• Which women are statistically more attractive to men. Which girls do guys like the most in terms of character and appearance: polls and statistics. What requirements do guys put forward for a future wife


    Reading time: 2 min

    Most girls strive to please the opposite sex, so they wonder what type of girls guys like. This knowledge helps not only to attract the attention of a young person of interest, but also to remain attractive to the majority. In addition, understanding the preferences of guys can provide some with a vector of their own development, if it is impossible to independently determine their taste preferences.

    Unfortunately, it is impossible to single out an unambiguous set of qualities and external data that will suit all men. Much in a girl is decided by personal preferences, lifestyle and even the characteristics of the country of residence of a young man. It often happens that the same trait for some guys will be disgusting, while for others it will cause great delight. Before starting to focus on any standards described in the literature or on forums, a girl should pay attention to where exactly this information is published, who is its author. If a girl herself prefers outdoor activities and wants a guy to share her interests, then it’s worth recognizing attractive features from the same guys (climbers, hikers, athletes). When the priority is various social events and innovations in the field of art, it is worth focusing on other personal and external features. The ability to quickly climb a rock, good physical fitness and are usually required in a company that does not appreciate a Van Gogh painting as a manicure and is not well aware of the latest social gossip.

    However, in addition to such differences, there are some basic principles that are mandatory for any girl and partially reflect not only the wishes of the guys, but also social norms. The first significant quality is a neat appearance, accuracy. Now no one talks about beauty or fashion trends, having their own style and other more difficult moments, but cleanliness and accuracy should be present in any case. Hair of any length and color, collected in a hairstyle or without styling at all, can only be clean and well-groomed, without split ends and burnt strands. The same applies to the skin, hair, general condition of the body.

    Another point regarding the appearance is clothing and accessories. About what to choose, what the guys like more, and what they don’t like categorically, you need to talk in a separate topic. Regarding the basic principle of attractiveness, several conditions must be met - clothes must always be clean and fit in size.

    Manners of behavior and character must be cultivated in yourself every day, focusing on the rules of etiquette and moral principles adopted in your society. If a girl behaves unworthily or allows a similar attitude from others, then the guy will pay attention to her, but in order to avoid the closest acquaintance. In the same way that girls are more attractive to well-mannered and gallant young people, so they prefer intelligent ones. In addition, in addition to the appearance, the guys are interested in the personality of the girl, which subsequently becomes more significant than the visual image. So we can safely recommend starting to expand the range of your own activities and interests. The deeper the interlocutor is oriented in the topic, the longer the conversation with her can be maintained.

    An important feature that all men of all ages, interests and cultures appreciate is naturalness, both in appearance and in expressing themselves. Girls' attempts to match the invented image often fail, because pretty quickly the guys begin to notice the whole pretense of the situation. This is perceived as cheating and causes disappointment in the partner at the deepest level. It makes sense to remain yourself and improve your own positive qualities, minimizing the negative ones, but without exposing your life to a complete correction in favor of male desires. Such humility and variability are not always to the liking of the guys, they are more interested in a strong personality, your differences, the possibility of exchanging knowledge and views, and not a soulless doll nearby that does not have its own point of view.

    Statistics what kind of girls guys like

    The relevance of interest in the question of which girls attract more male attention does not disappear with time, so many statistical surveys were conducted. So statistics on what type of girls guys like provide information about both external data and character traits. It is important to take into account the fact that statistics show the average opinion of the majority, and if a young man who arouses the sympathy of a girl has an original taste and strong character, then his preferences may differ from those presented below.

    Regarding the figure, guys prefer girls with a sporty, toned figure. Here it is important to observe the average indicators - angular, too thin, like plump girls seem less attractive to men. Constant diets, excessive thinness are associated with soreness, in addition, they affect the emotional state of the girl. The presence of excess weight is perceived as a girl’s inability to take care of herself and a disregard for attitude, and indifferent young ladies are of no interest to anyone. Men consider breasts of the second size or larger and pleasant roundness to be an advantage. More attention goes to tall women, but at the same time their height should not exceed men's (even in heels). Men pay special attention to the legs, which ideally should be even and slender. Too thin or crooked legs of men repel.

    Regarding hair and hairstyles, blondes are more popular, but bright colors (purple, red, green) can even scare some men. On the contrary, the situation develops in an informal teenage environment, where such brightness is a signal that the girl shares the preferences of the entire group. Long hair is preferable to short hair, and curly hair attracts more attention than straight hair. Hair should be well-groomed, shine with strength and health, have a uniform beautiful shade. Men are not versed in the latest hairdressing trends and often they associate various coloring techniques with sun-bleached (shatush and balayage). So uniform tinting, timely correction of the tips and additional oils that add shine are the best helpers.

    A well-groomed appearance leads among men's preferences. This includes epilation of all parts of the female body and face, except for the head and eyebrows with eyelashes. Many people prefer absolutely smooth skin. Clean nails, teeth and a pleasant smell are the main attributes. Moreover, a woman can neglect expensive perfumes, but she must have a snow-white smile.

    When it comes to make-up, men prioritize natural beauty or an appearance where make-up is invisible. Bright lips, long arrows, sharp long nails in rhinestones cause rejection in guys and are perceived exclusively as part of the image for clips. Clothing should be feminine, thin heels are required, and it is also important to match the image of the situation (when going to barbecues, sneakers and jeans are better).

    In addition to the external appearance, there are certain personality traits that can arouse male interest. In the first place is kindness, and it should extend to everyone and always manifest itself. You may not know each other, but if a guy notices a couple of times how you help other people, feed a kitten or make a holiday for others, he will have a desire to get to know each other better. This is followed by caress and tenderness, because everyone wants to be close to a warm creature that gives love. Calmness and confidence are highly valued. This applies to both various life situations and relationships. Hysterics who flare up at one word and make a scandal, men try to avoid. Somewhere next to these qualities is quick agility and the ability to switch, seek compromise and move on. And of course, men really like funny girls who can make any situation easier, quickly pick up their jokes and appreciate the guy's sense of humor.

    What kind of girls do guys like in appearance

    Guys and girls have different understandings of attractive appearance. While women strive for model parameters and the repetition of glossy makeup, they achieve the admiration of girlfriends and critics of men. The closer the image to the magazine, the more likely that men will perceive you as inaccessible and cold. Guys do not prefer ideal parameters, expressed in centimeters, but are more responsive to the proportions of the figure (usually this is the difference between the volume of the chest and waist in thirty centimeters, and the same difference between the waist and hips). With such a balance, even the presence of a few extra pounds is perceived naturally and beautifully. That is why sports girls are so popular - their body is filled with strength, their skin is elastic, and their muscles are hardy and developed in the right proportions at any weight. In this parameter there is no logical assessment of the image, but in many respects instinctive ways of choosing a partner.

    When evaluating appearance, a decisive role is played by the gait, which should be light, and posture with a proudly raised head. The presence of a waist is a big plus in winning male sympathies. As for height, there is no single parameter in centimeters, but there is a trend of male choice. Many people like girls a little lower, that is, her height should correspond to her partner. A tall guy is more likely to like a tall girl, but a little shorter than him, but those whose height is below average will pay attention to petite beauties.

    In the ability to dress, femininity and taste are valued. Dresses and skirts, flying scarves, thin heels - all those wardrobe items that are not found in men's most attract attention.

    Men already communicate a lot in their circle and when interacting with a girl, they want to observe something opposite and beautiful. But you should avoid too extravagant costumes and bright colors - this can scare away and arouse suspicions about the adequacy of a woman. A bright overloaded image is appropriate in childhood and adolescence, and then creates the feeling that the woman has not matured. At the same time, the second mistake is excessive conciseness. A gray-black wardrobe, versatile and practical, no jewelry and one comfortable flat shoes will create an appropriate image for a woman. Boring, mechanistic, household - with such you want to solve current problems, and not even the choice of a new car, but the level of payment of utility bills.

    Hair preferably natural in color, possibly tinted to add depth or even out burnt strands. Men do not like artificial blondes, despite the fact that this shade attracts the most. So it is contraindicated for brunettes to burn their hair with brighteners.

    Appearance, which will repel anyone, is associated with a violation of hygiene procedures. This includes bad breath, dirty nails and hair, peeling manicure, floating makeup, the smell of sweat, lack of depilation. Guys like the silkiness of women's skin, so both the face and hands should be sufficiently moisturized.

    What kind of girls do guys like by nature

    Appearance attracts only at the first stages of acquaintance and for a long time she cannot play the main role. Naturally, if you look repulsive, then no one will want to interact, but in order to extend the acquaintance that has begun, you need to pay attention to more serious points. Guys choose girls with whom it is easy and interesting to communicate, those who immediately think about a serious relationship also evaluate the level of responsibility of the girl and her semantic values.

    What kind of girls do guys really like? Those who behave outside the box and compare favorably with the majority attract attention. If a girl is able to impress with some original phrase or talk about the latest events of her life in a non-trivial way, this is intriguing. It is important here that the girl has her own hobbies, since individuality attracts everyone. In addition, guys do not like girls who immediately build their whole lives around them, having no interests or personal desires, but only waiting for him and constantly annoying with calls. Among the features of character, independence can be distinguished, which makes you seek the attention and location of the girl.

    Mind, honesty, initiative - those features that the Soviet upbringing tried to suppress in women, teaching complete obedience, are now coming to the forefront. Men do not want to be fully responsible for what is happening in a couple, they are interested in the contribution of the second person and the possibility of movement together. Interest in beautiful pacifiers still exists in certain circles, but there the girl performs rather a decorative function of an accessory, and not an equal partner. Usually, such a position does not arouse long-term and deep interest, but the presence of a broad outlook and a developed mind can amaze a man.

    Guys like girls who are happy with their lives and who know how to make it happy and make others happy. It’s nice to be next to such a girl, the guy will be able to please her, and if he can’t, then the female world will not collapse from this. Closely related to this concept in importance, men distinguish a cheerful disposition and a sense of humor. It is important to note that a sense of humor refers to the ability to appreciate the jokes of a particular man, and not the most sarcastic joke on him.

    Kindness and empathy are considered absolutely feminine qualities, and the more a girl can show herself from this side, the more hearts she will win. There is no need to court only men, because a kind attitude towards others creates a certain reputation. Loving girls exuding care and delight from the guy himself, children, animals, nature, life have good chances for a long-term relationship and constant interest from the partner.

    An important aspect is the coincidence of the social level, and we are talking not so much about the financial situation, but about the cultural development of the individual. Common values, knowledge base and life experience create fertile ground for interest and immediately provide many common topics and one wave with the interlocutor. Important for the formation of a positive perception may be factors that are not subject to change in any way - this is character. However, when people are completely different in these categories, only quarrels and misunderstandings await them. So a too active girl can tire a guy or melancholy can bewilder a merry fellow.

    Speaker of the Medical and Psychological Center "PsychoMed"

    Hello everyone!
    So the New Year 2009 has begun, with which I hasten to congratulate you.
    May it be happier and more successful for all of us than the previous one!

    Today I want to introduce you to one very interesting survey of men, which was conducted by an authoritative resource - AskMen.com

    So let's go...

    Men's poll - results of 2008.

    Men statistics for 2008.

    Men's statistics - site author

    And a few more funny statistics from the men surveyed.

    * 69% - concerned about the problem of global warming.
    * 66% say that a man should never stop playing video games.
    * 24% never drink alcohol.
    * 13% never send text messages.
    * 11% - have sex every 3-4 months.

    Here is such a funny "Statistics of men for 2008" according to the site AskMen.com.
    Of course, those who answered these questions are far from RUSSIAN PEOPLE. Therefore, I would very much like to hear your answers to the above questions, at least for a couple.
    Morning the nose of the bourgeois!!!

    Why do guys like girls? What do guys like in girls? Appearance?

    All (without exception) girls who have a normal, “natural” orientation dream and strive to please the opposite sex.

    What kind of girls do guys like more? What type of girls do they like?

    How will they like it? What is it to do to guess for sure which women and girls the guys choose? Statistics confidently says that men, first of all, are attracted to long-legged blondes. And it doesn’t matter at all whether they are natural or dyed many times. If a blonde has long hair, men go completely crazy.

    Busty brunettes are another “category” of women that men will never pass by. Especially if the skin of this brunette is “decorated” with a tan. Let her “decorate” with the help of creams and tanning beds, but still. For men, the result is important, and not how the desired is achieved.


    According to statistics, guys are very fond of red-haired beauties in miniskirts. Though…. The statistics didn't stop. She just shouted that hair color does not play a very important role if a woman has very beautiful and slender legs, slightly covered by a short skirt.

    Guys cannot be indifferent to brown-eyed and blue-eyed girls. Probably, in connection with this, it has become so fashionable to wear colored lenses. They are worn by girls even when there are no particularly important problems with vision.

    What type of girls do guys like? -Guys have sympathy for those ladies who are very similar to actresses who have won the status of idols and ideals from many guys. Hence: imitation, plastic surgery, "copying" and parodying appearance.

    Chubby or skinny?

    Skinny girls make guys go all out. They are so delighted when they admire a slender beauty without a tummy sticking out of a T-shirt or blouse, guys like them. Yes, you can't get bored with men. And they, among other things, do not care what ways the girls achieve this “flatness” of the tummy and this irresistible figure. They even believe that diets, starvation and overload with physical culture are the responsibility of those female "halves" who have a tendency to be overweight (albeit the most insignificant).

    If we talk about plump "chubby ones", then they were less fortunate than "thin ones". They are not as popular with the opposite sex. This fact is one of the reasons why women with a “non-thin” body constitution eat cakes and buns so sweetly and with pleasure, enjoying their unique taste: “no luck with men - there are other joys in earthly life.”

    What do guys like in girls? Appearance?- Girls believe that there are guys in the world who will accept and perceive their appearance as it is. And the guys, in turn, often confirm the “faith” of the girls with words. However, no one has yet forbidden anyone to think and dream. Guys think and dream about girls who have a pretty face and pretty features. According to statistics, such a “facial portrait” is very popular: a small and neat nose, plump lips, dimples on the cheeks, large eyes, clear cilia.

    Men like a "clean" female face. They like that on this “territory” of the female body there is not a single pimple, not a single black dot. But the moles that adorn the face are very fond of guys. True, for some reason they do not notice them immediately.

    Guys are crazy about girls' looks that smell. Perfume - this is the "fragrant decoration" of the appearance of the female part of the population.

    It is impossible not to recall another "bodily purity". Men can not stand the "vegetation" on the girl's body. But they love long nails on their delicate fingers. It’s great if they are well-groomed and brightly painted with high-quality varnish (low-quality varnish is instantly washed off and you have to paint them again).

    Why do guys like girls?- If you put the question like this: why do girls attract guys .... The answer is long and boring. But you can shorten it so that everything is clear and understandable. Guys like girls because nature wanted them to. She, despite her "inanimateness" has her own desires and whims.

    Guys would be bored without beautiful creatures. After all, they, in their opinion, are very funny, mysterious and strange in many ways. Girls attract men because they are different. Many guys call girls "inhabitants of another planet." They have, according to men, "interesting logic." And the thoughts are such that the guys would never have visited for anything.

    Here are some examples. Well, would guys get up from a warm and cozy bed at five o'clock in the morning, just to wash their hair and style it with a hair dryer? Would guys wander, for hours on end, through each hypermarket to find exactly the right clothes, or that accessory, from which you can’t take your eyes off? But will men, for the sake of beauty, dress in summer clothes when it is a harsh winter outside?

    Men will never do this, they will laugh at girls .... But, after a while, they will admire what they laughed at just recently. The smell of shampoo on beautifully styled hair, revealing clothes, happy eyes, a satisfied smile .... Dream of any man. For many, this dream will not come true. And someone will be lucky - lucky, having managed to win the favor of the "goddess".

    If a woman likes a man, he will do everything possible and the most impossible to earn reciprocity. He will go through all the torments and trials, he will change "beyond recognition", if necessary. He will give all his money to all the whims of his Muse. He will not think about whether the girl he dreams about, whom he often meets in dreams, will appreciate such an act. He will simply be pleased to do something that will elevate to heaven the one that his heart has chosen.

    Guys are very worried if something does not add up and does not stick together with the one they like. Depression, a bottle, cigarettes…. It seems to be also feminine, but there are too many of them. And you only need one. The only…. Near, but so far away that it can not be reached, like an asterisk from heaven.

    Let beauty save the world! Let men find beauty in every woman! Beauty, happiness and peace….

    P continuation follows:

    How to get the attention of a guy you like?

    There is an idea that men love with their eyes and when they meet, they pay attention to the appearance of a girl. Every woman wants to be attractive to the opposite sex.

    What types of girls do guys like

    There are such types of girls:

    • Bitch. Such women are always involved in intrigue and gossip. They do not tolerate competition and prefer to be the leader.
    • Blonde. Blonde girls prioritize their well-groomed appearance and fashionable clothes.
    • Botanist. Such women, as if they know everything about everything, but only from books and films. They do not like to be in big and noisy companies.
    • Homebody. A girl of this type often has an inconspicuous appearance and communication with them is boring.
    • Fighting friend. Such women are educated, they know how to understand and listen to guys.
    • With oddities. Girls of this type are dreamy. They have their own inner world and love to fantasize.
    • Artist. Such women almost always play a role invented for themselves. Their mood can change depending on the role they play.

    A guy who wants to build a serious relationship is best suited for a girl like a fighting girlfriend. Bitches in life are not always a man able to endure. Blondes can be a fun companion at parties, and they are more comfortable with intimate relationships. Nerd-type women are rarely able to interest a guy with their femininity, but they are good conversationalists.

    You can spend your time fun and romantic with the artists. They are located to intimacy. If a guy wants to build a relationship with someone who will take care of him, do household chores, he needs to focus on the homebody. Weird women will be a mystery to a man which you want to unravel and build a serious relationship with her.


    What kind of girls do guys like in appearance? Someone likes the fairer sex with dark hair color, and someone has blue-eyed blondes, but everyone should have such parameters.

    • Shining eyes. For men, it is important that a woman's eyes shine. In order for the eyes to radiate radiance, you need to be in harmony with yourself, create an inner mood. You need to love yourself and the world around you. Do not be angry over trifles, it is better to think more about the good. It is important to be able to sleep. If this is followed, the guy will be able to notice the radiant look.
    • Well-groomed skin. Representatives of the stronger sex do not remain indifferent to clean, healthy and fresh women's skin. In order for the skin to look like this, it is necessary to regularly monitor and maintain skin health. This can be done independently at home with, as well as visiting a beautician. It is important to use products that suit your skin type and do not cause allergic reactions.
    • Well-groomed hands and nails. Hands are a business card in creating the impression of grooming. Therefore, it is important to follow the manicure and pedicure.
    • Naturalness. Guys like girls with natural beauty. No need to apply a thick layer of makeup, it is better to emphasize the beauty with the help of cosmetics.


    Every girl dreams of having a perfect figure. But it must be remembered that all men have a different understanding of the ideal female figure. What kind of girls do guys like best? Men like women with a well-groomed figure and toned body skin. Often the figure should be slim, but to have everything with you. To maintain shape, you need to regularly perform physical exercises (running, shaping). You can also do dancing and yoga. Guys pay special attention to the even tan of the skin of the opposite sex.


    If a girl knows what character traits guys like, it will be easier for her to achieve the location of the stronger sex and enter into a serious relationship.

    What kind of girls do guys like by nature? Of course, everyone has their own taste, but if we summarize everything, we can distinguish the following traits of a female character that impress men.

    • Sociability. It doesn't mean you have to talk all the time. You need to easily and naturally start a conversation and continue the conversation at that pace. Guys do not like to draw out every word and communicate with women who are too silent. Don't be afraid to speak up and be friendly. This will be an indicator that there is an interest in continuing communication.
    • Confidence. Guys like girls who behave confidently and can present themselves with dignity. She must immediately show that she deserves respect and knows what her attention is worth. At the same time, confidence should not develop into narcissism and an arrogant attitude towards other people. Women's self-confidence feeds masculine determination.
    • Mind. Men turn their eyes and begin communication if a woman was able to arouse interest. To do this, a woman needs to be educated and engage in self-development, follow world events, read literature. With a smart girl, you can easily find topics for conversation, ask her opinion and learn something new. With such a woman, you want to be in the company of friends and colleagues. If a woman is distinguished by stupidity, a man will worry and think about possible behavior, as well as her verbal expressions in a circle of strangers.

      The guy likes the girl

    • Originality. Guys are attracted to active women who know how to find a way to resolve the situation that differs from the standard solutions. According to men, such ladies can surprise and it is interesting to spend their leisure time with them. Irregularity should be within reason.
    • Taste. Guys like the fairer sex with a sense of style who dress in fashion. The formed style should be in harmony with the appearance and figure.
    • Talent. All people have a talent that everyone has their own. To surprise a man and show talent, you need to choose the right time and environment, for example, make a gift for his birthday with your own hands or write a congratulatory verse.
    • Initiative. Sometimes you can figure out how to spend an evening pleasant for a man, for example, arrange a romantic date and buy movie tickets.

      Mystery Girl

    • Mystery Girl. In a girl, a man is attracted to unpredictability. Such women with great enthusiasm are trying to achieve. You don't have to tell everything about yourself when you meet.
    • Beauty. This quality means not only external beauty, but also the manner of communication, facial expressions, body movements. To do this, you need to love yourself, train yourself to look beautiful and feel beautiful.
    • Not an obsession. Communication and relationships between a man and a woman should not limit the freedom of each of them. The weaker sex is more likely to show increased interest. You should not be the first to call and write to the guy, he himself will find a way to contact if there is really an interest.
    • Kindness. The weaker sex is endowed with the ability to show kindness to loved ones and those around them. A man will not want to continue communication and start a relationship with an embittered woman.

      Feeling of love

    • Looseness. In order not to push the guy away, the girl should not be constrained and overly closed. Communication should be easy and relaxed.
    • Softness and caring. A woman, by her nature, should take care of other people. If she is able to show her softness and warmth, the guy becomes more outspoken. Such a woman wants to be protected and protected.
    • Sense of humor. With a girl who knows how to have fun, laugh and joke, it's easier to flirt and start a conversation. Excessive seriousness suppresses a man.
    • Modesty. A man next to a woman should understand that he is in charge, so you need to show respect, not argue without a good reason. Modesty adorns a girl.
    • Literacy. For men, it is important to see a competently speaking, censored speech girl nearby.
    • Honesty. Guys who want to get into a relationship and meet with purpose expect her to be trustworthy. No need to deceive and undermine trust.


    What kind of girls do guys really like? A man's heart will melt when, upon meeting him, he sees a girl with a beautiful complexion, well-groomed hair, healthy teeth, neatly dressed.

    A woman should be healthy and strong, because a man needs someone who can bear and give birth to a child. The guy prefers to see the girl dressed in clean and tidy clothes. Clothing should emphasize the dignity, and not give out the shortcomings.

    What kind of girls do guys like statistically? Guys' preferences can be conditionally divided into age categories. Young guys mostly like funny, extraordinary and uninhibited girls. Also who know how to dress in fashion. Older guys (23-29 years old) like girls who know how to take the initiative in their own hands, but at the same time they are unobtrusive.

    Statistics Guys choose women - mysteries, as well as those with whom it is not a shame to be in the circle of their friends. Middle-aged men stop their attention on a well-groomed and self-confident woman. Such guys like caring, soft, modest and kind representatives of the weaker sex. They want to be confident in their partner.


    • Andrey, 25 years old. I like women who are not overweight and play sports, and be sure that she should not smoke. The manner of communication takes not the last place.
    • Roman, 27 years old. I don't single out any particular type, I like all of them. If I see something that interests me in an unfamiliar woman, I immediately take action to get to know each other. The main thing is that she be intelligent and an interesting conversationalist.
    • Eugene, 19 years old. I like curved ladies, but not curvy ones. She should be humorous and capable of extraordinary solutions.
    Posted in category

    Every girl, starting from adolescence, dreams of beauty and sexuality in order to attract the attention of the opposite sex. Standing at the mirror, anyone critically examines himself, studying the appearance, figure, facial features. If there are extra kilos at the waist, chubby cheeks, thoughts begin on whether guys fall in love with full ones. If the growth is too high or the legs seem short, thoughts about the shortcomings of appearance are spinning in the head.

    What kind of girls do guys like - facts based on statistics

    Psychologists have conducted many surveys. And then they systematized the answers of men to questions about which women they prefer. All parameters were taken into account, including the color of hair, eyes, nails, height, height, chest volume, hips, feet, description of a smile and laughter. Statistical data allowed to study the information and draw conclusions.

    Now you don’t have to guess who the guys are looking at: brunettes or blondes, swarthy or pale-faced. Statistics provide answers to all these questions.

    Appearance preferences.

    It is known that men, when meeting or communicating, first of all look at the appearance of a girl, evaluating all her data. According to statistics, most of them have their own preferences and stereotypes.

    shape preferences.

    • Athletic girls like it more than bbws, but many people like some bulges, smooth lines of the body
    • Most prefer breasts of the second or third size, but no one objects to the fourth either
    • Too angular figures do not like men too much, almost everyone says that breasts and booty should be noticeable
    • Tall beauties are more attractive, but many want to have a girlfriend of average height, no taller than themselves.
    • Crooked legs are repulsive, especially if they are very thin, like sticks.
    • Exhausted ladies who are obsessed with diets repel men with their appearance

    Appearance Requirements

    • Blondes are more attractive than brunettes and redheads, this is a known fact.
    • Long-haired beauties with curly curls are more attractive than ladies with short straight hair
    • Well-groomed appearance, shaved legs, armpits, hairstyle, outfit are important - everything should be neat
    • Guys do not like fat women who do not follow the figure - extra pounds can repel anyone
    • Most do not notice the aroma of perfume, but look at clean white teeth, even nails
    • Tall, thin girls with large breasts, a thin waist and athletic hips are the dream of many men.
    • All polls said that they love long, slender legs most of all.

    Requirements for clothing and makeup

    • Men love high thin heels, stockings, short skirts, minimal makeup.
    • Mascara with lipstick without brightness and streaks
    • Too fragrant tart perfumes should not be used, many do not like it
    • Clothes in normal situations must be clean, fashionable, too revealing outfits cause condemnation
    • Do not dye your hair in bright unusual shades, shave the back of your head with temples - this will definitely repel your partner
    • In everyday life and on walks, male representatives prefer jeans with sneakers or skirts with comfortable shoes on their girlfriends - they consider high heels and mini in nature, relaxing by the river, they consider it stupid
    • Men do not like too long sharp nails that cause makeup

    What character is important for a girlfriend

    If some men sometimes look a little at the appearance, then they study the character very meticulously. Guys want a girlfriend to be:

    • Good
    • tender
    • Affectionate
    • Calm
    • Friendly
    • outgoing
    • Funny

    What character traits, features of behavior they do not like, it was also found out:

    • Impudence
    • Anger
    • Envy
    • Sadness
    • Touchiness
    • reproachfulness

    It doesn’t matter if a thin friend is plump, short or tall - if she is a brawler, a lover of capriciousness, commanding, the bugs prefer to part with her than to endure such behavior further.

    What requirements do guys put forward for a future wife

    The future wife, unlike temporary girlfriends, men idealize. What wishes they reported in surveys and questionnaires is now known:

    • Quiet, calm, smiling, cheerful, affectionate
    • With a beautiful face, long hair, athletic figure
    • In the presence of a magnificent chest, elastic hips, but a thin waist

    In fact, men are not particularly demanding on the appearance of their future wife - love makes them turn a blind eye to many of the shortcomings of their beloved girl. It doesn’t matter if she is tall or plump, thin or not tanned - if feelings have appeared, everything else will be liked. You should not worry in vain - there will definitely be a connoisseur for each type of figure, you just have to want it.

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