• Hedgehog from plasticine and seeds. Hedgehog from Plasticine - the cartoon hero "shake! Hello! How can I make from plasticine hedgehog


    How to blind hedgehog from plasticine? This question may arise from parents and educators, as this is a popular children's craft. The kids will be happy to create with their own hands of this forest barrier. You will find the answer in this article. As a result of the operations with the plasticine, you will get a small figure - a copy of a barrier animal.

    First of all, we will have a problem with the pucks of barns on the back of the hedgehog. An animal is just sleeping by the moisper of small needles, twisted in the ball with any danger. And often to create an upper cover of the hedgehog, carnations and needles, toothpicks, matches, wire, other suitable options are used. In this lesson, we are glad with you a fully plasticine copy from the tip of the nose to the tips of the barbes.

    To create an Hedgehog figurine, prepare:

    • Box with plasticine;
    • Stack.

    How to blind hedgehogs in stages:

    Before you a set of colorful stories. Naturally, children's fingers will immediately reach out for some bright colors. Kids love yellow, green, blue shades. If you really want, you can make the hedgehog and rainbow, fantastic and just wonderful. We will show the smearing on calm, suitable trekking, shades.

    Take the gray bar of the plasticine set or create it yourself, if there is no finished shade. Take off the piece of small portions, roll the balls. Then give your finger to the board and roll in sausages.

    Put a large amount of thin gray sausages-needles. While put them aside. We will continue to cover them all the back of the hedgehog. It is necessary that they are frozen and a little hardened before further work.

    Ride orange or brown ball.

    Press the ball from all sides to get an oblong hedgehog torso. And on the one hand, poison to highlight the little nose of the animal. Stick your nose, mustache.

    From the plasticine of the same color as the torso, make four small legs. Form them in the form of triangular blades, show each finger.

    Stick fine eyes. And also start securing thin gray needles obtained earlier. It is better to move back at the same time, but this is a painstaking and jewelry work.

    Get all the spines on the back, right up to the head. From above plasticine do not press the palm, at least until you freeze the product in the refrigerator.

    If your child loves to sculpt from plasticine of various animals, then offer him a hedgehog from plasticine. The baby will be very happy to replenish the Whale Plasticine Collection of a new craft. But first, familiarize yourself with the instructions below, which displays each hedgehog modeling. In the process of creating needles, the child may need your help.

    For hedgehog, prepare the following tools and main material:

    • set of children's plasticine;
    • small scissors;
    • plastic knife and stacks;
    • toothpick.

    How to make a plasticine hedgehog

    Step 1. First, we create a fruit of hedgehog, for which we need a light brown shade of plasticine. To get such a tone of the mass mix two balls - brown and white. Pretty variably with your fingers to disappear divorces. After that, roll a small piece of the resulting mass into the ball. Next, give the ball a cone-shaped mold. The workpiece of the face is ready.

    Step 2. From brown or dark brown damping the body of the animal. Skate one lump in the ball, and after flatten it to get an uniform oval.

    Step 3. Now connect the two created details together.

    Step 4. The place of the body of the torso and the head we declared flat drop-like details of brown plasticine.

    Step 5. Then, from a light brown tone of the mass, a couple of round ears. With the help of toothpicks fix them on the head of the hedgehog. The area between the ears fill with flat needles blanks.

    Step 6. We proceed to the formation of the needles on the back of the animal. For this we need small scissors. Cut the tip of the scissors plasticine surface. Toothpick tip we press the middle of the outcropped needles. We will also make how shameless cuts on the front needles at the head of the hedgehog.

    Step 7. A stack with a ball on the end we press two sneakers for the eyes. In the middle of the pits fix black balls. Also we attach to the tip of the face of mini-nose. The tip of the plastic knife or stacks cut the mouth and folds on the spout.

    Let's introduce a child with such a cute and amazing animal - hedgehog. It is better not to take it in the hands, because it has sharp spines on the back. If the hazard occurs, the hedgehog twists in the ball, because of which they will not be able to see the muzzle. And the animal has a beautiful face, where there is an elongated nose, small eyes and mouth with teeth for eating small insects. The legs though short, but help the hedge quickly move through the forest.

    Necessary materials

    For the creation of the hedgehog, we use the plasticine from which we get a bulk feature of the animal.

    Necessary materials:

    • plasticine white, yellow and black;
    • black semi-graysins and beads;
    • plastic stack.

    Stages of the modeling of hedgehog

    1. Cut off the stack most of the yellow plasticine, because the body and the head will be made exactly from it. We smear the material and create a ball. We transform the figure in the oval and the left part is slightly pulling out, creating a sharp tip. In the future it will be a nose.

    2. We continue to form a fruit of the hedgehog to get a beautiful nose and eyes.

    3. The bottom of the figure pulls into four different sides and form short legs of them.

    4. From black semi-graysin, we create eyes, and from a plastic ball - nose. If you wish, it is possible to replace such parts onto plasticine. To do this, use black plasticine.

    5. Now pressing many pieces of black plasticine and roll in the fingers to get tiny balls.

    6. Pull one end of each ball and get one needle on the back of the hedgehog. Create the first row of barbed coats near the face.

    The Soviet cartoon film "Hedgehog and Bear", released in the late 1970s and today is among the most beloved cartoons, and not only kids, but also adults, and the magic country of Tilimylitryamia has become a numerous concept.

    Watch the cartoon "Hedgehog and Bear"

    Enjoy watching!

    And this is not surprising at all, because the cartoon has gained a lot of different premiums and awards, including far beyond the birthplace. The cartoon is literally saturated with positive emotions, joy and positive, so after viewing the mood always rises.

    Today's video lesson will give to all lovers of this cartoon film, because in it we will analyze how to make hedgehogs from plasticine, and make it the most similar to the main character of the multiplication masterpiece "Hedgehog and Bear".

    By the way, we will remind that no material will be suitable for modeling with children, since it should:

    • do not contain toxic chemical additives that must be replaced with natural components;
    • well and quickly develop;
    • not crumble;
    • do not leave fat traces in your hands and, accordingly, clothes.

    Photo by steps - How to blind hedgehogs from plasticine

    To begin with, take a little mass of gray and give it the form of oval, and then we attach a long pointed nose. Gently decloid all the available irregularities.

    With the help of the stack we form the incision of the mouth, without forgetting to give it a wide smile.

    Take an orange tint and cover with a thin layer the back of the head of the hedgehog.

    Also, from orange, we will make a lot of fine billets that will play the role of needles on the Makushka Hedgehog. Carefully attach the needles to the orange part of the head. You can attach the needles in different directions, the main thing is to get a fun hairstyle who sticks out in all sterns.

    I will postpone your head aside and prepare the workpiece for the rest of the body of the cartoon hedgehog. For this, we will also use gray. Do not forget to make cuts in the form of fingers on the front and hind legs of the animal, as well as give them an appropriate curved shape.

    We combine all parts of the body among themselves and make a brown plasticine of a peneck, which will sit the hedgehog. Hose nose tip we decorate a small black ball.

    Further, we expect enough painstaking work, namely, the modeling of a beautiful chamomile - an attribute, without which it is impossible to present the cartoon "Hedgehog and Bear". Chamomile leg make black, center - yellow, and petals - white.

    It remains only to attach chamomile to one of the hands. We got the hedgehog do it yourself.

    Video lesson - plasticine hedgehog

    Hedgehog out of plasticine Updated: April 30, 2019 by the author: i7allia

    If you have a desire to make a small hedgehog from plasticine, take advantage of the prompts presented in this master class. On the pages of our site you can find a lot of lessons modeling various animals, so you will never get bored with the child. The ardent of the hedgehog can be considered very simple, no special artistic skills for its creation will be needed. And the tricks will help the bridges from the old combs, the pieces of wire or toothpicks.

    1. The body of the hedgehog we will do from brown plasticine, but a beige, gray or any other color is also suitable. Little pieces of black and white material will be useful for the carriage and eye modeling.

    2. To form the outlines of the hedgehog can, having previously rolling the usual ball.

    3. Pull one side of the ball by forming sharp nose.

    4. From the black ball, make the tip of the spout, from two white eyes, cover them with centuries.

    5. To create your paws, make a brown plasticine darker. To do this, add a black color to it and get squeezed well in your palms. Make four triangular details, then labeled your fingers with plastic blade.

    6. Squeeze the body of the hedgehog on the trained paws.

    7. In the back of the back, insert carnations from combs or any other suitable material for the formation of a spiny. Use an arbitrary number of details.

    8. Hedgehog must be treated with an apple, because all children clearly represent this forest inhabitant carrying delicious fruits on their barns. For the modeling of the apple, it will take additionally red and green plasticine.

    9. Snap the apple to one of the barns on the back of the hedgehog.

    The final look of the crafts. Photo 1.

    The final look of the crafts. Photo 2.

    So, we have replenished the collection of animal figures made with your own plasticine hands, another forest inhabitant. Be sure to tell the baby instructive information about Hedgehogs, the benefits they bring to people. Perhaps he will have a desire to make a whole family of these cute characters. All subsequent crafts, the child will easily repeat independently.

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