• I'm pregnant and have white discharge. White discharge during pregnancy: are they dangerous and what should you watch out for?


    White discharge during pregnancy can be a completely normal phenomenon, or it can warn of pathology. This type of discharge occurs most often and the expectant mother needs to know exactly when there is no reason to worry, and when an urgent consultation with a doctor is needed. In this article we will tell you what white discharge means during pregnancy and why it appears.

    general characteristics

    From the moment the egg is fertilized, a chain of interconnected and very important processes begins in the body of the expectant mother, the purpose of which is to create optimal conditions for the development of the fetus. These changes occur at the visible physical level and at the invisible eye - at the level of metabolism and hormonal changes. Vaginal secretion, which is produced by cervical epithelial cells, is an excellent indicator of the condition of a pregnant woman, reflecting the essence of many processes, as well as possible pathologies.

    In the early stages, the discharge is thicker and scantier, but by the end of the first trimester it becomes more abundant and subsequently thinner. All these changes are dictated by the influence of certain hormones: at the beginning of pregnancy - progesterone, and at the finish line - estrogens. The bodies of pregnant women are very individual, but there are generally accepted standards for vaginal secretion, which should be followed.

    Normally, discharge during pregnancy should be light and uniform, without a strong odor, blood or pus. They should not cause the expectant mother any physical discomfort. Light yellowish, lemony shades are acceptable - this color is due to the increased level of progesterone in the body of a pregnant woman. All other colors and shades can only sometimes be considered the norm. For example, before childbirth, the discharge may be brown, and in the very early stages it may be pinkish.

    The most common white discharge. They are quite varied and cannot always be considered normal and natural. In medicine they are called leucorrhoea. And the production of such vaginal secretion is called leukorrhea.

    Enter the first day of your last menstrual period

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    Types of leucorrhoea

    Leucorrhoea can vary in quantity, consistency and shade. Most often during pregnancy, moderate leucorrhoea occurs, which does not cause pain, burning, itching in the perineum, and has almost no odor. An acceptable variant of the norm is leucorrhoea with a slight smell of sour milk or kefir. There are also watery leucorrhoea, milky white, ichorous (pink) and even greenish. Such leucorrhoea has nothing to do with the norm and most often indicates the presence of diseases of the reproductive system, pregnancy pathologies, and infections.

    White discharge can have different origins. Thus, tubal leucorrhoea indicates an inflammatory process in the fallopian tubes. The discharge is profuse, watery, mixed with blood. During pregnancy, such discharge is rare. Uterine leucorrhoea during pregnancy occurs in pregnant women with endometritis (including a history), as well as in the presence of tumors in the uterine cavity. They are usually thicker, sometimes bubbly, with an unpleasant odor.

    Cervical leucorrhoea appears due to diseases of the cervix. During pregnancy, these can be genital infections, cervicitis caused by gonorrhea or chlamydia. Such leucorrhoea usually contains a significant admixture of mucus. The most common symptom during pregnancy is vaginal leucorrhoea. They occur as a reaction to hormonal changes.

    If they are abundant, with admixtures of blood or pus, we can talk about inflammation of the vaginal mucosa.

    There are also vestibular leucorrhoea; they are associated with intense activity of the sebaceous glands of the vulva. Such discharge appears when the rules of intimate hygiene are violated, as well as in pregnant women with diabetes mellitus and gestational diabetes.

    When it comes to leucorrhoea, the shade is always important. Thus, milky leucorrhoea is considered a variant of the norm, as are translucent ones. Thick, curdled, curdling discharge like fine granular cottage cheese is a sign of thrush caused by fungi of the genus Candida. Yellow and green shades indicate the presence of bacterial inflammation, predominantly purulent in nature. All shades of pink, red and brown indicate the presence of blood in the leucorrhoea.


    White vaginal secretion, which does not cause discomfort, by and large should not bother a pregnant woman. Its abundance is not yet a reason for concern, because under the influence of hormones that ensure the safety of pregnancy, the secretion of the cervix and vagina increases significantly.

    Discharge is necessary to maintain favorable microflora in the genital tract of the expectant mother. The pregnant woman’s body itself regulates the amount of discharge, so at some moments there may be more leucorrhoea, and at others less. These are the natural causes of white discharge.

    As for pathological discharge, the most common causes may be as follows.

    Fungal infections, thrush

    Usually such discharge is accompanied by severe itching and a feeling of constant painful burning in the perineum. The fungi that most often cause thick curdled leucorrhoea - candida - really “love” it when their carrier’s immunity decreases. Decreased immunity is quite natural for expectant mothers. From the earliest stages of gestation, progesterone suppresses the activity of a woman’s immune system so that it does not “deal with” the embryo. Immunity remains reduced almost until childbirth.

    It is not surprising that for many women thrush makes itself known more than once or twice. Women even consider it a sign of pregnancy in the very early stages, even before the delay of the next menstruation. Also, thrush often manifests itself when a woman violates the rules and requirements of intimate hygiene.

    There is no need to put up with unpleasant sensations. If a cheesy white discharge with a strong yeasty odor and itching appears in the external genital area, a woman should definitely consult a doctor to undergo a course of antifungal treatment.

    The appearance of thrush in late pregnancy is especially unpleasant. After all, if there is such a delicate problem, a woman will not be admitted to the general ward of the maternity hospital; she will have to give birth and be in the observation (infectious diseases) ward after childbirth. In addition, the likelihood that the baby, passing through the mother’s genital tract, will not become infected with a fungus tends to zero. Fungal infections of the eyes, skin, lips, and respiratory tract are very dangerous for a newborn. Thrush should be treated promptly at any stage of pregnancy.

    Inflammations and infections

    If there is heavy white discharge (with or without a tint of any color), you should also consult a doctor if the discharge is combined with pain. Inflammation of the organs of the female reproductive system can be indicated by cutting, strong and less pronounced pain in the very lower abdomen - on the right or left, and tingling in the cervix. Not necessarily, but sometimes a woman experiences pain and pain when urinating. Having sex only increases the discomfort.

    A bacterial infection may be indicated by white discharge mixed with greenish or yellowish tints. Such discharge always has an unpleasant odor, which can be compared to the smell of spoiled fish.

    Infections and inflammatory processes pose a great danger to the unborn child. The likelihood of intrauterine infection of the fetus and inflammation of the membranes increases. Sometimes this can even lead to the death of the baby. Children born with intrauterine infections are very weak, their immunity does not cope well with threats from the outside, often such children have anomalies and developmental defects that arose as a result of a long-term inflammatory process.

    In no case should you ignore profuse leucorrhoea of ​​a watery and heterogeneous consistency with an unpleasant odor and additional symptoms of malaise.

    A woman should receive the necessary treatment as soon as possible - anti-inflammatory and antibacterial therapy can be prescribed and carried out at almost all stages of pregnancy, excluding the early embryonic period, when the formation of the baby’s organs and systems occurs.

    Violation of the integrity of the membranes

    Liquid white discharge, translucent and quite abundant in the second half of pregnancy, may indicate leakage of amniotic fluid. If for some reason the integrity of the amnion is disrupted, water begins to flow out and mix with vaginal secretions. Such discharge may not be accompanied by any additional symptoms.

    Secretion becomes more abundant if a woman experiences physical activity, during movement, lifting weights, and also when changing body position from horizontal to vertical. Water leakage is very dangerous - when the amount of amniotic fluid reaches a critical value, the baby may begin to experience discomfort, hypoxia, and his motor activity will decrease to a minimum.

    Today, pharmacies sell special amniotests that allow you to determine whether there is any admixture of amniotic fluid in the discharge. However, their accuracy leaves much to be desired.

    Therefore, if you suspect leakage of amniotic fluid, it is better to immediately contact a medical institution to determine the fact through ultrasound and laboratory testing of vaginal secretions.

    Allergic reaction

    This reason is less common than others, but it also occurs. White discharge of an atypical nature may appear during pregnancy in response to the body's immune reaction to antigen proteins. Most often, this is an allergy to intimate care products, soap, and some types of daily sanitary pads that women use.

    Leucorrhoea with allergies is not profuse; rather, its quantity decreases, but the consistency becomes thicker. Leucorrhoea is heterogeneous in its structure. Additional symptoms may include slight itching, redness of the external genitalia, and discomfort when walking.

    This situation requires a correction in the approach to hygiene. A woman should wash herself with boiled water without using soap at all, do not wipe her genitals with a hard towel, do not wear tight underwear that puts pressure on the perineum, and refuse to wear synthetic and semi-synthetic fabrics. You should definitely change the gaskets to similar ones, but from a different, more time-tested and consumer-tested brand.

    The mother's local allergy does not pose any threat to the unborn child. However, you still need treatment. After eliminating the source of the allergens, the woman is usually prescribed antihistamines to eliminate the symptoms of sensitization.

    Microflora imbalance

    A woman's genital tract maintains a special microclimate. Any negative factors of external or internal origin can disrupt it. Thus, vaginal dysbiosis can be observed with the habit of douching, including with decoctions of medicinal plants. Some pregnant women practice such methods as preparation for childbirth, naively believing that they are sanitizing the genital tract using traditional methods. The result is usually the opposite. The microflora is disturbed, more or less thick foamy leucorrhoea appears.

    Consulting a doctor will help determine the nature and extent of the disorder. A vaginal smear for microflora will give a detailed idea of ​​the processes taking place. Treatment is symptomatic. The factor that caused the violation must be eliminated.

    It is necessary for all women to control the nature of discharge during pregnancy, even if their pregnancy proceeds smoothly and without visible complications. The main assistant of the expectant mother is panty liners. It is prohibited to use tampons while expecting a baby, since vaginal secretions must come out unhindered, otherwise inflammation cannot be avoided.

    Any changes should be regarded by a woman as an alarming symptom. Only a doctor can answer the question of whether everything is okay. There is no need to ask for answers to it on Internet forums.

    The other extreme of pregnant women is increased suspiciousness. Some, in search of a non-existent pathology, drive themselves and their attending physician to nervous exhaustion.

    In order not to go to such an extreme, it is important to remember that normal discharge is never accompanied by an unpleasant odor, pain or other discomfort, and pathological discharge never appears asymptomatically.

    To learn about what kind of discharge women should be wary of, watch the following video.

    Any expectant mother dreams of bearing a healthy child, and therefore is wary of all changes in the body. After all, most of them are an “alarming” bell. For example, even mild lower back pain during pregnancy can indicate a threat of miscarriage or the onset of premature labor.

    What can we say about the day when a woman notices white discharge during pregnancy. Of course, the expectant mother is scared. And in vain! In most cases there is no need to worry. But so that you are left in no doubt, let's look at the reasons for the appearance of leucorrhoea and figure out when a doctor's help is necessary and when it is not.

    White discharge in early pregnancy

    Literally from the first days after conception, hormonal levels begin to change in a woman’s body. The production of the hormone progesterone increases, one of the “side effects” of this change is the appearance of white discharge. They may be viscous, with a lot of mucus, but without odor and “flakes”. This is fine. There is no need to be scared and try to get rid of such white discharge during pregnancy. Sometimes such leucorrhoea accompanies a woman for the entire period of bearing a child. It’s unpleasant, of course, but nothing can be done.

    But most often, heavy white discharge during pregnancy lasts only the first 12 weeks. Then they noticeably become scarcer or disappear altogether. This is due to the fact that progesterone is intensively produced only in the first trimester. It is necessary for the normal attachment of the embryo in the uterus and the formation of the placenta. Once this happens, the leucorrhoea will practically disappear.

    Another reason that causes white discharge during pregnancy is the formation of a mucus plug. Its main purpose is to protect the uterine cavity from infection during the entire time the baby is developing there. The formation of a mucus plug also occurs before the 12th week.

    From the 13th week until the last month of pregnancy there is almost no white discharge. And if there are, they are insignificant. However, there are exceptions. But most often the reason for their appearance is not so harmless. Especially if the leucorrhoea has a sharp, unpleasant odor, and its consistency resembles cereal or cottage cheese.

    Curdled leucorrhoea is a sign of candidiasis

    Abundant or scanty white curdled discharge during pregnancy is a manifestation of candidiasis. The causative agents of the disease are yeast-like fungi, and in addition to the discharge, which has a sharp sour odor, the woman is also bothered by itching or burning in the genital area. There is little pleasure in this and it is necessary to get rid of the disease, the sooner the better.

    Thrush (also popularly called candidiasis) that is not cured before birth can cause a lot of trouble for mother and baby. The child will be infected during the passage of the birth canal, and the causative agents of candidiasis will “settle” on the mucous membranes of the baby. Just imagine how disturbing the itching and burning sensation in the mouth and genital area will be. Will he be able to grow, eat, sleep and develop normally?

    Therefore, it is necessary to cure candidiasis before the baby is born. Treatment should be selected by a gynecologist. After all, most medications that are effectively used to treat this disease are prohibited for pregnant women. In addition, the doctor will select the drug only after carefully studying the results of the smear analysis.

    Not only the expectant mother, but also the expectant father should undergo treatment. Of course, men almost never get candidiasis, but they are “carriers” of yeast-like fungi that cause the disease. If the husband refuses treatment, then cheesy white discharge during pregnancy in a woman who continues to be actively sexually active will appear again and again.

    It should be noted that in addition to candidiasis, there are other diseases that cause heavy white discharge during pregnancy. But all leucorrhoea, the appearance of which is caused by a disease, has an unpleasant odor and a change in appearance. Therefore, consult a doctor immediately if the discharge does not look as usual.

    White discharge in late pregnancy

    Most often, thick white discharge during pregnancy appears again in the last month of gestation. They, just like in the early stages, resemble mucus in appearance, only white. The reason for their occurrence is the ripening of the cervix and its preparation for the upcoming birth. As a rule, such white discharge in late pregnancy is odorless and does not bother the woman in any way, except for its increased volume.

    Also, sometimes ladies in the second half of their “interesting” position discover watery white or transparent discharge. This fact should alert you, as it may indicate leakage of amniotic fluid! Of course, this is not necessary, but nevertheless, if you have watery, white, odorless discharge during pregnancy, be sure to visit a doctor.

    It is also possible for the consistency and appearance of leucorrhoea to change at the very end of pregnancy. As a rule, at or 40 weeks of pregnancy, white discharge becomes excessively abundant and thick. Sometimes you can even see thin bloody streaks in them, this means that the cervix is ​​ready for childbirth and the mucous plug has come out.

    Sometimes contractions come literally a few hours later or simultaneously with the removal of the plug. But sometimes you have to wait another week for them. At this time, it is especially important to pay attention to increased hygiene of the reproductive and excretory system!

    Hygiene and prevention of discharge during pregnancy

    Increased hygiene is very important during pregnancy. Especially in the early stages and after the mucus plug has passed, when the white discharge during pregnancy becomes strongest. Indeed, at this time the risk of infection of the fetus increases several times. In order to avoid it, you should:

    • Wear cotton underwear, as synthetics can cause inflammation.
    • Use panty liners and change them when dirty.
    • Try to wash the genitals and anus after each act of defecation and urination. Thus, you will not only prevent the proliferation of pathogenic bacteria, but also will not find out what hemorrhoids are during pregnancy.
    • Avoid spicy, salty and spicy foods, as such foods can change the flora of the vagina, which often results in the appearance of diseases, including candidiasis.
    • Refrain from sexual relations in the last weeks of pregnancy.

    These simple methods of increased hygiene will help you not only safely carry, but also give birth to a healthy baby!

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    Every unpleasant sensation causes the expectant mother to worry about whether everything is okay with the baby. It happens that, having noticed a strange stain on her underwear, a pregnant woman completely panics, not suspecting that discharge may be the norm in her situation.

    So that you are not caught off guard by such situations, we will analyze in detail each type of discharge during the period of bearing a child.

    The female genitourinary system in normal condition never remains dry. The cervix secretes mucus in each menstrual cycle, and experienced women can easily determine ovulation and the days most favorable for conception by the consistency and amount of discharge. The hormonal background during pregnancy changes greatly, but the discharge still remains, although it may become different depending on the period.

    Discharge early in pregnancy

    As you know, obstetricians begin calculating the period not from conception, but from the first day of the last normal menstruation. This means that menstrual and ovulation discharge also refers to secretion during pregnancy.

    That is, the following are considered normal during the period of bearing a baby:

    • Bloody discharge during menstruation
    • Clear, stringy mucus mid-cycle (ovulation)
    • Possible dark red discharge during attachment of the embryo to the uterus
    • Transparent discharge in the early stages of pregnancy due to changes in hormonal levels.

    There are also rare cases when a pregnant woman experiences faint bloody discharge on the days when she was supposed to have menstruation.

    Should you run to the doctor?

    Hormones sometimes cause the expectant mother to overreact to any normal manifestation of pregnancy.

    In order not to look hysterical in the eyes of others, remember the signs that require you to urgently go to the hospital.

    1. Bloody discharge, even if it is not accompanied by unpleasant sensations. No matter what stage of pregnancy you are in, call an ambulance immediately if you notice blood on your underwear.
    2. Drawing or aching pain, a feeling of heaviness in the lower abdomen. This sign also does not bode well, so call your doctor immediately.
    3. A painful headache can also be a sign of a threatened miscarriage.
    4. Constant nausea, incessant vomiting. The symptoms themselves may not be a sign that something is wrong with the baby. But if the expectant mother cannot eat normally due to severe toxicosis, it is better to go to the hospital for conservation. The hospital will be able to artificially nourish both the woman and the fetus, and also help reduce the frequency of vomiting.
    5. Increasing swelling. This symptom is especially dangerous in late pregnancy. More precisely, it is not the edema itself that poses a threat, but the fact that it is a sign of insufficient kidney function. Be sure to tell your obstetrician if your wedding ring no longer fits on your finger.
    6. Numbness of the abdomen, or petrification of the uterus, occurring regularly and quite often (from 4 times per hour). This may be a sign of early premature labor.

    These are the main dangerous symptoms during pregnancy. Whether they are accompanied by discharge or not, it is better in any case to ask for advice from an experienced obstetrician-gynecologist.

    Normal discharge during pregnancy

    As already mentioned, the female genital organs always secrete some kind of secretion. It is important to know what is normal during pregnancy, and what discharge may indicate danger. So, discharge during pregnancy is normal.

    Is discharge in the first 12 weeks normal or pathological?

    To understand this issue, let’s remember the school anatomy course. In the first two weeks of the cycle, the woman is not yet pregnant, but her body is actively preparing for this every month.

    First, the uterus is cleansed, removing old epithelial cells and cervical mucus - all this is part of the discharge during menstruation.

    Then the hormone estrogen comes into play, an increase in which also contributes to an increase in the amount of liquid transparent mucus. These secretions appear just before ovulation and help sperm penetrate the uterus more quickly. In addition, estrogen softens the tissue, and the egg can easily leave the follicle and go on a long journey through the fallopian tubes towards its destination.

    Immediately after fertilization, the amount of estrogen decreases sharply, and progesterone increases in return. Under its influence, the mucus becomes thick and viscous, which contributes to the most correct and easy attachment of the future baby to the wall of the uterus.

    Progesterone regulates normal discharge in the first few weeks of pregnancy. It also helps your body come to terms with the fact that a tiny person is now growing inside you.

    Discharge throughout pregnancy

    After the first trimester, estrogen takes over. It is thanks to him that the next few months are considered the golden period of pregnancy: the mood improves, toxicosis passes, the skin becomes velvety and rosy. Also, the discharge becomes thin and abundant, which helps increase libido. And if there are no contraindications, surprisingly hot nights await you and your spouse.

    In later stages, a woman needs to carefully monitor the condition of her underwear, as it happens that pregnant women mistake leaking amniotic fluid for discharge.

    Sometimes women worry whether they will be able to distinguish discharge from leaking water. In fact, a one-time rupture of the membranes cannot be confused with something else. There cannot even be pathological discharge in such quantities, which means you have nothing to worry about: you will definitely understand everything.

    All of the above discharges are always transparent, without shades of yellow, green or pink. It is the absence of color that indicates that everything in the body is going as usual. But keep in mind that they are normal only in the absence of discomfort and other symptoms.

    Another type of harmless discharge is white. Sometimes they are called the first sign of pregnancy, since they are formed under the influence of increasing “pregnant” progesterone.

    The composition of this thick mucus is simple: genital glands, lactic acid bacteria and epithelial cells. Please note that white discharge should in no case be accompanied by itching or unpleasant odors.

    If you feel discomfort, it is quite possible that the cause of the white discharge is a disease.

    Bacterial vaginosis

    This disease is also called vaginal dysbiosis or gardnerellosis. Its main symptom is a white discharge with an odor reminiscent of rotten fish.

    Please note that the smell intensifies immediately after unprotected intercourse.

    Causes of bacterial vaginosis

    • Frequent changes of sexual partners
    • Douching
    • Contraceptives containing 9-nonoxynol
    • Treatment with antibiotics

    So gardnerellosis can be triggered by pregnancy, or more precisely by hormonal changes in the body due to the birth of a new life.

    Vaginal dysbiosis is not contagious, but, for example, promiscuity leads to the fact that the flora of the mucous membrane changes and causes an increase in the number of Gardnerella bacteria.

    It is worth considering that this disease is not dangerous for men, and they do not require treatment.

    Features of bacterial vaginosis in pregnant women

    If you suspect you have gardnerellosis, immediately tell your obstetrician about it. This disease is very dangerous for expectant mothers, as it threatens infection of the amniotic fluid, death of the baby and premature birth.

    The most important thing you can do on your own is to start eating more foods that contain lactic acid bacteria. This “army” is your main ally in the fight against vaginal dysbiosis.

    As for drug treatment: your doctor will prescribe it for you, based on test results, your general condition and the duration of your pregnancy.

    Thrush: enemy number one

    Thrush, or candidiasis, is a fungal infection of the genital mucosa. They say that Candida fungus is a constant companion of every third woman. It lives in intimate places asymptomatically, and only when immunity decreases or the microflora changes, it immediately makes itself felt.

    Symptoms of candidiasis during pregnancy

    • White discharge: thick, sometimes with cheesy chunks
    • Itching in the intimate area
    • Vaginal irritation
    • A burning sensation during sexual intercourse or urination.

    There are several techniques that will help you avoid an unpleasant disease or quickly cope with it.

    1. Avoid eating anything that contains yeast.
    2. Use only high-quality natural cotton underwear
    3. Carry out genital hygiene more often, do not use soap and shower gels for washing
    4. Throw away scented panty liners.

    Thrush in a pregnant woman is not dangerous for the baby in the stomach, but there is a risk that the baby will become infected when passing through the diseased genital tract. Therefore, it is better to treat the disease in advance, especially since nowadays there is a huge variety of medications created specifically for expectant mothers.

    So, for the most part, white discharge is not dangerous for pregnant women. But if you feel itching or an unpleasant odor, white mucus can be a sign of a serious illness, so it’s better to play it safe and ask your doctor for a referral for a smear test.

    If pregnant women usually do not expect any trouble from colorless and white discharge, then yellow spots on underwear make them think. The color of mucus may well warn of an onset of illness, which means it is imperative to identify other symptoms.

    When everything's alright

    A big hormonal “bad boom”, provoked by the fact that a baby has settled in your body, often leads to changes. Often, not only your taste preferences change, but also the consistency, smell and color of vaginal discharge.

    If nothing else bothers you other than the yellowish color of transparent mucus, it is quite possible that this is the pranks of progesterone and estrogen and nothing threatens you.

    However, continue to listen to yourself and notice the appearance of other symptoms, then you will be able to quickly identify an incipient disease and immediately eliminate it.

    50 shades of yellow

    If the cause of yellow discharge is infection or inflammation, then it will vary slightly in shade depending on what specific disease caused it.

    • Bright yellow discharge indicates that the ovaries or fallopian tubes are inflamed.
    • Pus and dark yellow discharge indicate the presence of staphylococcus or E. coli.
    • Yellow discharge with green or brown spots indicates that you have one of the sexually transmitted diseases. Most often it is trichomoniasis or gonorrhea.

    Inflammation of the appendages during pregnancy

    There are several causes of inflammation of the ovaries and fallopian tubes during pregnancy:

    • Inflammation not treated before pregnancy
    • Hypothermia
    • Infectious diseases
    • Diseases that are sexually transmitted
    • Inflammation of the internal organs that are located in the lower abdomen.

    It is ideal when a couple prepares for pregnancy in advance, carefully identifying the presence or absence of hidden diseases and infections. But this doesn’t always happen, so try to treat yourself more carefully when you find out that you are in a position.

    Having found out the cause of the inflammation, your doctor will most likely refer you to the hospital. Don’t worry, nowadays many diseases are treated, including inflammation of the appendages. You will be given antibiotics that are suitable for expectant mothers, and will be given a course of gynecological massage and safe physiotherapy.

    Staphylococcus during pregnancy

    If staphylococcus is detected in the smear, do not panic. A small amount of it may be present in the vaginal mucus of a pregnant woman. But if the doctor has accurately diagnosed it, be prepared for long-term treatment.

    Staphylococcus during pregnancy is very dangerous for the baby's future. These unfortunate sticks can cause a lot of deviations in the development of the baby, cause intrauterine infection and blood poisoning. Under no circumstances should you hide from your doctor the fact that your normal discharge has suddenly turned golden yellow! The sooner you start treatment, the less risk there is to your child's life.

    Remember also that the presence of even a small number of staphylococci in a smear may indicate incipient pyelonephritis. Pay attention to swelling and submit your urine for a general analysis.

    When everything is all right, you can’t imagine anything worse

    The worst cause of yellow discharge during pregnancy is gonococcal infection. Fortunately, cases of gonorrhea have become very rare in recent years, but you still need to know the symptoms of the disease.

    • Yellow or green thin vaginal discharge
    • Sharp pain in the lower abdomen
    • Bleeding or just spotting.

    During pregnancy, gonococci are very dangerous for the fetus. They cause intrauterine death of the baby, premature birth and miscarriages, and if the child is still alive, they infect him during passage through the birth canal.

    Babies born to an infected mother often develop gonococcal conjunctivitis.

    It is difficult to cure gonorrhea during pregnancy, but it is still possible in a hospital. The doctor will prescribe the optimal treatment, taking into account all the nuances.

    Unfortunately, there are cases when, if infected with gonorrhea, doctors recommend termination of pregnancy. That is why, in order to avoid such terrible situations, you need to prepare in advance for pregnancy.

    One of the alarm bells during pregnancy is brown discharge. There may be several reasons for this phenomenon, but almost all of them indicate pathology, so you cannot delay a visit to the obstetrician.

    Causes of brown discharge in pregnant women

    • Ectopic pregnancy
    • Hydatidiform mole
    • Frozen pregnancy
    • Risk of miscarriage
    • Internal trauma
    • Infection
    • Placenta previa
    • Removal of the plug before childbirth

    A pregnancy that cannot be saved

    Very often, brown discharge appears when further pregnancy is no longer possible.

    Hydatidiform mole

    This is a genetic abnormality in which the development of pregnancy does not proceed correctly. Instead of the membranes and embryo, bubbles grow in the uterine cavity, similar to a bunch of grapes. This happens because from the very beginning there was a malfunction in the composition of the chromosomes.

    Symptoms of a hydatidiform mole may include brown thin discharge, an oversized uterus that is inappropriate for the timing, and very high hCG levels.

    The pathology is removed surgically, after which the level of hCG in the blood is regularly measured for six months. The fact is that hydatidiform mole can be malignant and occur again after removal. However, this disease is curable in almost one hundred percent of cases.

    Ectopic pregnancy

    It happens that instead of leaving the uterine cavity, the fertilized egg attaches to the wall of the fallopian tube and begins to grow there. Most often this is due to the narrowness or even obstruction of the pipes. This type of pregnancy is called an ectopic pregnancy.

    Its symptoms will immediately let you know that something is wrong in the body.

    • Painful sensations in the ovarian area
    • Tests show a negative result or the second line is weak
    • The hCG level is much lower than it should be according to the timing
    • Body temperature is increased, blood pressure is decreased.

    If you notice several of these signs, go for an ultrasound. Modern devices are able to diagnose ectopic pregnancy at very early stages. With the help of a timely operation, it is often possible to even save the tube in which the fertilized egg is attached.

    Frozen pregnancy

    A pregnancy that suddenly stops developing can have many different reasons, ranging from a genetic failure to severe stress in the expectant mother.

    Among the symptoms of a frozen pregnancy are the same brown discharge, sudden cessation of toxicosis, dizziness, and loss of consciousness.

    It is painful and offensive: to hear from the doctor “The embryo is not developing, there is no heartbeat.” The expectant mother blames herself for everything and cannot understand why this happened to her.

    A frozen pregnancy must be cleaned using a vacuum or curettage, depending on the period.

    There is still hope

    Chocolate-colored discharge can only warn of the danger of miscarriage or that an infectious disease is operating in the body.

    Risk of miscarriage

    The threat of miscarriage can be triggered by many factors: stress, heavy lifting, previous unsuccessful pregnancies, abortions, genetic disorders in the development of the embryo or Rh conflict.

    Frequent symptoms of threatened spontaneous abortion:

    • Brown or red discharge
    • Painful sensations in the uterus
    • Nagging pain in the lower abdomen

    The threat of miscarriage can occur at any stage of pregnancy, so if you notice these signs, call an ambulance.

    Placenta previa

    One of the most common reasons that an expectant mother spends her entire pregnancy in the pregnancy pathology department is placenta previa.

    If the placenta blocks the internal os of the uterus, the baby develops hypoxia, which, without proper treatment, can cause intrauterine death.

    You can suspect previa just by the brown discharge - and this is its very first and main symptom. A woman with this diagnosis must be constantly monitored to avoid dire consequences and give birth to a healthy baby on time.

    Cervical erosion

    It happens that brown discharge is caused by erosion on the cervix. As the uterus grows, it begins to bleed and causes the expectant mother a lot of anxiety, although it actually does not pose a threat.

    During pregnancy, erosion is not treated. It is recommended to remove the wounds using any convenient method (radio wave surgery, laser, liquid nitrogen) a couple of months after birth. By the way, it is not uncommon for erosion to disappear on its own after natural childbirth.

    Natural brown discharge

    There are two types of chocolate-colored discharge that are natural during pregnancy.

    1. Implantation of the fertilized egg into the wall of the uterus. The release of blood at this moment does not occur in everyone, but still is not a pathology. Attachment occurs 4-8 days after conception, and if you notice brown spots on your underwear these days, you can assume that you will soon become a mother.
    2. Removal of mucus plug. The mucus plug closes the cervical canal from the external environment throughout pregnancy. But at the end of pregnancy, when all the tissues soften and the cervix begins to open, mucus mixed with dark blood comes out, indicating to the woman that labor will soon begin.

    Very often, brown discharge during pregnancy is a sign that you urgently need medical attention. Don’t let things take their course, don’t brush off the offer to call a doctor. It is quite possible that timely treatment will save your baby’s life.

    The most dangerous discharge during pregnancy is bloody discharge. It is especially bad if there are dark clots in the blood mucus. There are not many reasons for this phenomenon, let's start with the most harmless ones.

    Late menstruation

    The pregnancy hormone begins to rise sharply in a woman’s body only after the fertilized egg attaches to the wall of the uterus.

    This can happen as early as the fourth day after conception, or later. It happens that attachment occurs on the twelfth day and by the time of the usual end of the cycle, the hormone that suppresses menstruation simply does not have time to accumulate in sufficient quantities, so spotting begins.

    Many women notice that “pregnant periods” still do not look like normal ones. There is much less blood and the duration of menstruation is significantly reduced.

    Such discharge does not pose a danger to pregnancy, but to feel confident, it is better to go for an ultrasound.

    Fibroids or cysts in the uterus

    If you had fibroids or a cyst before pregnancy, you may be bothered by bleeding during pregnancy.

    All questions arising about the tumor should be resolved by the doctor. It all depends on the period at which the fibroid was discovered, its size and the hormonal background of the body as a whole.

    The most dangerous thing that can happen is the death of tumor tissue, which will cause a miscarriage. In the long term, it is possible to save both the baby and the mother, but the uterus has to be completely removed.

    There are many examples and successful outcomes of pregnancy with fibroids, just remember that at the first signs of discomfort and bloody discharge, you should immediately call an ambulance.

    Detachment of the ovum

    Sometimes, performing an ultrasound in the early stages, the doctor notices a dark spot in the uterus - this is a hematoma formed due to the fact that the process of detachment of the fertilized egg has begun.

    The hematoma itself is not dangerous - it is only a sign that your pregnancy is at risk. The doctor must give you a referral for hospitalization. In a hospital setting, you will be given a course of injections to help preserve the viability of the embryo.

    Symptoms of detachment may include bleeding, nagging pain in the lower abdomen or lower back, weakness and dizziness.

    This can happen in the first trimester of pregnancy or the first weeks of the second trimester, so be extremely careful during this time.

    Incipient miscarriage

    The onset of a miscarriage can be indicated by the sudden onset of bleeding and severe aching pain in the uterus.

    Whether such a pregnancy can be saved depends on whether the embryo is alive. If there is a complete detachment of the ovum, if the blood comes with clots and there is a lot of it, alas, nothing can be corrected.

    In any case, if you notice blood, lie down on the bed, preferably on your side. Raise your legs higher and call an ambulance. It is quite possible that in the initial stages a miscarriage that has begun can be stopped.

    Rejecting twin

    Very often with IVF it happens that several babies begin to develop in the uterus at once, but if the body is too weak and the woman cannot bear a multiple pregnancy, one or more embryos reject themselves and come out with blood.

    The pregnancy continues, because one child remains in the uterus, but the rest are not destined to survive.

    There is even a special procedure for partial abortion - if a woman is weak, several fertilized eggs or embryos are artificially removed, leaving the most developed one.

    In the case of IVF, in any case, you are under the supervision of doctors, so the doctor will immediately recognize the rejected twin, and there will be nothing to worry about.

    During a normal pregnancy, it also happens that at first twins develop, but then one baby freezes. Most often it will simply dissolve on its own without any symptoms, but bleeding may also occur, so it is important to see your doctor more often if you are diagnosed with twins.

    During pregnancy, blood is a sign of danger. Despite the fact that occasional bleeding may be normal, you should not rely on chance, because the health of your baby’s future is only in your hands.

    In normal times, women rarely attach importance to vaginal discharge. You can often hear something like: “My period was kind of strange this time” or “I’m itching, it’s probably thrush again, I need to stop by the pharmacy after work.” But as soon as the fact of pregnancy is discovered, discharge becomes one of the most important discussions on forums for expectant mothers. The issue is especially acute in the first months - when the unborn baby is very vulnerable, and any failure can cause many problems, including miscarriage.

    Discharge in the first month of pregnancy

    The first obstetric month of your pregnancy is the week of your period, the week before ovulation, conception, the week of implantation and the first week of the existence of your embryo, securely attached to the uterus.

    It is in the first month that the discharge is abundant and varied: first menstruation, then liquid ovulation mucus. Afterwards, slight brown discharge is possible at the time of attachment of the fertilized egg and white discharge provoked by pregnancy hormones.

    Discharge in the second month of pregnancy

    The second month of pregnancy is the time when you learn that a baby is growing inside you. Having seen the treasured stripes, you begin to listen to yourself and have a completely different attitude towards what previously seemed unimportant to you.

    In the fifth to eighth week of pregnancy, you may experience heavy clear or white discharge, which is normal. Under the influence of progesterone, the cervix sometimes produces too much mucus. Be patient - your body needs time to get used to the fact that there are now two of you.

    Keep your genitals clean, stop using panties, change your underwear every day and forget about lace thongs for a while - then everything will be fine.

    Discharge in the third month of pregnancy

    The third month of pregnancy is the waiting time. You are waiting for the first screening to make sure everything is okay with the baby. You are waiting for your tummy to start growing, and when you stop feeling sick at the sight of any food and craving salty foods.

    The discharge in the third month is controlled by the same progesterone and remains whitish or clear and thick.

    If there is no unpleasant odor, itching, pain or other unpleasant symptoms, there is nothing to worry about. Although for many pregnant women, thrush worsens in the third month, so be careful.

    Perhaps in the second trimester you forgot to think about the discharge because you were enjoying your pregnancy. But the closer you get to childbirth, the more you become concerned about the notorious vaginal mucus again. Normal, pathological or even leaking water – how can you tell?

    Usual things

    In later stages, you will probably have to change your underwear much more often. The fact is that relaxed muscles of the genitourinary organs sometimes cannot hold urine and a slight “ouch” occurs. Don't worry, this happens to every second pregnant woman.

    Small clear and white discharge is also considered normal. By the way, if a large white (possibly streaked with blood) lump comes out, it is most likely a mucus plug. This means you will see your baby very soon.

    Caution - danger!

    A dangerous symptom can be colored discharge: yellow, brown, bloody. If you notice them, you should immediately call the doctor.

    A frequent question over long periods of time: how can you tell if water is leaking? Now pharmacies sell special test pads that change color when they recognize substances contained in the amniotic fluid in the discharge. If in doubt, buy this test.

    You can tell your doctor about your suspicions, and he will put you under observation in a hospital for a day. There, experienced doctors will be able to determine whether your discharge is normal or whether your water is breaking.

    In any case, remain calm, because your condition is passed on to your unborn child.

    Everything has finally happened - the birth is over and you smile happily, looking at the tiny face of your baby. Now completely different worries await you, and you will be surprised that now you will think least about yourself - all your thoughts will be occupied by your little miracle. But don’t forget about your health - after all, a child needs a healthy mother.

    First six weeks

    Immediately after giving birth, you will experience some spotting for some time, reminiscent of a normal menstruation - this is called lochia.

    Carefully monitor the amount of blood! Heavy discharge may indicate that internal bleeding has begun or that a piece of placenta remains in the uterus. Scanty or absent lochia is a symptom of cervical spasm. This is very dangerous - if there is no discharge, this means that all postpartum blood is accumulating inside the uterus. Be sure to inform the obstetricians about these signs - at an early stage, the matter can be corrected with ordinary injections of no-shpa or oxytocin (depending on the problem). If the situation is advanced, you may need cleaning under general anesthesia and antibiotic injections, which will have a bad effect on both you and your baby - because you will not be able to feed him breast milk.

    Normally, the spotting will continue for about a week or two, then turn pink, then lighten and stop approximately twenty-eight to forty days after delivery.

    Be sure to maintain careful hygiene of the genitals, wash yourself after each trip to the toilet and change postpartum pads more often.

    Cause for concern

    If more than two months have passed since the birth of your baby, and your discharge still has not stopped, this is a reason to go to the gynecologist. Don't hesitate to do this, even if there is little discharge. It is better to prevent a problem than to deal with the consequences later.

    Another threatening symptom may be an unpleasant putrid smell of discharge - it is quite possible that an infection has entered the body. If general weakness and fever are added to this, you will have to call an ambulance.

    Perhaps at some time the discharge became lighter and stopped, but after a few days blood began to flow - this could be an alarming symptom of internal inflammation and your normal periods, which returned to you again after such a long break. This happens if you breastfeed a little or even prefer artificial formulas - consult a doctor.

    Discharge during pregnancy is like a litmus test for your body. When something is wrong, he will definitely signal you with the color of the spots on your underwear. Your job is not to leave everything as it is, but to go for help from a specialist - and then you will definitely be able to safely carry your baby.

    The cervix of the female body systematically produces mucus - this is a natural and natural process. During the menstrual cycle, several types of secretion are generated - an abundant/liquid secretion that facilitates the penetration/movement of sperm for conception (the first half, estrogen dominates) and an opaque/rather viscous secretion that protects the uterus from pathogenic microorganisms (the second half, progesterone dominates).

    In the first trimester of pregnancy, the functioning of the uterus and appendages is supported by progesterone; accordingly, from the thirteenth to fourteenth week, estrogen plays a dominant role. It is the above hormones that are responsible for the process of secretion from the vagina.

    The following list of changes in the structure, viscosity and intensity of discharge is associated with natural physiological processes during pregnancy and is normal, but may vary in the specified time periods due to the individual characteristics of a particular female body.

    1st week

    2nd week

    The secretion becomes slimy, sometimes with small amounts of blood. During this period, ovulation occurs/installation of the egg to the walls of the uterine cavity.

    3rd week

    Light or moderate implantation bleeding, sometimes accompanied by nagging pain in the lower abdomen. An alternative is a creamy discharge of pink, brown or yellow shades, which stops a few days after the process begins.

    4th week

    Consolidation of the implantation process is accompanied by abundant thick transparent or slightly whitish secretion without an unpleasant odor, sometimes mixed with blood. From this period, global hormonal changes begin, and an increase in mucus occurs due to the large flow of blood to the organ.

    5th week

    The norm is clear, odorless discharge in small quantities; any other color of the secretion indicates infectious, sexually transmitted problems or a threat of termination of pregnancy (in the presence of blood clots).

    6th week

    During this period, pregnant women usually secrete a clear or slightly white secretion in small volumes, odorless and of a standard structure.

    7th week

    Changes in hormonal levels entail an increase in the flow of secretions; they become not only more abundant, but also thinner. Thick secretion of any shade may indicate pathology.

    8th week

    The discharge is moderate, mostly light in color and slightly sour in smell, not liquid, of normal consistency. A brown secretion is very dangerous, usually accompanying the separation of the fetal embryo from the walls of the uterus with subsequent termination of pregnancy.

    9th week

    The secretion has a liquid, watery consistency, is odorless, has a light color and should not cause any discomfort.

    10th week

    During this period, the pregnant woman often undergoes a primary gynecological examination. The discharge is similar to the 9th week, but in rare cases a small spotting bloody secretion may be observed - it is not dangerous if there is no abdominal pain and can be caused by microdamage to the loose walls of the uterus due to mechanical stress during a gynecological examination, after sexual intercourse or due to cervical erosion.

    11th week

    The secretion is thin, colorless or light, and is released in a small volume.

    12th week

    Good discharge of a moderate nature, light or whitish in color, sometimes having a slightly sour odor. During this period, sexually transmitted diseases are very dangerous, manifested by itching, burning, mucus/pus and leucorrhoea of ​​unnatural colors.

    13th – 25th week

    The discharge remains transparent, but its volume, due to the increasing influence of estrogen, begins to increase and acquire an increasingly liquid consistency. Leucorrhoea acquires a slightly sour smell.

    25th – 36th week

    Moderate or abundant discharge of light, less often white, shades with a pronounced sour odor. In rare cases, partial loss of amniotic fluid may be observed (yellowish tint, liquid consistency), which is a pathology and requires immediate consultation with a doctor. With severe constipation/hemorrhoids, the secretion may include bloody clots; if the discharge is brown or any other color, this is a signal of the presence of a serious pathology.

    36th – 40th week

    Moderate whitish discharge may alternate with a mucous-type secretion, sometimes with the addition of blood clots, signaling the process of preparation for the removal of the plug and the onset of labor. Translucent liquid discharge in large quantities is a waste of amniotic fluid or a change in the structure of the membranes. In any case, if they occur, you need to contact a gynecologist as soon as possible.

    Below, we describe the main types of vaginal discharge that most often appear in the fair sex during pregnancy.

    Light, white discharge

    The reasons for its occurrence are the generation of mucus by the glands of the gallbladder, the renewal of the epithelium of the walls of the genital organs, and the proliferation of microflora.

    The following are considered the norm:

    • Thick and viscous secretion of a light milky shade.
    • Light discharge with a watery consistency.

    The volume of secretion depends on the concentration of a certain type of hormone - progesterone or estrogen.

    As a rule, doctors associate this type of discharge with the menstrual cycle (corresponding to the days before pregnancy) - in the first part there is a thin secretion of a watery consistency, which is later replaced by a thick and viscous substance, completely white or beige. Towards the end of the cycle, the volume of discharge increases again.

    Also, white, light-colored discharge can form after sexual intercourse or the use of hormonal contraceptives. An abundant secretion of white color, curd structure with a sharp sour or beer smell is already a pathology, usually caused by candidiasis. White, translucent liquid watery discharge in large quantities with an unpleasant odor - most often vaginosis of a bacterial nature.

    Is this type of discharge accompanied by a pulling sensation in the lower abdomen or pain? Contact your doctors immediately!

    Yellow discharge during pregnancy

    The causes of occurrence are an allergic reaction to intimate hygiene products, inflammatory processes, leakage of amniotic fluid.

    Opaque light yellow discharge in small quantities without a strong odor, itching, pain or discomfort is considered a relative norm.

    Yellow discharge in the fair sex is not considered natural, but if it is not accompanied by other pathological symptoms and goes away on its own after some time, then it should not cause serious concern. You should definitely contact a gynecologist immediately if the secretion has a pronounced dark yellow tint - this is a possible sign of spontaneous abortion or a serious allergic reaction.

    If the yellow discharge changes to green, this usually indicates the presence of some kind of sexually transmitted disease. Often in this case, corresponding additional symptoms are observed, in particular pain and itching during urination, burning in the genital area.

    The bright yellow color of the secretion also indicates the connection to the pathology of a bacterial infection with inflammation of the ovaries, appendages or fallopian tubes. Very abundant light yellow watery discharge most often means partial loss of amniotic fluid, which is considered normal immediately before delivery - in any other situation, a pregnant woman requires immediate hospitalization.

    Green discharge during pregnancy

    Causes of occurrence: sexually transmitted diseases, bacterial infections, threat of miscarriage, inflammatory processes, gestational age over 42 weeks. A clear pathology and discharge cannot be considered normal.

    Green discharge during pregnancy is always a pathology and can be caused by a number of reasons.

    First and second trimester

    Colpitis and cervicitis are most often diagnosed here. The former are infectious in nature (streptococci, gonorrhea, chlamydia, etc.), while the latter are an inflammatory process in the cervix. Less commonly, women with green secretion are diagnosed with bacterial vaginosis, which is considered a violation of the normal balance between beneficial and pathological microflora in the internal cavity of the vagina.

    Generalized bacterial infections, in the absence of proper treatment, can overcome the placental barrier and cause serious pathologies in the developing fetus (including termination of pregnancy and death of the unborn baby), therefore, if green secretion occurs, it is necessary to contact a gynecologist as soon as possible.

    Third trimester

    In the third trimester of pregnancy, all of the above factors that contribute to the appearance of green discharge may be supplemented by chorioamnionitis - an acute inflammation of the fetal structural membranes of an infectious nature, which almost always develops into endometritis, which is an inflammation of the inner walls of the uterus. An infectious-inflammatory process, accompanied not only by the secretion of the above-mentioned color, but also by an increase in temperature, in the absence of effective conservative countertherapy affects the amniotic fluid and can infect the fetus itself.

    With a significant delay in the process of delivery, over 42 weeks, even normal amniotic fluid turns green, indicating processes of hypoxia of the acute/chronic spectrum. In this case, doctors perform an artificial induction of the birth process, or, as a last resort, in its absence, a cesarean section.

    Brown discharge during pregnancy

    The causes are impending childbirth, ectopic pregnancies, disorders of the placental structures, severe inflammatory processes of the genitourinary system, a direct threat of miscarriage, type 2 and 3 erosions, microtrauma of the mucosal walls, precursors of bleeding.

    The relative norm is considered to be small volumes of secretion of medium consistency of light brown color before childbirth, after implantation of the fertilized egg, as well as microtrauma of the mucous membrane during sexual intercourse/gynecologist examination.

    Most often, discharge of this shade refers to pathologies. Thus, this type of secretion is a basic symptom of ectopic pregnancy with egg rejection. In addition, in pregnant women with normal indicators, brown discharge of dark shades of medium or high intensity indicates a threat of miscarriage - in this situation, you should immediately go to the hospital for conservative treatment or surgical help.

    A translucent liquid secretion in extremely small quantities, appearing regularly throughout pregnancy, usually accompanies cervical erosion - a fairly well-known gynecological problem, which is treated after delivery by cauterization.

    Red, strong discharge with brown local areas, blood clots and rare intense pain in the lower abdomen usually indicate an incomplete miscarriage and the need for a procedure to curettage the uterine cavity and remove the dead fetus.

    In the late stages of pregnancy, but before the beginning of the 36th week, a brown secretion of a viscous consistency, secreted in small volumes, indicates placental abruption or disruption of its functioning. Very heavy discharge of any brown shade after the 36th week requires immediate hospitalization - the most likely cause is uterine rupture.

    Bloody issues

    The causes of occurrence are physiological hormonal changes, extraction of the fertilized egg into the uterine wall, infectious diseases, threat of miscarriage, ectopic or frozen pregnancy, placental abruption, microtrauma of the mucous membrane of the uterine walls.

    The norm is considered to be discharge of this type during the menstrual period (corresponding to the days before pregnancy), a small translucent secretion after sexual intercourse or a gynecological examination.

    Bloody discharge is a common physiological phenomenon in pregnant women in the first trimester and is caused primarily by hormonal changes, too active blood supply to the genital organs with increased sensitivity, as well as loosening of the epithelium of the uterine cavity. In all of the above situations, little secretion is released, it is translucent and does not have blood clots.

    Certain concerns may be caused by an increase in the intensity of the discharge and a change in its color to a more saturated one. So, in the middle and late stages, a pink secretion of medium intensity may indicate placental abruption. The appearance of large blood clots in the discharge, as well as the secretion of mucus with rich shades, closer to brown, signal an ectopic/frozen pregnancy or a hematoma of the uterine structure.

    In rare cases, gynecologists diagnose the so-called hydatidiform mole - structural changes in the fetal container with the proliferation of placental tissue. In this case, the discharge may not be of an intense red hue, but it is very abundant and continues for weeks, without pain. In the absence of professional medical care, the fetus may die.

    The most dangerous spotting is in the second and third trimester of pregnancy and can indicate a number of pathologies, from genital injuries to fibroids.

    Additional criteria for evaluating discharge


    The norm is the absence of this or discharge with a slight sour odor. In case of strong unpleasant odors (beer, purulent, sulfur, etc.), it is better to consult a gynecologist to diagnose the problem and identify pathology.


    1. Minor - usually the norm, regardless of the color of the secretion with normal consistency.
    2. Medium is the norm with clear and whitish discharge of normal consistency.
    3. High intensity - only clear discharge is normal from the 13th week of pregnancy and is caused by an increase in estrogen production. Also, a short-term powerful flow of yellowish secretion from the 36th week indicates the release of amniotic fluid and the beginning of the labor process.


    1. Liquid - considered the norm in most cases. They usually appear from the thirteenth week after fertilization and continue almost until delivery.
    2. Thick - indicate the direct influence of progesterone and are the norm in the first weeks of pregnancy.
    3. Mucous, pasty - may indicate a variety of diseases (for example, candidiasis), are the norm after sexual intercourse, during the period of removal of the placental plug.

    Immediately after delivery, for a month, a woman experiences a special type of dynamically changing discharge, characterized by bloody secretion and the presence of so-called lochia. The appearance of the latter is due to the process of natural healing of the internal structure of the uterus and the physiological rejection of excess tissue. Main stages with descriptive characteristics:

    1. Copious bleeding with blood clots, bright red. Usually last up to three days after the actual birth.
    2. Serous-sucrose secretion with a predominance of pinkish and brown shades. The discharge itself turns pale; normally there are no hemorrhagic clots or bright red inclusions. They begin on the fourth day after birth and disappear by 10–11 days.
    3. The discharge is yellowish with an admixture of white shades, spotting, mostly liquid and odorless. Disappears by the third week after delivery.

    From the third week after birth, the above-mentioned lochia begins to disappear, and the discharge becomes more scanty and watery with admixtures of glassy mucus from the cervical canal, leukocytes are absent or appear in isolated cases. After the sixth week, uterine discharge should stop completely, but secretion returns to prenatal norms only by the second month after the woman’s hormonal levels have normalized.

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