• Designing a group by zones in the preparatory group. Design of corners and play areas in kindergarten. Sedentary game "Ears"


    Before you enroll your child in a preschool, all parents carefully study it. Therefore, the design of the group in the kindergarten, its appearance, cleanliness, neatness and comfort of the premises play a decisive role in their final choice.

    Kindergarten group design project

    The main task in developing the interior of a kindergarten is to create a favorable atmosphere for the psychological development of kids. The environment should be such that the child wants to come back here every day.

    When developing a design project for a kindergarten, pay close attention to its lighting, it is desirable that the windows be located on both sides. It is not recommended to use fluorescent lamps in rooms, use natural light as much as possible.

    Game Zone

    Play areas in senior and preparatory groups should be spacious enough, so we recommend placing furniture around the perimeter. A mandatory element is indoor plants, their choice and placement should be in harmony with the overall design.

    The basis for the design of children's rooms is the creation of a special microcosm that would arouse interest in the kids.

    This is achieved through the arrangement of functional areas:

    • game;
    • workplace;
    • dining room;
    • bedrooms.
    1. The interior of the kindergarten should not resemble an official institution. Large soft toys, light bright curtains, sofa cushions can help make the rooms cozy.
    2. Children's furniture must be strong enough, as it is subject to particularly rapid wear. Interior items and furniture must have the correct size and height, selected in accordance with the growth of children in the group.
    3. Furniture should be placed so that there is enough space for games and exercise.
    4. In the premises it is necessary to provide play islands with toys, craft materials, pencils, albums and light mobile furniture. In such areas, a bright design is needed.
    5. Another important component of interior design is a variety of pictures hanging on the walls and depicting cartoon characters and animals. They will create a fun, comfortable environment.
    6. Provide a corner in the project in which children's drawings and crafts will be placed. At the same time, parents should have access to them, they should see what their baby creates with his own hands. Position the display corner at a height where children can easily pick up and put back the work.

    Features of the design of different zones in the group

    Bedroom in kindergarten

    The interior of the kindergarten premises should be moderately saturated with different tones so that there is no clearly manifested contrast.

    Color solution

    This will help visually erase the spatial boundaries and create harmony in the interior of the group.

    Note! Child psychologists do not recommend actively using the color red, because its excess leads to aggression and nervous excitement. But all shades of green soothe, cheer up and have a good effect on the psyche of the child.

    Game Zone

    The playing area should be decorated brightly - in blue, yellow, orange and green colors, this will increase the gaming activity. In younger groups, the interior should resemble a fairy tale, this will create a joyful mood in children and help develop their imagination.

    The dining area should be designed depending on whether it is combined with a study or playroom. Furniture should be comfortable and made of durable and environmentally friendly materials.


    The most important aspect is the organization of a place for daytime sleep. Features of physical development are such that children get tired quickly enough. Based on this, their activity is dependent on the quality of rest.

    The beds should be appropriate for the growth of the kids, the mattresses should be comfortable and not very soft. It is strictly forbidden to use spring products, as they can provoke a curvature of the spine.

    Bright and exciting colors in the bedroom are not allowed, the best solution in this case is to decorate the area in pastel colors.

    About facing materials and equipment

    Kindergarten walls should not be covered with wallpaper. All surfaces must be well cleaned and washed. In the games area, you can plan a wall painting that will depict cartoon characters or funny animals.

    Plastic panels are quite suitable for the bedroom. in kindergarten it can be done with decorative plaster, which has a mild texture. The study area can be painted in bright colors, while it is necessary to place accents with decor.

    The floor covering must be used as safe and tactilely pleasant as possible. It can be a light-colored laminate covered with a medium-pile carpet.

    All furniture in the kindergarten should be adapted to the growth and needs of the kids. In addition, its objects should be bright and interesting, attracting attention. It is best if it is made of natural wood.

    If the beds in the bedroom are bunk beds, the second tier must be equipped with a rim. In addition, the area must be equipped with lockers for storing clothes.

    Play areas are equipped in different ways, the best option is to use soft ottomans in them, as well as racks and shelves with toys.

    In the study part of the groups, as a rule, there are open cabinets for books, notebooks and other study supplies, small desks with chairs. Do not forget to provide for the workplace of the educator.

    Textiles play an important role in the design of the kindergarten, it gives the premises a homely look. Curtains use light and bright, complement them with cozy napkins, tablecloths, towels.

    Decor elements in the rooms need safe and unbreakable. Toys are the best for this, but they should not be placed in the study part of the groups, otherwise the children will be distracted all the time.

    Living plants that are placed in flowerpots at the height at which the kids cannot reach them will help to decorate the design of the premises of the kindergarten.

    Summing up

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    Photo gallery

    Two players are selected - these are the “fifteen”. The instructor gives them a rope, they take the ropes by the handles and at the instructor's command: “One, two, three, tags, catch! ” run after the participants of the game throughout the site and try to “tarnish”. Those who are "tarnished" are considered losers and are out of the game. To get rid of the rope, the “tag” drivers must catch the player at the same time, then those caught take the rope and continue to catch. The one who has never been caught wins. The game is repeated 2 times.

    Mobile game "Bird and cage"

    The instructor chooses a “birder” and a “sparrow” from the children, the rest of the players are “birds”: pigeons, eagles, tits, bullfinches, swallows, ducks, etc.
    A circle is indicated - this is a cage (1-2 m in diameter). A "sparrow" sits in the center. The "bird catcher" walks around her, guarding the captive from other "birds", who try to touch the "sparrow" with their hands in order to free him. Whoever the "bird-catcher" touches with his hand is considered to be caught and sits in a cage. If the bird catcher fails to catch anyone for a long time, then a new driver is chosen.

    Sedentary game "Ears"

    Children get up in pairs and, playing patties, say: Mom beat, beat, beat and reported everything to dad. Dad beat, beat, beat and reported everything to the woman.
    Baba beat, beat, beat and reported everything to grandfather.
    Grandfather beat, beat, beat and reported everything to the sisters.
    The sisters beat, beat, beat and reported everything to the brothers.
    The brothers beat, beat, beat and rolled into the tub.
    And there are two frogs in the tub - close your ears as soon as possible!
    At the last words, the children quickly cover their ears with their palms. Which of the players did faster, he won. The game is repeated 3-4 times.

    Mobile game "Squirrels, hares, mice"

    The instructor appoints one driver, and the rest of the players are divided into 3 teams of 5-6 people, and the instructor gives them names: “squirrels”, “hares”, “mice”. 3 hoops are placed on the floor at a distance of 5 m from each other - these are animal houses, each team occupies one of them. The instructor commands: “Mice! Hares! » The named groups should change places-houses. If during the run the driver caught one of the participants, then the one who was caught becomes the driver, and the driver joins the players of the team whose member he caught. The instructor can. give a signal to three teams at once: “Squirrels, hares, mice! ". Then all groups leave their houses and run to occupy any other.

    Mobile game "Nevod"

    With the help of a counter, two drivers are selected, who join hands and, at the signal of the instructor: “Start! » catch other players. Having caught up with someone, they must join their hands so that the person caught is in a circle. Now the three of them catch the rest. Each new player caught becomes part of the net. The game continues until all participants are caught. The game continues 2 times.

    Sedentary game "Finish the word"

    Children stand in a circle. The instructor stands in the center of the circle with a large ball in his hands. He throws a ball to someone and says the first syllable of a word, for example: "Ma" before this gives the players a hint that this is a name, a pet, a piece of furniture, etc. The player who was thrown the ball catches it and name the word in full. If he guessed the word correctly, he throws the ball back to the instructor, and if not, he is out of the game.

    Mobile game "Game with a bear"

    The instructor, with the help of a counting rhyme, chooses the driver - the “bear”. A rope of 1.5-2 m is tied to his belt, which, in turn, is tied to a bench. A barrel is placed next to it, on which "honey" is written. The rest of the participants in the game are trying to steal a barrel of honey from the "bear", and the "bear" carefully guards it. Whoever the "bear" even touches with his hand is considered the loser. And accordingly, it becomes a leader, that is, a "bear". The game continues 2-3 times with a change of driver.

    Mobile game "Fifteen"
    (with ribbons)

    Children stand in a circle, each player has a ribbon attached to the back of his belt. With the help of a counter, they choose a "tag". At the command of the instructor: “Run! "The children scatter all over the hall, and the "tag" runs after them and tries to pull out the tape. The one from whom the tape was pulled out is considered the loser and is eliminated from the game. At the command of the instructor: “In places! » The remaining players return to their places in the circle. From the caught players, with the help of a counter, a new "tag" is selected, and the game begins anew. The game is played 3-4 times. The one who catches the most players wins.

    Mobile game "Stop!"

    The instructor chooses the driver, throws the ball up as high as possible, and the driver must catch it. While he is catching the ball, the rest of the players run around the court. As soon as the driver catches the ball and says: “Stop!”, The players stop in place. The driver tries to hit the ball at the player standing as close as possible. If he misses, he runs after the ball, and the rest of the players scatter again in different directions. Having caught up with the ball, the driver again shouts: “Stop!”. If he hits, then the player who was hit becomes the driver, and the game starts anew. The game continues up to 3 times.

    Sedentary game: "Catch - do not catch"

    Children stand in a large circle, the instructor in the center of it with a large ball in his hands. The ball should be caught only if something edible is named: carrot, cake, sweets, ice cream, cake, pineapple, orange, etc.
    If the instructor says inedible things: car, garage, fence, slippers, etc. and throws the ball to the player, he should not catch it. If a player makes a mistake by catching the ball, he is out of the game.

    The first game is used with the youngest children and is called Colored Baskets.
    Purpose of the game: the game is aimed at learning colors by children aged 2.5-3.5, memorizing the names of primary colors, developing the speech skills of preschoolers, developing observation and memory.
    Game progress: children are invited to collect mixed-up objects in baskets, the child draws any card, but he must put it in a basket of the same color, while loudly calling out the color and the object he has chosen.

    2. Game "Seabed"

    Purpose of the game: development of artistic composition skills, development of speech, logical thinking, memory.

    A very common game that can be used not only in art, but also in other educational areas. The children are shown the seabed (empty), and I must say that all the marine inhabitants wanted to play Hide and Seek with us, and in order to find them, you need to guess riddles about them. The one who guessed it hangs the inhabitant on the background. It turns out the finished composition. The teacher motivates children to visual activity. (Good to use with middle and older groups). In the same way, other topics of plot compositions can be studied with children: “Summer Meadow”, “Forest People”, “Autumn Harvest”, “Still Life with Tea”, etc. You can invite several children to the board and ask them to make different compositions from the same objects. This game develops intelligence, reaction, compositional vision.

    When consolidating knowledge of folk paintings or when monitoring in the senior and preparatory groups, you can use this simple game.
    Target: consolidation of knowledge of the main motives of Russian folk paintings (“Gzhel”, “Gorodets”, “Filimonovo”, “Dymka”), to consolidate the ability to distinguish them from others, to name them correctly, to develop a sense of color.
    Game progress: the child needs to determine in which clearing each of the horses will graze, and name the type of applied art, based on which they are painted.

    One of the most difficult topics is, of course, the study of perspective in a landscape - distant objects seem smaller, near ones more. For this, it is also more convenient to use the game.
    Purpose of the game: to teach children to see and convey the properties of spatial perspective in drawings, to develop an eye, memory, and compositional skills.
    Game progress: The child needs to arrange trees and houses in pockets in size, in accordance with their prospective remoteness. (preparatory group).

    5. Game "Assemble the landscape"

    Using the landscape as an example, it is also convenient to develop a sense of composition, knowledge of the phenomena of the surrounding nature. For this, it is convenient to use this didactic game.
    Purpose of the game: to form the skills of compositional thinking, to consolidate knowledge of seasonal changes in nature, to consolidate knowledge of the concept of "landscape", to develop observation, memory.
    Game progress: the child is invited to compose a landscape of a certain season (winter, spring, autumn or winter) from a set of printed pictures, the child must select objects that correspond to this particular season and, using their knowledge, build the correct composition.

    6. The game "Matryoshkin sundress"

    Purpose of the game: to develop compositional skills, to consolidate children's knowledge about the main elements of painting Russian nesting dolls, to consolidate knowledge of Russian national clothes.
    Game progress: There are silhouettes of three nesting dolls drawn on the board, the teacher calls three children in turn, they each choose their own nesting doll.

    Each of these games can be drawn by yourself or made using a computer and a color printer.

    Tasks: see "Home, family"
    Game actions: Mom carefully feeds, dresses, undresses, puts her daughter to bed, does laundry, cleans the room, irons clothes. Mom goes with her daughter to the hairdresser, combs her hair beautifully, decorates the Christmas tree at home, buys food in the store, prepares a delicious dinner. Dad comes home from work, sit down to dinner.
    The guests are coming. Celebrate the birthday of a daughter or son.
    Dad is a driver in a truck (or taxi). Dad is a construction worker.
    My daughter got sick and got sick. Mom took her to the doctor, puts mustard plasters at home, gives her medicine.
    Mom took her daughter for a walk, they ride the bus, ride the swing in the park. Grandma came to visit for her birthday. Celebrate the New Year.
    Mom takes her daughter to the puppet theater, to the circus, to the cinema, to school.
    Play material: household items, dolls


    Tasks: To arouse in children an interest in the profession of a doctor. To cultivate a sensitive, attentive attitude to the patient, kindness, responsiveness, a culture of communication.
    Game actions: The patient goes to the reception, takes a ticket to the doctor, goes to the reception. The doctor receives patients, carefully listens to their complaints, asks questions, listens with a phonendoscope, measures pressure, looks at the throat, makes an appointment. The nurse writes the prescription, the doctor signs it. The patient goes to the treatment room. The nurse gives injections, bandages wounds, lubricates with ointment, etc. The nurse cleans the office, changes the towel.
    Game situations:“At the reception at the lor doctor”, “At the reception at the surgeon”, “At the reception at the ophthalmologist”, etc.
    Preliminary work: Excursion to the medical office d / s. Observation of the work of a doctor (listens with a phonendoscope, looks at the throat, asks questions). Listening to K. Chukovsky's fairy tale "Doctor Aibolit" in a recording. Excursion to the children's clinic. Reading lit. works: I. Zabila “Yasochka caught a cold”, E. Uspensky “Played in the hospital”, V. Mayakovsky “Who to be?”. Examination of medical instruments (phonendoscope, spatula, thermometer, tonometer, tweezers, etc.) Conversation with children about the work of a doctor, a nurse. Consideration of illustrations about the doctor, honey. sister. Modeling "Gift for sick Yasochka". Making with children attributes for the game with the involvement of parents (robes, hats, recipes, medical cards, coupons, etc.)
    Game material: dressing gowns, hats, pencil and prescription paper, phonendoscope, tonometer, thermometer, cotton wool, bandage, tweezers, scissors, sponge, syringe, ointments, tablets, powders, etc.


    Tasks: arouse in children an interest in the professions of a doctor, a nurse; to cultivate a sensitive, attentive attitude to the patient, kindness, responsiveness, a culture of communication.
    Game actions: The patient is admitted to the emergency room. The nurse registers him, escorts him to the ward. The doctor examines patients, carefully listens to their complaints, asks questions, listens with a phonendoscope, measures pressure, looks at the throat, makes an appointment. The nurse dispenses medicines to the sick, measures the temperature, in the treatment room makes injections, dressings, treats wounds, etc. The nurse cleans the room, changes linen. Patients are visited by relatives and friends.
    Preliminary work: see "Polyclinic"
    Game material: dressing gowns, hats, pencil and prescription paper, phonendoscope, tonometer, thermometer, cotton wool, bandage, tweezers, scissors, sponge, syringe, ointments, tablets, powders, etc.

    Tasks: to arouse in children an interest in the profession of a salesperson, to form the skills of a culture of behavior in public places, to cultivate friendly relationships.
    Game actions: The driver brings the goods by car, the loaders unload, the sellers lay out the goods on the shelves. The director keeps order in the store, makes sure that the goods are delivered to the store on time, calls the base, orders the goods. Buyers are coming. Sellers offer goods, show, weigh. The buyer pays for the purchase at the checkout, receives a check. The cashier receives the money, punches the check, gives the buyer change, check. The cleaner cleans the room.
    Game situations: Vegetable Shop, Clothes, Grocery, Fabrics, Souvenirs, Books, Sporting Goods, Furniture Store, Toy Store, Pet Shop, Hats, Floral shop", "Bakery", etc.
    Preliminary work: Excursion to the store. Overseeing the unloading of goods in a grocery store. Talk with children about the excursions. Reading literary works: B. Voronko "The Tale of Unusual Purchases", etc. Ethical conversation about behavior in public places.
    Meeting of children with their mother, who works as a shop assistant. Children compiling stories on the topic “What can we do?”: “How to buy bread at a bakery?”, “How to cross the road to get to the store?”, “Where do they sell notebooks, pencils?” etc. Making attributes for the game with children (sweets, money, wallets, plastic cards, price tags, etc.).
    Game material: scales, cash desk, bathrobes, hats, bags, wallets, price tags, goods by department, goods transport vehicle, cleaning equipment.

    Tasks: expand and consolidate children's knowledge about working in the "Beauty Salon", arouse the desire to look beautiful, cultivate a culture of behavior in public places, respect, polite treatment of elders and each other.
    Game actions: The hairdresser washes his hair, combs, cuts, dyes his hair, shaves, refreshes with cologne. The manicurist makes a manicure, covers the nails with varnish, gives recommendations for caring for the hands. The master of the beauty parlor makes a facial massage, wipes with lotion, lubricates with cream, paints eyes, lips, etc. The cashier knocks out checks. The cleaner sweeps, changes used towels, napkins. Visitors politely greet the employees of the salon, ask for a service, consult with the masters, pay to the cashier, and thank for the services.
    Preliminary work: Visiting the children's hairdresser with their parents. Children's stories about what they did at the hairdresser. The teacher's story about the culture of behavior in public places. Reviewing the album with samples of hairstyles. Examination of booklets with samples of cosmetics. Didactic game "Comb the doll beautifully." Didactic game "Cinderella is going to the ball." Walk to the nearest hairdresser. Making attributes for the game with the involvement of parents (robes, capes, towels, napkins, etc.)
    Game material: mirror, set of combs, razor, scissors, hair clipper, hair dryer, hair spray, cologne, nail polish, children's cosmetics, an album with samples of hairstyles, hair dye, bathrobes, capes, towels, cash register, checks, money, mop, bucket.

    "Canteen" - "Cafe" - "Cook"

    Tasks: To expand children's ideas about the work of workers in canteens and cafes. To develop interest and respect for the professions of a cook, a waiter. Familiarity with the rules of conduct in public places.
    Game actions: The dining room has tables and chairs for visitors. Chefs cook delicious food in the kitchen, cook dumplings, bake pies, cook borscht, soups, fry cutlets. Drivers, workers, builders, sailors, students at school are fed in the dining room.
    On the tables are napkins, vases with flowers. Waiters serve food to visitors, speak politely to them, give a booklet with a menu to choose food at the request of the visitor. Visitors pay for lunch at the cash desk, they are given a check. People come to cafes not only to eat, but also to listen to music.
    We celebrate a birthday, dance, sing karaoke. The waiters are polite with visitors, they bring food, sweet water. There are beautiful dishes and flowers on the tables. The musicians play and sing beautifully. Visitors, leaving, thank for the delivered pleasure.
    Game material: White cap (2 pcs.), apron (2 pcs.), children's kitchen utensils, children's dining utensils, children's tea utensils, stove, replicas of products, vegetables, fruits, menus, children's trays, cocktail tubes, juice boxes , yogurt.

    Artistic word to the corners:

    Play corner in the kindergarten group - "Hairdresser's"

    In a chic barbershop
    Has all the tools you need
    Mascara, lipstick and blush
    But there is no Chanel!

    Get your hair done here
    Shorter, longer
    If the doll wants
    Even the dust will be shaken from the ears!

    If you try hard
    We can cut it, curl it,
    What a princess with a mess
    The prince can't tell

    Corner "Hospital"

    Aibolit treated monkeys,
    And Pilyulkin is short!
    We treat everyone in a row -
    Behemoths, squirrels,
    Crocodiles and wolf cubs
    And foxes and piglets
    Dolls, fish, bunnies,
    Girls and boys!
    We treat their teeth and eyes,
    And we'll put bandages on them!
    And give them pills
    And drink the medicine!
    We have bandages and iodine.
    Come, sick people!
    And what's really nice -
    What we treat is FREE!

    Corner "Toy Store"

    Not every store
    You will be able to buy
    And in a small basket
    Good place

    Candy and bananas
    Car, drops in the nose,
    Bulldozers and cranes,
    Benches and fountains
    And even a steam locomotive!

    Board game for 2-4 players aged 3+.
    The scenario of the game is based on the fairy tale "The Wizard of the Emerald City". Together with the girl Ellie and her friends, the guys are waiting for unusual adventures in the Magic Land. Chips move around the field according to the result of the roll of the die.
    The one who will be the first to follow the path of the heroes of the fairy tale, overcome the dangers and achieve the fulfillment of their cherished desires will win.

    Fairy tale games
    My children and I play very interesting games based on the most famous children's fairy tales.

    The games are designed both for the smallest kids, just to acquaint them with the most famous fairy tales, and for older children as role-playing games, memory training games, logic attention, and most importantly, fine motor skills of fingers and speech development.

    They include such well-known fairy tales and cartoons as: “Gingerbread Man”, “Ryaba Hen”, “Turnip”, “Teremok”, “Three Little Pigs”.

    What are the options for games based on fairy tales with kids:

    1. First, print out the cards and the fields for them, laminate or stick with tape, cut into small cards. And now you can play.
    Take a field, for example, with the fairy tale “Gingerbread Man”, tell a fairy tale to a kid while laying out cards with characters in the cells of the field. Then tell a fairy tale and in the process invite the child himself to lay out the heroes of the fairy tale into cells.

    2. Another option is to put all the heroes into cells, and then offer to close the baby's eyes, remove someone, for example, a wolf, and let the baby guess who is missing.

    3. Lay out the cards with the characters in the order in which they appear in the fairy tale, and now shuffle them and invite the child to set the correct sequence.

    4. When the baby knows all the heroes of the fairy tale well, introduce him to the next fairy tale and play similar games. Then you can try to play two games at once, for example, sort the heroes from two fairy tales according to their cells. When it will be easy for the kid to succeed, add more heroes and more fields.

    "By magic"

    Game for 2 - 4 players aged 4+.
    The game is based on the plot of a Russian folk tale.
    Chips move around the field according to the results of the dice roll. Each player can choose the tactics of movement himself in order to score the number of cards necessary for victory - points.
    The laziest can collect the required amount by chasing buckets for water, others will take a walk in the forest or to the fair. And still others will immediately go for the tsar's daughter.

    There is such an interesting expression that the environment in which a child lives is like a pickle. After all, how is it in life - if the brine is good, then no matter what the cucumber is, in any case it will become the pride of the hostess and the decoration of any festive table. The teacher VF Shatalov was the first to apply this principle to pedagogy.

    Kindergarten is just becoming such a new "pickle" for three-year-olds, who for the first time change the main environment of their development for the first three years - home and family - to a new one, more filled with people, objects and events - to the kindergarten environment.

    Basic principles of group zoning in kindergarten

    The environment is a system of interrelations of subject and personal character. It should help teachers most effectively develop the individuality of the child, taking into account his interests and inclinations.

    The zoning of a kindergarten group is the creation of that very “pickle”, a developing environment around the child.

    Since the premises of the kindergarten group usually do not resemble the size of the Luzhniki stadium, we use the so-called cassette system , that is, easily transformable equipment with which we can create areas of activity for children at will, combining them or separating them from each other. In this way, the principles of stability and dynamism will be observed - a variety of individual moving blocks in a stable room. Children in these zones will be able to do various things without interfering with each other, if necessary, having the opportunity to unite for joint activities.

    It is impossible to be in a team all day, especially if the child is an introvert. It is necessary to have in the group and a zone where there will be an opportunity to retire.

    Mandatory, very important principle of zoning - aesthetics and unusual space . The “corners” you created in the group should attract, let the child want to be in them, consider their content, and perform actions corresponding to the topic.

    The zones you created in the kindergarten group must take into account the leading modal channels of children . We are all different: there are auditory people among us who perceive the world mainly by ear; visuals, for which the main thing is to see. There are kinesthetics - the world is given to them in sensations, mostly tactile. There are also mixed types - the so-called digitals. Therefore, it is necessary to build the zones of the kindergarten group in such a way that the child can use his main channel of perception, and at the same time, so that all channels of obtaining information participate in mastering reality.

    When creating zones in a group, one should not forget about gender difference . Boys and girls perceive the world differently, their characteristics must be taken into account, especially given that preschool education in our country is at the mercy of women.

    It is also necessary to ensure the separation of boys and girls in the bedroom, shower room, toilet.

    To increase the effectiveness of actions carried out by children in group areas, it is necessary to remember that the teacher, as a real leader, must always be several steps above the children, leading them along, ahead of their level of development. Orientation to the zone of proximal development of the child should be laid in each of the zones in the kindergarten group.

    When zoning kindergarten groups, it is very important to take into account the main features of the age of children.

    • So, for three-year-olds it is still difficult to quickly get used to a changing space, therefore, in the younger group of a kindergarten, it is not advisable to change space often.

    Zones in the younger group will help develop the sensory abilities of children. Use as many different materials and technologies as possible to equip the zones of groups of this age, so you will help the child develop his analyzers. It is not for nothing that the kindergarten environment is called subject-developing, use as many different objects as possible, knowing exactly how it will help the development of the child. And we repeat once again: do not forget about the principle of aesthetic environment! There is no need to fill the space with a bunch of disparate, "fighting" objects among themselves in style and aesthetics. The development of thinking and visual perception of three-year-old children is helped by the use of symbolic drawings and diagrams. But it is necessary every time before you offer the children some new symbolism, first explain what exactly you had in mind, especially at the first stage of application.

    • Increased mobility middle group children involves an increase in the space of zones for just such games and activities.

    At this age, there is growing interest in joint games in microgroups in specially organized "scenery" for role-playing games.

    • senior preschool age - time for creativity and self-affirmation. Zones in the older group of the kindergarten should already change quite often with a focus on maintaining the child's interest in the subject-developing environment, on the material studied, the individual characteristics and capabilities of children, providing a zone of proximal development, and growing information content.

    Standard zones in the kindergarten group can be oriented both to the directions of the child's development and the educational areas of preschool education programs:

    • cognitive-speech, social-personal, ecological, artistic-aesthetic development;
    • art, music, sports, theater, folk art, folk crafts, local history, the basics of life safety, including the study of traffic rules, and the forms, methods and technologies for implementing these programs: didactic games, role-playing games;
    • there must be a book zone, an individual zone, a hygiene zone.

    Here, for example, how and with what can zones dedicated to cognitive and speech development (a zone of didactic games), social, personal and artistic and aesthetic development and the educational area "Theatre" be equipped.

    Cognitive speech development

    Type of equipment: objects for research in action

    1. Tumbler (various sizes)

    Tumblers Alyonka, Baby doll, Cutie, Clown, Cat, Mouse, Bunny, Piglet, Dog

    2. Laces are simple

    Magic ropes 1, Magic ropes 2, Lace series, On a cord

    3. Mosaic with a large base, image samples and large chips

    Mosaic "Princess of flowers-1", "Princess of flowers-2", Puzzles "Funny mosaic on the screen", "Colored trains"

    4.​ Mosaic with a base, sample images and large chips with a storage case

    Mosaic on the screen (puzzles), "Funny Mosaic" in a pack, "Dymka", "Gzhel"

    Equipment type: building material

    5.​ A set of medium-sized cubes

    Cubes "Russian Fairy Tales", "Smart Cubes", "ABC. Cubes”, Cubes “I will speak”

    6. A set of colored elements from basic geometric shapes

    “Kids. Form”, “Kids. Value”, Geometric mosaic, “Domino for kids. Geometric Shapes, Close the Shapes, Lotto Shape, Math Handout and Demonstration, Ponder, Back to School 2, Back to School 3, Compare and Match, Learning to Compare ”, “What is superfluous”, Set for children's creativity No. 2, “Magic geometry”

    Type of equipment: constructors

    7.​ Creative design for kids. Town

    "Laws of streets and roads"

    8.​ Creative design for kids. Building a road

    "Big Walk", "Laws of Streets and Roads"

    9.​ Creative design for kids. Set of special elements

    Homemade game "Battle for the fortress", a set for children's creativity No. 2

    Type of equipment: figurative and symbolic material

    10. Board with inserts

    Games with pockets: "Zayushkina's Hut", "Three Little Pigs", "Teremok", "Mitten", "Gingerbread Man", "Ryaba Hen", "Teremok"

    11. Pictures cut

    “Carved Doll” (“Winter-Summer”, “Carnival”, “Folk Costumes”, “Professions”, “Dress Violetta”, “Fashion Salon”

    12. Pictures-halves

    "Colored Engines", a series of games "In the World of Words": "Prepositions", "First Words", "Tell Who Does What", "First Story", "One and Many". "Entertaining squares-3", "Picture halves", "Picture halves-2", "Funny stories", "Funny stories", games with cards "Part - whole". Series "Couples"

    13. Thematic card sets with images (besides the fact that these are thematic card sets - the games are all on different topics - they can be played according to the rules embedded in the games)

    “Merry Lotto”, “Once upon a time there were fairy tales”, “My favorite fairy tales”, “Read it. Getting ready for school”, “What first, what then?”, “Tell a story”, “A, B, C, D, E…”, “Analogies”, “Visiting bunnies”, “Choose opposites”, “Everything for the account”, “Everything for the account-3”, “Remember. Getting Ready for School", "Mine-Not Mine", "Shopping Trip", "Soon to School", "All Year", "What's Extra?", "Wonder Tree", "Wonder Beasts", "Big and small”, “All professions are important”, “In the garden, in the garden”, series “Couples”, “Pick a picture. Flora and fauna”, “Pick a picture. Objects of the world”, “About animals”, “About plants”. Lotto for kids "Seasons" "Birds, animals", "Vegetables, fruits"

    14. Board game set for toddlers

    • Direction "Development of hand movements": "Pick up the key."
    • Direction "Development of speech": "In the world of sounds", "Colored trains", "Dominoes for kids", "Playing loto", Cubes "I will speak. Color. Form. The size. Taste”, “I will speak. Actions”, “I will speak. Part and whole”, “Lotto in pictures”, “I am learning letters”, “ABC-song”. Direction "Development of thinking":
    • A series of getting ready for school: “Analogies”, “Think”, “Races in the kitchen”, “For clever and clever girls”, “Dominoes for kids”, “Logic train”, “Funny score”, “Math handout”, game-lesson "Play!", "Turnip", "Soon to school 2", "Soon to school 3", "In the city", "My house", "Funny colors", "About fairy tales", "Smart cells”, “Learning numbers”, “Compare and match”, “Color loto”. Direction "Development of ideas about the world around": "Dominoes for kids. Transport and road signs”, “Wings, paws and tails”. Lotto for kids. Direction "Social and emotional development": "Rush hour", "Find friends", "House of moods", "Tooth Neboley-ka", "Theater of fairy tales", dominoes "Berry"

    15. Figures of people and animals (character toys)

    Figures from PVC - plastisol: Soldier, Military, Dog driving, Cat driving, Santa Claus, Snow Maiden, Pony, Horse, Angel, Whelp, Boa constrictor, Lina, Arina, Rita, Rabbit, Piglet, Cheerful clown, Gnome, Fat man with propeller, Parrot, Freckle, set "Fish"

    Social and personal development

    Equipment type: character toys

    1. Soft anthropomorphic toys depicting animals

    Mikhail Ivanovich, Hare Rusik, Hare Spring, Wolf Gosh

    2. The doll in clothes is large

    Plastic dolls of the series "My girlfriend" of Milan, Snezhana, Vika (height from 70 cm to 1 meter)

    3. Doll in clothes

    Plastic dolls of the series "My favorite doll", "Anastasia", "Clever", "Freckles", "Ethno", "Pro", "Play with me" (soft-stuffed doll)

    4. Puppet dolls with gender characteristics

    Baby Spring, Baby Spring, Toddler Spring (boy), Toddler Spring (girl)

    5. Medium size baby doll in clothes

    Plastic dolls of the "Kids and Babies" series: Vladik, Vlad, Zhenechka, Deniska, Sonya, Alyonka

    6. Bare doll

    Dolls plastic series "Kids and Babies": Peanut Spring in the tub

    Type of equipment: toys - operating objects

    7. Clothes sets for baby dolls

    Clothes sets for plastic dolls of the series "Kids and Babies"

    8. Clothes sets for baby dolls

    Sets of clothes for plastic dolls of the "Kids and Babies" series: Peanut boy and Peanut Girl

    9. Trucks, cars

    Turbo Car, Rally 3 Pack

    10. Game house

    "Dollhouse 2"

    Artistic and aesthetic development

    Equipment type: character toys

    11. Constructor with scenery elements and characters from the fairy tale "Ryaba the Hen"

    Game with pockets "Ryaba Hen", homemade game "Puppet Theater".

    Puppet theater Spring - 7 characters set No. 1

    12. Hat-mask for theatrical performances

    Horse, Cutie, Goat

    13. Set of costume elements for dressing corner

    Carnival costumes: Onion, Tomato, Carrot, Bell, Rose, Flower Girl, Chamomile, Curious Boy, Girl with Blue Hair, Poet Boy, Girl in a Red Riding Hood, Ivan, Marya, Wolf, Squirrel, Bunny, Fox Baby, Goby , Bear, Polar Bear, Dog, Duck, Tiger, Lion cub, Cat, Gnome, Cheerful Mouse, Count of the night, Night hero, Penguin, Musketeer, Russian hero, Clown, Bee, Ladybug

    14. Glove doll

    Puppet theater Spring - 4 characters (with a screen). Puppet theater Spring - 7 characters set No. 1. Fairy tales: “Fear has big eyes”, “Ryaba Hen”, “Fox and Jug”, “Top and Roots”, “Fox-Sister and Wolf”, “Girl and Fox”.

    Glove dolls

    15. Table screen for puppet theater

    Puppet theater Spring - 4 characters (with a screen). Puppet theater Spring - 7 characters

    ON A NOTE. Games and toys at low prices in the specialized store "Kindergarten" - detsad-shop.ru.

    The creation of comfortable conditions for the stay of children in a preschool educational organization is not possible without taking into account the peculiarities of developmental psychology, reflected in the current SanPiN and the Federal State Educational Standard. - an important aspect of designing an innovative educational space, contributing to the solution of priority tasks:

    • creation of conditions for active cognitive activity of children;
    • strengthening the physical and psychological health of children;
    • ensuring free and comfortable development.

    Kindergarten design: principles and norms

    In domestic pedagogical practice, the issues of designing the premises of preschool educational organizations have invariably been given enough attention. At the same time, for a long time the design of groups and kindergarten premises remained monotonous and did not fully correspond to the age needs of children, and in the conditions of the new time, such tactics require immediate revision. - an important component of the organization of the educational process, which can not only contribute to the achievement of educational goals, but also largely determine the format of the teacher's activities and ways to organize useful leisure for children.

    The issue of designing a kindergarten (including) today is closely related to the creation of a subject-developing environment, which, contrary to popular belief, goes beyond the group and covers the entire complex of objects that affect the psychophysical development of a preschooler. The subject component of the environment of babies should contribute to:

    1. Consistent implementation of educational programs used in the educational process, and the achievement of target pedagogical tasks.
    2. Ensuring inclusion in the presence of children with special educational needs in the group.
    3. Creation of comfortable conditions for all pupils, without exception, regardless of their level of development, temperament, range of interests, national and cultural affiliation.

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    Requirements for the subject-spatial environment, which should be taken into account when designing kindergarten premises

    Indicators of the developing object-spatial environment Implementation Features
    Content saturation

    The design of the educational space should not interfere with the provision of:

    • game, cognitive research, creative activity of pupils, incl. carried out using various materials of natural and artificial origin;
    • motor development (conducting various games and competitions in the group, in common areas, on the site);
    • the possibility of expanding emotional impressions and self-expression.
    Transformability When implementing targeted design decisions, it is important to provide for the possibility of re-planning the educational space in accordance with applied educators goals, changing the age interests of children.
    Polyfunctionality The use of multi-level, mobile surfaces and design elements provides an option for the multi-purpose use of the components of the educational space and the organization of various types of children's activities without the need for serious preparatory work on the part of the preschool teacher.
    variability In the course of decorating a kindergarten and groups, in particular, it is important to ensure that there are various zones in the space accessible to children, adapted for outdoor games, observing, designing, and implementing role-playing scenarios. Game material in the group should be periodically updated to form a wide range of interests of pupils and stimulate cognitive activity.
    Availability and security

    This requirement implies the ability of all pupils in groups, including those with disabilities, to use the educational equipment of interest and safe objects of the developing space - toys, materials, manuals, thematic sets that promote interest in the world around them.

    The implementation of the principle of accessibility involves strict monitoring of the serviceability of objects and objects, the safety of teaching materials.

    The creation of a meaningful and aesthetically attractive space in a kindergarten, which cannot be realized without design work, requires the coordinated and creative work of a team of teachers sent by the head of the preschool educational institution. Activities in this direction should be multi-vector in order to ensure compliance with regulatory requirements and recommendations of psychologists:

    1. Accounting for the current version of SanPiN and the provisions of the Federal State Educational Standard, which regulate the procedure for creating a subject-developing environment.
    2. Taking into account the advice of experts in the education industry, who are confident that the variety of toys and the oversaturation of the educational space hinders the active development of preschoolers of different age groups.

    Another important point traditionally overlooked in decorating a kindergarten, - decoration and improvement of exclusively group rooms, music and sports classes while deliberately ignoring corridors and utility rooms. Based on an experiment conducted in one of the Russian kindergartens within the framework, it was quickly found out that pupils feel psychological discomfort if necessary to leave the group. So, when the children were asked to go out to play in the corridor and “visit” the group rooms of preschool children of a different age, the vast majority of active and inquisitive boys and girls preferred not to leave the group. The psychological barrier associated with the threshold of the group was overcome only after the fourth repetition of the experiment, which indicates the need to "push" the boundaries of the subject-spatial environment through the implementation of design decisions outside the playing rooms and inform parents about the need for such experimentation, subject to safety, in home conditions.

    The creation of conditions for the stay of children in a preschool educational organization is determined by adults who are guided by a personal, often erroneous idea of ​​​​the content, zoning and design of play, sleeping and common areas, which is often erroneous. Making a group in kindergarten according to GEF primarily provides for the projection of the perception of space by babies in order to optimize the process of active knowledge of the world around. Experts in the field of education advise not to regard the educational environment solely in terms of pedagogical effectiveness. Sometimes it is enough to sit down to understand how the child will feel in the proposed subject-developing conditions.

    When deciding on the design of a group, it is important to focus not only on taking into account age characteristics, but also on the essence of what is being implemented. According to experts, preschool groups should be designed in such a way that at first glance it is clear for children of what age the premises were adapted and which educational direction was chosen as a priority.

    The design of a developing subject environment is traditionally carried out under the guidance of educators, who, in order to ensure the competent design of a group in a preschool educational institution, it is important to correctly assess the content of the principles of the Federal State Educational Standard in the development of an educational space. The key principles of the second generation standards on this issue are widely available, the main thing for teachers is to avoid their erroneous interpretation in order to create a meaningful play space for preschoolers.

    Registration in the DOW group rich, aesthetically attractive, multi-vector subject-spatial environment is an excellent basis for the daily organization of exciting cognitive activities of pupils. An educational space that fully meets the age and individual needs will become one of the significant elements in the formation of the personality of preschool children, a source of new social experience and a means of expanding knowledge about the surrounding reality.

    Before implementing various design solutions in a group, it is important to create a project that fully complies with new educational principles. Thus, teachers of many kindergartens are faced with the problem of integrating educational areas of preschool pedagogy, which at first glance may seem contradictory: for example, the richness and variability of the educational environment, transformability and safety. Practice shows that the use of modern furniture, the creation of individual interior solutions in the course of the phased implementation of a well-developed project, allows for a high level of integration of indicators and ensures that all regulatory requirements are met. In confirmation of this axiom, it is worth once again considering the indicators of the developing subject-spatial environment from a practical point of view.

    1. Saturation is the most tangible principle of organizing the educational space, which provides for the provision of preschool children with toys, manuals, educational materials in an amount that fully satisfies the age-related cognitive needs.
    2. Transformability is a model of an organization, for the implementation of which it is necessary to use modern innovative objects. So, multi-level tables with wheels and leg locks are easy to move and securely install around the entire perimeter of the group, which contributes to the competent use of the available space (which, by the way, remains modest in most groups of Russian preschool educational institutions). Tables of this type can be ordered during the renewal of the logistics of the institution.
    3. Multifunctionality, in many respects resonating with transformability. The trend of age pedagogy in recent years has been a return to low-functional variable toys and aids, interaction with which contributes to the development of creative thinking and imagination of kids. As practice shows, voluminous thematic corners - toy kitchens, hairdressers, hospitals - quickly get bored with pupils who return to dolls and cars after a short time. Therefore, when designing a group in kindergarten, it is important to provide for the possibility of systematic updating of game and design solutions.
    4. Variability due to the need to arrange various thematic zones in a group room - for playing, learning, playing role-playing scenarios (for which it is necessary to provide kids with special play equipment). It is important to use not only the horizontal, but also the vertical space of the rooms.
    5. Accessibility is a principle, the implementation of which most often remains incomplete due not so much to ignoring the needs of preschoolers with disabilities, but to the desire of the teaching staff to provide an ideal aesthetic component of the object-spatial environment. The practice of establishing the best decor toys as decoration elements is painfully experienced by children who see what they want every day, but cannot get it for reasons they do not understand. It has been proven that such situations provoke psychological trauma, so it is important to avoid creating barriers for a child in kindergarten - both in terms of growth and prohibitions.
    6. Safety. The need to comply with SanPin requirements determines the creation of optimal conditions for maintaining the physical health of babies in groups, but psychological safety control still requires close attention due to the high risks of dangerous toys falling into the group (inappropriate for age, with piercing or sharp parts, carrying a negative emotional connotation ( monsters, dolls in coffins, etc.)). Plots that resonate with modern trends that can harm the psychological health of preschoolers should not be used when designing a group, even if representatives of the parent community insist on it.

    The atmosphere prevailing in the group premises of a preschool educational institution is largely determined by the chosen material and the color of the main premises, which are subject to a number of requirements - from sanitary and hygienic to aesthetic. Wall decoration in preschool is carried out in accordance with SanPiN, effective from May 15, 2013.

    Among the requirements governing the procedure for interior decoration of the walls of the kindergarten, it is necessary to highlight the following:

    1. The walls of the premises of the kindergarten should be smooth, without relief inclusions and signs of fungal infections.
    2. It is allowed to use any type of finish that allows cleaning and disinfection with a wet method, incl. washable wallpaper.
    3. All materials used for processing and decorating the walls of preschool educational institutions must be safe and environmentally friendly, completed with certificates confirming their origin and composition.
    4. The walls of the catering unit, toilet rooms and other auxiliary premises are lined with smooth ceramic tiles (or other moisture-resistant materials) to a height of at least 1.5 m, which makes it possible to effectively wet cleaning using disinfectants.

    The choice of colors in the design of the walls of the preschool educational institution is carried out in accordance with the level of illumination. Rooms with windows facing south or east are recommended to be decorated in cold colors, rooms facing north or west - in warm colors. In this case, it is allowed to color individual design elements in brighter shades, but their total surface should not exceed 25% of the total area of ​​​​the room.

    Popular decor elements used in the design of walls in preschool

    Design solutions Advantages and disadvantages
    Narrative murals

    Elements of fairy tale or cartoon scenes, applied on a smooth washable film, are characterized by excellent user qualities and affordable cost. You can choose photo wallpapers of any size and complement them with a frame, creating a “window to another world” or decorate the wall with a large image. Due to the cost-effectiveness of the design method, the possibility of periodically updating the “drawing” on the wall remains.

    The disadvantage of the idea is the difficulty of obtaining a certificate of quality for materials of this type, which are mostly produced by private photo studios to order.

    Sets of themed stickers Sets of curly stickers illustrating fairy tale characters, animals, birds, trees and flowers, and other objects of the world that are interesting for children are an excellent alternative to photo wallpapers. Stickers are created using eco-solvent paints, they compare favorably with:
    • reliable indicators of adhesion to the surface (stickers can be rubbed, touched, cleaned using non-abrasive disinfectant solutions);
    • small thickness (less than 1 mm), which excludes the possibility of tearing off the edges by young children;
    • long service life (more than 5 years).
    Art painting

    Complementing a group room with artistic painting, the subject of which is chosen arbitrarily, is a common practice. Studios providing art services use environmentally friendly pigments, taking care of the health of consumers.

    The disadvantage of artistic painting is its high cost and fragility, but if the finished image is covered with an additional layer of water-based varnish, it remains possible to obtain the optimal design option.

    Film for drawing

    An interesting solution that contributes to the creation of optimal conditions for the development of children's creativity is to cover one of the walls with a film on which you can draw with crayons. The coating applied to the wall to a height slightly exceeding the height of the pupils contributes to the easy renewal of decorative elements during the implementation of the current educational process.

    Unfortunately, due to the lack of mass production, this design option remains inaccessible.

    It should be noted that it has become common practice to use for decorating walls in kindergartens (especially group rooms) with volumetric elements cut from ceiling tiles, fiberboard or other materials that do not fully comply with sanitary and hygienic standards due to the complexity of frequent cleaning. This practice is largely due to the time complexity of institutions with the renewal of the material and technical base, but in order to improve safety performance, it is better to abandon such design variations in favor of artistic painting.

    The reception room in groups is a special room designed to solve organizational issues and communicate with parents and educators. determines the simplicity of pedagogical work in certain areas, the level of comfort of pupils, the awareness of mothers and fathers about the features of the organization of the educational process. Therefore, design solutions implemented in the reception area should contribute to the consistent implementation of rationalization ideas.

    The zoning of the reception room is determined by the nature of the purpose of the room, where lockers and benches are traditionally located, necessary for comfortable undressing and dressing of pupils. Wall decoration is carried out in accordance with sanitary and hygienic standards by the methods of artistic painting, applying photo wallpapers or thematic stickers to painted surfaces. The lockers are decorated with paper applications and stickers with the names of the children, which helps to avoid confusion. At the same time, it is important that all elements of the decor echo each other, which guarantees the creation of an optimal visual effect.

    1. Soft ottomans or armchairs, which are located in the corner of the room in order to create a place for confidential communication between teachers and parents.
    2. Mirrors (no more than 2-3), mounted at the height of the growth of the kids, which are actively used during training for a walk.
    3. Exhibition surfaces for the presentation of children's creative works (drawings, crafts, applications).
    4. Stand for birthday greetings.
    5. A stand for presenting the achievements of the group and individual students who have become participants or laureates of competitions.
    6. Information stands for parents (they place menus and other documentation for review).
    7. Lost and found, where teachers, moms and dads, children can post the things they find.
    8. "Mailbox" for wishes, in which parents can put letters with complaints and recommendations.

    Making corners in kindergarten

    The practice of creating thematic corners in group rooms, which are not only important objects of the educational space, but also design additions, is due to the need to observe the principle of integrating educational areas within a single subject-spatial environment. Making corners in kindergarten is carried out in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard, providing for:

    1. The choice of topics and design solutions for the corner, taking into account the age of the pupils.
    2. Compliance with the principles of content, attractiveness, aesthetics and practicality.
    3. Ensuring the availability of corner materials for each child, which necessitates the implementation of design solutions at a slight height from the floor.
    4. The optimal location of the corner in the space of the group.
    5. Taking into account the regional component to expand children's knowledge about their native land.

    When arranging a corner in a kindergarten group, it is important to take care of decorating the main equipment: tables and chairs installed in the working area, cabinets and racks used to store applied materials, containers designed to store inventory and toys. The basic elements of the design of the corner include information stands, signboards, wall newspapers, inscriptions and landmarks, auxiliary curly pictures.

    Making corners in preschool

    In order to ensure optimal filling of the subject environment, additional design of stands in kindergarten is practiced, which can be used in the course of implementing various aspects of pedagogical activity:

    1. Moral education (an illustration of good deeds - about helping others, caring for nature, mutual assistance; an Orthodox stand, a "family" stand, where examples of the design of a family tree are published).
    2. Patriotic education (a stand dedicated to the native city, a national corner).
    3. Introducing preschool children to work (stands with illustrated algorithms for self-service, group duty, caring for flowers, supplemented with motivational pictures about the importance of labor activity).
    4. Work on the development of social competencies of kids (stands illustrated with pictures of representatives of various professions, training materials on traffic rules and rules of conduct in transport, outdoors, in public places, special institutions, birthdays, etc.).
    5. Creation of positive motivation for direct learning activities (presentation of achievements, stands dedicated to preparing for school).

    Often, due to the insufficient speed of updating the material and technical base of modern preschool educational organizations, educators are faced with the need to independently decorate the group in order to create its positive perception and form a rich educational environment. remains an excellent alternative to the use of ready-made design solutions that only partially meet educational needs and sanitary standards. On the contrary, the creation of colorful decor or its elements based on master classes evokes vivid emotions in both the teacher and preschoolers, helps to create positive motivation and an atmosphere of continuous creative search.

    In the course of decorating the group premises of a kindergarten with their own hands, educators are recommended to:

    1. Refuse complex design solutions in favor of simpler ones in order to rationally allocate time.
    2. If possible, involve parents and preschool children in decorating, whose work can become a real decoration for the group.
    3. Systematically create simple volumetric decorations - snowflakes, lanterns, butterflies, baskets made of twigs, paper flowers - that can become the basis for the realization of fantasy ideas.

    Additional information about the arrangement of kindergarten is presented in the following articles.

    Surely every parent paid attention to the entertaining children's corners located in the groups of kindergartens. At first glance, this is an ordinary play area for girls or boys. But educators know that there are certain requirements for the creation of a developing and playing zone. All preschool and educational institutions have the Federal State Educational Standard or GEF. It is this document that defines the requirements for children's corners and developing structures.

    Parents, educators and heads of preschool institutions should know that the design of corners in kindergarten according to the Federal State Educational Standard meets the following requirements:

    • Appropriate equipment for the age and needs of children in this age group.
    • The ability to modify the game environment depending on changes in the learning situation.
    • Multifunctionality, which consists in the possibility of using different components to simulate an environment for the comprehensive development of children's activity.
    • Possibility of variability - creation of conditions for games, modeling, designing, games alone.
    • Safety, reliability and high quality of the materials used.

    Given the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard, parents can do the design of the corners in the kindergarten with their own hands. Of course, in the process of creating a play space, it is important to take into account the age of the children.

    It is known that in a preschool institution, groups are divided into:

    • younger
    • middle,
    • preparatory for school.

    This means that for younger children it is better to organize a corner for simple games. For example, it can be a corner for girls, where you can play thematic games of a mother-daughter, a doctor. And for boys - for games with the designer, for studying the profession of a builder, a driver.

    The preparatory group is designed for preschool children. So the game corner can be patriotic, telling about the country, customs. There may be thematic pictures glorifying the nation. Additionally, a place for developing games should be organized. Lotto, mosaic, puzzles on a patriotic or natural theme - all this captivates children of 5-6 years of age.

    Making a corner of children's creativity

    The lion's share of the time, children in a preschool educational institution are engaged in useful, developmental activities. One of the favorite things for every kid is to create crafts with their own hands.

    In order to develop the desire to create in children, kindergarten groups often equip zones of children's creativity. It is not enough just to put a table or place a couple of shelves. The corner of children's creativity should be attractive and appeal to children.

    To equip a creative zone, you can use one of the following ideas:

    • The cat Leopold, who holds a shelf with children's work in his paws.
    • Composition of rainbow and sun.
    • Forest glade with animals.
    • A sprawling tree, on the branches of which children's works are placed.

    The design of the corner is quite simple, not requiring special skills and knowledge. For example, to make the decoration with Leopold shown in the photo, you need to draw an image of the hero on plywood, cut it out and color it. In the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe palms, shelves are mounted on which children's crafts will be placed. The creative zone, decorated with a rainbow and the sun, looks very nice. A bright rainbow cut out of glossy paper in combination with a yellow sun and pasted on the wall attracts the attention of the inhabitants and guests of the group. In this case, crafts are placed on shelves that are fixed under the rainbow.

    ISO corner

    Fulfilling the rules of the Federal State Educational Standard for the design of children's thematic areas in a children's preschool educational institution, it is recommended to create an art corner. Given that children are very fond of drawing, such a zone will be simply necessary for children of different ages. Here the kids should be not only comfortable, but also interesting. Be sure to fill the corner with materials necessary for fine arts - drawing paper, pencils, paints, felt-tip pens. We place all this on low racks so that it is convenient for children of different heights to get the desired item.

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