• Decorating a group and reception area in a kindergarten with your own hands. Setting up a parent's corner: new forms and approaches Article in the parent's corner on work


    Travel stands

    We work in a large kindergarten with twelve groups. In our team, in addition to educators, there are various specialists: an educational psychologist, a defectologist, and a physical education instructor. And everyone needs to convey important and useful information to the parents of kindergarten students. Selecting material for parent corners is a special job. And, you see, it’s not easy to do this twelve times.

    Therefore, experts teamed up and came up with travel stands. We developed layouts, decorated them colorfully and sent them to travel in groups.

    Each floor has its own travel stand. A boat “floats” in the younger groups, and trains “ride” in the groups for middle-aged and older children. We tried to design the stands taking into account the interiors of groups of different ages.

    In each group's locker room on the floor, the traveling stand stops for a week and then moves on to the next destination. After the stand has “traveled” along the entire designated route, the information on it is updated.

    We made an exception for only one stand. This stand, dedicated to the problems of preserving and strengthening the health of children, is addressed to all kindergarten teachers. He has firmly established himself in the gym. Teachers bring children here for morning exercises and physical education classes and have the opportunity to get acquainted with the information posted on the stand.

    Sofya Molyavko, educational psychologist
    kindergarten "Golden Fish"
    Abakan, Republic of Khakassia

    The article was published with the support of the Internet project www.Stander.ru. By visiting the project website www.Stander.ru, you can buy a pillar of any shape and size at a competitive price, manufactured by experienced professionals using modern high-strength materials. You can choose from a wide range of pillars of all shapes and sizes, which includes rectangular, square, arched and chalk pillars, as well as stand-up pillars and stationary information stands. The ability to order urgent production of pillars in bulk and delivery of purchased products will allow you to profitably save your money and time.

    Five rules for designing a parent's corner

    A wise teacher always uses every opportunity to communicate with parents. He regularly informs them about even minor successes of the child, informs them about the content of classes, and gives advice and recommendations on education. By doing this, the teacher helps parents learn to be attentive to the development of their child, makes it possible to understand the importance of the work of the kindergarten in the upbringing and education of children, and reveals the value of their own work.
    Corners for parents are a familiar and long-used way for parents to get acquainted with the life of the group. But how often do we lack the time and opportunity to properly design them!
    In the corners hang useless articles written in small print from unknown magazines, obligatory menus and scant words of the program content of classes that frighten parents with pedagogical terms. As a result, parents simply ignore these corners.
    To ensure that the parent corners in our kindergarten really fulfill their functions, we adhere to the following simple rules.

    Parents' corner in kindergarten No. 1 "Golden Key", Sterlitamak, Republic of Bashkortostan

    1. We select articles that are small in volume, but provide comprehensive information and make parents want to continue communication with the teacher on this topic.

    2. We do not use terms that are unclear to parents.

    3. We place information at parental eye level. In printed materials we use a point size of at least 14.

    4. We supplement the articles with colorful drawings, photographs or pictures.

    5. In the corner for parents we highlight the following sections: “About our children”, “Advice and recommendations”, “Our activities”, “What the group lives by”. We place all the information about the kindergarten in a tight folder with files.

    Elena Gorbunova,
    Deputy Head of Kindergarten No. 100,

    Parent under an umbrella

    How to attract parents' attention to important information?
    We abandoned traditional flat stands, which parents often simply do not pay attention to, and use umbrellas as information carriers. Yes, yes, Mary Poppins umbrellas.
    We attach metal hooks to the ceiling in different areas of the group and locker room, on which umbrellas can be easily and simply hung. This method of placing information, on the one hand, does not clutter up the space, and on the other, allows you to present much more material.
    Creative works of children, photographs of excursions and holidays, greeting cards for birthday people, congratulations to mothers and fathers on holidays are attached to the umbrellas.
    We also have umbrellas on which parents and their children can find instructions in pictures about proper behavior in the forest, rules for handling sharp and piercing objects, warnings regarding children’s games with fire, and more.
    And on the umbrella called “Interesting Meetings” we display photographs taken while visiting children at home, original parental solutions for organizing home book corners, aquariums, and places to store toys.
    Whatever information we post on umbrellas, it invariably attracts the attention of parents. And parents love to look at umbrellas with their children.

    Lyudmila Balatsenko,
    Alla Musintseva, teachers
    kindergarten No. 110 “Dolphin”,
    Bratsk, Irkutsk region

    Who is the birthday boy today?

    In the city of Fokino, Primorsky Territory, a review competition “Original Parents' Corner” was held. The objectives of the competition were to encourage kindergarten teachers to search for new forms of interaction with parents, to make sure that the information posted in the corners actually reaches moms and dads.
    The parents' corner, according to teachers of the junior group of kindergarten No. 35, should not only serve as an information stand, but also be a design element that corresponds to the age characteristics of the children in the group.
    Therefore, as the basis for the parent’s corner, we took an image well known to kids -

    The tower itself is made of hardboard, and the roof is made of real straw. The necessary information is located in the windows of the house and in the attic.

    And on the opposite wall there is a railway. A train is traveling along the road. In every trailer there is a funny face. These are not fairy tale or cartoon characters. These are the children of the group. Their portraits were made with love and humor by the parents themselves: some made them from salt dough, some knitted them, some sewed them, some drew them. On the way, the merry train is accompanied by knitted butterflies. If such a butterfly settles on someone’s portrait, it means that this child has a birthday today. Those wishing to take part in the birthday celebration purchase tickets at a special box office. Tickets are issued free of charge, but then those present must make their contribution - say kind words to the birthday person.

    Based on materials from Natalya Andreeva, deputy head
    kindergarten No. 35, Fokino (Danube village), Primorsky Territory

    Consultations for parents held at preschool educational institutions are one of the forms of differentiated work with families. This type of work allows the teacher to give qualified advice to the parent on the upbringing and development of the child. In this section you can find interesting topics and options for conversations with parents, notes on consultations, and ways to design visual information material.

    Consultations for kindergarten parents

    Contained in sections:
    Includes sections:
    • Victory Day. Consultations for parents “Tell your child about the war”
    • Traffic rules Consultations for parents on child safety on the roads
    • Autumn. Consultations and recommendations for parents in the autumn
    • Fear, childhood fears, anxiety. Consultations for parents
    • Sleep, sleep schedule, putting the child to bed. Consultations for parents
    • What should a child know and be able to do? Consultations for parents
    • Physical education, exercise, sports. Consultations for parents
    • Winter. Consultations for parents in winter
    By groups:

    Showing publications 1-10 of 24931.
    All sections | Consultations for parents

    Consultation for parents “What to do with a child at home while mom is busy” Consultation for parents“Effective ways to keep a 4-5 year old child occupied at home when mom is busy” (speech by teacher at parent meeting) Children constantly require attention and love, so it is often difficult for mothers to find free time for household chores or for themselves....

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    For a child, the family is a source of social experience and an example to follow. In order to raise a morally healthy personality, it is necessary to combine the efforts of parents, the knowledge and experience of educators, and the expectations and perceptions of the public. The main goal of a preschool institution is to help the family raise a child and ensure favorable socialization.

    Types of consultations

    Work with parents is carried out both on a personal level in individual conversation (in the form of frontal and individual work), and takes the form of visual and educational information.

    One of the common ways to advise parents is visual information in the form of folders of movements, stands, newspapers. Since parents, due to their busy schedule, do not always have time to communicate with the teacher in person, it is more convenient for them to devote 3-5 minutes to reading the information block.

    Stands and folders designed by the group’s teachers are visual propaganda, which is aimed at familiarizing parents with the content and methods of education in preschool educational institutions, and providing practical assistance to the child in the family. The content and topics are determined by the wishes of the parents or at the discretion of the teachers.

    The child learns

    What does he see in his home?

    Parents are an example to everything.

    Who is rude in front of his wife and children,

    Who loves the language of debauchery,

    Let him remember

    Which he will more than receive.

    Everything that teaches them comes from them.

    Where the abbot is not the enemy of wine,

    All the brethren are drunk and drunk.

    It was not the wolf who raised the sheep,

    The crayfish's gait was given by his father.

    If children see us and hear us,

    We are responsible for our deeds

    And for the words: easy to push

    Children on a bad path.

    Keep your house tidy

    So as not to repent later.

    Sebastian Brant

    Parents' oath.

    · I will be an example for my child in everything.
    · I will love my child always, every day, which will be manifested in my actions and manifestations towards him.
    · I will listen to what my child has to say and value what he has to say.
    · I will reward my child for success in doing and completing something.
    · I will allow my child to make his own mistakes and learn from those experiences.
    · I will try not to be too critical of my child's shortcomings.
    · I will provide him with the opportunity to meet new complex problems and solve them successfully, thereby accumulating new experience.
    · I will respect my child as a person, even if I do not always agree with him.
    · I will rejoice and enjoy communicating with him and will find time for this.
    · I will respect the dignity of my child.

    The material is taken from the book “Preparing a child for school.” E. Kovaleva, E. Sinitsyna.

    Parents! Let each of you take this oath and strictly follow it. And then YOU will raise happy, successful and worthy citizens of our MOTHERLAND.

    The materials below will help YOU!

    Dear parents!

    You, of course, strive to ensure that you have a good relationship with your child, so that you are an example and authority for him, so that mutual love and respect reign in your family.

    But your aspirations will reach your goal if you:

    You know that trust is the main rule.
    Always tell your children the truth.
    Try to be an example for your child.
    Respect your child as an individual who has the right to his or her point of view.
    Consult with your child.
    Don't deceive your child.
    Teach to correctly evaluate your actions and the actions of other children.
    Do not set a goal to achieve complete obedience from the first word; give the child the opportunity to see what he is right or wrong about.
    Read books aloud to your child regularly.
    Condemn your child for his wrongdoing, remembering yourself at his age.
    Know your child's friends and invite them into the house.

    In the evening, discuss with the whole family how your day went..

    Memo for parents “What not to bring to kindergarten”

    We are all educators and parents, we are equally responsible for the life and health of our children. Therefore, we all need to know everything that can harm their health.

    IN It is forbidden to bring kindergarten from home:

    Any medications, vitamins, drops, sprays, etc.

    Only healthy children can attend the preschool; pupils with signs of illness are isolated before arrival parents. Children's The kindergarten is not a medical institution and children can get poisoned or get burned. .

    Food products (fruits, cheeses, chips, candies, chewing gum, exotic fruits, yoghurts, juices, etc.)

    Carefully check what exactly your child is carrying. kindergarten! Remember that children tend to treat each other secretly brought sweets - this can cause an allergic reaction, food poisoning, or infectious disease. A child may also choke on candy or chewing gum while playing or running. Chewing gum is especially insidious (children can share it from mouth to mouth, go to bed with chewing gum and choke in their sleep)

    Old, dirty toys, soft toys, balloons, old books, magazines - they are all sources of various infections and carriers of dangerous viruses.

    Weapon: pistols, machine guns, sabers, swords, as they provoke children to aggressive games.

    Small items. A child may put small toys up his nose or swallow them.

    Such items also include buttons, small hairpins, coins, beads, fruit and berry seeds, parts from a designer, etc.

    Dangerous items. Often children are secretly parents bring nails to kindergarten, pieces of wire, lighters, etc. This may cause injury to the child.

    Cosmetic preparations. Forbidden bring various cosmetics items - children's toilet water, nail polish, etc. Children, while playing, can ruin their clothes or, using cosmetics, cause an allergic reaction.

    Valuables. The preschool institution is not responsible for the safety of expensive toys and valuables (gold jewelry, mobile phones, money).

    Cell phone working. A child may accidentally call emergency services or call abroad (the teacher may not know that the child has a working phone) .

    When sending your child to the group, in a friendly manner, check the pockets of your child’s clothes. A child, unnoticed by you, can easily put any dangerous object taken at home or on the way to kindergarten.

    Remember that these restrictions are not the whim of educators, but the requirements of SanPin and Rospotrebnadzor.

    Secret dreams of every child

    • Love me and let me love you.
      • Ø Love me even when I'm bad.
      • Ø Tell me that you love me, even if you don't like what I do.
      • Ø Forgive me. Tell me that you understand me, even if I'm wrong.
      • Ø Believe me. With your help I will succeed.
      • Ø Tell me that you like me. Say that I am the only one, that you will always love me, no matter what happens.
      • Ø Don't give me what you don't have yourself.
      • Ø Ask me what I did today in kindergarten.
      • Ø Talk to me, ask my opinion.
      • Ø Teach me what is good and what is bad. Share your plans with me.
      • Ø Please don't compare me with others, especially my brothers and sisters.
      • Ø Punish me when I do wrong. Praise me when I do good. Don't command, ask me.
      • Ø I promise that I will learn to say “sorry”, “please” and “thank you”.
      • Ø I know some other wonderful words. "I love you, mom and I love you, dad."

    Dear parents!


    Requirements for the appearance and clothing of children

    What indicates that your child is well-groomed:

    -neat appearance, clothes buttoned to all buttons, shoes fastened;

    -washed face;

    -clean nose, hands; nails cut short;

    No plaque on teeth;

    -clean underwear;

    -presence of a handkerchief

    For a comfortable stay of your child in a preschool educational institution, you must have:

    -at least 3 sets of change of underwear (for boysshorts, tights, panties, girlstights, panties; in the warm season– socks, knee socks);

    -sleepwear (pajamas during cold periods);

    -two bags for storing clean and used linen;

    -label underwear, clothes (for little ones);

    -Czechs for physical education and music classes

    Before taking your child to a preschool educational institution, check

    Does his costume match the season and air temperature?

    You should know the day of outdoor physical education (information is posted on the parent stand)

    In order to avoid cases of injury, it is strictly prohibited to bring sharp, piercing, cutting, glass objects (scissors, mirrors, glass bottles, buttons, beads, money...), tablets to the preschool institution.

    You can see the menu:

    Every day in the parent's corner, in a group, at a stand.


    1. Parents must hand over their children personally to the teacher. You cannot pick up children from kindergarten without the knowledge of the teacher, or entrust this to children, teenagers under the age of 16, or people who are drunk.

    2. It is impossible not to attend kindergarten without a good reason. It is necessary to inform the preschool educational institution about the impossibility of a child coming to kindergarten due to illness or other valid reason.

    A child who does not attend kindergarten for more than three days must have a doctor’s certificate; when returning after a longer absence, a certificate about the child’s health and contacts for the last 21 days is provided; after absence in the summer - a certificate of contacts, examination for helminths.

    3. Before taking your child to kindergarten, check whether his costume matches the season and air temperature. Make sure that your child's clothes are not too big and do not restrict his movements. In properly selected clothes, the child moves freely and gets tired less. Ties and fasteners should be located so that the child can serve himself. Shoes should be light, warm, fit the child’s feet exactly, and be easy to take off and put on. Wearing overalls is not advisable. A child needs a handkerchief, both indoors and on walks. Make convenient pockets on your clothes to store it.

    4. Bring the child to kindergarten healthy and inform teachers about any changes in the child’s health at home.

    5. Bring the child in a neat appearance, clean clothes and shoes; have: a change of shoes, a change of clothes, a comb, a sports uniform, a set of changeable sleepwear (pajamas), a Panama hat (in the warm season), two bags for storing clean and used linen;

    6. To avoid incidents of injury, parents need to check the contents of the pockets in their child’s clothing for the presence of dangerous objects. It is strictly forbidden to bring sharp, cutting, glass objects, as well as small objects (beads, buttons, etc.), tablets and other medicines to the preschool educational institution.

    Do we, adults, always set an example for our children to follow the rules of safe crossing of streets and intersections, and boarding a bus?

    Remember! By breaking traffic rules, you are, as it were, tacitly allowing your children to break them!

    Teach your child:

    *do not rush when crossing the street;

    *cross the road only when nothing interferes with your view;

    * before crossing, wait for the vehicle to leave the stop, then your view of the street will not be limited

    Teach your child the ability to be vigilant and attentive on the street. So, when you find yourself next to a standing bus, invite your child to stop, wait until the bus leaves, carefully look around to see if a car is approaching, and only then cross the road. Explain to him what danger a pedestrian can expect. If he suddenly emerges from behind a standing vehicle onto the roadway. A pedestrian does not see the moving vehicle, drivers do not see pedestrians.

    Use walks with children to explain to them the rules of safety on the street:

    • show your child signs and traffic indicators, tell them about their meaning;
    • often ask your child questions while driving down the street, what, in his opinion, should be done in this or that case, what this or that sign means;
    • Explain to your children your behavior on the street: the reason for stopping on the sidewalk to survey the road, choosing a place to cross the road, your actions in different situations.
      Don’t waste time on “lessons” on how children and adults behave on the street.

    By the time a child enters school, he must have learned and observed the following rules of behavior on the street and in transport:

    • play only on playgrounds;
    • cross the street where crossing signs are indicated;
    • cross the street only at a walk, do not run;
    • When crossing the street, look first to the left, then to the right;
    • walk around cars standing on the road near the sidewalk or side of the road so that there is a good view of the road and carriageway;
    • enter any type of transport and exit it only when it is stationary; you cannot jump while moving;
    • do not lean out of the window of a moving vehicle;

    Every family with a child needs knowledge on raising children. Improving the pedagogical culture and educating parents are important tasks of the kindergarten. A visual means of interaction between educators and families is the design of a parent’s corner in a kindergarten. A parent stand in kindergarten is a must for any group.

    The parent's corner in kindergarten should contain the group's daily routine, the schedule and topics of classes, and the daily menu. In it, teachers introduce parents to methods of education, help them with advice and consultation, and provide other important information. Information in the parent corner should be carefully selected and designed so that it attracts attention and becomes truly useful for parents of preschoolers.

    We place a parent's corner in kindergarten

    A corner for parents in kindergarten should be located in the reception area of ​​each group. Set aside one of the walls, a special stand or shelf for it. In order for such an information stand in a kindergarten to be noticeable and attract the attention of mothers and fathers, it is best to place it in the group’s locker room, for example, above the children’s lockers or opposite the entrance to the group.

    Consider the design of the corner in accordance with the name of the group and its design style.

    Most often, do-it-yourself stands for parents in kindergartens are made from plywood. A collapsible version of the stand is very convenient, which can be reduced or enlarged (depending on the amount of information placed on it). Of course, if possible, it is better to purchase a ready-made version of the stand or order an individual one, suitable for the group’s interior.

    What should the information for parents look like on the stand?

    1. Select materials for the parents' corner in accordance with the age group and time of year.
    2. Present the information colorfully and aesthetically, illustrating it with thematic pictures and photographs.
    3. The font of the text must be such that the words can be read from a distance of a meter (at least 14 point, spacing 1.5).
    4. Highlight sections and message titles in a contrasting color.
    5. Break the text into small paragraphs.
    6. Present article material concisely.
    7. Information in the corner for parents should be written in intelligible, understandable language, so there is no need to use complex scientific terms.

    Corners for parents in kindergarten should have constant information and information that is updated regularly.

    Parents' corners in kindergarten (pictures - design examples)

    Permanent materials for the parent corner

    Materials that should be in the parent corner throughout the school year:

    • characteristics of the age characteristics of children attending the group;
    • daily regime;
    • Timetable of classes;
    • internal rules of the kindergarten;
    • information about the program according to which the pedagogical process is carried out;
    • introductory information about employees: name and patronymic of the teacher, assistant teacher, head of the kindergarten, methodologist.

    Temporary materials for the stand for parents

    Bulletin board

    The ad text can be edged with braid or strips of paper so that it attracts attention with a beautiful design. If the advertisement invites you to a holiday, it is placed with a picture, for example, with a picture of a mimosa bouquet on March 8th.

    Specialists Corner

    It should contain materials from a medical worker, educational psychologist and speech therapist:

    • names and patronymics of specialists, as well as their reception hours;
    • notes on disease prevention and children's health;
    • charts of recent height and weight measurements for children;
    • articulation gymnastics exercises;
    • Tips for developing fine motor skills, attention, memory.

    Getting to know nature

    The material must be updated every month. Visualization is prepared in accordance with the age of the children. Such information in the parent corner in the younger group should differ significantly from the older group. You can use nursery rhymes and jokes that correspond to the time of year.

    The design of a parent's corner in the middle group may include exhibitions of children's books, poems by Russian poets, and tasks for observing living and inanimate nature that children can complete with their parents.

    In accordance with the season, reminders are posted on how best to dress girls and boys depending on the temperature outside and indoors.

    Box of forgotten things

    It is designed in the form of a toy with a basket, box or pocket on the stomach. There is a harmless message on the box encouraging you to look for your lost items here.

    Who lost a sock?

    Who didn't take the handkerchief?

    Don't look in vain

    And take it in your pocket!

    Additional sections for the parent corner

    In addition to constant information, the parents’ corner in kindergarten can contain necessary and interesting information that helps educators cover different aspects of raising children and answer questions that are relevant to parents.

    Consultations for parents in mobile folders

    To attract the attention of parents, topics should be updated regularly. It would be nice if it was original, creatively presented information for parents.

    For example, in the parent’s corner in the senior group, you can offer the following topics:

    • "Family in a child's drawings";
    • "Modern fairy tales and the child";
    • "Experiments and experiments in the bathroom."

    Exhibitions of handicrafts for children with parents

    The best option here is to design a corner for parents in the form of a beautiful shelf, suitable for placing a large number of children's crafts.

    To attract parents to joint creative activities with their children, thematic creative competitions should be regularly announced:

    • "Lesovichok from natural material";
    • "Magic bell for the Christmas tree";
    • "My favorite fairy-tale hero made of plasticine";
    • exhibitions for the holidays - New Year, Cosmonautics Day, February 23 under interesting names.

    Thematic exhibitions of photographs

    The corner for parents in the preschool educational institution can also be decorated with photo exhibitions. For example, a selection of photographs from the life of a kindergarten: from a lesson, a holiday, an excursion.

    Children are always interested in thematic exhibitions collected from bright episodes of friends spending time outside the kindergarten, for example:

    • "Our summer vacation";
    • "Winter fun with dad";
    • "Weekend in the Forest"

    Photos should be supplemented with short stories and interesting captions.

    Certificate of commendation from parents

    It’s a small thing, but it’s nice, as one can say about the beautifully designed text with words of gratitude to the fathers and mothers who helped the group: they watered the hill, sewed hats for the lightning, and took part in preparing the holiday.

    In our class

    In this section, educators introduce parents to the program content of the classes and offer to consolidate the material at home: repeat a riddle, poem, proverb. Lists of literature on the topic of the lesson for reading to children are also attached here.

    Happy Birthday!

    Photos of birthday people, congratulations and cards for students are posted here. The section helps you find out in time which baby needs to be congratulated and adds joy to the hero of the occasion.

    Decorating a parent's corner in a kindergarten is a multifaceted activity. Its content must be constantly updated and changed. When filling the corner, you should take into account the inadmissibility of sensory overload. Otherwise, parents will quickly lose interest in him.

    Parent corner competition - video

    Parents' corner in kindergarten

    Information posted at the stand for parents should be dynamic. The material should be updated at least once every two weeks.

    When placing any printed material at the stand (medical advice, psychologist, etc.), a link to the publication, including authorship and year of publication, the name of the site is required.

    The stand should be colorfully decorated. When decorating a stand, you should use not only inscriptions, but also photographs (preferably children of the group and parents). When designing stands, there is no need to overuse decorative elements, naive images of nesting dolls and toys. The ratio of text and illustrations on stands and information media should be approximately 2:6 (2 parts - text, 6 - illustrations), they must first of all attract the attention of parents, then convey the necessary information to them.

    1. The parent corner contains a tablet about the age characteristics of the children in your group. Throughout the year, the material is updated, including in turn the requirements for physical, mental, moral, labor, aesthetic education of children, peculiarities of children’s speech development, self-care skills, etc. (you can indicate what children should be able to do by the middle of the year, by the end of the year etc.).

    2. "Our life day by day." The section presents materials about the past day in the form of drawings, crafts, the text of a song learned during a lesson or a walk, the name of a piece of music listened to, a book read to children, etc. The material is constantly updated. It may contain the following appeals: “Mom, learn with me a tongue twister: “Sasha was walking along the highway and sucked on a dryer”; “Dad, ask me a riddle: “He doesn’t bark, doesn’t bite, but doesn’t let him into the house?” etc.

    3. "Children's rights." A section for parents, which contains a variety of information on the observance of children's rights in a preschool institution and in the family, addresses and telephone numbers of organizations in your city where you can turn for help, and official documents.

    4. Age group mode

    5. Advice from specialists You can write down a gymnastics complex or advice on hardening (prepared by a physical education director, a music director - the repertoire of the class, what works were listened to. If specialists such as a speech therapist, educational psychologist, etc. work in a preschool institution, there should be a section , where information about these classes is placed. A psychologist, social teacher, medical worker prepares materials for moving folders or, if necessary (for example, the “Health” program is being implemented, there are many children from socially disadvantaged families or other reasons), have a permanent section in corner for parents

    6. Notice board. Only official information is placed on it: when there will be a parent meeting, performance, etc.

    In addition to the stand, it is good to have a cabinet or shelves for displaying children's crafts, drawings, as well as a shelf for newspapers and magazines.

    The purpose of the next form of visual propaganda - thematic exhibitions - is to supplement verbal information for parents with drawings, photographs, natural objects (samples of toys, gaming materials, artistic work, etc.) made by the hands of children, parents, and educators.

    Magazine "Management of a preschool institution", supplement "Working with parents in preschool educational institutions".

    Setting up a parent's corner:
    new forms and approaches

    Travel stands

    We work in a large kindergarten with twelve groups. In our team, in addition to educators, there are various specialists: educational psychologist, defectologist, physical education instructor. And everyone needs to convey important and useful information to the parents of kindergarten students. Selecting material for parent corners is a special job. And, you see, it’s not easy to do this twelve times. Therefore, specialists can unite and come up with travel stands. For example, in one of the kindergartens, a boat “floats” in the younger groups, and trains “ride” in the groups for middle-aged and older children.

    In each group's locker room, the traveling Stand stops for a week and then moves on to its next destination. After the stand has “traveled” along the entire designated route, the information on it is updated.

    Five rules for designing a parent's corner

    A wise teacher always uses every opportunity to communicate with parents. He regularly informs them about even minor successes of the child, informs them about the content of classes, and gives advice and recommendations on education. By doing this, the teacher helps parents learn to be attentive to the development of their child, makes it possible to understand the importance of the work of the kindergarten in the upbringing and education of children, and reveals the value of their own work.

    Corners for parents are a familiar and long-used way for parents to get acquainted with the life of the group. But how often do we lack the time and opportunity to properly design them!

    In the corners hang useless articles written in small print from unknown magazines, obligatory menus and scant words of the program content of classes that frighten parents with pedagogical terms. As a result, parents simply ignore these corners.

    In order for the parent corners in our kindergarten to really fulfill their functions, I recommend adhering to the following simple rules:

    1. Select articles that are small in volume, but provide comprehensive information and make parents want to continue communication with the teacher on this topic.

    2. Do not use terms that are unclear to parents.

    3. Place information at parental eye level. In printed materials, use a font of at least 14 font.

    4. Supplement articles with colorful drawings, photographs or pictures.

    5. In a tight folder with files we place all the information about the kindergarten, consultations with specialists, useful articles from magazines and newspapers.

    Approximate equipment of the parent corner.

    1. Characteristics of the age of children

    2. Level of skills (what a child should be able to do at ... years old)

    3. Daily routine.

    4. Grid of classes.

    6. Menu for every day (save the menu for 10 days)

    8. Rules for parents

    9. What did we do today?

    10. Repeat with children.

    12. Announcements

    Tablets, mobile stands

    Shelf or table for displaying children's work,

    The most illuminated wall.

    Located at parental eye level The content of materials must correspond to the direction of the kindergarten’s work, the annual plan, goals and objectives of the age group, reflect the content of work with children in accordance with the requirements of the educational program of the preschool educational institution.

    The material must be:





    The design should have no more than two colors

    The section “What we did today” indicates the type of lesson, topic, and program tasks. Briefly talks about the day's activities, demonstrates children's work,

    The “Advice and Recommendations” section provides only advice and recommendations to parents. It is advisable to correlate the content of the recommendations with the topics of the teachers' council, parent meetings, current topics, and program material that is currently given to the children in the group.

    In the “Repeat with us” section, parents are invited to repeat with their children at home: works of art, poems, songs...

    Can be used additionally:

    The issue of “Family Newspaper” covers the experience of family education. Parents themselves write about upbringing in the family. When designing a family newspaper, you need to remember that its goal is not only to interest parents with the abundance and variety of photographs, but also to convey to parents the content and significance of a particular issue of education.

    In the section “Are you asking? We answer! » teachers post topical issues of social life, issues of theory and practice of raising children

    The “We express our gratitude” section reflects the good deeds of parents who provided various types of assistance to the kindergarten, group (all possible assistance in repairing toys, purchasing books, participating in community cleanups). Here the administration thanks the parents for the assistance provided

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