• Frequently asked questions on certification "1C: Professional". How to get certified Testing schedule 1c professional


    In December 2000, the SPC "INFA-Education", for the first time in Stavropol and the Stavropol Territory, received a new status - an authorized certification center of the 1C company. ()

    What does 1C:Professional certification give?

    Looking through job advertisements for accountants and managers of trade services, you can be sure that knowledge of 1C: Accounting programs and other programs of the 1C: Enterprise system is becoming almost a standard requirement. According to the results of independent studies of the accounting labor market conducted by the Business Programs Service, knowledge of 1C programs significantly increases the likelihood of a quick job placement for an accountant.

    Certification gives the user: 1) official confirmation of high qualifications, experience and skills in working with the most popular management and accounting automation programs; 2) advantages in promotion or employment; 3) respect and trust of management and employees; 4) confidence in their knowledge and abilities.

    Certification gives the enterprise: 1) objective criteria for assessing professional abilities when hiring employees, promoting them or encouraging them; 2) reduction of time and money spent on education and training of employees of accounting and trade services; 3) improving the quality of the enterprise, minimizing risks and problems.

    What is confirmed by the certificate "1C: Professional"

    Certification exam

    The exam is taken on a computer. For all exams, the test consists of 14 questions on different topics and aspects of using the program. For each question, several answers are offered, from which it is necessary to choose the most complete and correct one. The total time limit for answering all questions is 30 minutes. At the same time, the response time for each individual question is not limited.

    The result of the exam is evaluated on a two-point scale "Passed" - "Not passed". To receive a Pass, you must answer 12 out of 14 questions correctly within the time limit of 30 minutes. The order of answering questions, the time spent on individual questions, corrections made in the course of answering questions, repeated appeal to the same questions - do not affect the result. Early response to all assignment questions is also not taken into account when evaluating results. In case of unsuccessful delivery, one more attempt is given (no more than two attempts in total within the framework of one contract - 800 rubles).

    If the examinee does not agree with the result of the 1C: Professional exam, it is allowed under certain conditions and procedures.

    How to Prepare for the Certification Exam

    To prepare for the certification exam, it is recommended to use the documentation included in the software package, as well as the study guide for the corresponding program with examples of the solution. The names of specific tutorials can be read on the 1C website for and for. You can order a set of questions for testing 1C: Professional at the following link

    You can pick up ordered textbooks in our center (see contacts). For self-confidence, it is recommended to go to the 1C website.

    In our center there are courses "Preparation for testing 1C: Professional in 1C: Accounting 8" and "Preparation for testing 1C: Professional in 1C: Platform 8" in the amount of 30 acad. hours. More information in the price list.

    For preparation, you can also use the simulator "1C: Training Testing". The cost of such training is 2100 rubles / month. By purchasing a payment card for the online course "1C: Educational Testing" you can pass any test indefinitely for 30 days and at the same time memorize (or learn, or mark in the purchased set of questions) the correct answers to the test. Please note that the correct answers are shown only for those questions that you tried to answer. The complete list of questions and answers is not available in the database, each new test is generated randomly from the database. You can order a payment card for the online course "1C: Educational testing" at the following link:

    You can pick up the delivered payment card for the online course "1C: Training Testing" in our center. At your request, we can send you a PIN code of the payment card to your e-mail within 2 working days from the date of payment.

    Conditions for passing the certification exam

    If you have any problems filling in, please contact us (see contacts). Within one working day, the center receives a password for the test task, and you can get certified.

    Certification takes place online only in our training center under the guidance of an administrator at the same time that was specified in the application. The password for the task is not sent by e-mail and is transferred to the performer immediately before testing. The password gives access to the exam only once. Before a user is allowed to take an exam, the administrator must familiarize him with the rules for taking tests. The administrator is in the room (next to the users' workstations) all the time during the exams. It ensures that users who take exams comply with the following rules. The user is not allowed to:

  • Carry on conversations with other users and third parties and use their knowledge in any form,
  • Use the notes, literature and reference materials brought with you, laptop computers and electronic notebooks, other information carriers,
  • Bring briefcases, diplomats, bags, cell phones, pagers, other unauthorized materials and things to the workplace,
  • Copy questions and/or answers, remove them from the testing area, or discuss them with other candidates.
  • At the end of the time allotted for passing the exam, or in case of early completion, the test result is issued. In case of unsuccessful delivery, one more attempt is given. If the surrender attempt is successful, the certificate will be sent from 1C within 3-4 weeks. Simultaneously with the issuance of the first 1C: Professional certificate, a 1C: Professional badge is issued, which looks like this:

    Payment Methods.

    For the convenience of our customers, we have implemented many ways to pay for testing 1C: Professional. All available payment methods are listed on the Payment Methods page.

    If you are unable or unwilling to visit our prepaid center, you may visit our center for testing purposes only. In this case, you can order 1C:Professional testing and pay for it online.

    INFA-Education → Certificate 1C:PROFES-SINAL

    To test the acquired knowledge, as well as to formally confirm the competencies of specialists, 1C offers users and specialists of partner companies various options for certification and attestation.

    1C: Educational testing http://edu.1c.ru

    Free testing confirming the initial skills of the user of 1C programs.

    1C:Professional - certification of users of software "1C:Enterprise" versions 7.7 and 8

    The 1C:Professional certificate is an official confirmation that its owner can effectively use in his work the full range of capabilities of the most common automation programs for accounting, operational trade and warehouse, management accounting and payroll.

    What does certification give?


    • Official confirmation of high qualifications, experience and skills in working with the most massive management and accounting automation programs.
    • Benefits for promotions or hiring.
    • Respect and trust of management and employees.
    • Confidence in your knowledge and abilities.


    • Objective criteria for assessing professional abilities when hiring employees, promoting them or encouraging them.
    • Reduction of time and money spent on education and training of employees of accounting and trade services.
    • Improving the quality of the enterprise, minimizing risks and problems.

    The "1C: Professional" certificate confirms that its owner has the knowledge and skills to:

    • Install and prepare for operation the software product of the 1C:Enterprise program system.
    • To increase the efficiency of enterprise management as a whole, its accounting, personnel service and trade departments, the efficiency and quality of accounting through the use of the full range of possibilities of automation programs.
    • Avoid mistakes in working with accounting, financial, trade and warehouse information, reduce the time for preparing internal and external reports.
    • Independently adjust the program in case of changes in legislation or in the methodology of accounting.
    • Minimize system downtime and reduce overall system support costs.
    • Administer the system, ensure the safety of data, prevent unauthorized access to data.
    • Organize information interaction with other departments using the components of the 1C:Enterprise program system, ensure the prompt passage of information.

    To pass the exam you need:

    • Apply on the 1C website at http://1c.ru/prof/tests/?city=Ufa.
    • Pay for the exam and order a test task. Ordering a task is possible only after receipt of payment to the ACS account.
    • After receipt of payment to the ACS account, an individual test will be ordered for you at 1C and a test time will be assigned.
    • The task comes to the ACS at least 48 hours after your order.

    After the user completes the test task, it is sent for verification to the 1C company. The result will be known as soon as the test is passed. If the task is completed successfully, in 1-2 weeks a certificate from 1C will come to your address.

    Exam submitted on a computer. For all exams, the test consists of 14 questions on different topics and aspects of using the program. For each question, several answers are offered, from which it is necessary to choose the most complete and correct one. The total time limit for answering all questions is 30 minutes. At the same time, the response time for each individual question is not limited.

    Exam result is evaluated on a two-point scale "Passed" - "not Passed". To receive a positive mark (“Pass”), you must correctly answer 12 out of 14 questions within the established time limit of 30 minutes. The order of answering questions, the time spent on individual questions, corrections made in the course of answering questions, repeated appeal to the same questions - do not affect the result. Early response to all assignment questions is also not taken into account when evaluating results.

    For the preparation of

    Types of certificates “1C: Professional”.

    1C:Professional certification is currently underway:

    • According to the 1C:Enterprise 8 system
      • "1C: Accounting 8"
      • on knowledge of the main mechanisms and capabilities of the 1C: Enterprise 8 platform
      • "1C: Trade Management 8"
      • "1C: Manufacturing Enterprise Management 8"
      • "1C: Salary and Personnel Management 8"
      • on knowledge of the features and application of budgeting in applied solutions of the 1C:Enterprise 8 system
      • knowledge of the features of the implementation and application of IFRS in applied solutions of the 1C:Enterprise 8 system
      • "1C: Enterprise 8. Management of a construction organization"
    • According to the 1C:Enterprise 7.7 system
      • "1C: Accounting 7.7"
      • "1C: Accounting 7.7 for budgetary organizations - practical application of a typical configuration"
      • "1C: Trade and Warehouse 7.7"
      • "1C: Salary and Personnel 7.7"

    The certificate is issued by 1C according to the results of computer testing. The tests developed by the specialists of the Financial Academy under the Government of the Russian Federation, Kiev State University and methodologists of the 1C company allow you to quickly and objectively check the knowledge of the capabilities of the 1C:Enterprise program system and the features of working with them.

    Certification 1C:Specialist and 1C:Special Consultant

    Certification of a specialist confirms that he has the knowledge and skills necessary to adapt the software products of the 1C company to the specifics of accounting at specific enterprises. Certification means that the specialist is able not only to use the standard settings (configuration) of the program, but also to change and create new settings (configurations) in accordance with the needs of the customer.

    Certification of a specialist-consultant confirms the knowledge and skills necessary for the correct construction of the accounting methodology for a particular enterprise by means of a typical configuration and a competent setting of the task for adapting a software product.

    The exam is held in the form of an independent decision by the applicant of a practical problem on a computer in the 1C:Enterprise environment. The task completion time is up to four astronomical hours.

    Admission to all attestations is carried out in the presence of a certificate "1C: Professional" according to the appropriate configuration.

    The exam is taken remotely in our training center ( exam schedule). The task is solved in terminal mode directly on the server of the 1C company.

    Distance exam fee:

    • "1C: Specialist" - 2100 rubles.
    • "1C: Specialist consultant" - 3000 rubles.
    • preferential distance exam (retake) - 750 rubles.

    To pass the exam you need:

    For the preparation of for the certification exam, it is recommended to use the documentation that is included in the delivery of software products, as well as study guides that can be purchased at our office.

    Keywords: Online LLC, 1C Ufa, 1C Certification Center in Ufa, 1C Enterprise, 1C Professional, 1C Specialist, 1C exam, 1C Training Center in Ufa, Specialist, preparation for 1C Specialist, preparation for 1C Specialist exam, 1C Specialist platform, tasks 1C Specialist, 1C Specialist accounting, 1C Specialist 8, 1C Specialist 8.2, 1C Professional, tests 1C Professional, answers 1C Professional, questions 1C Professional, 1C Professional download, exam 1C Professional, 1C Professional 8.2, 1C Professional 8, certificate 1C Professional , testing 1C Professional, 1s courses programming, programmer 1s training, programming training 1s 8.2, Programming 1C, courses 1s 8.2, 1s courses, courses 1s, 1s training, training 1s, courses 1s, courses 1s in Ufa , courses for programmers 1c in Ufa, courses for programmers 1c Ufa, Training 1c, All services for 1C, Training class 1C, CSO, Certified Training Center 1C in Ufa, 1C Accounting, Courses 1c in Ufa

    The goal of every novice implementer, programmer or administrator of 1C programs. The only way to become certified holders is to pass the certification exam. From the first time, not everyone succeeds - according to statistics, only four out of ten. The exam is serious, it requires you to demonstrate confident knowledge of the subject. This section will help you choose the best way to obtain this knowledge.

    Exam selection

    First of all, it is important to understand that "1C:Specialist" is a class of exams, each of which is designed to test a separate block of knowledge. Exams can be divided into 3 groups:

    1. 1C:Specialist in the platform "1C:Enterprise 8"(tests understanding of the basic principles of configuration design and technological solutions embedded in the 1C:Enterprise 8 platform and practical skills in configuration and programming).
    2. 1C: Applied Solutions Specialist"1C:Enterprise 8" (tests knowledge of the program's capabilities and the availability of practical design skills in the 1C:Enterprise environment to develop existing and add new functionality of applied solutions. For example, Certification "1C:Specialist" for configuring and implementing an accounting subsystem in applied solutions "1C:Enterprise 8").
    3. 1С:Specialist-consultant for applied solutions"1C: Enterprise 8" (tests the ability to find adequate program tools to solve specific user tasks, correctly diagnose situations that require changes / additions to the program, the ability to set correct tasks for programmers to adapt application solutions. For example, Certification "1C: Specialist Consultant "on the implementation of the application solution" 1C: Accounting 8 ").

    When choosing an exam, you need to consider the scope of your activity:

    • if you specialize in software development - your goal is "1C:Specialist" on the platform "1C:Enterprise 8";
    • if you are going to modify applied solutions produced by 1C, then you need the exam "1C: Application Solutions Specialist";
    • if you have good knowledge of the subject area, for example, tax accounting and you want to become a consultant, teacher or a link between programmers and users, take the exam "1C: Specialist Consultant".

    Exam preparation

    Having chosen an exam, you need to carefully prepare for it. Preparation can take from several weeks to several months, depending on your organization and the time you are willing to spend on preparation.

    The first stage of preparation: get a certificate "1C: Professional". Before each "1C:Specialist" there is an exam-admission - "1C:Professional", i.e. if you plan to take the exam "1C:Specialist" under the program "1C:Accounting", then you first need to obtain a certificate "1C:Professional" under the program "1C:Accounting 8" or the program "1C:Manufacturing Enterprise Management 8". The 1C:Professional exam is a test, out of 14 questions of the test, you must answer at least 12 correctly. It is necessary to prepare for the 1C:Professional, like for any other exam, it is very difficult to pass it without preparation. You can read more about preparing for the 1C: Professional exam on the 1C website in the section "1C Courses / 1C Exams / 1C: Professional / Test Preparation".

    After you have the "1C: Professional" certificate in your hands, you get admission to the "1C: Specialist" exam. However, this does not mean that you need to immediately go to take it. You have just started preparing. If you are interested in the result, you need to continue to prepare.

    There are three ways to prepare for the 1C:Specialist exam:

    1. take training courses;
    2. study methodological literature;
    3. gain personal experience in setting up and adapting programs.

    Ideally, methods should be combined. Let's consider each of them in detail.

    Courses of study

    The courses are most preferred for preparing for the exam:

    1. You will be given the minimum necessary theoretical knowledge in the subject area.
    2. Demonstrate the methodology for solving the relevant examination problems.
    3. They will pay attention to the "subtleties" of one or another version of the examination task.
    4. During the course there is an opportunity to ask questions to the teacher that arose during self-preparation for the exam.

    To prepare for the exam "1C: Specialist" on the platform, the following 1C courses are recommended:

    1. Comprehensive course "Configuration in the system" 1C:Enterprise 8 "in the CSO;
    2. "Configuring the platform "1C: Enterprise 8" in 1C: Training Center No. 1.
    1. The mechanism of the data composition system in the "1C:Enterprise 8" platform;
    2. Mechanism of business processes in the platform "1C:Enterprise 8";
    3. Data analysis and forecasting by means of the 1C:Enterprise 8 platform;
    4. Means of integration and data exchange in the "1C:Enterprise 8" system;

    To prepare for the "1C: Specialist" exam in applied solutions, the following 1C courses are recommended:

    1. "1C:Enterprise 8". Implementation and adaptation of the "Enterprise Accounting" configuration (configuration in a standard solution) in the CSO or a similar course in 1C: Training Center No. 1;
    2. "1C:Enterprise 8". Implementation and adaptation of the applied solution "1C: Trade Management 8" in the CSO;
    3. "1C:Enterprise 8". Implementation and adaptation of the configuration "Salary and HR Management" in the CSO or Configuring payroll and HR subsystems in application solutions for "1C: Enterprise 8" in 1C: Training Center No. 1.

    To prepare for the exam "1C: Specialist Consultant" on applied solutions, the following 1C courses are recommended:

    1. "1C: Accounting 8" version PROF (rev. 2.0) in 1C: Training Center No. 1
    2. Implementation of the applied solution "1C: Trade Management 8" in 1C: Training Center No. 1
    3. Implementation of the application solution "1C: Payroll and HR 8" in 1C: Training Center No. 1

    An alternative to full-time courses is distance training, carried out by 1C: Training Center No. 3. Distance learning has proven itself in situations where a programmer is forced to study in the "background", on the job.

    Methodical literature

    Methodological literature is an excellent addition to the training courses. A complete list of references is always available at.

    Independent work

    In courses and in books you will learn how to work with the program. These methods need not only be studied in theory, but also learn how to use them in practice. Therefore, a good addition in preparing for the exam will be independent work, practice. Most often, young, novice specialists are not allowed to work independently, specially prepared for this case. This is what the tasks look like in real life, and tickets for the exam are assembled from them. It makes sense to go to the exam only when the tasks of the collection do not cause serious difficulties, when they are solved. It is advisable to discuss the decision with an experienced specialist working with you at the enterprise (with a person who already has a certificate). If there is no such specialist, then it is recommended to take the course "Consultation for the 1C: Specialist exam on the 1C: Enterprise 8.3 platform"

    “What do 1C certificates give? Advantage in promotion or hiring!”- from the official website of 1C.

    Let's check this statement?

    Certificates 1C

    1C certificates are yellow A4 papers signed and stamped by 1C, the certificate confirms your knowledge in one specific area of ​​1C knowledge.

    There are the following main 1C certificates:

    • Professional 1C
    • 1C Specialist
    • Other.

    Professional 1C and Specialist 1C are given strictly sequentially, because. the first of them is an admission to the second.

    All 1C certificates are dedicated to certain topics in the field of 1C knowledge. They can be roughly divided as follows:

    • Platform 1C
    • The main typical configurations 1C - Accounting, Trade Management, Salary, partly SCP
    • Other typical configurations 1C (only for Professional).

    Accordingly, in order to take the "Specialist Accounting", you need to have a "Professional Accounting", etc.

    To get 1C certificates, you need to pass the 1C exam. Exam 1C is paid, the cost is from 600 to 3000 rubles.

    What do 1C certificates give

    Let's do a little check first.

    Let's try to look for vacancies without the requirements of 1C certificates - 297 vacancies per month, the salary level in the top 20 is 100-120 thousand rubles.

    Now let's look for vacancies with the wishes of having 1C certificates - 53 vacancies per month, the salary level in the top 20 is 80-100 thousand rubles.

    Total: 84% of employers are not interested in whether a 1C programmer has any 1C certificates.

    When do you need a 1C certificate?

    Case 1. You get a job in a 1C franchisee company.
    1C franchisees are interested in having 1C certificates from their employees, as this affects the financial component (discounts when buying programs from 1C), since there is an annual race between them for the total number of certificates from the company, and also because if the franchisee does not have specialists with certificates, then she cannot even be a 1C franchisee.

    Case 2. You get a job in a company whose project manager considers the presence of 1C certificates to be correct.
    Here comments are superfluous.

    Where are 1C exams taken?

    If you are already working for a franchisee company, then you should contact your management, as there are special rules for franchisee employees. Otherwise, see below.

    The Professional 1C exam can be taken from many 1C franchisees in different cities of Russia.

    The 1C Specialist exam cannot be passed so easily. Possible options:
    in Moscow (

    So, you firmly decided for yourself to prepare for the Professional 1C exam?

    Let's find out what to prepare for and how to do it!

    Test passing strategy 1C Professional

    Please note that in these books you can only find a list of questions for the 1C Professional test, but not answers 🙂

    Please note that 1C versions for passing 1C Professional tests are periodically updated (previously passed under version 8.1, now under 8.2, etc.), so you need a list of questions exactly for the edition of the platform / configuration for which 1C tests are now being accepted Professional. According to which version you pass - it is better to clarify directly where you plan to take the 1C Professional exam.

    Stage 2) Training on the topic

    After you understand what you need to know in general, you need to get this knowledge.

    As we discussed before, the question of training can always be solved simply:

    • Full-time courses (from 4000 rubles)
    • Internet courses (from 1000 rubles, ibid.)
    • Self-learning on the available 1C and books.

    The purpose of such training is to get a general education on the topic and make sure that the knowledge is basically there.

    Stage 3) Solving questions 1C professional

    Despite the "general" knowledge of the topic, any tests have their own subtleties.

    The question may be worded inaccurately, with a trick, for example, "What objects are used in algorithms?".

    There may be questions that are rarely needed in life, for example, "The full-text search engine uses expressions to search for synonyms for the word 'scarlet'..".

    It is clear that no "general" education will give accurate knowledge of the answers to such questions, or they are not contained in the working memory of the human brain. Therefore, before passing the 1C Professional test, it is necessary at least to solve all the questions of the 1C Professional test, as a maximum - to memorize the correct answers.

    There are no ready-made answers for 1C Professional tests - that is, they are not published or distributed officially.

    The following options are possible:

    Option 1) Self-check using directly 1C. The option is not very good because 1C will not tell you that this particular answer in the test is correct, and questions, as already written, can be “with a trick”.

    Option 2) Studying the ITS disks on which the answer options are published, if you have access to the ITS disks. However, less than 100 answers to questions are published on one disk, so many disks will be needed.

    Option 3) The list of answers can be indirectly obtained from the test pass (it is written about the test pass of the Professional above).

    Option 4) Search on the Internet.

    Questions 1C Professional

    In order for you to quickly evaluate your knowledge for passing exams for the most popular 1C Professional exams, see what knowledge of 1C you should have.

    Questions 1C professional - platform

    • What is a platform - thick and thin client, databases
    • Platform tools in enterprise mode and configurator
    • Configurator constructors
    • Development and debugging
    • Configuration as a set of objects
    • Configuration as a set of database tables
    • Data exchange
    • Configuration Maintenance
    • Interfaces
    • Reporting
    • Mechanisms for building accounting for accounting, trade, payroll.

    Questions 1C professional - accounting edition 2

    • Configuration and administration of the 1C platform *
    • Chart of accounts in 1C *
    • Registers in 1C *
    • Working with 1C as applied to Accounting 1C
    • Cash
    • Fixed assets and intangible assets
    • Calculations
    • Nomenclature
    • Salary (in accounting)
    • Manufacturing (in Accounting)
    • income tax
    • VAT (in Accounting)
    • Other types of taxation
    • User Job

    Where * is not indicated, the topic refers specifically to the Accounting 1C configuration, otherwise - to 1C in general.

    Questions 1C professional - trade management edition 11

    • Working with 1C as applied to Trade Management
    • Opening balances, directories and documents
    • Prices and rules of sale
    • Procurement
    • CRM (in Trade Management)
    • Wholesale, commission, retail
    • Accountable persons
    • Stock
    • Planning (in Trade Management)
    • Cash (in Trade Management)
    • VAT (in Trade Department)
    • Income and expenses (in Trade Department)

    Where * is not indicated, the topic refers specifically to the 1C Trade Management configuration, otherwise - to 1C in general.

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