• Female body cool hips photo gallery. Stars with curvy hips. Making the hips and buttocks beautiful


    In pursuit of good looks, most women put their figure first. For this, the beautiful half of humanity sacrifices a lot in order to be like the beauties from the covers of fashion magazines: they apply diets, go in for sports, and so on. But is this effort worth the reward in the eyes of men?

    Opinion of men: a woman's figure should be symmetrical

    And what figure do they consider the most attractive when looking at photos of famous beauties? Scientists from different countries of the world can answer this question today, who have repeatedly conducted opinion polls regarding the most attractive female appearance.

    What a "beautiful female figure through the eyes of men" she is - you will learn from our article!

    It turns out that a beautiful female figure through the eyes of men is not at all the notorious sizes 90-60-90, as many women believe. But there is still some truth here.

    As there are many different people, there are also many opinions regarding the ideal appearance. Earlier, at different times, little girls or very thin girls were in fashion. Now the main ideal of the female figure can be called symmetrical proportions, and the sizes of the chest, waist and hips are not so important.

    There are lovers of both thin and overweight women:

    1. Too skinny should have rounded proportions to draw attention to their figure. It is better if the chest and hips are about the same size, and the waist is smaller. This figure is perfect for girls of short stature. Men like this type of appearance due to the fact that you can feel like a gentleman, protecting and caring for her.
    2. Curvy ladies also attract the attention of men. They are more often chosen for serious relationships. According to psychologists, this type of appearance is more popular with men of low social status or those who have a mother of the same shape. But it is worth noting that the fullness should be moderate - a sagging belly and sides do not paint anyone. If you look through the eyes of a man, then a full female figure can be called beautiful if the waist is about 70 percent from the hips, and the chest is of the same volume.
    3. The most ideal appearance are possessed by women of athletic build. A toned belly and hips, a medium-sized chest and slightly inflated muscles of the arms and legs make the owner of the fair sex the most desirable in the eyes of a man. But here you need to not overdo it with pumping up the muscles, since too noticeable biceps make the figure less feminine, which men do not like very much.

    The hourglass figure is the ideal body according to men

    Although everyone's tastes are different, but in one opinion, most men agree - a masculine figure with large shoulders and narrow hips is not very attractive. The most ideal figure is considered to be an "hourglass". This type of woman has significantly smaller hips and chest.

    Such a choice is connected with the fact that men, at a subconscious level, are naturally laid down by nature to choose a healthy and fertile couple for themselves. And the narrow waist and wide hips just evoke the idea of ​​a woman's readiness to procreate.

    Interesting fact! Scientists have found that women with a guitar-like figure have a large amount of estrogen, which contributes to the conception and bearing of children. It is this sex hormone that shapes the female body, making the hips wider than the waist.

    Therefore, a beautiful female figure, when viewed through the eyes of most men, should be in the shape of an hourglass, indicating that a woman can bear and give birth to a healthy child.

    The figure "90-60-90" is the ideal body for ladies' men

    Not so long ago, the proportions of 90-60-90 were considered the standard of beauty. Most of the beauties were striving for these parameters. But, as it turned out, such volumes most often attract men who are not ready for long-term relationships. If we talk about a partner for procreation, then the main criterion that men distinguish is a thin waist and wide hips.

    And centimeters are not the main thing here. But a man, who has only fashionable attributes of attractiveness in the first place, is looking for the most ideal, the most beautiful, the most slender for himself. Such a partner will always cheat, looking for a more fashionable and glamorous beauty on the side.

    Rectangular body - ideal body for male leaders

    But a beautiful female figure through the eyes of male leaders is rectangular, without roundness and mouth-watering curves. Such a woman demonstrates a strong character and the ability to stand up for herself, therefore, for her, only a strong man with leadership qualities can be the best couple.

    But “mama's little sons” with a weak character, who are ready to live “under the thumb”, also reach out to women with a “rectangle” figure, because they want to be under someone's patronage.

    Note! In women with a rectangular figure, the male hormones androgens predominate, which direct fat deposits to the waist area, removing them from the hips. Such hubbubs increase stress resistance and endurance, which makes the female character "steel".

    What should be a female breast

    Models with large breasts can often be seen in fashion magazines and on television. Many ladies try to enlarge their breasts in every possible way, believing that men like this type more. But it is worth knowing that beauties of model appearance are more to the liking of adolescents or older men.

    And they are attracted by such ladies only because of the opportunity to assert themselves, to show others their importance.

    Not everyone considers a female figure with large breasts to be beautiful. In the eyes of most men, the second or third is considered the most acceptable size. And they show rather simple curiosity to busty ladies, but they do not want to marry such women.

    On thin and fragile girls, large breasts look more vulgar than beautiful. Therefore, you should not disfigure your body with silicone, as this can lead to poor health, and you will not be able to achieve the desired result.

    Waist and hips: what are the ideal parameters for men

    Men, when looking at a woman, immediately pay attention to the hips and waist. This zone, according to most of the stronger sex, is the most attractive.

    But what really attracts their eyes so? Scientists have found that on an intuitive level, men assess their potential partner in this way - is it worth getting to know her, is she already busy with another contender for her hand and heart, is she healthy, and so on.

    And you can find out exactly by the waist, hips and their ratio:

    • thin waist shows the man that the woman is not pregnant, which means she is not busy;
    • fitted, rounded hips talk about the good health of the female and the ability to give birth to healthy offspring;
    • difference between waist and hips will show the character of a woman and her ability to bear and feed a child.

    No matter how full the lady is, the optimal index between the waist and hips should not exceed 0.7. That is, the waist should be only 70% of the hips. Such parameters will attract attention regardless of the fullness, height and body weight of a woman (within reason, of course).

    Interesting fact! Men don't need to walk with a centimeter to see an attractive waist-to-hip ratio. It is enough for them to look at a woman for 10 seconds, and intuition itself will tell them the correct parameters of the female body, at which they can safely make a further decision on the continuation of the family.

    Long legs - the standard of female beauty

    An indisputable fact is the increased interest of almost all men in long-legged ladies. Regardless of height and weight, a woman's legs must be long..

    Such a whim can be explained by the fact that short legs indicate childhood, that is, a woman is still unprepared for procreation. And during puberty, women's legs begin to lengthen, and this intuitively allows men to understand that the girl is ready for childbirth.

    So long legs and a symmetrical figure of a woman are not at all a whim of a pampered and capricious man, but a completely practical choice in implementing a plan for the production of offspring.

    What size of clothes should a woman have in the opinion of men?

    If women think they need to lose weight to size 40 (or XXS by international standards), then this is a deep misconception. Numerous studies have shown that men prefer to see their chosen ones in size 46 of clothes rather than in the smallest one.

    For example, the British TV presenter and actress Kelly Brook has a rather impressive bust, and it is difficult to call her skinny, but her figure has become the ideal for most men.

    For comparison, in order to understand how beautiful a thin woman is considered, you can see the table of the ratio of the gained positive votes to the parameters of the figures of different celebrities.

    As you can see, too small a size of women's clothing is not popular with the stronger sex and is gaining very few votes of sympathy.

    But men also treat very fat girls with disdain, and will not be delighted if their chosen one suddenly begins to gain extra pounds. Especially a large amount of disapproval was heard against the girls, who rapidly plumped three or more clothing sizes.

    Men reacted relatively calmly when their partner gained weight by 1-2 sizes. And the opinion was divided almost in half, if their chosen one recovered by 2-3 sizes.

    So a beautiful female figure through the eyes of men is definitely not an anorexic model and not a shapeless plump, but a curvy woman with rounded proportional shapes and a thin waist.

    A survey by German sociologists of men regarding the ideal female figure showed very interesting results. It turns out that the male ideal changes depending on the social status in the country.

    In times of war or in the event of a financial crisis, the eyes of men are turned to curvaceous forms, and in times of peace - to thin ladies. So do not worry too much about the extra 2-3 kg of weight gained, the main thing is that the figure is fit and the body is healthy. To do this, you need to lead a healthy lifestyle, give preference to natural products and play sports.

    A beautiful female figure through the eyes of men in this useful video:

    Women's beauty through the eyes of men around the world:

    Hips are considered one of the most striking indicators of sexuality., since looking directly at the woman from the front, assessing the beauty of the neckline is a little uncomfortable. And nothing prevents from looking at the girls from behind. The standards of beauty and fashion canons are constantly changing, while rushing from one extreme to another. But one thing remains unchanged - these are beautiful hips that attract, attract and attract male admiring glances.

    World catwalks are pretty for a long time cast to the female and male society, the opinion that only long-legged tall beauties are beautiful, with parameters set by fashion, in which there is no place for wide hips. But, despite this, the opinions of men in this case were divided. A tight little ass can be quite attractive, but at the same time it does not generate any interest in terms of sexuality.

    A girl with very narrow hips looks beautiful only when her breasts are relatively small and very thin waist, in other words - proportional figure... But studies show that most of the narrow-hip women do not have a pronounced waist, despite the fact that they are very thin. The majority of men agreed that women look more sexy if they have a pronounced waist, as well as proportionally beautiful, wide hips.

    Wide hips attract men primarily. because they are associated with a girl's puberty. A flat one looks more like a child's figure, so not all men like such shapes. And even more so * plank * forms do not cause much attraction. But one should not forget about the individuality of opinions, because something cannot be stated unequivocally.

    Men generally try not to focus on only one part of the body, but evaluate the overall silhouette. If the gaze falls on wide hips, then attention is immediately drawn to how harmonious the hips look against the background of the waist and, of course, with the chest.

    Average estimates, obtained through surveys and research, in which men of different ages, professions and nationalities took part, say this - seventy-five percent of all men surveyed prefer women with wide hips, rounded, even slightly plump, booty, but without cellulite and hanging fat. Eleven percent prefer skinny and models, another eleven answered that the shape of such a part of the body as the hips should be proportional to the whole figure and not have * ears * on them. And the remaining three percent said they didn’t care about the shape of a woman’s hips, as they considered other parts of the body to be sexual stimuli.

    Finally, it is worth noting that no matter what a woman's hips are - wide or narrow, the main thing is that they look beautiful, sexy and attractive. This can be easily achieved by keeping your body in great physical shape and, of course, choosing the right one.

    But not all men and women agree with these standards. We meet in our photo collection girls with wide hips!

    "Wide hips and thin waist are beautiful!" - and no man is ready to argue with this statement. In general, see for yourself and enjoy.

    Hips are considered one of the most striking indicators of sexuality., since looking directly at the woman from the front, assessing the beauty of the neckline is a little uncomfortable. And nothing prevents from looking at the girls from behind. The standards of beauty and fashion canons are constantly changing, while rushing from one extreme to another. But one thing remains unchanged - these are beautiful hips that attract, attract and attract male admiring glances.

    World catwalks are pretty for a long time cast to the female and male society, the opinion that only long-legged tall beauties are beautiful, with parameters set by fashion, in which there is no place for wide hips. But, despite this, the opinions of men in this case were divided. A tight little ass can be quite attractive, but at the same time it does not generate any interest in terms of sexuality.

    A girl with very narrow hips looks beautiful only when her breasts are relatively small and very thin waist, in other words - proportional figure... But studies show that most of the narrow-hip women do not have a pronounced waist, despite the fact that they are very thin. The majority of men agreed that women look more sexy if they have a pronounced waist, as well as proportionally beautiful, wide hips.

    Wide hips attract men primarily. because they are associated with a girl's puberty. A flat figure looks more like a child's figure, so not all men like these shapes. And even more so * plank * forms do not cause much attraction. But one should not forget about the individuality of opinions, because something cannot be stated unequivocally.

    Men generally try not to focus on only one part of the body, but evaluate the overall silhouette. If the gaze falls on wide hips, then attention is immediately drawn to how harmonious the hips look against the background of the waist and, of course, with the chest.

    Average estimates, obtained through surveys and research, in which men of different ages, professions and nationalities took part, say this - seventy-five percent of all men surveyed prefer women with wide hips, rounded, even slightly plump, booty, but without cellulite and hanging fat. Eleven percent prefer skinny and models, another eleven answered that the shape of such a part of the body as the hips should be proportional to the whole figure and not have * ears * on them. And the remaining three percent said they didn’t care about the shape of a woman’s hips, as they considered other parts of the body to be sexual stimuli.

    It seems that the time of skinny models is passing, which is successfully proved by recognized beauties with a very voluminous fifth point.

    Hollywood sets the tone for everything, including shaping the standards of sex appeal and fashion for certain types of figures.

    Many stars try to achieve what they want. zero size(XXS) exhaust themselves with fitness workouts and pay big bucks to personal diet gurus. Others, on the other hand, enjoy the forms presented by nature and enjoy life.

    WomanJournal.ru presents a dozen stars with lush hips, who are not only not ashamed of this feature, but also emphasize it in every possible way.

    Kim Kardashian

    A gorgeous brunette of Armenian descent became famous after a video of very explicit content was leaked on the network. Ever since Kim Kardashian she perfectly got used to the role of the temptress, since her outstanding forms turned out to be very useful.

    The place in our top list for the oriental beauty was provided by perhaps the most famous part of her body. Fifth point Kim Kardashian does not at all fit into the gold standards of Hollywood, which, however, does not prevent its owner from entering the list of the most desirable women on the planet.

    Although the internet has recently been flooded with photos Kim Kardashian, noticeably thinner and losing its former fullness of forms. But we still hope this is a Photoshop mastery.

    Anfisa Chekhova

    Anfisa always had problems with being overweight: from childhood, the girl exhausted herself with diets and even took diet pills. Nothing brought lasting results, and then Anfisa Chekhova decided to stop fighting nature and left everything as it is.

    According to unofficial data, the volume of the bust and hips of Anfisa Chekhova reaches 110 cm, which looks very proportional. Anfisa Chekhov skillfully emphasizes her merits, not hesitating to wear revealing outfits. This girl with all her appearance proudly declares that there is life beyond the notorious model standards!

    Jennifer Lopez

    This beauty several years ago insured her fifth point for several million dollars. They even said that Jennifer Lopez managed to get compensation, because during childbirth her once ideal figure suffered greatly.

    The actress and singer herself commented on such rumors with humor: "When this newspaper came out with a huge headline on the first page, I still thought: I should save the article for my children - they will laugh." It doesn't matter if it's true or just another duck, but one thing is clear: the thighs Jennifer Lopez what you need.


    Beyoncé figure causes a lot of controversy: some admire her feminine forms, others believe that the singer should lose weight. Beyoncé admitted that she was not entirely happy with her natural data: “I think my ass looks quite natural. I like to have 'forms', but sometimes they appear in the wrong place. "

    Perhaps this is a simple girlish coquetry, because her photos are adorned with the best glossy magazines, and hundreds of men freeze at one glance at her roundness. Anyway Beyonce does not particularly suffer from the fact that her fifth point does not fit into the 38th US size. Her husband, however, is also not worried about this. Although for some reason the singer has taboo photographers to shoot from behind.

    Cornelia Mango

    Smile girl Cornelia Mango became famous thanks to her participation in the reality show "Star Factory", where she stood out noticeably against the background of her skinny neighbors on the set. They say that on the project, the girl was even forbidden to lose weight.

    The most colorful participant in the TV show does not complex at all due to the fact that her figure is far from the ideal of skinny beauty. The star regularly visits the fitness club, loves to swim and just loves to dance! Probably, swaying his steep hips to the beat of the music, Cornelia Mango makes men's hearts flutter. And even if they are larger in volume than is required by modern fashion.


    Recently, news leaked to the press that Bianca, in the life of Yana Lipnitskaya, decided on liposuction. Allegedly, due to a hormonal imbalance, the singer recovered greatly and stopped fitting in her explicit concert costumes.

    It is not known which part of the body the girl decided to degrease. Maybe after a while Bianca will appear, for example, in the rating of the thinnest stars. But in recent photo shoots and clips, it is clearly seen that nature has not completely deprived Bianca of feminine forms.

    The singer herself says that she got the rounded shapes from her mother and grandmother, which she is very proud of. And why then liposuction?


    Gorgeous Colombian singer Shakira with an equally gorgeous voice does not think that she has problems with her figure. And who said that outstanding fifth point is a problem? Many men really like oversized girls, especially if they know how to move as gracefully in a dance as Shakira ... The singer even immortalized her luxurious thighs in the acclaimed hit “My hips don’t lie”. Shakira says her hips help her distinguish good music from bad. How? They start to move to the beat if the music is incendiary.

    Victoria Lopyreva

    Beautiful American singer Alicia Keys does not consider the lack of a large breast size a problem, it seems to her that her fifth point attracts no less enthusiastic glances.

    When choosing outfits, the girl does not avoid revealing necklines, short skirts and tight-fitting styles. And rightly so, many fashion critics recognize Alishia's good taste. The absence of the Hollywood gold standard 90-60-90 did not stop the girl from winning 9 Grammy awards and 11 Billboard Music Awards. That's really really - hindsight is strong!

    Monica Bellucci

    This beautiful lady has long become a standard of beauty, an object of admiration for both men and women. Few can believe that the once sultry Italian Monica Bellucci exhausted herself with diets, and model agents considered her mouth-watering forms too chic.

    Ever since the actress walked in "Malena", swinging her steep hips, along the Italian streets, it became clear to everyone: the era of skinny clone models is over. Monica Bellucci showed the world new standards - hot Italian beauty multiplied by femininity.

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