• How to apologize to your friend in an original way. How to apologize to a friend and regain friendship (tips)? Not how to beautifully apologize to a friend, but how to regain her trust


    One of the greatest values ​​in our life is friendship. It’s good when there is a person who will rejoice at your achievements and successes and help when clouds are gathering on the horizon. Friendship is tested by time, distance and often conflicts. Relationships between people are not always cloudless. Different upbringings, levels of development, character and life values ​​lead to the fact that sometimes people cannot find a common language. However, disagreements should not be a barrier between people close to you. Even if misunderstanding has interfered with your relationship, you can always restore lost harmony. The main thing is to want to re-establish friendly relationships.

    How to apologize to a friend?

    There are many ways you can apologize to your friend. The choice of a specific method depends on what the reason is, what kind of character the friend has, how strong the disagreement is, etc.

    Let's consider options on how to properly apologize to a friend:

    1. It is often enough to say the usual “I’m sorry” for a friend’s eyes to sparkle and friendship to be restored. The words of apology should be simple and sincere.
    2. Describe your feelings about what happened and why the hurtful words were said. You can talk about your mood that day or the problems that prompted you to behave this way. This will give your friend the opportunity to shift attention from her resentment and sympathize with you.
    3. You should not describe the quarrel itself, renewing in your memory negative moments that everyone would like to forget about.
    4. It is advisable to tell how you value your friendship and what warm feelings you have for your friend.
    5. There is no need to shield yourself and make excuses. If you feel guilty, it is better to say so directly. An apology can mean something like this: “There are some reasons why I did what I did, but that doesn’t justify me. I'm guilty of you."

    It’s worth considering one more thing: some people need time to calm down, and some are better approached immediately so that the resentment does not increase.

    How can you apologize to your best friend?

    Quarrels are generally an unpleasant thing, but when a conflict breaks out with your best friend, it is doubly unpleasant. Although it’s not at all difficult to make peace with your best friends, because it’s unlikely that any of you wants the friendship to end. Once you imagine that this friendship will no longer exist, the strength to find a solution will appear.

    Don't think twice about how to apologize to your best friend. She is probably also worried and wants to establish good relationships. Just call or come visit with candy and say that you are sorry for what happened.

    If you don’t find the strength to say this when you meet, you can use the services of social networks. Write a letter and attach a picture with the words of your apology.

    How to beautifully apologize to a friend?

    If your friend values ​​originality and unusualness, you can use a non-standard apology:

    1. Buy a gift. It could be a soft toy with a postcard with words of apology written on it, or something that a friend has dreamed of. Or maybe just a chocolate bar with the words “Forgive your friend…” is enough.

    2. Write an SMS in verse. Eg:

    I didn't want this quarrel

    Forgive me - let's be friends.

    I don't like arguing with you

    And I will value friendship.

    I offended you - forgive me

    Misunderstandings - let them go with the wind.

    I don't want to quarrel, but I want to be friends,

    Rejoice with you, sing songs, joke...

    3. Make a presentation or create a file in which you can talk about your friendship and apologize for the unpleasant moment.

    4. Draw a picture or make a collage that talks about repentance and friendship.

    You must be sincere in your words and apologies. If yours is important to both of you, then you can restore your precious relationship.

    A complete collection of materials on the topic: asking for forgiveness from a friend in your own words from experts in their field.

    Words of apology to the guy

    Today you are in no mood at all, you don’t smile and don’t joke like before. The whole reason is only in me and I am aware of it. I offended you today, brought you undeserved pain. Forgive me, please, my beloved and only one. I am so ashamed of my action, but there is no going back. Now all I need to do is earn your forgiveness. Darling, let's forget all the bad things and make peace again. I promise that this will never happen again. Believe me, please, my dear.

    It turned out so bad yesterday, I just can’t forgive myself for offending you. And the worst thing is that the offense was not deserved. I apologize to you and hope for your forgiveness. I know that you have the kindest heart, the most angelic character. I feel so good with you and I can’t even imagine that I could lose you because of this stupidity. Forgive me, my affectionate and most beloved person in the world. Let our quarrel be like the worst dream. Let's wake up together from this nightmare and in reality everything will be fine with us, as before.

    Forgive me for your fatigue, bad mood and whims. I'm sorry that in this crazy world I may not pay enough attention to you. I know how frustrating it is when you want to reach the depths of the soul of a loved one, but he does not listen to you, he is tuned in to his own, different wave. But you should know, my dear, how much I appreciate your support and understanding, your patience, your reliability. I am happy to be with you and with these words of apology I want to tell you: “I love you”!

    I apologize for the inconvenience in prose

    Let me deeply apologize for the inconvenience caused. Circumstances were such that this situation was inevitable. I did everything to somehow alleviate the situation, but it turned out to be not enough. Regret.

    Especially for Datki.net

    A short apology to the girl

    Again a scandal, again an insult. There's sadness in my heart again. I'm very sorry that I offended you. My only one, excuse me.

    Words of forgiveness to your beloved for the pain caused

    I'm sorry. I ruined everything again. It’s always like this with me: I want to seem sincere and spontaneous, but it turns out to be rude and cynical. I feel bad without you. I will do everything to keep us close. I promise that I will never offend you again. Let's make peace?

    Especially for Datki.net

    I'm terribly upset that I offended you. Please give me a chance to prove my devotion and sincerity to you. When I think about how you feel now, I immediately feel like the last scoundrel. Forgive me, I will never hurt you again. I promise.

    Especially for Datki.net

    Apologizing to a friend in your own words

    Once upon a time, you and I shared candy, then dreams, then plans, then problems, troubles and joys. Along the way, we managed to quarrel over a guy, argue about whose favorite group is better, whose favorite team is the real champion.
    Forgive me my youthful antics, my whims. After all, our friendship has gone through many trials. I know that no one will console me better than you in my heartache, no one but you will wipe away my stupid tears and say: we will still fight, we are the best! Forgive me with the hope that our friendship will protect us throughout our lives!

    Unfortunately, sometimes life develops in such a way that we say unnecessary things, or do something that offends someone close to us. Of course, sometimes this is practically not our fault, and often we feel absolutely right, but it is very important to take the first step and apologize to your best friend. Even if you are sure that you are right, this must be done. At least in order to improve relations between you.

    Spit on your pride and apologize for your best friend. If you are specifically at fault, then you need to do this all the more. Moreover, you need to speak not just anything, but essentially. Let your apologies be not only sincere, but also beautiful and touching. Then even the highest ice wall erected between you will melt in a matter of seconds.

    You can find a similar apology for your best friend in ready-made form here. We have tried to collect for you only the most touching apologies that can resolve the strongest disagreements. Take advantage of this opportunity and re-strengthen your relationship with bonds of friendship. After all, no offense should destroy a strong bond between friends!

    Girlfriend, it's my fault...
    Please forgive me!
    Life is not good for me without you,
    How stupid I was...

    Let's make peace with you
    Can I come to your house?
    As before, let's sit together,
    We will forgive each other everything, everything, everything!

    Congratulations on mobile

    Girlfriend, forgive me
    Forgive the words I said
    I suddenly miss you
    I blame myself for being rude!

    Forgive me my friend
    For the last time, trust me
    You can't lose a friend like that
    You were not given to me to lose!

    My dear, my faithful friend,
    I apologize to you again.
    I'm sorry that I offended you without thinking.
    After all, you are my friend and I appreciate you.

    And for me there is no dearer friend in the world,
    You and I have faced so many troubles together.
    And we have dealt with any difficulty more than once,
    So be merciful to me this time too!

    I did something stupid
    Offended you....
    But there is no better girlfriend,
    What are you, my soul!

    Let's talk again
    And fun to chat.
    I don't want to say goodbye
    And lose friendship!

    I'm sorry, because I'm sometimes wrong,
    You and I sometimes quarrel
    And I don't notice it
    Why should a dear person be angry?

    And you are alone, my friend -
    My support for years.
    Let there be no blizzard between us,
    But only friendship, forever.

    Sorry my friend
    What happened to us?
    We respect each other
    But now they quarreled.

    I don't want to see anymore
    Your tears, sorrows, torments.
    I do not want to hurt you,
    I don't want to be separated from you!

    We quarreled with you a little,
    And our paths diverged.
    There is sadness in my heart,
    I do not want to lose you.

    I want to make peace with you,
    No need to be angry anymore.
    I'm sorry, I'm just begging
    I can't imagine life without you!

    I want to ask for forgiveness
    You have it, dear friend!
    I sincerely apologize,
    Be careful in your ear...

    And I hope everything gets better
    In our relationship with you.
    The negative will roll away,
    We will not spill water!

    Forgive me my friend
    Our conflict weighs on me,
    I think about him with fear
    Both at night and during the day.

    Someone like you, friends in life
    I know for sure I won’t find it,
    I sincerely apologize
    So that our paths do not diverge.

    Friendship - an important aspect of most people's lives. Friends support each other, have fun together, create joint projects, and exchange experiences.

    But no friendly relationship, even the strongest, is complete without quarrels. Therefore, knowledge about how to make peace with a friend, if a scandal occurs, they can be useful to almost any woman.

    Why do people stop being friends?

    There are many reasons for quarrels that lead to, and it is quite difficult to systematize them all.

    The main reasons for scandals between friends:

    Each of these reasons can lead to fatal scandal, after which communication will be interrupted. Later it can resume, but only if the girls want to make peace, find a compromise, a new meaning in communication.

    There are also situations when everything seems to be fine, there were no scandals, but the friend ignores, communicates as if through clenched teeth, looking for reasons to cancel another meeting.

    Often this is due to something third-party: for example, someone told her a lie about a friend (that she gossips behind her back, slings mud, or behaves inappropriately).

    Or some unpleasant truth suddenly surfaced, which became reason for obvious ignorance. In such cases, it is important to carefully ask your friend about what happened and draw conclusions based on the information received.

    About things that ruin friendships in this video:

    If friends stopped communicating for no reason

    In some cases, friendly communication between girls stops on its own, without quarrels, scandals, unexpectedly surfaced negativity and other moments.

    This may happen in the following cases:

    • one of the friends or both changed and realized that there was no point in continuing communication;
    • a friend has new priorities (for example, family, children, work);
    • a friend has left for another city (country), and for some reason communication on the Internet is not enough to comfortably maintain a friendship;
    • A friend has a new social circle that she likes better.

    In such cases, restoring previous communication is somewhat more difficult than after a quarrel, at least because this requires that the friend began to see something important for herself again in him.

    This may require you to reconsider your own priorities, take a critical look at yourself and try to change something.

    A separate reason for stopping communication is the birth of a child.

    A baby requires a huge investment of time and effort, and the father is not always ready to invest it, so a previously active and sociable woman withdraws from society, and her childless friends, who have a poor understanding of the underbelly of motherhood, may decide that she no longer wants to communicate with them.

    Does female friendship exist? The psychologist comments:

    How to make peace if I am at fault?

    If the reason for the quarrel is not too serious, you can come to reconciliation very quickly: it is enough to talk to your friend, admit your guilt, ask for forgiveness and, if necessary, discuss the situation in a friendly manner in order to find a compromise. After all, it is important not only to make peace, but also to prevent new quarrels.

    But sometimes a quarrel is significant, so the guilty friend is looking for ways to apologize so that her apology is definitely accepted.

    A thoughtful, beautiful apology will make amends and leave pleasant memories.

    Options for a beautiful apology:

    1. Present. If women know each other well, choosing the right one will not be difficult. Surely the offended friend has a small desire that can be realized.
    2. A creative apology. This could be a poem, a story related to an apology and dedicated to a friend, a video clip or a collage with photographs where the girls are together and happy, or a drawing. There are a lot of options, just use your imagination.

    If the offense is very strong, it is better to wait with a gift and creative apology. Over time, the anger, resentment and irritation will subside, and then you can try to ask for forgiveness.

    How to make peace with your best friend? Trouble-free method:

    How to apologize to a friend on VK?

    Social networks, including VKontakte, are good because they make it easier to speak out. There is no need to look for a way to meet (besides, this is not always possible), mumble, listening to your own voice faltering with excitement, but simply think through everything and speak out. Also in the chat you can implement what difficult to do in reality.

    If this is the case, then the only possible option is to wait until she removes you from there. But if she is very offended, this may not happen.

    Is it possible to force your girlfriend to come first?

    If a friend she started the quarrel and left you offended, important:

    • try to calm down;
    • do something pleasant, take a break;
    • do not rush to hasty conclusions;
    • do not denigrate your friend in front of other people.

    When the resentment and pain subside, you should turn on your mind to think about what happened and remember how the friend behaved before and during the quarrel.

    There may be no reason to reconnect with her, and the best option would be to cut her out of your life.

    Communicate with unpleasant people, endure insults from them and still consider them friends - not the best choice.

    If friendship is still dear to you, you can try to overcome yourself and talk to your friend about what happened.

    You can also wait until she apologizes herself, but this may never happen: Some people are too proud to admit their mistakes. If your friend means a lot to you, it is better to take the first step.

    Dialogue options with a friend:

    1. Have an honest conversation. Try to explain to your friend that the conflict situation that occurred between you is not worth losing loved ones because of it. Remind her that you still consider her a dear and important person.
    2. Find a compromise. Discuss the situation with her, listen to her suggestions for resolving the conflict situation and offer your own. This is a rational and competent approach that will allow you to maintain communication and prevent new quarrels.
    3. Try to be funny. This option is not suitable for all girls and is practically useless if the quarrel was serious. But, if your friend is a cheerful person, you can try to approach her and say something like “Well, when are you going to apologize?” with a humorous note in his voice. You can also act out a funny little scene or come up with something else that fits the situation.

    Perhaps the dialogue will push your friend to apologize and explain what happened.

    How to reconcile friends?

    If two girlfriends or two friends have a strong quarrel with each other, one can sympathize with their mutual friend: He will know all the details of the conflict and will probably not feel too good when he realizes that choosing a side in it will mean losing communication with one of his girlfriends (with one of his friends).

    But there is a way out: you can try to bring them to reconciliation:

    1. Talk to each of them separately. Try to convince them that they need to meet and talk. Tell your vision of the conflict, but do not take sides, and offer several compromise options. Perhaps these conversations will allow them to look at the situation differently and make peace.
    2. If neither of them is ready to discuss the conflict alone with the other, you can try to get the three of us together and discuss the situation together. Tell them that it is unpleasant for you to see them quarrel, remind them how much they valued joint communication before the conflict.

      Try to prevent a repeat scandal in your presence.

      Ask clarifying questions (“Why do you think that she…”, “What would you do in her place?”), offer compromise options (“Why don’t you try…”, “Have you thought about such an option as ..."), and perhaps you will be able to reconcile them. During the dialogue, try to remain calm.

    Ways to start communicating after a serious conflict

    How to apologize to a friend if you messed up a lot? Every person there are pain points, and if you press them during a quarrel, you can lose communication. It is very difficult to repay the resentment left after such a situation, and attempts to make peace may be futile.

    Tips for reconciliation:

    Be prepared for what she wants to cut you out of his life if the conflict was really serious.

    In this case, the best option would be to try to come to terms with it and not impose your society.

    But the best option is don't quarrel at all. To prevent quarrels from overshadowing friendly communication, it is important to discuss with your friend all the difficult moments that can develop into a conflict, ask her about what is painful or unacceptable for her, and avoid such topics in dialogues.

    This will not eliminate the likelihood of scandals, but will significantly reduce it.

    Dear friend,
    Forgive me, dear.
    My guilt is great
    I wish you forgiveness.
    Let's forget everything bad,
    And we won't quarrel.
    After all, you are my friend,
    And we love each other!

    Girlfriend, I miss you
    It’s so sad in my heart, everything is wrong.
    Please forgive me, even though I know -
    Even a trifle can cause a quarrel.
    But our friendship will fix everything,
    Everything will be fine again
    I'm doing my best
    May this storm pass us by!

    My dear, my faithful friend,
    I apologize to you again.
    I'm sorry that I offended you without thinking.
    After all, you are my friend and I appreciate you.
    And for me there is no dearer friend in the world,
    You and I have faced so many troubles together.
    And we have dealt with any difficulty more than once,
    So be merciful to me this time too!

    Girlfriend, excuse me
    For this stupid act of mine.
    After all, God sees how I repent,
    It was stupid to swear.
    Please forgive me quickly
    And call, friend.
    After all, you and I must go
    For life just by the hand!

    Well, that's enough, I'm sorry, please,
    Yes, I admit that I lost my temper,
    I want to make amends
    Let's forget what happened!
    Are you my friend or what?
    I'm not interested without you,
    And without you there is only horror, fear,
    Believe me, I say honestly!
    Let's make peace, I'm tired of the quarrel,
    And I know you miss me
    Best friend on earth
    Tell me, do you forgive me?

    I'm ashamed, but what can I do?
    I hurt my friend's feelings.
    I said too much, and now
    There is a whole bridge between us.
    And now I’m walking along it
    To ask for forgiveness.
    “Forgive me, friend, that I suddenly
    She said the wrong thing, you sinner.”

    There is resentment between us now,
    There is sadness and sadness between us,
    I'm sorry, I ask for forgiveness,
    Please accept my apologies!
    Stop sulking, I realized everything,
    Yes, and I don’t like to quarrel,
    You are my dear friend,
    I can't live without you for long!

    Hope for your big heart.
    Forgive me, girlfriend, well, forgive me.
    Otherwise, like a homeless animal, under the door
    I'll be scratching all night long.
    I'll fill the mailbox with letters,
    I’ll write up all the asphalt in front of the house,
    I’ll even pour it into myself,
    And if you want, I’ll even bite you
    Myself, so that I won’t be disgraced in future
    Upsetting a loved one.
    I'm really sad without you.
    Quickly erase the seal of grievances from your soul.

    Sorry, friend, I know, in the heat of the moment
    She said a lot of stupid words,
    But don’t rush to cut from the shoulder,
    There were more good things between us.
    Let's forget the quarrel and again
    We'll chat with you as before,
    And I won't remember either
    Everything that you told me in your hearts then.

    Year after year you run in circles -
    Family, work, children, husband.
    And only a close friend
    Decorates life like a ruffled dress.
    The days fly by inexorably
    And life is like a tournament -
    You shoot at the target, but miss again.
    Oh, if only someone could take it in tow...
    The trumpet is calling - go fight!
    And I have to go.
    Dear, don't be offended
    And forgive all my sins.

    Sorry, my dear friend.
    I'm sorry I got angry.
    I lost my temper again
    And she said a lot of unnecessary things.
    Please forgive me my mistake.
    I did very badly
    You are more valuable to me than anyone!
    I scold myself immensely!

    Girlfriend, I beg you, don't be angry,
    Wrinkles appear from anger,
    Better yet, smile at me again
    After all, there are reasons for your smile.
    I definitely realized my guilt,
    And forgive me this time...
    Prepare your crystal glasses quickly,
    I'll arrive with wine in an hour.

    Darling, stop being offended!
    Your anger is effervescent.
    If you look at it - both are great -
    They quarreled as if they had gotten off their brooms.
    And the reason is female nature:
    Either ecstasy, or a craving to drink poison...
    Teeth sunk into the gloss of the manicure -
    Sorry! I'm very guilty.
    Our friendship is priceless to me!
    For you, anyone is a tigress
    I'll tear it up instantly if necessary.
    Sunny, let's make peace soon!

    I bow low to you,
    I am the last radish
    Forgive me, please
    I carry a stone in my heart!
    I swear to you that from now on,
    So as not to regret later,
    I'll be watching carefully
    Don't talk nonsense!

    The sea of ​​resentment spilled -
    I can't cross alone
    You and I, friend, are in a quarrel,
    But please forgive me.
    She said a lot of harsh words
    And I regret that
    After all, we have one road,
    You are my support.
    I can't walk without you
    I'm not easy in life,
    I will never know happy days,
    If we are apart from you.
    Sorry for being rude
    I won't repeat it
    Our quarrel is just stupidity,
    I love you so much!

    Forgive me, dear friend!
    A shadow of silence fell between us...
    I don’t know how to atone for my guilt,
    Believe me, it was not out of malice!
    I ask for an apology, I ask in poetry,
    I hope the offense is short,
    Let's forget all the discord between us,
    May our friendship last forever!

    I know you're offended by the matter,
    And the reason for resentment is not a trifle,
    But I didn’t want to hurt your feelings,
    Out of stupidity, I got into trouble.
    Forgive me, friend, I beg you,
    Our friendship is very dear to me,
    I'm burning with frustration and shame,
    Please don't be strict with me!

    Sometimes we build walls
    From words to each other,
    But mercury corrodes the veins,
    When I'm in a quarrel with you, friend.
    Just a glance is enough for me,
    See - you were able to forgive.
    Friend, soul and joy,
    Sorry: I was wrong!

    Beautiful words of apology to a friend

    Girlfriend, extend your hand,
    After all, you and I are still friends,
    I stumbled and found
    We must belong to each other in this darkness.
    In no way you
    I didn't mean to offend.
    Let me hug you lovingly
    I want you to smile again!

    Girlfriend, forgive me
    Sorry for the words I said
    I suddenly miss you
    I blame myself for being rude
    Forgive me my friend
    For the last time, trust me
    You can't lose a friend like that
    You were not given to me to lose!

    It’s sad, it suddenly became empty all around,
    Silence on the network and the phone is silent,
    Forgive me for everything, understand...
    Just don't turn away, come back.
    You and I have been together for a hundred years!
    We've been through and through a lot,
    We still have a long way to go.
    Dear friend, just forgive me!

    Forgive me my friend
    Our conflict weighs on me,
    I think about him with fear
    Both at night and during the day.
    Someone like you, friends in life
    I know for sure I won’t find it,
    I sincerely apologize
    So that our paths do not diverge.

    I'm sorry, because I'm sometimes wrong,
    You and I sometimes quarrel
    And I don't notice it
    Why should a dear person be angry?
    And you are alone, my friend -
    My support for years.
    Let there be no blizzard between us,
    But only friendship, forever.

    Forgive me for God's sake!
    I didn't want to offend you.
    Maybe I lost my temper a little,
    But I already regretted everything...
    You were my closest friend
    Without you, I feel bad and difficult.
    Don't be mad at me, I beg you!
    Excuse me, if possible.

    My best friend,
    My good sister,
    Forgive me, dear,
    What offended you!
    Forgive me, fool,
    I can't live without you.
    The best friend in the world
    I shed tears for you!
    I'm suffering for you now,
    My soul hurts for you.
    Forgive me, dear,
    What offended you!

    Girlfriend, it's my fault...
    Please forgive me!
    Life is not good for me without you,
    How stupid I was...
    Let's make peace with you
    Can I come to your house?
    As before, let's sit together,
    We will forgive each other everything, everything, everything!

    I want to ask for forgiveness
    You have it, dear friend!
    I sincerely apologize,
    Be careful in your ear...
    And I hope everything gets better
    In our relationship with you.
    The negative will roll away,
    We will not spill water!

    I'm bored, I'm sad, I can't be angry,
    So I want to make peace with you, friend,
    I apologize, forgive me,
    And let go of your resentment.
    Don't be offended and don't hold a grudge,
    I need your friendship
    From now on I will follow the words,
    I will be a lot smarter in the future.

    I know it's not easy to forgive me,
    But believe me, it’s even more difficult now,
    Knowing that you hurt your friend
    This makes it doubly painful.
    Let's forget past grievances,
    I feel so bad without you, I'm not lying,
    Therefore, hoping for forgiveness,
    I apologize.

    We are friends who don't spill water,
    And they quarreled over a trifle,
    I'm the only one to blame for everything,
    And I admit my mistake.
    Excuse me, dear friend,
    You won't hold a grudge for long, I know
    Forgive me for everything
    Give me a chance to find friendship again.

    Please don't be angry with me,
    I'm guilty, I admit it
    Better just smile
    I love you with all my soul.
    You are my friend
    Dear little man,
    I will never become
    With someone closer than with you.

    I offended you in vain,
    My dear friend...
    I'm sorry! It became clear to me
    What is very bad without you!
    Forgive me my friend!
    Let's hug quickly.
    We feel very bad without each other,
    And together it will be more fun!

    Since yesterday, you and I, friend, have been in a quarrel,
    This is real grief for me
    I have only myself to blame for our quarrel,
    And therefore, I ask your forgiveness.
    Let's not crumble our friendship into small pieces,
    Let's be truly friends as before,
    Please forgive me for everything,
    And don't hold grudges anymore.

    A black cat ran between us,
    And my heart became very sad,
    Please forgive me, friend,
    And don't hold a grudge against me anymore.
    I'm sorry for everything that happened,
    I didn’t say harsh words to you out of malice,
    I still can’t come to my senses,
    Please forgive me, dear friend.

    You and I are in a quarrel, and this is my fault,
    I understand that even words can hurt,
    I lost my temper yesterday, I repent, I’m sorry,
    And don’t hold a grudge against me, friend.
    Don't be offended by me, I beg you,
    After all, you are my best friend,
    Some kind of obsession came over me,
    I'm sure everything will be fine with us.

    You and I are in a quarrel, I suffer,
    I accept all accusations against me,
    I was one hundred percent wrong
    And I offended you, friend, not out of malice.
    Forgive me, please forgive me
    And don't hold grudges anymore,
    May everything get better for us soon,
    I value your friendship very much.

    I'm not in the mood today
    I quarreled with you, unfortunately
    It's all my fault, without a doubt
    I sincerely apologize to you.
    I know you will understand and forgive me,
    You know my hot temper from A to Z,
    Don't be angry with me anymore
    I drank my cup of guilt to the bottom.

    Beautiful poems with words of apology to a friend

    Dear friend, you are like a sister to me,
    Our friendship is always envied
    But yesterday I offended you in vain,
    And I sincerely ask you to apologize.
    Let's make peace with you, dear friend,
    And we will forget all the grievances forever,
    Let our friendship be bright, big,
    After all, you and I are friends - water cannot be spilled.

    We're both very different
    That's why we quarrel
    But the friendship is real
    It's built on respect.
    So I'm happy to
    I'll be the first to meet you,
    It's more my fault
    It was probably yesterday.
    Let's forget the barbs
    Those who spoke in their hearts,
    Let's not waste our youth
    No need for gossip.
    Let's join each other
    A little more tolerant
    And the sun will shine
    And the world will become happier.

    Our quarrel with you is unexpected,
    You and I don't need this quarrel!
    I'm in despair now -
    Call me for a chat!
    Excuse me if you can!
    Forgive me if you can!
    I don't want to, dear friend,
    Let's go our separate ways!

    You misunderstood me.
    Sorry, that's not what I meant to say.
    My dear friend,
    I didn't mean to offend you.
    You know I love you.
    And our friendship lasts a long time.
    I mourn what was said.
    Girlfriend, let's make peace.

    Girlfriend, I apologize to you,
    Not everything goes smoothly in our lives.
    But remember how many joyful moments there are,
    Friendship gives back to us.
    You, forgive me for everything that happened,
    After all, you are my dearest,
    I want our friendship not to cool down,
    And, only over the years it became strong and big!

    Friend, my dear,
    Please forgive me.
    You always understand people
    Trust me, I mean no harm.
    Sorry if I missed anything,
    I offended you, I didn’t save you,
    We are together, and friendship is strength,
    Which is given to us.
    Swirled by everyday life like a whirlwind,
    But in the heart, like an echo of goodness,
    We keep each other's name,
    And we know that friendship is wise!

    Sorry, girlfriend! Do not be angry!
    Smile sweetly at me again!
    After all, we have known each other for so many years,
    And there are no secrets between us!
    You, my friend, are like a sister to me,
    It's time for us to forget the grievances.
    And let's continue these lines
    It will be my birthday cake!

    It so happened, we quarreled with you,
    I don't know how to cope with such trouble,
    I'll definitely be lost without you,
    I won't find a better friend anywhere.
    Please forgive me for everything,
    Please accept my apologies,
    I won't hurt you anymore
    I will always respect your opinion.

    A quarrel fell upon us so unexpectedly,
    I myself didn’t understand how it all happened,
    In a word, I offended you,
    I'm sorry, all this is not out of malice.
    I can't find a better friend
    Only you and I are on our way,
    Please accept my apologies,
    And don't hold grudges anymore.

    Friend, dear, please forgive me,
    I really don't want to argue with you,
    I didn’t do it on purpose, try to understand me,
    I want to be friends with you as before - to smile.
    Let there never be quarrels, insults and vile disagreements,
    There will be no more life between us,
    After all, I want you to always be happy,
    Let's forget all our grievances and sorrows?

    Beloved friend, forgive me quickly,
    I understand that you are angry with me now,
    I promise - I won't behave so lousy
    I'll improve, for sure, you'll see!!!
    And if you want anything, just ask,
    I will try to do everything in the world for you,
    Please, save our friendship, save us,
    Resentment and evil, I ask you, do not need to remember!

    Friends like us
    There shouldn't be any arguing at all
    And if this happened -
    They shouldn't be offended!
    Please forgive me
    Best friend
    And we shouldn't part
    Because of this stupid incident.

    My friend,
    Forgive me, dear.
    Yes. I'm not a gift.
    I suffer from this.
    But you have a heart
    I know, golden.
    Forgive me, love.
    Even though I'm not worth you.

    Girlfriend, forgive me
    I don't want to argue with you!
    Please understand me
    Let's smile better!
    And never disagreements
    Let it not be between us,
    Always be happy
    Forget worries and sorrows!

    A friend is a close person,
    Will always be able to support
    You are dearer to me than anyone else,
    Please learn to forgive.
    Said different words
    I am for you, my dear!
    But let love live in your soul,
    And if so, forgive me!

    I ask my friend for forgiveness,
    Please don't be offended
    And, having received my apologies,
    Try to forget about everything!
    I want us not to fight
    And we always understood each other!
    They weren’t offended at each other,
    There were no disagreements!

    I ask my friend for forgiveness,
    Darling, let it go
    Disagreements and doubts
    Always goes around us with you!
    And let's learn quickly
    Look for compromises with you!
    May only the best await us in life,
    Let's believe and trust!

    My dear friend,
    You and I are always together,
    And stand up for each other
    You and I don't care.
    I apologize to you
    A quarrel is definitely not a problem!
    I will continue to make my own decisions
    Always control!

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