed in a soft, linen dress, with braided in brazed hair, the sonya asked Ekaterina Mikhailovna to see his son and descending along the stone steps, turned out to be in a small garden, with green trees and blossomed flowers. Children's voices came from under an empty oak and tonya headed there. The kids were five, apparently children servants, George and little girl with blond hair. The son smiled and something twitter, torn children by arms, and they treated his nuts and apples.
    - Georgy! - quietly called his sonya.
    - Mama! I have friends!
    - It's good cute. Are you not afraid of yourself?
    - No, I am fun!
    "Then I'll go, but I will watch you out of the window."
    - Okay!

    Thinking with love looked at his son and then I felt the girl's look, which was similar to Angel. In her eyes there was so much pain that the heart of the girl sank from pity. Most likely it was the daughter of the female daughter ...
    Antonina went back, but these eyes stand still in front of her ...
    The kitchen was hot and smelled of food, which women were preparing in multicolored aprons. She was given the same and planted to clean the fish, looking at the interest and grieving.
    I completely exhaled to dinner, my hands were sick, the back was not inflicted, and the eyes were blushing from onion evaporation. She approached the window and fledged her head on fresh air, inhaling a gentle aroma of flowers, came from high hills.

    You have nothing to do that you look at the beauty of Scotland? - A sharp, female voice came from below and looked at a beautiful woman dressed in a dark red dress. She looked at a tony with disdain and irritation, and her golden hair took almost knees.
    - I ask you, maid?
    - Do not you breathe air? - inadvertegable asked sinking.
    - It is impossible! - Heathed beauty. - Need to work!
    Antonina guessed that this is Lydia ... the mistress of Arnold and felt the injection of jealousy.
    - I can't work all day, otherwise I fall from exhaustion.
    - How are you talking to me, rubbish?! She screamed. - What is your name and why didn't I see you before?!

    Ekaterina Mikhailovna came at the back and dragged the tony from the window.
    - Why are you talking to her? I warned you!
    - Yes, I can not be silent! What is the slave?! Ancient age of some kind!
    - Hush hush! Here these speeches do not push! In your opinion, it will not be anyway, but you will find an eye on my head!
    A stuffed girl flew into the kitchen and blurted out:
    - Arrived! Out on the table!
    Panic climbed instantly, women climbed, trays and plates raised, an omitted tablecloths were pulled out of the cabinet, and Ekaterina Mikhailovna pushed her tonya.
    - Give meat, quickly!

    - Who? Take a dish and go for Innes!
    Tonya grabbed the dish with meat and went after a little girl who carried the bread. Having descended into the living room, Tonya tried not to raise her eyes, so as not to meet Arnold. Although she walked for Innes, but the head still had to raise it in order to look where to pace the dish.
    - Do you have a new slave?
    Tonya was not kept and threw a fleeting look at the speaker, and remaining standing with wide eyes. Five men were sitting in front of her, dressed in the skin, with incredible eyes ... Arnold, huge as a bull looked at her with his transparent eyes, in which silvery lights flashed, his hair was framed by a cheeky face, and a sharp fangs were visible through the open lips.

    Yes, I brought her from the world of people.
    - Good ...
    Tony shuddered, looking at the same huge man, with red eyes and white hair, braided into the spit.
    "You always choose a cute slave, Arnold ..." Donate a demon with dark hair and strange, orange eyes. The rest sat silently and drove it with shrill glances.
    "The main thing is that she knew her work and was a ram." - Arnold laughed and turned to the tone. - What froze? Do not stand like a statue!
    The girl put the dish on the edge of the table and rushed away from the living room.

    * * *
    She managed to lie only late at night. She persuaded Ekaterina Mikhailovna not to send her more to serve at the table and worked in the kitchen. George led her, she fed him and sat him in the corner with an old wooden horse, which he fell quick fingers and stroked her rough sides.
    When her head touched the pillows, the child had already slept tightly toldly a long day and his legs twisted, as if he ran somewhere. Only the sinking began to fall into sleep, as under the windows he was heard the ceaming hoofs and rusting of horses. The girl got up and looked out into the courtyard, joined the frozen from what he saw.

    Five riders cracked into the courtyard, shaved in black ... Their leather jackets were open and the sinks clearly saw signs on their powerful torsions. They moved and flowed from one to another as black snakes. The terrible eyes of the demons were burning, but it was so delightful sight that sneezing involuntarily ash. One of the men raised his head and a deep hoody jacket fell on his shoulders, opening a familiar, a cheese face with silvery eyes. He looked at her for a long time and crushed further, knocking out sparks from the horse's hoofs. Tonya trembled from the premonition of something impending with a terrible force and immediately saw that a demon with red eyes looks at her, his blonde hair developed in the wind and a silk bedspread fell on a black horse. Tonya recovered from the window and jumped into bed.

    But it was not possible to sleep ... Katerina Mikhailovna quietly entered the room and bent over the tone.
    - Get up ... Get up ...
    - What happened?
    - The owner is calling.
    - What for?
    - Do not be stupid ... not a girl already innocent ...
    - I will not go! - Tonya frightened rolled back to the edge of the bed.
    - Stop hysterics! - Katerina Mikhailovna snapped at her. - What do you behave? Another would have run ahead long ago! Get up or will be grief.
    Tonya prayed to himself and went for the old woman, understanding that her secret comes an end ...

    * * *
    Arnold lay on the bed and his spacious night jump, the body pulsed from pleasure. Its skin was smooth and dark, beautifully shaded with light hair. When the bedroom entered the bedroom, he tightened, looking for that voluptuous sexuality in her, which was full of Lydia. But even something like it was not in this undispical beauty, as if a wizard's molded hand. He felt how his male nature rises, covered by the desire of the possession of this gentle body covered with golden hairs. But when he saw her eyes, asked to his dick, frightened, surprised - was angry.
    - What is so frightened? Or did you not see the male bodies before? Or your lovers have less impressive advantages?

    He came close to her and raised her head for his chin. His eyes looked at her face and sinking was ready to swear, which feels a slight tingle under the skin.
    - As well, you, snakes, you can hide your essence under the mask naivety ... These eyes, on the verge of tears, these trembling eyelashes and handful lips ... Soon all this will be caused only by passion when I take you ...
    He burned down and kissed her, persistently and rudely, imposing his will. Thin succumbed to him, feeling how the fire flared in her body, deciding to experience all the delights of proceedings with this beautiful demon.
    But a great moment was interrupted by a knock at the door and Arnold shouting, shouted:
    - Sign in!

    The door opened and sneak saw a blond demon with red eyes. He looked at her with one, quick glance and turned to Arnold.
    - on, gold hill, attacked the layer.
    - When will these damned dead hurt?! - Arnold exclaimed and ordered tone: "Go to yourself."
    She did not need to repeat twice and she quickly left his bedroom.
    - Since when did you bother with virgins? - The red-eyed demon grinned.
    - What are you about Edgar?
    - I feel great such things ... and you know it.
    - This can not be, she has a son ...
    - I'm never mistaken.

    * * *
    - What happened? - Tonya looked out of the window as five demons was swirling rapidly behind the castle's gate, raised dust clubs.
    - Slear attacked, Gold Mountain, there is no rest from them! - Ekaterina Mikhailovna irritably cluck.
    - And who is it? - The girl with horror looked like a bloody fog rises over the hills, from which cries and ringing swords were rushing.
    - This is the dead. Sinners become sinners, or generally evil people, whose souls were not worthy to get into heaven, nor into hell, nor even in the world ... they are flocks in the sky and fight, without leaving. Their screams and clanging of weapons are spread far in the vicinity ...

    What do they want?
    - Pick up women and force to cohabit them, why they give birth to terrible freaks, half dead, half of people who have an incredible force. Their life is war and battle, blood and fear ... Therefore, do not fall on your eyes ... Even through huge distances, they can see you. Do not stand by the window, go to bed.
    Tonya shuddered and moved away, the prospect to be pulled by the dead, she did not care at all.

    * * *
    The demons returned in the morning, bloody, and satisfied. Antonina looked at them from the kitchen window, when a plaintive cry of Georgy was heard from the garden from the garden. Thinking rushed down, the monstrous picture opened with his heart and her eyes, he opened a monstrous picture. Lydia kept the boy behind the neck and picked the boyfriend of a thick, leather leather. I do not remember myself from a rage, tonya ran to Lydia and snatched his hands from her hand, hit her whisching woman. The eyes of the Demon's mistress turned into a slit, and the face distorted the mask of hate.
    - How do you dare, slave?! Guard! Guard!
    Two armed guards broke into the garden and not paying attention to the frightened crying of children, grabbed the tony.

    Disarase it on the stable! - Lydia stolen. - So that there is no living on it left! Let him know his place!
    Men dragged back to the roar of children and laughter Lydia, who did not notice how Blonde Girl slid in the hole of the fence.
    Antonina was pushed into a stable and tied to the pillar on which he hung out and she heard the men. In the air he gone whipped and burning pain pierced the back of Tony and she shouted.

    * * *
    Arnold washed off his blood and was now going down to join the demons drinking wine and lively discussed the night battle. He descended to the doors of the kitchen and immediately noticed a small figure skating on high steps. The child was buried and desperately cluster, but purposefully climbed forward, having laid his persistence of Arnold. But when he understood who it was, a smile instantly descended from his lips.
    - What makes a child here?! - He asked Ekaterina Mikhailovna with a strict voice.
    - Oh Batyushka! - the woman exclaimed and rushed to the child.
    But the girl had already crawled to the demon and got up on the legs, crushed cute face up.

    There is aunt beaten. She swallowed and jerked him for his finger. - Go.
    - What? - Arnoldly asked Arnold Girl. - Whom beat?
    - Aunt beat. - She repeated again and slapped himself along the leg. - Go.
    - Mommies, this is Antonina beat! - splashed by the hands of Ekaterina Mikhailovna, but the demon no longer listened to her, but rushed down, not noticing what she grabbed the girl and she clung to his neck with small fingers.

    The cries of Antonina were broadcast throughout the courtyard and Arnold pulling the door of the stable, flew around like a hurricane, despicable everything in his path. The guards in horror fell by NIC and a demon with a shudder saw the bloody back Antonina ...
    - What does it mean?! - He roared and the straw around the men caught fire, causing a panic.
    - We ordered ...
    - Who?!
    - Lydia ...
    - Let's go, I'll deal with you later! - Demon and the guards rushed away, not wanting to become victims of his rage.

    Arnold approached Antonine and only at that moment realized that the girl was sitting on his hands, in the silver eyes of which, fear splashed. He lowered her to the ground and she subsected to the exit. The demon carefully tied tone and she fell into his arms, whispered quietly:
    - My son ... Where is he? ..
    Arnold took her to her bedroom and instructed the care of Catherine Mikhailovna, who was yelling and scolded her head, looking at the bloody scars.

    * * *
    The child cried, sinking tears on the cheeks, his unreasonable eyes looked at one point. Arnold approached him and sat down near, shuddering from horror, looking at the Red Strine, crossed his face.
    - George ... Let's go with me ...
    The boy shuddered and extended a handle in his direction.
    - Where is Mom?
    Arnold took this handle and squeezed gently.
    - Mom waiting for you. Let's go to.
    - Are you my dad?
    This question has become something for him with a wonderful terrible and Arnold confused.
    - Uh ... Yes.

    Why did you allow this evil tete, to offend mom? - The boy did not even remember his injury. - Mom cried.
    - Are you still here, a nasty puppy?!
    Arnold slowly turned to Lydia's voice and rose.
    - What happened here?
    - Always broke out your slaves! This little bastard smeared my dress with its paws! - Lydia brought her hand over nothing with a suspect boy, but the demon grabbed her behind the wrist and she sawed when the bones were housing.
    - Who was you, when I got here, not a slave?!
    "I am your woman ..." Lydia looked into his eyes, and the tears of pain flowed across her cheeks.
    - You are not distinguished from others ... only your clothes are more expensive!

    I thought...
    - What did you think?! - Arnold grabbed her neck. - Do you put yourself above me? Or are you me smooth?!
    - Why do you protect her?! - Oversized Lydia, throwing him under his feet. - Why?
    - Get out until I ripped you into pieces! - broke the demon. - Your soul of the Black Hel, in which I was born!
    Lydia jumped out of the kindergarten, and he turned to the boy:
    - Come with me.
    - Let's go dad. - Georgy spoiled his hand and hurried when Arnold picked it up. - Painfully...
    - All will pass. No one offends you anymore.

    * * *
    Antonina woke up with a sharp pain and screamed.
    - Hush, quieter ... This is me.
    Ekaterina Mikhailovna neatly removed old bandages from the back of the girl and put the fresh. - Laying calmly.
    - Where is George?
    - Boy with the owner.
    - How?!
    - Calm down, he was executed by the guards from you and kicked the Lydia from the castle ... Now, no doubt, she will be a victim of a layer ...
    - Why so cruel?
    - Brutally?! This is a demon, sinking! He had to eat his hearts and rape dogs! This is a manifestation of his generosity ... Cute ...

    The door swung open and Arnold entered the bedroom, leading the boy.
    - Here is your mom.
    - Mom, hurt you?! "George rushed to tone and she frowned with pain."
    - No ... everything will heal soon. Show your back.
    The boy shared the shirt and sinking splashing, looking at the red stripes and admiring his courage.
    - Do not cry your mother, it does not hurt me! Dad punished the evil aunt!
    - Dad?!
    "Let's go to son," the demon took him by his hand and he obediently went behind him, "Mom needs to relax." And you, Ekaterina Mikhailovna, I will ask you to go with us and look after the boy.
    - What about sinking?
    - I myself will take care of her.

    She immediately felt like a bed rushed under him and stumbled intensely.
    - Relax, I'm not going to rape you.
    - L did not think of it.
    - thought. I do not need to deceive me, I see you through.
    Tonya turned his head and looked at his silver eyes, in which curiosity splashed.
    - Whose child is it?
    - What? - Tonya was covered with sticky sweat and hid eyes.
    - George is not your son.
    - Do not understand what you talking about. This is my child.
    - Well, I will check the other, although I know that you are cheating.

    The girl did not expect what he would do the next moment ... Arnold slipped his fingers between her legs and jerked, realizing that he could not resist because of pain from the scars were applied by the guards.
    - Stop!
    - Why? Or don't you like?
    - I do not like!
    - again you are lying ... I hear how everything is trembling in you ...
    He touched his lips to her shoulder, then to the neck, like savoring her to her skin.
    - You are sweet. I want you...

    Tony's body responded to his caress, but fear squeezed her heart and she desperately tried to hide him.
    "Relax, I'm not a beast ..." the demon whispered. "You like to feel me inside."
    - Okay! Okay! - exclaimed sinking. - I will tell you!
    Arnold grinned and Navis above her.
    - I am listening to you.
    - Georgy - my brother. When I was sixteen years old, I got married to my mother's lover, so that I did not suspect them in connection with and did not kill both ... He was very cruel with her and often raised her hand on her, especially being drunk.
    Mom loved the driver of the stepfather, which was younger than her for seven years and he answered the same ...

    Knowing the cruelty of her husband, she was constantly afraid of him for him and for me, understanding how it could end, but how did she have to hide the pregnancy? She trusted me and we decided on such a crazy deed. When I said stepmake that I wanted to marry Valera (so called the driver), he was trembling. - Tonya swung head and chuck. "Now I understand why ... He probably then put her eyes on me ... But the argument that I was pregnant and the arguments and behavior of the mother, forced him to agree to this marriage ...
    - But the mother's pregnancy could not be hidden. How did you decide this question? - asked the demon, stroking her on his cheek.

    Oh, here we are extremely lucky ... - laughed sonya. - Mother's belly was almost impaired until the fourth month ... And the stepfather had some serious trouble in the business and he hid three and a half months abroad from his partners. George was born a seven ... small and constantly screaming. I was constantly in the clinic with my mother and stayed there with the kid after his birth. The stepfather had done things and he returned home, having learned that I was in the clinic, he bought gifts and sent my mother with Valera to me with congratulations ... But on the way to me, they died and died, seeing our Son just once ... .

    Arnold fell on his back and stared at the ceiling, not understanding that he was going on in his soul ... which ... probably not ...
    - How long do you live with stepfather?
    - My father died when I was five years old ... stepfather is my native uncle .. Brother Pope ...
    - The bloodstream even among the demons is considered a dirty business ... How could he even think about it?
    "I don't know, but according to Mother, he always jealous of her to his father, and when he died, began to convince her that marriage with him, the only, correct option.
    - Type-I will take care of you, etc ...
    - Yes ... so it was ..

    They silenced and this is severe, thoughtful silence, suddenly interrupted a loud cry, who came from the side, Golden Mountain,.
    - Slora! - Arnold shouted and jumped out of bed, frightened the poor to death.
    She did not even have time to notice how his leather, impregnated with blood apparel, and he jumped out the window, under which he was waiting for a horse hitting him.
    Antonina struggled and firing from pain, went to the doors, feeling how the skin was bursting on her back.
    - Stop! "Starky, a chamber voice sounded behind her back." - And slowly go here!
    Tonya turned around and frightenedly, having seen a semi-pressed warrior in dull armor.

    "The layers got here!" - There was a thought in her head and she reached for a door handle, hoping to have time to jump into the corridor, but her hand came across someone's hot fingers.
    - Get out from here, the nasty dead! - This voice was powerful and beautiful, but not familiar.
    Thin sucked the temptation and turned around, after which she lowered his eyes, having met the blonde demon.
    - Stand up for my back, woman.
    Tonya stepped into a meeting, but the unknown force picked her and suffered from the castle.

    So ... - the sipid voice of the terrible layer, sounded like a hiss of the snake. - Beautiful, lived woman ... Another one ...
    Tonya, unable to move away from horror, looked at the dead man with empty glasses, which stood in front of her and looked at the type of owner.
    "Release me ..." the girl whispered. - My son remained quite alone ...
    - How wonderful! - exclaimed the layer. - Son! So you give birth to many strong children!
    - No! - Dressed her head sinking. - No!
    - Do not be such an incomplete, you will like it!
    This terrible voice and laughter of the layer still stood in her ears, from which she was covered with sticky fear ..

    She was thrown into the dark room with a small window, through which a grayish light made his way. Thinking to the touch came to him and pulling out, looked out on the street.
    - You will not run out of here! - Loud, angry whisper made the tone frightened to turn around. She peered into the darkness, but nothing but the multicolored circles did not see.
    - Fearfully? - From the darkness rang out. - Now you will be the love and location of the owner!
    - Lydia?!
    - Yes! Lydia! Which as a dog was kicked out of the castle because of you and your blind bastard!
    Tonya noticed how the burning eyes of Lydia appeared from the darkness, and her curved chicken paws, hands.

    Separate your beautiful fate with me! She walked. - Will you be your beloved wife of some kind of layer!
    - But you are waiting too!
    - I will enjoy what you feel no less adorable pleasure!
    - Well shut up! - Cool wind flew into the room, carrying the smell of heather. - Get out one one!

    Lydia evil looked at the tonya and the first went to the door, near which the militant dead was. Having pushed it at the exit, the layer nodded the tone to hurry.
    She did not experience his patience and went after Lydia.
    Warrior conducted them with a dark corridor and stopped near black, covered with skulls, doors.
    - Do not think to open your mouths until you ask you, understandable?
    - Clear! - Lydia snapped and got a stump in his back.

    The layer opened the door and the girls entered the hall with high ceilings, injected by the web. Sonya squeezed frightened, seeing a different company of the sedentary dead. They devoured something, sitting behind a long table and this is something, crushed a terrible stench.
    - And here are the ladies! - the lips exposed to ulcers, stretched in a grin. - Well, well, warriors, let's decide who they get ...

    I spoke and wondered about my hands, headed for girls. He approached so close that Tonya felt the stench, who emanated from him and heard the creak of bones.
    - Both are good! "He stroked and stroked her face to face, enjoying the velvet of her skin. - But I choose this!
    Antonina was covered with goosebumps from horror and disgust, so wanting to be sleepy.
    - Why will she get you?! - From the table, the chunky, the crumpled dead was jumped. - I want her too!
    - Bones! Bones! - The rest of the layer sneered. - Who will win, he will receive his wife!

    The dead have dried out, freeing the table and sinking with horror noticed bloody pieces of animals, which ate layers.
    Krivo-legged brief extracted from the cold and overgrown web fireplace, a black bag and poured ordinary human bones on the table.
    - Quickly in the corner! - Slah, who led girls, pushed them into a dark corner and stuck: -Side quietly!

    Tonya could not see what happened at the table, only the swearing of the layer and knock bones, cut the ear.
    "You need to run from here ..." whispered sinking. - Let's slowly sew to the doors. - She looked at Lydia and pulled her hand gently.
    - Leave me alone! - She stuck and reassigned his cold fingers. - beneficial!
    - Lydia, now not the time! Let's try to get out of here!

    She somehow looked strangely at her, but nodded, as if agreeing. Tonya took a step towards the doors, but the deadly passionate game, did not even notice it. Girls made a couple of steps and frozen, the cold weather from fear. The door is all approaching, and the tone seemed that their intermittent breathing, noise on the whole hall. When the cherished handle was very near and her trembling fingers touched the ice metal, silence reigned in the room. The girls slowly turned around and met through their eyes with the unnecessary glances of the dead, who were preparing to throw on beggles. And then suddenly felt like the door trembled, depended, as if the earthquake began.

    The heavy, iron construction collapsed on the stone floor and sinking with admiration, mixed with horror, saw Arnold, in his bloody robe. From under the hood burned his eyes, a cold, winter flame. He swiftly moved to the layer and they were overwhelmed, in anticipation of the battle. Tonya still could not come to himself when she picked up the strong hands of a blond demon and she recognized Edgar. He suffered her away from this terrible place and the last thing she saw - Lydia's eyes, doomed and full of fear.
    - Stop! - screamed the sink demon. - Stop!
    Edgar glanced at her and Antonina nodded to Lydia.
    - I can't leave her here.

    * * *
    - What does this woman do here?! - Arnold with frowning eyebrows, drove a heavy look with a silent, sitting on the bed in his room.
    She with delight looked at his naked torso, worked with fresh wounds, which were delayed in her eyes and was silent ..
    - I asked a question!
    - I felt sorry for me ... Could I leave her in this terrible place? - quietly asked his sony.
    - Oh, the devil! - exclaimed Arnold, waiting for hands. - I still lacked these angels!
    "I ..." began to be sinking, but he grabbed her shoulders and dug into her lips. The kiss was demanding, almost painful, but at the end of the demon, he even seemed to be drunk and the tone even seemed that he became gentle for a second.

    You scared me ... - He breathed into her hair and the girl felt protected and happy, not wanting to remember the past.
    - Do not leave me...
    - Never ...
    * * *
    And on a high tower, Edgar stood and his white hair was trepal cold, carrying the sea splashes, the wind. He knew what was happening in Arnold's bedroom and it brought him pain, such a stranger and burning.
    - Why do I need this?! What for?! - he roared and storms picked up this roar, breaking him about the hills ...

    * * *
    Arnold covered the kisses of the face of Tony and she trembled from the excitement rudder, unfamiliar, but from this no less pleasant feeling. Having dropped a dirty dress from her, the demon took it into a hot bath, prudently filled with servants and gently lowered it there, gently speaking with his fingers at the back of the wounds on his back.
    Hearing his angry growl, Tonya took him by the hand and whispered: - Joine me?
    "No, I want to love you on a soft bed, covered with my body ..." Arnold answered a deep, excited voice. He laid the washcloth and gentle movements began to wash her shoulders and chest. - Relax ...

    Morning broke into the bedroom sparkling rays and the sinking woke up, inhaling the fresh, floral smell. A huge, white rose, which is still covered with drops of dew, lay on her pillow. The sharp spikes were prudently cropped and the girl took her in his hands, smiling so a gentle gifting of a cruel demon.
    - Do you like?
    Tonya turned to the voice and saw Arnold standing in the doorway.
    - Very! She is so tender ...
    "Not less than you, my charm ..." he said, and his eyes broke out when the demon headed towards her.
    - Do you hear what it is? - Antonina heard in the corridor somehow and was alerted.

    But in the doorway, a small Taurus George, who kept behind the wall appeared.
    - Mama? Dad?
    - Go here! - Arnold picked him on his arms and the boy burned from delight. - Who walks on the castle and looks into the room? Is there a spy?
    - No! No! It is me! "Georgiy knocked his cam in the chest." "You didn't recognize me?!"
    - I don't think it's a little George ... too you adult ... I do not know ...
    Thinking with a smile watched their joking worker and suddenly saw a pale face with silvery eyes, sad looking at a man with a child.

    Arnold ... - she called quietly and he immediately turned to her. A sinking look showed on the doors and the demon immediately saw the girl. His face darkened and a girl for a minute seemed to be angry.
    - Tell me, boy ... Do you have accomplices? - He asked a strict voice and Georgy immediately understood that he was talking about.
    - No, dad! This is a heather!
    - Who?
    - Heather! Her name is Erica, which means - heather! She is my girlfriend!
    - No friend ... she is not a friend ... she is your sister ...
    After these words, the sinking burst and called the girl:
    - Heather, come here ...

    The girl was not solved to approach and her silver eyes were widely open from excitement.
    - Daughter, go to us. - Arnold extended her free hand and the baby was sent forward, and then he went snacks in his direction. He picked up her and suddenly turned away, turning attention to her dirty dress covered with holes and stains.
    - Heather, you are my sister! Dad said so. - George stretched out the handle and stroked her curly curls.
    - Dad? "The girl looked at him straight into his eyes and even sonya was surprised at such a powerful radiation of these silvery eyes looking at each other. The demon touched his lips to the tender cheek and the girl climbed away from pleasure.

    But what happened later caused a terrible task and screams. The girl opened his eyes and looked at George, radiating something powerful and scary, why the boy somehow strangely crude, as if he lost consciousness. Tonya jumped and rushed to them, but Arnold stopped her with a look.
    - Do not bother.
    Heather stretched out the handles and pushed Georgy's fingers into the forehead, his head swung and he opened his eyes. Tonya ash, seeing that his eyes were meaningful and the same silver as a girl.
    - Now and you have eyes! - she shuffled.
    Georgy slapped with eyelashes once, the other, and then turned to the tone.
    - Mom ... What are you beautiful ...
    They were not kept and have been laughed with Arnold for a long time, and children's joyful swirling, were broadcast all over the castle.

    * * *
    Demons as a gloomy witnesses sitting near newlyweds, drinking bloom-red wine for young health. Ekaterina Mikhailovna and the rest of the servants could still not believe in what is happening, but joyful smiles were constantly appearing on their faces, because at last, the Golden Mountain, found the hostess who would give birth to a bunch of small eyes with silvery eyes. Only Edgar was sad and silent, accompanied as if on the last path the only woman who was loved. Who knows how to get the life of beautiful spouses, thought the red-eyed demon-warrior and whether such a beautiful girl would not happen in his arms? In the meantime he enjoyed the caustic woman Lydia ...

    (Mystical fantasy about the love of a demon to the girl)

    Choose a selection

    Do not add to the selection of falls. Alternative story with Naruto pops. The world of One Piece Harry Potter is interesting on si. Not a work. Lit RPG Vampires in different worlds Magic schools Machine civilization Pupils in Mages Teachers in the Magic Academy Space Era in the world of EVE-Online Another world without Pattyztsev Poddanztsya in the second plan Poshans from other worlds to us in the world Bleach Code Gias Fairy Tail (Firi Tail) Alternative History without fallowzes world Marvel Gantz Omamori Himari to Love - RU Sirahma Kenichi High School DXD The Breaker Werewolves Star Wars Love Novels (LR) Panzens in Anime Paranormal Colls. Students, schoolchildren. Haparemnik Pudner in the "Mir Cruise" Project "Rolevik" Demons in the world of Evaenhelion Magic Fantasy Raildex GG Girl (first-person) based on the series Avatar: Legend of Aange Popants to the Universe Warhammer 40000 Lomay Stereotypes (Dark Fantasy) Survivors of History in the Spirit of Korean and Japanese Doraim Wellyzipouz Noblesese (nobility) SEKIREI (Sakirei) Warcraft, Warcraft, Vovka, Wow Fantastic Detectives Marty Sue Preview Skyrim Lit RPG (realistic engine) SAO crossovers Humorous fiction / fenthies ladies-progressors Pirates black lagoon The_Breaker Mass Crushers Spread Starcraft Zombies -Vampiro - Demonic - Apocalypse Pozdanza in the world of Pokemon Steel Alchemist Tutor Killer Reborn Cruel GG Masseffect Clamor Zero No Tsukaima Magic on Earth Formation Magician High School of The Dead Litrpg in the postpocalyptic world Prince Darkness from the back of the Accel World Sonic The Hedgehog Infinite Stratos Overlord Hunter X Hunter Litware Secrets Smallville Witches in any The world's world of Vadim Denis strategy fan fiction on Rosario + Vampire Pan in Zerg Stalker Stalker Postapocalypse (Postapocalypse), he also PA stable portal in another world. People with abilities in our world the heirs of the girl Monsters and history with them new life our whole life is a game! Heroes of Might and Magic DC Comics The Elder Scrolls Shaman King (King Shamans) My little pony comprehensive not in childish :) Fantasy, fantasy, original, original crossovers with Warhammer 40000 IS - Infinite Stratos Immortal Regis Fantasy based on EVE-Online. Worlds of Russian strength, combat ranks and aristocracy Stargate "Star Way" (English Star Trek) Polyandria! ZETTAI KAREN CHILDREN Dragons - LR entering the world of Mercenaries, thieves, hired killers. KosmolitrPG Ranobe Realrpg - RPG Abilities in the real world Posyanka to the world of magic tower of God (Tower of God) Fakes in "People X" Contact Transformers FATE / ZERO, FATE / STAY NIGHT. Combat fantasy BC Fallout Transformers (boyars-anime hitting the child in the world of EVE-Online X-com (UFO) Universe of the Virtual Game of Earth Might and magic Anime combat cosmic fiction. Interesting Hero man. Modern humorous prose and poetry modern criminal romance. Evil Elves Bride Worlds with Worm Anime Elements. Translation, Fangs and Crossovers Sender Floor. Martial Arts Slag Unreadable RealrPG Becoming God Litstrategia Parquing and False GG Guy Laughing Mr. God Chaos. Magic Card Terminator. Dungeons & Dragons (DND) Magic Mag or marks after entering a person turns into an elf or his soul consciousness predator-needed on films and games fan fiction on anime invasion of Tyokyi Tokyo Gul World of Tolkien (Tolkien) fiction with christian themes in the USSR Neural + Magic Stiks Asian Novels Dark Souls (Dark Souls / Dark souls) Magic, superpopping in our world. Superflum world Naruto Creating a new hidden village Shinobi Mages of life, healers, Lekari Dark Fantasy Epic Fantasy in the spirit of Martin GG Psycho or has psychedic abilities Prototype Morbon, Angels and Demons Dragon Age Game of Thrones Fan fiction in the world of the Worm RWBY My Books2018 Ark 5.0 Gosu / Master Piders with an Embossing Not in the people of Bogomolov Sergey Leonidovich Fan fiction on the world Koschenko City Mystic City Mystic Specific Mystic

    On Recommendation: Sonya Wind
    From the dark fantasy impressed the novel
    Ani Falcon "on unknown paths"
    Status: Finished by 99% (according to the author, the other day will be laid out completely), not a free heroine Hamka, not an idiot that fell into the world of stitches (the dark world) and learn to live there, among the vile, demons and padelvers.
    How many popspins are around. And all, of course, are involuntary. No one dreamed of falling into a black hole and decease adventures. Everyone was thrown without demand. Although one of them looked at the left relatives? NO
    Ahead is waiting for dragons and princes, and parents are boring.
    I suggest, look back. Just once.
    The novel is still one minutes - it is not cleaned (but there is a warning that it is a draft)
    Botal Maria "in the power of the demons"
    Annotation: What to do an ordinary student if it is unexpectedly dragged into another world? And four men, not allowing to come to his senses, at the same time begin to seduce? Or do not even seduce, considering that your opinion is not particularly interested in anyone. Oh, they are also demons? And besides the princes? And should you marry someone from them? Ah, I wanted love? So it's not for demons - they only specialize in voluptuous joy! But who will let you go ...

    Status: Completed

    Green Anna "Forget My Name!"
    Annotation: Do you like fortune telling? Lena they always liked. But this time the girl was not lucky - drinking the potion on the advice of the girlfriend, she moved right in the arms of the demon from another world! Beautiful sleep, tell me? And here is not! Problems that followed by this is clearly not pulling on an excellent fairy tale. Well, at least this demon constantly cuts Lena from the trouble. Or maybe he is the narrowed that the pseudogan predicted?

    Status: Completed

    Aleksina Alena "Game with a Beast"
    Annotation: What is happiness? Maybe it's love, friendship or loyalty? No, not in this world. In this world, happiness is exactly one thing - to gain the owner, which will be quite indifferent, so as not to torment, and sufficiently inspirious, so as not to kill. There is no other happiness here. Why? Because this world is cursed. Because people are here - brown slaves, living only in order to satisfy the whims of cruel and almost immortal gentlemen. There are no love, sensitivity and selflessness. But the girl with the strange name of Cassandra, pulled out in this ugly reality from the modern megalpolis, will find the strength to stand out and destroy the ancient curse, which turned the kindness of weakness, devotion to nonsense, and love in a cruel game. That's just ... What will it cost her?

    Status: Completed

    White Lily "Dream"
    Annotation: Once in another world, you become a personal slave of the Lord of the Demons. And when will you finally succeed, what do you know? Your life in exchange for the life of the world. Is there a whole world of one life? Worth it. And if this life is yours?

    Status: Completed

    Natalia Ruzhanskaya "Play Wings"
    Annotation: Love Tale ...
    What will the Lord of the Demons go to delay or completely cancel the prophecy of his death? .. And what to do with a young angel eye, when the Earth leaves under his feet, and you remain alone among the enemies? How to survive if you exist only on the whims of Dark Lord, not knowing what will turn the next day? Just live, as you can ... And the time will show where the winding trail of fate will be headed ...

    Status: Completed

    Irina Sergeevna Gribovskaya "Do not look for adventures"
    Annotation: You live yourself and do not know that one day you wake up at all in your cozy bed, and not at all in proud loneliness. Of course, the adventures wanted, but so that?! I decided to lay out the shared file, for convenient and you and us. Happy New Year, my dear !!! And in general, this is the end. As far as He is happy - to solve you.

    Status: Completed

    Galina Krasnova "Favorite toy"
    Annotation: Well, lucky someone! And then I got so hit. Instead of a fabulous world - slavery. Instead of power - the shameful status of "favorite toys". Instead of purpose - the desire to survive. Friends? Is it von? Two prince in exile and capricious princess? You do not need such friends and enemies. And the latter is too much even for the hero who revealed Anabolikov, not for the fragile dancer. Well, nothing, we still dance when they finish ...

    Status: Completed

    Male Natalia "Fireband Demon"
    Annotation: The plot of this story to disgrace is banal - it is unobtrusive, light fairy tale.

    Status: Completed

    Male Natalia "Devil Secretary"
    Annotation: What if your favorite guy sold your soul? If you now work in hell, side by side with the prince of Darkness - the devil? If life is destroyed and gains momentum, but not in that direction? The only advice is never to lose heart and boldly walk forward, in the "beautiful far away."
    In my work there are no cruelty and sex. And yes, the devil is still a feet and the dough, but only for Angelina and for her. In addition, the main heroine is not a super-duper. The girl who and the burning hut will stop on the race and in the horse of howl ... uh-uh, something I'm not about ... In short, you understood me. Or maybe it would be more interesting to read if the gg is all the time hysterle and fainted ??? So, lovers of sex and cruelty, and also not lovers of pink snot - we pass, pass by!

    Status: Completed

    Kavinkov Anna Hellyan Valandi series:
    - friends do not choose;
    - fragments of the past;
    - Satinasse Rosa
    Annotation: Heh, did I think, seventeen-year-old Magiche, going to study at the Academy of Magic, that fate will bring me two dark-elf princes, a little suspicious higher elf and with a bunch of other "wrong" personalities? I did not even dreamed! And then it turns out that I'm not all right with my magic, the local princess flashes me. Lyudo hates me, and a local handsome is going to kidnap me the eighth time. And this is still little things in life! Practice in the city of half-breeds, competitions in necromancy and a trip to the city, where I died even the tip of the nose did not turn the nose! The question raises the question: where did I sin so?

    Status: Completed
    Rose Heritage: Magic Silence
    Annotation: Sometimes, fate disposes of our lives at all, as we would like to. Simple and such a pleasant heart of the demon, the revenge turns into a judicial punishment for himself. A simple girl, much, besides, it turns out in the field of his visibility completely by chance ... But who said that she could not be used for its own purposes? Demons are not the people to pass by the gifts of fate, self-confidently thinking that you do not have to pay for them. But sooner or later, Arianar will need to understand who this strange child: Kara or punishment. Or maybe ... salvation?

    Status: in the process

    Anastasia Isaevna Kovalchuk "Lady of Darkness"
    Annotation: The girl falls into another world, but not just in another world, but in the castle to the most lord of darkness, a demon! His son, Dyon, is taken for her learning magic. Do you want to learn? How wrong! And soon the ball will take place in the castle, and the girl hire a teacher of etiquette and ballroom dance ... Teachers made themselves with a nervous breakdown, with a tick of both eyes and stuttering. And when it turns out that the Lord and his son want to use a girl as a victim in the ritual ... She runs out of the castle, and it captures an adventure cycle. A new friend is metamorph, and also the prince. Crazy demon, by the way a supreme younger brother of the Son of the Lord, trying to grab the power in the Empire of Darkness through the girl ... Unqualified Vampire Mercenary, Charming Amazon ... And the whole of this friendly company they decide to save the empire, while leaving the destroyed churches, Robbed robbers and colorful permeability from visitors of the restaurants.

    Status: Completed

    "Friends in captivity", "Order of death"
    Annotation: Encry the Trekchisman? Easy. Dish the hall of practical magic? Maybe. Go on a journey instead of studying? With joy! Fall exams and get into practice to hell on the horns? Exactly. Meet your Elsa, a first year student of the Academy of Magic, which has the ability to attract trouble. For a couple of days she managed to do a lot. To visit the Imperial Ball at the elves, to participate in the tournament of the apprentices of gunsmiths, save the king of metamorphs and his son ... And also to take off with your girlfriend with elf in the cemetery and escape from there with such shouts that even the trolls were scared!

    Star Elena "My Personal Enemy"
    Annotation: "All Mages are gravily, arrogant, shameless womanists" - Truth, known for every witch. "Combat Mages - the worst category of magicians" - this is generally everyone in the kingdom knows. "Witches are trained only in a closed Vedic school" - Axiom. But contrary to all the laws of logic, the ministry sends thirteen witch to retire the graduation year at the Academy of Applied Magic, in the very lair of the Adepts of the Combat Faculty. And there will be a witchcraft in an emergency to take care of survival issues. For example, find out how to get rid of the syllars? What are afraid of combat magicians? How can I pump the Academy Rector? How to awaken the beast, horned and hoof in a man in a man? And what to do a hereditary witch Yaroslav, if this very awakened she managed to lose a dispute? Yes, just to take care of survival issues will have to make the magicians and a demon, because the ancient truth reads: "To communicate with the witheracs is more expensive!"

    Status: Completed

    Strelnikova Kira "Demon Mistress"
    Annotation: Returning from work in the evening, I could not imagine how the random meeting on the intersection on a rainy evening will end. And I never thought that I would find at the place of the main character of the usual children's fairy tale about the beauty and the monster ... However, I hardly pull on a beauty, and my monster is not a beautiful prince at all. But everything is in order. So, I come back home ...

    Status: Completed

    Alexander Lisin, Serving Time Change
    -- The Dark Lord
    - Gray limits
    - Madness Maze
    Annotation: At the end of the ninth millennium, after the era of racial wars, the time is again suitable when the border separating the inhabited lands from the gray limits is gradually weakening, and the lords of the world are thinking over the threat of a close end of the world. Each thousand years of immortal races are sent to a long campaign of brazers, capable of penetrating the heart of the damned forest and return the power of Isiair amulet. Every era is a suicide bomber who is not afraid to take a chance to enter the madness labyrinth to give Liara's peoples hope for the future. So now there is a disturbing times when desperate audacity is required, bordering the madness. And again there is an opportunity to change this world at will.
    However, this time not everyone agrees to change.

    Status: Completed

    Mamleeva Natalia Rinatna "Academy of All-Russian Academy, or my demon from childhood"
    "Will you have such a cute enemy," Naella sighed, looking out the window, under which there was a training platform, at which now the eighth course Mahal's swords.
    "Is that the monster you call Milm?" - I rolled my eyes to the ceiling, and then neatly unstuckly looked out the window, my personal nightmare, as if hearing us, turned around, and bowed jokingly, having sanging with a sword. - Is that a little bit ...

    Status: Completed

    Lina Alfeyev "Akkad Daem and I"
    Annotation: non-classic hit in another world) The place of action is the fiery citadel, in which the chaos demons are trained.
    Reads easy, lot of fun situations.

    Status: The first part is finished, the second is laid out. Sell \u200b\u200balmost every day.

    Odysseva Penelope "Oath or Marry First Counter"
    Annotation: Learn about the cheating of the groom on the eve of your own wedding? It is worse to only give a rage daemon and become a bride.

    Status: Completed

    Chapter 1
    - Doesn't-eat! - From the eye of the girl, the tears poured, which seemed to be impossible to stop. - Please, do not need to do this! I do not want!
    It was a tall man in front of her, but it was impossible to see how he looked, as if some kind of impermeable and blurry paddy hid him.
    Owner and rather coarse voice, with some hoarse, drove around the room:
    - Your desires do not worry me at all, Esha. I decided so - it means you will obey! - Then, looking towards one of his warriors, he ordered: - to claim it! A little later she joins other eschams in my palace.
    - Listen, Lord! - stretching along the string, the warrior cried with dark, like a cronyo wing, hair. Then turned to the girl, holding bracelets in the hands to claim her in them. - on his knees, Esha!
    - Do not, please, do not! - The girl shuddered in sobs, putting on his knees. - Do not do that!
    As soon as she sank, bracelets dressed on her hands, having wists, and the collar from the unknown metal was closed on her neck.
    Pretty smirking, the lord said:
    - Everything, go! - waved his hand, making a couple of passes into the emptiness and in the room began to electrify the air, there was a small dark glow, and then opened the portal, in which all these people stepped out, including the girl, captured by one of the soldiers on hand, and everyone disappeared into This dark matter.

    Ten hours before that
    - Irka, so where do the devils wear? I already have all the heels hurt from such a long walk, with the legs, I was looking for, while you were looking for! - My friend of childhood came to me - Sveta.
    Beautiful, well-groomed and pretty high brown with awesome figure. Chest is not less than the fourth size. Thin waist and rounded beeder. The ass, like a nut and, not bad, druits from behind - the light was exactly the girl from which the guys almost turned the neck, looking after her, especially if there were short shorts on it, only slightly cover her chic ass!
    - Well, where were you, let me know? - Against a friend, inflaming the last sponges, painted with bright red lipstick.
    - Light, sorry, you know, if I went into one of the boutiques - I will not put me from there, until I am moving all the clothes you like! - Suskoing innocent eyes and smiling cute, I tried to justify in the eyes of my girlfriend.
    Sitting the sky-blue eyes, the light is quite loud, apparently that the entire shopping center heard, shouted:
    - What is the fig you did not take your cell phone? I called you ten times!
    - Well, Svetik, well, forgive! I just went to the fitting room, and you understand - one thing, the other, and the cellular in the handbag on a silent mode, so that the parents do not get their calls, - coming the unhappy grimace, I said. - You know them, a real nightmare, not parents! "Irina, where are you?"? "Irina Viktorovna, live home"! Irina, do not evil me "! "Irina, I will complain to your father, and he will deprive you of all pocket money. Well, live home "! And all in the same vein, - I sighed hard.
    "Okay, I forgive, the very same misfortune," the girlfriend is humbled. Sveta wrinkled the spout and suddenly, as if something remembered, screamed: - Listen, what are you doing today? Just Vadim all our apartment collects. Well, so to speak, the "golden" youth. We and I are also invited as the most honorable guest, because beautiful, popular and very rich in our eighteen girls! What do you say? Maybe we go?
    Light with hope in the eyes looked at me, waiting for a positive answer. Well, of course, I never refuse to hang out. I love to take off the full program! True, the parents are completely unhappy with this. Although I, at a greater account, I don't care what they think. The main thing is that Dad is sent to the money every day, and the rest does not matter.
    I am young and beautiful, so I want to try everything that is possible! Alcohol has already tried and, honestly, it's not mine, I didn't like it at all. I tried to start smoking - almost stuck! Fu-y, as I remember, it becomes sick! Drugs? Absolutely not! I, of course, young, but not exactly a fool! It remains to try only sex, but here, alas, I haven't been lucky yet - I did not find a suitable guy. Here is a light lucky, in her eighteen years she has already changed so much guys, as if gloves for every day, and this, believe me, not enough! She is experienced in these matters, not what I am.
    - Light, I can not. Today, my father invited us home for dinner of his business partners in business. Unfortunately, I must attend.
    - Kapets, I do not envy you! Sit everyone to smile and try to be cute so that guests are fascinated, and parents are satisfied with ... Nightmare! I often have such dinners, the father constantly invites us from different people from his circle of communication, and it's just awful! B-Rr! - Svetka finished his shoulders, and then with hope suggested: - And maybe they?! Take and run out of the house for one evening, even though you have fun today, otherwise you will sit with these starreers and suffer! Vadim said the party is planned super! Well, come on, Irich! Well, please, I don't want to go there without you, you are more fun with you! - Digid a friend.
    - Svetik, I would be glad, but I can not, really. Father said that if I am not going at the appointed time for dinner, he will deprive me of all pocket money, and this fifteen pieces a day is not enough. But, more worse, he will then send me to study on an economist, and I will live in a hostel on a scholarship that relies in the university. And you know, dad I have flint, said - done. And I do not want such fate to myself, I still live very well! There is money, there are friends and parties - I don't need anything else. So, today I will definitely be present if I don't want to lose everything.
    - Yeah, the darkness is simple, - overwhelming the light, trumping into the foot nervously, wagged into elegant red sandals on the high heel. - He's brutally with you.
    I shrugged.
    - Sometimes you have to sacrifice something to achieve your own.
    - And in honor of what at least dinner do you know? - asked girlfriend.
    - No, my father did not say. But I think that something very important is planned.
    - Here, I do not understand - why makesone attend your child on such boring events? This is the most natural nonsense! - my girlfriend said grumble.
    "I agree - I also don't understand this," I supported her.
    - Il, and you have nothing to do with dinner? - Chitro squinting, informed Sveta.
    "I understand the course of your thoughts," I smiled, "so I answer - no, I haven't chosen."
    - And that means ...
    - Forward shopping! - We exclaimed in one voice. Fun laughing, holding a handle, and headed into one of the most expensive boutiques - to choose me out the outfit for today's dinner.
    I, of course, love shopping, but this pleasant trifle is tightened with Svetka for a long time. As many as four and a half hours shopping! Koshma-A-AR! I'm tired, but you still need to catch the beauty salon: manicure, pedicure, nutritious face mask, hairstyle, makeup ... Yes, I need a whole burst for this! I am so exhausted to the limit, and here is also it! No, I do not argue, beauty is an important thing, but I can not meet the time appointed by the Father. The main thing - the dress took, and it is chic!
    "Light," I called a friend, I already barely rearrange my legs, drove into crossings from one rather well-known fashion designer. - Svetik, I'm tired. Let's a little rest, huh? Sit, drink coffee in the cafe. I have my feet pain-a-at! I do not understand how you go all day on these high heels and manage not to get tired?
    - At all squeezed? No rest, we still have not picked up decorations! And, by the way, I am also tired, just not no, like you, she grinned. Ulcer, not a friend!
    - Light, and maybe they are in FIG? I have so much at home so much that you can open your own jewelry store, "I said, if only she did not drag me anywhere anywhere.
    The girlfriend looked pretty severely at me.
    - Listen, Il, and you do not accidentally fool, not? Well, what nonsense are you carrying? Those decorations you already put on. So, you need something new and precisely under the style of your new dress to suit. I never put on one decoration twice and I do not advise you, she snorted.
    I stopped in the middle of the shopping center, holding bags with new acquisitions in the hands of new acquisitions, and frozen stared at the girlfriend.
    "Lights," I rather strictly turned to her, "I don't need a new jewelry, there is one catalon, which I never worn, and it just fits the dress," I had to lie.
    "Light, leave, I don't want to go anywhere"! "I thought.
    My girlfriend is wonderful! Never leave in trouble and always, if I need it, will support it in a difficult moment. But sometimes it happens so obsessive that it is nowhere to go from her ideas and solutions!
    Hamboing, and proudly straightening his little shoulders, the light smiled.
    "Okay," she agreed, "then first in a beauty salon, and then, if the time remains, we will sit in the cafe and drink a coffee. Agree?
    I approvedly nodded and smiled my friend too.
    "Glory to you, the world famous fashion designer! She agreed"! "I imperceptibly delighted myself.
    - Agree, Svetik! Of course, I agree!
    And together we went to the beauty salon, I must look gorgeous, because for that money and exist to spend your favorite on yourself!
    But, alas, we failed to sit and drink coffee, too much time was spent in the cabin - one hairstyle only took an hour and a half, not to mention everything else.
    Walking out on the street from the "Lady of Paradise", we warmly said goodbye to the Svetora and, having received a wish from her, to spend time at today's dinner, I went home. Until the father appointed by the father of a business dinner remained only an hour. You need to hurry!
    After twenty minutes later I was already at home in my bedroom, which was located on the second floor - yes, the house is very big and beautiful. I will not go into details and describe the architecture of this house, just say that he is proud of my mom. She says that the house is similar to the palace, which she always dreamed about, and his father fulfilled her desire.
    I have a very convenient room and spacious, made in bright colors, there is even a separate bathroom. Imagine, a whole separate bathroom and only for me alone! In short, paradise! In general, there is everything I need. A big and soft bed, on which I love to be shattered and chatting on the phone with light. There is a laptop on the desk and a pair of photo frames with my pictures. On the walls hung a photo picture with the image of night cities, and on the floor, a soft white carpet, going through which I just adore, a sort of massage on the heel! Especially nice to walk after a long walk on heels, feet rest!
    In general, to someone, and I really like my room, and I will not fully describe it, otherwise you will begin to envy. I'm so kidding, if someone did not understand. Well, yes, I agree a sense of humor, I have a scanty, sometimes suffering from this. Oh, I forgot to add, I also have a dressing room where the pole is installed for strip-plastic. I confess, but I do not repent, just Strip-Dance my weakness, I have been doing this six months, and believe me, it's awesome!
    Throwing a handbag and shopping bags on the bed, I went to the mirror built into the wall, on the left side of the entrance door to the room.
    From the mirror I was looking at an attractive girl: an increase of one hundred seventy centimes, a swollen and sport figure thanks to the strip-plastic classes, the chest of the third size, elastic ass and a very thin waist, as many, aspen would say. Briefly cutting platform hair, precisely dropped snow. Everyone in one voice was surprised and asked to give the number of my hairdresser-stylist, but the fact of the matter is that I never stained my hair, it is such an unusual natural hue. What about lengths. I never liked long hair, so I turned shortly - on top of a small "snowy" hat, and on the sides and rear - very short.
    And so, it would seem, what then did I have kept in the cabin? Yes, everything is simple to banality. Nutritional hair mask with which I promoted at least twenty minutes, then moisturizing and restoring mask. Mouorno and long, of course, but the beauty also requires victims, as they say! Well, finally, the laying is so that my white "cap" does not frolit. And all, I'm a beauty!
    Eyes ... oh-oh, eyes - this is my pride! Bright blue-green big eyes with long blacks, which, by the way, strangely, cilia. The eyebrows are also black. Right anomaly is somehow, it turns out! But I was born. Neat little nose, slightly drunken and chubby, scarlet from nature, lips. Long elegant neck. Little rounded shoulders, thin wrists.
    Dressed I was in a light checkered shirt of a red shade with sleeves to elbows and dark blue denim breeches. Just and tasteful! What is needed for shopping!
    For some time I was spinning near the mirror, like a model, admiring my appearance. Distrak me the voice of the mother because of the door:
    "Irina," Mom called.
    - Yes mom? - I responded, stopping self-confidence.
    - Are you ready? Can I enter?
    - Uh, no, mom. But I'm already dressing, honest! - I climbed. - In five to ten minutes I will be ready.
    "Okay," a woman at the door sighed wearily. - Guests will soon arrive, so the hurry, please - and I heard a knock of the removable heels.
    Sighing, began to quickly undress, removing absolutely everything from myself, leaving only white thongs. Throwing casual clothes on the chair, I went to bed and took the package in which the dress was lying, purchased specifically to today's dinner.
    White, light, flowered, as if woven out of a million thin web - it was perfectly in my figure, emphasizing the high breasts, a thin waist and a smooth bend of the thighs, diving the book with a flowing silk wave to the floor. High gates and long lace sleeves only emphasized the ideality of this dress. Oh-oh, it is fine! In it, I was like a snowy nymph.
    To trigger this wonderful image, put on white open sandals on a low heel. Well, that's all, the image is completed! And even no decorations needed.
    By breathing with full breasts, I looked at myself in the mirror before going out.
    - Well, what, Irina, is ready for this evening nightmare? - Reflection to me, understandable thing, could not answer. However, this was not required. Anyway, you need to go and should not be late, otherwise the papik will become angry.
    And I, opening the door, left the room.
    Going down the stairs to the first floor, I heard the voices and laughter, which belonged to my father. "I wonder what I was so laughing"? - I flashed the thought in my head, but I did not get down, I did not make sense to score with any nonsense. While I descended, did not leave the feeling of the impending misfortune, the sobbar and fear, expressed in the form of a compressive heart, reigned me. Of course, the rational reasons to worry, and there was no fear, but it was not possible to calm down. "Yes, what is with me"? - I feverly pondered, continuing to descend.
    - And here is our daughter - from reflections I was distracted by a low voice of my father, as soon as I reached the first floor. "Irina, go to us," he called me.
    The tall man of forty-nine years with the same platinum, like me, hair, with a shrill look of blue eyes, a large nose with a hubble, thin lips, clearly defined cheekbones and a powerful chin with a small smell. They say that the one who has it is - is a monochombus. "They lie, probably about this smell" - flashed a stupid thought in my head.
    My father is Viktor's name, and he is the general director of the company "Ahire". I still do not know what kind of name means, and my father is not recognized. The annual income of the company is very large, such amounts do not even pronounce. What his company is engaged in, I was not known, because my father decided not to devote me to his business. However, for me it was no matter until our family remains rich, how the father earns, I do not care.
    Father stood at the foot of the stairs and seriously glanced at me. Yeah, afraid that I will take another touch or nonsense. "Not this time, daddy," smiling to his thoughts, approached the Father. Translated from him on guests, well, or correct to say, the guest, looking at which, I almost flew out of the orbits! Man ... no, man, the most real man. Low, approximately below me on the head. Thick, like a tree "Baobab", in addition it is still bald and terrible, as death itself! The nose potatoes, the eyes are small, like the piglets, full of wide lips, hopped ears, swimming the neck. I'm just now!
    - Mm, Irina, once with you to meet you! - He uttered a high squeaky voice, approaching me with an obvious intention to overtake my hand. Well, type, kiss. I do not want, I do not want! Remove this Zhybya from me.
    Aloud, the same, smiling cute (in fact, the face of disgusts twisted), I said:
    "Very nice," I hope my strained smile does not give out how much this man is unpleasant.
    He took my hand into his, bowed and kissed her. Horrible! Give me an antiseptic tool to treat my limb victim from its saliva! And then it stuck so much later that no perfume is able to kill this terrible smell! Say that I squeezed - say nothing!
    And so for the sake of this boar stood dinner? Yes, if I knew what I would expect me, without a conversation, I would agree to the Svetkino offer to go to a party to Vadim. But instead, I will now have several hours to contemplate this to the horror! It seems I got into my personal hell!
    "Sorry, I forgot to introduce yourself." Sifhushin Oleg Ignatievich, the future partner and, I hope, the son-in-law of your father, - I regained this creature in greasy legs.
    I fully stared at my father.
    - son-in-law? What else, to hell, son-in-law? - angry with my eyes, I fired.
    "Irina, I wanted to tell you later, but since it happened so it happened, I will say now." Oleg will become your husband.
    - What?! - In one voice, we exclaimed with my mother.
    Stepping from the Father and this Pina, I added:
    - Not to be this! Hear?! Not. To be!
    - Shut your mouth! - Hustly pretty me father. - If I said that he becomes your husband - it means that he will become your husband and it is not discussed!
    In my eyes there were evil tears that threatened to spill out. I wanted to ask: "For, what are you so with me, dads? What did I do this? Not only that he freak, what light did not give, so besides, also old, forty, no less "!
    - Dear, what are you saying? She is still married early, "Mom tried to stand up for me. But he looked at her that she immediately silenced, lowering his eyes in the floor.
    - I am the head of this family and the decisions made by me are not discussed!
    - Why are you so with me? - I asked a trembling voice.
    - Irina, my little girl, - Father approached me and, lifting my chin with his big and wide hand with long fingers, softly said: - I love you very much, snowflake and want you to safely ...
    The father always called me with snowflake, if he wanted to apologize to me for something. The premonition of the danger in the chest is intensified.
    "How cute it is," there was a mocking, but a little rough male voice from the front door.
    All sharply turned toward the voice. In the house, he entered the high, probably, under two meters in growth, with an impressive figure man. I tried, but it was trying to see this person, however, his image all the time, as if smeared, whether, was vague. The only thing I clearly saw him - the eyes, shrill and black, like the darkness itself, the eyes that caused a trembling in my body. "It is dangerous," the terrifying thought flashed in my head.
    "Well, hello, my old friend," said this stranger, passing to the house. It entered two more, fully dressed in black men, their faces are closed with bandages, leaving only eyes open open, everyone hangs on the belt in the sheath ... swords?
    "Protection," I guessed. Only some strange.
    "You ..." I exhaled my father, putting on one knee and bowing my head in a bow.
    - I have not seen each other for a long time ... how are you now called - Victor? The nightmarish have chosen to yourself, "this strange man grinned. Then, frowning his black thick eyebrows, rudely said, looking at my father: - You disappointed me, Vic, without fulfilling the terms of our treaty.
    "Excuse me," Gulko Sglotovow, I will have anxious voice, he responded.
    - Forgive? Does not, will not come out! You have lost my trust, so I'm not going to forgive you, instead I will punish.
    - Yes, who are you? - Sifushin screamed, making a step towards this strange stranger. - What is the right you generally have anyone to punish?
    "What a nasty type," a manproofy sickly, said a man. - I will give you just one chance to leave this house alive. Go away.
    - I will not leave anywhere! - Oleg exclaimed, putting his fat belly.
    "Fool. Oh, a fool, damn, "I thought.
    - Hmm, the hero, it means, a man grinned hard.
    I tried to see him again, but nothing but black eyes did not see.
    "Well, you decided so much," he didn't say that he waved his hand in the direction of Sifushushka, who was turned into a statue of the ashes, expired from horror, and everything began to crumble through the MiG, turning into a handful.
    Screwing, I closed my mouth with my hands, not believing my own eyes. Can not be! This simply can not be! Fear and panic with a new force began to grow inside me. A man looked a look with, once former Oleg, a handful of ash and looked at me.
    "Beautiful," he stretched out thoughtfully, wandering his eyes in my body. - I understand that this is your daughter?
    "Yes ..." I exhaled my father, still standing on one knee, bowing my head in a bow.
    "Good," a stranger nodded at a response. " - I am satisfied. And now about your punishment. You violated the contract that was concluded between us. It was already half a year, as your daughter has reached the age of majority, but you never introduced it to me, so I decided to come after her. But instead of becoming my Eina, it will become ae.
    - No! - exclaimed his father, rising sharply from his knees. - I will not allow this!
    But one smooth movement of the arms of a stranger and ... My father, clutching his chest, again collapsed on his knees.
    - You dreamed me to reap? - Surprisingly surprised, asked the man. - rashly with your side. Apparently, you have little of that punishment that I voiced. So ... "He thought for a while," Yes, that's how I will do that, I tried angrily on my father, he said hard: "Listen to me and listen: you will lose everything that I have achieved for these twenty years, you will lose that for what happens. This contract was concluded and losing the for the sake of which it was worth living.
    - I beg, do not! - Separate Victor.
    - Late, Vic. - A man translated his eyes from his father on ... Mom, who is neither alive, nor dead on the floor.
    Snowy Elena Vladimirovna is a small, thin brunette with a pretty face, big brown eyes, filled with horror and the same as me, Almy from nature, lips.
    - For the sake of her, you made an agreement, - looking at mom, said a stranger. One movement of the hand in her direction and ... She just like Oleg, turned into ashes.
    - Never-e-eh! "I shouted in horror, while breaking off the place to the one who gave me life, cared for me, loved.
    - Mama! Mommy! Ma-ah -a! No, mom, no !! - Gorough, burning tears fucked out of the eyes, wild pain of loss flooded my heart, breaking it into pieces. - Mama! "I was close to her just at that moment when she began to crumble, turning into a small handful of ash. Sobs shakeed my body.
    "Elena ..." a quiet, filled with indescribable pain, the voice of the Father. "Forgive me, my loved one," the eyes filled with tears, and a heavy moan came out of his chest filled with suffering.
    "And this," the man nodded into my direction, the one, for whom it was worth living. And she, Vikteirion, will go to me where you are closed, - looking at me, the stranger said: "You, Esha will go with me to the dark world, where you will serve me as it will be as if I have."
    And in a couple of minutes, I, caught in wrist bracelets and with a collar on the neck, stepped into the portal leading to the Dark World - where I was expected by the fate of the slave.

    Victor was sitting on the floor in the house that was built for his wife Elena - his beloved, the only and beautiful woman, for whom he concluded that the damned contract!
    - Yes, if I knew how it all turns, I would never go to that deal! Let I be alone and unhappy, but you, my favorite, would be alive now, - bitter and evil tears sulfate, practically not allowing a man to breathe. - But so I will not leave everything! I lost you, my favorite, but I will lose our daughter, does not intend! - with a sharp movement rising from the floor, he pulled his pocket from his pocket cell. By selecting one number from the contact list, it pressed the call button.
    - I listen, - there was a low, slightly hoarse from sleep, a male voice.
    - Guyo, this is Victor. I woke you up? Sorry.
    - Victor? - I did not understand. - What other Victor?
    Summerly sigh, the man replied:
    - Vikterion.
    A minute silence was heard in the tube, and then wary:
    - Mr.
    - Yes, Guyo, that's me. I need your help.
    - Mr., Vikeyrion, please, sorry! I did not recognize you asked. I ask me to excuse me again, "a man said to the voice of sleep, still hoarse. - Uh, could you wait a minute? He asked him.
    "I'm waiting," Victor replied briefly and wrap his housing, which now without Elena became unnecessary.
    The luxurious palace is her dream, the dream of his beloved woman. How many times Elena told him about his dream, that Victor with ease could imagine how in her dreams it looked like this house. And after some time he gave her a dream. Her dream. He will never forget how much happiness was then in her eyes. And never forget how much horror in them was before death. "It's all my wines," a man thought crushed himself.
    "Mr.," his man called a more cheerful voice now. - I am ready to listen to you.
    - Gajo, convene all of our in whom there is a little less, the magic of the dark world remains. You need to urgently open the portal. "Victor was tense to the limit, which his voice spoke is irritated, nervous and evil.
    - Portal? But this may require a fortune of time, Mr. Here, things with magic are much worse than in the dark world, "said Gajo, without hiding his excitement.
    "You have a maximum of three days to collect everyone and open a portal," Victor said pretty hard.
    - Three days? So few? But why such a rush? - I did not understand the man.
    - He has my daughter, Gajo. He came for her. I killed my wife and took the snowflake into the dark world, in my own possessions. We have three days to create a portal and three days to pull my daughter from his chain hands. If we do not have time to cope during this time, after a week my daughter on legal grounds will be the Esha Lord. And then we can no longer help her, but now there is still time.
    - What? - A man asked as a husked voice. - He took the snowflake? But she is ...
    - Yes! - Grubly interrupted his master.
    After pacing a little, Gayo strongly said:
    - Everything will be done in the shortest possible time, Mr. Vikteirion.
    "I hope for you," Victor replied and dropped the challenge.
    Now decisiveness and unshakable confidence swayed in his glance.
    - Irina, my girl, do not be afraid, I will come for you, - he squeezed his cell phone with such force that he crumbled on small detail. Shaking them with his hands, he whispered: - I will pull you out of the braces of the lord of the dark world, the snowflake. My little girl, my snowy demon.

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