• An example of fidelity from the work War and Peace. Loyalty and devotion are arguments. Loyalty to your moral principles


    Loyalty. What it is? This is the moral foundation on which the human world rests. This is devotion to one’s principles, duty, one’s Motherland, one’s land, parents, friends and loved ones. The opposite concept is treason. A person cheats first of all on himself, failing to pass the test of moral strength. People are tested for loyalty and treason primarily in relation to their duty, to the Fatherland. This is especially evident during years of difficult trials, during the war.

    Let's look at examples from fiction.

    In the novel by A.S. Pushkin's "The Captain's Daughter" is about a popular uprising led by Pugachev. Almost all the plot lines of the story are connected with this. The main character is Pyotr Grinev, a young officer who serves in the Belogorsk fortress. When the fortress was captured by the Pugachevites, he was faced with a choice: to die, but remain faithful to the oath, to the Fatherland, or to stay alive, but betray his duty, betray the moral principles that had been ingrained in him since childhood. “Take care of your honor from a young age,” the father instructed his son, seeing him off to service. And Grinev preserved his honor, remained faithful to the oath and was ready to die, but not go over to the side of the impostor. And Pushkin talks about treason in his work. Shvabrin, also a young officer, swears allegiance to Pugachev so as not to be hanged. He betrays his military duty, his oath to faithfully serve the Tsar and the Fatherland. Of course, who wants to die young. But betrayal is a shame, people’s contempt, and it has never made a person happier.

    M. Sholokhov’s story “The Fate of Man” talks about loyalty to human and military duty. The main character, Andrei Sokolov, endured many trials: he fought, was captured, lost his family, but even in the most difficult moments of his life he managed to remain a man and a faithful defender of his native land. Loyalty does not live in every heart. Let us remember the episode that tells how prisoners were kept in a barn in inhumane conditions. And one of them is ready to betray others, to point out communists and Komsomol members to the fascists in order to survive, curry favor with enemies, and save his life. He does not withstand the tests, betrays his duty, would become a traitor if not for Andrei Sokolov, who kills the traitor. The author wants to say that only qualities such as loyalty and courage help people preserve the human being within them.

    V. Bykov’s story “Sotnikov” also talks about loyalty and betrayal of one’s human and military duty. The action takes place during the Great Patriotic War. The two main characters, Sotnikov and Rybak, find themselves facing death: they fall into the clutches of their enemies. Sotnikov holds on courageously. Beaten and tormented, he does not agree to go into service with the fascists, but remains faithful to his comrades in arms, his military oath, and his Motherland. Courage, boldness, and loyalty to his native land help him remain human to the end. And what about the second one - Rybak? He became a coward even when he abandoned his comrade on the road, who was alone in a shootout with the police. And only fear of the partisans forced Rybak to return. He became a traitor in the face of death: he agreed to join the police to save his life, and even became an executioner: he knocked out the stool under the gallows on which Sotnikov stood. Loyalty and betrayal manifest themselves most clearly in war.

    Thinking about fidelity and betrayal, re-reading the works of Russian writers, I came to the conclusion that fidelity, devotion to the country, love for the Fatherland are the keys to courage, honor, and the preservation of human dignity, and betrayal is a shame, cowardice, the path to betrayal.

    One of the directions of the final essay is “Loyalty and Treason.” It may contain themes related to the following concepts: loyalty and betrayal to a loved one, oneself, a friend, one’s family.

    In contact with

    "Loyalty and Betrayal" works

    Almost every work studied in school contains story line, to one degree or another associated with fidelity and betrayal. Let's consider possible products for the first point:

    1. « » , Natasha Rostova, who cheated on Andrei Bolkonsky with one, and is marrying a third.
    2. "Quiet Don", Grigory Melekhov, who cannot decide who he should be with: Natasha, his wife and mother of his children, or the married Aksinya.
    3. « » , Margarita, who, being married, loves her master and is trying to find him.

    For the second point you can take:

    1. « » Bazarov, who at first is iron-confident in his views, and then meets a woman who changes his world, he begins to doubt himself.
    2. « » , Sonya Marmeladova, a highly moral person who is forced to deviate from her principles and, for the sake of her family, take the “yellow ticket”.
    3. "Taras Bulba", the main character, Taras, is true to himself, to his homeland, so he, without deviating from his views, kills his son for betraying his homeland.
    4. Poems by Mayakovsky "About the Soviet passport". The lyrical hero is proud that in his hands is a “Hammer-faced, sickle-faced Soviet passport.”
    5. “And the dawns here are quiet...”. A squad of women and their commander sacrifice themselves to save the Motherland from the Nazis.
    6. "Taras Bulba", Andriy falls in love with a Polish princess and betrays his homeland.

    Loyalty and betrayal in the work "Taras Bulba".

    As an example about friendship, you can take the following works:

    1. "Scarecrow". Here is an example (Lenka, who takes the blame for her friend’s misdemeanor upon herself), and anti example – Dima Somov(afraid to tell the truth, looking at how classmates mock her friend).
    2. "Oblomov", Andrei Stolts, who does not abandon his lazy, inert friend and helps him organize things in the village.

    The problem of fidelity and betrayal in the family circle is illuminated in the works:

    1. "Quiet Don", Grigory Melekhov leaves his family: wife, parents - for the sake of his mistress.
    2. "Taras Bulba“Andriy goes against not only the laws of his society, but also against the will and teachings of his father.

    Attention! You can use any suitable examples from classical Russian, as well as from foreign and modern literature.

    Loyalty and betrayal - introductory part

    The introduction should reveal the meaning of terms"loyalty" and "betrayal". After you have given the definition, comment on the problem, give your assessment, express your thoughts on this occasion, talk about its significance and relevance.

    Complete your thesis – highlight main idea, literally in one sentence. And then move on to argumentation.

    The problem of fidelity and betrayal

    Here you can talk about what cheating leads to, tell about the consequences. Think about what feelings the traitor will experience, and what will happen to the person who trusted him.

    You may wonder whether a faithful person will ever be happy and much more. The description of the problem will depend from a specific topic.

    The problem of fidelity and betrayal, arguments for an essay

    Arguments for the essay should be taken from works relevant to the topic. They can be formatted as follows:

    And after that, you can move on to writing a conclusion and summing up.

    Loyalty and betrayal: arguments for essays, quotes

    1. “Consistency is the basis of virtue” - Balzac.
    2. “Be faithful to those who are faithful to you” - Plath.
    3. “What is my father, comrades and homeland to me? So if that’s the case, here’s the thing: I don’t have anyone! Nobody, nobody! — Andriy, Taras Bulba.
    4. “Take care of your honor from a young age” - “The Captain’s Daughter” epigraph.

    Attention! It is not at all necessary to use quotes in your essay.

    Loyalty and betrayal: conclusion

    Summarize based on the above arguments. Do you agree with the theme? Think about what you want to convey in your essay. Perhaps you can recommend something to solve this problem. Draw the reader's attention to something call them to action.

    You can use the following templates to indicate the output:

    1. In conclusion, I want to say that… .
    2. I agree (agree) with the author that... .
    3. Please note that betrayal is fraught with far from happy consequences.

    Loyalty and treason to the Motherland

    This topic raises the concept of “patriotism” - love for the Motherland.

    This problem is advantageous in that it allows you to select a lot of examples from literary works devoted to historical and military topics (“The Dawns Here Are Quiet,” “Vasily Terkin,” “The Little Soldier,” etc.).

    Each of us understands that this topic is very important nowadays. Therefore, there will be no problem in identifying its relevance and significance.

    The captain's daughter: loyalty and betrayal

    This work can be used for argumentation in the following directions:

    • loyalty and treason to the Motherland;
    • to a loved one;
    • to myself.

    Let's take a closer look. Maria Mironova can be used as an example of pure, true love.

    And Peter Grinev can be cited as an example as true patriot, confident in his views on life, his anti-example is Shvabrin. And we also saw traitors to the Motherland here, when they were offered to die or go over to the side of the invader.

    Evgeny Onegin: fidelity and betrayal

    The main character of this work can be used as examples in several ways. He is courting a married woman, especially since she is the wife of his best friend. This ruins friendships and starts enmity. You can also consider and use tangled love line Evgeny Onegin - Tatiana.

    Another example is the biography of Tatyana’s mother, a domineering, callous woman who became like this because of her husband. In her youth, she dreamed of moving to the capital and marrying a military man and leading a social life. But since she became the wife of a landowner, she had to forget about all your dreams.

    Loyalty and betrayal, essay examples

    Loyalty is constancy in your views, feelings, beliefs. Of course, this is a positive quality. But for each concept there is a term that has the opposite meaning. The antonym for the word “loyalty” is – “betrayal” is uncertainty, retreat in one's beliefs.

    The topic of fidelity and betrayal has interested many writers. I think they got their attention emotions and feelings of people, who were loyal and betrayed, thoughts that were the driving force of the traitor at the time of committing vile acts. In order to confirm my words, let us turn to examples from the literature.

    A striking illustration of this topic will be “Oblomov” by Goncharov. Here we see the standard of a faithful friend - Andrei Stolts. This character is quite pragmatic: this person’s views on life are absolutely stable and constant. It seems to me that it was for this reason that Stolz always helped out his not very independent friend Oblomov and did not leave him in trouble throughout the entire work. I think that kind of loyalty and devotion deserves respect.

    A more interesting plot, full of intrigue, is tied up in Zheleznikov’s work “Scarecrow”. Here we will encounter both loyalty and betrayal. Before the readers are ordinary students from an ordinary school. The main character Lenka is new to the class, she is quiet, modest, and sincere. The girl makes a friend, because of whom she is bullied by her classmates. When Dima reports to the teacher that the class skipped class, Lenka shows nobility and takes the blame for the class upon herself.

    I think this is a very brave act, because she knew how it could end. But how will her only friend behave, looking at how the whole class is mocking an innocent girl? And we see that he is suffering, thoughts about this haunt him, but at the same time, he is afraid to be in her place. Therefore, he chose to preserve his reputation rather than help out Lenka, who helped him in difficult times. I think this is treason and betrayal. But I think that after reading this book, few people will want to find themselves in such a situation, because the author so masterfully describes the mental torment of a traitor.

    Loyalty and betrayal. direction of the final essay

    “Loyalty and Betrayal” Essay example


    In conclusion, I want to say that by reading various works on the topic of fidelity and betrayal, we can learn from actions and mistakes heroes in order to avoid unpleasant situations in life and be good, loyal friends.

    It is very important in the final essay fully expand on the topic, therefore, for a better result, try to choose examples where the first shows the positive side, and the second, the negative side of the phenomenon indicated in the topic of the essay.

    Essay on the topic: “Loyalty and betrayal”

    There are a huge number of different works in the world: stories, poems, ballads, tragedies, plays. Despite progress, the change of eras, morals and customs, problems associated with fidelity and betrayal still concern humanity and are reflected in literature.

    Writers and poets are looking for answers to a variety of questions: “When and why can you forgive betrayal? Is it possible to refuse fidelity? Is it necessary to remain faithful and why? One of the most famous works of Russian classics, “War and Peace” by Leo Tolstoy, touches on almost all aspects of human life.

    The image of Natasha Rostova fell in love with many readers: a kind, cheerful, sincere and well-read girl cannot but arouse sympathy. However, Natasha is not without sin: when Prince Bolkonsky decides, at the insistence of his father, to postpone the wedding for a year and engage in military service, Natasha becomes interested in an affair with the famous reveler Anatoly Kuragin.

    Rostova’s betrayal can be justified: very young and naive, she easily succumbs to the charm of the seductive Anatole, for whom this novel is nothing more than an empty game. But, despite this, Prince Bolkonsky cannot forgive Natasha’s betrayal - for him this is a serious insult. Natasha's betrayal is an unforgivable mistake that ruined her relationship with Andrei Bolkonsky.

    In the great epic novel, in addition to the bright and pure image of Natasha, there is an equally remarkable female character - Helen Kuragina. She is a worthy daughter of her selfish father - Prince Vasily Kuragin, who openly declared that his children are his burden and a difficult lot. Helen is a beautiful young girl, a real socialite, who knows how to present herself in high society, so much so that no one knows about her stupidity and greedy nature.

    She only cares about profit; she marries Pierre, guided only by his financial situation. The former Kuragina, and now Countess Bezukhova, the girl calmly continues to start relationships with other men. Beautiful on the outside and empty on the inside, Hélène later converts to Catholicism and divorces Pierre. Her numerous infidelities and affairs are explained only by her low and vulgar nature; Helen is unable to give pure and true love (unlike Natasha Rostova).

    Another work, no less famous to the world - “Eugene Onegin” by A.S. Pushkin - gave the world the image of an ideal Russian woman - Tatyana Larina. A young girl, brought up on book novels, far from the noise of social balls and gossip of court ladies, falls in love with Onegin, sophisticated in life. Tatyana writes a letter to Evgeniy, in which she confesses her feelings and receives a refusal from him. His confession upsets Tatyana, but she does not forget her feelings.

    After several years they meet again, but Tatyana is no longer a free girl: two years ago she married a general, now she is a famous noble princess. Seeing another “new” Tatiana, Onegin realizes that he has fallen in love. He writes passionate letters to her, but she does not answer; in desperation, the man decides to meet: Tatiana is alone in the room and crying, she still loves Evgeniy, but she would prefer to remain faithful to her husband.

    Tatiana's loyalty and fortitude amazed readers and critics; Despite her unabated love for Onegin, the girl remains faithful to her unloved husband, which cannot but delight. People are fickle, they change with every moment, day, year - perhaps these changes will lead to serious betrayal, or, on the contrary, will strengthen their faith and devotion. Therefore, the problem of fidelity and betrayal will appear in the works of future writers for an infinitely long time.

    Arguments for the topic: “Loyalty and betrayal”

    The issue of fidelity and betrayal is touched upon by many great writers in their works, but each does it in his own way: Destructive fidelity is described by A.I. Kuprin in the work “Garnet Bracelet”. The petty official Zheltkov, unrequitedly in love with Princess Vera, has no chance for reciprocal feelings. For seven long years, the man remains faithful to his only love, occasionally sending letters to his beloved woman. Princess Vera remains faithful to her husband, despite the fact that the passion in their relationship has long given way to mutual tenderness and respect for each other. A woman knows about her secret admirer, but she is not overwhelmed by feelings of curiosity or sympathy for the unknown, she does not look for her admirer, coldly answering letters. However, at the end of the story, after Zheltkov’s suicide, Vera, standing at the coffin, realizes that she missed the very true love that her grandfather told her about.

    In the story “The Captain's Daughter” by A.S. Pushkin, the problems of fidelity and betrayal with honor and dishonor are closely intertwined. The main character - Pyotr Grinev - refuses to swear allegiance to the rebel Emelyan Pugachev, remaining faithful to the empress. But Alexey Shvabrin, a former friend and comrade, without being tormented by pangs of conscience, goes over to the side of the impostor in order to save his life. In addition to loyalty to the Motherland, the work also sanctifies loyalty in love. Grinev, in love with Masha Mironova, does not give up his intentions to marry her, despite his parents’ refusal to bless him. Shvabrin, who captured the fortress together with the Pugachevites, forcibly persuades the girl to marry. The coward Masha, flinching from shots during exercises in the fortress, shows unexpected fortitude and refuses Shvabrin, remaining faithful to her beloved.

    The work “Fairy Tale” from the collection of stories by A.I. Kuprin's "Russian Soul" begins with a good fairy tale, which Ivan Timofeevich tells his son at night. On the dacha terrace, in addition to the artist and his little son, there are Kholshchevnikov’s beautiful wife, Lydia, and the artist’s beloved student, young Grigory Bakhanin. Ivan Timofeevich tells his son about a wonderful fairy (meaning his wife) who saved the lost prince and led him to the palace, past terrible monsters whose names were Envy, Poverty and Doubt. Ivan Timofeevich leaves the fallen child in the nursery and returns to the terrace: there he finds Lydia and Grigory kissing, who have not yet noticed him. The story ends with the words: “The fairy tale is over...”

    Another story by A.I. ends no less sadly. Kuprina - “Allez”. Young circus performer Nora falls in love with the famous clown Menotti, who managed to seduce an innocent girl in just a week. For a whole year, Nora accompanied the man on his tour; she saw in him a kind of god, and he graciously allowed her to adore him. But a year later the circus performer got bored with her and he kicked Nora out. The short story ends with Nora's suicide - the girl throws herself out of the window when she sees Merotti's betrayal.

    In A.N. Ostrovsky’s play “The Thunderstorm,” the conflict of the work is love betrayal. Katerina, a cheerful and dreamy girl, suffers from unfair attacks from her arrogant mother-in-law and the soft-heartedness of her husband, unable to fight back against his mother. She is literally suffocating in the insipid, stupid town of Kalinov, which is why she falls in love with Boris so easily. Chance meetings, furtive kisses - Katerina's love for Boris becomes stronger every day, despite the fact that she is a married girl. However, pious Katerina understands that betrayal is a sin, so she throws herself into the Volga.

    The most famous tragedy dedicated to love is Romeo and Juliet. William Shakespeare's work describes an extraordinary love affair that ends in an infamous ending. Lovers from the warring clans of Montague and Capulet, despite all prohibitions, meet secretly. During the tragedy, Juliet had to marry Paris, but she could not cheat on her beloved Romeo. She drinks a “special potion” - the girl falls into sleep, which everyone takes for death; Not knowing that her beloved is only sleeping, Romeo drinks poison, Juliet, waking up, sees Romeo dead and stabs herself.

    The sacrificial loyalty to Maria Troekurova in the novel “Dubrovsky” by A.S. Pushkin cannot leave anyone indifferent. During the course of the work, the girl falls in love with her French teacher, in fact, the robber Dubrovsky. Her father decides to marry his daughter to the old rich Prince Vereisky. Maria begs her father not to do this - “marriage scared her like a chopping block, like a grave.” The girl hopes that Dubrovsky will save her from an unwanted marriage, but her beloved does not make it in time: when the robbers attack the carriage, the young couple have already been married. Maria refuses Dubrovsky, she will not leave her legal husband for him.

    The hero of the work “Sotnikov” by Vasil Bykov committed treason to his homeland and his comrade. Rybak and Sotnikov, who were captured by the Germans, behaved radically differently: Sotnikov was silent and endured all the torture, while Rybak, fearing for his life and health, dodged direct answers, and “said, as it seemed to him, very cunningly” . The fisherman was asked to join the German police; Later, everyone was taken to liquidation - the gallows. Trying to save his comrade, Sotnikov takes all the blame upon himself, shouts that Rybak ended up with him by accident, at the same time Rybak agrees to become a German “policeman”. It is he who knocks the log out from under Sotnikov’s feet, passing the German test. After the liquidation, Rybak is looking for a way to escape: he sees a horse nearby, and suddenly notices a man in a sleigh - his look, full of hatred, makes it clear to Rybak that there is now nowhere to run.

    The story of Gabriel Troepolsky “White Bim Black Ear” describes the sad story of a sincerely devoted dog - White Bim. A “defective” setter, Bim was supposed to die as a puppy, but he was taken in by the lonely writer Ivan Ivanovich. A few years later, the old fragment in Ivan Ivanovich’s chest moved, and the writer was taken away in an ambulance. The devoted dog waited for his owner, refused to eat, and the old woman who was looking after him let him go to look for something. Bim went in search of the owner. Many misfortunes happened to Ivan Ivanovich’s faithful friend: the dog was kidnapped, resold, beaten and starved to death, but White Bim was still waiting for his owner. The incredible devotion of the “wrong setter” once again confirms that a dog is man’s best friend.

    In A.S. Pushkin’s story “The Station Warden,” readers learn about the sad fate of the old station warden. His daughter, the beautiful young Dunya, ran away from him with a young hussar. Three years spent alone have aged the once cheerful caretaker, now he is a decrepit old man. Dunya most likely married a hussar, but her father was worried about his only daughter and went on foot to St. Petersburg; the caretaker was able to get into the house: as soon as he saw him, the girl fainted, and Minsky drove the old man away. Until the caretaker’s death, Dunya did not visit him; at the end of the work, the boy Vanka describes a beautiful lady crying at the grave of a drunken caretaker.

    Patriotism, loyalty to duty in the novel “War and Peace”

    Despite the stability of many of Bolkonsky’s character traits, beliefs, and feelings (patriotism, loyalty to duty, civic activity, keen interest in general philosophical and moral problems), and the rationalistic nature of his nature, he is not without, albeit restrained, emotionality, which is most fully expressed in friendship and in love, and at first - in the desire for fame, organically combined with the desire to act and be useful. “Prince Andrei was one of those rare officers at the headquarters who believed his main interest was in the general course of military affairs.”

    In Brunn, having learned that Vienna had been taken by the French, he urgently goes to the army, which is in danger: “I’m going in order to save the army.” He is driven by a feeling of insulted Russian pride, hope of glory, readiness to die. “I will do it as well as anyone else.” Before the Battle of Shengraben, Bolkonsky dreams of a feat, of glory on a Napoleonic scale: “It has begun! Here it is!.. How will my Toulon express itself? But, having accomplished the feat (he remains on the uncovered battery of Captain Tushin, whose actions ensured the success of the battle), Bolkonsky, reporting on the progress of the battle and the heroism of Tushin, leaves himself in the shadows. Before the Battle of Austerlitz, the need for glory reaches its apogee at Bolkonsky: “Tomorrow... I will finally have to show everything that I can do”; he is looking forward to the happy moment of his Toulon, anticipating doing everything just for him alone, dreaming of glory, fame, the love of people, triumph over them.

    And this “happy moment” of a kind of ceremonial heroism comes: he rushes forward with the banner, dragging the battalion along with him. But then - a serious injury, and an epiphany sets in, an understanding of the insignificance of such a dream in comparison with the eternal values ​​personified in the image of the high sky. “What a beautiful death!” - Napoleon says, stopping his horse near the wounded Bolkonsky. And this idol of many fades in comparison with the high, fair, kind sky. Napoleon now seems to Bolkonsky as a little man bringing evil and injustice into the world. 3

    Thus ends this stage of the uneven, dramatic path of Bolkonsky’s quest. The next stage - after his recovery and the death of his wife, which brought an acute sense of guilt towards her - is marked by an effective relief of the situation of the peasants on their estates: he lists some as free cultivators, and replaces corvée with quitrent for others. But this “one of the first examples in Russia” does not bring Bolkonsky satisfaction, since the men greet the innovations with distrust.

    He is not satisfied with the attempt to join Speransky’s reform activities. And in this case, Bolkonsky will not avoid illusions. It seemed to him that Alexander I was taking steps towards state transformation and limiting his power. But upon closer examination, he notices that the intentions of Speransky and others to legally change the court, administrative, and financial systems in Russia are not realistic, just like the project to free the peasants, update the military regulations, establish new “Rights of Persons,” etc. The crisis experienced by Bolkonsky at this stage is replaced, albeit not for long, by “recovery”, a return to life.

    This entails attention to nature (night in Otradnoye, a blossoming, withered oak tree), love for Natasha Rostova. But love also turns out to be dramatic for him. High morality, increased self-esteem and rationality, maximal demands on others and on himself “prevented” him from both predicting the possibility of a catastrophe (long separation is not for Natasha, who acutely experiences the feeling of love), and from forgiving betrayal (and even with such an unworthy person, like Anatol Kuragin).

    A break for Bolkonsky, a man of honor and duty, seemed to be the only way out, despite his deeply realized misfortune. At the last stage of his life, Prince Andrey is a participant in the Patriotic War of 1812. After breaking up with Natasha, he decides to serve in the army, but not at headquarters, but as a regimental commander. “In the regiment they called him “our prince,” they were proud of him and loved him.” He refused the opportunity to be with the person of the sovereign or commander-in-chief. “I got used to the regiment, fell in love with the officers, and the people seemed to love me. I would be sorry to leave the regiment." Kutuzov responds to these words with agreement: “I know that your road is the road of honor.”

    On the eve of the Battle of Borodino, Bolkonsky begins to overcome his class view of the people; he puts himself on a par with him.

    The success of the battle “depends on the feeling that is in me, in officer Timokhin, in every soldier.” Death overtook Andrei Bolkonsky on the approaches to victory, just when he was taking the first steps towards rapprochement with the people, when his belated reconciliation with Natasha Rostova took place. In the dramatic unrealized personal happiness and oppositional civic activity - a kind of echo of the tragic fate of the Decembrists.

    The epochal work “War and Peace” reveals to the reader not only real pictures of historical events of the first quarter of the 19th century in Russia, but also reflects a wide palette of diversity of relationships between people. Tolstoy's novel can safely be called a work of ideas, the value and objectivity of which is still relevant today. One of the problems that is raised in the work is the analysis of the essence of the concept of love. In the work, the author addresses the issues of forgiveness of infidelity, self-sacrifice for the sake of a loved one and many others, united by the theme of love. The main love story, which personifies the ideal of sincere feeling, is reflected in the relationship between Natasha Rostova and Andrei Bolkonsky in Tolstoy's novel War and Peace.

    Ideals of love and family relationships

    According to Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy, the concepts of love and marriage in a prose work are somewhat delimited. Using the example of the relationship between Pierre and Natasha, the writer personifies in the novel the ideal of true family happiness, harmony of relationships between people, trust, calm and confidence in a marital union. The idea of ​​simple human happiness and finding harmony in simplicity is fundamental in the work of Lev Nikolaevich and is realized through the depiction of the Bezukhov family relationships.

    The relationship between Natasha and Andrey symbolizes the love line of the novel. Between them there is not a shadow of those concepts that the author idealizes at the end of the work using the example of the Bezukhov family. This is precisely what suggests that the concept of love and family for Tolstoy is somewhat different. Family gives a person confidence, stability and calm happiness. Love, according to Tolstoy, can both inspire and destroy a personality, change its inner world, attitude towards others and completely influence the path of life. It was these feelings that affected the heroes Andrei and Natasha. Their relationship is far from ideal, but it personifies the symbol of true love in the novel War and Peace.

    Reflection of the war on people's lives

    Using the example of the relationship between Bolkonsky and Natasha, the author depicts one of the tragic consequences of such a phenomenon as war. If it weren’t for Andrei’s participation in hostilities and his injury during the Battle of Borodino, perhaps these heroes would have become the personification of not only true love in the novel, but could also symbolize the ideal of family. However, according to Tolstoy's plan, the heroes were not given such a chance. In the novel “War and Peace,” the love of Natasha and Andrei, which ended in the death of Bolkonsky, is one of the plot and ideological devices for depicting the drama and tragedy of war.

    Relationship history

    The meeting of these heroes changed the lives of both of them. In the heart of the gloomy, boring, unsmiling and disillusioned Andrei with life, society and love, faith in beauty, the desire to live and be happy were revived. The heart of a lively and sensual Natasha, open to new emotions and feelings, also could not resist the fateful meeting, and was given to Andrey. They fell in love with each other almost at first sight. Their engagement became a logical continuation of a romantic acquaintance that inspired Andrei and gave him faith in a new life.

    How painful his disappointment in his chosen one became when Natasha, inexperienced and ignorant of the laws of life and human cruelty, could not resist the temptations of social life and tainted her pure feeling for Andrei with her passion for Anatoly Kuragin. “Natasha didn’t sleep all night; she was tormented by an insoluble question: who did she love: Anatoly or Prince Andrei? Despite his strong feelings for Natasha, Andrei cannot forgive her for this betrayal. “And of all the people, I have never loved or hated anyone more than her,” he says to his friend Pierre.

    The tragedy of the ending is the essence of the author's intention

    The collapse of hopes and life plans leads him to real despair. This feeling did not escape poor Natasha, who, realizing her mistake, reproaches and torments herself for the pain she caused to her loved one. However, Tolstoy decided to give his suffering heroes one last moment of happiness. After being wounded at the Battle of Borodino, Andrei Bolkonsky and Natasha meet in the hospital. The old feeling flares up with much greater force. However, the cruelty of reality does not allow the heroes to be together due to Andrei’s serious injury. The author only gives Andrei the opportunity to spend his last days next to the woman he loves.

    The importance of the ability to forgive and be forgiven

    This plot plan is implemented by Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy with the aim of proclaiming the idea of ​​​​the importance of the ability to forgive and earn forgiveness. Despite the tragic events that separated the young people, they carried this feeling until the end of their lives. The dynamic and not always ideal relationship of these characters in the novel “War and Peace” is another aspect of the writer’s ideological plan. Despite the fact that in the novel “War and Peace” Bolkonsky and Natasha personify the ideal of a love relationship, they are quite close to real life, in which there is a place for misunderstandings, resentments, betrayals and even hatred. The love story of Andrei and Natasha, the author deliberately gives them an imperfect shade. The episode associated with the betrayal of the bride and the separation of the characters give special realism to both the heroes of the work and the entire novel.

    Describing the relationship between Andrei and Natasha, the author demonstrates that the reader faces ordinary people who can make a mistake, be it betrayal, pride or hatred. Thanks to this depiction of the relationship between the main characters of the love story of the epic novel, the reader gains the opportunity to experience a real life story, believe and empathize with the characters, feel all the tragedy and injustice of such a social phenomenon as war, which is one of the main ideas of the work and essay on the topic: “Natasha Rostova and Andrei Bolkonsky in the novel “War and Peace”.

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